#to which my father and little brother were both like 🤨
the fact that I can feel myself slowly spiraling back into a full-blown mauraders era obsession literally seconds after I see Remus make his first appearance in PoA during my annual rewatch of it is..... actually kind of insane now that I type it out 🧍‍♀️anyway
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
ShuggyUta family is so cute and funny bc like.
One one hand - AAAA CUTE Uta one day having the EPIPHANY that half of her hair is WHITE, and HAIR DYE EXISTS so she hunts down the closest blue to Buggy's hair. She dyes it in the middle of the night, and either comes out next morning completely casual OR bursts out like "DAD, PAPA, LOOK NOW I HAVE BOTH OF YOU WITH ME :DD"
They both implode immediately ((and Buggy gives her the "The sentiment is so sweet baby, but remember you never ever have to change your appearance to be worthy of love. If you want to, want it for yourself, okay? We love you no matter what" talk))
Then there's also the shenanigans.
Buggy: .... whatchya got there?
Shanks and Uta, both holding one of Luffy's hands, holding cups in the other: ........ smoothies?
Buggy: Shanks so help me, I TOLD YOU not to get another kid-
Shanks: whaaaaaat? Hahaha, no Bugaboo. You told me very specifically I am not to adopt another child :))
Buggy: so why are there two new children in the kitchen
Luffy: I adopted them!
Uta: we have big brothers now!
Shanks: you told me not to adopt anyone. You didn't tell Lu or Uta.
Buggy: alright. That one's on me.
Rayleigh, surprise visiting his kids: hello my children, I have swam across the Grandline- is that a kid?
Buggy, Uta on one hip, Sabo on his shoulders, Luffy on his back and Ace clinging to his leg and glaring death at Ray: four, actually.
Ray: I'm a grandpa? And you didn't TELL ME??
Shanks: happy mothers day, Bug!
Buggy: i'm... not a woman?
Shanks: maybe not but you ARE a botto-
Buggy: punches him I'm keeping the roses and chocolates
Buggy and Shanks teaching them the pirates code, weapons, Haki, sailing, navigation, etc.
Shanks has a moment of "is it really okay to have them on the ship? We were in danger, Bug, it hurt us, what if we're hurting THEM-??"
Buggy smacks him. "We're learning from our dads' mistakes, Red. It's not perfect. We're not perfect. We just need to be the best we can and always put them first. We need to communicate. If we leave them, we can't protect them. If we leave, they'll be on their own. This is the lesser evil. We need to have their security as our priority. We're pirates, but we're parents, too. We can not commit to one over the other, but we can't let it hurt our babies. They're ours now. We are NOT leaving them behind."
Ace gets a crash course in his history. It's rocky at first, but it's only bc he asks Buggy and Shanks ((separately, mind you)) about "if Gold Roger Had A Kid".
Buggy responds with a snort. "I mean, he kinda had two? But if we had another, then word, I guess? I'd be a little annoyed."
"Bc of his blood?"
"What? No. I'd be pissed that Captain didn't tell me. Asshole move, that. Why do you ask, freckles?"
Shanks, meanwhile, just shrugs. "Ya know how they say blood is thicker than water?"
"... yeah?"
"Yeah, it's bullshit. I wouldn't really care. If Captain had a kid, that's just not my business. I bled with him, for him, and he did for me. I think of him as my father, so I guess that would be sort of like... a little sibling, maybe? But it'd be up to the kid. Your blood doesn't define you, Ace. That's a lesson all good pirates know."
"......... mm."
Sabo, no warning, in the middle of dinner: I'm a runaway noble.
Shanks: oh neat.
Buggy: oh? Which family? Want me to rob them for you?
Sabo: you aren't mad???
Uta, shrugging: it doesn't matter. You're still a feral jungle brat. Besides, if anyone in the family passes as a fancy pants noble, it's me!
Buggy: 🤨
Uta: ... and mama Bug. I guess.
Luffy: I don't care. Sabo is Sabo.
Ace: yeah, what he said.
Buggy: I will still rob them though.
That's all I got rn baaaaiiii
Help these are all great 😭 You made my day with this <3
They just keep adopting kids and expanding the family. When they grow up, they get their partners and Zoro, Yamato, Koala, and Perona are there 24/7 because these kids cannot have a normal relationship that isn't based on codependency and both Shanks and Buggy have to deal with four more people around.
Ace telling them he is Roger's child and Sabo telling them he is a noble??? That kills me. They'd be so supportive and protective of them, too. It kills me.
Also, Buggy would ADORE these kids. Rayleigh comes over and sees the whole thing and Shanks thinks he's going to be angry because they didn't tell him but the man is just amazed they managed to have a family of their own without fucking up. Buggy keeps saying it was thanks to him because Shanks wouldn't have been able to do it on his own and, like, everybody agrees.
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
I’m the anon who loves rambling and let me tell u, I love gushing about anything!! If you’ll have me, I literally won’t stop talking!!
Why can I imagine Y/N just mimicking her father being an ass and her siblings just loving it and laughing?? (Ik she totally does the best impressions of him too!! (Maybe even because she’s so similiar to him, too!) (U know u got it bad when you start making headcanons of a fanfic 😭))
Btw Neteyam totally needs it!! He always thinks about his siblings, fortunately there is her sister, but who is actually there for her? (She just wishes for her dad to do his job and console her damn it😔)
I can also see that there is a bit of conflict (if I can call it that??) between Lo’ak and Y/N, both are considered trouble, so maybe they are a bit competitive against each other? Trying to see who can be the better child between the worst? (I’m sorry, maybe I’m reading a bit too much into it (as usual), but Lo’ak snickering while his sister is trying to understand why can’t she go through ikinimaya, while her younger brother (who is as bad as her) did.. She’s obviously a little bit hurt about it 😭 (can imagine her thinking like Lo’ak?? Mature?? Come on now)) (Also it’s a bit funny that the children who took after their father the most, butt heads the most too)
And Kiri just being an angel and trying to shut up Lo’ak..
Taking about Kiri (and Tuk!!) I can’t stop thinking about Y/N having a bit of a grudge against not like actually them, but at the situation and even feel resentment against her dad. Like Jake is so soft with them, why not with her?? (Like Tuk is the baby, but Kiri, too? Why?). (Y/N calling Kiri babygirl (dad’s nickname for Kiri!) to mock her a little bit, because deep down she just wishes her dad called her sweetheart again 😞)
Having such a big family makes the dynamics so interesting!! Y/N has become her own character in my head (I imagine her being named after her aunt Sylwanin 🥺, since some of the kids’ names can be so closely related to someone’s else, like Neteyam-Neytiri (maybe also Eytukan? Or Tsu’tey?), Kiri like Atokirina, Lo’ak-Mo’at (I also read somewhere that Lo’akur was an amulet related to the first Toruk Makto?) and then Tuktirey.. I read somewhere (I get hyperfixated sometimes) that Tìrey means life and Tuk sounds close to Eytukan, also Tsyeyk (Jake) soo maybe (I’m most likely delusional Ik 😭), and she’s so interesting, I’d read a whole book of her!
I got so sad thinking that Y/N first flight was ruined by the Sky People.. She couldn’t even get a good look at her Ikran ‘cause it was so dark, before being shot at, 😔
I can’t stop thinking about her relationship with Spider! Y/N being so close to her mother, I’d think she distanced herself from him (which I felt like Neteyam did so, too, but that is just my opinion!), and her being 4 fingered like her mother (in the film they don’t count the thumb?? When Kiri and Lo’ak were being bullied what was said was “four fingered freak” and it kept bothering me a little, maybe I’m just slow 😭) so she relates less with Kiri and Lo’ak and more with Neteyam, so as a result she as less of a relationship with Spider?
I can’t help but think that he is such a interesting and misunderstood character sometimes, so I was interested in what you thought!!
Btw I love the relationship she has with Neytiri ❤️
So beautiful, understanding and trusting relationship.
I’d write a book to explain what Y/N and Jake’s relationship does to me, like him being so hurt at her saying she hated him, how she picked up only when Neytiri asked her, him being scared of how the relationship has become and not knowing what to do about it.. Like I know only the eldest daughter could get away with what says to him, imagine taking to Toruk Makto like that 🤨(her siblings would NEVER, I’d like to think that they are secretly a bit intimidated by their older sis, like she has no fears taking to their dad like that?? But that’s the thing, to Y/N it’s her dad, not Olo’eyktan or Toruk Makto 😭, and she IS intimidated by him, she just doesn’t show it 😔). I can imagine if the siblings need someone to argue for them against their father, that’s Y/N, if they need something else, they just tell Tuk to go and ask, since she’s the baby 😭
Anyways, I think I rambled enough about nonsense and things that weren’t even that related to ur amazing fic, I’m so sorry 😭
I hope you have a great day!! ❤️
RAMBLE ANON!!! Thank you again for this extra bombastic essay like to think anyone would like my writing so much to elaborate on it -- I STILL cannot comprehend. This must have taken so much time to write out, so grateful to be at the receiving end of it! I'm so sorry to answer you so late! I wanted to do it after I published chapter 3 so I'd have more insight to give about the siblings 💞
Headcanons for MY fanfic!!! 😭😭😭 to think smth like this would ever happen to me LMAOOOOO PLEASE...
but! ur so right. Someone has to be the mimicker in the family!!!! You know she started out with Neteyam and then it spread, AHAH
And dont worry about her! Neytiri is there for her, she's not totally alone - her relationship with her mother is fantastic, which is one of the things I enjoy writing more<3 totally a momma's girl.
NOW, ONTO THE SIBLINGS! I can totally say Lo'ak and her are exactly like you're saying. They know how to have fun the most and forget about any beef in like one second after getting into the pettiest fights ever, and are toxic together -- like, fire and gasoline. never put them together or double trouble, that's why Neteyam acts as alkaline to the acid. They're SO similar. Act like they hate each other too, but in my imaginary sequel during ATWOW, she absolutely traumatizes Ao'nung for almost getting her baby brother killed. She's extremely protective and scary!!!
the situation with kiri and tuk is bitter to her, but she doesn't bear any ill will to them, only to jake. the denial isnt strong enough that she cant see why they cant be as they were, but the resentment that he isnt reaching out to her still remains. the babygirl idea is amazing though AHHHH
I have NEVER thought about where the characters names are coming from and this was eye opening omg.... and Y/N if she was an OC being named after Sylwanin? GALAXY BRAIN!!!!
also yes! even in chapter 3 she only gets a glimpse of his colors, like he's a shadowy blur to her,,, i actually havent decided his color scheme yet HABSDBDBS but her ikran is the sweetest thing, this video is how i imagine his personality 😭😭
also about spider! i honestly don't dislike him and find him so interesting, i just KNOW he's gonna be so important in the next movies. he's gonna get the zuko treatment like i cant wait to see what happens to the fandom after he has a glowup BSDSSJDS about Y/N and him though, i haven't planned it out to the fullest yet but the overall idea was that she basically is neutral, if that makes sense? they don't have much of a relationship. he's a harmless childhood friend who hangs out with her siblings and makes kiri happy. honestly she just has the vibe of an older sister who doesnt want to hang with her younger siblings BSBDSJDS
Im so happy you think jake and her relationship is THAT nuanced BSJDJD its the constipated father who's fed up with his daughter's attitude and the daughter who has the same exact attitude as him BSBSDSSDS they both cant talk to each other. shenanigans ensue
BUT! What I love the most about it like you said is that she is the only one who can and will bite back at him. like no hesitation. not even lo'ak can do it, he's too chicken for that. and like she'll fight jake for a corn seed it's always on sight BSBDEEU
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narutocharacterpolls · 10 months
wait why are so many sasuke fans saying fugaku wasn't so bad...... 🤨 didn't he make sasuke feel inferior and like a dissapointment bc itachi was his favourite child, and didn't even care enough about sasuke to attend his graduation until itachi basically pressured him into it. their mother is the one who was like "oh he's just bad at communicating" making excuses for him lol, but it doesn't change how badly he treated sasuke for years. not that samurai are a better option, but fugaku should go in the fire with all the other shitty dads lmao (ps. thanks for running this poll btw, life has been really tiring recently and this has amused me so much, I appreciate all the effort you've put in for us haha)
As we discussed, I will just be responding to the initial question of this to hopefully give some insight as to why many Sasuke lovers do actually like Fugaku.
First and foremost Sasuke doesn’t even dislike his father, Sasuke loves him!
Aside from that though, to actually delve into it, I feel that most Sasuke lovers are Uchiha lovers to begin with. People who tend to sympathize, relate to, understand, and adore Sasuke extend that to his clan which has been wronged for far longer than the Uchiha genocide. They went through decades on decades of being oppressed, and Fugaku had that weight on his shoulders to be responsible for the fate of his clan and how they were to be treated ongoing. He was under a lot of pressure and his focuses, unfortunately, did have to be diverged from Sasuke, and from Itachi in a way that Itachi actually needed. Sasuke was a kid and wasn’t included in knowing the situation their clan had been put in. He doesn’t know why his father is so incredibly busy and not solely focused on family. He’s a kid. He just doesn’t know. He wants attention and praise— which he does actually get from Fugaku, just not in the way and the intensity he desires it.
Fugaku never treated Sasuke in an abusive or even negative way, he just hadn’t given him praise in the exact way that Sasuke desired. His comparison of Sasuke to Itachi, to me, seems to be put in a way of encouraging Sasuke to grow, and alternatively sometimes telling him that it’s okay to slow down and not be like Itachi. Did this sit well with Sasuke? No, Sasuke didn’t receive that in a way that was beneficial to him, however Fugaku clearly had no malicious intent. Sasuke was a kid— a younger sibling at that— he’s going to take comparisons to his brother very personally. Nonetheless, Fugaku still praised him and gave him attention when he could, it just wasn’t well received from Sasuke (again, a clueless child to the situation at large).
Fugaku was frankly bad at communicating, and he was absolutely a little emotionally reserved. He wasn’t good at expressing his emotions, but he still clearly loved his family. He was with them when he could be, but again he had a LOT of expectations and weight on his shoulders at all times.
Yes, Fugaku gave more attention to Itachi, but he genuinely needed to. It wasn’t that Itachi was his favourite child, it’s that Itachi was (supposed to be, believed to be) a large and important role in the Uchiha coup d’état. So not only was Itachi someone he could give attention to during family time, but he was also involved in the other massive part of Fugaku’s life in this point of time. Sasuke however would see this and not understand, he doesn’t have the knowledge to be able to see why his brother is getting more attention than him.
All in all, Fugaku was burdened with a lot while his kids were both very young. It’s unfortunate, for sure, but it’s something that while looking at the big picture is understandable. Unfortunately it just wasn’t in a childs eyes. Was Fugaku the best dad in the world? Absolutely not. But is he really comparable to some of the other horrible fathers in Naruto? No, at least not in my opinion.
Additionally, I also just want to state that Fugaku taking Itachi to the war zone as a child was not canon to the manga. I believe it was a part of the Itachi Light novels.
I think this ask here also gives a nice perspective on the pro-Fugaku opinion too. I’m sure there are plenty other very good reasons I could add here too, I simply don’t have the time at the moment and this is already super long anyways LOL. Any Fugaku defenders can add to this as well with some other perspectives :)
Anyhow, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the poll and I hope this explanation may give a bit of insight as to why many Sasuke lovers do not actually hate Fugaku.
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More of My Thoughts on Young Sheldon Season 7 . . .
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I absolutely love seeing Sheldon's signature style blossoming! HE'S SO CUTE OMG.
"So, you condone cheating?" "Yeah. . . but with a wink." "I don't like winking either!" "What is wrong with winking?" "At the end of the day it leaves you with an uneven number of blinks per eye!"
Sheldon is the sweetest, purest boy in the entire world! He must be protected at all costs! 😩 I am absolutely enjoying watching Sheldon come of age and go through the awkward stage of puberty! Sheldon is already awkward as a baseline, but to see him in his teenage stage is like super cringe AND I LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF IT. From his disobeying his Momma to ride throughout Germany on a train, getting chased throughout the countryside by a tiny dog, having weird social encounters with his peers, creating sentient algorithms - well maybe this is just a day in the life of Sheldon Cooper, but it is makes it so much funnier with him all legs and limbs from his growth spurt, and his not-a-boy-not-quite-a-man vibes going on. I think it is so freak'in adorable, and I am SO UPSET that this season is going to be really short!
I just have to get this out or else I will just keep harping on it Sheldon Cooper style, but it is really upsetting that we didn't get a few more seasons of this show. I really wanted more of Sheldon in Germany (criminal how little we got of his stay there!) and I just need more Sheldon in general! There are too many storylines happening at once which is taking from the show's main focus - ahem! 🤨 My baby string bean! Instead all of these storylines could have been fleshed out with an even pace while we still being able to journey with Sheldon through his experiences. THIS SHOW IS CALLED YOUNG SHELDON I SHOULD BE GETTING SO MUCH MORE SHELDON CONTENT THAN THIS. *ahem* Anyway! Now that is out of my system, I do want to highlight one point of the story so far. I am not exactly sure where the end of this season will leave our Sheldon. I am noticing, though, that there does seem to be a separation happening between Sheldon and the rest of his family. Is this intentional? This could just be the result of all the colliding storylines, but if it is intentional... 😯 With the kids growing up, Meemaw losing her home, CeeCee, the wedding, and all the changes going on, Sheldon is no longer the center of his family's attention. Considering this whole show has emphasized how the family household has revolved and made their decisions around Sheldon and how this fact has effected both Missy and Georgie growing up, I don't see how this can't be a significant development. "I returned home from Germany with a family that no longer cherished me," Sheldon bemoans through his narration. This leads him back to his college dorm, where he unexpectedly meets what's-his-name and develops a little circle of computer science pals. (Why does Sheldon have better chemistry and endearing bonding moments with literally every other person in his life except Leonard??) Then when Sheldon and his friends create a trading algorithm that starts to develop independent actions, the comparison is made to Frankenstein's monster to which Sheldon indicates that that is actually a positive comparison. "You were on the Monster's side??" his new friend asks incredulously. "Unfairly hounded for being different? You betcha!" This ostracization that Sheldon feels is such a fundamental aspect of his life, and considering what is about to happen and that it will catapult him to Caltech, I can't help but see this as an indication of the catalyst forming. It breaks my heart to have to see Sheldon go through this, and makes me concerned for how they will resolve this in the show. The story is going to be ending on the lowest part of Sheldon's life. He loses his father, leaves to California all by himself (Tam doesn't come with him), he's estranged from his brother, and he is alone for many years before he meets his friends. The bond of family is such a profound piece of Young Sheldon, I just don't see how they are going resolve this schism that is between Sheldon and his family. And I don't know how they are going to do it in 8 episodes. 😕 I guess we will find out!
Random Thoughts: - I wonder if Meemaw's situation with Dale is morphing into her coming to her senses and she and John Sturgis will get back together! I would be so upset if there is no resolution to John Sturgis' storyline! - I kind of ship Missy and Billy! 🥰 I think they are both really cute together! - I really like Pastor Jeff this season! He seems a little edgier as a character, much more fun! Although, I still think he needed to seriously apologize for what he did to Mary, though, how he (and the church) treated her regarding Georgie and Mandy's situation. 😒 - I do really enjoy how American evangelicalism and religious culture has been handled in this show, though. It is both truthful and hilarious commentary, even while treating the characters as real people and not caricatures to ridicule. Of course my favorite aspect of this show is the relationship of Mary Cooper and Sheldon, and how their worldviews both clash and shape one another, so I was already impressed on their handling of Christian characters. This season has been so funny, though! The whole Baptists vs Catholic feud over CeeCee's baptism was so on point! OMG. 😄👌
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My Favorite Sheldon Cooper Quotes: German Police Officer: "It is okay, young man, we can speak English." Sheldon: "Not as well as my German, so stay with me!" *continues ranting in German* (Damn, Iain Armitage killed it with the German dialogue in this episode! I always love it when Sheldon speaks other languages with ease!) "Well, that was Chernobyl adjacent."
Cheater Guy: "Oh, so what is the girl situation here?" Sheldon: "Oh! I don't do that either." Cheater Guy: "You into guys?" Sheldon: "I'm into science! Everything else is a distraction." (That's my boy!!) Mary: "Shelly, everything okay?" Sheldon: "No, it is not! Both my computer and my trust have been betrayed!" George: "Well, okay. We are with company now so you can fill us in later." Sheldon: "I won't ruin your dinner with the suspense! Evan updated my computer!" Georgie: "Let me ask you a question. Can you un-baptize somebody?" Sheldon: "Since it is a magical ceremony that doesn't mean anything, then sure why not? In the name of science and reason I unbaptize you!" *makes the sign of the Cross* Georgie: "No! Not me! Put it back!" Sheldon: "Oh, okay! Control C, you're baptized." (This cracked me up so much! I think it is my ultimate favorite Georgie/Sheldon moment now! THESE BOYS ARE SUCH DWEEBS I LOVE THEM!)
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lostfracturess · 24 days
Yaga mirrored his stance, the tension between them a storm about to break. "Happened to me? Dr. Gojo, have you considered the consequences of your reckless behavior? You're the one spiraling, and frankly, it's becoming unbearable." at least satoru isn't a greedy old ass 🤨🤨🤨
"His gaze fixed on you over his glasses as he turned the screen, revealing your student record, the failing grades glowing a damning red. "Tell me, which subject would you like to miraculously pass? A click of my fingers, and it's done" he's so fucking disgusting, i bet she would rather die than take this kind of... sop. brother eugh
"Satoru couldn't know about your father's death day — the reason why starting this week was unthinkable. You didn't tell him. But why, then, was he so vehemently pushing back?" i just know he does. idk how but i am sure he does. and the way he said it with firm certainty 🫠🫠🫠
"Your eyes slammed shut, but it did nothing to drown out his voice, the panic. Rain plastered your hair to your face, soaking you to the skin" it's mirroring the scene of his confession 😩😩😩😩😩 i am such a sucker for rain scenes, I don't know it makes me Feel Something™ AND SATORU WITH HER DURING THE PANIC ATTACK AS USUAL (except for the 10 chapter 😭)
"He didn't touch you, didn't offer empty promises. He simply held the jacket over your head like a shelter, shielding you as best he could against the downpour. His own white shirt clung to him, soaked through." and this? this will be the death of me. i imagine this as them against the whole world (in some way it is....) it feels so intimate :((((
"Not the absence of pain, but the strange feeling of calm, of home — something you always felt with him." I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE THEY ARE LITERALLY HOME TO EACH OTHER, MY POOR HEART
"All his attempts to distance himself, to push you away — and here you were, thrown together once again by forces far beyond your control. You hadn't sought this, hadn't chased after him. Yet, life it seemed, had a cruel sense of humor" I really think it's inevitable for them, they are really so drown to each other it's insane. and i just thought that satoru saw her breakdown just like she saw his in the previous chapter 😭 mirroring :(((
"God, you're so full of it! Your precious ego won't let you admit you need anyone, even someone who actually cares about you."
"My ego? Don't you think it's a little hypocritical to pretend you care after pushing me away?"
"You stupid woman." His anger faltered. "I'll always care, always look after you. Because I can't stand it—I can't watch you hurt. I—"." THEY'RE LITERALLY THE SAME I CAN'T HELP BUT DRAW PARALLELS BETWEEN THIS SCENE AND THE SCENE IN HIS BATHROOM IT'S DRIVING ME INSANEEEEEEE
"You'd seen glimpses of this before — flashes of protective fury or moments of vulnerability. But never like this. Never so raw, unguarded. He looked at you as if you held the key to his survival, as if your very existence was both his lifeline and his undoing.
I AM KILLING MYSELF, IF GOJO SATORU LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT I WOULD MELTED IN INSTANT. the way you describe his feelings is so painfully beautiful 😭
"I'm not finished," you said, a hand raised to silence him. "I wanted to scream, to rage, to make you feel my pain. But I kept quiet, kept my distance. Because I knew you weren't ready to face this. And I won't force you to." BABY SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH SHE DIDN'T DESERVE ALL OF THIS, MY POOR GIRL AND MY POOR SATORU 😭😭😭😭❤️
"Perhaps you weren't so different after all" yeah you're both equally stubborn
"I love you," he finally whispered. "As long as I breathe, I'll love you."
"I hate you," you said. that's clearly not a type of confession i wanted, but it's s&c, what did i think about 😭 at least it's kinda romantic. especially his words, but when will we get a proper confession, miss nici please 🙏🙏🙏
"Nothing about this is 'okay'," she retorted. "You look like you're about to have a breakdown. You can't keep this up forever." YES MAKI OUR FIERCE QUEEN KICK HIS OLD ASS, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE HER!!!!!!
at least satoru isn't a greedy old ass
say it louder for the people in the back !! i know he's not really like this in the manga/anime, but like ... i need him to be an ass for the plot, so bear with me !! <3
brother eugh
why did i hear this with like the tiktok audio voice in my head 😂😂😂
it's mirroring the scene of his confession 😩😩😩😩😩 i am such a sucker for rain scenes, I don't know it makes me Feel Something™ AND SATORU WITH HER DURING THE PANIC ATTACK AS USUAL (except for the 10 chapter 😭)
yes he really is with her through all her lows and it's so ahhhh cure, romantic, idk it's everything to me !! <33 but also her with his lows?? like they are always there for each other, no matter what goes on at that time. like even if they are mad with each other, still they can count on one another ahhhh. i'm weak !!!
& i love rain scenes too, if i could i would let it rain all the time, so i'm glad we're in autumn rn in the story bc more rain and all that !!!
and this? this will be the death of me. i imagine this as them against the whole world (in some way it is….) it feels so intimate :((((
nahhh it really is them against the world yessss 😭😭
the way you describe his feelings is so painfully beautiful 😭
thank u so so much!! so gald u like the way i write emotions :')
yeah you're both equally stubborn
true ☠️☠️
at least it's kinda romantic. especially his words, but when will we get a proper confession, miss nici please
i think this is the nearest thing u can get to a proper confesion in this story ahahhaha & so happy to read u like how i portray maki. she really is the queen !!
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
How did you come up with Melliwyk and Idri's names?
RUBBING MY LITTLE HANDS TOGETHER I'm gonna give you the long/ slightly tangent-y answer because of course I am >:3c
In DnD, gnomes collect names; here's what 5e's player's handbook says about it:
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I've been wanting to play dnd since I was a kid, and years before I even had friends I could play with I found and purchased a 3.5e player's handbook at goodwill in a fit of optimism; I didn't read the whole thing, but I did thumb through it a bit, and this little flavor detail about gnomes is what stuck out to me the most. It's something that tends to be unfortunately overlooked and underutilized by a lot of people, I think, but I've always loved it and thought it was really fun :3 So all my gnomes have long-ass collections of names, including all of my PCs' named family members and friends. (I also have a list of five or six aliases that are full gnomish names for Melliwyk because she's had to disguise herself and give fake names a few times, and one time the other person was like "... is that it? I thought you people had like thirty names apiece 🤨" when she gave just a single first and last name and I am not good at coming up with six names off the cuff so I gotta be prepared, lol)
Mel and Idri's formal full names as of now are Melliwyk Truthseeker Pinsky Louise Arlinetta Darinia Berenockt and Peridrina Quicksilver Lillibet Feldifare Nox Mica Beren Hardbottle, respectively :D
Melliwyk I pulled out of banagrams tiles, and Pinsky is from a MBMBAM bit; Truthseeker felt like a nickname she'd both have and be vibing with strongly enough to introduce herself to others with it; all the others were really just me feeling out name sounds until I had assembled a collection that I liked. She's also been throwing 'Generally' in there as a nickname because one time she handwaved the whole litany as 'Melliwyk, generally' to a warforged guard who wrote it down as 'Melliwyk Generally', and she thought that was really funny
Idri I got by feeling out name-sounds until I found something that felt right, and I extrapolated the full name Peridrina out from that. Lillibet was, apparently, a childhood nickname of Queen Elizabeth; this has nothing to do with Idri as a character, it's just something my gramma told me once that I always remembered, and I thought it was a cute name. Feldifare was me misremembering the word fieldfare, which is a type of thrush. Nox is latin, but it is also the name of an OC I had in high school and never did anything with (one of a trio of satyr brothers: Ix, Bax, and Nox) and I felt like it was a good name that was going to waste. And Mica is a type of mineral! Aside from the nickname Quicksilver, hers are all just 'What sounds like it'd make a good fun gnome name', haha.
Some additional bits: Mel got the name Melliwyk from her father and Arlinetta from her mother (who sometimes calls her Nettie), Idri got Peridrina from her father (he calls her Mina, a different diminutive of the same) and Lillibet from her mother, and they both have two surnames apiece, one from each parent. They also both have a slew of nicknames from various people and for various contexts, because names are fun :D
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Feat:- Miya twins
Genre:- fluff, crack .
A/n:- in my neighbourhood we have twins and they are chaotic af and I thought let’s think about them as Miya twins hehe.I hope you guys enjoy it <3
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𖤐There was this one time where Atsumu fell off the swing and he started sobbing, samu was on the swing next to him thinking why was Tsumu crying. In order to give him company he falls off the swing and supports his brother by crying with him (🤨)
𖤐 As kids whenever people came at their house to visit them on new year Osamu always received two gifts. He would first greet the guests that came in and would thank them when they would give him the gift. And he would go second time (getting in character as Atsumu) and would take his gift as well.
𖤐 one time a guy tried stealing Atsumu’s chocolates and he couldn’t fight back . Samu comes out of nowhere and steals the chocolate back and said “good boys don’t make ppl cry” guess who was crying now? Atsumu sticks his tongue out teasing the guy who made him cry.
𖤐 Their mother sometimes would get confused when she watches them steal cookies ( was it Atsumu or Osamu?)
𖤐 Osamu was quite moody one day and wanted nothing but to be left alone . How can he when he has a brother like Atsumu? Atsumu tries playing with his brother by following him around. They both were on the sofa jumping on it Atsumu tried pushing him off but then again you reap as you sow. Osamu pushes him off the couch which lead Atsumu to fall on his face and his ass up.
𖤐whenever Atsumu wanted more candies from their grandma he’d go there twice getting in character as Osamu and steal his parts of candies.
𖤐in park where their mother used to take them to play . The swing always had a cue for the kids to sit on it. Atsumu would go twice in place of his brother and Osamu would never get his turn :( but in return Osamu received more toys than his brother .
𖤐 there was a little girl who liked Osamu a lot but she couldn’t tell him that. Atsumu knowing the truth met up with her pretending to be his brother and makes it official between Osamu and her. Samu still doesn’t know when did she ask him out?
𖤐 Their father was in the duty to take care of them. He was busy with some office work and he didn’t even realise that he fed Osamu twice and Atsumu not even once . When their mother got home their father got a good amount of hearing from her.
𖤐Whenever anyone said something bad about Atsumu or vice versa they would always have each other’s back and stand for themselves.
𖤐 Atsumu is scared of one of the neighbours whereas Osamu wasn’t. During trick or treating (Halloween) Osamu would always go and ask the aunt for candies whereas Atsumu used to hide behind the tree. After receiving some candies ‘Samu would trade his brother’s costume and would get him candies. But only half of the candies would be given to Atsumu since he is a “scaredy cat” (as quoted by Osamu)
𖤐 Miya’s were out for shopping and Osamu didn’t like the shirt which their mother selected as a “good” brother Atsumu exchanged his shirt with his brother.
𖤐 over all they are very supportive of each other and are always bickering back and forth.
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Thank you for reading. Take care<3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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