#tim minear take this episode back NOW
tcmmykinard · 4 months
there's SO much to unpack here but i'm stuck on the fact that athena and bobby's house just completely got destroyed by that fire what thefuck that was their home!!!!!!!! that's the second home that bobby has lost to a fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jackwhiteprophetic · 3 months
Okay if there is a mid season hiatus after episode 10, this is how I see the season going:
8x01: Open with montage of Gerrard being a shit captain. Montage of Eddie being depressed, Buck trying to help him but he's shut down emotionally. Maybe we see parallel shots of Eddie texting his parents to check up on Chris and Hen texting Chim to check up on Mara? Athena and Bobby, with more free time because of Bobby's work stuff and trying to sort housing are devoted to taking down both Gerrard and Ortiz. End the episode with a disaster like a wildfire or a cliff falling maybe??
8x02: The team are separated, some are injured, they disobey Gerrard's orders of splitting up/evacuating. End the episode with Gerrard being in danger, they have to save him. Maybe Eddie and Buck argue over it, and Eddie acts more self-sacrificing this time?
8x03: Gerrard is saved, they all think he'll return to work but at the end of the episode they walk into the firehouse and Bobby is back, he and Athena took down Gerrard and Ortiz, Mara is back with the Wilsons. Buck tries to talk to Eddie, asks to hang out after shift but Eddie says no.
8x04: Bobby is back as Captain, previously established issues in Buck's relationship leads to a breakup in this episode. Buck doesn't talk to Eddie about it, there is tension between Buck and Eddie. Jee misses Mara, we see scenes of the Wilson-Hans meeting up still. Theme of episode is parenthood again, and Eddie sees parents reuniting with their kids (Bobby and the 118, the Wilsons) and has to go home to an empty house.
8x05: Bigger Athena storyline, maybe Harry is looking for purpose and she is trying to help him? This parallels a case she is working on. Bobby and Buck talk about stuff, Buck asks how he can help Eddie. Maybe a Denny storyline, where he talks about how he's scared that their family is going to be broken apart again.
8x06: Call to a sick child hits close to home for Ravi, Eddie and Maddie (who took the call). Somewhat of a Ravi begins episode. Maybe Maddie and Ravi end up at the hospital and they talk to each other? We see flashbacks to Maddie's childhood before Buck was born and when he was a baby. Buck tries to talk to Eddie again, they slightly argue on a call, Bobby sends them both to therapy (separately).
8x07: Montage of therapy. Buck talking about trying to help Eddie, Eddie talking about not wanting to help himself or having nothing to fight for, feeling like a burden. Buck's therapist tells him to try and just be present for Eddie, and that he doesn't have to fix things, he can just be there. Eddie's therapist asks him whether he knows who he is if he's not just Chris's dad. Eddie goes back home, goes to bed mid afternoon. Buck drags him out of bed a few hours later, forces him to get up and get changed, because it's Halloween and they're both taking all the LA 118 kids trick or treating. Both look a bit happier. Meanwhile Athena and Maddie work on a creepy call (Halloween vibes. Maybe Tim Minear picks a classic horror movie to base it on). Chris texts Eddie "happy Halloween, I love you". Buck and Eddie both go back to Eddie's that night, with Buck on the couch. Buck wakes up and sees Eddie standing in Chris's doorway, looking at the empty bed.
8x08: Eddie and Chris are texting now. Focus on other characters for this episode.
8x09: idk fires and whatnot
8x10: Christmas episode. Eddie and Buck are spending it together, they miss Chris but he's "not ready yet". They are working on Christmas Eve, a call comes in and Eddie is injured (maybe hypothermia, he falls in a frozen lake or something? Or maybe he falls off something). He's in a coma, Buck goes home to Eddie's house to pick up some clothes, he opens the door and it's all decorated and Chris shouts "SURPRISE" (he's come home for Christmas). Episode ends there.
8x11: for Eddie's (100th?) episode, it's kind of an Eddie begins again. We see some of his childhood in El Paso, we see him meeting Shannon. He talks to Shannon again, talks about how he doesn't know if he can forgive her or himself, how he won't ever know if it would have worked with them. She asks him how Chris is, whether he's taken care of. Eddie can see Chris and Buck at his bedside at the hospital, and he says he is. Shannon tells him that he has a family to get back to, and that there's still time to fix things even if he couldn't fix things with her. He wakes up.
8x12: The 118th episode. Buddie begins!!! We see Eddie's interview with Bobby pre 2x01, and how Bobby says he thinks Buck and Eddie will be good for each other. We see more post-tsunami scenes between Buddie maybe??? Also we see flashbacks to Buck talking with Taylor/Tommy about how Eddie and Chris will always be his priority. Buck comes to pick Eddie up from the hospital, Eddie says he almost lost Chris again and Buck says we almost lost you, and we need you. HE needs you, and I need you. Buck takes Eddie home, there's a welcome home party, his parents and Chris are there. Buck is baking with Chris/playing video games, and Eddie thanks his parents for taking care of Chris. His parents say to him "Chris is happiest with the both of you" and then "I think you have a lot of talking to do. With both of them". Buck makes eye contact with Eddie and the scene ends. Cut to later that night, Buck wakes up from the couch, sees Eddie looking through Chris's doorway, he goes up to him and they make eye contact. Eddie throws himself into Buck's arms, and they hug for a few seconds and stand with their foreheads together before they KISS!!!! the episode ends.
8x13: Buck and Eddie decide not to tell Chris while Eddie and Chris are still working on stuff. They don't tell the rest of the firehouse either, but we see Hen and Chim exchanging money and on the phone to their partners like "we think it may have happened". Other call related storylines happen.
8x14: Call related stuff. Athena and Harry argue again over what Harry wants to do with his life. Bobby and Buck talk, Buck admits that he and Eddie are together. Chris and Eddie talk, and Chris tells Eddie that he never needed a new mom, he just wanted his dad to feel like they were enough for each other. He also tells his dad he should maybe talk to Buck, and that he knows Buck will always stay.
8x15: Call related shenanigans, maybe a silly episode where Buck and Eddie keep trying to sneak around but all of the 118 already know. Buck and Eddie tell Chris at the end of the episode. Harry drops by the firehouse to see Bobby, he hangs out with the team for a bit.
8x16: There is an arsonist setting fire to Ravi's properties. Athena investigates. All of the 118 somehow end up suspects again. Buck's loft is set on fire.
8x17: Arsonist case solved, Buck moves into the Diaz household. A Buckley parent dies (just for fun) but everyone just shrugs and moves on. End the episode with Buck getting a call from child services (idk the US system). Apparently his child has been in a car accident and their mother has died, so he has full custody. The child is not Cameron and Conner's (like a 6 year old from his Buck 1.0 days).
8x18: Idk chaos and such. We end the episode with Harry's graduation party, he announces he's gonna go to the fire academy. May announces she's going to medical school.
THIS TOOK WAYYYY LONGER THAN EXPECTED. I was originally planning to just write the Christmas plans. Let me know what you think!
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tevanbuckley · 5 months
'now back to the bitch going on and on about close-mouthed kissing... what's good???' i mean the kiss in this episode was still just them emotionlessly smashing their mouths into each other so i stand by it lmao. i love that buddie-or-bust is such an insult 'people want ships to be between two fully realised characters they care about not on fully realised character and one cardboard cutout with steroid induced erectile disfunction, what losers, i'll take whatever table scraps tim minear and the abc executives want to give me and thank them for it' girl get up!!!
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absolutely insane amounts of cope going on here.
and the reason we're insulting you is because of behaviour like calling lou (an actor you don't know who's just doing his fucking job) someone "with steroid induced erectile disfunction"
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lemotmo · 5 months
Queer-coded Eddie Diaz theory
Okay, walk with me here. I have this theory.
I’ve been thinking about what Lou said in his interview. He said that the Tommy storyline was initially meant for Eddie. (Which still sets me reeling whenever I think about it.) But they changed their mind because something fell through and they decided to give the storyline to Buck. Which I’m happy about to be honest. Eddie is a whole different case of ‘being in the closet’. That man will need a lot more time to come to terms with his sexuality than Buck.
But, let’s imagine they would have stuck with the Eddie/Tommy storyline:
Obviously Marisol would have quietly disappeared in between seasons and Eddie would have been single again.
They hired Lou, a big bulky white man, to play his love interest. I know that we often say that Eddie is the Latin Lou, but he could also be a slightly bigger Buck (if you squint).
They would have bonded over the many shared interests and their army past. From there on their romance would have started and bloomed.
Buck would have probably still been with Nathalia or perhaps he would have also been single. Not sure about that. It would have depended on the actress being available or not.
In his interview, Tim Minear has stated that Buck has always been queer-coded, from season 1 on.
So, if we follow that line of thinking, wouldn’t Eddie have been queer-coded as well? Because, after all, he would have been the one in a romantic relationship with Tommy.
And then what? Would Buck have found his inner bisexual by being jealous of Eddie and Tommy? Like something we saw play out in 7x04. Everyone would assume, in the beginning, that Buck was just jealous of having to share Eddie’s attention with Tommy. But then, after a few episodes, it would have been revealed that he was actually in love with Eddie? Because, remember, according to Tim Minear, Buck has always been queer-coded. So it would only be logical to continue the storyline like that. Especially because everyone seems to lean into it this season. Oliver, Ryan, Tim and even Lou have been talking about Buddie.
Then what? Would Eddie have found out about Buck? Would he have realised that he loved Buck back, breaking up with Tommy, only to be with Buck? Or would Tommy have set him free from the relationship?
See the logic here? If Buck has always been queer-coded, why did they plan to have Eddie come out? It doesn’t make any sense, UNLESS Eddie has always been queer-coded as well (whether gay, demisexual or something else).
Now, if we go back to the current story that is playing out on our screens right now. If we take the above Eddie/Tommy scenario and change it to Buck/Tommy, then it would only be logical for the second character that has also been queer-coded since season 2 (Eddie) to end up with the other queer-coded character, now established bisexual (Buck).
Whichever way you look at it, all roads eventually lead to Buddie.
Mind you, this is only my train of thought and my opinion. Also no hate on Tommy or Buck/Tommy. This is just something that has been slow cooking in my brain ever since those articles from Tim and Lou came out. Couple that with Ryan’s interview, where he clearly states that Eddie has lived a very different life from Buck. He talks about how Eddie always looks for a mom-figure for Christopher in a relationship, and that he has always lived a ‘straight’- laced life. But that he is slowly discovering parts about himself he didn’t know were there in the first place. And now with the whole ‘catholic guilt’ storyline suddenly popping up out of nowhere, it just would make so much sense for Eddie to be some flavour of queer.
It would set up such an interesting storyline for his character as well. He would potentially struggle with his feelings, a lot more than Buck ever did. He might even have problems with accepting that side of himself. But ultimately it would all come down to Buck and his feelings for him. And Eddie has always been brave, so he would eventually own up to it and tell Buck.
All of this makes so much sense to me and I can't shake it.
Tell me, am I losing my mind here? Has 911 and Buddie finally broken me beyond repair? Have I boarded the train to delulu-land? Talk to me.
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sevensoulmates · 7 months
Season 7 Press Article Buddie Analysis
Okay I don't usually write meta/spec on press runs/articles but I found these super fascinating today, especially in comparison to how the showrunners (including Tim himself) and the actors have spoken about their arcs in the past.
First I want to say that in these interviews the goal is never actually to give the audience any important information but rather to tease, and purposely be as vague as possible. So most of what they're saying will likely have double meanings and all of them are being extremely careful with the words they choose to say. Now with that out of the way in the first EW article (linked here), I found several things extremely interesting.
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Calling Marisol Eddie's "Hardware store flirtation". It's so funny to me, for one, but it's also interesting that that's all she's reduced to. A flirtation. I know that was really all they were in the last season, but we know Marisol's involved (likely minorly) in at least 2 episodes out of the first 5. Natalia on the other hand is for the most part understood to not be coming back (I would honestly be surprised given the actress is in NYC). But what's even more interesting is that Marisol is not mentioned anywhere else in either of these articles, meanwhile Oliver WAS asked about Natalia. So, I want people to keep in mind that in whatever way Marisol IS a part of this season, I SEVERELY doubt she's making it past the finale.
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2. This answer about Natalia is your typical non-answer but to me, it's basically a confirmation she isn't coming back, which lends a tad bit more credibility to Tommy potentially stepping in as a LI for Buck (fingers crossed).
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3. Buck is apparently called in to help talk to Christopher about dating women. Do I even really have to talk about how weird this sounds? Eddie had a whole WIFE? He dated Ana for many many months. He's currently dating hardware store flirtation Marisol right now. And yet, Ryan is claiming that Eddie feels like he doesn't know how to talk to his son about women? Enough so that he calls Buck to help? Talking to your kid about dating is a new avenue yes, but why are we acting like Eddie has never been with a woman before? Like I know last season in particular emphasized that Eddie isn't the best when it comes to dating but like ??? I swear to GOD y'all it's giving such severe compulsory heterosexuality. Eddie, my man, I hope this is indicative of where your story is going this season because it's been heading this way for many many many years. Separately, I also find the lack of mention of Shannon very interesting as well.
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4. Which brings me to this part. The whole family dynamic aside...Buck's romantic relationships have been severely questionable at best the entire show. Before Abby, it's canon that all Buck did was sleep around a lot, which doesn't seem like something you wanna tell a young teen dating for the first time. So what's he gonna talk about? How women flee him? As I saw someone else say on the timeline "are the successful relationships in the room with us"? This is especially odd if the spec is true and he and Natalia broke up off-screen prior to the start of the season. Eddie, you just saw Buck have yet another failed relationship with woman #4 and your thought is that HE'S the one best suited to talk to your son? These two men are so queer and so dumb, but their hearts are in the right place.
Okay, moving on to EW article #2 linked here. Here I'm shifting a little bit more to Tim Minear, and what he's said before in the past as showrunner about Buck, Eddie, the buddifer dynamic and the buddie ship.
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I have a love-hate relationship with Tim. On one hand, I think he's a far better showrunner than Kristen (for OG 911, 911 Lonestar does and always will suck ass). But on the other hand, I remember some of the things he said back when season 2 was airing. It's part of the reason why I can't take things like "he's so cute. he gets that a lot" or "does this boycrush on eddie mean you're over abby" or "you two have an adorable son" or any Big Buddie fanservice line in season 2 seriously or as any definitive proof of anything. Tim has openly admitted most of those were in season 2 to throw shippers a bone. Not to be taken seriously. And that didn't sit right with me. Very obviously, there was a shift in season 3 and no longer was buddie and shippers the butt of the joke. Season 3 is when I genuinely think the writers and Tim shifted from "haha this is funny" to "oh wait, maybe there IS something here" and obviously The Powers That Be (Fox) had some control over whether or not that happened and is honestly why I think it didn't happen in season 5 or 6 where it realistically could've fit very well after s4.
So firstly, please take everything I say with a grain of salt because Tim is a Known Liar and Word Twister and is very VERY good at saying a lot while absolutely saying nothing at all.
5. So...I find what he says in this article interesting because it's not in the first article. First, his word choice is very interesting. Using both "friendship" and "coupling" in the same sentence, which have two different connotations. Secondly, he says that "at their core" their relationship is about their friendship. When something is the core of something else, that doesn't mean that's all there is. The core may be the essence, or the foundation, or the glue of something. But it is something that is BUILT UPON, something that extends past the core. To me, it means that while the core of buddie's relationship is their friendship, their relationship encompasses much more than that. It's like those successful old married couples who say the key to being married happily for 50+ years is that "we're still best friends" or that "the key to a successful romantic relationship is having that foundation of strong friendship" etc. Now, I'm not SAYING this means canon buddie, but I just find it interesting that this is how Tim chose to describe them this time around. To me, that says Tim is very much aware that there's far more to be explored in their relationship than just their friendship. Whether that means far more buddifer family arcs, or an actual real exploration of Buck and Eddie as a romantic couple, I'm very excited to see where it goes.
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notafragilething · 12 days
Late Night Buck & Tommy Rambles: Surprise, Bitches. I'm Back!
It has been a very long, chaotic summer but I'm back. Now that we've gotten more than some CGI bees and mustache jokes I'm emerging from hiatus and ready for season eight of 911 to consume far to much of my time.
We have several new quotes from Tim, some stills from the season premiere and my predictions for this season. This is going to be a long one but I hope you'll read and comment. I've missed y'all and need to ramble because I have thoughts!
So let's start with the interviews. There are two that dropped that have caught my attention because they confirm that Tommy will be back and that Buck & Tommy are still together.
So What's New? These Articles! (They include stills from the episode as well)
There is the TVLine interview here from the 9th that gave us the following quote: "On the bright side, Buck’s relationship with Tommy is going strong (“They’re still getting to know each other a little better”), so at least he’ll have someone to complain to after a long day of putting up with his racist, sexist, homophobic boss."
Second, today we got an EW interview here by Patrick Gomez. I bring up the interviewer because you might recognize him as the same one who did an article on the Tommy deleted scene over the summer (which I swear, PR or marketing had to be involved with).
The important Buck & Tommy bit from the EW interview: Minear says not much time has passed between the events of the season 7 finale and the season 8 premiere, so there haven't been many developments in Buck and Tommy's relationship. "But we see that they're more comfortable together," he explains. "We'd definitely call them a couple. Obviously they're comfortable hanging out with Eddie, but when you couple with somebody, it takes up some of your time, so that also leaves Eddie a little bit out in the cold. Well, not out in the cold, but Buck doesn't have as much free time as he did before, let's put it that way."
So what do I think this means? Let's get into my predictions!
I'm going to start out by saying this is 100% speculation. I may be right, I might be wrong. I don't have some secret inside source that is sneaking me information. I'm just going off what we've gotten so far and vibes.
But...I've had the feeling for a while now that the show was going to commit to Buck and Tommy going into season eight. This started with the joint interview, the release of the deleted scene and the following articles about it (which did seem to possibly be influenced by PR/Marketing) and the lack of Buddie we've been getting so far in bts stuff.
Now, I know some buddie shippers have taken the Eddie mention in that EW quote as proof it's happening but truthfully? That seems like a very, very bad sign for them. To me, this seemed like a gentle way of preparing the fanbase that Buck and Eddie weren't going to be spending as much time together in season eight as in the past.
This lines up with what we saw at the end of season eight with Eddie really depending far to much on Buck to handle his issues (something Ryan himself commented on). We saw that didn't work out in the finale when Buck couldn't and wouldn't attempt to make Christopher stay for Eddie. I think this season is going to make Eddie face and handle his own issues without Buck. I predict they'll still be friends but I wouldn't be shocked if the "family" dynamic started to fade away.
The fact that they're also saying Buck and Tommy are comfortable and getting to know each other makes me think that they want to show us their relationship building and getting serious. Which would make narrative sense if you were planning this relationship to be long term.
I'm intrigued to see if this pattern continues with future interviews and promotions that will be dropping over the next two weeks.
I do have a theory of what might play out in the first three episodes but that includes some spoilers (and I like to keep these mostly spoiler-free outside of what is in articles and official promo) so I'll be posting that in a little bit as a separate post.
With all that said. I'm pretty excited for this season and Buck's storyline. How are you all feeling? You getting the same vibes as me?
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shammers86 · 8 months
Because I’m not tired and my brain is going a million miles a minute because Tim f-ing Minear decided to drop some more stills.
Season 6 ending with Buck in a relationship and Eddie asking Marisol out for coffee. Obviously with three cruise ship episodes, there might not be a time jump for 7x01. However I think Tim is editing 7x01 and hence some of the stills. And he said they just cracked the seal on 7x04 so these stills are definitely not from that.
I theorized Marisol wouldn’t be around long. Some people think so (I do however love the idea of her playing a stalker. It would be amazing. We did call Jonah from day 1) but I don’t.
It’s a basic reset for new viewers.
We do know everyone recovered by the end of season 6, so this could tie into that.
My angsty AF theory is that Buck doesn’t know why he’s flailing with Eddie going out with Marisol. He’s been very involved with Natalia at the end of season 6 and therefore could think “I might need to take a step back from the Diazes.”
Buck hasn’t really dealt with the trauma of dying, of his coma dream and thinks if someone came back, then maybe he should date them. And he’s probably feels Eddie slipping away if he’s spending time with Marisol and Buck dives into the relationship with Natalia.
More below the cut before holy lord LONG POST.
In this still, it seems like they are still in sync at work. Probably putting out a fire and rescuing someone. This feels like the conversation in Jinx about Eddie running into Ana. They are bumping shoulders so they could be talking about relationships.
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Somewhere between this still and these stills below, something happens. That something makes Eddie work out hard enough to sweat which we have only seen maybe three times. Once when Buck was being a brat, another during the fighting and again when he’s on the treadmill after transferring. But for the most point, he only does this when he’s anxious or mad about something to do with Buck.
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My angsty AF theory is that Buck really stepped back on their friendship and him being there for Chris. Eddie is still affected by the lightning strike and suddenly Buck isn’t there anymore. Whether it’s to give Eddie time to date or to spend more time with Natalia, Eddie is going through it.
He saw a life without Buck and he knows it sucks but he doesn’t know how to properly say that to Buck. And we have the puppy eyes where Buck asks if everything ok with Marisol and maybe just maybe getting a hint that something is off with him and Eddie.
These stills are reminiscent of Buck’s speech about Ana and Eddie’s lack of feelings and panic attacks about her. Except maybe this time, Buck starts to realize there might be more to this.
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Obviously Eddie is getting advice from Bobby but the last time he asked advice in this type of setting, it set him on the path towards Ana. Maybe this time Bobby’s advice is a little more direct.
Then we come to this still with Buck and Chris.
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This is not an usual still between this two. This speaks of tension and Chris maybe mad about something. And Buck looks like he’s trying to explain something. (Lyn’s color theory works well with this). Maybe he tries to explain why he hasn’t been around and tries to apologize for not being there.
It also relates back to Chris almost losing Buck. This kid has been through a lot but Buck has been a constant figure in his life for years now and Buck promised he would always be there.
So if it seems like Buck broke the promise and Chris is possibly taking it out on Eddie and Eddie is at a loss, then Buck finally gets it through his head that he doesn’t have to step back.
And he tries to talk to Chris about why he wasn’t around.
Obviously they all need to just talk to each other. Especially about the shooting, the will and the lightning strike.
Lastly we have this still. (I’m on Team Buck here)
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Maybe before the Chris and Buck still or after, Eddie finally caves and tries to let Buck know he is wanted and can come around whenever.
This should grab is also reminiscent of Eddie telling Buck there is no one he trusts more with Chris. It echoes the same exact feeling of “You are my family no matter what. You’re part of Christopher’s family no matter what.”
Despite the redemption of shitty parents in season 6, I hope Tim really gives us the found family feels we fell in love with. More so with the Buckley-Diaz family and how much Eddie has invited Buck into his and his son’s life from basically day 1. (Ok like day 7 but I digress).
I don’t think Buck is gonna allow Christopher to be injured physically. I think it’s going to play out in emotionally injured way because he would accidentally do that again.
And for the love of God, go to therapy.
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callmebrycelee · 5 months
Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to discuss the latest episode of 9-1-1. This reaction is for the season 7, sixth episode “There Goes the Groom” which originally aired May 2, 2024. The episode was written by Tim Minear and Nicole Barraza Kiem and directed by John J. Gray. Just a word of warning, this reaction will contain spoilers. You have been warned …
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“He’s Tubbs, I’m Tubbs and this isn’t my puke, I don’t think.” – Eddie Diaz to Maddie Buckley
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We start things off at a gorgeous venue where Maddie and Chimney’s wedding is to take place. We see Bobby and Athena looking restless and John and Anne Lee sitting with Jee-Yun. We then see Maddie freaking out because the boys (Chimney, Buck, and Eddie) are 30 minutes late. Phillip Buckley (played by Gregory Harrison) tries calling Buck’s phone but keeps getting his voicemail. Hen rushes in to tell Maddie that Buck’s car has arrived. When Maddie asks if Chimney is in his tux, Hen tells her she didn’t get a good look. Buck and Eddie arrive looking like they’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Eddie’s covered in someone else’s puke (gross!!!) and inexplicably missing his shirt. This season is all about giving us what we need and what we need is Ryan Guzman shirtless. Maddie asks them about Chimney. Buck tells her that it’s complicated. 
Cue title card.
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We get a flashback to the bachelor party Buck organized for Chimney. It should be pointed out that Chimney doesn’t want a bachelor party, something he’s intimated to Buck numerous times. I must say, the venue Buck chose to host the festivities was really cool-looking. There were all these neon signs on the walls and twinkly lights galore. It reminded me of a space where you’d play laser tag. Buck and Eddie are dressed in matching pastel Miami Vice-esque suits and Buck is being very fussy about everything. Tommy (played by Lou Ferrigno Jr.) arrives dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans and Buck nags him about not sticking to the 80’s theme. I’m gonna assume that Tommy is in his late-30’s and therefore Buck should be lucky he even came in the first place because the thought of leaving my house on a weeknight to go to a bachelor party does not sound the least bit appealing. Eddie offers Tommy a drink and he tells him he’s on standby which for all you kiddies out there who don’t know how jobs work, standby means that you’re technically not scheduled for the shift, but you have to be ready in case you get called in to work.  
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“You put that back, right now.” – Evan “Buck” Buckley to Ravi Panikkar
Tommy does give us a hint about Chimney’s nickname when he reminds Eddie that he knew Chimney before he was Chimney. I love the whole mythos surrounding the name and I hope by the end of the series we finally get an explanation. I also like how sassy Tommy is in this scene. Hen, Karen, and Ravi arrive but our guest of honor is missing. While Buck calls Chimney’s cell, everyone else looks bored out of their mind. Buck asks Hen to call Chimney since he’s more likely to answer her call, but she declines. She reminds Buck that Chimney told him he didn’t want a bachelor party, but Buck tells her he didn’t. We then get a small scene where Chimney doesn’t mince words when he tells Buck he does not want a bachelor party. It should be noted that Eddie is present for the exchange and yet he is the one to suggest to Buck that they dress as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice. Now, this is my one pet peeve about Eddie. He always indulges Buck and then kind of absolves himself of responsibility when things go awry. 
Back in the not-so-distant future, people start to leave. Buck begs Hen and Karen to stay but they tell him they have to get home to Denny and Mara. Ravi is the next to leave followed by Tommy who gets a text to report to work. Buck is so disappointed to see him go, and I love how he tells Tommy to be safe before he leaves. Eddie is the only one left and when a group of young women wander into their party space, they decide to salvage the rest of the night by turning up with a bunch of strangers. Now, prior to the episode airing, Tim Minear announced that a previously advertised scene involving Buck and Eddie singing karaoke was cut due to the episode being too long. This led to more than a few irate fans, mostly Buddie shippers, sending a barrage of tweets and comments to the series co-creator voicing their frustration with the decision to remove the scene. Some even accused the writers of queer baiting which is really dumb when you consider that one of the characters is actually queer so what baiting is even involved. I get being upset because your favorite pairing on the show is not being featured as prominently as you would like but I find it absurd that someone would then go to Beyonce’s internet to harass the writers and the cast about said decision. I find it disgusting and I wish a certain ship would realize that certain writers would take them more seriously if they weren’t acting like a bunch of coked up baboons. But I digress.
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Buck and Eddie wake up the next morning in a completely trashed hotel room. The place is wrecked. Seriously, who is going to pay for all the damages? I’m honestly surprised by both of their behavior. Especially Eddie’s. He’s usually the more level-headed of the two but it’s odd to see him exhibiting such frat boy behavior. Perhaps he needed to blow of some steam. Anywho, they go to check on Chimney but only find his tux. Oh dear!
Buck and Eddie wake up the morning in a completely trashed hotel room. Seriously, who is going to have to pay for all the damages? I’m extremely surprised by Eddie’s behavior. 
“I am 9-1-1.” – Maddie Buckley to Margaret Buckley
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Back in the present, Maddie tries calling Chimney herself. When he doesn’t pick up, Hen asks if she has him on Find My Friend, a feature that will send current or last location to anyone you choose to share it with. She sees that Chimney is on Century Park East but wonders why he’s there.
We next see a guy named Jeff (played by Khorri Ellis) knocking on the driver’s side window of Chimney’s vehicle. Chimney is inside looking a little worse for wear. He’s sweaty and bleary-eyed. He looks like he has the flu. He also seems out of it. Chimney rolls down the window and Jeff asks him if he’s okay. He tells Jeff that he feels like he should be somewhere. Jeff asks him his name and Chimney says his name is Howard. Chimney says he needs to leave but Jeff, rightfully, tells him he is no condition to be driving. He offers to drive Chimney where he needs to go and when Chimney steps outside the vehicle, Jeff gets in, chucks Chimney’s cell out the window, and drives off leaving Chimney stranded. 
“I promise to never put her in a position where she feels she needs to stab me to death.” – Howard “Chimney” Han to John and Anne Lee
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We see Chimney with John and Anne Lee (played by Kelvin Han Yee and Freda Foh Shen) practicing Jesa, a Korean ceremony in which one pays tribute to a loved one on the anniversary of their death. I love any time we get to see Chimney with the Lees because while he has been able to make amends with his father, John and Anne Lee are his real parents and Kevin Lee, their son, is his brother. Chimney and the Lees have dinner together and Anne asks Chimney if he is excited about the wedding. When Chimney goes to respond, his hand starts shaking and he drops his food. John jokingly asks if he’s nervous, but Chimney assures him that he doesn’t have the jitters. He is, however, feeling jittery and tells them he has a headache he can’t seem to shake. Anne offers him aspirin, but Chimney tells her that he will be fine after he says, “I do”. 
John asks him about what happened to him and Maddie’s plan to have a simple ceremony at their home. Chimney tells him that the plan has changed. Phillip and Maddie Buckley are flying out for the wedding and have offered to foot the bill for the venue since they were not at Maddie’s first wedding. Anne says they waited to attend the right wedding. Chimney makes a dark joke about Maddie having to kill her first husband Doug and the Lees laugh. Chimney says he looking forward to having a traditional wedding; however, there is one tradition he is not looking forward to and that’s having a bachelor party. 
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Back in the present, Chimney sees his phone lying in the middle of a busy road. We see him walk into traffic to retrieve it and he almost gets hit by a bus. The driver opens the door and Chimney boards the bus. When she pulls off, the wheels of the bus crush Chimney’s phone. 
We head over to the wedding venue where everyone except for Chimney is gathered. It was so fun seeing all of the main and secondary cast in the same scene together in their formal wear. Athena gets a call from Officer Williams (played by Chris Wu) who has located Chimney’s phone but neither Chimney nor his car is with it. Athena asks him to put out a BOLO for Chimney and his car. Maddie asks Officer Williams if there are any traffic cameras nearby and he says there are a few. 
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Maddie, Hen, and Josh go to the dispatch center. Maddie says she will check the Century Park East traffic cam footage to see if she can find Chimney and Josh will check the call logs to see if there have been any calls from that vicinity in the last 12 hours.  Sue sees them and asks if this is a runaway bride situation. Hen tells her they are looking for a runaway groom. 
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Back on the bus, Chimney is clearly not in his right mind because he is hallucinating Doug Kendall (played by Brian Hallisay). Doug sits next to him, and Chimney asks if he knows him. Doug says that Chimney may forget everything else, but he could never forget him. Doug is wearing a Santa hat and has a gift he says is from the both of them to Maddie. He opens the bag and pulls out of knife which he uses to stab Chimney in the side. Even though I knew that Doug wasn’t real, that didn’t make this scene any less troubling to watch. Doug twists the blade and disappears leaving a confused Chimney alone on the bus. 
“Maybe I got too caught up in the dream wedding. I was so excited about marrying him.” – Maddie Buckley to Hen Wilson
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Meanwhile, reviews the camera footage and sees Chimney walking into traffic. She sees him almost get hit by a bus and then board said bus. Josh says the bus is a metro bus and asks if there’s any way they can see the bus ID number. Maddie writes down the number and gives it to Sue who tells her she will call the MTA. We then see Chimney get dropped off in an unfamiliar part of town. We switch back to dispatch where Maddie and Hen are reviewing the footage from inside the bus. I love seeing these two work together because out of all of our characters, these two love Chimney the most. Maddie notices that Chimney’s talking to himself, and Hen thinks he may be hallucinating. Maddie wonders if this is some sort of delayed reaction to his brain injury from back in season one or if he’s having some sort of breakdown. Hen reminds Maddie that when Chimney gets stressed, he deflects. Maddie wonders if Chimney marrying her is the thing that’s stressing him out, but Hen quickly lets her know that marrying her is the one thing he wasn’t stressed about. She tells Maddie that the only thing she’s sure of at the moment is that Chimney can’t wait to marry her. 
Josh returns and tells them that he talked to the bus driver who says that Chimney seemed a little out of it but otherwise normal. The bus driver also said that Chimney kept talking about being late for work. Hen points out that the bus Chimney was on wouldn’t go anywhere near the firehouse and wonders where he could have been dropped off at. Speaking of Chimney, we see him standing out in front of a building. He talks to a man named Carl (played by Exie Booker) and asks him about Skinny Bob’s K-Town Karaoke. For those of you who recall the episode “Chimney Begins” that is the name of the bar where Chimney used to work prior to joining the 118. Carl tells Chimney the bar burned down which we saw in the very same episode. Chimney has flashes of the night the bar burned down but he can’t quite piece together the memory. The make matters worse, he starts to see Doug again only this time his future wife’s dead husband is covered in blood. Chimney freaks out and runs away.
“”We’re gonna find him, Maddie.” – Athena Grant to Maddie Buckley
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Athena checks in with Maddie and Hen and tells them she talked to Carl who says that Chimney looked agitated and feverish. Carl also told Athena that Chimney thought that the bakery where Carl works was a karaoke bar. Athena tells them that she has some officers searching the area and she and Bobby plan to stick around just in case Chimney comes back. She assures Maddie that they will find Chimney. Josh reminds them that Chimney’s bachelor party was at a bachelor party; however, Maddie points out that the bachelor party was the night before. Sue asks if it is possible Chimney doesn’t know what day it is. Hen chimes in and says she’s not sure if he even knows what year it is. She pulls up an article from 2005 on her phone which shows that Chimney saved a lot of people by getting them out of the karaoke bar when it caught on fire. Maddie wonders if he’s forgotten 20 years of his life and Hen says he might not be the only one.
“You don’t have to worry about this. It’s all taken care of.” – Evan Buckley to Maddie Buckley
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We get another flashback scene, this one involving the 118 responding to an emergency where Thom DeSalvo (played by Brandon Bales) is trapped inside an air duct. Buck broaches the topic of Chimney’s bachelor party and the latter volunteers himself to go into the air duct while the rest go inside the room directly beneath where Thom is trapped. Chimney locates Thom and checks his vitals. Thom tells him that his heart is racing, and he has chest pains. He then sneezes directly into Chimney’s face. Chimney tells Thom to relax but he says he cannot relax because he just saw his fiancée having sex with another man. I kind of felt bad for Thom because he is truly heartbroken although if I were his friend, I wouldn’t have advised that he go spy on them. Meanwhile, Bobby, Hen, Eddie, and Buck are able to knock out a portion of the ceiling and lower Thom down. As he is loaded into an ambulance, Hen talks to the woman Thom said was his fiancée and discovers that she is, in fact, not his fiancée. She says that Thom is her ex-husband and that they’ve been divorced for 17 months. 
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Back in the present, Buck brings Maddie a change of clothes and Eddie brings food. Buck notices that Hen is on the phone, and he asks Maddie who she is speaking with. Maddie tells him that Hen is checking on the patient Thom from their emergency two weeks ago.  Eddie is surprised the guy is still in the hospital since he wasn’t even hurt. Maddie tells them that Hen thinks that Chimney is exhibiting the same behaviors as Thom. Hen announces that Thom had viral encephalitis that he picked up while in Central America. Buck points out that Chimney was in close quarters with Thom. Eddie suggests they all get checked to see if they have it. Hen points out that Chimney was the only one who had direct exposure to Thom. Josh asks her what the prognosis is and Hen says that if Chimney were in a hospital it would be good but every minute that passes without treatment, the swelling in his brain gets worse. If Chimney does not get medical attention ASAP, he is going to suffer permanent brain damage and most likely die. Maddie asks her about Thom Desalvo’s status and Hen tells her that he died earlier that morning.
“He may not remember who he is but he is who he is.” – Athena Grant to Bobby Nash, Evan “Buck” Buckley, and Eddie Diaz
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We see Chimney wandering the streets of Koreatown in a state of delirium. He nearly gets hit by a car and the driver, who is either under the influence or experiencing a medical emergency, plows into a farmers’ market, hurting a lot of people in the process. The paramedic switch is flipped in Chimney, and he springs into action. He tells a woman to call 9-1-1 and tends to the driver who is having a seizure. It’s amazing that Chimney is able to stay focused to help everyone, even while in the midst of his own medical emergency. This scene reminds me of when Mateo on Lone Star jumped into action during the dust storm back in season two.
Athena, Bobby, Buck, and Eddie arrive on the scene of the accident and Bobby reports that a man fitting Chimney’s description was on the scene triaging the area. Eddie thinks this means that Chimney knows who he is but Bobby quickly adds that Chimney told one of the witnesses he works at a karaoke bar. Athena sees this as a good sign regardless because Chimney is tapping into something that is so natural to him which is helping others. Bobby says that Chimney was last seen 30 minutes ago so he suggests that they canvass the area to look for him. Athena says she will get the police involved in the search as well. 
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Buck strikes off on his own to look for Chimney and he does end up at the spot where Chimney is at; unfortunately, Chimney is passed out, so he does not hear Buck calling for him. Chimney receives another visit from Doug who tries to convince him that Maddie left him. Chimney remembers the video Maddie left him before she left for Boston. Doug tells Chimney he is sick in the head and that he screwed around with a married woman. Chimney then sees himself lying on the ground after he got stabbed by Doug back in season two. Doug tells him to stop fighting and to go to sleep. Chimney eventually passes out and sees a white light.
“Howie, you got to get up, man.” – Kevin Lee to Howard “Chimney” Han
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Now this is the part where I started to tear up in the episode. A man dressed in turnout gear steps out of the light and Chimney sees that it’s Kevin Lee (played by James Chen). It is in this moment I realized that we never saw Chimney grieve his fallen brother. Chimney starts to cry upon seeing Kevin. Kevin tells him to get up and Chimney says he is so tired and that his head is hurting. He wants to rest but Kevin says he cannot. He tells Chimney he is sick and needs medical attention. Chimney touches Kevin’s face and tells him he misses him and that he’s glad he’s okay. Kevin tells Chimney that he will be okay, but he needs to get up. He drags Chimney to his feet and tells him that Doug was never there. Chimney says that Kevin is there, and Kevin says that Chimney invited him. Kevin tells him all he needs to do is get home. 
“We always find our way back to each other somehow.” – Maddie Buckley to Howard “Chimney” Han
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Chimney ends up at the Lees house asking for Kevin Lee. Anne tells him that Kevin is dead. Chimney starts crying again and finally collapses onto the floor. He wakes up in the hospital where Maddie is at his bedside. She asks him if he knows where he is at and he shakes his head. She asks him if he knows who he is and he apologizes for missing their wedding. Maddie starts crying and now I’m crying, too. Maddie is happy he remembers. Jee-Yun runs into the room with Phillip Buckley close on her heels. Chimney tells Maddie he was trying to get back to her and Jee-Yun the whole time. Chimney asks Maddie if she will marry him, and she says she will the minute they get out of the hospital. He asks her when that will be, and she says the doctors say it will be three weeks. Chimney tells her he doesn’t want to wait that long. He doesn’t want to wait another minute.
We next see Maddie back in her wedding dress. I must say, the viewers give Phillip and Margaret Buckley a hard time based on their previous relationships with Maddie and Buck, but I have to say it was so nice seeing the Buckley family together and on the same page. Back in Chimney’s room, John and Anne Lee are helping him into get into his tuxedo jacket. John tells Chimney that Kevin is smiling right now, and Chimney agrees. Okay, cue more tears. While Jennifer Love Hewitt sings a cover of “Islands in the Stream” which is the song Maddie and Chimney sang karaoke to, we see Maddie being walked down the hospital corridor by Phillip while flower girl Jee-Yun walks ahead of them. Phillip leads Maddie into Chimney’s room and Bobby officiates their wedding which feels so appropriate. They exchange vows and rings and finally kiss in front of their family and friends. I loved the moment when Bobby is talking about the significance of the rings, and he looks over at Athena. It’s just a reminder of how perfect the couples on this show are.
“Thanks, Tommy. It looks like you were … busy.” – Howard “Chimney” Han to Tommy Kinard
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Buck gets a text and leaves the room while everyone is applauding Chimney and Maddie’s union. He makes it to the emergency room just in time to see Tommy walk through the sliding doors. Tommy is covered in soot and ash and immediately apologizes for being late. He tells Buck that the fire he just fought was a beast. Buck calls him a beast and kisses him. Now this kiss was an upgrade from the kiss two episodes ago which is already a great kiss. It was a great first kiss. With this kiss, the passion was turned all the way up to an 11. Seriously, these two have such amazing chemistry and I love how things are gradually escalating. I do love that Buck is the one who initiates the kiss because it shows that he is all in on their romance. 
Buck and Tommy head back to Chimney’s room aka the wedding and Tommy immediately apologizes for missing the wedding. He congratulates Chimney and Maddie and Chimney thanks him. There’s this amazing moment when Chimney puts two and two together and realizes that Buck and Tommy are together. He is immediately accepting as I knew he would be and Hen whispers to Karen that it’s about damn time and of course Hen already knew because Hen is very perceptive. We get other reactions as well. Eddie looks both proud and happy for his best friend and Margaret gives her husband Phillip a look that says, does that mean what I think it means and Phillip looks content. As I mentioned before, the Buckleys get a bad rep by the fans but I am choosing to see this as a good sign of things to come. 
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We end the episode with Maddie and Chimney. She asks him how he is feeling, and he tells her he is feeling right at home. She jokes and asks if that’s because every significant moment of their lives happens in a hospital. He tells her that he feels at home because they are together. He looks around the room and says it’s not the most romantic place for their honeymoon. Maddie says there’s worst and at the same time they say upside down cruise ships. Ha! Maddie looks at her ring and says she can’t believe they are married. She says it’s the wedding of her dreams and Chimney says it’s a day he’ll never forget. Chimney asks Maddie if Buck and Tommy were a thing before his amnesia and she says yes. He says that means his memory is back. In the last moment of the episode. Chimney asks Maddie about the meaning behind his name and then it fades to black. I guess we will have to wait to find out how Chimney got his infamous nickname.
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So, that’s our episode and what an amazing episode it was. Looking back at the promo for “There Goes the Groom”, Tim Minear and Company really had me convinced that we were getting an homage to The Hangover. I was not expecting this episode to be as heartbreaking and heartwarming as it was. Shout out to Kenneth Choi who deserves his flowers. He not only delivered some of the most powerful moments of the episode, looking back, Kenneth has been constantly delivering since season one. The scene where he talks to Kevin shattered my heart into pieces only to superglue it back. Chimney is usually the comic relief of the show and it’s often been said that comedians are some of the most unhappy people on the planet. Who knew he was holding onto so much grief. In many ways this episode reminds me of last season’s “In Another Life” where Buck learns just how valuable he is to those around him. Chimney has a similar journey in this episode and thankfully he’s walking away from this horrific ordeal knowing just how loved he is by his family, his friends, and most importantly his wife. 
The Madney wedding wasn’t what I was expecting but it was better than anything I could’ve ever imagined. One thing I think the writers did well with this wedding that I wished they did with TK and Carlos’ wedding over on Lone Star is the joy aspect. Everyone in that hospital room was filled with love and happiness despite everything that had transpired. I love how once a season we get these moments where the cast is all together, celebrating, and it’s the rare occasion we get to see the actors come through their characters. This is a cast that loves each other and it’s so apparent. It’s one of the many reasons I love this show. But, I digress. Maddie and Chimney’s wedding was absolutely beautiful and had we not gone through all the drama and tragedy, we would’ve missed out on Bobby being the officiant. It makes total sense that our fearless leader would be the one to marry Chimney and Maddie. I look forward to what happens next for Chimney and Maddie. These two have endured so much trauma and heartache and I pray the writers leave them alone for awhile. 
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Lastly, I have to talk about the moment that has set both Twitter and Tumblr ablaze albeit for different reasons. Many have doubted and still doubt the legitimacy of Buck and Tommy’s burgeoning relationship, but I think this episode made it abundantly clear these two are here to stay at least for the rest of this season. I don’t know what plans Tim Minear has for these two characters but I love the slow burn of it all. Sometimes I’ll be sitting, doing nothing, and it’ll dawn on me that Evan “Buck” Buckley is bisexual, and he is dating a kind, patient, and extremely hot firefighter named Tommy Kinard. And maybe it’s my imagination but this is the happiest Buck has ever looked. The smile he gives after he comes back to Chimney’s room with Tommy is something I will rewatch this episode over and over again just to see again. Oliver and Lou’s chemistry is off the charts and that shouldn’t suggest that there’s anything wrong with Oliver and Ryan’s chemistry. I think Oliver has chemistry with everyone he appears on screen with. And, as the mostly one-sided war rages on between Buddie shippers and BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley shippers, I think at the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that Buck is bisexual, he is (mostly) out, and he is happy. We have seen this man endure emotional and physical turmoil since episode one. I’m happy that he gets to be happy and that’s what matters. I cannot wait to see what happens next. Until next time …
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Anti Bucktommy
Eddie deserves better than that raggedy storyline he was handed.
Don't read below the cut if you ship bucktommy because this is an ANTI-BUCKTOMMY ZONE!
Full Disclosure: Eddie is my favorite character and IMO the way he was charcterized in 7x4 was horrifically horrible.
It's been a few hours since the episode aired and I believe I'm finally at a place where I can articulate how damn angry I am about the way EDDIE DIAZ was treated throughout the episode.
Before it aired, I was still on the fence regarding if I should watch live because I didn't want Buck and Eddie to argue/fight but I sure as hell didn't want either of them to get injured. I really tried to keep an open mind about Buck’s storyline but I'm not sure how to process the fact that they made Eddie out to be the villain for the third time. First it was the lawsuit, then it was Buck's coma dream where he was charcterized as "Angry" and now this. He was the one injured but Tommy had to tell Buck to call Eddie and he was just like "ok" when pre-Tommy Buck would have taken Eddie to the hospital and stayed with him until he was better. But it appears everyone forgot how Buck dropped everything to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie’s breakdown since Buck finally kissed a guy.
So... first things first. Eddie FINALLY ADMITTED HE'S TAKEN but when did that happen because Marisol has been on screen for like 5.098 seconds in 4 episodes. Second, why didn't Eddie ask her to babysit Chris? I mean if they're in a committed relationship or whatever, then shouldn't he have asked her? That would have made more sense but if he had then he wouldn't have been able to ask Buck to do it. And finally, why was his actions towards Buck made to seem like he was intentionally being mean? The pre-7x4 Eddie Diaz wouldn't have done that because he knows how self-deprecating Buck can be. Reminder he called Buck Evan first and it wasn't like he was trying to put him in his place like Tommy was and will do. Tommy's actions towards Buck didn't show that he even liked him since he was dismissive but this isn't about that, it's about Eddie.
Now, I still can't tell if Eddie's actions were supposed to be funny or WTF but the way they had him acting like he was inconsiderate towards Buck’s feelings was just WRONG! Furthermore making it seem like he was using him and rubbing his nose in it since he had a new friend was NOT OK! FYI, the way everything played out validated some of those Facebook moms' thoughts because they've already posted that they believe Eddie uses Buck to babysit for him so he can go out and have fun 👀.
Additionally, Eddie was shown to be the one Buck’s affection... no fuck that, LOVE was directed towards only for Buck to literally injure him and ACT like he did it because he wanted to be with fucking Tommy Kinard? I call BULLSHIT and at this point I don't like Buck very much right now because of the way he acted in this episode.
Showing Eddie using Buck to babysit Chris and talking at him and ignoring him while he was hanging out with the guy who basically called Buck stupid and unbelievable to his face was just bad writing. Of course there will be those who say, "Let the story play out because it was just one episode" but the audience has been here before waiting for Buck to finally get it and nothing changed except he's dating a man now. None of this was ok and even though Maddie told him don't do it again, that was fine I guess but what in the actual fuck was this raggedy ass storyline? There was a better way to handle this without making Eddie the villian.
If all Tim Minear wanted to do was set Buck up with someone other than Eddie, then he could have picked a better character than Tommy. Also, there's an article that indicates he was planning to bring Lucy back for this storyline and it's ridiculous. She already put her lips on Buck without his permission and Tommy did the same thing and so did Taylor.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about Buck. But I do care about Eddie who was called "Angry" in Buck’s coma dream and who Buck actually fucking physically injured during a basketball game because he's jealous that Eddie was hanging out with Tommy.
I can't support a toxic relationship and that's what I saw happening between Buck and Tommy in 7x4.
IMO, The math ain't mathing and this is... not good storytelling.
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sibylsleaves · 26 days
The thing about letting them be in love to me is well. I was a the magicians on syfy enjoyer and literally I would be dumbfounded if a non canon buddie situation ever happened in 911 that would be worse than that. So like nothing can hurt me anymore. But the situation is actually so dire on 911 its like. I would live if buddie canon never happened because I think their relationship provides each other with something theyve never experienced with another person even on a friendship only level. But also they want to kiss so bad. Sooo bad. And they also want to be married to each other and be domestic so bad like its really dire for them. Buck wants to not find but make love with someone eddie wants someone to love and love him back and have magic with and they literally both have that if they would just wake up and KISS already
(if you havent seen the magicians would basically be like if both eddie and buck recently expressed wanting a relationship with each other but eddie was stuck in a place where buck cant get to him and buck is like its okay Im going to spend the whole season trying to save you. And then with 3 episodes left in the season buck got together with abby and then in the finale buck dies and its kinda suicidal but also unclear and also it happens before buck and eddie get to reunite so basically the last time they ever talk is 10ish episodes earlier when buck promises to save him. And then tim minear got on facebook and said buck had to die because he was a white male lead and said people should stop being mad about it because it was actually really progressive of him to kill buck off. When oliver didnt even express wanting to leave the show. Anyways)
ohhhhhh i watched the magicians......not when it was airing but i think i managed to avoid spoilers so.....yeah i know of what you speak 😭💀💀 genuinely one of the most fucked up things a show has ever done to its audience.
but anyway yeah i agree with literally everything you said. it's so dire!!!!!!!!!!!! like literally just thinking about them making eddie settle down with like. random girlfriend #3: this time it's really love i swear. like. it is BLEAK. genuinely makes me sad to think about!!!!
and like. okay. when i watched the show for the first time we were mid-s5. everyone was convinced BT Bones was coming except for me because i was like well taylor has gotten a lot of development and screen time and they DID take their time with getting them together so like. why do all that just to break them up.
and then immediately one episode into 5b their relationship got the death knell in the form of buck kissing lucy. and then they didn't even make lucy a love interest after that. they just kissed one time and it was kinda played as a joke between them but nothing came of it.
and then buck and eddie spent all of season 6 not dating anyone. which was. an interesting choice??? and then natalia and marisol got hastily written in at the end. and then. well. off-screen break-up for one, and basically off-screen relationship for the other (followed by an off-screen break).
at a certain point i do kind of think that like. the writers don't really know how to write them lasting, convincing, compelling romantic relationships. or. they are uninterested in doing so. so like. we’re now 8 seasons in. all the canon couples have had at LEAST 7 seasons of development. what are we doing here. what's the plan. if not buddie canon.
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coraniaid · 4 months
reverse unpopular opinion: angel s4
(Reverse unpopular opinions.)
It's not as obvious now as I feel it would have been then, but I think for its time there's something remarkably ambituous about the way Angel S4 tries to tell one big overarching story across twenty-two episodes, and how the writers weren't afraid to tear down the status quo and make big, permanent changes to the show. And I ...
... oh, who am I kidding, this is just the 'had potential' line I'm not supposed to use, isn't it? Let me try again.
I will always be very happy that the writers brought Faith back into the Buffyverse this season. I think Faith's scenes with Wesley and with Angel/Angelus are genuinely good, particularly the escape from jail in Salvage and the conversation Faith and Wesley have immediately afterwards ("I'm not going to kill him..." "I know. That's why it had to be you.") and their final goodbyes in Orpheus ("Angel here wanted to hug").
I will never forget the first time I saw the scene where Fred sees Jasmine's true form (I was watching the episode alone at 2 in the morning and I didn't sleep properly afterwards for a week). Buffy and Angel both largely avoided any real horror moments (despite the trappings of vampires and cults and demons), but I thought that one was really well done.
Similarly I have fond memories of the first time I saw Awakening. Maybe the twist doesn't stand up to repeat viewings but I remember thinking it was neat (I figured it out in advance, but not so much in advance that the rest of the episode seemed pointless). It was definitely a more interesting take on Angel losing his soul via magic than whatever was going on in Buffy S3's Enemies. I think this is one of the better episodes of the Buffyverse that has David Fury's name attached to it.
Gunn is in this season! I like Gunn as a character a lot, and I wish the show didn't treat him so terribly. His line complaining about being trapped in a "turgid supernatural soap opera" this season suggests an admirable self-awareness on the part of the Angel writers.
Even though I'm really not a fan of Season 5, I think the set-up in Home with the Fang Gang being offered the resources of Wolfram & Hart (and the reasons they are all tempted by the offer) is pretty neat. And being written by Tim Minear it's actually a very solid episode too. In another world -- one in which Cordelia had woken up from her coma early in the fifth season and rejoined the main cast and not been written out after Charisma Carpenter was lied to and returned to the show under false pretences, and one in which Lilah Morgan carried on appearing in the show from beyond the grave as a representative of the Senior Partners -- I think people might remember Season 4 a lot more fondly.
I like the theme music. It's catchy.
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buck-up-buck · 4 months
7x09 theories... (because but of course)
OKAY, so I am going absolutely feral over next week's promo and I have some ideas, as per usual, so let's delve head-first into this, shall we?
First of all, I was so off mark with 7x08 so now that we have confirmed I am not a prophet, we can obviously take every theory I post with a pinch of salt. The only thing I kinda remotely even mentioned was a kidnapping theory and, in my defence, Herman did try to kidnap Bobby and Amir before Bobby ran them off the road so, slay, I was, kinda sorta on the right path, just also totally wrong😂
BUT, let's now talk Ashes Ashes because boy that promo has me feeling some kind of way.
First things first, the scene in which Athena says "I think my husband is in danger", is in a hospital. I have a feeling maybe she is talking to Amir because the Cartel are going after Bobby potentially for saving Amir after he killed that guy. BUT, she could also be talking to anyone and it could still well be Amir who is after Bobby, because I refuse to believe the revenge arc is over and done with. I will be so annoyed if we don't get more on this revenge arc, I swear. BUT, her outfit and the background potentially looks like the scene from the still Tim Minear posted last week. Maybe Bobby gets injured in the fire at Bathena house, some smoke inhalation, a lil burn, something, and that's why he is in the hospital. I am so sure though that the scene with Maddie, Chim and Hen is not the same scene with Athena.
Second, I have a gut feeling, that something about this Bathena house fire is sus. Like, the way Bobby is asleep on the couch and the way he suddenly wakes up and reacts seems so staged to me, that it almost doesn't seem real, like maybe Bobby is dreaming it and the scene doesn't actually happen. I don't know why my first thought was a dream, that maybe his mind is playing tricks on him because he has a feeling he is being hunted and he starts making up crazy scenarios, maybe someone tells him to watch his back, and he loses it a little in worry. I DON'T KNOW, but I just have a feeling that scene isn't all that we think it might be. That, OR, the fire at Bathena house is a warning and there is something darker, and bigger, at play (cough Buck's loft burning down cough) because surely if the big event of the last two episodes was Bathena's house burning down and Bobby getting trapped, or Athena being in danger or what not, they would not have showed us such a drastic clip in the promo. That would have been kept under wraps from us until the episode aired, and we would not have seen a clip like we did.
Thirdly, now don't shout at me for this, I could be so wrong, BUT, I have a feeling Bobby is going to relapse either in the next TWO EPISODES or start of Season 8. I initially had this idea back in September because of seeing potential storylines in another show of a character relapsing and thought maybe ABC would take the route as in season 1, Bobby relapses when Hen and Buck find him in his apartment, and ABC did say they were treating this season as another season 1, reintroducing storylines and what not. I killed the idea because, respectfully, I do now want to see this happen because my man Bobby has been through way too much, BUT, the way he is looking in the promo is very dishevelled and unsettled and I just feel like maybe all of this with Amir is going to make him snap. Again, don't shout at me, I am no prophet, I am just, speaking what I am seeing and sharing my lil crazy brain thoughts. runs away
OKAY, now, onto the rest of the characters. I have feeling we are going to see some kind of divorce era 2.0 with Buck and Eddie, maybe not as big as Season 3, but somewhere along the lines of an explosive argument, and that maybe we get a glimpse of some tension in this episode.
I am NOT okay about the jump scare that is Captain Gerrard at the compensation ceremony, DO NOT LIKE THAT. Bad vibes all over. I feel like maybe something might happen between him and Tommy and Buck is gonna be top tier boyfriend. Like a small lil side plot that just gives us some Tommy angst, and Protective!Buck. Please. I beg. I would also LOVE, a few more kisses, even if just lil cheek pecks, from Buck and Tommy, because now that we have had "that fire was a beast." "so are you" I NEED MORE.
I think that is all for know, I may come back with more, because come on, it's me. I think by the end of the season we need to compile ALL of my theory posts this season and see just how wrong/right I have actually been.
Go forth and thrive 9-1-1 fans.
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abandonedaccount1234 · 4 months
First off: RIP RICO PRIEM. There needs to be better safety precautions and LAWS put into place, not just contract negotiations, to ensure the safety of all cast and especially crew. No one should have to die to see our favorite show get made. We can week a few weeks/months between episodes if that is what it will take. Our little weewoo show is not more important than people getting home safe.
-honestly, tell him how it is Amir. Bobby affected more lives than just the 148 he took. As much as I love his growth and how he’s healed, the trauma extends past his victims into generational trauma that will probably be felt for several generations.
-it’s so emotionally jarring sometimes to see fun loving bobby who’s worked hard to piece his life back together. and then also remember, he’s the cause of 148 lives being taken. like....how does the man have a job? he would not experience the same treatment of the freedom he’s been allowed post apartment fire if he was a man of color.
-i love how the characters are flawed and not perfect people.
-MAY GRANT where you been my baby
-Athena/Bobby goals 🥰
-so bobby comes from a long line of abusive alcoholics and has been a people pleasing emotional therapist for most of his life, good to know. good. to. know.
-i haven’t personally been too fond of the whole amir’s gonna burn the building down because it kind of plays into stereotypes of black men being violent and unable to work through their emotions in a healthy way.
-i do think race aside, it’s a possibility but after tonight’s episode, it’s not something i wanna be dead set on or right about because fighting fire with fire is not good for anyone involved, no matter how much gut wrenching pain they’ve caused you.
-i mean the cartel is a storyline they haven’t touched on before. i wonder what’s next? bridge collapse? plague outbreak? eddie being demisexual?
-side note: that guy’s flowing long hair is actually so pretty
-his mother should have stepped in more
“you can keep your amends, i didn’t ask for it. it doesn’t mean a damn thing to me.”-oh damn damn DAMN they got me crying on bridgerton day AGAIN
-oh please don’t tell me bobby learned how to cook out of trauma of almost burning his house down because he had to take on the role of his mother after she left his alcoholic father
-Bobby Nash? Nah. Bobby BURNT.
-Get up Amir! Don’t die! You’ve come too far! (in the wise words of my father: a black man can’t ever catch a break, can he?)
-is he actually a ranch worker? don’t trust a man with a truck you don’t know kids. DONT DRINK THE WATER. ITS GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT.
-of course the guy with the car WAS HIS GRANDSON
-did i not just tell you to not take candy from a strange man you just men in the middle of nowhere?
-ommercial break mantra to calm myself: athena will always find you, don’t worry. do what you gotta do to survive guys.
-back to bobby/amir: i think it’s important for bobby to meet someone who can’t forgive him for what he’s done, who no matter how much he’s grown, will never be able to see him apart from the trauma and pain he inflicted. it’s more realistic.
-Who Can It Be Now? Song by Men at Work
-Bobby’s dad dies in an alcoholic accident after he verbally assaulted him for being a kid who was left on his own to figure things out is INSANE TIM MINEAR SHIT.
-i don’t think he’s alive anymore bro...
-is bobby can drop to his knees and pray or something?
-welp he dropped to his knees
-poor little bobby
-stay alive by matt alder
-I hope Amir sticks around. I like him. He keeps things emotionally interesting. I needed a good cry.
-commercial break thoughts: where tf is charlie now? i didn’t realize how much older he was supposed to be
-BIG PROPS to the makeup team
-i like this new girl, hope we see her again. her hair is flawless.
-acting pro peter krause
-“i live my life just trying not to make anything worse”
-michael jamal warner. incredible work tonight my man.
-what in the offbrand huge hulk loke tommy/buck/eddie are those firefighter dudes
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green-cinnamon-stick · 6 months
The lengths I went through to watch last night's episode were so worth it. I'm currently in Japan so not only is there a time difference, there's also no wifi where I am. So everything is being run through data...which is slow as shit. I had dinner reservations scheduled for the same time the episode was dropping on Hulu so I told myself I'd just wait until after. This was preceded by a very reasonable spiral from a spoiler of Tommy and Buck. So not only did I have to wait, I had to wait knowing what I knew. Only to get back after dinner and the Internet won't load on my laptop and it is loading extremely slowly on my phone. Like buffering every two seconds slow. So I decide to log in to Hulu on the TV in our room. But we're in Japan so of course there's no access to American shows. (Truly idk how you international fans do this regularly cause this has been a rough twelve hours). So I try to let it buffer on my phone while I take a shower and get ready for bed. I get back and it's still not loading fully so now it buffers every minute. So I decide to let it buffer some more and promptly fall asleep. I woke up at 5am to see that it had loaded a little more but then the app closed. So it wasn't until about 6:30am that I finally got it to run with me pausing every five minutes. But I would happily go through that hell again if it means I get to experience the euphoria I got watching that last scene. Tim Minear, thank you. OLIVER STARK! THANK YOU! I can't believe I'm saying this but thanks abc. To know that a show and character you love so deeply is not only in good hands but is getting the dedication they deserve with something so precious. I've basically been crying all morning.
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tvfangirladdict · 5 months
So everyone else seems to be bolstered in their Buddie hope after this episode, but am I the only one that's getting a sinking feeling instead?
On one hand, yes, the repressed catholic guilt for Eddie makes me optimistic--and was I understanding Maddie's hint about Eddie correctly or was I crazy?--but everything else read to me as ABC beginning to--maybe not solidfy Buck and Eddie as only friends, but at least pump the breaks on Buddie.
I get letting them grow and learn more about themselves in separate relationships first, but Eddie's genuine, physical attraction to Marisol? Going back to the beginning of their relationship so ABC can undo how Fox just kind of through them together like usual right before the season finale and they can actually show the development of this relationship that's existed for months now but we weren't able to see? Paralleling this with Buck and Tommy who want to get to know each other better? Buck and Eddie's shorter, more bro-style interactions vs the softer more intimate interactions we were used to seeing in Buck's kitchen? The hug and "call Tommy," was all just so quick and platonic😭.
I'm not saying they'll never go there, I'm just saying I'm not so confident that if it does happen, we'll see it confirmed in the next few years.
Anyone else know the story of Benson and Stabler on SVU? They were always partners/ best friends/ride-or-dies/more-than-friends/soulmates, but Stabler was Catholic, married and had up to 5 kids. Everyone and their mother knew those two were meant to be, but their timing just never worked out. In their first 12 years before Chris(Stabler) left the show though, they hugged like a total of 3 times, never once said "I love you" or ever crossed the line physically. Okay? You with me? And yet, there was so much chemistry and love shown between them, that they were undeniable.
Cut forward 10 years, and Stabler gets his own spinoff and is brought back into Benson's life. 22 YEARS in the making. In his first season back, his wife was killed, he told her "I love you" and this giant, unspoken thing between them was actually fucking acknowledged by their characters in the show. In one season, they advanced these twos' personal relationship more than the previous 22 years put together.
But then.... nothing happened. I mean small things here and there between the two shows, an almost kiss, them admitting they want each other. But still, three years later and they still aren't together. And now we're at 25 years, for what has to be the slowest slow burn in the history of like, everything.
All this to say, I'm really afraid that ABC and Tim Minear are only coming out swinging so hard in an effort to hook existing fans and gain their loyalty. But then, it's going to go back to doing what any other major television company does, and it's going to fall back into drawing it out as long as possible. Because yeah, the show is on season 7, but if ABC wants it to go another 7 for themselves, they can't just rush and give us what we want in the first one or two seasons, that wouldn't be a good financial strategy for them. I really don't think they'll do it that way.
ABC gave us bi Buck and they can't ever take that away, but will they trap us with that bait, and be content with making everyone halfway happy to avoid taking too many more risks so soon or ever? Yeah, I really think they're not above that.
I feel like we're already falling back into the patented responses from cast and crew that "you never know" or "anything can happen" or "nothing is set in stone", so that's not making me feel great.
Don't get me wrong, I would be so happy to admit I'm wrong if it doesn't go the way I think it will, but I don't think I can live episode-to-episode for another 7 years living off scraps of Buddie interactions and subtext😭😭 I'd rather they just go the "brother" route so I can get closure and focus on fanfiction instead. The will they/won't they and overanalyslzing every single second looking for a hint of something sexual or romantic between them will be the death of me, because at the end of the day, it'll mean whatever ABC will want it to mean😭
Most of yall probably won't even read this, but I had to get my anxiety out, lmao😅
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captain-hen · 1 year
Hiii!!! You prob talked about this before but im New to the fandom and ive seen a lot of people (almost all of them on twitter) that are convinced buddie isnt happening because of kristen. Why do you think they are so convinced this is the reason?
they're deluded and misogynistic, and they've convinced themselves that kristen has some sort of secret vendetta against buddie shippers and that every move she makes is done to spite them specifically. every single thing they don't like about the show automatically becomes her fault alone, but they act like the things they do like were snuck in by the writers behind her back or something. they completely ignore the fact that some of the most important development for buck and eddie happened during her tenure as showrunner. they call her homophobic, as though the level of attention and screentime given to henren didn't increase astronomically once she became the official showrunner. (you think tim minear would have given us such a beautiful henren begins episode? just look at the state that LS is in.) she once said that she views buck and eddie as platonic, but we should know by now that we can't really take anything that's said in interviews as confirmation. the showrunners and actors have been known to straight-up lie and say misleading things...which is good! they shouldn't give away important plot points just because they're trying to please a small portion of their audience!
god knows i have my problems with season 6. but i don't think it's bad or even mediocre in its entirety and i'm definitely not gonna rail against kristen for it. people like to say that the viewership ratings went down because of her which is completely false because: a) it's very natural for a show to lose viewership the longer it goes on b) in the era of streaming especially, it's extremely admirable that 911 has managed to average over 4 million viewers. that is a huge deal, and there aren't many live scripted shows that are able to match this! there's a reason ABC snatched up 911 despite it being such an expensive show��the people in the industry are smart, and they wouldn't waste their time on something that was failing.
anyway, you did not ask for all of this, but it just makes me. so annoyed. lol. tldr: if you see anyone on twitter or elsewhere ranting about kristen and how evil she is, just know that they don't know what they're talking about and ignore them.
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