#to clarify. there are favourite shows and then there is THE. ULTIMATE. FAVOURITE. SHOW.
panevanbuckley · 1 year
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dalishious · 6 months
Reclaiming Independence of the Dales
Before anything else, I’d just like to clarify that that vast majority of this is made of my own ideas, based on interpretation from the little canonical information provided, and a little inspired by my own people’s history and governing structure. Additionally, what I am presenting here is an ideal situation, not necessarily what I think is an immediately realistic outcome in the world-state established. So, please keep that in mind.
The Dales were established as a homeland for elves—a small piece of a continent that was once called their home in its entirety, before the humans colonized it—by Maferath in -165 Ancient. This was in reward for the eleven people’s participation in the fight against Ancient Tevinter. But in 2:10 Glory, Divine Renata I broke this treaty and declared an Exalted March against the Dales, ending in its annexation by Orlais.
[Related Post: All You Need to Know about the Exalted March of the Dales]
If Solas has very low approval with Inquisitor Lavellan, and Lavellan accuses him of not doing enough to help their people, he will say the following: “You could order Halamshiral returned to the Dalish, if you wished. But ultimately, you know that would fail. That even you cannot solve this.” I hate this with a burning passion. The reason I can’t do that, Solas, is because it’s not an option in the game! Why are you as a character angry at me, the player, for not doing something that is not an option for me to do? Why was this written? Just to push the point that it’s not worth it to try and fight back against oppression? Because if I refuse to accept hopelessness in real life, why would I in accept it in a video game where the story is made-up, and therefore anything is possible if the developers so wish it.
Regardless, according to Solas, the Inquisition has enough power to support the reclamation of an independent Dales. I imagine this would require a lot of political maneuvering within the Orlesian governance, and therefore I think the best opportunity to do this would be with Briala ruling through Gaspard. This would then later open the door for Briala to be the leader of the newly independent Dales, too. I would like to see Briala as ruler of the Dales not just because she is a favourite of mine, but because I genuinely believe she is the best established character fit for the job. She was trained in everything Celene was trained in, has first-hand experience in court, has extensive connections, and has demonstrated her ability and desire to utilize these skills and assets for the benefit of elven kind.
Briala’s blackmail on Gaspard may help prevent Orlais from invading again while under his rule, but to last longer, the Dales would need to establish itself as a strong, independent Nation with allies. This is why I believe it would also be important to have Leliana as Divine Victoria in such a world-state where this could happen. Leliana re-canonizes the Canticle of Shartan, and in making it available for the common person to understand, would ideally help sway the minds of the average Andrastian into supporting the Dales’s independence. The nobility would of course be much trickier, because they and the Chantry are the ones who actually benefitted from its annexation—but there is little they would be able to actually accomplish if they did not have the power of the people behind them.
As far as allies go, Ferelden could only gain from Orlais losing control of the Dales, because it would mean cutting Orlais off from a lot of Ferelden’s border, therefore reducing the threat of another invasion. Additionally, a leader with just plain good morals like say, Alistair, would easily accept the elven kingdom’s return. But even Anora is willing to grant part of the Korcari Wilds to the Dalish if Mahariel requests it, and while this sadly doesn’t last, it does show a positive sign into her potentially being open to the idea of an independent Dales as well.
I sincerely doubt that all Dalish clans would return to the Dales and re-settle down. After all, they have developed differentiating cultures over the years of wandering in separated groups, with different ideals and different ways of life that they might not want to give up. But many would return, and that would likely create conflict between the elves coming from the Dalish clans and the elves coming from the cities. We know that some prejudice exists against “flat-ears” as some Dalish call those from the city, and we know that city elves have adopted a lot of misinformation from humans into their views of the Dalish. It would take time and positive leadership to reconnect the people, without risking falling into some sort of hierarchy based on origin. This is why I do not believe one group or the other should single-handedly rule alone. Rather, I think there should be a Grand Council of High Keepers made up of those voted into the position each to represent a single district of the Dales. (I like the idea of there being seven High Keepers, not just because there are seven traditional districts of Mi’kma’ki, but because it works out that there seven of the Creators. So it makes sense that there would be seven High Keepers.) The Grand Council would meet and make decisions together, with one appointed leader at the head to act as the Council’s chair.
In terms of protection and order, the Emerald Knights should be reformed. This would include the Fade Hunters, to protect the people against demons and maleficarum, with there being no Circles or Templars.
Restoring the independence of the Dales would lead to a revival of elven culture in ways that could never happen before, because they would actually be free to pursue re-learning the language, re-discovering the history and culture, and sharing it all amongst each other. They would not have to fear arrest the crime of simply being an elf.  
But what of the other races presently living in the Dales? I see no reason why they would have to leave, so long as they would be willing to follow the Grand Council’s leadership. I imagine many nobility would flee to Orlais, simply because they would not stand for it. But for the average human or surface dwarf, their life wouldn’t really even change much; they’d still be managing their farms the same as always. Hell, it might even improve things for them, assuming the Grand Council gives fairer treatment than the nobility previously.
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meraki-yao · 5 months
RWRB Thoughts: The Deadline Contender Panel
Quick list of very direct, subjective, random and spontaneous thoughts I had while listening/watching the panel:
I absolutely understand that Taylor probably doesn't remember every detail of the movie off the top of his head, especially with nerves, but Sweetheart really didn't describe the played DNC scene correctly😅
That being said Taylor calling Henry Alex's boyfriend made me SO FUCKING HAPPY???? I was squealing and kicking my legs because of all the feels. On top of that, intentional or not, Taylor takes a breath so it goes "wanted to bring his... boyfriend!" and there's this subtle emphasis on the word, I am screaming
I do question why this scene though? I don't know much about this whole process, but just an educated guess, if we're trying to get an emmy nom via this panel, shouldn't we be showing a scene that's more representative of the movie's core? Like, say the New Year's scene, or Kensington Palace, or the Lake scene. If we have to include the comedy aspect, then show the freaking Red Room. I love this scene of course, but if the purpose is to nominate ourselves and show ourselves then I feel like another scene should have been picked
Why can't people freaking pronounce Nick's surname correctly? It's phonic! Ga - Lit- Zine
"Orange Guy was still president" I snorted
I heard there's stupid discourse over this minor, harmless thing, but because people are stupid, here to clarify "especially Taylor since he's here" is CLEARLY A JOKE BETWEEN FRIENDS and if you didn't pick that up then that's kind of sad :P
I'm wondering if there's still recordings of the zoom auditions/chem read. I can also imagine zoom chem read being much harder. Honestly I think zoom auditions only work with monologues.
He did the chem read in his sister's apartment lmao
THEIR CHEM READ WAS KENXINGTON????!!! WHAT THE FUCK???!!! THE MOMENT THAT MADE MATTHEW GO "there's the one" WAS THIS FREAKING SCENE??? This also implies they had to say "I love you" upon the first time meeting each other oh my god I wanna see that so bad
Also I cannot freaking imagine this intense of a scene via zoom, God I really want to see it (don't think we'll ever get it but still)
Someone ask Matthew or Nick what the other scene in the chem read is
The notebook, pride and prejudice and 10 things i hate about you mention made me happy :D
The speech thing... Kinda feel like should be a Matthew question? It's cool to hear that Taylor referenced President Obama but this is still ultimately him being Alex? Plus Taylor's a great public speaker to begin with
Did he dabble in political science? Did he ever mention that? I know he did Spanish and Community but political science?
I think the only really bad gay movie in recent years was Bros and that has a myriad of issues internally and externally, but I think it's just this one?
Why is TikTok the metric? Might write something longer in the future when I have time but the thing is with this
Speaking of Taylor and queer roles, I think I saw somewhere that Noah Torres was bi?
I talked to @pippin-katz about this but dear God, I have heard the question "What is your favourite scene" being asked to the boys at least three times now, and they always answer the cake scene. Why don't they ever expand on the question, especially since Taylor affed the Kensington scene this time, and why don't they ever ask other questions or ask about specifics? Between me and my friends, we came up with at least 40 questions that could be asked to the boys and haven't been asked yet.
Nick how the fuck did cream stay in/ behind your ear for two days and Taylor how did you spot it
I'm honestly getting really tired of the sequel question, it's always phrased the same way, and of course, the answer is gonna be the same. Even if they knew, they contractually can't tell us, the first announcement of a sequel will have to come from a bigger source like Amazon themselves.
I understand being nervous but this interviewer felt too timid and unsure of herself
Overall still very enjoyable, always more than happy to hear Taylor speak about his baby that we all love, but the question are so freaking repetitive. I said it clearer in my discussion with Pippin so here's a screenshot of that part
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Gorgeous gif central. Past and present. Favourite cuties to gif?
Have a great Day💜
My favorite Rose, hello 🌹 What a beautiful day this Rose's Day of Asks is 😊
I love your ask for me, that had me slightly on the edge of madness because how am I supposed to decide on this? But there is no limit to how many cuties I can choose *insert evil laughter*.
Based on the number of sets I have created for each show, KinnPorsche should be in first place, but I wouldn't consider them "cuties". And as much as I loved giffing this show, they are not in my list of favorites anymore. There are cuties I made just one or two sets for, which are way higher in my list of favorites, like Sing My Crush - Baram x Hantae. I just loved catching their cute moments in my gifs.
Rose's Day of Asks: Past and Present. Favorite Cuties to gif.
The shows may be from the past, but are still present in my heart. And to clarify, the past is everything from 2023 and before. I had to draw a line somewhere😅
Kawi x Pisaeng from Be my Favorite
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Those two had me in a chokehold. Kawi's story of becoming the best version he could possible be was so good, emotional, inspiring and relatable. And Pisaeng's journey to love himself and be true to his feelings was so beautiful. I loved all of this show. And those two are just so CUTE!!!! I mean look at them:
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Guess it is time for a rewatch...
Dongwook x Dohyun from A Breeze of Love
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They have the cutes smiles and yes, the story might not be the most original, but it was one of my favorite shows from 2023. I loved their story and their love and just them. Dongwook was finally ready to be true to himself and his feelings for Dohyun and the latter understood what happend in the past, but that there was a chance for both of them in the present and future And they went for it and finally became happy together and them together is the cutes shit out there! And I loved giffing their moments. It felt like being a part of their journey, even though I made just a few gifs. They are in my heart forever!
Ai Di x Chen Yi from Kiseki
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Those are the two biggest and deadliest puppies out there. The fact that they needed this fucking long to finally get together and as soon as they become a couple they are this whole cheesy lovebirds is just the ultimate cuteness. I mean Chen Yi allows Ai Di to die first and then won't be able to live without him for one teeny tiny second. And who wouldn't want to pinch Ai Di's cheeks?
Vice Versa
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It is not so much the couple I loved to gif, but the show itself. I was totally amazed by the color concept for each episode and was obsessed with finding the perfect scenes. Talay and Puen were cute, but the show itself was kind of a mess and a little bit lost on its way to the final, and I love JimmySea way more in Last Twilight, but for the whole giffing part, this show was so much fun to work with.
Present (2024 and ongoing series)
I have to admit, I am in a little giffing-slumb for a few weeks now. Nothing serious, but I need to find my rhythm again after my long sickness and the overfilled fridays. On fridays I have a short work day and more time for my hobbies, but since today I am working part-time and hopefully I get more time for myself and my hobbies again. But I digress 😅
Starting this with the same pairing we left the past with:
JimmySea aka Mhok x Day from Last Twilight
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I was so in love with this series and them until they fucked up the ending (imo). I am still not very fond of the ending. But I am still very fond of them until episode 9/10. I still love Mhok and think he is the biggest and cutest green flag out there. I loved to gif their journey of how they found each other. I cried with them and I laughed with them, and in the end I cried for them...
Myungha x Yeowoon from Love for Love's Sake
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Just them! Them! Them! Them! Them! Them! Them! I love them. They were perfect. This show was perfect. And especially Yeowoon's facial expressions were pure perfection. It was a cuteness overload. Myungha still owns my whole heart and he was cute in his own way. This was, without a doubt, my favorite korean bl ever and one of my most beloved couples ever. My love for them is still as strong as it was when this series aired. I am still kind of obsessed.
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I mean... look at them!
Qian x Yuan from Unknown
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Okay, perhaps these aren't really cuties on the first look, but let's be honest: The first few episodes Yuan is such a cute puppy, orbiting around Qian. And Kurt is such a handsome young man. And don't get me started on Chris' smile - addicting. Yeah, I am kinda obsessed with them and their story. And this story is everything but cute right now, but for me these two are the cutest and I will gif the shit out of them! And I guess from epsiode 8 on, we will all lose our shit when their relationship change into something really... "cute".
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Okay, these are a few of my beloved cuties I enjoyed giffing. There are way more and I could make this list go on forever, but I have to go to bed now 😅
This was such a fun ask! Thank you so very much! 🌹 And I hope you have a great day yourself! 🤍
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aihoshiino · 6 months
See, I feel like I’m disappointed in chapter 143 in a different way, because it just seemed…off.
What made the ending of 142 so good, imo, was how effectively Ruby cut through the sense of childish indulgence that Aqua/Goro has treated her with since she was Sarina. She made perfectly clear how serious her feelings were and left him with no options to delay, or deny, or minimize the truth of her feelings. She clarified the situation down to a binary - yes, or no.
Or so I thought.
Cause apparently it took only the slightest hint of resistance on Aqua’s part (not the emo stuff he spouts later, but the genuine gut-feeling reaction of “you’re squeezing me too hard”) to make her fall back on his indulgence of her. She’s just a silly kid again.
And from that point, it felt to me, the tension was lost. The Goro roleplay didn’t help the tone, either. The ideas Ruby and Aqua bounce back and forth off each other are fine, good even, but the words and tone just feel incorrect. Honestly, it feels like it might even be a lost-in-translation thing.
And Ruby works her way back up to the kiss, but her strongest persuasion was the one she ended 142 with. Like, it’s almost outright bad drama that the words that got her to the kiss she wanted were weaker than those she started the conversation with.
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This ask really helped me to click into something about 143 that bothered me even if I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but you're right - Ruby undeniably puts this tension on the table and demands he address it in a way Aqua can't avoid and then Aqua… immediately avoids it. The diffusion of this tension is even framed explicitly as a joke.
Not only is it unfair to Ruby, because it once again reduces her to a gag character for half the chapter, but it's largely unfair to Aqua, too. The idea of him being avoidant to things that make him uncomfortable is absolutely not a new one and as a flaw for him to have, I think it's interesting, especially since it's one that he shares with Ai. But within the larger context of the Movie Arc as a whole it's part of a much bigger trend of him being an extremely passive and under-reactive character, even to things he is both present for and should be affected by. As a lot of other people have pointed out, the story makes a point of showing him as one of the shocked reaction faces at the ed of 136 only for him to literally vanish within the space of one second in the break between that and 137. In theory, I really like that the Movie Arc has largely centered Ruby and tried to focus on developing her but in practice, it just feel like both Aqua and Ruby have been left out to dry.
I'm hoping that finally having the whole arc together in front of us once it's done will alleviate some of its issues (I went from hating Tokyo Blade when it was running to now considering it one of my favourite arcs) but I'm finding really hard to imagine Akasaka somehow sewing all this stuff together. Ultimately, I'm willing to see this arc out because there are characters and ideas in the story I'm still invested in but. I'm so tired, dawg. I kind of just want this arc to be done lol
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anticutes · 4 months
character meta: junko enoshima and class 77-b
obviously, we know the primary difference between anime canon and game canon is how they got on board: in the anime, we're shown that they were all brainwashed by a broadcast of chiaki's execution, and that junko's encounter with them prior to that was complete chance- in fact, class 77-b was the class that attempted to stop junko with motivations that are akin to makoto-levels of hope. power of friendship, scaaary!
however, the sixth chapter of sdr2 shows a completely different version of events, which makes junko as a villain a lot more compelling- and i think adds a layer of complexity to the cast that i find lacking in the anime.
before we go on, i would like to clarify one thing: in the final class trials, junko doesn't lie. in fact, monokuma tells the sdr2 survivors that everything he's talking about in the manga he scatters around the ruins are as true as they can be- and seeing as he intends the survivors of thh to see everything that's happening, i'm inclined to take junko's words as more or less the truth.
first off, i want to talk about my favourite part: junko's motive for targetting class 77-b!
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(on a tangent, one thing i find interesting about this exchange in the final trial is that it seems that junko has trained the remnants to not talk about why they became ultimate despair, assuming makoto is referring to interviewing the remnants themselves.)
junko says "if you ask me"- which means it's safe to say this is why junko targeted the class in the first place. she's not talking about the reasons the class 77-b students personally bought into her ideology- i will talk about that later in this meta. i've mentioned her reasons before in a previous thinkpiece, and i believe this exchange proves my theory right- class 77-b was targeted because they perfectly encapsulated the world that hope's peak's ideology strives for: a world in which talented people are born talented- and because of that, hold absolute power.
class 78, a.k.a junko's class, emphasise the students' hard work towards reaching ultimate status- however, in class 77-b, many of the students were either chosen to be ultimates because they were born into it. this is evident in characters like fuyuhiko and sonia, who were born into their respective families and status, e.g. saionji (who was born into an arts clan), mahiru (whose mother was a photographer), twogami (who was born without an identity), akane (who was born with natural talent), and teruteru (who runs a family business). this ties in perfectly with what class 77-b represents on a metatextual level, and why junko wanted to target them in the first place.
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junko doesn't hold hope's peak's ideology of talent being hope in high regard, much less the people who buy into it. she is the antithesis to hope's peak ideology as someone who holds a talent that brings them nothing but despair. this is one of the many reasons why i believe she targeted hope's peak as ground zero for her plan to despair. this is supported by her remark when the sdr2 survivors begin to despair over whether they should graduate (and let junko take over the dead's bodies) or shut down the program (and remain ultimate despair).
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she perceives their reluctance as an attempt to have their cake and eat it too, hope's peak students who want to cling onto their talent and their idyllic lives, even in a nonsensical, absurd world, which she finds boring and predictable. i feel this is another reason why monokuma was not as invested in the killing island life as he was in thh.
junko targetting class 77-b feels like her driving her point in- she wants these pinnacles of hope's peak's ideology to fall hard and be the ones to fan the flames of her despair.
in a practical sense, junko needs numbers in order to spread her despair. in the final trial of sdr2, she mentions that ultimate despair are meant to be instigators: they're there to start shit for her when she can't. they're meant to upheave societal order with their own talents.
let's move on to how she recruited them! the games make it a point to say that ultimate despair isn't a typical organisation- in fact, ultimate despair functions more like a cult. a brand that goes against hope's peak's brand, so to speak.
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unlike the anime, the game says that the ultimate despairs were recruited one by one, and she took advantage of their already existing feelings.
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though it's hard to say what exactly junko did to each character just by referring to the game dialogue, mikan and nagito are the two who corroborate monokuma's statement- especially mikan, with how she claims she isn't doing it for despair, but for love.
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monokuma says something that interests me about the new philosophy class 77-b obtained after coming into contact with junko:
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compared to the anime, in which class 77-b spread despair because they genuinely thought they were bettering the world.
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this makes class 77-b feel more desperate in their actions as ultimate despair: feeling like they have to do something to escape from junko's despair. i like the idea of this despair not necessarily being something that junko gives them, but instead being a looming threat. if junko gives them love, their despair would be junko taking away that love for whatever reason. if junko makes them hate, their despair would be junko turning that into love- which makes me think that each student's reasons for becoming ultimate despair are different from one another, and may not be motivated by the same feelings, or even from despair at all.
i think we've had enough talk about how class 77-b serves junko- so let's talk about how junko feels about them!
throughout sdr2, i feel that monokuma treated the class with a lot more contempt than he did the thh cast. he's more inclined to use force on them, physically dragging saionji and fuyuhiko to monokuma rock. he mocks their motives for killing by calling them boring, he outright falls asleep in one of the trials, he doesn't care about making nekomaru participate in the trial when he was taken out by his monokuma cannon, so on and so forth. even the motives he gave them were pretty weak and random.
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this could be attributed to how the killing game isn't the thing junko's focusing on, because in this game junko is focused on broadcasting the killing game to the future foundation (in particular, makoto/kyoko/byakuya who went against future foundation orders to rehabilitate the remnants). but i do find monokuma's attitude throughout the game very interesting in the context of junko's feelings for class 77-b- especially with the knowledge that they are all remnants. we know from danganronpa if that ultimate despair aren't really affectionate towards each other- if they are, that means something is wrong. could that also be the reason for monokuma's hostility?
her feelings towards class 78 are simple: she loves them. there's no question about it. kodaka even calls her feelings towards them "toxic love"- but i think her feelings towards class 77-b, with what they represent to her, what purpose they serve for her, and what they ultimately become, are more complicated than just meaning nothing to her or loving them in her own way.
let's look at junko's reaction to the survivors' lack of convictions.
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let's also see her reaction to hajime's resolution- and the level of her surprise, despite saying she's able to predict their behaviour because she has tons of data on them.
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and her final monologue after the trial, which draws a direct link between ryoko otonashi and the remnants' avatars.
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i've mentioned in a previous thinkpiece that junko, although is the antithesis to hope's peak's ideology, ultimately follows it as much as those who perfectly represent that ideology- such as class 77-b. her character is defined by the struggle to break free from that ideology as much as it is defined by chasing despair. what happens when class 77-b becomes ultimate despair?
i see many people see this line as proof that junko didn't care about them:
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but we know that the remnants replaced their limbs and organs with junko's after junko's death. keeping that in mind, i believe that this line doesn't mean that they're nothing to her. instead, i think this line means that ultimate despair became one with her. they shared her ideology, her desperation, desires and hopes. people who are like her, their personal feelings towards her be damned.
why else would she tamper the graduation program for them?
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why else would she insist she wants to be their friends? why else would she be fine with staying in the nwp with them?
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furthermore, the thh protagonist trio mentions that junko robs other people of their futures. i'm inclined to believe that this applies to herself too: junko has no future. she is actively hostile towards her future. in fact, she wants to constantly live in the present if she can help it. this is further aggravated by her susceptibility to boredom. the sdr2 cast are similar: they're fighting for a future they don't even know exists, and when they reach the end, they realise that future doesn't exist. they even gave up searching for a way to escape jabberwock island during the game unless encouraged by the observers.
i think that's why monokuma/junko constantly tells them that they're chumps, that they're only meant to play a role. because like how the remnants assigned themselves the roles of instigators for the battle between hope and despair, junko placed herself into a role: the embodiment of despair.
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so, here's my conclusion: class 77-b reminds junko of herself. because of this, i don't think junko thinks of them as solely people to manipulate and use- that's more in line with how she feels about the reserve department. in fact, i think that junko is fond of them and feels a sense of camaraderie with them.
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Honey, We Shrunk the Interns.
Growing up, I never dreamed of pursuing a career in fashion. Right up until I left college in 2011, I was fixated on the idea of becoming a barrister. Although fashion was an avid interest of mine – one that I studied intensely, poring over my favourite magazines and keeping up with runway shows each season – it felt a million miles away from the reality of my quiet, suburban life. After all, it's not what you know, but who you know – fashion’s unofficial epitaph that is sadly still relevant over a decade later. 
With no connections via relatives or family friends, I turned to Gaydar, determining that through the gay network I’d find an in. As luck would have it, I came across a young fashion photographer who put me in contact with his stylist flatmate to embark on my first internship. 
I wasn’t paid a single penny, much to the dismay of my parents – who chose more reliable careers in building and finance – but my modest entry into the industry felt akin to the moon landing, at least to me anyway. I met models, hauled suitcases filled with returns on buses all over London, and peered inquisitively at the magic being made on set while steaming clothes in photo studios – marvelling at Prada samples that I recognised from the runway. I even met fashion royalty, in the form of Pam Hogg, who offered me a cup of tea when I turned up rain-soaked at her studio one sodden evening. 
From there, an internship at GQ Style followed, the majority of which I spent sobbing in the bathroom thanks to the (nameless) editor at the time who often humiliated me with pointless menial tasks. In one instance, I was asked to hand deliver a single daffodil to Alasdair McLellan sans address, later loudly berated in the open plan office for the flower’s wilted demise by the time I was provided with the studio’s location. 
My introduction to interning finished with a friendlier stint at Dazed – acquired via the gay network, once again – five years before I’d return in a full circle moment as a fashion editorial assistant. 
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Beyond the obvious hands-on experience my months of interning provided me, it quickly proved even more valuable than I realised. After initially being rejected by University of Arts London to study fashion journalism, a follow-up email clarifying the additional internships I’d undertaken quickly secured me an interview and later a prestigious place on the course. 
Throughout my studies at university, we were encouraged to continue gaining industry experience, culminating in a term entirely dedicated to interning during my second year. Interviewing at Wonderland and 10 magazine, I chose the latter, and continued interning there throughout my final year – while simultaneously juggling my final major project, writing my dissertation, and a part-time job – until I ultimately became the publication’s fashion assistant upon graduation. 
Over my career, I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of interns – the good, the bad, and the lazy – the brightest sparks among them going on to become my peers holding jobs at Clash, The Face, GQ, Wallpaper*, Matches, and British Vogue. As was my experience at 10, it was common for brilliant interns to find themselves earning entry-level full-time roles within Dazed and AnOther right up until the pandemic when the company’s internship programme was discontinued. 
At the time, the Guardian reported that 61% of employers cancelled their placements due to the pandemic, with small and medium-sized businesses the most likely (49%) to do so. Yet, as we emerged from the two-year slump, internships were just as scarce, largely due to HMRC cracking down on unpaid internships – serving fashion publications (both the media and arts are serial offenders) with warnings of fines if they failed to pay interns the national minimum wage. 
So, where does that leave today’s budding fashion journalists? 
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‘It is impossible, it literally feels like winning the lottery,” Moira Gonazález, an MA Fashion Communication student at Central Saint Martins tells me. ‘My plan was to join a team as an intern and work my way up, but it’s so difficult to start like that – maybe one person out of every 20 will reply and most of the time you don’t learn anything. I’ve ended up assisting so many stylists where I’ve just been in Ubers picking up stuff all around London. So many people still expect you to work full-time for free, which is crazy, but everybody’s willing to do it for fashion.’ 
Despite being required to complete 120 hours in the industry as part of her BA, Moira was the only person on her course who was successful in doing so. ‘The teachers said that if you worked on shoots for uni that it would count towards the hours, so there was no motivation to go out and get the experience,’ she says. ‘The process can also be so long, it took four months to get to the interview stage for an internship at Burberry. How can you survive living in London as a 20-year-old and pay rent if you have to wait for four months to get an answer? It’s impossible unless you’re privileged enough not to worry about money.’
To see for myself, I looked into fashion editorial internships in London to see what was currently available. Unsurprisingly, I failed to find a single placement to apply for and advice offered by the Business of Fashion overlooked the obvious, that no amount of experience or tenacity can help secure an internship if there aren’t any available to begin with. Reaching out to all the editors I knew, the results were marginally better with month-long placements available for university students only at 10 and the Evening Standard. The majority – including Elle, Wallpaper*, GQ, The Face, and Perfect – responded with a resounding no, with Vice allegedly going as far as implementing a company-wide ban on all internships. 
Of the paid internships the government were hoping would become available, only Dazed and British Vogue currently offer them – both six months, full-time, and paid the London Living Wage – though at the time, the vacancies were filled. ‘I remember when British Vogue posted the internship on LinkedIn and after two days they already had 500 applicants,’ Moira says. ‘When I later saw who got the internship, she had worked at two banks previously, studied politics, and was 25 or 26 so had a much bigger CV. How can I even compete?’ 
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‘For me, I’ve always found that there was never a clear route into the industry, I didn’t have a degree and my parents aren’t creative – there’s nobody in the creative industry in my immediate family. I wasn’t getting anywhere and couldn’t get my foot in the door,’ says Louis Merrion, Dazed Digital’s inaugural paid editorial intern. ‘I had come to a point where I was looking at unpaid internships, but I’d have to work weekends to be able to afford to commute from Southend. All of sudden you’re working seven days a week and you could come out of the end of it without having gained any experience. It’s easy to see why people get so disillusioned with the system.’ 
Three months into his tenure at Dazed, Louis’ day-to-day involves tasks that you'd expect for aspiring writers: shadowing working journalists, transcribing, researching, pitching and writing their own stories. ‘It feels more like an apprenticeship than an internship because of the learning aspect of it, you’re not expected to come in and know how the industry works straight away,’ he adds.
With several bylines now under his belt, Louis is already using the opportunity to gain additional experience working alongside Dazed’s social and Studio teams, which he hopes will set him in good stead once his internship ends. ‘I couldn’t ask for a better first creative job and the experience I’ve gained is invaluable,’ he says. ‘I now feel like somebody who is actually involved in the creative industry as opposed to being a part-timer; I have the belief that I could have a career in it. It’s not as far-reaching as it seemed six months ago.’ 
It sounds too good to be true and for most it will be – the cost of paying the LLW means that spaces on such internships are currently limited to two golden tickets per year. What do you do if you're not so lucky?
An alternative path into the industry – thanks, in part, to the diversity reckoning fashion faced in 2020 – are mentorships that pair beginners with working creatives for 1-2-1 support over a six-month period. 
Mentoring Matters (founded by Laura Edwards, a design director who has worked with Christopher Kane and Alexander McQueen), Room Mentoring (founded by Elle's editor-in-chief Kenya Hunt), RAISEfashion, and The Junior Network are a handful of these schemes born during the pandemic – generally aimed at aiding Black and brown creatives and those from working-class backgrounds. 
In 2021 through Mentoring Matters, Aswan Magumbe, a BA Fashion Communication student at Central Saint Martins was paired with i-D’s global editorial director Olivia Singer. ‘Mentoring was more personal, so Olivia helped me pinpoint specific things I needed help with like pitching and how to approach PRs. I also got a lot more in-depth feedback about my writing,’ she shares. Yet, even with this, Aswan admits, ‘I’m still very stuck. Mentoring is good because you have somebody to turn to, but I still don’t know how to navigate internships. I really don’t know the route to take.’ 
As a working journalist, I’d be hesitant to take on a role as a mentor for this very reason. While I could impart practical wisdom on how to be a writer, I have no means of offering advice on where to practise those skills. While well-intentioned, these mentorship schemes are guiding marginalised voices into an industry that has been reluctant to give them a seat at the table to begin with. How responsible this is without fully understanding or doing more to remove the roadblocks that sadly still exist remains to be seen.
It’s a complex issue, yet to be properly acknowledged – the disheartening reality is that many editors I spoke to weren’t aware that their publications no longer offered internship opportunities. I urge them to similarly reflect on their own arduous journeys – regardless of whether they grafted as an intern or not – and question leadership on why they aren't putting more time and resources towards supporting the talents of tomorrow. Take a chance on a new writer with no bylines, become an unofficial mentor, answer that email asking for advice – do more!
We’ve talked enough about making opportunities more readily available for those who want to pursue a career in fashion – it’s time to finally do something about it. 
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riovernadizon · 1 year
Time is a precious resource, and there’s no shame in wanting to spend it alone with a book, in bed catching up on rest, barefoot in the forest, or bingeing your favourite series. Despite social pressure to be as active and social as possible every chance you get, some don’t realize that spending your “free” time doing things that drain you always comes at a price.⁣
It’s polite and considerate not to assume someone wants to make plans on their day off or even catch up on their messages. Sometimes, just the sight of endless text messages and invitations can be overwhelming after a heavy week. The task of responding to each and every one of them can further contribute to the exhaustion.⁣
Relationships and teams function better when the energy is mutual, and both can show up in authentic ways. Anything forced, especially demanding someone use their precious time in ways against their will, leads to resentment and ultimately enforced boundaries.⁣
Suppose you tend to extend energy you’d rather reserve and use it in other ways. In that case, you may find yourself distancing from others or consider yourself an introvert simply because you feel you owe people your time, which makes relationships feel like a threat to your energy.⁣
Collectively we can create a new norm. A norm where people can respectfully decline and cancel plans without it being personal – trusting that others know what’s best for them and always encouraging that course of action.⁣
Free time is for you. It’s not up for grabs, and it’s not up for debate. Availability is the time and space you actively choose to offer others. So next time you catch someone asking when you’re free, be sure to clarify whether it means you’re available. Aligned connections will understand and appreciate the honesty.⁣
- Vex King
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lizseyi · 2 years
Frontrunner To Be New Prime Minister Urged To Reveal What She Would Do For The Self-Employed
The candidate in the Conservative Party leadership race who is most fancied to win – Liz Truss – has been encouraged to come up with a plan to help revitalise self-employment in the UK. 
Writing for smallbusiness.co.uk, Andy Chamberlain – director of policy at the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) – said there was a need for Ms Truss to set out what she would do for what he described as “one of the most innovative and dynamic parts of the UK economy: the self-employed.” 
“We need less talk and more action” 
In an intervention that will doubtless be of interest to many clients of our own accountancy for contractors in Plymouth, Newton Abbot, and Wellington, Mr Chamberlain said that while “we already have a sense of what a Truss-led government would prioritise”, the bookies’ favourite in the party leadership contest hadn’t yet outlined precisely how she would help self-employed people. 
Across her speeches, interviews, and debates so far, the foreign secretary has emphasised the need to reduce taxes and maintain a tough stance towards Russia as its invasion of Ukraine continues. These stated priorities look likely to be acted upon by Ms Truss if she does become Prime Minister. 
As for the self-employed sector specifically, Ms Truss hasn’t yet made much comment, although Mr Chamberlain observed that she “talked briefly – though encouragingly – about tackling treasury orthodoxy and helping freelancers” during recent Conservative Party hustings in Wales. 
He commented: “While I and many others have welcomed her support for the self-employed during the hustings, we shouldn’t get our hopes up just yet. Freelancing has been shaken to its core over the past two years, and we need less talk, and more action. 
“In other words, if Truss is going to get the support of thousands of self-employed workers, then she needs to show that she will follow through on her campaign promises.” 
Hopes that Ms Truss could address IR35 and clarify employment status rules 
Mr Chamberlain said that IPSE believed there was a need for Ms Truss to unveil a plan to “revitalise a sector that contributes £303bn to the UK economy and provides businesses across the country with innovation, entrepreneurism and dynamism – skills that are paramount to the success of any company.” 
Her actions to help the self-employed, he said, needed to include tackling the “flawed reform” of IR35 that he said had “devastated self-employed workers and created mass uncertainty and confusion for hirers and contractors alike.” 
He added that Ms Truss also needed to “demonstrate that she is prepared to grasp the nettle on tricky issues like clarifying employment status rules – something which the government had been committed to doing for four years until it decided to not to two weeks ago.” 
Whoever does ultimately stride into 10 Downing Street once the Conservative Party leadership contest concludes in early September – and Ms Truss still has former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak to beat – they will doubtless have major challenges on their hands across many fronts. 
Contact our own experts today about our accountancy for contractors in Plymouth, Wellington, or Newton Abbot, and we can help you rise to the tests likely to be looming in your own professional life in the weeks, months, and years to come. 
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elanaspodstudiosem2 · 2 years
Install iterations / considerations + thumbs up from Shannon & Emma!
It's install day!! I came into studio early this morning so I could play around with how I wanted to hang and position my paintings before properly installing them. The floors and walls are all dry and look very nice and tidy too. I might have to do a few touch ups on my wall but I'll do that after I've installed incase I make a little bit more mess! I played around with a few ideas for install and I managed to speak to both Shannon and Emma before I installed and got a thumbs up from them which was nice too :)
Chat with Emma:
Emma was very happy to see the 2nd large painting on a stretcher so I felt a bit of relief after our chat! I clarified that I would only be showing the two large black paintings and then showed her my space / corner and she loved the space. She also commented on how nice the lighting is going to be and how cool it's going to make the paintings look! It feels like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders after our chat so glad I got the 'go ahead' from her. She did say to consider how I was going to position them on the wall and said that whatever painting was my favourite had to go on the back end wall because it's the first painting that we see. I agreed with this and added that into my install considerations.
Chat with Shannon:
Shannon came around had a look at everyone's spaces and I was busy figuring out how I wanted to position my paintings on the wall so we had a chat. I said I liked the idea of them meeting in the corner but we both agreed that they looked too cramped in the space and shoved in the corner. It also looks a bit silly from the entrance of the room because you can only see half of a painting and lots of wall. I like the idea of it but I don't really love how it looks, especially in the space. I also suggested that I felt like I wanted to give each painting a bit of space and not put them together because I feel like they are seperate works and were made in different states of mind and focus. Each work represents a different time period in the last few weeks and my emotions that were present in that time so in that regard I felt like each painting deserved and needed to be on it's own on the respective wall. But close enough that the surfaces could be compared and contrasted. Shannon agreed with my reasoning and I felt like after voicing my opinion, I kind of answered my own answer of how I wanted to hang each work too.
Install idea 1 / Middle of the each wall:
This is my favourite install and spacing and ultimately the one I ended up choosing. Especially after my chats with Shannon and Emma and voicing aloud my reasons for keeping them apart, this hang just made the most sense. Having each work in the middle of its respective wall also meant that the painting on the back end wall ended up getting some direct sunlight actually on it which is also a bonus. It also means that the entire painting on the back end wall is visible as people enter the space and it ends up drawing people in and they then discover the second painting on the t-wall. I like this idea of 'luring' the audience in and making the work about discovery and exploration. Not only do they discover the 2nd painting on the t-wall but they also explore each individual painting and surface once they are standing in front of it.
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Install idea 2 / Meeting in the corner:
I do really like the idea of the paintings meeting in the corner - being able to stand in the corner and see nothing but the black gestural marks and finishes is a really intriguing idea. I think if the paintings were side by side on the same wall too this would also be a similar effect. But ultimately, I think in the space that I have available, It's just not going to work without looking super cramped and squashed, it's almost a bit chaotic. It also look super unbalanced and not super inviting when you only see half of the painting on the back end wall when you first enter the space. I think It also makes the empty, white space and sunlight by the window overpower the works, instead of working with and adding to them. I don't think it's the best use of the space I have available and it doesn't really add anything to the concept of my work and the entire room as a whole.
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Install idea 3 / Same distance from the corner:
I thought installing each painting the same distance from the middle corner would make them look balanced but I don't think I really like it. It looks good when you're in the space and looking at them both but I don't think they look good from any other perspective. It has the same problem as the 'meet in the corner install' with how it looks super over powered and unbalanced when you first enter the room and see the first painting on the back end wall. While this install does separate them and keep them as separate works, I don't think it's enough space and I think I need to make better use of the back wall with the sunlight. Again, this install doesn't make the most sense conceptually and spatially, not just for my own works but for the exhibition space/room as a whole.
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^ Some sketches I had made after playing around with some reasoning behind some of my decisions.
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millieixgd · 2 years
Abram Games
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Abram Games was one of the most influential Graphic Designers of WW2, and was appointed ‘Official War Poster Artist’ after serving in the army for 2 years as a Captain; he was inspired by his first hand experiences as a soldier. He was given freehand to design over 100 posters for army use, which inspired patriotism, recruitment and desirable behaviours in soldiers and civilians. He wanted people to know it was a war worth fighting for.
His posters started with up to 30 basic sketches, before combining his favourite few designs which consisted of striking colour, bold graphic ideas and integrated typography. The surrealist imagery feels memorable and achievable in the minds of the public. Games managed to turn highly complex issues into simple designs so that they were easy to read and understand, allowing people to derive ‘maximum meaning from minimum means’. His posters illustrated cause and effect, risk and reward and sometimes humour. He wanted to compress, condense and clarify information, allowing his posters to be understood from a distance, about 50 yards. He thought that the small, monochromatic notices on the walls in barracks didn’t serve their purpose, he wanted his work to be noticed and appreciated; ultimately he aimed to bring colour to the darkness of war.
The Dig for Victory posters pictured above aim to include everyone, even those who weren’t actively fighting in the war, giving everyone an achievable role in the fight for victory. They were aimed to raise Britains self sufficiency as merchant ships carrying food and weapons were being sunk by the opposition and encouraged people to think about the link between food on their plate and cultivation. The farm to fork camping still remains in the minds of the British public today and is celebrated through allotments, growing your own vegetables in gardens and not wasting food; this shows just how important Games’ posters were. He used his art to make an important contribution to the war effort.
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aliceontherun · 2 years
Do memes  provide a useful way of understanding politics?
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Politicians will utilise this newest internet strategy to attract, enrage, convince, or appeal to superstitious people. Political memes are becoming more prevalent in political debate.
What is a political meme?
A political meme is a deliberate visual framing of a stance. Memes are a new type of political communication that often have one of two characteristics: they are inside jokes or they elicit an emotional response.
Memes are politically effective when they are extensively — or virally — circulated, when they foster a sense of belonging to a "in-group," and when they convey a persuasive normative message about a public figure or political topic.
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Memes proliferate quickly online and into popular culture because they are readily made, consumed, manipulated, and propagated. They can instantly convey the creator's position on the issue. The stronger the emotional response elicited by a post, the more likely it is to be shared.
Do memes  provide a useful way of understanding politics?
I would probably say no. Although memes have become a common way of communication around the world, as a form of modern communication, it has penetrated bit by bit into us whose lives are largely dominated by the Internet. Through pictures and simple words, modern people can quickly understand, agree, even with a smile. However, in today's era of information explosion, online information is inseparable from contemporary issues. It is undeniable that memes have allowed many people who are indifferent to politics and even the world to receive new information, and also pay attention to many political and racial issues. Through oral or above-mentioned comments, we examine this society through memes, and even ironically, it also points out the problems and situations people are facing.
However, in recent years, there have also been many political, racial and even moral disputes in memes, that is, the emergence of the so-called "hell meme", which belongs to a kind of Internet meme, and the hell meme is based on the incompleteness and discrimination of others. It's a joke, so there are often debates on the Internet, and the reason for the dispute is nothing more than the fact that the negative side denounces the positive side for lack of sympathy, and the positive side mocks the negative side's righteous devil. So far, it is still impossible to clearly define the quality of hell stalks in law, and this also shows that The value and positioning of morality in society and the boundaries of freedom of speech.
The dark side of memes
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Pepe the Frog, it seems helpless but expresses a thousand words, it once became the favourite of netizens, but because of this, it was "abused" and turned into hatred symbol. At last, the creator, Matt Furie decided to let Pepe Frog "rest in peace" and would never create any of his works again.
Pepe Frog is a character in Fury's 2005 comic strip Boy's Club, most known for his catchphrase "Feels good, man," which he says with tears in his eyes. Because the term may represent a wide range of sensitive emotions like as grief, indignation, and even complacency, it is popular among netizens.
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However, it was used by the "alt-right," who advocated white supremacy nationalism, anti-immigration, and anti-feminism. Pepe frog was messed with by Hitler and even turned into a 3K (Ku Klux Klan) spokesperson.
The tinkering with Pepe frog has grown increasingly intense. Even current US President Trump tweeted a photo of Pepe the frog being tampered with himself at the start of his campaign, with the caption, "You Can't Stump the Trump."
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Furie came forth numerous times last year to clarify, "This is like something out of a nightmare. I hope Pepe frog is a symbol of happiness and peace on the Internet, rather than hatred."
His efforts, however, were ultimately vain. Furie decided to "execute" the Pepe frog, who was meant to be "cool, simply likes to eat snacks, chat on the phone, and use marijuana,". Furie stated, "Pepe frog was an insider's joke before it got engaged in politics, or any symbol of feeling well or not feeling well, I know it's all out of control, after all, what do you think? It's exactly as you read it, and as the creator, I'd say Pepe frog is love."
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Political memes are essentially a gateway to stupidity and misery.
We may start with a simple step in the right direction:
Stop sharing political memes.
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Tenove, C 2019, The meme-ification of politics: Politicians & their 'lit' memes, The Conversation, viewed on 7 October 2022,
Know Your Meme, 2015. Pepe the Frog, viewed on 7 October 2022,
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thunderpetal · 2 years
Legend’s Role in the Group
I made this post about how Legend hasn’t really used any of his most OP items in combat yet. The reason I gave for it in the post was that Jojo is saving his more powerful abilities for bigger battles yet. But there’s a second reason, too.
Legend has been on six adventures by himself before LU. Sure, he had friends to help him, but for the most part, he was fighting powerful foes totally alone. Save for Triforce Heroes, I guess, but I haven’t played that game so I don’t exactly know its deal.
My point is - with how proficient a solo adventurer he is, and combined with his general snark, you might assume that Legend is shit at teamwork, and operating in a group. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
In fact, Legend is pretty much the braincell of this group of heroes, and is playing a vital role of support. I will prove it to you in this post. So let’s go.
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Here are Legend’s OG character notes. I highlighted in bold the ones I wanna talk about.
chooses not to be a leader type the most experienced adventurer he’s got a tool for that very mature for his age, however, still young at heart the most reliable, you want him on your team seems emotionally unaffected by his travels however he keeps Koholint his dark secret  
Chooses Not To Be A Leader Type
Legend could be the leader of this group, quite easily. After all, he is the most experienced one! But I reckon that as the early group dynamics emerged, he saw Time, the tallest and oldest, Warriors, the guy who commanded others in a war, and Twilight, able to emotionally understand the team better than he could, and thought ‘Right, I’m not touching all that’. When a group has 3 guys older than you who all seem to be competent leaders, why would you step up to be one?
That being said, Legend’s qualities as a leader don’t go to waste. He just applies them in different, less obvious, ways. One of my favourite examples is when he chooses to through the portal first.
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His subtle leadership manifests in other ways, too. Often in battles he’s the one telling the group to stay focused, or directing their attention to where he wants it. He’s the first one to warn everyone to keep away from the Iron Knuckle.
I really respect that Legend chooses not to be a leader, ultimately. Again, with his experience, he could, but it shows his maturity that he leaves the role to those who are better suited for it instead. And yet, he doesn’t just sit back and let others boss him around - he finds his own ways to apply his knowledge and help the group. He’s his own kind of leader.
Speaking of his maturity, that brings me neatly to:
Very mature for his age, however, still young at heart
Legend is snarky. We all know this. At a glance, he might come off as immature compared to some of the... nicer members of the group, but I believe it’s quite the opposite. His snark and banter display the depths of his maturity, more than anything.
Legend’s snark is purposeful. If you look at any point in the comic where he’s made a comment, it’s normally at a point of tension. One of the Links has said something accidentally hurtful, or a serious topic is being disucssed. In those times, you can rely on Legend to swoop in with some form of banter. Here are a few of my favourite examples:
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As we later find out, Time’s comment isn’t intended to supposed to be harmful, but it clearly hurts Twilight a little. Legend steps in and playfully jabs at Time, while making fun of himself too, to point out how Time’s comment came off wrong. Not only does this show Legend’s self awareness of his prickliness, it allows Time to go on to clarify that he meant the monster was infected, and he wasn’t trying to downplay anyone’s efforts.
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Again, Time says something that hurts another member of the chain, Legend notices, and teases him to diffuse tension. (Side note, Time does seem to have a habit of coming off as harsh, doesn’t he? But that’s a can of worms for another day). It’s almost like Legend is practically using his reputation as slightly mean for the opposite effect - to subtly mediate between the members of the group.
One more example:
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Wind’s thrown off and fumbling around Time’s question, which is fair enough given Wind Waker’s lore. It’s unclear if anyone else picks up on Wind’s discomfort, but Legend is right there again to lighten the mood a little.
Of course, a few banterous comments here and there aren’t enough to tackle all the tension and secret keeping the Links have between them, but it keeps things from boiling over. Legend is lowkey doing 90% of the peacekeeping in the group, and the others hardly seem to realise!
The most reliable, you want him on your team
To loop back around to what made me start this post in the first place, let’s look at how Legend behaves in combat.
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In The Shadow, Legend doesn’t even fight once, instead holding back to let Warriors do the work. He also refocuses the group’s attention, making sure they’re all taking out an equal amount of monsters. But when he really comes into his own as the team’s rock is in the most recent arc, Sunset.
Legend is one of the four people who knew exactly who got hurt when Wolfie did. Everyone else in that group - Time, Wild and Four - react aggressively and emotionally in response to Twilight getting hit. But Legend doesn’t. In fact, he’s the first person to warn the others to stay away from the Iron Knuckle, even before Twilight’s wound didn’t heal - which led Wars and Sky to work out its blade was cursed, and warn everyone too.
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I think part of this is because he still isn’t as close to Twilight as the others who know Wolfie’s true identity - they’ve bonded, sure, but this is all happening barely a couple of days after Divine Dark Reflections. So, him and Twilight aren’t quite besties yet, and thus Legend is more easily able to keep a cool head.
But I think it’s just also who he is. He sees a situation get 10x more stressful, and immediately starts working harder to ensure things are under control. In a way, his role is keeping the group in equibrilium. Twilight is hurt, and he’s worried. But he knows Warriors and Sky are already at his side, so instead, he focuses on what he can do to help the group as a whole, which is telling them to clear out the monsters so Wars and Sky have breathing space. He stops the others from throwing themselves into danger and taking on the Iron Knuckle, or at least he tries to, in the case of Wild.
To go back to what prompted me to make this post in the first place, I think this behaviour is also why we haven’t seen him use any of his powerful abilities yet. I mean, we haven’t seen Legend use a lick of magic on the battlefield yet! The others have been to his house and seen how many crazy items he has, yet in the comic, all he relies on is his sword, his pegasus boots, and a dream. Plus, we know he does have his magical abilities with him since he’s wearing his rings + Ravio’s bracelet, and we’ve seen his fire and ice rods respectively, so him simply not having access to his more powerful tools is a disproven possibility.
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Instead, he’s purposefully holding back, for the same reasons he told the others not to throw themselves at the Iron Knuckle. He’s forfeiting showing off his skills in favour of being a reliable member of the team. I’m not saying the others are unreliable, and I do believe Legend will have his moment to shine in the future, but for now, he’s choosing to play the role of support. It’s worth noting that the boys don’t really know jack shit about what they’re up against. All of them have had dangerous adventures and near death experiences, but with the most experience under his belt, I think Legend’s exercising the most caution against Dink. He fears disrupting the battlefield with one of his more OP abilities, especially not without telling the others.
The way Legend fights reflects how he behaves in the group generally. He’s adjusting himself to be as stable as possible. He’s holding back on the wild magic he used on his solo adventures, just like how he’s choosing not to be a leader, and trying to mediate the group tension. In short, he definitely is the guy you want on your team.
But why is he like this?
One of the most important aspects of LU is one that’s easy to forget - the Links really haven’t known each other that long. Since the main comic begins after they have all met, we don’t know how much time has passed since they all banded together, but it’s reasonable to assume it’s only been a short while. There are tentative dynamics forming, but the group still don’t know a whole lot about each other, especially the more personal details of their lives. They’re still walking on eggshells around each other.
Legend’s behaviour is in response to all of this. For all of his teasing comments, at the end of the day, he’s actively making sure no big fights explode among the others, and that everyone stays safe, calm and alive. From assuming his own type of leadership, to keeping the group mood light, he’s navigating his first ever adventure working with such a large group of people - and imo, doing a fantastic job at it. He’s making sure he doesn’t disrupt such a fragile group dynamic. Though looks at Sunset despite Legend’s best efforts, it seems like some serious interpersonal drama is brewing anyway.
In the future, I do hope we get to see Legend absolutely going off in battle, because it will be epic. But until that day comes, I really appreciate the role he has in the group.
TL;DR Legend is the braincell. Here is a pic of him disappearing into the void. thank you for reading
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For the MDZS ask game, I wanted to know what you thought of 3, 6 and 12
Thank you very much for the ask, anon!
3. What’s your favourite aspect of MDZS?
...For all I go on about the characters, I'd actually have to say the narrative structure. It's crafted so well, and echoes and enhances the themes of the novel perfectly, while paralleling and enhancing what's happening in both the present and the past. I'm working on a meta (wrong question, I know) on WWX and narrative agency, and there's so much there enhancing that! Such as the fact that we never get flashbacks about how he died, or about the Golden Core situation, because he doesn’t want to dwell on that and/or for people to know that, and the only time we really get flashbacks about things that happened to him by circumstance (fall of Lotus Pier, being thrown into the Burial Mounds, etc), it’s when he's explicitly dreaming of it in the present, unlike the other flashbacks which do have ties to the present but are allowed to get away with just happening without explicitly stating he's thinking about them, even though he probably is. Which are all ways the narrative itself shows us he defines who he is, and he chooses who he is -- he's not defined by what happens to him.
And that's not going into how the flashbacks are gradually seeded so as we learn to distrust the cultivation world and what they say and that theme becomes clearer we get to find out what actually happened, looking past those rumours literally and metaphorically (we're not buying into the cultivation world's rumours, so can now look past that to investigate what actually happened because we've learned not to be blinded by their prejudices), or into the extremely well-written tight plot, and so on and so on. It's just so impressive and I love to talk about it at every chance I get. Which you can very much see here...
6. Any controversial opinions?
From his perspective, Lan Xichen was right to trust Jin Guangyao.
All JGY has ever shown to him is his kinder 'side' (read: act, probably), and to him he saved him after his home was destroyed, he put himself at risk working as a spy for WRH, he ultimately killed him, and so on and so on. When reading MDZS for the first time I actually agreed with his stance that he needed more information to make a decision, that just as LWJ believes WWX is a good person and has the right to, he can believe JGY is a good person. I do believe his actions after WWX is revealed as WWX and is brought back to the Cloud Recesses are fair! He doesn’t act on his negative-probably feelings towards WWX, he doesn’t immediately dismiss him as lying about the person he put his trust into, he gives him a chance to be innocent and JGY one to be guilty, even though that completely messes with his worldview and maybe doesn’t entirely believe it. And yes, tries to take time to make an informed decision. As you should.
It's not Lan Xichen's fault Jin Guangyao is a good manipulator.
I have thoughts on Jiang Cheng (because that’s always controversial)
Since anything about Jiang Cheng ends up being controversial, I'll just make my thoughts on him clear -- no, he is not a good person, no he was not a good brother to WWX and didn't even see himself as one, no WWX was not at fault for what he blames him for.
The thing is... I don't like him as person, but he's very interesting as a character, and that makes him a character I sort of like? Though I have to be very clear, NOT as a person. But look at his role as a thematic foil for example! He’s one of the examples of an antagonist who is an antagonist because they hold onto their resentment and are consumed by it instead of letting it go, he foils LWJ in many ways too (looking at you, Rynne's 'love is an action word' meta which still lives all the time in my head). I do believe he loved WWX in some way at some point (though it should be obvious, I'm clarifying not romantically) but he didn't act on that, and when he did he regretted it -- so if anything all that makes him a worse person, not a better one! And because of that resentment he held onto, that feeling was consumed by hatred, too. It's quite interesting to me how he's yes a bad person, but is treated as a person by the narrative (love you narrative), and that's where all the controversy around him comes from I think. I love how he could have been a caricature (look at his first appearance, come on), but wasn't.
...And to clarify, all that is the accomplishment of the narrative, not of Jiang Cheng himself, and in a different book with different themes and characters he probably wouldn't be as interesting at all. But he’s very purposeful in MDZS, and is treated like a person, and I think that makes him a good character. So once again, thank you narrative and narrative structure of MDZS I absolutely adore you.
So I guess my controversial opinion on him is that he’s SO much better as an antagonist, which is controversial because a lot of the fandom... does not like to treat him as an antagonist.
Jiang Yanli is a good, well-written character who's not just the soup girl and isn't just for fridging
I'm actually working on something about this, so no spoilers there, sorry. If you want to see my thoughts though, see my character bingo ask about her.
Jiang Fengmian isn't evil or anything, he was a victim at Lotus Pier too.
Wei Wuxian is not morally grey even if he did do something wrong, because moral greyness is not about what you did! It's about your attitude to, you know, morality! And he's undoubtedly a moral person!
12. What metas are you currently working on? Are there any?
...I mean. I've sort of answered this already in these previous questions, but in addition to my narrative agency one and my JYL one, I'm also working on a third part to the 'WWX is not a self-sacrificial idiot' series. And you can have a small peek at it, since you're actually the first anon I've gotten:
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I also want to do one about Xue Yang and accountability (as in how he shifts it), but I haven't started writing that one yet.
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tales-and-thoughts · 3 years
How to develop romance in your story?
Original: Shipping: 14 Ways To Develop Romance In Your Story by Katharine Grubb on 10 Minute Novelists
A well-developed romance can make the difference between a good story and an excellent story. This is especially true for writing fanfiction which deals with romantic tropes more often than not. We want our readers to be invested in the main characters and want to root for them before the fictional soon-to-be-couple even roots for themselves.
Keep reading for 14 tips and suggestions on how to develop a romance that keeps your readers interested.
1. Put them together. It's simple: The characters have to be in each other's company to fall in love. The settings can vary from a professional environment to a relaxed date, but they need to spend time together to get to know each other.
2. Go slowly. Love at first sight may be a common trope, but it's not very realistic. What is realistic though is an emotional response to each other. It doesn't have to be a positive one (at first) but that first spark can ignite more during the story.
3. Show that they like being together. Maybe they can't even explain what it is, but they are drawn towards each other and even when they tease each other, they still like to have each other around.
4. Make them need each other for practical things. People, fictional or not, like to feel needed. If person A has a problem, person B will most likely jump to the rescue and offer their help. Be creative! There is nothing wrong with the handsome handyman helping with the house that needs fixing, but there are many many other options out there that can serve as a practical dependency.
5. Demonstrate how confused they are. Falling in love is not easy. Show the readers the struggle of your characters: the sleepless nights, the differences between what they say and what they do, or the deep rooted conflict between heart and reason.
6. Give them an environment. Your characters can't talk to each other about their feelings so naturally they will need someone else for that. A friend, a sister, a coworker. These supporting characters may give warnings, remind the characters of something important or manipulate the circumstances. Make sure to show their motivations as well so they won't appear flat.
7. Create a pursuit. If one character is more interested in the other that may result in a pursuit. Person A will try to get the attention and affection of person B and you, the writer, will have to put as many obstacles in their way as possible. Let them make mistakes that tease the reader so the question of when they will finally end up together keeps them turning the pages.
8. Give them a clarifying moment. This is the moment you've been building up to. The classic "Speak now or stay silent forever". Make sure to show what is at stake: Maybe an ex-partner shows up or person A is about to move far away. One of them has to make a dramatic move followed by the long awaited acknowledgement that they indeed love each other. And leading to the ultimate decision on "what now?".
9. Keep their actions consistent. Or: know your characters. A free-spirited person will probably not overanalyse the other person's actions while an introverted person will most likely hesitate and overthink a lot before making a move.
10. Make them want to “rescue” each other. It's the classic and old fashioned way of chivalry, but give it a modern twist and readers and characters alike will fall for it. Think about innovative ways one can save each others day. Maybe person A gives person B a ride when it's dark and raining or person B lends person A a phone charger so they can call their sick mum.
11. Make them want each others opinion. It is a way to show respect to value the other person's opinion. Asking for an opinion can help one character to make a decision but it can also just be a point of view of person A that person B deeply admires.
12. Make them both want to improve for the other one. This surfaces especially when one person has high standards in something. Person B will notice, that person A's opinion on them suddenly matters. And should it happen that someone else is superior that may evoke an emotional response without person B even realising what they are doing or feeling.
13. Make them willing to be uncomfortable for each others sake. One of the classic signs of true love, often expressed in a very dramatic sacrifice. But it's also the little things. Maybe person A endures this boring tv show person B likes, or person B brings the other one's favourite takeaway even though they are not fond of it. Bonus points, if you have supporting characters noticing these sublte sacrifices.
14. Consider making them both cowards. The fear of rejection is a very real one and very close to heart for a lot of readers. If your characters are afraid of dealing with the relationship, afraid to commit or afraid to fail, readers will identify with them and eventually start cheering for them, wanting them to get their Happy End.
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cozycottagetarot · 3 years
Pick A Pile: Your Next 6 Months
July - December 2021
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Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I asks that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all.
Reading Specific Disclaimer: Keep in mind this is just for fun and ultimately your actions and things you can’t control are the factors that will truly determine how the next 6 months pan out for you.
Theme // The Lovers Rx — Hello Pile 1! The theme for your next 6 months are all about finding your passion and building a relationship with yourself. Are you going through a rough patch right now Pile 1? Because I’m seeing you getting out of it or having a major shift by the end of the year.
July // Knight of Cups — With the knight of cups, I see you need to get your mood and mindset in check during the month of July. The energy you are in right now could be sooo much better my love. I feel like you’re holding back, there’s this brooding energy I’m picking up on. Focus on expressing yourself in some format (creatively, journaling, when talking to others) because if you do so I see you can allow yourself to begin this journey of transformation.
August // Seven of Pentacles — I’m picking up this energy you may potentially have of “when will things start to get better?” The answer— when you start putting in the work. That’s what August is about. Take some time during this month to really check your strategy at whatever it is you’re brooding about and come up with a game plan.
September // Ten of Swords Rx — So far if you’ve taken the tarot’s advice, then in September you’ll find yourself finding your momentum and strength again as the Ten of Swords Rx can signal getting off of rock bottom in a sense.
October // Ace of Pentacles — To me aces represent new beginnings. During the month of October something you’ve been manifesting (remember August?) is going to start coming thru. I’m also picking up on your financial situation improving or new financial opportunity coming through.
November // Ace of Swords — Your are going to be able to think and see things much clearer during November Pile 1. I don’t see a major ‘aha’ moment, but I do sense a subtle "oh my gosh look how well I’ve been doing" type of energy. 6 may also be a number of importance for you here too.
December // Death — Finally we’ve made it to December and I feel so much good vibes. The previous months may have been… challenging and have pushed you to grow, but when I look at the cards I see something beautiful, and I see progression. You started out, Pile 1, with the knight of cups riding forward with his/their white horse, cup in hand (an intention of sorts) and end with Death on their white horse but now a skeleton holding a flag of what we’ll call victory. I know, it sounds morbid, but the point I’m trying to make is that Death represents transitions and endings, and that is what December had in stored for you.
Oracle Card — Chant//Invoke
Yogi Tea Messages — “In every moment of life, you should be what you ought to be.” | “If we are happy, everybody looks up and shares our happiness.”
Theme // The Fool — Pile 2, I’m not sure the cards wanted you to know what’s in store for you over the course of the next three months. Therefore your reading is kind of short so if you have specific questions just send it in an asks. The general energy is very guarded. The fool here represents, beginnings and potential.
July // Ace of Cups — Ace of Cups is mainly about love and peace. I felt inclined to draw another card and out popped the Ten of Swords. Maybe you’ve had a not-so great experience happen recently, and July is about healing from it and trying to find a place of love and peace within yourself.
August // The Hermit — On this idea or energy, I see The Hermit as hinting that during the month of August you may find yourself doing a lot of self reflection Pile 2. I wanted to know what you were potentially doing self reflection on and out came the Six of Wands which, summarised, is about success and recognition. Self reflection on your progress maybe?
September // Death Rx — During the month of September beware of being resistant. Alternately, things maybe moving slowly and in wanting things to move faster, you maybe creating resistance to your blessings coming thru. Ultimately going with the flow.
October // Eight of Wands — I moved the eight of wands and under it was The Star which I hadn’t realised and was pleasantly surprised. With these two cards, I’m hearing if you heed death’s advice of being aware of your resistance to whatever is going on, you’ll see a sudden improvement in your situation. In October things are picking up and the things you’ve been wishing for will come to you.
November // The Chariot — One of the first things to come to me with this card was ‘faith, trust and pixie dust’. I have no idea why but maybe you do Pile 2. I see you having lots of motivation with The Chariot, finding balance, and success with a problem or situation you maybe having.
December // Four of pentacles Stability will be yours by the end of the year pile 2. However there’s an energy I’m not feeling. I pulled a card to clarify and got the Knight of Swords. Things are coming through for you in December but there is also a message to be aware that the chariot energy you’re carrying from November to December doesn’t morph into an energy stemming from greed and superiority.
Oracle Cards  — Mystery//Dream & Align//Ignite
Yogi Tea Messages — “Think seriously and think honestly.” | “We are born wise, we are born complete.”
Theme // 10 of Swords — Have no fear pile 3,   I’m reading this card as the next 6 months marking completion to a rough  phase in your life.
July // 6 of Wands — Success and   victory you’ve been growing and working on yourself or a creative endeavor. During July you may find yourself acknowledging your progress,  or other’s may comment on how well you’re doing.
August // 8 of Swords Rx — If you have been feeling powerless or trapped Pile 3, that is going to change. You may be opening your eyes to a situation or a truth maybe revealed.
September // King of Swords — I’m seeing you stepping up and being in-charge... being more levelheaded. With the butterflied on the throne, I’m thinking maybe you were more erratic in thought or and emotion? Or maybe during September butterflied will be of importance. Honesty and good communication is also key.
October // 6 of Cups — During October you maybe taking a trip down memory lane, or indulging in old/childhood enjoyments. Someone from your past may also be showing back up in your life.
November // 10 of Pentacles — I see you coming into abundance. It could be material abundance but it doesn’t have to be. There’s also a message of keep doing what you’re doing.
December // 9 of Cups — To end the year off you maybe feeling more content and satisfied with the things you’ve been doing. Keep up the mindset you’ve seemingly come into and enjoy the good things life has to offer.
Oracle Card —  Love//Empathy
Yogi Tea Messages — “People who love are giving.” | “Let your energy be used to build not destroy.”
Theme // 6 of Swords Rx — Pile 4, my chaotic little bunch. With the 6 of Swords reversed I feel you maybe regressing if you’re not careful.
July // 5 of Wands Rx — Here this card represents the end of conflict and moving on. I don’t know if it’s working out for you... I feel like you might just be like ‘screw it’ and move on. Throughout the reading I kept feeling like it was related to familial disagreements so for some of you that could be it.
August // The Fool —  The fool is about fresh starts, potential and being carefree. While I do see that, in this reading the dog by the fool’s foot jumps out at me as a warning of sorts. While new beginnings may be in the works, be careful of making rash decisions and not thinking things through.
September // Justice — I see things as balanced for you during September Pile 4, maintain that energy of balance going forward.
October // Queen of Wands — For me this is one of my favourite cards because I see it as being in your ideal energy, being your own muse. It’s time to come into that healthy, attractive, confident, creative energy.
November // Queen of Cups Rx — Why would you be wallowing Pile 4? You were doing so well and now the cards show me you finding yourself in an upset and moody energy. This is where familial disagreements really came to me since depending where you live the holiday season really kicks off in November and potentially so does family tension. Regardless of what it is, during November you may need to show yourself some extra love and prioritize self care.
December // 5 of Swords — You’re fiery Pile 4, and I don’t see you as they type to take crap from anyone. You know your situation best and the people around you best so there are two main messages with this card. The first message being one of ‘the world doesn’t revolve around you’. While you need to put yourself first, you also need to understand your actions and decisions affects those around you. Alternately — you need to claim control your rights, your power... whatever you want to see it as. If someone is taking advantage of you, you need to break free and be able to choose yourself.
Oracle Card —  Spiral//Cycle
Yogi Tea Messages — “Life is a flow of love; your participation is requested.” | “An attitude of gratitude brings opportunities.”
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