#time to start doodlin' and stuff
zuala-bear · 2 years
some au doodles
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
Man you've got me giggling, squealing, kicking my feet, punching the air, and rolling in my bed over your last Ike fic it's sO CUTEEEEE 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙
The way you write is amazing frfr you're really inspiring! I like to study your writing for reference whenever I want to write stories(I hope that's okay? I saw your last post about the AI thing), especially for 2nd POVs iT'S SO GOOD AIBSJSBSJBS
Also hOW do you draw so good in MS Paint 😭 I can barely draw a head in an actual drawing program 🥲
Sorry for the long ask I just have a bunch of stuff I wanna say, have an amazing day!
(Last question, sorry×2, but do you have an anon list? Just curious)
sobs and sobs and sobs, thank youuuu for reading and enjoying my fic!
i'm totally cool with being inspired by my fics and using it as reference! the ai thing is against my rules because it's basically stealing the words i put hours of effort into writing, and because even though i'm a fic writer i don't want my ideas nor writing style absorbed into the algorithm, you know? taking inspiration and/or using other stuff as references for what you wanna write is inevitable though, and a natural process of being a writer. i'm fine with that, and super flattered by it! as long as it isn't a 1:1 copy of my stories i'll be happy to hear i inspired you
ESPECIALLY FOR 2ND POV. DUDE. when i first started writing x readers with 2nd pov i religiously studied my favorite fics/hcs in the genre because imo, it's my most difficult pov to write in as opposed to 1st or 3rd. i love writing it esp because of the ambiguity (the less i refer to you as Reader, the better imo, in case that interrupts someone's immersion) but it's definitely a pov where you have to get creative. the amount of times i've started a sentence with you/he/she/they...
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nyehe i just like doodlin but i only have a mouse at vsf hq. brisquad units make do
(also yes i have an anon list, you can see the list at the bottom of my masterpost. thank you for the very sweet ask i love hearing from you guys, please have a good day too!)
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conjured-osteon · 11 months
{I login to make an update an got blindsided by this uh... Newly Suspicious Look. S'weird too cause my casual account doesn't look like this.}
{Anyhoot! Hello! Halo! S'been a minute- One Birthday an a stressful Temp-Move later an finally getting my brain to unwind enough to be creative again. I'm hoping to start jumping on here more often in the next couple of weeks. (Can't make promises of how active I'll be on here as I try an cement Casual Fun over hyper fixating too hard, again.)}
{Other sorta updating in regards to personal; been doodlin' more often which has been so nice. No finished pieces of work or Marrow stuff to show off but I'm hoping to do some more with my lovely muse! In the time I've been gone I did end up making an even more casual blog for my persona Guess I've an Art!Sona an a more OC!Sona now, eheh to get into the swing of things again at a snails pace. It is on my personal blog so I'd be alright offering it out to folks if they ever wanted to contact lil'ol me while I'm away, seeing as I keep this blog just on my laptop an not mobile.}
{Might do some work in the meanwhile of editing the blog slightly as well. Gotten less Helluva/Hazbin heavy-themed although I'm still very open to different Verses so no fretting there.}
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quirkle2 · 2 years
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hair and color practice with llegegyegyegleygeglegyeglegyegelgegy
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tianhai03 · 4 years
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figured i should post something here so. here’s my new son jason
(first design/sketch of him + a couple of extra notes below)
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spade-snax · 3 years
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THIS IS LONG, YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ ALL OF IT!!! YOU CAN IF YOU WANT TO THOUGH!! IT'S JUST DETAILS!! It's like, if you have ZERO idea where to start!! Otherwise you can just.... Skip all this mess and look at the other panels of this guide.
(To save you from scrolling, I put "keep reading" here.)
So, after picking your character you should think of something nostalgic from the early 2000s-2010s! I did a LOT of these things since I grew up during these times. I actually genuinely hold a lot of love to them!
I love poking fun at it while also tributing it, which is where Shadow Filbo firt started. (I actually started him in the YH Discord server, he then spread to my friend groups and I just began making more content for him.)
A lot of people have said this all reminds them of those times, so I'm doing my job here!
Both to make you suffer and smile from all the nostalgia! (MWAHHAHAHAHAHAH)
Any edgy YT animation/deviantart OCs are great inspo to start - especially if you can reference or inspire the things you were into. Or what you did.
Shadow Filbo references Bani the Kitty's evil form in Ezpups/Bani the Kitty's "Animal I've Become" video! His design is actually quite similar to it. I was OBSESSED with the video, and funnily enough it got me into trying digital art.
(I also wanted scene hair because of it so, that's a yike. Keep in mind I wasn't even in middle school.)
Furry Gramble is actually HEAVILY inspired off me in early middle school! I still do a lot of the things, but less Erin Hunter book reading and less angst. Like, he has hair over his face and wears a hoodie which are both things I do for my own comfort. Except I furry and scene-ified it.
It's an IDEAL lighthearted way for me to look back and poke fun at myself! This is all really meant to look back at whatever "cringy" things you were doing as a kid and laugh, while also being glad all those things happened. A tribute as I've said, y'know?
This should NEVER be used to actually make fun out of anyone or harass them!! Cringe culture is D E A D. This should all be lighthearted fun.
But yes, that's for getting ideas and knowing where all this comes from! Let's get into the design nitty-gritty now. I'll go into more detail and specifics there.
My apologies for this being so long, my ADHD ass is making me explain everything in absurd amounts of detail.
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And that's about it! Hooh I'm pretty tired by making this, sorry it's a lot of text and stuff sdfrwegergrg
Y'all can pick a name because I have no idea wether to go for emo or scene Floofty cause originally they looked more sceneish, but I reduced the colors so now they appear as more emo but honestly who cares about the label for this sdgvwergrth
I can let y'all guys pick out a name for this version of Floofty!! Will definitely draw them with Programmer Floofty.
My Shadow Filbo versions of characters are meant to appear like, as said character's OC so honestly Programmer Floofty could just be the creator of this LMAO, but hey who knows!
Gonna take a small break now then get back to doodlin! Hope this is useful and not confusing! Ask me about anything!!
Also Scene Lizard Floofty would be cool to me ngl, I did make them lizardish, I think they'd make an OC look like a lizard/dinosaur/dragon
Maybe they have an alt form with wings? We'll see! I'll let this version of Floofty just - kinda evolve on their own lmao
hhrhgrtg i feel like this is gonna be so bad but like yEYEE i promised i'd make it and here it is!!!!
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
HLVRAI Oneshot: Chalk
My muse continues to be a stuggle, Snowcon followers I am sorry XD
Word count: 2687
Summary: Kids were easy to be around. Their minds were simple, focused on entertaining themselves and being happy. It was something Benrey could relate to. But sometimes they could be so damn observant… 
“You love dad, don’t you?”
“uhhh, sounds kinda cringe bro.”
The warm, summer winds blew through the surprisingly quiet neighborhood. Faint sounds of children laughing could be heard, most likely in the park not too far away, and the scent of smoke wafted off the barbeque Gordon was currently cooking food on. 
All and all, a pleasantly calm day. It was one that he could enjoy with his son-
“hey, hey, you wanna play some tic tac toe?”
And Benrey. 
The duo were both seated on the pavement not too far away, drawing on the ground with pieces of chalk that were all sorts of colours. Benrey was wearing a rather large hoodie with some game logos and stickers plastered across it, and his security helmet of course. From his position, Gordon could see that Joshua had drawn several stars, a rainbow, and several other miscellaneous drawings. Benrey had, after being scolded several times to not eat the chalk, drawn what appeared to be colourful smears across the ground, mixing and blending them together. 
It sort of reminded Gordon of Benrey’s sweet voice, the blues that were present and the general colour gradient. He was glad to see everything was calm, nothing bad had happened, but still felt the urge to check. 
“You two still holding up good?” 
“Yeah dad!”
“we’re just doodlin’ passports over here, bro. josh dude gave himself a neat stache.” 
“It’s a rainbow mustache that’s extra swirly.” The young boy sagely nodded. “Benrey says it needs glitter though to look super nice.”
“gotta make it sparkly like your personality, little dude.” 
Joshua grinned and started laughing while Gordon could not stop himself from smiling at the rather wholesome sight. While Benrey was his typical somewhat apathetic self, his words were far more cohesive, and he sounded less… flustered when speaking. His words were less frantic, far calmer. 
Like he was truly relaxed. 
“Alright.” Gordon nodded as he turned his attention back to the barbeque, not wanting the veggies to burn while he was not paying attention. “Benrey just… keep not eating the chalk, please.”
He did not notice the wink that the ex-security guard sent Joshua, nor did he witness Benrey pull out half a piece of blue chalk from his pocket and carefully crunch into it. 
Blue tasted the best, it was like gatorade. 
The young boy laughed once more before returning to his doodling. Benrey looked at it for a moment, noticing the blue, orange, and yellow pieces of chalk that were clearly intended for whatever it was he was drawing, but Benrey decided not to question it at the moment. 
Joshua would more than likely ramble about it at some point, the kid was full of all sorts of words and tended to ramble to whoever was nearby. It was pretty amusing to listen to and gave him all sorts of insight on both Gordon and what the pair’s home life had been like before he crashed into it. 
Breaking into someone’s apartment at around three in the morning was not the best of plans, especially since it ended with Gordon bringing a bat down on the top of his helmet. Not that Benrey had been hurt of course. 
Seeing Gordon’s dismay and shock as the bat snapped in half and flew off to the side, shattering one of the windows, was hilarious. 
Had that been Benrey’s fault? 
Either way, months had passed since that point. Months spent working on building up Gordon’s trust in him, learning how to do human things like buy groceries that were not just soda. 
A shame since Benrey loved that gamer fuel. 
Getting to know Joshua had been… nice, too. The young boy never had the same anxieties that his father felt, never worried about whether Benrey would hurt him or not. He had been happy to make a new friend who was willing to listen to him ramble and play games with him. Of course, Gordon had not been happy with the developing friendship between the two, but as the months passed… 
Gordon had gone from constantly hovering over them, to occasionally checking in on them, and then finally to trusting Benrey.
Trusting him to watch over his son and not hurt him.
The first time Benrey had noticed this change and realized what it meant; it had been impossible to stop the bright pink orbs that left his mouth. Fortunately, Gordon had not noticed the sweet voice, but Joshua had. 
Joshua, who had later told him how pretty the “glowing balls” looked and how it resembled a very nice, peachy pink. 
Kids could be so blunt sometimes, but Benrey appreciated it. He appreciated how simple and straightforward their minds could be and while curiosity was a constant factor when dealing with a kid, it was an enjoyable part of talking to them. 
Like making a baking soda volcano on the ceiling of Gordon’s apartment. 
Fun times, especially with the bout of strangely quietly screaming he had gotten in response. 
Benrey didn’t know Gordon’s face could turn that red. 
He let out an amused chuckle and drew some loops on the ground with his mostly eaten piece of chalk. He loved getting Gordon so riled up, hearing the insults that were thrown his way and how the agitated man would run his hands through his hair, ruffling it up. 
Loved watching his face flush with anger, how his eyes shined with rage… 
Unnoticed to Benrey, several pink orbs floated out of his mouth as he sighed wistfully. When he realized what he had done, clamping a hand over his mouth to prevent any more from appearing, he noticed that Joshua was staring at him, grinning. 
Shit, one of the things he was actually scared of. 
“heyyyyy little joshie buddy, what’s with that look? kinda… kinda looks like a schemin’ look.” 
Joshua’s smile grew a bit wider. “Maaaybe.”
“... kid you’re scarin’ me.” 
The only response he got to that was a giggling laugh that was part cackle, which left him feeling no less concerned than he had previously been. Benrey sighed and refocused on his random doodling. Yep, just going to let this topic drop-
“You love dad, don’t you?”
Benrey looked up and pretended he could not feel the sweat running down his face. Everything was totally fine, he was cool as a cucumber, kid couldn’t suspect a thing… 
“uhhh, sounds pretty cringe, bro.” He shrugged. “and gay.”
“Dad likes all sorts of people!” Joshua huffed. “He likes gay!”
“... that wasn’t-uh... never mind.” Oh fuck, was he blushing? He hoped not. “still cringe, not a pro gamer move.”
“You blushing when dad says something nice about you isn’t cringe.” Joshua bluntly stated. “It’s cute, and grandpa Coomer says gay stuff is cute! Grandpa Coomer’s super smart so it’s gotta be true!” 
“we-well it’s… uh…” Shit, he had no response to that. 
“Dad makes you happy.” Joshua continued to say, now refocusing on his doodle on the ground and Benrey could now see that it was a family of three people. One blue, one orange, and the smallest one was yellow. “Even if you’re weird sometimes, and pour milk in the cereal box before you eat it-”
“fruit loops get super dusty and i wanted to make soup.” 
“Cereal isn’t soup!”
“it is if you’re brave enough.” The change in topic was helping Benrey relax, tension leaving his shoulders as his absent-minded smile returned to his face. Nothing to stress over, everything was chill and-
“So when are you and dad going to go out on a date?”
Nope no more chill nope nope nope-
A date? Benrey had no clue how dates worked, or how they were supposed to work. Besides, his attempts at “flirting” were rarely successful and only seemed to wind Gordon up and, as much as he enjoyed watching the results, sometimes Gordon’s remarks would… sting. 
They would make him hurt, cause him to cringe and recoil from the conversation. Not that such a thing had happened recently, but Benrey knew how unpredictable Gordon’s mood and temperament could be at times. 
“sounds super cringe.” Was the response Joshua got, combined with a tense shrug. “like-like over nine thousand level cringer-”
“That’s an oooooooold reference.” The young boy said as he stuck his tongue out at Benrey. “And you’re changing topics again!”
Oh god, there were now hearts scribbled around the doodles that were clearly supposed to be him and Gordon. What could he say, what was he supposed to say? That he was terrified of fucking up the “Good Ending” he had finally achieved? That he did not want to risk destroying the relationship he currently had with Gordon?
The months of hard work he had put into fixing the damage that had been done because of that stupid, stupid game-
He felt the chalk in his grip crumble and break apart due to how tightly he was holding it, but the thing that snapped him out of his reverie was the sensation of a smaller hand grabbing onto his. 
Indeed, Joshua had scooted over and reached out to hold onto his hand. He looked up at Benrey with a warm smile on his face. 
A smile he had seen many times from the boy’s father… 
“If it’s hard to say it, why don’t you show you!” He suggested, still smiling that same smile. “Dad’ll understand! He gets my drawings all the time!” 
Benrey felt his lips quirk up into the faintest hint of a grin at the suggestion, the tips of sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. “you sure that’s a pro gamer move?”
“Yup! It’s super pro gamer!” 
“well, guess i’ve got no choice.” Benrey joked while rolling his tense shoulders. “joshie, toss me that orange one.” 
“And blue?”
“you know it.”
As the sun started to descend from its zenith, shadows beginning to stretch across the pavement in front of the apartment building, Gordon finished up his cooking. Everything was stacked on plates and brought over to his, thankfully, ground level room and placed inside. Once that was taken care of, he went about cleaning everything up and putting his barbeque away. 
He was so focused on cleaning everything up that he did not notice the large drawing that was progressively covering the pavement thanks to Benrey. It was only after all signs of his cooking had been neatly cleaned up or put away that he turned his attention to Joshua and his… “roommate”.
If he could call Benrey that.
“Time to head inside!” Gordon called out as he walked towards the duo. His walking slowed down as he noticed that Benrey was crouched in front of a large piece of chalk art. His eyes narrowed in confusion. 
Huh, he had not expected Benrey to be the artistic type, aside from spitting balls into the air. 
Joshua jumped up and rushed to his side, grabbing onto his arm, and tugging him towards Benrey. 
“C’mon dad, look! It’s so cool!”
“Alright, slow down there Joshie.” Gordon chuckled as he allowed his son to pull him towards the art. “It wouldn’t be good if… I… tripped….”
His words slowed and eventually stopped entirely as he finally took in the sight of what Benrey had created and it was…
Very abstract in nature, a swirl of colours that seemed to form shapes. Light blues and yellows and greens all circling and intermingling with a core that consisted of a darker, richer blue and orange. 
Swirls and lines that worked together to create faces. His own and Benrey’s. He could also make out what appeared to be Coomer and Bubby in the background, green and light blue seeming to dance together like the pair would, and that warm yellow that encircled them all, Tommy, uniting them. 
As he leaned closer, Gordon noticed smaller details. How Benrey had drawn his hair to be similar to what it truly looked like despite the effort it must have taken. The dark shadows that had been scratched under the ex-guard’s eyes, the white and yellow that mixed together, an attempt to recreate his glowing irises. 
How monstrous he looked overall and yet there was a softness in the lines, and the trail of bubbles that left the drawing’s mouth. 
All a familiar pink. 
Benrey was not as slick as he thought he was, Gordon had noticed the colourful orbs on multiple occasions before he had successfully stopped them. He had never pushed the boundary and asked what they meant since Benrey always seemed so embarrassed, but now…  
“What’s pink translate to?” He asked, crouching down beside Benrey and bumping his shoulder against the other man. 
Benrey was silent, contemplating what to say and how to say it, before he finally mumbled out the answer. “.... s’makes me think.”
“... Pink means you think?”
“yeah,” Benrey shifted and looked up at Gordon, eyes still cast in shadow. “think of you.”
Gordon’s mind drew a blank at that answer, uncertain of how to respond, but before he could even attempt to get the words out the other man took his chance. 
He leaned towards Gordon and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. 
The gesture did not linger, but as Benrey leaned back Gordon could still feel the warmth of the kiss. He reached up and pressed his fingers against his lips and quietly wondered if he was dreaming. 
Benrey sighed, a stream of pink sweet voice floating into the air and waited for Gordon to speak. It felt like an eternity had passed before the other man finally responded to the gesture, voice cracking. 
“Y-You… really? Me? What? But… but you and I-”
“had problems?” Benrey interrupted, eyes fixating on the ground as he squeezed his hands. “no shit. feetman, if-if you don’t wanna-”
“Who said I didn’t?” At that, he looked up and stared at Gordon in surprise. “I was just surprised since you hadn’t said anything about that.”
“i joked about putting our minecraft beds together, bro.” Benrey bluntly stated, causing Gordon to flail as he struggled to explain himself. 
“WELL YEAH! But… but I thought you were joking and shit-”
“Dollar for the swear jar!” Joshua cheerfully interrupted, making his dad groan.
“Okay, dollar later, but first,” He focused his attention back on Benrey, noticing how the other man’s cheeks had darkened and how he kept fidgeting. “... You sure?”
“wouldn’t have asked if i wasn’t.” Benrey quietly commented, now finally looking back at Gordon. “psh, pretty cringe doubting me-”
But he was cut off when Gordon leaned forward and returned the kiss. Joshua cheered and Benrey, completely caught off guard, fell backwards which caused a chain reaction of Gordon stumbling, fumbling, and nearly landing on top of him. 
Gordon’s hands rested on the pavement beside Benrey’s shoulders as Gordon stared into the other man’s eyes. Both were blushing at this point, and a constant stream of pink sweet voice was leaking into the air. 
“dude, you gonna-”
“Are you guys gonna kiss again?” Joshua’s innocent question snapped the pair out of their stupor and they scrambled to get back up. 
“W-Well, probably-”
“later, joshie bro.” That casual smile was back on Benrey’s face, an attempt at trying to look calm despite how much he was blushing. “we gotta… uh… get the meats’n stuff-”
“Yeah, like Arby’s!” Gordon nervously added. “But first…”
He quickly snapped several photos of the drawing Benrey had done on the pavement, also making sure to get several of Joshua’s in the process. Hey, he wanted to be able to look back on it in the future, plus he was certain some asshole would wash it off the pavement soon enough. 
Besides, there was no way in hell he wanted Benrey’s hard work, one of the few examples of hard work, to go to waste. 
“Okay, now we can get the meats.” 
Joshua cheered and raced over to the apartment while Benrey joined his side, an arm brushing against him. In response, Gordon linked an arm with his and smiled at the other man. 
“wow, that… that’s pretty gay, bro. You gayman now?”
“Totally.” Gordon rolled his eyes as he walked arm and arm back to the apartment with Benrey. 
I continue to be on my bullshit while my muse demands domestic fluff for these two. I suppose it’s a good thing for my followers who are in this fandom XD
I hope you guys enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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intervital · 4 years
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#100BrightMoments On April 7th, I'm going to start #The100DayProject where you do something creative daily for 100 days. Mine will revolve around bright moments where each creation must benefit at least one individual, and they can be my(future)self. Maybe a kind letter, a favorable review, portrait, etc. Something that can brighten someone's day. It doesn't necessarily have to be finished in a single day, but much progress must be done. Me and my future self can't be the recipient more than ten times.
Here are some ideas, and I'd like to do at least 30/42. For fun, each icon is based on the previous task. I really enjoyed doodline hehe:
💡 Fan mail
💌 Zine review
(Stapler) origami
(Book corner origami on a page) mail art [small scale artwork sent via post]
(Stamp) message of hope [mail a positive art work to be hung in the store windows of The Imaginarium of L. Delaney in New Orleans]
(Hung up sign of a butterfly) bookmark
🔖 Ode
(Scribbled lines then by Eileen) junk journal [handbound notebooks composed of junk ephemera like security envelopes, flyers, receipts, greeting cards, stationery, packaging, etc]
✂️ Care package
📦 Legacy The Sketchbook Project [original & tiny sized sketchbook projects for my future children]
(Lil & big ones) Art-o-mat® - Don't Go 'Round Artless! prototype [a hand-crafted small art object sold in converted cigarette machines across the nation. Maybe tiny junk journals?]
(Wooden block with a 💜) video for future ei [message for 5 years from now, when I'm 40, after giving birth, first time I fall in love]
📽️ Prayer
🕯️Time capsule [doesn't have to be buried, but should be sealed and has a written to open date]
(Shovel) @abandonedb2dbc on instagram (my guerilla art project where I abandon (loosely) connected books, lit mags, inspired written works & small gifts. Not sure how it'll work during Covid-19, but maybe I can catch up with the blog & story I didn't do for the last one.]
(Park bench has a ribbon wrapped book with gifts and a 🌼 beside it) The World Needs More Love Letters [a global project where each month you send letters to struggling recipients who could use some light]
(A stack of 📃✉️) book review
(Five ⭐s surrounding a 📗) meal
🍽️ The Wander Society
(⭕ with a ⚡ inside) printable [I'm not a graphic design whiz but maybe I can write up some quotes in ornate boxes? Idk lol]
(Sheet with different shapes) stickers
[My 2 in 1 sprocket printing out a sticker photo] flower arrangement
💐 Journal w/ me [video of me creating journal spread]
💻 Creative prompt
(Try with scribbled lines) underrated TV show review
📺 Sci-fi short film screenplay [an outline or a few pages]
(Potted Venus flytrap) guerilla art [artwork in public, so chalk quotes, zines outside, surprise bouquets, seed bombs. can't go outside unless absolutely necessary so maybe craft some stuff for when I can]
(🗑️ Next to a 📮 with a 🌟 sticker) cairn [artful stack of rocks, usually found in parks or hikes]
(Rocks on top of each other) #messagestoc [100 different messages in a 100 places, think I'm only on 4 lol. I'll just make one and save it for later]
(📖 With a postcard inserted) portrait [can be a photo]
📸 Book dedication [pick a book I wanna gift and write something sweet on the inside front cover]
(Dear --- I love you. Eileen) Rowan Hisayao Buchanan's # tinyisolations [she gives a weekly flash fiction/small art prompt. Randomly selected winners get sent money and also choose another person or charity that could use the help]
(☁️S surrounding a hot air balloon) Spotify playlist
🎵 @thedigitalsala (Twitter & Instagram handle) contribution [virtual Filipinx lit+ festival. Maybe I can read a piece, write a recap, organize a panel, transcribe]
🛋️ Guest blog [no clue where lol but maybe it'll manifest]
{Profile pic beneath ....... Eileen Ramos is a bipolar) video of a reading [preferably of my own work. But it would be fun to read a favorite poem or passage of an underrated author]
▶️ Handlettering [my handwriting is shitty but I think it'd be fun to try to do a quote. I could use the practice lol]
(📝 With a ✒️) Kleroteria [was chosen to write an email to be sent to 10k inboxes awhile ago. I have an idea but need more info & add other stuff. At most 3k characters, no pictures, links are ok, no ads]
📬 verse.press poetry playlist [website where you can create a themed list of poems]
(V icon) column [working on a pitch for a lit website; need to streamline & narrow it down]
(Greek column) FOUND Magazine entry [found magazine collects contributions of found notes. I have something to submit but idk where I placed them. Hopefully I'll come across it]
(Found mag logo) learningtoloveyoumore.com task [70 assignments by Miranda July & Harrell Fletcher which can be take a picture of your parents kissing, write the phone call you when you could have, recreate a poster you had as a teenager, photograph a significant outfit, write down a recent argument]
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winters-uprise · 5 years
Love is Blind
Paring: Arthur Morgan x Male! Reader
Warnings: Blind! Reader, mention of slight animal abuse, grand theft of Arthur's heart
Notes: There's a serious lack of self insert mlm, so here my sweet children. Let boys love boys. Also don't imagine Arthur trying to describe a tree. "Well think of it as a big stick with u-uh smaller sticks pokin out the side.
And you scoffing, "I know what a damn tree is ok."
Also someone teach me how to add the 'read more' thing on mobile before I kill one of u guys
• "You need something you'll find it right here in this catalogue."
The catalogue thuds loudly against the grainy countertop. Arthur takes it from the shopkeeper and opens it, shaking off the dust. He absentmindedly scratches along the underside of his stubbled chin. He's gotta shave that soon, he thinks. "Alright, let's take a look."
The bell perched above the doorway rings and the manager instinctively turns to greet the arriving customer. He's pleasantly surprised with a familiar face, he smiles fondly. "Well Y/N. Finally came down to grace us with your presence have you?" He muses, his pen lightly taps against the clipboard in hand. "I got your things ready. Just need you to sign for 'em."
"Yes consider yourself blessed only for this week Louis," You huff at the old man, quickly writing off your signature anywhere. Arthur's attention is torn away from the heavy book at the sound of your gruff voice. And he jumps at the unexpected feel of warm wet huffing against his clothed leg. His brow quirks in amumsent, a slight tug on the edges of his lip. He promptly shuts the catalogue. His hand coming down to gently pat the furry beast.
"That's a real beautiful dog you got there." Arthur kneads those floppy ears, he loves 'em. It makes the dog whine, swiftly licking away at the corners of its mouth with a big slobbering tongue. You grab your bags, nodding in endearment to the stranger's comment. Your face only just peeking underneath the hat you adorned. The stranger he was curious, his voice had quite an alluring roughness to it. It was certainly- unique. You give a short tug to the leash wrapped securely around your wrist and utter a quick bashful thanks to the kind man on your way out.
"Take a look around before you go Y/N, might be something else in interest to you."
"Nah that's it for me today; pleasure doing business with ya."
• Louis gives the ticking clock yet another worrisome look, nostrils flaring as he sighs. Closing time was creeping and soon. Those residing in Valentine for as long as you have were kind folk and knew you well. Well enough to know you were a creature of habit. Yet there seemed to be no sign of you turning up today. The bell gives an alarming ding and his thoughts are interrupted; a feller. But his shoulders slump slightly in defeat, not you. There's a heavy clunk of boots as the mystery man steps in, eyes swiftly grazing along the shelves.
"Just need these 's all. Thought you'd be closed by now." A box of premium cigarettes are tossed upon the countertop by Arthur.
"I should soon," Louis starts, exasperatedly so, "But I fear somethings happened to a loyal customer of mine, blind fella. You seen him?"
Arthur shakes his head somberly, "No, sorry."
"How about this, your cigarettes are free. Just do me the courtesy of delivering these supplies to him." Louis yanks a loose sheet of paper from beneath the counter, hastily scribbling an address. He slides the torn note over to the Arthur. "You can take anything else you'd like as well."
• Shaking his head, Arthur gives an awkward knock upon the wooden door, his posture stiffening when he hears the shuffling of footsteps. It creaks as your face peeks behind the jarred doorway.
There's a very absent look to your E/C eyes he hadn't noticed before. He notes your fitted button downed shirt paired with slightly torn jeans, no hat this time 'round. His gaze might've lingered on the fine curve of your jaw far longer than they should've. The black bandanna he keeps on his neck is suddenly too tight. The man really is handsome.
"Got a delivery for you from the general store. Uh I-I know you ain't remember me but I brought you your things."
"'Course I remember you; I don't forget a voice like yours, my savior. Y'know I was down to my last bottle of Tequila? Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't shown when you did."
The name makes him chuckle, "Well shit, never been called that before. Maybe a son of a bitch at my best. But most peopel just settle for Arthur." fool, he thinks to himself.
"Y/N. Thank you Arthur."
Y/N, Arthur hums softly
• It's the next day, Arthur isn't quiet sure why he's back in Valentine -the place is plastered with mud- I guess the same way he isn't quiet sure why your name won't leave him alone.
His brows furrow at the sound of hysterical barking, it comes from behind the butcher's stall. A pang rumbles within his chest at recognizing the furry coat of your beloved pet. Pestering kids balling up what they could fit in their grubby hands, they pelted the yelping dog. His fists clench by his side. "Hey! You best leave that dog alone. Go on! Get!"
An urchin screams, stumbling his aimed throw "Shit, run! Run!" There's no need for a second warning.
"Come here you," Arthur whispers, coming to a crouch and giving his thighs a firm pat. He spares the dog some loose bread crumbs from his bag. "Shh, you're okay. I know you've been missed, come on now let's get you home."
• You sat on the cushioned loveseat, absolutely fuming. The little home was too silent for your liking and you cursed whomever took your seeing dog to damnation.
There's an unexpected knock. You open the door, cautiously, but it's yanked from your grasp as it's nudged open by the wet snout of your dog. You recognize her barking. "How?" Her paws dig firmly into your skin as she jumps at your front. You laugh and she almost topples you over. You stuff your nose into the fluff of her neck and breathe a sigh of relief. You had missed her dearly.
"Found him pretty far from home,"
Arthur mutters, "You wanna go get a drink or something?"
• Arthur simply wants to enjoy the man’s company. It’s different being out here, away from the ruckus of camp, the constant nagging of Grimshaw. Together you strolled to a lush hill, overseeing a nearby river. Arthur takes off his hat and stretches his legs. He sighs, this is just real nice. You sat next to him, embracing the soft caress of the gentle breeze. Your heard tilts curiously to the side at the sound of rustling, Arthur digging further into his satchel.
"What you doing?"
Arthur pulls out his sketch book "doodlin." He’s free to watch you now. Arthur struggles a bit with the shifting shadows from the tree above, smudging too much of his pencil trying to get it just right. Not usually does he have the urge to draw people.
You kindly ask Arthur to describe what he sketches. It's the fierce flow of the river, its bank littered with milkweed shrubs and loose boulders, a stag lingers and drinks from it -Arthur feels a warmth spread throughout his chest, he had lost hope of feeling such a thing again. He doesn't mention him drawing you alongside the scenery.
Eventually he’s happy with what he’s drawn and Arthur tilts his head back, eyes to the clear sky. The sun was starting to set. He closes his journal and shoves it back in his bag.
Arthur's hand stays firmly squeezed around your bicep as he guides you home. You can hear the insistent sniffing from your dog along the trackside. You already know your way home from here, you dont say anything though. The same way you wont say anything about Arthur watching you. You happily play at being naive.
"I had a good time Y/N." Arthur quips, "Probably the first in a long while. Mind if we do something like this again?"
"So did I." you playfully pinch his scratchy cheek and lean further into him, smiling smugly against his ear "Just don't keep me waiting too long, cowboy."
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 21: What Only Lives in Memory
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: Mention of past sexual assault, Mention of past murder Relationships: Loki x Reader (Let’s try this again) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader, Brunnhilde(Marvel),  Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Here Comes Self-Reflection, Reader Had a Rough Time During the Snap, Loki Tries to Figure Himself Out Summary: Loki moves things forward, while reader reveals the past.
“Hey! Hey, you kidnapping bastard! Give me my daughter back, asshole!”
“That's about the reaction I expected, yes.” Loki said, holding on to his composure in the face of your enraged father. He was an entire ocean away, and merely a mortal man of no consequence, but there was still some intimidation involved. Loki wanted a favor from this man; information. Also, there was something...important, about not being hated by your father, specifically. “Alas, I cannot. It's isn't safe for her, I'm afraid. Her health would deteriorate once more.”
“Yeah, the spandex squad said the same thing. They said it was some kind of magic? Sounds like bullshit to me.”
“You have lived through invasions by both extraterrestrials, and robots, yet you find magic difficult to believe in?” Loki pointed out.
“Yeah, well, you can punch an alien or a robot.”
“I dare say, one can punch a sorcerer as well.”
“Oho? She's been throwing hands?”
Loki cleared his throat. “Your daughter has been...most emphatic on several points.”
Your father drew himself up with pride. “Good. You best listen. And you'd damn well better be treating her right!”
“Actually, that is why I wished to speak with you. I would like advice on how to treat her more properly. Specifically, I will be remodeling her room into a more permanent residence, and I wish to know what kind of things she likes to have in her home.”
Your father remained quiet for a few long moments.
“So she's really not coming back.” He said finally. “Damn. I know all girls eventually leave, but she just seemed happy where she was...” He sighed. “Okay, fine. If it's gotta be up to you to take care of her now, then listen up. She likes doodlin' so get her some art supplies. She likes them little fairy lights. If you're getting her decorative things, she likes birds, and seashells, and flowers. No pets. She doesn't like having little things underfoot. Get her some houseplants, but only if they have bright colors, or make flowers.”
“How about toiletries? Does she have a preference?”
“Eh, more flowery stuff. Whatever's on sale, usually, but you can do better than that, can't you? The most flowery stuff you can find. Candles or potpourri, or whatever. Uh, she likes Pokemon. Don't know how much that helps you.”
“It would help me more if I knew what that was, but I'm sure I can find out.”
“It's some video game about fantasy animals. It's easy to find. Oh, and she likes space too. Stars and constellations and stuff. Likes learnin' about what's out there.”
“Oh, I know.” Loki said, perhaps a little too confidently. Your father glared. “But not too well.” He added. “Space. It is a good subject. There is much out there.”
Silence stretched out uncomfortably.
“How is she, really?” Your father asked.
“Distressed. That is why I am doing this. A great many things have happened to her in too short a time, so I am attempting to counter them with comfort. Her illness has all but disappeared, but we must remain within a mile or so of one another, and cannot be separated for more than a few hours at that distance before she begins to deteriorate. Were you told of the assassin?”
“Yeah. I was told she wasn't badly hurt, and that you caught the bastard.”
“Correct on both counts. She suffered a cut, but it has healed completely, and he will be facing justice eventually. I may still curse him into an early grave though, no matter what his sentence ends up being. Hmm. Perhaps forget I said that.”
“Nah, no one's hearing a peep from me.” Your father fidgeted as a gray cat peeked its head into the screen. “No Momo! Get down from there. Hey look, if she's gotta stay with you from now on, there's some things you oughta know. She's got some...problems. There were some major health issues that ran in her mother's side of the family; brain tumors mostly. Took her mom and her aunt while she was still pretty young. She hadn't shown any signs of it, but two or so years ago, she had this weird episode...Started insisting that everyone was dead, and the world was ending. The doctor didn't find any evidence of tumors, but said she was acting like someone who had gone through some kind of traumatic experience. No one could figure out what happened. She was fine one day, and the next, she'd completely changed. Got way more aggressive, kinda obsessed with food, has panic attacks over some of the weirdest things. And whenever something bad happens, she goes from one hundred percent ready to fight, to meek and numb in seconds.”
“I...have observed some of those behaviors, yes.” So this was what it looked like from the outside. Someone who had survived the Snap and remembered it must seem to others as if some great change had come over them. An entire year lived like that would not leave someone the same as they had been before. It was a shame Loki could not tell him what had happened. That your father would never understand you like he did. That he didn't even truly understand you.
You were just about as alone in this world as he was, weren't you?
“So if you've got some kind of magic health care over there, just keep an eye on her brain, okay?”
“As you say. I shall keep a special watch over her mind. I appreciate you telling me this. All of this. It will be most helpful.”
“Yeah well, as long as you take good care of her, I can't complain. Still hate you though.”
Loki smiled smugly. “I would expect nothing else.”
Loki spent his time between meetings searching through various storage rooms for furnishings. He'd found a very nice rug; blue and green and silver, patterned with knotwork and ravens. Bedding was a bit more difficult: you felt the cold more keenly, and needed either more, or heavier blankets. He was having trouble finding good matches, however. He didn't just want to throw things together like some kind of motley. You weren't a peasant anymore, and you should have better.
But just for now, maybe the brick red bed set didn't clash with the green and blue that much?
In the end, he was able to gather plenty of  bird-themed items, mostly ravens, eagles, and swans, and no shortage of floral décor. He commissioned a space-themed mural for one of your walls, though he knew it would take several weeks to finish. There were very few seashells to be had, but he did manage to procure a small hand mirror that was shaped like a scallop.
Perhaps this would do for now?
He called for Saldis and two others to carry things back you your room, stood back and supervised while they laid things out. Fairy lights and Pokemon would have to wait until he figured out what they were, and where he could get them.
As the servants put everything into place, Loki was drawn to your desk, and the little stack of books there. Astronomy, of course. That made perfect sense. A history of Iceland. Good idea. The collected tragedies of Shakespeare. Good stories, all of them, but perhaps not the best reading material for someone of your delicate mental state. Ah, there it was. World mythology.
Brunnhilde said you had mentioned something about a mythology book that had led you to believe some mixed up things. Well, what did it say?
He picked up the book, leafing through it as the servants moved around him, hanging artworks on the blank walls, a pair of flower-themed lamps replacing the old one, rolling out the rug.
The temperature began to fall while he read the entry about himself, stone-faced, but radiating a quiet anger that everyone in the room could feel. The servants slowly came to a halt, staring at him in silent worry.
“Sire?” One of them finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper. His eyes snapped up from the book to look at them, and all three flinched back.
“You.” He said, pointing. “And you. Out.”
Both women hurried for the door, throwing apologetic looks over their shoulders at Saldis, who stood in place, bewildered and a little frightened.
“Saldis...Odasdottir, was it?”
“Yes, your Highness!” She squeaked.
“You can speak English.”
“Yes, your Highness! Fluently, Your Highness!”
“A useful skill. More importantly, can you read English? I trust you know not to lie to me.”
“No, Your Highness! No more than a few words! I have Roskva translate for me!”
“I see.” He snapped the book shut with a loud clap.”So you know nothing of the contents of this book?”
“No, Your Highness! Seidkona _____ asked for English language books, so I just brought back all that the library had! I don't know what any of them are about!”
“This one is full of slander.” Loki seethed. Saldis began backing away. “Written by our enemies to defame us, clearly. I will be confiscating it.”
Saldis began stammering apologies, but Loki held up a single finger to silence her. There were no lies in what she said. She was no saboteur.“If you did not know, you cannot be blamed. However, I would be alone for a time.”
She took the dismissal for what it was, vacating the room in an undisguised hurry. Loki could just barely hear Andsvarr asking her what was wrong, as he stalked to his room and threw the book into the fireplace. Drivel! A poison of words, pouring into your eyes, into your mind. No wonder you were so frightened!
God of Evil? Ridiculous! Evil wasn't something one could be a god of; it was a nebulous concept that changed from culture to culture, and across time. Anyone was capable of it, but none could rule it. And that nonsense with the horse... He didn't even know anyone named Angrboda! Where had all that come from?
He had been to Midgard once before New York, when he was a child, long before these concrete forests had sprung up in the place of the wooden ones. It had seemed like a very different world then, the storytellers weaving magic into their tales, spinning their words into decorative knots. He'd learned of the concepts of kennings and flyting from them...Was this what they had seen in him, or did it have some symbolic meaning, lost over the centuries? Did they see him as evil?
Or was it what had happened after? The burying of the old ways under the name of another god? Was that what had painted him in such a dark way? Or perhaps the author of the book had written it after the events in New York. Humanity had plenty of reason to consider him evil then, and a great many still did.
It didn't really matter right now. What mattered was that this had been influencing your perceptions of him, and now he had to reverse that. The room would be a very good start, a step in making this a real, permanent home for you. He would find out everything you needed, everything you wanted. He was a prince. He was a god! He could provide.
He sat down on his fluffy rug, watching the book slowly blacken and curl. It did matter. It mattered because it was part of the reason you weren't here. And he felt it now, now that you were gone, every minute making him more and more aware that you weren't there. There was a little, human shaped hole in the world, that only you fit into, and you were out of place.
When had you become important? He could no longer deny that you were. Honesty with the self was among the coping exercises he and Thor had had to adopt, once they realized that they absolutely had to be in this together. It was quite possibly one of the hardest things for him to do, to admit everything to himself, to open himself back up to all the emotion.
In the beginning, after he had been returned from death, all his walls had come down. Those had been hard times; he was nearly inconsolable, everything he had been through in such a short time was all there, up front. All the grieving he hadn't been able to do, all the anger and resentment, the self-loathing and loss of identity. Everything he'd never gotten the chance to heal from had all come down on him, all at once, and he'd thought he'd never stop crying again.
But once he had been given the chance to confront all those things, to work through them, to finally, properly mourn, when he'd put himself back together, and run dry of tears-and when Thor had done the same-that was when they had both decided to take the steps necessary to be better than they had been. For the people. For each other. And for themselves.
Communication with the self was easily just as difficult as communication with each other. Neither of them exactly had the hang of it yet, and it led them to mistakes like this. Mistakes like Loki believing that everything was just fine between you and himself because he wanted so badly to believe that it was. Tricking himself into thinking that your actions and reactions were those of a person in need of support and comfort from him, instead of a person who was afraid of him.
Five years ago, he would have seen it for exactly what it was, but he had been trying so hard to leave that version of himself in the past, where it belonged. He needed to be better now.
He needed to admit that you were important. He needed to understand why. You represented something to him; some kind of redemption. If he could take care of you, he could prove something to everyone, including himself. What was that thing? What did he need to prove? That he could be responsible?
That he was what he said he was. That he was worthy of being what he said he was. A Prince. A Ruler. A Leader. A Provider. A Man.
Not a monster.
He could give you everything. And he felt that you might even deserve it, you who had lost your mother, and then your world, and then your health, and then your autonomy. He could give you everything, and he kind of wanted to. But he had to step back now and take a different approach. It had to be for you, as much as it was for him.
He watched the book burn until it was an unrecognizable lump, thinking of ways to be better for you. Then he left his quarters in search of his brother. He had an idea that would set at least some of your fears at ease.
He passed Brunnhilde on the way, the Valkyrie carrying a sandwich on a plate. He stopped, then followed her.
“Is that for her?” He asked. “Because she hates that.”
“What? Well then what does she like?” Brunnhilde demanded. Loki listed a few things off the top of his head, and Brunnhilde headed back to the kitchen. “Guess I'll eat this one then. Heard you terrorized some of the maids.”
“I suspected one of them might be a saboteur. I was glad to find otherwise. I discovered a source of _____'s fear. That book you said she mentioned; I found it and I destroyed it. It will trouble none of us again.”
“That might not look good, you know. Might look like you're trying to destroy the evidence.”
“What evidence?” He sneered. “It was worthless. It was...do you even know what it said? It was like a parody, and it was deceiving her. I will find her other books.”
“You can't just curate her reading material you know.” Brunnhilde said, making another sandwich. “Not if you don't want to seem so controlling.”
Loki added a cup of skyr to the plate, and a spoon of redcurrant jam on top. “I'm not going to. I'm thinking of taking her into the nearest town, and visiting a bookstore. She can choose her own books, and not be stuck reading the same few over and over. I've already seen to her room, and so all that's left is to let her get some things of her own choice.”
Brunnhilde nodded. “That's better.”
“So, how are the Valkyries coming along? You mentioned a Buridag demonstration?” Loki asked, following her back out of the kitchens.
“About as well as can be expected for only having a year of training. There's a lot of work to be done, catching them all up. Lucky for us, most of them naturally gravitated towards combat lifestyles. The twins have a long way to go though.”
“Valda and Velda. They're only about three hundred years old. They're having to start from scratch, but I can see the power in them. They're the real deal. They are also tiny children who can barely lift their own swords, and definitely can't wear armor. We can't have a demonstration without them, but there isn't much they can physically do. Maybe if I play up how important standard-bearing is, they won't put up a fuss.”
“One can hope.” Loki said with a smile. “Sibling rivalry can be a tough thing to navigate.”
“They get along well. Just because you and your brother had a rivalry for the storybooks, it doesn't mean everybody does. Speaking of, did Saga ever get back to you?”
“Yes. She's chosen fully sixteen texts to translate, and she will be doing each of them in seven languages. She's so happy. I was thinking of asking her to expedite the English translations, but I wonder if that isn't a little too selfish.”
“Well, technically, you're thinking of someone else, so it isn't 'selfish' exactly...” They stopped outside Brunnhilde's rooms. “Well, your Highness. You have some work to do, and I have some mouths to feed, so here is where we part.”
“Dinnertime!” Brunnhilde announced, and you hopped up to receive it. Everything looked very tasty this time, and you tucked in without preamble. You'd worked pretty hard again today, not quite as hard as when you were practicing magic, but hard enough. The bath had been wonderfully relaxing on your sore muscles, but had done nothing for your appetite.
You should exercise now, eh? Surely this was a good start.
“So...” Brunnhilde said. “You're not a good liar.”
“Hrm?” You asked around a bite of sandwich.
“Whatever you told Borgljot, you've been in combat before.”
“Mrm.” You said, swallowing your bite. “Well, about that...I don't know if I would call it combat exactly...and besides, I didn't lie.”
“Oh? Oh. Because it technically didn't happen?”
“Yeah. Things went to hell during the Event, you know that. I can't imagine it was a walk in the park for you either.”
“Wasn't great. You wanna talk about it?”
You stopped eating. “I never have before.”
“You never had someone who believed you before either, did you?”
“Sure didn't.” You said quietly. “It's just, you know, everyone went a little crazy I think. You can't face a devastation like that and stay totally sane. And nobody really knew what to do. The guys were a pain in my ass, but there was this one guy specifically...his wife and kid turned to dust in his arms, and I think he just went completely insane. But quietly; no one noticed. He was always very nice to me, and normally, he wouldn't hurt a fly, but...he kinda started fixating on me.”
Everywhere you were, there he was. Being helpful. Complimentary. Said you reminded him of her.
“At first I thought it was a good thing. It kept the other guys from bugging me too much. See, out of three hundred and forty of us, only about sixty-seven made it through the Event, and only about a third of those were women. Some of those guys didn't even try to pretend that they weren't being predatory. But he kept the others away, and I appreciated it. For a while.”
Never saying anything creepy, but simply always being there, always ready to help out. You never found out how he scared the other men away.
“We had to try to keep farming in order to survive, but half the seeds had turned to dust too. We probably would have been okay, if the fields hadn't died, but we had almost nothing. Everyone was desperate. I was in charge of the potatoes. Had a good patch of them growing out in the East fields. One day, when I went out to tend to them, he followed me. Guess he just...finally hit that breaking point. Came onto me, using her name. When I told him off, he full-on attacked me.”
Mad-eyed, tearing at your clothes, sobbing and crying a dead woman's name.
“He wouldn't stop, so...”
Panic gave you the strength to knock him to the ground, desperation gave you the instinct to bring the sharp edge of your garden hoe down on his head.
“So I killed him. Chopped his head in half. I know what that looks like now.”
You didn't know when you had started trembling, but it was making your voice quiver.
“You were defending yourself.” Bunnhilde said. “It's a terrible, harsh edge of reality, and a shame that you had to see it. But you came through. Not gonna say it's okay, because it's not. But you came through.”
“It's...I think my problem is that I don't even think that's the worst part.” You said. “It's that, technically, it never happened. He's fine now. He's alive, his wife, his kids, all alive and well, and going about their lives. He's just like I remember him from before it all happened; sweet and harmless. He comes in to the bakery sometimes, after our cornbread. I'm sure he worries about me, because that's just the kind of person he is.”
“Well that's-”
“I hate him.” You interrupted. “I hate him so much. I should be glad that it all got erased. I should be glad that he's not a predator, and that I'm not a murderer. But I'm just so angry! He gets to have his family, and his sanity, and his life, and go happily about his business, and I have to remember what he did! What I did! It's horrible, isn't it? I shouldn't feel like this!”
“Honestly? I feel like it would be more wrong if you didn't.” Brunnhilde reached across the distance to take your hand. “None of this should be easy to accept. How long ago was it, that Thor crashed on this planet? Seven? That's seven years for your whole world to realize that there's more people out in the universe, get attacked by those other people, get nearly wiped out by one of those other people. Then a small percentage of you has to find out that even reality itself can be malleable. And then on top of that, you, individually, have to deal with mans inhumanity to man, and that is all a terrible burden to put on such small, human shoulders.”
“I'm going to be a seidkona.” You declared. “Just as soon as I figure out how. I'm taking this as an opportunity to leave that all behind. I never have to see that guy again. I don't have to hold on to the hatred. I don't have to project it onto other people, I can start moving forward again.”
“You don't have to push.” Brunnhilde warned. “You'll burn yourself out. Set your own pace. You don't have to do everything at once, in fact, you probably shouldn't.”
“Where should I start then?” You asked. Once you had decided something, you were always full of energy and raring to go. But maybe she was right. There was a lot to do, and if you tried to do it all at once, you'd get overwhelmed.
“What all do you have to do? What tasks and goals are on your mind?” Brunnhilde asked. “and out of those, what are the simplest or easiest?”
“Um. I've got to...I've gotta learn how to use this knife. And my magic, gotta learn that. I should learn the language. Gotta be ready for the trial, I'm pretty sure I'll have to testify. Kinda torn there, I mean, I want that guy to go straight to jail forever, but I don't wanna be in the same room with him ever again? I gotta... research seidkonas. Learn about the past ones, what they did, how they worked. I gotta...I gotta go back to my room. Make up with his Highness. I have to, but also, I want to.”
“You looked at your palm. “Gotta learn more about this thing, if there is any more to learn. Gotta...Gotta yell at Beli! He's the one that spread this whole seidkona rumor around, isn't he? Only him and Loki knew; I didn't even know! And then everybody knew except for me! That is not right!”
“Oh don't yell at old Beli.” Brunnhilde said, pointing at your food. You took the hint and began eating again. “For one thing, it's a waste of breath. So, out of those things, what is easiest? What will you start with?”
“Um. Well, you'd think going back to my room and making up with Loki would be easiest, but in reality, it's terrifying. Probably can't research if I can't read the language. The trial can't be prioritized; it'll just happen when it happens. So, looks like knife is the only choice.”
“Well, there you go. I also have a suggestion. You should have a better grasp of your surroundings. If you'd like, I'll get someone to show you around. Also, if you have hobbies, you know, something you just do for fun, then you should do that a little bit.”
“...I'd like to bake something, if that's all right? I used to do that for a living, and I really enjoyed it too.”
“I'm sure that can be arranged. Let's go do that in the morning.”
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carcinized · 2 years
thank you lovely i'm trying. today i was up early and dancing around my friends to get them to wake up and ive been doing that for a week so i'm only a bit tired. and yeah i'll start doodlin up a ring :D
WHFKGJKD. that’s so fun though!!! im glad u had a good time :D i am excited for tomorrow, im setting off early to go see a friend who moved away years back!! (kept in touch) so that will be fun! just also exhausting im going alone and. o(-( but it’s fine!! i have all my stuff look my cars all loaded up (photo from earlier today)
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so like! excited! but also i won’t be home til late july (going other places as well) and i am already homesick DHJFFH. but like im excited too!! just mixed feelings yaknow? yea im rambling but IM GLAD U HAD A GOOD TIME KING <3
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Timeless 2x03
more thoughts!
* I cannot handle Garcia Flynn’s sassy mouth, sassy walk, sassy prison escapes, sassy entrances into the bunker, and sassy everything. Not to mention his one-track mind. “Where’s Lucy???” Oh my god, you idiot. HELPING YOU, ACTUALLY. Since all it took was her telling you they need you for you to be like TIME TO BREAK OUT MY DOODLIN’ FINGERS. Idiot.
* I had a lot of (somewhat unexpected) Lyatt feelings this episode. They were just the right mix of cute and flirty and hot and genuine, and yes. My emotions were Real. But also, since three episodes into the second season is early by any TV show’s standards to actually get your main couple together, it still feels a little sudden for all this to have happened already (which is a reflection of the 10-episode timescale, so... everything is compressed, unfortunately. My favorite is slow burn, but hey). Also, Timeless works best when it’s focused on its group dynamics, and I appreciate that we got more Jiya and more Flynn this week, as well as Rufus being adorable with Hedy Lamarr. But it does feel like the last two episodes have been a little Lyatt top-heavy (though I do like them and made some squeaking noises in their scenes), though I feel like that was to set up for the Jessica reveal/make sure the shippers would be yelling. So yes.
* Obviously I understand that sometimes ships/characters are the focus rather than the plot, but I missed Emma/Carol/Nicholas/The Rittenhouse Cabal of Evil this episode (though for some reason Rittenhouse Agent #42 and his dad gave me unexpected feelings). And yet, the lighter tone did work (the comedy, the musical numbers, the mistaken identities, the romance, etc) because everything can’t be Grimdark all the time, characters need moments of beauty and solace and development, and other reasons to keep fighting.
* I’ve probably already mentioned it. But. Flynn’s escape from prison (after 84 years). God F’n Bless. Now please please give us more.
* Rufus and Hedy Lamarr: The BROTP we didn’t know we needed. (Now can Rufus have a highlight episode too please?)
* I’m having a lot of Wyatt emotions since they actually started developing him a little more, and I really need his dark stuff/slip-ups/less-than-perfect behavior to be discussed (with Flynn please be friends, after some sass) and acknowledged. Because I love that they acknowledge his past as having a lot of toxic behavior and bad shit, he’s come from an abusive home, he’s been in the military, he’s probably had to unlearn a LOT of crap. I do hope they dig more into him being not the ideal hero and him and Flynn coming to an understanding over it and fandom getting there too.
* Speaking of which:
* Please don’t mess up this Jessica Logan thing, show. You already fridged her once; don’t make her be evil, don’t make her be a one-note romantic rival (I have seen an interview which was marginally hopeful in this regard, so hey) don’t dispose of her/angle her just for Drama Love Triangle Drama. Let her be a real person and for Wyatt to be genuinely flawed and for that to be addressed in-context, rather than just by fandom. I feel like the writing is generally very smart, but there are moments when it doesn’t seem quite as smart as it is in other places. I know how realistic female characters/female characters who don’t immediately like the male fave are treated (i.e. pilloried) and I am going to assume/hope Jessica is innocent or has been manipulated by Rittenhouse somehow, is a real woman who loved her husband but has justified grievances against him, and that that will be properly explored. I realize she’s coming back just to throw a wrench in Lyatt and she won’t be long-term, but... please handle her respectfully. She will probably get enough unwarranted hate as it is.
* /curls self around female characters, hisses
* On that note oh my god. Useless Bisexual Lucy Preston. It was Glorious.
* Why does this season only have ten episodes. They have so much they need to cram in (as I said, I hope the character/relationship balance levels out, especially now that the Sass Master Cometh). Everything feels compressed, sometimes in a good way, sometimes a little less so, but that is often a reflection on the fact that they just don’t have enough space. 
* Why must I wait two weeks for Salem. THIS IS DEEPLY UNJUST.
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cheapcookiez · 7 years
What program do you use to draw your art? ;0; your art is just magnificent- and i hdbdnnn,,,, i love it!!
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Mah lovely and very easy to use, paint tool sai! 
But i additionally use photoshop for tweaking colors and adding effects! (which can sometimes takes a big importance on some artwors! ) But if it’s just for doodlin’, pts is mah main art software. ㄟ( ・ө・ )ㄏ
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hmm i’ve already replied to few of these questions but i feel like i should put moar time on explainin’ very basics stuff to all of u. For real real beginners.
If u don’t mind, i won’t reply u right now but that’s very interesting and i’ll try to make somethin’ special for all these questions. 
i’ve also not planned to explain’ anythin’ about adobe illustrator, but if u want, i’ll think about that too. U r the first wahn to ask meh and i feel not ready yet to give you tips on that subject. Not that i don’t want but i dunno’ where to start. (•̀o•́)ง
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sprocketsdance · 6 years
Has it been a week?
I forget if it’s been a week or two since I posted that thing about starting on hardcore with my comic stuff. And I’m too lazy to go back and look (the typing window is open, too late now! At least... that’s what I’m telling myeslf). Either way, here’s an update post.
Not much has happened since then. For the past week I slowly started to feel more and more exhausted until I got a health assessment and my blood pressure was 82/50. I’ve always run low, but not hypotension low. Usually it’s more around 100/70.
Granted, I doubt the abilities of this particular healthcare worker. She also told me that blood pressure was nothing to worry about. :-/
So, I went into keeping track of my blood pressure and determined that while it’s low (never getting quite THAT low, but close a few times) it was more likely my symptoms were being caused by some bug I got. 
SO. I haven’t done anything all week except for a few poorly done doodles. XD I suppose that’s what doodlin’ is for. I should post some at some point. Oh, and I think I created my lil signature I’ll put on everything I make now. Just a simple heart with my initials in it. It’s between I can’t think of anything else and it just works in its utter uncreativeness. XD (plus, it’s super easy to do, so points!)
This week I really hope to get more things going. First step is getting my site cleaned up enough to where I feel like showing it off even in its barren state. I have a really cute idea for a gif so we’ll see if that happens!
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kutorambles · 6 years
So like huh I was thinking about what still keeps me from being as productive as I should be ( these last few days/weeks specifically have been just terrible at getting anything done )  So I was pointing out to myself that once I actually get into drawing something, I tend to enjoy it. Just gotta get it going first, once I have a goal set and just need to get it done, it can happen. So then  the issue would just be with getting inspiration, ideas to work from, getting projects started and all. 
Counterpoint to that : I usually get that thought when I doodle random crap in my sketchbook after failing to get any real work done. Sooo like of course getting into a doodlin’ groove tends to be enjoyable but it doesn’t apply to more serious work : I get to that point precisely after failing to get working on stuff I actually should be doing.  It’s not like I have nothing to do : Got assignments for school, hints of personnal projects I’ve been meaning to dig into, buncha stuff. Blaming procrastination on lack of ideas is juuuust a lazy excuse. 
Not too sure what’s keeping me from working that much then ?  Video games  has  been a big thing lately. ( Always an issue when I’m on break and go back to my parents’ place. Definitely gonna need to start off 2018 with uninstalling every game again. ) Generally would like to work on being offline a bit more this year toooo. Need to be using my computer mostly for work and muuuuch much less for pointless internet browsing.  Could be a first step to learning to focus more. I’m pretty sure lack of focus is the biggest issue in my lack of work, I feel like I haven’t been able to work consistently at full focus on something. Distractons distractions distractions. Then making up more distractions just to avoid working. 
Heck, getting distracted off that rant right now, not sure where I’m going with it. I’m still wasting way too much time, could be and should be a lot more efficient with everything, and really wish I can start improving on that ? Definitely the kind of thing I say literally every year but I still haven’t managed to get to it sooooo.  Then again, maybe the first issue to fix would be pure motivation and getting back to actually wanting to work more often. Don’t know how to do that though so I’ll probably just keep trying to force myself into that.
Maybe in 2018 I’ll manage to make my rants clearer too ! Though ideally I should quit ranting because blah to that it’s always the same shit I keep not fixing because apparently I waste my time ranting instead.
Anyways Spongebob season 4 really has some kind of decrease in quality but I can’t tell how biased I am from everyone else hating it. 
( Everything I said is obnoxious and barely understandable and pointless but I don’t know how to fix it so I guess I’m giving up on this as well whoops ) 
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jet7wave · 7 years
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Weird jacket crap stuff on Spitfire. Sassy. Doodled to practice doodlin and turned into a thing. I should really plan ahead more instead of winging it like I did here. I had barely any idea where I was taking it from start to finish which really slowed things down. But sometimes I just feel like having it be a mystery is more interesting than whatever other ideas I have at the time. 
I’m glad I drew this though. Spitfire always needs more art. 
High res
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