#to be honest i just want a cat .
lanternmice · 1 year
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are they... you know🏳️‍🌈
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medi-bee · 19 days
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isat pokemon au, my liege?
my rambling in tags
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#my art#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#pokemon#siffrin#mirabelle#isabeau#odile#bonnie#i am not individually tagging pokemon sorry. floragato eevee ursaring scorbunny meowstic <- for anyone who does not know them#im personally a big fan of when artists mold pokemon designs like clay to fit their characters so i tried to channel that#siffrin really does have the perfect mystery dungeon backstory. washes up on a beach with no memories of their past type of deal yknow#i imagine that he was still a sprigatito then? and evolves at some point during their journey? dont ask me for details i dont know them#veryy tempting to make him an absol but ive already seen that done very well!! so i kept most of these to floragato sif#mirabelle being an eevee is suuuch low hanging fruit sorry. i could not resist the evolving pokemon not wanting to evolve trope#i was concerned that sif was no longer shortest party member until i realized they just stand on their back legs all the time to feel talle#when quadruped like mira he is still shortest. sorry siffrin#isa gave me such a hard time. like i never thought i would turn a character into ursaring of all things but it really was the best choice#my other choices were bewear or pawmot if you care. he’s so bear coded#if going purely based on looks i probably would have made odile a sneasler. but i wanted her to be psychic#ill be honest bonnie was purely vibes. they carry the treasure bag :)#never draw bonnie's hat in profile worst mistake of my life#loop is still cat shaped here but i’ve seen the idea of them changing species thrown around. much to think about#i like the idea of the party seeing sif and loop side by side and immediately clocking their entire deal#the change god is mew btw. very important information to no one but myself#eurasie as hisuian zoroark?? lots of hair. and the king can be darkrai#don’t mind the inconsistencies. me and my 2781 ways of drawing the same character#wait what does an eevee look like again. googles it. oh i really crabbed this one up#uhh. looks around. been sitting on this one for a bit too long i think. maybe ill clean up some more sketches later
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opikiquu · 7 months
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Cult of the lamb updated so yknow what that means? thats right more doodles of this fam and this fam alone yippee!!
I was not expecting the crown to jumpscare talk to me so now it gets a personality that’s fun
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pearlpearluniverse · 4 days
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cogcltrcorn · 1 year
I think post s4 kendall got himself an absurdly expensive and care-intensive dog (probably like the size of a horse) and he spends like all of his time on taking care of it and walking it and dragging it to dietitians and he is soooo annoying about it. and honestly? I think it would be good for him. like he needs something absorbing in his life and nothing is more absorbing to a rich white person than a dog. also the unconditional love would serve him well.
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madrabit · 3 months
Ooh you know I'm gonna take you up on this offer of more fantastic BoJan content! Could you please do one with a mix of 15 and 17 ? (A passionate kiss to distract from something) thank you <3
Yes! We need more BoJan (and I know you know that very well :3), there can never be enough of the two of them! And yes, ofc I can do that! I hope you enjoy it!
And for everyone else, feel free to also send me a prompt if you'd like to!
Send me a number and a ship and I'll write you a kiss! 🩷✨️
15. ... passionately + 17. ... to distract
The silence in the room was suffocating. It coated the space in a weird blanket, making every noise stand out and the ticking of the clock on the wall seemed awfully loud.
Jan was tense, his shoulders pulled up, hands clutching at each other, fiddling with a pick he had found in the pocket of his pants, while his jaw was clenched tightly. His breathing was strained, a frown permanently etched onto his face since they had entered the vet office and he was aware of the vibes he was giving off as he shifted on the uncomfortable plastic chair.
A few seats over a small dog barked, drawing Jan's attention with the high pitched sound and the woman holding the dog gave him an apologetic smile, while she shushed the animal. Jan didn't react, instead he let his eyes fly to the informational posters about how to calculate your pets age on the wall in front of him, over the little calendar next to it displaying pictures of kittens, puppies and other small animals and finally landing on a brochure about how to properly care for exotic pets.
"Are you alright, Janči?"
Bojan's voice was quiet, calm and incredibly warm that Jan couldn't help but look away from the picture of a gecko perched on a branch and meet the shorter man's soft brown eyes.
"Yes", he answered shortly, letting out air through his teeth. He flicked the pick, sliding it through his fingers and his leg started to bounce nervously as he threw a look at the clock, still loudly ticking away.
It had been barely five minutes since the nurse had taken Igor from him. He had watched, almost helplessly, as the young woman had carefully taken the pet carrier from his hands. Igor had been quiet, rolled up on Bojan's sweater that they had put in to keep him comfortable. Usually he would have put a fluffy blanket he had specifically bought in the box, but when he had found Igor laying on Bojan's discarded sweater, the cat hadn't wanted to move an inch and buried his claws in the fabric, still holding it in his little paws as Jan had picked him up. Bojan had let out a giggle and had just taken the sweater to lay it out in the transport box for Igor.
"It's okay, he's a brave little kitty", Bojan said softly, reaching for his hand and interlacing their fingers, immediately knowing what was making the taller man this upset. Jan looked down, seeing Bojan's smaller hand in his and while it might have helped usually, the feeling of worry just didn't fade and he was still tensed up.
"I hate that I'm not allowed to be inside with him", he said lowly, squeezing Bojan's hand maybe a bit too hard as the shorter man rubbed his thumb over his knuckles, not that his boyfriend complained.
Jan had felt his heart drop into his pants as he had seen Igor limp last night after coming back from one of his strolls outside, favouring his right hind leg as he hoppled through the living room. The cat didn't go roam the neighbourhood on his own often, preferring to stay inside and cuddle up with him and Bojan on the couch. Most of the time, Jan would go take a walk with him, giving him the space to explore, but still being there for Igor to return to if he felt unsafe.
The dog barked again, whining a bit and Bojan cooed softly at the pomeranian. Jan was sure that his boyfriend already would've asked if he could pet the dog if the older lady hadn't clutched the animal against her chest protectively.
"It'll be over soon and we'll get him back, he'll be fine", Bojan whispered, playing with the dark haired man's fingers.
"Usually I was allowed to come in with him...", Jan grumbled, his leg still bouncing as he looked through the otherwise empty waiting room again. Next to him, Bojan shifted, putting his head on Jan's shoulder. Soft, brown hair tickled his neck as the shorter nuzzled into his hoodie.
The vet was new, taking over the office of the previous doctor, who had retired. Jan had liked the old man a lot, trusted him to take care of Igor and wasn't bothered if he had to stay behind while his little furbaby got treated. But this guy was new. And Jan didn't trust him yet, didn't know if he was good at his job or not.
"They're taking an x-ray, Janči, I'd be surprised if they allowed you in there", Bojan mumbled, pulling Jan's hand into his lap to take it in both of his, giving a reassuring squeeze. Jan let out a huff, the frown deepening even more. He was tempted to pull away, wrap his arms around himself to hide the way he was still fiddling with the pick in his hands. But before he could think about it further, Bojan stood up abruptly, getting Jan onto his feet as well.
The smaller man didn't let go of him as he made his way out of the waiting room, not even as Jan asked him what he was doing. He didn't even answer, just walked over to the little bathroom, opened the door and pushed Jan inside, swiftly following his taller boyfriend into the room.
The click of the lock turning was all Jan could hear before lips attacked his, arms wrapping around his shoulders, a hand on the back of his head pulling him down into a kiss.
Jan let out a surprised little noise, his own hands almost instinctively coming to rest on Bojan's waist, even as he wanted to move away. The singer didn't let him, just pulled him closer as he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue dart out to trace Jan's bottom lip.
It took a few seconds for his brain to catch up, before he reciprocated the kiss, biting Bojan's tongue and letting it slide between his lips. He wrapped an arm around the younger's waist, pulling him closer and leaning even more into it, almost making Bojan bend over backwards as their tongues met.
Bojan moaned softly into the kiss, his hold loosened slightly as he melted against Jan, his hand dropping to the nape of Jan's neck, playing with the slightly shorter hair there. The touch made a shiver run down his back and he let one hand slide under the sweater his boyfriend was wearing, softly caressing the skin on the small of Bojan’s back.
He felt himself relax as the kiss turned messier, mind only focused on walking Bojan a few steps back, pressing the shorter man against the wall next to the sink. His hands slid down further, coming to rest on that plush ass he loved, when a muffled bark ripped him out of the thought.
"We shouldn't do this, what if they are done now", he said lowly as he pulled back, or rather, tried to pull back. Bojan cupped his cheek, turning his head back again to press feather light kisses to Jan's jaw, rubbing his nose over the dark beard, kissing his way up.
"Two minutes", the younger whispered against his lips, "just a little bit longer, yes?"
Bojan stared up at him, dark eyes hooded and soft, so soft that Jan wanted to melt from the warmth they radiated. Instead, he just leaned in again, bringing their lips together in another kiss that had them both gasping for air.
A few minutes later, they stumbled out of the bathroom, making their way back to the waiting room. The woman, still holding her dog, gave them a pointed look, staring at the little red blotch forming on Bojan's neck that the singer had tried to cover up with the collar of his sweater. Jan gave her another frown as they sat down, reaching for Bojan's hand. The scrunched up, sunshine smile he got in return made his nerves relax again.
They barely had to wait for another ten minutes, spending the time talking quietly, when the same nurse from earlier called for them.
"His leg is just sprained", the vet said as soon as they entered the room and Jan felt his body relax in relief, eyes immediately on Igor. The cat was laying on his side on the table, cleaning his front paws while his tail was swishing behind him, showing his discontent at the whole situation. The second he noticed Jan, he stopped, looking up at his human and gave a loud, clearly unhappy meow.
The vet laughed slightly while he looked over Igor's file, noting something down. "He's gonna be alright in a few weeks, but I wouldn't let him out in that time, we wouldn't want him to break a paw."
Jan nodded, stepping towards the table and leaning down to give his cat a little kiss on the head, right between his fluffy ears.
"He's very well mannered, so it went faster than we thought it would. You can go upfront to pay and then you're all done."
"Thanks", Jan said to the man, who just nodded and then walked to one of the doors to disappear into another room, most likely to get back to the lady with the dog.
"Do you want to take him?", Bojan asked as he picked up the transport box, but Jan just shook his head.
"I can't, i have to pay, you should cuddle him a bit, you know how he gets after a vet visit", he answered, taking the box from his boyfriend. Bojan just gave him a sweet smile as he scooped up the little furball in his arms, giggling softly as Igor immediately bumped his face against his chin and started purring.
"Sometimes I think he likes you more than me", Jan said with a grin, finally able to relax completely now that he knew everything was alright.
"No, he doesn't, I'm just the one who gives him treats all the time", Bojan laughed, turning to the door that Jan dutifully opened for him.
"And I think you deserve all the treats today, don't you, Igor?", Jan heard the shorter brunet coo as he made his way to the front desk, the pet carrier slung over his shoulder.
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songofstrawhats · 6 months
Hi yes hello I cannot stop thinking about Kaya going off to medical school (I think realistically she'd be in more of a private internship situation but GO WITH ME HERE) so she's at med school and her classmates are like ooh girl have you got a special someone we can hook u up if not
And shes like hahaha there is sort of someone he's so sweet and such a fun storyteller he was really there for her after her parents died and they both left home to follow their dreams but they write and she hopes they can make something together someday
And her classmates are alternately like aww how sweet or like babe if you don't wanna go on a blind date you can just say so you don't have to make up a canadian boyfriend
And Kaya is mostly very good at medical school and very helpful when her classmates are figuring out how to study and sometimes she doesn't know basic things about how the world works but they all help each other out and then sometimes she'll do something concerning like stare out into the ocean and say 'oh I hope Usopp is having fun out on the Grand Line'
And they're like ........right okay he's a storyteller isn't he lmao the Grand Line is a metaphor hahahahaha for a moment there I really thought your not!boyfriend was out on the Grand Line for real or something hahahaha
And Kaya's like no i was seriously he actually is, last month he sent me a letter about [insert relevant plot point here idk I'm only at Alabasta]
And her friends are like ...........as a Marine? Kaya please say that your not!boyfriend who has run away to follow his dreams and ended up on the Grand Line joined the Marines. Or that he's lying to you. Kaya please say psych right now
And then they conveniently walk past a wall of wanted posters and Kaya is like OH LOOK THERE HE IS RIGHT THERE!!!! Awwww his bounty has gone up I'm so proud of him ^v^
And her classmates are there just like ......... and reassessing everything they know about her lmao
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ghostwaffleheimer · 2 years
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Not to be concerning but this idea has been floating in my head for a bit and I'll probably abandon it after this so here: Rootspring and Shadowsight are still hurt from the trauma of what happened in the Dark Forest and the loss of Bristlefrost, and sort of tumble into a relationship to cope with it. Root is an emotional wreck and Shadow is uncertain as to his worth as a healer so it's not exactly the healthiest. They have shit to work on.
I'm sure it's obvious that flowers aren't really something I draw a lot, but the ones shown are gladiolus, hyacinth (which are my two favorite of the more "flowery" flowers), calendula, and peace lilies.
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samwise1548 · 1 year
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I saw this dress and immediately went “JON” and then I saw THIS dress
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And went MARTIN
And then I thought “oh my god your cute lil jmart in cute matching dresses” so if you’re feeling up to drawing it would rock if you did lol
I dunno if you meant to send that to me since I didn’t ask for drawing requests. But the dresses were too interesting to pass up the opportunity! Hope this drawing is to your satisfaction.
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[ID: A drawing of Jonathan Sims, a short brown man with scars and greying hair, and Martin Blackwood, a fat white man with ginger hair streaked with white. Jon is wearing a brown, long sleeved dress with a pattern of cat faces printed on. Martin is wearing a green, sleeveless dress that exposes his arms to his shoulders, printed with flower and teacup patterns, and a bonnet on his head. Both men look at each other fondly. Floating hearts in red and pink circle around the pair. \End ID]
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transamus · 6 days
I know I'll feel better after my injection and everything feels so much worse bc I'm late on it but really fuck this whole year it's been actually so bad so far
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icicleteeth · 1 year
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Aaa I forgot to share... I haven’t progressed much since updating Skyrim and mods took so much outta me, but I actually made a new dragonborn this time around... I modeled her after my cat...
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daz4i · 8 months
ik it's not good to latch onto a mental illness as your defining trait but also. babe i don't have much else going on or any other sense of identity beyond it
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mercuriallily · 5 months
I've said it before but like. If you like Cats I don't think you should criticise Les Mis by calling it long and confusing
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twilightarcade · 1 month
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that's a weird dog
#wordstag#notwordswordstag#neptune wgen it's being normal about that eclipse thing#drawn at late oh clock it's like 2am right now . I think I'm gonna darken the eyes in the morning#or I won't. You never know with this guy.#anyhow I'm in bed now and I'm sooooo cozy.#ok so [mr beasts] this drawing was a 'let's use all the brushes in the sketching section & see what happens' thing#I think we're going 2 do another one w/ a smaller canvas size because I wanna . Try something. & this canvas was way too big#(<-I've been using the same canvas 4 like . Ages. And some IDIOT refuses 2 just move the sketches over(#literally whoever invented patterns on clothing should go explode . Do you have any clue#it's ok though . Fun exercise in whatever it's called. Perspective. If it was evil. ( I am failing the exercise)#ummmmmmm I thibk that's all. Spent way longer on this than I meant to. But the REAL criminal here was anzu because#That was supposed 2 be a warm up. Of sorts. I don't really do warm ups much if I'm going 2 be honest#trying 2 get into the habit but me drawing is more like . I'm going to draw 5 things in one sitting take it or leave it#ok guess who just . Fixed it.#I could point out like a million other things wrong but I'm not going to [smug cat picture] I'll leave that up to your imagination#ok umm how many tags is that . Not enough ? I want 2 do those whatever u wanna call those things again#yyou know. Peeks in my inbox.#ddude I might want to uh. I might want to crop this thing.#landscape is fun and all but seriously I can't#whatever. Officially a tomorrow me issue. Guess who's headed to sleep baby.#tomorrow neptune here I ended up cropping it after all.cod bleAmerica.ca.#anyhow I don't think I mentioned the . The Animal?
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