#to turn negative emotions into soft fluffy thoughts!
virgo-dream · 2 years
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✨ dreamling / fluff / acts of service / mature ✨
SUMMARY: It's been 10 days since Dream of The Endless was rescued from Fawney Rig by one Hob Gadling, who takes it upon himself to see to Dream's recovery. While with Hob, Dream is provided with something he'd been missing even before his imprisonment: to be cared for.
read ch 01: "may I" here or on AO3 (2021 words)
Dream’s eyes blinked open. 
He’d been laying in what seemed like a very comfortable bed. It was certainly more comfortable than glass and iron, so much so that it made him nearly uncomfortable to feel his body resting over the welcoming springs of the mattress underneath his frail body. He could feel the weight of soft, warm blankets over him. Softer than stale air, warmer than a room deprived of sunlight. Still, weighing on him, heavy. Too heavy. 
He didn’t know exactly how long he’d been there for. He remembered very little; the sound of breaking glass and gunshots, the sting of cold air and freshly spilled iron blood invading his nostrils, slicing him from the inside out. Nausea, pain. Fatigue, so much of it. Then, the feeling of the binding circle breaking, like a rope that had been tied around his chest had finally been cut, like he was allowed to move again. He didn’t have it in him, physically or mentally, to do anything about it. 
Next thing he knew, he was in this bed. 
He remembered waking up other times, during different moments of the day, or maybe different days altogether. He felt the burning warmth of the sun on his cheek, then followed by the sound of curtains being shut. He’d seen the blue glow of moonlight, and the gentle tones of dusk. While he’d been all-knowing for most of his existence, 100 years in complete isolation were enough to throw him completely out of the cosmic loop, and in his current state, even if he did want it, he would not be able to throw himself back. Telling the time was not in his current roster of abilities. 
Still, the bed. The blankets.
Dream didn’t dare to move. He was hesitant, confused. Scared, really. Everything felt good, and good could only mean bad, because bad was the nature of men, and good was the currency in which they traded. A soft bed with warm blankets was a transaction, just as immortality, riches and power had been the price for his freedom. He had no interest in trading. 
Still. The bed. 
The heavy blankets. 
Too heavy, too soft, too warm. Soft to the point of contradicting itself into a horrifying itchiness, the worn threading cutting through Dream’s paper thin skin. The pillow threatened to swallow his head, but not without chewing thoroughly first, while the blankets felt heavier and heavier, ready to crush him, ready to break him more than he’d already been broken, ready to— 
“Hey, hey— it’s okay. It’s okay, it’s over now.” 
Dream hears the voice first, or maybe last, he isn’t sure. It’s detached from time and the actions surrounding it, from the feeling of the mattress bending next to him as someone sat on it, a pair of hands taking one of his own, caging it like he’d once been caged. Dream fought back against the touch, but all the strength he’d envisioned was only translated in a meek shaking of his bones, twitching fingers and what he now realised were sounds coming out of his own mouth. Still, it seems to get a reaction out of his new captor. His hand was released, in an act of fake mercy. 
“…today is July 12th 2022. It is now 6:45pm. I’m Hob Gadling. You’ve been here in my apartment for 10 days now.” 
Ah. There it was. 
Dream’s eyes blinked open once more. So much came flooding back to him at once, it was difficult to not feel nauseous. His tear filled eyes were hard to trust, and when he brought his hands closer to wipe the stripes of salt and fear away from his cheeks, it wasn’t as difficult as it had been to move just a moment before. When he spoke, his voice was rough with sleep and the newfound tightness of his throat. 
“…h.. hob ?” 
How could Dream forget the kindness of that smile? The gentleness of that touch, the softness of his voice… the way those arms had carried him out of his imprisonment, hands that had bathed him, dressed him and fed him, tended to his needs and held him through the terrors that haunted him. How could he forget Hob Gadling? 
“Hey there, my friend.” Hob smiled, reaching to brush the strands of hair glued to Dream’s forehead with cold sweat away from his eyes, tucking them behind his ear. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I was preparing your soup.” 
Hob had been taking care of him for a while now. His extraordinarily human friend, his saviour, his constant, the only light to ever touch that wretched basement. He’d bravely rescued Dream from an imprisonment that had nearly caused his current form to expire, and now aided his recovery, as patient and devoted as he’d always, in a way, had been. This bed he rested in was Hob's own, gracefully offered, tearfully accepted. The pillow his head rested on also belonged to his friend, as well as everything else surrounding him. 
Dream wasn't sure how long he'd taken to just. Stare at Hob. Long enough, surely, to warrant a worried frown from him, followed by a voice so gentle it almost felt like it asked permission before entering Dream's ears. "Let's breathe together, okay?" A simple enough request, now that Hob had already helped him ground himself somewhat in what humankind called reality , this awful state of existence he'd been forced into for so long. Now, he required breathing, as a child did, and reassurance that he could do it much in the same way. Still, he nods in agreement. 
"May I take your hand?" 
Dream ponders for a moment. They've done this almost every time he wakes with his mind scrambled, deep into terrors he can't escape. Still, Hob asks for permission to touch him, with respect and reverence he'd long forgotten. He tries his vocal chords once more, the biggest effort he can make in answer to the lengths his beloved friend had been going to accommodate his bleeding wounds. "...you may." 
Hob smiles again, in his sweet, understanding way, completely devoid of pity, but maybe injected with a little pride. Proud of Dream, perhaps, as he'd told him the morning prior. Dream remembers now, he thinks. 
You're doing great, my friend. Two full meals today. I'm proud of you.
He took pride in even the smallest of progress, it seemed. Dream remembered feeling the same way when his son sang out his first words. Danced away his first steps. Remembering hurts.
"Come back to me, Dream." Hob squeezed his hand, as gently as a child would, and Dream was hit with the realisation that his mind had wandered off into treacherous woods. Hob rescued him once again, and seemed to be willing to do it over and over. Blue eyes rimmed with red and liquid fear darted back to meet brown ones filled with kindness and patience. Dream nods once again.
Hob places Dream's open hand to his own chest, over his heart. He breathes in slowly, the movement of his chest calm and smooth. "...breathe in through your nose." He instructs, and Dream tries, how he tries. The air slips in staccato, and Hob needs to remind him to "..hold it in, for a bit. Now, breathe out through your mouth." It's difficult to adapt to calming oneself down through breathing when oxygen had never been a necessity, and understanding the calming properties of full lungs only came with the long, torturous 100 years he spent refilling them with carbon filled gas repurposed by his own tired breathing apparatus. 
They repeat this ritual about 5 times, and when Dream catches his own rhythm, Hob releases his hand again. Dream wishes he hadn't. 
"Good. You did great, Dream."
" Dream ."
Hob seems confused for a moment, before smiling at him again. So many different smiles, that one had. So many different meanings, all in the design of his features. "You've told me your name a couple of days ago. I can call you friend, if you prefer. Or anything else, really."
Giving his name to Hob was something he had the agency to do, after being barred from it for so long. He chose to do it, and regretted not doing it sooner. He'd rather Hob have it than anyone else, really. "Use it. I've given it to you. It is yours to use." 
"Alright, Dream." It sounded so sweet in his voice. So gentle, caring. Full of devotion. More than ever, Dream needed it. Desperately. "Would you like to eat now? I might have to reheat the soup–"
Desperation does not suit a king. 
"You dare–" Dream had no idea what possessed him at that moment, to speak that way. Memories folded atop each other, feelings seemed misplaced and hard to differentiate. Hob certainly did not deserve to be ordered around, but for once, he felt strong enough to take , take his own dignity back in his starved hands. Shame washed over him like a cold wave on a winter storm on the shores of the Dreaming itself, and Dream retreated back to his withering disposition. Not without asking for forgiveness, though. In his own deflective way. "...I would like to. To eat. I–"
"It's alright, Dream." Hob reached to take his hand again, without asking this time. He assumed his welcome was extended, and Dream was relieved to not have to grant it again. "If anyone is calling the shots here, it's you, okay? You want to eat, we eat. I'd love to assist you in it too, if you'll have me."
Hob seemed to have the workings of his fragile mind figured out, at least now. Maybe he'd seen this particular brand of rudeness stemming from desperation, maybe Dream had behaved like this every time he opened his eyes since being rescued. Dream would have punished rudeness like that if it had ever been directed at him, but Hob seemed to see beyond the offence and straight into the heart of the issue. "...you are too lenient."
His gentle friend chuckles, and Dream feels a tingling on his stomach. "Not leniency. Compassion." He begins to move to get up, but stops himself, turning once more to look at Dream's wondrous expression. "Would you like to eat here or in the kitchen? Might do you good to get off the ol' bed. A nice chance to change the sheets for you too."
Dream ponders. Hob would change the sheets for him. Would bathe him, brush his hair. Find clothing in a choice of colour that appeased him. He'd done so much already. So much . "...in the kitchen."
Hob's face seemed to light up at that. He always seemed excited when Dream was willing to try something new, and this was no exception. Now, memory fully restored, Dream could truly appreciate the sentiment. "How do you feel about walking?"
"I feel...unwilling." He'd give anything to walk, run, fly even, if he had the strength for it. But he'd give everything for a chance to be held. Of the many things Dream had been cruelly deprived of, touch was the one he was the most ashamed to admit he'd missed. Such a base need, an animal want, a desire , pesky thing. He did not need touch, he did not. Did not . He craved it . Craved affection how his physical form craved air, so desperately it almost sent him into a panic again. His unwillingness to walk might get him what he so desperately wants. 
"That's fine, my– Dream ." My. Dream. "May I pick you up?" My Dream . "Haven't been able to get you a wheelchair yet." My Dream.  Harder to get a hold of one in the area than I remembered." His Dream. 
There's a breathlessness to Dream's voice when he remembers he must speak to be heard in the Waking, unless he uses his powers, of which he currently is unable to do without considerable strain. Voicing things physically is more difficult than he'd remembered. It takes a sort of willpower he never quite understood and always underestimated. "...you may."
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ajortga · 8 days
pairing: wednesday addams x fem reader
word count: 1k+
a/n: originally this was supposed to be a completely different story with a happy ending so if you like reading fluffy stories, maybe skip this one? pls let me know if this makes u sad!!
summary: wednesday visits the room that held all her favorite memories, bringing back a reminder that you two were so close to being timeless.
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Wednesday didn’t know how she felt so different in this place, even though everything was the exact same.
The room she was in felt cold, empty, unknown. It was like a piece of coal that was once an ember, it was stale. 
It was all so strange, looking around and knowing that everything was like how she’s always seen your room. The way there were fairy lights and vines everywhere, the guitar that Wednesday learned how to play because of you, the random knick-knack animals that hung upon your display case.
She would’ve never felt like what she’s feeling now. That feeling was you, she had always thought your room had brought her so much comfort and a sense of tranquility.
Maybe it was the way she could hear the faint wind chimes when you told her all the things you wrote about in her journal, or the way you turn on your lamp at night, illuminating a soft glow in your room.
Or maybe it was just you.
Everything was the same, except you. And Wednesday tried to convince herself that you weren’t even a part of the room itself, yet some part of her felt as though you were the biggest piece. 
Because why did she feel so empty when she looked around? Why did it feel like a wilted candle that no longer burned?
The braided girl looks where Thing was at, his hand movements sad on your bed. She would’ve rolled her eyes, but she doesn’t feel anything when she sees it, just opens her mouth, “I feel more anxiety when I’m in here than the haunted houses I explore.” 
And though it was lingering, Wednesday knew that your perfume was fading away. Because no longer did your sweaters smell like the sweet musk of your skin and a faint hint of flowers, it smelled washed. 
And sometimes Wednesday wished that your parents had saved unwashed ones for hers, for that it would’ve comforted her when she slept at night now. For that it would've kissed her goodnight like you would’ve instead of Wednesday laying on an empty, cold bed in the days to come.
A deep exhale escapes her lips, her hands cascading over a journal that she knew all too well.
Thing tries to ignore the way Wednesday’s chin quivers as she bites on the inside of her lip, turning away from him to somehow make her feel better. She opens the journal, tons of photos falling out and onto your desk.
Photographs of you and her.
Us, Wednesday thought. It would’ve been us. Our lives against the world.
And instead it was a car against yours.
And it felt like all the spirit that the places those photos had captured were now dead. Wednesday’s heart and feelings were dead. You were dead.
But some part of you was alive somewhere in Wednesday’s heart, and it kept it beating. All these different shards and sides of you were all stored in the souls you knew.
The photograph was wrinkled, and as much as the girl was brought with negativity, your smiling face made it all better. Like you brought the light that she felt when you both were in that photo.
God, you had always found a way to make Wednesday feel the emotions she was so unfamiliar with. The happiness that came with what love was given. She was always an emotionless person.
But now the traces of you linger, and she no longer feels emotionless. Where in the past she would’ve felt the feeling of you. The feeling of happiness, a sense that she was at ease, that you were always there to catch her when she fell.
But she wasn’t there to catch you when you did. And now you were gone, and she was stuck with feeling the emotions she never felt when you were by her side. Stuck with knowing that she had never told you she loved you.
And Wednesday couldn’t handle that thought. In every other lifetime you would’ve been exploring mysteries that were unsolved, sharing unspoken and sacred kisses. 
Wednesday couldn’t bear to know that in this lifetime, it was different. 
Because she wasn’t there when you breathed your last breath, she wasn’t there to comfort you when someone had crashed straight into your car. She wasn’t there to hear your last words, or for you to see her for the last time.
She hated the fact that she slowly saw the people around her move on from their grief. She hated the fact that she was still stuck to you. She hated the fact that people didn’t feel the grief she did, because you deserved everyone staying at your grave till night. Why did other people move on so easily? 
Why didn’t they see you in the eyes of Wednesday?
Everytime she was in bed, she’d turn and see you, nuzzled up to her. Her hands would run through your hair as your lips slightly parted, your peaceful face resting as your cheeks were flushed with warmth. She would pull up the blanket to your neck so she could quietly press her lips to your forehead.
She always found it so endearing.
The reason she fell asleep with a small smile.
Then in the blink of an eye, she’d remember running up to the stretcher, seeing your peaceful face and a cover being draped over you. And this time, she remembered screaming, “It’s not sweet now Y/N! Open your eyes!" The tears that she fought back drizzled down her cheeks.
Wednesday never cried.
"You can't be gone."
For the first time in her life, she was scared. She was terrified. It was no different to how you looked when you might have slept, but oh it did. It terrified her knowing that you were sleeping and not waking up anymore to her brown eyes, to her kisses.
You were so cold, and as Wednesday stares at the journal, she knew it made her her heart cold again too.
“We had so much ahead of us,” Wednesday says, voice raw and a crack hiding underneath. She tucked the journal with your photographs into her bag. It served as a reminder on how your smile looked, and then your smile brought back how your laugh sounded, how your voice sounded, your smell, her memories of you. “We were so close to being forever.”
You two were so close to being timeless.
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bokutosmochi · 11 months
kinktober day five: somnophilia!
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fem!reader x nanami kento
ingredients: nanami has some adrenaline he has to get rid off
what's it: smut
allergen warning/s: spit, unprotected sex, somnophilia
sugar level: 1.5k
regulars: @ventdavi154 @deobiforever @sugusshi @angelshub @eussstasss
parlor's note: can't do a kinktober without including nyanyamin!!
bon appetit!
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fuck gojo, fuck that patchface curse, fuck the higher ups
those were the only thoughts that bounced around nanami's head.
it was no secret that the man hated going any minute overtime, now here he was going home at fucking ten in the evening. on top of that, because of the late hour, the things he was able to pick up from his favorite bakery were what ever was left over from the day -- though one would argue that he's lucky because said bakery was still open at the late hour. regardless, the fact remained: the pastries were no longer fresh, no longer fluffy and warm.
if it was any other day, he wouldn't have ate it on the subway ride home from work and instead saved it so he could reheat it once he's safely in the confines of his own home, but not today. he was too hungry, and quite frankly, running out of patience.
he sets down his dull blade in its rightful place by the door and tugs off the yellow patterned tie in an uncharacteristically pissed off manner. not only was he filled with negative emotions, but adrenaline from the fight he had against an unnamed, unregistered cursed spirit was still pumping in his veins. with a huff, he hangs it over his shoulder, before moving on to unbutton his blue button down shirt as he walks over to the bedroom.
this was the part of his day that he looked forward to the most. sure, it was the end of the day, but it was the part where he'd see you, hold you for more than two hours.
laid down in the large california king bed was you. thick, soft blankets tucked up to under your chin, hair he loved running his hands through fanned out around your face, and your face. you looked so angelic when you slept, so peaceful even during nights like this when he knew you weren't sleeping well because he wasn't there in the bed with you -- you confessed to him one time, you always get the best dreams, the most restful nights of sleep whenever he's there holding you.
you shifted in your sleep, turning to your other side making the blanket move further down your body. it exposed the thin shirt you were wearing; an old shirt of nanami's. the fabric was so worn down that the man could spot your nipples, hardened from the chilly autumn air, from under the shirt.
you mewled softly and it made nanami wonder what you were dreaming of; whether you were dreaming at all. aside from that, the sound also made his beige slacks tighten and he found a way to release all that pent up frustration and adrenaline from his system.
he pushes the dress pants down along with his boxers, then damn near trips trying to take his socks off and walk to you at the same time. he's just had such a rough day and needs some help from you.
a thought pushes itself into his mind the moment he crawls on top of you, one that's about morality and ethics. he's never done this before and it feels wrong to do it. second thoughts fill his mind, but he remembers the fact that you've had this discussion before. he's already asked for your permission prior. in return, you only asked one thing from him: if i had a long day, try not to wake me if you don't have or want to. and aside from that, you've always been such a nice and thoughtful girlfriend. there has never been a moment in the many years you've been together where you've lacked understanding with him. you're always so selfless, giving him whatever he wanted, so long as it's reasonable, and this is reasonable, right?
with those thoughts as a green light, he pushes the blanket away from your body, nudges you so you'd be lying on your back, and moves the crotch of your panties to the side so he can have his way with you.
always the caring boyfriend, he makes sure you're properly lubricated before he does pushes himself in. after all, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to his sweet, caring girlfriend.
getting you wet the way he usually does takes too long, and besides, he'd probably end up waking you up too, which is something you asked him not to do if he didn't have to. not to mention the fact that he always gets so into turning you on; it's what gets him aroused too. he'll get too handsy, too noisy.
it's not an option so he opts to spit on your pussy instead.
he enjoys the sight of his glob of drool dripping around your vulva for a moment before spreading it around. when he decides that you're not wet enough, he spits again and does the same thing.
the man may think that exerting minimal effort is all that's required for most of his day-to-day tasks, but that rule does not include you and it never will. he always makes sure to take care of you the way you take care of him.
when your lips are shiny with his spit, he backs away for a moment, lines the head of his cock with your slit then pushes in as softly and slowly as he could, trying his best not to jostle you.
he moans lowly as he sinks in your warm pussy. it's a sensation he can never get enough of, even if he makes love to you a million times. he adores it, the way you welcome him so easily. he only stops his motions when he was buried to the hilt, his pelvis flush against yours.
he looked down to where your bodies connected and involuntarily muttered a low shit under his breath. to him, the sight was a masterpiece that could easily top an expensive painting any day; it certainly made him feel more emotions than those.
with a deep breath sucked in through the mouth, he started moving, steadily thrusting in and out of your wet cunt. the movement was calculated, executed with maximum precision to ensure that you won't wake from your slumber.
how could you expect him to keep his composure completely under these circumstances? you're so tight, he's always said that your pussy was made for him, and he doesn't just say that to get you off; he truly means it, and then you combine your perfect pussy with your perfect face. he's a goner.
he tries to stifle his moans, tries to swallow them under his breaths, but a few still manage to escape. despite those, he continues to yearn to make this nice and quick. it's just to blow off some steam, after all.
the moment his attempts become futile comes when you stir, letting out noises that shoots blood steaming down to his already painfully hard dick, and flutter your eyes open.
when his eyes meets yours, his elbows buckle, though he's quick to straighten himself back up again; his motion was so fluid you didn't even notice it, only the slight twitch of his cock.
you yawn before acknowledging the situation. "kento?" your words are slurred due to the sleepiness that remains in your system. "what's goin' on?"
"sorry hun," he grunts, continuing to fuck you. "adrenaline rush. you can go back to sleep if you want."
you give him a hum though you didn't actually succumb to sleep. the feeling of kento's cock inside you wasn't something you could simply nap through, no matter how hard you try nor matter how hard he tries to not rouse you.
he might have thought you were asleep - you were so quiet, not making a noise other than the natural moans - if you didn't mutter an "i'm close" at the exact same moment he felt his orgasm nearing.
"i am too, hun." his movements become sloppier. he loses his rhythm to the pleasure and due to the lapse in concentration since he began to play with your clit to help you reach your high as well.
"ken," he recognizes what you need with the call of his name. one of your hands found their way to his back, currently running the nails down the hard muscle. the pain only added to nanami's delight.
"i'm right there, hun. you can let go."
the both of you come at the same time and the feeling was euphoric. despite wanting rest, you're glad you woke up.
"that was nice." you commented lamely. the word didn't sum up the experience, it was so much better than nice, but your tired brain couldn't think of anything else. apparently, nanami had the same sentiment.
"i think that's a bit of an understatement, darling. now come on and get some rest, you deserve it."
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i get: reblog
you get: a california king bed with a nanami body pillow
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drachonia · 12 days
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𝐥 𝐚 𝐯 𝐞 𝐧 𝐝 𝐞 𝐫 ' 𝐬 𝐛 𝐥 𝐮 𝐞 .
Alfons Slyvatica Family Fluff
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i kinda felt like going back to my roots and writing some family fluff while i wait for october and try not to pass out from uni stress, lmao. simple stuff, just wanted to write for some characters i've grown fond of. a lil tough to write because of how complex alfons' emotions are about life stuff.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: not really anything warning worthy aside from just...family fluff. a little mention of his more bleak inner thoughts near the end (ends postiive), but that's about it.
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Soft and tender notes reached Alfons’ ears as he entered the parlor of his home in the late hours of the morning. His wife’s long brunette hair trailed over the arm of the rocking chair as she cradled a dark-haired child in her lap, gently brushing back the straight but fluffy hair from his little forehead.
“Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly And the lambs play We shall be safe, dilly, dilly Out of harm's way.”
Her gemstone eyes flickered up to meet his from across the room, her calm stare turning to a beaming smile as she saw her husband linger in the doorway.
“Look who’s home.”
A tiny head of dark hair whipped up in excitement, the boy turning and scrambling down from his mother’s lap and bouncing toward Alfons with a bright and mischievous grin, much like his own.
“Alec, careful!” His mother called gently after him as tiny feet padded across the hard wood floors quickly.
“Papa’s home! Papa’s home!” The boy leapt into his father’s arms, giggling happily. Long arms caught the child as his aforementioned father lifted him effortlessly in his arms, “How is my little duckling?” He chuckled, feeling the tiny little arms squeeze ‘round his collar and chubby cheeks nuzzle the breast of his coat, eyes closing happily, “Mum read me a few stories that uncle Liam sent! And uncle Elbie came by with Erik to say hello! Ooh and after that we baked a pie together, Mum made our favorite flavor filling, too—” The boy brightened as he recounted the events of the day, his father’s soft as he sat down on the sofa with his son on his lap.
Smoke colored eyes drifted briefly during the story to his son’s mother, taking in the smile as she stared at their child lovingly. He recounted the many times she’d expressed how she wanted their child to look like him, and glancing back down at Alec, she practically got her wish. Narrow but pretty dark eyes, soft black hair just short of ink in color. The more he looked at his son, the more he contemplated his own negative thoughts. If someone had asked him several years ago whether he’d make a good father, he would have laughed in their face. Nowadays, however, Alfons was almost terrified at how much his own family had changed his outlook on life. That solemn reminder of being forgotten lurked in the back of his mind, always. But…this peace he was rewarded with at his home he’d made…it was something that kept him going. He would make every effort each mission to execute each plan to perfection, not a resource nor a second could be wasted, for he had a family to return to.
“—Oh! And I start school tomorrow, remember, papa?” Excited smoke colored eyes stared wide up at him, expectant for a reaction. He felt his muscles relax finally, reaching up to rub Alec’s fluffy little head, thumb rubbing his chubby cheek, “Yes, little one, I remember, growing so fast, aren’t you?” He lifted him into a hug, squeezing him to his chest and kissing the top of his head, chin resting there as he smiled at his wife, a fragile, but contented smile. All of this felt surreal, like he could let out too heavy a sigh and it would all blow away like smoke. But with each day he lived it, he learnt he was far more content to let things develop as they were.
He remembered being hesitant when he learned he and his lover had managed to conceive. Remembered the anxiety of what could become of them both should anything happen to him. But perhaps the thing he remembered most of it all was when he got to sit by her side, watching her cradle that little bundle with a patch of dark hair. That moment he reached out, only for a tiny fist to wrap around his gloved index finger. That moment rendered him wide-eyed in wonder, speechless and curious to how someone could capture his attention even easier than his partner. Of course, given the fact a child was practically a manifestation of them both, he supposed it wasn’t entirely impossible to have that unconditional love.
Brought back to reality by a faint tug on his coat by his eight year-old, he smiled softly, eyes crinkled in joy as he kissed his son’s head tenderly. Every bit of love he would pour into this family of his, until all of them were filled with too many memories to possibly forget. That would be the thing that he would leave behind, no matter what twisted card fate may try to pull.
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lace headers by saradika.
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nicksbestie · 7 months
Hi! So I have a request for feminine reader “coming out” to Johnnie as an age regressor and he just comforts her and cares for her <3 Really fluffy and sweet pls!
Hope you’re doing well 🖤
thank you so much for the request!! i hope you're also doing well <3 this is written in the third person, but the feminine character isn't named! it made it easier for me to write, i hope you enjoy! <3
word count : 4091
warnings : mentions of anxiety and trauma , but no details <3
pairing : johnnie guilbert/reader (romantic)
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Johnnie liked to think that he was a good boyfriend, someone that people could trust, could tell anything. He wanted to believe that out of all people, his girlfriend trusted him enough to come to him when she wanted, or needed something. He knew he loved her, and he knew she loved him, but he still had concerns. Like the small, well, it was actually quite big, secret of hers that he’d just discovered. 
He hadn’t been snooping, no. He wouldn’t intentionally do that. However, he had noticed that one of his hoodies had mysteriously disappeared, and had simply been looking for it. He had checked her closet, and had seen it curled up in one of the corners, seemingly pushed as far back as it could be. It didn’t alarm him that it was there, sometimes things fall off of hangers and get nudged up under stuff. What alarmed him, well, alarmed may not be the best word, but it was the only thing he could come up with at the time, was the pile of items that were now visible when he lifted the soft gray sweatshirt off of the floor. 
Baby things? A pacifier, a few stuffed animals, a bottle, and some rattles and teethers?
Confused, would probably be the best word for the situation. His first thought was that she was pregnant, and just hadn’t told him yet, maybe hoping for it to be a surprise. That idea, however, was thrown out when he noticed the size difference of the pacifier in his hand, and a second one on the floor that he hadn’t seen at first. He picked up the other one, and realized one was specifically made for adults. He remembered a fanfiction he’d stumbled across a while back, trying to recall the name of what it had been about.
Age regression. 
So now he knew a name to possibly explain this, but he had no idea what it was really about, so he turned to the internet for help. The first definition to pop up was one from Urban Dictionary, and with lack of experience, figuring anything could help, he clicked the link. 
“Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "littlespace" (A term for when one is in said mindset). These people simply need breaks from the stress of being old and often have a childish personality even outside of regression (Though sometimes it's not as obvious). Contrary to popular belief, age regression is NOT a kink or even related to sexual intercourse whatsoever. Some age regressors refer to themselves as littles and to their significant other as "Daddy", "Mommy", or just as their "Caregiver" Since they'd typically take care of their "Little" as if they're an actual child.”
So his girlfriend was an age regressor. He didn’t feel any kind of disgust, or any type of negative emotion. Except sadness. Continuing to read the description, he realized that age regressors, or, “littles”, needed a caregiver to take care of them, and by the sight of all of her stuff pushed into a dark corner he had a pretty good idea that she didn’t have one. And that broke his heart, that his girl had thought he wouldn’t be open to taking care of her, even in a way that isn’t as common as usual. He deeply hoped that she didn’t feel scared of talking to him, like he would ever judge her or belittle her for something that helped her feel better.
He knew she’d dealt with a lot of trauma in her short life, problems starting at home and feeding into her adult life. She’d told him when they first began officially dating that she was terrified of having an angry man in a house with her, as her strained relationship with family did not help in the slightest. He had held her while she talked, tears had been shed, kisses on her forehead had been placed. It had been an emotional night, and the more he thought about it, the more childlike she had seemed by the end of it. There was no verbal change, but she had clung to him and not said much until she’d finally fallen asleep against him.
He slowly put more pieces together in his head. The cut up food, small snacks, juice boxes that she had claimed “were just easier to drink out of”, the multiple stuffed animals littering their shared bed, the comfort blanket that was always referred to as her “blankie”, no matter what. He smiled as he thought about the way that she had always stayed close to his side in public, clutching his hand tighter to signal that she was nervous. The way she had always relaxed into his side when he wrapped an arm around her, gently rubbing hers, the soft giggles that left her lips when he kissed her forehead and whispered a soft “I love you.” 
He wondered how long she’d been dealing with this alone, and how he didn’t notice. His heart wrenched when he thought about how rough overstimulation and sensory issues were for her to deal with when she was with him, making him not even want to think about her having to handle it alone. And not only alone, but in the mindset of a child, where she might not even understand what was happening, and by default, not know how to care for herself. He could see it far too easily in his mind’s eye, her, curled up with her blanket and a stuffed animal, possibly one of the pacifiers between her lips, tears rolling down her face as she feebly attempted to find a position, a feeling that didn’t hurt, something to soothe the bothersome sensations she was already struggling with. 
He was still in front of the closet, no longer standing, but instead sitting criss-cross, turning the items over in his hands. His hoodie was thrown over his shoulder, the smaller of the two pacifiers being held in his left hand. Peering at it, he could easily see that there was a small fairy on it, wearing a crown. The pacifier itself was an orange and pink color mix, the clear part obviously adjusted to fit an adult, telling him it was often used. Picking up the adult one, he softly ran his fingers over the beads decorating it, reading the lettered ones. He smiled when he saw that it read, “Little Princess”, the black of the letters strongly standing out against the stark white of the bead’s background.
Princess had been his nickname for her for as long as he could remember, even when they were just friends, back before mutual crushes were developed. He felt a small stir in his heart at the fact that it had meant so much to her that she’d put it on a pacifier, one of her most vulnerable things she owned. 
There was no hesitation in his mind when he turned over the idea of being her caregiver, just love that he didn’t think could grow stronger. He sat and thought of possible caregiver names. Mommy was definitely out of the question, but he was partial to bubba/bubby. But the only thing that he really felt fit was daddy. Daddy’s little princess. He just knew that she would blush dark red and let out those little giggles that he loved to hear. God, she was so precious. He hadn’t even seen her in her littlespace, and just the thought of it was so heartwarming to him. He already knew he loved her to pieces. 
She wasn’t home yet, and she probably wouldn’t be for an hour. That gave him about sixty minutes to figure out how he wanted to handle this. No, handle wasn’t the right word. This wasn’t a problem, this wasn’t something that needed to be fixed, it wasn’t something he was angry over. Those words should be included when he brings it up. He knows she’s anxious, and this might be a rough conversation for her. That reassurance is going to be incredibly important. Go about, would be the right phrase. He has to take some time to decide how he wants to go about this conversation. He’s going to have to be gentle, probably cautious, and she might panic. He’s going to have to softly remind her it’s okay, that he still loves her just the same, if not more, and that they need to talk about it, but that it is all going to work out. 
He takes all of the items, now known as little gear, and carefully places them on the bed. He leaves them there, along with her favorite stuffed animal and her blankie, and softly shuts the door. He walks into the kitchen, pulling up his notes app and opening the one filled with her favorite foods. It was now roughly 5:45, thirty minutes gone by, and she was expected home around 6:15. He easily pulled out some mac and cheese, currently the dairy free kind, but if she would rather the better kind, he can always change it. Slipping a new bottle of apple juice into the fridge, he figured it would have time to cool while he waited. 
He wasn’t entirely sure of what else he could make to go with the mac and cheese, but scanning through the list, he quickly took an apple out of the fridge, easily cutting it into thin slices and placing them on a paper plate. He placed it back into the fridge, wondering if the apple-on-apple part of the food would be too much. (He would later find out that it wasn’t, and she loved it. She also asked for animal crackers later, when she was fully in headspace. And it may or may not have been one of the cutest things he’d ever seen.) He watched the clock tick to 6:10, hoping she’d be on time. The mac and cheese was finished cooking, and he was easily putting it in small bowls, the colored ones that they’d always loved. 
She walked in the door at 6:14, face very clearly exhausted, an insanely long day wearing on her body. However, a genuine smile crossed her face as she noticed what was sitting on their counter. Her features softened, tiredness still evident, but love creasing her under-eyes as she smiled.
“Babe, you didn’t have to.” 
He crosses the room, tall body bringing her in for a hug, softly rubbing her back, softly placing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“You’ve had such a long day, I’m more than happy to make you dinner. We’ll eat, and afterwards, we can go cuddle, and relax for a bit. Does that sound good, princess?” 
Just like he expected, the pet name made her flush red, and a small laugh left her lips. He stepped back, both of them sitting down, him beginning to eat. 
“It’s dairy free, but if you’d rather have the other kind, I can make it. It’s no issue, I promise. I just didn’t want your stomach to hurt, especially not after you’ve done so much today. You need some rest, and I didn’t think that a stomach ache would make that easier on you.”
She sat there in shock for a few seconds, a smile still on her face. 
“No, it’s okay. Thank you, so much. I love you.”
“I love you too, darling. Why don’t you go ahead and eat, then you can change into some soft clothes, and I’ll lay with you for a while, yeah?” 
A nod in response, and in about fifteen minutes dinner was finished. He knew that dishes overwhelmed her, so he took care of it while he sent her off to go get changed, become more comfortable, momentarily forgetting about the stuff he left laying out. He didn’t recall it until about five minutes later, when he was wondering why she had gone so silent. He finished up the last piece of silverware, hurriedly throwing it into the dishwasher and starting the cycle, as he quickly got to the shared bedroom. He cursed under his breath when he saw that the door was not only shut, but locked. 
“Baby? Can you open the door, please?” 
He gently rapped his knuckles against the wood, patiently waiting for a reply. He got one in the form of a muffled “no.” He desperately tried to ignore the painstakingly obvious sob in her voice.
“Hey, we need to talk. C’mon, open the door, princess.”
The lock slowly turned, the door slowly swinging open. Johnnie walked in, noticing an empty bed, minus his girlfriend sitting at the head of it, tears pouring out of her eyes at a steady pace. He gave her a soft, sad look sitting down next to her and pulling her in close. 
“It’s okay, love. I’ve got you. Where’s all your stuff, angel?”
She shook her head, tears falling faster. 
“There is no stuff.” 
Johnnie gently ran a hand through her hair, softly shushing her, waiting for her to calm down a little bit.
“Honey, we both know there is, and that we should talk. It’s okay, I’m here. I love you, and I’m not leaving.”
She stifled a sob into his body, desperately wishing she had hidden all of her stuff better. When she’d walked in, she’d stood there in shock, and then quickly shoved it back onto a shelf in the closet. 
“Here, baby, will this help? C’mere, arms up, lovely.”
She brought her face up, noticing he had picked up his hoodie again, softly motioning for her to raise her arms up so he could gently pull the soft sweatshirt over her head. It didn’t make her feel little. Not at all. She ignored the soft, knowing smile on his face, immediately laying back into his arms, because as embarrassed and distraught as she was, she really needed some comfort. Even if it wasn’t the kind that she really wanted.
“Sweetheart, I know what’s going on, and you know that I know what’s going on. It’s okay, my love. I’m not judging you, I’ve always been here for you. And I am confident that isn’t going to change with this.”
He worried that he’d said the wrong thing when her body heaved and she sobbed harder, also clutching his shirt like her life was depending on it. She pulled back, gasping when the gray of his hoodie was stained darker with her tears. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He gave her a confused look, rubbing her back. 
“For what, little one?”
She looked so small compared to him, and he felt nothing but protective over her. Her tears had stopped, but distress was evident on her face.
“For getting your shirt, and your hoodie all wet.” 
He didn’t feel any type of upset with her, but her eyes were watering over as she peered up at him, tears threatening to spill over again.
“Princess, I'm not angry with you for crying. It’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry for feeling your emotions, baby.”
A short sniffle was let out, him immediately pressing another kiss to her head. 
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this.” 
“Shh, honey. Deep breaths. Let’s talk, yeah?”
A nod into his chest, but no more spoken words, so he took it upon himself to start the conversation. 
“Alright, princess. I’ll talk, you listen. Just try to even out your breathing, you can interject if you need to. I found all your stuff when I was looking for my hoodie. I would never go to snoop and invade your privacy like that. I feel like that’s important to mention, just so you’re fully aware that I did not intend to scare you by looking for this. Secondly, I know what’s going on, thanks to some research, and I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you to handle alone.” 
A soft, but confirming, noise elicited from the girl curled up against his chest. 
“That being said, I know you don’t have a caregiver. Can you look at me, angel?” 
Her eyes were still teary, but she raised her head to make eye contact, and he cradled her face in his hands. He pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose, getting a small smile out of her. It didn’t reach her eyes, but it was better than the semi-permanent frown she’d been wearing. 
“I love you, baby, you know that. I hope that you also know I would do anything for you. Anything at all. Do you want me to be your daddy, little one?” 
A sob tore from the back of her throat, making Johnnie believe he’d said the wrong thing… again. But his fears were calmed quickly this time, when she sucked in a breath, clearly speaking out a “yes”, before dissolving back into cries. He didn’t hesitate to resume comforting her, whispering soft praise and loving words, waiting until her cries slowed into hiccups and gasping breaths, before speaking again. 
“You’ve had such a long day, princess. Why don’t I go run you a bath, hm? I’ll even put bubbles in it, if that’s something you want, and I’ll wash your hair.”
She nodded, but her grip on Johnnie, her daddy, (she was still reeling with the new happiness), didn’t let up. He kissed her once more, helping her wrap her legs around his waist, looping his arms under them, and lifting her. She gently rested her head on his shoulder, refusing to acknowledge just how tiny she felt right now as her thumb slowly began to make its way to her mouth. However, it only took about three seconds for Johnnie to notice, and softly pull it away.
“No, baby, let’s not suck on our thumbs. How about we go grab your paci, sweetheart?” 
He easily moved towards the closet, quickly locating the missing items, grabbing the bigger of the two pacifiers off of the shelf, and gently pushing it into her mouth.  
“Much better, baby girl. You look so adorable, don’t you? Daddy’s little princess.” 
Her arms were now wrapped around his neck, head resting on his shoulder, blush rising furiously to her cheeks as she could feel herself easily slipping into littlespace. 
Why was he so good at this? Maybe it was the gentleness, the softness, but either way, he was so effortlessly coaxing her into headspace. She’d never felt safer than she did right now, and she desperately hoped that she would have this for a long time. 
She didn’t know it, but Johnnie was thinking the exact same thing. She looked so happy, so comfortable, that he wanted to keep her there forever. He took a small amount of pride in being trusted with this, but even more happiness in being the reason she feels safe. 
“It’s okay, angel. I know you’re slipping. Shh, sweetpea, let it happen. Daddy’s got you.”
He loved this girl with his whole heart, and this new side of her didn’t affect that at all. He started a bath, checking the temperature on the inside of his wrist multiple times before softly helping her undress and letting her hold his arm and shoulder to sit herself in the tub. Quickly folding up her clothes and setting them on the side, he stepped out solely to throw a towel in the dryer with some fabric softener, setting it on 20 minutes, and to grab one of the bath toys he’d noticed but not set out previously. 
“Look what I got, bubba! Why don’t you play with this while Daddy washes your hair? Paint me a pretty picture, okay?” 
He gently handed her the set of bath paints, before grabbing the plastic cup he kept in the bathroom. He filled it up with water, pressing his hand along her head to keep the water from going in her eyes as he softly wet her hair. He looked down to see her intensely focused on the colors that were now decorating the bathtub wall, and couldn’t stop the smile crossing his face. He gently shampooed her hair, making sure to keep it out of her eyes as he washed it out, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she took a break from painting and leaned into his touch.
“Alright, sweetie, I’m all done! Wow, that is absolutely beautiful, baby!”
A huge grin spread across her face, now, as she brandished the paintbrush at him, getting a little bit of yellow on the end of his nose. 
“It us, daddy!”
He looked at the artwork, seeing two stick figures holding hands, a blotch of yellow as the sun, and some green for grass. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of it, immediately adding it to his favorites. 
“It’s perfect, angel. C’mon, sweetheart, let’s get out, so we can get some cuddles in before bedtime!” 
Just as expected, a pout formed on her face as the painting was slowly washed away, and the paint on his nose was wiped off.
“It’s okay, princess, Daddy has a picture so he can cherish it forever. Now, tomorrow, when it’s bath time, you can paint me a new one!”
That put a smile back on her face. He grabbed the soft, and warm, towel out of the dryer, wrapping her in it and softly toweling her dry. Grabbing the clothes she’d put on just two hours before, he gently helped her redress, scooping her up and placing her on the sink counter. He bracketed her body with his own so that she wouldn’t fall, setting up her toothbrush for her. 
“I’ll dry your hair while you brush your teeth, okay little one? Let me know if you need some help, princess.” 
Plugging in the hair dryer and being very careful to not have the heat too high or too close, he was about halfway done drying her hair when she finished brushing her teeth, spitting into the sink. He took his other hand, switching the sink on, washing it out, and then passed her the container that held her retainers in it. 
“Here you go, sweetpea. Pop these in, and then you can have your paci to suck on while Daddy finishes up drying your hair, alright?” 
She nodded, easily slipping them in, and he took note of the fact that she was barely verbal right now. He figured it had something to do with the emotions of the night, and wondered how verbal she was usually. He’d find out in due time, but he made sure to give detailed instruction, as well as comfort laced in his words, if it had something to do with fear or anxiety of the situation. 
Passing her the pacifier once she was done, it only took about five more minutes to finish drying her hair, and if he passed the time by singing to her, loud enough to hear over the hair dryer, but not loud enough to overstimulate her, nobody besides the two of them had to know. 
Unplugging the hair dryer and running his hands through her hair to make sure it was fully dry and no shampoo or conditioner was left in it, he picked her up off the counter, pressing a kiss to her cheek, and flipping off the lights on his way out. She let out a yawn into his neck, pacifier falling onto his shoulder. He grabbed it with one arm, the other still supporting her weight, and softly pushed it back into her mouth. She gripped his shirt in a tight fist, a small lisp sounding out around the rubber. 
“I seepy, Daddy.” 
He gently rubbed her back, bouncing her a little bit while he grabbed her blankie and favorite stuffie. 
“Oh, sweet girl, I know. It’s late for such a little one to be up.” 
He softly laid her down, heart breaking a bit when she whimpered and didn’t want to let go of him. 
“I know, angel, I’m here. I promise.” 
He tucked the blankets up around her, laying down next to her and pulling her close for a cuddle. 
“Get some rest, little one. Daddy will be right here when you wake up.” 
He smiled, the expression nearly permanent on his face, as he heard a few words. 
“Loves you, Daddy.” 
“I love you too, princess.”
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mynameismckenziemae · 10 months
Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone-Chapter II
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Female Reader (no use of y/n)
Bob takes you out and lets you in after a(nother) moment of weakness.
(previous chapter here, next chapter here)
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A/N: The mannerisms of Steve are based off of my sweet, derpy, old pup. She helped pull me out of my crippling postpartum depression and welcomed me back, forgetting I hadn’t just ignored her for the year prior (I was barely able to take care of my newborn, I wasn’t taking care of myself and I couldn’t fathom mustering up enough energy to even pet her, trust me, I still feel bad about it). She is the best.
Warnings: mentions of asshole ex boyfriends, negative thoughts (thanks to asshole ex boyfriend), smut, etc.
Bob waited until you were in your apartment and turned the lights on before taking off. Hes bubbling with different emotions as he drives home. He’s smitten, obviously. He’s never met a girl like you; so beautiful, witty, passionate, funny. He’s baffled that someone like you is interested in him. Then the embarrassment creeps in…he came in his pants like a fucking teenager, but relief since you didn’t laugh or make him feel worse. In fact, it had seemed you liked it. He can’t stop thinking about you whispering how you wanted to blow him the parking lot and then sucking your fingers…Damn it, he was hard again.
He sighed as he unlocked the door to his house. Even though his sister would come once a week or so to get his mail and check on the house, it was stale and stuffy. He opened the windows in his room and got in the shower.
You overanalyzed the entire night while you showered, every look, every conversation, every touch.
You started and deleted a text to Bob several times before finally hitting ‘send’ and turning your phone over while you put your pajamas on.
Sunny: Thanks again for handling that jerk and following me home. I’m also sorry things got a little heated too quickly. I haven’t dated in years, but I don’t do that on the first date. Or, pre-first date I guess.
A few minutes later your phone dings.
Bob: You’re welcome, I’m just glad you’re okay. No worries, I liked it (obviously lol). Can’t wait to see you again tomorrow.
Your stomach flutters and you breathe a sigh of relief. It’s okay. He’s not Derek. He doesn’t think you’re a whore. It’s okay for two consenting adults to do these things.
Sunny: I can’t wait either. Goodnight.
Bob: Sweet dreams
You sleep until 9 and it feels amazing. You pick up a little in case Bob comes all the way to the door and get ready. He said to dress casually so you don a pair of shorts again with a favorite oversized band tee and a pair of Converse. It feels weird to be putting normal clothes on 2 days in a row, you pretty much live in scrubs or pajamas.
Bob knocks as you’re putting your hair up. As you open the door, you’re greeted by a fluffy gentleman sitting oh so patiently, his tail is giving away his excitement by going a mile a minute. “Hey there cutie. You must be Steve, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Sunny.” You say, crouching to pet him. He’s so soft, and his wet nose tickles as he sniffs you.
You rise and take in Bob. He looks good enough to eat in a worn pair of Levi’s and a gray tee. He hands you a bouquet of fresh flowers. “We stopped at the farmer’s market on the way, thought these were pretty,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, the tops of his ears turning red.
“They’re gorgeous. Thank you. Come in, I’ll put them in water.” You smile.
“We can wait out here, he sheds a lot”. Bob replies.
“Oh gosh, don’t worry about it, I grew up with pets and have a vacuum.” You insist, pushing the door open wider.
“Alright,” he agrees. As he brushes past, you notice the slight bruise you sucked into his neck last night and your cheeks heat. Embarrassment or arousal? You weren’t sure.
“Nice place,” Bob says looking around. Steve is sniffing everything in sight.
“Thanks, it’s small but it’s got everything I need. I’ll eventually look into buying a house, but I’m comfortable here for now” you say, trimming the ends of the flowers. “Where’s your place?”
“About 15 minutes from here, by Valencia Park” he replies, looking at the pictures hung on your walls
You nod while filling a mason jar with water and place the flowers in it, setting it in the kitchen window. “Perfect. Thanks again.” You kiss his cheek. “Hey, what’s that on your neck?” You tease, lightly brushing the bruise with your fingertips.
He blushes again and chuckles. “Must’ve burnt myself with the curling iron”.
You laugh, “Is that so? You should really be more careful.”
“You’re telling me. All set?” He asks.
“Let’s go” You nod.
You watch Steve take the stairs down while you lock up. “That is impressive, is there anything he can’t do?”
“No, not really. I help him in and out of the truck bed because it’s pretty high, but he’s adapted way better than I would’ve expected. Oh hey, my truck is just a regular cab, so there’s no backseat. I hope you don’t mind, but you’ll want to sit in the middle, or Steve will be on your lap. He insists on being by the window, one way or another.” He says as he unlocks it, stepping aside to let Steve through.
You climb on next to Steve and squeal as he immediately goes for your ears, sniffing and huffing with his wet nose again.
“Sorry, he’s pretty polite, but he has a thing for ears,” Bob grins as he gets in seat beside you.
You laugh, “I don’t mind, he’s so sweet. I’m just ticklish”.
Bob pulls out of Penny’s driveway and you’re off. Once he puts the cruise on, he relaxes his leg, resting it against your bare one. Goosebumps rise at the feel of his rough jeans against your skin. Down girl.
“Where we going?” You ask.
“There’s a quiet, dog-friendly beach up there road here, it’s Steve’s favorite place. I packed some lunch too” he replies, slowing to turn into the parking lot.
“That sounds great” you answer.
Steve realizes where he is. His front paws start tippy-tapping and he whines, hardly able to contain his excitement.
You laugh, patting him. “Almost there buddy”.
Steve zooms along the shore as you and Bob put down a thick blanket. You three are the only occupants, save for an older man with an older dog a couple hundred yards down the beach.
You sit cross-legged and Bob comes to stretch out beside you, handing you a sandwich. You both laugh as Steve attempts to stalk some seagulls, but panics and tucks tail back when they start chasing him. He hides behind you, resting his head on your shoulder. You give him a smooch “You’re okay, I won’t let them get you. Those gulls are mean, huh?”
Bob tells you stories about Steve while you eat, making you laugh at his antics. He pulls his phone out and shows you a picture his sister snapped last night of Steve tucked into the sleeping bag between two little girls, all three wearing sleep masks. “Guess he slept like that all night” Bob chuckles.
Steve eventually sneaks his way between you two, laying his chin on your knee. “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?” You say, softly rubbing his forehead. Bob chokes, his thoughts immediately turning dirty at your words. You bite your cheek so you don’t smile, pretending you don’t notice.
“Did you bring a ball or anything to play fetch with?” Bob nods, grabbing a frisbee from the bag.
You three play for a while, the sun warming your arms and legs. It feels good to be outside. Bob tosses the frisbee towards you and Steve, but the wind catches pushing it behind you. Steve’s too focused on it to realize where he is and knocks you off your feet.
“Oh my God, Sunny!” You hear Bob yell running over. “Steven! Watch out buddy, give her some space.”
You can’t answer, you’re laughing too hard. Steve’s in your ears again, sniffing, huffing, and licking. Your laughter makes him more excited, and he zooms away as soon as Bob gets to you. “I’m so sorry, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m fine. I can see why you love him so much, he’s quite the character.” Bob holds his hand out to help you up. You take it but tug him down instead. He lands with a surprised oomph. You pull him to you for a kiss. He stiffens for just a moment, caught off guard (again) but relaxes into it. You kiss slowly, lazily. You suck his tongue and groans deeply. He’s hard, pressed perfectly against the seam of your shorts right where you need him. “You feel so good” you murmur against his lips. He twitches against you.
Out of nowhere, you feel frigid saltwater slide around you, soaking you both. The tide came in. You squeal and Bob chuckles, the moment gone. Probably for the best, you don’t really want an indecent exposure on your record.
He helps you to your feet. “My place is closer to here, we can get cleaned up and dried off there if that’s okay?”
You nod, wanting to get out of these wet, sandy clothes ASAP.
Bob grabs some dog shampoo from his truck and you help him lather and rinse the sand from Steve. “I know it’s a pain with his fur, but he loves the beach so much. It’s worth the extra work to me” you nod, agreeing. You towel him off, unable to stop kissing his wrinkly forehead. Bob lifts him into the bed of the truck and leads him into the kennel he has secured. “I know it’s not the safest, but I only put him in here after the beach. It helps him dry and he loves the wind in his face.” He explains.
You give him a quick kiss. “He’s lucky to have you Bob, you’re a great dog-dad”.
You both towel the sand off the best you can before getting in yourself. “I’m sorry about your truck, I can help you vacuum it” you offer.
“Don’t worry about it, my neighbor's son details cars for extra cash and is always looking for business. I always give him double after beach days.”
“That’s sweet of you.” You reply, sliding into the middle seat again.
“You don’t have, I mean you can sit there if you want but—“
You buckle your seat belt. “I know. I wanna sit by you.”
He nods, a little pink staining his cheeks, “Alright”.
A few minutes later, Bob pulls into a cute, navy blue bungalow. “This is it”.
“I like it, it’s cute.”
You laugh as Bob helps Steve out of the truck bed. His fur is fluffy from the ride.
Bob leads you into the house. It’s tidy, with a minimalistic and cozy design. It smells like him—like clean, fresh laundry with a hint of leather.
He shows you to his bathroom, handing you a towel, he turns to leave. “If you want to leave your clothes outside the door, I’ll throw them in the wash with mine before I shower”.
“Will do, thanks.”
He shuts the door behind him. You carefully undress, trying to not fling sand everywhere. You turn the water on and set your clothes outside the door, purposely leaving your lacy bralette and thong on top to tease him.
You’re lathering your hair for the second time when you hear a knock. “You can come in. Sorry for taking so long, I can’t get the sand out of my hair.”
Bob freezes. He’s been half-hard since he put your pretty underwear in the wash, but taking in your naked silhouette against the frosted glass has him at full mast instantly. “It’s okay, no uh…rush. I have some clothes for you when you’re done. I’ll put them here on the counter”.
“Thanks, I’ll be out soon” you smile as he closes the door. You probably didn’t need to arch your back and stick your tits out like that, but his reactions to you are just too good.
A few minutes later, you towel dry your hair and take yourself in the mirror. Bare-faced, nipples that could cut diamonds poking through his worn ‘US Navy’ tee, and rolled sweat pants. You look like a slob, you only wear makeup and straighten your hair when you go out, always trying to look good for other guys, you can hear Derek words in your mind.
You push him out of your head as you hang up your towel and open the door.
Bob fumbles his phone as he takes you in. Curly, wet hair, perky breasts gently bouncing under his shirt as you pad over to him.
He reaches out and brushes a curl by your forehead. “I wondered if your hair was curly after it got wet at the beach. It’s pretty. Do you always straighten it?”
You nod, throat thick as you answer. “Yeah, my ex didn’t like it, thought I was ‘attention seeking’ when I would wear it natural, probably because someone usually commented on it. He uhh, he thought everything about me was ‘too much’; I laughed too much, I talked too much, I hugged too much. We broke up months ago, but I’m still trying to find myself again.” You look away, feeling vulnerable.
“Sounds like he’s an idiot. You could never be too much, Sunny. Your hair is beautiful no matter how you wear it. Everything about you is beautiful.” Tears fill your eyes as and he turns you toward him, kissing you sweetly.
You kiss him back and things heat up quickly. His hand slides into your hair fully, while the other goes to your waist, pulling you into him. He can feel your nipples brush across his chest and his cock twitches. He brings his hand up slowly, but as he reaches the underside of your breast, the doorbell rings, startling you apart. “Oh, I ordered pizza. I got half cheese, half everything so you can put whatever you want on. I hope that’s okay” he says as he turns, trying to discretely tuck his erection into his waistband so he doesn’t scare the delivery driver.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. I like everything but anchovies and mushrooms.”
“Agreed, I’ll remember that for next time” he says as he opens the door.
Hmmm, next time? You like the sound of that.
You both dig in, having a beer each. Steve sits nearby, politely begging with his eyes.
You tell him about yourself. How you were always getting into trouble as a kid since you were quite the little adrenaline junkie, always looking for a thrill. About how you wanted to be a naval aviator like your old man, but you couldn’t put your mom through that, especially seeing the toll it took on Carole when Bradley joined. You tell him how you thrive in chaotic environments and by doing flight nursing, you could combine your passion for flying and help people. He takes in your every word, listening intently.
You settle in on the couch after for a movie as you wait for your clothes to dry, Steve draped across your lap, fast asleep as you rub his ears. “I knew he’d love you.”
You smile, “He’s a sweetheart.”
Bob puts his arm around you and plays with a curl by your ear absentmindedly. He pulls a little and you shiver as your nipples harden. “You cold?” He asks, looking down at you.
You shake your head, dropping your gaze to his lips. You lean forward, capturing his lips with yours. You moan into it, you’ve been worked up too many times since last night without relief. He licks into your mouth, pushing his hand into your hair farther. Your right goes to his chest, sliding up to brush your fingertips over the bruise from the night prior again. He inhales sharply, breaking the kiss. “Steve, buddy, go to bed, okay?” He asks him breathlessly, eyes not leaving yours.
Steve hops off with a heavy sigh, walking towards the bedroom.
You rise to straddle him, leaning forward to bite his bottom lip before kissing along his jaw. You slide your hips forward until you trap his cock against his stomach. His breath hitches in your ear at the contact. You smile into his jaw as you slowly start moving your hips, up and down, rubbing your clit against him.
You let out a breathy moan and his grip on your hips tightens. You kiss up to his ear and lightly nip the lobe. “You’re so big, I can’t wait to have you inside me”
Bob lets out a strangled groan at that. His hands release your hips and slide back to your ass, squeezing a handful in each palm, pulling you harder into his cock. You groan against his ear before pulling back and whipping his shirt off of you.
Your bare tits are level with his face. “Sweet Jesus” he whispers, bringing his hands up from your ass to cup one carefully in each hand. “They’re perfe—you’re perfect,” he says in awe. You should get a boob job, no guy likes less than a D cup, you hear Derek's voice again, but Bob brings you back to him by circling your nipple with his calloused fingertips.
You whimper, “Keep touching me, please. Just like that, and this” You bring your hand up to gently pull and pinch.
His eyes drift shut with a groan, the sight of you playing with your tits is too much. His erection throbs against your hip as he nods, continuing his ministrations. Your hands go to his shoulders for leverage.
You work your hips faster, already hurtling towards the edge. He leans forward and gently sucks your nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue.
You whimper, “Almost there” as your orgasm approaches.
Bob pulls back at the sound, replacing his mouth with his fingers, and groans as he feels you soaking through both pairs of pants. His hips jerk up, chasing your warm, wet heat. He’s getting close too. You moan and your hips stutter as his tip catches your clit just right. He takes your hands and places them on your tits, and drops his back to your hips to guide them. You pinch both nipples as he thrusts and that’s all it takes.
You cry out as your orgasm sweeps through you. Bob takes you in, trying to commit the sight and sounds of you to memory. Eyes closed, flushed cheeks, hands playing with your perfect breasts, your hips undulating against his…it’s enough to pull him over the edge. He groans, hands gripping bruises into your hips and he cums too, coating the inside of his pants (again).
You lean down and place a kiss on his damp forehead. His face is flushed, and he won’t look at you.
“You okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, I—I’m good. I uh, I think we should talk.” He replies and a cold wave of shame washes through you. You did too much too fast. Again.
Bob feels you stiffen on him. “No, hey, no it’s nothing you did, it’s not anything bad, I don’t think, I just,” The dryer dings from down the hall, signaling your clothes are dry. “Hey, let’s get cleaned up and I’ll explain.”
You nod, still uneasy and follow him to the laundry room.
You meet Bob back in the living room, wearing your clean clothes. Mmm, you smell like him.
He gestures for you to sit by him. You can tell he’s nervous, or embarrassed. Maybe both.
“So you know how I told you I’m not good with women, dating, and all that?” You nod. “Well, I meant it. I haven’t dated much. The longest relationship was 2 years in high school. We fooled around a bit, but never went all the way since her family was strict Catholics and she was saving herself for marriage. We broke up after I joined the navy cause she didn’t like long distance. I’ve dated a bit here and there, but it never lasted long as it’s difficult to keep a relationship when I was moving around so much and deployed so often. So…that’s why I was uh…a little quick on the draw last night, and not much better today. You’re gorgeous Sunny, so that doesn’t help either.”
You nod, and can breathe a little better in relief. You’re starting to understand. “Bob, it’s okay. I knew you just got off the carrier after 4 months. It’s…it’s also been a long time for me too. I think that’s why I can’t keep my hands off you, not to mention how good you look in those Levi’s” you laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
Bob’s blush deepens and rubs the back of his neck. “Uh yeah, except that I haven’t, I’ve never…” he stammers.
You realize what he’s trying to say, your stomach flips and your pussy clenches. Oh the things you’re gonna do to him.
“Bob, are you a virgin?”
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swordsandarrows · 4 months
Golden Light
Fluffy bkdk one shot. No cw's. 1,064 words.
Available to read on AO3 if you'd prefer ♡
It was one of those rare mornings when Izuku woke, the bed was still warm. The other half still occupied by the silently breathing blond.
Izuku wasted no time turning over, propping himself momentarily on an elbow. The soft glow of a barely risen sun snuck through the slats of haphazardly closed curtains covering the window opposite the bed, allowing emerald eyes to take in the glorious gift beside him. The rays cast streaks of gold across pale skin, igniting stray strands of messy platinum with soft copper tones, and highlighting the near-invisible dusting of chest hair across sculpted pecs.
The arm closest to Izuku was partially stretched out - bent at the elbow, forearm hidden beneath the pillow cushioning the blond’s head. The position made his bicep bulge, beautifully displaying each divot between hardened muscle, while revealing the strips of serratus leading toward the broad curve of his lat spread against the mattress.
It had been nearly four years of drinking in the sight of waking up next to Katsuki, but Izuku didn't think he'd ever tire of it. How could he when the blond was the most incredible creature to ever walk this Earth, and Izuku got to call him his? His Kacchan.
Sometimes, especially in moments like these, it still felt surreal. Like Izuku would suddenly wake up and realize the past four years had been nothing but a fever dream. That he was still in a coma after the war and this Kacchan was nothing more than a figment of his imagination.
Rather than dwell on the negative thought process, the greenette took advantage of Katsuki’s position and carefully maneuvered himself to where he knew all too well he fit like a puzzle piece. Face tucked in the nook between Katsuki’s jaw and shoulder, chest nestled against his side, an arm across the blond’s chest, and a leg hooked on his hip.
Izuku couldn't help but to inhale deeply, relishing in Kacchan’s intoxicating scent of something akin to burnt sugar with a distinct natural spice entwined. He filled his lungs with the sweet musk, nuzzling his face more securely against the satin-soft skin on the expanse of Katsuki’s neck, his heart palpitating with the onslaught of emotion that rapidly filled him.
The hand Izuku had across Katsuki’s chest traced over the length of his collarbone to his shoulder, and down his arm. Committing every bump, curve, and scar to memory over and over again despite how well he already knew every inch of his explosive partner. Izuku dragged his finger tips back up, retracing his path before letting them ghost over the slightly puckered scar beneath his collar, and finally to the broad patch of marred skin in the center of his chest. They were scars that Katsuki wore proudly in a show of protectiveness toward Izuku - something he liked to put on display as a reminder of just how far the blond was willing to go to protect what he cared for. Who he cared for.
Izuku’s heart strained almost painfully in his chest as the love and adoration swelled once again. He would protect Kacchan with his life a million times over, for as long as he was still breathing. He swore it, swore it, swore it.
A large, calloused, searing hot hand suddenly covered Izuku’s own. “Oi, nerd, quit huffing on me like a fucking gluehead. Shit tickles.” Katsuki’s voice was rough with sleep, but his gravelly tone held nothing but affection.
“Sorry, Kacchan. Didn't mean to wake you.” Izuku adjusted, settling his cheek in the concave of Katsuki’s shoulder where it was particularly pillowy with muscle. He hooked his thumb over the blond’s knuckles, squeezing a fraction tighter.
Katsuki grunted in response, maneuvering the arm Izuku was partially laying on to lazily drag his fingers through soft green curls.
“I didn't know you had today off, too.” Izuku spoke again after a beat of silence, relishing in the way Kacchan’s deft fingers carded through his hair, nails scratching pleasantly against his scalp every so often.
“Thought it’d be a nice surprise, or some shit. It feels balls early, go back to sleep. You've got all day to stare at me, or whatever creepy shit you've been doin’.” Despite his words, Kacchan’s hand never stalled on the greenette’s head.
Izuku couldn't help the blush that heated his face. Kacchan wanted to surprise me! God, I love him, I love him, Ilovehimlovehimlovehim - Kacchan always wanted to surprise him, really, but it never got old. The blond knew him better than he knew himself, of course, so it didn’t take that much effort to catch Izuku off guard.
Doing a last minute shift switch to get an impromptu day off together. Izuku coming home after a particularily rough patrol to a candlelit bathroom, the tub filled and steaming hot with his favourite eucalyptus scented bubble bath, a glass of his favourite “disgustingly sweet, I don’t fucking know how you drink that shit” white wine already waiting on the edge. A particularly pleasing breakfast item that would make an appearance once in a blue moon that would have Izuku doing a happy dance in his seat (“Calm down, Tickle-Me-Hawks-ass-nerd. It’s just a crepe.”). An in-box, limited edition piece of All Might merch Izuku didn’t have with a bouquet of green roses, adorned with an orange ribbon waiting for him on the kotatsu. A new notebook and a pack of those super nice glidy pens. The list was endless.
There was just so much Kacchan did to surprise him, and no matter how mundane (like the time Kacchan bought that particular shampoo Izuku mentioned he liked the scent of like, maybe once, in passing) he still couldn’t help but to respond as if Katsuki had literally given him the moon. He may as well have, because everyday Izuku woke up and was reminded that Kacchan was the other half of their “Wonder Duo”, that they lived together and shared a bed, that Kacchan was his boyfriend, his partner, his everything - it was like being gifted the moon over and over again.
A smile spread across Izuku’s face as he nuzzled his cheek against Katsuki’s soft skin, a faint murmur of, “Kacchan sugoi,” escaping his lips.
The man in question squeezed Izuku where he held him, a small smile of his own tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Such a damned nerd.”
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violettfeathers · 1 year
Soft Drizzles
Summary: Neuvillette is typically too embarrassed to tickle anyone.... Well, maybe there's one exception. Word count: 579 A/N: This can be read as either platonic or romantic, doesn't matter. And lol, this is one of my first times posting writing, so please don't mind if it's bad or anything. (please rb)
Neuvillette is embarrassed easily. He is embarrassed easily, and often becomes shy, especially with touch. Specifically…. Tickling. He couldn’t imagine touching someone that way. And making them laugh? His face heats up at the thought of such a thing - and at the mere word, too. 
Well…. All but one person he couldn’t imagine touching in that kind of way. 
He smiled affectionately at the sweet, desperate giggles which met his ears, his fingers gently dancing and drumming over small rib bones. Complaints rose up from his “victim” (Or, rather, she had put herself in this position - all her own fault) He dug his index fingers into the grooves between the bones, causing a squeal to burst out of her.
She almost seemed like a whole new person, red faced, hiccupping in her giggles and titters, her clothes all rumpled. Her hair was even messier than usual, but it only added to her charm in the whole situation. 
“Well, then, Lady Furina,” Neuvillette started, raising one hand to gently scratch at her underarm, causing her arm to tightly clamp down as she snorted. “You certainly acted out of place during the trial today. I believe you have.. An apology due?” 
He chuckled softly when Furina stuck her tongue out, knowing all too well that she’d be too stubborn and prideful to apologize. She had faced him with a situation today which he’d rather not have dealt with, all the attention on him in an unwanted way. It was a brief moment of embarrassment, undeserving of any genuine negative emotions, but even still, Neuvillette didn’t mind playing around with his archon a little bit like this. 
“You- Ahaha-!! Lehet me gohooo!! Aahehehe– you rohoadkill!” Neuvillette huffed out a fond laugh again, moving the hand against her underarm to the lower side of her torso, his thumb gently digging into the sensitive muscle just above her hip bone, causing her entire body to spasm and jump, a loud gasp breaking free of her. 
“NOho-” She squealed out, her hands finally managing to find the strength to shoot forward and latch onto Neuvillette’s sides, roughly squeezing with as much strength as they could muster. Neuvillette nearly collapsed on top of her, yelping out in surprise before soft, hearty laughter began to flood past his lips. The sudden tickle attack caused his own attack to weaken, with his Archon taking advantage of the hiccup. Her hands instantly went from his sides to his neck, her fingertips ever so lightly gliding and spidering over the sensitive skin. Every so often, her nails would gently trace over it too. Neuvillette scrunched up his neck, his giggles turning into soft laughter, with him hiccuping every so often. 
“He-he, I’ve got you now, you otter- AHehe!! HEY!!” Her triumph was short lived as she squealed out, head tilting back when the gentle squeezing above her hip bone returned. 
And here they were, the two most important people in the Nation of Fontaine, squealing and laughing loudly as they tickled each other in Neuvillette’s office; both blushing, hiccupping and tearing up in mirth.
Outside, a light, gentle drizzle fell over Fontaine. Small, warm droplets fell on the faces of children, who laughed and played, jumping in the tiny puddles which formed on the ground. The sun warmed the land, and fluffy, white clouds littered the sky. A rainbow appeared too, faint but beautiful, spreading through the sky of Fontaine. Oh, well; probably just another moment of strange weather. 
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miercoooles · 1 year
Can xou please give me the angst version of that scenario plus fluffy end?
AW YOU WANTED A FLUFFY END?? I was gonna go full on angst /j
TW: needles, stitches, wounds, detailed description of care and hospital stuff
So my idea was instead of Y/N coming out of the barrier, they were dug under the rubble unconscious. Maybe hit their head hard or something that drove them into unconsciousness and when Charles and Checo heard that, they didn’t bother finishing the session and immediately left, bringing Arthur and Maman with them (more like dragging them).
The moment they arrived at the hospital room and saw your body connected to different machines and filled with stitches, their hearts broke especially Maman. You were the only girl, the unica hija of their family and seeing you so helpless, it was enough for Maman to cry her heart out. Lorenzo and Arthur immediately attended Mama Leclerc and guided her on the chair beside your bed, while Charles and Checo stood frozen still by the door.
A lot of things were going through their minds, like what if you wouldn’t wake up or what if you won’t be able to race again, or what if you do wake up and forget about them. I would imagine Checo leaning against the doorway to support himself as all the negative thoughts flood in his mind. He couldn’t lose you, you were his entire universe. He felt useless that he wasn’t there when the crash happened. He blamed himself.
Meanwhile Charles, he too blamed himself. You were inseparable being the middle children, and now here you were on the hospital bed unable to do anything as the machine helped you breathe.
Arthur and Lorenzo were both trying to be strong for their Maman, but Arthur broke first. He let out a soft sob as he sat beside Maman. And Lorenzo, Lorenzo couldn’t even let out his emotions. He was there. He saw how hard your crash was, he saw everything but he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t protect his little sister. And that was the most disappointing thing he has ever done.
Days after, some machines were removed as your organs started functioning on their own again, but the doctor had no idea if you would wake up because they said there were brain waves and you were still responding to stimulus. But estimating when, it was hard to tell.
Your crash affected your family immensely. Checo, Charles, Arthur’s performance in racing has dropped that it concerned their team. Checo was almost dropped from Red Bull Racing because he wasn’t scoring any points, while Charles and Arthur were on probation.
Lorenzo was always around Maman and you as they accompanied you in the hospital. Often times if possible the other three boys would come and visit you, telling you about how it is, wishing that it should have been them instead of you.
Then months after, while it was summer break and the whole Leclerc family stayed in Monaco to take a break, while Checo never left your side. Every waking day, he’d do his daily routine of waking up, kissing your forehead, freshening himself up, getting food and eating beside you, tell you fond memories you both created, get ready for rest, kiss your forehead again, whispers “i love you”, holds your hand, sleeps on the chair beside your bed, and repeat.
It honestly worried Max and Christian about how he was letting himself go because of you. They both knew you well enough that you wouldn’t want Checo to turn out like this just because you were in bed. They sometimes offered to watch over you, Christian especially because in his eyes you were like his own daughter (since you were a driver for Red Bull KTM). Checo would often refuse but there are times where he’d give up because he was tired of arguing.
When Christian would watch over you, he’d talk about what is happening to the team, both F1 and MotoGp. He would express his concern about Checo and Max, and sometimes things he would only tell you. Same goes for Max when he watches over you, he’d tell you about how he wished his dad would be proud of him or tell him that he was proud of him.
One day during summer break, Checo was staring into nothingness as his mind flew to different places when he heard a squeak. He blinked his eyes and looked around to see if there were any rodents or anything, but when he saw none, his eyesbrows scrunched as his expression contorted into confusion. When he started zoning out again, there was another squeak and when he looked around and saw nothing again, he was starting to get pissed. That was until you squeezed his hand against yours weakly.
Checo was flabbergasted. You were awake. You were awake and looking at him. He let out tears of joy as you looked at him confused, asking him what’s the matter. Checo sat down and explained everything to you, after the conversation he called your family that you were conscious again.
When your family arrived, the doctor came in and explained how after a few months of physical therapy, you’ll be back to your old life except you won’t ever get back to motor racing. While your family was devastated, you let out a small smile saying it was about time you retired. They all looked at you in disbelief and you assured them you’ll be alright, since now you can be able to watch your husband and siblings’ race.
Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthur let out a sigh of relief as now you won’t be doing anything risking your life while Checo pulled you in a deep kiss, whispering how much he missed doing that.
There ya go! Angst with fluff ending AHAHAHAHAHA I HOPE ITS AS YOU EXPECTED CAM!
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forever-rogue · 2 years
cute Steve idea got to me and it won't leave. 😫 husband! Steve and reader are talking about kids and they both get super excited about the idea. and when they talk about it more Steve notices the reader slowly drifting,staring into space. then she says she worries about not being the mom that a child needs, being good enough for them, because they deserve love. then Steve cheers her up saying " you will be the best mom!" "but I cant take that title away from you, mama steve" fluffy fluff 💜
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AN | If you’re going to have babies with someone, I think Stevie’s a good choice 🥺🥰
Warnings | Discussions of children/pregnancy
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 1.1k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Despite what you would have thought, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. You heard a knock on the bathroom door that pulled you back to reality and reminded you that your husband was on the other side, also eagerly awaiting an answer. Unfortunately, you knew that his reaction wouldn't be the same as yours.
You opened the door slowly and shook your head as you held out the test to him. He took it gently, his fingers brushing against yours as he looked over the test before turning his attention back to you. He tried to read your expression, and leaned in to press a few soft kisses to your lips. 
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he brushed his thumb over your cheek as you nodded. Suddenly you weren't so sure if you were relieved after all. You did want to have a baby, Steve's baby, but you were terrified of the idea of actually having a baby. It was a complex web of emotions and you couldn't stop the swell of emotions that caused tears to well up in your eyes, "honey."
"I-I don't know, Stevie," you admitted and looked away, not wanting to have a complete breakdown. You knew if you met his eyes, his soft, sweet eyes, you'd cry that much harder, "I-I think I'm alright."
"Hey," he put his finger under your chin and tilted your face up towards him. Your lip trembled as you looked at him and he tutted lightly. He took your hand in his larger, warmer one and started to lightly pull you towards the bedroom, "c'mere."
You sat down at the edge of the bed, hanging your head. Steve got down on his knees in front of you, hands resting on your thighs, "talk to me, sweetheart. What's wrong?"
“Steve,” you put your hand on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. You knew what you wanted to say - what you had to say, you just weren’t sure how he would respond. That was the worst part of all, “my first thought was that I was happy it was negative. Relieved.”
“What?” his expression faltered as you looked at him with big, worried doe eyes, “what do you mean? I-I thought…we wanted this? Do you not want to have a baby anymore?”
“N-no, I do,” you promised and he seemed to relax a little, “really. I’m just…getting to this point, where I’m actually testing to see if I’m pregnant makes it seem more real. It is real. But I’m…scared, Stevie.”
“It is scary,” he agreed softly, reaching up to cup your cheek in his hand, “and honestly, I can’t even imagine being in your position, because you’re the one that has to go through a whole pregnancy. I’d probably be more worried if you weren’t nervous, angel.”
“You always know what to say, huh?” you put your hand on top of his and brought it to your lips to press a gentle kiss to his knuckles, “I love you, Steve.”
“I’m your husband,” he grinned; he loved getting to say that and loved telling anyone that would listen that you were his wife, “I’m always here to support you. I love you so, so much.”
“I know,” you slid off the bed and onto the floor, plopping down in front of him. Steve wasted no time in pulling you into his lap and settling his hands on your hips in a firm but gentle grasp, “you are going to be a wonderful father, Steve. Any kid - our kids - are going to be so lucky to call their father. But I…I can’t…I’m worried I won’t be a good mother. I feel like you’re so good with kids and babies - I mean Eddie’s baby adores you and the kids look up to you so much, especially Dustin. And then…there I am. I don’t know if I’ll be a good mom.”
“Baby,” he took your face in his hands and gently peppered soft kisses all over your face, “you are going to be the best mother ever. I have no doubt about that. We are going to be the best parents ever. Or the most metal as Eds would say. You’re going to be the best mom.”
“Steve,” your heart felt like it was full to bursting with his soft words of reassurance. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning in and kissing him, “I love you. But no one can replace you, Mama Steve.”
“I love you,” a pretty flush of pastel pink welled up in his cheeks as you looked at him with nothing short of pure adoration, “but I mean it, angel. It’s not going to be easy, I mean we’re going to be bringing a whole new human into the world. A human that we’re going to be responsible for…I think we should be nervous. But I also know that together we’ll be able to figure it out. Look at all the shit we’ve gotten through…we can survive a baby.”
“Yeah,” you worried your bottom lip between teeth before nodding, “I think you’re right.”
“Of course I am,” he teased softly before brushing a few rogue strands of hair out of your face, “hey, we’ve got this. I mean it, baby. And if you ever need a boost or a bit of reassurance, you know I’m here for you. Always, my queen.”
“Such a dork. The kids and Eddie have really gotten to you,” you laughed lightly as a few tears rolled down your cheek. He reached up and gently wiped them away, “thank you, Stevie. I…I really can’t wait to have your baby.”
“I can’t wait to get you pregnant,” he leaned in and nudged your nose with his before kissing you softly, “but, if you want to wait a little bit longer, we can do that too. There’s no rush, no need to do this right away. When you’re ready, we’ll do it.”
“I…I think I am ready,” you promised, “I just…as long as you’re with me, I think - I know we’ll be okay. I might just need a little bit of reassurance every now and then.”
“And I’ll be here to give it to you,” you sighed wistfully as you melted into his arms and let him hold you tightly, “I’ve got you, angel, I’ve always got you. I love you.”
“I love you, Stevie.”
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fluffydice · 2 years
KuboSai fluffy one-shot to make the brain happy!
Wordcount: 1,243
Aren removed his helmet and stretched his arms up with an exaggerated, drawn-out groan. His shoulders and back popped pleasantly, and he pulled his arms back down to cover his mouth as he yawned. Work was exhausting, but when wasn’t it? It paid him and gave him shit to do, so he couldn’t complain (much).
He shook out his hair, trying to get some of the soft sleepiness out of his system. Aren wasn’t off the hook just yet. He still had schoolwork to look forward to. 
He nudged the kickstand on his beloved bike out before slinging a leg over to hop off. His Ma would be home, so it shouldn’t be an issue if his Pops was here. Aren would throw down on some leftovers and shower, and hopefully, it would keep him up. 
He stepped up to the door, unlocked it, and stepped in with a tossed-out, “I’m home.” 
His Ma came into view, her eyepatch off and her face grinning. “Ey, punk. Your little sweetheart is here.”
“Kusuo’s here?” Aren asked. The way his demeanor instantly perked up might have embarrassed him if he were a lesser man. But he loved his boyfriend and wanted goddamn everyone to know it. 
“Yeah, he came around an hour ago. We had dinner and everything,” she chuckled. “I’d feel bad for putting the kid on the spot if I didn’t know he had balls of steel.”
Aren, admittedly, wasn’t paying too much attention. He was more focused on the fact that Kusuo was here! He definitely wasn’t worried about falling asleep anymore.
“Thanks, Ma,” he said, darting forward to plant a loud kiss on her cheek. She snorted and turned his face to give him one of her own. 
“Leftovers in the fridge, kid. Your boy’s in your room.”
He gave her a quick thanks before beelining it to his bedroom. He wasn’t sure if his Pops was here, but he frankly didn’t care because he had the cutest, badass-est (leave him alone, he’s in love, okay?) boy in the world waiting for him. 
With how excited he was, you would think he’d be disappointed to find Kusuo asleep. 
You would be very wrong.
Aren Kuboyasu, the Demon-Killer of Ibaraki who had led the most feared gang in his old city, pressed a hand over his heart and cooed adoringly at the sight before him. 
Kusuo had curled around a pillow, his arms wrapped around it and his hands clutching it loosely. He had cocooned himself snugly in Aren’s comforter and had his nose buried into the pillow in front of him. His glasses were slightly askew, while his hair looked soft and messy. 
Aren padded forward. While he was aware that watching someone sleep could constitute, maybe, as creepy, he was even more aware that Kusuo was adorable and needed to be admired. 
Besides, he was almost positive that Kusuo watched him while he slept, even though Aren was pretty sure he wasn’t the most graceful sleeper. 
Looking down at his boyfriend, Aren felt something warm and sweet bubble in his chest. It made him feel giddy and light, similar to the sensation of being carried by Kusuo in the air. The memory made him smile, while also reminding him of his theory. 
Now that Kusuo was sleeping, he wanted to try something. 
Not…something creepy, though. He promises!
A while back, Aren had asked Kusuo about how his telepathy worked while he slept. He had thought about it for a bit, then shrugged. 
“I’m not sure. I guess I can still sense people, but not quite their thoughts. Emotions and intentions are a lot easier to pick up on because they express themselves differently. 
“Differently?” Aren had asked. 
“It’s more like…” Kusuo hesitated, biting his lip and glancing at the ceiling like it would give him the words. “It’s hard to describe. People’s thoughts are different from their feelings. I hear words, sure, but I actually experience a bit of their emotions. Like an explosion of color, would be the easiest way to put it. And I still get those while I sleep, just not as powerful.”
Aren whistled. “Damn, that’s pretty wicked.”
“Not really,” Kusuo frowned. “Negative emotions are more potent than positive ones, at least in my experience. It…”
He peeked over at Aren, gaze wary but beginning to soften in trust. “... It’s exhausting,” he admitted quietly.
Aren continued to look down at his sweet boy, feeling silly but wanting to try it now when nobody else was around. He didn’t quite know how to go about this, so he just kind of…felt really hard toward Kusuo, trying to project the shimmering, utter love he felt for him. 
For a moment, nothing happened. Aren had to fight to keep his embarrassment at bay, despite being alone. But then, Kusuo somehow softened even more, a tension in his brow Aren hadn’t even noticed finally unwinding. Kusuo snuggled deeper into the pillow, and an odd, brief rumble emanated from him before it was quickly cut off.
Oho, Aren was in fucking bliss because that was the cutest thing ever. And his super sneaky plan to test his theory out worked! And he had a new one to test now, to see whether or not that was a purr Aren had heard.
But alas, such experiments would have to wait because he had shit to do. So as much as he wanted to slot into Kusuo’s arms and take the place of the pillow he was pretty damn sure was acting as his replacement, he had to be responsible and-
A soft, discontent noise escaped his boy, and Aren instantly snapped to attention. Kusuo’s brows had furrowed sharply, and his hands had released the pillow. Now, he was clumsily groping the sheets next to him like he was looking for something. 
Aren stared in confusion for a few seconds until another upset chirp left Kusuo. He had curled up tighter and was now fisting the sheets, looking grumpy.
Like a lightning strike, it hit Aren. 
Kusuo was looking for him. Kusuo was looking for him. 
Holy shit, Aren was going to have a heart attack and keel over from too much sweetness. He’d probably realized Aren was here and didn’t understand why he wasn’t being cuddled. Holy shit, he was going to die. 
As he leaned forward to take the pillow, Kusuo fought him for a second before his eyes fluttered open. Aren smiled as his sleepy and unfocused eyes searched his face, then huffed softly in amusement as Kusuo made grabby hands. He grumbled lowly in response to his laughter, so Aren figured the best way to ply forgiveness was to give into Kusuo’s demands. Slotting perfectly into those strong arms, Aren cupped the back of his boyfriend’s hair and slung an arm around his waist in return.
Kusuo made one final noise, a pleased and content hum, and snuggled into Aren’s neck. His hands gripped the back of his sweater, and he finally settled, sighing blissfully. Aren welled up with an emotion so strong he couldn’t help but press a kiss to that mop of bubblegum pink hair.
His boyfriend’s breathing quickly deepened, and Aren felt himself beginning to follow. A stray thought about his work crossed his mind as his eyes began to lid, but he really couldn’t give a shit about that now.
After all, homework was temporary. This boy was forever, and that mattered much more to Aren. 
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yuujispinkhair · 8 months
haiii winter!! how are u today?? I wanted to ask u something!! what is something you adore reading in fics and whats a fanfic pet peeve?(something that gives u the ick) LMAO I just thought this would be a cute ask! hope uve had a lovely day!!
Heyyy Gabs 💗💗 I'm pretty good! I hope you are too 💗 Oooh, I will read pretty much anything 😂 But I have some little things I don't like for certain characters or ship dynamics. For example, I don't read fics where Yuuji gets portrayed as a bully or a mean guy because, personally, it hurts my heart to imagine that. I also don't read fics where the character cheats on the reader because it is too painful for me. And for the ship Megumi x Yuuji, I prefer fics where Megumi is the top and Yuuji the bottom... so Fushiita instead of Itafushi ;) I will only read Itafushi if the story is by a writer I already know and love.
But those are just a personal preference. I think everyone can write and read what they like. I can't remember if anything ever gave me an ick or caused a strong negative reaction. I don't really think so.
What I really adore are fluffy fics, and I am a sucker for pining and seemingly unrequited love that turns into love. Also, I love love love modern!Sukuna AUs, especially when he is portrayed with a soft side. That is my big weakness 😭💗
But also all kinds of stories where a "monster" gets treated with love and tenderness. I adore College AUs because they let me dream about a life I could have if I was a bit more independent and braver. I love Soulmate fics because the thought of being connected to someone by a red string of fate is comforting to me. I love the thought of not having to make any decisions or knowing that you cannot make any wrong decisions because fate will still lead you into the arms of your soulmate. I love the thought that there is someone just for you 💗
I just really adore stories that make me cry because I get so emotional. I love characters with tragic backstories who closed themselves off but now learn how to love. I love stories about people who think they are unlovable but then find someone who loves them. I love stories about characters who always wear a mask to hide their true feelings but then meet someone who sees through that mask or who they allow to see the person beneath the mask 😭💗
AAAHH I could go on forever 😂😂 I am just so happy that there are so many wonderful fanfics and everyone can find something they love!!
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storyteller-kara · 2 months
The Different God
"Human's can not have power. The mortal world we built for harmony, peace, a land where life can flourish and be happy with the content of their lives.” The Elder god seemed against all aspects that meant giving any more power to the mortal realm they had just created. Everyone was seeming to agree with him as well. Many other gods talked, offering their opinion and reasons as to why. “If we give them more power than we have, it could lead to corruption. Many would die and yet we would need to rebuild all we worked so hard for, it would be shameful to bring life into a world just to have it all destroyed by death in seconds.” “Their greed would control their minds before we know we even acknowledge it.” “I agree.” The meeting seemed to go on for hours and hours. A woman at the far end seemed rather not amused, as the white cobra which laid happily upon her seemed to keep her at bay. Her more clear blue eyes mixed with white seemed to hold a grudge against the words being spoken. Why make a race if you couldn’t give something you have within you to them. It seemed unfair, a moral to which the women didn’t like in the slightest. The Elder god seemed quite curious, all the gods were speaking, voicing, and yet one wasn’t. “Silence. Madelief?” The woman tapped her shoulder twice, a signal the cobra seemed to understand as it moved. Slithering from her lap, all the way to the designated area, her shoulder. The woman then stood up. Her hair seemed a bit longer than her shoulders as it was a bit fluffy and curly as the silver locks didn't move as much. Her black outfit seemed to outline some of her features, trims of gold seemed to contrast greatly to the obsidian color. “Yes Elder?” Her voice, although she looked intimidating, was soft and gentle, holding back any emotion of rage that so desperately wanted to seethe through like snake venom itself. “I want you to voice your opinion. You’re rather quiet for someone who is always so straight forward.” Madelief scoffed, she hated being mocked for her behavior not being as ‘God Like’ as the many who sat before her. The cobra on her shoulder hissed as if it felt Madelief’s pure intentions inside. “I find the idea of not giving them a bit of our power revolting.” The room was silent, no one dared to whisper. The Elder seemed more enraged by this answer, clearly not one he had hope to hear. “What is your reasoning? Clearly only you think otherwise, which is preposterous given who you are.” “My power and status as a god has nothing to do with whether or not I agree or disagree with your child-like behavior. I’m simply thinking and speaking for myself and like everyone else in here my statement should be accounted for. And for that I believe the mortals should be given a small fraction of our power. We do not know how they could use it to thrive and become functional, or burn everything ablaze in their path of destruction. If I am a God as you all say I believe we should take a risk.” “YOU ARE A MERE GOD! THIS SUCH IDEAS ARE FOOLISH! YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF YOUR FAMILY AND THE ONES WHO CAME BEFORE YOU ON HOW THEY COULD LET A CHILD LIKE YOU TURN INTO A GOD.” The Elder pointed to the door. “Take you and that vermin out of my domain. As your Elder, you are the only one with that option out of us all therefore your ‘option’ has been demolished. We will not be giving the mortal realm our powers, that is not up for discussion.” Madelief walked out of the room, the bottom of her dress swayed elegantly as herself seemed unfazed by the slander she had taken. “If that is what you wish, then shall it be written. If those people suffer, because someone thought of the negatives, I'm glad I’m not to blame for being in charge.” With that she was gone, and no there uttered a word, standing by the Elder who still seemed to be fuming.
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thewholecrew · 1 year
@wcrriorhearts said: Send 🛏️ for our muses snuggling up in bed / Send 🍼for our muses talking about having/adopting a baby / grant & daisy
everything was different now and yet he felt more at home than he ever had before. months had passed now after he chose to stay, after he finally let down the walls he had been building in attempts to keep his demons contained and keep daisy safe. how did it take so long for him to realize that those walls weren't doing either of those things. daisy knew his demons and she had forgiven them, accepted them, all she wanted was to be let in. now she was and as they laid there in their bed, his arm around her as she cuddled up against his chest, resting her head on his shoulder he cursed himself internally at how much time he had wasted with this stupid cat and mouse act he'd been putting them through.
his head tilted, looking down at her with a small smile before leaning down to press a soft kiss to her hair, hugging her closer a moment. he loved her. he had always loved her and after all these years it never changed. sure that feeling had gone dormant but the second they had run into one another again it was as if his love for her were burning embers stoked to life. he hadn't been sure if she'd ever feel that way towards him again, after betraying the team. he saw the hatred in all their eyes and it broke him. but she had forgiven him and it was something he hadn't seen coming, he had no road map for if and when she'd forgiven him and grant would like to think that was also why he struggled so much with getting close to her again.
"what are you thinking about?" he asked her quietly as she traced patterns across his bare chest. calloused fingers stroked through her hair as he felt so content with himself he still needed occasional reminders that he wasn't dreaming. what if... we started a family? daisy said quietly and grant's eyes widened in surprise, heart skipping a beat at what that suggestion even meant. they had started a little family, well somewhat, the two of them with their little fluffy mutt, bear, curled up at the foot of the bed. but.. did she mean...? do you think you could see yourself having a child with me? he felt speechless at the question, blinking before he nodded, not wanting his shock to be taken as a negative reaction. "o-of course... but.. you would with me?"
again, though his walls were lowered he still struggled to fully grasp she chose him, she loved him, she wanted to be with him and now... start a family with him. his expression twisted as a surge of emotion made his eyes burn and a lump form in his throat. carefully, he sat up a bit, turning to fully look at her, maybe her serious and sincere expression would help him believe her. "you... really mean that?" he couldn't help but ask, almost hesitantly as if afraid she would laugh and say she was kidding. but daisy wouldn't do that, logically he knew, yet his fear played with his mind. grant had always wanted to be a parent, a father. as much as he feared failing them as his father did him, it also made him want to be as far from that man as possible. swallowing thickly, he smiled, looking down at her with glossy honey eyes as he nodded, "i... i would love that..."
his hand raised to cup her cheek softly, thumb brushing along her skin as he then leaned down to first press a chaste kiss to her forehead, his heart squeezing with the love he never thought he'd feel, before catching her soft lips with his own for a tender kiss.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request an Ateez reaction to you being unusually cuddly and just latching onto them after a long day? Maybe because you're upset about something, or just tired, on your period etc. I've been feeling really tired lately and the thought of cuddling the fuck out of them is one of the few remaining things that keep me going lol. But if you don't want to write this, that's completely fine too of course!!! Thank you and have a nice day :) ❤️
ateez reaction to you being in need of comfort
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genre: fluff
word count: 1k
warnings: joong's and hwa's reactions are sort of like mini scenarios?? idk it still cute and fluffy all the same
author's notes: lowercase intentional. oh anon i totally feel you on this one :( i am super proud of you, please get some rest when you can. i hope these reactions make you feel a little better. sending lots of love <3
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it had been a long, stressful week, to say the least. so you decide to join hongjoong in the studio one afternoon. you'll be sitting with him quietly, watching him do his thing. but the need for physical contact took over you. you decide to get up, walking over to him, at first wrapping your arms around him from behind. he smiled fondly at your touch, turning around to look at you. what he didn't expect was to see tears glisten over your eyes. "jagi..." hongjoong's voice was soft, quiet, laced with sympathy and love. he turned his chair around to face you fully and pulled you onto his lap. "i'm sorry joongie" you whimpered as you hugged him tightly. "i'm just a bit tired and sensitive today that's all." hongjoong would shush your apologies and rub circles on your back to soothe you. "it's okay, i got you."
life just wasn't treating you right lately. you had become emotionally exhausted and it took a big toll on you. so when you slipped into seonghwa's room, you didn't want to make eye contact with him. he immediately notices your uncharacteristic demeanour. "y/n? you okay sweetie?" he inquired. finally giving in and looking at him, you burst into tears, not being able to control yourself anymore. seonghwa would rush up to you, extremely concerned. he would scoop you up in his arms and cradle you, letting you cry into his neck. he himself would probably be emotional and distressed from your crying in general. you cling onto him for the rest of the night and he clings onto you too. there's no way he's letting you go.
yunho is such an easy boyfriend. if you want space? he will give it to you. similarly, if you want to hang off of him like a koala bear the whole day, who is he to deny such a request? yunho just loves to know that he is your source of comfort. his way of soothing you is by distracting you from any negative thoughts by talking about other different random things. he likes to make jokes here and there because he wants to see you smile <///3 but all this time he is using the sweetest, softest voice for you. as much as he likes joking around he does take your emotions seriously, so if he senses that his jokes aren't landing the way he wants them to, he will stop and provide you with a big bear hug <//3
i know yeosang seems quite shy but he does like to feel needed/wanted. so on the days when you just need him to hold you and cuddle you softly, he would really like that. he is such a softie :(( he would just love cuddling in peaceful silence with you, both of you relaxing together and dwelling in each others company. you both are very comforted. if you are just tired, it is easier for him to comfort you, getting you relaxed and making you comfortable enough to drift off to sleep in his arms. however, if you are sad, he might be a little awkward at first, not knowing how to comfort you. he would likely stay silent and pull you in for a tight hug, letting you cry and vent to him about anything.
he is like an expert in comforting you because he knows exactly what to say and do to make you feel better. san is would be just as clingy as you tbh. he just lives and thrives off of cuddles so when you tell him you are sad and weak and just want to be close to him the boy literally melts. 'ahh my baby you have nothing to worry about, i'm here" he would say in his cute pouty voice that he does, all to make you feel better. he will sit you on his lap and cuddle you so close, cooing and kissing all your worries and negative thoughts away. looking at you with so much affection in his eyes, he will not stop saying how much he loves you.
this guy wants cuddles all the time like it's not a joke. he might stiffen up a bit when he sees you upset because he is anxious he might say or do the wrong thing and possibly hurt your feelings or make things worse. but he tries his very best. you will both get into your pyjamas and he will pull you onto his chest so you guys are all snuggly together. he will probably put on a comfort movie and play with your hair, whispering different compliments here and there: "you look so beautiful today" and "i can't believe you're mine." would feel proud if you fell asleep on him, because he knows he's made you feel relaxed <3333
"why are you latching onto me huh? did you miss me that much today?" wooyoung's tone would be playful as he teased you, feeling your arms wrapped around his form in a back hug. when he doesn't hear you respond he turns around to face you, and after seeing your tearful and exhausted face, he softens and pulls you in for a deeper hug. "well i still don't think you missed me as much as i missed you baby" he says in a gentler tone, giving you a reassuring squeeze before plopping on the couch with you, cuddling the night away.
jongho isn't used to you being extra cuddly. he doesn't really know what to do at first, sort of quirking up an eyebrow when you continue to hang onto him and embrace him. but he will accept your affection with a light-hearted chuckle. still, he can sense something isn't quite right. "you okay, jagi?" he would ask in a soft but firm voice. when you lower your gaze, he would reach out to grab your hand and pull your body closer to his. "tell me what's wrong then. i'm here. i'm listening."
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ilovekazuhaa · 3 years
What about being Pepa’s youngest child? I loved the Julieta one🥰💕
How it would be like being Pepa’s youngest child!!
Part 2> Part 3
yes sure!!! sorry if these hcs seem a little repetitive lol. also sorry it took me so long to get to this, i have so many requests atm!!!
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Although you were young, you couldn’t help but notice that your mama acted more carefully and treated you more fragile than anyone else.
For example, if she had a cloud over or head or if she was visibly upset and was raining, it would immediately stop when she went to greet you or give you a hug.
Always spoke to you softly with phrases such as “Mi bebe” and “Mi amorcito”.
Whenever it was hot out, you’d ask your mama to make it snow or rain and she’d do it. No questions asked.
You’d sit on her lap and enjoy the tiny snowflakes that fell. You even let some of them fall on your tounge.
Your tounge hanging out of your mouth you told her, your words slurred “Mama loof at ma tougnf!”
You pointed to your tounge, eyes wide in amazement. It made her so happy to see you like this. So happy to see you so excited. She tried to bask in the moment as much as she could.
“Wow! Would you look at that!”
She was so amused that you found her mini snowstorms and rain clouds to be a good thing, instead of something annoying or bothersome.
But seriously, Pepa was so greatful that you never saw her clouds as something terrible. You never told her to “calm down” or “stop raining” when she couldn’t control her emotions at times.
You’d try to replicate your papa Felix’s behavior. He was so patient and gentle with your mama, you wanted to be like that too.
You’d often just sit next to her and tell her about your day, which was what calmed her down the most.
“Look at you, all grown up” she’d always say, leaving sloppy kisses all over your face.
Whenever she ruffled your hair, it always reminded her of clouds, because it was so soft and fluffy.
Wanting to be of more use at times, she’d try to cook in the kitchen. This would be okay but she’s had several accidents in the past including almost burning down Casita. So you thought it was always best to steer her away from the kitchen everytime that idea came up in her head.
“Uhh- Tia Julieta! Mama is trying to cook again, come quick!”
Thank god that Julieta would always be able to convince your mama to step away from the stove, she was a life saver.
When your mama had a lot on her mind she often went cloud gazing. She’d just lay in a corn field and just look up at the beautiful sky. The beautiful view above her made her negative feelings fade away immediately.
When no one knew where she was, you always did. After giving her some time alone, you joined her in the field. She always layed in the same place, so it was easy to find her.
Sensing your presence from behind, she’d put her arm out and tap the empty space next to her, signaling for you to lay down with her.
Without a word, you made yourself comfortable in her embrace. She stroked your hair as she put her forehead against yours.
She looked into your eyes, mumbling “You are my sun, mi bebe. My universe.”
This made your heart burst with love for her. How were you so lucky to have a mom like this?
You always promised yourself that when you grew up, you’d take good care of her like she does to you.
Since you were her youngest, she always let little things slide like eating sweets before dinner or burping out loud.
You thought she never noticed, sneaking a few pieces of candy or covering your mouth right after you burped.
The sight of you trying to be sneaky was so cute to her. But when it came to your older siblings, they were never shown any mercy.
Sometimes you’d help Camilo steal arepas from your Tia Julieta.
Depending on what she was doing you’d either sneak with him under the table where the food was, providing extra hands to hold all of the food or you would distract her by talking to her about random things.
“Tia, look at what I drew!” You showed her a drawing of you and your mama.
The woman turned around, attention turning away from the table of food.
“Wow! This is amazing! What is it… exactly?” she asked, unsure.
You explained the drawing to her, watching Camilo steal some food from the table.
“Y/N, I think that you should give this to your mama. She’ll love it. It would make her so happy.”
After Camilo’s signal, you nodded and walked away. Now you felt a little bad stealing food from your tia. She was so kind to you about your drawing.
Walking upstairs with Camilo, you two talked about how good of a plan that was until you bumped into something. Or someone.
Looking up, you saw your mama.
“Hello my beautiful children, going somewhere?” the woman said, a cloud forming over her head. She tapped her foot and her arms were crossed. Oh no. She knew exactly what the two of you had done.
With your drawing still in hand, you gave it to her. Her eyes widened at the drawing, eyes scanning over it as her cloud began fading.
Pictured was you and your mama holding hands, laying down in the fields together. The both of you were looking up at the sky, smiling. The both of you had your hands behind your head, using them as a cushion.
Although your drawing skills weren’t that good since you weren’t even 5 yet, the drawing was distinguishable enough, right?
She crouched down to your level and smiled. Cupping your face, she looked at your drawing once more.
“This is so beautiful, I love it.” Your mama’s eyes started tearing up. This gave Camilo the chance to slip away.
She picked you up and sat on a chair, you snuggled your head into her shoulder as she hummed softly, rocking the chair back and forth.
Whenever your mama wasn’t there and you heard people badmouthing her, you never hesitated to stand up for her.
“Who are you to say that! You don’t know her like I do. She’s perfect just the way she is! Her clouds, her rain, her snow, I love it all!”
Obviously, this did not go unnoticed by your mother. It only made her love you more.
When she noticed that kids were bullying/making fun of you. She’d go near them and ‘almost’ zap them, a strike of thunder hitting right next to where they were standing. She wanted to spark some fear in the children but not actually hurt them.
She never told you this of course.
The children usually stopped bothering you right after this and you told her how happy you were that your looks alone scared them away.
Shaking her head, she ruffled your hair and pulled you close for a forehead kiss.
“Guess that you’re just that intimidating, huh mi bebe.”
At night, she’d always tell you the same thing before she tucked you in. “Remember, if you get scared you can come sleep with mama. You can wake me up and I can sing you to sleep.”
“But you won’t get mad if I wake you up?” you asked.
“No…” she smiled, caressing your cheek with her thumb “I could never get mad at you. Look how cute you are” she said, tickling you a little.
“You can come to me anytime. Okay?” she said, giving you one last kiss and putting your favorite teddy bear next to you. “Lights on or lights off?”
She knew the answer, you always said off, but you were going to want the door open a little.
“Door open, a little open, or closed?” As she said this, she swung the door open and closed to see which way you wanted it.
“A little open” you said.
“Good night, mi sol. Never forget how much your mami loves you.”
“Good night mama, never forget how much your baby loves you” you responded, holding your teddy bear tightly.
She smiled and left your door a little bit open. Her heart melted at your words.
As she walked towards her room for the night, she wanted to stay with you and never leave your side. It seemed as if the mother and child role were switched.
How could she ever wait till morning to see you again?
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