nhasablogg · 1 year
The platonic ways of yearning
Fandom: The Raven Cycle
Characters: Adam, Gansey, Ronan
Summary: Adam keeps walking in on tickle fights between Gansey and Ronan and he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
A/N: Commission for @happyandticklish! Thank you, I hope you like this!
Words: 2.6k
Monmouth Manufacturing was dark when Adam entered that cold December afternoon, the snow that was sprinkled over his hair a grave reminder of the hat he’d left there the previous night. He’d dropped it on the radiator to dry and had promptly forgotten about it, only realizing his mistake when he’d gotten home and had instinctively tried to shove it off his head.
He paused in the doorway, the spare key in his hand like a spear. “Am I interrupting?” he asked the outline of people - Gansey hunched over? - on the couch.
“No, no,” Gansey said hurriedly, voice low. Adam could see him look up, his knees sticking out on either side of him and melting into the shadow of the armrest and something else that Adam couldn’t make sense of. “Come in, I’m not doing anything.”
“I can see that.” He reached for the light switch. “Should I turn it on?”
“No, no,” Gansey said again, even quicker this time. “I, uh, don’t want to wake him.”
Adam could see it now, his eyes getting more used to the darkness. Ronan was leaning against him, arms crossed as if to maintain some sort of control of the situation, but he was truly and fully asleep. Adam could now make out his head leaning against Gansey’s shoulder, their arms pressed together, as if one was an extension of the other. He might’ve been frowning, but Adam couldn’t tell.
“He fell asleep,” Gansey explained, the smile audible in his voice. That one Adam could picture. Small. Fond.
“So you just-” Adam gestured to the vicinity of the couch. “-stayed there.”
Adam could picture that, too. The falling darkness and Gansey not wanting to be a bother. Gansey sitting still and staring at nothing - or perhaps his book - until he couldn’t see anything anymore. Adam did lots of picturing nowadays. He had a hard time figuring their relationship out. He felt there was a version of it he hadn’t been allowed to see yet, and yet he kept hearing about it in the way that the past and words were usually attached to the hip. And now this, a glimpse of it, presented so innocently before him. He did know exactly what he was feeling and he refused to baptize it.
“I see,” he said, wondering if they used to do this when Ronan had longer hair, curls fluttering over Gansey’s ear when he moved and Gansey scrunching up his shoulder ever so slightly. “I came for my hat.”
He could see enough now to see how Gansey’s smile grew. “Just your hat?”
Adam flicked the keys between his hands. “Uh huh.”
Gansey pointed with his other hand. “It’s on my bed. I wanted to remember to return it. But Adam?”
Adam, who had started walking into the room, the door finally closing and shutting out the little amount of light outside, paused in his steps. “Hm?”
He couldn’t see Gansey at all now. “You can stay. You don’t have to leave just because you got what you came for.”
“Oh.” He flicked the keys between his hands again, aware of how the sound was louder than their breathing. “Okay. But we might wake him.”
Ronan made a sound, words forming at the end of it. “‘ready did.”
Gansey let out a laugh and Adam reached for the light switch only because he’d never seen Ronan Lynch awaken before.
Ronan blinked, whining in protest and covering his eyes with his palm as light washed over them. He was still leaning his head on Gansey, who was squinting up at Adam and looking like he’d never wanted to be anywhere but there. What Adam had missed in the dark was the fuzzy blanket sloppily slung over Ronan’s lap.
“Sorry,” Adam said, and Ronan waved his other hand at him.
“It was probably time to wake up anyway,” Gansey said and reached over to poke the side of Ronan’s neck which wasn’t pressed up against his sweater.
Ronan recoiled at the touch, groaning into his hand and swatting the other one around as if Gansey was a fly. “Fuck off.”
Gansey’s smile transformed. Adam had seen it before, but only on special occasions. Only when he felt like acting like the teenage boy he was. He’d never seen it aimed at himself, but sometimes Ronan and Noah managed to drag Gansey into their antics, and Adam would see a glimpse of it before Gansey joined in, even if only for a moment. Something playful. Something mischievous.
Ronan caught his eye through his fingers. “No.”
Three things happened when Gansey lunged for Ronan: Ronan screamed when the hand returned to his neck and didn’t retreat, Gansey laughed in delight before Ronan had even started laughing himself, and Adam felt so flustered that he didn’t know what to do with himself. It was more than just witnessing Gansey be his playful self - all laughter lines, all glittering eyes and oh reallys and is that sos at Ronan’s cursing - but to see him be like this while Ronan Lynch was giggling was turning Adam into a stammering mess, even though he was purely an audience member.
He dropped his keys, the sound melting into Ronan’s laughter, but when Adam, feeling his body turning hot, emerged back up from picking them up Gansey was looking at him anyway.
“Sorry,” he said to Adam. “I got carried away.”
“Why are you apologizing to him- fuckin’ stop.” Ronan grabbed his forearms, groaning as he tried to twist Gansey’s hands away from his body, but Gansey was stronger than he looked. All it did was make Ronan squeal when fingers collided with skin once more, and Adam had to excuse himself only because what the fuck does one do when Ronan Lynch squeals.
He noticed it more after that. The touches he never imagined either of them extending, and partly receiving. Which wasn’t fair. Despite his strange idealization they were both simply human, and humans had needs and weaknesses. Even Ronan Lynch. He wouldn’t say he’d seen each part of them anyway. His hubris didn’t reach that far. Not even close. And yet-
And yet.
It wasn’t necessarily all revolving around Ronan being able to laugh - Ronan being ticklish - as much as it revolved around Gansey being the one to make him laugh, which meant he had at one point realized he was ticklish, and Adam couldn’t determine how he thought that had played out. Something playful, or something quiet? A sudden discovery, or something slow?
It was less surprising when he caught Ronan tickling Gansey back, maybe because this wasn’t something new and unassociated anymore. Gansey’s laugh surprised him though. Loud. Panicked.
“That’s what you get,” Ronan said with a smirk, although Adam caught something timid behind his actions too. The way he smiled when he stopped to let Gansey breathe and he kept giggling. The way he maneuvered his sensitive spots, seemingly knowing them all.
Adam watched, fully aware he probably seemed like a creep. Gansey on the floor, Ronan hovering over him and clawing his fingers over his ribs. It was interesting how different their reactions were in relation to their personalities. Ronan squirmed like crazy, sure, but Gansey was nearly violent with how uncontrollably his limbs were flailing, no composure to be found. Adam found it mesmerizing, along with something he refused to acknowledge loudly, but it was there, quietly festering in the back of his mind.
“Ronan!” The way Gansey called out his name, breaking it up into two words separated with laughter, was enough to send a flutter of nerves through Adam’s body. He could nearly feel how ticklish it was, only because Ronan had done it once to him. Once and only once. He wasn’t sure what it was about him that had made it less likely for him to ever repeat it, but it stung a little, especially as he watched him obliterate Gansey’s ounce of self-respect just by sticking his hand beneath his arms.
He was jealous. He didn’t know how to handle it.
“Adam!” Two words, laughter to part them. “Adam, help- no!”
Adam felt like a deer caught in headlights at being addressed, and he met Ronan’s amused gaze before he could even open his mouth. “Oh, don’t,” he said, his grin lethal. “Unless you want to join him, that is.”
And Adam had the humiliating realization that, yes, he did.
He left, refusing to say he was fleeing.
Adam walked in on Ronan lifting Gansey, cradling him carefully in his arms like a bride or a baby. “What the hell?”
“Oh, hey.” Gansey waved at him as if this was just something they did. “Don’t ask. I’m not entirely sure either.”
Ronan, keeping entirely still as if Gansey weighed nothing, hummed. “I’m not sure either, to be fair.”
“Then why-”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged, making Gansey sway along to the movement. “Why not?”
A hysterical laugh bubbled up Adam’s throat and he wasn’t quick enough to stop it from pouring out. “This- I- I have so many questions.”
Gansey beamed at him, something fond in his smile. It almost embarrassed him, the way he sometimes looked at him. “Oh, trust me, so do I.”
Ronan suddenly started squeezing at Gansey’s side, which was dangerous considering he was literally holding him, although he didn’t have to move his hand much from the way he’d positioned him in his grip. “I feel very questioned here.”
Gansey spluttered out something incoherent, trying to twist in Ronan’s arms to get away from the tickling. “Don’t!”
Ronan hummed. “Fine. But I’m not putting you down.”
“But why- oh, Adam, don’t go.”
Adam stopped in his tracks at Gansey’s pleading voice, turning back toward them sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“He’s scared he’s gonna be next,” Ronan said with an eyeroll and Adam cursed his very being for blushing.
Gansey, ever the innocent one, said, “I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
“Oh, he is,” Ronan said nonchalantly, although his grin was lethal. “I tickled his knee once and he nearly kicked my nose in. But I’m sure there are many more spots I don’t know about.”
It had been so casual Adam was certain Ronan hadn’t really been aware of what he was doing. Having brothers - as well as this more playful relationship with Gansey and Noah which Adam had slowly been seeing glimpses of - it probably wasn’t an unfamiliar action, but Adam wasn’t used to touches to his person not carrying any malice, so his kick had been partly due to a brief moment of surprise and partly due to it being ticklish. Ronan hadn’t done it again, although his smirk and the spidering fingers over Adam’s knee had stayed with him for longer than Adam was willing to admit.
He huffed now, trying to keep his cool while wondering why he was so reluctant to join in if he also felt jealous each time he saw it. Maybe there was more beneath the surface which he wasn’t ready to acknowledge yet. Maybe he really was just a selfish asshole.
Gansey was humming. “I think his ribs are bad.”
Adam’s head snapped up. “No.”
“Agreed. He’s definitely a lower body type of ticklish,” Ronan said, nodding.
Adam took a step back. “No.”
Gansey’s face softened. “Don’t worry, we won’t tickle you if you don’t want us to.”
“Speak for yourself.”
“Sorry, I-” Adam ran a hand through his hair. “I gotta go.”
Adam left. Maybe the worst part had been that Ronan had been holding Gansey throughout the whole conversation.
Adam avoided them. He wasn’t sure why.
(Except he was.)
(He refused to think about it.)
(Except it filled all his undistracted waking moments.)
It genuinely wasn’t difficult to stay away from them, blaming his job and whatever else, only Gansey showcased his disappointment more and more clearly each time he declined coming with them on Glendower related trips. It made him feel guilty.
“You should talk to them,” Blue said one afternoon. Adam hadn’t told her why he was avoiding them, or even that he was doing it, but she’d noticed. Of course she had.
Adam sighed. “I can’t.”
Noah tilted his head at him. “Why not?”
“It’s so stupid.”
“All the more reason to explain yourself then,” Blue said sensibly. Adam hated that she was right.
It was only a matter of time before they confronted him, Adam knew, and when they finally cornered him one day, not letting him leave Monmouth Manufacturing even though he said he was in a nonexistent hurry after once again picking up an article of clothing that had somehow ended up there, Adam wasn’t really sure what to say.
“Talk to us,” Gansey pleaded. “I don’t understand what we’ve done wrong.” He was standing by the front door, all but blocking it.
“You’ve not done anything,” Adam mumbled, unable to maintain eye contact and feeling incredibly silly because of it.
“Then why do you quite literally run away when you see us?”
“I don’t-”
Ronan snorted. “We have eyes, believe it or not.”
Adam snapped his mouth shut, feeling the recently all too familiar burn of his face.
Gansey took a step closer. “You’re getting embarrassed. Why? You’re not usually shy.”
Adam shook his head. “I can’t explain it.”
“Please try.”
All his reluctance suddenly melted away, leaving him bare, vulnerable, terrified even though it made no sense. He couldn’t understand this yearning, only that he yearned, yearned for something he felt he didn’t deserve.
“I’ve been watching you,” he said, voice embarrassingly thick. “Well, not exactly watching you. I keep running into situations that I feel I shouldn’t. That I feel aren’t mine.”
“Parrish, you make no sense right now.” When Adam met Ronan’s gaze he found nothing malicious in it.
He swallowed. “You have tickle fights.” For some reason Gansey started blushing as much as he did. “I’ve not really seen you have those before.”
“Oh, that,” Gansey said, eyes darting from Adam to the floor and back to Adam. Adorable, Adam briefly thought. Rare and unusually vulnerable. Ronan seemed just as stoic as ever, which might’ve been the first hint at his own embarrassment because Ronan’s eyes showed his emotions more than anything. “It’s something we did sometimes. You know. Before we met you. I don’t know why it’s started again, but. Well.” He shrugged. “It’s fun, I guess.”
Adam tried to keep the words from spilling out and failed spectacularly. “I wish you’d include me.” It sounded fucking pathetic. “I mean. I don’t know what I mean.” He rubbed at his temples. “I just- It’s like a car crash. Maybe. I can’t stop looking but I also want to run away each time I see it.”
“And still you want to join.” Ronan’s smirk wasn’t lethal, but it scared him anyway. It seemed… kind. “Doesn’t sound like a car crash to me.”
“Adam.” Gansey had stopped blushing. His smile was also kind. “If you want to join in you have to stop running away.”
“Unless the whole point is for us to catch you, that is.”
Adam positively wanted to fall through the floor. “I don’t know what I want.”
“That’s okay. We can figure it out. Just stop running away.”
Adam covered his face. “I’m sorry.”
A hand was on him, gently touching his shoulder. He expected it to be Gansey, but when he looked up he was met with Ronan. “Don’t be. I’ll tickle you, don’t worry.” The laugh that left his mouth sounded slightly hysterical, but Adam felt calmer despite it. “I trust that you will,” he said, looking away.
Ronan snorted. “I need to figure out if Gansey was right about your ribs or not, after all.”
“And I need to see if you’re actually a kicker like Ronan said,” Gansey added, taking a step closer to them, suddenly grinning mischievously at him.
Adam gulped. “I change my mind.”
“Oh, no, Parish. You better take the heat now.”
“I’ll run.”
Gansey let out a laugh. “We’ll catch you.”
Adam - heart skipping a beat, smile fighting to emerge - had no doubt they would.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Hii! First of all, congrats on the followers, you deserve them all with your amazing writing and content, and superb personality!! ^^ For the request thingy, I was thinking 💜, the magical tickling one, with Pynch? Maybe something where Ronan pulls something out of his dreams that can be used for tickling for him and Adam to use? I just feel like there's a lot of untapped potential with his whole dream thing lol. Lee or ler preferences could be up to you ^^ Congrats again!!
[2k followers celebration event] - entries closed!
💜 Purple: magical tickling
Pynch (Adam Parrish x Ronan Lynch)
A/N: YOU'RE TOO KIND THANK YOU! 😩 Also this prompt omg fndkdkf I hope you enjoy it! This one got longer than I expected omg, I hope you don't mind and I hope they're not too ooc. I love them so much 😭😭😭
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Loud laughter poured past his lips as Adam brushed that thing against his highest set of ribs on his right side, so close to his underarm. The sensation was driving him crazy in the best way possible and he would go feral if Adam dared to stop.
His whole body jolted when Adam switched spots and moved to Ronan's other side. The thing in his hand, a beautiful golden feather, seemed to vibrate against Ronan's skin and Adam took his time sliding it ridiculously slow against his sensitive ribs.
"Ahahahadaham!" Ronan pleaded, tears of mirth trickling down the sides of his face, getting lost in his hairline. "Plehehease!"
"What's the matter, Ronan?" Ronan could barely hear Adam's voice over his laughter. It sounded distant and he couldn't quite understand what he was saying. "Do you want me to stop?"
No. No, he didn't want that. He wanted Adam to continue forever, even if his lungs were burning and his cheeks ached from smiling so much. He wanted him to continue.
Or at least that was what he thought until he felt the soft tip of the feather finally reaching the very center of his armpit - his eyes snapped open.
"Well, good morning," Adam greeted him with a smirk, lying right next to Ronan. "Did you have a good dream?"
Ronan blinked a couple of times. For some reason, his cheeks felt flushed and his body felt tingly. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach and his lips trembled trying to hold back a nervous smile.
"I bet you did," Adam continued and Ronan felt his ears warming up. "You were giggling and chuckling so much. Did something fun happen in your dream? I know I was there, you kept saying my name."
"Shut up, Parrish. You talk too much so early in the morning," Ronan said, trying to divert the conversation from his dream.
"It's nearly past noon, Ronan," Adam said and Ronan huffed; he was glad when Adam seemed to forget about Ronan's dream.
His mistake was to relax too soon.
"Hmm? What is that in your hand?"
"What? What do you- hah!"
Ronan gasped heavily. There in his hand, clenched tightly, was the beautiful golden feather from his dreams. He opened his hand before he could stop himself and Adam took it quickly, watching it closely.
It was a little crushed by Ronan's hand, but it still shone just like gold, however, the touch was soft, and when Adam gently caressed it, it immediately took its original form, as if it hadn't been a victim of Ronan's strength.
"A feather?" Adam asked curiously, twirling the perfect feather between his fingers. "It's soft, but it feels kind of different, could it be because it came from a dream? ... Ronan? What's wrong with you?"
Ronan was frozen, following every move of that feather. He had really materialized it from his dreams?! He vaguely remembered touching it when Adam had used it on his most sensitive spot, but he never thought he would bring it into this reality!
"Hmm? Is it vibrating?"
Oh dear, Ronan wanted to bury his head in the dirt like an ostrich. He wanted the earth to swallow him whole.
Adam looked at him and Ronan tensed a bit. "You're acting exceptionally weird this morning," he told him, looking into his eyes as if he were trying to figure Ronan out, Ronan tried to avoid his gaze because he knew Adam would be able to. "What could you have been dreaming to bring back a feather? I am curious."
Ronan rolled his eyes. "Don't you know that curiosity killed the cat?" he barked, closing his eyes and shrugging his shoulders. "I don't remember my dream and I don't know why I brought that, I probably just thought it was pretty."
Adam hummed. Ronan knew he hadn't believed him.
"Ah, of course," Adam said and Ronan opened his eyes just to see his smirk widening. "I was tickling you with this, huh?"
Ronan's eyes widened and he hated the heat that gathered in his cheeks. "Listen, Parrish," he said through clenched teeth. "I just told you that I don't remember my dream and-"
"Did I get your worst spot?" Adam asked, ignoring Ronan's words as he slid the feather against his own palm. "I'm sure did, huh? That's why you were laughing and giggling so much?"
Ronan couldn't form words to defend himself. Adam had seen through him and even if he wanted to walk out of this situation, he knew his ridiculously smart and teasy boyfriend wouldn't let him. He gulped, refusing at all cost to admit Adam was right, but he flinched heavily when Adam moved the feather towards him.
Adam chuckled, "you're so easy to read... to me at least," he wiggled the feather in Ronan's direction and Ronan visibly shuddered, the intense ticklish touch of the feather on all his weak spots was still very fresh in his memory. "What? Are you afraid I'm gonna get you as bad as I did in your dream?"
Ronan growled, feeling the heat travel from his cheeks to his neck and up to the tip of his eyebrows.
"I mean," Adam continued, "I could do it if you ask nicely."
Ronan widened his eyes, "Why would I even- agh!"
Ronan wasn't prepared, his defenses were down so he was barely able to defend himself when Adam lunged at him. They wrestled a little on the bed; Adam wanted, at all costs, to dominate Ronan, and Ronan felt that his strength lacked every time the feather caressed his skin accidentally.
He wasn't so surprised to find himself with Adam straddling his hips, both his hands trapped under Adam's knees.
"Adam Parrish. Let go of me this instant or I'm going to punch you right on your pretty face and I-
"Tell me, did I tickle you here?"
Ronan shrieked, immediately clamping his lips together for two whole seconds before he broke into loud laughter as Adam's fingers wiggled against his ribcage.
"Ahahahadaham! Dohohon't! Stahahap, I'll-
"Tell me," Adam ordered, immediately finding Ronan's highest ribs and rubbing his fingers in, in that exact way that made Ronan see stars.
Ronan threw his head back, cackling desperately, "YOU DIHIHID! You dihihihid!"
"Hmm, I would certainly not forgive the me from your dream if I didn't," Adam said, giggling to himself as he kept tickling Ronan's ribs.
Just when Ronan thought he was going to go crazy from the tickles in his ribs, Adam stopped to give him a break.
"Stohohop! It's too ehearly for thihis," Ronan whined, arching his back a bit in an attempt to hide the fact that he was looking for the feather.
Adam laughed making Ronan look at him with a raised eyebrow, "you really are so easy to read," he said, pulling the golden feather from behind him. "Were you looking for this?"
"What- no! Let go now, I mean it, Adam-"
"Tell you what, if you ask nicely, I'll tickle you with this," Adam said, twirling the feather between his fingers before brushing it against Ronan's neck.
The touch was so light and tickly and it vibrated against his sensitive skin. Ronan let out a whiny giggle, shaking his head a bit.
A dream was never going to be enough, but to say it out... he was not so sure he could.
"I can tell exactly what you're thinking," Adam said, grinning down at Ronan, and Ronan didn't have a doubt that he was telling the truth. "Maybe you just need some motivation."
Ronan gasped as Adam grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, exposing Ronan's beautiful skin, from his hips to his ribs.
"Ahadahaham!" Ronan squealed with nervous giggles, wriggling under Adam, or at least pretending to, but it was already a fact that he could never fool Adam.
"Ronan," Adam answered and he snickered before the feather made contact with Ronan's tummy.
Ronan widened his eyes before shutting them tightly as sweet, loud and frantic giggles spilled out. Adam swept the tip of the feather in circles around Ronan's stomach, closing in on his navel and focusing on those extra sensitive spots that made Ronan jump with sudden barks of laughter.
His cheeks flushed, not only because he couldn't stop giggling, but because, when he opened one of his eyes to see what Adam was doing, (as if feeling it wasn't enough), he could see that expression on Adam's beautiful face, an expression that even the greatest of idiots could name in an instant: love.
He had already caught Adam looking at him that way a few times. Ronan couldn't deny that his feelings for Adam were already beyond him too, perhaps, they have always been; but neither of them seemed to be able to express those feelings into words and this unconditional love was usually shown in very peculiar ways... just like this.
"Ti- Tihihickle un-uhuhunder m-my ahaharms!" Ronan finally laughed, throwing his head back with a cackle when the feather dipped into his belly button and then quickly fluttered on his lower belly, making his muscles jump.
"What was that?" The tease dripping from Adam's voice made him shiver with anticipation. "I didn't quite hear you, Ronan."
"I'll tehehell you what was that, you lihihittle- ahahahaha! Nohoho!" Ronan jerked when the feather touched the hollows near his hips. "I sahahaid tihihickle mehehe uhuhunder my ahaharms, dahahammihihit!"
"Well, it's just that you're not clear with your words," Adam reproached him playfully and easily pulled one of Ronan's hands out from under his knee and raised his arm over his head.
Ronan arched his back with a hysterical shriek and before he could even stutter out a protest, his shirt was rising to expose his armpit and the feather finally descended on his delicate skin.
Hysterical laughter erupted from Ronan's lips. He twisted and arched and tugged at his arm, but nothing stopped the maddening sensation of that golden feather tickling him, vibrating in that strange way right on his most sensitive spot.
"H-Hohohohold-AHAHAH! I C-CA-CAHAHA!"
He could barely speak with all that laughter pouring out of him, but he could hear Adam chuckling softly as he wrecked him mercilessly.
"You're not being clear with your words again," Adam said, teasing Ronan. "Should I give you more motivation again?"
Ronan shook his head, but Adam ultimately ignored him and he just turned the feather upside down and carefully used the quill to poke and scribble against Ronan's underarm. Ronan screeched with laughter, making Adam laugh.
"You're so ticklish here, Ronan."
Ronan. Ronan. Ronan. Ronan. Ronan.
He wanted him to say his name so tenderly like that, forever.
"Did you have enough?" Adam asked with a chuckle as Ronan's laugh suddenly went silent. "Don't even answer, I know your stubborn ass will say no."
He was right, but Adam did stop and Ronan was able to catch his breath again as he laughed breathlessly. He jumped when the feather touched him again, this time on his side, zigzagging up and down in some kind of soothing affection.
Adam also let go of his arms and Ronan quickly wrapped them around his torso, giggling brightly when the feather moved back to his stomach.
"Stahahap ahahalready!" He giggled, his voice a little hoarse after all his laughter.
"I can't seem to be able to," Adam lied, tracing the rim of Ronan's navel. "Not when I know you like this so much."
Ronan whined and finally covered his flushed face, giggling into his hands as Adam kept tickling him. After a while, Ronan had gotten used to the feeling and the soft tickling was making him doze off a bit.
"Hey, Ronan," Adam said in almost a whisper and Ronan opened his eyes, looking at him curiously. "Let's do your other underarm, hmm?"
"What?! N-No! Wahait! WAHAHAIT!"
They really were bad with words, but their actions definitely spoke louder. Perhaps the day would come when both of them could express all the love they felt for each other in clear words, but in the meantime, this was enough.
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lovelynim · 2 years
TickleTober2022/Day 12 - Surprise
Grand Chase - Harpe x Ronan
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Ronan’s footsteps could be heard across the hallways, an intrigued, with a pinch of worry, look on his face. He had just returned from an expedition and, just when he wanted to meet Harpe the most, the knight couldn’t find his servant. 
He spoke to other people in his search, being told different directions each time, but none of them seemed to be the right one. Harpe wasn’t in his room, neither in the garden nor in the main hall. Ronan, despite his calm and peaceful nature, was starting to grow a little impatient.
The last place in his list was the reading room and, hopefully, he would see his beloved one there. 
“Harpe?” Ronan said in a whispering voice as soon as he opened the room’s door, taking a few steps in and looking around between the bookshelves. “Harpe, are you here?”
The knight continued to look around, the place seemed to be empty and dead quiet. However, much to his surprise, a pair of hands wrapped themselves around his middle.
“Yes, young master?” Harpe whispered, making Ronan scrunch up his shoulders as the boy’s breath tickled his ear.
“Harpe, so you wereheh- hehey,” the knight giggled, being caught by surprise as the other wiggled his fingers over his sides.
“Why were you walking around while frowning like that? Did I do something bad, young master?” Harpe continued, smiling as he saw the other squirming inside his hug, but refusing to let him go.
“NohOHoh, ahah, y-yohohou didn’t!” Ronan laughed, trying to curl himself up to avoid the tickling. Harpe simply kept pressing his fingers into the boy’s middle, pinching that sweet spot close to his hips and tracing shapes around his stomach.
“See, that’s much better, isn’t it, young master?” Harpe said, chuckling as he saw the knight pressing his shoulder up to try to cover his neck. Slowly easing the tickling, the servant continued to talk, “but I have to say, young master, I didn’t expect you to come home so early.”
“Eh-eheh… Ah, well, I wanted to surprise you, but I guess you ended up turning the tables on me,” Ronan giggled with the remains of that tinglish sensation on his body and tried to look over his shoulder to get a glimpse of Harpe’s face, who was smiling back at him. “Now that you had your fun, let’s go for a walk?”
“As you wish, young master,” Harpe answered readily, letting the knight go off his hug and holding his hand instead.
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A/N: It wouldn’t be me writing the TickleTober prompts if I didn’t find at least one to write for Grand Chase, especially for this sweet couple. Anyway, what’s a better use for Harpe’s skills as a spy if not to get his master off guard? Heheh, hope you enjoyed your reading! ~
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HELLOOO, i’ve been reading the raven cycle books recently and i’m officially obsessed so could i pretty please request lee!adam with anyone as the ler? i just love them all so much and feel free to delete this! if you’d like any ideas, i can try and come up with a few! thanks :)
hello!! i am not super confident in my ability to write a full-length fic for this fandom at the moment, as i'm still re-reading the first book for the first time in like years lolol but i can definitely give you some lee!adam headcanons!! i hope that will suffice, lol <33
adam's usually reserved nature makes the fact that he's ticklish twice as adorable, because he usually never laughs so openly
since he didn't experience a lot of affection until he met the ~gangsey~ i feel like he wasn't rlly aware of his sensitivity
blue found out when they were seeing each other and thought it was the cutest thing ever!! so she obviously had to spill the beans to the other boys
his worst spots are his neck and thighs, but most spots can get him at least giggling
gansey loves to flutter his fingers over adam's neck while he's studying, just to distract him (and get him to take a fuckin break)
and ronan...ugh, once they get together, tickling adam becomes a pretty common occurance
adam usually hates feeling out of control, but with his friends/partner he finds tickling a bit fun, as long as they know when to back off (and as long as he can get his revenge bc he loves the cat and mouse game of it all)
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happyandticklish · 1 year
aaa ticklish Gansey and Declan would be so good! let the boys who were forced to grow up too fast and don these opaquely useful personas for the public collapse into a childish little pile of giggles,,, and you KNOW Ronan would love taking advantage of it
Yes you get it
It works even better because Ronan would for sure get both of them. And with Gansey he'd be nice about it and slightly embarrassed because the idea of someone like Gansey being ticklish simply does not compute in his head.
And I can't see Ronan really tickling Declan so much as threatening it. Like, Declan would be trying to get him to do something, and Ronan would just raise an eyebrow like, "Awfully bold talk from someone who's stupidly ticklish," and Declan's mouth would snap shut with his whole face flushing a light pink as he struggles to think of a comeback.
The fact that there is zero canonical tickle content for them is a crime tbh.
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tklpilled · 10 months
late to this fandom but could you maybe do pynch for the otp meme?? its cool if not tho✨💓
who has the cutest tickle laugh?
who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
ronan. idk where but it's 100% ronan
who gets cheer-up tickles?
i dont think either of them are really the type for that?? idk
who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
they both do but adam does it more often bc his shirts are a little too small for ronan so hes the one getting stuck most of the time lol
how did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
gansey. tickling is like an entrance exam for the group
who can’t take tickle bites?
neither LMAOO
who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
RONAN but only if he's been sleeping past noon. any time before that and adam feels bad bc ronan never sleeps ever
who gives up in a tickle fight?
............ adam
who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
both of them but more adam. ronan will punch and he will punch HARD
who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
ronan!!!! he lays across adam's lap and steals his seat and stuff
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johnsbleu · 2 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 138
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Warnings: NSFW HMH masterlist
Today is December 5th, which means two things: Ronan is officially three months old and it’s totally acceptable to decorate for Christmas!
Rolling over in bed, you hover over John and smile as he lets out a small laugh with his eyes closed, then you crawl on top of him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck as he tries not to laugh. You tickle his sides, which doesn’t actually do anything since he’s not very ticklish, then you chomp in the crook of his neck.
“Merry Christmas!” you sing softly to him.
John laughs, “It’s not Christmas yet.”
“It’s December, so yeah, it’s Christmas.” you say, sitting up on John as you look down at him, “It’s December, which also means it’s time to decorate!”
“I forget how excited you always get about Christmas.” he says, resting his hands on your hips, “We have a big weekend ahead of us.”
You nod, “Yes, we do! So, time to get up.”
John hums as he thinks, then he pulls you back down to his chest, “I think we should stay in bed a little longer. Bug is with Grandma, so maybe we should take advantage of that.”
“Hmm,” you pull the blankets over you and smile as you lean down to kiss him, “Maybe we should.”
Today is going to be spent getting the shop all decorated for Christmas, and you’re so excited! John is currently putting up a Christmas tree in the center of the shop, and you’re getting the cute little book themed ornaments from the box you brought with you. You even had ornaments made with all of the employees names on them.
“Look!” you hand the G ornament to Grace and smile, “It’s for the tree.”
“Oh, stop, that’s so cute,” she laughs, then she takes it and hangs it up, “What are you two up to this weekend?”
John laughs quietly, “More decorating.”
“Hey, I always said we were going all out once we had a baby.” you say, and John pats your backside when he moves past to get the tree skirt, “We have a big weekend. We’re going to decorate the house tonight, Ro is with my parents, but she should be here any minute because tomorrow she gets to meet Santa!”
Grace gasps and juts out her bottom lip, “Aw! Please tell me that we’ll see the pictures.”
“Of course! Tess actually had to buy our tickets to see him when…wow, I don’t even think Ronan was born yet. I looked it up today just to see if there was even a slot to get into see Santa,” you say, and Grace nods as she looks over at you, “None.”
“He’s a busy man.” John says as he walks past.
Grace laughs, “John, are you going to dress up like Santa when she’s bigger?”
“Nah, that’s Jimmy’s thing.” John laughs, and you smile as you grab a few more ornaments, “I think she’d know if it was me too.”
“Definitely. She’d figure it out.” you nod, then you look over your shoulder when the bell above the door rings as a few people come in. Grace touches your shoulder as she walks over to greet them, and you look over at John, “I wonder where my mom is.”
John exhales as he stands up and admires his work, “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”
Almost on cue, the bell above the door rings again, and you look over your shoulder to see your mom pushing Ronan’s stroller through the door. John rushes over to help her through the door, then he leans down and smiles at Ronan.
You quickly hang up the ornament, then you walk over and hug your mom, “Hi! How was she?”
“An angel,” your mom smiles, “She slept so well last night.”
“Of course she did,” you say in your mom-voice, then you lean down to look at Ronan as she smiles, “Because that means she won’t sleep tonight because we have a big day tomorrow!”
John reaches down to get Ronan from her stroller, then he kisses her cheek over and over, “She’ll be great. Are you excited, mom?”
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York City for Christmas, it’s been a dream of mine and the girls’ since I…well, I can’t even remember.” she says, and you nod your head in agreement, “There’s several touristy things I want to do, so I hope we can do that.”
“Of course.” John nods, and you smile at Ronan in his arms and whisper to her.
Your mom sets Ronan’s bag down, then she clicks her tongue, “Oh, I can’t wait. Here.”
You furrow your brow when your mom hands an envelope to you, “What’s this?”
“I had Finn yesterday too, so I did something for you and Tess.”
Opening the envelope, you pull out a picture and laugh when you see Finn sitting on a little stool with Ronan next to him in a basket surrounded by fake snow, little pine trees and cute Christmas decorations.
“I took them to get their pictures taken. I know that’s so…old fashioned, but I’m old, okay?”
John laughs as he leans over to look at the pictures, “Mom, these are great.”
“Oh, look at that little heartbreaker.” you say, pointing at Finn’s little cheeky grin in the picture of him. You pull out the next picture and immediately look up at John when you see Ronan’s big smile, “Oh my god!”
“Yeah…” your mom smiles as she looks at it, “She’s so precious.”
You look through the rest of the pictures, some of just Ronan, some of just Finn, then you hug them, “Are these all mine?”
“Yeah, I already gave Tess hers.” your mom says, and you reach out to hug her.
“Thank you so much.” you smile, then you lean back and laugh, “I can’t wait to get these in some frames. I love the little cousins one where he’s holding her hand.”
Your mom chuckles, “He’s just so sweet and gentle with her.”
“He’s great with her,” John nods, bouncing on his knees to keep Ronan happy, “I keep teasing Tess that maybe she needs another baby now.”
“Oh, me too.” your mom says, and you laugh quietly as you look over at Ronan as she looks around.
John hands Ronan over to you when a few more people come in, and you move off to the side with your mom to talk for a few more minutes.
“I’m so excited for tomorrow! I can’t wait to see everything.” your mom says, and you nod your head, “I should probably head home. I need to clean the house up; Finn is a little tornado.”
You laugh as you reach out to hug her, “I’ll see you tomorrow for some breakfast!”
“So excited!” she smiles, then she leans over to kiss Ronan’s cheek. “Love you both.”
“Bye, mom. Love you.” you smile, then you walk over to John as he waves at your mom.
John smiles and leans down to kiss you, then he kisses the top of Ronan’s head, “Are you excited for tomorrow too?”
“Very excited! I’ve always wanted to see Rockefeller Center and see the big tree.” you smile, bouncing on your knees, “And I’ve always wanted to go Macy’s too! Ah, I’m excited!”
“I can’t tell if you’re bouncing on your knees because you’re excited or if you’re just trying to keep her from getting fussy.”
You laugh, “Both!”
“So cute,” John whispers as he leans down to kiss you, “Let me just get the last few things done around here, then we’ll head home.”
You nod your head as you bounce Ronan in your arms, then you walk over to the Christmas tree and hold her up so she’s able to look at it. You point to the ornament that has an R on it for Ronan and tell her it’s for her, then you kiss her cheek.
Christmas music is playing softly through the speakers as you dance with Ronan in your arms, and you smile when John walks over with lighted garland to wrap your the railing of the spiral staircase.
“This place looks so festive,” a woman says, and you smile as you look over your shoulder to see her holding a book. “It looks nice and cozy.”
“Thank you!” you smile, then you laugh when Ronan wiggles your arms and garbles. You look down at her and scrunch your eyebrows together, then you look up at John as he peeks out from behind his hands causing her to laugh as he walks closer. “Oh, daddy is just so silly, huh?”
John holds up her foot and looks at her, “I’m gonna eat it! Nom, nom, nom!”
Ronan laughs and squeals as John playfully nibbles on her foot, and you smile as you hand her over to him. He kisses her chubby cheek, then he exhales and looks over at you as you watch them.
“I think this place looks pretty good.” he says, and you nod as you look around.
“I like the garland with the lights on the railings, that looks cool.” you point, then you look over at the tree, “But this is my favorite.”
John gestures to the windows, “I think Grace had an idea for the windows, so she’s going to do those.”
“Sounds good.” you say, then you grin as you look over at him.
“Alright, we can head home.” he laughs, rolling his eyes playfully.
You clench your fist in victory, then you rush into the office to get your bag. John waits by the office door while you grab his jacket and keys, and you giggle as you walk past him.
“You’re so excited.”
“I am so excited!” you sing, and he laughs as he puts Ronan in her stroller. “Look, I agreed that we would at least wait until the first week of December.”
John laughs, “You wanted to put the tree out Thanksgiving night.”
“If we hadn’t hosted Thanksgiving, I would have, but I was exhausted after.” you say, then you look down to make sure Ronan is all bundled up before you push her stroller through the door. You turn around to wave at Grace and Tony, then you wait outside while John says goodbye to them.
“We’ll definitely send you some pictures.” John laughs as he waves at them, “Call if you need anything.”
God, he’s so good with the employees! He’s so fucking sweet and nice to them, and they just adore him.
John inhales deeply, then he gets his keys out, “Ready? Wait, why are you smiling like that?”
“You’re just so cute!” you laugh as you reach out to hug him, “I just love watching you with everyone.”
“What? Because I was saying goodbye?”
You nod, “Yeah, you’re adorable.”
John lets out a small laugh before he leans down to kiss you, “Alright, Mrs. Wick, stop buttering me up. I’m getting the decorations out first thing when we get home.”
“Hey!” you laugh as you lean back to look at him, “I think you’re a cutie pie.”
“You’re a cutie pie,” he smiles, and you chuckle before you lean up to kiss him. He looks over at Ronan as she looks at the two of you, then he laughs, “Look at her. She’s probably thinking about how embarrassing her parents are.”
You laugh as you look over at her, then you grab John’s face and kiss his cheek obnoxiously as you hum, “Mm, mm, mm!”
Ronan giggles as you smother John’s face in kisses, and you laugh loudly when John grabs your face and does it back to you, causing her to laugh even louder.
“Oh, your parents are just so mushy, huh?” you laugh as you lean down to kiss Ronan, “You’ll be so embarrassed by us someday, but you’ll grow to appreciate it.”
John laughs as he moves around to get Ronan into the backseat, then he stuffs her stroller into the trunk before getting in the car, “Okay, so…is there anywhere you need to go before we go home and get started?”
“Well, I mean, I could totally do some shopping for Christmas decorations, but I won’t.”
John turns in his seat and looks at you, “I thought you did that the other day. You left with Ro and came back with about $150 worth of candles.”
You scoff loudly, “It was not $150.”
“Oh, excuse me, $125.” he teases, and you playfully roll your eyes as he laughs.
“I bought five candles and I had a coupon!” you say, and John laughs as he drives down the street. “Did it really bother you?”
John laughs, “No, and the house smells great.”
Sitting back in your seat, you look out the window as you pass someone putting their Christmas lights up and it reminds you that John will probably have to to do that sometime this weekend if he gets the time.
“What is the first thing you want to do when we get into the city tomorrow, peach?”
“Hmm,” you purse your lips and think, “I’m thinking I would like a nice cup of hot chocolate and a donut from that little coffee shop you took me to that one time when we first started dating.”
John nods, “Ooh, sounds good. I forgot all about that place.”
“How about you, dad?”
“A coffee and a donut sounds good, I think you got the right idea.” he says, pulling into the driveway, “And maybe a big ol’ kiss.”
You look over at him as he parks the car, “You want that one a little early?”
“Yes, please.” he nods, then he cups your face and leans over to kiss you, “I’m going to need several of those tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you laugh as you lean over to kiss him, “I can definitely do that.”
Decorating the house didn’t go according to plan. Once you got inside and all relaxed, neither you nor John really wanted to drag the boxes up from the basement. He did bring up the tree and put it together just so it could fluff up last night and during the day today, but you’ll have to save the decorating until tomorrow since you’ll be spending today in New York City!
“Oh, gorgeous girl!” you smile as you hold up Ronan, “Let’s go show daddy our cute outfits for the day.”
You hold Ronan against your chest as you head downstairs and call out for John, and you smile when you get to the bottom of the steps as he comes out of the kitchen with a huge smile on his face.
“Ronan is wearing a very cute little outfit for her photo with Santa today.” you say as you hold her to show John her cute pants, “We got some cute floral pants with deep red flowers on them--perfect for the holiday. And of course, she has a lovely little deep red onesie on to match the pants, and the finishing touch, of course, is this beautiful little headband that she will rip off before she even gets in the car.”
“Ro, you look beautiful.” John whispers as he walks over and takes her from you, “Look how pretty you are, just like your momma. Speaking of mom, wow.”
You stick out your leg and shrug, “I figured Tess will have her camera with, so I decided to go with a nice sweater that isn’t too heavy that matches Ro’s onesie, some of dad’s favorite jeans, and some Doc Marten boots because NYC streets are no joke.”
“I do love those jeans.”
“And I finally fit into them nicely again!” you say, then you do a little spin for John, “You better get ready for lots of fashion shows.”
John laughs as he reaches out for your hand, “I definitely am.”
“Daddy looks very handsome today too!” you say, and John laughs as he looks at his outfit, “Love the leather jacket, love those shoes, love these jeans.”
John puckers his lips to kiss you, then he moves his hand down to your ass, “Ready?”
“Yes. I just need to get her bottle.”
“Already got it.” John says, and you put your hand over your chest like you’re so impressed, “I know. I’m on top of everything today.”
You look over at him and cock your eyebrow up, “Well…”
“Hey, hey, hey…” he laughs, leaning over to kiss your cheek, “A baby is in our presence.”
“Wanna tell that to your hand?” you laugh, and John spanks you a few times before you walk away. You grab your backpack and look through it to make sure you have everything you’ll need for Ronan, “Diapers, yes. Wipes and hand sanitizer, yes. A bottle, yes. Mom’s wallet, yes. Lotion for the delicate baby skin, yes. Uh, changing pad, yes. Socks and a change of outfit just in case, yes. I think we’re set.”
John holds up the baby sling that you use to tie Ronan to your chest, and you look at it for a few moments before you nod your head and reach out for it. Maybe John will want to carry her at some point.
“We are all set.” you say, then you get a little giddy as you walk over to John, “I’m so excited!”
“Me too. I bet Ronan is going to be a little angel when she gets her picture with Santa.” John smiles, and you nod your head as you open the front door and walk over to your car.
You open the back door and watch John getting Ronan into her car seat, “She’s going to be an angel all day, and she’s going to have so much fun with her family.”
“I think so too.” John smiles, then he helps you into the front seat, “Can’t wait.”
The streets of New York City are always jam packed with tourists and people shopping, and during the holiday season, it’s even worse. John knew he’d never be able to park close to where you’d be spending most of the day, so he parked in a lot where he knew the car would be safe, then the three of you crammed into a cab so you could be taken to Time Square.
You met up with everyone at the diner for some breakfast, and now you’re all just wandering down the street to Macy’s before the kids have their photo taken with Santa. Ronan is currently wrapped up in her stroller as John pushes her down the street, and you’re clinging to his arm so you don’t get lost in the crowd.
“Hey,” John leans over and smiles, “Remember when we came here that one night?”
“Yeah! I was just thinking about that. It looks so different in the day.”
John nods, “Much cooler at night with all the lights.”
You smile as you look up at John, then you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, “Still one of my favorite things we’ve ever done.”
“We’ll have to do it again some time.”
“It’s a date,” you smile, then you lean down to look at Ronan as she sleeps. You wrap both of your arms around John’s bicep, then you smile as you look up at him again, “You look so handsome today.”
John laughs, “Thank you very much.”
Jimmy points at some golf store that he wants to go into, so you let go of John’s arm and take the stroller to sit with her outside. Tess smiles when Finn holds Jimmy’s hand and walks inside with them, then she walks over to stand with you and your mom.
“Did you get the house decorated?”
You laugh, “No, John and I weren’t in the mood once we got home. He actually hired some local company to put lights on the house. I worry about him getting on a ladder while it’s raining or snowing this next week, plus he has his knee that bothers him. I just don’t want him to get hurt.”
Tess nods, “That’s what we’re doing too. Finn picked out a few little blow up decorations for the front yard, but we’re having someone come put the lights on the house.”
“Much too dangerous for them to be out doing that,” your mom says, and Tess lets out a small laugh, “We should do that too then, I won’t ask the boys to put up my lights.”
You push Ronan’s stroller back and forth when you hear her making noises, then you lean down and smile when she looks around, “Well, good afternoon.”
Reaching into the stroller, you pull Ronan out and pull the hood down on her coat so she can look around. She wobbles in your arms a little as her eyes grow wide, and your mom and Tess laugh as she looks around at everything.
Your mom laughs, “She’s getting so expressive.”
“This is New York City,” you say, then you point around, “There’s Time Square, and just over there is where Santa is.”
Tess smiles as she leans over to look at Ronan, then she kisses her tiny hand, “Hi, sweet girl. Do you want your favorite auntie to hold you?”
“I think so.” you smile as you hand Ronan to Tess, then you take off your backpack and reach in for a new diaper so Tess can change her too. You sit down on the bench next to your mom, then you bump her shoulder, “Excited for Christmas?”
“Very! Is Jonathan excited?”
You smile as you look over at John coming out of the shop with Finn in his arms followed by Jimmy and your dad, “He’s very excited. He can’t wait until Ro is old enough to open her own stuff, but yeah, this year is special since it’s our first Christmas as parents, obviously. He wants to do the whole Santa and elves thing that you and dad did for Tess and I that one year.”
Your mom laughs, “Ah, that was sweet.”
“She believed Santa was real until she was almost 10. You made me promise I wouldn’t tell, and I didn’t!” Tess says, and you see John perk up, “Yeah, your wife believed in Santa until she was almost 10.”
You laugh when John looks over at you, “I didn’t believe he was real, I just wanted to believe he was.”
“That’s so cute, mouse,” John laughs as he leans down to kiss you, and you take Finn from him.
“Santa is real, what are you all talking about?” Jimmy says, widening his eyes and gesturing to Finn. “We’re gonna go see Santa, aren’t we, buddy?”
Finn nods his head as he sits in your lap, then he perks up when he sees Tess is holding Ronan. He slips off your lap and reaches up for Tess, so she leans down and smiles when he looks at Ronan.
“What a sweet boy you are,” Tess smiles as Finn kisses Ronan, “Is that your best friend?”
You smile when Finn nods his head, then you stand up and put your backpack on as Jimmy picks up Finn and throws him into the air. He tickles his tummy and makes silly noises as Finn giggles loudly, and you look over at Tess as she smiles and watches them.
John wraps his arm around you and rubs your arm, “Everything good?”
“Yeah, of course.” you smile as you look up at him, then you raise your eyebrow, silently asking him the same question.
“Everything’s great with me,” John nods and leans down to kiss you, then he looks over at Ronan in Tess’ arms.
The line to see Santa wasn’t too long since you obviously had to get tickets, but Finn was thrilled to go through the little setup that they have outside of meeting Santa. He even ‘wrote’ a little letter to send to Santa at the North Pole, just in case he forgot what Finn wants this year. He’s a busy man after all, and he sees many children!
You can hear Santa on the other side of the curtain as he talks to the family that was in front of you, and you smile when you see Finn clapping his hands and giggling as Jimmy tells him that Santa is on the other side.
“Think Santa will let me sit in his lap?” Jimmy asks, and Finn shakes his head, “What? You don’t? I’ve been good this year! Is daddy too big?”
“Yeah,” Finn nods, and you chuckle a little.
Tess kneels down and smiles, “How about mommy? Can I sit in Santa’s lap?”
“Yeah!” Finn nods as he reaches out to hug her, and Jimmy frowns as he looks over at Finn. Finn giggles and rushes back over to hug Jimmy.
They’re such a cute family, you can never quite get over it. Tess is just the perfect mom to Finn, and Jimmy is a great dad too. They love the hell out of Finn and each other. It’s nice to see your sister so happy with her little family.
You let out a small laugh as you watch Jimmy chasing Finn around, then you look at Tess, “Is Jimmy ever in a bad mood?”
Tess laughs as she shakes her head and looks at you, “No. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him genuinely mad before. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we fight, we bicker, but it never lasts long. He just is a naturally happy guy, you know?”
“Yeah,” John laughs, nodding his head, “It’s annoying sometimes.”
“Yeah! Sometimes I wanna be mad or upset, but he just has a way to get me out of that mood so quickly,” she says, and John nods in agreement, “It’s nice though. It’s nice to be with someone like that.”
John nudges your shoulder and nods to you, “That’s you to me.”
You scoff, “No, more like you to me. I get mad and John talks me down so quickly. John is the level headed one in our relationship.”
“Never thought I’d be referred to as ‘level headed’.” John laughs, and you smile at him. “Definitely not with my…uh, my history of acting on emotions.”
Tess chuckles, “It’s nice though. It’s nice to have someone like that, someone who can calm you down when your emotions take over. I’m glad we all have that.”
“Me too.” you smile at him, “I’m glad you have Jimmy.”
“The other day I got my hair trimmed and just added a few highlights to it, and when I came home, the moment Jimmy saw me, he noticed. He made a huge deal about it, about how pretty I looked.” Tess laughs as she shakes her head, “I never had a guy do that for me before and I just started crying. I always wanted that--I know it’s stupid, but I always wanted that. I always wanted a guy to notice little things like that. And now I have that with Jimmy.”
You smile wide when Tess looks at you, “It’s cute.”
“Ugh! I sound like you! I hang out with you too much.”
You playfully gasp, “No such thing!”
Tess nods, “Yeah, no such thing.”
You completely understand how Tess feels. It really is so nice to have someone who notices the smallest things about you, and you totally agree with her about the whole hair thing. You haven’t cut your hair in a long time, but it grew so fast while you were pregnant that you decided to just get a little trim. You didn’t even tell John that you were thinking about it nor did you tell him that you were going, but you met up with him at the bookshop after, and it didn’t take him more than 5 seconds to notice that you had cut three inches off of your hair. He notices everything about you, and it’s really nice to have someone who pays such close attention. It’s nice to have someone who cares enough to even pay attention.
“Alright,” The woman dressed as the elf smiles, “It’s your turn!”
Tess holds Finn’s hand as she walks through the curtain, and you follow behind them and see Santa sitting on a bench with fake reindeer and trees around him.
“Well, hello!” Santa says, waving at Finn, “What do you have on your sweater?”
Finn looks down at his sweater and tilts his head as he looks up at Santa to tell him that he has a bear on his shirt. Tess kneels down and whispers to Finn, then he quickly walks over and reaches out for Santa to take him.
“Oh god, I’m gonna cry,” Tess laughs as she stands up and turns around for a moment, “He’s so cute.”
Finn is talking nonstop to Santa, and he points over at Ronan and nods as he looks back at Santa.
Tess laughs as she kneels down by Finn, “Why don’t you get your picture with Santa first, then Ro can sit with you?”
You reach over to get Ronan while Finn gets his picture taken, then you fix her bow a little and walk over to hand her to Santa. You hope he knows how to hold a baby, but you’re sure he’s been holding babies all day long for weeks now.
“Don’t worry, miss, I always use hand sanitizer between pictures.” he whispers, and you smile softly.
Ronan widens her eyes when she looks up at Santa, then she looks over at you, which causes you all to laugh. She really is quite expressive today.
“Smile!” Tess says, and Finn grins.
You wave and smile at Ronan to get her to smile, but she just sits there. John kneels down closer and talks to her, which earns a big gummy smile from her, and the woman snaps a picture. Finn hops down when Tess reaches for his hand, then the woman takes another picture of just Ronan with Santa.
“Oh, beautiful!” the woman smiles, then she hands a ticket to you and Tess so you can get your pictures.
John takes Ronan from Santa and presses a kiss to her cheek as you walk through the doors, and you lean over to look at her as she smiles wide. You walk over to the kiosk to get your pictures printed out, and you hold it up for John to see.
“Oh, look at that big smile,” he laughs, then he kisses Ronan’s cheek. “So gorgeous like her momma.”
You hold John’s gaze when he looks at you, then you lean over to kiss him, “Stop it right now, Wick. I know what you’re doing.”
“Just wondering if…”
Rolling your eyes, you let out a small laugh, then you look over at him, “Definitely.”
“Yes!” John clenches his fist in victory, then he puts Ronan in her stroller, “Can’t wait.”
You reach up and cup his face as he wraps his arms around you, “We still have hours before we’re home. Can you last?”
“I can try,” he laughs, and you shake your head as you lean up to kiss him, “You just look so gorgeous today.”
“Thank you!” you smile as you lean back to look at him, “I feel good!”
John nods, “I can tell. It’s radiating off of you, peach.”
“I hope you know you’re a major part of the reason why,” you whisper, and he smiles as he leans down to kiss you. Cupping John’s face, you close your eyes and press another kiss to his lips before you move to push the stroller to head to your next destination.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly after seeing Santa. You stopped into a few shops you had never been in to before and you got a few things, then you all grabbed some dinner before going to Rockefeller Center to see the Christmas Tree. Thankfully since it’s winter, it gets darker earlier, so you were able to see the tree even though it was only around 6. You even convinced John to go skating with you for a little bit--you both fell a few times.
“No, that was totally your fault. You were going down and you pulled me with you,” you say and John shakes his head, “Yes! You started to fall and pulled me down, and now look, I got a big bruise on my shin because of you.”
John laughs as he holds up your leg and presses several kisses to your shin, “Is that better?”
“Moderately.” you say, and John lets out another laugh as he pulls you closer to kiss you, “Hmm…”
“Oh, you have to think about it?”
You laugh as you tilt your head back, then you yelp when John pushes you down on the couch and crawls on top of you. His breath is hot on your skin as he gently brushes his lips against your neck, and your eyes roll shut when you feel his tongue glide across your skin.
John crawls up more and wraps your legs around his waist, then he presses himself against you as the two of you share a heated and passionate kiss. You whimper when you feel John hard in his pants as he rubs himself against the thin fabric of your shorts, and he lets out a small breath.
“We haven’t finished decorating,” you whisper as John kisses down your neck to your breast, “Ro is about to be up from her nap too.”
“Then we better make it quick.” he whispers, and you bite your lip as you nod.
You sit up a little and help John get his pants pulled down, then you lay down and lift your hips up so John can pull your shorts and underwear off. He smiles as he looks between your legs, then he leans down for a quick taste causing you to press your hand to your mouth when you moan softly.
“Mm,” John licks his lips, then he smiles at you, “Always tastes so good.”
Pulling John down to your lips, you squeeze your eyes shut and moan as he slides between your legs, and you let out a big breath as you lean back to look at him. He smiles and rubs his thumb against your cheek, then he gently kisses you.
“I love watching you take me,” he whispers, and you grip his shirt as he thrusts his hips hard, knocking the breath out of you every time. “You take me so well, huh? And you love feeling me so deep between your legs, don’t you?”
“Yeah…” you whimper out.
John gently kisses your jawline and chin as he holds your gaze, and you grip his shirt tighter when he jerks his hips harder. You breathe harder and louder as John continues to thrust his hips, and you knit your brows together as you hold his gaze before your eyes roll shut and the pleasure takes over.
“Oh, fuck!” you scream loudly as you tilt your head back, and John lets out a small laugh as he sucks on your neck, “Oh, shit, John!”
“Scream my name,” he whispers, and you clench your jaw and shake your head, “Come on.”
You let out a big breathe as you open your eyes, then you dig your nails into his biceps as you scream his name. John sucks on his thumb as you look at him, then he reaches down and rubs your clit as a wicked smirk spreads across his face.
“Such a good girl,” John whispers to you, and you let out a little laugh since you know he’s doing it on purpose just to get you turned on even more, “I could spend all day between your legs, you know that?”
“God, you’re so sexy.” you say, and John smirks as he leans down to kiss you before he leans up and watches himself sliding in and out of your pussy. “Mm, how lucky am I? Look at you.”
John shakes his head a little, “I’m the lucky one.”
You gasp when John slips from between your legs, and you both frantically reach down to slide him back in, “Put it back in, put it back in.”
“Damn,” John smirks as he holds your gaze, then he pushes himself in deep, “You really want it, don’t you?”
You pull John down to your lips as you roll your hips under him, then you cling to him as you press your foreheads together and pant loudly, preparing to unravel at any minute. John clenches his jaw and lets out a low groan, then he sits up a little and squeezes his eyes shut as you spread your legs open wider, listening to the sound of his hips against your ass.
“I’m coming…” John whispers, then he lays down on top of you more as he jerks his hips hard while you moan into the crook of his neck. You hold tight to John as you both ride out of your orgasms, then you let out a big breath and lay back on the couch as he hovers over you and smiles. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper to him, then you lean up to kiss him, “I should go get cleaned up.”
John nods as he kisses you, “Me too, then I’ll get Ro.”
You sit up with the help of John, then you waddle off to the bathroom to clean yourself up. You check out yourself in the mirror before you reach into the drawer for a brush to run it through your hair. Ronan giggling from on the other side of the door causes you to perk up, and you open the door and smile when you see her sitting in her swing as Bleu sniffs her and wags his tail.
“Where did you go, John?”
“In here,” he says, and you look in the kitchen, “I needed something to drink.”
You smirk as you shimmy your shoulders, “You’re welcome.”
John laughs as he walks back into the living room with you, then he sits down near Ronan and reaches over to squeeze her chunky foot. You walk over to get a few more decorations, then you set them around as John watches.
“Oh, wow…” John laughs, “You stink.”
You furrow your brow and turn around to look at him, then you laugh, “I thought you meant me.”
“No!” John laughs as he sets Ronan on the couch to change her diaper, “No, you always smell good, like vanilla and flowers.”
“Thanks,” you laugh, then you turn on the radio and smile when John holds up Ronan and bounces her along to the music. You set out a few different decorations, then you stand back and look at everything, “I think we’re done--well, that’s not completely true. I do want to get another little tree for the entryway and decorate there and the kitchen and bathroom too, but the living room is done!”
John smiles as he looks over at the Christmas tree illuminating the living room, “It looks great in here. Smells great in here too.”
“Look, baby girl.” you walk over to the fireplace and hold up her stocking, “Your very first stocking! I wonder what Santa is going to get you!”
“What will we put in there?”
You purse your lips and think, “Uh, probably some little toys, but she’ll be able to eat pureed foods, so probably some of those little puree things.”
John nods as he looks down at Ronan, then he gets up and reaches for your hand, “Come here, momma.”
Taking John’s hand, you smile as you wrap your arms around him and Ronan. You sway back and forth to the music as Ronan smiles at you, and you lean over to kiss her cheek.
“You were in momma’s belly last year. Actually you might not have been at this point,” you say, then you look at John, “But you called me into the office and yelled at me.”
“I didn’t yell at you. I got you back for playing tricks on me.” he laughs, then he smirks, “Then I got you pregnant.”
A smile spreads across your face as you nod, “Yes, you did.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever said it like that before, that I got you pregnant.” he laughs, furrowing his brow a little, “Wow.”
“Give yourself a pat on the back.”
John laughs as he pats his back, then he leans down to kiss you, “It was good teamwork. See? See how well we work together, and look at what we made because of it.”
You smile as you look over at Ronan, then you take her and bounce her a little as you rub her back, “We made an angel. An angel who probably is getting hungry, along with her mom. I need a snack.”
“I’ll make her a bottle and make us some smoothies.” John says, and you smile as you nod your head.
You walk over to the tree with Ronan and watch as she looks at the lights as they twinkle and you point at the ornaments, “That’s the ornament I got for daddy to tell him that you were in my tummy. He was so excited! We’ll show you someday.”
Ronan grunts and coos as you show her all of the ornaments, then she squeals loudly when John comes back into the living room--he always gets a big reaction. John smiles as he walks over with her bottle of milk, then he puts his hand on your back and walks with you over to the couch where you sit down to feed Ronan. You cradle her in your arms and smile as you feed her her bottle, and she reaches up to tug on your hair.
“Our first Christmas as parents,” John smiles, and you look over at him, “It’s going to be so good.”
“I think so,” you smile as you nod, “I think you and I should get up and open our stuff with Ro, then we can hang out for a bit before going to my parents’ house. We’ll probably spend most of the day there, so I’ll make sure to pack everything she’ll need.”
John nods as he looks down at Ronan, “What do you want for Christmas, bug?”
“Hmm, books!” you say in the child-like voice that John always gets freaked out by, and you laugh when you look up at him, “I think some books would be good, maybe some cool new toys! She’ll probably get some clothes from my mom and Tess. My mom called the other day and asked what size she’s wearing now, so I’m sure that’s why.”
“What do you want for Christmas?” John asks, and you shrug as you look at him, “Candles?”
You laugh as you nod, “I always love candles. I don’t know. I’m fine with anything really. What about you? I have no ideas for you this year.”
“Nah, I don’t need anything.” John says as he leans over and kisses your cheek, “I’m more concerned about Ro having a good first Christmas.”
You laugh, “She’s three months old. She doesn’t even know what’s going on, but yeah…same.”
“I was thinking we could get ourselves something,” he says, and you look over at him and furrow your brow, “I thought it would be nice to get ourselves a new TV and entertainment center.”
You look over the bulky entertainment center and nod, “Yeah, that’s a good idea. You’ve had that since before I moved in. A new dresser in our room would be good too.”
“Yeah, definitely.” he nods, then he leans over to kiss you again, “I’m still going to get you presents.”
Letting out a small laugh, you nod, “Yeah, I already have a few ideas for you, to be honest. But what’s most important is that Ronan gets some stuff. I don’t care about getting anything.”
“Oh, I’m not falling for that.” John laughs as he looks at you, and you laugh as you tilt your head back and close your eyes for a moment, “You’re going to get stuff too.”
“Cool,” you shrug a little as you smile, then you look down at Ronan in your arms as she looks over at the tree. “Another thing we can do is maybe have like a date night thing. We take Ro to my mom’s every Wednesday but I miss dressing up and going out, you know? So, maybe we can do that as a present to ourselves--a fancy date night.”
John nods his head and smiles, “I think that’s a really good idea.”
You scrunch your face up and smile when John kisses your cheek, then he leans down and kisses Ronan’s little hand. She wraps her fingers around his index finger as she drinks her bottle and looks around, and John chuckles a little when she looks at him with her big curious brown eyes.
John reaches for the remote to turn on the TV, then he switches it to a movie--The Grinch, “Gonna make some smoothies for us, then we can watch this.”
“Okay,” you smile as he leans over to kiss your cheek, then you look down at Ronan in your arms. You reach over and get her blanket to wrap her up, then you get into the corner of the couch and shift in place until you’re comfortable. Ronan moves around a little as you look down at her, then she lets out a small little sigh that makes you laugh, “Oh, I’m sorry, am I boring you? Is your milk not warm enough?”
“She’s pretty high maintenance,” John jokes as he comes out with two smoothies, then he sits down and leans over to look at Ronan as she drinks her bottle, “Nah, she’s a wonderful little lady.”
You smile as you look over at John, then you sit Ronan up so you can burp her. You pat her back and smile when John holds up your smoothie so you can take a sip of it, then you look down at Ronan when you hear her let out a big burp.
“Oh, just like daddy.” you tease as John laughs, “I can usually get a big burp out of him too when I pat his back.”
John laughs as he leans closer to you and Ronan, “Very true.”
After getting Ronan burped, you change her diaper and get her pajamas back on, then you lounge out on the chaise with Ronan on your chest as you rub her back. John scoots closer to press a kiss to her forehead since he knows she’s going to fall back asleep, then he reaches for your left hand and intertwines his fingers with yours before he relaxes back on the couch and starts the movie. The perfect end to the night. You and your two favorite people.
taglist: @wheretheriversrunintothesea @youusunshineyoutemptress @sakurachan-9 @hhighkey @that-one-writer @samaraj @aragornswife​ @tnu-ree​
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♡〜request: Hey there, it's me again.~ I was wondering for a one-shot about "how to wake up Tyler Ronan even if that can go wrong" 👀❤- @ichigostrawberry15​〜♡
Tyler Ronan x gender neutral reader
I really like this prompt
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 680
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Tyler Ronan is a heavy sleeper, to say the least. When you wake up, he wakes up, to greet you good morning and maybe plead for you to stay a while longer, even though he knows you won't. But when you get up to start the day, he falls right back to sleep, on purpose.
"I'll wake up later." or "It's too early, but you do you." are his main excuses. Sometimes he doesn't get to finish the sentence before he collapses.
For a guy that took 'sleep at least 8 hours' seriously, you'd think he'd be more energetic. But no, apparently not. He doesn't even sleep 8, he sleeps 10+ hours. Sure, it's cute to see him sleep, but what would be cute is doing your morning routine together. Though you still did at times, since you'd made up various ways to wake this sloth up.
So, you have the honors to present, 'How to wake Tyler Ronan up, even if it can go wrong.'
1. Breakfast in bed
Most effective method of waking up Tyler. The smell of food always wakes him up, though he only smells it once you make it back to the bedroom. It'd be much better if he smelled it while you cooked, save some time. 
But while it is the most effective, it is also the most time consuming and takes most effort, for you.
Cooking, this early in the morning? That takes a lot of effort. You've just woken up, and even with coffee, you're still grumpy. Man, that bed is comfy, so is Tyler, but bed's comfier.
Breakfast in bed is cute and all, but I'd be nice if he returned the favor sometime. He never will, though. That's the problem. Not that he wouldn't because he's too rude or something, but because he's too busy with sleep.
2. Water
Now this? It's fun, effective, low effort. But it's dangerous, very, very dangerous.
Granted, for his sake, it's a small splash of cold water. Not a bucketful, you can't risk the sheets, nor a water bottle specifically aimed at the face. Just wet your hand and slap him in the face, lightly. Don't forget the 'lightly' part.
Now, how is this dangerous, you might ask?
Tyler told you that if you did this, it'd start a war. You better run and hide behind the protection of Alyson, cause he's coming for revenge.
Alyson might stop him, but if you're not quick enough, then you're doomed.
Once he catches you, it's time for an execution, tickling. If you're not ticklish then good for you, but he'll starve you from kisses or hugs for the entire morning instead. Bad situation either way, the latter probably being worse.
Other methods such as yelling at him or smashing him with a pillow will end up in the same way.
3. Alyson, sweet goddess, hELP
The job is basically done when you ask Alyson for help, though you don't actually know what happens in there. You're never in the room when she's waking him up, she insists on it for some bizarre reason.
Whenever you get her help, Tyler is clearly grumpy when he walks out the room. He lightens up when he sees you, though.
You should probably not try to see, in case she does the same thing to you.
Alyson… is scary.
4. Give up, stay in bed, let your internal alarm clock do the job.
This can go wrong, but it can also go correctly. High risk, high reward.
You could potentially sleep in and be late for work, if you didn't set an alarm clock. But, Tyler hates alarm clocks, and honestly, who doesn't?
You could potentially sleep in and not be late for work, if you rushed. This is the best scenario, but guess which one happens more often. Obviously the first scenario.
But... it's worth it..? Depends, really. On one hand, you're well rested and you spend some extra time with Tyler. On the other hand, you got your boss scolding you. 
And on the last hand, Tyler's hand, he's always worth it.
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 41
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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A giggle sounded through the room as Klaus teased Katie’s sides making her squirm under him. “You’re so ticklish.” He laughed.
“And you…are not ticklish at all.” She complained. "It's annoyingly unfair."
“Perhaps you just haven’t found the right spot yet.” He told her, making her narrow her eyes at him in thought. “You’re welcome to continue your search.” He rolled onto his back taking her with him and she sat up, straddling him.
“Hmm,” she pursed her lips and pulled them to the side, “nah.” She fell down bracing herself on her hands on the bed. “I think I’ll let it be a mystery for a little while longer.” She started kissing his bicep, where his feather tattoo began then kissed her way up it following the birds that branched off of the feather to the last one that sat just under his collarbone then up to his shoulder where she gently bit him, pulling a pleasured sound from him. “I have other ways of making you smile.”
“Oh really, like what?” he asked curiously as he slid his hands up her thighs to hold her hips.
“Flattery for one.” She answered and she could tell he wanted to smile, but was resisting. “Or there’s always doing something random. Like…” she quickly licked the tip of his nose making him wrinkle it and laugh quietly. “See, there are those cute dimples I like so much.” She sat up and looked down at him.
“Cute huh?” He asked.
“Yep.” She told him with a flirty smile. “I also find your accent cute along with your butt, but you already knew that one. Let’s see what else do I find cute about you?” She asked herself as she looked up in thought. “How your hair gets a little curly when you let it grow out.” She told him as she looked at his messy dirty blond hair. “Oh, the way you hold me super close with my face pressed into your neck at night. Even when you’re completely asleep you don’t let go.”
“Why is that cute?” he asked.
“Because it lets me know that you want to keep me close. It shows a certain amount of neediness and it feels good to feel needed.” she told him with a shrug then kissed him and rolled over pulling him with her then wrapped her legs around him.
“You know…” he started but was cut off when she started nibbling on his neck pulling a sigh from him, “If we do this every morning and night you will soon tire of me.” he warned her.
“Not possible.” She replied then bit his neck a little harder, wishing they could blood share. “Unless…you’re getting tired of me.” she stopped and looked up at him.
He pressed his hips into hers letting her feel how much she affected him. “Does that feel like I’m getting tired of you?” he whispered then started kissing her neck making her eyes slip shut and tilt her head to the side.
“No, but I’m sure guys can fake it just as easily as girls.” She argued.
“Have you ever-”
“Not with you.” she answered before he could finish the question.
“Now my interest is peaked.” He said as he sat up on his knees and she slid up to sit in his lap with her legs wrapped around him and he held her close with his hand on her upper back. “Who, prey tell, have you faked it with?”
“Ronan. He was built like a wrestler and most girls might go for that, but in case you haven’t noticed beefy guys with muscles bigger than my head don’t really do it for me. I would have rather faced the cat-o-nine tails than the consummation of our marriage.” She told him as she let her eyes travel his body, thinking about how perfect Klaus was.
He’d suffered through some horrible things in his life, but he’d never been forced to have sex with someone. He’d also done some horrible things and rape was never one of them. “No one should ever have to go through that.” he told her quietly with a pained look in his eyes.
“Yeah, well even in my first life, circumstances shaped me into the perfect actress.” She sighed not looking up. “I had to act like Father was the upstanding guy the town believed him to be, act like he didn’t slice my back open on a daily basis. Had to convince Father I had no idea how my back had healed so fast when really my nanny and her daughter were cailleach.” She used the Irish word for witch reminding him that she still spoke Irish. “I knew how to act like everything was okay, but my wedding night was my biggest acting gig to date. Either I was convincing or Ronan just didn’t care.”
“Did he know you didn’t want him?” he asked and she shook her head no. “How long were you with him?” he asked, not being able to remember if she said in her journal.
“Eight years.” she answered.
“And in all those years you never once-”
“Nope.” She answered his question before he could finish it.
“Do me a favor, never fake it with me.” he told her as he laid her back on the bed and looked into her eyes. “If you’re not in the mood or you’re not into it, just tell me. It won’t be the first time you got me all hot and bothered then left me hanging.” Remembering the first time they kissed she wrinkled her nose and covered her face with a laugh. She moved her hand and looked at him with slightly apologetic eyes. “Just so you know…pleasuring myself to the thought of you that night did little to ebb my desire to have you.”
His words and the visions they brought to mind made a wave of pleasure shoot through her and she smiled, biting her lip before she let it slip out of her teeth. “Do you know why I was awake the night after the twenties dance?” she asked as she tightened her legs around him and he shook his head no. “It wasn’t because I was upset about Alaric. It was because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” she grabbed his hand and kissed his fingertips, “The first time we kissed, every time you kissed my cheek or just touched me in general, the look in your eyes when you told me you intended on setting me ablaze…every memory like that kept playing in my head getting me all worked up. There was a reason I walked away from you when we were dancing that night.”
He slid his hand from her grasp to rest between her breasts as he fell forward to hover over her with his free hand on the bed beside her shoulder. “I thought I’d made you uncomfortable.”
She shook her head no. “It was because Caroline gave me a questioning look when she realized who I was dancing with and I realized that you, the brother of the man I was still bound to, the big, bad, original hybrid that had brought my friends so much terror, were my darkest desire.” She slid her hands down his chest to hold his sides. “And giving in to that desire was the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Klaus slipped his thumb over her bottom lip as he looked into her eyes then moved his thumb and caught her lip between his in a kiss that quickly turned heated and passionate.
Later that day Katie stood at the end of the desk in the study where Klaus sat looking through Esther’s spell book. “So since I was wrong about the morning sickness being over and I missed the meeting with Sophie, what’s the plan for tonight?”
“Sophie is going to do a locator spell to find Elijah. To keep her from getting caught another witch is going to do a bigger spell to mask Sophie’s.” he told her.
“How did you convince another witch to do magic?” she asked with an interested look.
“I haven’t.” he answered looking confident. “That is what this is for.” He held up a page from the book and Katie looked at it to see a daylight ring spell. “Marcel’s right hand man Thierry is in love with a witch that owns a shop in The Caldron. Since said witch gave Thierry a tip about a werewolf in the quarter that led to dead night walkers, I gave him a little nudge and he ordered a rousting of The Caldron. When they do said rousting tonight while Rebekah and I are at Marcel’s party, a compelled nightwalker of mine is going to bite Thierry’s little girlfriend. If he loves her as much as he says he does, he will kill my night walker.”
“And Marcel has rules about vampires killing vampires.” Katie nodded. “To save Thierry his witch girlfriend will do a spell, masking Sophie’s. Too bad there’s probably not going to be time for you to make Sophie to unlink herself from me while the smoke screen is still up.” She sighed.
“One of the many things I’m working on, Love.” He told her as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“I know and I don’t mean to complain. I just wish there was more I could do than sit on my butt and do nothing.” She told him then pointed to the spell on the desk. “So what is this for?”
“Insurance.” He answered. “Another compelled vampire of mine is going to say they found this, a spell Marcel keeps under lock and key, in the shop of Thierry’s girlfriend.”
“Then Marcel will accuse Thierry of treason along with the fact that he killed another vampire and he will lose his right hand man status leaving room for you to slip into his place.” Katie finished and he looked up at her with a smirk. “And there’s no way I can go to the party?” she asked.
“You know I would grant you anything you wish, but no. It’s too dangerous.” He told her as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I know…” she sighed. “Go, do your thing.” She told him then pecked him on the lips.
Katie was outside, sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs in the cool water. “I thought you were supposed to be staying inside.” Katie jumped and looked to her left to see an almond skinned woman. She recognized her as one of the witches, but couldn’t remember her name. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m one of Sophie’s friends. She asked me to keep you company while everyone’s out.”
“Yeah I remember seeing you around.” Katie told her as she stood up. “What’s your name again?”
“Sabine.” She answered. “So, now that you’ve had time to wrap your head around it, how are you feeling about becoming a mother?”
“I…am…excited, for the most part.” Katie answered. “I just wish I could go get an ultrasound done so I can see it and maybe find out what it is so I can’t stop calling it, it.” she said then remembered Fiona doing a trick where she put her wedding band on a string and dangled it over her stomach. “I have a weird question, can you determine the gender?”
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Sabine smiled and nodded. “Come on, let’s go into the house where there are fewer mosquitoes.”
“I…don’t have a wedding band…” Katie said realizing it was, according to Fiona, a crucial part of the trick.
“The wedding band is unnecessary. It was just our way of making things make a little more sense to the humans since a wedding band is tied to both the mother and the father.” Sabine laughed as they walked into the kitchen and she motioned to the island. “Hop up.” Katie hopped up and lay back on the counter with her hands at her sides. Sabine took off her necklace and dangled it over Katie’s stomach. After a few seconds she smiled and said, “I think it’s a girl.” Katie smiled. “No. Wait.”
“Don’t tell me I’m having twins.” Katie said thinking Sabine had found a second baby that maybe she hadn’t heard.
But Sabine dropped the necklace, threw her head back and started chanting. Knowing from the many times she saw Fiona have a vision that Sabine was having one now, Katie grabbed Sabine’s wrist hoping to see it, but Sabine was on vervain. After a minute or so Sabine stopped and looked at Katie with wide eyes.
“You just had a vision and from the looks of it, it wasn’t good.” Katie pointed out. “Tell me what it was about.”
“You’re delivery…it won’t be an easy one.” Sabine warned.
“Is that all you can tell me?” Katie asked sensing something was off.
“Unfortunately, yes.” Sabine answered. “My visions are sometimes hard to read.”
“I’m not feeling well. I’m going to go to bed, you can see yourself out.” Katie told her as she placed her hand on her stomach and started for the stairs. Sabine nodded and left.
Katie however was feeling perfectly fine and instead of going to bed grabbed her laptop and started attempting to translate what she’d heard Sabine say.
Katie was sitting on their bed with earbuds in her ears still trying to decode what seemed to be very poor Latin when Klaus walked in and pulled one of the ear buds out of her ear. “I thought you should know Elijah will be returning to us.” Klaus told her.
She didn’t look away from her computer. “Yeah, cool.” She told him with a wave.
Klaus blinked down at her a little confused by her lack of reaction. “What on earth are you doing?”
“You speak different languages right?” she asked, finally looking away from the computer to see the look he was giving her. “I had a visitor tonight. A witch named Sabine. Sophie sent her to keep me company and I asked her to do a gender test, after which she had a vision. She said it was about my delivery, that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I think she was lying. And I can’t translate what she was chanting during her vision.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this focused on something before.” He told her as he shifted his weight on his feet.
“I don’t think you’ve ever seen me this worried before.” Katie pointed out as she stood from the bed. “It sounded bad.”
“Alright, what was she chanting?” he asked.
“Hoc est infantima malom. Nos omnia perdetu el eam.” She told him and after a few minutes his eyes grew big and his posture fell. “What does it mean, Klaus?”
“This baby is evil. It will destroy us all.” He answered.
Katie sank down on the bed. “If Sabine opens her mouth…they are going to think our child is the equivalent of Lucifer himself.” She told him with a hard voice.
He sighed, sat down beside her and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her to him to rest her forehead on his with their eyes closed. “I will protect you and our child with my life.”
“Nothing hurts her.” Katie agreed and they opened their eyes meeting each other’s gazes. “No matter what.”
“No matter what.” He agreed then wrapped his arms around her waist and moved them so that they were lying on the bed with his hand resting on her stomach. After a few minutes what she’d said sank in. “Her?”
“Crap, I was going to ask if you wanted to know before I told you that part.” She told him and he pushed himself up on his arm to look down at her. “According to Sabine’s gender test we’re having a girl and it’s the same test Fiona did when I was pregnant with Jonah.” his eyes were wide and he almost looked scared. “You’re getting your princess.” She told him with a small smile.
A quiet, quick laugh left his lips before he pressed them to hers.
They had been making out for a few minutes when she pulled back. “Mmm, how did the party scheme go?”
“I deviated from the plan.” He answered as he pulled back to look at her face.
“How did you deviate?” she asked as she slid her hands down his chest and around his waist.
“There was no way our little suicide witch wasn’t gonna try and take out Marcel with her.” He told her. “So I killed Thierry’s girl, but unfortunately that cut Sophie’s locator spell short.”
“But you said Elijah was returning to us.” Katie pointed out a little confused.
“By protecting Marcel I’ve cemented his trust. So much so that he’s agreed to return Elijah to us. And…when he’s told me everything I need to know about Davina we will have her for ourselves.” He told her in his I’m diabolical and I know it voice. He expected her to say something along the lines of, yay Elijah’s coming back or, you’re not going to use a sixteen year old girl as a weapon. But she said nothing. “Care to voice your thoughts?”
“I just…” she sighed and shook her head, “Under any other circumstances I would totally be against using a child as a weapon, but if we can get her to willingly join our side…If she can help protect our baby…I’m all for it.” she shrugged. “As for Elijah…It’s sucked knowing he’s been daggered in a coffin with a teenage witch probably poking and prodding at him trying to figure out how to kill him.”
“I feel like there was an unspoken “but” at the end of that sentence.” He prompted.
“But…” she caressed his back with a sigh, “there’s a reason I haven’t been riding you harder about getting him back. It felt like he still has feelings for me, I know you get jealous easily and I don’t want to be the cause of a Mikealson brother smackdown.” she immediately remembered them fighting while her humanity was off after she told Elijah she had been with Klaus. “Watching two men fight over me was kind of fun the first time when I didn’t care who got hurt, but now…not so much.”
“I trust that you are loyal to me, but if he tries something I cannot promise that we won’t come to blows again.” He told her with a warning look.
“I know, and I’m not asking you to make any promises. I’m just asking you to let me handle it and if I can’t get it through his thick skull that I’m yours and I’m not going to change my mind, then you can throw fists and break stuff.” She told him with a serious face. “Deal?”
“Deal.” He agreed.
After eating breakfast Katie showered and started getting dressed and after trying on a third pair of jean shorts she slammed the dresser drawer shut. Klaus smirked, looking at the small pooch in her lower abdomen. “It’s not funny.” She told him as she pulled a pair of athletic shorts out of the dresser.
“You’re right it’s not funny, it’s beautiful…You’re beautiful.” He told her as he watched her pull on the shorts then a hot pink racer back tank top.
“I don’t feel beautiful.” She complained as she walked over to where he stood at the foot of the bed with his hands tucked behind his back. “I feel bloated and heartburn is a pain in the ass.”
He grabbed her hips, turned her around then pulled her back into him, sweeping her hair to the side so he could kiss her neck. “You could grow to the size of a whale and I’d still think you were the most beautiful woman on the planet.” He rested his chin on her shoulder and slipped his hand over his stomach.
“Let’s not test that theory.” She told him as she turned her head and pecked him on his stubbly cheek. “If you’re trying to feel her moving you most likely won’t.”
“I’m aware.” He told her defensively.
“Really?” she asked, not believing him. “How?” He walked over to his bedside table, pulled the top drawer open and took out a book. He tossed it to her and she caught it.
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“What to expect when you’re expecting.” She read the cover out loud then smiled a bright smile at him. “You’re reading a pregnancy book.”
“Yes it’s actually quite informative.” He told her as he walked around the bed and placed his hands on her sides.
He smiled when she threw her arms around his neck and captured his lips with hers for a happy kiss. “You’re awesome.”
“It’s just a book, Love.” He laughed at her reaction.
“I begged Ronan to buy a book on pregnancy and read it with me. We were miles from town or any kind of midwife. I had no idea what to expect having never even been around a pregnant woman before. He told me that I didn’t need it because my body and nature would take care of everything and he didn’t need to know about pregnancy because the man’s job was to wait outside and have a cigar when it was all over.” She explained. “It’s not just a book.”
“I fully intend on being at your side, holding your hand or whatever you need me to do when the time comes.” He told her then pecked her on the lips. “I’ve read it, cover to cover. The book is yours and I’ll get you more if you want.”
She smiled, pecked him on the lips, “You’re awesome.” Then sat down on the bed. “I have my plans for the day. What are yours?”
“The annual Dauphine Street music festival is tonight.” He told her.
“Seems like this place is no different than Mystic Falls.” She pointed out. “Parties and festivals are hot spots for supernatural shenanigans. If it wasn’t for that I would be begging you to let me come with you. So instead I’ll say maybe next year.”
“Next year?” he asked, noticing the implication.
“I have a feeling if I had the chance I’d really like this city.” She told him with a shrug. “And it’s your favorite place and your home. Am I thinking too far ahead when I say I want it to be our home?”
“What about Mystic Falls?” he asked with an interested tilt of his head.
“Graduation was the last thing that place had to offer me. Now my friends are going to college without me and it just doesn’t feel like I belong with them anymore. So I guess you could say that I’m in the market for a new home.”
He walked over to her with admiration in his eyes. “I can’t wait to officially show you your new home. But for now I have to go.”
“Okay, if you gotta.” She sighed pretending to pout he just smirked and pecked her on the lips before he left.
Katie was sitting on the couch reading the book when someone rang the doorbell and Rebekah answered it. “You have a visitor.” Rebekah announced as she walked into the room.
Katie looked up to see Agnes, a witch elder, walk in and sit down in the armchair across from her. “What can I do for you?” Katie asked not pleased that a witch was in the house. She was really growing to hate the French Quarter witches as a whole.
“I was just coming to check up on you.” she told her with a pleasant smile.
“I’m fine.” Katie answered. “The baby’s fine.”
“You know you’re overdue for a check up, right?” Agnes asked.
“I’m aware, but going to the doctor isn’t exactly an option right now is it?” Katie asked.
“A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you’re not taking better care of yours.” Rebekah spoke up from where she sat at a table in the room looking for the attic she saw Elijah in on satellite images.
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“I know a doctor out in the bayou off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you…tonight after hours, just us. Marcel’s men will never get word of it.” Agnes told her and Katie snapped the book shut.
“Well, thanks, but you shouldn’t have.” Katie told her as she stood up and tossed the book onto the couch then headed to the front door with Agnes. “Sorry you wasted your time.” Katie pulled the door open and motioned Agnes outside. “Goodbye.” Agnes walked out and Katie shut the door.
“Well that was rude of you.” Rebekah commented.
“I don’t trust French Quarter witches.” Katie told her as she walked back over to the couch and picked up the book. “And honestly I’m surprised you’d think I’d go anywhere alone with one of them.”
“I see my brother’s paranoia has rubbed off on you.” she sighed not looking away from the computer screen.
“It’s not paranoia if I have legitimate reasons to not trust someone.” Katie pointed out. “If I go to that doctor I’ll go with Klaus, not some witch I don’t even know.”
A few seconds later Klaus walked in and saw Rebekah on the computer just as she’d been when he left this morning. “Please sister, tell me you’re not still at it with the internet search.” He said as he walked into the room to the table that sat between the two armchairs across from the couch that Katie was sitting on and poured himself a drink from the decanter that was always on the table and always full. “How does one begin anyway, just type in ‘anonymous attic’?” he smirked at Katie who glanced up from her reading at him.
“Someone has to find Elijah. Even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans.” Rebekah replied not looking away from the computer.
“Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles.” Klaus commented as he turned to look at Rebekah.
“I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah’s coffin.” Rebekah replied.
“Well that should narrow it down immensely.” Klaus walked over to Katie and sat down next to her. “Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor.” He grabbed Katie’s legs and pulled them to drape over his lap and she leaned to the side and the back of the couch, not taking her eyes off the book in her lap as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Marcel’s delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he’s no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina’s loyalty to Marcel is strained perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance.”
Katie took her eyes off the book now interested in the conversation. “As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother.” Rebekah said.
Katie frowned and looked between the brother and sister. “You know, it’s not impossible to do both. Davina has Elijah. If we get her we get him. They are kind of a packaged deal at this point.” She told Rebekah then looked at Klaus. “Am I wrong?”
“As per the usual you are spot on.” Klaus told her with an appreciative look in his eyes. Neither of them had told Rebekah about Sabine’s vision. So she didn’t know why it was so important to both of them that they get Davina on their side. “The little witch is going to be at the festival tonight and I’m going to make a move.” He told Katie more than Rebekah. Katie pecked him on the cheek then returned her eyes to her book.
Katie was alone in the house, cooking supper when she thought she heard something outside. Since Sabine’s visit she’d caught herself going on high alert whenever she was in the house by herself. So she pressed pause on her phone that was filling the kitchen with music. When she heard a twig snap outside she whooshed through the front door and around the house to the sound. A guy was sneaking toward the back door and she recognized him as the same witch that had tried to stop her from leaving the tomb. She got still and quiet and listened. She counted seven distinctly different sets of footsteps including the guy she had eyes on that was about to open the back door.
They created a semi circle around the back of the house. The witches further back were most likely keeping an eye on the one breaking into the house as they slowly closed in on the house. So she decided to leave him be for now. Instead she whooshed to the witch furthest away from the house, disarmed him as quietly as she could then slammed him face first into the ground and placed her foot on his back. She held his arms straight out behind his back, her hands holding tight around his wrists. “Call for help and die.” She practically growled at him. “What do you people want?” he didn’t answer. So Katie pulled back on his arms making him groan in pain. “Answer the question or I will rip your arms from your scrawny little torso.”
“We were sent to kill you.” he answered with a pant.
“By who?” she asked.
“Agnes.” He grunted. “She said that the child you’re carrying will be the death of all witches.”
“Damn it Sabine.” Katie sighed. “Looks like it’s time to send the witches a message.” With a whoosh she broke the guy’s neck. Over the course of the next minute five more witches necks were broken. The last warlock standing was the one in the house. So she whooshed to the back door and listened. She heard him in the parlor and whooshed inside, completely catching him off guard when she grabbed him from behind, sank her teeth into his neck and drank until his heart stopped then let him fall to the floor. He wasn’t even on vervain.
With all of the witches dead Katie went to the kitchen, took her phone off the speaker dock and called Klaus. “I hate to sound rude, but I’m in the middle of something, Sweetheart.” Klaus said when he answered the phone.
“Okay, I just have one quick question.” She told him as she walked into the parlor and looked down at the bloody circle on the carpet. “What should I do with the lifeless bodies of seven warlocks?”
“Are you okay?” he asked, not answering her question, but it was obvious that she now had his full attention.
“Perfectly.” She answered in a chipper voice.
“What happened?” he asked his voice now low and hard.
“Agnes sent some witches to their deaths thinking they could kill me.” she answered looking at the blood puddle that kept getting bigger. “Also, how do I get blood out of a rug? The dead guy in our living room is bleeding everywhere.”
“Where is Rebekah?” he asked once again, not answering her question.
“What the bloody hell happened here?” Rebekah asked as she walked into the parlor.
“She just got back from wherever it is she’s been.” Katie answered.
“I will be there as soon as I can.” He told her then hung up.
Katie put the phone down and looked at Rebekah. “He tried to kill me.” Katie said with a shrug as she leaned down and picked up the stake that had fallen out of the guy’s hand. “Did Agnes seriously think simple witches who aren’t allowed to do the brain pain spell could ambush me?”
“You kind of make it easy to forget that you’re a vampire.” Rebekah answered then stepped over the guy and grabbed his ankles. “Are you going to help me get him out of here or what?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Katie said with a shake of her head and grabbed the guy’s shoulders then helped Rebekah move the guy outside.
“You took on seven witches…alone?” Klaus asked as he stalked into the house.
“Yep.” Katie answered simply from where she sat on the floor, scrubbing at the blood on the rug.
“You should have called me and let me handle it.” he told her with a hard face.
“I should have called you and let them close in on me while I waited for you?” she asked as she tossed the scrub brush into the bucket of soapy water and stood up.
“There are several places in this house you could have hidden.” he told her with a point to the room he had the coffins stored in.
“You of all people know I do not hide and I do not back down.” she told him with her head held high as she glared at him. It struck her that she’d had a fight like this before, with Damon, and she sighed and wiped the glare from her face. “I know I have a habit of putting myself in harm's way and I know I’m slowly getting weaker. That’s why I bite myself every once in a while to see if I still heal and I whoosh just to see if I still have speed.” She cupped his face in her hands. “You know that if I thought for even a second that taking them on would put the baby in danger I wouldn’t have done it, right?”
“Your fight is one of the many things I like about you.” he told her as he took one of her hands off his face and kissed the underside of her wrist. “I know you’d never put our baby in harm's way.” He put his hand on her shoulder then kissed her. “Now that I know you are, in fact, perfectly okay there is one more thing I need to tend to in the quarter before the night is over. I will not be long.”
“You’re not going to go on a witch hunt are you?” she asked with a smirk.
“No, but when I do get my hands on Sophie Deveraux she is-“
“It wasn’t Sophie. It was Agnes.” Katie interrupted him.
“Agnes, Sophie, it’s all the same to me. I’ll slaughter the lot of them.” He told her with a sneer.
“Not if Elijah gets there first.” Rebekah said as she walked into the room and sat down on the couch.
“Come again?” Katie asked with a look at Rebekah.
“Have you found him?” Klaus asked, tucking his hands behind his back.
“He’s been in touch, and he has a plan.” Rebekah answered then looked at Katie. “All he asks is that we take care of you.”
Klaus stalked over to glare down at Rebekah. “I asked you to stay with her, not go on a wild goose chase to find Elijah.”
“I believe she has proven that she doesn’t need a babysitter.” Rebekah argued.
Klaus opened her mouth to say something, but Katie touched his arm keeping a fight from happening. “I’ll be back.” Klaus told Katie then pecked her on the lips and walked away.
With him gone Katie returned to the kitchen and started cleaning up the meal that was no longer worth finishing. Rebekah walked in and leaned on the island. “You are aware that Elijah is still in love with you, right?” she asked.
Katie grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet. “I’m aware.” she grabbed a bag of granola cereal out of another cabinet.
“And you don’t care?” Rebekah asked.
Katie grabbed a gallon of milk out of the icebox and set it on the counter. “Of course I care, Rebekah, but my feelings for him are not what they used to be.”
“Because you’re in love with Klaus?” she asked as she watched Katie pour cereal into the bowl.
“Are you always this nosey or are you just trying to find a way to get Elijah and I back together?” she asked, avoiding the question.
“Just making an attempt at girl talk.” Rebekah answered innocently.
“If you want girl talk then we can talk about hair products, fashion or the incredibly hot Hemsworth brothers.” Katie pointed out as she added milk to the bowl.
“You have a thing for guys with accents, don’t you?” Rebekah asked.
“Yep.” Katie answered then took a bite of cereal.
“So you’re not in love with Klaus?” Rebekah asked.
Katie sighed and let her head fall forward. “I’m not talking about this with you.” she answered then grabbed her bowl and went to her and Klaus’s room.
She was sitting at a table in their room, eating her cereal and writing in her journal when her phone started ringing and she pulled it out of her pocket to see Klaus’s name on the screen. She pressed talk and before she could say hello a woman’s voice hit her ears. “Wait. That’s right I told you what happened. I never tell anybody, but I told you.” Katie frowned and hit the speaker phone button. “And you said something about Sean standing alone against his demons. When he killed those men I thought he must be mentally ill, but… What if it was demons? What if a vampire compelled him?”
“And if so, would you devote yourself to finding the guilty party? Would you sacrifice everything to find out the truth? To what end?” She heard Klaus ask, both of their voices sounded far away from the phone. She could only guess that he pocket dialed her.
“To what end? This is the entire reason I am in New Orleans!” the woman said with a raised voice.
Katie was about to hang up, knowing she shouldn’t be listening in on Klaus’s conversations, but the name that came out of his mouth stopped her. “Cami, whatever lies on the other end of this mystery will only offer you pain. Nothing will bring your brother back. Your only hope for peace is to forget this and move on.” He’d left her to go to Cami?
“No, don’t compel me to forget this.” Cami argued.
“And if I allow you to remember…your knowledge will eat away at you. Your quest for truth will only put you in danger.” Klaus told her.
“You don’t care about me! You just want me to forget this so I can be focused on Marcel. So I’ll be a good little spy for you!” Cami yelled at him. Katie placed her fingertips on her lips, debating on hanging up. She shouldn’t be listening to this, but she couldn’t help herself.
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“I need your loyalty, yes, and though that may appear selfish to you the scope of my plan goes far beyond myself. Power aside I am trying to honor my brother and the woman I love.” Klaus told her with an emotional voice. Katie’s heart stopped at Klaus’s confession.
“But what about my brother? My twin brother. We were bonded our whole lives and I know…I know he didn’t just snap. And I need to know who did this and I need to make this right.” Cami pleaded with him. “No, don’t take this away from me!”
“You will do nothing. Your brother was ill. He killed those people and himself and it was a tragedy. All you can do is move on.” Katie assumed he was compelling Cami. “Know that your brother is at peace and that you needn’t worry. I will find out what happened and when I do, I will make sure whoever harmed your brother will suffer. And as for you, tonight, you will sleep and you will dream of a world far better than this one. A world where there is no evil, no demons, and all people desire only to be good.” When she heard the sound of wind against the microphone of the phone she pressed the end button.
She was putting her empty bowl in the dishwasher when she heard Klaus whoosh up behind her then grab her hips, spin her around and kiss her. She kissed him back for a few seconds then turned away and closed the dishwasher. “You…are the perfect ending to a long day.” He whispered into her ear as his hands slipped down her sides and kissed her neck.
“I’m far from perfect.” She told him as she turned in his arms. “I’m nosey.” He gave her a curious look. “You were with Cami earlier and I know that because you pocket dialed me…and I listened.”
He sighed and tilted his head to the side. “How much did you hear?”
“I came in on Cami wondering if her brother was compelled.” She answered. “I shouldn’t have listened and I’m sorry.”
“No worries, love.” He told her knowing that if she heard the whole conversation she heard him say that he loves her. She had no reason to be jealous and it didn’t look like she was mad, just guilty.
“You’re not mad at me?” she asked quietly.
“Of course not.” He told her as he placed his hands on her hips. “Something else I like about you…” he picked her up and sat her on the kitchen counter, “your curiosity.”
“Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat.” She sighed.
“Thankfully cats have nine lives.” He replied, making her roll her eyes. “Do you have any questions regarding what you heard?”
“What’s the whole story? All I could gather from what I heard is that Cami’s twin brother, Sean, killed people and it may or may not have been because a vampire compelled him to do so.” She told him as she wrapped her legs around him.
“Her brother was a seminary student at Saint Ann’s church in the quarter.” He started. “He went insane and killed nine of his fellow seminary students then himself. According to Cami, he had no reason to do so. He showed no signs or symptoms that one usually does before a psychotic break. She feared that his demons would become her own and was suffering from insomnia and nightmares.”
“So you compelled her to rest easy and stop worrying about her brother because if she didn’t it would lead her right into the mess that is the supernatural community.” She thought out loud putting the pieces together. “You helped her because you care about her.”
“So are you jealous?” he asked with a smirk.
“That you told Cami that you are trying to honor your brother and the woman that you love?” she asked with a small smile. “Nope, I’m good.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her legs around him.
“So you’re acknowledging that I love you.” he observed.
“You’re doing everything in your power to protect me and your unborn child.” She pointed out as she looked him in the eyes. “And you called me your everything. I’d have to be blind to not see it. I just…” she bit her lips closed and dropped her eyes from his with a shake of her head.
“You’re not ready to say it back.” he finished for her as he slid his hands up from her hips to hold her sides.
“I should be, all things considered, but…no, I’m not.” She admitted with a shake of her head and a shrug. She felt like something was standing in the way of her fully giving in to Klaus, like something was blocking those words from leaving her lips.
“I move at a faster pace than you when it comes to us and that is perfectly fine.” He assured her seeing how much she was struggling with the idea of love even after everything they had been through. It was going to take time for her to let herself love again. “I don’t want you to say it unless you mean it.”
“And that…Big Bad Wolf, is one of the many, many things I like about you.” she moved her arms from around his neck to rest her hands on the sides of it. “You’re patient with me even though patience isn’t your strong suit.” He placed his hand on her cheek and opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind and closed it. She knew he wanted to say it, but if he did she would feel pressured to say it back and neither of them wanted that. So instead, he pressed his lips to hers, both of them pouring themselves into it resulting in him whooshing then upstairs to their room.
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Nina isn’t ticklish whatsoever, which Ronan found out the hard way when he tried to and she thought he was attacking her somehow so she hauled him over her shoulder and tossed him across the room
“You’re NOT ticklish? OF COURSE YOU’RE NOT.”
“I’m nearly numb from the beatings I endured, do you think I’d feel that?”
“Why must I come up in every insult?”
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 6 - Cuddles
Fandom: The Raven Cycle
Characters: Adam/Ronan
Summary: Adam wakes up with Ronan lying on his arm and refusing to roll off of it.
Words: 577
[Tickletober prompts]
Adam came to slowly, which was always the case when he shared a bed with Ronan. Something about safety and comfort, something about calmness and familiarity. Cheesy, Ronan called it, as if he didn’t share Adam’s exact sentiment about it.
The sunlight was streaming into the bedroom, autumn having not fully gripped Virginia yet and Ronan having forgotten to fully close the curtains. Adam blinked, feeling his body gain consciousness gradually, with his arms doing so first. Specifically his left arm which was being crushed to near death beneath Ronan.
Adam groaned, pressing his face against Ronan’s neck. “Ronan,” he croaked out, nudging him with his forehead. “Roll over.”
Ronan gave a dissatisfied sound when Adam nudged him again. “No.”
“My arm.”
“Ronan.” Adam felt more awake now, slight annoyance making him huff. “Get off.”
“Fuck off.”
“Ronan.” He used his free hand to try to shove him away, but Ronan merely rolled over to his side to face him, blinking vexedly at him.
“What?” he asked, his voice slightly hoarse with morning disuse.
“My arm,” Adam repeated. “You’re lying on it.”
“Sounds like a you problem.”
Adam had had enough. “Don’t act as if I don’t know how fucking ticklish you are, Ronan Lynch.”
Ronan gave a whine. “But I just want to cuddle, Parish.” He emphasized his words by wrapping an arm around him to pull him even closer, Adam’s arm still being thoroughly crushed beneath him.
“Ronan, for fuck’s sake,” Adam said, laughing anyway as he used his free hand to attack his side. “You’re so annoying.”
Ronan groaned and tried to elbow his hand away. “Me? You’re the one waking me up like this.”
“Just roll over and I’ll cuddle you.”
“Ask nicely.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Adam stuck his hand under the covers to squeeze at Ronan’s thigh, causing him to cry out and kick, and Adam repeated it when he missed, knowing he was playing with fire now. “Get off.”
“You get off.” Ronan’s voice had a hint of laughter to it, something tired and bordering on panic simultaneously. While being incredibly sensitive it was hard to properly get him, possibly due to him having grown up with brothers and knowing how to keep his reactions at bay. Adam enjoyed the journey that was getting Ronan to giggle his head off, but that morning was not the time, not with his arm’s survival at risk.
“Ronan,” he said again, trying to sound stern, and Ronan only finally - finally - moved off of his poor limb when Adam aimed a particularly ruthless tickle to his inner thigh.
“Jesus Ch- fine! Jeez.” Ronan was glaring at him as Adam tried to shake life back into his arm. “You’re so fucking annoying, Parish.”
“Your need for proximity isn’t my fault, Lynch.”
“My nee- You’re the one who probably tried to hug me to death last night if your arm was beneath me.”
None of this was serious they knew, but it was common ground to bicker. It usually led to other things anyway.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll come cuddle you now.”
“Don’t touch me- no!”
Adam laughed as Ronan tried to evade him, but he managed to cling onto him anyway, nuzzling his neck while his fingers gently dug into his side and lower back, legs wrapping around him to keep him in place.
Ronan was laughing soon enough, and it was lovely and glorious and led to eventual revenge, but Adam was fine with it.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
"That's not exactly a fair comparison" with Pynch for the drabble request? Only if you want to of course!!! ^^
Pyyynch, my weakness *sobs* of course I want to. I hope you don't mind having Ronan as the lee because I'm a sl*t for ticklish!Ronan dkdndkfkg also, perhaps this is a little cheesy... I hope you enjoy it!
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"That's not exactly a fair comparison."
"To say I missed you as much as I missed our friends is not enough for you?"
Ronan rolled his eyes and Adam noticed with delight the flush on his cheeks, blooming first on his cheekbones and spreading to the tips of his ears.
That was certainly not fair. To look this adorable and feral simultaneously. It never failed to make Adam feel as if he was short of breath, his head feeling light as he resisted the overwhelming urge to kiss Ronan on the lips.
Of course he had missed him more than anyone or anything. Adam could barely sneak some visits to the Barns as finals approached and he got busy with exams and projects, but summer vacations were here and he didn't think it twice on spending his vacation at the Barns with Ronan, (and Opal), and enjoy all the things he couldn't when he was apart.
Things like kissing, of course.
But they hadn't kissed in a while, not even when Adam arrived; not when Ronan helped him bring his baggage up to Adam's room; not now as the laid side to side in Ronan's bed, pinkies linked in a stupid way that made both of them blush to their necks.
They were just looking at the ceiling as if there wasn't something more interesting to do.
Like kissing.
If Adam decided to actually start a kiss, Ronan would whine, but he'd close his eyes and melt under the gentle touch of Adam's lips. Sighing. Delighted.
Ah, Adam could almost feel it.
"What are you looking at, Parrish?"
Adam didn't notice he was staring, but when Ronan turned his head to look at him and Adam saw his pretty eyes, he couldn't stop his mouth:
"I want to tickle you."
It clearly wasn't something he was really thinking of, it was just something he came up with to make Ronan angry, but damn, the reaction he got was so satisfying that Adam kicked himself for not saying those words sooner.
Ronan visibly tensed and Adam was almost sure he heard him gasp softly. Ronan didn't move, didn't even blink as he watched Adam closely and Adam recognized that look.
Longing. Yearning. Wishing. Wanting.
Adam smirked and he rolled to the side until he was over Ronan, straddling his hips. Ronan quickly grabbed Adam's hands, intertwining their fingers tightly. Adam wasn't sure if it was to stop him from doing anything or because Ronan wanted to touch Adam's hands.
This was definitely something he had missed too. Besides Ronan himself and his kissing, he had missed the fact that Ronan was devastatingly ticklish. He had missed the way Ronan's eyes light up at the thought of Adam having his fingers tickling him until he was crying.
And he was almost sure that Ronan had missed the feeling as much as Adam missed that sweet hysteria mixed in his laugh when he tickled him in the right spot.
Adam's lips trembled as he tried to suppress a silly smile. He didn't want Ronan to noticed how excited, how ecstatic, he was to do this again after so long.
"What are you looking at, Parrish?" Ronan asked again and Adam noticed certain nervousness mingling in his voice.
"You're being strange," Ronan whispered, his eyes scanning Adam's face. "Adam, I swear if you-
"Swear as much as you want, Ronan," Adam said, untangling his fingers from Ronan's and latching them to Ronan's ribs. "I'm not listening to you anymore."
Ronan held back a shriek pretty well, but that sweet laughter of his still flooded past his lips, unstoppable. His body arched off the bed and his hands gripped at Adam's shoulder, his bones cracking a little under his grip, but not enough to hurt. Not enough to push Adam away or stop him at all.
"Did you miss this, Ronan?"
His cheeks turned pink and anyone would think that Ronan would try and stop his laughter, but he laughed and laughed, blushing brightly.
"I'll kihihihill yohohou, Ahahadam!" Ronan said and Adam chuckled. "Stahahahap!"
"I can't, if I stop you'll kill me," Adam teased and his hands didn't waste any time: they quickly pursued that tender spot at Ronan highest ribs, thumbs rubbing in quick circles that made Ronan cackle and throw his head back as his arms came down to wrap around himself.
It was still amazing to Adam how ticklish Ronan was and how much he liked being tickled by Adam. He hadn't really realized how much he'd missed that raucous laugh filling every nook and cranny of the room and in Adam's heart, which was pounding, a sweet fluttery feeling spreading throughout his chest.
He was also giggling before he could stop himself.
"W-Wahahahait! Hohohold ohon!" Ronan pleaded, stomping his feet on the floor behind Adam.
"What's the matter? Do you not like this anymore?"
"Stohohohop teheheasing mehehe!"
"So I can keep tickling you?"
Ronan could only shake his head, Adam knew he was really getting him now and he wasn't even tickling his worst spot yet.
"Are you gonna be good and raise your arms for me, Ronan? Or are you going to play tough and not do it?"
Adam wasn't sure where he was getting all this confidence from, but it was something that always happened when he did this. Maybe it was the fact that Ronan didn't hate it and that he actually enjoyed every second of this sweet torture.
"You cahahan't do ihit thehehere!" Ronan said between loud laughs, jolting heavily when Adam clawed at his ribs.
Probably weakened by the tickling, Adam had no problem lifting one of Ronan's arms, exposing his most sensitive spot to his wiggly fingers. Ronan shrieked, but his laughter turned immediately silent when Adam's fingers wiggled into his armpit, the tips of his fingers digging gently into the skin.
What a perfect moment for Ronan to wear a tank top.
“Already?” Adam asked, seeing Ronan shaking heavily as he laughed, but no sound came out from his wide, smiley mouth. “Did you become more ticklish while I was away?”
Ronan shook his head and taking a big breath, loud and clear laughter finally escaped him. Adam giggled softly when he easily batted Ronan's free hand as he tried to grab Adam's.
"Stop being annoying," Adam said, smiling like never.
"Y-You stohohohop b-beheheing- okay! OKAHAHAY! Adahaham! No mohohore, I-!
Adam leaned down and pressed his lips against Ronan's, kissing him softly. His fingers came to a stop too, Adam's hands moving to cup Ronan's sharp jaw. Ronan quickly moved his arm back down, hugging himself.
He was still laughing and giggling, so Adam could savor all of those sweet sounds, and they tasted like glory.
After a little while, Ronan was kissing Adam back, humming and sighing just as Adam had imagined him.
"Ronan," Adam whispered as they pulled apart to catch their breath. "I missed you."
Ronan blushed and he rolled his eyes, a smirk pulling at his lips. "I missed you too, Parrish."
The first day of vacation had not gone badly at all.
[Accepting requests ✨- Entries closed]
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lovelynim · 10 months
Tumblr media
“O-ohohokay, ahahah… I-I’m ahahawake, Ronan!” He mweled, pressing his eyes shut as a bright, large smile formed on his lips. Harpe tried to turn around, to face his master once for all, but Ronan’s embrace kept him in place, at the mercy of his ticklish touch while he refused to let go. “Ah, took you long enough, huh?” 
"Mornings" featuring Ronan and Harpe from GrandChase
This is the first time I commissioned someone and I have no words to describe how much I am in love with the result. ❤
Art by @artmaars, fic which inspired the art by me ~
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Holita! If it's okay, could I request Zhongli + ribs? Ooor Gansey + tummy for the game thingy? either one is fine, or you can ignore this if it doesn't inspire you ^^ thank you! ♥️
Of course man, it's more than okay!
I think it's well known by now that I will not be making a choice and will be doing both instead~
Zhongli + Ribs:
Probably a 7 on the scale. It's a place he doesn't really think about often, so he forgets he's ticklish here a lot until someone reminds him. Stupidly weak to nails there, squirms a lot and will do his level best to buck or throw his ler off. Especially dragging your nails down before starting at the top again because the anticipation of it all gets to him really bad and he'll start laughing before you've even touched him.
Gansey + Stomach:
9 omg he's so fucking weak to tickling on his stomach. It’s the first place he’ll go to guard even if they’re nowhere near the spot, which obviously just makes them go there first because he’s his own worst enemy. He does like being tickled in general, I think, but he genuinely can’t handle it on his stomach, he gets super panicky and giggly and will start scrambling for any kind of hold to push them off. Ronan thinks it’s funny because normally Gansey does his level best to try to not squirm too much for fear of hurting the other, but he’ll start flailing and kicking if someone gets there and it’s so incredibly un-Gansey-like. 
[Send me a character + a spot and I'll rate it]
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starrypawz · 3 years
8, 11 and 12 for the nsfw part of the ship headcanons meme!
Gonna do Ronan/Ric/Danny (Fallen Hero) and Lucas/Jonny (Passenger)
Favourite erogenous zones?
Ronan is particuarly sensitive around the ears and neck, wrists, chest/nipples and thighs their stomach is too but that tends to get more ticklish reactions rather than sexy ones,
On their partners Ronan tends to go for the ears, neck. chest and thighs also expect Ronan’s hands to end up in someone’s hair
For Lucas it’s the ears, throat, stomach and thighs that seem to be particarly sensitive. He’s also very amenable to having his butt grabbed.
On Jonny Lucas often goes for his ears, neck and throat.
Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
Given the chance Ronan will cling, will bury their head into also expect a lot of kissing, if they’re being verbal expect a lot of soft praising and maybe even an I love you or two
Lucas will kiss, lick and bite (generally not hard), expect a lot of praising
How are their afterglows?
Ronan Ric and Danny essentially are prone to becoming a massive cuddle pile, it’s very soft, with a lot of gentle kissing, hair ruffling and sweet talk type things going on.
Lucas tends to be the more affectionate one post sex, especially early on when he and Jonny started sleeping together. Once Jonny is more comfortable with things Lucas is prone to being very clingy post sex as he likes being close to someone. Jonny and Lucas aren’t super given to sweet talk but Lucas might be a bit cheesy on purpose to tease Jonny.
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chubbydino · 4 years
anon asked: Ooh how about Adam distracting Ronan with kisses when Ronan is on a call or something? Thanks in advance ❤
((have some married!pynch~))
“It’s under Lynch,” Ronan said, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was huddled at the kitchen table, morning sunlight painting his shoulders. Adam could see the exhaustion in his eyes as he sipped his coffee across from him, trying to hear what was being said on the other end of the line.  
“It was light blue,” Ronan said. “Two tiers. Like halfway through the lookbook thing.”
Adam watched the way Ronan’s fingers picked at the peeling lacquer of the wood. It was another thing they needed to fix—that Adam should fix, really, but even working from home most of the week now, he still hadn’t found the time.
They had been living together since the summer after senior year in high school. Adam hadn’t thought much would change just because they had a legal document that said they were married, but everything was different now.  Everything was theirs.
Adam Parrish was now Adam Lynch, for one. Ronan still called him Parrish sometimes, but only when he was stressed.
“They don’t have the cake, Parrish,” Ronan said over the blaring hold music. He scrubbed his face with the hand not holding the phone.
Adam frowned. He didn’t think Gansey would actually be upset that they didn’t have a cake from Royal’s, but he knew it was important to Ronan to bring a kickass cake to the party. He’d been feeling left out since Gansey’s wedding. Namely because Ronan had gotten himself kicked out of the reception for drinking enough whiskey to think punching Mr. Gray was a good idea. To be fair, Adam hadn’t told him it wasn’t.
But it did make it difficult to get invited to Gansey-Sargent gatherings.
That wasn’t fair, in Adam’s opinion. Ronan had been Gansey’s family much longer than Blue had. Gansey hated the state of things, and his peace offering had been that Ronan got to bring his birthday cake, a tradition usually reserved for Mrs. Gansey.
Adam set down his tablet (Ronan referred to it as his “expensive-ass newspaper reader”) and stood from his bench. Ronan slumped onto the table as Adam rounded the corner, but stiffened when Adam’s lips met the cool skin of his neck.
His hands moved over Ronan’s sun-warmed shoulders, gently working at the knots there. Extracurriculars at Harvard had been just posh enough that slipping in some massage therapy classes hadn’t been difficult to tack onto his course load. In fact, they were some of the most useful classes he’d taken. His husband had a hatred for letting strangers near him and a lot of tight muscles.
Of course, Adam planted plenty of kisses along the way to help, and this morning was no exception. His lips feathered at the nape of Ronan’s neck, around the side to where Ronan pinned his face with his shoulder. Ticklish. Adam grinned and kept right on going.
There was a crackle from his phone, and Ronan jostled, but Adam didn’t relent.
“I’m sorry, sir,” the woman on the phone said. “What did you say your name was again?”
“Ronan Lynch,” Ronan said in a strangled voice.
“Yes, well.” The woman paused for a long moment. “We don’t have an order under that name. You said you placed it last Thursday?”
“Do you know who you spoke to?”
“A fucking per—” Adam nipped at his jaw and Ronan swallowed. “I spoke to a nice lady.”
“Hm.” There was shuffling on the line.
“Ask her if there was an order placed on Saturday,” Adam whispered.
“Fuck off, I ordered it Thursday,” Ronan whispered back.
He moved his lips to Ronan’s ear. “Ask her, babe.”
He felt Ronan shiver and his skin turn to gooseflesh under Adam’s fingers.
Ronan cleared his throat. “Hey, you got an order placed on Saturday under Lynch?”
“Let me…oh, yes. Is there an Adam there? Adam Lynch?”
It was still strange to hear his new name, but Ronan swelled at the sound of it. “Yeah.”
“Yes! Light blue buttercream frosting with white piping. Yes, yes, that one is ready.”
Adam smiled as Ronan’s arm hooked around the back of his thigh and held him in place.
“Thanks,” Ronan said. “I’ll pick it up in an hour.”
Adam’s teeth grazed Ronan’s ear.
“Actually, make that two.”
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