#tiergan alenefar is a dad
floofeeeeee · 2 days
Au where Sophie get fostered by Tiergan instead of Grady and edaline
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winwin17 · 5 months
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Tiergan is Indian and the reason he’s blonde is bc he had a phase 10000 years ago in Foxfire he never managed to undo ty for coming to my ted talk
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
tiertice, aka the Sad Dads-
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latching onto grady and edaine is what happens when you have two parents who absolutely hate each other
latching on to Kesline is what happens when your “dad” is an absent alcoholic cheater
see also: Tiergan, Elwin and Gradaline
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camelspit · 20 days
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Tiergan Alenefar by @xanadaus
Wylie Endal by @shikse
Tiergan Alenefar:
"mr transgenderism himself!!!!!!!! he dresses up as a rock he tries to deck alden hes even a dilf… idk guys hes just really been through it he deserves this one thing pleasey <3" (anonymous)
"would let him probe me" (anonymous)
"she's a man he's a woman they're a rock star. he's sad. he's gay. he spent (whatever number of books we're on now) completely ignoring heterosexual bullshit and sad gay monologuing about his lover. his introduction to the series was him yelling at alden vacker. he adopts every child in the vicinity. he lives in a house with five million stairs because he hates interacting with people. what more could you possibly want in a character." @gay-otlc
"please he's the gayest bitch here just let him sweep. biggest upset ever in history. he didn't get to have his boyfriend for nearly half the series please vote for tiergan and let him live in peace </3 better blond </3 </3" @xanadaus
"He's cool, he's goofy, he listens to the Beatles and is the reason that I can't sleep sometimes" @arcturus-ohala
Wylie Endal:
"My baby has been through SO MUCH HE IS SO STRONG. And he gets awesome sause character development. He lost his dad and mom, which he blames on Sophie, but still trusts her enough to let her into his mind in Lodestar after he got TORTURED by the Neverseen. Not only that but he begins working as a team with Biana, a Vacker, in Legacy even though her father is responsible for about 30% of his trauma. Not only that but in Flashback he risked his life to safe Fitz and Sophie. He is truly the best keeper boy. Vote for him PUHLEASE." @midasx9
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arcturus-ohala · 3 months
RIP my sister
I got this lovely headcannon/weird idea abt the Endall/Alenefar family once Prentice had woken up and my little sister had to sit and listen to it so ya'll get to also:
When Wylie was 7/8 (before Prentice's banishment), he suspected Tiergan had a crush on Pren but said nothing bc he thought 'im 8 how would i know?'
It's been 12 years and now Pren is back, and Tiergan did his stuff (like, the way Tier talks to Pren and talks about him is genuinely funny) and Wylie's thinking 'maybe 8yrold me was smarter than I thought' and every valentines he justs walks by Tiergan saying stuff like 'Hey (friends name) did you hear about the date PRENTICE WENT ON?!' trying to get a reaction out of Dad#2 until one day he says something about a date and Tiergan finally reacts and it just goes something like this
W (with Sophie): Hey Sophie did you hear about my Dad's DATE YESTERDAY?
S: *trying to not stare at Tiergan* y-yeah..?
T: *finally looking up* Wylie what date (internal monologue if i react maybe he'll stop this time
W: *panicking bc he's never gotten this far* uhmm- the date that dad went on yesterday- *voice cracking* at 12 in the afternoon- at- at his house??
T: *deadpan face* ???!?! That was NOT a date we were just hanging out!
W: WaitholdupWHAT???
(Sophie's there bc shes always in peoples family drama for some reason)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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serialadoptersbracket · 8 months
Round 1, Match 7: Yondu Udonta vs. Tiergan Alenefar
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Submitted kids:
Yondu Udonta: The entire MCU guardians of the galaxy gang
Tiergan Alenefar: Wylie Endal, Tam and Linh Song (legally). Every other child character emotionally
Propaganda under the cut!
Yondu Udonta:
My boy Yondu may be a pretty bad father but damn is he trying his best. Man kidnapped some kid to (unknowingly) send him to his death then felt bad about it and kept him. Then said kid dragged a bunch of pathetic little guys into their silly little found family and now they're THE found family ever.
Tiergan Alenefar:
This man is perhaps the most serial adopter of anyone. Legally adopted his best friend’s (fanon: lover’s) kid after he got put into basically a coma for years. Tam and linh ran away from home, and he housed them, too. He also serves as a father figure for every other teenage character. He’s gay, he’s a dad, he serves and slays, what more could you ask for?
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aphelea · 2 years
la vie te blesse souvent (tiertice)
happy one year help me hold on to you anniversary! and by happy i mean sad. have some more angst
Summary: An exploration of guilt, anger, and grief, through the eyes of the two remaining members of the Alenefar-Endal family.
To be Tiergan Alenefar is to have anger rushing through your veins, sizzling and boiling and cursing the names of all those who have hurt the ones you love. To be Tiergan Alenefar is to wait just too long for the words on the tip of your tongue to slip out; to resign yourself to mournful silence, alone and melancholic in your tower. 
And to be Prentice Endal is to love him, however much it kills you. "And it did kill you, didn't it?" Tiergan says, into silence. Always into silence. 
Prentice’s chest rises slightly beneath Tiergan's hand, and he sighs with relief. Tiergan half-expects that one day, Prentice will take his final breath right beside him, on a typical afternoon like today’s. He half-expects, each time he tells a story to his unconscious best friend, that it will be the last story Prentice hears. 
If Prentice can hear anything at all. 
Tiergan resists the urge to punch the wall. He has work today; it would be incredibly unprofessional to show up with bloody knuckles. He doesn't particularly care about Leto's reaction—stars know that the man has seen him in worse conditions—but he'd rather like to keep his students’ impression of him as a confident, capable mentor. And, besides, if Sophie and Fitz were to think that something was wrong with him or Prentice, they would drop everything to help. 
Tiergan doesn't need that. 
The only people he wants beside him are his two best friends, but one is dead and one is here: unblinking, unmoving. 
Somehow, that's worse. At least Tiergan has no hope of meeting Cyrah, no optimistic notion that she'll rise from the ground beneath her Wanderling tree and offer him the comfort that he so desperately requires. 
A knock on the door interrupts Tiergan's endless spiral of thoughts. 
"Dad?" Wylie asks. He drops his satchel beside the door and rushes to Tiergan's side. "Is everything alright?"
Tiergan opens his mouth to say yes, of course, why do you ask, and a salty tear slips onto his tongue. Ah. Tiergan doesn't need a mirror to know that his eyeliner must be everywhere right now, smudged with sadness and tears he didn't know he was shedding. "I'm fine," Tiergan says, voice raspy. "Everything is fine, Wylie."
Wylie stares at him. "If you're sure," he replies, and Tiergan's grateful for it. 
They sit in silence, together, for a long moment. Wylie appears to be studying the intricacies of the floorboard design. 
“How was school?” Tiergan finally asks. Usually, he isn’t one for small talk—but this isn’t that. He just needs something, some flow of words to keep his mind off of the spiral of old memories he knows he’s falling into. 
Wylie shifts his chair closer to Tiergan’s. “Fine,” he says. “We spent the week learning basic first aid. Nothing I don’t already know.”
Both of their gazes are trained on Prentice’s sleeping form in front of them. Tiergan knows what Wylie is thinking, even without having to read his mind: If only they could teach me how to heal him. 
If only. 
“I’m proud of you,” Tiergan says, voice soft. “I know that Prentice would be, too.”
Wylie looks up at him, eyes wide. “You think?” he asks, his voice cracking. 
Tiergan reaches over and rests a hand on Wylie’s arm. It’s relieving, honestly, to feel warm skin beneath his fingertips, after weeks of only the cold half-death of Prentice’s hands. 
Sometimes Tiergan dreams of Wylie, lying beside his father, his eyes closed and his mind equally broken. He dreams of failing everyone that he’s ever loved, of broken promises and endless fear clawing away at his mental defenses. 
There’s a reason that Tiergan never wanted Wylie to join the Black Swan. He could never bear to think about what would happen if Wylie were hurt—or worse, if he followed the path of his father. If he were loyal, as Prentice was, to the point of losing his sanity. 
Tiergan would never be able to forgive himself if Wylie’s mind broke. 
(In the end, though, what were those attempts at protection worth? Wylie was still taken; he was still forced to feel pain beyond a level that most elves could even dream of.)
“I’m sorry,” Tiergan says, and he knows it’s been too long of a silence. 
Wylie frowns. “Is that for me or for him?” He gestures to Prentice’s sleeping form. 
“For…both, I suppose.” Tiergan says, contemplating. 
Wylie only hums in agreement, resting a cool hand upon Tiergan’s clammy wrist. 
“I meant it, by the way,” Tiergan adds, after a moment of heavy silence. “Prentice would be proud of you. So would Cyrah.” He pauses, the weight of his words holding his tongue down. “You’re a better man than any of us ever were, Wylie.”
“You really don’t give yourself a lot of credit.”
“I give myself what I deserve.” And he doesn’t deserve much, really—after all, isn’t it his fault that Prentice is in this state? Wasn’t it for him that Prentice joined the cause, in an effort to make this world a better place for the two of them?
He reaches out to take Prentice’s cold hand once again, quietly sighing with relief at the thin layer of sweat that coats his lover’s fingers. Any sign of life, now, is worth the world to him. 
Sometimes Tiergan can’t breathe until he is sure that his lover’s heart still beats, until he feels the heat of skin beneath his own hands. 
“You know, I don’t remember much,” Wylie says, after a long moment. “From…before.”
Tiergan thinks back to the chaos of the end, how the three of them had shut themselves off from the world and each other, scrambling to keep their own heads above water. And as much as Cyrah had begged him and Prentice to keep the issues of the Black Swan far, far away from their son, they’d never quite succeeded. It had been his and Prentice’s rash decisions that left Wylie with only a third of the family he’d once had, but it had been Wylie who had to face their consequences. “Maybe that’s for the best,” he tells Wylie, and he almost believes his own words. “We didn’t exactly make the best decisions back then. Cyrah and I were always too consumed by our work to be responsible. And Prentice…” Tiergan squeezes his lover’s fingers, lightly. “Well. He’s always been reckless.”
“I don’t know. I think you did the best you could,” Wylie replies, quietly. “All of you. I know I spent a long time feeling bitter, as a teenager. But I guess, with time, I’ve come to realize that I would make the same choices, in Dad’s situation.”
“You two are very similar people,” Tiergan admits, with a soft sigh. “Though that’s what scares me. I never wanted you to be involved in any of this, Wylie. I never wanted you to know pain like you have.”
“I made my own choices,” Wylie replies. “So did Dad. You can’t take that weight on your shoulders. It’s not like you made Dad join the Black Swan, or forced the Neverseen to come after me.”
“I know,” Tiergan says, though he doesn’t. He pauses, for a moment, then finally says, “But, Wylie…I’m not as innocent in Prentice’s break as you think I am.”
“Unless you were the one that broke him—and I know that you weren’t—then I don’t see how that matters.”
“People can be reckless when they’re in love,” is all Tiergan replies, and he waits for the dots to connect in Wylie’s mind. It takes a moment, and then Wylie’s eyes widen, and his gaze shifts rapidly between the two of them as the pieces begin to click. 
Tiergan sucks in a breath. He’s been meaning to have several important conversations with Wylie, since Prentice was released, but he’s never quite found the courage. 
(There are a lot of things that Wylie doesn’t know about his family. Mostly things that aren’t Tiergan’s to tell. But this one is, and it’s hardly a secret for most people, so he might as well start here.)
“That…makes a lot of sense, actually,” Wylie says, after a long moment. “Still doesn’t explain why you think it’s your fault, though.”
“Nothing is as black and white as it seems.”
Wylie scoffs. “You sound like Forkle.”
In truth, Leto has spent years trying to convince Tiergan of the same thing, to no avail—after the break, it had really only been him and Cyrah that kept Tiergan sane, with Leto constantly begging him to let his guilt go. 
I don’t know what I would do if both of you were broken, Leto had told him at the planting. If the break were anyone’s fault, it would be mine. Please, Tiergan, don’t let yourself become a shell of guilt. 
But even twelve years later, Tiergan has yet to fully let it go. Somehow, seeing his lover up close only aggravates all of his long-buried feelings of anger—at himself, at everyone. (Not Wylie, though. Never Wylie. He doesn’t deserve that.)
“Guilt is a tricky thing,” Tiergan says, after a moment. “Once it starts to fester, you can’t really remove it.”
“But you have to try,” Wylie says. “Please, Dad, you have to try. Even if Sophie could heal you…how am I supposed to deal with that? With two broken fathers?”
“My mind won’t break,” Tiergan says, though he isn’t quite sure himself. “I promise, Wy. I won’t let it get that bad.” 
Wylie wipes away a small tear, and Tiergan finds himself staring at his sleeping lover once more. I wish you could hear us, love. I wish you knew how much we miss you.
And somehow, in a movement so small Tiergan wonders if he imagined it, Prentice’s lips curl up into a fond smile. I love you, it says, or so Tiergan hopes it does. 
Tiergan reaches over and squeezes Wylie’s trembling hand. I love you, too.
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corruption-exe · 2 years
Keeptober 2022
Prompt 4 combined with 5: Human AU and Headcanon (moodboards with explanations) @keeptober
i'm a bit late, hehe, but here is what I've been working on! i've gotten a story too, but it's coming a bit later
disclaimer: none of the pictures are mine! i just found them on pinterest.
side note: i've added posts from various socials that i think they'd have
Sophie Foster-Ruewen
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she/he/they | bi and genderfluid | her older sister, jolie, lives in LA with her girlfriend, vertina, and boyfriend, brant | amy is in a boarding school somewhere in texas | he is a literature nerd and spews references all the time | lowkey loves sharing music with their friends | when she was 12, his dog, iggy, was recued by them when iggy was left wounded from a dog fight | was that one person who'd usually stay in from recess | good thing she did bc he'd tear you apart if you taught them the rules | coffee addict | works at starbucks, but doesn't romanticize it | 'SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK' -sophie to her parents when he had pulled an all-nighter to study | phone case is clear with photos of their friends on the back | no password | home screen is the nicest photo they have of their friends | trades musicals with tam | loves hadestown | wants to tear his friends apart when they visit starbucks just to watch her make coffee | buys "guy" jeans because of *pockets* | favorite order is a caramel frappe | their parents own a farm and they visit the farm each summer | learned how to wrangle animals from a young age | still clumsiest of the group smh | really bad at chem |
Marella Redek
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fi/fire/they/them | poly lesbian, gender undecided | gay disaster tm | type of person to have obvious gay panics | secretly writes fanfic | subtle fan | self-projects on characters too many times | fi's dad left when fi was a kid and fi got raised by fire's aunt and her wives bc fi's mom died of heartbreak | not afraid to voice their opinions | has tiktok, but is stuck on the straight side no matter how hard fi accentuates their fruitiness | has the most chaotic photos of fi's friends | keeps photos, videos, and voice recordings as blackmail | if you ever reach their phone, you'll need to go through facial, thumb, and password | only few can go through it | you insulted princess purryfins? expect something of yours to be burnt tomorrow | magnet for other queers | there's always an element of gay in their outfit | the one that gets the sweetest thing on the menu | if you tell fi to chug, fi will chug | works at mcdonalds | 'my name's jared i'm nineteen and i never learned how to fucking read' - marella to people when fi first introduces themself | convinced tam, keefe, fitz, maruca, stina, and lloyd to make a band and got hired as their manager | the name of the band is the unmanageables | depending on lighting, their hair can look blonde, strawberry blonde, or brown |
Linh Alenefar-Endal
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she/they | transfem lesbian | divorced parents | she and tam got adopted by tiergan and prentice because they got kicked out by their dad when they came out as trans | definitely didn't adopt tam's deadname | adopted princess purryfins to spite tam | claims that princess purryfins loves you when her cat hates you | in retaliation to princess purryfins, tam got a dog and named it sir barks a lot | joke's on him. the dog is the sweetest | wears a lot of jewelry | gives sentimental gifts | will passive-aggressively leave something she doesn't like on your bed if they're mad at you | really good at disguising anger if you're a stranger | don't get her demeanor wrong. she can strangle you, but won't | really strong swimmer and is always in the top 3 in meets | will sneak out at 3 am just to get ice cream | hides in every possible space | hates the fact that they only have a lock and home screen bc she has too many photos that would be good wallpapers | lock screen is her friends and home screen is her family | don't tell her i told you this, but wylie is her favorite brother | loves wicked | orders the fun drinks | curses much more than you think | 'what do you mean this isn't my juice? *checks label* oh fuck, it isn't my juice!' -linh to wylie about a cleaning product | works at dq |
Biana Vacker-Sonden
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ae/aer/they/them (she/her sometimes if ae's feeling it) | ae, surprisingly, has no insta; ae thinks it's too toxic | loves aer step-parent, so ae took cer last name | takes too many selfies; with or without other people, it doesn't matter to aer, but it does to aer phone's storage | ae has too many scrunchies and hair ties | ae loves holding the fact that ae is in ap math over fitz's head although they're shorter than him | heels give ae such gender | loves six: the musical | favors aesthetic things and aer room is too aesthetically pleasing | aer room is messy 50% of the time bc ae's always reorganizing the aesthetic | aer outfits always match aer room's aesthetic | y'know is that vine where a baby had smudged makeup? that's aer fave | that one pjo fangirltm that was "not like other girls" at 12 | had a pinterest board for edits, but it's abandoned and nO THAT NEVER HAPPENED- | only stina, marella, and maruca know abt it | you can bet that whatever drink ae orders has to match aer outfit | strongest of the group | encourages body positivity | birthmarks | 'no, she's beautiful, you misogynistic bitch' -biana to quan song at some point | costume designer for school stuff | loudest laugh in a nice way | most rings make aer itchy | works at starbucks, but in a different branch |
Tam Alenefar-Endal
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he/they | transmasc and pan | surprisingly a theater nerd | usually in the backstage crew, but he occasionally gets a role | belts really well | linh has caught him humming 'how bad can i be?' from the lorax on more than one occasion (you can pry the tamcler out of my cold, dead hands) | favorite musical is hamilton | secretly a romantic person | won't admit it, but they love his friends | bed full of squishies | sir barks a lot loves licking his face | intro to musical theater was hadestown | forced to learn violin as a song, but learned piano on his own accord | will silently murder you with his eyes if you hurt his friends or family emotionally or physically | will eat anything if distracted | doesn't usually curse | backgrounds are skeletons | his password is dansemacabre | has the best song recs | don't insult his music taste unless you wanted to die | has the most diverse music taste | orders lattes | a sign of trust is insulting you in your face | salty as fuck | 'DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU PUT SHAMPOO IN YOUR MOUTH?!' - tam to keefe after leaving tam's house | prettiest laugh, but rarely laughs | will passive aggressively play a rock song on the piano to prove you wrong |
Keefe Heslege
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he/it | the dogs are actually theirs | fitz sent those messages. dw, it's capri sun he's talking abt | he's good at art and decorated the cake itself | bi disaster | that one guy that you'd rarely see in fancy clothes, but would look good in them | he doesn't stress-bake; he stress paints like lily | jokes about hating his cousins, but defends them bc someone else but him dares to insult his cousins?! | its ears turn red instead of blushing, but his hair covers it | if you make it blush enough, pink shows on his cheeks | listens to cody fry | has 1000 blankets, but huddles for warmth | fre shavocado | paint splatters for phone case and bgs | password is hunky hair | chaotic tiktok all the way | has tried straightok once, but regretted it | lily knows too much, so it treats fae like a goddess | emoji addict | caramel drinks all the way | 'what do you mean by you're not supposed to stick that up your secret tunnel?' - keefe about a period pad | has a nice voice, but abuses it | gives you a cold stare if it's mad at you | works at subway | it's goal is to make tam laugh | will do anything on a dare |
Fitz Vacker-Sonden
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he/him on thin ice | gay awakening was ironically prince eric and aladdin | was sheltered a lot as a kid, so he rarely watched movies and shows other kids did | his favorite movie is 'in a heartbeat' | he kins zuko from atla | the gay that can't do math | history nerd | 'no i won't help you with your homework' | he can do basic math like addition, subtraction, etc., | human embodiment of gifted kid burnout | very basic room scheme | he wasn't a very creative kid, so that's why he has a red dragon and border collie that are both named mr. snuggles | cried when they watched inside out | not the prince of the group lol | dies of cuteness bc of the smallest cute thing | face recognition and photos of the gang | type of person to walk into a starbucks and order a black coffee for the "taste" when he just wants to impress a certain someone | 'I'm gonna pretend that I didn't see you eat that' - fitz to sophie about a tube of marshmallow disguised in a toothpaste tube | plays the guitar | most illegible handwriting |
Dex Dizznee
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he/xe | had an obvious crush on fitz, but sophie was oblivious to it | self-taught himself coding | his family is middle class, but his grandparents are loaded | best friends with biana and they enjoy berating fitz for being in ap math | fitz bashes on xem for not understanding history in turn | ap science, math, and computer class are his best subjects | a natural cuddler | can, will, and does approach you from behind to hug | best hugs | won't give you candy from xor share, but will give you your own pack | has a lot of respect for his mother and treats her right bc she pushed out three human beings within the span of a few minutes | always makes time for family | best movie and show recs, but xe is very casual abt it and you have to pay attention to the way he says something | cried in mulan 2 when xe thought shang died (no, I'm not self-projecting, haha. why do you think that, hehe?) | don't insult iced coffee in xor presence or your phone will be hacked in the morning | 'wait, weren't we supposed to explode something?' - dex abt a reenactment for a history project | became the producer of the band | works part time at his parents' pharmacy |
Maruca Chebota
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she/they | second tallest of the group | book nerd | second to learn how to drive | has two moms and a cat named cupcake | favorite subjects are math and english | rarely watches shows | the one on booktok | wants to be a makeup artist when they grow up | really good at math, but not enough to be in ap math | sleepwalker and midnight snacker | will greet you good morning no matter how late she has to stay | bi poly, but boys are out of the question | gone when sweets are in the problem | will read anything if bored | babytalk? never heard of it | has philosophical debates with babies | katara kinnie | has been to the most countries | buys the foamiest shit on the menu | 'don't touch me. I'm eating' - a sleepy maruca who was very obviously not eating | sends memes as replies | gif addict | plays the bass | the band has music like truslow | buys those door mats that have a pun on them | most productive when they're sleepy | nicest handwriting | works at burger king | meows back at cats |
Stina Heks
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they/she | they used to live with her grandparents on a farm until she was 8 | her parents married young, so she was given to her maternal grandparents until they settled in | they're really good with horses and has one named sugarcube | nonbinary lesbian | cried when she had to leave sugarcube | they still visit the farm once or twice a month | can't leave the house without cuffing her jeans | binge watches shows and movies | earphones with cords; nothing else | phone case is minimal with cow pattern | lock and home screens are always the same, but it changes a lot | cried at the kitchen table doing math | likes heathers: the musical and the movie | likes bitter and sour things, but not bc of spite | ironically, they don't really give good show recs | snapchat photos as bgs | thumbprint | isn't the sasser; is the sassed | 'you mean to tell me that we forGOT TAM AT THE GAS STATION?!' - a sleep-deprived stina on a road trip | scariest when she hasn't had their morning coffee | coffee with two sugars, creamers, and a huge whip of cream | plays the electric guitar | gets sentimental when they're sleepy |
Wylie Endal-Alenefar
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he/they | he sends the slap picture a lot | adopted himself as the older brother of the group | he plays the drums and when they're home from college, he has duets with tam, who can play piano, and linh, who plays violin | he majors in history and literature | aro-spec and gay | was the first person the twins came out to | cyrah and prentice only got married and had him because of societal and cyrah's parental pressure | when cyrah's parents died, they divorced on good terms | cyrah is a good mom, but she's running a business, so wylie is left with his dad a lot | wylie has nearly no posts on his social platforms bc he only got it to look at the posts of the twins and his friends | when he's left to babysit the twins, they're chill with his younger sibs bc | he's usually the designated driver for his college friends | mom friend | helps the twins with homework | is still approached by relatives who changed their diapers | overachiever | works at a library | 'so you're telling me that your cat did all this?' - wylie grumping to linh about one of his sweaters | practically adopts a freshman called glimmer at college |
(+ my ocs)
London Ethiopia-Sonden
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she/cer | step-sister of biana and fitz through livvy | not the bio child of livvy, but she was adopted by quinlin and livvy when cer (abusive) parents were sent to jail for child abuse | livvy and quinlin might not have gotten along, but they were good parents | livvy married della and quinlin married alden, so she comes with biana and fitz when it's their dad's turn with them | is the most disastrous gay of the group | added ce/cer to cer pronouns at 13 | genderqueer lesbian | different nail colors each month | customizes cer own sneakers | her best friend, xaden, used to date her bc their parents wanted it, but they broke up when cer parents were arrested; wlw and mlm solidarity | has a pride flag with a middle finger and the words 'fuck homophobes' as cer home screen with a passive-aggressive message on her lock screen | WILL judge you for having too many textures in an outfit | 'you're not coming to my tea party? betHANY, I MADE BISCUITS' - london to lloyd when he got lost on his way to cer birthday party | will be personally offended if you judge anything she's wearing | orders an iced drink; as far as anyone's known cer, she hasn't bought the same thing twice | queen of gay panics. marella, move over | has a yt channel, but only a few people know of it. rants about cer life in videos |
Lloyd Vixen
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he/him but thinking of they/hir and ey/em | thought he was aroace at first, but he realized he was gay when he saw liam hemsworth | lily loves bashing on him for having a crush on kovu from the lion king 2 | curses the most | best actor; like, you wouldn't be able to tell if he were really crying or not | would sit in the trunk if there were no seats available | absolutely gone for london's best friend | actually, all of my light-skinned ocs have ears that turn red | lily has the subtlest obvious panics, lloyd has the you wouldn't tell gay panics | orders the sweetest and overcaffeinated drinks | darkest humor | adhd by truslow is his fave song | he and fitz rarely get the arm rests bc they're cis | 'move, i'm gay' - lloyd to xaden as an attempt to flirt although he knows that both of them swing that way | shit at art, but he makes up for it by playing the drums really well | definitely doesn't do things to make him seem hotter to the guy he likes. definitely | he and keefe have matching earrings | meanwhile, he has matching necklaces with lily | has a working doorbell, but claims it's broken so they have to yell | lily knows how to cry on cue, but lloyd can hold back crying |
Lily Vixen
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casual she/faer | chaotic lesbian | forms an immediate bond with tam and marella | has the most subtle gay panics that fade into obvious ones when the cause is gone | like faer cousin, she blushes through her ears | for her 16th birthday, london gave fae customized sneakers | out of all the people in the friend group, she's the one that pesters sophie at work | stubbornest gay you've ever met | rarely takes selfies; her phone storage has memes, photos of her friends, photos she wants to save, etc., | her phone case is a pop-it | has the lesbian flag as a lock screen with the words sappho in cursive | bonus points: her password is sappho | vent art for all her emotions | there's even an artwork for faer gay attacks; that's why they're contained so well | while she bothers sophie at their work, she orders chocolate frappes | matching bracelets with london. definitely a "no homo" move | can pull off a really elaborate prank, but won't | owns the most rings and always has a matching set on her hands | shortest of the group and marella loves holding fi's 2 inches over faer head | only cries in private | 'do you ever wonder if trees feel sad that they can't walk?' - a sleep drunk lily | acts drunk when sleepy |
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craptastickotlc · 2 years
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tiergan’s not mad, just confused, and slightly disappointed
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colossalsummer · 2 years
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Saw some people wondering what Tiergan and Grady would look like with facial hair
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
One time in third grade we went on a field trip to a farm to see some cows, and we drove for about an hour, right? Then we find out that. they took us. to the wrong fucking farm. So it was like another half hour of the bus driver disgruntledly (is that a word?) going back the way we had come because apparently we just straight up drove past it the first time
oho this is excellent more field trip disaster stories!! I don't think I ever had a field trip to a farm but my mom's side of the family are like all farmers and so growing up we'd visit the farm from time to time until we moved cross country when I was five. My point being haha farms I know about those!!
I think this is like one of my top fears when it comes to field trips; things not going how they're supposed to. Field trips are already a huge deviation from the typical plan I have for the day and I am barely clinging to my composure based on the itinerary outlined by the teachers before we leave...and then to get off schedule?? how am I supposed to know anything that is happening now!!
it's gotta be super annoying though having to make what sounds like it was supposed to be only a 30 minute trip taking actually 1 hour and a half...like please just wanna see the farm. I would say "how do you mess up that bad?" but also in my experience farm roads can be very easy to miss. Like yes there is are few of them but also it's lawless /j. It's not like being in a city where you can get anywhere from everywhere and there are 17 different paths to take. You turn on this one old road that's marked with one sign and then turn on another one that's also only got one sign. and everything is so far apart from each other.
My mom actually did exactly that when we went to visit the farm back in december. There's this one way you've gotta turn and it was getting dark and we hadn't visited in years so she straight up went past the turn and we started getting to the next small town and she was just like wait a minute. this isn't right. added like 15-20 minutes to the trip which isn't a lot but also when you've been driving for two days straight it's a lot.
I hope you had fun at the farm!! I do not know what kind of farm you went to but my grandparents/uncles own a dairy farm (which is apparently now worth several million dollars so good for them) so I always think cows. I've never helped with the actual adult cows (I've seen them though!! loud), but I got to feed the calves a lot. They are...so messy. Like just drink the thing my guy. just. it's conveniently in a bottle with a tip shaped with a cow nipple how hard it is my guy.
other farm related memories: climbing the silos and standing on top of them to look at everything (I have a few pictures at the top), riding in tractors with my uncle through the alfalfa fields to see those big piles that have tires on top to weight them down but I don't remember what's under them, riding in the gator with my grandpa around the farm, driving the lawnmower, the swings at the top of hill right next to the cornfield, ringing the huge bell at the top of the hill that's like half the size of me, picking up all the pins off the floor of grandma's sewing room while she taught me how to use the machines, the popsicle fridge in the basement, feeding all the barn kitties milk and petting the few that would let you. also the smell, it was always stinky outside because of the pond where all the manure is stored, but you got used to it after a few hours.
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
#fitz moving to solreef wasn't something i ever thought i'd go 'HELL YEAH SO TRUE' at
It almost happened and I'm so mad it didn't
you're so right for this. we deserved fitz becoming one of the alenefars. and it would've let us explore tam and linh and tiergan and wylie and maybe even prentice more!! and people that they're connected to like cyrah!!
and it would've let fitz be in an environment where he could unlearn his perfectionism and such!! and tiergan knows exactly how it feels to have problems with staying in control of his anger and being mad at the world, so it'd be a really cool bond to have and explore with mutual benefits - fitz learning to be ok with not being perfect and learning how to not lash out as much from someone who gets it, and tiergan unlearning some of his negative associations with the vackers and stuff that he still has. fitz canonically looks like alden, and there's a lot of hints that've been dropped to suggest (if it's not explicitly canon) that fitz has been molded over the years to strive to be like his dad. seeing tiergan address past issues more in depth than we see in the books through fitz and letting fitz learn the other side of the story and- yeah. yeah.
all in all, super cool character arc opportunities were missed >:(((
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do you ever just think about tiergan alenefar and start crying because same
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