#to replace j2
nikossasaki · 2 years
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 2 months
It might be the brain getting knocked about a lot the last two days but j2 being the bandaid for LJ3 and Starbreaker is making me so emotional
Like imagine your lot in life was to always be the short term replacement for affection meant for someone else. That is why you were created in the first place. And then you become the bandaid for your fellow clones. And you’re condescended to no matter who you’re being a bandaid for at the time because they either view you as a gift created just for them or just too naive to want better.
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ckret2 · 1 month
So, it took Stan thirty years to get his brother back, but that's because he didn't have all the journals. How long do you think it would have taken Stan to get Ford back if he'd had all three journals to begin with? I think it would be a couple of years minimum, because Stan was never as smart as Ford in terms of science.
The moment he got the other two journals back, he turned the portal on. It seems to me like the other two journals weren't necessary to fix the portal; Stan just needed them for some kind of activation code.
And it doesn't look like the portal was damaged when Ford fell through it, it was just out of fuel.
So it's entirely possible Stan could've spent the vast majority of the last 30 years just trying to figure out the password to operate the machine or the instructions for the program or whatever, and therefore if he'd had all three journals he could've brought Ford back as soon as he stole some fuel.
So, multiple possibilities:
The portal didn't need extensive repairs, so if he'd had all three journals, he could have immediately turned the portal back on (once he had fuel)
The portal didn't need extensive repairs, but if he'd had all three journals, it still would have taken him months/years because he had to take that time to figure out how to understand the science and codes in the journals (and he was only able to utilize J2 and J3 so quickly because he'd already had practice deciphering J1 and knew what to look for)
The portal actually did need to be repaired, but if he'd had all three journals it would have gone faster because he'd have had a full set of blueprints.
The portal did need to be repaired, but having all three journals wouldn't have sped it up because the journals only explained the fancy interdimensional quantum physics and not which wires attach where and what parts need to be welded securely, so Stan still would've had to figure that out himself.
The portal did need to be repaired, but having all three journals wouldn't have sped it up because either the repairs were time-consuming or Stan needed to learn some science to make sense of the blueprints.
Hard to say without knowing what condition the portal was in and how the info to deal with it was spread across the journals. (Heck, we don't even know what information the maze blueprints actually conveyed about the portal construction.)
If the portal needed significant repairs (rather than less-significant "replace that bulb that's obviously burnt out" "fix that rivet that was blown out" mechanical repairs that don't need PhD level science knowledge), then yeah I figure it still would've taken Stan a few years to make enough sense of Ford's journals to do repairs. But we don't know if it did.
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j2zara · 3 months
The thing is that j2 covets Starbreaker so deeply, but he also desperately wants to be loved as he is, so he is simultaneously upset by the idea that Porter loves him as a replacement for Jace but also is deeply moved by Porter’s love for Jace and craves it so he’s willing to take it even in his discontentment. Meanwhile. J3 is a freak who thinks it’s hot to be The Other Woman
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Comfort in Making a Home
Summary - Part 57 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends), Garth x Bess, Sam x Eileen
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: Wanted to give you guys a bit of a fun one this week. I also tried to make it a bit longer than the past few. 1. In honour of Jensen’s birthday! And 2. Because I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to write and publish a chapter next week as I’m going to my first-ever SPN convention, SUPER EXCITED, I’m finally gonna meet J2!! But as such, I’m gonna be a little busy, so sorry in advance if I don’t get a chance to upload next week.
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Feeling reassured that the threat of other hunters coming after your little girl or the presence of other monsters in town was all an overreaction, you and Dean spend the rest of the week cleaning, furnishing and decorating your new home. You let Destiny choose the colour for her room, a pastel violet. Her room is the quickest and easiest as you just set it up similar to how it was at the bunker. While the process seems like Deja Vu as you move the same furniture you only just bought and set up, it feels more natural and permanent here.
The rest of the house proves to be a more extensive project. Though Dean grumbles about taking measurements, the weight of furniture, and the hassle of shopping, his complaints are laced with a certain satisfaction. You can tell Dean enjoys the change of pace. It’s still hard, tiring work, but it’s free of blood and death and he gets to spend time with you in a place where he knows you’re safe. No demons, no angels, just the ordinary challenges of making a house a home.
Your shared bedroom comes together quite quickly with Dean insisting that you keep your bed, as the memory foam remembers you both. You chuckle at his childish antics but agree nonetheless. Neither of you owns a lot of clothes either, so it’s a simple task for you to arrange them in the walk-in wardrobe while he paints Destiny’s room. Multitasking and working together proves a breeze after years of doing so on hunts.
Destiny plays in her new room, arranging her toys while you and Dean focus on the rest of the house. As you work together to arrange the living room, Dean teases you about the throw pillows and blankets, but there is a lightness in his eyes and tone that speaks volumes. The simple moments of shared laughter and playful banter feel like a luxury compared to the life you’re leaving behind.
“I still think this is too many pillows, but if it makes you happy…”
You roll your eyes, playfully swatting his arm with a pillow. “It's called decorating, Dean. You'll get used to it.”
“I’m sure they’re good for something…” Dean muses as he picks one up and swats your bum with it. You retaliate until you’re both lying on the couch laughing and out of breath.
Dean grins, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close, his eyes scan the room with a sense of accomplishment. The house quickly transforms into a home, a safe haven where the threat of other hunters and monsters feels like a distant memory.
As the day turns into night, the glow of a lamp illuminates the living room. Feeling the exhaustion of the day's work, you sigh.
He kisses your head and then says, “Not bad, huh? Maybe suburban life ain't so bad after all.”
You lean into him, the sense of security in his embrace making the sacrifices of the hunting life seem worth it. “Definitely not bad. Not that it’s suburban up here in the mountains…”
Dean rolls his eyes at you and pinches your side softly. “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah. It's nice to have a place where we can just be... us.”
And in the quiet of your new home, surrounded by the echoes of laughter and the promise of a peaceful future, you know that this change of pace is exactly what your family needs. And as you and Dean sit on the couch in the living room, exhaustion replaced by contentment, you know you've found something rare and precious—a place where you can truly be safe and happy.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Early morning sunlight spills through the curtains of your new bedroom, casting a warm glow over your bed and the hardwood floors. Not used to having windows, the feeling is a little surreal to begin with, almost like waking up in a motel room. Dean yawns as he stretches and pulls you closer to his bare chest.
He kisses your forehead, “Morning, Beautiful.”
You smile as you snuggle into his embrace. “Morning, Handsome. It still doesn’t feel real, you know? Our own place…”
“We haven’t Christened the house yet, you know…And there’s no annoying little brother here to interrupt us!”
“Ah, true…But there is a little girl that could wake up any minute. And she had a bit of a rough night…not sure if you noticed me get up about five times. You, on the other hand, seemed to have the best sleep of your life. So much for man-of-the-house protecting us…I had to go protect her from the tree branches and animals in the woods.”
Dean slips his fingers under the hem of your sleep shirt, dragging them lightly along your stomach to trace the swell of your breasts. He trails kisses over your face towards your neck. “You’re my sexy, strong, badass protector. Let me show my appreciation.”
You playfully groan, “Dean…”
He takes your hand in one of his and guides it over his stiffening dick. “You feel that? I’m getting blue balls with all this waiting and stopping…They’re going to explode and kill me. You’re literally going to be the death of me.”
You let out a light chuckle as you shake your head. “You’re so melodramatic! You and I both know that’s a myth. I promise it won’t kill you. Plus, I heard you jerking it in the shower the other day.”
“Which is no substitute for the real thing, I’ll have you know.”
“I know. I also know I’m hungry and need coffee and we have yet to stock the kitchen here or buy a coffee machine…So, come on, Honey. Stow your blue balls and get up.”
He groans loudly as he flops back down on the bed in defeat. “This is like the chastity vow all over again! All I want to do is make love to my wife, is that really too much to ask?”
You lean over and kiss his lips. “What we need is a proper date night. Leave it with me. We got plenty of friends, I’m sure I can find a babysitter for one night…”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
The sun is casting a beautiful pink and orange hue over the forest when your family finally returns from another long day shopping, dining out and picking up a few more belongings from the Bunker. Dean, clad in a worn-out plaid shirt and his trademark smirk, takes charge of arranging pots and pans, his culinary expertise evident despite his continued grumbling.
“I can't believe I spent another full day shopping and now am voluntarily ending it in the kitchen. This better be worth it.”
You shake your head and chuckle. Destiny, a bundle of energy despite the long day, eagerly pulls colourful bowls and plates out of the bags, her eyes wide with excitement. The kitchen buzzes with laughter as you and Dean share a glance, appreciating the normalcy of domestic tasks. With her arms overflowing, Destiny waddles into the kitchen as if trying to help. Dean notices her looking lost and rather than chastising her for being in the way or taking the bowls off her, he picks her up so she can reach the overhead cupboards and place the colourful wares inside. 
With all the new purchases in their new home and the kitchen looking more homely, Dean sets about preparing everything he needs to cook up a delicious feast for your first official meal in your new home. He ties on an apron before producing a matching one in a much smaller size. Destiny beams.
Wearing her miniature apron, she stands on a step stool, helping with stirring and mixing the gravy. Dean, despite his initial protests, enjoys the rhythm of chopping vegetables and sizzling pans, surrounded by the warmth of his family. You go about setting the new wooden table on the patio with the colourful plates, cups and cutlery Destiny helped to choose. It looks bright and welcoming, the opposite of everything you’re used to. The one piece of normality is the shotgun Dean leaned up against the corner of the patio, a single line of defence to make him feel more secure in the open space.
Just as Dean’s preparing to bring the food out to you the doorbell rings. Destiny jumps off the stool and pulls off the apron to show off the fancy new dress Dean bought her. It’s long sleeve with flannel designs and a frilly skirt that matches. He thought it was so cute that he couldn’t not buy it. Truly, it surprised you after his earlier whines about the lack of privacy and sex, he really sees Destiny as his little partner in crime during the day and revels in the way she looks up to him (both literally and figuratively).
“Can I get it!” Destiny asks brightly.
Despite being 99% certain of who’s at the door, you insist on going with her just in case. So, while Dean finishes delivering the food to the table you go downstairs with Destiny to get the door.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99, @heavenlyhopeful0, @nelachu2423, @ladysparkles78, @canyouimaginethatstory, @mrlonelycat, @roseblue373, @staley83
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zukkacore · 3 months
Ch 4 + 5 of J2Porter, come get ur juice to all those who partake! Also. Yes we're FINALLY getting to some of the stuff that's been promised in the tags.
Ship: J2 (aka Jaceclone) / Porter
Summary: Jace swears he's breaking off things for good with Porter (for real, this time), but he still has obligations, to The Plan, to The Rat Grinders, whatever else that he can't let go. As a solution, Jace gifts the jaceclones to Porter—a way to have intermediaries to do his dirty work and be a go-between so that he no longer has to see Porter ever again. However, during their break, Porter and J2 develop an interesting relationship
Chapter 4: i love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
Ch 4 summary: Well. Someone has to be the one to replace Jace when they go into the Far Haven Woods. J2 makes an argument for why it should be him. A pretty good argument.
“Alright,” says J2. “So we’re clear on this. Three is going to the woods with you and The Rat Grinders.” “Is that what you want?” Porter is staring at him.
Chapter 5: it's always been just him and me, together
Ch 5 Summary: Some j2porter vignettes. The Ascension is getting closer. And so are they.
A sort-of prequel to If You Want Divinity
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lol-jackles · 8 months
I'm sorry but creation seems a shit show. The cons giveaways been j2. You can rope JDM in but it doesn't replace jared not being at a con.
You take the risk of an actor having to work when you book, but creation were not at all transparent that they didn't have their biggest draw in the frame when they were flogging their overpriced events.
I can't see people being confident to book these in the same number next year.
J2-and-friends rebranding effort was a bust because it became J2-and-recasting.  Trying to shove someone else into a Jared-shaped hole is as effective as trying to save a franchise late in the game with recasting one of the lead actors.
One of the main strengths of the first two Mummy movies was the great chemistry between Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz.   They worked so well together that they kept the movies light and fun with serious moments. There was none of that in the third movie. The overall plot was weak, but I believed Rachel Weisz and her chemistry with Brandon would have carried it through.  But a weak plot plus changing the lead actress?  No surprise the franchise couldn't recover from that.  The SPN convention circuit isn't there yet, it's currently like post-Mulder X-Files where Mulder drops in every 3rd episode.  Little wonder that X-Files limped on for only 2 more years before it was cancelled.
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walkergirlsposts · 1 month
Have we ever seen Danneel and Misha together in any interview or convention to know how great their chemistry will work together? Or AAs just assume it because Danneel has baited them pretending as if they are best friends? Or the wish of Jenmisheel panel is just an indirect way of praying Jared to be out of his SPN legacy and demeaning J2 magic which they actually envy.
1 - AAs/hellers assume because they claim she is like this with Misha, the back and forth "bantering,"
2 - she baited them years ago and they actually think Danneel and Misha are friends,
3 - they want her there to be a cheerleader to their ship,
4 - they want Danneel to replace Jared.
Good luck with that bitches. 😂😂🤣
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detailtilted · 6 months
CHICON 2008 Request (and a tiny sample!)
This is a shot in the dark, but I thought I’d ask. Does anyone have a video of any quality, good or bad, that covers the below portions of the CHICON 2008 panels? I have videos for the vast majority of it, but there are a few small gaps annoying me and I'd love to fill them in. If you have something you’d be willing to let me use in my next set of enhanced con videos, please let me know. I would of course give you credit if I use them! Or anonymity if that's what you prefer. Even an audio file could be useful.
If you don't have anything but you're willing to reblog to increase visibility, that would be awesome too. I haven't had any success the few times I've tried to directly contact fans who were posting content back in these early days, so I don't think many are still out there, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask.
Gap #1: The beginning of Jared’s solo panel, before he starts telling the story about his dogs sleeping with Jensen. I managed to find a very low-quality 30-second video near the beginning where he talks about the fan video that played, but it cuts off. The better-quality videos start just before Jared tells the dog story.
Gap #2: After the J2 panel, immediately after Jared finishes signing the posters and leaves the stage. The videos show Jensen clapping for Jared as he exits, but they cut off mid-clap. The next video picks up post-clap with Jensen saying, “Maybe we should wait ‘til he’s out of the room.” I think there are only a few seconds missing, not really enough to be annoyed by, but... 🤷‍♀️
Gap #3: At the very end of Jensen’s solo panel, as he’s getting ready to leave, he thanks the fans and talks about how many more viewers they've had that season. The last video cuts off before he finishes talking.
Other than that, I have a complete span of content for all three of their panels. It adds up to about 1.5 hours that will be split into 3 videos. I think the gaps are all short. I read through some fan reports and I didn’t see anything mentioned that wasn’t covered in the videos I have, so we're probably not missing anything big.
I'm only just starting the editing process on this set. so it will be a while before I have a new video to release. In case you missed it, I did publish the CHICON 2008 breakfast video earlier this week. Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with this tiny sample of one of the things I’ve wanted to do so many times while watching con videos.
I always go slightly bonkers when Jared and Jensen go off in separate directions on stage, because the camera can’t possibly follow both of them. I usually end up pulling up all the videos and trying to find one that follows each of them so I can flip back and forth between them. 🤣 Now I have the power to take two separate videos and show them simultaneously. This silly thing makes me very happy.
Context: this was at the end of the J2 panel. Jensen made a show of removing Jared's chair, and then Jared took Jensen's chair and replaced it with a smaller chair. It will be more coherent when you see the full video; I mainly wanted to highlight the split screen parts for this post.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Robbie Thompson tried to put an OOC I love you in Dean's mouth in Goodbye Stranger, but Jensen shut it down because it wasn't appropriate to the character. Nobody would know that, except Misha told the hellers to wind them up - conveniently leaving out that the replacement line of being family was the same intended sentiment as the original according to Thompson himself.
The set design in Stairway to Heaven for Castiel's fake heaven was going to be full of pictures of Dean in a mocking jab by Metatron, but when Jared pointed out that fans would take it as a serious hint at the ship being a thing, it was promptly taken out. Nobody would know, except Misha told the hellers to wind them up - conveniently leaving out that it was removed for being a potentially misleading joke in bad taste.
So yeah, nobody could make Jensen do the confession scene even when Misha and Bobo the Assclown conspired behind his back to cook up what looks to me like SPN's only legit queerbait and present it to him as a done deal. But when the speech itself was that pointedly ambiguous as to type of love? When it didn't involve Dean as other than a baffled spectator who explicitly couldn't reciprocate whatever feelings according to their own shitty script? When it had no impact whatsoever on Dean's own story - past, present, or future? When J2 had already been talking about having more creative control when they did a revival down the road? Would it really have been a notably better choice for Jensen to refuse to do the scene ... and wait for Misha to inevitably wind up the crazies with suggestively misleading hints of what might have been? He'd have basically been fighting against Misha ruining only his own character, when the little weasel would almost certainly turn around and sic the lunatic fringe on him specifically for saying no. Again.
I mean, I do think it was a terrible idea to throw the shippers any kind of a bone both in principle and in a practical sense, but really? We all know they were not going to be happy with anything other than the show ending in a completely OOC schmoopy fanfic-esque glurgefest D/C HEA with Sam conveniently somewhere ... else. Tantrums were inevitable. Hell, SherIock ended with the two shipped characters raising a baby together with the mother conveniently dead - the starting premise of a million shipfics. Yet shippers on the same level of batshit and refusal to accept being told no repeatedly as hellers? Rioted because it wasn't the Mostest Important-est Gay Representation EVAR they'd been promising themselves TPTB were really writing (in secret for reasons, naturally).
The goodbye scene didn't cause the still-ongoing meltdown, nor were the particulars of the finale what was really behind it - it was the decade plus of built up entitlement and delusions which not only caused it, but made it inevitable.
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hauntedwizardmoment · 2 months
J3 and j4 fighting over j2 when they’re on a break. Expecting him to supplant what used to be their LJ3 time. Now he has to also be their replacement best friend on top of being replacement Jace who sorta got re-replaced by Jace
god. god. i got like. the fully formed image of j3 snuggling up to j2 to make ellie jealous. and then ellie, who spends all day with j2, is like flirting with him absentmindedly because she can also play that game. and j2 is so sweet and pliant and flirts back in a way that has her feeling fucking amazing, she nearly forgets about j3. and shes like "you're so good to me, blue" while petting his hair. and j2 is all demure about it, because thats what he thinks j4 wants, and is like "well, i've had a lot of practice"
and thats what makes j4 snap out of it. shes like "did you just compare me to porter. i'm not him. you know that, right, blue?" and j2 is like (panicking, immediate fawn response) "no no, of course not, youre nothing like Him, i'm sorry" and this makes things SO much worse bc j4 genuinely likes having j2 in her arms, he's practically made to be a comfort object, but it introduces a whole new, much skeevier reading into every single one of their interactions if he's been pulling out what he does with porter with her. and so she starts denying herself the small comfort of having j2.
this sends j2 back into j3's arms because he doesnt get why ellie would just cut him off like that. and j3 is happy to show off how close he and j2 are, obnoxiously, because he's j3 and he likes to fuck with people like that. and the torment nexus perpetuates itself
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laf-outloud · 10 months
Gotta say while I agree with you on it being pretty clear a revival will be post 15x20 and involve dean jr I don’t think Sam and dean will be side characters at all. Just based on other things Jared has said, j2 want a very samdean focused story with them calling the shots, and I don’t think it will be the grind for him SPN was as I imagine it’ll be a short limited run series. (And maybe film in Austin?!)
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Thanks for sharing, anon! You make some good points. I had forgotten about the whole cycle of hunting thing. Maybe the story would be something that would keep Dean Jr. away from hunting?
And I know they've mentioned wanting a Sam and Dean focused story, but I worry the longer it goes on, the more unrecognizable J2 will be as Sam and Dean. We already saw Jensen struggle to play Dean in TW. I would like to think that Jared would be aware of this as well, but maybe that's just me projecting, lol!
I know Jared would still love to film in Austin, but if they wanted to return to the atmosphere of SPN's early days, I can't imagine it being filmed anywhere else but the Vancouver area. Say what you will about the working conditions, the whole area brings it's own character that is not easily replaced.
It will certainly be interesting to hear more as the months/year goes on. I'm not very optimistic about a reboot's chances in Hollywood's current climate, but stranger things have happened!
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jarpadswalker · 1 year
Seeing Misha's tweet today, I just had an thought....
Just Here me out...
5 years down the line, SPN is rebooted... Jensen and Jared announce the reboot.
AA and hellers are super happy they immediately cloud the feed with gay Cas and bi Dean. They are 100% sure that Destiel will go canon...they ask for tidbits and a little sneak peak into the story.
Official statement comes out that Cas is indeed gay and in a relationship. Hellers go berserk and complete obnoxious screaming how finally they are getting representation.
It is a premiere day... The first episode is premiered with Sam and Dean and then 30 minutes in show Cas makes entry and dun dun dun....It isn't Misha. The Cas that comes on show is a real gay actor who is great in acting, nothing like Misha..
The reason behind Cas new meat suit (aka Misha replacement) is that Cas as Misha couldn't survive the empty, and since he is an angle, Jack could only extract his essence and not the meat suit. Soon, he finds a new meat suit who is all alone, and his soul has just left the building.
Cas meets Sam and Dean, and it reveals that the brother hasn't seen Cas ever since he went to empty... They only heard about him via Jack. They are told that Cas has gone to fine himself and his identity outside of being friends with Sam and Dean.
Cas is happy to finally meet the brothers and wants to introduce them to his partner, and he calls his husband. A new character enters the picture who is not only Cas husband but also an angle, though he is not at the same rank as that of Cas, but he loves Cas, and Cas loves him. He tells brother that he is happy as he finally found his true soul mate, just like Sam and Dean....
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Soon, the episode, and it will be fun to watch all the hypocrites come out of woodwork. I would like to see them scream how they feel cheated. I would like to see if they still scream for representation, seeing how Cas and his husband are classic gay and bi characters. It will be fun to see them seeth in their own mess. I am sure they will cloud Misha Twitter feed, and I see him explain it away. Most probably, he will be the bitter man who would bad mouth J2, CW, producers and directors...
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j2zara · 2 months
I love both Jace and j2 getting screwed over by the clone gift thing bc like. Porter sucks but I don’t think it’s like all manipulation or selfishness when he wants to keep j2 like I do think he will always be very tenderhearted abt j2 and would earnestly try to make some room for him. Bc it’s like. Jace you made him to love me. And then you wanted me back. And I love you too, I chose you but. Is that fair to him when you gifted me a replacement and then decided he was dispensable. When this is literally all he’s ever wanted.
And then Porter decides he can’t deal with that reckoning and distracts himself by fucking j3 on the side but that’s neither here nor there
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Hi, I want to ask you what do you think about the relationship between J2M. I think J2 see Misha more as a work friend than a real friend (probably the Cockles will not agree), but I also think that between Jared and Jensen there's a strange codependence relationship. They lived together for years, they have see almost all each other shows and they still do with TB and Walker, they travelled together, shared clothes and had matched outfits. I'm not saying that they are in a relationship or something like that but one time Misha or Rich said that when they are together it's like they are in bubble and no one else is around. Do you think there is some type of unhealty relationship between the two (not in a romantic way).
Thank you 🤗
Ps: nice blog, it's a pleasure to read
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask and the compliment for my blog! I see you asked me this yesterday, July 2, 2024. I made this reblog post earlier today. In this reblog post I included a screenshot including tidbits about Dumbo the elephant going from dependency to loss to growth. I spoke of this with respect to Gen as Ruby saying to Jared as Sam Winchester "You never needed the feather to fly, Dumbo. You had it in you all along". I also said Ruby was no Timothy in reference to Timothy being the mouse who befriends Dumbo and guides him into becoming a success as the world's only flying elephant, due to his abnormally large ears and learning to fly thanks to the crows and Timothy.
The real Timothy on the show Supernatural could be said to be Dean Winchester. Funnily enough, Hermes was mentioned in that Jungian Life article about the symbolic meaning of the feather to Dumbo. I also mentioned in that post how I wrote of Jensen having Hermes as a higher self, who curiously is depicted often times as having winged sandals and comes and goes from the underworld Hades, earth and Olympus in the heavens.
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As for the codependency outside of Supernatural, I do believe that Jensen and Jared did have a codependent relationship in the past but not as much now. Art imitates real life they say... I don't know how much you know about things after Supernatural ended. Jared envisioned Jensen playing Cordell Walker but ultimately the role went to Jared. Jensen merely made a cameo appearance on walker with his bow legs and also directed the Walker episode "No Such Thing as Fair Play". Funny enough, this is the episode where they are at a street fair/carnival like event. It is in the movie Dumbo where the elephants, including Dumbo (eventually with Timothy's help) perform at a carnival.
However, Jensen did reject playing a role on Walker, which was said to be for a character with a 1 episode appearance Fenton Cole. He felt directing and playing that role would've been a taller order than he could fulfill, so the role went to Josh Hopkins, who is said to have replaced Jensen on Rust.
I've heard of Jensen and Jared supposedly showering together and other questionable things, adding fuel to the J2 tinhatters fire. Regarding J2M, I agree. Misha is a so called work friend, nothing more and nothing less. We could talk about the Prequelgate situation with the anniversary for it taking place last week, or the AFK (Jared) vs YANA (Misha and Jensen) campaigns happening near the same time with AFK being there first, or the whole Family Business Beer Company LLC being registered before Jared ever became an investor for a bar and also coming up with a wine with Stephen Amell, all of which to say there was some strange unhealthy relationship going on with codependency involved. I agree that there was an unhealthy codependent relationship between Jensen and Jared. Maybe to an extent it's still true but ultimately, I don't think they have been true "brothers" for a long time. Their "brothership" was played up by the cast and J2 because it is their on screen relationship as Sam and Dean Winchester that made the show work as long as it did. Why wouldn't people want to see the brotherhood be the same offscreen? If people saw they disagreed or were unhappy offscreen or fighting while the show was going on, it would've killed the magic for people. Prequelgate certainly killed the magic for a lot of this Fandom and very much divided it up as being Jared vs Jensen.
I wrote in another answer to a different ask I think Jared in ways need to be challenged mentally and emotionally. I have to answer another ask talking about how Jared is afraid of the unknown and did touch some onto how I am a bit disappointed in how he seems very uncomfortable with discussing signs and such. Jared isn't a seer and that's okay. It's concerning people call him intuitive. Yes he's empathetic... but he's no seer and lacks intuition, he's very naive in ways.
In a sense, we could say art imitates life with respect to Gen as Ruby calling Jared as Sam Dumbo. I believe Jared is a lost soul that needs and wants guidance (not saying it to be mean at all). It seems "Dumbo" is looking for his "Timothy" and has yet to find it.
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zukkacore · 3 months
hi I've been busy so I'm not caught up but. spare j4 thesis???
Hiiiiiiiii NO Problem except im a little unclear on what ur asking sorry :') . If you're asking abt the vibes on the different Jaces, then. I'm Almost Me Again (He's Almost You) is not a prerequisite (it's J2portercentric) but it definitely the context and world in which the personalities of the Jaceclones exist (it's a prequel if If You Want Divinity.... which... IS a shill for myself. Sometimes I'm shameless. Further shilling. They're not that different in length Almost is 7 chapters but its only slightly longer).
Hopefully that's doesn't comes across like too much of a shill i hate feeling like that, i'm sorry. Like. Not everything works for everyone. I prommy i'm ok. it's more just like. This is the impetus for the jaceclone personalities. Obviously we can play around and do other stuff with them, multijace theory means that all jaces can exist at once. But the personalities of j3 and j4 are kinda. Further iterations of J2.
(For the record literally anyone else who is confused on the whole deal this might be the necessary primer.... LMAO)
And in this AU all the clones are basically a goodbye gift / weird intermediaries for Porter while Jace has decided to break up with him "for good". They're basically doing all of Jace's work for The Plan, and J2 is the one that's definitely been given the most responsibility. He's the one that is the go between for Porter and Jace, he's the one that spends the most time with Porter, he's the one that Porter essentially treats as his precious gift from Jace AND as Jace's replacement. They all have the capacity to love Porter Cliffbreaker, but J2 is the one who earnestly does fall in love with Porter. He's the one that sees how much Porter wants Jace back, can see his own lacking to BE jace to Porter, he's the one who covets JacePorter as this thing he desperately wants to be a part of but can never match up to. He wants to be loved on his own terms. He wants to be Jace for Porter. He is desperate for his survival, but he is also desperate for some sense of purpose. And Jace has to watch the himself make the same mistake over and over.
J2 is Jace the true acolyte.
J3 and J4 are comedy iterations on j2 that I honestly kinda love at this point. I made an offhand joke at one point that while J2 was like. So earnestly and honestly kinda tragically falling in love, becoming like. A worshiper not just of Porter but of the Starbreaker pantheon. Porter is noncommittally flirting with j3 the whole time this like deeply "did you let me die in your arms in the timeloop" coded j2porter story is going on. And it kinda sprung from there.
J3 is commitmentphobe, thrillseeker Jace. the one who is grateful he has no fealty to anything. J2 embodies Jace's desire to live b/c he is terrified of his own mortality, of being disposable, desperate for purpose. J3 embodies Jace's desire to live because J3 is desperate to feel alive, and the thrill Jace got out of the Jaceporter relationship. He knows he's disposable, and he's ok, so he's here for a good time not a long time. he's going to climb Porter like a tree b/c that is part of the Feeling Alive live fast die young Project. While J2 was torn up about whether he was a tool or a person and whether he wanted Porter to see him as one or the other, J3 is avoidant of his own personhood. J2 worships jace but resents jace and resents that Porter sees jace in him, but J3 has no problem with Porter viewing him as jace, treating him like Jace because he knows thats how he's going to get Porter at his most enthusiastic, but he's also gonna get Porter at his most rageful. He wants all of that. His life is short and stupid and he's just here to make the most of it. He never was Porter's precious replacement for Jace, so he knows just how disposable he really is. But he's ok with it. He's ok with playing Jace for Porter. He's ok with being an object. he's also a huge slut.
J4 is rage jace, but he is also egoless pre-shatterstar bit player Jace. This clone embodies Jace's desire to live because he is Depserately trying to see personal autonomy. He sees the bullshit, he hates it, he wants to escape the narrative. Like pre-shatterstar jace, he doesn't WANT to be part of the story. He wants to carve out a life for himself even if its small and fucked and full of compromises. But like post shatterstar jace, he is deeply resentful and rageful that this has been the card he has been dealth. This jace hates Porter. But because he's the one Jace that Porter can't have, the idea of conquering him makes him maybe the most tantalizing Jace of all.
Born to love Porter Cliffbreaker. Forced to do weird menial tasks for Jaceprime. It aint much, but it's a half-life.
ANYWAY. If this is not what you were asking im so so so so so so so so so so sorry. Welcome to my clown car. sorry for being such a shill for my own fanfiction.
Jess's Torment Nexus Post really sums it up ngl. And it also made me laugh out loud.
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