#to pick apart.
stealingpotatoes · 4 months
Not sure if this has been asked or not, but how would canon Luke and Leia react to meeting your au versions of them?
omg I'VE BEEN WANTING TO MAKE AN INTO THE LUKE-AND-LEIA-VERSE FOR AGES thank you for kicking me into doing it
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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sadisthetic · 3 months
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the madness frustration loneliness of the dissonance of a mismatch of the rotten heart to the rest
allosexual aromantic swag happy pride *peaces out*
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shelfperson · 4 months
okay but WHYYY is no one talking about louis and daniel WHYYYYYYYYYY is no one talking about the greatest grandpa4grandpa relationship known to man and i don’t even mean romantically i mean in the most basic human platonic level their relationship is FASCINATING.
like louis SAUGHT HIM OUT after FIFTY YEARS he FOUND HIS BOY, this horrible infant who DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING HE TOLD HIM, who saw his raw, decades-old pain and wanted in on it, AND HE GOES BACK FOR HIM BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE’S CHANGED. he can understand now. he can help him find the truth.
and like, they’re both absolutely terrified by each other because they’re both uniquely skilled at getting under each other’s skin and finding that truth (and also because… louis could just up and eat daniel anytime but shhhh…) and it’s because they UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. louis’s interviewing daniel as much as daniel’s interviewing him, just. pulling teeth from each other’s head, trying to pull out all the rot with such violence and cruelty (from both of them!! daniel is a cockwallop!!) but they want to help each other they CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER.
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(the gifs are from @loumands account btw. great work my guy)
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inspisart · 1 year
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dick took the news that a strange thirteen year old broke into his apartment while he was away at the circus pretty well, I gotta say
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pjs-everyday · 6 months
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*immediately loses their cool* lmao 🤓 // linework >> grayscale // ko-fi
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saewokhrisz · 9 months
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Ophiomorphos || choke on your resolve
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itsmyfandomandilikeit · 9 months
Btw we do all have to promise to not ship Walker and Leah. Like the very first thing we found out about Leah was that Rick said "we cast for Annabeth based first and foremost on onscreen chemistry with Walker Scobell" or however he said it and after this week I can absolutely see it.
Like up to this point I've liked her because she clearly did her research and understands the character and the story, but as of this episode, I understand why Leah Sava Jeffries was cast over every other young actress who has also read and analyzed the books and tried her level best. Because her relationship with the male lead is so important to the lifeblood of this story that is going to last years and years. And they had to cast the person who had the best onscreen chemistry with Walker Scobell.
But these are actors. It is not real. We see interviews with them and there are shades of their characters in their interactions but this is either coincidence or played up so people will talk about it online or both. In real life this is their job. They have other friends and their own families and maybe even people they like who aren't famous. It is none of our business.
And, if five years from now they do actually decide to date, because it's happened to others and sure it's a possibility, I don't want to know. I don't want anybody to know and I don't want anybody to care. Hot damn the casting for this television adaptation was incredible but that is all that it is. There are real people involved who go home at the end of the day.
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
the way this person just confirmed what we already knew why they were mind controlling Madeleine during the trial......
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and here's the moment mentioned above where he almost succeeded in getting through...
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pizzaqueen · 10 months
Steve and Eddie have different ideas of what ‘their’ song is. Steve insists it’s Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen because it was playing during their first date (they also don’t agree on what their first date was, but either way Eddie doesn’t want that song, even if he can admit it might be appropriate for them) but Eddie insists it’s The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden because it was playing when they first kissed. (Steve can admit the sentiment is sweet but “the lyrics aren’t romantic, Eddie!!” “It’s not about the lyrics! It’s about the memory!” “It’s about, like, Satan!” “So?”)
(On the other hand, Steve and Robin know their song is Total Eclipse of the Heart, no debate)
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Constantly citing this article and the studies it uses.
Here's a quote:
"That study shows that transmasculine individuals were actually more likely to be victims of childhood sexual assault, adult sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking than were transfeminine individuals (as shown in the chart below).
The only category in which trans women were more likely to be victimized was by hate violence, and even there the difference was small: 30 percent of trans women reported having experienced hate violence, compared to 29 percent of trans men."
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puppyeared · 1 year
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New symbol of the Isles shaped like the Titan’s skull, replacing the Emperor’s sigil
Mural of raine and a photo of Luz and King next to Eda’s office
Alador has symbols representing each of his kids (Emira, Amity and Edric) on his belt
Principal Bump growing snapdragons in his garden
Suspiciously detailed lore book added to the Museum’s collection
Luz’s king-ceañeara cake is Bisexual flavoured. The Azura doll they use is probably the same one Luz had in the first episode!!
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yuzuuu4 · 2 years
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the post credits scene we never got
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beaft · 1 month
apartment-hunting truly the clearest illustration of the phrase "it's the hope that kills you"
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tubbytarchia · 3 days
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Shhh he's pining
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the-nation-of-today · 5 months
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So hold your razor wide And swing it to the skies 🩸
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zarla-s · 7 months
once on youtube i saw a girl who had a comic and she redrew her least favorite comic page and used it as like a guide of what and what not do when making comics.
im not asking you to do that but if you did which handplates page would you redo and why?
A few leaped immediately to mind, haha.
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Hate how I drew Papyrus's head on this page, hate it!! If I was going to go back and redo any page I'd go back to this one and redraw Papyrus.
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Sans is otherwise fine on this page but I don't like his head in this panel, I'd redo that.
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I don't like the back of Papyrus's jaw here, I remember struggling with it at the time. I could do a better job of it now I think.
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I'd want to make the gutter bigger here to differentiate these two panels more.
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Don't really like Sans's head here either, I'd redo that.
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The right panel here is too cramped, you can't see the focal point very well (the SOUL in his chest). Would probably restructure the panels to try and give it more breathing room, probably cut the Papyrus one.
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I'd make the blue glow around Papyrus's hand more obvious so it'd be more clear what he was trying to do.
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The text in this panel is confusing because Sans's speech bubble is near Papyrus, would probably re-stage this to make it more clear who's talking (aside from fonts).
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Don't like Asgore's expression in either of these panels, I'd want to redo these.
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This one was just me being dumb and forgetting Sans was blind in his right eye, I did a quick fix at the time but nowadays I'd like to go back and shift his head around properly to make it clear he's looking with his left one.
The first two comics look weird to me but those were early, that makes sense. For a lot of pages it'd just be small changes, nothing super major but just smoothing out things. Inconsistencies with Gaster's hands, weird looking Blasters, Asgore's horns, bed too big, couch looks bad, that kind of thing. But the ones above are the ones that just jump immediately to mind as a "man that looks wonky ugh" moment, haha.
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On the flipside I've always liked the brothers in these panels. There are always parts in the comic that are going to look wonky to me, but there are parts I still really like too! Important to remember both things.
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