#to be clear while i'm being a hater i did like a lot about it lol
s1ithers · 7 months
re: baldur's gate's setting limitations: I've read a Lot of shit set in the Forgotten Realms and yeah, I agree. I mean I think it's interesting with the Legend of Drizzt (which are objectively bad although I love them dearly) to see an author clumsily *trying* grapple with sociological cycles of violence, and even that's being really deprecated out of more modern D&D to make it brighter, shinier, more Marvel, and more approachable. Like that's certainly the more marketable approach and in a [1/2
setting increasingly dictated by TTRPGs as played by people who expect videogame logic, /or/ parasocial slice of life, it's not surprising - it also avoids a lot of the pitfalls of "what the fuck were you thinking" that LoD itself is a great example of when it comes to clumsy allegory and sexual assault played for titillation - but honestly I prefer the clumsy trash that contemplates gore and consequence happening on a human level than something that wants to be approachable and friendly but [2/ [3/3] has no problem with the concept of ontological evil which is always more fundamentally regressive than clumsy allegory tbh. But I mean we both prefer DA and DA started /as a reaction to/ the fundamental limitations of the Baldur's Gate series, so it's not surprisingly that a game that sort of ignores the entire DA-digression, and the risks it took with form, doesn't have that spark.
haven't read LoD but agreed, my clumsy allegory tolerance is probably /too/ high but do ontological good and evil at face value & i'm right out
i think what hits weird for me about bg3 is almost some version of the uncanny, like on the one hand it's trying to do psychological realism in a pretty earnest way, but it's also set up this world where like. a character's hair changes from black to white when she chooses Good. yknow. there's some lovely sensitive character writing, but it rests on this substrate of world-logic that's just fundamentally not how people work. ahistorical, like you've said before. so you can only drill down so far before it rings hollow or just comes off kind of pat
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thekatebridgerton · 3 months
I haven't seen part 2 yet but I definitely saw the spoilers on my dashboard. And for all that its worth, I'm really sad about it right now.
I've seen a lot of posts invalidating the feelings of book fans by saying things along the lines of 'if you don't like Michaela Stirling you're ...you guessed it a #BadPerson' and I'm trying to process which person's feelings matter and don't matter in a world where those same people preach acceptance and support. I want my feelings to matter, I want to be allowed to be sad about the fact that this character I was looking forward to seeing is no longer going to be on screen. But the truth is a lot of people keep saying that my sadness and sorrow is invalid shaming people who feel like I do with all the self righteousness of a pastor in church. because apparently not liking the genderbeding of Michael Stirling makes me a #RaginghaterOfMinorities.
And lets be clear, everyone can say what they want, but book Michael Stirling is not going to be on screen, his story was too emeshed with the gender roles of the era, for a genderbent take to not strip and reorder the character's motivations and major plot lines in order to make him a woman. Michaela Stirling is for all intents and purposes a new and improved character. More power to her.
Still that doesn't take away the fact that I am sad and disappointed that Michael Stirling won't be on screen and that it will take me time to process this in a healthy way.
So in case nobody has said this to the crowd who is heartbroken over the genderbeding of Michael Stirling, those who feels upset and disappointed over the loss of a beloved character and don't feel brave enough to express it. Let me be the first to tell you that your feelings are valid, disliking the change in direction that was taken for a fictional character doesn't make you racist or homophobic or anti feminist or any other of those ' you are a raging hater of minorities ' epithets. ( Some of you may even be the kindest people I've met on the site) In my opinion, those feelings just make you human, and you should be allowed to feel it and process the loss in a healthy way without being told youre selfish and a bad person.
Does being heartbroken over this give anyone the right to go and harass actors like Masali Baduza for doing a job they were hired and paid to do? No. Does it give anyone the right to go send nasty harassment anons to people who actually liked the change? Also no. In fact it doesn't give the right to people who have a different opinion to harass you either. Boundaries are a two way street. Don't harass others and don't consent to receiving harassment is a rule we should all follow
But it does give you the right to feel your emotions, process them, accept the change and move on with a healthy mindset.
Its going to take me a while to get there myself, but that's what I'm doing.
And that's the tea
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literallythegrabber · 7 months
Yo , can you do the famous reader one but with characters ¿? Sorry if I was not clear :p
my bad, it's not ur fault I was being dumb. I'm also writing this at 3:00 am, after procrastinating for a week, so sorry for any typos in advance. enjoy!
Will probably keep his distance from u.
Will admire u from afar, kinda like how he was with Donna, just a bit more extreme since ur famous.
This boy will just stare at you from across the room. No shame whatsoever. Can't hold eye contact for shit tho, and easily flustered.
Since ur famous, I'd imagine you'd be like a child act or actress, so Finney would go to the movie theatre every Friday with Robin or Gwen to see ur movies.
(just remembered how Robin is 6 feet under rn, I'm imagining Finney carrying a pile of bones in a bucket labeled "Robin" to the movies, LMAO, anyways...)
Since he's short on cash (I headcanon he's broke af, I mean he's 13) he'll hideout in the bathroom once ur movies over, then wait for the next audience to come and watch it, then sneak into that booth so he can watch it again. Like, mf u could just go home? But he's committed to u.
When yall got together, the whole school was SHOOK, the people were pondering over yall for days.
You'd have to reassure him a lot. He gets insecure a lot by ur status and what people say.
But Robin will beat the haters up!😁
will def beat up all ur haters, whether yall are dating or not.
He'll try to act non-chalant and tough around you when he's literally freaking out the moment u walk into the room.
Imagine him just locking eyes with u while he's beating up some kid, just holding eye contact mid punch cause he thinks it makes him look cool.
And ur just like "😐".
Like I said with Finney, he'll go to the movie theatre EVERYDAY to watch ur movies instead of studying.
He just ignores doing it cause homework's for losers.
Like aren't u failing math?
U get scary dog privileges once yall start dating. He's always staring people down when they look at you for too long, he's super protective.
Yall would def be a power couple.
He fangirls over u.
Thats it, that's all I have to say.
He ain't a stalker, but is 100% ur biggest fan.
Will flirt with u, get u small gifts, and invite u to his baseball games.
Will definitely serenade u with a guitar in the middle of the hallway, then laugh when u get embarrassed.
He brags to his friends about u all the time.
Nobody's surprised when yall start dating.
The popular boy and the movie star, it was a match made in heaven.
Like with Robin, yall would be a power couple.
He's literally ur biggest hater, polar opposite of Bruce.
He doesn't really hate u, he's just trying to deny his feelings for u by becoming ur mortal enemy.
He's trying to convince himself he doesn't like you, even tho he thinks about u (and pinball) all day.
Teases u, calls u names, goes out of his way to ruin ur day, he's honestly a menace.
"Vance! Did you see y/n's new movie? It's so cool!" "She looks like a seahorse be fr." "😟"
Vance is just insecure, with his dirty reputation, it's hard for him to believe someone like you would want someone like him.
He's unsure of how to process his emotions correctly, so he just bottles them up. Then imagine yall get into an argument, then all his pent-up feelings come pouring out in an aggressive confession, then yall get together.
The world was SHOOK, again.
Nobody could connect the dots, the goofy "bad boy" dating the movie star? Nobody predicted it.
He keeps his affection under the radar, wouldn't want to ruin his reputation.
He claims ur turning him into a "softie", but he's totally whipped for u.
Scary dog privileges, too.
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kaorucup · 2 months
On woy ships, the reason skeleton dance works (as in, it doesn't come off gross if people ship them) because Hater trying to kill him never comes off as anything to take serious. There's nothing really at stake because their villain & good guy relationship is such a silly, cartoony one. Wander doesn't fear him and, deep down, Hater doesn't really hate him (or at the very least, he hates him significantly less and less as time goes on, and it's always been an extremely petty hate.) It's literally confirmed that they're going down a path that's going to end in a mutual friendship between them. Meanwhile, with Dominator, even if we set aside the fact that she literally isn't into men, she exists as a serious threat, a serious villain, an actual terror. Wander operates as being in denial of it, but he's literally very scared of her himself. It's not very subtle that she upsets him. A lot. She's played straight as a cruel, sadistic, twisted monster of a villain who has zero qualms with offing him as soon as she's done torturing him via destroying everyone he loves right in front of him. If given the chance to have any space in his life, she would just be his abuser. That's why him trying to reach out and make friends with her (and not because he wants to but because he feels a moral obligation to) is repeatedly framed as harmful and bad. The fact that people look at them and go, "ouhhhgh but she's Hot so he hasss to ogle and fawn over her!! 🤤" is just. Eugh.
I want to give an example from my 1st all-time favorite show before the 2nd became WOY.
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This is Darknest/Ophiuchus Star Princess from Star Twinkle Pretty Cure. She's just like Dominator in many ways, and I'd really like to dedicate like a whole ass post about her, but back to her 2nd biggest similarity with her that isn't a massive spoiler for both of their characters: they're both conquerors who have caused galactic destruction + genocide.
The point I'm gonna make here is a massive spoiler for the ending of this series, but I'm gonna try to not say it outright. They don't do what they did with Dominator. That's all I can say. It's such a massive fumble that it's seen as one of the series' biggest issues. It's a great installment in the franchise: I actually HIGHLY recommend it if you love WOY. When I watched all of the latter back in May, I got a lot of Star Twinkle vibes when they were just going around meeting people on new planets. They don't visit as much planets as WOY because it only has 50 episodes (and it even takes a while for them to actually go into space, but trust me, the first few episodes will keep you entertained). All in all, I love Star Twinkle just as much as Wander.
(unfortunately the only way to watch it is through yo ho ho sites, but wcostream doesn't have those NASTY ads)
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Back to Dominator though- Domi not being redeemed was great because, like you said, Wander trying to be friends with her was "repeatedly framed as harmful and bad." And if we use that Darknest example, it shows that "Hey, maybe you shouldn't really be friends with EVERYONE." A lesson even Wander himself learns at the end of the episode.
Idk if I'm making myself clear, but what I'm trying to say that in general SYMPATHIZING with villains like them is just stupid. Like obviously you can have favorite villains, but shipping them with characters they've hurt a LOT isn't right. deathglare is toxic yaoi, but do you see hater going out of his way to hurt peepers for the fun of it? no. (I don't know if I'm making myself sound clear man I hope I'm saying this right)
basically: shipping wander x dominator is bad because it goes against the lesson learned during the end of the galaxy.
once again, I yapped what I needed to yap. I think. I can't tell if I promoted star twinkle too much here
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alexanderwales · 28 days
My wife and I finally finished season 4 of The Boys. It was okay.
content warning: sexual assault
I did appreciate that the season at least tried to have a strong theme, that of confronting the past, and they did some work in making sure that every character had some past to confront.
Unfortunately, "characters confront the past" is one of the worst things you can do for momentum, which makes it feel like they went through a full season and were mostly treading water. There weren't any literal flashbacks, but there were a bunch of scenes that felt like flashbacks, where we were getting backstory explained to us. There are a lot of pitfalls in having a past-oriented season, and it didn't feel like they avoided all of them.
Butcher being sick for most of the season was also pretty boring, though I did appreciate the Fight Club twist. Having one of your most dynamic, agenty character separated from the rest of the cast and dying is not great.
The shock value stuff they include in every episode is ... I mean, it's part of the brand, I think it would be a better story without it, and it does sometimes feel like it's not in keeping with the tone of the rest of the show, but I don't actually think they should remove it. There's actually a deeper problem where the tone seems to switch a lot, which I think is particularly noticeable whenever there's a talking head or Vought commercial or something: those always feel like I'm listening to a GTA radio station, and the rest of the show does not.
I took a break from the show after the episode where Hughie got locked in a sex dungeon, which I felt was played for laughs in a really off-putting way. There was a scene at the end where he says that he's not okay, and it felt really tacked on, like their episode tested poorly, or they got some feedback but couldn't actually change the episode significantly. Starlight being sexually assaulted in the first season had empathy to it, it was awful and the show knew it, and it drove forward a lot of plot and character stuff. Hughie being sexually assaulted was just ... a laugh.
And then in the last two episodes, Starlight gets replaced by a doppelganger, and the doppelganger has sex with Hughie while pretending to be Starlight, and we have a name for that, which is rape, but Starlight gets out of captivity and then has a whole awful monologue about how Hughie is awful for having sex with the doppelganger, and it's just ... very clear to me that I have a very different understanding than the showrunners about how men respond to sexual trauma and how it should be handled. Hughie apologizes, of course. I wasn't a Starlight hater, but I do hate Starlight now.
The two new members of the cast, Firecracker and Sister Sage, were both good. Firecracker was a good foil, and earned some brownie points for giving the middle finger to their blackmail plots. Sister Sage was an interesting take on the genius mastermind, mostly because of the self-lobotomy thing, though I do wish we got more of her.
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.72 The ambassador
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On our way to the Arboretum, I highlighted a few noteworthy features of the neighborhood, including a shameless plug for my yoga classes at the Celebration Center. Clear skies and warm sun made it the perfect day for this tour. Though, there was never a wrong time to visit San Sequoia. Every day was perfect.
"This is Gilbert Gardens," I said, vaguely gesturing around us. "It's my favorite place in San Sequoia because it has so much to do for all ages."
"I can't get over this weather. Is it always this nice?"
"Amazing, right? That's one of the best parts about San Sequoia."
The warm rays beamed down on us while a cool breeze whisked back and forth, ensuring we remained comfortable. Dub glanced around, shaking his head in disbelief at the gorgeous weather.
"Henford is usually covered in snow right about now," he said with a hint of snark.
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I chuckled at a memory that popped into my head.
"I've seen snow exactly twice in my life. It doesn't snow much in Willow Creek. That's where I've spent the most time."
"I think snow is overrated," Dub huffed, waving dismissively again.
"You might be right. I mean, it's super cold...you can't see if it's too thick...and you have to clean it up!"
He slapped my arm.
"See? I knew we were in sync."
"Playing in it looks fun, though."
"That's overrated too! I don't like my hands being cold. There's no fun in that!"
He was hilarious and I know he wasn't trying to be, but the fake outrage amused me.
"I might have to agree with you there," I said.
We got halfway around the lake before I realized I hadn't shown him much. I made a terrible tour guide, but I think we both enjoyed the company more; I know I did.
"I teach at that spa over there sometimes," I said.
"What do you teach?"
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"Yoga. I also lead guided meditations."
"So, yoga videos and classes? You must really love it."
"I do."
His eyes squinted a bit, like he was processing my words or something. I hadn't said anything too deep. Was he one of those yogi haters?
"A good friend of mine just told me she's into it too," he said. "She says it's for therapeutic reasons."
"Good for her. I think everyone should be into yoga."
"Why do you say that?"
"It's great therapy. I think everyone should learn healthier ways to deal with stress. Sims turn to so many self-destructive ways of dealing with their problems, only to make it worse. Having a healthy body leads to a healthy mind."
"I'm sure Maia would agree. She made me promise to try it with her."
"I hope you do."
I hadn't heard of many men who had platonic relationships with women. Even I had some sort of physical attraction and a bit of lust for my female friends. What was his relationship with this friend?
"So...Maia, huh?"
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"Yeah, she's my friend I mentioned."
"I see... Well, I'm glad you'll try it. I think you'll find it helps a lot.
He didn't catch it that time, but I wouldn't let him miss it the next time, and there would be a next time. I was sure of it.
"Over there, you have the splash park. Mostly kids hang out there. We can swim in this lake."
"It's huge!"
"Tell me about it. My dad and I jogged around it once. I think I nearly killed him. There's all kinds of trails around here, but this is my favorite."
As we approached the trailhead, Dub looked around in awe, exactly like I did the first time I visited. The garden was what made it exceptionally beautiful. The way they expertly arranged the flowers and creatively teased the topiaries, it truly was a work of art.
"Woooow. I never would have seen all this back here."
"They call it the Arboretum. You ready to go?"
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We stretched, and I recommended we take it easy and pace ourselves, but Mr. Funny Man had other ideas. Good thing I was also athletic. I accepted the challenge, but of course, I had to flex on him a few times.
I asked about his family. The fact that he was the oldest of three boys amazed me. With no brotherly figure or close friends in my life, I found it difficult to imagine the dynamics of such a relationship. Would I enjoy little brothers? Would they annoy me? Maybe both because little sisters could be fun and annoying. Dub and his brothers grew up on a farm, and he hated it. Memories of the sights and smells of cleaning out chicken coops and milking cows disgusted him all over again. I would never laugh at anyone's pain, but he was so easily grossed out. I almost wanted to try it to see if it was really that bad.
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Naturally, he returned the same questions, and I told him about our family dynamics and how my sister and I bounced between Willow Creek and Evergreen Harbor our entire childhood. I kept it casual and didn't say anything emotional, but he remained silent. Maybe he was contemplating my situation just like I was considering farm life with a bunch of brothers.
We took a few breaks, and he guzzled his water as if he were on fire. I shook my head, secretly laughing at him for dashing off like it was a race. Eventually we arrived back at our starting point, winded but feeling like a million simoleons.
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"That was a good run," he said. "Maybe the longest I've done so far."
"Yeah, before I ran around the lake it was my longest too."
"And it was very scenic, like you said."
"You should see it in the summer! It's amazing."
I could tell by how golden the sky was, and the emptiness in my stomach, dinnertime was near. I had another idea I hoped he'd be keen on.
"I'm usually having dinner about now. If you have more time, you wanna go to the best restaurant in San Sequoia?"
"Yeah! Uhh, actually, let me check with Maia first."
See? I knew he'd bring her up again. This dude was in love and didn't even know it, and it was so fun to watch. Even the way he said her name had hearts all over it.
"Of course. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble or anything," I said in a cheeky way.
"Whatever, man!"
He may have sounded offended, but I did not forget that grin. One way or another, I'd get their story out of him. Ugh...I was unquestionably my mother's child.
Wade Banks by @mysimsloveaffair
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grayintogreen · 8 months
OKAY SO. I am (and this is obvious for my followers as opposed to this tag), I am currently running headlong towards the ending of my huge CR longfic, but I have started to develop my next project. Not sure when I'll start posting because if I do it too soon it's going to be hard to keep up with it and YCDHN and I do NOT WANT THAT, so I'm gonna poke at it casually while seeing how much of YCDHN I can write before I come back from my posting hiatus in March. If it looks like I'm making a lot of headway in getting the next three chapters written, we'll see.
learn that even death may die is going to be a Hazbin Hotel fic that goes AU after 1x06 (due to that being where I started plotting it). The official summary is as follows:
When Lucifer agrees to seal his powers to set an example of humility to buy more time for the Hotel to work, Adam and the Exorcists scheme with the Vees in order to take the Hazbin Hotel down once and for all. Meanwhile, Alastor has a little secret that he'd like to be through with that would change the face of Hell if anyone knew...
And Husk has caught feelings, which is unrelated to all of the above.
It's a plotty, ensemble piece, featuring Found Family dynamics, Alastor and Lucifer being each others' biggest haters, Husk and Angel in a bodyguard AU for reasons, and the kind of plot you can expect from the idiot who brought you two million words about Cree Deeproots.
Here's an extended preview of the first chapter. Spread the word! Get hype! It's something I'm really excited to work on when I've gotten a lot more progress on my YCDHN backlog.
The last week had been… Harrowing, to say the least. The Extermination had been personal- deeply personal- and while no one at the Hotel had fallen, the line of angelic spears stabbed into the ground outside with demon heads proudly spelling out YOU CAN’T HIDE FOREVER (Vaggie had noted that was such a waste of spears) had made the message clear. This was going to continue and next time they wouldn’t be so lucky.
She didn’t know when the next would come- back to a year or another six months or another week. She had paced, relentlessly, as the Hotel put itself back in order and those who had been injured licked their wounds. Husk, in particular, had survived a scuffle with Adam, himself, and while he didn’t appreciate the warm embrace he got for his bravery, she didn’t know how else to thank him aside from maybe a very expensive bottle of booze at Angel’s suggestion, which he did like and seemed to like even more when she told him it had been Angel’s idea.
That should have been something she lit on! Something that she could really sink her teeth into and do something about! Were Angel and Husk an item? Was there unspoken tension? What would that do for Angel’s suitability to Heaven? Surely, a stable, monogamous relationship could only-
But no. She’d let that thought slide out of her mind with barely more than a hum, never mind a full number about it. Her mind had to be on the Hotel and protecting it. She couldn’t even do a lesson plan in these conditions! Activities had ground to a halt in favor of ‘work together to clean up the corpses.’ She was going to scream or bite or… or something.
Vaggie helped. She always did. The initial shock of learning about her being an angel had passed and while there had been some distance in the month leading up to the Extermination, Vaggie’s dedication to her remained absolute and she had nearly gotten herself killed multiple times to make up for what she felt were her sins in the past.”
”Demons kill each other and that’s different,” she’d said when Charlie told her that no one in the Hotel, save herself, was fully clean of demon blood.”They aren’t killing because they think everyone here deserves to die. It’s different.”
So that was still sort of a whole unresolved thing too, and that was just before her father kicked the door in, ready to throw down because he had one rule when his hand was forced about the Extermination and that was not putting his family in direct harm. Getting him to do more than fume and fuss over it had occupied a lot of time she didn’t actually have, but the end result had led her here… Back to Heaven.
With her father.
Outside the golden gates, he stood ramrod straight, fingers clenched so tightly around the head of his cane she was certain his fingers would grip right to the core. She glanced at his shaking hands and laid her own over them. “Dad, it’s okay.”
“I haven’t been back to Heaven in… Oooh.” He whistled. “Awhile. It’s…” He tugged his collar. “Not actually full of great memories, y’know, sweetie?” He leaned over to whisper. “Maybe we should just go back down and work on this on a lower level. I know some phenomenal wards. You think that dusty radio guy has moves? Your dad has better moves. I invented some of those runes he uses. My wards- pristine.”
She wrinkled her nose and pulled him closer to the front desk. “Daaaad, come on. It’ll be fine. I think things will actually work out this time if you’re here.”
“Really? ‘Cause I feel like they’re gonna go much worse.” As if to prove it, the second the pair strode towards the desk, St. Peter nearly flung the guestbook to reach for something underneath the desk. Charlie had to lunge to stop his hand from hitting a button with a very familiar runic symbol on it- fuck, they had a Lucifer button.
“Wait wait wait! He’s not- we’re not here to cause any trouble. We just need to talk to Sera- or Emily. Actually, I’d rather talk to Emily, if it’s… all the same.” She shot him a winning smile.
Behind her, Lucifer was making what could only be described as a ‘stink face.’ “This is going greeeeat. Are you sure about this, Charlie? It’s not too late to go back.”
“Charlie!” A winged shape suddenly burst free of the Gates and wrapped tight arms around her middle. Unable to resist, Charlie wrapped her arms around the gray-clad form as well and spun her around. “Emily!”
“Oh my Heavens, Charlie, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Emily pulled away to grip Charlie’s hands so tightly that it was a pleasant kind of crushing. Like a weighted blanket. She leaned forward to whisper, “I’ve been doing all I can. There are angels who truly believe this isn’t right. Sera has told me to give it up, that doubting leads to Falling, because-“
Both girls looked askance at Lucifer, fiddling with the head of his cane awkwardly, that vapid look he got when he was overwhelmed making it clear that he’d stopped paying attention.
Charlie, for the first time daring to doubt, whispered back in a nervous high-pitched lilt, “Iiiis it bad that I brought him here?”
“No! I… I don’t think.” Emily frowned. “I should warn Sera, of course.” She stepped back and approached Lucifer, who flinched like he was about to be scolded- oh dad how badly did the angels hurt you. “Greetings, Morningstar,” she said, bowing a bit. “It is an honor to meet you. I was only a fledgling when you Fell.”
“For the record, I didn’t Fall. I was pushed.” Lucifer, seeing Emily’s own flinch, immediately softened and underneath all the anxiety, Charlie caught a glimpse of the angel her father had been once as he ducked his head and accepted her greeting graciously and with the genteel quality of true nobility. “Thank you for being courteous about this. Tell the High Seraph that we won’t take up any of her time. We… have a deal to renegotiate. It seems Adam’s legions have forgotten what we agreed long ago.”
Emily bobbed her head with a grin and slipped through a portal, leaving St. Peter to anxiously open the Gates without his usual aplomb. Charlie strolled through and Lucifer, feeling somewhat more confident after seeing how Emily treated him, tapped the poor angel’s desk with his cane. “Keep up the good work, Pete.”
The promenade was still full of people dancing about in a joyous display of virtue and peace, but now looking at it, all she saw were people who had somehow gotten lucky. She tried to find a commonality in any of them, something that she could take back and use to prove her point, but there didn’t seem to be a single thing these people had that hers didn’t… besides, you know, the fixation on sin and murder. And, honestly, some of them might have that too, hidden under the surface. Look at Adam.
“Heyyyy, Short Stack! How’s it goin’?”
Speak of the fucking prick.
Every fiber of Charlie’s body reached for Hellfire and only her father’s iron-tight grip on her shoulder kept her from exploding in a rush of demonic energy. Her horns appeared and vanished in the blink of an eye and she focused on deep, healing breaths as Adam, the walking canker sore, swaggered up to them on the promenade.
“They’ll let anyone in here these days, huh?” Adam planted his hands on his hips and grinned. Behind him, Lute bristled.
“Funny. I was gonna say the same thing about you. Hah!” Lucifer barked. All that anxiety he’d worn outside had been cast aside like an old coat- something about Adam had struck the same nerve that Alastor had only in a different key. A beat, and then: “No seriously, how did you get in here? I was there, remember. You also ate the apple. It was a, uh, whole thing, actually.”
“Yeah, but I did it second.” He reached into his ear with his pinky to dislodge a bit of wax and flicked it across the golden streets. “That counts for something.”
Still lingering on the angels’ wishy-washy answer about how precisely one gets into Heaven and with the proof that there wasn’t some actual code to follow right before her eyes, Charlie crossed her arms over her chest and fought the urge to scowl. Scowling gives you lines that make your smiles less effective. Everyone knew that.
“How’s the wifey, by the by, Lucy? Still smokin’?” Adam slammed a hand into a fist. “Oh wait. I forgot. You two are hella divorced, amirite?”
“We are not divorced.” Lucifer began to panic, whipping to Charlie like he expected her to believe any of that shit. There was something in his eyes that spoke volumes about the truth of what was going on with him and Lilith that she would have to unpack later- she hadn’t asked before. It was too painful to bring up. “We- we’re on a break. Yeah, a break. Just a break.” He swallowed, leaned on his cane, and adjusted his stance. “Which is more than I can say for you and yours. How is Eve, by the way? Oh waaaait! She’s in Hell. With me. Just like your first wife. Hah. Man, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say one of us knows how to treat a woman.” Another pause. He leaned into Adam’s space and whispered. “It’s me.”
Adam’s ghoulish face screwed up in disgust. “Yeah, okay, pal, you just drink your ‘respect women’-” are the air quotes necessary? really?, “- juice. You can use it to gargle after you lick my balls.”
“Adam,” Sera’s voice said, coarsely, snapping him to attention with a mumbled aw fuck mom’s home.
She hovered as glorious as ever with her six wings, towering over Lucifer as she landed between him and Adam, shunting him out of her space and into Lute’s. Charlie and Emily both shot him sour looks and held hands in solidarity as they watched the fallen Morningstar engage with the High Seraph for the first time in millenniums.
The seconds ticked on in agonizing awkward silence. Lucifer’s throat bobbed. “High Seraph.”
“Morningstar,” Sera murmured, politely, her shoulders tense. Another long moment of silence followed- clearly she was waiting for Lucifer to explain himself. Charlie’s palms started to sweat, but not Emily’s. Angels apparently didn’t sweat. Her grip alone, however, spoke to her anxiety matching Charlie’s.
Lucifer’s jaw trembled and he finally, finally yanked himself together again. “Maybe we can talk about this somewhere more private? The street is… Open.”
Indeed, they were starting to attract attention. People might not recognize Lucifer on sight these days, but that apple and snake motif was sort of painfully obvious when you thought about it for a moment. Sera gave a nod and circled her fingers in the air to open another portal. “Certainly. Come into my office.”
Adam started to follow and Lucifer thrust his cane to stop him. “No, no. Not you. Seraphs only.”
Adam snarled and lowered the staff. “Your piece of hellsnatch daughter ain’t a seraph, Little Man.”
Charlie saw her father’s eyes light up with a fire she only saw when he had to be in a room with Alastor. “What did you say about my daughter?”
“You want me to say it louder? Or do you want me to moan it, Daddy?” Adam leered.
“That’s enough!” Emily snapped before Sera could, her small form crowding into Adam’s space, all of her angelic eyes open and glowering daggers at the lesser angel. He shrank back. “There will be no more disrespect in this room. Adam, this concerns you, so you will be allowed entry, but please keep your mouth shut.”
Charlie felt her heart squish as Emily brushed off her dress and then strolled through the portal, nose primly in the air. Sera, lips pressed together, only gave a sober nod and followed.
“How come he-“ Adam snarled, but Lute gripped his arm and pushed him into the portal.
“Pick your battles, sir.”
“I wanna pick this one,” he whined as he vanished into the Seraph’s study. Lucifer and Charlie lingered for a moment- one with hope in her heart and the other rapidly descending into the pit of despair after just seconds of glorious, if not damning and futile, wrath. She reached for his hand.
“C’mon, dad. You got this.”
The soft smile melted her heart even more than Emily’s protection had. He stood on his toes to pull her into an embrace and give her a kiss on the head- more to comfort himself than her, she was sure, but she didn’t mind. He hopped through the portal and she followed into an austerely decorated space. Painfully minimalist. Ooh this was not a side of Heaven she liked at all. There wasn’t even art on the walls. Just gray slate with a huge plate-glass window behind the bare desk. Not a single knickknack to distract from its function.
Sera slid into the seat behind the desk, while Emily stood at attention next to her, hands clasped in front of her, eyes still fixed on Adam, daring him to speak. He skulked in the background, intentionally toying with the boring book-laden shelves- also free of knickknacks and personal touches- by running his fingers on the spines or pulling them out and pretending to read them before tossing them at Lute to put back with a bored eyeroll.
Conjured chairs were produced for Lucifer and Charlie, which they took, gladly. With everyone who was going to settle having done so, Sera sighed.
“Let’s talk, Lucifer. What brings you back to Heaven? You were told to never come back.
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lilith-91 · 1 year
Which character is subject to the worst takes in asoiaf fandom, for you?
All of them bruh. Anyway
Gets some of the absolute worst takes ever because of how she treats Jon. The hate has lessened a little bit, but she still has some hard-core haters that will never forgive her.
Sansa's a little less hated than Cat, due to her age, but people (especially ten years ago) would lose absolutely any perspective when talking about her and her poor decisions. People blaming Sansa for “betraying” her family while she was being held prisoner by manipulative monsters who killed her father and could very easily do the same to her is baffling.
Whether people think he's an Angel or Demon, Rhaegar is subject to some of THE worst takes on the internet, and they seem impervious to the fact that we know fucking nothing about this guy. Every “Robert good Rhaegar bad” take is insane in its hypocrisy. Literally everything Rhaegar did, Robert did to a greater extent. Funniest thing is it’s pretty clear subtext that GRRM is pro-Rhaegar; whenever the next book comes out they’re going to be left looking stupid.
Tywin discussions to this day cannot evolve past "He was a brutally effective genius who didn't care about the opinions of sheep" or "He was a bumbling idiot who doomed the Lannister House to extinction because he isn't as nice as Ned Stark."
People will make huge leaps of judgement for their favorite tinfoil theory that they headcanon as true, but will insist that because Stannis says he only wants the iron throne out of duty he actually means it. The man who resented his more successful brothers who he believed he was more capable than all his life sent tens of thousands to die because it was the right thing to do? He can believe he’s in the right while also being driven by his own ego and pride.
A lot of the fandom acts like she's far more morally dark than she actually is. She's the opposite of morally dark. She shoots herself in the foot repeatedly because she's trying her best to be noblebright in a dark and gritty setting. She's the only character in the entire series who fights for a subjugated group without the expectation of any gain for herself.
Mh, i'm not saying anything. It's better lol
Btw, i blame D&D. They ruined the characters.
Books>>>>Show. Always.
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dearweirdme · 7 months
honestly I've been following bts for a while now and I did like taekook and thought there could be something there (can never know for sure so I guess I'm not a believer) but it's become kind of apparent to me that none of these ships are real, like I can believe that some of them might be queer considering they do present themselves as such to those that want to see but when it comes to relationships, with tkk there is an imbalance to me, a lot of the times jk barely reciprocates, and no they don't need to perform their relationship but he constantly puts tae in a bad place and in a position where it's easy for haters to call him a liar and I know they're aware of some of this stuff cus they do spend time online
it seems to me like vminkook are all kinda over the ship stuff, I do believe they're friends but I can also believe that this did affect their friendships in some way, and no I don't believe that tae is lying about tkk for attention, I think they do hang out, it's clear that they're friends but to still claim relationship with how dismissive jk has been, idk if I can really get behind that
Btw, not trying to change your mind and I know this isn't a new perspective or anything, not trying to hate on any members either, just kind of what I've been feeling lately, I still enjoy bts content but the shipping lenses have kind of just come off
Hi anon!
Personally I don't agree with your thoughts on Jk and the way he engages with all things Tae. I think it's an idea that got a lot of traction because of only a few things and it is now being magnified by a certain part of fandom (and highly supported by Tae anti's, Taennies, and Jkkrs). People take a few tiny moments where Jk to them seemed to dismiss Tae, and to me those instances were not that. The constant comparing of how Jk did a live for Jm (also not entirely my reading of that live btw) to him not doing something similar for Tae, Jk's elaboration on Tae recording at his place, some other small moments... it's in reality not actually a thing and he certainly did not dismiss Tae. This fandom has a tendency to magnify tiny moments into something they're not.
I do think Jk is over the shipping stuff. I think Jimin has left that road a whole while ago. I think Tae just really doesn't care much about other's opinions (something he's learned to do over the years). I think all three of them have had conversations about this and to me it looks as though they have settled in a good place together. I don't think they let fandom come between them. They know each other, they know what each of them has struggled through and how much they care for each other.
But, your opinion is your own ofcourse. You are certainly not alone in this and I know you are not the only former Tkkr (or shipper) who has left a ship. In the end, us believing in them or not isn’t important. It doesn't change reality at all.
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finnoahsource · 1 month
Do you think there is less hate now, or at least more people calling idiots out? I only follow the ST account and Ross on IG. For four, five months I've seen so much nonsense, but now I only see 10-20 hateful comments per post. Are most people finally tired? I mean, every actor/celebrity has haters, unfortunately, but I hope it's getting better.
Also, ST fans who are not terminally online are the vast majority, so I'm waiting for THEIR reaction to S5 and Will's big role ;)
honestly, I think yes and yes. it was a rough few months as we all know (I personally couldn't go on my stan accs for a while because I got too frustrated and sad) but so few, even no post really has a powerful effect anymore. which is not surprising because that's just how the internet works, onto the next thing aside from the "reminder that __ sucks" "how can you forget __" type of self titled heroes each time something positive happens. some places (like IG) might have filtered comments switched on so your purposely won't see hate, and that is helpful. I think the biggest thing is still just people being mean for the likes and attention, making a little joke any chance they get and not realising how pathetic it is to everyone outside of their echo chamber.
it's good that people have turned to defending noah because a loud bunch have gone way too far, but I do wish some of them didn't participate as much as they did, or got braver sooner. but at least they are now, that has to be a positive.
just the other day I saw someone tweet about how they snuck into noah's spam tiktok because they "heard he was making fun of palestinians" and they wanted to see (believing that in the first place is just embarrassing) then making fun of that hater bio - and every single reply was calling them out, saying they were proving noah right (about living rent free in his hater's heads), and that they were weird. and then that user decided to say "why is everyone defending noah" trying to be the person who is correct and they got called out again for missing the point 😭
there's definitely a lot more of people posting his face and mentioning his name again which is a clear change to months ago. I've said it a million times but everyone helping normalise his name and face again I'm so grateful for you, we gotta keep it up! you're allowed to talk about him and you're not alone in bringing him up anymore, more and more people are giving up the act
and you're right about the very many stans not in the cesspool that is twt or tiktok comments, it'll be so fun seeing that love pour out 😊🩵
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me when people are hating on Ouma's actions in game like. I just support him, actually
Ves: REAL she looked good doing it
if it were me I would get more crazy for a lot more selfish reasons, and I would punch Kaito back sooner, good for him for keeping his eyes on the goal
fr fr, look at him in the closing argument, that's my babygirl
Ves: the closing argument artist thinks so too
Tumblr media
he did not have to go that hard but HE DID IT FOR ALL OF US. A HERO
haters will act like he's irrational, but he stuck out so long with no support system since he couldn't trust anyone and managed to play things off even when he was finally starting to lose his shit in a situation when it was reasonable for him to feel like this (tbh even fans make him often crack way more easily to make shipping content, when he's so resilient and then on the other hand not really lone wolfing it either bc he cooperated as much as he could) his way of going about things was smart, there isn't much else he could do, Tsumugi was setting up others to distrust him as well
Ves: AAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!! he did he lasted so fucking long in the worst possible situation he tried so HARD to cooperate and it just. did not work. if i think abt how quickly his plans fell apart i will explode i'd b doing so much worse in his situation
sometimes it's just like, you're talking about paranoia? trust and attachment issues? untreated mental illness? I think we have to be introduced, there's so much I could show you. I am not saying he doesn't have anything of the sort, but there's a lot more of reasonable justified distrust there, and still, it could be so much worse, trapping the next person who thoughtlessly assigns him diagnosis in a demonizing way in a room with me and making them listen to me rant about my failed relationships history for educational purposes
they will learn about all kinds of issues
Ves: it's trueee people act like he's so strange for breaking down but LIKE??? HE'S PRETTY NORMAL FOR THAT ACTUALLY???? he clearly already had Issues but the killing game was perfectly packaged to dig into those this is why DRS and UTDP mostly suck at characterizing him they're still stuck in the idea of him at his absolute worst he was nicer even in ch1 than he is in some of those events
[and then my amazing wife dropped this bomb, and she says I'm the smart one smh] Sini: The thing is, there’s him being shitty on purpose and him pretending to be the mastermind/making himself appear suspicious. There is a clear difference in how he acts. In DRS and UTDP he usually just comes across as playful. Yeah he’s a jackass, but I think his whole “bad guy” persona (the one we see in the beginning of the game) goes beyond the killing game. I see it as a way for him to protect himself, to push people away and not appear as vulnerable. As he’s said before, everyone always sees him as a villain so it’s the perfect role for him. I think that reasoning goes beyond what was happening to him in canon. I do agree his characterization could’ve used a bit more reworking, but I think for the most part they did a good job in showing how differently he acts in a peaceful setting in small ways. The fact that he never uses his scary sprites once or is seen to be more nice with characters like Mikan and Gonta. Especially with Gonta, where he seems to be more vulnerable around. And while this was probably just a mistake, I like to think him being shown as not as pale in DRS as a sign of him getting better. In a non killing game environment he seems to be doing pretty well for himself. But that’s what I believe, anyway
Ves: h that's really sweet actually,,,i may have been a LITTLE hard on the side modes. it's mostly the way he treats kiibo that drives me INSANE, the mikan n gonta stuff is [ok hand emoji].
Sini: Yeah, I agree. I can understand the Kiibo hate, but he doesn’t have to go as hard as he did in game. It’s not like there is a reason to suspect him. The only thing that could maybe explain it is maybe he suspects he could be tied to Monokuma? Since he, the Monokubz, and Monomi do exist here. He was rude to Monomi and seems to suspect her of being not what she seems ALSO, he’s always gonna be a little shit cause he’s a greedy whore. He wants attention and entertainment so badly.
Ves: THISSSSS it's so important i have seen so many people question why he does things where the answer is literally just that he wants attention like there is not always a plot sometimes he just wants shuuichi to chase him
Sini: That’s all there is to it He wants his crush to chase him like in his favourite novels Live the fantasy
Ves: it's part of why they're so good together!! shuuichi as a detective is v used to obsessing over details and giving his whole attention to something in the way kokichi wants HE'S A NERD THAT ALSO EXPLAINS MANY THINGS
Sini: They’re both nerds. Even more reason to why they are soulmates
Ves: kokichi receives the Detective Stare and goes TEEEEEHEE
Sini: IT’S HIS DREAM COME TRUE It’s just like anime! He’s living anime rn
Ves: i think his hair should curl up at the ends when he gets excited as a treat
Sini: To compliment Shuichi’s sentiment ahoge When he goes to his room after an exciting day with Shuichi, he flops on his bed, kicks his feet, and squeals into his pillow
I feel a little ashamed when reverse happens and I am posting something someone else started and I took over, but with this all I can say: follow @vespertin-y and leave nice comments for my wife so we can prove it to her that she is smart and her takes are divine.
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queerlikeyou · 1 year
highkey im a hopper hater which is evidently my most unpopular opinion in fan spaces... there's a reason the first letter of acab is A! the character had a lot of potential in s1-2, and i do believe he really loves el, but they shouldn't have made him a cop, shouldn't have made him so violent and corrupt about his power, shouldn't have made him threaten mike including joking about killing him and covering it up in front of joyce- that is a child! and he really does have the power to do that!- and finally, if they wanted me to root for jopper which they did put a lot of writing effort into making meaningful and emotional in s4 and in their build up esp in s1, they shouldn't have made him so controlling and angry towards her in s3. he displayed all the red flags of an abuser and while i'm not saying they'd ever write him to abuse joyce, it teaches viewers to ignore clear obvious red flags that no one should date someone who displays in real life. i really don't love that he'll be will's stepdad. sure, he's not the exact same as lonnie, but neither joyce nor will or jonathan need another aggressive controlling man in their lives. in real life he'd be homophobic, but in the show i doubt they'll show that bc they need to balance the copaganda somehow to keep him seeming likable
omg hi. i don't know where to start. i agree with everything you just said. i'm a firmly hopper disliker for all the reasons you mentioned
the first thing hopper did wrong was simply being a cop idc. then being immature and abusive towards CHILDREN in seasons 2 and 3. and a jealous jerk to joyce in season 3. the only thing i like about hopper is his bond with el, but even that is not the best, his authority turned into violence
if they magically make jim "is he 🤨?" hopper an open minded man it will be plain bad writing idc
"they don't need another aggresive controlling man in their lives" i couldn't have said it better
in conclusion: acab
thank you for your ask <333
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amigac0debasic13 · 10 months
inhaling so heavily so so heavily,, hey guys its me im back. ninjago. This is just a huge rant about me HATING how trauma is handled in this show. ignore this if you do not want to see my HORRORS.
WHY. IS TRAUMA NOT A FUCKING THING IN THIS STUPID ASS SHOW. Im on another rewatch because im FUCKING INSANE but it drives me actually mad that there are so many downright horrific things that happen to these characters that are just NEVER addressed. lets talkabout the fucking first one that caught my eye when I was first watching the show!!! Im basically going from least infuriating to most infuriating, im trying to cut this show some slack but dear god. !!WHY IS COLE OKAY MAN. HE LITERALLY DIEEED. HE TURNED INTO A GHOST. listen Iknow ninjago death means nothing, and im going to talk about that too but he literally could have ceased to exist if he so much as touched water. after he got his body back, why was this never FUCKING mentioned. I think. if I was in a perpetual state of being horrified my existence would amount to nothing and id just stop BEING when I touched some clear shit coming out of my sink id be pretty scarred for life. I loved possession man, but this happened to TWO CHARACTERS. TWOOO. AND THE OTHER CHARACTER IS LLOYD. lets not even MENTION that hes been exploited the moment everyone found out he was a green ninja, and before that a bunch of grown ass people were bullying a CHILD WHO IS ACTUALLY HOMELESS, lets talk about how his fucking body was taken over by Morro while he ALSO worries about his DAD BEING STUCK IN THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD. IM LOSING IT. IM LOSSINGG ITT. On a smaller note, MISAKO ABANDONED LLOYD. KILL HER. I am the hashtag misako hater garmadon deserves better. The show made no attempt for them to bond or try to make amends for what happened when Lloyd was a kid, she barely appears at all really and it just makes me fucking despise her. ALSO MORRO. this kid. reminding you, CHILD, fucking died in a cave. the cave we SAW in the pilot, if i remember right which is FUCKING INSANE>,,?? we SEE HIS SKELETON. THAT IS A CHILDS SKELETON. never mentioned again after episode 8 I don't think. now the MEAT. THE MEATT. whatever the FUCK went on with garmadon after he got resurrected. They actually did cover this a bit with how Lloyd acted around garmadon, but crystalized also sucked ass and really gave us nothing on how Garmadon felt about this. on god im so sick that hes so normal shaped in crystalized too, He was literally growling with every breath in sons of garmadon why is he normal now. Its been years, i get it. also the Garmadon comic. but he SHOULDNT be a normal person whos just an asshole, I want him to be feral okay?? ok??? I am playfully gesturing to Devils Horns by TeuthidaRegina (did i spell that right. idk man. Its a super fucking good fanfic.)
ALSO Vinnys apartment is very inaccurate there should be scratch marks on the walls and then they should kiss. ANYWAYS Besides this, Lloyd being mad at Garmadon was really all we got for how *he* was effected by his once loving father now randomly coming back with his ribs exposed and only being able to say like. 3 words. and also him immediately trying to kill Lloyd. I feel like we should have gotten a LOT more man. Now this isn't really a problem with the show (Its a huge problem in crystalized but that's a given) but more a problem with the fandom, so that's why I'm putting it at the end. this does not hold relevancy over garmadon becoming a BEAST. (also garmadon becoming a beast is the best thing that ever happened in this show btw. you all are wrong and he should have been animalistic from the beginning. still nice. but he should have also growled. all the time.) My issue is with how people portray harumi. I already had my Harumi spout in a post I made earlier, but I only mentioned the toxicity of the ship with her and Lloyd a little bit. Let us THINK BACK on how she literally feels nothing for Lloyd at all. He was a stepping stone in getting Garmadon back, and she probably straight up hates him. She pretends to like him to manipulate him into helping her resurrect garmadon ok?? do we understand?? Ive seen actual tags on AO3 that say "no harumi hate here" and I am so done. all the harumi hate. dont FUCKING talk to me if you want to justify the downright horrendous things shes done. That ship is toxic as hell and Lloyd is downright being abused AGAIN for like the FIVE BILLIONTH TIME IN HIS LIFE. I dont care man. shes an abusive bitch. i HATE HER. Crystalized made the worst fucking decision trying to justify her and I genuinely hate whoever thought that was a good and right decision to make. If she comes back in dragons rising i hope she dies AGAIN, but Im honestly rooting for them to ignore crystalized's existence. Now finally, this is the absolute peak of how Ninjago shittily handles trauma. the ICE EMPEROR. Zane was stuck in a fucking hellscape of a realm for like. what was it. EIGHTY YEARS??? he went fucking mad man, he turned into a bloodthirsty tyrant during that time. and when this seasons conflict was fixed with the "power of friendship" the show literally mentions that the ice emperor is STILL INSIDE ZANES NOGGIN. AND WHAT DOTHEY DOO?? THEY MAKE IT INTO A FUCKING JOKE. its honestly almost disgusting to me how they handled it, Zane has DIED BEFORE. that's bad. he should have trauma. BUT Zane LITERALLY HAS A BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER IN HIS FUCKING HEAD. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ACTUALLY. HE SHOULD HAVE SOME RELUCTANCE TO USING HIS POWERS OR SOMETHING, ANYTHING MAN. HE KILLLED AN ENTIRE RACEE. Genuinely this is one of my favorite shows, and I love adding onto the shaky ass plot and making it better, but I cannot DEAL with this. Im going to throw in the shit that happened in the spinjitzu brothers book, because oh my god Wu and Garmadon should be fucked up with all the stuff they have had to deal with for like. 5 thousand years. but its fine. its okay. its the book series. I wont mention it. (that book series is so good please release the final book please) ((I LOVE wu and garmadon they are some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE series im blinking my eyes at you. please go indepth on those two. also give Wu a dragon form, or an Oni form, or literally anything he IS NOT HUMAN.) Also if anyone tells me im ignoring skybound its because I do not need to say anything about skybound. we all know what happened. we ALLL know what the fuck they did to Nya. and fucking. mister possibly a pedo creep man who does not care about consent. I dont even remember his name thats how bad I hate him .
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somepoetwannabe · 6 months
Wait, hold on I just saw one of yours is named Margo. I assume you're the system who sent us that ask, then? Disregard my previous ask if you're genuinely open to opposing viewpoints, I just saw anti-endo posts and was very confused. We're working on a response to your ask, it might be a while given that we have a lot to say though.
In the meantime, I would just like to say that reblogging pro-endo posts with anti-endo arguments is not particularly productive. I'd still encourage y'all to just block the tags instead.
It was us, yeah A lot of us have varying opinions on endos, but have a current overall stance of "A system can't be formed without trauma, but if I'm proved wrong I will accept that" Margo is generally open to wanting to understand Me personally I'm a little hater because I don't see any proof a system can exist without trauma and I'm kinda sick of the plurality tag being taken over by kids who are just roleplaying as their favourite characters while we out here tryna survive the crippling reality of C-PTSD Also kinda sick of being fake claimed as a polyfragmented system with a good amount of introjects ( idk if we are introject heavy but I'd say it probs close ) and a lot of "cringe" alters just because we're literally exactly the type of systems fakers pretend to be
I'd never fake claim individuals specifically, just to clear that up. My criticizing of endos should never be taken personally and is a critic of the endo theory At the very least, I think endos should stay out of DID and OSDD spaces Also I only tag my stuff anti endo so it's easier for people to avoid it, whether that be because they are endo and don't wanna hear it or because they're anti endo but don't wanna hear about endo shit. Same for the syscourse tag -Asher
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7surreality7 · 6 months
Or, am I?
So, he did it. Tae just went ahead and did it!
What did he do, do you ask?
He has successfully pushed me into the deepest pit there can ever exist of Deluluness. It's so deep and dark that I fear I might not get out of it ever.
To be honest, as a Viminie , I trust that even though we are all delulus in some way or the other, we always seem to have our heads more or less fixed well on our shoulders.
Like, I for one have always believed that the chances of Vmin being a real ship lie somewhere at 50%. I believe it is one of the two most probable ships within BTS that can actually be a reality. I never weigh anything at 100% even if I am absolutely sure of things, I think it is always good to leave room for challenges and an open mind for when you could be proven wrong/ delusional.
So here I was sitting pretty in my semi-delusional corner of the Vminie world. Happy and kind of content at the thought of the two of them being besties and soulmates who have promised to live and love each other forever and ever (well, you know that's one fact that can never be taken away from Vminies, heh) and seeking comfort in the pretty cute and heartwarming content we were served before their military enlistment, starting from Vicnic. I swear I miss them every day but I was getting used to the idea of not seeing them together at all until June 2025. I was coming to terms with it.
However, Tae, our sweet boy decided he was having none of it. He cannot let viminies go on about their lives in peace and seems like HE decided he would go ahead and make somethings very clear.
Yessir! There shouldn't be any doubts left in Viminies' minds, he thought. Jiminie and I, just friends? pfft! he thought. Let me just put an end to this weird phenomenon. And he did that, in so many words.
Friends, just for now
Yeah, but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just
Friends, just for now (Just for now)
Now, I'm over pretending
So let's put the "end" in friends
The ending chorus- like a frenzied mantra, playing over and over and over. Badgering us, the listeners, the fandom, the supporters even the antis and haters with these lines. Almost defiant. Tae has tried subtle hints enough! He seems to have thought I have to take matters into my own hands now, Jimina, I need to let it out to the world that seems blind, LOL! He's done pretending, he is so clear about it. He's been over pretending he says. Poor baby needs a break from all this facade of playing the friend only. Tae has other complicated feelings that need to be addressed. We get you, Tae. I literally chuckle multiple times while listening to this song.
A lot of viminies pointed out stuff from the MV that is painfully Vmin coded and even a guarded shipper like me could not help but fall for. The most unambiguous one is the string of heart-shaped red balloons. That one makes me go awwww and makes my heart all mush and I almost melt away. Or the covers of Friends and Fri(end)s simultaneously in Blue and Pink coinciding with the couple's toothbrushes in the MV. Or for that matter the teaser that had the letters friends in Red string unravelling. There are others too but I will cap it at just these three. Very distinct, very visible, very Vmin.
I am not capable to write song analyses. I don't even attempt to. There are wonderful writers out there who do so beautifully and I do enjoy reading those analyses. Especially anything to do with Jimin, V, or Vmin-related songs. So, I won't really say anything more than what I already did. This song moved me so much. I applaud Tae for being so brave and releasing a song like Fri(end)s. He obviously thought this through a good amount. No shallowness.
Come to think of it, it would actually be a little cruel of him if he came up with a track with the same name as the Vmin anthem but which was a love song, directed at someone other than Jimin. It sounds crazy to even say it, type it, but it is not. I am writing from a densely delulu place but I feel as if Tae has given us viminnies permission to do so, lol!
Sooo, to conclude, I am experiencing the most delusional phase of my life as a Vmin shipper currently and I wanted to vent it out.
Still, even in this phase my conviction for them being a couple is not a 100%. As I said before, I am way too guarded in all aspects of my life and I like to keep possibilities of things not going the way I envision open to protect my own heart. I can definitely say that I am more confident in Vmin today than I was yesterday but after all I know only as much as Vmin chose to show/ say. We will never really know until we KNOW.
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opla · 9 months
Hello. I hope my message doesn't come off as mean or judgemental. I wanna talk about the OP/OPLA fandom.
I fully agree with the criticism of Taz Skyler, but 98% of the OP fandom worships Oda like a God when he's friends with 2 mangakas who are child predators (the Kenshin and Toriko creators)... I love OP as much as any other fan (I don't give it my money though), but I wish fans didn't feel the need to kiss the creator's ass so much, or make excuses for him using his clout and money to promote his predatory friends.
People in the fandom saying that Taz or the potential casting of Jamie Lee Curtis as Kureha will "taint" OP when the creator already did that feels like people don't take CSA as seriously as they should. Almost anyone who brings up Oda's terrible taste in friends gets shut down with poor excuses or treated like a "hater".
OP is also a story full of fatphobia and misogyny, where Oda makes it clear that the only women worthy of being seen as attractive and worthy of devotion need to be thin and have big breasts. People fight me on this one all the time, but the treatment of fat female characters like Alvida and Shinobu proves I'm right.
Again, I love OP... but it's been flawed before Taz Skylar tweeted anything.
hello! it's not mean at all & i agree 100%! oda is incredibly flawed & there's a lot to criticize about the original manga. i've actually spoken about oda's misogyny in my own personal blog before.
this is why i'm not acting like still enjoying opla is a sin (or one piece in general), even tho the cast may be problematic. if i did, i would stop running this blog at all. i am merely withdrawing my personal support from the cast for the sake of my sanity to be frankly honest.
i'm glad you brought up these issues & sent this message, so thank you! honestly part of the reason i'm excited for the live action is to see them hopefully rectify some of the major issues with the animanga, like the horrendous fatphobia, certain characters' (like sanji) misogyny & queerphobia, etc.
i agree that judging opla & its cast, while pretending that oda & the original content does not have plenty of issues is indeed incredibly hypocritical. i'm also not a fan of ppl using the genocide in palestine to speak ill of opla in general bc they never liked it to begin with. it's honestly disgusting & disrespectful.
i think the bottom line is that it is important to be aware & critical of what we enjoy & the ppl involved in it.
thank you once again for taking the time to send this message, i really appreciate it!
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