#time isnt real !!!!
thresholdbb · 4 months
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The present, the past, they're both in the future! The future is in the past!
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steveshairychest · 1 year
For their one year anniversary, Eddie decides to prank Steve.
He tells Steve that he's going to get a new tattoo, a tattoo in honour of their amazing year together. Steve thinks it's a great idea. He thinks Eddie will get a tattoo of the flowers Steve got him on their first date, or maybe of the cat that they adopted together. Something simple and cute.
And Eddie does get something simple and cute, but that's not what he shows Steve first. When he gets back from his appointment, he kicks off his shoes and doesn't even make it into the main room before Steve ambushes him. "Show me." He demands excitedly, his eyes scanning all of Eddie's visible skin for the tattoo.
The real tattoo he got is on his ankle; it's the phase the moon was in the night Steve asked him to officially be his boyfriend.
The tattoo he's about to show Steve takes up nearly his entire abdomen, and Robin practically pissed her pants when Eddie stopped by family video to show her the fake tattoo.
"I hope you like it." He chews on his lip nervously and avoids Steve's eyes. It takes every ounce of willpower he has to stop himself from laughing, to not give himself away. He grabs the bottom of his shirt and with one fake, nervous exhale, he lifts it over his head to show Steve the giant fake tattoo on his stomach.
"Oh god." Steve almost trips over his own feet as he stares at, well, himself on Eddie's stomach. The tattoo is a badly done portrait of Steve that Eddie drew up the night before. The tattoo artist, who's a close friend of Eddie's, had bent over in a fit of laughter when Eddie had shown him the sketch.
"Eddie- "
"You hate it!" Eddie cries dramatically, his hands coming up to cradle his stomach. Eddie can see he hates it in the way Steve's mouth is permanently open in a shocked gasp and in the way his hands keep running through his hair.
"No, I - I love it." Steve's voice cracks, something Eddie knows only happens when he's lying.
Eddie wants to keep the joke going, he really does, but he can't stop the smile that pulls at his lips. "If you love it that much, I can go make it permanent."
"It's not - Oh, you bastard!" All the tension immediately leaves Steve's body and the smile on his face mirrors Eddie's own. "You're such a dick." He laughs and finally steps forward to really look at the fake tattoo. "God, it's awful."
"Hey! I drew that."
"I can tell."
Eddie shoves him back lightly and then reaches down to lift his pant leg up to show Steve the real tattoo. The moon was actually one of the many ideas Steve listed off for him days ago while they'd been curled up in bed.
Steve's smile turns soft and he leans in close to press a kiss to the corner of Eddie's smiling lips. "It's beautiful."
Eddie points to the fake tattoo of Steve on his stomach, "So are you."
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i-could-bee-an-angel · 2 months
I'm sorry but can we talk about how it's been 55 VIDEOS ON DAN AND PHIL GAMES since the hiatus has lifted???
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soundsofmyuniverse · 2 years
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yourmoonie · 9 days
Reacting to the 3D? OR NOT?
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Let's say, if someone calls you "Emily," but your name is NOT Emily, you are not going to respond, right? That's correct! 🙅‍♀️
Understand that YOU ARE
🌙 the one who creates your own assumptions
🌙 you are the one who can either take it personally or let it go:
Remember that:
Most of the time, people project their insecurities. Therefore, you don't have to take them personally
If you know your worth, you will not think that something is wrong with your SC if one person says that "you are zyz," but in reality, you know that you aren't
P.s. But of course, if somebody insults you, you are free to defend yourself
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stilljuststardust · 2 months
You don't have to care about time.
Alot of people when trying to ignore the 3D forget to ignore time. Time isn't real. We made it up it's just as malleable. Your past only exists because you say it does. Time has only passed because you say it has. "I'm ignoring the 3d but it'd been 2 days and-" there is no difference between 2 days and 2 hours.
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r4t-g0d · 6 months
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happy valentines day
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angelhummel · 5 months
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⭐ Every Rachel Barbra Berry Outfit
3x22 Goodbye
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lucespeaks · 2 days
kk is a sophomore….. what the fuck
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you find a mysterious package. somewhere
christmas present!!
you got:
- one mug with dubious liquid-storing capabilities. it seems to have been shattered to all hell and meticulously glued back together. you can kind of tell what the image is?
- one masterful portrait of yourself. oh eyah. this one belongs in the louvre
... its the thought that counts, right?
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TG: oh yeah. thats going right in the place of honor
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peridotite · 1 year
the fuck do you mean it's been one month since this
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bonedaddi3 · 7 months
i cant believe im basically in my mid twenties what the fuck i swear i was 16 like yesterday
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existennialmemes · 3 months
Remember, now is the time to start building your Home Alone Style traps, to stop the DST Gremlins from breaking into your house and stealing an hour from you. Don't wait til Sunday!
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yourmoonie · 5 months
Time does not change. Only matter changes!
We need to STOP worrying that our manifestations won't come "in time" and acknowledge that time won't shift to fulfill our desires.
You need to change 1st
It is only through the bridge of incidents—people, places, and things—that we can 'reach' our desired reality.
Something HAS to shift or HAS to move for you
If 5000 people have to move for you behind the closed in order for you to see your desire in the 3D in an externalized form then they will have to run for you!
Everyone on the outside is your servant, your slave, ready and able to do your will - Neville Goddard
Viewing "time" as an unchangeable, continuous line that you move through moment by moment will make it easy to alter how you perceive both the past and the future.
I am aware that only I am moving and that I have the power to choose where I move. Time is not moving. Even if I'm not entirely sure how the incidents will connect, I just concentrate on the destination because I know what I want to happen in the end.
I've been manifesting much more easily ever since I reclaimed the power of my "I AM" and altered the way I perceive time, I don't need any extra methods, all I need is MYSELF.
All of it is a single, enormous, timeless moment. Realities from the past, present, and future coexist.
We are everything!
The past and the future exist right now
So reclaim your own power
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angelpuns · 10 months
It feels like its been a week since I have interacted with anyone/posted anything but I literally - I just did earlier :(
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wild-moss-art · 2 years
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