#time to hit the showers
abasketofnothing · 2 years
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megamindsupremacy · 4 days
my very important and well-thought-out thoughts about the shipping options within the Bill-Stanford-Fiddleford-Stanley love square
Billford - The classic. Toxic old man yaoi. Pre-portal Stanford is well and truly completely religiously obsessed with Bill, who is just using him like a mildly interesting pawn. The second Ford goes flying through that portal, Bill realizes how badly he fucked up and spends 30 years obsessed with getting his situationship back but by this point Ford is OVER it. Basically they flip-flop who is maniacally unhealthily obsessed with the other at any given time and it's a horrible experience for everyone involved
Fiddauthor/Ford^2 (pre-portal) - Toxic young man yuri. Fiddleford is desperately pining for Ford but Ford is too up his own ass (and obsessed with Bill) to notice.
Fiddauthor/Ford^2 (post-portal) - The happiest slash healthiest (?) option on the list. Ford has gotten his shit together and his head out of his ass, as well as several dozen reality checks and a fist to the face (he needed... all of that to fix him). Fiddleford has more or less recovered from wiping his own memory due to the Horrors he experiences while working with Ford. They are able to happily settle down and build giant robots to harass small children with in their free time.
Fiddlestan - I will accept this ship ONLY with identity and memory-wiping angst. I want neither of them to be happy about it. Fiddleford either thinks Ford is finally returning his feelings and refuses to examine "why the hell is he acting so different (nice)" further, or he's well aware that this man who looks like Ford isn't Ford, and is willing to turn a blind eye just to Feel Something. Stan thinks Fidds is his brother's boyfriend and he has to maintain this relationship for the dude's sake, and also this is the first true affection he's experienced in a decade so he's keeping his mouth shut about the identity stuff just, again, to Feel Something.
Billfiddlesford - funny as hell and i refuse to accept any other ship name. Everyone is having a great terrible fun time except they're all having a wildly confusing time. Bill is fully aware of Fiddleford's feelings for Ford and is trying to manipulate Fidds with them. It's working but only kinda because Bill is starting to experience this strange emotion called Jealousy. Ford is caught in the crossfire of being obsessed with this triangle thing but the triangle is lowkey putting their portal-building plans on hold just so he can figure out what is WRONG with these two scientist freaks. And himself. Ford kisses Fiddleford first and Fiddleford's first reaction is "Bill why did you do that" then he has to explain why his first instinct, upon being kissed by Ford, is to assume Ford is being possessed by his Triangle Muse God. I dearly love this ship because there is no possible way it could happen in canon but I need to throw these three in a room together and shake it just to see what would happen.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Gabriel: Now I’m not an atheist but… pussy doesn’t exist.
I’ve never seen it. Therefore, it doesn’t exist.
Don’t act like you can prove it does.
V1: Shows you a cat named "pussy cat".
Gabriel or maybe the cat: *Meows*
Gabriel: Holy shit.
No way.
Well I stand corrected.
You know... You could correct me more if you showed me a cock. Please?
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stuckinapril · 7 months
Something so ineffable about exhaustion that comes not from a lack of sleep but from a lack of rest
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fishareglorious · 7 months
Post-Mor Pankh where Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane hang out sometimes and something Shamane does just. reminds Kaalaa deeply of Kumar. The siblings haven't met each other in literal decades aside from the latter's final moments, but the fact that they're related is there, mirroring each other in the way Shamane goes cocky or makes tea or some other little idiosyncrasy, and after she notices, Kaalaa Baunaa is hit full speed with missing Kumar.
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silvrash-797 · 3 months
Hey Ash! Here’s my little gift fic for you for the baby shower— it isn’t much, but I hope you like it :) congratulations again! <3
-Sky Floor
Twilight was not pacing.
His footsteps padded steadily across the grass, yes, and he was walking back and forth, just as he had been for... he wasn’t actually sure how long. But he wasn’t pacing. He wasn’t nervous.
A distant cry caught his ear, and Twilight couldn’t help his flinch, pressing his fingers into the skin of his palms. It was fine. Everything was fine. It had been a while, sure, and the faint noises he could hear from the house had gotten more loud and frequent, but everything was fine. He hadn’t heard anything to dispute the fact, and just because it had been hours with no sign of Time or the doctor who’d shown up, it was—
Twilight flinched again, and he turned to see Wild walk up, blond hair looking more silver in the moonlight.
“Champion,” he greeted, and Wild gave him a little smile, though it faded when a faint noise came from the farmhouse again.
“Nobody’s come out?” he asked, and Twilight shook his head, going back to his steady not-pacing.
“Not yet.”
Wild gave his head a little bob, and he leaned against one of the porch supports, watching Twilight walk back and forth. Crickets chirped somewhere nearby, and the low hoot of an owl accompanied them, but Twilight was too distracted to enjoy the night, not caring the least about the bright swirls of stars above his head, with only a faint sliver of moon joining them.
“Twilight,” Wild spoke up after a minute, eyes still following him back and forth. They always seemed a little brighter than other people’s eyes in the dark, the blues shining just a bit. Twilight had wondered once or twice if that was because of the shrine, but he certainly wasn’t going to dwell on it right now. “Maybe you should come in the barn with everyone else.”
“No thanks.”
“The captain started a game of cards,” Wild tried again. “I think Wind’s trying to get him to bet his scarf.”
“No thanks.”
Wild pursed his lips, and Twilight jumped when another faint cry came from inside, speeding his steps. He appreciated Wild trying to distract him, but he wasn’t planning on taking a single step further from the farmhouse than necessary.
A hand settled on his arm, and Twilight paused, looking over at Wild.
“Twilight, all this pacing isn’t doing any good,” he said, voice pleading. “You’re just flattening all of Time and Malon’s grass and wearing yourself out. You sure you don’t want to go play cards? Or at least head inside with everyone else?”
Twilight shook his head. “Wild, I... I can’t. That’s my ancestor being born up there, I can’t just sit around playing cards right now, it’s...”
He bit his lip, crossing his arms over his chest.
“...I don’t know how to explain it,” he said quietly, and it wasn’t a lie. He truly didn’t know how to explain to Wild that he couldn’t just walk away and try to distract himself from what was going on, not with this, not away from his family.
Wild sighed and shook his head, but he gave Twilight’s shoulder a squeeze.
“Okay. But... at least consider getting some sleep at some point?” he asked. Twilight gave him a ghost of a smile.
“At some point. I’d say I wish I knew what time it was, but I really don’t want to know.”
“I’d guess around two,” Wild said with a glance up at the sky, and Twilight sighed.
“You know, I said I didn’t want to know.”
“Well that was just a guess,” Wild shrugged, but there was mischief shining in his eyes. “Maybe it’s more like three anyway.”
Twilight groaned at the thought of it being that late, and Wild chuckled as he gave him a light elbow.
Their ribbing continued for a few minutes, and Twilight started to relax a bit, Wild doing a pretty fine job of distracting him. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he ducked in the barn for a few minutes. He should probably check on everyone else anyway, he’d barely spoken to the other Links since they’d gotten here...
The door inside suddenly opened, and Twilight looked over with his nerves shooting back to their frayed state. The doctor that had shown up was standing there, face neutral, and he scanned Twilight’s face for a second, gaze catching on his markings.
“You the one they call Twilight?” he asked, and Twilight nodded. “Good. Lons want you upstairs.”
“Really?” Twilight asked hesitantly, and the doctor nodded, stroking his beard.
“Really,” he said, and smiled a bit. “Said you were family. I think they want you to meet their new baby boy.”
Twilight’s eyes went wide, and the doctor chuckled, turninv to Wild.
“Son would you help me find Malon’s father? Need to tell him the news.”
Wild nodded, then gave Twilight’s shoulder a squeeze before leading him off to where Talon had been nervously holed up in the barn with the rest of them.
Twilight swallowed as they walked away, then went inside.
He crept through the silent living room and then upstairs, taking care to be quiet as he walked down the hall and towards Time and Malon’s room. Twilight hesitated before gently knocking, and then pushed open the door when he heard Time’s voice saying he could come in.
It was dim in the room, but plenty bright enough to see. Malon lay propped up with pillows, looking exhausted in bed, and Time sat beside her, looking at least as tired as she did. Seeing her okay made Twilight’s heart calm a bit, but the thing that really drew his focus was the tiny bundle in between them.
Twilight swallowed. It was so small...
“Hey Twilight,” Malon said as he slipped in, giving him a tired smile. Her voice was more worn than he’d ever heard it, but coated in happiness.
“Hi Miss Malon,” Twilight greeted back, his voice soft. He hadn’t actually seen her since they’d arrived at the ranch yesterday. “How are you doing?”
“Exhausted, but I expected that. It’s nice to see you again,” she smiled. “I’m glad you boys came when you did.”
“We certainly timed it well,” Time said with a smile of his own, and Twilight let out a nervous laugh. Time pressed a kiss to Malon’s hair, and she hummed, closing her eyes for a moment.
The look on Time’s face wasn’t one that Twilight saw very often— a more intense version of the loving look he would make when speaking about Malon. At the moment it was even more intense, filled with something soft and protective and fierce and loving.
He felt a brief pang as he thought what would become of that look in the future, but he was interrupted by Malon catching his eye.
“Twilight? You want to meet him?” she asked softly, and Twilight swallowed, then stepped over to the bed. Malon held out the little bundle, and Twilight carefully took it, his hands steady despite their trembling.
He’d held babies before, plenty of times, and knew just how to cradle heads and support their necks, but this... this was different. This was his ancestor.
Twilight swallowed and looked down at the baby in his arms.
He really was tiny, though maybe it just seemed that way in Twilight’s relatively large arms. Twilight had never seen a truly newborn baby before either, and he was a little surprised at how red and scrunched up he seemed, a tiny dash of reddish hair on his head. He looked almost more like a tomato than a baby.
Twilight ran a gentle thumb along his cheek, and the baby yawned, a tiny hand catching his finger and holding on. Something in Twilight’s chest melted and then turned into mush, and he immediately knew he would do anything for this kid.
“Hey buddy,” Twilight whispered, and the baby made an almost squeaking sound. “I guess you’re my however-greats grandad, huh?”
The baby squeaked again, eyes slitting open just a little, and Twilight caught a glimpse of brilliant blue, a mix between Time and Malon’s, almost as bright as Wild’s. Twilight held him closer, and was glad nobody except Time and Malon saw the tear that snuck past his defenses.
The baby snuggled up to him, and Twilight held him for a few more minutes, admiring every tiny detail, from his fingers to his toes. He began smacking his lips after a bit, squirming and making little noises, and Twilight carefully moved back to Malon’s bedside and handed her the baby.
“I think he wants to eat,” Twilight whispered, his voice thick. “Thank... thanks for letting me hold him.”
“Of course hon,” Malon smiled, and she ran her hand over his cheek before taking back her baby. “You’re family too.”
Twilight nodded, eyes stinging suspiciously, and Time gave his hair a fond ruffle, a warm smile on his face.
Twilight stayed a few minutes longer, talking quietly with Time and Malon a little, but he soon left them be to let them all get some rest. Malon and Time both smiled at him, and Twilight gently closed the door behind him, wiping his eyes.
Wild was waiting for him on the front porch, and he gave him a nervous look as Twilight walked over to him.
“Is Malon okay? How’s the baby?” he asked anxiously, and Twilight smiled at him, and put his arm around Wild.
“They’re all doing fine,” he said, and gave his brother a squeeze as he thought back to the pure happiness on Time and Malon’s faces.
Just fine.
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Poor Twi! Labor can be scary when you have personal investment in it. Good for Wild in trying to distract him!
And OOOUGH Twi being the first to see the new baby because he's family 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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@tes-summer-fest 24, day 8: free day!
Dragonflies scream summer to me.
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castielsprostate · 3 months
before i go to bed (read fanfic until 2am) i do want to level and say that today? today could've been MUCH worse. alt-right parties made massive gains, yes, and nazism is alive and well apparently, but the left is still there and is still a majority in a lot of countries. we will not stop, we will not back down. this fight is a draw, but the war will be won in favour of human rights and the planet.
to everyone that voted from the 6th until today: good fucking job! YOU are what keeps this world turning. YOU are the backbone of a functioning, accepting, society. YOU did your part. get some rest, get a little treat, and realise that you did good.
we WILL get through this. we WILL make this place better for our children, our grandchildren, and everything else that is yet to come. fuck the nazis, fuck the alt-right.
let's keep going 💪 despair is so easy, and hope is so incredibly hard. BUT DO WE LOVE TO STAY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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modernbaseball · 2 years
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faggotstump · 3 months
197 followers. And im semi-famous. This is wild
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secondstar-acorn · 9 months
thinking about abstinence camp! lautski and losing my fucking mind again
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neverendingford · 6 months
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(alternative title: photo dump of a midnight desert run)
#photography#Ford's Art#color says shit#it was either go on a twelve mile run or re-download grindr and get absolutely blasted so I went with the more responsible option.#b because damn I'm feeling it tonight. or at least I was before the run. I need to shower and then I'll cook dinner and go to bed satiated.#I did also jerk off under the bridge and then piss on someone's flowers on the way home. gotta get those animal instincts out somehow right?#anyway I've successfully vented most of my manic energy and a cold shower will finish it off and then we're good.#the mood meds have been helping a lot. last time I got hit with this kind of a mood I came out of it with huge bite marks and chlamydia.#and I haven't been feeling it nearly as bad this time so that's nice. more like a restless dog and less like a caged wolf thirsty for blood.#yes I'm making references to Call of the Wild again deal with it.#anyway sorry to anyone who sees this from the tags and not because you follow me. you didn't sign up for this lmao.#also. this is why I can't be a binary trans woman. this night photography shit is the most gay-man thing ever and I enjoy it.#I was doing it before my last boyfriend but he got me even more into it.#anyway bye I'm gonna go shower and then eat food. I've been hungrier more recently.#between the meds and the hrt my appetite is bigger and I'm gaining weight with the hrt fat redistribution which is cool and good.#I want to be a healthy weight and maybe even a lil chonky? we'll see we'll see.
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atomic-rattz · 14 days
does a little dance!
woohoo!!! 🕺🕺🕺
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camellcat · 8 months
gwen cooper. gweeeenn cooper. idk who the hell she is or anything about her but I can't stop rotating her around in my brain like a little creature that needs to be examined. I love u freak girl <3
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fox-guardian · 26 days
I'm so fucked
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misiahasahardname · 1 month
i find it so hard to beleive there are people out there that WANT to be neurodivergent
i just had a full blown meltdown because the shower hose at this place i'm staying at isn't long enough which makes the shower uncomfortable , why would you want that?????????
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