#tiny gay family
lemonboyjosten · 1 year
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hippydippydruid · 2 months
Wait wait I’m relistening to episode 6 and the cat says it raised the human Tony but then later got all of Tony’s memories so Tony Collete is his own mother, and honestly? What a power move.
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monofazz · 1 year
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Bunch of doodles of our favourite homosexual i forgor to show
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babypasta99 · 9 months
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Went to my local comic store and immediately got so excited because of the Art Baltazar (Tiny Titans) variant Archie cover—because this mixed two of my favorite childhood comics! Little did I know that I also simultaneously picked the story inside with a GAY ENDING!! I must have a secret sense of comic gaydar :)))
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just-gay-thoughts · 1 year
Baby geese are officially starting to hatch and I've been hissed at by 3 geese with how excited I am to see them, done wonders for my mental health
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offier · 2 months
part of being friends with simon means you will be exposed to some of the strangest things known to man. mans gets thoughts and just Does Them. not a thought in his brain about the psychic damage it will deal
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saw that part in a previous ask you mentioned that gojo stopped the zenin from marrying off megumi and i feel like that would be one part that gojo could completely sympathise with when it came to megumi. bc even if he’s the darling of his clan, there’s no way they haven’t atleast hounded him about getting married. the gojo clan probably looked at potential matches and gave them to satoru but he just tossed them aside. they couldn’t force him or anything so all they can do is be annoying about it whenever he visits them. almost like a south asian family that keeps asking when ur getting married the moment you turn 21.
but at the same time, who would the zenin even marry megumi off to? they would refuse to let any of the other clans get their hands on him when it came to this so it has to be someone from the family. imo, it would probably be mai. she’s pretty, around the same age and got along well enough with him when they were young. besides, if ogi couldn’t have one of his kids be the ten shadows, he’s going to get as close to the actual user as possible.
It would probably be Mai.
It would have to be someone in the family—Megumi’s the most direct link they’ve had to the ten shadows in a very long time. The last one died in childhood and had no heirs. The one before them was alive so long ago that the lineage is severely attenuated. Megumis the actual ten shadows. They probably want him to have kids, and a lot of them, in hopes of him creating powerful children for the clan who can, in turn have kids who are powerful and increase the overall power of the clan.
The Zenin clan isn’t going to risk other clans having claim to their most valuable bloodline, especially with the fact that Gojo himself took Megumi from them. Half the clan is convinced that Gojo’s going to have him matched with someone from the Gojo clan to “steal” him even more.
Maki has so little cursed energy that they wouldn’t want to risk her having kids who don’t have cursed energy. But Ogi seems to be close to clan leadership, and Mai has cursed energy, but not so much that she’s an actual candidate to be a full time jujutsu sorcerer. She’s already apparently being considered for Naoya, who’s presumptive heir without megumi there to throw a wrench in the works. It would probably be her.
Gojo sympathizes pretty hard with Megumi and doesn’t entertain any of the inquiries into his “future.” He’s had people in the Zenin clan hound him about making a match for Megumi and people in his own clan, who want to do exactly what the Zenin suspect Gojo of wanting.
Gojo’s got a lot of people in his own clan who want him to start having bio kids with his cousins which is. Uncomfortable. For so many reasons. But also he’s completely hung up on his high school ex and emotionally unavailable.
He spent his entire childhood with the idea of being matched with a member of his own family hanging over his own head, and then he realized that there was no one alive powerful enough to make him do it. Geto was sort of freeing to him. He really saw a future where he could be happy with Geto forever and not locked in some loveless arrangement. But he was him, and he thought they had all the time in the world, because there was no one out there powerful enough to take their time from them. He wishes he wasn’t wrong.
He does his best to let megumi have his own options when it comes to finding a partner and having kids (if he wants them) one day. He’s put his foot down on any attempts to marry his kid off. Megumi’s a baby still. That’s fucking creepy.
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bogkeep · 1 year
ask meme 9!
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
i have been to pretty much every country within a fairly broad radius around norway EXCEPT russia, which is not particularly tempting right now for,, you know,,, reasons.... though i WOULD love to visit someday in the future. eagle eyed audience members may also be aware that i'm currently living in sweden for a couple years, so i'm getting to know it whether i'd like to or not haha.
i really like iceland and finland! would love to explore finland some more, actually. and åland! i've only visited åland (a tiny island between sweden and finland) for a brief couple days, but i remember it being absolutely lovely. i would also like to visit svalbard someday, although that counts as part of norway.
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 months
Destiel and Malec and Malex and Nandermo and Catradora are all same ship different font. I will not elaborate.
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Patroclus: "Are you alright?"
Achilles: "Remember when you said you were sad because you were happy?"
Patroclus: "Ugh, it's bad, right?"
Achilles: "Do you think you could make Theia your home?"
Patroclus: "Oh, uh... I don't know. You tell me."
Achilles: "I think so."
Patroclus: "It would mean a long, anonymous life."
Achilles: "I think it might be a happy one."
Patroclus: "I think you might be right."
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rivianrudolf · 1 year
I do gotta say. It kinda haunts me that I'll never know if my p. grandmother would have accepted me as her grandson or not.
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jonathanrook · 1 year
baptist christian music is kind of kinky like you can't convince me that some of these people aren't trying to fuck jesus
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m4nym03 · 2 years
Alastor Shawcross (OC)
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Night Raven College
First Year
Class B
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Dark blue hair that resembles the night sky, with silver and gold streaks throughout it. It reached his thighs when he has it out.
He'll often have it tied back in a thick braid or a messy bun, having given up on keeping it in place whilst he's working. It does have some curls, but he keeps it straight to save having to worry so much about taking care of curls.
He's pale but not quite sickly pale, just the typical pale white person. Sunscreen is his best friend and he applies it religiously.
His eyes are a hazel that's more brown with hints of green, but they glow completely silver whenever he uses his unique magic to the fullest.
He's 176.7cm tall, 5'8 foot if it helps visualize.
He usually dressed in dark blues and purples, with silver or gold accents. But has been known to wear beige on occasion.
Slightly androgynous features, kind of lanky but still has muscles. He tends to carry his siblings if they let him, either carrying them like a football or thrown over his shoulder his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He's only nice sometimes and carries them properly, and only really with the delicate ones or if they hurt themselves.
He has a few ink stains on his fingers.
Has glasses but barely uses them. They're usually found atop his head, just because he sat them there before forgetting about them.
He has a few ear piercings, but has been known to use those fake magnetic piercings on his face if he wants to make an outfit work while he was at home.
He has slight eyebags, but they're usually easy to overlook.
He chugs 'Death Reaper Coffee' like it's milk, and has been known to mix energy drinks into the already hazardous substance. (Death Reaper Coffee is an invention that's roughly 40% pure caffeine and is labelled 'not liable for any deaths after consumption')
He has been known to wear the atrociously brightly colored bracelets the Tiny Terrors make him, but not often and rarer still in public.
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1 confirmed great-grandmother
3 confirmed grandfathers
1 confirmed grandmother
1 unknown grandmother
1 confirmed father
1 alluded father
1 confirmed mother
2 alluded mothers
13 alluded blood aunt/uncle
2 confirmed older sisters
9 confirmed younger sisters
4 confirmed younger brothers
20+ alluded cousins
1 confirmed nephew
1 confirmed niece
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Most focused in Defensive and Protective Magic
High Functioning Introvert - the most extroverted person in Ignihyde after The Extrovert and Ortho Shroud
Is currently slated to be made Dorm Leader in his Second Year
Attends classes in person Monday Tuesday and Wednesday most weeks
Will always attend on a Monday, he could Overblot and he'd still be sitting in the seat with the most escape routes while apologizing for making a mess on the floor - after missing a month straight of school to work on his hobby he promised his great-grandmother that he'd always go to at least one day of school a week to get a copy of what they were going to be learning
If Alastor had not been in Ignihyde, he would have been in Diasomnia and not Pomefiore - no matter what Rook says.
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Family Magic: Midas' Blessed Touch. When used, anything touched with all five fingers will be turned to gold. This gold is easier for the family to enchant and simultaneously harder for others to enchant. After being scrubbed with a mix of sand and ground herbs, the gold is impossible to tell from real gold.
Unique Magic: Stitch-It-Up. Many people assume that his Unique Magic is 'Stitch-It-Up', because that's what they've seen him use. It can be used to fix small imperfections in anything he deems a project. Alastor is known to use it to help fix clothes and to ease muscle pain after someone has trained too hard. This is not Alastor's Unique Magic, merely a facet of it.
Unique Magic: Macabre Madness. An Eldritch-esque magic that allows him to see and manipulate the Life Energy of living beings to his bidding. Very multifaceted, but also ominous, especially as he hesitates to use his own life force as fuel for anything bigger than repairing a rip in an outfit or nudging along recovery after working out. He always replenishes his Life Energy as soon as possibly. He has the ability to consume the Life Energy of other human, but has only done so on three occasions.
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His great-grandmother is his favorite family member, she was a big name fashion designer in her youth and only retired when he was a toddler and tried making himself a ballgown using her equipment to attend one of his older sisters' tea parties when they were in their princess tea party phase. She found him and 'helped' him make a proper dress.
He's been making dresses for the "Tiny Terrors" ever since. His sisters have never quite grown out of their princess tea party phase, and take a secret guilty pleasure in showing them off to their friends and the family. He has stated that only one of his family has never received a ballgown, his trans cousin (ftm) because it would have given them gender dysphoria. They are the only one to be given full traditional royal regalia or be dressed to the nines as a dragon at the Annual Shawcross Ballgown Gathering.
His family are either barely considered extroverts or high functioning introverts, so family gatherings are surprisingly easy to navigate and usually take place in smaller alternating groups over the course of several days to a week to build towards the final large gathering.
The Shawcross are rumoured to be descent from an ancient king, but nobody knows for certain. They keep their wealth quiet and work hard at their chosen fields, but it's clear they have old money.
All of their family have magic and have developed their magic to help with their chosen professions, but they have Family Magic, a Unique Magic passed down through the entire family.
Most of the family has hair of the night sky shade or precious metals.
Great-Grandmother has skin just as dark as her hair used to be, but her hair has since turned silver from age. Other than that and a few well-earned wrinkles, she looks just as young as always. Part of that is due to her Unique Magic, the rest to good genes, and an accident Alastor had with his own Unique Magic after snatching Life Energy from kidnappers.
There's no one Magic School that they attend, but they have five or so family favorites that the family continues to value as alumni.
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
all animals look silly and pathetic when wet but cats are at the top of the scale
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lexa-el-amin · 2 years
me, looking at my crush: hmm i don't think my crush is that serious, maybe i don't even have a crush
me, in the same moment while looking at my crush: kissing her would be nice right about now
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loveless-venom · 6 months
Idk if this information rly needs to be shared but I feel like it. I'm gonna be going off T for the foreseeable future. I'll probably get back on at some point but it's just not completely practical for my current living situation which will probably be my living situation for another couple years 😭
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