#to make my screeching quieter lol
irulancorrino · 1 year
our DM made me screech like a pterodactyl this session TWICE by first revealing super important info about my character's mother and later also revealing that our new villain/antagonist is lichrally my brother like. oof
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thebearer · 10 months
I love your writing sm I look forward to seeing your fics/blurbs everyday, hope all is well in school.
Imagine willow and teddy as teens what would their dynamic be like?? Would they argue a lot, would teddy be the protective older sister over her in high school.
thank you!!! that is so sweet ahhh!! and yes school is good so far lol. just started but hope the semester is good.
willow and teddy have such differing personalities that i think they'd either vibe entirely or butt heads so bad. like it depends on the day and the mood. some days it's peaceful and you and carm don't have to parent too much, other times... it's like they're possessed.
usually it's teddy who comes in at drama on level ten and willow is just like ... really lol?
it's usually the usual "that's my shirt" "no it's not" and then it's just insane from there. you'll just be chilling and it's like the screech of "mom!" that has you startled and running only to see them both bitching about a shirt lol.
then they'll be fine after a while. it's a whirlwind to you lol.
in school, when they're in school together, willow takes more after carmen. quieter and keeps to herself, whereas teddy is more outgoing- a lot more. it's like polar opposites lol.
sometimes, it can make willow a target bc she'd just easier bc she's quiet and won't necessarily pop back. teddy will though. rest assured. esp when willow's a freshman and teddy's a senior and one of the weird older senior guys keeps trying to go for her and makes her uncomfortable. teddy has to embarrass him a little bit in front of everyone to get him to stop. she can make fun of willow, but no one else can ok? lol.
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flock-talk · 3 months
Who’s usually louder, Newt or Toto?
My bet is on Newt bc I have a conure and she sure can scream, but maybe Toto is also really good at yelling idk lol.
By a long shot
Mr tusty man can hit around 113 decibels
Couldn’t find data on maroon bellied conures but the very similar green cheek hits 100-110. I’d honestly say that Newt is quieter than the average green cheek though, at most I’d guess he’s at 100
Toto has the added ear shattering experience of pitch and tone. Newt yells, it’s a deeper raspier screech comparible to the tone of a person shouting to get your attention. Toto on the other hand is pitchy, it makes your ear drums pulse with each shout and if he happens to be too close to your ear you will lose hearing in that ear for half a minute afterwards
With all of this though neither are excessively noisy, they shout at the sunrise for a couple minutes in the morning. Excitedly running along the back of the couch or flying laps while shouting for a bit, or they occasionally contact call. The vast majority of the sounds they make are soft grumbles and chatter, screaming doesn’t constitute more than 3% of the day
And usually Newt is the one starting the sunrise scream fest so although he may not be as loud he is definitely the cause for most of the noise to start
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loveemii · 1 year
Hi! I had a cute little idea I wanted to share, if you’d be willing to right it. Assuming that requests are open of course!
So l had the cutest idea :Demon slayer (Inosuke x reader/y/n
Inosuke's trying to be a good boyfriend and he wants to propose to y/n. So of course he goes to ask Taniiro how to do so (homies lived in the wild he don't know what he's doing)
After a couple minutes of Inosuke mispronouncing words and tanjiro trying to figure out what he said, tanjiro finally understands him!
Tanjiro says some other nice thing but ends it off with 'get down on you knee, your ring in hand and ask them to marry you!'
Inosuke's like 'I got it, thanks gompacho!' El so he runs off and instead get pretty flower, holds it to y/n as if it's the ring, and asked for y/n's hand.
Y/n giggles and says yes after trying to figure out what he said.
Inosuke's happy and Zenitsu's screaming in the back about how The crazy boat got married before me?! And he didn't even do it right!'
Tanjiro and Nexuko are just happy for them and smiling.
oh my god hell yes! i’ll marry you! 💍
lol thank you for the amazing request :) - enjoy
inosuke ran to tanjiro who was reading with nezuko underneath a tree. full of excitement and stress inosuke shouted and it startled the two peaceful siblings. making them jump and look up at inosuke.
“What’s wrong Inosuke?”
tanjiro placed his hand over inosuke’s mouth to shush him. he let go trusting inosuke to be quieter.
“You want to marry Y/n?!”
tanji said excited for ino and you, inosuke nodded his head with wide eyes. nezuko was waiting to hear more.
“Well you have to ask her of course. But don’t just ASK her. You have to ASK her, and like this.”
tanjiro clears his throat before speaking again.
“Get down on one knee and say “Y/n: Will you marry me?”But not that last part!”
“Ok got it!”
inosuke got down on one knee and practiced in front of tanjiro and nezuko.
“Y/n: Will you marry me?”
“Perfect! And you have a ring right?”
“Yeah I do!”
“Great, then your all set let’s go watch Nezuko.”
later that day y/n was picking flowers and inosuke came up to her, he stole a flower from a bush nearby and held it in his mouth with a smirk on his face as he kneels on one knee. he tapped her shoulder and she saw him on one knee already covering her mouth.
“Y/n: Will you marry me?”
inosuke pulled out the diamond ring he chose, y/n gasped a little and smiled kind of as she tried to put together what he said since he had a flower in his mouth. she finally put it together and zenitsu walked out and saw it, he screeched and was JAW DROPPED.
“Yes! I’ll marry you Ino!”
he got up and they hugged happily as he spun y/n around in the air. she laughed with inosuke who was on cloud 9.
“How the hell did he get engaged before me?! No fair.”
meanwhile tanjiro and nezuko are already planning the wedding in their heads as they watched the happy couple.
hello i hoped you enjoyed :)
- please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, thank youu!
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taffywabbit · 6 months
some people were concerned about my joke in this earlier post regarding "putting tape on the fan", so let me just clarify what happened there lol
(this is kind of another computer storytime post, but it's longer and not really a joke like the other one, so i will put it behind a Read More for those who are curious)
ok so basically my computer started making this HORRIBLE screeching squealing noise intermittently back in October. it scared the hell out of me so badly that i just IMMEDIATELY turned off my computer because i thought that shit was about to catch fire. this happened multiple times and i couldn't figure out what was causing it and i just decided to leave my computer off for the rest of the night and open it up in the morning when i could get a second opinion from one of my techy roommates. but then it was just... fine? for a couple days? and i was like oh phew everything's ok i guess! that was really weird!
of course the noise started again, and i determined that it was coming from back end of my liquid CPU cooler, so for the first time ever, i figured out how to open up the side panel of my case and made sure everything was free of dust (it was fine) and there were no loose wires or components brushing up against the fans (also fine). then i took the top off to see if there were any loose screws where the cooler attached to it, and there weren't, but there WAS an inexplicably bent filament in the heatsink
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and i was like oh shit! i wonder if that's causing some kind of air resistance sound or something and that's what i've been hearing! so i very very carefully bent it back into shape with a small screwdriver and then closed everything back up and tested it. it did not help. in hindsight it was kinda dumb of me to assume that would have anything to do with the issue, but oh well, i learned lots of things about computers throughout this process
anyways i looked inside the case with a flashlight WHILE it was running and pretty much immediately realized that the problem was very obviously one of the 3 fans on the CPU cooler that was stalling. it only started screeching when it tried to get up to higher speeds, but it was still slowing down/stopping every few seconds and creating a lot of vibration, which was something i COULD deal with while trying to get my work done, but it was distracting and made me really really anxious.
my phone's mic is always really quiet for some reason but you can still see/hear what was going on in there:
i think this was around the point in the process where i looked into fan control software, because i realized they didn't seem to be dynamically adjusting to my PC's resource usage or temperature and were instead just running full blast all the time. (it got SO much quieter after i did that. i can't believe i just dealt with hurricane winds under my desk for a year without questioning it lmao). it was AFTER i slowed their default running speed down a bit that i was able to see the problem more clearly and took this video.
i installed FanControl in the hopes that it would give me some kind of option to JUST turn off that one fan and leave the other two running, because obviously that fan isn't contributing anything to keeping things cool anyways so i may as well just shut it off and avoid further damage to the motors (and further squealing), right? well unfortunately the whole CPU cooler is treated as a single fan on the software end of things, so whatever i do to one fan, i do to all of them. it was still worthwhile to set up FanControl but it didn't solve my issue.
so THEN i did some digging, and according to some forums online it sounded like these 3 fans might at least be wired separately? or daisy-chained off of one set of wires via metal contacts on their sides? either way, it sounded like it'd be possible to just detach and remove the faulty fan until i could replace it, temporarily solving the issue. i figured out how to open up my PC even MORE than before and accessed the rear side where all the cables are kept. this is where i ran into a wall again re: my lack of expertise and confidence with this stuff.
looking at the back of the motherboard, this is what i was greeted with:
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the part that's circled at the top is where the cables from all 3 fans (turned out they DID each have their own separate cables) were bundled together into two groups and fed into the back, behind the motherboard. the ones that run across the top to the left are bundled up back here and then feed back through to the front and connect o the motherboard, and the ones running down the right side go to the power supply in the bottom of the case (which i quickly found to be inaccessible because it was protected on both sides by solid metal plates that i couldn't figure out how to remove without breaking anything). in both cases, regardless of whether i could access the actual ports to disconnect them, it was nearly impossible to figure out which cables corresponded to which fan from this vantage point.
after spending a few minutes quietly coming to terms with the fact that i was WAY over my head and not equipped to carry out this particular solution, i closed the computer back up and went online to look for more possible solutions. i didn't find anything, but a piece of info i DID consistently come across throughout this whole process is that computer fans are typically very low-torque (so that they stop easily if anything obstructs them, to prevent damage to wires or anything like that). talking to a few friends about it, i decided i might have the temporary solution i needed.
this is where the tape finally comes in! i used scotch tape and just kinda... folded it around one of the fan blades and attached it to the outside of the fan casing, like a leash.
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then, very very fearfully, i turned the PC back on and watched to see what happened, ready to cut the power if needed. but it worked, more or less! it would pull, meet resistance, immediately stop, and wait a moment before trying again. the important thing is that it couldn't get up to speed and it wasn't making noise. so i turned it off again, redid the tape (i don't have a pic of it but i did a much better job of securing it from multiple angles so it was 100% immobile), and it was good to go!
not a pretty or ideal solution, but my computer doesn't make funny noises anymore and still isn't having any temperature issues. if there was anything to actually attach it to then i might use a zip-tie or something instead, but this has been working fine for 2 months and will continue to work for the foreseeable future, or at least until i move and have computer-savvy friends living nearby who can help me remove and replace the fan/cooler.
anyways yeah after going through all of this chronologically, this is DEFINITELY why my computer sometimes turns red and evil and wants to kill me lmao
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scmg11 · 2 years
hiii! Hope ur exams are going well! When you get the time, could u plz write a Hailee Steinfeld X Fem!Reader smut fic. R is an actress like Hailee and they play mentor/mentee roles on set, (Haliee being thementor & R being thementee) but irl they r friends (secretly crushing on each other). After a scene where Hailee has to fight R, (R's character is reckless getting her in trouble). Anyway the 2 end up confessing with some smut @ the end, H calls R 'little one' just like her character does) ty
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A/N: LOOK WHO'S BACK?! HELLO PEOLE!! I am truly sorry for being M.I.A. for so long but I had been so busy I was too exhausted to write more than a few phrases at night lol.
But here I am with another Tumblr request. I honestly LOVED writing this chapter and I hope you guys will like it too!
As always, thank you so so so so so much for reading, liking and commenting my stories, it makes me so happy!
Sending love ❤️
Summary: Hailee and Y/N are in the middle of shooting a brand new season for Hawkeye. They are best friend that are secretly in love with the other. After a particularly hectic day on set, they confess their feelings and act on their desires.
Warnings: smut.
Word counting: 8385 words.
"Okay, Megs now remember what I taught you. Try to stay focused on the target, this is just a reckon mission. We hide and take as much intel as we can. Nothing too much dang- Megs?! Megs?" Hailee hastily turned her head around to locate the girl her character thought was dutifully listening to her tips for a stakeout, but she was nowhere to be found, already knowing where she was by their script. "Megan! What are you doing?" Hailee yelled as planned when she let her eyes fall on the girl crossing the street and strolling towards the warehouse their characters had to observe in this scene. Even if they were 2 feet apart, the editing of this scene will make it look like Kate was standing from a building not too far from the warehouse that she carefully choose, like her mentor Clint taught her to, to have the best view to watch whatever sketchy things were doing the drug dealers they were keeping an eye on. She let a grimace on her face to make it look like Kate just realized her mistake and almost blew their safe cover in order to screech at Megan across the street when she could’ve used the intercoms they had on. "What are you doing?" She repeated in a quieter, hushed tone as she ducked down acting like Kate was shielding herself from anyone who might’ve heard her.
"I’m taking matters into my own hands. I’m just going to take a closer look around and get the informations we need."
"Are you insane?! They could shoot you as soon as you step into that warehouse!" Hailee countered back in an hushed tone, following the script to desperately try to convince the annoying girl to backtrack and come back to her.
"Relax granny. Jeez, since you became my mentor you completely lost your coolness." Y/N quipped with a smug smirk as she walked closer to the warehouse backdoor.
"What?! That’s not true!"
"You’re starting to sound a lot like Clint. Uh, growing older is the real deal." Y/N kept on acting, her character continuing to mock Kate as she now stood in front of the warehouse rusted door blocked by a bolt she already started to pick to open it. The camera pan in on her hands to show the lockpicking tools in her palm to point out she pulled them out of the black haired girl’s suit when she was distracted and then on her face where she put on a smug smirk.
Hailee huffed out in frustration to show her character realized Y/N’s one wasn’t going to give up in entering the building, then grabbed the bow and sprinted down the stairs to catch up on the girl, the camera following her down in front of her. As she descended the stairs she murmured grumpily, "I’m not turning into Clint." Then she raised her voice to be heard by the supposed girl across the street. "I’m not a granny and I’m not loosing my coolness, missy. We will have a chat after this. Oh no, now I definitely sound like Clint. Damn it!" Hailee stretched a flabbergasted expression on her face as she lashed out in frustration to sound like Kate realized what she said while opened the building door and run towards the girl kneeling on the floor to pick at the lock.
"AND CUT! Hailee, Y/N that was great. Go get ready with make up. It’s already pretty late, so we’re just gonna shoot the scene of the girls fighting about Y/N’s reckless decision. And we’re done for the day." The director instructed shortly at the two, both nodding and making their way to the makeup trailer.
"I can’t wait to go to bed, ugh- I’m exhausted." Y/N groaned out in pain as she massaged her neck to release some of its tension. Hailee gulped imperceptibly at the sound, clearly throwing away the feeling it aroused and tried to act normal by letting a groan of agreement herself.
"Me too. It’s already midnight. We will probably finish shooting around 2 a.m., if we’re lucky. I’m just glad tomorrow is my day off. I need sleep."
"I have the day off too tomorrow and I plan to just do that, sleep my tiredness away." Y/N rubbed her cold hands together to try to warm them up just a bit, but the cold winter of New York was proving that task to be completely useless. She gave up after a few seconds and opted to warm herself up in a more successful way, slotting her arm between Hailee’s side and her own and hugging the singer enough to warm themselves up a tad without making them stumble in their walk. It seemed it helped a lot because as soon as their bodies were in a close proximity their bodies temperature immediately rose up, enough to let a blush burn their cold cheeks. Having a crush on your co-star and being best friends with that said co-stair, both expressing affection through physical contact, which means cuddling, hugging, holding hands every time they have the chance to, tends to make your body temperature be extremely high and to your cheeks and neck to be more often than not tinted with a crimson color. They reached the makeup trailer and walked inside, both sighing at the warmth that immediately engulfed them and warmed them up from the cold outside.
"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Hailee asked excitedly as she took a seat on her chair closer to the door while Y/N sat on the chair beside hers on her left, their makeup artists immediately starting their works - both wanting to speed up the process to call it quits and go take some well needed rest, it was very late after all - to make their faces look up like they just had a big, badass fight with drug dealers.
"That alligators have a permanent erection? Or that kangaroos have three vaginas?" Y/N asked Hailee in confusion, mischievous swimming in her eyes as she took the brunette’s, now wearing Kate’s black hair, open-mouthed, shocked expression on her face while their makeup artists snorted at her funny questions.
"That’s not… exactly what I was thinking." Hailee drawled her words in confusion, looking at the wall behind Y/N completely lost before meeting the girl’s Y/E/C hues and asking bemused, "why the fuck are you thinking about that?"
"I wasn’t, it’s just funny teasing you." Y/N snickered loudly when Hailee graciously slapped her knee, trying to be careful and to not move too much to let her makeup artist keep doing her work. "Anyway, what were you thinking?"
"Sleepover? Mine or yours?" Hailee eagerly asked, her big grin so shiny it could oveeshadow the bright lights surrounding the big mirrors in front of them.
"Well last time we slept at your trailer, so I guess we can stay at mine tonight." Y/N pondered out loud while watching the girl sitting beside her through the mirror in front of her and smiled back when Hailee flashed her an excited grin followed by a gentle squeal of approval.
It was well known the girls’ habit of having sleepovers almost every night to spend as much time as they could on set. They had met five years ago at the Vanity Fair Oscars after party and they had been best friends since then, so imagine their reaction when one day Y/N, hanging out at Hailee’s house at the time, received the call she landed the role of Megan, Kate’s protégé, for the brand new season of Hawkeye. They both screamed in excitement for 10 minutes straight, almost losing their voices in the process. The fact that they both developed a tiny, insignificant crush on each other was just a plus, however they both were slowly losing their minds due to the fact they were always reaching for the other out to seek some physical contact and it drove them crazy for always wanting to take that small step to change their friendship for good but always chickening out the second after, afraid the other wouldn’t reciprocate the feeling.
After they were done with makeup, both admiring the great job the two makeup artists did, they were ushered back on set. The cameras and the crew moved in the building where Kate’s apartment was assembled to shoot the scene of the fight Kate and Megan have after escaping from the drug dealer’s hideout where they fought against 40 people at least.
"Okay girls, whenever you’re ready. Remember this is a really heavy scene, Kate’s and Megan’s raw emotions come out causing them they argue before making up." Their director instructed before going behind the camera and signaled at them to get into position.
"Ready?" The two girls spoke up at the same time after opening their eyes and taking a big, grounding, deep breath to get into character.
"And… ACTION!"
"Kate I still don’t get why you are making this a big deal." Y/N opened the door and walked into what the set had been assembled to be Kate’s apartment, turning around as she leaned her butt on the kitchen counter, "I got everything we needed on the thumb drive. I had everything under control." She turned around to open a cabinet and retrieved a glass to fill it with water and taking a sip. She set the glass down with a roll of her eyes following the script when Hailee’s character countered back.
"Oh yeah, you were clearly fine with 43 thugs ready to kill you. You were supposed to stay by my side and let me explain what to do." Hailee crossed her arms angrily and stared at her friend with anger burning in her blue eyes thanks to the contacts her makeup artist put on.
"I could have handled them."
"No! You could’ve not! You started your training only 6 months ago."
"Pft, I’m a pro. I can-"
"You’re not listening to me! The most important part of our mentor/mentee relationship is listening and communicating and you didn’t follow through neither of them." Hailee punctuated her listing by counting it on her fingers, her character trying to make Y/N’s one to understand the great risk she took by acting so reckless.
"Your plan wasn’t great-"
Hailee rolled her eyes according to the script and wrinkling her face to make it look like Kate was loosing it, Y/N’s character’s stubbornness was really testing Kate limits, then she walked quickly towards the girl and stood in front of her, now both were face to face staring in anger at each other. "MY PLAN WAS GREAT! YOU RUINED IT!" Hailee stressed the word ‘you’ out by pressing her finger harshly on Y/N’s chest, "you acted like a child. Your recklessness was dangerous, it could have put you in trouble."
"I had everything under-"
"No! Don’t say that. After I knocked two men down, I turned around and saw one of them pointing a gun at your back while you were beating another one up. If I wasn’t there-" Hailee stopped abruptly when her voice cracked, closing her eyes to stop her tears from spilling out of them and taking a deep breath to calm her nerves before taking a step back, but a hand on her bicep stopped her. She was really shocked how easily it came acting with Y/N, but this scene so full of anger was really testing herself. She never fought with Y/N and the words Kate says to Y/N felt so real to Hailee. Y/N was her world, she wanted to protect her at all costs and she couldn’t imagine a world without her.
"Kate look at me." When Hailee acted like Kate didn’t listen to Megan’s request, the girl tightened her grasp while taking a step closer, "Kate please, look at me." Hailee merely shook her head with her lip slightly quivering and her expression full of pure sorrow. "I’m here Kate. I’m okay. Thanks to you. Listen-" Y/N sighed out loudly, collecting her thought to explain to Hailee’s character what pushed her to act so recklessly, "I just wanted to look cool, okay? I-" Y/N hesitated as scripted, giving Hailee her cue to open her eyes to meet hers, "for all my life I’ve been judged. My parents abandoned me when I was born. I never stayed more than an year in a foster family. I was always the weird kid, the lonely one, the one everyone avoided. And when my powers showed up when I was 15?" Y/N used the ability she perfected over the years to let a few tears roll down her cheeks, even tho Megan’s story was so painful she felt sorry for her, so crying on cue was easier, "it was hard. But then you saved me in Portland and took me under your wing. I never felt special. I’ve always been nothing, a freak. But you made me feel special. You trained me, you helped me control my powers, you gave me a purpose. And I wanted to look cool in front of your eyes, okay? That’s why I acted that way." Even if Megan’s story was far from Y/N’s one, there was something they had in common. They always felt like they weren’t enough. Before becoming famous, Y/N had to endure a lot of doors in her face, then she got a part on a small Netflix tv show and she only grew from there. But she was always putting herself down, not really feeling like she was good enough. Then she met Hailee. She was nothing but sweet and gentle the first night they met and when they grew closer and closer, for the first time Y/N felt like she was more than enough each time Hailee regarded her with a look of pride whenever she did anything at all. And falling for her was even easier. She just wished Hailee felt the same.
Hailee wiped away the tears she let roll down her cheeks before hugging Y/N tightly, "you never told me that. Now I understand why you always changed the subject when I asked about your parents. I’m sorry if I pushed you on this subject."
"You didn’t. I wanted to share my past with you but I wanted to look cool so I dodged your questions." Y/N gave Hailee another heartfelt hug, letting out a not scripted sigh when the brunettes heat warmed her whole body up, "I’m sorry for my behavior. I promise you I won’t do that again."
"You better." Hailee slapped the back of Y/N’s head playfully, snickering softly when the girl let out a gentle, unscripted ‘ouch’, "y’know, I always thought you were cool, you didn’t need to pull all that off for me to think that."
"Yes. For starters, I’m your favorite Avenger." Hailee pushed her hair over her shoulder as she gloated with a big smile on her lips, causing Y/N to smile warmly at her. "But seriously, you held yourself so high, emanating this cool aura while pride shined brightly in your eyes doing what you were born to do. Save the world from darkness. And now that I know you had a really shitty youth, it makes you cooler." Hailee let herself get carried away as she added a line that wasn’t scripted, something that the two of them did often since they shared such a deep chemistry, "you didn’t let your past define your future and I find it mesmerizing." Y/N let tears roll down her eyes once again and shivered wildly when Hailee’s hand caressed her skin to wipe them away, "you remind me of myself when I was Clint’s protégé."
Y/N looked at Hailee confused and furrowed her eyebrows in question, "really?"
"Yep." Hailee popped the ‘p’ for more effect and continued with a smile, "I was desperately trying to make myself look cool when I was doing the opposite. Once I tried to look cool by saving his ass, it didn’t go smoothly. I feel from a window on the roof and crashed right in front of him, tied up on a chair, while 6 guns were pointing at me." Hailee laughed to make it look like Kate was laughing at the fond memory, her stomach filling up with butterflies when Y/N’s giggle reached her ears, "you are brave, little one. Don’t ever lose that beautiful light you have here." Hailee lifted her hand up to point at Y/N’s chest right were her heart was, before gulping imperceptibly at her gesture.
"AND CUT! GIRLS THAT WAS ASTOUNDING!" Their director congratulated them and both smiled in appreciation at him.
Hailee pulled her hand away from Y/N’s body and cleared her throat while her eyes looked down at her feet taking a few steps back, "that was my boob Steinfeld, not my heart."
"Shut up. It was a movement not executed correctly." Hailee pushed Y/N away from herself when she tried to hug her, "and don’t try to look that smug. You enjoyed my finger there." Hailee teased back, not noticing the blush now adorning her best friend’s cheeks as she chuckled under her breath and pulled her into her body in a side hug. "Let’s go take our makeup off and go to bed. I’m exhausted."
"Yeah, me too. Bickering with you is tiring." Hailee shook her head at the teasing words Y/N just threw at her before pushing them out of the building and towards the makeup trailer.
"Ugh, ordering pizza was a great idea." Hailee groaned in satisfaction when she took the last bite of her second slice, already stretching her hand to grab a third one.
"And whose this idea was?" Y/N asked rhetorically, throwing her rolled napkin in Hailee’s direction, who was too busy enjoying her pizza to dodge it, letting it just roll off her forehead.
"Whatever." They were now seated in Y/N’s trailer, both too tired to shower so they just plainly changed into comfy sweats and hoodies and were now chilling on Y/N’s couch, facing each other with their legs crossed under their bodies. "I’m so glad we have the day off tomorrow. Shooting at night it’s pretty demanding and I really need sleep." Hailee took a big gulp of water after finishing her fourth slice of pizza, cleaning her greasy hands on a napkin before slumping her body unceremoniously on Y/N’s one, the girl already laid out on the couch comfortably.
Y/N grunted at the sudden weight falling on her body, "get off, you’re heavy." Her words didn’t follow her actions because as soon as she finished speaking, her hands sneaked around Hailee’s waist and hugged her, the singer cuddling into her friend right away. "Want to go to bed?"
"Yes please." Hailee shifted her body to pull up from Y/N’s lean one, the girl doing just the same alongside her, her movements causing her to sit up and straddle Y/N’s lap and shivered at the intimate position she found herself in, before squealing in surprise when Y/N prevented her to stand on her feet by sneaking her left arm under her legs while the other grasped her mid-torso and jumped quickly on her feet and carried Hailee in her bedroom. "Y/N!" Hailee screeched loudly, amused laughs following soon after at their playful banter, while knots filled the singer’s stomach at the show of strength and the almost intimate gesture. "Y/N I swear, if you drop mE! Y/N NO!" Y/N faked loosening her grip on the girl and making her believe she was gonna drop her, laughing heartily at the squeals leaving Hailee’s mouth as she tightened the grip on the girl neck, before continuing her walk towards her bedroom.
"Okay, now I’m gonna throw you on the bed. On three. Ready?"
"You’re not gonna throw me on the bed. You’re gonna put me down gently." Hailee countered back with a serious expression but the devilish smirk plastered on the Y/H/C girl and the mischievous glint sparkling in her Y/E/C eyes told the singer Y/N was definitely going to throw her on the bed and not in a delicate way. "Y/N I swear to god, don’t even think aBOUT IT!" Hailee screamed in fear when she felt Y/N having momentum before pushing her out of her grip, but Hailee’s arms tightened around Y/N’s neck and caused both of them to fall on the bed in a loud thud, mixed with the loud squeak of the bed springs. They shared a great, loud belly laugh at their childish behavior, Hailee clutching Y/N’s t-shirt as she hid her smiling face into Y/N’s neck while their laughs dwindled, feeling her pulse quickening as soon her nose came in contact with Y/N’s skin, her perfume invading every cell of her body, and her right leg slid over her hips to cuddle as closer as she could while they came down from laughing care-freely. Their moment was interrupted with Y/N’s phone, that was charging on the nightstand, beeping loudly, signaling she got a new notification. When the phone beeped once again, the Y/H/C girl sighed out and stretched her arm over the nightstand to grab it. "Who is it?"
"Oh it’s just Twitter." Y/N answered briefly after taking a quick look on the bright screen in a strained tone and a clearly fake smile that Hailee saw through right away.
"Yeah, it definitely is just Twitter." Hailee’s sarcastic tone was clear in her statement as her eyes rolled half-heartedly, before laying a soft hand on Y/N’s stomach to grab her attention. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, a lot of fans tagged me in a video of my ex talking shit about me. Nothing new." Y/N tried to downplay the situation as she always did, but Hailee shook her head firmly, wrapping her hand, previously caressing her stomach, around Y/N’s hand clutching her phone and staring at her with her eyes full of affection and sympathy.
"Can I?" Y/N was torn for just a millisecond before sighing loudly and nodding slowly at her friend, letting her take the phone form her hand and open the video attached to an article talking about Y/N’s ex boyfriend making fun of their past relationship on a radio interview. "Oh so he just plainly avoided talking how shitty he made you feel? How poorly he treated you? How he forgot your anniversary because he was too busy partying with his own friends?" Y/N just stared on the ceiling, not finding in herself enough voice to answer Hailee’s questions without her voice cracking from the emotions boiling up in her chest. A silent tear fell down the side of her head but a hand prevented it to continue its journey down and hit the pillow, caressing her skin softly in a comforting manner. "He is an asshole that didn’t deserve your love in the first place. And you were kind enough to not show the world what a dick he really is by just avoiding talking about your relationship. He is just doing it for a bit of fame. Your fans will shut him up in seconds. I’m sure they already did!" Hailee chuckled under her breath at the image of Y/N’s fans already lashing out at him, causing a small but significant smile to roll over Y/N’s lips previously curled in a pout. During Hailee’s speech Y/N’s eyes strayed from the ceiling and met Hailee’s fierce gaze, conveying as much love as she could through her brown irises, and grounded Y/N into them and ignited a fire whining her. "You are amazing Y/N. Never forget that."
"You’re just saying it because I’m your best friend." Y/N tried to crack a joke to light up the heavy conversation lingering in the air and to stop Hailee from looking at her like that. It was really testing her willpower, wanting at all costs to close that excruciating gap between them and to let her lips express every single emotion she had been repressing since her feelings for the brunette changed.
"I’m not. Y/N-" Hailee sighed loudly and let go of the phone in her hand, laying it beside Y/N’s torso, to grasp the girl’s cheek and caress it tenderly. "I’m talking from the bottom of my heart. You are special, you are kind, passionate, nice, polite, smart and just the most talented person I’ve ever known. You are just so full of love and unfortunately you gave it to the wrong person, that will never love anyone beside himself. You deserve to be treated like a fucking queen. I don’t know what I would do to be that person, to give you the world, to personally go to space and give you the moon. To shower you with love and affection." Hailee at this point just let her heart do the talking, not really planning to confess her feelings but, atlas, that’s what just Y/N did to her. She fueled a fire that she couldn’t control anymore, so she just let it take over and do the talking. Meanwhile Y/N just stared aghast at Hailee’s words, not exactly believing what she was hearing. Maybe I just fell asleep and I’m dreaming those words all over again. She bittersweetly thought, blinking repeatedly to force herself out of her slumber but when she noticed she was very much awake and those were words Hailee was really speaking, she forced her body to fucking do something, like talk. But nothing came out of her, her mouth plainly opening and closing in a fun way, making her look like she was a fish underwater staring dumbly back at her. Hailee sighed loudly at Y/N’s reaction and broke their intense staring contest to look down at her arm outstretched in front of her, "I know it’s a lot and I know my feelings may be unrequited, but I’m so tired to pretend I don’t have them, to push them into the deepest part of my brain every time we spend time together, to repress my desire to kiss you and show you how being loved really feels. I hope I didn’t make it awkward and that we can overcome this and keep being friends-" Hailee’s words were abruptly cut short by a pair of lips pushing on hers aggressively, wrapping their mouths in an eager, passionate and loving dance once the brunette overcame her initial shock and reciprocated with just as much enthusiasm at the long-awaited kiss. "Does it mean mean something or did you just kiss me to shut me up? Because people do that." Hailee asked dazedly, opening her eyes slowly and meeting a pair of sparkling Y/E/C ones staring back at her.
"I like you, so fucking much Hailee Steinfeld. I would deliver another heartfelt speech about my feelings for you and how tired I am for hiding them from you, but my mind is actually pretty much a heap of mush from that talented mouth of yours. Besides, I would love nothing more than to use our lips to do something different from talking." Y/N seductively whispered on Hailee’s mouth, letting her tongue out to lick teasingly the seam of Hailee’s plump, slightly red lips and ripping a soft moan out of Hailee’s throat at the sensual gesture. "I have a feeling you want that too."
Hailee groaned out as she moved her hand from Y/N’s left cheek to tangle it between Y/N’s Y/H/C locks and slip her tongue between Y/N’s lips, curled in a smug smirk. It was now the other girl’s time to moan out at the pleasure spreading throughout her body from the sexual action but eagerly kissed Hailee back while their tongues dancing together between their parted mouths. "I want to do more than just kiss you." Hailee admitted boldly on Y/N’s lips once they pull away to take some needed breath, their lungs burning wildly at the lack of air and their hearts bumping loudly in their heaving chests. Y/N’s jaw went slack at the admission and just stared at Hailee with a mix of shock, bewilderment and arousal swimming in her Y/E/C eyes, her irises searching desperately a sign Hailee was joking or something like that, but finding in her brown hues nothing but love, affection and pure lust. "If you want that too, of course."
Y/N’s lips immediately connected with Hailee’s ones again instead of answering, kissing her passionately, her tongue licking every inch of the singer’s mouth as she reveled in the amazing minty taste and something uniquely Hailee while her hands caressed all over her body, filling her palms with the singer’s amazing curves and lean figure, feeling her strong back muscles stand up under her pads at the attention when her fingers raked up and down her spine. "I don’t want to sound like an horny teenager but I want to feel you around my fingers so badly." Hailee moaned lowly at the image immediately forming in her mind, shockwaves traveling from her spine straight down her core, drenching more and more her already ruined panties in less than a second. "But I don’t want to sound like I just want sex from you, because, god, Hailee, I don’t. I want everything from you. And I want to give you just as much, if not more." Y/N laid a long, affectionate peck on Hailee’s lips before continuing, "I just- I’ve wanted you for a very long time and just kissing you turned me on, like- a lot- by the way you’re an amazing kisser- I just-" it was now Y/N’s time to be cut short by a pair of soft lips, Hailee effectively shutting Y/N’s ramble up with a fierce kiss while her hands boldly reached up and cupped Y/N’s right breast through her shirt, whining gently between their mouths at the pleasant discovery of the girl not wearing a bra under her oversized, worn out black t-shirt when she felt her nipple under her palm stand up at the attention.
"I want you. So badly." Hailee murmured between kisses, moving her lips then between the hollow of Y/N’s neck and where it meets with her clavicle, focusing on a few seconds there to leave a faint mark there that would disappear in a few hours - she didn’t want to gain Y/N’s make up artist attention - and smirking on the skin there when she felt more than heard the hoarse, low moan that vibrated through Y/N’s throat.
"I want you too Haiz. I’ve been wanting you for a while-shit!" Y/N cursed under her breath when Hailee’s hand slipped under her shirt and finally came in contact with her breast greedy for Hailee’s fingers attention without restraint, alternating between squeezing the firm mound hard and softly before she rolled the pebbled nipple between her thumb and index finger, sending shock waves directly into Y/N’s aching core.
"You can touch too, y’know." Hailee encouraged Y/N when she noticed her hands stayed at her side, grasping the hem of her shirt hard from the pleasure building up within her and from unconsciously hesitating with letting her hands roam around Hailee’s marvelous body. At that Y/N noticed her frozen hands and immediately did what she was craving to do since she met Hailee years ago, grasping her magnificent ass to knead it eagerly, smirking triumphantly when she got a high-pitched whine as a response to her actions. "Fuck, your hands feels so good on me."
"And wait till I start touching more." Y/N murmured sultrily on Hailee’s parted mouth, biting on her bottom lip gently as her hands slipped under the girl’s grey sweatpants and panties and grasped her ass without pieces of clothing in the way. She didn’t know where this boost of confidence came from, but she was definitely riding this wave to make the most of it. Hailee arched her back in response to push her ass more into those amazing hands worshipping her butt in a heavenly way, but she needed more. Now. So with a disgruntled groan, she slipped her hand out of Y/N’s shirt and immediately discarded the piece of clothing on the trailer’s floor, before doing the same with her own shirt, pushing her bare chest out just for Y/N.
Y/N’s eyes devoured every inch of her scorching hot skin, feeling her hands on her ass twitch lightly before pushing on it and making her fall on Y/N’s body gently to let her connect their lips back together in a heavy kiss with their tongues dancing between their mouths while their naked torso sliding over each other made them shiver in arousal. Hailee’s shifting body caused a leg to slot perfectly between Y/N’s ones, the sudden impact of a strong thigh hitting her clothed clit made her interrupt abruptly their kisses and moan lewdly in Hailee’s mouth, before unconsciously sliding her own leg up to also brush it on Hailee’s center, eliciting the same reaction from the singer. Hailee’s loud moan did nothing more than completely ruin her panties for good as the fire burning deep in her stomach was becoming almost unbearable. They set a steady rhythm, both starting rubbing involuntarily on the other’s thigh as they resumed their hot kisses, but the motions quickly became greedy movements to chase an orgasm that was building fast in their lower stomaches. "Shit Y/N, I- am- fuck- close."
"Yeah, me too babe." Y/N smiled warmly at the singer having some troubles talking coherently as her pleasure hazed her mind, so she spurred the girl to chase her orgasm down as she gripped impossibly hard on the girl’s ass and helped her ride her thigh in a fast pace, instantly matching her rhythm, wanting to flip over the edge alongside Hailee. They continued to dry hump for a bit more, by now they both stopped their kisses to plainly pant and moan into each other’s mouths when their clits rubbed particularly hard on the other’s thigh, their frenzy movements causing the bedrest to slam steadily on the trailer’s wall, the sounds mixing with their own tumbling out of their throats and creating a perfect melody that ended with a long, breathy moan and a gentle, high-pitched whine blending together when their climaxes crushed over them. They slowed their movements to ride their highs as much as possible before stopping altogether, Hailee’s body immediately slumping over Y/N’s one before connecting their lips in a languid, sweet kiss as they both regained their breaths.
"Wow." Y/N murmured after their lips pulled away gently with a soft pop to take some needed breath back in their burning lungs from lack of air.
"Yeah, wow." Hailee smiled brightly down at Y/N before hiding her face in the crook of Y/N’s neck when a blush started to form on her face at the intense, fond look Y/N was regarding her with.
"If someone told me this morning I would have had confessed my feelings for you after you did the same and then we would have had sex, I would have laughed in their faces. But here we are." Y/N chuckled softly to cover up her flushed state when her stomach erupted in wild butterflies at her own words.
"Yeah, me too. Even if, y’know, it’s been a current dream to me. You don’t even know how many times I’ve dreamed about confessing my feelings and finding myself in this very position after. Well, with much less clothes, you know what I’m saying." Hailee snickered while her eyes fell down on their entwined, clothed legs, and moved them involuntarily. The motion made her very much aware of the fact that her panties were completely drenched and it created an instant pressure between her thighs, a clear sign that she was turned on once again.
"Well, I can easily make that dream come true." Y/N countered back with a quirky smirk on her lips and Hailee didn’t have enough time to wrap her still a bit hazy brain around Y/N’s words because the Y/E/C girl swiftly switched their position and pushed her on her back and got rid of her pants and panties within a second. Hailee shifted her eyes from her bare, lower half, to Y/N’s straddling her thighs and wearing an hungry glint in her eyes as they drank her now naked body in quickly, shivering wildly at the attention she was receiving.
"Take a picture, it’ll last longer." Hailee quipped to try to get Y/N’s attention, now focused intently on her breasts moving up and down every time she took a breath, succeeding right after her joke. She swallowed loudly to get rid of the instant lump in her throat when her brown irises met Y/N’s Y/E/C ones now almost completely black from lust.
"Y’know, maybe I will. After I worship you the way you deserve to be worshipped." Y/N leaned down and laid gently on Hailee’s body to whisper those words in a low, raspy tone on the singer’s lips, her pants’ fabric caressing the singer’s hot skin in a delightful way that set every single nerve ending in her body alight, before connecting their mouths in a languid but fierce kiss, enhancing their senses ten fold and making them feel each other more.
"Fuck." Hailee wailed when a hand skid up and down her side, brushing each time the side of her boob but not giving it the attention it needed. "But first, I want to get rid of those pants first." Hailee pushed Y/N gently up to let her take off her pants in a few, quick motions before focusing her attention on Y/N’s panties. "Would you look at that? This mess is because of me?" Hailee caressed Y/N’s entrance through the completely wet fabric of her panties, causing the Y/H/C girl to mewl pitifully at the new, amazing stimulation her throbbing center was receiving and buckle her hips down Hailee’s fingers desperately. "Answer me little one." Hailee knew she was playing dirty now. She knew how the nickname effected the girl. She started using the same nickname Kate use to call Megan in the show and Y/N quite liked it. Kate was 3 years older than Megan, but Hailee was just 11 months older than Y/N, however she liked calling her like that and Y/N enjoyed it just as much if not more. It gave them more closure to their characters. Hailee knew the nickname sparked the desired effect when she felt a gush of Y/N’s juices leave her core and increase the already copious amount of wetness collecting there, causing a big smile to form on the singer’s lips.
"Yes. All for you." Y/N answered under her breath, a whine leaving her lips right after when Hailee’s pointer and middle finger started rolling around her clothed clit.
Hailee let out a grunt of satisfaction and ripped the girl’s panties apart, throwing the shredded undergarment on the floor and instantly connecting her fingers with Y/N wet center, reveling in the groan of satisfaction leaving the Y/H/C girl at the touch. Seeing Y/N with her eyes closed, completely naked on top of her and her face contorted in pleasure as her hips buckled down to cease a little more contact, gave her an idea that covered her entire body in excited goosebumps. "Ride my fingers."
"W-what?" Y/N stuttered in shock at Hailee’s command, asking her to repeat herself because there was no way she asked her that.
"You heard me. Ride my fingers, babe. I wanna watch you while you come on my fingers." Hailee answered boldly while she pointed her words out with her fingers teasing Y/N’s entrance. Y/N let out a breathy moan and involuntarily pushed her hips down, the motion causing Hailee’s pointer and middle fingers to enter her just a bit and ripping a moan out of both of their throats at the new sensation Y/N’s movements triggered. Y/N then spurred into action by grabbing Hailee’s wrist and pushing her hips down more to let Hailee’s two fingers enter her completely, wailing pitifully at the feeling of finally being filled by the singer and shivered at the thought.
"Fuck Hailee, you feel so good babe."
"Shit, you feel amazing wrapped around my fingers." Hailee’s words prompted Y/N’s stilled hips to move around tentatively slow, adjusting to the brunette’s fingers before speeding up gradually their pace, the Y/H/C girl savoring this new wave of pleasure crashing over her as she chased her climax down, trying to keep her eyes open as much as she could to look into those mesmerizing brown irises.
"You’re even more beautiful looked from this angle." Hailee whispered sweetly on Y/N’s mouth after she wrapped her hands around the side of her neck and her thumbs started caressing the base of her jaw, then sunk her teeth on the brunette’s plump and soft bottom lip, causing a low whine to leave Hailee’s throat while her free hand instinctively gripped the girl’s left buttcheek to increase her hips’ speed before adding a third finger to enhance the girl’s pleasure.
"Look who’s talking. Babe you’re breathtaking from every angle. I can’t believe this is happening." Y/N’s truthful words and honesty swimming around her sparkling Y/E/C hues made the singer’s stomach knot over itself as a wail of pure pleasure and love thundered from Y/N’s throat and found it’s way out to reverberate on the trailer’s walls and her hips’ movements quickened while her movements became more sloppy and rushed as she neared the edge but she wasn’t caring about that when she had the most beautiful and caring girl in the world looking up at her like she put the stars in the sky. Hailee noticed the changed tempo of Y/N’s motions and helped her to reach her climax sooner by massaging carefully her clit with her thumb while meeting her movements by pushing her fingers up and slipping them in deeper.
"Holy shit- Hailee!" Hailee’s last hard thrust hit something deep within her that made her see stars through her hooded eyes as she came all over the singer’s fingers that slowed increasingly their movements down to prolong her pleasure as much as she could.
"How are you feeling, cutie?" Hailee whispered sweetly when Y/N’s tense body, finally slumped down on her own and nuzzled her nose on her jaw as she regained her breath.
The term of endearment instantly dusted a scorching blush on her cheeks that Y/N promptly hid with slotting her face in Hailee’s neck to prevent her from noticing her face getting red from a stupid nickname. "Good. Amazing." Y/N murmured almost unintelligibly and the brunette smiled fondly at the girl’s shyness, her fingers tangling in those soft, silky Y/H/C tresses to massage her head, comfort instantly flowing in her body and lighting it up. They stayed like that for a few more seconds, soaking up in each other perfume and molding their bodies like they were meant to be just one. When Y/N’s breath became steady again and her body rested enough to let her move freely, she resumed her previous position on top of Hailee as she wrapped her lips around Hailee’s still a bit red ones from their kisses in a slow, sensual kiss while her hands took their time to caress and explore Hailee’s marvelous body some more.
"Fuck, Y/N." Hailee interrupted just a second their kisses, becoming needier and more lustful, to moan in Y/N’s mouth when the Y/H/C girl’s hand stopped its skidding all over her skin and grasped the brunette’s soft, right boob and kneaded it greedily.
"Mh, you like that baby?" Y/N murmured gently on Hailee’s parted lips, before slipping her tongue between them to lick inside the girl’s mouth and eliciting another loud whine that she promptly swallowed.
"Yes, so so much."
"Well, then you’re gonna love what’s next." Y/N pulled away to whisper out sensually, winking right after placing a sweet peck on the brunette’s addicting mouth, before descending her lips down the hollow of the girl’s neck, focusing a few moments on the bumps of her collarbones, peppering her upper chest with soft, gentle kisses before finally suckling a waiting nipple in her mouth. She smirked in satisfaction when Hailee arched her back to push her chest more into her mouth while letting out a long moan at the new sensations sending shock waves down her spine and right between her legs.
"Y/N/N, please."
"Please what?" Y/N teased, slipping her lips off the now sensitive nipple, to focus her attention on the other one, tapping her tongue on it and when it immediately stood more still at the attentions her tongue was paying to it she smirked triumphantly for sparkling such reactions from the Y/H/C girl.
"Please I need you."
"Where my sweet baby?" Y/N murmured, wanting to tease the girl just a little bit more, even if her begging for release sent shivers all over her skin.
"Y/N, I know what you’re doing. Normally I would play along, but I’m so turned on I could just come by you staring at me like that."
"Like what?"
"So innocent while you have my nipple in your mouth." Those words caused Y/N’s mind to turn into mush while her center clenched over nothing. She was shocked and extremely impressed from the fact that a few simple words turned her on that much in mere seconds. She wasn’t complaining one bit. "So now, little one, please fuck me." Hailee stated simply, using once again Y/N’s favorite nickname, but those straightforward words were enough to spur her into action. She reluctantly let go of the pebbled nipple to reach her previous target, showering Hailee’s stomach with open mouthed kisses, stopping on her left hip just a second to tease her some more, before slipping her tongue between her wet folds without warning. The loud sound that came next was a mix between Hailee’s moan of pure pleasure at the attention her needy, throbbing center was receiving and Y/N’s gentle wail at the inebriating, salty but sweet taste that was uniquely Hailee. "Yes!"
Y/N slipped just the tip of her tongue in before slipping it out and sucking thoroughly on the singer’s clit as a bunch of profanities mixed with Y/N’s name echoed around the room and instantly invaded Y/N’s body with pride for providing so much pleasure to Hailee. She stayed there, lapping up at the brown eyed girl’s clit, alternating between drawing idle circles to sucking on it hard to increase her pleasure, but when the girl started to trash around uncontrollably she new she was near the edge but needed her to tip over it. So she laid a sweet kiss there while she simultaneously slipped two fingers in, drawing a loud mewl from the welcomed intrusion from the singer under her and causing a satisfied smile to roll over her lips wrapped around Hailee’s throbbing bundle of nerves. She used her left hand to push Hailee’s hips down on the bed when she started to buckle them wildly to chase down her release while the right one took her tongue place on the girl’s clit to intensify her pleasure. "Fuck, you’re taking my fingers so good." Y/N whispered in awe as she watched Hailee’s body tremble uncontrollably with her back arched and her head leaning on the pillow under it with her mouth open in a silent moan.
"Holy- Y/N-" Hailee moved her head down after hearing Y/N’s voice and almost came on the spot when Y/N’s now almost black hues were staring up at her from between her legs with so much affection, love and lust. "I take that back. This is the best view I’ve ever had the pleasure to see." Hailee’s hand slipped down cling on the Y/H/C girl’s hair when the girl’s moan that followed at those words, reverberated through her body, and pushed her more into her aching center while moans slipped out of her mouth.
Y/N smirked in satisfaction at that and got back to work, adding another finger and speeding up her movements, desperately wanting the girl to come so she could drink her up like she had been dreaming since she started having feelings for her. Not too much longer a particular hard thrust, followed by Y/N’s teeth scraping Hailee’s clit gently, made the brown eyed girl tumble over the edge with a loud moan of the Y/E/C girl’s name leaving her lips. Y/N slowed her fingers’ movements and slipped them out to replace them with her tongue, lapping up till the girl’s last drop of juices spilled out of her core, almost melting right there and then when Hailee’s other hand intertwined with her own placed on her hips. The gesture was so intimate and loving that both of them felt butterflies fly wildly around their stomaches and her hearts almost bursting from happiness. When Hailee stopped trembling and whined to signal Y/N she was a bit sensitive, Y/N laid another sweet peck on the girl’s clit before sliding up the singer’s lean body and smiling down at an equally grinning Hailee when they were face to face once again. "Can I-?" Y/N asked gently as her eyes flashed down at Hailee lips, watching a loving smile unravel on those addicting lips at the shy question, knowing really well Y/N asked for permission to kiss her just because she had her lips and tongue in her center moments before and didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, before Hailee grasped the back of her neck and pulled her down to let their mouths meet halfway in a slow, languid kiss, silently answering the girl’s question. Hailee whined at her own taste on Y/N’s tongue and shivered at the memory of Y/N making her come with her fingers and that very tongue.
"You are amazing, miss Y/N Y/L/N."
"Just like you, Hailee Steinfeld." They shared a few more loving pecks, now fatigue from their activities and from a full day of shooting making itself known, so they switched position, once again to allow Hailee to lay her thigh over Y/N’s hips while her hand clutched her torso, before nuzzling her nose under Y/N’s jaw, both of them cuddling each other tightly as they let their bodies take their needed rest while soaking up in their loving bubble a few more minutes before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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elysianslove · 3 years
AAAAAAH I LOVE YOUR JJK WORKS SM 😩 would you please write smth where nobara and reader dorm next to each other and she notices that reader has been rlly sus recently, sneaking out at night and not coming back till morning so when she does follow her one night its just reader sneaking into yuujis room to get railed lol
OMG BABE TY SO MUCH!! also this idea is so hilarious to me oh my god thank you for requesting eeeee. i hope i did it justice 
everyone’s aged up here! 
Tumblr media
━ she first takes notice on a sleepless night. her dorm resides right next to yours, and the walls are not exactly the thickest, neither are the floorboards nor the door any quieter. they don’t provide the means to be as sneaky as one desires, but she presumes you’ve always been a little too bold for your own good. considering nobara’s bed is settled directly against the wall where your own bed sits, she hears you when you shuffle out from beneath the covers, and as you move around your room until the she hears the familiar screech of the door being slowly opened. 
and just like that, you’re gone. 
nobara doesn’t consider herself as a nosy person, per se, but she is curious. maybe a little too curious, a little too imaginative, so much that her mind had already made up at least a thousand scenarios by the time she’s lulled to sleep. she’s a relatively heavy sleeper, so she wakes up to your pillow smacking, as if the night before hadn’t happened and you were as innocent as can be.
she doesn’t think much of it until she realizes just how invested she is in discovering your little secret, until she realizes just how many nights in a row you sneak out of your room. after too many nights listening in, she decides to take initiative, and asks you for a sleepover. 
it strikes her harsh in the face when you decline, claiming to be too sleepy, before you sneak away that same night. 
it’s then that she decides she’s had enough, and angrily, her feet lead the way, a storm brewing behind her. she catches up to you quick, but instead of confronting you in the middle of the school grounds like this in the dead of the night, she continues to follow you at a safe distance, as quietly as her frustration and pettiness can allow her — towards the boys’ dorms?
for what reason could you possibly be sneaking away into the boys’ dormitory nightly? 
instead of following you inside and risking getting caught in her little mission, nobara struts outside the windows, peaking in through what the blinds could reveal to her of each of the boys’ rooms. okay, maybe this is a little too creepy, but seriously, it had been the last straw. each of them seemed to be sleeping peacefully, while others had the blinds shut so tightly she couldn’t see through, unfortunately enough. 
there is one person nobara knows stupid enough to leave their blinds open, and leave them open while in such a daring position too. it’s like yuuji’s asking to be seen, seriously and no one wants to see him making out half naked with —
“what the fuck?!”
apparently her screech is loud enough even to stun her, and she clamps a hand over her mouth quickly, as if that could reverse the damage. it can’t, however, do anything of the sort, and suddenly, your eyes are on hers. no, they’re looking through hers, and she’s thinking that maybe she ought to have thought this through more thoroughly. 
the window slides open roughly, and a confused yuuji stares down at the girl interrupting and invading. “kugisaki?” he asks, eyes curious and head cocked to the side, like this is a completely rational and normal situation to be in. “why are you outside my window?”
nobara breathes in steadily, eyes switching their gaze from yuuji to you, also half naked, on his bed, with your arms clasped over your chest as modestly as you can manage. “seriously? not even a bra?” she deadpans, and you roll your eyes.
“it’s one in the morning,” you reason. “and besides, i don’t need a bra.”
she clicks her tongue, narrowing her eyes at you. yuuji is completely ignored. “you ditched my sleepover for him?” she accuses, pointing a finger in yuuji’s direction.
you pout at her, shoulders slouching slightly as you reply, “i promise i’ll be all yours tomorrow night.”
yuuji falls back onto the bed, the pillows and soft mattress cushioning his fall as he balances a hand on your thigh. “that’s what you said to me,” he points out. 
with one hand still managing to cradle and conceal your breasts, you swat at his hand playfully, before returning your apologetic look towards nobara. she holds it with her own, accusatory glare for a few seconds, before she sighs, deflating. “fine,” she says. she then glances at yuuji, lifts her middle finger and spits out, “get fucked.” 
yuuji grins. “oh i will.” 
she gags visibly. maybe she needs her own fuck buddy.
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Gwynriel smut lol
Okay yall I truly struggle writing smut...I deal with a lot of shame revolving anything with sex, but I figured writing a fanfic might be therapeutic in a sense. If you don't like it, please move along. It may not be spicy enough or perhaps you find it too spicy; either way, pls be considerate in the comments below. Probably 18+ if you read acosf then this is about the same level IMO. Idk what type of warnings to give with smut so I supposed continue at your own discretion.
“Um, Az?” Gwyn hesitantly called for her mate. She did not want to admit to being stuck, but there was no avoiding it.
“Yeah?” He released his cock from his hand to look at the beautiful female tied up in his bed. He caressed her soft backside before nipping it quickly.
“Az! Focus,” her giggles undermined the harsh tone she was attempting to use. “I’m stuck.” She tried to look back at him. But the ties they were using were particularly tight. She would have to teach Az a softer knot.
“That is kind of the point, is it not?” He continued to nip at her bottom in a playful manner. The giggles it elicited sent heat straight to his groin. He gripped his cock again and started pumping it with one hand while his other hand drifted to her thighs that were spread apart with the help of the very sturdy ribbons they were using.
“Azriel.” She whined his name.
They were attempting something that Gwyn found in a book that Nesta so kindly gifted her for Gwyn’s birthday one year. It clearly needed more detailed instructions because this was not as “loose” nor “comfortable” as she had read the position to be. Azriel gave one final chuckle before surrendering.
“Where do I need to fix it, love?”
“Loosen the ties on my wrists. I want to be able to prop myself up.”
He immediately went to work on the ribbons around her wrists. The action caused a rush of heat to flood Gwyn. As much as they teased each other, he always listened to her requests. Even if it doused some of the ambiance, he always stopped to make sure she was comfortable. It was the single most attractive thing he did, in her opinion. Nothing made her want him more than his quietly respectful demeanor. She could think of a few instances where his manners benefitted him greatly at the end of the night. Her fantasies were interrupted by the ribbons loosening. She sighed as she propped herself up on her elbows, making sure her backside was on perfect display for her mate. He stifled a groan by sinking his teeth into her more than supple bottom. She often found little bruises there from all his sucking and biting.
“Please continue.” She moaned as his teeth scraped at her. She never wanted him to stop especially when he brought his fingers back in between her thighs.
“What was that, love? I do not think I heard you.” Azriel said in his quiet, spymaster voice. It always turned Gwyn on when he used this tone, so she could not find it in herself to be mad that he wanted her to beg. She would beg if it meant he would keep talking.
“Please?” She tried again. “I want you to-“ her body jerked as he brushed lightly over her most sensitive area. She tried to scoot back towards his hand when he pulled away, but the ties prevented that. She whimpered to show her dissatisfaction. Azriel only chuckled in response.
“Please what?”
“Please touch me!” It was a desperate plea. She would allow him to tease her later for how quickly she started to beg; but for now, she simply needed his touch.
“Your wish is my command.” He used that same quiet, sultry voice.
Finally, his fingers were moving with a purpose. He circled her clit while using his other hand to pump inside of her. She started to wriggle underneath his touch. He knew she was close now.
“Yes! Azriel yes!”
It always filled him with so much pride when he could get her to moan his full name. His shadows roamed, untamed. They caressed every part of her that they could reach. She moaned even louder when a shadow slowly creeped up her back.
“Let me touch you.” She said in such a demanding tone that Azriel could not stop his smile even if he tried. He moved his hands faster, swirling her clit in a rhythmic motion that had her bucking against the ties.
“Soon.” He mutter. He would finish her off several times first. He could feel it building in her as her body tightened and she held in her breath.
“Do not stop!” She demanded once more. A sly grin slid onto his face even though he knew she could not see it since his fingers were sliding into her from behind. He slowed his speed down until he completely pulled his hands away altogether. She practically screeched in outrage.
“What was that? Did you say stop?”
“Azriel!” She yelped.
He plastered his front to her back, brought his mouth to her ear and his hand around the front to cup her. He started slow ministrations over again that had her whimpering.
“Who gives the orders in this bed?” Azriel asked with so much smugness that Gwyn wanted to yell many obscenities at him. She did not though considering he was slowly bringing her right back to the edge of her climax. She promised to pay him the same courtesies when it was his turn in the ribbons.
“You.” She muttered as though she was displeased, but truly she could not be more aroused. She knew he could tell by how wet his fingers must be by now.
“That’s right. I will let you know when I start taking orders from bossy Valkyries though.” The rough tone was so erotic as his mouth brushed against the shell of her ear that she thought she might finish right then and there. Secretly, she loved when he told her what to do. She had a feeling it was not much of a secret to him though. He intertwined one of his hands with hers while the other hand continued to torture her. He kept his chest firmly pressed against her back as she rode his hand. The restraints only added to the pleasure coursing through her veins.
She felt his very large cock press against her entrance from the back. She pushed back against him to try and take it all as his fingers continued to play with her. The restraints kept her legs in place though. She groaned out in frustration.
“Please?” She asked once again. She turned her head to look at his beautiful face only to see a look of utter concentration.
He, normally, only looked like this when he was writing a report for the High Lord. It always made her blood pump with arousal, so she was excited to see it now. He pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder and then lined himself up at her entrance.
“Azriel, I love you, but I swear to the cauldron if you do not enter me right now- ah!” She moaned loudly as Az finally entered her in one rough push.
He began rocking his hips- in and out. Gwyn tried to meet each thrust with one of her own, but the ties were proving difficult. She would need to add her own angry anecdote to the page on this position in her book. He thrust so deeply that Gwyn screamed out for all to hear.
“Fuck yes. Keep going please.” She made sure to add on the please at the end to keep him appeased. He made a loud moan himself as he continued to pump into her.
“Unless you want Cassian and Nesta to hear, I suggest you quiet down.” He was gritting his teeth as he said it. He was clearly trying to maintain some sort of control. Gwyn smirked as she knew that he always finished fast from this position.
“Payback.” Is all she uttered.
Azriel’s fingers swirled around her clit right as he hit a deep spot inside her. It had her coming so hard and long that she was certain she lost her vision for a second. She may have also been screaming, but she was not entirely sure. His fingers did not stop their movements on her though. It was such an intense feeling she almost wanted to ask him to stop. He kept pumping into her though while he tried to find his own release. Her hips were meeting his thrust for thrust. She could feel as his speed picked up and he became more wild and unhinged. It was her favorite part of sex with him. When he was so close that he almost gave over complete control and was not quite as gentle with her as he normally was.
“Fuck.” He muttered much quieter than Gwyn had when she finished. The hand that was interlaced with hers was squeezing so tightly that she worried her hand would go numb. She sighed contently. She knew with the Shadowsinger at her side, they could accomplish anything.
“Think I’m pregnant yet?” Gwyn asked once she had been untied, and they had finished a few more rounds.
They both lay on their back with Azriel’s arm tucked under her head. He pulled her closer to place a kiss on her forehead. It was such a tender moment that it made her heart squeeze. She started tracing his chest tattoos with her fingers. Azriel smiled softly at that. He noticed she could never sit still. If she was not tracing his tattoos, then it was his scars on his hands. If not that, then she was chasing his shadows around the room. She was only truly still when she slept.
“Good news is that we can keep trying until you are.”
“Very good news indeed.” A mischievous smile curled at her lips while the hand that had been tracing tattoos started trailing downwards.
“Again?” He asked astonished. He figured that she would definitely be sated at least until tomorrow. She rolled her eyes, but the smile stayed in place.
“A baby is not going to magical insert itself, now is it?” A smirk played at his lips.
“Just for that I am not going to let you finish for at least the next two rounds.”
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octoagentmiles · 3 years
[any facts or trivia you'd like to share?]
would ya like some meta stuff or some weird little things I've noticed while watching? cuz I've got both 👀
meta stuff (mostly Kwazii related):
Kwazii was based on one of Meomi's cats in real life (named Eco) who had one eye.
Kwazii's name may be a combination of the words "Kawaii" and "Crazy".
IRL, pirates wore eyepatches so they'd have one eye be more adjusted to the dark, which made night-sailing easier. (I headcanon that Kwazii does this.)
Many characters have different names in regional versions of the show. My favourites are Barnius (Barnacles), and Trixie (Tweak).
Dashi was originally named "Sauci" in the books, as a reference to her being a "sausage dog."
things I've noticed while watching because I'm weird:
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Kwazii stands with his paws grabbing his waist, with his claws exposed. Barnacles stands with his hands in fists facing backwards, hiding his claws.
This one might be obvious but every character has distinct traits related to their species; it's the most obvious in Kwazii, who frequently hisses, meows, plays with a ball of yarn, and has a scratching post in his room. Barnacles roars, and will raise his claws when he wants to look tough. Peso screeches when startled, and flaps his flippers when excited; both him and Barnacles hate hot temperatures.
Barnacles has never driven the Gup-B. Making the only Octonauts to have driven all 5 (main) gups; Kwazii, Tweak, and Peso.
Kwazii is very clumsy on land, and seems to forget he can't "swim up" to escape a creature that's chasing him. (compare when he dodges the swordfish, or the sharks in the Amazon River special, to the time he almost got cornered by the hippos, or the alligators in the Great Swamp Rescue.)
In the goby episode of AnB, after Barnacles lifts the tree to free the trapped seal, he looks directly at Kwazii instead of at the seal. This leads me to believe he was trying to show off in that moment lol. This is something he does a lot, actually, like in the Great Penguin Race where he comments on "knowing a thing or two about building strength..." then proceeds to flex his arms.
Tweak is very shy and reserved. She is camera shy, and seems to get quieter when talking to a creature she's never talked to before. She's the most confident when talking to Sandy, her dad, one of the Octonauts, or when talking about an invention.
in summary: Kwazii is Meomi's favourite child, and everybody else is just a side character in his show /j
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1purpleboi1 · 3 years
Chronicles of Nekoma’s Manager Pt 2
Hiya! This is Part 2 of the Nekoma Chronicles! Find part one here!
A/N: Thank you so much @aoi-turtle ❤️ and I am not a manager (lol) so I can only guess that the manager would be taking notes and stats on the players?
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In this post, the first practice:
It’s time for your first practice as manager for Nekoma’s boys volleyball team
Even after your outstanding first impression yesterday, the boys are still a little nervous for your first practice
You show up in sweats and a t-shirt (cue the “I’m not like other girls”)
Nah but as many athletes know, you can’t go wrong in sweats and a t-shirt when you don’t know what you’re going to be dealing with
You get there early and start setting up the net for the practice (the crank is the best part of setting up-)
As you finish filling water bottles and placing them next to the bench the boys start to arrive starting with Yaku, Kai, and Kuroo.
All three of them are wide eyed at the gym being set up
They’re all used to either doing it themselves or forcing their underclassmen to set up so when they see it’s already done and by YOU??
They’re already in love
I mean they are but they’re also really impressed
You try to make some small talk but the boys are all still a little awkward around you ITS OKIE LUVS THEYRE JUST SHY DORKS
Once the rest of the boys and Coach Nekomata arrive the practice starts you get to work
After observing practice for a bit and taking some notes on what players could work on, there’s some shouting coming from the door
In comes Lev, late because there was a cat to feed on the way to practice
Kuroo AND Yaku start yelling at him to get his tall ass to work and work on his receives
Once Lev finally makes his way to the court you immediately notice he sucks at passing IM SORRY LEV BBY I DONT MEAN IT
Quick to soothe Yaku’s anger, which was becoming obvious af, you ask coach if you could help Lev work on passing
Once you’re with Lev you help him learn the basics of passing
You’re much quieter and patient with him then Yaku is and before you know it he’s actually able to pass a hit from you
While you’re coaching Lev, you’re oblivious to the GLARES being sent his way from the team
Oh how the rest of the team wishes they were Lev just this once
The team does notice a difference in Lev’s passing though which only boosts their opinion of you
While handing out water bottles to the boys your humming Can-Can, which also happens to be the melody to...
The periodic table of elements song!!
Obviously you do and for three minutes the two of you geek out and screech sing the song, yelling MAGNESIUM
(Be honest Kuroo simps, did you learn the lyrics for him?)
During the next water break you strike up a small conversation with Kenma about Super Mario Bros and Animal crossing
Poor Tora tries to go up to you to talk but he gets shy and slinks away to hide behind his upperclassmen ITS OKAY TORA LUV
Is he going to let Tanaka know that though? No way in hell. So even though he chickened out he texts Tanaka after practice saying how awesome and hit you were and how amazing he did talking to you
he secretly asks Kenma for advice on talking to you. Kenma ignores him
Through all of this you still manage to get some pretty detailed notes in and Coach Nekomata is impressed :>D —Nekomata’s new face
All in all your first practice was a success for you and the boys
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Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed Part 2 of this series and stay tuned for Part 3: Meeting Bokubro and Akaashi
Check out my Masterlist
Requests Open!
All parts HERE
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genshin-latte · 4 years
Um hi! Number 15 for Xiao with him saying the line! So the S/O!Traveler!reader tries to start a snowball fight with Xiao to try and cheer him up (They had to leave before b/c they're trying to save teyvat & find their sibling at the same time)! Thoughtful for the personality if that is alright? And may the reader be female? Happy holidays! And sorry for bothering u and wasting ur time lol
Hi I wrote this at 6 AM idk anymoare I am tryin to keep it frm getting too steamy 💔💔 no beta we die like my wallet when Xiao comes out.
Also Im sorry if I didn’t get a few points skdnrje I’m not sure abt reader’s personality, and I’m not sure if you meant she had to leave before, or if she was leaving to find her brother so I went with the latter, I hope you don’t mind 🥺
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Prompt #15 : “Did you just throw a snowball at me?”
Pairing : Xiao x f!reader (Traveler)
Word count : 1015 words
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“Hey.” You called out to the yaksha. He had his arms folded, his back leaning against the wooden railing, the cold weather felt piercing, even through your extra coat but it seemed to have no effect on him. He stayed silent, eyeing the piling snow on the inn’s balcony.
“Don’t be so upset” you sighed, crouching beside him. “What makes you say that?” His tone was calm and he had his usual stoic expression but you knew him better than that. Ever since you told him you were leaving Liyue soon, he’s been... quieter.
“It’s obvious, don’t you think? Even Paimon could tell as much.” Your companion added. The boy only responded with a scoff. You followed his eyesight, your gaze landing on the blanket of white, the afternoon sunlight illuminating it, adding sparkles to the already stunning sight. An idea suddenly hit you. you turned towards Paimon, in which she returns, “As much as Paimon would like to agree, she still wants to live.” It seems like she knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Oh come on, he won’t hurt us.” You snickered. Xiao seemed to have caught the little fuss between the two of you, he watched as you stood, walking towards the opening of the roof. His eyes widening in shock when you decide to throw yourself and a screeching Paimon into a frozen slush. He immediately went into defensive mode, it’s been what? 3 seconds and you’re showing no signs of getting up. What if you died?
“(Y/n-“ his words were cut off by the least thing he was expecting.
“Pftt...” you couldn’t help but snort out a laugh, you could tell he was annoyed, but his intimidating features didn’t look so scary when it was covered by a giant ball of snow. You heard Him growl, followed by a long sigh as he wiped off the cold substance from his face. You swore, his piercing glare was enough to melt the ice “Did you just throw a snowball at me?”
“It wasn’t Paimon’s idea!” Sensing his anger, she backed away.
“A little snow can’t hurt you.” You went ahead and threw another one at him which he caught. Letting the frost settle back to it’s pile, he let out another sigh, as much as he wants fo fight back, he’s more afraid of hurting you in the process. He knows the extent of his powers, and he’d rather let you pile him up into a snowman than regret later.
Just as he was thinking, you tossed another ball, this time hitting his shoulder, “Stop it.” His words were firm, perhaps even slightly threathening. He didn’t like having his patience tested.
“Make me.” You immediately regretted the moment the words slipped out of your mouth. The inn’s rooftop was fairly small, with his speed it wouldn’t even take a second to catch you.
You tried to slid away but as you had predicted, he caught you with ease. You heard him grunt with annoyance and the next second he had you cornered against the railings. His hands on either side of you, keeping you in place.
“That’s not fair...” lips turning into a small pout, you looked up at him.
He frowned, “I told you to stop it.”
“Hm..,” You felt him flinch when you placed your hands on his shoulders. “Yeah maybe we should get back inside. It’s getting cold.” White mist forming as you let out a long breath.
“Really?” He looked unamused, he didn’t seem like he trusted you one bit.
“You know me best.” You giggled, using all the energy left in you to push him back, the pile of snow cushioning your fall. He knew you’d pull something off. Your laugh hitched when you feel him roll on top of you, using both hands to pin your wrists on either side of you.
You rarely get to see him so up close, your noses were almost touching and you were enjoying the view way more than you should. His golden eyes looked much more stunning up close, disheveled hair framing his handsome face, brows furrowed and lips narrowing in irritation.
“Is this what you want?” a low voice that completes it all, if only you weren’t outside laying in ice cold snow.
You couldn’t resist the temptation. You raised your head, attempting to meet his lips with yours. “Not quite” You whispered, eyes fluttering close.
He closed the distance, meeting you in a rough, hungry kiss. It was different than his usual hestitant, gentle ones, but nowhere less addicting. It’s a treat you’d get only if you manage to rile him up. You could hardly process your thoughts with the way his tongue was moving against yours, the occasional bites and the way he leaves you breathless.
You chased his lips just as he was about to pull back, the first was nowhere near enough to sooth the desires in your chest. You feel him free his grip from your wrists, placing them beside your head instead. Your arms moved reflexively, wrapping themselves around his neck, attempting to deepen the kiss. You almost felt at complete lost when you had to part.
“I won’t be gone for long, you know?” You gave him face a gentle caress. “I was just trying to cheer you up.”
He huffed at your response, but you see his expression softening. “If you ever need help, just say my name.” His eyes burned with so much determination, perhaps as much as the love that you felt for him.
Your lips curled into a smile as you said your next words, “I promise, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Is everything alright?” Hua’in asked as Verr Goldet made her way down stairs, a fond smile present on her face. “Quite so, I was worried because it was rather noisy but they seem to be...” She eyes your floating companion, letting out a small laugh, “having fun.” Never would she expect to see the view she had back there.
“Ugh... Paimon doesn’t want to go back in there.”
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Prompts open pog?? Anyway, G!Wilbur and H!Techno noms plz (if you’re comfortable with that (also anon asks aren’t on))
hopefully I got the anon ask thing situated lol, thanks for letting me know they were off!!!
im not the best at writing wilbur or techno but i will try my best! (This is being said before writing)
All the writing will be under the cut!!!
TW FOR: Soft, safe vore, unwilling, but still safe, vague digestion mention (though nothing happens), swearing
Unconventional Rescue Method
Techno growled under his breath as he gripped his sword. He was backed into a corner and surrounded by mobs, trying to think of something to do. He didn’t have a pickaxe on him and had no way to build out of the hole he was stuck in. The voices were going nuts as well, which didn’t help his thoughts in trying to get out. ‘Escape. Blood for the blood god. Cornered. Flee. RUN.’ Techno glanced around his surroundings as he attempted to block out the voices, huffing before tightening his grip on his sword and preparing to fight.
The piglin hybrid was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of mobs, looking up as he heard a loud thump from the top of the cliff, grunting as the voices continued to shout. ‘No way out. Dying. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!! Lost cause.’ Techno sighed, closing his eyes as he awaited death. His eyes shot open as he heard a loud thud in front of him, stumbling back against the wall at the sight of a giant hand reaching for him. He lost grip of his sword as the hand wrapped around him, struggling. “What the hell?! Let me go!” He swore under his breath as he was lifted higher, continuing to struggle as he glared up at his captor. The brunette giant looked down at Techno with an apologetic look in its eyes, bringing him towards its face and opening its mouth. Techno’s eyes widened as he was brought towards the giant’s maw, struggling in an attempt to escape.
The voices went wild as Techno was forced into the giant’s mouth, causing him to have to forcefully block them out as he tried to find a way out of the situation, cursing as he fought against the tongue starting to coat him in saliva. ‘Going to die. Being eaten!! PANIC PANIC PANIC. Fight back!!!! Trapped.’ Techno continued to struggle as the voices continued screeching, wincing as he started sliding towards the cavernous throat. He closed his eyes tightly as he was swallowed, the area around him tightening and pressing in on him as he struggled, trying to get the giant to choke and spit him out, trying to block out the loud sounds of its heartbeat and breathing as he passed the heart and lungs. The second Techno slipped into the giant’s stomach, he started fighting back extremely aggressively, punching and kicking at the stomach walls until he was exhausted. He heard the giant breathing heavily, having to cover his ears from how loud its heartbeat was, even with it being quieter now that he was in its stomach. He grumbled as he heard the giant speak, huffing. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry if I scared you, but I panicked and didn’t know what to do or-“ “Just- try to calm down man. Your heartbeat is stupidly loud when you’re panicking.” Techno interrupted the giant as it spoke, basically snarling the words. He was pretty relieved, to say the least when the giant’s heartbeat slowed down and seemed to quiet down. “Sorry, sorry. This is a really weird time to be saying this, but, uh, I’m Wilbur.” He huffed as the giant- now Wilbur- spoke, rolling his eyes. “Cool, cool. I’m Techno. So am I just gonna die in here, or-” “Oh god no, you’re not gonna die, you’re in my storage stomach. You humans, not knowing anything about giants.” The area around Techno shook as Wilbur chuckled, making Techno stumble. “I mean, the only thing we were taught is that if a giant sees you, you’re gonna die, we weren’t taught about the anatomy of you guys or anything.” He countered, earning another chuckle from Wilbur. “Nah, I’ll let you go once I get out of this ravine. Speaking of, why the fuck were you in a ravine without a pickaxe?” “I forgot it.” “Eh, fair.”
sorry it took so long! my adhd brain couldn’t decide on an idea (this oneshot’s title changed like 5 times in the writing process and i scrapped at least 3 half-written things before I finally settled on this one DBBDHDNDC) so it took a decade lmao. I really hope you like this
also you get a first ask award now lmao
alSO, first vore oneshot on this account lets goooo!
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I Love Him More
AU: Age Swap Au
Words: 2883 (i uhh XD this one got away on me lol)
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Tenzo Yamato/Maito Gai
Summary: While visiting Konoha with his friend, Tenzo finds himself in an awkward situation with one Maito Gai. Aka the man of Kakashi's dreams, and the most annoying person Tenzo could ever meet.
Konoha was quite a beautiful village when one got past all of the noisy people rushing down the streets. There were some stunning parks, and the river that cuts through the center of the village was well taken care of.
If there was ever a time in his life that Tenzo decided he wanted to settle down in a village, Konoha would be his top choice. Though, the chances of that happening were pretty slim. All his life Tenzo had been a wandering shinobi. Following Danzo-sama from hideout to hideout, only feeling like he had a home for a month maximum before they were forced to move once again.
Settling down simply wasn’t in his nature.
“We could race to the village!” Then, of course, there were some loud noises that he simply couldn’t ignore.
Having settled onto a nice rooftop with the Bento box he had ordered, he was just about to dig in when that ear-piercing voice interrupted him. Maito Gai, or as he liked to call him ‘Konoha’s resident weirdo’.
How someone like that had ever managed to convince Kakashi to be friends, he would never understand. Where Kakashi had an aloof, rather cold attitude towards other people, Maito Gai was friendly and energetic. Always ready to do something.
Tenzo hadn’t spent much time with him in the last three years since the fourth great shinobi war ended, but he knew more than enough about the man through those few interactions they had and Kakashi’s stories when they were travelling together. Maito Gai was simply not someone he would get along with. He had decided that long ago and avoided interaction with him where possible after that.
“Come on. It’ll be fun! I bet I can run three laps around the village before you even finish your first,” closing his bento, Tenzo placed a hand on his knee and pushed himself upwards, determined to find a new spot to eat. One that was a little bit quieter. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid to lose, Rival.”
Stopping in his tracks, Tenzo closed his eyes and took a moment to debate his next move.
He could leave. Find a nice comfortable, quiet place to eat his food. Enjoy the rest of his time in the village doing what he wanted without being a little snoop. Or he could follow that voice. There was only one person that Maito Gai ever called ‘Rival’ in his experience, and he’d be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t curious what Kakashi was doing with the weirdo this time.
Naturally, his curiosity got the better of him.
Doing a one hundred and eighty-degree turn, he scanned the area and thought about the few things Kakashi had said about the other man. Places he talked about them going together, the odd time he would mention things Maito liked.
His eyes zeroed in on the Dango shop.
The one thing Tenzo always remembered, regardless of what they were talking about when Maito was brought up, was his irrational love for Dango. There was no doubt in his mind that the man would have convinced Kakashi to go out for Dango with him even though Kakashi didn’t like sweets.
No doubt in his mind’s where Maito’s obnoxious voice was coming from. So, not wanting to waste another second, he leaped between roofs. Only stopping when he reached the roof directly across the street from the Dango shop.
From there he could see Maito and Kakashi with ease. The pair sitting at one of the tables just inside of the little shop, each holding a stick of Dango.
“Mah, I’d rather relax for a bit,” Kakashi’s voice finally reached his ears. A bored tone prominent, with the smallest hint of amusement, tucked away in his words. Hard for anyone to hear unless they knew Kakashi well. “Why does everything have to be a competition, Gai? I’m not in the village all the time. We should enjoy some time together before I leave again.”
Maito’s shoulders dropped suddenly.
“You’re not thinking of leaving already, are you?” The enthusiasm that had carried in his voice just minutes ago was gone. Replaced by a sadness Tenzo knew all too well.
A feeling that he shared whenever Kakashi spoke of his old childhood friend with fondness and admiration.
“You know how I feel about being here, Gai. Honestly, if it weren’t for you and my old team…”
“I know, it’s just…”
Silence fell between the two of them. Not the same comfortable silence that Yamato enjoyed in Kakashi’s presence every once in a while. This was awkward. Full of emotions and thoughts that neither of them seemed to be willing to vocalize.
“Kakashi!” A new voice cut through the air, pulling Yamato’s attention down to the street in front of the small Dango shop where a pink-haired woman stood waving towards Kakashi. “I finally found you. It’s time for that team picture.”
“Do I have to?” For a second it looked like Kakashi was about to argue, but with one look at the older woman, he quickly shut his mouth. No doubt it was the ‘scary face’ that he always talked about when his old Sensei was brought up. “Fine, I’m coming just relax. Sorry Gai, I’ll-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Gai returned his words with a smile. “I’ll be here when you’re done, and perhaps I won’t be alone.” raising an eyebrow, Tenzo started to scan the area for signs of anyone else. Someone who Maito might be speaking of. “After all, it would be nice to meet your other friend.”
Other friend?
Standing up from his seat, Kakashi made his way towards his Sensei. His eyes scanned up towards the rooftops, stopping directly on Tenzo. “He means you, Tenzo,” suddenly it felt like the world was crashing down around him. Human interaction? Kakashi expected him to “Get down here. He doesn’t bite…hard.”
The last word is barely audible when Kakashi turns his back to him and starts following his Sensei down the streets, but Tenzo still catches it lingering in the wind. It was a joke that his friend was trying to make, but honestly fell a little flat.
There was nothing scary about someone who bites. After years of training with Kakashi and being bitten by him more times than he could hope to count, Tenzo’s certain he’ll never find anyone who can make him fear being bitten. His body was desensitized to the pain at this point.
“I’ll get another stick of Dango for you.” before he could protest, Maito was gone. Off to retrieve the promised treat with the expectation that Yamato would join him down in the Dango shop.
He could make a run for it. Maito might be faster, but he was also unlikely to chase after him. It would be a waste of his time, and he had no emotional connection to Tenzo. Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to turn tail and run, his body refused to allow him. Instead, his feet directed themselves towards the Dango shop, and before he could stop himself he had jumped.
Committed himself to something he was certain he wanted no part of.
Damn it
He scolded himself as his feet touched the ground, shifting to absorb the shock of his landing. Straightening himself up, he glanced towards the table that Kakashi and Maito had been sharing just moments ago. Where he was expected to be upon Maito’s return, ready for a conversation that he didn’t want to have.
Why does Kakashi have to be like this? Since when is it my job to make nice with his friends?
He didn’t even like being in Konoha. It wasn’t his home. There wasn’t anyone here that he cared about. The only reason he ever came was that Kakashi wanted to. His spot was beside Kakashi, even if that led him into a village he wanted nothing to do with.
“You’re thinking hard about something,” blinking, Tenzo focused his sight on the man now standing directly in front of him. A smile cemented on his face as usual, and a stick of Dango stretched out in front of him in the offering. “You want to talk about it?”
Examining the stick of Dango, Tenzo huffed. “Not really,” he grumbled, turning his eyes away from the other man. “I’m just here until Kakashi decides to leave. If he wants me to keep you company until his return, I will. But as soon as he’s back I’m gone.”
“That’s...alright,” Maito’s shoulders started to shake, laughter bubbling in his throat while Tenzo tried to ignore him. Pleaded with his ears not to hear that cheerful sound Kakashi always talked about with such fondness. “No wonder Kakashi is always smiling when he’s telling me about you. You are as goofy as he says.”
Goofy? Was that how Kakashi was describing him? Of all the words he could use, he had chosen that one?
His mind screeched to a halt.
“Kakashi...talks about me?” He couldn’t believe it. Kakashi, the guy who never shut up about how much he looked forward to spending time with Maito whenever they were on the way to Konoha, talked about him. During those precious few moments he was spending with Maito, Tenzo was still on his mind?
There was a warm feeling blooming in his chest all of a sudden. Not an unfamiliar feeling, but usually one that he only got when he was spending time with Kakashi. Just the two of them sitting around a campfire, or laying under the stars.
He had never expected to feel that warmth while standing in front of Maito Gai, the man Kakashi spoke so highly of. Who kept him tied to Konoha, even when he refused to call the village his home or even visit it when he couldn’t be guaranteed that he would see his old friend.
“Of course he talks about you,” laughter gave way to a soft, wounded look. “Don’t most people talk about their boyfriends?”
“I-i’m not…” Swallowing past the lump that had formed in his throat, Tenzo stared at the other man with wide, confused eyes.
‘Lie’ His mind screamed at him. ‘If he thinks you’re dating Kakashi, then he can’t ask him out.’
“It seems pretty obvious,” Gai spoke before he even had the chance to form a response. “Whenever he talks about you Kakashi looks, happy. Clearly, you’re very important to him.”
It was strange. Hearing those words from Maito, Tenzo couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness deep inside of his heart. Even when he knew he should be celebrating. Planning out the perfect way to finally ask Kakashi out now that he had at least a hint of confirmation that the other man might feel the same feelings of love that he had been trying so desperately to ignore for the past two years.
Yet, no matter how hard he tried to focus on that happy moment of discovery, he couldn’t help but recall the look in Kakashi’s eyes whenever he spoke about Maito during their travels. The way that his eyes gleamed with excitement whenever he told Tenzo about the latest thing he did with Maito or something they had done together when they were much younger.
How his voice got soft, and a fond smile stretched across his lips whenever Maito’s name was brought up around him.
If there was anyone that Kakashi was in love with, it was Maito, and it burned Tenzo deep inside his soul to have to admit it.
“We’re not dating,” snatching the stick of Dango out of Maito’s hand suddenly, he turned his attention to the small balls of sweetness. Examining each one of them as if they held the secrets of the world inside of them. “He has his eyes set on someone else.’
Maito didn’t have to know who that someone else was.
“Oh,” peering over the sweet treat, Tenzo watched as Maito went through a process of realization. Confusion making itself evident with the slight furrow of those ginormous caterpillar-sized eyebrows, only to be replaced seconds later by realization before he finally settled on excitement. “Well, if that’s the case then I can ask him out.”
Is he being serious right now?
“Well, it’s only fair,” Maito continued. “If you’re not dating him, that means I still have a shot.”
Kakashi had been right when he described Maito as ‘determined’, but this was a new extreme. Just seconds ago the man had thought Kakashi was already in a relationship with Tenzo and now he was ready to ask him out?
His head was spinning from the whiplash caused by Maito’s sudden shift in perspective. His fickle mind was a wonder that Tenzo would be happy to dissect if he had more time.
“I don’t recall saying that I wasn’t intending to ask him out,” he argued, putting aside his thoughts about Maito’s strange shift for the moment. “I’m just planning it out. It has to be perfect.” It didn’t matter that he was lying through his teeth. If Maito was going to make it a competition, he was going to fight to win.
“Oh is that so?” Placing his hands on his hips, Maito leaned in close. His face was mere inches away from Tenzo’s when he finally stopped. “Well, you’re not dating him so that means that whoever asks him out first wins.”
“And if he says no?”
“As if he’d say no to either of us,” Maito responded with a roll of his eyes. “I’m a ray of sunshine, or you’re adorable.”
Tezno’s brain screeched to a halt, unable to focus on anything but that last word Gai had said.
Adorable? Me?
Opening his mouth, he tried desperately to come up with a response on the spot. Unfortunately, thanks to the lack of human interaction he had while working under Danzo, he wasn’t exactly used to having to respond to such compliments on the fly.
So he just stood there, mouth hanging open, staring hopelessly at Maito as he tried to understand his reason’s for saying what he had. After all, no one would compliment someone they should be viewing as competition.
That’s not how things like that worked.
“You’re both hopeless.” dragging his eyes away from Maito, he levelled their intruder with a glare, only realizing his mistake when he saw who it was walking into the Dango shop.
“K-Kakashi!?” Gai’s eyes widened.
“How much-” Diverting his gaze away from his friend, Tenzo instead looked towards Maito. The cause of all his current troubles and the one he hoped would be able to fix the situation. He was, after all, the more socially skilled one between them. “-I thought you were getting a picture taken?”
Sighing, Kakashi started walking towards the pair.
“Sakura-Sensei made sure that the photograph was nearby,” he explained as he pulled his hands out of his pockets. “And it was pretty quick once Obito stopped acting like an idiot.”
Somewhere in the distance Tenzo heard Obito yelling at Kakashi. Calling him names and no doubt being held back from charging into the Dango shop by Rin.
“As for you two,’ stopping in front of the pair, Kakashi’s eyes darted between them. Examining each of them while they stood there awkwardly waiting for whatever it was he had to say. “Instead of fighting over who gets to ask me out first, you could just work together on the ultimate date offer. I’m more likely to say yes that way.”
“Ultimate date offer?” Maito spoke slowly, his eyes scanning towards Tenzo, looking at him as if he held the answer to what exactly Kakashi’s words meant. Unfortunately, he was just as lost as the other man. “I don’t…”
“You don’t get it, do you?” seeing Kakashi avert his gaze was odd. For all the years Tenzo had known him, he had never been one to act shy or uncomfortable. His confusion only worsened when Kakashi removed one hand from his pocket and rubbed it across the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m saying that I’d maybe, prefer it if you both asked me out.”
“Oh!” returning his gaze to Maito, Tenzo couldn’t help but smile slightly at the thought. Sure, Maito wasn’t his perfect pick for a partner, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief washing over him knowing that he wouldn’t have to fight for Kakashi’s affections.
That they were allowed to share them.
“Well, how about a training date?” Maito explained suddenly, throwing a fist out in front of him. “Nothing gets the blood pumping better than a good spar!”
“I think something more relaxing would be appropriate,” The thought of wasting a date away training made Tenzo cringe. “How about Sushi? Or perhaps a nice walk around the village?” Something more romantic than trying to punch each other in the face.
“Mmm, those are good ideas,” A contemplative look was not something Tenzo had ever expected to see on Maito’s face, and for good reason. It was uncomfortable seeing such a cheerful, energetic person so deep in thought. “How about both?”
“Now we’re talking,” Kakashi smiled at the pair. “Keep this up and you might figure out a good way to ask me out.”
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show me
dazai osamu x reader
prompt: “So close to saying something you’d regret, weren’t you? I almost wish you had.”
prompt credit: @witterprompts
You rushed out of the Armed Detective Agency’s office immediately after hearing the news, your eyes stormy as you pushed through the glass doors. You couldn’t hear any pleas to stop from Kunikida or Atsushi, but you felt their pitying gazes prickle the back of your neck.
“If he’s already dead, I’m going to kill him.” you muttered angrily. And if you found Dazai alive, you’d still kill him, although you knew that threat was something you’d never truly be able to go through with. You cared for Dazai too much to actually allow anything harmful to hurt him, and that included the man himself.
Your cheeks reddened, and you clambered into your car as fast as you could, slamming on the gas to reach the riverbank as soon as possible. When you arrived, your car screeched to a halt and after slamming the door shut, you started scanning the water for a certain beige trench coat. You felt tears welling up behind your eyes the longer you searched, your voice straining as you tried calling out Dazai’s name again and again. You cared for him a lot, and you knew it was more than a friendly feeling, but you also knew you couldn’t deal with his suicidal tendencies forever. You wanted to live life, and you were determined to find a way where you could end up living with the man you loved contentedly.
Suddenly, you spotted Dazai’s body floating face-down in the river. You gasped, and immediately ripped off your shoes as you dove in to pull him to shore. You grasped his body desperately, pulling him close and kicking your feet to move the both of you. Dazai’s eyes were closed, and he had a rope tied around his body, although you couldn’t see any anchor that he could’ve used to weigh himself down with. The rope must’ve come loose, releasing him from the weight. Shaking your head, you breathed a sigh of relief as you dragged him safely to shore. Looking down at his unconscious face, your racing heart slowed down a bit as you tried to understand the peaceful-looking enigma of a man laying in front of you.
“I can’t understand you, y’know? You always keep everything inside, from your past to your problems to what you plan on doing each day, and if only we could work through this together and share our burdens, I’m sure I could show you something worth living for,” you whispered softly. You scanned Dazai’s body worriedly for any sign of life. As you searched, you felt panic slowly build until you finally saw Dazai’s chest rise and fall. You let out a breath of relief, and Dazai coughed violently as he sat up straight and started blinking rapidly.
“Ahh, what a thrill that one was! Not the most peaceful experience, but I was so close this time! I could feel my life slipping away, but it turned out a failure in the end, just like the others,” he whined, smiling as he continued, “But it’s okay! My belladonna came to me, didn’t you? Were you jealous of Lady Death trying to take me alone? I’d love for you to join in my next attempt, darling, just say yes!”
Your previous feelings of worry and concern left you the more Dazai went on and on, and instead you felt anger well up inside you. Your fists shook as you stared intensely at the carefree, dismissive look on Dazai’s face.
“Is life - is life just a joke to you?! Do you think I’m doing this just for kicks?” You questioned furiously, eyebrows drawn together as you glared at Dazai, “I care so much for you - everyone at the Agency cares so much for you! Your bright jokes, energetic pranks, even your cunning side’s wit, they all make our days a bit more complete! You are valuable, even if you don’t see it that way. Please... why do you value life so little?” Your voice grew quieter near the end, your gaze dropping from his eyes to where his hands were loosely resting in his lap. You couldn’t tell what look he had in his eyes, but you figured he was just keeping his fake smile up without a care in the world. The thought filled you with more despair than you’d like to admit, but you remained still as you watched him his right hand lift to cup your face. He tilted your head to meet his eyes, and when you saw the brown of his irises, your breath hitched. Dazai’s eyes were serious, and his eyes held little to no trace of the playful lightness you usually admired.
“I admire you for the value you see in life. Really, I do. I can only wish to find that same meaning in my own, but for now, all I bear is a life of suffering, of waiting for the things I care about to be taken from me,” Dazai began, his hand caressing your face delicately. His touch was so soft you could barely feel it, and you felt as if you were made of glass, “You’re one of those things I place so much care and value in, as much as it pains me to admit. Didn’t you say you want me to share more with you?”
You blushed at the realization that he heard your confession when you thought he was unconscious. Dazai laughed lightly, continuing, “Well, first of all, my favorite thing to do each day is watching you. You truly live through every moment of every day, and the beauty and energy you have is so genuine, I could never hope to replicate it.” He smiled, and your heart swelled at the vulnerability he was starting to reveal to you.
“Then live. Stay with me, and I’ll show you beautiful things that’ll make every day something to look forward. We’ll experience new things, travel to new places, find new meanings to life, and discover new purposes to live for. I know you’re trying to find a reason to live, Dazai, and I understand, but please stay with me because I lo-” You stopped yourself abruptly, stiffening as you watched his eyes scan over your face carefully.
“So close to saying something you’d regret, weren’t you? I almost wish you had,” Dazai smiled, his wistful words not matching the cheerful countenance he wore. “Life is so cruel, to allow me this when I know how fragile and temporary everything turns out to be.”
“Let me show you different,” you urged, reaching out to bring him into a hug. You could feel him flinch in surprise, but you refused to let go. “I won’t stop. I’ll show you how much value and permanence life can have. I promise that I will, even if it takes the rest of our lives. Just, live for me.”
Dazai smiled, and you recognized it as his first genuine smile of the entire conversation. His smile dropped as he hesitated, but you dipped your head down and leaned your forehead against his chest encouragingly. You felt his chest rise and fall as he heaved a dramatic sigh, laughing a little, “You’re very persistent, you know that?”
“Believe me, I know. I need it to get through your stubbornness,” you rolled your eyes playfully, “But don’t change the subject, mister. What’s your answer?”
“I’ll try, darling. We can try together.”
A/N: damn I’ve never written anything besides an essay before so I rlly hope this isn’t too cringe! Dazai’s such an interesting character, but he’s so frickin complicated so I hope he isn’t too ooc. This was really self indulgent lol and I think I used the word “life” a gazillion times but ahhh, any feedback is much appreciated!
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020 
PROMPT: Soulmates
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​
PAIRING: Chrome/Tsuna
Soulmates AU where when you touch your soulmate, sparkles the color of your soul appear. [Modern!AU]
TAG WARNING: Self-Worth Issues, Implied/Referenced Bullying, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
WORDS: 1229
The car’s tires screech on the concrete, the continuous honk sounding like a death sentence to Nagi’s ears. She curls over the cat, and presses him against her.
“Watch out!”
A body slams against hers, holds on to her tightly as they roll on the pavement.
Nagi’s heart beats in her ears, the loudest sound she ever heard in her life. She comes back to her senses to the cat’s soft fur curled in her fingers, his struggling body.
He squeezes between their two bodies to escape once she loosens her arms, and she cranes her neck to try to determine his state before he runs too far.
The boy who saved her moves and whimpers, and she immediately feels ashamed of her misplaced priorities.
Nagi pulls away of his loose embrace, sits on her knees.
“Are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?”
His arms are badly grazed, blood here and there, but hopefully it looks worse than it is.
He sits up, and she recognizes him as a Namimori Middle student going by his uniform.
Big brown eyes like doe look at her worryingly. “Are you? That was really close.” He blinks, glances around them. “What about the cat? Did he…”
“He left already. I think he was fine.”
The boy smiles. “Thanks to you.”
He wipes his bleeding cheek on his shoulder, staining his white shirt. Nagi reaches for her handkerchief, hoping it didn’t get dirty.
A honk startles her.
“You lovebirds, get out of the way if you’re fine already. Some people have to go to work.”
The crowd boos the driver—and oh no, they attracted a crowd—, and she gets back to her feet.
The boy does the same before she can offer him her help, his eyes ducked and his cheeks red, much like herself.
They get back to the sidewalk, Nagi picking up her school bag.
She fidgets with its strap. “You don’t… have your bag with you?”
“Oh, um, well, no?” He scratches the back of his head, looking everywhere but at her. “It kind of got taken away from me on my way to school, and then I kind of…” he shrugs, his voice getting quieter the more he talks “decided… to ditch school today altogether.”
“Are you kids okay?” a man asks, stepping up from the crowd. “I can go with you to the hospital until your parents gets here if you want.”
Nagi tenses, and doesn’t find her voice to tell him it won’t be necessary.
The boy does, flailing his hands and stumbling on his words to assure him they’re fine and can take care of themselves.
He manages to disperse the crowd too, to her relief.
Her relief doesn’t last long though, upon the awkward atmosphere that embraces them once they’re alone.
“Here.” She hands him her handkerchief, his right shoulder and collar already bloodied beyond repair. “Also…” Nagi bows, formal and genuine. “Thank you for saving my life and protecting me from the impact.”
“Oh no, please, you don’t have to! I mean, I’m glad you’re okay of course, but, um—actually, I should be the one thanking you, you know? For saving the cat. Knowing me, I would have miscalculated and just try to scoop up air.” He laughs derisively. “Anyway.”
Nagi straightens at the same time he bows. They bump their heads, and sparkles fly.
Literal sparkles fly from his forehead, amber colored like the sunsets she likes to watch from her window.
Nagi crouches, hides her face in her lap, her eyes squeezed shut. She tries to ignore the indigo undertones of the darkness.
She’s about to feel the greatest heartbreak of her life, before even knowing love, but it’s okay. It will be easier to deal with it that way.
It feels like forever passed when the boy—her soulmate—speaks up.
“Right. I guess you already heard of me, uh?” He laughs, something bitter and brief. He sounds sad too, but more than that, resigned. “It’s okay, I get it. And I’m sorry it’s me, and you won’t—well, you know.”
Nagi frowns. What is he talking about? It’s the first time she meets him, and if she ever heard of him before she can’t recall him.
He clears his throat. “Right, um… I’ll just go now. Don’t forget to treat your wounds, alright?”
Nagi abruptly stands, urgency in her heart she doesn’t understand, but she guesses was to be expected.
What is he talking about? This isn’t about him at all.
Didn’t he heard about her? And even if he didn’t, can’t he see how… how Nagi she is?
“Wait, please. Please.” He stops, not turning fully back to her, his eyes cast down. “I’m sorry I reacted that way, I should have known it would be confusing. It wasn’t about you at all. It’s me.”
Nagi nods. “It’s me. I’m just… me. I’m sorry I’m the one for you.”
“What?” he says again, looking utterly dumbfounded. “What about you? You—you saved the cat! You just ran to him without a second thought, I saw you. And you were ready to protect it with your body, that’s very brave and kind! And, um, well—” his hands freeze mid-air, and he blushes, slowly but surely “—you’re—you’re… really pretty.”
Nagi casts her eyes down, blushing to the tip of his ears, terribly self-conscious all of a sudden.
She just got saved from a car accident, how pretty can she really look like right now? Is he lying to her? Trying to be nice?
No, she doesn’t think he is. She would have seen it in his eyes otherwise.
It only makes her blush deeper.
“You saved me too.” Nagi breathes deeply, meets his eye the way he found the courage to meet hers. “You risked your life for a complete stranger. That’s at least as brave and kind as me.” He scratches his cheek, laughing a little, his first genuine laugh since they met. “Why… would anyone say anything bad about you?”
“Ah, that. Well, you know.” He puts his hands in his pockets, and shrugs. “I’m just… No-Good.”
Nagi hears the burden in his voice, the hurt and resignation and yearning. A strong sense of kinship grows inside her, and how pathetic is that of her?
“I’m the Weird Quiet Girl. Or the Quiet Scary Girl some days.”
“Oh. That’s… really lame of us.”
“Yeah, I was telling myself the same thing.”
He huffs a laugh, and she smiles, a little thing at the corner of her lips. They make eye contact, and bursts out laughing.
It sounds a bit hysterical at the end of it, and neither of their smile disappear once they get their composure back.
“You should go take care of your wounds,” Nagi blurts out, when she thinks for a second his cheek will bleed again.
“My house isn’t that far from here. My mum can look over us both, if you want.”
“Thank you. I wouldn’t mind, if that’s okay with you.”
He grins. “Yeah, of course!” He clears his throat, offers her an unsure hand. “I’m Tsuna. Sawada Tsunayoshi, but you can call me Tsuna.”
Nagi holds his hand, warm in hers. “I’m Nagi. Nice to meet you.”
Sparkles fly, orange and indigo mixing together, falling over their linked hands.
They smile at each other, soft and warm.
First I wanted to go with glowing, but I realized it could pretty easily look scary instead of pretty lol. So I went with sparkles, but even then I’m fully aware it could easily become... inconvenient on a daily basis loool.
Good thing this is just a one-shot aqsdfgukilo.
Thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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arin-schreave · 4 years
the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
before you read i just wanted to say thank you soooooo much to bri for being the most amazing cohost and my voice of reason these past 6+ months and putting up with me (y’all seriously have no idea lol). thank you to everyone who participated in oc6 and for helping make it the fun mess it was with your amazing characters. this fic is is trash but it’s what i’ve got. thank you to bri and ester for editing. my watch has ended.
HELLO OC6ERS. this has been quite an interesting selection, hasn’t it? and yes. i did put up with anna but it was fun most of the time :) i can’t believe y’all roped me into this hosting thing a second time around, but it’s been a hoot. i hope you enjoyed safiya, wylan, jackson, and my evil villains as much as i did. and to bertha and myr!!!! y’all!!!!!!! idk how your characters have managed to make arin fairly decent in my eyes but you have. quite the feat. many thanks to anna for listening to my screeching advice most of the time, to anya for making the loveliest lady for jackson, and to ester, my homie, for making idalia--the most perfect match for wylan that could ever exist. it’s been WONDERFUL. see you guys next round!!!
-bri <3
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You can click here for the Google doc or keep reading below. If you go to the doc please note there are some edits at the bottom of the fic so you may want to come back when you’re done reading and scroll down to the bottom to see them.
October was the hardest before Arin had readjusted to the silence. Everything had gone from chaos to calm in an instant and he hadn’t realized the ways he’d gotten used to it. He’d look for the familiar faces of the Selected only to be disappointed when he remembered that everyone had gone home.
He often wondered what Clemence and Jen would think of the choice he’d made to send them home, followed by too much silence on his part. Arin felt selfish because of the regret he felt for missing them both but he still knew it was the break they all needed. He’d put their lives on hold for months and hadn’t given them as much as he could have during that time. So he was trying to give them the space and time they needed to heal from the damage of the Selection.
Then came November with its highs and lows. Arin spent so many sleepless nights alone in his bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about his mistakes. He thought of how controlling he’d been with Felicity and what it had done to her, how devastated Jen had been when she thought he was eliminating her, the way Clem had been heartbroken when they’d said goodbye… But he was trying to be better. He’d gotten back into running, he’d finally started seeing a therapist again, he cooked for himself. Some days he’d go to the library on campus and spend a few hours doing his work in one of the study rooms before returning to the palace. Others he’d spend in back to back meetings with advisors discussing Illéa’s transition into a casteless society. Still, there was always a lingering empty feeling inside him. Then a call came.
It was the quietest Christmastime that Arin could remember there ever being in his home. Servants were still rushing around as they tried to put the final touches on the decorations. The majority of palace staff would soon go on vacation through the beginning of the new year and it would only grow quieter. There wasn't the same level of excitement there usually was during the holiday season.
There was a soft knock at the door and he straightened in his chair while he set aside what he was working on. He glanced down at his watch as he called for her to enter. She was early but only by a few minutes. When she slipped inside the office he noticed she'd kept her jacket on, which meant she didn’t plan on staying long.
He took a deep breath as she walked towards the desk, trying not to think about the last time she'd been in his office. When she’d kissed him in front of Clem. That hurt to think about but for different reasons than it had at the time. When she reached the desk she didn’t sit. Felicity merely raised her eyebrows at him in anticipation. 
“Thanks for coming.” He gave her a nervous smile. “It means a lot to me.”
There was some skepticism in the look she gave him when he motioned for her to sit. She even glanced around the office to see if they were alone as if it was all a trick. Then her eyes met his again but still, she remained standing. It gave him somewhat of an uneasy feeling but he ignored it since she was likely uncomfortable as well.
“I know Christmas is over a week away but I wanted to give you your gift early since we won’t be doing things the usual way this year.”
Some of the awkwardness slipped away and Arin could feel the hint of the friendship they’d once had. He’d forgotten how good that felt. For a moment they were who they’d been before they’d ever been Arin & Felicity. They were two childhood friends sharing a moment that was nothing but platonic. He’d missed the sense of ease between them.
He thought about the way things usually were on Christmas. Every year his parent’s friends would come over at some point for a few hours to visit and they’d exchange gifts. When they'd been younger all the kids would play and Felicity had been among them. With everything that had happened they had decided it would be for the best to skip the year’s celebration.
This year the Schreaves would likely attend the Christmas Eve service at church before returning home for a somber meal. Then afterward they would gather in the family room for an hour or two before they all went their separate ways. As for Christmas morning… Well, that was one big question mark. So many things were those days. It was all one day at a time.
“I didn’t get you anything.” She gave him an apologetic look which he waved off.
“Well, I didn’t either.”
Arin glanced over at his desk drawer, taking a moment for himself before he reached down to open it. This moment had been such a long time coming and he was ready. He pulled the little velvet box from where it had been sitting for almost a year and set it on the desk. Felicity’s eyes widened with recognition as he slid the small box towards her. She swallowed hard, one hand going up to cover her lips as she only stared at it. He couldn’t help but smile a bit at the reaction, knowing her well enough that he was able to tell she was far from upset.
“Lis, I’ll always love you no matter where we are or who we’re with, you know that.” It felt good for him to say what he knew he’d been feeling the last couple of months. “But only as a friend. I’ve known you longer than almost anyone in my life and you aren't someone I could ever replace. But we aren’t the same people we were five years ago or even last year and we both know that’s for the better.”
Felicity reached up and wiped at her eyes, huffing a laugh before she mumbled something about how unfair he was being. Her eyes met his as she picked up the ring box, one thumb brushing over the top with fondness. She was silent for a few moments while she enjoyed the familiarity of the velvet against her skin.
“I know things are busy this year but please don’t put off getting her present. It’s your first Christmas.” She looked down at the ring box with a soft smile.
He could tell how much it meant to her that he’d given it back. Given how things had ended between them proper etiquette was that she return the ring and she had. But what was Arin going to do with it? He couldn’t propose with it or ever give it to his future… spouse, which meant that it would only end up tucked away in some corner of the vault collecting dust.
Felicity didn’t know that Arin had yet to figure out what he was going to do. Not that she would since they didn’t speak often and he wasn’t sure how much his sister told her. It was a reasonable assumption that he’d have made a decision by now even though there’d been no announcement. There'd been so much going on recently that Arin's priority wouldn't have been that, which Felicity knew.
“It doesn’t matter since I’m not sure when I’ll see her next anyway. Jen is with her family in Waverly for Christmas.”
Arin paused at that as he processed what he’d said. He replayed the sentence in his head to make sure he’s said what he thought he had. Then he narrowed his eyes at Felicity. She hadn’t taken her eyes off him.
“What did I say?” He asked somewhat cautiously.
She gave him a confused look as if she didn’t understand the question. Then seeing that she’d heard him right she frowned.
“You said Jen is in Waverly for Christmas.” She answered. “Is there a problem?”
Arin tugged at his collar. He began to count in his head as he took a steadying breath. He knew Felicity was someone he could talk to but not about this. Not yet. Maybe one day they’d completely go back to the way they were before they’d been together but they weren’t there yet.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m sorry to keep things so short but I have a meeting in a few minutes,” Arin told her.
He didn’t but he glanced at his watch anyway. She knew him well enough to know it was Arin telling her he needed to be alone. Felicity nodded in understanding but didn’t move quite yet. Then she stepped around his desk, giving the box a couple gentle taps against the surface. She stood there a few more moments but then she shook her head, changing her mind about what she was going to ask him.
“Merry Christmas, Arin.” She said in a hushed voice, then turned to leave.
Arin leaned back in his chair once she was gone, a million thoughts running through his mind. He thought about the two women who had become his world over the past couple of months. Both were kind and wonderful. But he couldn’t be with both of them. When he thought about Jen he couldn’t help but smile and feel warm inside. She had a way of lighting up everything around her and making it all feel so alive. Then there was Clem who was soft and sweet and reminded him that he could always keep going. When she looked at Arin he felt like his mistakes meant nothing and all would be forgiven.
Each woman meant more to him than he could put into words. They’d seen Arin as he was and they still wanted him despite it all. Through the ups and downs, they’d stood by him, giving him their time and love. He’d known for some time that he was in love as well but up until then, he’d thought it possible he had equal feelings for them both. He’d been searching for an answer and there she was. She’d been in front of him all along.
He had the vague memory of telling her that she wouldn’t ever be happy with him but that didn’t feel so true anymore. So much had happened since then. She'd seen him at his worst and together they’d gone through more in the span of a few weeks than most couples went through in years. Jen had become someone he relied on and turned to when things were hard. She’d held him that night in the kitchen when he’d burnt the cookies, she’d tried her best to comfort him when he’d been sick in the Great Hall after they’d somehow stayed alive, and she’d been behind him every step of the way during the funeral procession. Even when she'd broken up with him she'd been the person he'd wanted to share it with.
Their moments weren’t always perfect and rarely turned out as planned but each one added up and made them who they were together. They’d had sad moments like when Jen had told him how well he’d done the day of his mother’s funeral. Then there had been the in-between moments like the day in the library when she’d told him what had happened with Ian. He’d been so careful and scared. But then there were the happy moments. There was the simplicity of painting with her in the attic, grocery shopping in a supermarket with narrow aisles, reaching for her in the middle of the night, the way she would laugh at his terrible jokes, so many things…
Arin thought of Felicity then. There had been love between them but at some point, over the past months, it had slipped away. Looking back on it, it didn’t feel the same way being with Jen felt. Somehow everything with Jen felt so much brighter and vivid. When he thought of her there was a pleasant heavy feeling in his chest and if he tried to imagine his life without her it felt meaningless. There were so many things unspoken between them and yet they both knew they were safe together. It only ever took one word.
He needed to think. It was Thursday and Arin had talked to Jen recently enough that he knew she’d be arriving back in Illéa on Monday. He had a weekend to figure out what he wanted to do if he even wanted to tell her that soon. Talking to someone would help but Wylan wouldn’t be the best person since he was with Jen and Arin didn’t want to put more on his plate. Wylan deserved to enjoy the rest of his vacation with his girlfriend- even if they had a third wheel.
Arin considered his mom but wanted someone more level-headed… so the obvious choice was Safiya. 
When Arin found his sister in the family room on the third floor, she was curled up on one of the couches beneath a blanket. She had her laptop resting on her lap, playing a movie. Safiya didn’t pause what she was watching as Arin walked towards her,  a hint of a smile on his face. He could already tell she knew something was up as he sat on the couch across from her.
“Do you have a second?” He asked after watching her for a long moment.
Being curious, Safiya paused what she was watching with a nod and set her laptop down on the coffee table. She laid back down on her side, still snuggled beneath the blanket facing him. 
“A few. It looks important”
Arin took a deep breath, leaning back against the cushions of the couch. He noticed how Safiya wasn’t sitting up the way she normally would have been but the past months had been hard on everyone, her especially. Not only had she lost a parent but so had Theo.
“It’s actually very important.” It’s actually about Jen. He smiled a bit.
Safiya’s smile matched his own as she tucked one hand against her cheek.
“Finally joining the club?” She wiggled her ring finger enough for him to notice.
Arin blushed at the suggestion. The thought had crossed his mind but hearing someone else bring it up made it feel more real. Most mentions of marriage with Jen had been brief and made as jokes. Yet that's what he wanted. He wanted to marry her one day and have a life. If that was what she still wanted with him.
“I don’t know…” Arin admitted, grimacing in embarrassment. “I haven’t talked to her yet. And she doesn’t know it’s her.”
“You should probably remedy that.” She told him, her voice calm as she spoke despite her growing smile.
Arin nodded in agreement. He had every intention of telling Jen- assuming she’d listen. He thought back to the conversation they’d had in the early hours of the previous morning. They’d had moments during the call where they’d been at odds but at the end of it, they’d been... them and it made him optimistic.
“She’s in Italy with Wylan right now and won’t be back for a couple more days.” Arin was grinning at that point. “So I have a bit of time to think.”
He knew all it would take was a text or a phone call or even getting on a plane but he needed to think things through. Arin was certain about Jen but he wanted to make sure he got things right. He had four days until she was back in Illéa which felt like too much time and not enough time all at once.
“I’m happy for you, you know,” Safiya told him in a quiet voice.
Arin chuckled a bit at the realization that he hadn’t said Jen’s name out loud a single time the entire conversation. Safiya was smart enough to know who he was talking about from the mention of Wylan since she knew about his trip. Still, Arin wanted to make sure they were on the same page.
“It’s Jen. I realize I should have led with that. Sorry.” Arin ran his fingers through his hair with some anxiousness. “It’s been a weird day.”
He paused, taking a moment to consider his next words more carefully. It was a delicate topic that most people had grown used to tiptoeing around with him. He hadn’t told anyone what his plans had been with Felicity though he’d mentioned he'd be seeing her that afternoon to Jen during a conversation. She’d asked how he’d felt because he’d been so nervous and she could tell something was off.
“I just came from giving Felicity her engagement ring back.”
Safiya raised her eyebrows at that. Arin was sure she’d be hearing about from Felicity at it some point. It was possible she already knew since Felicity would have had time to text Safiya and she’d been waiting for him to bring it up. Though he figured was unlikely.
“Oh? Did that go well?” She asked.
He furrowed his eyebrows briefly as he thought back to when he'd returned the ring. Arin focused on those last moments before Felicity left and the way she’d stepped around the desk. Then there’d been the hesitation. That was the only part of the interaction he had any uncertainty over but he kept that to himself and nodded in response to his sister’s question.
“It went surprisingly well. She seemed to appreciate it.” He answered, stopping a moment to bite at his lip. “It felt right since I didn't have any use for it.”
“I don’t think Jen would appreciate a ring given to your former fiancée,” Safiya replied with more of her usual snark.
“Is this a bad time to tell you that I've already bought her a brand new ring that looks exactly the same?” Arin smirks a bit as he speaks. “I thought her only issue would be that it's used.”
Safiya half snorted and shifted onto her back to face towards the ceiling. Arin wondered if she was feeling well but didn’t dare ask. His sister had the best handle on her health out of anyone he knew. But still, he worried about her.
“You’ve reached the end and yet still so much to learn.”
“Don't worry, I haven't given the ring a single thought considering she broke up with me a few weeks ago.” He sighed. “I have that mess to fix first.”
“Is that what made you realize she’s who you want to be with?” Safiya gave him a sideways glance.
Arin rubbed at his forehead, feeling like it would overcomplicate things to explain how the conversation had gone. She’d only been the person who gave him the push in the right direction. Even if he couldn’t pinpoint the moment he’d fallen in love with Jen it certainly hadn’t been twenty minutes ago in an office with his ex-fiancée.
“Not quite. I’m sure that helped but there was this moment with Felicity where it was so easy like we were friends again. Maybe I just needed to let go.”
“Sometimes it takes letting go to realize what you want to hold onto.” She hummed, eyes going back to the ceiling.
Arin frowned as he went over his sister’s words. He thought back to the attack in the Great Hall, remembering the moments of uncertainty and the whispers in the chaos. She’d told him that she loved him for the first time. Jen had told him since as well, even when things had gone wrong on their Greece trip. Even then.
“I’ve already lost her more than once and if she’ll take me back and I think she will, I don’t ever want to let her go.”
“So... what did you come here to ask me?” She nodded before asking more quietly. “Or did you just want to let me know?”
“I came to tell you because you're my sister and one of my best friends…” He paused and huffed a laugh. “But right now I'd kind of like you to tell me what to do because some crazy part of me wants to drop everything and fly to Italy and sweep her off her feet but I don't feel like that's the right move.”
He knew it was ridiculous but he had an overwhelming feeling that he’d wasted so much time being an idiot. And he knew the feeling was right. He’d paused the Selection two months before and while he’d made progress for the country and even some for himself he felt like without her it didn’t mean nearly as much. But Safiya immediately shaking her head told him that she agreed with him for once.
“I've talked to Wylan a bit and seen how it's going from pictures.” Safiya pursed her lips slightly. “And she broke up with you. Let her enjoy the time where she doesn't have to be stressed about something else being asked of her after... everything. I don't think she needs to be swept off her feet. She needs to be told that she's all you could ever want and you're willing to spend the rest of your lives showing her how much she's valued.”
“When we spoke yesterday we left things on a really good note and I haven’t stopped thinking about everything she said. I want to spend the rest of forever giving her everything even knowing things won't always be easy.”
“Is this a sensible, adult decision I hear coming out of your mouth right now?” She asked, the corner of her mouth lifting into a half-smile.
“Seriously, Safiya?” Arin narrowed his eyes at her. “I am the leader of a country and you're going to tease me about adult decisions?”
“Someone has to.” She chuckled.
“You, Wylan, Mom, Jen...” Arin held up a hand then put a finger down for each of the names he listed off emphasizing Jen’s because he'd let her tease him every day for the rest of forever if she wanted.
“Jen's the only one who will be as honest as I am, and since she's not in a place to tell you this, I will.” She waved her hand.
Real or genuine. That’s what she’d said her name meant and she was never anything but. Jen, Jennie, Bee… She felt like the most real person in his life. And he never wanted that to change.
“I think she might be harder on me than you are though.” Arin joked, reaching for one of the pillows which he pulled to his chest.
“You say that as if it's a bad thing,” Safiya said with a small laugh.
“I’m afraid you’d both get along a little too well.” He raised his eyebrows at her.
He wasn’t sure how much time his sister had spent with Jen in the months she’d lived in their home but he was certain that they’d get along. Safiya would gain a sister which was something Arin knew she wouldn’t take lightly. It had only been the two of them the majority of their lives until the past few years. They’d added Wylan, then Theo who Arin was still working on getting used to, and he hoped Jen would be next.
“You should be happy she'll get along with the in-laws.” She told him, amused at the thought.
Arin gave her a sad smile as he thought about their mother. He knew their loss haunted them both every day but he wanted to focus on the things they had to look forward to even if it was only briefly. Though he wondered how soon things would settle. He was still adjusting to his brother in law and the transition was still strange for him to wrap his brain around at times.
“Well, I don't come with a lot of people. It's just you, Mom, Wylan, and Theo.”
“You don't need a whole village. I think we'll suffice.” She briefly returned the smile before it faded when her thoughts also went to what they’d lost.
Arin grew more concerned as he observed the look on Safiya’s face. The past months had taken their toll on the entire family but seeing his sister act so… ordinary worried him. It seemed to Arin that it was more difficult than usual for Safiya to keep up her usual appearances.
“Hey, how are you doing?” He asked in a softer tone.
She stayed facing the ceiling. Safiya didn’t smile again but she didn’t let herself delve into the dark feelings the attack brought on. 
“Fine. For the most part.” She sighed, looking over at him. “Maybe you can invite her over for New Year’s.”
He pursed his lips at the sudden subject change. It was strange for him to see his sister deflect in the same way he did. They both knew she wasn’t fine and saying it wouldn’t make it so. Still, he blew out a breath and decided to let it go for the time being.
“What are the big plans this year?”
“Homemade pizza, champagne, and watching the ball drop from the couch.” An absent smile formed on her lips. “Theo still needs rest.”
Arin nodded in understanding. Anyone who had been there still needed rest but that wasn’t possible. At least Theo was taking his time with his recovery. He could imagine the loss of a parent having also experienced it but he couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of witnessing what Theo had after enduring everything the night of the attack.
“It'll be his first Christmas and New Year's away from home, won't it?” 
“They do Christmas a little differently so I’m leaving that to him.” Safiya nodded.
“It'll be different for us all this year I think. A lot quieter than usual.” Arin told her.
“At least Wylan will be around.” She replied as she thought about how she’d been missing him.
Arin smiled at the idea. At least some things stayed the same. They’d each been so busy that they hadn’t gotten to talk as much as they should. After everything, he’d almost expected Wylan would spend Christmas in Clermont. Though he wasn’t sure why. However, Allens seemed like another decent possibility as well.
“I haven't spent enough time with him recently,” Arin admitted.
“He's preoccupied with his future wife.” She chuckled to herself.
Arin wondered if they’d have had more than just a couple days if things could have been different. Maybe he’d have come to his senses… She wouldn’t have broken up with him. But as lovely as the thought was he knew it wouldn't have happened.
“I wish I had the time.” He sighed. “But I have meetings and a million other things to do. And Felicity reminded me about all the Christmas shopping I haven't done.”
“And what are you getting for Jen, hm?” Safiya asked.
“Am I allowed to say myself?” Arin joked in a serious tone after biting at his lip.
His sister’s only response was an intense flat look which caused him to roll his eyes in response. Sometimes she didn’t appreciate his sense of humor as much as he would have liked.
“I wasn't serious.”
“Good.” She said with mild amusement.
“Just because we talked yesterday doesn't mean we'd get back together if I told her I wanted to. So I may not need to get her anything for Christmas.”
“I think a gift might soften it, Arin.” She chuckled.
That seemed like it wouldn’t go over well. He wasn’t sure showing up out of the blue with a gift would be what Jen wanted. He’d expect a telling off if he pulled that move. Though he deserved to be told off regardless of how he went back to Jen. He knew that much.
“Are you saying I should just start sending gifts now?”
“Everything in moderation.” She fiddled with the blanket on her lap. “One gift and some suppressed Arin honesty should suffice.”
“At this point, I’m not sure there’s a point in toning down who I am.” He told her, furrowing his eyebrows as he spoke. “She already knows.”
“Everyone could use a little self-improvement.” Safiya shot him another flat look.
“It’s possible I’d rather focus on the country first.” He shrugged. 
Safiya sighed. She didn’t feel like opening the same can of worms again since it never seemed to get them anywhere. Though Arin wasn’t trying to get on her nerves with that statement. He had so much he wanted to do for Illéa and he felt like even if he had years it would never be enough. There were so many things leftover from the previous generations of Schreaves that needed to be fixed.
“Congratulations.” She told him, having summoned a smile. “I'm happy with your choice, not that you really needed my approval.”
He knew he didn’t need her to say that but he did at the same time. Arin needed someone to tell him what he wanted was right. It might have been shallow but it reassured him.
“She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
“Yes.” Safiya chuckled. “Very wonderful.”
“She’s the one, Sia.” He smiled, thinking about Jen.
“I know.” She said softly. “Go get her, Arin.”
Go get her.
That was all Arin wanted to do.
There were so many things he was still uncertain about but Jen wasn’t one of them. With her next to him he was sure the rest would fall into place. She wanted more which she’d made sure to tell him and he wanted more too. He wanted the ups and downs and the times in between. Arin didn’t want only one more minute with Jen. He wanted a lifetime of moments and minutes with her.
He’d told her that it would be easier if it was a choice they could make together and she’d agreed. Now he’d made his choice. Whatever came next they could decide together. Together. Jen and Arin. He liked the sound of that.
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