#tmr reverse bang
newtparadise · 5 years
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The Maze Runner Reverse Bang 2019
Newtmas AU [7/?]: assassin and scientist
Newt is a trained assassin recruited since he was a child, raised to be a cold-hearted killer. He grows to be the best in the field, but everything changes when he meets Thomas, a charming young scientist whose passion for his job captivated Newt. One day he receives an assignment: kill all the members of the WCKD lab.
I'm honoured that Jam @00250 picked this prompt to write. Please read her awesome fic on AO3! Also check out the other fics and art to be posted everyday for the next 2 weeks on @mazerunnerbang :)
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fansarewaiting · 5 years
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TMR reverse bang @mazerunnerbang​ | Of Brick and Of Bone
Of brick and of bone, Of petal and thorn, My love is my harbour, my hearth and my home
Newt and Thomas move into a beautiful old house with the intent of fixing it up and flipping it back onto the market. They're partners in the business of flipping houses and moving on to the next, but there's something about this house that makes them think they can stay.
read @persnickett’s work here on ao3
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mazerunnerbang · 5 years
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Welcome to the Maze Runner Reverse Bang 2019! This is a collaborative event where fandom artists and fic authors will work together to create some amazing pieces!
Sign ups are now open! They close for artists on July 10 and for authors on August 7.
But what is a reverse bang? First, artists (drawing, edits, etc) will create a brand new piece. Then, through an anonymous process, authors will be matched with art they’re interested in and write a fic based on it. You’ll not only make some amazing TMR content, you might also make a new friend along the way. 
Artists will be expected to make one of the following:
(1) gifset, at least 6 gifs
(1) aesthetic board, at least 6 images
(1) drawing/painting, that is not a sketch
(1) playlist, at least 8 songs, with accompanying album cover
(1) fanvid, at least 1 minute long
Authors will be expected to write a complete fic that is at least 3000 words long.  
You can sign up to be a beta too!
Artists will submit their art and a content description by August 9. Afterwards, authors will be able to see the art and details, but won’t know who made what; they’ll submit at least five options they want to write for and be matched with the fandom.love algorithm. Fics are due by September 27. 
Check out the rules, schedule, and FAQ for more detail. 
Click here to sign up today!
See you in the bang ♥
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bluealmondpie · 2 years
✨clingy haikyuu boys✨
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usually you're the clingy one, but we all know kenma does have a huge clingy side. it's because normally everyone else clings to him, he doesn't feel the need to seek attention. until he moves into his own place, you know? kuroo used to come over often but his job is getting kinda busy, and shoyo... is so far away :( and there's only you left (once again why are you last on the list? kenma. answer my question kenma GET BACK HERE) and he's NEEDY
seriously! you're flabbergasted every time when this happens (secretly also happy) because he's usually always so, passive in cuddles. he will nuzzle in and just hold you or comb through your hair, but it's not like shoyo cuddles (shou cuddles everyone the same: warm, and soft, and he's always trying to snuggle closer. it feels like a Proper Cuddle. the ideal cuddle). kenma cuddles sometimes just feel like a blanket. you're there to provide some warmth and comfort but it's a one sided event, mostly.
so anyway usually you're the one bugging kenma when he's playing a game but today you're busy playing some new mobile game that shoyo recommended (which kenma recommended to him) and you're totally. engrossed. there's no way out of it, you're in deep, and it's been hours and kenma is not streaming or working anymore and he's got time and wants cuddles but you are busy??? with games??? he's the pro gamer here, why are you the one playing games, stoooooopppppp. he doesn't whine aloud, though. he will gently press up against you wherever you are playing: play seated and he will press his side against you and put his head on your shoulder to watch. lying on your tummy playing? he will sidle up and press his body against your side, leaning his head on you to watch you play. from wherever he is pressed up against you he will given comments about the game: try this, do that, but the comments get half hearted after a while. he was interested in you playing at first, but now he's returned to his original goal of cuddles. he'll wrap his arms around you suddenly and turn his face and just smooshes it into your neck and rubs his face all over and kisses you right there softly, and you're like WKFJKAHDKA WHAT- and kenma was like, you weren't paying attention to me. i want cuddles. now. and you're like, i'm playing a game!! you cant defend yourself though cos you also bug him when he's gaming, so you just try to pause your game but he's got your phone and beats the boss in like. 2 seconds. and the game is saved and your phone is thrown to the side and he's like ok attention to me now the game is over i've cleared the level for you and you're like FINE. COME HERE U BABY and then CUDDLES!!! Proper Cuddles. yes. life is good. see, kenma can cuddle. he's just not very good at initiating them. and he's lazy.
i was playing genshin and my brain was like, what if kenma game and reader needs cuddles,,,, but REVERSED and banged this out while waiting for my weekly ART test to develop. i'm C negative! which means i have to go to work tmr 🥲 monday blues boos.
requests are open; masterlist here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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zombu7 · 3 years
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Also if anyone’s interested there is a FIXED Bottom Harry Potter Only LVHP / TMRHP shipping event week happening! It’s set to be from Sept. 5 - Sept. 11, and is run by the account TMRLVHPWEEK on Twitter :)!
“What does Fixed [insert ship] mean?” No switch/reverse, the dynamics stay the way they are, thus Fixed. So an event only for Top TMR / Bottom HP + Top LV / Bottom HP. Use the Twitter tags appropriately.
Please note that disrespectful people / questions like “why does it have to be fixed 🤬!?” Will not be tolerated. If you want an event where it accepts both dynamics, there is already a yearly event that you can join (Tomarry Big Bang). This week was brought up in regards to people wanting a fixed shipping event in the first place for Tomarrymort.
For more details head over to the Twitter account here!
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fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Gaming
Cursing in this one, and insert a very serious fight. Big boy fight.
Update : Almost forgot the @noirdots <<< Kudos to noirdots for being my literal motivation for all of these
Damian knew it was inevitable. He would never be able to avoid it. Marinette and Damian had both long since been engaged, and his family demanded she come around for New year's. His family took a seat at the dining table. There was silence as each Wayne member stared coldly at one another. Marinette took a seat beside Damian with a blank expression. Bruce walked into the room. Alfred followed behind him, carrying a black brief case.
They both took a seat at the table. Each family member kept their hands to themselves, each glaring daggers at eachother. They knew, this could be the end of the Wayne Family
Bruce placed the brief case down and opened it. He cleared his throat and began to speak it a tired, and sad voice.
"Welcome, to the annual winter, Family Game Night™."
Everyone looked down at their hands, refusing to make eye contact with eachother.
"Tonight, we have a list of the banned, and unbanned games. Yatzee, Monopoly, Go Fish, all banned. Tonight, it was agreed that we would be challenging for the title of champion in a game of battle ships," Bruce spoke. He then took a deep breath. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. He pulled out a paper from the brief case. His hands shook.
"However, according to rule 78, the banned games, on the occasion of a new player, are unbanned for that night." Gasps filled the room, and fear filled their eyes.
Bruce took a deep breath continued.
"And as per rule 56, any occasion that banned games are revoked from the ban list, all participants must vote on the existing pool of newly unbanned games." Shouts and protests errupted from the room.
"Do you remember what happened last time?!"
"This is a sick joke!"
Bruce held up his hand. Marinette just looked concerned. She glanced at Damian who looked like he was almost in tears.
Bruce held out cards and pens for everyone. He nodded. Everyone casted their vote from the entire, long long list of banned games.
Eventually, Bruce and Alfred collected and counted the votes. Aflred's eyes went wide with shock as Bruce looked terrified. Everyone tensed up.
"We have a...close win. Monopoly™ got one less vote...than Uno™."
Gasps filled the air. Jason started yelling, while Tim flipped over a chair. Damian started arguing with Dick as Marinette just gave another concerned look. Babs and Cass could be seen asking for a revote. Stephanie was seen cackling in the corner. Alfred could be seen banging his head against the wall.
Bruce just gave a grave look. He dug through the brief case and pulled on gloves. Then, he lifted up a deck of Uno cards in a Ziploc bag. Marinette started thinking that she got more than she bargained for.
Alfred got on gloves as well, and opened the bag and started shuffling. Dick looked away while Damian shielded Marinette's eyes.
"Any rules?" Bruce asked.
Dick raised his hand, "One draw limit."
Jason raised his hand, "Stacking +2 rule."
No one objected.
Damian raised his hand, "7 and 0's rule."
Marinette raised her hand. "Challenge rule."
Everyone gasped, but otherwise were silent. Bruce dished out 7 cards to each person.
(1 draw limit - if you run out of cards to play you only draw once.
Stacking +2 - if someone before you places a +2 you can also place a +2 and make the next person in line draw 4.
7 & 0's rule - If you place a 7, you switch the hand of your deck. If you place a 0, everyone rotates their deck to the direction of the game.
Challenge - If a 4+ color change is placed, you can challenge the person who placed the card. If they fail the challenge, they draw 4. If you fail, you draw 6 instead. If a person adds a 4+ and they already had a card of the same original color in the deck, they lose the challenge. If they added a 4+ color change, and they didn't have the previous color, they win the challenge. Yes I know a lot about Uno, I play Uno religiously. Was any of this relevant to the story? Absolutely not. Sorry.)
Insert a lot of screaming.
Bruce : yo Dick that +2 was so hip bro-
Alfred : Master Bruce stop-
Bruce : No but I'm hip-
Marinette : Ok boomer.
Damian : *agressive chair flip*
Stephanie : *reverse*
Cass : OK HOLD ON-
Babs : *Reverse again*
Cass : Thank you, Babs-
Stephanie : *skip*
Everyone : NOT IN FRONT OF HER!!!
Damian : *already shielding Marinette*
Bruce : *casually drops +4*
Dick : Am I a fucking joke to you?
Damian : *already next to Dick about to deck the halls with him*
Marinette : I'm an adult-
Alfred : Not on my watch you aren't-
Jason : *casually drops a color switch*
Marinette : please no
Tim : Look Jason I'm sorry I really am you're my brother and I love you and you're the best and my favorite brother-
Damian : e x c u s e m e b u t w h a t -
Dick : Have you guys heard of updog?
Everyone : Omg everyone has heard of th-
Bruce : What's updog?
Dick : ಥ‿ಥ
Everyone : Dick no-
Dick : Nothing much what's up with you- ಠ∀ಠ
Everyone : *visible distress*
Bruce : *visible confusion*
Marinette : *casually calls out uno during the whole mess*
Everyone to her : ಠ ೧ ಠ
Marinette : ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Marinette ends up winning with Damian only having one more card than she (Tim gave him a plus 2 and he fell behind because if it.)
Sorry, short end gotta study for the PSAT's which they didn't tell us about until today. The PSAT is tmr and the SAT is like 3 school days after that so yipee they never told us I love school so much WHOOP WHOOP.
Also I'll start adding a tag list next prompt or the one after that. Tmr I'm gonna be hella busy and sad so YAYYYY! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
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faiasakura · 4 years
i'm wondering if you (or anyone else) are planning any sort of tmr bang in the future! there's still so much love in the fandom but sometimes it's sad that not as much new content gets made since it's been so long lol. i participated in the reverse bang last year and really enjoyed that!
I think I might run a summer event if there’s interest, either the reverse bang again or and exchange 😁
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sweetjaegerlove · 5 years
by KathSilver
Written for the 2019 TMR Reverse Bang, based on prompt and art from Hi0ctane!
Newt, Minho, and Thomas are the only three man drift team left, and one of the few teams left alive at WCKD's Glade Defensive Base that's still capable of getting the job done. If, of course, there were a job to do. When Gipsy closed the Breach they'd all thought it was over, and 9 months of peace had cemented that fact. But when the alarms go off again and a new Kaiju emerges, their Jaeger Chuckie might well be the last thing standing between their world and the worst kind of destruction... the kind that comes from within.
Words: 2197, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Minho (Maze Runner), Thomas (Maze Runner), Newt (Maze Runner), Assistant Director Janson | Rat Man, Mary Cooper (Maze Runner), Teresa Agnes, Alby (Maze Runner), Gally (Maze Runner), Ben (Maze Runner)
Relationships: Minho/Newt/Thomas (Maze Runner)
Additional Tags: TMR Reverse Bang 2019, Kaiju (Pacific Rim), Grievers, Jaegers (Pacific Rim), Chuckie - Freeform, in which i merge two world I never thought to merge, Polyamory, these boys are together and give no fucks about it, newt has a potty mouth, actually they all do but whatever
pacific rim October 9, 2019 at 03:09AM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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ao3feed-pacific-rim · 5 years
Inside Out
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35kxFeu
by KathSilver
Written for the 2019 TMR Reverse Bang, based on prompt and art from Hi0ctane!
Newt, Minho, and Thomas are the only three man drift team left, and one of the few teams left alive at WCKD's Glade Defensive Base that's still capable of getting the job done. If, of course, there were a job to do. When Gipsy closed the Breach they'd all thought it was over, and 9 months of peace had cemented that fact. But when the alarms go off again and a new Kaiju emerges, their Jaeger Chuckie might well be the last thing standing between their world and the worst kind of destruction... the kind that comes from within.
Words: 2197, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Minho (Maze Runner), Thomas (Maze Runner), Newt (Maze Runner), Assistant Director Janson | Rat Man, Mary Cooper (Maze Runner), Teresa Agnes, Alby (Maze Runner), Gally (Maze Runner), Ben (Maze Runner)
Relationships: Minho/Newt/Thomas (Maze Runner)
Additional Tags: TMR Reverse Bang 2019, Kaiju (Pacific Rim), Grievers, Jaegers (Pacific Rim), Chuckie - Freeform, in which i merge two world I never thought to merge, Polyamory, these boys are together and give no fucks about it, newt has a potty mouth, actually they all do but whatever
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35kxFeu
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newtparadise · 5 years
everything under the stars is in your arms (benxgally dancer au)
For @mazerunnerbang I was matched with @kathsilver‘s prompt for a benally dancer AU, which was an absolute joy to write for. Ben x Gally is a rare pair that needs more loving! You can listen to her spotify playlist here
Read the fic here on AO3
Bonus: This is absolutely the vibe Ben and Gally had in The Glade don’t even argue with me they’re a power couple an absolute unit
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fansarewaiting · 5 years
posting for tmr reverse bang soon! testing testing...
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