guyusinuartist · 2 years
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I can tell I’ve got to a certain age in life when suddenly one great pleasure is my Black Roses growing in window boxes. #blackroses #succulents #darkprince #moneyplant #gothicstyle #buddha #toaism (at Guy UsinU - Fine Artist.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkklC92jhP0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imthepunchlord · 1 month
Did you watch Season 5 of Miraculous? What did you think of it?
I stopped watching Miraculous at s3, I didn't watch s4 or s5, but I've heard a bit about it. Technically can't really give an opinion but I can share what I think based on what I heard.
I heard Adrienette dating was not too bad, but should've been much sooner. I agree. Could've saved us a bunch of trouble and salt. I also heard that they had the most powerful kiss that adults literally could not tear them apart XD that was funny to hear.
I got to learn that melting Miraculous down doesn't count as destroying them so, who's going to tell Frodo the one ring actually isn't destroyed as apparently melting doesn't count as destroying. Who knew?
And I got to learn that Gabriel was able to make the wish, getting what he ultimately wanted terrorizing all of Paris for 5 seasons, is remembered as a hero, and Adrien never learns about it which is all a really big wth. From what I've seen, no one was happy about that.
Uuuuh... I heard Lila got exposed, but it was meh. I heard she now goes by Cerise? Which ok, let's just make this confusing character even more confusing. Also, how much you want to bet that Cerise/Lila will join them in high school, and there's a repeat of Marinette knowing that's Lila who is lying to them but no one believes her and thinks Cerise is someone entirely new.
Ummmmmmm... oh, I heard Feligami is now a thing? Very rushed and kinda creepy/weird? But I guess they did a decent job as I do see the occasional fanart for them. Personally, I'll just stick to Kagami with girls. That moment in Riptose stuck with me waaaay to much to really get behind her being more interested in boys. I will say, Adrigami did have some nice moments, and there's concepts there where I think they can work nicely off each other (Adrien needs to learn to grow a backbone while Kagami wants to rebel and make friends, they can help each other with that), so Adrien could be the only guy I could roll with for her, but still prefer her paired with girls more.
Also I guess Felix is now a hero despite stealing the yo-yo from Ladybug and handing off... 14 Miraculous to Gabriel. And presumably making him more dangerous/difficult, though he is an idiot so I don't know how much more challenging he got. As far as I know, it was pretty much like another Tuesday.
Oh and apparently there will now be 18 heroes in Paris as I got to learn through asks. I wonder how that's going to work, if at all. Place your bets on how often we'll even see those full time heroes, as they can't really take much attention away from Marinette and Adrien, but who knows. S6 is in that weird placement now that Thomas is no longer apart of the development of ML, so it's hard to say how different it'll go.
Oh. I don't like Tikki and Plagg's true forms. Kinda Digimon over complicated design, and biblical in aesthetic which I found weird when they're supposed to be tied to Taoism. I have yet to find anything similar to biblical angels in Toaism, so I feel like this design choice works off a Christian view more (which isn't surprising as Plagg works off the unlucky black cat, which is exclusively from Christian Europe roughly 400 years ago).
Additionally, Gimmi felt like more of a Nooroo true form, than a fusion of Plagg and Tikki. I think they should've brought the concept of Null back. I think they were a better thought of a fusion of Creation and Destruction as these two concepts brought together would just nullify each other.
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So over all, based on what I've heard, it's a pretty negative view of s5.
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mushroom-punk · 1 year
give me the cool mushroom facts.
hey! sorry this took me so long to answer, i wanted to fact check everything. mushrooms were very important in early toaism, specifically lingzhi or reishi mushrooms, which appear in illustrations along side Chinse poets and politicians like Tao Yuanming. i have a dried reishi mushroom, its very cool and on the larger end of edible mushrooms. my favorite type of mushroom are probably the oyster mushrooms (there's lots of different types), because not only are they yummy and able to break down plastic , they're also hunters! that's right, my favorite mushroom fact, some fungi are active hunters. because oyster mushrooms feed on decaying wood, they need another source to get nitrogen since wood has very little. so to supplement their diets, oyster mushroom feed on a small type of worm called the nematode. the mushroom emits a chemical that tricks the worm into thinking there's food nearby, and when it gets close the mushroom snares it with its hyphae. then, the worm is paralyzed and hypae are sent throughout it, essentially decomposing it from the inside out.
uhhhhh i also like this fact but couldn't get another source for it - in his book Entangled Life, Merlin Sheldrake states that there's been cases of people eating shitaki mushrooms, developing allergic reactions to them, but then their stomachs developing allergic reactions to their own insides because the cells of shitaki mushrooms are so chemically similar to that of human's.
thank you for asking!
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zombiephilosophers · 4 years
Journal 1 - The Pursuit of Happiness
I’ve been thinking about happiness - or rather the idealistic, often illogical, idiomatic ‘pursuit’ of it. To pursue is defined as to chase or to hunt something, and I feel like this use of language in conjunction with the genuine beauty of the feeling of true joy, reflects the worrying human tendency to feel we must conquer something beautiful. 
I’ve been reading modernist Toaist literature and nihilistic philosophy that would argue that the pursuit of nothing is the only way to prevent dissonant dissatisfaction and internal divide, but I feel that this is just the opposite end of the spectrum to the ‘pursuit of happiness’, two extremes missing the beauty and stability, of the middle. 
Abraham Piper, the TikToker, argued in a January video that pursuing happiness is akin to addiction, and I think in some ways it might be. This message has lived in me for months, turning over in my head like a conversation you still can’t work out if you enjoyed, but you know it challenged something. 
If you are chasing down with reckless speed finite moments of joy to fight off the gaping maw of an apathetic abyss, it will only ever be a temporary height from which your fall will be inevitable. And falling hurts. But then he goes on to discuss the benefits of pursuing nothing, to avoid disappointment, and I don’t know if I’m just not built in such a way that this mindset feels so dissatisfying to me, or if I’m so entrenched in my fixed worldview that not to reject it outright, would be a betrayal of my constructed self. 
But for me the pursuit of happiness is like someone who loves plants, and tries to fill their home with flowers. They pick every beautiful flower they find, and fill their rooms from the skirting boards to the ceilings with colours akin to a rainbow, or a stained window or a field. It is bright, and arguably beautiful, and every second of every breath in that home is tainted with a decay that started at the onset of picking. And so more flowers must be picked in a never ending sisyphean cycle in order to hide the blankness of the walls lurking behind. It is a struggle, a fight against acknowledging the truth of decay, existing in a state of determined and active denial. 
I love plants. And I also love empty walls. And I hate watching flowers die. And I suppose if we extend the metaphor, I’ve taught myself to garden. Because a picked flower’s death is not only inevitable, but literally round the temporal corner, but plants, if cared for properly, can last a lifetime. 
I’ve been trying to unlearn my imperialistic pursuit of happiness. I’m trying instead to cultivate it. To plant enough beautiful things in my life, that there is always joy growing. And my god is it hard. But it is the only place of tension I have been able to find that is truly stable enough to root myself in, that is not a shallow consumption-obsessed temporary simulacra of genuine joy, but also not the embracing of nihilism and nothing. I know some people can find joy in both extremes, but I also know I cannot.
I hope my joy, and yours, will continue to grow.
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teachanarchy · 4 years
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dirt-gremlin-ideas · 5 years
hey fellow gob! i joined bc i was trying to take care of myself & i feel like this community has no expectations except like existing! being happy about lil things! like seein a flower on the sidewalk! takin feathers/rocks/bones w u! just connecting to nature (which all isn't small in my opinion but y'know) & in a society that has tons of expectations just having some frens w positiviy & not caring so much about what u do & what u look like is big time rebellious & gives me a sense of belonging!
oh moss gods you just,, you just explained the whole thing..,. this,,. is exactly it. goin crazy over the smollest things and connectin with natures and throwing societies expectations into the bog., 
no one here cares what you look like or what you do as long as ye enjoy it and honestly., that is the key to the happiest life of all..,
rebel against expectations,., be the feral gremlin you have always meant to be :)
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quotes-by-dilanka · 6 years
Kindly let me help you or you will drown,” said the monkey putting the fish safely up a tree.
Alan Watts
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atlantisthorn · 5 years
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chloeoliviia-blog · 6 years
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scratchy af rough ass first attempt at animating
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escarlatafox · 7 years
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did I ever post this skjwjjfjn
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imthepunchlord · 2 months
This is the new box for your rewrite?
Part of me is debating it.
Like, I did have this older set up that was the initial plan and to work off of. It's also helped shaped by public votes through a series of polls.
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But there are factors that does give me pause: like, it's a drastic change to what Miraculous sets up.
These are global instead of tied to China, there is no yin-yang inspired most powerful duo, the Miraculous aren't grouped up together how they were in canon and are all scrambled up.
Those on Tumblr who have kept up with the planning process and did the polls will go into that future rewrite knowing these details, but everyone else will get blindsided by the set up.
Another factor is, you change up so much, it doesn't reflect the source material as much; that it becomes it's own thing. It's a struggle with rewriting anything, you do need to make changes, that's part of doing a rewrite, but you can't change too much else it goes too far from the source material.
And this change up for Miraculous may be that case.
As most are going to go into fics expecting this to work off what the show set up, there will be readers expecting these Miraculous are tied to China and Taoism, that there's a Chinese Zodiac, that Ladybug and Cat represent yin-yang, ect..
So it may be better for me to go with this set up of really expanding on the Toaism inspiration of Miraculous, as what's expected is there, and it expands upon what preexists.
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So I'll be thinking about it, but it's a good possibility.
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badbuddhism · 6 years
Therefore I have said, “Reaching the extreme of emptiness, keeping utterly still, as myriad beings act in concert, I thereby observe the return.” The Way molds myriad beings but is ever formless. Silent and unmoving, it totally comprehends the undifferentiated unknown. No vastness is great enough to be outside it, no minuteness small enough to be inside it...Real people embody this through open emptiness, even easiness, clear cleanness, flexible yielding, unadulterated purity, and plain simplicity, not getting mixed up in things. Their perfect virtue is the Way of heaven and earth, so they are called real people.
- Lao-tzu
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allherfavoritefruit · 8 years
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“Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.
Where ever you are, you are one with the clouds and one with the sun and the stars you see.
You are one with everything. That is more true than I can say, and more true than you can hear.”
~Shunryu Suzuki Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
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opiraticentranced · 8 years
To remain whole, be twisted! To become straight, let yourself be bent. To become full, be hollow. Be tattered, that you may be renewed.
Lao Tzu
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
Kogasa Tatara was enjoying herself with the tea she made for herself, that is until she see Yoshika coming back from the temple while covered in blood which at first she thought she killed a tresspasser, when really she was fighting and beating down her mistress.
" Hi sensei! Did ya kill anyone back in the cemetery? I bet it's one of those moon rabbit mutants! "
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" We're leaving.... "
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" Eh? Leaving what do you mean? Is it another contract? "
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Kogasa even as an adult she's still naive as ever, she places her hand onto the umbrella woman's shoulder telling her the truth about why they're leaving the myouren temple and the cemetery for good.
" No, leave forever, for good, leave the white rabbits... "
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Upon hearing this shocks Kogasa to the core about leaving the white rabbit clan from the myouren cemetery for good. Of course she's hesitant at first and wanted to know why.
B-but why? What happened? What about Ringo? Seiran? Star? "
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" They'll follow... please come and don't leave me..alone... "
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Kogasa despite the hesitation she refuse to leave Yoshika behind, she and the umbrella yokai are close, very close together as she climbs onto the jiangshi' back now yoshika holding onto her legs she walked away all the while carrying her friend on her back in the road, Kogasa does have one question for her.
" Where do we go now, sensei...? "
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Yoshika chuckles and smiles at the umbrella yokai on her back, staring at the now bright sky as the sun shines above gensokyo's own landscape.
" Where the roads take us.... "
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And so Yoshika's departure of the myouren cemetery, the white rabbit clan, and far from Seiga Kaku and toaism as a whole had give birth to a new chapter where both the her and Kogasa will continues on with their own journey finding a place better else where and turn over a new leaf, the birth of a legend the white tiger, is born.
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imthepunchlord · 8 months
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