#tmnt torbin zixx
So recently I was rewatching a few random Fast Forward episodes again (as one does when one is writing a massive AU about something) and BOY DO I NEED TO SHARE A THEORY
So like... Torbin Zixx, right.
This guy:
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He gets introduced to us in the FF Bishop episode, of all times, as a mysterious vigilante who has avoided not only being captured but also getting caught clearly on any security footage anywhere! How strange! Anyways, Bishop introduces themselves to the turtles, Raph tries to attack his hologram, and the gang agrees to help Bishop catch this guy. Banger!
And then! We get to this shot.
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Now, I don't know if this is a noticeable detail to anybody who like, has a life and isn't obsessed with this cartoon, BUT - boy does this face look familiar. The nose specifically is preeetty prominent.
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YEAH I bet none of you were thinking THIS when watching that season (probably a good sign that you have better things to do), BUT I THINK.
Consider the evidence - because there IS evidence, actually!
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First of all, they get to stand back to back in the opening even though they both show up like twice? Three times? For mostly unrelated adventures? Why do they get to stand back to back instead of like, Zyxx getting a spot in the villain lineup that is also in the opening? He is ostensibly occasionally doing good but he’s mostly a trickster able to outsmart the turtles and get away - a trait Bishop has exhibited even when he almost fuckin died in Bishop's Gambit, by the way - so it feels meaningful to set him up here, back to back with Bishop of all people.
Second, they get introduced in the same episode, Bishop to Knight. I know we all rag on this season and the following season for not reaching the previous five seasons' standard, but I believe while Back To The Sewer was genuinely badly written, Fast Forward's issue was only that it wasn't given enough time to elaborate on all the things it set up - it is still written well. Things happen with intentions behind them, we are given as much closure as the show could manage, and so it feels like introducing two characters in the same episode has meaning. Combined with the shot from the opening, it really does feel to me like a point is being made here to compare the two.
Third, there is the parallel of both of them tricking Raph with their holograms - unintentionally and intentionally. It makes sense for Bishop, or someone made to think just like Bishop, to use new modern technology like this, because he's a resourceful bastard!
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Look at him flinging himself at people he doesn't like. Me too, man.
"He and Bishop don't look alike!" - Well, not anymore they don't. But look at how Bishop used to look during the first five seasons, during his EPF era, and compare that to Zixx, and then compare Zixx to PGA era Bishop:
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The nose, the face shape, the dual communicators? PGA era Bishop does look different and this could be attributed to either change of artstyle or the implication that his clone bodies have evolved and changed over the last century, but Zixx is a piece of who he used to be and has had to evolve differently, and thus looks the part.
(Additionally, we have already seen Bishop make clones of himself that didn't look exactly like his then-current body, when he made the Slayer army in Bishop's Gambit.)
This, by the way, would explain why there is no digital track of Zixx's face anywhere. Because hey, let's be real here - the opening of the episode is dedicated to how much information Bishop personally looks through.
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If Zixx was indeed running around wearing Bishop's face, he'd want him gone, but Zixx, being a Bishop clone, would be smart enough not to get caught! Thus, the next best thing would be to get rid of any proof of similarity between them, hence these being the only picture Donnie, a de facto civillian, could find.
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(Ironically, this could very well have lead to Zixx becoming the infamous enigma he is said to be in this world.)
They also fight alike, relying on acrobatics and on being able to push and pull their opponents around as needed. I am unfortunately too tired to get good screenshots/clips of this.
"But Zixx doesn't look human!"/"But Zixx has a different voice than Bishop!"/"But Zixx has green eyes!" - He's a vigilante in a scifi space show and has the face and voice of the most well known guy in all of space, is it truly a stretch to assume he might've gotten body modifications? We've already got one guy grafting alien DNA onto himself to survive and it's none other than Dr Baxter Stockman, notably another piece of Bishop's past that's come back to haunt him. Why not two?
You know this would also be in line with what I am now calling the Seeing Double Theme - Dark Turtles and a new Turtle Titan are in this story, confrontations of the future and the past self in some way, shape or form are a running theme of Fast Forward, so why wouldn’t there be a Bishop clone running around
No clue how or why Zixx would ditch the whole "protect all of Earth" mentality, but when Bishop reforms himself and swings into the extreme of establishing intergalactic peace to a point where he can't even be partial towards Earth anymore, does it not make sense narratively for his foil to swing the other way, become a typical "only looking out for myself" type of guy?
"It could also be said that maybe Zixx shows off traits that Bishop usually obfiscates, with the self-serving nature being a good example. We know all of Bishop's grand goals are really just covering for the fact that he's scared and wants to protect himself, right? If you look at the core of everything he does, it's to benefit himself. Zixx forgoes making up any justifications and says it like it is: he only cares about himself and what others can do for him." - additional comment, courtesy of THE Bishop Guy™, @violetvulpini, who's the reason I'm going this insane rn in the first place.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that Torbin Zixx is a Bishop clone gone rogue, similar in origin to the Slayer aka Rat King. He is Bishop shaped, he gets to stand next to Bishop in the opening like they're anime foils to each other, and it is SO interesting to explore.
This has been Trauma, and you've been Zixxed ✌️💜
BONUS: Headcanon territory!
Zixx's purpose was to be a "back-up" clone. Bishop has been recording his findings and work since at least the EPF era when we meet him, so maybe these recordings are then uploaded somewhere so that in case he dies and can't make the body transfer, a new clone is awoken and informed of his purpose. For some reason this system has at some point malfunctioned and awoken Zixx despite Bishop surviving - possibly during the collapse of the lab he and Stockman used to work in, or during the space war that gets vaguely mentioned at one point.
"clone six" or "version six" somehow becomes "Torbin Zixx"?
How did Zixx become a vigilante? Well, we know Bishop doesn't have human blood. Presumably the blue goop that we see him bleed at the end of Bishop's Gambit is something synthesized specifically for his body, so I imagine it would be VERY hard to come by. This, I think, would very easily lead to a life of crime he has more than the ideal set of skills for.
Bishop probably wants him obliterated but can't reasonably dedicate resources to catching or killing who he KNOWS is gonna be the ultimate most hard-to-kill guy in the known universe.
He steals Bishop's fancy car specifically just to piss him off <3
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secreterces5 · 8 months
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Following my “Torbin Zixx from Fast Forward is a Bishop clone gone rogue” theory, the bastard is, of course, on the brain ✌️💜 he is so shaped though, man!
Bonus doodle:
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Based on my headcanon that Zixx can’t be caught or killed so if Bishop wants something from him he just sends like five assassins to fail at catching him. Instead of y’know. Texting him, like normal estranged clone siblings probably would
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
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A bunch of Fast Forward model sheets, including
Darius Dunn
Triple Threat
Once again, I apologize that some of these aren't the best quality.
Bonuses under the Read More: Early pencil drafts and designs of Cody, Starlee, Torbin Zixx, Constable Biggles, Viral, and the Inuwashi Gunjin
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violetvulpini · 7 months
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Doodle dump
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tacagen · 2 days
dont know whether zixx is a bishop clone or not? a 100% accurate test: put a wedding in front of him and see what he does.
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coffinpal · 1 year
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secretmuffinss · 3 months
“Capturing the Enigma” - Torbin Zixx x Reader fluff
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Any Torbin Zixx fan girlies out there??
You are a detective working to capture Zixx of the Black Blade, a known enemy of the Pan Galactic Alliance. But something is keeping the investigation from gaining any momentum...
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hear me out.
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shellofatime · 2 years
As I tumble back down into the TMNT rabbit hole, I find out that Fast Forward has a second unproduced season that’s known as Season X.
Season X would have given us:
A martial arts master that comes out of one of the turtles’ favorite hi-chop-socky martial arts films and wrecks havoc till Splinter kicks his ass.
The alien Shredder, Ch’rell, coming back with a new Triceraton based body and thus becoming TriShreddaton.
The turtles finding out that Leatherhead is still alive and kicking a 100 years later.
Boss Zukko and Torbin Zixx scamming different crime syndicates by Zukko pretending to turn Zixx in and collecting the bounty money on Zixx’s head.
Tech Turtles, evil robot versions of the turtles.
The Dark Turtles doing a heel-faced turn and getting a redemption. (I will forever be salty that this never happened.)
Jammerhead hacking Constable Biggles and turning him into a corrupt cop.
Serling getting shrunken down to the size of of an action figure and sent back to the past to interact with the turtle tots thanks to a Time Window experiment gone wrong.
The turtles meeting Usagi again, in space.
Triple Threat taking over a prison ship and then he and the other criminals ransack NYC.
Turtle Titan II making a second appearance.
Cody fluxing in and out of existence from the turtles being in the future for too long.
The turtles and their allies have a giant face off between TriShreddaton, the Tech Turtles and Darius Dunn. The Dark Turtles even join the fray as reinforcements for the turtles.
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thecomicsnexus · 2 years
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In Dimension X, the Splinter clan tries to make an alliance with the Nova Posse, but after crossing paths with Torbin Zixx, they decide to take a small deviation to capture him.
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I believe this was the first appearance of Torbin Zixx and that was on an issue that already felt like “everything that happened in any iteration is gonna happen here”. On each page you will see characters from Mirage and the Fred Wolf cartoon, then you will turn the page and find 2003 characters as well... it should feel cheap, but it actually feels pretty organic.
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Then there was the big reveal of the issue... that wasn’t a big reveal at all (not only it was super obvious in the opening moves issues, but he was in the promotional material...
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The story so far is very decompressed, but at least they will have more than one “chapter” per month, which will hopefully compensate for the slow pace.
The art deservers its own mention here, not only because of the pencils, but the coloring and the texturing. Especially the texturing. It just looks beautiful.
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ninjastar-ace · 5 months
I forgot to post this!
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This was from a secret santa I participated in for @teenagemutantninjatrauma!
For context: Their OC (on the left) Mona and Torbin Zixx ( from tmnt 2003: fast forward) are having hot chocolate at a cafe with Torbin's wanted poster clearly on the wall
This was very fun to make ^-^
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The “Zixx is a Bishop clone” theory continues to delight me
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secreterces5 · 8 months
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Think I might have a erm.. an issue. A problem if you will <- gayass
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sherenelle · 5 months
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Don and Torbin Zixx - Makeover
Recently I was reading again a little story @hummerhouse had written me as a gift and I couldn't help myself but to redraw the picture that inspired this story.
For comparison, this was the old picture from 2016:
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And HERE you can read the story!
TMNT doesn't belongs to me!
Art by me!
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violetvulpini · 4 months
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Learning to draw Starlee!! +some extras
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sartanism · 4 years
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Rly been thinking about underrated characters especially Torbin Zixx
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