#tintubre 2020
valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 22 - Your OC as an air/water/earth/firebender. Mikael and Ryo from Chronicles of Khâlid: Wartime. These two are benders in his own story, Ryo is an Air Monk who can't see a girl in his life and Mikael is an alchemist but he can control the fire too. It was fun to dressed them like an airbender and firebender. Mikael would be an important noble of the fire nation, of course xD 
Charactober 2020 - Day 23 - Your OC with the main inspiration for their creation. She's Yanis Heartbreaker, from Chronicles of Khâlid. I drawed her like an illustration of Oscar François de Jarjayes, from Lady Oscar.  She is tough, strong and beautiful. Feminine like a rose and lethal like a thorn. She likes to wear comfortable but with style. Her hair is light pink (Utena's inspiration) and she lost her left eye on a battle, so she has now a bionic one.
Charactober 2020 - Day 24 - Your OCs having a pijama party. Sharaen & Mimi asked me to draw the Khâlid Ship Boys for this entry. These guys are part of the main crew of the Skyfly, a flying ship from Chronicles of Khâlid. Xavier is reading on his bed, while Brendan and Kaylan are talking about the adventures of the day (Brendan is taking notes on his diary). Robin and Sirius won the card game and beat Sylvan and Kliff, who was not agree with the results. And he is right. Probably, Sirius was cheating the card game xDD 
Charactober 2020 - Day 25 - A Musician OC. Ladies and Gentleman, come and see! Let me introduce you the Lasantaine trio! Fromed by Larry the comedian, Santiago de la Cruz, the bard, and Elaine Curtis, the puppeter! xDDDDThese Characters are from Chronicles of Khâlid: Wartime!
Charactober 2020 - Day 26 - A couple of OCs who look great together (but they don't have a relationship). Well, I can explain that xDD In the original story, Kat and Khaan were fighting all day. They can't stand each other and both of them have strong personalities xD I don't know why, but my dear friend @missmikopete started to ship them because of that xD I thought it would be very fun to draw them like a couple xDDD Sorry for Samuel and Inga, who are they real partners! hahahahahaThese Characters are from Chronicles of Khâlid: Days of the Future!
Charactober 2020 - Day 27 - Draw an OC with their family. Valaquia with her druid family. Valaquia, also called the Silver Wolf, was my first dnd character, and I took her name for my Deviant Art artist account. She is surrounded by her step-brothers and step-sisters (left to right) Alessiam the Black wolf, San the White Wolf, Chris the Gold Wolf, and Valerie. On the top, Nya'bar the chief of all the druids is the step-mother of all they.   
Charactober 2020 - Day 28 - Your OC dressed up for Halloween. October 28th was the birthday of my dear friend @neiara29 that's the reason I chose my character Leonor instead of other OCs. She is one of her favourites and I decided to dressed up her like one of Neiara's cute witches. I love how she draw the outfits for her characters  Happy Birthday Nei!!Leonor is from Chronicles of Khâlid. She is the mother of Robin and a tough fighter. 
Charactober 2020 - Day 29 - The OC you are ashamed of I'd like to introduce you to Makoto, my first (and only) Mary Sue xD I created her when I was on high school and she was a character for a Fushigi Yugi fanfic. Makoto was a Seiryu star and a friend of all Suzaku stars, specially Tasuki, who at the end of the fic, has a romantic relationship with her. It could be worse, but you know now why I'm very ashamed of her xDD I tried to recreate the style of Yuu Watase for this pic. 
Charactober 2020 - Day 30 - Your OC's Biggest Fear. Ramiel doesn't know what was his biggest fear, until he was attacked by a monster and left him near death. His doctor, Dalila, said that she couldn't save his legs. Ramiel has to be on a wheelchair forever. Out of the Hospital, in a desperate night, Ram hurt himself to try to feel something in his legs. ;___;Ramiel Pendhrelion is a character from Chronicles of Khâlid: Days of the Future.
Charactober 2020 - Day 31 - Last OC you created or Your OC looking older. Well, Sev is not my last OC, but he's my favourite whithin the recent ones. And he'll look the same over the years because... he's a Vampire! xD. Sevastyan is quite different from the classic idea of "Dracula". He's not charming and seductive, in fact, he has a lack of social skills and hates human contact. He took blood from animals to keep him feeded and is a workalcoholic. He likes to spend his time creating and reparing machines and other bizarre inventions. He lived under a norsen ruins without disturbing anyone until a Red Ridding Hood found his hideout... Enjoy!
💥COMISSIONS ARE OPEN!! Info at [email protected] If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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the-last-panqueque · 4 years
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Día 6- Rodent- Brasil, Uruguay y Paraguay
Roedor... después de recordar un viejo libro de mi hermana menor, me acordé del Chiguiro (también llamado capibara) un gran roedor adorable que habita Sur américa uwu. Los pequeños Brasil, Uruguay y Paraguay aman alimentarlo con sandías y maíz :D (hakfwjfnol ese animalito es adorable!!!)
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concessit · 4 years
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Linktober Day 22: Favorite character
Drawing this enthusiastic prince was a fun challenge!! He also deserves all the love of the world!!
Seeing at the Chreating a Champion that he is skilled on archery, it was a good detail to add on him <w<
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nerdferatum · 4 years
Day 23: Stars
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Here goes my second ink refill this month. This took me more than I will admit it did.
I’m following this list on Instagram for drawtober 2020.
My drawtober 2020 tag
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charco-de-lluvia · 4 years
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Day 3: Tiramisu 
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piuley · 3 years
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🖋 Inktober / Tintubre 03
🎨: Comic Draw + iPad Pro 2020 + Apple Pencil
🇪🇸: Batman es el mejor personaje de los cómics de súper héroes y no podéis hacerme cambiar de opinión.
🇪🇸: Batman es el mejor personaje de los cómics de súper héroes y no podéis hacerme cambiar de opinión.
🏴󠁥󠁳󠁧󠁡󠁿: Batman é o mellor personaxe de cómics de súper herois e non podedes facerme cambiar de opinión.
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jackbattyart · 4 years
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DARK FANTASY: October Sketchbook 2020 Day 1: Sorcerer (Hechicero) ______________________________________________ #draw #ink #pen #illustration #inktober2020 #horrorart #dibujo #fantasyart #myart #halloween #sketchbook #inktoberday1 #drawing #sketch #darkart #ink #dailysketch #inktober #sorcerer #dailydrawing #fantasy #tintubre #inktuber #spooky #artoftheday #artober #traditionalart #inkpen #inktober2020day1 #jackbattyart #darkfantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0AE3IIzLr/?igshid=4bsmrvgzf5ms
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darkivanov · 4 years
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Drawing of October 11 ... last day of the confuror 2020 ... it was incredible how well they organized this virtual convention Dibujo del día 11 de octubre....último día de la confuror 2020...fue increible lo bien que organizaron esta convención virtual #drawrandom #drawtober2020 #drawday11 #drawtober #inkinoctober #artober #artober2020 #tintubre2020 #tintubre #fuckinktober #drawing #drawingfurry #confuror2020 #furryart #furry #draw #octoberday11 #drawinoctober https://www.instagram.com/p/CGOu4fZJUky/?igshid=p0m9b5nhal6j
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 21 - Your OC in another era. Peter Hamilton & Helen Doyle from Undercover. A sweet romance between a divorced british lawyer and the teacher of his daughter. They share the same passion for Shakespeare, and I imagine them playing the role of Romeo and Juliet. I draw them with clothes of the italian renaissance. Enjoy! 
💥COMISSIONS ARE CLOSED!! If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 13 - An OC who died. Zaira from Chronicles of Khalid: Tears of Lunpah. She died protecting her team and she defeated the army of mechanical men using the power of the goddess Lunpah.
Charactober 2020 - Day 14 - Your OC as a Hogwarts student! Alan Leroy from Undercover. When he was a child, he dreamt to be like a "David Copperfield". He admires a teenage girl illusionist called "Her Majesty". The girl and her family were magicians and escapists. Alan considered himself his fan number one, and he collected in his childhood all kind of "magician material". But, unfortunately, his dream never come true. Instead, he become a swindler who can disguise in anyone who needs for commit a robbery. He is a trickster, a scammer and he could sell his own mother to achieve his goals. 
Charactober 2020 - Day 15 - Your OC using magical powers or superpowers! Chad Deyson is an fbi agent from Undercover. He lost his girlfriend Jane in a gunfire and he left the police after this for 2 years. All of us, at some point in our lives, we thought "if only I could turn back time". Then, I imagined Chad using time travel powers to bring his girlfriend back from the dead. I'm sure that this new version of his story will have a bad ending. Obssessed with his past, he'll lose the opportunity to heal his heart correctly and learn to love again, finding a new partner in Lena Sammet.
Charactober 2020 - Day 16 - You OC as a Pokémon Trainer. Alainasharyath... or just Alain, is a Natterei (aquatic hybrid) from Chronicles of Khâlid: Days of the Future. Of course, he'll be surrounded by Pokémons of water type. He trains a Horsea, Luvdisc, Goldeen, Finneon, Frillish and Magikarp (of course!) Enjoy! 
Charactober 2020 - Day 17 - Some Fanservice! Draw your OC looking sexy. A poor kid was sold by his own parents and was forced to work in a brothel named "Blue Palace". Years later, the owner transform him into "Diamond de Veneraux", the star of the brothel's show. After years of suffering, Diamond took the life of his step-father and ran away from the city he grows. He started to call himself "Cyan", dyed his hair in blue color and became a Bard-Harper. Enjoy! I took the reference from the awesome Pole Dancer called Dimitry Fedotov! Thank you!
Charactober 2020 - Day 18 - Your cutest OC Tillian Clover from Chronicles of Khâlid: Wartime. I don't know if he's the cutest OC I have, but definetly he's so cute to draw. Till is an adorable gnome thief who loves alcohol and tavern fights. He's naughty, mischievous and more tough than the people thinks he is. He's always playing the good boy when he steals something and hide all the stolen goods in his magic hat. How could people think he's a thief with this cute face? xD 
Charactober 2020 - Day 19 - Your non-fantasy character as a fantasy character. They are the 4 Aces, a group of tricksters formed by Aideen, Alice, Alan & Axel from Undercover. Aideen works in a hotline, so she would be a Sune Priestess in this world! Alice is an illusionist and an escapist, so she's the Wizard. Alan is charismatic and has a talent to disguise, so the rogue and the bard suits him very well. Finally, Axel is the hacker and he would be a perfect Artificer. 
Charactober 2020 - Day 20 - Your fantasy character as a non-fantasy character. Fin the Warrior, Sak the Paladin, Matt the Mime and Zhavon the Sorcerer are characters from my old DnD campaigns. I tried to imagine them in the real world, taking the undergound. Finn is now the bodyguard of his girlfriend, the popular singer Gwen the Bard. Sak the Great, dedicates his life to fight the crime on the streets like a Policeman. Matt the Mime-Assassin recovered his noble past and became a succesful businessman. Zhavon still hates the world, the govern and the capitalism. He's now a Punk Anarchist and loves the things that are set on fire (His familiar, Ayame the Snake, is now a symbol in his jacket. This also is a sign of his past with Yuan-ti's clan). By the way, Zhavon was the character of Charactober Day 3 too!
If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 11 - Your smartest or Your OC at work! Mikael Adramelech is a talented magician and a brilliant alchemist from Chronicles of Khalid: Wartime. He's one of the most important and influential person of his era. He found the formula of many life and curative elixires, and fought in the first world war. His descendants founded the magic city of Impalah and the main square has a statue in his honor.
Charactober 2020 - Day 12 - Dress your OC in a completely different style! Victor Basil & Richard Royce from Undercover! The rich prosecutor usually wears elegant suits and stoic ties. And Detective' style is like he was pulled from Grease's movie. It was very fun to imagine them with their opposite style and fashion. Please, forgive me! xDD
💥COMISSIONS ARE OPEN!! Info at [email protected] If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 10 - An OC from royalty or Your OC dressed like a King/Queen. I decided to draw both Inktober suggestions for fun. Samuel Cellias is the prince of Cellias' Kingdom and he's truly from royalty. But Kliff Peep is just a mercenary and a pirate from the city of Kisalova. The truth is, Kliff's ancestors were from royalty but they lost the crown on an old war. Besides, he could have been Kisalova's ruler because he killed the last Kisalova's president, but he decided to run away instead of stay and rule. Thank goodness he ran away, because it would be a city of ruin xDDD Futhermore, these two characters are related. Kliff's grand-grand-grand-daughter is Samuel's wife, so... it could be nice if they would meet each other in some way! hehehehe Enjoy! :D
💥COMISSIONS ARE CLOSED!! If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 05 - Your OC as an Animal
Sharaen and I spoke once about what kind of animal could be the people of Undercover. We concluded that the hacker Axel Stevens and the cold forensic Rebecca Rayne would be cats. Then, their couples should be dogs! xD The sweet Caitlin Hawke like an Irish Setter and the detective Richard Royce like a Rottweiler. So... here they are! You could see the "human" comparison in the next pics. Axel and Caitlin (human version) were drew by my friend Sharaen.
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If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 05 - Your OC's Rival.
Xavier and Sirius grew up together in the magic school of Impalah. Xavier (my OC) has a cold personality. He's perfect in eveything and this sparks the interest of the rebel Sirius (Sharaen's OC). Sirius wants Xavier's atention, and is always annoying him. Sirius doesn't know if he hates or he likes Xavier, so their relationship goes through significant ups and downs. 
💥COMISSIONS ARE OPEN!! Info at [email protected] If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 03 - Your OC as a KidZhavon was born to die. He was the sacrifice for a Yuan-ti cult ritual, meant to bring an ancient and terrible Snake creature back to life. He managed to run away, but he was marked by the curse of a Snake tattoo. He carries a terrible destiny with him - forever...
💥COMISSIONS ARE OPEN!! Info at [email protected] If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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valaryart · 4 years
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Charactober 2020 - Day 02 - Your OC's Love Interest! <3 Susan Parker is a charismatic defence attorney who is in love with my OC, Victor Basil (a prosecutor). She's one of my favourite female characters by Sharaen, and I love the way she portays her. Susan and Victor have the funniest and cutest interactions  because she is so cheeky and he is very serious. I love them a lot *0*
The title *the adventures of Susan Parker and her wonderful prosecutor* is a running gag between Sharaen and me. I always say that it would be fun to make a comic with their story  so, this title suits it. 
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If you like my art support me on Patreon!! It’s only 1$ per month!! CLICK HERE!! You can also support me sharing, comment and like my art! :D Follow me on: Patreon: @valaryart Instagram: @valaryart Twitter: @valaryart Facebook: @valaryart Tumblr: @valaryart Pinterest: @valaryart
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