alliemonade · 28 days
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I wasn't surprised by Henrietta 'talking' and acting like a human, but Dozy just PAID ME for the Tidestone I found and earlier today Juniper gave me a moon fruit cake recipe that DOZY TAUGHT HER(she said she translated it for me) Im-😶
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siryl · 2 years
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“Tidestone of Golganneth” by Galder.
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feathered-serpents · 2 years
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I have gone full Warrior Cats nostalgia and made fake symbols for the fake clans I made in the silly free Warrior Cats game.
Below the cut I put a bunch of fake names. Because I need you to know the thought I’ve put into this. I am practicing drawing fake cats. I haven’t read a Warrior Cats book in 12 years and have no desire to at all. Yet it’s cocaine
(Grassy/plain territory, most welcoming, names tend to reflect beauty/friendliness)
(Mountain/cave territory, most religious, names tend to reflect spirits/virtue)
Unmatched names:
(Beach territory, most focused on history, names tend to reflect the environment)
Unmatched names:
(Forest territory, most fight happy, names tend to invoke strength/intimidation)
Unmatched names:
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doodles-n-dragons · 3 years
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Merrick Tidecrest | lv 1 sorcerer
What if Imogen's daughter got to have her own adventure? That's what's happening next campaign and I'm really excited and nervous to play little Merri as a teen orc! Mama and Papa are going to be worried sick.
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ganbarimaster · 4 years
Five Male Characters I Love (1)
Stolen from @orime-stories​. I think I’ll post a few versions of this as there were simply too many to choose from!  I’ve narrowed it down to three vague themes.
Tagging anyone else who cares to do it! 
Jean-Luc Picard
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Daniel Bryan
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Georg Prime
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Caleb Widogast
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retrohearts-gaming · 5 years
Rise of Azshara 🌊
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aranyaphoenix · 7 years
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Tidestone is down! Next stream for the Tomb of Sargeras will be a week from today, don’t miss it!
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dillybea · 5 years
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Gift for @zinnc !
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emmybluefire · 5 years
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Emmy gritted her teeth, the comet-eyed half elf’s gaze thrust out like daggers on the poor raven-haired receptionist before her. She was seething like she never had before, the hall around her as silent as the grave. It was like it was holding it’s breath, preparing for a major storm that was soon to come.
“I- I’m sorry Archmage! I’m not on the council! I had no say in the matter!” the woman stuttered, eyes flitting from side to side, unsure what to do about her current situation.
With an exasperated sigh, Emmy reeled herself back in and closed her eyes. When I count to ten, I will no longer feel the urge to hurt someone. She told herself. And for quite a long while, she remained silent.
“...Ar- Archmage Bluefire?” the receptionist asked, her voice shaky with nervousness.
“You’re right.” she sighed softly, the boiling sensation beneath her skin fading. At least for now. “You didn’t.” Emmy noted, opening up her eyes to the woman. She was right. This poor receptionist had no say in the matter, not a single ounce. If she was going to be mad at anyone, it would have be the Council of Six. This poor girl was just the middle man between them. The messenger. And it was never ethical to shoot the messenger, so to speak.
The receptionist eased up... if only a little bit. Though the room around her still remained quiet with some level of anticipation. “...S- so.” she shook her head, regaining her former posture. “Would you like me to set up an appointment with someone?”
“I would like to speak with the council as soon as possible, please.” Emmy’s tone, though calm... was cold, devoid of emotion. Those nuisances were not useful right now.
The receptionist gulped. “I’m afraid most of the council is busy at the present time.”
“Are they in a meeting?” Emmy quirked a brow.
“Well- not with each other, no.”
“Then an individual member will do. Archmage Kalec?”
“He’s... elsewhere.”
“Archmage Khadgar?”
“He’s holed up in Kharazahn.”
The receptionist nodded, smiling sheepishly.
Emmy scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Fine. Mondera?”
The receptionist stopped, looking down at her papers. “She’s... actually. Her meeting should be just about finis-”
“Excellent. Send me up there right away.”
“Wait, you have like- two people ahea-”
“I don’t care.” Emmy’s gaze snapped back at the raven haired woman. “Fit me in ahead of them. My topic is far more important that some other mage’s wacky experiment or portal report.”
The woman gave pause, looking almost offended. But Emmy’s presence seemed foreboding to her. Her form very looming despite her actual stature. Emmy’s eyes felt hot, the magic manifesting from them flaring up, making them brighter. They began emitting residual arcane energies in the form of wispy blue licks of smoke. The temperature around her falling drastically in degree. It was like a cold, ghostly draft had entered the room. But nay, it came from her. The otherwise phlegm in her mannerisms making this all the more off-putting.
“Right away, Archmage.” The girl wasted no time. Picking up her long, purple quill, the arrangements were made in an instant. “Just-” she gestured past the the grand circular hall of the violet citadel, and up the stairs to Emmy’s right. “Head on up that way. She’s in her office.”
Emmy nodded once in affirmation. “Thank you, for your cooperation.” Turning heel, she grasped her ribs gently, wincing a bit as the bandages masking her burns agitated the injuries beneath. Damn those Naga... Inhaling sharply through her nose, she lifted her posture as high as she could and, very briskly, started to head in that direction.
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The walk wasn’t long. But to Emmy it was arduous. Not necessarily for her body. But for her mind. Yes, the burning pain in her sides and shoulder were worsened by the briskness in her walk--she really should be taking it easy--but her emotions where threatening to get the better of her. A process she was always terrified to allow to happen, as magic is tied to her very being. She’s dangerous when not in control. But part of her couldn’t help it. Couldn’t let the situation stand. The aspects gave up the abilities the titans granted them because they trusted mortal kind to protect Azeroth in their stead. But the longer this has went on, the more she started to believe... the mortals were the ones who fucked up the world to begin with. At least to the degree it’s been now.
Critical as she was of Malygos towards the end... she did start to see his point. And that notion? It scared her. It really did. All the years she’s spent with the mortals she’s grown fond of them. Their culture, their societies, their progression. They, as a whole, were almost like her children in a way. And like children, they were bound to make mistakes. And that? That... was something she worries has blinded her all this time. They’re bound to make mistakes. She always told herself. You just have to forgive them, and teach them where they went wrong. But leaving the Tidestone unguarded in the tomb!? In a place where Naga can easily gain access!? This mistake was far more dire than the others. This mistake threatened the very safety of Azeroth, her people, and everyone on it. Could this mistake even be worthy of forgiveness? She hoped... nay, preyed, that she was wrong.
Knocking on the door, she heard Archmage Mondera’s voice call fourth. “Come in.”
It creaked as it opened, Emmy’s ears twitching at the sound. Before her was a large, circular office. Similar in size to the Violet Lounge high above... only instead of comfy chairs and delectable foodstuffs, it was filled to the brim with enchanted books that flew from shelf to shelf, stacked in large bookshelves almost twelve feet tall. Behind a large, dark oaken desk of enormous proportions sat Archmage Mondera. An ashen haired, middle aged woman adorned in blue mage-plates atop a fine silken gown. The grand lavender and gold Tabard of the Kirin’Tor contrasting against it, accentuating the color of the armor beneath.
“I swear, Margoss, if this is another plea from you to transport Dalaran to Vashj’ir you are going to be sorely dissapoin-”
Emmy stepped in, carefully shutting the door behind her, and locking it. “Is the room warded?”
The woman lifted her gaze from her ledger and stared at Emmy blankly for a moment. But within a fleeting time afterward, she nodded in affirmation. She smiled. “Thaumaturge Sorvegosa. This is a rare pleasure indeed.”
“I fear you may think differently, once you hear what I have to say.”
Mondera’s expression turned from pleasant to that of grim disposition. Tapping her quill to the ledger one last time, she lifted it from the page and set it into the inkwell. Leaning forward, the woman pressed the tips of her fingers together and hummed. “This is about our negligence of the Tidestone, isn’t it?”
Emmy was taken aback, eyes wide with anger. They acknowledged it!? They knew this was going to happen, and didn’t do anything about it!? “Why!?” She asked sharply, hands extended out in an exasperated shrug.
“Believe me... it wasn’t wholly our choice.” Mondera sighed, fingers moving to rub her temples, and to pinch the bridge of her nose.
“You always had a choice. And you chose not the guard the tomb after our war with the legion! Why?”
“We were stretched too thin after that, Sorvegosa. Or perhaps you’ve forgotten. The Tomb of Sargeras became a rather low priority after the champions of Azeroth drove the legion out.”
Emmy paused, once again attempting to reel herself back in. She turned her head away and placed a hand to her forehead, fingers and thumbs caressing her brow.
With a quiet sigh, Mondera waved her hand in a ‘come hither’ type motion, animating the chair in front of her large oaken desk to make itself more accessible to the distressed dragon-in-elf-form before her. “Please, Archmage. Have a seat.”
Placing a hand on the chair, Emmy carefully made her way down. Falling flat in the comfortable red velvet seat. “So... you’re telling me: that you didn’t think Aszhara and her minions would be after it? You can’t know exactly what they’re planning. I understand that. But you do know that such an artifact would have given them quite the edge in their quest for world domination. Surely you could have anticipated that, at least.”
“We didn’t expect her to be coming so soon. Not after the blow we dealt to her forces in the Tomb itself. It was as if... she knew our forces were weak, and took advantage of the opportunity.” She finished pointedly. Half-glareing at the woman before her.
Emmy sighs. “I did warn the council she was coming. Did I not?”
“The Warning came too late. The council had no time to deliberate the best coarse of action.”
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Emmy stood up abruptly, the dragoness slamming her hands on the desk. “Dalaran is host to some of the most powerful mages in the world! The best coarse of action would have been to at least send in a group of them to resist! Equipped with a fail-safe too! Should things have started to turn dire! They could have at least weakened Aszhara’s forces enough for us to track and pursue them! We could have warned the other factions of the impending threat... rather than them falling into a pit and discovering it for themselves! Losing their navy’s in the process!” her skin felt like it was boiling beneath the dermis. The air moving through her nose in her seething breath made her feel like a disturbed bull witnessing the color red. She took a deep breath inward, running a hand through her bangs and vigorously pushing them back.
“Well what would you have us do, Thaumaturge? No decision in Dalaran can be made without the direction of the council and those that represent them.”
“I don’t know. Gather what forces you can, find a way to get the Horde and Alliance to work together, utilize the other pillars of creation. Something. You guys have done this in the past. Why can’t you figure it out now?”
Mondera glanced down at her desk, taking several deep breaths inward. She rubbed her temples and simply... settled down. “I will gather the council members as soon as I can. We’ll... deliberate on what to do next. In the meantime just- keep doing what you’re doing--I suppose--with what forces you can muster, Archmage.”
Emmy huffed, pushing herself from the desk. “Alright... I’m sorry to have wasted your time.” she finished, turning heel to walk away. As she reached out to grasp the doorknob though, a small set of tears began to push themselves from her eyelids. A large knot in the back of her throat started to free itself. Damnit... I’m really about to cry now? No. I can’t.
She was lying to herself. Her eyes were drawn to a single candlelight down the hall. It’s little flame flickering, and licking the sides of the wax stick that fueled it. It... began to get hot. The pain in her sides clawing back out to become ever-more agonizing as they once were. With a wince, she grasped her left side with both hands. The room grew dark, and around her she could see the shadows of... countless Naga. Sirens, Myrmidons... each one chanting in a low, infernal tongue. 
Fssh, wgah qam za zyqtahg. Fssh, wgah qm za zyqtahg. Mg'uulwi N'Zoth, eth'razzqi worg zz oou. Fssh, wgah gam za zyqtahg. Fssh wgah gm za zyqtahg. Mq’uulwi N’zoth!
She remembered it as vividly as her own heartbeat. Those words... though she would never understand them... they instilled dread in her heart. She remembered only cackling... and pain.
“Your naught but a fragment. A wannabe of your race. You will never aspire to anything more, Ley-Child. If you were really so mighty, you wouldn’t be in this sorry state. Never again. Never again... embrace him, embrace him and the pain will go away.” Another voice echoed within. The sick, serpentine voice of the Siren who did this to her. But she remained still, stubborn. A hot iron was stabbed into her skin while she lie there, netted down... hopeless to defend, not able to do anything but squeal and writhe in agony. It came again. And again... each insult to her pride worse than the last. It went, and went... and burned and burned... until her mind gave way to sleep, too exhausted to say anything more than the truth. She couldn’t even save herself. No... she had to be rescued. Rescued by the very souls she was trying to protect. Souls who are now, in even greater danger than they were before. It was her fault... the Naga knew they could capture the Tidestone because of her. All her time she spent preparing for the worst. All the wards and webs, and lies she spun to keep her enemies off her trail... it was for nothing. And now the world was going to drown because of h-
“Miss Bluefire?” A mousy voice perked up from behind. In an instant, the darkness faded. Startled, she jumped, spinning around rapidly to face the girl behind her. A young girl, couldn’t be older than sixteen. She had ginger hair and a pair of brilliant hazel eyes, uncorrupted by the trials of the world. Emmy tilted her head, confused... though she hastily moved to wipe tears from her eyes.
“Uh... h- Hi!” she girl extended her hand. “I’m apprentice Kinsey Kenzington! I- we met very briefly. For your book, remember?”
Perplexed, Emmy extended her hand... processing what just happened. “My... book?”
The girl nodded excitedly. “Y-yes! Your book... um. An Analysis On Magic, Less Is More.. yeah? I um... I- I told you my story on how I used one of your- erm...” she paused, still shaking Emmy’s hand. “’Methods’ to easier summon a Water Elemental.”
Barely managing a smile. She chuckled. “Oh! Yes... I um. I remember now. You- you actually made it into my book.”
Kinsey nodded sharply once more, suddenly realizing she had been shaking Emmy’s hand for far too long, she abruptly pulled away, looking down with embarrassment. “Well... I- I guess I just wanted to say hi! Thank you for that opportunity by the way. Little Guppy has been super helpful in classes! I might make him my familiar!” she giggled.
Overcoming the shock, Emmy finally let out a little chuckle. “O-oh. Well. I’m glad to hear it!”
The other girl beamed, skipping off down the hall. And as Emmy watched her, a new sense of motivation enveloped her. Yes... she had failed. That was her mistake, and she must now learn from it. But she can’t let it defeat her. That is what the Old gods would want, after all. No, she had to carry on... so that the new generation, such as the girl she just met, can live a better life than she. That was her oath... her true responsibility.
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This is the seaquel-ish post to my last major story writ: Fury of the Skies I know... it’s a tad confusing what happened between then, and now. I just haven’t written most of it because it all happened through RP, and I’m very bad at adapting that into a story XD. Unless it’s the aftermath, of course. But long story short, After Emmy’s first strike on a Naga camp, she met up with a privateer known as Draivian Steele whom Amaranthaea, Dean of @stormwinduniv , sent to help her out. When they got to their next destination though, the largest of the three islands, the Naga were prepared. 
You see, the naga who had escaped the carnage from the first strike went on to warn the others that they had caught the attention of a Blue Dragon, and hence, had several harpoon launchers and nets mounted up and ready to go.
When they got there, they were swiftly overwhelmed. To save Draivian’s crew from certain death, Emmy had burnt the harpoon ropes pulling the ship in, took dragon form to break through a ward they’d placed up (Pulling attention from the crew), and wrought havoc. That was until the weighted nets they’d launched clipped her wings. She was captured. After noticing the Kirin’Tor brand on her shoulder, they decided to keep her alive for questioning. Only... they opted to torture her, using hot irons and fire.
Draivian, appreciating the valor and compassion she showed for a band of privateers, grabbed his best men and came in by dingy in the dead of night a few days later, and rescued her. However, it came to late. By the time they got here, Emmy had already been broken, and in an exhausted stupor, told the Naga the location of the Tidestone. And so, here we are now.
Thank you guys once again for sticking through this long-ass post and reading it! It is... my attempt at explaining a plot hole in Blizzard’s continuity. Azshara said that “I will not leave the tidestone unguarded, as they so foolishly did.” , and to this day I wondered why the hell the Kirin’Tor would be so irresponsible. It’s... not a perfect answer by any means. But it’s the best I could come up with :D , I love you guys, and I hope you have a good day or night wherever you may be.
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azeroth365days · 7 years
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Azsuna - The search of the Tidestone of Golganneth
“One of the Pillars of Creation, relics of immense power created by the titans to shape the world.” _from Anubaranco’s travel journal, day229
This is a part of my adventures through the World of Warcraft scenario… see other daily sketches here too: TWITTER   INSTAGRAM
Fanart made just for fun
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cornbreadarts · 4 years
Finally finished the big art project I’ve been working on. This was originally planned to be my 1000 follower special thing but that kinda fell through. Also huge thanks to
So the way this community art project will work is that anyone who’s interested can design a monster, or some endemic life or what have you or submit a monster you’ve already made that you think fits the area and tag it with #Eternalmangroves Afterwards I’ll add them to a wiki for the area so overtime the area will become a cornucopia of fan inspired monsters. I’d prefer that the monster fit the theme of the map but it’s not necessary
Now for the area itself.
The Eternal Mangroves
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The Eternal mangroves consists of 7 areas ranging from thick mangrove forests to shallow bays and reefs. Researchers have found that all the trees in mangroves are connected to the ancient original tree at its center. The trees exact age is undetermined but it is theorized to be as old or older than the lost Ancient wyverian civilizations.
This is a special mechanic specific to the Eternal Mangroves. Similar to Moga woods the hunter can look at the forecast to see what monsters will be present, aswell as the time of day and the height of the tide certain monsters are much more likely to show up at a certain time of day, level of the tide or a combination of both. However the hunter can directly influence the level of the tide using a special type of material known as tidestones. Tidestones can only be obtained by mining in or completing quests in the Eternal Mangroves. Once a hunter has acquired them they can use them to either raise or lower the tide of the area respectively and create conditions for a certain monster to appear. Tidestones also come in different strengths each raising or lowering the tide more respectively, There are tidestones, great tidestones, and ethereal Tidestones.(Note that the rarity of the tidestone only affects how many it will take to raise or lower the tide to the level you want)
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Name: Supuntoriyu
Classification: Bird Wyvern
Elements/ailments: 💧
Breaks: Bill, wings x2(each wing) ,tail, legs
Areas: Eternal Mangroves
Biology: A species of bird wyvern native to the eternal mangroves, it’s easily distinguishable by its large bill. It uses its large shovel shaped bill to sift through the sand in search of its favorite food, clams. Though the downside of its large bill is that it hinders its ability to fly, do a majority of its time is spent foraging on the ground. Supuntoriyu will also use its bill to push large waves of sand or water at its attackers. It will also sometimes hold the clams it finds in its claws and use them as to attack its enemies.
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Classification: Brute wyvern
Elements/Ailments: Delerium
Breaks: Hood, fangs, claws x2(each hand)
Areas: Eternal Mangroves
Biology: A very peculiar species of brute wyvern found only in the Eternal mangroves. It’s smaller size and thinner build allows it to move quickly through the tangled roots of the mangroves, leading researchers to mistakenly originally classify it as a species of raptorial bird wyvern. Kagevastyx has evolved a very unique hunting technique. It tends to hunt primarily at night. Once it has spotted and isolated its prey it releases an ink like mist from the vents on its neck. This mist fills the area and renders it pitch black and due to its dark coloration this renders Kagevastyx nearly invisible, except for its bioluminescent claws, fangs, eyes, and markings. In addition the mist contains psycho active chemicals that cause paranoia, blurred vision, and impairment of motor skills. Once the prey is in a sense of delirium Kagevastyx will attack from the mist slashing and biting repeatedly until the prey eventually dies of shock and blood loss. This mist has the same affect on hunters as it does monsters making it a very dangerous monster.
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Classification: Snake wyvern
Elements/Ailments: Paralysis⚡️, Webbed(though his is more of a slime than any sort of webbing)
Breaks: Head, Frill, tail,front claws x2(each arm), back legs
Areas: Eternal Mangroves
Biology: A recently discovered species of Snake wyvern identified by its bright colors and frill. It’s slender body allows it to grow larger than other predators without sacrificing its mobilit making it the apex of the forested areas of the mangroves. It secretes a sticky slime like secretion from its body that it leaves behind when it moves this slime can immobilize prey or does,but doesn’t stick to its own body. It can also throw this substance at prey or adversaries with its tail. Pelami-Dokuso has the odd ability to tie itself in knots. It uses this ability to recoat it’s body in slime aswell as during hunting. Pelami-Dokuso will tie the back half of its body around the roots of the mangroves as an anchor, then wraps its neck around another nearby branch and waits. Once prey is in range it releases its neck and slingshots itself at prey. It sometimes uses this tactic with its tail aswell. Once prey has been struck it is usually paralyzed by the spines on its frill and tail or its fangs.
Hope you all enjoy this and try to add to it, I’m glad I finally got this finished I’m really happy with how it turned out. And now I can finally work on some other projects.
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Standing Vigil || Ricky, Rio and Winston
Location: the beach beneath the cliff’s which the Roommate Squad lives on. 
Timing: the morning of the 18th of June
Tagging: @3starsquinn, @ricky-corderbro & @danetobelieve
Description: Nell and Luce liberated some selkie skins which they gave to Kaden who in turn gave to Ricky. The boys (and Winston) give their fallen friends a proper farewell.
Warnings: no official warnings; this is as close to a funeral as we’ll probably write though so bear that in mind. 
Everything about this was wrong, and that ate at a small sheltered core of Ricky’s heart that sounded and smelled like the waves off Rinn Mhaoile. It should have been elders. It should have been all selkies. There should have been names, clan members standing in the shallows to recount stories, give benedictions, request boons from the waves for safe passage. But instead it was a single selkie, a magician, and a repentant hunter, and Ricky only hoped it would be enough to grant the souls passage to the Deep Tides. He’d woken up early enough to give himself some time to get read; traditionally burials happened at sunrise as the tide ebbed back into the ocean deep, and he’d given himself time to shower and have a cup of coffee and take some time to think. He tied his hair back with a ribbon that his mom had used, slid the silver ring on his finger that bore her mark, and gathered up the skins from where they had been sitting on a chair in his bedroom, making his way downstairs clad only in a swimsuit to start to head towards the beach, his own skin draped over his shoulders. Even though they were both human, or at least more human than he was, Ricky deeply and fervently appreciated that both Winston and Rio had agreed to help with the burial, “It’s uh…. It really means a lot to me that you guys agreed to do this.” He managed to keep his voice from sounding too choked as he hugged the skins close, “Tide should start going out soon so we should uh head down to the beach.”
Winston hadn’t slept. They knew that they were going to have to be up early and they’d tried to get an early night’s sleep but they were still trying to work out if and how they would be able to get rid of the eye in their hand, their research had dragged on into the night and before they knew it the alarm they’d set to wake them up had been blaring and they decided that it was time to get ready. They could sleep later, it wasn’t like they had work for a while. Heading down and outside of the house with their friends, Winston shivered in the cold morning air. But they were dressed equally appropriately, though they wore a hoodie to keep them warm and still felt the early morning chill in the air. “Of course Ricky,” Winston replied, looking up at Rio. He looked- Winston forced themselves to look away, this wasn’t the time to be obsessing over Rio. They had work to do. “We’re always going to be here to do these things, especially after what we have learned about this … person,” Winston could hardly comprehend a being so evil that it would do this, “they deserve to be given a proper funeral.” Winston set off, their sandals crunching through the gravel and loose sand as they wound their way down the cliff path to the beach. 
Orion was out of place. He didn’t deserve to be here. It was because of people exactly like Rio that Ricky has to do this funeral in the first place. Rio didn’t know the whole situation. Hunters had to be involved with this, right? Weren’t they always? And Rio was just like them. But as sure as Rio was that they didn’t deserve to take part in such a bittersweet ceremony, how could he say no? This wasn’t about what Rio thought he should or shouldn’t be a part of. Ricky wanted him there. So Rio needed to be there. Even if he didn’t deserve to be. And even if Winston was there, the sombering mood of the morning making it even more obvious that the two had too much going on between them. But Rio was dedicated to not making this awkward. Even if he was about to be knee deep in water wearing a long sleeve shirt and track pants. He figured he could at least roll the track pants up a bit to avoid getting too soaked. “Just let us know what you need from us.” Rio agreed with Winston, offering whatever they could to help Ricky out.
Ricky made most of the trek down to the darkened beach in silence, fingers carding over the smooth skins he held in his hands. As he crunched down the path he struggled internally with his own worthiness to complete this ritual. He was thousands of miles from his clan, he was too young, he just wasn’t the selkie his mother had been. How could he send these poor men and women off to the deep when he hadn’t even been able to do that to his own mother. “Not much.” He muttered quietly as the path gave way to the silent beach, the crash of the ebbing tide the only sound, “I can say everything that needs to be said. There just needs to be three people. To stand for them in death, and to watch over their ashes as they join the sea.” He hadn’t bothered with shoes as he’d left the house, so the transition from beach to wave he could make without stalling. Barely feeling the frigid cold of the waves he strode out until he was almost waist deep in the water, turning back to his friends “You guys don’t have to come out this far. Knee deep is fine. Just within earshot and spell-shot. We uh…. We can start whenever.” 
Winston had been feeling slightly better about everything with Rio after the night they’d spent with Skylar watching Cell’s at Work. It had been a good way to diffuse the tension, though it remained ever present. “We can of course do that, it’s an honour even if we’re not the ideal candidates,” Winston couldn’t help but feel out of place. But the fact that Ricky trusted them to do this meant more then anything else right now. Slipping out of their sandals and tossing their hoodie and t-shirt down with it, they left them in the sand and made their way forwards. The waves foamed up against their toes, greeting them and guiding them towards the sea. Wading in so they were only a few feet away from Ricky. Shivering slightly in the early morning air, Winston kept as silent as they could. “Just give me one second, I want to do this properly.” Winston took a moment to center themself, taking a long breath and exhaling before repeating the motion once more and exhaling a thin tendril of fire that they caught between the index finger and thumb of both hands, holding it there as a tight ball, Winston looked at Ricky, “tell me when you’re ready and I’ll light them.” 
Orion was more of a placeholder than anything else. Unlike Winston, Rio had no real purpose to be here. It was better that way. Too much involvement wouldn’t feel right considering the situation. His eyes were glazed over and he felt empty inside. If Rio felt this away about the senseless death of these people, people he didn’t know and had no kind of connection to, he could only imagine how awful Ricky must feel right now. He watched Ricky curiously, trying to decipher what was going on in his head right now. He was so ridiculously strong. He never let fear or sadness show up on his face. Because he always thought he needed to be strong for everybody else. It was noble, but stupid. Rio wished that Ricky would break down with him once in a while. It might help Ricky process whatever he was going through. Rio shot a glance over towards Winston, carefully studying their face as the fire they was holding illuminated it. Rio didn’t need the light to see them, his hunter sight took care of that. But he did like the way their face looked through the ambience. Though the weather didn’t bother Rio much considering his attire, the water was freezing cold against his feet. The cold continued as Rio followed in deeper, nipping at his ankles and following up to his shin, where the prickling sensation finally ceased when the water found his track pants and favored that over his knees. Here they were. At this point, Rio didn’t have much to offer to the group aside from his support. He smiled at Winston, nodding in acknowledgement of the moment before turning his focus back on Ricky. Time to get started, it seemed.
Nodding as Winston conjured an impressive ball of fire in his hands, Ricky turned his gaze back out to see, towards the pale peach fingers of a rising dawn, holding the skins out towards the sun as it peaked over the horizon, their cool weight draped over his arms. “You deserved better than this.” His voice cracked sharply and he took a brief moment to collect himself as he felt a few tears roll down his cheek, “You died far from clan and shore, from those who knew and loved you, and were deprived your chance at rest. We stand your vigil now to try to fix that.” He cast his gaze over his shoulder to look at Rio, standing cold in the water behind him, “Behind me Orion Quinn stands vigil for your past. As the light from his namesake is already long-past history by the time it reaches us, he stands in the ebbing tide to honor the life you lived.” He gave a weak smile and turned back to face the sun. “I am Ricardo Cordero, son of Clan Muirgen, and I stand vigil for your present. For the span of life you were supposed to live and was robbed from you. For the light you were meant to bring into the world, and the strength we were robbed of by your absence.” Turning to look at his best friend he wiped tears from his face with his shoulder, “And Winston Dane stands vigil for your future. The cleansing fire, not born of earth or sky, that will return you to the Deep Tides and the clans that swim in the calm and dark. We do not know your names, and cannot tell your clans that you have been rescued from bondage. But a recollection of you will be carved in the Tidestone of Clan Muirgen. Six unknown souls laid to rest. May the Deep Tides call you home, may your ancestors welcome you into those hidden shoals, and may you rest in peace knowing your vigil has been kept.” He barely managed to make it to the end of the sentence before his voice broke entirely, and he held the skins out in front of him, gripping the tops as he nodded mutely to Winston.
 It was a sobering moment. Winston was so new to all of this. The idea of all of this, of everything that was going on, it was hideous. Winston hated it. The apparently hidden and silent war that raged beneath the surface of the supernatural world. Hunters butchering werewolves, vampires killing slayers, wardens hunting fae, it was all so violent and Winston hated the amount of it that they had already seen. Standing vigil now was a bittersweet privilege. They were lucky that they were never really involved unless they stepped up. A cold bead of sweat trickled down their back as the waves of the ocean lapped against their body. Taking a deep breath, Winston slowly willed thin ribbons of fire to expand off of the surface of the ball, they hovered for a moment before weaving together and darting forward. The tendrils of flame colliding with the skin. For a moment they blazed across the surface before slowly, yet surely the skins took the flame and began to pass it along their surface. It devoured them with such veracity and hunger that Winston let the magic go and slumped in the water for a moment. The cold quickly brought them back to awareness and they watched as the skins truly caught alight. The fire growing now, greedily swallowing the pelts up. 
Orion wasn’t sure when he started crying. It had been teetering there for a while. He was familiar with the sensation, the heavy feeling weighing down his eyes as they decided whether or not the tears would fall. At some point, they had given up the fight. Probably when Ricky’s voice broke, which may have been the most heartbreaking thing he had ever heard. Rio forced his palm over his mouth, afraid that the sniffling would interrupt Ricky’s flow or ruin the ceremony. Tears rushed down his cheeks now and he was full on blubbering, the sounds of his gasping breath mumbled slightly by the hand he held tightly against his face. When Ricky spoke his name as part of the ceremony, Rio used his free hand to give a slight wave out into the ocean. Did Selkie’s believe in spirits? If they were real, were they watching over the three of them now? Once it was done, Winston set the pelts on fire. The sight was beautiful, but sad all at once. But Rio understood why they did it. What a way to go out.
The sound of the crackling flame at once stood in opposition to and in harmony with the waves crashing around his waist, and Ricky held onto the pelts until the very last possible moment, until the flames had started to lick blisters and angry red wounds onto his hands. As he released them to the dawn sky, the flames were so voracious that not a single hair fell to the waves before it was ash and he heaved a deep and rumbling sigh as he watched the twisting motes of black make their way out to sea. Turning his back onto the sunrise he trudged his way slowly through the waves back to where his two friends had been standing in more shallow water, pulling them both into a tight hug. “Thanks.” He managed to get out as he squeezed them both, “I couldn’t have made it through that without you two.” Wiping at the tears drying on his cheeks with the back of his hands he released them both and steadied himself, trying to put the face of jovial control he usually wore. “Come on. We’ll dry off and I’ll buy you both breakfast. Raise a mug of coffee in a toast. We’ve done all we can for them now.” 
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robinaa · 5 years
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i have my own theories on how azshara got the tidestone...
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katieskarlette · 4 years
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Oh, you know, just three of the best mages in Azeroth, taking down the guardian of Azshara’s palace.  No biggie.
(Yes, I geeked out when I got to fight alongside both Jaina and Thalyssra at the same time.  Mages FTW!)
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I totally helped zap the Tidestone, too.  I just, uh, didn’t show up in the screenshots.  Yeah.  That’s it.
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doodles-n-dragons · 4 years
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I missed my married orcs already waaaah. I love Tidestone. Gell and Imogen are living their best epilogue lives.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
What's Thalyssra's opinion of Shandris?
TALK HEADCANONS TO ME // always accepting!
Thalyssra didn’t have a generally positive opinion of the kaldorei following Legion and her interaction with Tyrande, coming to judge them as arrogant and mistrustful because of her exchange with their leader. Given she uses Tyrande as an example but speaks broadly of the Night Elves in the Nightborne recruitment scenario when she’s talking to Liadrin, it seems to be something she came to expect of all of them instead of Tyrande alone, after none of the Night Elves offered them further aid or friendship of any sort. 
Initially, I don’t think she’d expect Shandris to be different, given that’s her overall opinion, and specially knowing Shandris has close ties to Tyrande (which I assume she would know of, because specially since joining the Horde, Thalyssra would have sought to know more about other important figures, friendly or not, in order to better lead the shal’dorei now that they’re out in the world again). Still, Thalyssra doesn’t tend to hold on to prejudices like that; she’s not even one to hold grudges, unless they’re very personal. Moreover, when she actually meets and interacts with Shandris, they’re in a very dire situation, and if there’s one foe Thaly wouldn’t ever underestimate it’s Azshara -- so whatever her feelings towards the Kaldorei are, they don’t matter as much as what’s going on there, as surviving Azshara. 
So, all of that said, what immediately happens when they initially interact doesn’t come to her as a surprise:
Shandris Feathermoon approaches. Shandris Feathermoon says: Here to admire the Highborne's handiwork, Thalyssra? To look upon all that your hubris has wrought? Image of Thalyssra says: Suramar rebelled against Azshara. Were it not for our courage, the Legion's forces would have overwhelmed Azeroth. Shandris Feathermoon says: Yet instead of fighting alongside the rest of us, you walled yourselves off as Kalimdor burned around you.
Because that’s pretty much what Tyrande did too, though Tyrande was much more offensive to Thalyssra because hers was a personal comparison (Thalyssra and Elisande and Azshara possibly being the same) while Shandris’ is more broad (the Nightborne and the Highborne being the same). Arrogance and mistrust, as she came to expect from them. 
However, unlike Tyrande, who insisted on that stance and refused to aid the Nightborne beyond her initial promise, and even then wasn’t quite uh, friendly, in her cooperation, Shandris is capable of setting aside those feelings when faced with the dire circumstances that are what really matters then.
Image of Queen Azshara says: It breaks a queen's heart to watch her subjects squabble. Such a futile argument. In the end, you will all be mine again--one way or another. Shandris Feathermoon says: Azshara. Rest assured that we stand united in our contempt for you. Image of Queen Azshara says: You see? We have found common ground already. Dear children, it is only a matter of time until you kneel before my throne. As a willing subject... or a broken corpse. Image of Thalyssra says: Shandris. We sealed off Suramar to keep the Pillars of Creation free from Azshara's grasp. The power she holds with just the Tidestone... Shandris Feathermoon says: I know. So long as it remains in her clutches, we have little hope of victory.
Thalyssra doesn’t feel she owes the Night Elves anything at all, not even an explanation. She offers one because the Nightborne did indeed have a reason to act like they did. She’s making an argument that it’s essential they focus on what’s really important, because like with Suramar being sealed off, it’s vital they don’t let Azshara keep any of the Pillars of Creation. It would be a surprise, still, albeit a welcome one, that Shandris is agreeable to what she’s trying to defend, because when she interacted with Tyrande the situation was also dire, and that didn’t stop Tyrande from criticizing the Nightborne and questioning Thalyssra herself --- but Shandris is a lot more reasonable, in spite of her initially acting so in line with what Thalyssra expected of the Night Elves.
That’s all very important in forming Thalyssra’s opinion of her, because while initially she’d have thrown Shandris in the same box she ended up throwing all the Kaldorei after Legion, this showed her that yes, the mistrust is there, but the arrogance may just be a Tyrande problem more so than a Kaldorei problem akdjnfaksjnf
So from then on I think there’s a shift towards a more neutral-positive stance on her part. I feel Shandris leading the Kaldorei that join forces with the rest of the Alliance and the Horde in the events leading to the mak’gora would only cement her opinion of Shandris as more positive, because regardless of whatever differences they have, it’s clear to Thalyssra that Shandris doesn’t let her personal feelings and prejudices get in the way of doing what’s right when it must be done unlike some people. Thalyssra, much like the rest of the Horde I think, kinda has this problem that they do think they’re not in the wrong because they disagreed with Sylv and eventually turned on her and want to see her pay. But ofc, Tyrande doesn’t see it like that. That only makes Shandris seem much more reasonable in her opinion, I’d think, and Thalyssra just loves reasonable people.
Also people who don’t point fingers at her to blame her for things ig
So yeah! Shandris seems to her like a reasonable person, and Thaly appreciates that in spite of their differences and possible mistrust, Shandris is able to act logically and not hold grudges or be insufferably judgmental. If they ever have to interact, Thalyssra would definitely lean more towards the more friendly attitude she shows towards Jaina, for example, than how she’d act towards Tyrande. 
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