#to be the others sword and shield and arms that holds them safe
found-wings · 1 year
so you want me to stop fighting. I see how it is, taking away my joy in life" LMAOOOOOOO accurate reaction from etoiles after almost passing out from blood loss that he didn't even know he had
but OW THE PAINNNN OMGGGGG his literal instinct to deny help with his injury as he's had to push through almost every fight with the code alone so patching himself up with potions is something he's used too, but in those fights he had adrenaline to keep him going with tough injuries. every wound and injury was almost instantly undone with splash pots but here an injury was left to fester and drain him of energy- only difference though is that here he's with allies and friends who can help patch him up before things get too bad aaaaaaaaaa I LOVE WARRIER WITH 💞💕💞💗💞💖💞💞💕💞💖💞💗💞💞💗FRIENDS💕💗💖💞💕💗💖💞💕💞💕💞💕💗
also crying codebreakers is so special to me especially etoiles body allowing him to zone out for a bit while having his arms wounds tended too as the threats gone and he's around someone who he doesn't have to protect as much as others on the island as phil's more versed in combat then the average person living there and can compose himself before being fully grounded again once he's had time to register the injury and phils finished healing him AAAAAAAA CODEBREAKERS PUTS THEM IN A GLASS JAR WITH HOLES IN THE TOP FOR BREATHING AND SHAKES IT INTENSELY AND WATCHES THEM GLOW LIKE FIREFLIES AND PUTS THEM ON THE SHELF TO LIGHT MY ROOM UP - 💿
I don‘t know why but I adore Characters that just.. have this deep trust in each other that just can‘t be described, different than they have to everyone else - like the way that Etoiles insists on pushing through and brushing off Phils concerns surrounding the wound, but he still let‘s him treat the injury. He still let‘s Phil sit him down somewhere and take care of it, while Etoiles doesn‘t attempt to fully fight back how he starts to zone out because Phil’s here.
He has the trust in Phil that he let’s himself be vulnerable in a way, because he trusts Phils skill and abilities, his confidence and determination when acting.
Etoiles doesn‘t attempt to brush it off playfully with lighthearted comments anymore and the silly banter between them only starts up again when Phil finishes up the injury, waiting for Etoiles to be properly grounded to hold an actual conversation with him.
They are both warriors and fighters, yet they are just as gentle with each other when the time calls for it.
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Overblot Universe (5) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Part 1 • 2 • 3• 4
The sight of a giant cauldron falling from the stormy blotted sky and falling on the Overblotted Riddle felt like sun beams shining through the darkest storm
Feeling the weight of your outfit practically disappear you wobbled as you stood leaning on Jade who finally came out from hiding behind your throne
It was Epel and Jack who safely removed the mirror from the altar dressed in the overblotted guards uniform without the imposing collar
Deuce and Ace appeared themselves flinging spells left and right warding off the guards that tried to get to their Queen
You wanted to stay and watch maybe even call them over but the vice dormleader squeezed at your shoulders to get your attention
“Let’s save our pleasantries for after we’ve left the blotted dimension. Wouldn’t want to ruin our plan right?”
“Oh right! Yeah!”
You lean on him while you descend from the platform of the stage Overblotted Riddle had set
Going down the stairs you two came across it seems like smooth sailing despite the chaos
“Halt! Where are you taking the King!?”
It was to blotted Roseguards armed with wands and unaffected by the disorder masking your escape
“Kidnapper! Unhand the King or we’ll be forced to—Agh!”
The one guard curled on his side clutching it which was pouring with spurts of red and black
“Move and that will be your neck.” 
It was Silver and Sebek bringing the guards to their knees and clearing the path for you with long swords and wands
“I’m glad you’re alright (Y/n) I worried we’d be too late.”
It was really nice to see them 
So nice it almost brought tears to your eyes
“This is nice you two but we need to get to our rendezvous point. Quickly.”
The bite in Jade’s voice made you urgent as well
Urgent enough to shutdown whatever Sebek was opening his mouth to retort with 
With them as your shields you all made it past the divided army, occassionally passing by some familiar faces or one familiar face
“Hi (Y/n)~<3” “That blotted get-up looks good on you~!” “I’d love to see it off!”
“H-hi Cater.”
“Awww how we missed your voice! Get to the spot! We don’t know how much time we have before it happens.”
Deciding not to question what ‘it’ was you let Jade drag you out of the castle’s garden
A ways away you could see Epel and Jack were currently in front of the mirror they saved
Working together to put it in a specific position
Making the mirror flicker to life as it shimmered with magic
Activating the doorway to send you home
You were about to cheer when a sinking feeling took hold of you feeling the weight on your head return from the inky crown that you’d forgotten was so heavy
The sound of something iron being broken brought a terrible resolution that finally told you what ‘it’ was
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itstimetojellyfish · 4 months
Haven’t I given enough? ( Yes , now rest) ( Dan Heng x reader)
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It sucks , how you always run around , and help people . And once you’ve done the work, they think that have the right to push you around to becoming their personal servant . An
That was only Belabog , the Lufou was worse .
Well, not for you . Dan Heng had it way worse than you . He was forced to get off the train to help his friends only to be attacked and unwillingly revealed his past .
Also the astral express plus the dozing general fought Phantilya ! That’s a very hard task to complete!
Mean while you just ran around helping people , enduring their insults , and getting tired , that was nothing compared to them !
Geez… how useless are you?…..
However , as time flies by , the memories you buried at the back of your head , came back . The memories of flesh and blood being torn from you just to save other people .
The memories of what used to be friends turned into betrayal . What used to be just a potion , was a curio that was destined to burn scars into your flesh . Now , you can’t view anything the same as before . Everything had a dark side and now you’re wary of everyone .
March coming into your room unannounced? Sword to her throat .
Caelus being loud? An outburst for him to be quiet .
Welt attempting to soothe your nerves? A suspicious move that may be trying to lead you to your death .
Himeko brewing coffee for you? A poison that’s trying to end your life .
Just how stupid are you? You try to calm your nerves, saying that their friends , but the mind can forget , the body and subconscious can’t however . Soon your in the archives sulking in a corner despising yourself for how utterly rude you’re being with Dan Heng warily looking at you from his spot .
(He’s the only one you haven’t lashed out on yet)
You don’t blame him for being suspicious of you . You refuse to show any skin , any past , or anything about you now . You snap at people and almost insult them .
( You wish you weren’t alive so you wouldn’t hurt people like this)
You pick at your fingers as you feel his stare boring into your soul and hear his thoughts about how disgusting you are. It’s honestly deserved .
Soon , you move to another corner where he can’t see you and start to cry silently. You hate yourself for being so rude .
( But haven’t you given enough?)
( You’ve went around helping people while they insult you . You blindly trusted your friends only for them to betray you and leave you as they escaped . You swallowed a so called medicine when in reality it was a curio that almost killed you and made you experience excruciating pain for months)
( So tell me , haven’t you given enough?)
You thought that was just a voice in your head but in reality, Dan Heng was right next to you crouching down and holding your head , gently wiping away your tears.
“ Wait what?…” You stare at him in shock as you try to come up with a reasonable response why he knows all of this .
He looks at you for a few seconds and then gathers you into his arms while revealing his true form to you . A cool , teal tail gently wrapped around your waist and rubbed against you .
“ I did some researching , there was a legend about a person , who faced great obstacles. Both mentally and physically. Friends betraying them , flesh being torn out of their own will to save others .
There’s a lot . There’s even one where a potion was supposed to help them but it was actually a curio . Basically they were used as a meat shield and testing subject “ He caresses your cheek .
“ If my theory is correct , based off the reactions you give and the reactions in the legend . Is it safe to assume you’re the person who is mentioned in the story?”
You freeze , then all the memories come rushing back , the faces that were so blurry became refined in detail .
But with memory of friends , comes the memory of pain.
You break down sobbing as you remember everything single thing that happened to you . You’d expect Dan Heng to stay still but he doesn’t .He coddles you and keeps you warm , gently draping a blanket over you .
“ So I was right….” He murmurs to himself .
You start to tire as your exhaustion hits you like a truck . Dan Heng notices this and just rocks you to sleep as you drift off .
You struggle to stay awake but he just continues to coddle you and just says . “ Rest, you’ve given enough “
Once the reassurance is given that he wouldn’t hold it against you for sleeping , you close your eyes and fall asleep .
Soon , neon blue eyes are glowing and a dark promise is given .
“ I won’t let you suffer again .”
Thanks for reading! Have great day!
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ixtaek · 2 months
They were all incredibly kind.
Zelda watched them as they helped the former residents of Skyloft—moving supplies, crafting tools, teaching the patrols how to defend themselves from the dangers of the surface.
The Hero of Hyrule demonstrated how to tell if water was safe to drink. “You want water that’s moving, and ideally deep.” He grinned as he ladled out of a bucket. “It’s best to boil the water and let it cool. That will get rid of any toxins and germs that might be lingering in it.” He tried to take a sip but the water poured out faster than he expected, pouring down his front as Kukiel giggled at him.
A vision flashed through Zelda’s mind, overlaying the scene. The Hero of Hyrule gripping a sword, blood dripping down his tunic as he struggled away from a monster clawing for his face. The beast cackled as the Hero tried to swipe at them while his shield arm hung limp, shield dragging—
She blinked, Hyrule’s laughter as he dumped a spoonful of water on Kukiel as well breaking through the vision. The girl squealed and shook her head to send droplets flying.
The Hero of Twilight and Time lifted a log into place, letting the builders work to secure it in the new cabin wall. The two seemed to have a bet going about who could hold it up longer. Their arms both shook from the effort of—
A boy, barely reaching her knee, breathing heavily as he shoved his shield forward to block a blow by an undead monster. The boy lowered his defense to fumble for his sword. The monster took the blow without flinching, long teeth slavering as it unhinged its jaw and screamed—
The scene dissolved into a long bridge. A snarling boar pawed at the other end, tusks stained with blood. The monster astride its back howled a battle cry, a small child held aloft on its spear. The hero to her left gasped in horror, his blue eyes locked on the child. He spurred his steed forward, sweat dripping down his face as—
“I yield, I yield!” Twilight yelped. The wall was already secured as the hero fell back, giggling. The Hero of the Wild accepted his ten rupee bribe from Time before continuing his tickle assault on his mentor.
A mere boy staggering as the lasers hit him in the chest, the side of his head gushing blood, arms still trying to hold up a shield to protect—
She turned, almost falling against Link’s chest. Sky’s eyes were soft as they traced over her face. “Are you… What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She tried to smile, ignoring the wetness in her eyes. “I’m fine, Link. Just a little out of sorts.”
The divine blood in her burned. Link smiled and pulled her closer, hugging gently.
Soft hands wielding a flaming sword, lighting crackling through his body. Fighting a demon that should have been slain ages ago by the gods, by— by—
“… By me…”
“What?” Link held her at arms length so he could look at her face. “Zelda, what are you talking about?”
“All of you… none of you should have had to go through what you did!” Zelda could feel the tears on her cheeks. “Hylia shouldn’t have put you through all of that. She—I—used all of you! It’s all my fault for not defeating Demise sooner, before you ever had to step in and clean up my mess!”
She pushed away. Many people were staring now, villagers and heroes alike.
Falling from the cliffs as a giant bird became a smaller and smaller speck in the sky, the screams of his sister like—
—hounds baying in the distance, knights brandishing swords as his short legs fled—
—waves of foes overwhelming their defenses, his brothers in arms falling around him, the weapons clattering as they fell from their limp hands—
—the blade his grandfather made going flying as the blow meant for Zelda hit him head on, the wind ripping at his tunic as he heard the curse strike his friend—
She couldn’t stand it. Her feet were moving before she knew where she was going.
“Zelda! Wait!”
She kept going, the visions buffering her every which way. A mask clamping—his body fracturing—a traitor’s blade in—the island fading into—the malice clinging to his—tentacles lurching forward—his own face rendered in dark—reaching for her as a tornado sucked her away—
Zelda blinked, looking up. The impassive face of the goddess stared down, without a trace of pity. Hylia. The divine protector of her people. The holy maiden. Her.
The one who had failed, who had sent them all to—
—dark magic suffocating his split mind—sparking a flame so they wouldn’t claim his blood—the magic of the woods stripping his flesh—the dark water—the endless fighting—the intrigue—the—
“Why?!” She screamed. “Why would you do it to them? Why make them suffer?! They are just boys, and you—I—we break them down and don’t even care that we do! They must hate us for—“
“Why should we hate you?”
The voice made her wince, spinning around, covering her mouth. The heroes, all of them, stood a careful distance away, Link at the head of the group. It wasn’t him who had spoken.
The Hero of Legend ambled forward, looking up at the statue. His sharp eyes scanned the goddess, and he sighed.
“I was 11 when my uncle was killed. He held my hand as he died.” He closed his eyes, grimacing. “He wasn’t killed by Hylia, or the golden three. He was killed by a wizard called Agahnim.”
“When I was 12, my best friend got turned into stone.” Four shuffled his feet. “It wasn’t Hylia who did it. It was a sorcerer named Vaati.”
“When I was 10, I was trapped in a time loop trying to stop the apocalypse.” Time ignored the whispers by the others at this admission. “It wasn’t Hylia or the goddess of time who started that disaster. It was a demon named Majora.”
“And my sister got taken by the Helmaroc King!”
“My village children were taken by Zant.”
Legend looked at her sidelong. “And guess who was behind most of those threats?”
“Ganon.” whispered Hyrule, running a finger over his gauntlets. “It’s almost always Ganon.”
“But—“ Zelda scrubbed at her face. “But it’s my fault! Why didn’t I stop Demise before he could do that to you? What sort of goddess sends children to fight her battles?”
Time snorted, moving closer to her, careful not to invade her space till she nodded weakly. “Zelda, do you think we wouldn’t have done those things?”
She blinked. “What?”
“Ya think I wouldn’t have gone after my sister? No one had to make me!” Wind grinned. “In fact, nothing would have stopped me!”
The others nodded.
“But I saw it, the terrible things you went through! Hylia watched, and you suffered!” She gestured at them all. “What you’re still suffering! This quest—“
“Sounds to me like we have a goddess literally lookin’ out for us, even now.” Twilight crossed his arms, smirking. “Probably wouldn’t have ended as good as it has without you protecting us.”
“As good as it—“
Smiling and blushing as the newly awakened princess kissed him on the cheek—gripping the rails as the new land swung into view over the horizon—watching the reflected world bloom back into life as Lorule’s Triforce was restored—hugging the children as they rode back into the village—fields of blue flowers blooming underfoot as he rode along and watched the reconstruction—the proud smile of his father as he worked with the squadron instead of going rogue—joining Zelda and Lana as they stood before the cheering troops, Hyrule free once more—Malon looking radiant as she walked down the aisle—clutching their daughter, the first Princess of the newly founded Hyrule—
Link took her hands gently. “If Hylia didn’t care, why would she—or you—have watched out for us the whole time? If you didn’t care, why would you be so upset by what we’re going through, if our own free will?” Zelda sniffled, letting him hold her. “We don’t blame you. It’s Demise’s fault, or Ganon’s. Not Hylia’s. And not yours.”
She squeezed him, looking up at the statue. Her smile was gentle, her wings spread overhead, sheltering them all. She swore she always would watch over them.
Till the very end.
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Of Six People, Three Must Pay A Price (Jingliu x reader)
"There used to be a statue of you here..." Jingliu noted silently as she gracefully walked through the bustling market street.
Even while wearing a heavy blindfold, Jingliu moved with complete confidence and grace; never once stumbling or colliding with another person.
Returning to The Xianzhou Luofu after all this time was bring back many forgotten memories for the old forgotten Sword Champion. While many were just mere flashes to days gone by, a small handful were memories so clear, (so precious), that for a moment she could almost forgot where she was; and what she had done.
No matter which type of memories they were however, all the of them included you.
'The Shield Of The Alliance'
Many centuries ago, everyone in the Alliance knew about the (man/woman) who held that title. But to her, you would always simply be (Your/Name); the childhood friend she had grown up, and the (man/woman) she had fallen in love with.
Once when you were both still children, Jingliu wondered why you decided against learning how to wield a weapon like she and the other trainees were doing. And even while wrestling with madness that Mara-sickness brought, Jingliu could still remember the answer that you gave her that day.
"Honestly? It's cause I think there more than enough people on this ship who are learning how to fight. But to really give people hope again, what everyone really needs right now is a protector. A...shield that will keep them safe."
Naturally there were people who mocked you for that. Afterall, how where you supposed to fight the abominations of Plague Author with just a shield?
But no matter what they said you always stood tall. While the others were busy fighting, you were the one who made sure that they would all get back home alive.
And no one dared to mock you again after you had managed to singlehandedly holdoff an attack from the Reignbow Arbiter.
Most people if they heard that story would have called you a liar. But thousands of ships had born witness to that awe-inspiring moment, and thousands more were saved because of your actions.
You and Jingliu fought side by side for hundreds of lifetimes. And the things the two of you did became the stuff of legend.
But now, her beloved was forgotten by the world. Hidden away from everyone as though they were some shameful secret from Luofu's past. (And all because of your connection to her.)
Your place among the honored dead was another thing that she had robbed you of.
When the Mara inside her body became too much for her to bear, Jingliu went on a rampage. She massacred the Cloud Knights under her command and everyone else in sight. There was a reason why she was known as the Sword Champion. Her skills with the blade were unparalleled, and anyone sent to stop her would've died a fool's death.
And so, the task was left to the only people who did stand a chance; (Your/Name) and Jing Yuan.
For hours the three of you fought, and you and Jing Yuan did everything you could to take Jingliu down without killing her. But when (Your/Name) hesitated for just a single moment, it was more than enough time for Jingliu to strike.
With expert precision, her blade tore through your chest and came out your back. And it was only the spray of your blood landing on her face that gave Jingliu a moment of clarity; as she awoke to the horror of what she had done.
As she stood frozen, you used the last of your strength to wrap your arms around Jingliu, and then she heard you tell to Jing Yuan to finish it.
Look over your shoulder, she saw the pained expression on her student's face before it was replaced with grim determination. And with the Thunder Lord having been summoned, the world became a sea of thunder.
Jingliu closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around you as the end approached. She knew she didn't deserve forgiveness for all the lives she had taken, nor did she deserve the comfort of your embrace.
But when you tightened your hold on her, and said one last "I love you", Jingliu closed her eyes and whispered it back.
That day should have been the end for the two of you, but purely by accident, you saved her one last time.
A life time of being a protector had engrained it into your body to protect others first. Entirely unconsciously, you shifted slightly so that your back was turned towards the on-coming attack. You bore the full brunt of the attack's power, while Jingliu, (though battered and broken), survived.
For centuries there on, Jingliu journeyed from planet to planet; attacking everything and everyone in sight. She became adrift in the galaxy, and now without you there to ground her, she was now entirely consumed by the Mara-sickness.
For centuries Jingliu spiralled out of control; spending whole decades as something no better than a rabid beast. The Mara-sickness was all consuming, and it made it impossible for her to think or remember who she truly was. It was only the flashes of your time together that gave her any peace.
But slowly she found a way. Somehow over the years she managed to regain just a tiny bit of control over her fractured mind. She knew it wouldn't last long however, so before she lost herself to the madness once again she returned to the Loufu.
Of six people, three still needed to pay a price.
And Jingliu was one of them...
Once her business was taken care, she would pay the price for everything she had done to you.
She only hoped that you could forgive her...
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 2 years
Being  Corlys’ Bastard Daughter in a  Secret Relationship with Rhaenyra Would Include...
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I started writing this weeks ago and recently finished. Kinda went ham on it, sorry if it got too long! I’m also working on fics about this concept so stay tuned. Also spoilers for House of The Dragon up to episode 7, Driftmark. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
• You were Laenor and Laena’s half sister, since you were Corlys’ bastard daughter but you were legitimized in his eyes once you came into adulthood. 
• Rhaenys accepted you with open arms, seeing you as a daughter just as she saw Laena and Laenor as her children respectfully. 
• You didn’t care much for lady-like duties, choosing to chase behind Laenor and the other knights of your house to train in sword and shield. Corlys had his issues with it of course, but as long as you did what you could to keep up appearances, he was fine. Rhaenys was there to teach you all about being a lady, while sharing much of the fierceness a Targaryen could hold.
• Like Laenor, you had different tastes to what was expected of you. 
• You much preferred the company of the ladies of court as your father frequented Kings Landing as King Viserys’s master of ships. Being around other ladies of court wasn’t frown upon much, you were safe from rumors, unlike your brother Laenor, it was easy to navigate yourself through your specific tastes since close bonds between women of the court were common.
• It remained common as you could keep them, a few lingering smiles here and a few compliments there, until you met the crowned Princess herself, Rhaenyra Targaryen.
• She was betrothed to your brother Laenor but he didn’t see her like that, yet you did. The Princess noticed you, and complimented you accordingly:
“You’re just as pretty as your brother, Lady Y/N,” Rhaenyra said before kissing your hand. 
• Laenor may have been her betrothed, but Rhaenyra spent much time with you: listening of your tales amongst the sea with your father while Rhaenyra told you stories of dragons, even mentioning that she’d like to take you on the back of Syrax if you’d like to. 
• During Laenor and the Princess’s wedding, the both of you kept running into each other on the dance floor. Her eyes tracing your body as she moved from man to man, attention on the way the music took you. 
• Kept a close eye on you until the violence began, going straight towards you, keeping you safe through all of chaos. 
“I need to find my brother!” you said.
Rhaenyra shook her head, hands still holding yours. 
“I must protect you for him, my lady.”
• You knew you had feelings for the Princess after she married Laenor. The ten years away from her while she was in Kings Landing and you on Driftmark made you crave for her presence again. So you wrote to her, along with Laenor and Laena, respectively as she was in Essos. 
• Rhaenyra oft wrote back, telling of her children and how much she missed you. She detailed your beauty in her letters, joking about how she’d rather be the wife of another Velaryon than your brother.
• You gushed at the letter once it got to you, thinking over a fortnight of what to say back to the Princess. It was treason and down right wrong to think of Rhaenyra in a nonplatonic way yet the Princess’s words drew you with so much tenderness inside. 
• Rhaenyra’s letters kept arriving, wondering when you’d get back to her: both physically and by letter. You didn’t mean to leave her in the dark, but after hearing about her relations with Harwin and how she adored him saddened you. You wished to be the sole love she adored.
 • You didn’t write her back until Laena’s death, pouring out everything you thought for her and the hate you felt for Laena going off with Daemon to Pentos, for making Rhaenys a wreck and making your father quiet, so much so that he didn’t talk much until the funeral. 
• You and Laena weren’t the closest, yet she always made an effort to understand you the most, boasting that the blood of old Valyria was still strong in you, whether you weren’t full Velaryon or not. She never looked down or joked about your preferences, encouraging it along with Laenor.
• Laenor took Laena’s death the hardest though. You tried sticking by his side during the funeral, trying not to crack under your uncle Vaemond’s words of Velaryon blood, glancing at Rhaenyra’s own boys and you. It made it hard for you to handle your grief when anger bubbled inside, forcing you to clutch your hands tightly that red nail marks carved at your palms.  
• Rhaenyra noticed however, prompting her youngest son there, Lucerys to comfort you in some way. The boy reluctantly looked to his mother, than to you before bounding over (thanks to a stern, yet easygoing nod from Rhaenyra) and taking one of your clasped hands into his tiny one. 
• Your wall of rage tumbled just a bit, breaking your intense focus to see your nephew staring with wide eyes, steady and ready to bolt back to his mother and father if things grew awry. All you wanted was some one there who understood your pain, your rage, your heartbreak. You knew of the rumors, you may have been away from court but the gossip always ran throughout the seven kingdoms. The words bastard and Strong thrown around carelessly of Rhaenyra’s boys so much so that you felt terrible for them or even considering the truth that they weren’t Laenor’s boys.  
•Whether they truly had the “saltiest and thickest Velaryon blood” didn’t matter, even though  you were a Velaryon in Corlys’ eyes, yet in other members of the house’s eyes you were still the Sea Snake’s bastard daughter. A title you could never escape from. You didn’t know what Lucerys went though but you held his hand anyway, pulling him close for a hug. You may not know what the boy went through but it had to be something similar to your own strive.
•The boy hesitated but returned it immediately, clutching onto you for the rest of your uncle’s speech. You felt loved, you may have only met your nephew but you could tell Rhaenyra and Laenor loved and raised him decently so far. 
“I-Is aunt Y/N all right?” Jacaerys asked as he approached you and Luke, holding his mother and father’s hands. 
Luke glanced up at you expectantly, hugging into your side, as if asking his brother’s question a second time.
“Y-Yeah,” you said. Your voice rough but you tried your best in sounding all right. “T-Thank you for worrying about me, boys.”
Rhaenyra met your eye as you ruffled the boys’ hair, totally not buying your words at all. 
“Laenor, take the boys to bed, please?” Rhaenyra said. She patted your brother’s arm before continuing. “I’ll be along shortly.”
Laenor seemed just as worn out as you, doing what his wife told was simple yet he still was rather sluggish in taking Jace and Luke’s hands, leaving you and Rhaenyra alone. 
 • Rhaenyra drew closer and like her son, she was cautious of touching you. 
“Alicent, and her father have been watching me,” she said as she glanced past and beyond you discreetly. “Walk with me to the beach?”
“Have I some how entered your circle of rumors, Princess?” you said.
Rhaenyra smiled weakly. “Something like that, my lady.”
  • Once you walked enough of the beach and nightfall began to cover you both thanks to the decline of the sun, Rheanyra took you into her arms, wrapping you close by the waist.
• Her touch. Finally feeling her skin, her warmth for over ten years made the emotions bubble up in you yet again as tears flowed from you. 
“I’m here,” Rhaenyra whispered. She pressed a hand to the back of your head. “I-I’m so sorry, Y/N”
You held onto her, crying into her chest, babbling about everything you held against you for the past ten years.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” you sobbed. “With Laenor being your king consort and Laena dead, I possibly couldn’t be Lady of Driftmark or Lady of the Tides as a--”
Rhaenyra took your face before you could even say the word bastard. Through your tear stained eyes you saw her own crestfallen expression, water clinging to her own eyes. 
“You are a true Velaryon,” Rhaenyra declared. “It may not be official but I promise as queen you will be. It will be my first act.”
• The Princess then kissed you, hard, fierce and fiery as kissing a Targaryen should be. You shivered in her arms thanks to the brisk air Driftmark held, especially close to the sea as night continued to crawl through the final peaks of sun.   
  • Rhaenyra’s hands traveled over your waist, holding you as if you’d sail away at any moment, ship off for another ten years. 
“Come with me, us to Dragonstone,” Rhaenyra said. Desperation written on her face as she panted from your previous make out. “Be my lady in waiting, my sworn sword, I don’t care I-I just need you with me!”
The words “sworn sword” hit you in a sour way. 
“Like your former? He’s replaceable? W-Would I be?” you said.
Rhaenyra’s grip on your sides grew rough; you gasped at the slight pinch in pain as she pulled you to be inches from her lips again. 
“I loved Harwin, he can never be replaced,” she said, solidifying your worries. “But he isn’t you. A-And what I feel for you isn’t quite the same as I had with him.”
You shook your head, speaking the truth of the rumors. 
“You’d have children with me?” you said. “I-If we could?”
“I would and more, you’d be my Queen consort instead of your brother,” the Princess responded cheekily.   
• The both of you shared more kisses, along with touches that lingered. Rhaenyra wanted to go further, you both did but the lost of loved ones sought you both against it for now. 
• When you both found Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena bloodied from their scuffle with Aemond, you immediately formed a shield around all your nieces and nephews with Corlys, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. 
• Luke clung to you instantly as Alicent tried attacking the boy, almost cutting you if Rhaenyra didn’t stop the mad Queen first. 
  • When Alicent cut Rhaenyra, you were at the Princess’s side but not before Luke scurried to her left, you to her right. You held her as she bled, immediately calling for a maester for not only Rhaenyra’s wounds but for that of your nephews and nieces as well. 
• You stayed by her side as the maesters stitched her arm. Luke clung to you again, asking his mother if she was all right while Jace held your other hand. Rhaenyra reassured him with a kiss on the forehead before doing the same to Jace. 
“You boys have cause a lot of trouble tonight. Now go off to bed, for real this time,” Rhaenyra said. 
Her boys did what they were told but not before hugging Rhaenyra then you as well. 
• Rhaenyra began to notice how much her boys got attached to you, especially Luke and deemed you as a second mother to them after your permanent stay on Dragonstone, and having them squire under you and Laenor.
• You became a quasi mentor to your nephew Luke, since he’d inherit Driftmark as Lord of the Tides. Of course he had trouble getting seasick but you still reassured him that he’d make a fine Lord of the Tides and helped him during short sea trips from Dragonstone to Kingslanding to help him adjust to life on the sea. 
• Rhaenyra would always fly over with Syrax to ensure that the both of you arrived and departed safely. 
• She always welcomed you with a tight embrace, checking over you as soon as she was done ensuring Luke was in one piece. 
•  Rhaenyra always found time to be alone with you, always thanking you for being amazing with her boys and always made sure you felt all right here with this family she cultivated on Dragonstone. 
“I hope you feel a part of this family as much as I believe you are,” Rhaenyra said while she held your hand. She cuddled next to you while she played with the braids of your silver hair. “Have ever I told you how beautiful your hair is?” 
You grew sheepish at her words, especially at the mention of being her family, finally a part of her life and finally able to be with her. 
“You really see me as your family?” you said as you tucked yourself against her chest. “What does that make me? Secret lover to the heir apparent?”
Rhaenyra shook her head and gave you a deep kiss. 
“You will be my only sole lover, Y/N Velaryon, a true Lady of Driftmark right next to the Queen of the seven kingdoms.”    
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
Number 15 for Alucard, it'd be so cute!
A/N: I don't think this is the fluff you were expecting LOL I promise it's a happy ending but the angst took over. In case you (or anyone else) was wondering the song is Cherry Wine by Hozier (i'm in my feels right now about this man I'm sorry) Anyways I hope you like it mwuaaah
"Sing to me again" x Alucard
Alucard couldn’t think of anything except you and the baby while he was on the front line. The village had been so peaceful, for long he nearly forgot there were still monsters crawling around in the world. The stragglers that had grown stronger, the ones who persevered throughout the days, weeks, months. The stragglers that had already killed some of the makeshift infantrymen, the ones who have had nothing but time on their hands and are so hungry they see red. The stragglers that had Alucard running out to defend the village while you stay hidden away deep in the castle, barricaded and locked behind the safety of your shared home. They were evolved, instantly locking onto the dhampir who was the strongest amongst the men, bloodied grins widening: teeth sharp as blades that could tear through muscle and sinew with ease.  Alucard steadied himself, gripping a little tighter onto his shield and sword, kissing its hilt and imagining your sweet face, the sweet face of his newborn daughter, and lunged.
You were frantic, trying so hard to stay calm if only for your energy not to be poured into the babe huffing and crying in your arms. You’d been trying to put her to bed, but how could she? How could she sleep when she felt your panic, your anxiety pulsing into the very air she breathed in? How could she sleep when your soothing rocking was more jarring than anything, your voice shaky as you shushed her? How could you ever expect her to calm her sorrows when, if you tried hard enough, you heard the incessant howls and screeches from the deadly monsters outside castle walls.  You prayed, you prayed to all the deities and gods that could ever possibly exist to bring your Adrian back home. You’d never worry like this, he’s so strong, fending off the monsters with ease. But you’d never seen him so nervous like this either: having the heavy knocks of men on the castle doors begging for saving. The sheer strength of the creatures overwhelming them. 
What felt like days passed, it could have been a few minutes, it could have been a few hours. You’re not sure, you and your daughter going in and out of sleep, waking at every creak and bang that was heard. You shushed and cooed, steadying yourself the best you could to maybe sing a lullaby to your darling girl. “Shh, shh, I know sweet pea--I miss him too. But he’ll be safe, he’ll come back..” You whispered, kissing her forehead as a tiny hand balled into a fist rubbed at scrunched up eyes. 
Her eyes and words are so icy oh, but she burns like rum on the fire. Hot and fast and angry as she can be, I walk my days on a wire. 
It looks ugly, but it’s clean, oh momma don’t fuss over me.
Way she tells me I’m hers, and she’s mine. Open hand or closed fist, would be fine. The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
The cries lulled to a few whines and whimpers, holding her to your chest as you continued your hushed tones.
Calls of guilty thrown at me, all while she stains the sheets of some other. Thrown at me so powerfully just like, she throws the arm of her brother.
But I want it, it’s a crime, that she’s not around most of the time.
Way she tells me I’m hers, and she’s mine. Open hand or closed fist, would be fine. The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
Singing has calmed you enough to keep a gentle bounce, baby slowly falling asleep in your arms. You internally sighed, thankful that at least the immediate worry of your child has been quelled. 
Now all you can do is wait for your beloved.
Alucard ended the life of the final monster, hearing the victorious cries and hollers of the villagemen around him. He was grateful the battle had ended, retreating quickly to your shared home, finally able to hold you in his arms. Slowly, he opened the doors, knowing any sudden movements could stir his (hopefully) sleeping baby girl. He didn’t want to increase your stress, already guilty that he had to leave you in disarray. He made his way to the room he’d left you in, sure you’d still be in there: the nursery. The very nursery that you two built with your own hands, right next to his old bedroom.
Just like Vlad and Lisa.
 As Alucard got closer, he heard small hiccups and babbles from his daughter, along with the soft singing coming from you. He recognized the song, a song you’d often sing to yourself when you thought he wasn’t listening. The same song you’d sing into his hair when he was half asleep. He pressed the door open, his heart stopping at the very sight of you whispering the song into your daughter’s fluffy mess of a head, eyes closed. You hadn’t noticed him, and he was grateful. He wanted to just take in the moment, all panic and anxiety of constantly thinking that something might have happened, that something might have gotten through the castle, all quelled the moment he saw you both. 
He let you finish, giving you a moment before softly knocking on the door, your eyes darting to him immediately, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “Adrian..” You whispered, voice heavy. He crossed the threshold, kneeling at your feet and holding you both without disturbing the sweet babe. “Oh thank god you’re safe.” You did your best not to cry, you really did, not realizing just how scared you were for his safety. But he was alive and well and back in your arms. “I’m here now, love, I’ll keep you both safe always.” He whispered into your hair, looking down at his baby with adoration. 
“I heard you singing, love.” You hummed, calm enough now to put your girl down in her crib. The moment you sat back down though, Alucard’s head rested on your lap, hugging at your legs. You pet his hair, combing your fingers through the blond tresses. You hummed the melody of the song to him as his eyes fluttered close, breathing even. By the end you’d thought he’d already falling asleep, instead he spoke a whisper: “My darling, will you sing to me again?” Your heart clenched, and with a smile you responded:
“As long as you keep coming home to us, I’ll sing to you every day.”
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[Image Description: A 9-panel colored Legend of Zelda AU comic  “Linked Spirit”. The panels all fade into each other, with no rigid boxes around them. Panel 1: Hope's hand is shown passing the Cross to Briar's hand. Hero's Spirit is shown in the circular center of the Cross, eyes blank, and clothing closer to their body, not the ghostly look. Hope says "Behold! Our time-traveling Ghost!" Hero, shown on the side in Ghost form, eyes wide, says, "What? I'm not-" Briar interrupts, saying "Oh! I see... How did this happen?" The background fades in a teal flame-like look, Hero's scarf creating a line between the top panel and the rest. Panel 2: Hero, hylian and wearing a page's tunic, sits overlooking castle town's outline, next to Marin. Marin says "I want you to know... I'll always be here for you." Panel 3: Marin narrates "I know you've had it rough," Hero is shown hidden behind the corner of an alley, looking at a Knight nervously. They hold a piece of bread next to their mouth. Marin continues "That you fight everyday just to get enough food." Panel 4: "I know that taking this apprenticeship with the Knight Captain will give you a roof and food and money..." Marin says. She's shown behind Hero, arms crossed as she looks at them sadly. Hero looks determined, looking forward. Panel 5: "But I worry. You know?" Hero is shown in a fighting stance, sword raised forward, shield up. They have a few minor scratches. Marin continues "I just don't want you to get hurt." Panel 6: The background fades to a soft pink. Marin lo...oks at Hero while she sits next to them, holding their hand. "I want to keep you safe. For once, once, I want to see you safe." Panel 7: In another memory- Hero is shown putting a white bell-like flower in Marin's hair, surrounded by plants, Hero says "You already do... You're my best friend." Panel 8: Hero and Marin, back to present, sitting, hug. Hero says "But you have to trust me. I'll be okay." Only Marin's face is visible, her expression sad and worried. Panel 9: The background fades into a purplish clouded rain. Marin is in a deep purple hooded cloak, hugging Hero, who is in the classic green outfit. She holds a dagger, which is jabbed into Hero's back, mirroring a panel from the first page. Marin says "It's okay." End ID]
Aw Friendship! :D (Also, there's a discord now- Discord Server Link)
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mactiir · 3 months
sword misconceptions part 2: shortsword
Post series: longsword | rapier | buckler | dagger | spear
so as I'm getting back into fantasy lit as a historical fencer, there are a lot of things I am noticing cropping up in swordfights that are inaccurate or flat out wrong. So i wanted to write a post for my fellow writers putting down a few things I've learned in 2.5 years of swinging the actual weapons around!
Disclaimer: i REALLY wanna emphasize this because in my last post someone decided to get cute (and wrong) about this. Historical terms for weapons were NOT STANDARDIZED. There as no "one" longsword/rapier/shortsword etc when we're talking about a weapon that existed for hundreds of years across an entire continent. And "shortsword" especially is not a specific term. As how you use weapons are governed more by their properties than their names, you can generalize many things that may not have historically been called "shortswords" under this term. There are like five or six different weapons which have distinct traditions in HEMA which match the fantasy game description of "shortsword". So I'm talking here about any one-handed, straight-bladed, double-edged sword with a (mostly) simple hilt/crossguard and a blade length typically between 2 and 3 feet. As "shortsword" is a generic and not a specific weapon descriptor, this covers what we in HEMA call arming swords, gladiuses, some messers, and probably a bunch of other types of swords I can't think of right now (the "simple hilt" rule is because I'm putting italian side swords and scotch broadswords in a different category. They feel really really different to wield than an arming sword/messer, and classing them as shortswords feels wrong).
Misconception 1: dual wielding shortswords is safe and effective.
When you dual wield, you really REALLY want different length weapons in each hand -- like a dagger in the offhand. Otherwise they cross over each other, get in each other's way, and generally slow you down and mess you up. We'll dual wield matching weapons for fun sometimes, but it strangely feels very unsafe and most of the time you have to resort to windmilling (getting stabbed in the chest as a result). Is this a skill issue? Maybe partially, but there's another reason to have a shorter weapon in your weaker hand, and it's physics. Maintaining parry structure and speed in a full size blade is really hard to do in your weaker, non dominant hand, so if you're going to hold an offhand weapon, you want it to be something that can't be easily wrenched or beaten aside, and instead something that has more leverage (like a short lil dagger!) so that you can turn aside incoming hits without the sword getting blasted aside. If you have a character that's really, truly ambidextrous they might be able to legitimately dual wield full length weapons, but most of the time this one just looks silly.
Misconception 2: since it's a one handed weapon, you shouldn't use your nondominant hand at all.
One of my favorite things about slashy one handed weapons like messer and arming sword is that your offhand still gets a job, but it has to diversify its job prospects! Most "shortsword" traditions aren't like modern fencing the way saber or rapier are, where you only use your sword arm. In messer, which is a very grappling-focused system, your offhand's job is to grab your opponent's arm, put them in joint locks, seize the opponent's blade after you've locked it in a bind, and otherwise be a nuisance. In arming sword and buckler, the offhand holds a lil shield, whose job then becomes to suppress the opponent's sword by shoving the buckler into a bind, protect your sword hand, parry afterblows, or deny entire target areas to your opponent. Most shortswords are NOT weapons designed to be used without backup from your other hand in some way. Don't just have your character hacking an arming sword around. Have them close distance, grapple hard, yank, push, armlock, trip. Shortswords don't grant the luxury of distance longswords can. You have to be up close and very personal.
Misconception 3: shortswords are faster than bigger weapons.
And in close quarters, they sure as hell ARE faster, because that's where longswordsget jammed up by proximity. But "close quarters", in this case, is "less than five feet apart". I'm talking CLOSE. Correct to: measured by speed of the hand, you can swing a shortsword more times per minute than a longer weapon. But a few things equalize that: their length, so you have to step in to score a hit, making them slower; and their relative lack of mass. This seems counterintuitive, but think of it this way: cutting a longsword around often just involves redirecting its velocity, which is already trying to continue forward due to its mass, in a different direction. Cutting a shorty around often involves restarting the whole cut: it's probably stopped against your opponent's weapon or bounced off, so you have to re-engage your swinging muscles to get it moving again. This is why when you watch sword and buckler or messer fighting, fencers will often avoid binding their blades at all costs and instead repeatedly disengage under or around each other's blades instead -- because in this situation, with good footwork, the sword actually FEELS its proper speed. A two-handed sword is going to be faster and more nimble than a one-handed sword in almost all cases UNTIL you get close enough that the longsword wielder can no longer move their sword properly -- which is well within the longsword's cutting range.
Misconception 4: shortswords are for weaker characters than longswords.
My beef with d&d 5e is that every sword SHOULD be a finesse weapon with a strength prereq to wield. Yes, shortswords ARE lighter than longswords, but only by about a pound. Add that to the fact that you can only use one hand to hold it and the fact that you're probably trying to swing it faster due to being practically in the other guy's teeth, I find short swords actually more physically taxing to wield than longswords. They burn out your dominant shoulder BAD and there's no way to relieve the weight on your arm without dropping your sword and probably taking a point to the chest. Yes, they are easier to pick up. They are harder to fence/fight with for extended lengths than longswords, at least to me.
That's all I can think for now! Hmu with any questions or confusions.
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novantinuum · 2 months
Fandom: Steven Universe Rating: Teen Audiences Words: 4.2K~ Summary: Connie clenches her fists at her sides, envisioning a world where she still feels the safe, comforting weight of Rose’s sword strapped upon her back. But instead, it’s the Crystal Gems’ darkest, most forlorn hour... and she’s absolutely useless to them. Is there anything she can do to aid them in this struggle, anything at all? (Or: the beach fight in Reunited, but from Connie's POV.)
Woo, cleared another long-held WIP out of my drafts! I've always been very interested in what the beach fight was like beyond Steven's little mindscape adventure- and also, given her sword breaking, I thought Connie had a lot of potential mental angst to explore in that moment- thus this fic was born.
I highly recommend you read this one on AO3, it has some special formatting I cannot replicate on tumblr.
It’s not that she hasn’t seen a sentient Gem poof before, but there’s something about the raw brutality by which Peridot’s form is torn asunder by Yellow's energy bolts that makes Connie feel outright sick to her stomach. She’s unable to bite back an alarmed yelp as she watches that green, triangular gemstone plummet into the sand, wholly inert.
(Ever the bold knight, Pearl strides in front of her and Lion, brandishing her spear in a wide-sweeping defensive stance.)
“Stop!!” Steven hollers, so loud and with such frenzied intensity that his voice breaks midway through the vowel. He darts forward to address the two Homeworld matriarchs directly, straying away from the safety of the rest of the group… away from the Crystal Gems, away from his dad, and away from her.
Her heart’s re-enacting a high tempo concerto in the confines of her chest, sweat beading at her brow as her mind grasps to understand what exactly he plans to achieve by pleading mercy from the two most powerful Gems they’ve ever faced while at such a strategic disadvantage. Peridot’s down, the house is wrecked, her sword’s been shattered, and worst of all, every last offensive effort they made against Blue alone only managed to knock her to her knees. Love him as she may… what impossible kindness is capable of standing against such ruthless might as this?
“Don’t do this!” he stubbornly continues anyways, and throws his hands in gesture towards his chest. “Listen to me— I’m the one you’re missing! I’m Pink Diamond!”
The militant monarch’s eyes narrow into thin, loathing slits the moment this claim (carrying almost unbelievable consequence, but true nonetheless) passes through his lips into stark reality.
“You…!” she seethes.
Yellow Diamond breaks into a terrifyingly swift sprint towards their party before any of the other Gems can shift even a finger to react.
Steven’s name urgently explodes from between Garnet’s lips, as if her split-second warning (much less a warning coming from someone who’s standing by the splintered wreckage of the house a good thirty feet away from him) would make any difference at all, as if any force in this universe— magical shield or not— could stop such a tremendous, terrifying presence from enacting her merciless judgement once it’s set in motion towards her mark.
The diamond’s foot plummets down upon the nigh-defenseless boy with the sheer unrepentant force of a freight train slipping off the rails.
Connie screams.
A boundless eternity passes within the depths of her soul, nestled in that vulnerable space between heartbeats. She watches the dust settle as she leaps off Lion's back, watches that cruel matriarch lift her heel from the massive crater she’s conceived. Still holding her breath as if a mere, misplaced huff of air could permanently shift the course of time in some brand new terrifying way, she locates Steven lying motionless in the sand. His suit jacket is scuffed and dirtied, and one of his arms is contorted in what— from her years of soaking up ambient anatomical knowledge through her mother’s stories about work— appears to be a wholly unnatural alignment.
(One of the Gems— she’s so distraught at this point that her mind is unable to process who— shouts his name, voice laced with an unfettered urgency. As expected, there’s no response.)
And then, with zero warning whatsoever, the waking world around her explodes into chaos.
Garnet bares her gauntlets against Yellow Diamond without even a second thought, shouting with a primal ferocity Connie’s never seen from her before. Pearl and Amethyst and all the rest of the Crystal Gems boldly follow her charge, weaving together their attacks in flawless devotion until practically operating as a single-minded organism. All in all, there’s simply too much happening to reliably follow. Spears, whips, and hammers clash against their towering foes to no success. And how could they? Compared to these diamonds, they’re nothing but fleas scurrying across the shore. They’re outmatched, fighting a battle that’s cursed to be lost. In the end, even the full splendor of the ocean’s might at Lapis’s beck and call fails to land a satisfying blow. Blinking back confused tears, she clenches her fists at her sides— harboring anger at herself (for ruining her weapon, stupid, stupid, stupid), at Steven (why on Earth did he voluntarily put himself in danger by trying to reason with them?), heck, at this whole damn galaxy— and envisions a world where she still feels the safe, comforting weight of Rose’s sword strapped upon her back.
But instead, it’s the Crystal Gems’ darkest, most forlorn hour... and she’s absolutely useless to them.
A strong palm lands on her shoulder, gentle yet urgent in its hold. With great reluctance, she pries her gaze away from the chaos of battle in the distance, the skin around her eyes dampened and puffy.
“Connie, w-we should go,” Mr. Universe says, his voice wavering with barely-contained grief. He glances beyond her for just a second, and she’s almost certain he’s looking at his son, his body crumpled in a broken heap in the sand at the heart of the battlefield. “I can’t let another one of you kids get hurt on my watch.”
He’s already reaching forward to grab her by the arm— too panicked by now to think about such fundamental things like politeness or personal space— when she makes her bold decision.
“No! I can’t leave yet!” she proclaims, brushing his hand away. “There’s still something I can do. And it may be stupid, and dangerous, b-but…” Connie wipes away a sudden wave of tears, matching eyes with her best friend’s dad. She flashes a watery smile. “It’s what he’d do for me, yeah?”
His expression surges with palpable dread as she turns her attention towards the fierce skirmish raging behind them.
“Wait… w-what—?”
She takes off running before he can even finish his question. In any other situation she might feel guilty for spurning his protective instincts— for leaving him in the dust, altogether anguished in his terror, shouting her name with an urgency that downright seizes at her pounding heart, begging her to not throw herself into the chaos of the field— but there’s no time to waste, not here, not ever, not when Steven’s very life may depend on the actions she takes now.
She has to pull him away from all this fighting before he gets crushed in the fray… or worse.
“Someone— cover me!” she cries out, nearing the front lines. Her foot collides with something hard and cold. She gasps, her glance snapping down in an instant. It’s a stray can of soda, unopened, something one of the party guests must’ve dropped while evacuating.
“I see you,” Garnet says, landing in a deep crouch near her. (It would not surprise her at all if the Gem already anticipated what she plans to do, seeing it as the most likely possibility amid a churning sea of choices.) She bares her gauntlets once more, and circles around. “Stay close, and be quick!”
“Connie!” she hears Mr. Universe wail from the sidelines.
She ignores him, though— she has to, least she let the final embers of her resolve be snuffed out by the sheer weight of her fear— and pushes her fragile human form through the thickets of this otherworldly battle anyways, following Garnet’s lead. ‘Cacophony’ is the only word she can think of that truly fits the harrowing scene ahead. There’s no more strategy in her friends’ strikes, no more clever battle formations… only their desperate, desperate defense against the wretched beings who created them. The Crystal Gems who are still standing thankfully seem to be holding their own… but just barely. Pearl’s losing momentum with each slice and slash of her spear, Amethyst and Lapis look like they’re halfway to abandoning all hope, poor Lion is tuckering out after such repetitive use of his concussive roars, and Bismuth’s filled with so much despairing fury towards their opponents (for the harm they’ve caused to this planet… for the harm they’ve just caused to Steven—!) that her footwork has grown rushed and sloppy. In the few seconds Connie’s watching her, the rainbow-haired Gem is almost hit by a direct bolt from Yellow Diamond twice.
Her chest seizes tight with dawning dread. This entire operation is falling apart. They don’t have much time left, do they? She must recover Steven, and fast!
Garnet keeps a watchful eye for any incoming projectiles as Connie skids to a screeching halt next to her friend’s comatose body lying limp in the sand. (And oh, has she never been more thankful to not see blood.) Okay. Okay. Here he is. Now all she’s gotta do is… ferry him to a safe distance. Steeling her core in preparation, she squats down and tries to leverage herself to scoop him right up. Her legs, though… in the midst of her terror, her legs are simply too wobbly to bear his mass, and after one valiant but failed attempt she’s scared she’ll hurt herself (or him!) trying again. Which means… she’ll just have to drag him.
“Sorry—!” she says with a faint hiss of regret as she grasps both of his arms by the wrist and starts to pull him across the battle-swept sands. Sure enough to her suspicions, one of his shoulders definitely doesn’t feel like it’s aligned in its socket right, and she worries that yanking him along like this will only serve to further exacerbate it. Still, what other choice does she have?
What choices do any of them have, all tangled up within the fallout of this thousand year war?
As Connie drags Steven off the battlefield towards his house, Garnet circles around the perimeter a few more times, ever-diligent in her role as lookout. She’s grateful for her help. Truly so. It allows her to focus her energy on protecting her best friend instead of constantly having to keep an eye out for stray attacks from the Diamonds. And boy, oh boy— she digs her heels into the sand, spent muscles all but screaming for her to rest, to drop her load and continue on alone— will her body need every last drop of energy she’s got. That’s why relief surges through her heart with all the ferocity of a tidal wave when Mr. Universe’s frantic voice comes into range once again. Because it means she’s here. She’s succeeded. She’s pulled him all the way to his father, halfway off the field.
The exhaustion hits immediately. Huffing for a lungful of air, she drops the half-Gem’s arms to the ground and collapses to her knees. For an extended moment, the unwanted melody of warfare rings through her ears like canon fire. She can’t move. She can’t even breathe properly. She can swear her friend’s dad is trying to say something to her— can feel his hesitant touch brushing against her shoulder in what barely counts as a whisper— but she can’t even manage to distinguish a single word. Her eyes brim with fresh tears, every last sensory input overloaded. It’s all too loud. It’s all too damn heavy. It’s all too—
“Connie,” Garnet slices through the static with astute authority.
She snaps her head up, her eyes flitting between the Crystal Gem leader (currently kneeling at her side) and a still panicking Mr. Universe (clutching his unconscious son’s hand). Her breath settles, slowly but surely. Her fingers twitch, tracing shallow patterns in the sand. The ringing lessens.
“Thank you,” the Gem continues, pushing herself back to her full height. The long skirt of her wedding outfit flares behind her as she glances back towards the chaos of the battle. “For protecting him where I couldn’t. Now stay back, and keep watch. If they poof all of us, promise me you’ll evacuate the beach.”
“I-I… of course,” Connie says, her gaze still wet with terror and barely contained grief. “But y-you… you don’t really think you’ll—?”
Lose, is the word she can’t bring herself to say. Surely you don’t think you’ll lose?
The Gem warrior gives a sharp, almost defeated exhale before grinding her fists within the tempered hard-light of her gauntlets and leaping right back into the fray.
Connie cries out after her, suddenly stricken with a churning feeling of dread (what grim futures did Garnet just witness?) as she scrambles to her feet, arms outstretched towards a self-appointed destiny she can no longer reach. A strangled sob wrests control of her body. If she still had her weapon they wouldn’t be asking her to stay at the sidelines. She’s nothing to them anymore, is she? She’s nothing without that sword. If she closes her eyes she swears she can still feel it… can still feel the perfectly countered weight of its thorn etched handle within her grip… but with it shattered, she’s completely useless out here. Feeble. Organic.
“Connie,” her friend’s dad pleads for her attention, his tone warbling with all the wavering emotion of an out of tune guitar. “Connie, please! She’s right. You know she’s right. We have to get off the beach! There’s literally nothing we can do against Gems as powerful as that, we’re just humans.”
Slowly, the last of his words reverberating within her mind, her eyes widen.
“But he’s not,” she breathes, turning her head towards her friend’s still body on the ground.
“W-what are you—?”
She grasps his hand within her own like it’s their final lifeline, gently tracing her thumb along the back of his knuckles. If anyone could swerve the dangerous wake of this conflict into something better, it’s Steven. He’s certainly managed the impossible before.
“Steven!” she calls, her brows threading together in the wake of her thunderous desperation. “Come on, please wake up!”
Hot, messy tears threatening to cloud the edges of her vision, she lets go of his hand. Glances back towards the battlefield. The remaining Crystal Gems aren’t faring well in their war right now. Pearl and Amethyst appear exhausted enough to collapse at any moment, and the Diamonds have pushed the other three to the very extremes of their defensive capabilities. If they have any chance left of winning this encounter, it’s gonna require a miracle of encouragement.
“Come on, Steven,” she calls again, voice dripping with the burden of her pending despair. “We need you.”
No response, yet again.
Her breath ripples through her chest. He… oh stars, is he not healing? From what he’s described in the past about his healing powers, she’s surprised he hasn’t leapt back to his feet with newly restored vigor already. She leans forward, pressing her ear to his chest to listen for a heartbeat.
A harsh shriek ringing from across the sands interrupts her investigation, however— and Connie spins her gaze around just in time to watch Yellow Diamond strike down Lapis Lazuli with a fierce bolt of destabilizing energy right to her chest.
She swallows, already sensing their options eroding away at the wrathful whim of the tides.
Time is truly of the essence here, and much like an hourglass theirs is mighty limited in this state.
Connie stands to her feet once more. With him showing zero signs of pending consciousness, it’s growing harder and harder to ignore Mr. Universe’s intensifying plea for her to leave the battlefield.
“Wake up, please!” she cries, a pitiful final appeal before her inevitable shame-filled retreat.
Her lips screw shut amid her sheer heartbreak, fists clenching at her sides as she silently gapes at her friend’s pale, expressionless face.
We’re supposed to be in this together, remember?
And then…
Connie’s eyes blow wide, her entire body shuddering as she senses a familiar presence dance along the very fringes of her mind like stray raindrops splashing against her cheeks on a late spring day— a wholly recognized sensation, but not an overwhelming one. She gasps. The presence carries with it an instant aura of comfort and affection, as well as a hundred billion panicked questions like ‘what happened’ and ‘where am I’ and by golly, it’s the exact same subtle presence she’s aware of at the very periphery of their mind whenever she’s fused with him as Stevonnie.
“Huh? Steven?”
Her heart’s practically rattling within her rib cage as she feels that ghostly presence flutter within her thoughts once again, speaking in his voice, calling out to her by name.
“Connie, it’s me!”
Holy stars. It’s him. It’s actually him.
She doesn’t know how, but it is.
Her brows shoot up within her lingering confusion. Even though she’s well aware that this is a Gem thing, she’s unable to fully fight off the impulse to search around as if some conscious, flesh-and-blood Steven were somehow standing right next to her, whispering directly in her ear. “Wha- Where are you? How are you do—?”
“I’m not sure, but… I think it’s a classic psychic ghost type situation.”
“Ah, of course!” she exclaims, peering down at his motionless form. She’s heard all sorts of madcap tales about his astral projection powers— about how he used them to speak to Lapis through his dreams when she was stuck fighting for control of Malachite under a mile of ocean, or to drive the body of one of the watermelons he brought to life, or to make mental contact with the Cluster like he did not too long ago— thus it makes sense for this new mode of communication to be some sort of natural extension of that. “So, what’s the plan?”
“The Diamonds won’t listen to me out there, but… maybe I can get through to them here. They’ve gotta know Pink Diamond wasn’t shattered.”
There’s a brief, meek pause before he makes his final request.
“Please protect my body while I’m gone.”
“Got it! Good luck out there, Steven.”
His active presence fades from her mind like the setting sun over the cloudy horizon, taking that comforting aura right along with it. Connie’s form all but deflates as she exhales, her shoulders curling inwards as she wraps her arms around her torso and tries her best to keep whatever remains of her brave facade from cracking in two. Mr. Universe gawks at her, his attention clearly piqued by her conversational mention of his son.
“Wh—” his countenance is pale and streaked with fresh, messy tears, swirling with a conflicting mixture of grief and last-ditch hope— “h-how were you talking to—?”
“He’s okay,” she blurts out, her own voice quavering at the edges as the reassuring realities of this fact wash over her like a cleansing shower on a muggy summer’s day, a blissful salve to her previous strife. “I promise you, he’s okay. He… I think he’s trying to make contact with the Diamonds, like he did with the Cluster.”
His father closes his eyes for a moment and inhales deep and strong, steeling his nerves as he basks in the reassurance of this news. Then, rolling his shoulder back and standing at the ready: “Well, what can we do to help, then?”
“Keep him safe while he tries to work his magic, I guess. Listen, we gotta pull him further back so he’s out of striking distance.”
He issues her a swift nod. “Leave it to me.”
And after all her struggles she must admit she’s kinda jealous at the sheer ease at which he scoops Steven up in his arms, but, well… fair is fair. He’s clearly had fourteen years of practice on that front. The two of them turn tail and run towards what remains of the house, barricading themselves against the foot of the stairs. Connie doesn’t take a full breath until they’re out of range of the worst of it. She helps Mr. Universe set her friend down in the sand, and now that she’s calmed down a little, sets her attention to giving him a full once-over. And thank the stars, his chest is visibly rising and falling now.
Biting down upon her bottom lip amidst her rippling anxieties— sorry, Steven, this has to be checked— she reaches to untuck his dress shirt. A true miracle after the ruthless velocity of the hit he took, his gem is unblemished. No cracks at all, not even a tiny chip. So that means he should be fine, yes? His body’s just conserving energy to heal from the impact? It’s hard to pin down any precise points of improvement, but she swears a little bit more color has returned to his cheeks these past few minutes.
She also swears that the rest of the remaining Crystal Gems must have had a psychic encounter with Steven too, because there’s a tangible surge of renewed vigor that’s taken the front lines by storm. Garnet throws her punches a hair harder. Pearl swings her trident with just a tinge more finesse. Amethyst and Bismuth aren’t holding back their strikes in lieu of focusing on self defense quite as much. Not only that, but the Diamonds almost seem more distracted now, more vulnerable to their coordinated group attacks. (Is this Steven’s doing, she wonders? Has he found a way to weaken them from within whatever weird psychic mindscape his untethered spirit is drifting within?)
But no matter the underlying reason, the evidence surging to life upon this beach is undeniable: slowly but surely, despite every flagrant disadvantage they hold, the tides of this struggle are turning towards their favor.
“I think he’s doing it,” she marvels to Steven’s equally as mystified father, the pair crouched right next to the boy. “I don’t know how, but somehow he’s wearing them dow—”
And then she’s blinded.
Stripped of all coherent thought or word or rhyme.
Helpless of anything beyond peering through narrowed slits with her flattened palm shielding her view as the entire beach is engulfed with a pulse of magnificent pink light.
But no, no… it’s far more than just light. Her encounters with fusion can tell her that much.
It’s a song. A symphony. An entire story told in oscillating waves of light and sound that her organic body isn’t remotely equipped to process the fullest gamut of.
Sucking in a shaky bout of air, Connie tilts her sight to her periphery to follow the light to its source. And in her joy, her heart nearly skips a beat at what she finds. His body may still lie comatose upon these course sands, healing from an impact that surely would’ve killed a less stubborn soul, but Steven’s gem is glowing as bright as a miniature sun. Any lingering signs of injury heal in an instant as this potent aura radiates from his core.
Clear on the other side of the battlefield, the Diamonds are drawn to their knees in awe of this power. Blue falls into hysterics, sobbing an ocean’s worth of tears into her hands… and Yellow— uncharacteristically still and silent— seems so shell shocked by the revelation that she can’t summon even a word of doubt in retaliation.
When Steven’s bold display of might finally fades, there’s zero quarrel on who this struggle’s victors are. Their attackers make no moves to re-engage, and the Crystal Gems remaining sprint across the shore to help each other to their feet. She… stars, she can hardly believe it. They won. Even with half of their company down for the count— two poofed, Steven unconscious, and her shamefully stripped of her sword— they managed the impossible: they held the line against two of Homeworld’s most ruthless matriarchs and survived.
Of course, their battle isn’t quite over. Steven has yet to wake up.
Greg hollers out for Garnet and the others, alerting the lot to their position. They waste no time in hurrying towards the house to congregate around them. All the while, she clutches his hand within a vice tight grasp, running her thumb along the back of his palm, hoping… begging… no, yearning for him to be okay. He has to be okay— right?
“Show her to me,” Blue demands, her tone soaked in stalled grief as she hovers over them with all the lingering dread of a bad omen. “I must see her gem with my own eyes.”
“Bismuth,” Garnet warns as the Gem in question moves to shield him with her body. “Let them through.”
Her eyes flare with abject turmoil. “B-but how can you be sure any of this is—”
“Let them through,” she repeats, propping a gemstone laden hand upon her shoulder. “The battle is over. They have no desire to hurt him now.” Then, directed at her specifically: “And give him space, he’s about to wake up.”
Connie swallows hard— a part of her unwilling to let him out of her immediate care given the daunting uncertainty of these circumstances— but then again, Garnet’s not the kind of Gem to knowingly lead them astray. Despite her own tumultuous feelings on the matter, if she says they’re safe, then they’re safe. After all, they won. She won. Despite every last insidious variable working against her— a broken sword, spine-tingling terror, her lack of strength— she served her purpose. She, a mere human, proved her worth on this battlefield of Gems. Drawing in a deep breath of air, she drops her friend’s hand and pulls back with the others.
Sure enough, he’s starting to come back to them, his chest rising and falling with greater frequency and his features scrunching inwards on his face.
Steven’s eyes flutter open, his whole body jolting as he drinks in the unlikely picture of the scene before him… family, friends, and enemies alike clustered together upon the beach they were fighting upon just mere minutes ago… all gawking at him in slack jawed wonder.
“It’s you…!” Blue Diamond breathes in sheer disbelief. “Pink!”
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bagerfluff · 9 months
BotW Link x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - "You touch him, you're dead"
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You stood between Link and a member of the Yiga Clan. You and Link were simply trying to find something in Hyrule, when they popped out of nowhere. Now normally you and Link could handle the Yiga Clan. But they were able to ambush you two.
Knocking both of you off your horses, then attacking. You and Link fought, taking out most of the Clan. But then one of them managed to shoot Link. An arrow in the leg that caused Link to fall.
Then he got a hit on the head.
Link fell to the ground with thud. That’s when you noticed and you immediately ran over to him. Placing your legs on each side of him and planting your feet on the ground.
Holding your sword and shield so tight that your knuckles turned white. You glared at the members that were left. Their blades in their hands and bodies hunched.
“Touch him, and you’re dead” You sneered.
Angry flowing through your veins. You were ready to kill. The members didn’t take your warning. They ran to you. A suffered the consequences. When the first one ran to you, your blade fell on it.
Cutting the chest. A cut from the shoulder to the waist. They fell to the ground. The next got their head cut off. The next got stabbed. The rest fell quickly.
The adrenalin helps with your fighting. And the wish to protect the man you love helped to. Once they all fell, you looked back to Link. His sword and shield were at his side, and his eyes were half lidded.
You placed your sword and shield on your back as he kneeled down to get a better look at him. The arrow was still in his leg, stopping the bleeding, but it would still hurt.
There was blood on Link’s head, and you didn’t know if that came from Link’s head or the Yiga Clan. You went closer to Link’s face and tried to see if he was awake. “Link?” you whispered, reaching up to touch his arm.
He was lying on his side. Link opened his eyes slightly and looked at you. “Y/n?” Link asked, tilting his head, making him look like a puppy. You smiled slightly
“Yeah that’s me” you said looking down at Link’s leg. Link followed your gaze and he winced at the sight. You looked back at Link and tried to comfort him. “Your fine”, that was more for you then Link. Link moved his hands, asking if he was fine. You didn’t want to lie, but you didn’t really know.
He should be fine.
Yeah he should.
The adrenaline wore off by now and you were able to think clearly. You just needed to remove the arrow and give Link a healing potion. “Yeah you will be”, you looked around for one of your guys bags.
Once you found one, you reached in and found a healing potion. It was the only one. You placed the potion down and brought Link into your lap, turning him around so he was on his back.
Link let out a moan of pain, and his face scrunched. “Sorry love” you said as you picked the potion back up. “Here. Drink”, Link opened his eyes and shook his head, pointing to your arm.
You looked over and realized that you had a cut on your arm. Almost wrapping around your entire arm. You just realized it now, guess not all of the adrenaline wore off.
ou also just now realized how much your arm hurt. “I’m fine, you drink”, you noted, bringing the potion to his lip. Link moved his hands again, asking if he should.
You nodded.
While one hand brought the potion to Link’s lips, the other pulled the arrow out. Once the arrow was out, the potion immediately healed the skin and eased Link’s pain. Link relaxed, but he still looked pale.
You moved your hand from under his head and saw that it had blood on it. So the blood came from Link. If Link was bleeding then he wouldn’t be able to walk.
He still looked drowsy and tired. He had probably lost a lot of blood. You cursed under your breath and realized that you had to get Link somewhere safe.
The sun was setting, and neither you nor Link could handle what came out at night. You cursed again. You had to get Link somewhere safe. You placed Link to the ground and picked all of your guys' stuff up.
It was a lot to carry, but it was only going to get worse. You crushed down and picked Link up. It was hard, but once you got him up, it got easier. You then looked around, looking for something, anything.
That’s when you saw some light in the distance. A sable, perfect. You smiled and looked down at Link. “You good?” You asked. Link opened his eyes and looked at you.
Link moved his hands down his chest.
You knew some sign language. Being Link’s partner meant you had to. You guessed that that one was tired. Though it wasn’t the best, you give Link a pass.
He was tired.
“You can sleep soon love” You smiled, then started walking. The walk was tiring. Caring Link and everything made your arms, legs, and back hurt but you could push through it. You could do it for Link. After a very long time, long to you, you made it to the stable.
You walked to the counter and asked for a bed for two nights. Once the guy realized that you were holding the Hero of Hyrule, and he didn’t look so good, he said that you two could stay for free.
You said sure but made a metal note to pay him when Link woke up. You placed Link down and placed everything you here holding down.
You sighed when everything fell. Finally you could rest a bit. But the pain reminded you of your arm. You looked over, the bleeding stopped but it looked like shit.
You winced.
You reached into your bag and got some bandages. The next couple minutes were spent wrapping your arm. Once that was done, you sighed again, You were tired. But you needed to wrap Link’s head. So you did.
That was easier than wrapping your arm. Once that was done, you could finally sleep. Lying down next to Link, you pulled both of you under the covers of the bed and wrapped your good arm around him, and closed your eyes. 
Safe and sound.
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justcallmefox89 · 3 months
Submission: Chapter Five - Deference
Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
Drakul encounters Minthara.
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“A True Soul?  Do not think this means we are equals, jaluk.  Are you here to join my hunt?”
I blink, genuinely startled to find another drow here amongst the goblins.  The absentee matron of House Baenre no less.
How did she get here?  Why is she here?  Has she abandoned Lolth?
Her thoughts collide with mine, cold fingers sifting through my thoughts and sending a drop of sweat slithering down my spine.  Everything else melts away until all that is left is a dark, endless void – and in it I see my fellow drow in conversation with a pale young woman.  The same woman in the vision we received before the inhabitant of the artifact shielded us.  One of the Chosen of the Absolute.  The vision fades away, leaving Minthara staring at me impatiently. 
Centuries of training take over and I dip into a low bow, averting my eyes in a show of deference.  “I am yours to command, Ilharess Minthara.”
Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion shift uncomfortably behind me while Minthara lets out a pleased hum. 
“Then hunt with me.  In Her name,” she commands. 
“Your will is my own,” I murmur.  “Who is our prey, Ilharess?”
“Drakul,” Gale hisses in a desperate attempt to get my attention.
A dull thud and a muffled ouch lets me know that one of our other companions has discretely kicked the wizard in an effort to shut him up.
“Worshippers of a false god,” Minthara sneers.  "Their existence is an insult to the Absolute’s claim on this region.  There is a weapon the Absolute seeks.  I’m sure those wretches have it hidden away there.  We will find it amongst the dead and the ashes.”
A faint tingle in the back of my skull makes me shudder… surely the prism isn’t the weapon the matron is seeking?  To be safe I decide to hold my tongue and keep the artefact’s existence to myself.  For now. 
The worshippers she speaks of are surely the druids of Emerald Grove.  Her excitement is tangible, and her thoughts of victory, of unbelievers’ blood spilled, ignites my own bloodlust.  The anticipation of the hunt thrums through me, the chance to please the Matron of House Baenre… to prove my worth as a male to one of my betters sends a thrill of delight through me.  What are the lives of a handful of druids in the face of the pleasure of an Ilharess?
Nothing.  I am the will and the sword of those Lolth has deemed superior.  When they command, I shall obey.
A brief chill settles over my body, soothing the numerous aches and pains I’d accumulated on my journey thus far, and infusing my limbs with renewed strength.  It is a comfort to know that Lolth’s blessings can still reach me even in this accursed surface world. 
“The thief whimpering in our dungeon tried to flee to their sanctuary,” Minthara continues.  “We will continue to remove parts of him until he tells us exactly where it is.  He’s been resilient, but he will talk.”
“The prisoner is of no consequence,” I inform her.  “I know the location that you seek.  They have welcomed me as a ally.”
“Drakul,” Shadowheart whispers hesitantly. 
Minthara’s eyes light up.  “Perfect,” she purrs.  “If the inhabitants do not realize you are the knife at their throats, we can use that against them.  Return to their refuge and make your way inside.  As a friend.”
I nod once in understanding.
“I will gather a raiding party and move into position.  You will open the gates from the inside when the time is right to strike.  We will cleanse the place of infidels and burn it to the ground in the Absolute’s name.  And then we shall be the first among her favorites.” 
I shall always remain loyal to you, my Spider Queen.  I will not be led astray; I will endeavor to bring this lost child back into your arms.
Another soothing wash of comfort flows over me, and I know Lolth has heard my silent prayer.
“I shall be your right hand and your blade,” I respond, bowing low.
“Good.  Marshalling the goblins is no simple matter, but my warband will be ready to attack by next light.  Make your way inside.  Once I am in position, on your signal, we break them.  And when they are dead, the Absolute will reward your faith.  As will I.  Now go.”  Minthara waves her hand in dismissal.
“As you command.”  I bow one last time before turning and leading my companions away. 
Our group remains silent until we have exited Selune’s temple and are a considerable distance from the goblin camp.  Gale breaks the silence first.
“What have you done?” he demands, scowling up at me.
 I blink at him, confused.
Realizing I have no idea what he’s referring to Gale groans and scrubs his hands over his face.  “Oh gods…”
Astarion looks up from examining his nails.  “I think the wizard is upset that you’ve agreed to exterminate the Emerald Grove, darling.”
“Oh.”  I squint at Gale.  “And we care if they die…?”
“Well…”  Shadowheart waves her hands side to side. 
Gale glares at her from the corner of his eye.  “Yes.  Yes, we do,” he says firmly.
“The druids are a bunch of arseholes though,” I pout.  “Are you sure we can’t kill them?”
“Yes, I’m sure!”
I shrug.  I’ve already sworn my oath to a matron; I will carry out her will no matter the wizard’s objections.  And if he stands in my way I will eliminate him too.
“Did you forget the tieflings are there as well?” Gale presses on.
I shrug again.  “I don’t care for them either so….”
“Rolan is there.”
“Oh.”  I blink as that particular realization settles over me.
Yes, it would ruin several of my plans if that saucy little tiefling were to die before I’ve tasted him again.  Thoroughly.  Many, many more times.
“Godsdamn it!”  I break into a sprint, leaving my companions far behind.  Their shouts reach my ears, but I ignore them, intent on reaching the Emerald Grove as quickly as I can.  The only thing that matters now is ensuring Rolan’s safety.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Dating the Girl of Steel
Kara Zor El Headcanons
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On your world, you were the child of Diana Prince and Steve Trevor, a demi-demi god so to speak. Your mother sent you out with your sword and shield to protect the Earth from the arrival of Zod.
Didn’t take long for the Barrys to seek you out, you were more than happy to join them.
You met Kara when you helped the Barrys and Bruce free her.
You were the first kind hand to touch hers. Her hand immediately wrapped around yours. “You’re safe” you tried to reassure her.
You aided this makeshift Justice League, as Barry Prime called it, in the battle against Zod. In fact, it was you that saved Kara from Zod’s arm blade. You were struck in the shoulder but it allowed Kara an opening to kill Zod and send the Kryptonian army fleeing, saving the earth.
“I though i lost you” Kara whispered as she held you
“Not yet” you answered back with a smirk.
Kara was stuck like glue to you from that point on, even after Barry Prime went back to fix his timeline
You, Kara, Barry 2, and Bruce, meanwhile, began forming your own version of the Justice League, scouring the globe for other hidden meta humans. It’s still a work in progress but hey that’s being a team.
You and Kara train daily, both in the Batcave and in your personal quarters ;)
It took a long time for Kara to begin showing any emotion or affection. You didn’t blame her, it was hard for her, growing up in a Serbian prison cell that had no care for her.
You took your time with her, showing her little signs of love, gentle caresses of her hand, shoulder touches, little gifts for her. The little things that slowly brought her out of her shell.
Now that she’s free to show love, she can’t stop showing it to you. She jumps on your back, kisses your lips and neck whenever she can. She holds your hand any chance she can.
Kara loves going on dates with you when you’re not both busy saving the world.
She’ll take any sort of date. Library, dinner, movie, walking down the streets of Gotham.
One of her favorite things to do is take a nice warm shower with you. Something about you just holding her as the water cascades down your backs just makes her feel loved.
Barry, a little jealous, still cheers the two of you on, “your ship totally beeves!”
You and Kara still don’t know what that means.
“You’re like a power power couple!”
Bruce, while he may look disapprovingly on you, he actually approves.
Kara helps Barry hone his speed skill and slowly but surely become his universe’s fastest man alive.
Kara loves sleeping as the little spoon. Makes her feel safe to have your arms wrapped around her.
Energy? Kara can go for rounds in training. And many rounds in your room.
Bruce bought you and Kara an apartment in the best part of Gotham. And since he didn’t have kids of his own, Bruce got legal documents listing Kara as his adopted daughter. Makes it easier to get places for missions. Or so Bruce says.
After saving the world countless times, you and Kara decided to take a leap year, time to travel the world and just enjoy each other’s company.
It was during this trip that Kara officially met your parents on Themyscira. Diana took a liking to Kara immediately.
You and Kara found yourselves just loving to hike and enjoy the sights of your home island.
It was on one hike on Themyscira that Kara asked you an important question.
“My love,” she asks you uneasily, “if we ever have a baby boy, can we name him Kal?”
“Kal? After your cousin? I love it!” You gave her a little hug and kiss on the forehead, earning a giggle from the Maiden of Might.
You love Kara with all your being. You pledged your soul, your sword and shield to her.
“Is that your way of proposing?” She asks you with a giggle.
“Maybe it is”
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uniquevoidflowers · 11 months
This is based off of @la-sera's art! Here's the link to the art piece:
tw blood and temporary character death:
“SAILOR!” Warriors yelled as he shielded himself from a Moblin. 
He saw the sailor crumple to the ground, the monster looking proud of itself. The captain saw red. Without thinking he dashed to the beast that dared to hurt Wind, his massive blue scarf trailing behind him. His sword ripped through the monster guts and flesh. The monster was dead in mere seconds. A cry from a different monster alerted Warriors and he swiftly dodged an attack. In blind rage he tore at each beast ferociously. Each swing was feral and had no real training attached to it, unlike all the other times the captain fought. The rest of the battle was a blur, but all the enemies dropped to he ground eventually. That was when Warriors realized he had left Wind bleeding on the battleground. “NO!” He shouted, internally cursing at himself.
The captain rushed to the sailor and saw that Wind was on his hands and knees shakily trying to get up but stumbling and falling limply back on the ground. Crimson red liquid was soaking the wet ground beneath the sailor and Warriors stomach churned. Wind hiccuped miserably and Warriors pulled the kid up in his arms and grabbed his long scarf. He wrapped it around Wind and felt the bitter and freezing air, but he didn’t care at all. He just kept holding on tight to the sailor, applying as much pressure as he could as his hands were slowly being covered in red. “Wars…You’re shaking…” Wind said quietly.
Warriors gave a hollow chuckle at the kid’s worry. “I just…feel cold, I’m fine.” 
“You liar.” Wind accused, and then coughed suddenly, thick blood starting to gush out of his nose and mouth. 
Warriors gripped the kid tighter, eyes going wide. He knew there wasn’t much he could do since they didn’t have any fairies or potions or…really any supplies with them. His mouth opened but nothing came out.
“Yes, Wind?”
“If I don’t make it—“
“Wind, stop.”
The captain couldn’t bear the thought of that. Letting the kid…
“Please…Wars…” Wind gave a weak cough.
“…Okay, Wind.” Warriors relented.
“If I don’t make it through this…Tell Aryll I’m sorry…I wasn’t a good big brother to her.” Wind demanded, breaking off with a shudder.
There was a small smile on the kid’s face as tears poured from his eyes. “Hey now, I don’t think she would want that. I know that she would disagree with you.” Warriors tried.
He remembered the time they were at Wind’s Hyrule and Aryll had pulled the captain aside to talk about something. 
“You make sure Link stays safe and comes home alive and in one piece, m’kay? He’s the best big brother I could’ve asked for, and I don’t want anything to happen to him!” 
“Fine, I will.” 
Warriors didn’t know if he was lying or not. Wind inhaled shakily and then gave a forced exhale. The captain looked down at the kid and his worry only grew. 
Was…was the sailor truly going to die here? In battle? In a different era, a faraway land that is so far away from his loved ones? No…No…Warriors couldn’t let that happen. It hurt the captain deeply to see Wind’s tiny smile in this moment. Couldn’t the kid see how much he was worth to his sister, to his friends and brothers?
Or did Warriors fail?
Warriors flinched and looked at the kid. “Yeah?”
“I-I don’t wanna die.” Wind admitted, his voice growing more agitated. 
“Hey, bud, you won’t. I-I’ll make sure you stay alive.” Warriors tried to reassure, his heart shattering into pieces for the poor sailor.
Wind didn’t say anything and just weakly held on to the captain’s scarf. A small sob turned into painful bawling and Warriors didn’t know what to do. Could he move with Wind to find the chain? Warriors didn’t know where the group had gone off to so it might take too long. But then again if Warriors didn’t find help soon the sailor would be gone. After hearing another sickly cough, the captain made a decision. “Sailor, I have a plan, okay? We’re going to try and find help and get you all fixed up.” Warriors informed him.
The captain slowly sat up while gently holding the kid in his arms. The droplets of rain that were falling from the sky soaked the kid’s hair and tinier droplets slid unto Wind’s face. At this point Warriors couldn’t differentiate between tears and the rain. But he had no more time to dawdle so he started walking, but it felt too slow. He glanced back down upon the sailor and then his expression twisted into anguish. The kid looked to be in so much pain. “Wars…I don’t…I don’t think I’ll…I don’t think I’ll make it.” Wind whimpered.
The captain’s eyes flashed with despair. “No…I’ll-I’ll find help and you’ll make it.” 
Warriors choked again like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. How could reassure the kid when he didn’t know that himself? “Captain…”
Warriors swallowed back the feeling of his heart being torn from his chest and bile rising up his now dry throat. He was supposed to be the captain, the commander, the leader even…he was supposed to protect the kid from the unfair reality of being a hero, but here he was feeling like an idiot. Wind made a sad noise and something inside of the captain broke. Slow steps turned into the fastest sprinting as Warriors heart pounded out of his chest. “Hang in there Tune.”
Wind didn’t give a response but Warriors had managed to ignore that. 
His legs ached as he had to slow down. He panted heavily and all but collapsed on the ground. How long had he been running through this goddess-forsaken forest, was a question he couldn’t answer. Warriors looked tiredly at the sailor that was bundled in his arms and let out a gasp. “Wind, Wind, open your eyes. Please.” 
The kid looked lifeless as he hung limply in the captain’s grasp. “Wind, don’t do this to me. This isn’t funny.” Warriors said, trembling as he searched for a pulse.
But there was none. “Damn it Wind!” Warriors yelled and let go of the body as his shoulders shook.
 H e
                                                           H a d
                                                                                                                              F A I L E D
A raw scream rang throughout the air. The sky thundered harshly as Warriors weeped uncontrollably. His vision was beginning to blur as thick tears gushed out of his eyes and sad noises escaped his throat. Why, why did it have to be Wind? The bright expressive sailor whom everyone had a soft spot for. “Please, sailor, Link, wake up. Tell me this is all just a prank of yours.” Warriors begged, shaking the corpse desperately. 
In his mind he knew that the kid was dead but his heart wouldn’t listen. “Link don’t….don’t do this to me!” Warriors shouted.
He heard some light footsteps behind him and jerked around, his hand immediately touching the hilt of his sword. His eyes darted around to see a horde on enemies charging through. His eyes widened and making a quick decision, he fled with the corpse in his bloody arms. “C’mon sailor…we’re…we’re going to make it okay?” 
He knew he was talking to a dead kid but he couldn’t stop the words of reassurance flying out of his mouth. He narrowly dodged a bash on the head as he continued to rush across the forest. He pushed away branches and the rain and his tears were making it hard to see properly. The captain could hear the footsteps growing closer and closer and began to panic. His legs were still exhausted and he couldn’t run forever. “Damn it…” He muttered.
A Moblin appeared and tossed its club around menacingly. Warriors could feel red creeping into his vision once more, as he was reminded of why Wind was now….
He leapt at the monster, sword raised, and the air carried him but he just flew past the Moblin and something snagged his tunic. He let out a cry as he fell to the ground. The Moblin seemed to be…laughing at him…Further fueled, the captain rushed back to the enemy and managed to impale the beast, black blood now dripping all over his sword. The Moblin cried out and its red eyes fixated on Warriors. It ran at Warriors and managed to land continuous blows on him. Eventually the captain shoved the Moblin off of him and impaled him again. The Moblin dropped dead. Warriors spat blood out of his mouth and picked up the sailor again. “It’d be a lot more easy if you’d just wake up.” He murmured.
He could just imagine the sailor responding with something like, “Too bad.”
Warriors almost waited for Wind’s lip to begin to move and start talking. But he reminded himself that there were more monsters coming for him and he sighed and started running again. But he didn’t last very long. Too soon, he was out of breath and blood was rushing out of his nose and his mouth. “W…What?” He said.
Suddenly his legs gave out and he started seeing dancing black dots. What was going on? It was just a club that the Moblin was holding earlier…or was it?
O r  w a s  i t?
“What—we— ” 
A groan escaped Warriors as he slowly opened his eyes. When he managed to do that he was met with only light. “Wind’s—he’ll—okay?” 
Warriors gasped and tried to sit up, his arms shaking like they were just barely holding up his weight. “War—Wa—s?” 
Who was talking? What were they saying? Warriors blinked confusedly and tried to comprehend everything. What was the last thing he remembered? The Moblin….the rain….the blood….Wind….
He managed to grasp the arm of somebody. “W-Where’s the…the kid?” 
“He’s—okay—don’t worry.” 
 But how was that possible? He had seen the sailor’s chest still and he had seen the sailor’s blood all over him and the ground. “H…How?” Warriors asked.
There were a few moments of silence. “That’s—for—different—” 
Warriors furrowed his eyebrows wondering why his ears weren’t picking up everything properly. “———————Rest.” 
He obliged and his head lolled back on the surface he was on. His eyes fluttered closed and he took a steady breath as sleep enveloped him. 
Each time he woke up was a blur. The captain remembered swallowing something, fuzzy voices, and his heart pounding against his chest. While he was unconscious nightmares of Wind dying haunted him. When he had recovered enough he was able to understand what was going on around him. “Has Wind woken up yet?” Twilight murmured.
Warriors shot up and looked at the rancher with confusion. “Well Warriors certainly has.” Time chuckled.
“W-wind?” Warriors said.
Time sighed. Warriors started fearing the worst, had they not managed to save him? Were they lying or had he been dreaming when they said the sailor was okay? “He’s just resting right now, and….getting better.” Time said choosing his words very carefully.
“WIND GET BACK HERE!” Someone yelled.
Suddenly the kid came around the corner and into the room, his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide. Wind was in a different tunic that Warriors didn’t quite recognize but there were a few bandages there too. “WARS!” Wind cried out and sprinted towards the captain.
The air was knocked out of his lungs as he was hugged fiercely by the sailor. Warriors took one long look at the kid and started sobbing uncontrollably. Time opened his mouth to protest but Twilight stopped him. Warriors cradled Wind and began mumbling apologies. “What the fuck are you apologizing for?” Wind demanded.
“Language.” Twilight called.
“I-I couldn’t save…I couldn’t save you…I saw you die…a-and…” Warriors broke off.
Wind gave a wet laugh. “You did everything you could. That’s all that matters to me.”
Warriors gave a heartwarming smile as he held the sailor closer, beyond grateful that he was with him. “You scared me.” He accused in a teasing tone.
“No you scared me!” Wind huffed.
“You both scared each other and all the rest of us.” Time said.
There were footsteps pounding outside the door and suddenly the whole chain was there, crashing into the ground. “Get off of me!” Legend yelped.
Once everyone recollected themselves they looked at both Wind and Warriors and gasped happily. “You’re awake!” Sky grinned.
Soon the sailor and the captain were tackled with hugs. Time and Twilight eventually joined in the group hug. Warriors glanced at the kid who was giggling and purposely making the veteran slightly mad at him. Soon everything would be back to normal…
Or so he thought….
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sailorshadzter · 7 months
some early inukag.
when inspiration strikes, i never say no.
When the sun sets and the darkness falls, she finds herself alone in the forest. 
The trees whisper around her, their soft call the rustle of their leaves in the wind, telling her that all would be well, one way or the other. She can’t really put it to words, the feelings she has, but they are there and they are strong, the premonition of fate making her skin crawl. She lets out a long breath and closes her eyes; she listens and she waits. 
When she opens them again, the world is still and the trees have gone silent, the realization of it sending chills down her spine. She tilts her head back, blue eyes gazing upwards at the twilight spun sky above her, the twinkle of the stars just barely beginning to blink in the darkening sky. It is vast and beautiful, unlike the world she knew at home. 
“I wondered where you’d gone.” The voice cuts in and she jumps, turning on her heel to face the approaching hanyou, who’s silver hair is like a beacon in the falling darkness. “InuYasha,” she says his name softly, but his ears twitch at the sound all the same. He comes to stand before her, arms tucked into his long red sleeves, head cocked as he takes in the sight of her there. They’ve been together long enough now that he knows when she is restless, he knows when she isn’t quite herself- and this is one of those moments.
“What’s up?” He asks without preamble, his usual self. 
She stirs, blinking quick, a quick smile curving on her lips; she should have known she couldn’t keep it from him. “A bad feeling, that’s all,” she says, turning back around to face forward, where somewhere in the distance, already shrouded in shadow, was the tree where they first met. “It’s gone now,” she says next, not quite a lie, not quite the truth. She can feel his stare, glaring like daggers at the back of her head, but she remains silent until he’s standing at her side, their shoulders just barely brushing. “Well, almost gone…” 
He stares ahead just as she does, also thinking of the tree that looms in the distance, a tree that means so much, yet so very little to him. “Is it Naraku?” He asks, glancing to the side, where she’s shaking her head, her blue eyes troubled in their gaze.
“I can’t explain it,” she admits, her hand clenching into a fist at her side. 
“You don’t have to worry, you know,” he reminds her, ever the confident man. She laughs in spite of herself, shifting so she can face him head on. He turns as well, golden eyes reflecting the moonlight that’s so suddenly appeared overhead. “I’ll keep you safe.” She thinks of their time spent together thus far- battles and blood and everything in-between… He has shielded her with his own body, has fought with his claws and a sword and his words… He’s proven himself to be a loyal comrade, even if he was a little rough and even a bit infuriating. 
“I know,” she says with a smile, tilting her head so her dark hair cascades across her shoulder. She trusts him as she’s never trusted anyone before. “I’ll keep you safe, too,” the words come before she can stop them and her cheeks grow warm almost at once, crimson stained where ivory should be. 
He blushes as deeply as she does, looking away for a long moment, but when he glances back he’s all soft and new, someone she’s only seen once or twice so far. “Pfft, like a human could keep me safe,” he taunts, shaking his head, though he’s thinking of the tears she’s cried for him, tears that saved him far more than any of her actions ever could. “Come on,” he gestures for her to follow after him, so they can return to their camp. She falls into step beside him, unable to help herself from latching onto his arm. Though he shoots her a sidelong glance, he does not draw away and rather allows her to hold onto him, doing his best to ignore the blush warming his cheeks. 
He’s never been this close to someone before, never allowed someone in as he has her, yet somehow it feels right. It feels as if this was where he was always meant to be, with her arm hooked through his, with her heartbeat perfectly in time with his own. In their short time together, he’s grown to feel something for this young woman that he’s never felt before- something entirely different from what he ever felt even for Kikyo. Something new, something warm, something pure. It was something he’d not give up for anything, it was something he would protect with his life. InuYasha can’t really say when it happened, but he’s developed feelings for this girl that he’s never felt before. 
And so, even when it’s a little while late and she sleeps soundly, he can’t help but to watch her. The scent he once associated with Kikyo now is different in every possible way. The face he once only saw as another’s, was entirely hers. In every way he once saw her as Kikyo’s clone, he’s learned she’s so very different, unlike the stoic miko in every way possible. She was someone different, someone special, someone he cares about in ways he’s never cared about anyone ever before. 
So, he leans over her, brushing a lock of hair from her face as she sleeps, smiling to himself as she leans into his touch, as if even when she was asleep she was attuned to his presence, to his touch. 
Somehow, that realization mattered more than anything else. 
Only then does he lean against the tree trunk he sits beneath, arms folded over his chest, sinking into sleep as he usually doesn't- but somehow he knows, this is a moment he can trust. This is a moment he can let down his walls and trust in someone that wasn’t himself. I’ll keep you safe, too, she had whispered, making him believe in her as he’s never believed in anyone before. 
He thinks of her, with her arm drawn back and an arrow ready to fly. He thinks of her, with her sharp wit and the way her eyes gleam in the moonlight. Somehow, it was all he needed, it was all he’d been waiting for.
It was all he’s ever wanted.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
To protect a wolf (Twilight)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Twilight x reader -pre relationship
Rating: T for language and some blood
Summary: While Twilight is incapacitated, you step up to protect him. Obviously, he realizes he loves you at the worst time. But you both take care of each other after.
Warnings: Some blood, some fighting, cursing
Other: Let me know if I missed anything
This dungeon might actually kill him. Twilight can barley thing straight he hurts so much.
And you're with him - you need his help. He can't just quit.
But you're in the final room facing down the boss. And Twilight's barley able to move.
His leg is broken in at least three places. He's pretty sure the world shouldn't be spotty, and he is bleeding out of his ribs.
And to top it all of it's a water dungeon.
The boss is large, a squid like creature that seems to spit poison ink. There's a weak spot - an eye atop its head.
Always with the eyes.
Fuck his life.
"(Y/n)." He tries.
"Shut up." You hiss, drawing attention to yourself by smacking your sword and shield together.
He really can't do anything but trust to roll out of the way of attacks. He just wants to keep you safe- but he can't even decide which quickly blurring version of you is real.
He hears the fight, sword slashing and shield clanging. He heard movement and curses.
Feels the air move with you and the boss.
He can hear you taunt it.
He hears it fall as you attack it.
He hears the intimidating roar as it gets up.
He can't see shit-
But he hears it all.
He hears your curse and inve as something cracks.
He hears you take some new injury
He even hears the snarling curse as you drive something into the beast.
He bets you still look so beautiful. You always do.
What is he doing thinking about that?
You're in danger-
"Die you bitch!" Yoir voice cuts through his thoughts.
Well, you're still alive. That's very good. He'd hate to lose you before he told you he loved you.
This new information is not helpful at all. It's also not surprising.
The sound fades out as you fight the boss, time lost to him.
He doesn't know how long has passed when he opens his eyes again... when did he close them?
"Twi... Link?" You call, kneeling in front of him.
"I'm going to have to carry you out. I don't have any healing items."
"I can walk-"
"Bullshit. You could barely roll over. I'm going to carry you."
"Bu' 'm too heavy." He slurs out.
"You're really not." You say, relying on your own farm life spent wrestling goats, cows, and horses to the ground when needed.
He just groans.
You move so your kneeling on one knee, the othe in front of you.
He groans louder as you slide your arms under him. One around his shoulders and one under his knees.
"Shhh, I got you Twi. It's okay."
"I'm sorry." He manages.
"Don't be." You say quickly, standing and pulling him off the ground with you.
You hold him close to you, straining under his weight. He's pure muscle. You don't know why you thought you could carry him on a broken ankle without issue.
But you have to get hum out. Thank god for adrenaline.
If Twilight were even slightly more aware he'd demand you leave and come back for him. You're bleeding profusely from your stomach. Along with other places.
You walk, carrying him and your all's things out of the dungeon, wincing every other step.
He's concious but only just.
You walk to camp - each step feeling like you're being punished.
The others see you and rush forwards.
"What happened?!"
"Twilight is hurt. You gotta help him."
"You're hurt too." Legend says.
"Not bad." You say, obviously unaware of how injured you are.
Time takes Twilight from you, moving him so he's laying on the ground just so.
Hyrule releases a fairy over Twilight first. Then he starts in with healing magic.
"Is the world supposed to turn black?" You ask, feeling a lot weaker with no notice.
Time turns to you, "What-"
You collapse as your ears start to ring. You probably should have paid more attention to your own condition. Whoops.
Twilight wakes up with a mouth like the desert and a pounding headache- but he's alive and well. Mostly.
He looks around, finding Hyrule and Wild nearby- but you're not in his sight.
"Where’s-" he summons spit to swallow to wet his mouth, "Where’s (Y/n)?"
Hyrule turns, looking relived to see the wolf shifter awake. "Hey, how do you feel?"
"Where is (Y/n)?" Twilight asks again, more impatient.
"They're resting at an inn. With both of you having lost a lot of blood, old man decided we'd need to stay in an inn for a bit. "Legend says from behind Wild.
"Why aren't we there?"
"Your leg needed to heal all the way before we moved you. They - well, they needed a bed."
"They're hurt?"
"Yeah. They are. But they're better now."
"Take me to them." Twilight says, pushing to sit up.
"Okay. Just wait - Wild's almost done with the hearty stew."
"Don't care, I need to make sure-"
"Twilight. "Sky says gently, "They worked hard to keep you safe, don't insult them by being stubborn and refusing a recovery aid."
"I-" Twilight doesn't known what to say to that.
He trusts the boys. He really does!
But after his realization and you taking care of him- he just needs to see you as soon as he can.
He needs to make sure you're okay.
He also needs to figure out how in the name of Ordona to tell you he loves you. But he's way more concerned with your health.
Especially since you woukd have gotten hurt protecting him.
Oh... he really fucked up-
"They aren't mad." Legend says from his spot, "I know they aren't a hero like us- but they can hold their own."
"They shouldn't have had to. I should have protected them better."
Legend makes a face that suggests he'd rather talk to a praticularly stubborn wall than trying to convince Twilight of anything right now.
You wake up to Time fretting over you. His muttering is unnerving paired with the face of grim acceptance.
"Where’s- Where’s Twi?" You ask, looking around and not finding him.
This does nothing to slow your racing heart, finding only Time with you and some dull inn decorating.
"He's at camp. He'll be here shortly."
"Is he okay?"
"Yeah, he's okay."
"Good. I hate squid."
Time snorts at that, seeming relived that you're well enough to be bitter.
"You gave all of us a scare, looked dead when you came to camp, and then collapsed."
"Oh... Whoops."
"You have to be more careful-"
"Twilight would have died. I am not gonna let someone die just cause I'm hurt too!"
"I'm not saying otherwise. I'm just telling you to be more careful."
"Okay. But- is Twi really-"
The door opens with a bang, an exhumed Twilight in the doorway who let's out a breath of air when he sees ypu.
You try to sit up only to grunt and fall back into bed.
"Stay down," Time says, "You're gonna be sore for a while."
"You're okay." Twilight breathes out, walking over to sit on the bed beside you. "I'm sorry I should have protected you-"
"Don't start that." You manage, "You were really hurt."
"The others said you were too."
"I could walk. You couldn't. It's nothing. "
"(Y/n)." Twilight says sharper than he usually does, "You put yourself in danger for me. Please don't act like I couldn't have done things differently. "
"Twi... I know. It definitely could have gone better. It could have been worse too."
"I'm really glad you're okay "
Time stands, stretching up, "You're staying in this room too, Twilight. I figured you'd both want to be near eachother. "
"Thank you." You say to Time.
"Seriously though, be careful, (Y/n)."
Twilight has to agree with his mentor.
You just sigh, trying not to move too much. "Okay."
"Good. I'm going to check on dinner plans." Time says before leaving and shutting the door behind him.
Twilight just let's out a breath, "I was worried... when I woke up you weren't there."
"I know. I felt the same way."
"I'm sure." Twilight says, not sure how to tell you that he actually doubts that.
Becuase you obviously care for him but how could you love him back?
"Twiligh- Link." You say, the use of his name making him look up quickly.
"Don't beat yourself up. Everyone gets hurt."
"I'm supposed to protect you though."
"Why?" You ask, feeling hurt already at the implications of the statement. "I may not be a hero but I can hold my own!"
"It's not that... It's just-" he takes a moment.
How does he tell you that he needs to protect you becuase you are someone he loves. That he loves you romantically. With his whole heart?
You stare, waiting for him to continue and really hoping he has a reason that's not just him being a chosen hero.
Twilight sighs, he might as well just tell you. He can't lie for anything- not to you at least... and a lie woukd just confuse you more.
"Because I love you, (Y/n). And I don't ever want to see you hurt."
You choke a little, suprised and touched. That's definitely a better reason than be Hylia's chosen hero.
"And I don't expect you to feel the same-"
"I do. I do feel the same."
"I love you too. Have for a whole now- though typically you confess with flowers and not while someone is in bed looking like shit."
"You look beautiful. "
"You're very biased."
You smile at him, and while you definitely hurt, you feel better than you did when you passed out. And hey, you might just get a boyfriend out of this.
"We should talk about this more later Twi, but can- you just stay with me?"
"Of course. Can I do anything to make you hurt less?"
"No... I'm probably going to fall asleep again soon honestly. I feel like I was run over by a heard of wild horses."
"Ouch. I'm sorry, Darlin'."
You giggle, "I like that name."
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