kinnbig · 2 years
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I think we as a society moved on too quickly from JJ and Pong making out on stage on the first night of the tour honestly!
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My brain is geared into vegaspetetay/timetaytem tonight, so enjoy this snippet:
Tay tries to be accepting of Time’s needs. For some people, one lover can’t address all their desires. It’s not something he’s necessarily thought about before, because for him there’s only been Time for as long as he can remember feeling anything for anyone (except, perhaps, a lingering affection for Kinn - but Tay knows himself well enough to confidently assure Time, that one time he asked, that the affection just wasn’the same thing he craved from Time. He has matured since then.)
And it has been Them, for a longer time than Tay originally dared to hope. Perhaps Time, too, has learned to accept that there are some things his partner will never be able to provide for him. This, Tay tells himself, is all part of growing up. Because they have grown up - together, and that has to stand for something. It has to. 
Tay tells himself this. Wears it like a hard-won badge of pride. They have history together. He has seen Time in his gangliest, most spot-riddled teenage years. That counts for something.
When Time’s hand lands on Tem’s shoulder, Tay - jostled by the movement - can only smile - and turn away. This is how it goes, after all. Time pulls someone in with his charisma, and Tay is pulled along for the ride. This is nothing new. Time is searching for someone to give the rest of his love to - and Tay is fine with this. Because he loves Time. Loves him for who he is, not who he fucks.
The one selfish act Tay allows himself that night, is to grip Time’s hand as he falls asleep on the stiff leather cushions of Yok’s bar. I love you, he thinks. My love is a neon sign.Tell me that it matters-
"Baby,” Time says. It is a well-worn mantra in his head. “You know I love you.”
I still love you.
Tay thinks,
I still love you.
Give me...
Tay knows better than to be selfish.
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bitacrytic · 2 years
Nine, too many
They were nine of them so far.
Painfully, Tem was keeping count. He didn’t know where the idea had come from, but he’d tracked down the very first story to an account that had only three stories. One of them was the origin of Tem’s problems. Because it was the first story that featured Tem as... as a homewrecker. The first one mentioned Tem sleeping with Vegas behind Pete’s back.
Then another one sprung up. And then another. And another. And now, there were nine fucking stories with the same premise. More often than not, Tem wasn’t even a part of the main story. He was just featured as the background character who showed up for three paragraphs to cause tension for the main couple.
He really wouldn’t have cared if the second and third stories didn’t coincide with Tankhun’s disappearing act. Every time Tem showed up to the main mansion, Tankhun was missing. Anxious, Tem was forced to wonder if the stories were getting to Tankhun, or worse, if Tankhun had somehow heard the real story of what had happened between Tem, Time and Tay.
Thanks to Porsche’s info, Tem knew Tankhun was on the premises. As he arrived, he made his way down to Tankhun’s wing. If Tankhun could just get one moment, he’d explain that-
Tem yelped as someone yanked him off the main corridor and into curved dead-end. Before Tem could react, a hand covered his mouth.
“It’s just me,” Time said, smiling at Tem.
Heart pounding in his chest, Tem gently pushed Time’s hand away. “What are you doing?” 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Time said, as a slight frown slowly creeped into his handsome features.
“I...” Tem’s tongue tied in his mouth as he searched for what to say. “I was just...”
The words died when Time got closer, placing his hands on either side of Tem’s head. Tem couldn’t breathe. He could barely think beyond the alluring scent of Time’s cologne, and his beguiling smile. 
Blocking Time was easy, but now that he was looking into Time’s beautiful eyes, Tem didn’t know how to think.
“It’s been a while,” Time said, his hand resting heavily on Tem’s waist. “I’ve missed you.”
“We...” Tem breathed. “We can’t do this.”
“Do what?” Time asked, his thumb slipping beneath the hem of Tem’s shirt.
“Stop,” Tem said, putting his hand on Time’s chest and pushing him away.
“What’s gotten into you?” he said, walking back into Tem’s space.
Worried that he’d be trapped and tempted if he didn’t leave, Tem dodged Time and hopped out of the hidden curve. 
“You’ve changed,” Time said, walking out as well, as Tem backed away from him.
“I don’t want this anymore. I deserve better, and frankly, so does Phi-Tay.”
“Excuse me?” Time asked, walking closer, ignoring the fact that they were now out in the open.
“Please stay where you are.”
“Do you think you’re better than me now, just because you’re hanging out with Theerapanyaukuls?”
“This is not about that.”
“You knew what you were signing up for when we got together.”
“And I’m signing out now. Please let me go.”
Hurt and unsure, Time’s eyes dropped to the ground. “I don’t understand why.”
Tem could believe that. Time was handsome and smart and rich. He’d probably never been told “no” a day in his life. Hell, Tay was an awesome catch and he still let Time do him like that. If Tem wasn’t on the verge of a mental breakdown, he may have felt a little bit special to be able to turn Time down.
“I’m going to go now,” he said.
When Time didn’t respond, Tem fled. He didn’t think too much of it. Didn’t even resume his search for Tankhun because his head was all over the place. Instead, he just ran right into the street and got into the first cab that he could find.
Read Another
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enletrecer · 2 years
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Bean again - Capítulo 12 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1268373186-bean-again-cap%C3%ADtulo-12
A hipocrisia do Kinn aí é tamanha. Diz que vai castigar o Vegas se ferir o Tay, mas acoita o Time e o amante que feriram o amigo. O termo "Dois pesos, duas medidas" definido de forma clara.
Traição uma palavra que mexe com os sentimentos de qualquer pessoa ainda mais quando você está cansado de passar por isso. Tay presencia a pior delas, resolve acabar tudo e renascer, porém nesse processo acaba descobrindo um novo amor. Vegas passa por outra fase de sua vida e começa a adquirir sentimentos novos por uma pessoa que nunca imaginou em sua vida. O que o destino reserva para esses dois? Confira em cada capítulo. Recados: ▶Não aceito adaptações da obra, se tiver plágio denuncio. Todos os direitos reservados: @_lehsk ▶Capa/Créditos: Imagens da Internet ▶Historia voltada aos personagens de Vegas e Tay do universo "KinnPorsche The Series" ▶A história/ enredo não tem nada parecido com a novel e série. ▶Não tenho nada contra os casais da novel e série, só gosto de criar novos universos diferentes. Seja bem vindo(a)! 🥇Rank 1 # VegasTay (10/07/2022) 🥉Rank 2 #VegasTay (07/07/2022) 🥉Rank 3 #Têm (10/07/2022) 🥇Rank 1 #Kinn (17/08/2022) 🥉Rank 2 #Kinn (26/07/2022) 🥉Rank 3 #Kinn (25/07/2022) 🥉Rank 2 #Tay (19/07/2022) 🥉Rank 4 #Tay (10/07/2022) 🥇Rank 1 #Porsche (05/10/2022) 🥉Rank 4 #Porsche (17/08/2022) 🥉Rank 5 #Porsche (19/07/2022) 🥉Rank 8 #Porsche (10/07/2022) 🥉Rank 7 #Porsche (25/07/2022) 🥉Rank 30 #KinnPorsche (10/07/2022)
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agapintheskin · 2 years
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sasa-chan · 2 years
Tay: This is my boyfriend, Time.
Tay: And this is his boyfriend, Tem.
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glamgoblin · 2 years
I have a small TayTimeTem offering.
Soulmate AU where Tay is Time’s soulmate, Tem is Time’s soulmate, and Tay and Time are…complicated.
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ichigokeks · 2 years
Hi, about the kinnporsche series, which couple that you love the most in this series? between the main couple(KP), vegaspete, kimporchay, timetay/timetem,??
Hi, thank you for the message 💕
So far I like KinnPorsche the best but I know this will shift to VegasPete as soon as we're going to get their story. I simply have side-couple syndrome and Pete is one of my favourite characters 😌
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jemmo · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovely @soyellowcurtainsthen to do this wip thing that has been gracing my dash with so so many amazing snippets of goodness. i can promise mine will be nothing like that, just a mess of ideas and half written bits that have been sat in purgatory for a while 😂😂
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
pat’s birthday fic
happy death day inspired au
barre buddies (ballet au) and
shirt ties and lullabies
a self-indulgent pran wai friendship fic
patpran get feral
just some patpran smut
ofc (old fashioned cupcake) continuation
wony’s waikorn fic
the classic come here
the very noble mission to see pran shirtless
smutty patpran trilogy
chay in his rebel phase
the vegaspete vibe
timetem aka cheating can be hot sometimes
other bl’s to dip my toes in to
and I’ll tag @rythyme @thecookiemonster77 and @faillen even tho you’ve probably all been tagged already I just love hearing what you’re all working on. as always don’t worry about doing it and anyone else that wants to, you’re more than welcome to share your gems ☺️
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bitacrytic · 2 years
I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow?
Will we get skits from various parts of the story, or one cohesive storyline, or just a concert of craziness? Will we get major sluttiness? Or will it be toned down? Will we get a strip set? Will the minor family show up again? Peter Knight, will you be there?
What are we expecting?
Also also, will we get another TimeTem kiss?🙈
What will we get??????
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kinnbig · 2 years
wanted to gif the timetem dance and more tong today but it is BED TIME ough snork mimimimi
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A really angsty Tay-centric fic idea has just walked into my head and set up camp 👀
I see a beautiful man, I want to make him cry.
And Vegas is going to do it for me.
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