fareldogthing · 1 year
You ever just casually sit in(proper) lotus bc it's oddly comfortable?
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jedineedlove · 2 months
Ginseng Fruit and A Sworn Brothers'
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Another Random thought for the LMK collection
So back to season two the episode Ping-Pong Panic. During Wukongs "vacation" which in whole I will make a post later about. But for this episode, we got the fruit babies later identified as Ginseng Fruit the ones from the JTTWs, In an earlier post I already pointed out how they were different from the books and how that affected the overall LMK JTTW version. The JTTW Bajie and Wujing (Piggsy and Sandys's past lives) ate the immortal granting fruit but considering the fruit is alive in this universe and the pilgrims are reincarnated that didn't; happen but what accord to me is maybe I had that half right. What if the fruit being alive was not a constant thing but this batch we saw was just a one-time thing. Something that happened during the "vacation". Then that brought my train of thought to the actual chapter these guys are from it being the chapter right before LBD.
This chapter introduces us to Zhenyuan Daxian: a Taoist deity who is the patriarch of Earth immortals. He resides in Wuzhang Temple on Longevity Mountain. There in the temple is the special Ginsenfruit tree. The tree itself is described as
"Formed when the primeval chaos was first being divided before the separation of Heaven and Earth. The fruit of the tree is known as the "Grass-returning Cinnabar" or "man fruit" The tree produces only 30 fruit every 9,000 years and is shaped like an infant less than three days old, by just smelling the fruit a person can extend his life span 360 years, a person who eat the fruit livs and addition 47,000s"
The Taoist deity was a friend of the Golden Cicada, So during the journey when the pilgrims were coming his way he was visiting someone and left his servants Qingfeng (Clear Wind) and Mingyue (Bright Moon) to give 2 fruits to the monk.
Tritpak refuses to eat them disturbed by their appearance, the two eat the fruits themselves. Wukong steals some for himself and the pilgrims, gets caught, and in anger destroys the tree. Zhenyan gets mad and will only forgive if Wukong can resort the tree. And makes a promise to become sworn brothers with Wukong if he completes the task. So Wukong asks around and finds no one then finally asks Guanyin. She's mad but assists in the restoration. When the tree is restored here's what I think a lot forget. It went by so fast. Zhenyan was so happy with the results he gave some fruit to Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing and then fulfilled his promise and BECAMES SWORN BROTHERS WITH WUKONG. No fanfic ever mentions this.
That's right WUKONG DOES HAVE A SWORN BROTHER!! So then that made this part of the episode all the more concerning.
I have two theories for this:
Theory ONE: Wukong visited Zhenyuan during his "vacation"
When Wukong sends the box he sends it through a portal of his power. We know this because MK recognizes it as something from Monkey King. And with Wukong traveling he is the only constant person with powers like this.
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The first thing about the box is the locks and stickers all over it.
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A monkey lock with MK-style cautionary stickers so made by Wukong. But the contents are from Zhenyuan. So along the "vacation," he stopped by the tree again but why? To get advice from this high-up Toaist? While there I think something happened remember the description of the tree growth patterns it only grows every 9,000 years that much time has no way passed. So why have they grown early? Maybe have something to do with Wukong when he was there. Maybe the fruits were normal during the journey and they aly got worped when Wukong visited now, it also explains why HE handled it and not the one in charge of them. To fix what he did he offers to keep the rotten fruits imprisoned or find them a home somewhere else.
It could be they were already corrupted by something else and the immortal asks Wukong for a favor maybe even in exchange for information about LBD. Take care of the problem and he can have the information Zhenyuan possesses.
Theory Two: Zhenyuan sent a package to Wukong and the fruit was already corrupt.
Perhaps Wukong was intercepted during the "vacation" by Zhenyuan and was asked and accepted responsibilities for the fruit babies, or like in the note wukong sent MK. . . . . . .
In the note he sent to MK;
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"Dear MK as you know I'm super busy on vacation, I've got a special delivery, but I won't be able to get to it for a while, you must not open it no matter what, it's bad news, but I know there no way you're gonna listen to that, so I also sent you a training blindfold, you must wear the blindfold all day, only when you truly learn to listen can you take it off."
So in theory 1, you could dismiss the note when it says he received the package because he was keeping things from MK. But if there is some truth to it then the fruit might have been corrupted all along or something else happened recently but for some reason, Zhenyuan sends the fruit Wukongs way, maybe because Wukong broke the tree so the fluke might be because of him, or there is trust. It's hard to tell.
But anyway all that aside the main thing about all this is how come no one is talking about the sworn brotherhood between these two? Clearly, something is going on between the two with the fruit babies' appearance in the show.
Please tell me what are your thoughts? ANd if i said anything wrong please tell me in the comments.
Thank you :)
Wrote most of this PRE SEASON 5 JUST NEVER POSTED : )
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cochineal-leviat · 8 months
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"Drayton and Kieran battle. However, Drayton being Drayton - stokes the fires more than he should. Can the dragon tamer handle a Dragon's wrath?"
Heyo! I'm continuing this one shot because of the amazing comments I received and, of course, because it is fun to write and make art for. Thank you all so much for the support, and please enjoy!
I drew the battle poses in its entirety to get the anatomy right. If you want to see the full-body poses, please tell me. I think they're neat.
More of an art explanation under keep reading
The VS splash screen is based on Black and White 2's champion match against Iris. Originally, I was going more for the VS screen from gen 5 from the Gym leaders, but since Iris and Drayton are related - this fits more. (that and I couldn't find a good reference of the VS screens)
Also, my absolute favouritism of Unova and Black and White is shining through. To be fair, Blueberry Academy is set in Unova, and the Toaist dragons work perfectly well here symbolically. (I used Black and White 2's colour palette, which technically references Zekrom in Black 2 instead of the other Black, but let's pretend the blue on Drayton's side is from Reshiram's eye and vice versa on Kieran's side. I just wanted the cold colours to be on Drayton's side, whereas Kieran is supposed to be so flushed with anger)
Also, Rotom
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sweetpeathecat · 2 years
LMK Season 4 Spoilers!!!!!
I’m trying to map the whole Monkie!MK situation.
•what we do know
-the stone egg(that SWK was born from) naturally regenerates in LMK
-MK is a stone monkey(like SWK)
-SWK got most of his power by training under the Patriarch. The power he learned under the Patriarch are Toaist/Doaist. Anyone can learn them, but it depends on one’s level of self cultivation. SWK was born with his laser eyes. He got his golden vision from being in the Furnace. He got his multiple forms of immortality from different situations. First (layer?) is from the training under the Patriarch. Next is from crossing his name(and as many monkey he could find) out of the book if the dead. Next 3 are from consuming the peaches, wine and pills of immortality. Last one is his body be refined in the Furnace to the it’s compared to diamonds or an iron hide.
-there is an unnamed Goddess with animal figurines. The Monkey figurine is emphasized.
- the monkey figurine is at the site of MK’s stone egg before it hatched
-SWK is at the site of MK’s stone egg(without the monkey figurine). Staring at it with an intense expression.
-MK’s stone egg is smaller than SWK’s stone egg. SWK was born as a full grown adult. MK is imputed to be born as a small child.
-MK being from the same(regenerated/gave birth again to another life) egg allows his to control and master all SWK’s abilities.
-MK’s birth was intentional. “Destiny had plans for you”. MK is an important pawn to someone else’s plans/game.
•what we don’t know
-why was MK born in the first place? What is his purpose/destiny/mission?
-how much is SWK involved in the situation? Did get a say in any of this?(LMK writer said that SWK doesn’t know about MK’s stone egg. He is just as in the dark as MK)
-is MK, SWK’s younger brother, son, clone or completely unrelated? (update: the writers said SWK isn’t MK’s dad on Twitter. They said that the English version of the show is more clear on this matter)
- who is the Goddess with all the animals figurines? Why and how is she involved in MK’s birth?
- who gave MK all of SWK’s abilities? Was he just born with them? Does the monkey figurine have anything to do with it?
Why was MK left at Pigsy’s in a human form covered in mud, when he is supposed to be born a stone monkey?
-Did SWK leave him there? Did the Goddess or was it someone else?
- why is MK’s monkey form only coming out now? Are the visions/suppressed memories triggering it? It it just being in the memory/history scroll 📜?
This was made when we only had the English Fan Subbs. Might have to update this now that the Original English version
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ofwindydays · 2 months
Location a Denny's (because of course it is)
Kyo sighed as the demon tried to attack her. Useless vessel. She complained. Of course it was Rei's descandant. She briefly thought of summoning that fox. "He's an idiot." Kyo muttered under breath.
The shrine maiden dodged a few more times before reaching for a blank receipt writing the words. More lesser demons appeared too, the types Kyo can fight off. Unlike....the one with eyes. Kaya was it? Maybe Kyo had one fear.
As the shrine maiden wrote the symbol and placed it on the lesser demons head, the demon set aflame. She made the toaist symbol appear before clicking her tongue. "We'll never have harmonic convergence at this rate." Whether it was because the bad energy or Rei's descadent being bound by a fox she couldn't tell.
She tilted her head towards the door her eyes shining a blazing emerald.
"Sorry this place is closed, please go get your nutrients elsewhere."
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
I know and you know that JTTW is fully a Chinese story, but why isn't characters like Princess Iron Fan and Golden Cicada are almost never depicted as Indian?Like a good chunk of the book takes place in India
Let me start off by saying that I do think a 'good chuck' is in India as while that is the destination I think only the last trail being the Jade Rabbit Arc and MAYBE the Kings of Protection Arc as in the outskirts of India as they get closer to the Thunder Clap Monastery. I could be wrong and maybe they are in the outskirts of India much easier but that is when I recall signs that the journey is coming to an end. I think it is vague on purpose to each adventure be seamless without a real staged location.
Also I think you answered your own question in that this is a Chinese story. Hence why people would assume most if not all these characters with Chinese lore and backgrounds as these are legends surrounding a tale of a monk trying to get to India.
If you are asking why modern interpretations don't have more Indian influence that could be because out of the 600+ media works I have only two have had Indian film crews take part in their making.
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2016 Xuan Zang 大唐玄奘 and 2017 Buddies in India 大闹天竺.
One being more of a documentary and the other being a reimagining with a modern take on the story. That being said there isn't a lot of collaboration of Indian film crews but that could be an interesting take for future adaptions.
But as to the specific characters you were talking about then you should also consider that these are also connected to Buddist lore and aren't just subjected to a single region as Buddism is very ingrained within the novel before they get to India. Princess Iron Fan is described as a Rakshasa within the novel but she has other legends around her about being a Toaist Goddess as and coming to earth after having a disagreement with the Queen Mother. Similar to why Red Boy is connected to becoming Shancai despite them having different backstories as well. It isn't meant to be an exact one-to-one with other legends of these characters but rather crafted better to fit the narrative of the story. It not trying to take away from their legends but rather have the character more connected to the overarching themes within the story as well.
Buddism lore isn't just grounded in a single region as Xiyouji is heavily influenced by its allegories and philosophy and the pilgrims meet monks in different kingdoms all throughout their jounrey. Western Heaven is presented as a separate force from Eastern Heaven but they are both to be respected in the same light. This could explain why to Golden Cicada never gets a background before he become a disciple either so there really be a for or against reason to say he is only from a single region. China still has Buddhist scriptures they are just incomplete and a message in Xiyouji is that anyone can be a Buddha (even a monkey) so it wouldn't be too out there that the Golden Cicada could only be from one region when there are other regions that he could have came from. From there he was reincarnated into Tang Saznag and usually in move tv/movie adaptions it is a common trope to use the same actor in reincarnations. There isn't a lot of depictions of the Golden Cicada but what little there is the actor usually goes on to be Tang Sanzang hence that would influence the casting choice. Like they don’t want to hire another actors to play a past life to better transition to show it’s the same person in the next life?
But also I’m not a director so that just an idea.
Source: https://www.duhoctrungquoc.vn/wiki/en/Princess_Iron_Fan
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Taoism and the Fight for Social Ecology
Hey Guys- Hope all is well and that you're ready to get into today’s blog ! Today we are looking at Murray Bookchin and James O’Connor! Murray Bookchin was an American philosopher from NYC. He is credited with formulating and developing the idea of Social Ecology and Urban Planning. He has authored books such as Social Ecology and Communalism as well as The Ecology of Freedom, today we will be discussing his piece What is Social Ecology ?  James O’Connor was an author of novels such as Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism and Ecosocialism, today we will be discussing his piece Socialism and Ecology. Murray Bookchin discusses the development of hierarchy and class in the scheme of transitioning from biological to human. Author James O’Conner goes into the political sphere and discusses red vs green politics. This week brings up an interesting dichotomy in the realm of religion and politics. 
Now I know you guys have been here for a while so you already know what's coming next, but can you guess the topic ? I think you totally can because I'm sure you read the title ; ). When looking at the beliefs of the Taoists, based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, we see this concept of Tao and how we as humans live in balance with the Tao. A large concept of the Tao is the idea of spiritual immortality. The soul has lived in the world throughout multiple bodies and when we die, our souls finally reconnect with the Tao. When we look at Taoism and this idea of social ecology we see the development of the concept of yin and yang. The idea of the yin and yang is that these two opposing forces exist in tandem and that when they are able to reach equilibrium, the energy of life is created. The doctrines of Taoism state that a Toaist who understands this equilibrium would never exploit or abuse their standing in nature. 
Taoism , as a less popular religion in the west, is mostly practiced in China and Taiwan. Based on current census data there are around 8.7 million practicing taoists in the world. The religion is at an interesting location due to the fact that China is considered one of the least environmentally friendly countries, and the taoist peoples have made their opinions on that known by stating that the practices are disrupting the yin and yang in the country. Chinese Taoists monks are hoping to change the public's minds about the country's current practices. 
Taoists have turned to taking matters into their own hands and using their religious freedoms to try and turn the tides. A popular example of this is Mao mountain in China. On this mountain Toaist monks have built an entirely eco-friendly temple, far away from the industrialized city. It is powered by solar panels and is covered in nitrogen fixing plant life. The abbot of Mao Mountain has stated they have grown frustrated by indifference to a crippling pollution crisis that has left the land barren and the sky riddled with smog. The leaders of the temple state “China doesn’t lack money — it lacks a reverence for the environment,” and when speaking about the people they state “Our morals are in decline and our beliefs have been lost” ( new york times ). 
I think this is a very good example of operating under a social ecology as well as advocating for green environmental policy. And more so I think the Taoists have gone about it in an incredibly interesting way where the activism they chose to do is directly related to their religious beliefs, it is not just protests or avocating, which is also important, but they build temples and spread their beliefs through action. Taoism highlights the statements and beliefs of Bookchin and Murray quite well and I also think that as a mostly eastern religion they provide a unique non westernized viewpoint, unlike many of the other major religions that have been previously discussed. 
Tune in next week for a discussion about Ecofeminism , I hope you’re as excited as I am ! 
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zombiephilosophers · 4 years
Journal 1 - The Pursuit of Happiness
I’ve been thinking about happiness - or rather the idealistic, often illogical, idiomatic ‘pursuit’ of it. To pursue is defined as to chase or to hunt something, and I feel like this use of language in conjunction with the genuine beauty of the feeling of true joy, reflects the worrying human tendency to feel we must conquer something beautiful. 
I’ve been reading modernist Toaist literature and nihilistic philosophy that would argue that the pursuit of nothing is the only way to prevent dissonant dissatisfaction and internal divide, but I feel that this is just the opposite end of the spectrum to the ‘pursuit of happiness’, two extremes missing the beauty and stability, of the middle. 
Abraham Piper, the TikToker, argued in a January video that pursuing happiness is akin to addiction, and I think in some ways it might be. This message has lived in me for months, turning over in my head like a conversation you still can’t work out if you enjoyed, but you know it challenged something. 
If you are chasing down with reckless speed finite moments of joy to fight off the gaping maw of an apathetic abyss, it will only ever be a temporary height from which your fall will be inevitable. And falling hurts. But then he goes on to discuss the benefits of pursuing nothing, to avoid disappointment, and I don’t know if I’m just not built in such a way that this mindset feels so dissatisfying to me, or if I’m so entrenched in my fixed worldview that not to reject it outright, would be a betrayal of my constructed self. 
But for me the pursuit of happiness is like someone who loves plants, and tries to fill their home with flowers. They pick every beautiful flower they find, and fill their rooms from the skirting boards to the ceilings with colours akin to a rainbow, or a stained window or a field. It is bright, and arguably beautiful, and every second of every breath in that home is tainted with a decay that started at the onset of picking. And so more flowers must be picked in a never ending sisyphean cycle in order to hide the blankness of the walls lurking behind. It is a struggle, a fight against acknowledging the truth of decay, existing in a state of determined and active denial. 
I love plants. And I also love empty walls. And I hate watching flowers die. And I suppose if we extend the metaphor, I’ve taught myself to garden. Because a picked flower’s death is not only inevitable, but literally round the temporal corner, but plants, if cared for properly, can last a lifetime. 
I’ve been trying to unlearn my imperialistic pursuit of happiness. I’m trying instead to cultivate it. To plant enough beautiful things in my life, that there is always joy growing. And my god is it hard. But it is the only place of tension I have been able to find that is truly stable enough to root myself in, that is not a shallow consumption-obsessed temporary simulacra of genuine joy, but also not the embracing of nihilism and nothing. I know some people can find joy in both extremes, but I also know I cannot.
I hope my joy, and yours, will continue to grow.
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thecalminside · 5 years
“If you want to know me, look inside your heart.”
Lao Tzu
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dirt-gremlin-ideas · 5 years
hey fellow gob! i joined bc i was trying to take care of myself & i feel like this community has no expectations except like existing! being happy about lil things! like seein a flower on the sidewalk! takin feathers/rocks/bones w u! just connecting to nature (which all isn't small in my opinion but y'know) & in a society that has tons of expectations just having some frens w positiviy & not caring so much about what u do & what u look like is big time rebellious & gives me a sense of belonging!
oh moss gods you just,, you just explained the whole thing..,. this,,. is exactly it. goin crazy over the smollest things and connectin with natures and throwing societies expectations into the bog., 
no one here cares what you look like or what you do as long as ye enjoy it and honestly., that is the key to the happiest life of all..,
rebel against expectations,., be the feral gremlin you have always meant to be :)
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tanisjustice · 6 years
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I’m not one to quote the Bible, but when it’s right it’s right. My religion is love. It’s easy to hate somebody because of the color where they’re from but it’s even easier to love them because it’s a universal law put down by God. It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. What should matter is that you believe in love. #love #compassion #god #universe #buddha #krishna #mohamad #christ #christian #buddhist #toaist #islam #hindu #sihk #allone #onelive #weareallconnected #nowallnoban #peace #inmylight #tanisjustice (at Corvallis, Oregon)
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up4more · 7 years
“You can trust everyone to be human, with all the quirks and inconsistencies we humans display, including disloyalty, dishonesty and downright treachery. We are all capable of the entire range of human behavior, given the circumstances, from absolute saintliness to abject depravity. Trusting someone to limit their sphere of action to one narrow band on the spectrum is idealistic and will inevitably lead to disappointment. On the other hand, you can decide to trust that everyone is doing their best according to their particular stage of development, and to give everyone their appropriate berth. For this to work, you have to trust yourself to make and have made the right choices that will lead you on the path to your healthy growth. You have to trust yourself to come through every experience safely and enriched. But don’t trust what I am saying. Listen and then decide for yourself. Does this information sit easily in your belly? You know when you trust yourself around someone because your belly feels settled and your heart feels warm.” ― Stephen Russell, Barefoot Doctor's Guide to the Tao: A Spiritual Handbook for the Urban Warrior
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badbuddhism · 7 years
The self-eating snake sage
The ouroboros consumes it's own tail; this is due to its non-understanding, and so it cannot be said to have made any mistake. Through its undifferentiated sense of "self,", it has lost "other" completely. As it only consumes itself without depending on anything else, it can truly be called whole and faultless. As it knows nothing of itself and others, whatever it consumes is itself; not a mistake. The understanding is complete in the being who sees his face in the decaying body of an animal as well as in the moon-lit pond; but he knows not which is where and who is which.
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chloeoliviia-blog · 6 years
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scratchy af rough ass first attempt at animating
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valkariel · 2 years
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Heaven’s Will Enchantress
Head: The Forgiven's Hat of Healing - millioncorn yellow Body: Ivalician Mystic's Coat - default Hands: Gloves of the White Griffin - rust red Legs: Asuran Hakama of Healing - ink blue Feet: Toaist's Shoes - default
Ears: The Emperor's New Earrings Neck: Edencall Choker of Healing Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: none Off Hand: none
Fashion Accessory: none Location: The Vault - hallway between Chapter House + West Sanctum Lift
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greenflamedwriter · 2 years
Scum Villain: Congragulations! Congragulations! Congragulations! Important things need to be said three times! You have accepted the 'Heroine roll' Work hard!
Shu hauling[X]. Ning yingying,[X] Liu Mingyi,[X] Qiu Huitang,[X] Palace princess,[X] three toaist nuns,[XXX] and other wives- all with a X over their names, eight wives out of six hundred. Shen Qingqiu accidently took the roles of all of Luo Binghe's wives and took their 'place' So with the current story of Scum Villain all of the overall plot was the current wives...
What about the other 592 'roles' and interactions that had Luo Binghe picking up 'flowers' and expanding his garden. So Shen Qingqiu finds himself facing every. single. Trope, cliche, scenario known all to fanfiction.
Sex pollen, Genderbent, Multiple copies of the same partner, fuck or die- wait they've already done that- five things then one thing, hanahaki, fake marriage, body swap, dressed in drag, one or both turn into kids- wait thats already happened- dream pwp, only one bed, amnesia, mermaid, sharing thoughts [telepathy] undercover [as prostitues] anthro, one or both get sick and have to take care of the other. twincest [drag Shen jiu in there] reincarnation- wait they've nevermind- slave- oh come on- Tentacles, time-travel, powerplay [in demon realm OR Luo Binghe act like a servant to his Shizun] studen/teacher [Binghe is HAPPY with this one, Shen Qingqiu not so much] fever dream, heatfic [Yes he's a demon of course he has heats TT^TT]
Truth Serum, Roleplay, and there's 563 more and Shen Qingqiu happy ending is just bracing himself for all of these shenanigans, Luo Binghe doesn't seem to mind as long as he shares all of these experiences with his Shizun.
Just saying I would love to make a prompt fanfic of Shen Qingiu just going down and making a list of having just survived the wife # 465 plot...ugh... Most of these does turn to NSFW but surprisingly majority is just fluff and is more like emotional breakthroughs, Like when theirs dopplegangers, mind control, possesion Luo Binghe is shocked to realise how much his Shizun knows about him to not be tricked and pays attention to him making him realise that Shen Qingqiu does love him back just as much.
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