#tmp 02
im-gonna-squeet · 5 months
real bodybuikder vibes. nice
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laughable-umbrella · 5 months
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always and forever thinking about this screenshot from the magnus protocol trailer
J? JON??????
M? MARTIN???!??????????
OK? ARE MY BOYS OKAY????????????1!1!1!??????!1!!
(just kidding i know they’re not okay)
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ylangcandle · 5 months
significance of technology in and out of cases
ive seen a surprisingly little number of people mention the significance of technology in tmagp.
Episode 1 features entirely an online chat forum, and whilst this is clearly seen as a thing of the eye (The Magnus Institute), there are also references to other fears, spelunking (the buried), and body gore involving eyes (arguably, the flesh)
In Episode 2, Daria's self-image and body dysphoria/dysmorphia was affected so severely by her prolonged use of social media as an artist, leading her to go to ink5oul in the first place, in which the execution of her tattoo was broadcast live, resulting in the grotesque modifications of her own body. This story is relived by her to her therapist over a video call.
So many people have said that the blurring of lines between entities (and the possible alternate-entities) is what mostly differs tma and tmagp and I entirely agree. The only episode of tma which has caused a significant debate over which fear was the most present, was MAG 65: Binary, the only episode of tma heavily featuring technology. This episode is now considered to be spiral-aligned, along with the presence of other fears.
MAGP 02: Making Adjustments, cannot be categorised with such ease. If we go with the og Smirke's 14 from tma, here are the fears I consider to be present:
The Flesh: Obvious-body modification
The Spiral: The blurring between the self portrait, and her-her mindset-stating the amount of times shes been called crazy (just vibes pretty much)
The Eye: Most tech-y fear--judgment online-tattoo broadcasting (you get the gist)
You get the point, there's been a lot of techy stuff in the cases which is causing a lot of merging entities, all somewhat revolving around, again, technology. Sure this may be coincidence, but we've no idea how things work in this universe. Could this be a modernised and newly emerging fear?
We know there's a lot of tech OUTSIDE the cases too, with windows NT 4.0, Chester, Norris and Augustus being the seemingly innocent text-to-speech voices (we know otherwise), and the fact that the O.I.A.R is being recorded and monitored by SOMETHING. We know the significance of the tapes of tma from a narrative pov, but what about what tmp is being recorded on? What about recordings? Who's listening?
I'm really interested to see where this leads to and if it really is as significant as it feels
rooting for computer jmart (however small the chances)
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archivecon · 4 months
Statement begins...
Statement of ArCon staff, regarding the third annual ArchiveCon convention for fans of Rusty Quill’s The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocmagprool. Statement recorded 23/02/09 by the Official ArchiveCon Tumblr.
Hey archival assistants, avatars, and everyone in between!
Welcome to the official Tumblr for ArchiveCon 2024. We are proud to be hosting our THIRD (!!) ArchiveCon - a fan-lead, fan-run online mini convention for 18+ fans of the Rusty Quill horror podcast, The Magnus Archives (and now Protocol!)
Whether you are an old fan, a new fan, a deeply-rooted fandom denizen, or looking to make your first connections in our fan community, we hope you’ll join us. ArchiveCon may be online-only, but we’ve got all the energy and features of a traditional offline convention - everything from panels and special guests (voice actors, writers, and industry professionals!), to cosplay and games, streaming and discussion, and even an Artist’s Alley.  
Here’s the quick rundown:
- June 21-23, 2023 (that’s three days, folks - Friday to Sunday!)
- 18+, online only (Most areas of the con will be SFW, but you still must be 18+ to attend)
- FREE TO ATTEND! (Registration is required and must be done so before the convention starts; you can register here!)
- All events scheduled in PST, but all international fans are welcome and most panels (at the discretion of individual panelists) will be recorded for post-convention, on-demand viewing.  
- Primarily focused on The Magnus Archives/Protocol, but fans of all things horror, podcasting, and transformative works will find something to love. The Plain Old Curious are always welcome, too - we have to feed The Eye somehow, right? ;)
For more detailed information and FAQs, visit our website!
Are you an artist? A storyteller? A connoisseur of pulp fiction novels looking for an audience? ArchiveCon is here for you, beyond attendee registration. :)
Artists and artisans of all kinds are welcome (encouraged!) to apply for a slot in our Artists’ Alley. Do you take digital art commissions? Make soap? Knit hats?  All of the above?? (Kudos to you, you must be using superhuman eldritch powers to get all that done.) We’d love to give you a place to showcase and sell your work, reach a like-minded audience, and network with fellow creatives. 
Don’t have anything to sell, but want to share your passion for the world of The Magnus Archives and its fans? Then we’d love to chat with you about hosting a panel. ArchiveCon will host panels on a wide variety of subjects including (but not necessarily limited to!): 
- deep dives and meta on TMA/TMP characters, plot points, history, and relationships (we love a detailed ship manifesto)
- queer identities in horror and fandom spaces
- the evolution/history of fandom culture
- fan creations and transformative works (such as zines, art, fic and fic-binding, cosplay - you name it)
- friendly discussions and debates
- technical tutorials and discussions on podcast production, streaming, sound editing, etc!
For more insight and ideas, check out last year’s program schedule!
Applications aren’t open quite yet, but we’ll update all our pages when they are.  Hope to see you there!
[Statement Ends.]
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teacupofgooglyeyes · 8 months
THE MAGNUS PROTOCOL. oh my GOD, the magnus protocol. (marginal spoilers up ahead for the tmp trailer + arg)
….i have a theory. its based on other possibly improbable theories but please indulge me as i connect the dots nobody else can see with red string and declare it a masterpiece.
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WHAT IF…. something was trapped in the database? yes this is absolutely inspired by the theories bouncing around saying J.01 + M.01 are jon and martin- and possible J.02 is jonah. yes im going insane about it. yes i am distraught. BUT- what if its not just our silly little jarchivist and martin ‘knife crime’ blackwood trapped in the O.I.A.R. database? what if theres something that the O.I.A.R. takes ‘incident reports’ of to contain (and perhaps categorise) in encrypted files or the like in an attempt to rid the world of this something for good?
what if they had figured out a way to trap… the fears themselves in the database?
okokokok hear me out- it sounds insane but i promise i can provide evidence that proves with sufficient certainty that theres definitely SOMETHING (or someone) trapped in there. as to what that something is- i cant prove that for sure but i can absolutely try my darnedest! and whatever you choose to believe is up to you.
1. in the tmp arg, there was a small message at the end of every email. it read as follows: ‘In accordance with governmental guidelines we encourage you to consider the environmental impact before printing this email.’ All in all, this doesn’t seem too suspicious, right? Probably just rusty quill trying to be eco-friendly, right? right??
2. but that’s not all. in the middle of the environmental impact text in the first email sent, there is a section of random german text. it reads: ‘[NichtdurchkommenlassenEsistwichtigdasswirdieKontrollebehalten 🜶]’. this translates to: ‘Do not let (pronoun missing on purpose) come through. It is important that we remain in control 🜶’. Pairing the two makes it definitely seem like theres a reason for the O.I.A.R. to not want people printing things off of the internet that is absolutely connected to making sure certain things contained on internet in some way do not escape…
now that the arg has been solved, we now all have access to the tmp official trailer. i could rant about the contents of this trailer alone for HOURS but right now i just want to focus on a few specific details i noticed.
1. the epa pollution preventer. when the program is initiating, up in the top right corner there’s a logo for some company advertising anti-pollution… something. im mentioning this as this only furthers the strange obsession the O.I.A.R. has with protecting the environment, this incessant need to keep everything digital.
(SIDE NOTE: i have two other theories as to where this environmental obsession stems from:
1. paranoia from the archives burning down in this universe calls for the usage of any flammable items to record important data is STRICTLY forbidden!
2. the extinction has become the leading fear in this universe, prompting this very interesting concern for keeping eco-friendly.
these theories are enticing and i would love to expand on them later if i have the energy lol all these theories are rushing through my head and driving me even more insane.)
2. the files. THE FUCKING FILES!! yes, the ones that we are PRAYING contains our dearly beloved jon and martin (and probably jonah, but i doubt anyone else is as excited about that compared to the happy couple). this got me thinking- what if they trapped something ELSE in the files? something that maybe took the burning of the entire magnus institute, all those fears open and barely contained on paper, to contain digitally? something that maybe needs to be encrypted in files to keep it away, and to further contain it recordings of incident reports statements are made and also placed in the files archives? just saying. its a possibility.
1. after listening to all the Q&As and extra content to recover from episode 200, i have LEARNT a few things. specifically, i know our good friend jonny sims loves creepypastas. fun fact- the actual s5 finale was itself inspired by creepypastas!
2. plus theres many episodes that do also have distinct creepypasta influences, one of which being mag 65: binary. this particular episode is about a fictional creepypasta/internet rumor about a man who placed himself and his sentience into a file on the internet that turns out to be true. internet horror stories often involved something trapped on the internet, interacting with users on the internet to attempt to escape or achieve whatever their goal may be. seems…. interesting. hmm. what if this sort of thing is influencing the podcast yet again? its a thought…..
im insane. and-
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Right, so, Magnus Protocol thoughts and theories after Ep. 1-2:
Diversity win! The fables machines, the 'Personal Computers', that you have to use for your god-forsaken job are gay!
But in all seriousness, the blorbos are probably in the Windows Nt 4.0. However, using the voices as evidence is a bit iffy, as demostrated by CAT1RBC5257-12052022-09012024, the first incident in Ep. 1, the 'some of him' line might hint at it not being all of them (also people are talking about MAG 63 - Binary, and yeah, that also seems to work, if the 'icantthinkpastthecorners' from the ARG is to be beleived).
But, there was a clue that I don't see many people noticing (credit to @laughable-umbrella, where I saw this clue). In the TMP trailer, this was on the 'boot screen':
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[ID: The above image is in the style of an old computer start-up screen, showing the text:
JMJ.Mag 2023 Beta 0023.24
Initializing J.01 ... OK
Initializing M.01 ... OK
Initializing J.02 ... OK
End ID]
As we can see, two J's and an M. We already have two voices, Jon's and Martin's. Who are we missing?
Not Elsias-Jonah.
On the cast sheet, Jonny and Alex have their character names glitched out. But theres one other actor with their name glitched.
Tim Fearson, who, as far as I can remember, has not appeared on Magnus before. We might finally have a voice for Jimmy Magma himself.
Lighting round for the rest cause this is already too long:
Gwen Bouchard my beloved. Apparently the best at neptism. Father/Uncle Elias(?!?!?!?)
They can quit (apparently). Good for Teddy.
Sam knows the Institute (more on that later).
Fears are blury now, see previous post
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asukamood · 2 years
September 24, 20XX
Codename: 01
Name [Updated]: Dream
Species: Radiant
Date of birth: Unknown
Age: 506 (estimation)
Height: 5’1
Weight: 31
Room: R1
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Last updated: 17/09/20XX
As of September 17th, all personnel are forbidden from interacting with 01 unless said interaction was approved by the Doctor in chief, the medical team and a representative from the government beforehand. Anyone trespassing that rule would be accused of treason level 5 and will be punished by torture and death.
Additionally, introducing a weapon or any lethal substance in his room will be seen as an attempt to harm 01 and will be punished by death.
If 01 were to kill anybody, the death will be covered as an accident under life threatening circumstances. Any personnel attempting to use 01 as a weapon will be harshly punished.
The presumption of 01’s mutism has been proven false.
He is able of communication but certain conditions must be met before he can start a proper talk. As of now, only one person from the staff was able to talk to him and the criteria needed to communicate have yet to be discovered.
01 may be related to 00. The veracity of that information is to be determined.
01 has not shown any hostility to the human species even after the accident, the hypothesis of him being unable to feel certain emotions may be worth looking into.
As of now, 01 has only ever used his radiant state twice. Once during the Hunt, another during the accident. The reason as to why he has turned so few times is to be determined, the possibility of that state hurting him may be worth looking into.
His soul takes the shape of a golden apple, characteristic of radiants. He is the counterpart of 00.
Recent research demonstrated that the death of a radiant would also cause the demise of its corrupt counterpart but they do not share their pain. However, 00 was seen being able to sense whenever 01 was in danger or in pain.
How radiants can be produced is still unknown.
BMI: 17.5
HR: 90
S/P: Drugs, electrical shock
TMP: 98.5
Eyes: Normal
Ears: Normal
Teeth: Normal
Soul: Altered
Magic: Altered
Blood: Altered
Vocal cords: Altered
Pain tolerance, 01-10: 02
Due to the effects of the drugs, his soul, magic, blood, vocal cords and pain tolerance were all altered one way or another. His soul lost some of its radiance which heightened 01’s blood pressure. His magic doesn’t work as well as it used to which is also why his pain tolerance was reduced by two stages. He also seems to have trouble with talking or even making the slightest sound since the accident.
It seems to have gotten slightly better since his treatment.
Awaiting further instructions from the medical division.
PHYSICAL RESULTS (Defence/Offence)
HR: 160
Reaction time (ms): 1
Speed (km/h): 45
Strength (maximum potential): 90%
Healing magic (MP): 45.5%
Shield resistance (MP): 57.4% - 46.7%
Shield duration (min): 5.50
Stamina (MP): 79%
Positivity: 88%
Sensitivity (01-10): 09
Pain tolerance (01-10): 01
Pain infusion (01-10): 04
Control (01-10): 01
The results were lower than expected, it seems like his condition worsens even more in a situation of danger. No offensive examinations should be held unless the medical team specifies otherwise. 01 has yet to recover from the drugs consumption and is not expected to do so in the near future, any attempt to make him go through another simulation such as this one should be halted immediately as to avoid deteriorating his condition.
Physical Response Test 100 PASSED
Emotional Response Test 100 PASSED
Emotional Control Test 046 FAILED
Physical Control Test 100 PASSED
________ Under Pressure 002 FAILED
Minor Threat Response Test 100 PASSED
Minor Threat Elimination Test 100 PASSED
Major Threat Response Test 100 PASSED
Major Threat Elimination Test 022 FAILED
Mathematics Test 078 PASSED
English Test 069 PASSED
French Test 090 PASSED
Spanish Test 100 PASSED
Russian Test 022 FAILED
Arabic Test 050 PASSED
Mandarin Test 050 PASSED
Physics Test 035 FAILED
Chemistry Test 047 FAILED
Technology Test 010 FAILED
Biology Test 067 PASSED
History Test 098 PASSED
Geography Test 099 PASSED
Morality Test 100 PASSED
Economy Test 036 FAILED
PE Test 100 PASSED
Requested bypassing the following tests: Major Threat Response Test, Major Threat Elimination Test, Emotional Response Test, Emotional Control Test, Physical Control Under Pressure Test, Russian Test, Mandarin Test, Arabic Test and Chemistry Test.
All requests have been denied.
As we have said previously, these physical and emotional tests you’re forcing Dream to go through are taking a toll on his already declining health. You are avoiding the measures we must take to avoid the death of another radiant, President.
Must we remind you that the Celestial Conservation Division is meant to protect, not to hurt?
I refuse to keep watching him get injured idly President, either you stop administering these nonsensical tests or I will make sure you never get to harm him again.
“Dear Doctor, have you forgotten about the authority we have on you and your family? I will let that empty threat pass for today since you’ve been taking good care of 01 these past years but you might just lose that privilege if you don’t watch that mouth of yours.
I would also like to add that you should refrain from entertaining these funny feelings you have for 01, we would not tolerate any death caused by pregnancy failure, Doctor.”
(Heavily inspired by Team Salvato)
This post is part of The Elysium’s Dream series.
Part 1 — Part 2
Extra 00
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jiminysjournal · 1 year
Some notes, if you���re planning on doing Daily Twin Peaks:
Rewatchers, please tag your spoilers for both FWWM and Twin Peaks, in general!  There will likely be first-time watchers!
First-time watchers, make sure you block those tags!  While FWWM IS a prequel, make sure you watch it AFTER the original run!  Not only does it spoil the main mystery, but it also includes stuff introduced later.  Also, make sure to watch the Log Lady intros.  If you don’t have the Blu-Rays, they can be found on YouTube.
Here are the days I have determined each episode of the original run to take place:
Pilot: Fri, Feb 24, 1989
Episode 1: Sat, Feb 25, 1989 (the second episode)
Episode 2: Sun, Feb 26, 1989
Episode 3: Mon, Feb 27, 1989
Episode 4: Tue, Feb 28, 1989
Episode 5: Wed, Mar 1, 1989
Episode 6: Thu, Mar 2, 1989
Episode 7: Thu, Mar 2, 1989 (the same day as Episode 6, the seventh episode)
Episode 8: Fri, Mar 3, 1989
Episode 9: Sat, Mar 4, 1989
Episode 10: Sun, Mar 5, 1989
Episode 11: Mon, Mar 6, 1989
Episode 12: Tue, Mar 7, 1989
Episode 13: Wed, Mar 8, 1989
Episode 14: Thu, Mar 9, 1989
Episode 15: Fri, Mar 10, 1989
Episode 16: Sun, Mar 12, 1989 (note the time skip)
Episode 17: Wed, Mar 15, 1989 (note the time skip)
Episode 18: Thu, Mar 16, 1989
Episode 19: Fri, Mar 17, 1989
Episode 20: Sat, Mar 18, 1989
Episode 21: Sun, Mar 19, 1989
Episode 22: Mon, Mar 20, 1989
Episode 23: Tue, Mar 21, 1989
Episode 24: Wed, Mar 22, 1989
Episode 25: Thu, Mar 23, 1989
Episode 26: Fri, Mar 24, 1989
Episode 27: Sat, Mar 25, 1989
Episode 28: Sun, Mar 26, 1989
Episode 29: Mon, Mar 27, 1989
Rewatchers can pretty much sandwich the original run between FWWM (Feb 23) and TMP (Mar 28), but, below the cut, I have broken those down into days.
First-time watchers, for the books, I recommend the following order:
Episode 8 (the ninth episode)
Diane… (short tape/audiobook)
Access Guide to the Town (book)
My Life, My Tapes (book)
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (book)
Fire Walk With Me
The Missing Pieces
The Secret History of Twin Peaks (book)
The Return (S3)
The Final Dossier (book)
Alright, here are some timecodes for FWWM, if you want to break it down into days (things get weird with the timeline):
Tue, Feb 9, 1988: 0:00:00-0:02:49; 1:28:30-1:29:18; 1:29:55-1:30:08; 1:30:10-1:30:53 (last three are flashbacks)
Wed, Feb 10, 1988: 0:03:04-0:19:26
Thu, Feb 11, 1988: 0:19:26-0:26:56
Fri, Feb 12, 1988: 0:31:16-0:33:47
Thu, Feb 16, 1989: 0:26:56-0:31:16
Fri, Feb 17, 1989: 0:33:47-0:46:45
Sat, Feb 18, 1989: 0:46:45-1:04:48
Sun, Feb 19, 1989: 1:40:47-1:42:15; 1:04:48-1:23:59
Mon, Feb 20, 1989: 1:23:59-1:34:09
Tue, Feb 21, 1989: 1:34:09-1:40:47
Wed, Feb 22, 1989: 1:42:15-1:46:19
Thu, Feb 23, 1989: 1:46:19-2:14:44
And scene numbers for TMP:
Tue, Feb 9, 1988: 21
Wed, Feb 10, 1988: 1; 2
Thu, Feb 11, 1988: 3; 4; 5
Fri, Feb 12, 1988: 6
Thu, Feb 16, 1989: 7
Fri, Feb 17, 1989: 8; 9; 10; 11
Sat, Feb 18, 1989: 12; 13; 14; 15
Sun, Feb 19, 1989: 16; 17; 18; 19
Mon, Feb 20, 1989: 20
Tue, Feb 21, 1989: 22; 23
Wed, Feb 22, 1989: 24; 25; 26
Thu, Feb 23, 1989: 27; 28; 29; 30; 31
Fri, Feb 24, 1989: 32
Tue, Mar 28, 1989: 33
February 9, 1988 includes a couple earlier, unspecified days.
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kcdoessl · 2 months
You want to, but..
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►The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. ~ SUGGESTIONS Tees an EXCLUSIVE for 'Sense' event. 18 Apr - 08 May. ◆Sizes: ◦MAITREYA ◦Lara | LaraX | Petite | PetiteX ◦EBODY Reborn | Classic | Waifu ◦BELLEZA GenX | Freya | Isis | Venus ◦Hourglass | Physique ◦LEGACY | Perky ◦TMP ◦ Standard Sizes
◆Mainstore ◆ Flickr
►Deep Static ~ Maxine Shades @ The Main Store
➟Maitreya X/LeLUTKA
➟Moccino - Visage - BiaRosekiss v2
➟VELOUR: Ipanema Body - Curvy (Rose Kiss)
➟[RAIRE] Orla Reborn Shape (tweek'd)
➟[Noelia] Eyebrow shape
➟A R T E - Abyss Eyes
➟TRUTH / Kyoko / Bangs hair
➟Nuve. Dimples 1005 - Rosy
➟ArtA ADDON - Lip Gloss v1
➟LeLUTKA.EvoX.Scar063 & .041
➟THIS IS WRONG The Cold kit - lips Faded
➟tres beau x lelutka evox - big and little tears
➟KitCat - Stuffy Nose (Normal)
➟Izzie's - Body Imperfections 02 + freckles
➟:: MOMOCHUU :: Teddy power panties V2 [ivory]
➟[: Kawaii Creams:] Waffle Ice Cream Sammich
➟Yokai - Teddy bear Hoop (hairband)
➟[Onyx] Honey Tattoo-Full With Roses
➟Le Poppycock-Coffee lips pose
My Flickr💜
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4x4community · 3 months
TMPS added to Hilux standard display
Forum: Toyota Posted By: Ranger.RSA Post Time: 2024/03/26 at 02:33 PM http://dlvr.it/T4dj5Y
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rutan-mamuju · 5 months
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Mamuju, INFO_PAS-Jajaran Ibu Dharma Wanita Persatuan Rumah Tahanan Negara (Rutan) Kelas IIB Mamuju yang tergabung dalam Paguyuban Ibu-Ibu Pemasyarakatan (PIPAS), mengikuti Ziarah dan Tabur bunga ke Taman Makam Pahlawan (TMP) Patti'di, (01/02).
Kegiatan ziarah dan tabur bunga ini merupakan rangkaian pada Peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Paguyuban Ibu-Ibu Pemasyarakatan (PIPAS) dan dilaksanakan secara serentak oleh PIPAS di seluruh Indonesia. Ketua Dharma Wanita Persatuan Rutan Kelas IIB Mamuju,Ibu Iin Novian Endus Santoso turut hadir dalam rangkaian kegiatan ini bersama dengan Pengurus dan Anggota PIPAS Wilayah Sulawesi Barat dan UPT Pemasyarakatan di Wilayah Mamuju.
Kegiatan ziarah dan tabur bunga diawali dengan penghormatan kepada arwah yang diikuti mengheningkan cipta. Karangan bunga kemudian diletakkan di atas monumen pahlawan, yang ditutup dengan penghormatan sebelum meninggalkan lapangan upacara. Selepas meninggalkan lapangan upacara, Paguyuban Ibu-ibu yang memiliki slogan mandiri, adaptif, dan inovatif tersebut langsung melaksanakan tabur bunga di pusara TMP Patti'di.
Ketua Dharma Wanita Persatuan Rutan Mamuju mengatakan pelaksanaan kegiatan pagi ini merupakan bentuk penghormatan PIPAS kepada para pahlawan perjuangan yang telah gugur.
"Doa dan harapan dipanjatkan agar para pahlawan mendapatkan tempat terbaik dan kita sebagai penerus perjuangan mereka dapat terus berjuang memberikan yang terbaik bagi negeri tercinta. Semoga jaya selalu PIPAS serta terus semangat dalam berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan bangsa dan negara melalui perannya sebagai Ibu-Ibu Pemasyarakatan," ucap Ibu Iin.
Sementara itu, secara terpisah, Kakanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar, Marasidin mendukung upaya yang dilakukan oleh jajaran Rutan Mamuju.
“Sehingga melalui Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, diharapkan dapat memberi dampak terhadap peningkatan kinerja di jajaran Kanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar” tutup salah seorang Kakanwil unit wilayah di bawah kepemimpinan Menkumham, Yasonna itu Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kemenkumham Sulbar Bapak Marasidin dan Kepala Divisi Pemasyarkatan Bapak Robianto serta Kepala Rutan Kelas IIB Mamuju Novian Endus Santoso mendukung dalam pelaksanaan PIPAS di Rutan Kelas IIB Mamuju.
@Kumham_Sulbar @NewsKemenkumham#KanwilSulbar #KumhamSulbar #Yasonna #Marasidin #Pemasyarakatan #ditjenpas
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koramil02sdy · 6 months
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Anggota Koramil 02/Sdy Koptu Nicholas Aditya melaksanakan giat Ziarah Hari Juang TNI AD di TMP Kusuma Bangsa Jetis Bantul
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progress-log · 9 months
The file system is the part of the operating system responsible for managing files and directories. It organizes our data into files, which hold information, and directories (also called ‘folders’), which hold files or other directories.
pwd (which stands for ‘print working directory’) shows you where you are. Directories are like places — at any time while we are using the shell, we are in exactly one place called our current working directory. Commands mostly read and write files in the current working directory, i.e. ‘here’, so knowing where you are before running a command is important.  Here, the computer’s response is /Users/nelle, which is Nelle’s home directory. Let’s have a look at how the file system as a whole is organized.
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Like an upside down tree, the topmost directory is the root directory that holds everything else. We refer to it using a slash character, /, on its own; this character is the leading slash in /Users/nelle. Inside that directory are several other directories: bin (which is where some built-in programs are stored), data (for miscellaneous data files), Users (where users’ personal directories are located), tmp (for temporary files that don’t need to be stored long-term), and so on.
/ Notice that there are two meanings for the / character. When it appears at the front of a file or directory name, it refers to the root directory. When it appears inside a path, it’s just a separator. We can see what’s in our home directory by running ls: ls prints the names of the files and directories in the current directory. We can make its output more comprehensible by using the -F option which tells ls to classify the output by adding a marker to file and directory names to indicate what they are: - a trailing / indicates that this is a directory - @ indicates a link - * indicates an executable See that the home directory contains only sub-directories. Any names in the output without a classification symbol are files in the current working directory. Clear your terminal using the clear command. — ls has lots of other options—use $ls --help or $man ls to see the manual on macOS. You can use two options at the same time. To search in the man pages, use / followed by the search term, and N / Shift + N to move forward / backward. To quit the man pages, press Q. By default, ls lists the contents of a directory in alphabetical order by name. $ls -t lists items by time of last change instead of alphabetically. $ls -r lists the contents of a directory in reverse order. You may need to use the -l option to see the last changed dates.
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lintasbatasindonesia · 10 months
Dandim 0904/Paser Pimpin Ziarah TMP Dalam Rangka HUT RI Ke 78
   Kodim 0904/Paser, Kecamatan Tanah Grogot. Dalam rangka HUT RI ke 78 tahun Muspida Paser beserta Tamu Undangan melaksanakan Ziarah Di Taman Makam Pahlawan Daya Taka Km 02 Kelurahan Tanah Grogot Kabupaten Paser. Kamis (17/8/2023) Dalam Ziarah kali ini dipimpin oleh Dandim 0904/Paser Letkol Inf Ary Susetyo dan dihadiri oleh Bupati Paser dr. Fahmi Fadli, Kapolres Paser AKBP Kade Budiarta, S.I.P…
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bigdataschool-moscow · 11 months
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codehunter · 1 year
Google App Engine 'No module named pwd'
I was able to run my Google App Engine project (I am using Python Flask for developing a web app) well but when I upgraded my system from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04. The App Engine Project Became unresponsive on the local system whereas it is working well on the production environment. I also keep my project updated put my source code on github, so I deleted everything and again cloned a new repository of that from my github account. But When I am running the project it is giving me the following error, if anyone encountered this error before please help me out.
I use this command to run my project
$ dev_appserver.py src/
and get this error as output on the terminal
WARNING 2015-02-23 06:13:02,341 simple_search_stub.py:1115] Could not read search indexes from /tmp/appengine.practical-now-720.chitrank/search_indexesINFO 2015-02-23 06:13:02,347 api_server.py:172] Starting API server at: http://localhost:60268INFO 2015-02-23 06:13:02,368 dispatcher.py:186] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:8080INFO 2015-02-23 06:13:02,369 admin_server.py:118] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000ERROR 2015-02-23 06:13:05,655 wsgi.py:263] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/chitrank/google_appengine/google/appengine/runtime/wsgi.py", line 240, in Handle handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler()) File "/home/chitrank/google_appengine/google/appengine/runtime/wsgi.py", line 299, in _LoadHandler handler, path, err = LoadObject(self._handler) File "/home/chitrank/google_appengine/google/appengine/runtime/wsgi.py", line 85, in LoadObject obj = __import__(path[0]) File "/home/chitrank/Documents/Google_App_Engine/GoogleCloudPlatform/uscore-firstsubmit/uscore/src/run.py", line 5, in <module> import application File "/home/chitrank/Documents/Google_App_Engine/GoogleCloudPlatform/uscore-firstsubmit/uscore/src/application/__init__.py", line 47, in <module> import urls File "/home/chitrank/Documents/Google_App_Engine/GoogleCloudPlatform/uscore-firstsubmit/uscore/src/application/urls.py", line 10, in <module> from application import views File "/home/chitrank/Documents/Google_App_Engine/GoogleCloudPlatform/uscore-firstsubmit/uscore/src/application/views.py", line 49, in <module> import requests File "/home/chitrank/Documents/Google_App_Engine/GoogleCloudPlatform/uscore-firstsubmit/uscore/src/lib/requests/__init__.py", line 58, in <module> from . import utils File "/home/chitrank/Documents/Google_App_Engine/GoogleCloudPlatform/uscore-firstsubmit/uscore/src/lib/requests/utils.py", line 19, in <module> from netrc import netrc, NetrcParseError File "/usr/lib/python2.7/netrc.py", line 7, in <module> import pwd File "/home/chitrank/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/devappserver2/python/sandbox.py", line 898, in load_module raise ImportError('No module named %s' % fullname)ImportError: No module named pwdINFO 2015-02-23 06:13:05,710 module.py:718] default: "GET /_ah/warmup HTTP/1.1" 500 -
If anyone resolved this issue please help me out with removing the following problem.
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