#timid reader
heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Person who's wrong reader: Hey.. I realized how wrong I was in the past and I wanted to apologize and maybe start over... Can you forgive me?
[Timid Reader looks at Gremlin Yan]
Gremlin Yan: C'mon baby, you can do this - we practiced
Timid Reader: but it seems a little... mean
Gremlin Yan: It's okay, baby. I'm all you need and I know you can do this. You don't need this fucker and if you don't I'll probably just push them into oncoming traffic
[Timid Reader takes a deep breath]
Timid Reader: Kys.
Gremlin Yan, whipping out the confetti poppers: YEAAA WHOO EAT SHIT AND DIE, BITCH
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nikkirimizi · 1 month
A Sweet Taste (Thor/Reader) 🍰
Summary: Reader bumps into Thor on their way back home and the two (attempt) at interacting with one another. They're not so strong with words, but give them a frying pan, and suddenly, they're magic.
Rating: Teen
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The noise of the incoming train had been muffled by the earbuds, playing their usual playlist that practically defined their morning routine. Within the train station, they looked through their bag, making sure everything they picked up earlier at the market was fully accounted for.
As they quickly boarded the train, they grabbed a pole from the middle, watching as the door closed behind them. The motion of the train started out slow before moving full speed, leaving them to their phone until their eventual stop. At eye level, they were met with the approach of someone far too close in front of them, but they humbly ignored the person and kept scrolling on their phone. That was, until a warm hand was placed on their shoulder.
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suguwu · 2 months
bee.... i have to ask about the arranged marriage with gojo (stsg i suppose).... what does suguru think of reader.........
niku...asking the important questions!!!
and as usual i am going back and forth between ideas so i may change my mind BUT—
i think suguru is pretty nonchalant about you—he's never met you so he only knows you through what he hears from satoru. but as time goes on, he realizes that even though satoru complains about the engagement, he never actually breaks it off. and he's gojo satoru. who is going to stop him from breaking off an arranged marriage he doesn't want?
suguru gets a little curious. he's not worried—it's not in his nature to think of someone like you as a threat—but he wonders about you. what attracts satoru to you; what made him decide that you would stay his.
("you jealous?" satoru says when he asks, smirking. "how cute."
suguru rolls his eyes. "no."
satoru straightens up, a pout forming on his pretty lips. "why not?" he demands. "you should be!"
it devolves from there, and satoru never answers the question.)
so suguru goes to find you.
and when you stare at him with wide, pretty eyes, your feet splashed with the drink you'd dropped at the sight of him, he thinks he might just get it.
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transgayhawkeyepierce · 6 months
Another cognitive dissonance I have with y/n stuff, is that the reader is always very shy and subby. Like, what if EYE want to slam HIM into the wall? Hmm?
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
This is a stick up
Hand over some of your wips
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drops this
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mrsoharaa · 6 months
cw: highgly suggestive.
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Just sitting here thinking about talking and guiding/walking Choso through intimacy.
Using your hands to guide his own onto your body, to slowly strip away each article of clothing bit by bit, watching and admiring the adorable fluster and confusion scatter across his flushed face. Notices how tense and nervous his body and expression is when you are entirely nude in front of him, tries to be as respectful as he can and glances away. But only feels his breath hitch tightly at the back of his throat when he feels your soft, subtle palms delicately caress his warm cheeks to bring his attention back to your radiant bare figure.
"It's ok Cho...you can look..." you'd smile ever so lovingly up at him, carefully planting his large, wide hands along the sides of your curvy body.
"You can touch..." your tender voice ever so lulling to him, peeling him slowly from his abounding nervousness, gleaming eyes of deep violet scour all over you thoroughly. Diligently skimming you up and down to every curve and dip your beautiful stature had to offer to his intent gaze.
"Go on Cho...touch me some more...I want to feel your hands all over me" your sweet, fine voice beckoned to him like a siren. A beautiful melody that drowned out every anxiety reckoning and second guessing. And it surely didn't take long before the dark haired man started to become more deeply infatuated and insatiable to the touch of your warm, soft skin.
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chaomother · 2 years
Omgomg Shadow and his scared darling on a trip/mission together and darling is always walking behind him with a stiff body language and he's just deep in thoughts
"Such a weird behavior..... so weak this one, so... fragile. I haven't even yelled at her, let alone attack them or spar with her. Pity, and here I thought I had a challenger....
..I want this one. This one is mine. I'm the only one she's afraid of for no reason and no one else, I make sure of that. This one is my property now. This is my little lady right here. I'll make sure you never have to feel actual fear ever again"
[use of 'good girl']
the sensation of a shaky hand grabbing his shoulder knocks shadow out of his ruminations, and he cranes his neck to discern you behind him. "what is it, [name]?" he asks, watching with his predacious gaze as your ears twitch.
"um, i just wanted to thank you for coming with me...!" you tentatively express the words that've been lodged in your throat since the beginning of this lengthy trip.
although, in the first place, he had the option not to. you still don't understand why he chose to join you; but even if you were still apprehensive towards shadow, you were still appreciative to have him by your side. his inordinate strength and intelligence would indisputably help you.
a soft 'tch' sound escapes from his clicking lips. "i don't need your thanks," shadow retorts, "i do need you not to weigh me down. so stick close, stop walking behind me."
"oh!" you audibly squeak, feeling increasingly more aware of your own sense of sense. you shuffle your feet a little faster, setting beside him⁠—but still a beat behind his pace.
fuck, how weak you are... he loves it, he loves it, he loves it.
stopping dead in his tracks, shadow glowers at you in congruence with holding his hand out. he's wordless, the ravening appetite smoldering in his gut pervading into his chest with its unfamiliar heat.
you gulp, slowly extending your hand and sliding your palm into his own. this was weird, you thought...
"good girl," he drawls, intertwining your fingers together; sealing your fate with him forever.
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sparkle-skitty · 11 months
I spent a STUPID long time on just this ONE BIT here so I am showing it to everyone whether y'all like it or not
For the record, this is just a scrap from the fanfic I am writing (attempting to) and because I am not a linear writer*, everything here is subject to change if/when I get to stringing it all together more coherently. So basically, it's a demo.
I proofread it a few times, but it may not be perfect because I am tired and also was originally writing entirely third person instead of second person but found myself mentally scripting in second person - so if anything sounds wonky, I'm all ears!
(*Meaning, I do not write start to finish, I write exactly what I feel like writing regardless if it's chronologically next. The scenes are coming to me in patchwork!)
Anyway, click read more for the excerpt.
CW for: mentions of child abuse, mentions of bullying, very slight blood, very slight violence, emotional outbursts/shutdown (y/n is neurodivergent), dislike of children (again, y/n is neurodivergent), aaaand I'm not sure what else to tag so lemme know if something is needed
(For the record, y/n has some of me plus some other things I've seen with other neurodivergent people written into them so HOPEFULLY it sounds at least somewhat relatable to others in the community)
You nearly ran into one of the play structures, too interested in watching what was going on by the door to the Daycare. An adult was getting more and more agitated, while Sun held a child behind him, with unimpressed and shrugging daycare workers passing to leave as their shift had ended. The only one who had remained had been talking between the adult and Sun, but was now finally giving up with a very loud "ugh!", throwing her hands in the air as she turned away to clock out.
It was now out of sight, and you were quickly putting away the armful of toys you had carefully balanced against you into the trunks they belonged, in order to get back to the scene asap. Your Employee Fazwatch buzzed on your arm, at first making you growl "Ugh, now what?!" but your irritation evaporated as you realized it was a message from Moon.
"That adult is not one of the child's authorized pick-up persons."
Moon must have caught you staring through the cameras. You instinctively glanced up at where you knew the nearest one was, knowing likely Moon was staring back from his little cyberspace world in the Attendants' shared body. But you quickly turned heel and speed-walked over to Sun.
You were certainly frustrated that, once again, poor Sun had been left behind to deal with the remaining Daycare children alone, but you were more angry now that they had so purposefully let him take the fall for the rules and regulations that even Fazbear Entertainment had to follow by law.
"You'd think by now I'd be over this," you thought. "Not like I've never had a job before where everyone was only looking out for themselves." But you knew very well it was because it was Sun, your friend, the sweetest guy in the world (probably), that you took it so personally. And also, maybe a little because most of the workers still treated him like a mindless machine, aaand possibly because a child was involved in a potentially dangerous situation.
Okay, maybe it made a little sense to take it personally.
As you drew closer, you realized Sun's hold on the child wasn't to keep the child from going to the adult, but rather the opposite - to keep the adult from getting at the child. At every turn he was putting himself between the adult and the child, and the boy looked nervous to say the least.
Your anger suddenly sparked into a blaze of fury upon the sight. No matter how much your rational side tried to tell them that it could be only because the tone of the conversation was scaring the kid, your feral inner child was screaming for blood, having the scene be a bit too familiar and hitting too close to home.
Sun caught sight of you from the corner of his eye, and turned to look with relief that someone might be coming to rescue them, only to be a little taken aback by the absolute darkness that was emanating from your being. The dangerous glint in your eyes, the snarl that curved your lips, revealing teeth tightly ground together - it was something he hadn't yet seen from his new friend. But once you looked at him and you both locked eyes, he saw a metaphorical mask rapidly apply, especially as you noticed the man had finally looked to see what Sun had been gazing at.
The mask replaced the baleful expression with one far more bright, friendly, and chipper. Though the animatronic could see the cracks in the disguise himself, he knew it was practically impossible for any random person to see. He couldn't help but stiffen as you approached and settled beside them. He had only worked with you for a short time, but it seemed so out of character!
"Hi there!" you greeted, launching into your Customer Service Voice, enthusiastic with a great smile, your eyes crinkling. "Is there something I can do for you?"
The man waved his hand around in anger, "It's about time someone came, besides this damn robot!" Sun tensed at the word and the inflection, but stayed quiet, watching with interest at how you hadn't even flinched with the man's loud and sharp tone.
"I am so sorry about that, looks like we're the only two left in the Daycare right now! What can I help you with?"
"Tell this metal idiot to give me my nephew, will you? I'm already running late!"
You turned to Sun, smile never faltering. "Hey Sunny, is there a problem?" you asked openly.
Sun caught the hint and quickly replied, "This person has not been set as a designated guardian for this child in our system."
"Ah, well!" you turned back to the man glowering at the both of you. "I'm afraid that we can not legally allow you to take the child from the Daycare, sir. I'm terribly sorry, but I'm sure you can understand the reasoning here. Just imagine if those weren't the rules! Kids could be carted off by just any ol' person, even criminals and bad guys!"
As you spoke, you gestured - and even winked - with great enthusiasm. Your hyper-upbeat tone not once fell, but the language used was definitely a subtle accusation.
"I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my friend here, but that's the protocol!"
"I want a manager!" the man spluttered, now thoroughly furious.
"Oh!" you exclaimed, a hand going to your mouth before you tilted your head in a bow. "I'm terribly sorry, again, sir, but..." you then lifted both arms towards Sun, gesturing as if presenting him for the first time. "He IS the manager. It's his Daycare after all! He's the boss, the head honcho, the big cheese, emphasis on the big part," you quietly added to the end, tone now finally slipping to indicate the threat.
Sun couldn't help but also notice that you were doing your nervous trait of babbling and trying to joke. But he wasn't so sure this was anxiety or a matter of barely containing yourself.
"Please leave before we have to contact security," you said after a moment of silent fuming from the man, optimism now back but with an edge to it, giving firmness to the command. "If the rightful guardian or guardians can not come, they will have to contact us themselves to add you in. Otherwise, we will not be able to release this child to you."
The guy looked around a bit, grumbling and muttering angrily, before very suddenly lurching forward towards you. Sun's arm shot out automatically to snatch the man by the shirt, to stop him and lift him away, but to his shock you made your own automatic response of swiping at the man's face.
Blood swelled from parts of the claw marks on his stunned expression, but not enough blood to actually run. You had mostly gotten him to the side of his face as he had turned at the last second to look at Sun, traveling just a bit across his jaw and cheek.
The facade was dropped in an instant as you huffed and shook from the adrenaline, then shrieked, "TRY THAT AGAIN, I FUCKIN' DARE YA!"
"Language!" Sun quickly reprimanded you, glaring at you. You tore your gaze from the man's bewildered face to look at him, then looked away, snorting through your nose and folding your arms across your chest. He sighed in exasperation, knowing that sort of maneuver all too well from the children and, well, Moon.
"I am not a brat," Moon grumbled in his head.
"I didn't say anything!" Sun internally responded back.
You looked the man up and down, feet now off the ground as Sun held him firm, but he wasn't struggling. You snatched the radio out of your pocket and calmly made the call to security to remove the man from the premises.
Even as the man was escorted out, Sun's internal monitors showed your heart was still pounding away. But when you glanced at the child, your look softened to one of embarrassment, or shame? You knelt down next to him.
"Hey, sorry about that kiddo, that... must have been scary," you mumbled.
Your interactions with the children were always awkward. You had told Sun you hated kids, but on top of that also had no idea how to deal with them. Every time you were like a deer in the headlights, a newborn giraffe trying to learn to walk - unsteady, unsure, and bewildered by everything.
Sun had so far learned that you at least knew enough to be nice to the kids and to excuse yourself when it got to be too much, which was more than he could say for most of the daycare workers, which was ironic given that you were, well... a glorified janitor.
The child nodded, sniffling. There was a pause, and then the boy released Sun's pant leg and ran over to you, wrapping his little arms around you. You were surprised, then cringed.
"Um, there there..." you said, patting his back gently. To your horror, you realized he was still crying and sniffling. Sun watched with amusement as your face silently twisted into disgust. You looked up at him, pleading with him to get the child away somehow, but Sun shook his head, crossing his arms. This is now a punishment, he decided. He knew you wouldn't dare just shove the kid away.
You were scrubbing at your shirt with several sanitary wipes. The snot might be gone by now, but you weren't sure and still felt unclean.
It seemed like it took forever for the child's actual guardians to show up, and Sun was not only doing the checkout, but also the report about what had happened.
You had allowed that child to tug your hands, hug you, and you even picked him up when he gestured so. Gross gross gross, little snotty kids were the worst. They had no sense of cleanliness or manners regarding germs. You shuddered at the thought of wondering if he even wiped himself, then flopped back into the security desk chair with a groan. To take your mind off your child-germophobia, you pulled out your phone and began a round of Candy Crush.
Your timeblindness caught you up again as you suddenly looked up to see Sun standing on the other side of the desk. He had his arms folded again, and wore a frown.
"That wasn't being a very good role-model, you know."
"Heck off, I'm not Daycare staff, so I don't--"
"Ah ah!" Sun cut you off, "You ARE Daycare staff, buster, even if it's just to clean, and as you so eloquently put it, I'm the boss here. And I say you need to be a better role model."
"Well personally I like their spunk," Moon snickered in his head. Sun ignored him.
There was a moment of silence between you two, before you shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh well."
Sun's eyebrow twitched with irritation. "Don't "oh well" me! You were cussing, AND you got physical with a customer--"
"Not a customer, just a dick."
"Language! Let's just hope you didn't teach the little one to solve our problems with anger and violence."
"Right, let's hope he never believes a grownup will stand up for him again in his life," you growled mockingly.
Sun was stunned, feeling frustration rise. He put his head in his hand and let out an exasperated sigh. "You can stand up for people without resorting to attacking others."
"Not always. Not every time." you answered lowly.
Sun noticed your heart rate was starting to climb again, and you were beginning to shake. Well, if there's one thing about this whole debacle that was a positive, it's the fact you make it so obvious when you're upset or angry.
"Let's calm down," he said soothingly. "This is just a discussion, you don't need to get angry--"
You stood bolt upright from your chair, your voice raising, "This isn't a discussion! You're chastising and-and-and down-talking and-and... belittling me! For defending myself! Because-because what? The kid might see it and-and think, oh man I-I-I should probably do something if someone... if someone just-just.... comes at me!" You were stammering and practically vibrating with the sudden spike in temper.
Sun leaned back with his hands up, a look of surprise on his face. "Woah, woah, woah! Hold on! I'm sorry if that's how I made you feel, but the rules--"
"DAMN THE RULES! The rules are out of order! Th-th-this whole court is out of order! Stupid! Fuck! AUGH!"
"Now that's enough--!" Sun cut himself off when you slammed your rear back into the chair and spun it, rolling it back in the process, and faced the wall. Hands crossed, face red, you slumped in anger and drew in on yourself.
Sun let the silence settle, giving you both time to relax, and for you to come out of your shut down. You pulled out your phone and started blasting aggressive music.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed wearily. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry," he started, voice calm but raised enough to hear over the music. "I am not trying to treat you less, I'm sorry I made you so angry..." he lifted his head up at a thought. "Wait... why are you so angry? You were furious before, too, when you were coming to check on us."
You didn't answer, but you had lowered your foot and were now bouncing your leg.
"Give it a minute," Moon spoke to Sun. He paused before continuing, a hint of a grin in his voice, "I have to say, it's interesting to see someone put themselves in time out."
"They've shut down, Moonie, you know what a shut down is."
Moon hummed. "They did choose to sit in a chair and face a wall, though."
"Can't you take this seriously?"
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of wheels on the floor. You had gently kicked off from the wall and were now rolling comically slow towards them. You had lowered your music, and still had a pout, eyes downcast, and your arms crossed. You bumped into the desk without a word.
More silence. Sun waited patiently, shoving down the anxiety trying to creep its way up. Nope! Not gonna go there!
Eventually, you swallowed your pride and spoke up. "I'm... sorry," you began slowly. "I lost my cool. It's been a while since I've dealt with... the public... on a, mm, personal level. And I'm sorry I scared the little guy." As you spoke, you turned the chair to sit properly at the desk, placing your elbows on it and clasping your hands.
You then looked up at Sun, and glared. "I'm NOT sorry about standing up for him. As a general thing. Even if I did it wrong."
"I'm on their side." Moon stated matter-of-factually. "...And don't you dare think what I think you'll think of that."
"The only thing I think of that is that you're both a bad influence on each other."
Sun's shoulders slumped. Well, it's a start, at least. He can work with this.
"Again, I'm sorry too, the rules are a bit of a... erm, a big deal to me, to put it simply." Sun stood poised to offer his explanation, even though Moon suddenly turned sour at the mere idea of talking about... that.
Meanwhile, you furrowed your brows, looking down at the desk again. You were also battling with bringing up some vulnerability, and chewed your lip. He did ask, but is it too awkward to bring up now?
You took a deep breath, "Anyway... I lost my cool because... I..." your voice trailed off with a drawn-out croak, but Sun didn't interrupt or interject. It took a minute for you to build your courage again.
"Well... when I was... a kid," you spoke haltingly, taking your time in order to keep your voice and emotions level. "I was... bullied. A lot. Really badly. Just for being weird, I guess, I dunno... And, nobody helped me. So I just, took care of it myself. Or, well, tried to." You glanced back up at Sun, "That's... ssssorta why I had that, uh, kneejerk reaction, when that dude tried to- when he just- when he came at me like that."
Sun and Moon were both listening intently. It wasn't often their human coworkers would open up, and in particular, you had made yourself a bit of an anomaly with your unpredictable statements and odd behaviour - an anomaly that they had taken a liking to, admittedly. Maybe they just liked anomalous people, since it seemed to be a pattern.
"That... doesn't quite explain what made you angry in the first place, though..." Sun said softly, not wanting to accidentally spook you from talking it out.
You sat back, your chin tucked in and your eyes cast down, and crossed your arms. Sun feared he had in fact actually caused exactly what he was trying to avoid, but you spoke back up.
"Yeah... yeah... the bullies... the worst ones were adults."
Boom. Bombshell.
Sun and Moon would have exchanged shocked glances if they had the ability to. Oh yes, they were well aware that adults could be bullies to other adults, including animatronics, but to kids? Unthinkable! The very notion sent their protocols in a little tizzy.
"Teachers, mostly," you continued. You took a deep, shaking breath. "But... then there were, of course... family members. Specifically my parents. Especially when I started getting into fights, oh they hated that. I was an embarrassment to them for not being like..." you waved your hand around, attempting to find the word, emotions building and causing brainfog. "Y'know, uh, demure and-and delicate and sweet and pretty and... and all that sh- crap..."
You settled back into the desk chair, your arms now laid against the arms of the chair. You still didn't look up, and began idly picking and clawing at the ends of said armrests. You took careful, slow breaths, trying to keep from bursting into a fit of some sort - most likely a crying fit, if anything. It'd been a very, very long time since you'd actually talked about all of this, and for precisely this reason.
"So, um, you can imagine - I think you can anyway - the kinds of things they did to try and--"
"They... they what?! They thought THAT was more embarrassing than their child being bullied!?" Sun exclaimed, flabbergasted.
The suddenness of his interjection widened your eyes for a minute, then you gave a laugh - a hollow, awful giggle that was laced with all the anger, hurt, anxiety, and vulnerability you were feeling at the moment.
"Um, yeah!? Kids will be kids, after all," you sneered mockingly. Not at him, but at the past. "I was just overreacting and causing a scene, of course." You slumped into the chair so low you could have easily slid out. "Of course..." you muttered. Your outburst had been sufficient to release all that negative energy you'd been building.
"So um... yeah... that's why I was... prrrrobably more than a little ready to go feral on that guy... He just had that vibe, you know? You know the one."
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grimalkinmessor · 9 months
you should enable anonymous ao3 comments
No 🖤
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Timid Yan: H-hey, Y/n? Do you mind if I play a song for you? I kinda relate to soms of the lyrics
Reader: Sure. Why not?
Timid Yan: o-okay....
The song:
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syoish-aot · 3 months
me: I only write eren x reader because I'm not thirsty for any of the other AoT characters
my tumblr drafts:
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stellar-constellations · 10 months
Muzan Kibutsuji Masterlist
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Muzan Kibutsuji x Fem! Reader dating headcannons
Muzan + the Upper Moon trio with a Sick! Fem! Reader headcannons
Muzan and Kokushibo x Fem! Flirty! Reader (separate) Headcannons
Muzan + Upper Moon Trio (separately) x Fem! Reader Watching Horror Movies Headcannons
Does this masterlist look dry or do you have any request? Ask away!
Looking to see what else I write? Here's my fandom masterlist!
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jewbeloved · 1 year
i have like mad clyde brainrot…could you write clyde with a timid boyfriend perhaps….?? like so timid sometimes he just hides behind him and it makes clyde feel high and mighty LMAO 😭
Clyde with a timid male s/o🪩💖💖😖
Note: Why does it feel like I haven't written for Clyde and the others? I gotta start writing for the others as well!
Warnings: None
Gender: Male
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❤️ Clyde Donovan 🌮
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This gif basically sums up how he would feel whenever you hide behind him.
Clyde always likes the feeling of wanting to be the one to protect you, it just makes him feel heroic and mighty.
He will comfort you afterwards on whatever made you hide behind him in the first place.
He could get used to this if I'm being honest.
The sec he acts tough towards whatever made you hide, the intimidating will start to get to him and he will become a quivering jelly.
He knows that there are people out there that are too strong for him to handle, but he will still stand up if it means protecting his s/o from any harm.
It always makes you giggle whenever you see your boyfriend act all mighty and tough but then becomes scared himself.
"Clyde, you're shaking...."
"What? no I'm not! It's just the cold alright???"
Yep, just the cold.
Even if your boyfriend can't always protect you, you still appreciate the hard work he does when he tries to. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Now I remember why Clyde has always been on my favorite list...
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xadoreyuu · 2 years
~ hold your breath, love dive. [aemond targaryen]
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this is my first fanfic!!! i didn't know whether to add images/gifs in for the aesthetic ™ or to just leave it blank but i thought the gif was pretty so that's my entire thought process lol. reader is afab with she/her pronouns if requested i will write non-binary characters however with the way westeros is i thought my first love dive into writing for the fandom would be with a female reader! i'd also love some feedback for this! it is obviously my first and i'd love some pointers on what you liked/didn't like about it!
premise: reader meets vhagar my queen. i personally chose a random house because even though the show likes inc*st i simply do not f*ck with it in my writing tho if you have any fic recs i'm not saying no... [2954 words]
The betrothal between houses Targaryen and Bolton was a choice not many had seen coming. You especially, you had went from a girl who was content with the fact your father would marry you off to some Lord and you'd live a life, you weren't sure if it would have been a happy one but it would have certainly been a life. You knew Aemond Targaryen was unpredictable, unstable even. He chose to claim a dragon as a preteen, stable wasn't something you'd use to describe him. He was chaos personified, like waves in the sea, uncontrollable and you weren't sure what your father thought he was getting out of the arrangement. (You knew what he was getting out of the arrangement: power and selling off his only daughter was clearly the only way he'd receive such notoriety.)
The arrangement wasn't horrific as you originally thought it would be, Aemond had seemed pleasant company though you were always in public, always chaperoned so the man could not spent time truly alone with you, while your father wanted to marry you did not have you own opinions or goals in life, he did not trust the man you were to marry fully. Nor did you. You knew the tales of the women his brother ruined the reputations of while his dutiful wife had to put up with his antics. You never knew how a man behaved behind closed doors, your brothers were a prime example of this for you. A prince was just a man after all and men were much different to the ladies you had spent time around. Kings Landing was entirely different in general, the styles, the hair, the people even, it was far too busy and put you on edge far too much.
They were dragons, both in sigil and temperament you had thought. Each member of the family was equally fiery and hard to read, comparing them to the creatures which set them apart so vastly was a correct comparison in your opinion. Being around them made you feel powerful, that nobody could cross you but you knew much better that politics can change in an instant — Rhaenyra and Rhaenys were proof of that. It scared you, being in the dragons pit.
Your time is spent with Helaena, she is a few years older than you though you think she is wise beyond her years, often telling you about the things she dreams about and often times speaks in riddles though you find her company more entertaining than most people. she understands you on a level which others do not, and you think in another timeline you would not be marrying her brother and she would not be married to her own husband, you would still be friends or perhaps more.
She doesn't want you today though, she claims she's ill with a sickness which is contagious — you'd get sick to spend time with her, you consider her your only true friend in this place, though Helaena being the kind sweet soul she is would never allow you to give yourself a sickness on her behalf and suddenly you're alone, the day grows boring, the library is unappealing, you can only walk around a garden — no matter the size of it so many times without growing bored. Needlepoint is tedious and you think you could not cope if your life was to be like this once you were married. The garden however is where you find him, alone. It's the first time you've spent time together alone and your palms feel sticky and your heart is beating out of your chest. You don't know how you'll survive within a marriage when you cannot speak to the man without wanting to run away due to shyness.
"You avoid me far too much," he's the first to speak, you doubt words could process from your brain to your mouth to do so, "Do I scare you that much?"
You do not want to answer at first — perhaps he's talking about his presence or rather to the scars he could not help, but you're strong, you're from the North and Northern girls aren't typically timid nor shy, "Why would I do that my Prince?" you can see how it would consider it mocking but the playful tone in your voice indicates your intent. "Am I too fast for you to catch?"
You doubt you've thrown him off guard, though maybe that's why he had chosen you, "Do you think you are fast enough to outrun a dragon?" he asks,
"I do not know, you see I've never met a dragon nor seen one to know how fast they can be... though I have no doubt I can outrun one" you're being cocky, or perhaps you're flirting, you do not know which one would be better though you seem to amuse the price in question.
"Would you like to see one?" you don't know if it's a euphemism or if he's being serious, perhaps he does have a sense of humour after all.
"Hmm... I'm not too sure they would take kindly to those who aren't of Valyrian blood, what if one tries to eat me... I've heard the tales of the dragon who resides on Dragonstone who eats its own kind and humans alike." you're teasing him, who wouldn't want to see a dragon? You'd encounter them eventually you surmised, it was hard to live in a family with such beasts without doing so.
"You know of the Cannibal?" his interest had piqued at that, your time with his sister had clearly came with advantages, learning more about the Targaryen family, the dragons owned (and not) by his family had interested him, next you'd surprise him by speaking Valyrian.
"Only what her grace, your sister, had told me about it, that apparently the dragon is older than Balerion the black dread — though it seems unrealistic and hearsay, your father rode him once did he not? Balerion I mean,—" your sentence was cut short by the prince, who was seemingly not paying attention to you, it was awkward for a few seconds before he excused himself.
Aemond had seemingly looked off to the side, as if being summoned though you didn't pay it much mind, the two of you were having an enjoyable conversation (well in your personal opinion, the prince may have just been conversing due to the fact his family didn't want the arrangement to sour due to his or your behaviours). Though he had pulled away at seemingly the last second, muttering an apology and leaving you in the garden alone.
As fast as he'd disturbed your peace he disappears almost as abruptly almost making you wonder if you'd spoken out of turn and offended him somehow. And you could not help but notice how much lonelier you had become without his presence.
Some days had passed and the interaction with Aemond had lived within your head, when you weren't needed or doing something you'd thought back to the conversation, he was a seemingly lovely match and paid attention to you. Not that you could say the same for your parents, they hadn't know where you were or what you were doing most of the time, they only lectured you into behaving around the royal family, ladies do not laugh loudly, ladies do not spend more time daydreaming than needlepoint and ladies certainly do not frolic around the gardens unchaperoned. Helaena hadn't miraculously recovered which meant your family continued to lecture you. Perhaps they were more irritated about the fact you weren't strengthening the bond of both families to ensure the marriage as your mother had kindly put it. You were aware you family wanted more power but the possibility of you getting sick while they were heightening their station could not have occurred to them.
Your days continued to be as boring as ever without Helaena's company you were beyond restless, your parents had told you to behave far too many times, so much so you could recite their speeches. Though it didn't stop you from wandering alone — again. You wouldn't be shocked if it got back to them — again. However just as the last time you were alone Aemond Targaryen once again approaches you. Cockily as ever though being a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms and having the largest dragon could perhaps have that effect on ones self confidence.
"Lady Bolton, you are the exact person I was looking for," he once again spoke again, he often left you speechless, from his undeniable beauty to the confidence he exuded — you had found out he wasn't always this way, gaining Vhagar had changed him and you surmised it was most likely for the better. "If you can recall we spoke about dragons and I have reconsidered the terms of our arrangement."
This made your blood go cold, you were certain you had not offended the Prince, though with the way he'd looked at you during meal times you could see how speaking about the dragons which were an extension of his family could offend him. "Have you spoken to my father about this?" He wouldn't be happy, you knew him well enough to know that.
"You misunderstand me, my Lady," you were sure your heart would have stopped if it was not for the words he spoke, "I cannot marry you without being certain."
It was not a good conversation to be had and you were almost panicking and you were certain you saw a taunting glint within his eye, "I can assure you, our union would be fruitful and you would be happy." You've been taught what it takes to be a wife from your mother but she had never explained what it truly entailed, your words feel rehearsed and panicked and came out of your mouth far too fast.
"I cannot be happy without being certain that you could handle this life," you're not sure what he's talking about, you've handled court well, made friends, were well liked by most people, and before your mind drifted somewhere else to think of every single misdeed you'd done, he spoke again, "The dragons are loyal, they want to protect their riders, Vhagar especially so," there was something in his tone which told you, you were missing the context of this statement, "I would like you to meet her, hopefully she won't harm you."
You weren't sure what to think, on one hand seeing the marvellous and beautiful beast that she was, was a once in a lifetime opportunity, on the other hand you could be hurt, or worse. It was seemingly a deal breaker to Aemond, if you chose to say no he could easily break off the engagement without remorse, he's a man, they never face the repercussions of their own actions.
"When do you wish to plan this meeting?" you asked, you didn't fear much, and if a dragon harms you, burns you or eats you, you supposed there was worse, less dignified ways to have your life ended.
"I was heading there now and while you are unoccupied I had asked your father's permission," he can't say no to a prince, out of fear of offending, you knew that much.
"With the way some at court speak of you Aemond, I'm surprised you asked for permission," the playful tone in your voice was evident that you truly did not believe court gossip. "How could I ever say no to meeting the eldest dragon known to man? If she eats me it would be a happy day for me."
He finds you amusing, you can tell, he's pokerfaced but you can always tell by the subtle way his body moved closer to yours, "I hope she chooses not to, it would be a sad day and I'm afraid I would not know what to say to your father about the occasion, his only daughter, eaten by a dragon, however would he recover?"
"You don't know my father like I do, he'd spin some tale that I was courageous and chose to fight a dragon and paid for it with my life." Your divulging far too much about your personal family life now, you're giving him too much insight and unnecessary information which could be used against you in a moments notice. "However, I am not going to let a dragon eat me today, my outfit simply will not allow it."
The journey to the largest dragon currently roaming freely was not as daunting as you'd originally thought, the nervousness you were feeling in your stomach hadn't subsided though you could almost feel the anticipation radiating off of Aemond. Perhaps he wanted a show, perhaps he wanted to see how you'd react to such a magnificent creature or perhaps he wanted to see her burn you alive.
She was there, laying and looking lethargic or maybe she was simply not wanting to live life anymore, she was beyond the size you had imagined, though something about her looked gentle. She hadn't harmed Aemond when she was a child and this made you feel safer, along with her owner being there, maybe he'd calm her with his presence. "Are you bonded to her?"
"In what way?" Aemond asks, keeping you behind him while he speaks in Valyrian — words you can't understand but if you were to have children in the future you should take note to learn.
"Can you feel what she feels, can she always feel your presence? Does she know when you're in trouble?" The questions come from your mouth before you can stop them, "You're speaking to her right now, are you not? Are you telling her to be on her best behaviour?"
"Did you not know we're always on our best behaviour." His response had made you laugh, you couldn't help it, if it had came from any other person you would have believed it. "Do I amuse you?"
"Yes very much so," Vhagar is stirring now, being so big she looks heavy to even move her head properly, you'd fear her moving her body without injuring anybody within the surrounding area. "It's a good sign she hasn't eaten me yet, isn't it."
"Don't be fooled by her, she's cunning but she favours the brave." he spoke.
"Would she consider me brave if I were to touch her?" You ask, already moving forward however Aemond hadn't chose to stop you, perhaps he thought you too foolish for your own good.
"Isn't that what we're here for? You're to meet her and she chooses if we marry." Now you knew the motive. There was so much more than what met the eye with Aemond and you'd do well to remember that.
Taking slow and steady steps towards Vhagar was the easy part, she had emitted heat, much like the dogs your father chose to keep around in the Dreadfort. It was hard to stay away from her, she was utterly captivating and it did not stop you from placing a hand on her. You don't doubt that you looked like an ant to her, tiny and easy to destroy with one singular movement however she stayed in place, letting out what sounded like a sigh. It was a good sign for you to continue touching her, it's not at all what you had expected her to feel like, she had felt warm and inviting despite her intimidating appearance. She was like her owner in more ways than he'd ever let the world know.
"You weren't serious about her eating you, were you?" Aemond asks, while you're completely mesmerised by how big and docile she was, your hand still holding the dragons warm scales while Aemond's presence was felt closely behind you.
"Seeing her up close, I fear I misjudged her," and you goes unsaid. "She seems lonely and I wish she had more company, do you keep her company often? When you're not at court?"
"I suppose I too would be lonely if I lost Balerion and Meraxes." He confesses, "But she is well taken care of, I can assure you."
"There's tales of you claiming her, that you were a child and the only one brave enough to go near her," the stories are fabricated most of the time, "That you lost the eye for the dragon, was it worth it?" you hadn't approached the topic of his long gone eye, though you fear you may have offended him when he does not speak straight away.
"A dragon is a great price for something so small as losing an eye" he spoke though you can tell there's melancholy within his tone, you were so close now, incredibly so, never had you been so close to a man. "It does not frighten you does it?"
"You lost an eye for a dragon, why would that frighten me, my prince?" it's a question he can't answer because he's the one who's finally speechless. "Are you fulfilled in the answer you so desperately sought from this encounter?"
"I think I have all the answers I need," he had pulled you away from Vhagar ever so gently, it was the softest you had ever felt the man, "I shall tell your father we shall be married as soon or as late as you wish to do so."
"When we are married will you let me fly with you?" the answer was unspoken, he'd take you to the ends of beyond the wall if you so much as wished it. Perhaps the marriage was the perfect match despite being arranged, he'd found somebody as equally obsessed with dragons as he'd once been.
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imkumichan · 1 year
Princess!Reader x Duke!Levi Ackerman
Warning: Fantasy, Royalty AU, morally grey characters.
Run away!Princess MC who wants to take over the throne which rightfully hers from her older cousin (currently the emperor).
Princess!Reader whom on the run the night before her debutante. Her father, the emperor, is nowhere to be found (presumably dead) and her mother, the empress, is in comatose. And Princess!Reader was accused the one who poisoned her own mother.
Princess!Reader is spoiled in everyway, including in knowledges. She left with only 2 loyal maids with her.
Run away!Princess Reader, may looks delicate. But she's so cunning! She was born and raised to rule the empire, she won't let anybody, and and especially a bastard from her uncle to take what's hers.
Run away!Princess Reader, who silently make a move to coup d'etat meet with her supposed-to-be-fiance Duke!Levi Ackerman whom was assigned to capture the Princess to face the trial, which later learn the truth and helping the princess to take over the empire.
About Run Away!Princess Reader
The Princess was accused poisoned her own mother through mana poisoned. (Only royals who can hurts other royals that badly because their mana is different).
She was supposed to be engaged with Duke!Levi Ackerman in a month after her debutante. But that never happened.
Princess!Reader and Duke!Levi's relationship is purely based on political interest at first (however they getting along). But after the incident their feeling will get stronger and will become more romantic.
Princess!Reader's mana is powerful. The special jewel in the throne (special jewel filled with mana that will acknowledge anyone who it thinks its worthy for the throne. If the jewel doesn't acknowledged it, they wont be able to wear the empire's crown) had acknowledged her as the rightful heir of the empire before.
However, unfortunately, her cousin is strong enough that the special jewel also acknowledged him as a ruler because he's also a royalty (even though he is a bastard child)
Princess!Reader's personality is cunning, and could be ruthless when she needs to be. Looks delicate, but can kill you in like... 5 seconds.
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 years
{Ingo and Emmet are curious when they receive invites their s/o’s to meet at the amusement park for some kind of Alola festival they meet E-S/o at what they think is an RC car track.}
Emmet: This is what we’re doing today? RC racing?
E-S/o: Racing? Yes, but not with RC cars my dear.
{Just then they hear Y/n yelling at something, they see Ingo’s wife running towards them as something zooms passed their feet.}
Y/n, dives towards whatever she’s chasing: Gyaaah! I got’cha!
Ingo: You caught what??
[Y/n turns to face the twins to reveal what she’s caught; a pissed Charjabug in a tiny car the twins gawk at it then look at E-S/o.]
E-S/o, steps aside showing off their Charjabug in it’s own little car: We’re doing Charjabug racing! 
Y/n, trying to keep her struggling Charjabug under control: Yippee… 
[Needless to say, the Twins were ecstatic!}
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