#tobirama's childhood
squishyneet · 2 years
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The strength of Tobirama Senju, the hero of my heart
Tobirama is my hero.
Tobirama, along with Hashirama, Kawarama, and Itama, was abused by Butsuma Senju. But Tobirama stepped up to be the shinobi his father desired. After the grief he had been put through and after losing his child brothers because of his father’s reckless ideals, he ultimately chose to be the mediator between Hashirama and Madara. He chose to be Hashirama’s rock and not let his heartache take him over.
I’m sure he missed them, Kawarama and Itama. Maybe the real reason behind Edo Tensei was his heartfelt need to see them again. Their innocent faces, their arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. He’d wonder what they would say to him now.
He endured the beatings and probably plenty of verbal abuse, too. He lived with the fact that he would never get a real father or his brothers back. He had to try to control the violent and angry tendencies he earned from his father with no help for the rest of his life. There’s a rift between him and Hashirama. As much as he loves him with all his heart, it’s hard. It’s hard to talk to him. It’s easy to jump in and protect someone in the heat of battle, in war. But opening up, relaxing . . . it’s difficult even around his caring big brother.
His grief materializes in endless training and study. He couldn’t find an answer as to why these things happened to him, so he never stopped trying to find an answer to save the future shinobi. This era of war would someday end, and he and his brother would be the progenitors of the era of peace among the shinobi. He never gave up in trying to end the cycle of misery, even if it was hard on him. He taught the shinobi what peace and love was, even though they were never a part of him and his childhood.
He just wants to sleep. Sleep his pain away. Stop training, stop the peace talks, stop thinking. Just take a long, quiet nap with Hashirama in the living room.
He may not be the God of Shinobi, but he was the damn best shinobi he could have been. He is my hero for rising above his suffering for the sake others, especially Hashirama. 
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olivegardenhunter · 4 months
The sannin as normal childhood friends who have sleepovers and play games in the forest and bond over liking "gross" animals
anon thank you SO much for this mental image. you have made my very miserable assignment-filled day. I have many thoughts about the sannin and baby sannin being inseparable best friends who were just normal kids make up about 90% of them. here's some hc I have about that (sorry for the massively long post, I'm a yapper at heart)
yes absolutely. I like to think of the sannin as misfits who never fit in anywhere else except with each other. there's so many different reasons for this. we know they became genin at age 6. if this makes them the exception, rather than it being the normal practice for a village in tumultuous times, then this must have meant each of them were prodigies in their own rights in the academy (yes, even Jiraiya I'd say, though I'd suspect his was more a case of recognised potential rather than showing any obvious prodigal talent from the get-go). this is further reinforced by the fact the third hokage became their sensei. I doubt the hokage would've taken up any random group of genin as his students. if this is the case, can you imagine how difficult it must've been for them to make friends with others, their age or otherwise? not only would it be hard to relate to their other peers cause of the age and probably ability gap, but I'd imagine people would've found them downright intimidating! all this, along with all their individual personality which, if their 6 year old selves were anything like their 50 year old selves, would've meant the little baby sannin would not have been anyone's first choice of friends.
so I'd imagine each of them being a bit of loners in the academy. then they get put in a team together. recognise they each stick out like a sore thumb from everyone else, but have all of the above common ground. their personalities are difficult for each to get used to initially, but once they do, these three super super super quickly become absolutely inseperable. to call them family would've been a serious underestimate of their relationship imo.
anyway this is all a long winded way of saying YES they're absolutely those regular childhood best friends who have sleepovers and hang out and play games. I imagine that tsunade grew up with a massive family in a massive loving home. direct contrast to orochimaru who's an orphan and, I imagine jiraiya is an orphan too (hence no canon last name). therefore, the senju compound is typically the designated sleepover venue.
the senju compound has mito, and nawaki, and depending on what your hcs are, would have tsunades parents, and I'd think they'd still effectively live like royalties even if the first and second are dead. (hashirama and tobirama wouldn't be around anymore by the time the three became genin I think, because (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) hiruzen would've already been hokage when he took on the three of them as his students, meaning tobirama would have already passed)
jiraiya and orochimaru just being at awe at the way tsunade lives and just how lively her house is and tsunade is just happy to have kids her age at home with her that just gets her cause her parents always nag her about training and chores, mito still treats her like a baby even though she's already a Shinobi that can take care of herself damn it!, and nawaki is so young he's so boring and sometimes gets annoying. so she always convinces her fellow teammates to come over to her house to practice and train, to babysit nawaki with her, to be the test dummy for try out this new jutsu or technique she's learning, and anything else that she insists she cannot do alone and needs them to be there with her
until suddenly it's already dark and oh her teammates can't possibly walk home all alone at this hour and besides my mum's making dinner and it's your favourite jiraiya and she'd scold me if I didn't offer some to you guys and orochimaru, mito found some sort of old scroll that uncle tobirama wrote about a new jutsu that she wants your thoughts on and besides, we have to meet sensei soooo early tomorrow for our mission and the training ground is closer from my house anyway, and you guys are just trying to get out of the bet we made and that's cheating y'know! and and and suddenly the senju compound just so happen to always have a few sets extra clothes and pyjamas that just so happened to be orochimaru and jiraiya's size and hey oro, raiya, look! it's got toads and snakes! and it matches mine! and the adults always just so happen to have two extra plates set at the table during meals, and the house just so happens to always be stocked up with both her teammate's favourite snacks, and orochimaru and jiraiya can suddenly enter the senju compound at any time of the day, with or without tsunade, and are greeted joyfully by the household's residents who had started nagging at them about training and chores and picking up after themselves, and mito is treating them like babies even though they're fully trained shinobis! and nawaki is being sooo annoying today and damn it, why isn't tsunade home yet? we agreed to train at 3!
(the three of them never quite notice that jiraiya or orochimaru's unannounced visits to the senju compound never trigger any of the seals that are activated by the presence of non-senju, non-family chakra in the compound. they never quite notice that the anbu guards at the front never give jiraiya and orochimaru any of the trouble or scrutiny that any visitors or guests to the senju compound are always subjected to, and the guards merely let them in with a slight bow of their heads, the same way they would to tsunade, or mito, or her parents.)
the only other times the sleepover isn't at tsunade's place is when there's a thunderstorm and orochimaru insists he needs to spend the night at his apartment because he tells them that last time the storm was this bad, lightning had struck a branch that smashed through his apartment that, if he wasn't already there and was even a little slower, would have destroyed the very few things his parents had left him that he so carefully keeps in a chest and he cannot ever take the risk that that would ever happen again he lost his power and his food went bad in his fridge, and c'mon tsu, you know oro not-so-secretly has a fear of thunder! don't you remember what happened last time at that mission where we were camping? we can't possibly let him spend the night alone at his house!
(later on when they're older, they'll come to find that jiraiya's new jonin apartment will become the new designated sleepover venue as jiraiya begins bringing back questionable sake from his missions that they were definitely too young to be having that he could not have possibly obtained that legally, and mito started banning them from playing card games at the senju compound when she noticed her granddaughter's tendency to lose her entire pay packet in a single game was becoming a bit too familiar to her... like a certain husband of hers' gambling habits that she had tried so hard to make sure wouldn't get passed on to the grandchild who the man had unwittingly taught said card games to at the age of 4. jiraiya started to call his apartment the degenerates' club then, much to the other two's dismay. though they couldn't quite protest when he correctly pointed out they were absolutely behaving like degenerates, even if princess tsunade and the leaf's once-in-a-generation prodigy felt like they were above those sort of disreputable behaviour.)
jiraiya and orochimaru fight tooth and nail that the massive forest that makes up the backyard of the compound, created by the shodaime himself of course, is the only reason they choose to hang out with tsunade at the senju compound, because princess tsunade (dammit oro stop calling me that!), the shodaime hokage seemed to have left so many fascinating things in this forest, there's so many secrets to discover. I don't think I've seen any of these species anywhere else in Konoha. I believe the secrets to some of his jutsu or techniques lie in this forest... oro you're such a nerd. and besides, Princess, the snakes here really seem to like oro for some reason and I think the toads are about to make me their king, I'm sure of it! and also, me and oro are the only people who don't find the fact you use the slime from those slugs in your potions or whatever absolutely disgusting, so we're the only friends you have to play in this gigantic forest with in the first place (it's not potions, it's a new medicinal gel I'm creating! and can you two just shut up? hide and seek is supposed to be a SILENT game and right now, you both really suck at it! I can literally locate you without even moving!) ...hey tsu, is mito-sama going to make those cookies she made last time again? she told me yesterday she would cause hiruzen-sensei told her we did a good job on our last mission.
the three of them knew everyone in Konoha had started calling them the 'Hokage's brats' behind their backs. but none of them realised that, particularly among the elders, this didn't seem to just be in reference to their sensei... there were other, more hushed whispers going around that if they had tried to listen to, would've sounded something like the adopted senjus... or lord first and second's legacies...
(these rumours may or may not have started when people started noticing tsunade's parents went from talking about their two children they adored, to their three rascals plus sweet little nawaki. or when mito kept comparing jiraiya's antics and personality to hashirama or orochimaru's brooding nature and hunger for knowledge was like tobirama's, or how tsunade's own hot temper and tenacity but also mischief was like her own's and the many Uzumakis that came before her, and that all three of them together balanced each other the way she, hashirama, and tobirama had. or when hiruzen constantly raves about his students and how much he sees his senseis in each of them and how the will of fire burns so brightly in them that he knew lord first and second would be extremely proud to see. in the end, though tsunade may have been the only one who shared a name with the senju founders, everybody couldn't help but see hashirama and tobirama and everything they had been and everything they had stood for in all three of the legendary sannin.)
#why yes i AM supposed to be doing my assignment right now#thank you anon for the ask and my apologies for taking your idea and absolutely RUNNING with it to the hills#as you can see i have a lot of thoughts when it comes to the baby sannin#with everything we know about the senjus (so not much) and all their stuff about the will of fire and the village being their family#there is absolutely NO WAY that they see tsunade's beloved teammates that she wont shut up about and see that theyre both orphans#that are in need of a little bit of love and family#and not immediately decided to adopt the two of them whether they like it or not#i absolutely believe that soon after they became a team the senjus started considering jiraiya and orochimaru as family#without even a shred of doubt in their mind#for as far it matters to them oro and jiraiya were one of them and were family no matter what#cause thats the kind of teachings that hashirama would've passed down#and cmon orochimaru had to learn tobiramas techniques somehow#i doubt these techniques were public knowledge#and jiraiyas proximity to the senjus could also be how minato learnt tobiramas technique too#but these hc just make what happened after the second war with the three of them so much more tragic#anyway anon i take your childhood friends sannin idea and raise it with inseperable unbreakable found family bond sannin#they mean everything to me#sannin#nart#meta#hc#tsunade#jiraiya#orochimaru#senju clan#mito#the legendary sannin#tsunade senju#naruto#naruto meta
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sanxkei · 2 years
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Time Travel AU
Tobirama was trying to make a jutsu that would revive the dead but accidentally made one that would go back in time. He didn't expect he would go back when Madara was much younger. He would learn so much about the young Uchiha after saving him from the enemies.
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domoz · 2 years
Some kind of silly drabble about Tobirama once having done childish things:
Hashirama takes the  bellow of rage as an excuse to abandon his paperwork.
It's not like such a thing is uncommon these days, when Madara and Tobirama work together as closely as they do, but his eyes are getting tired from reading trade agreements and it's as good a reason to take a break as any.
His brother's office and the location of the sound is just a few steps down the hall. It takes takes Hashirama less than a moment to understand what's got his friend fuming this time.
Madara, head of the Uchiha clan, is covered head to toe with sparkly silver glitter, clutching a crumpled seal tag in one fist. In the corner, Izuna is hunched over on himself, wheezing with poorly suppressed laughter. Which doesn't actually mean Madara isn't about to start killing anyone, but it's a good sign.
"Oh, wow Madara." He says, purposefully blithe "When did you get a taste for fashion?"
"I hope you die." Madara turns on him with a snarl, "You and your brother both."
"I told you not to touch that." Tobirama says evenly, not even looking up from some scroll on his desk, "It's really only your own fault."
"No. You said it was none of my concern. That's --" Madara cuts himself off with another wordless growl of rage, and Hashirama fights to keep his lips from twitching up.
"Aww. Think of it this way Madara, at least this way we won't lose you in a crowd."
For a moment, Madara looks like he really is about to start a fight, but he's cut off by a quiet snort, and then��� Laughter. Not Izuna's, but Tobirama's, muffled behind a hand, and he's clearly trying to fight it off the way his shoulders are shaking, but his brother is laughing, and Hashirama can't help but stare because he can't remember the last time he heard that. Not in years, not since before Itama, if not Kawarama --
Madara is shocked too, staring with wide eyes. He recovers faster, remembering he's supposed to be angry and spinning on his heel to scatter glitter over as much of Tobirama's office as he can as he leaves with a huff.
"...Wow." Izuna says breathlessly after a moment, "Honestly. Glitter, Senju? That's cruel even for you."
Tobirama sniffs in response, though he's still clearly fighting off a smile.
"Not glitter." He says, "Modified flash powder. It won't hurt him, but he's in for a hell of a surprise the next time he uses a katon."
"...Which he's going to do right now. He always goes to the training fields when you piss him off!" The younger Uchiha jumps to his feet, "Oh I've got to see that."
"Make sure you catch his face with your sharingan if you really want this to be worth it." Tobirama waves him off, and Hashirama has to take a step back to give Izuna the space to bolt past.
(Madara's face was glorious, Izuna will report with glee later, but the yelp he'd made as he'd started sparking had really been something special)
Hashirama watches for a moment as his younger brother shakes his head and returns to work, as though covering Madara with flammable glitter was just an expected part of his day.
"A prank, otouto?" He steps forward to lean on Tobirama's desk, making sure to keep his voice light and non-accusatory. "Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you."
For some reason, Tobirama looks up at him as though he's the one being confusing.
"What do you mean?" He says, "I used to…" With his expression still so unusually open, Hashirama can see melancholy slip over the amusement, "Ah. I suppose you always blamed Kawarama for those things, didn't you?"
And...Oh. There's the familiar ache in his chest. Hashirama didn't expect to remember, today, how one of Kawarama's biggest joys had been to play pranks. He hadn't known Tobirama had ever gotten involved -- had always assumed his most straight laced little brother would have nothing to do with such things. But then, that would have been the perfect cover, and he'd been so close with Kawarama that he must have been dragged into a scheme or two, at least.
How was he still discovering all these years later, things that he'd lost when his brothers had died -- oh and this one was worse, because it was something Tobirama had lost that Hashirama hadn't even known was there to lose. Tobirama was the last family he had left, and yet so often, Hashirama was reminded how little he knew him at all.
But today, somehow, for some reason, a little part of him revealed itself again, even if it had come at the cost of a little bit of Madara's dignity. It should be a happy occasion, and so Hashirama doesn't go digging for answers.
Well, at least not unhappy answers -- after a moment he blinks and stands up straight.
"Tobirama." He says, "Tell me you're not the one who hid razor wire in my hairbrush."
People still taunted him with the bowl cut he'd given himself to hide what had happened to this day.
Beside him, Tobirama goes very still.
"Well, Anija." he says after a moment, "I don't want to lie to you."
And promptly disappears to some hirashin marker out of Hashirama's reach.
Perhaps of everything that's happened today, the most unexpected of all is how Hashirama has now found himself alone in the tower in the middle of the workday. He shakes his head with a chuckle, and just... Takes a moment.
No, he doesn't think he'd regret making this village for anything.
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maxthedumbie · 1 year
just letting everyone know that I was a tobirama and hashirama fan boy since I was 7 and watching the sarutobi vs orochimaru & hokage fight
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pachu09 · 1 year
Childhood Crush
Hashirama chuckles as he stares at a painting he's holding.
Madara and Izuna curiously stares at their Hokage, who carefully laid down the painting on his desk.
Madara, in an attempt to find out what made his bestfriend amused, ask. " What's so funny, Hashirama?. "
Hashirama beams and was about to explain himself but his office door opening and Tobirama stepping inside made him smirk gleefully. Which made the Uchiha Brothers straighten in their seat.
Tobirama, upon seeing his Brother’s smug look; freezes and he eyed the man warily.
Hashirama beams even brighter, it nearly blind the other three Men. " Tobi!. I'm so glad you're here!. I found one of the oldest picture you've been frantically trying to find ( because you thought you lost it ) since we moved into Konoha!. "
Tobirama’s brows furrowed. " Is it the painting of Okaasan? "
Hashirama grins teasingly. " No. "
Izuna, who felt impatient and wanting to know what the painting is, blurts out. " Oh, for Sage sake. What is it, tree brain?! "
Hashirama smiles more widely. " I found the portrait of Tobirama’s first crush! His name is Takeshi and I remember little Tobi he'll – "
Tobirama who realizes what his Brother is up to, pales dramatically and dive for Hashirama to cover his mouth.
Hashirama laughs delightedly as he tried to avoid his Brother’s frantic hands. " Takeshi is a step son of one of my distant Uncle and little Tobi here, back then tried to convince Takeshi that he'll be Takeshi's perfect trophy Wife so he'll need to wait for him to grow up; so that they can get married!. "
Tobirama who blushes furiously glared at Hashirama ( his Brother only laughed at his face ) and stiffly collected the painting in his arms. He avoided the stunned Uchiha Brothers eyes as he exited Hashirama’s office.
Izuna stared amusedly at the closed office door. " That's honestly a cute story, Hashirama. Whatever happened to Takeshi–san though?. "
Hashirama scratches his chin in thought. " Oh. He got married to a nice Civilian girl and they had a bunch of kids. "
Madara who was listening for the most part scowls and gripes at his bestfriend. " I sure hope you won't invite Takeshi in Konoha then? "
Hashirama and Izuna stares flabbergasted at Madara's reaction. " Why? " They asks at the same time.
Madara glaring furiously at the wall, answered. " Well, I sure hope Tobirama won't be seduced by his first crush again because I've been asking for Tobirama to go out with me and fucking hell Hashirama!. I want my soon to be Perfect Trophy Wife too! "
Hashirama and Izuna both deadpanned at Madara's declaration.
Before Madara could rant passionately about his failures in asking out Tobirama. The office door opens again. The three Men looked over to see who would dare to interrupt them.
The door revealed Tobirama who pokes his head from behind the door. He's still blushing furiously but he turn to Madara and shyly said. " Um, we can have a date tonight, Uchiha–sama. You can pick me up at 6 P.M...and um, have a nice day, Madara–sama. "
And with that shocking offer; the office door closes again.
Hashirama slowly rotates his head and stares down at his suddenly dazed bestfriend. " Oh No, you don't!. I won’t let you go on a date with my dear Otouto! "
Izuna scowls ( offended in behalf of his brother ) and shouts back. " You will imbecile! If you don't want Tobi gutting you!! "
Madara, not hearing the two bickering Men's words, walked in a daze to the door and slipped out of the Hokage's room without the other Men non the wiser.
Approaching the Secretary's desk; Madara with a bright blush on his face ask Hashirama’s secretary ( a Yamanaka from her looks ). " Um, where did Tobirama–san went, Yuzuki–san?. "
The Yamanaka stared unimpressed at the Uchiha Clan Head.
" I am not your match maker, Uchiha–sama " but then her serious look was quickly replaced with a sly one. " He went back to his own Home. Its supposed to be his day off you know. "
Madara coughs in embarrassment and with a wave of thanks, disappeared from the hallway using a Shūnshin.
A Nara pops out from the shadow behind the Yamanaka and he lazily asked.
" I win. Yuzuki. Pay up you sly wench. "
Yuzuki scowled and tosses two gold coins to the Nara. " Fuck you, Shin. I'll win next time. I'll bet you it would take a year before they even get married. "
Shin yawned and wave away his friend's premonition. " And I'll bet you ten gold coins that Madara–sama will just eloped with Tobirama–sama. "
Yuzuki gasp, scandalous. " He wouldn't dare!. The Hokage would kill him!. "
Shin stared at her with eyebrows raised. The Yamanaka stares back with trepidation clear in her light blue eyes.
" I'll pray everyday to the Sage that won't happen cause Konoha wouldn't survive Hokage–sama's wrath. "
Shin only shrug and melted back into the shadows. He left his friend clutching her hair in distress at the thought of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara duking it out again because the Hokage refuses his Brother to date and be Wedded to his bestfriend. Its too troublesome for a Nara to even dare to step in between the Uchiha and Senju spats.
Besides, he had a feeling Madara–sama will literally kidnap the younger Senju if Hashirama–sama tried to interfere their courting....
Shin scratches his scalp. " How troublesome ". He intoned lazily. He doesn't look forward to Konoha exploding because Hashirama–sama would raze Hi no Kuni to the ground if that day ever comes.
And it will come.
Because a Nara is never wrong with their calculations.....
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
one fem!madara idea i think would be funny is hashirama and/or tobirama being super worried that she and mito would be getting into constant catfights and trying to keep them from interacting... only to find out that they actually get along really well and have a lot of respect for each other
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slrsunfire · 1 year
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•The Springtime of Lovers•  
 -Chapter 2-
💠 | A/B/O AU | Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Childhood Betrothal
💠Uchiha Madara/Senju Tobirama
💠Rated T [Ongoing]
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45607210/chapters/119948329
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
When I think of Hashirama losing control of himself (in anger, in grief, whichever) and letting it all out I think of like. You know that scene in Sleeping Beauty where Maleficent casts a spell on the castle where Aurora is sleeping so Prince Philip can't get to it, and then there are dark, tangled, and twisted thorny trees and branches that grow around it. You know the aesthetic of a scary, dark forest during the night, where everything looks much bigger than it is, with looming shadows and the natural shapes carved into the barks of trees, the hollows, they look like faces, threatening, mischievous ones or ones contorted with fear, as if they were scared of the forest at night too. Yeah, that.
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woodblxssomcrowned · 9 months
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[WIP] Hashirama & Maeko Headcanon :: The Bad Example Contains mentions of depression and thought of self-unaliving
When the requirements and exams for academy applicants were finalized, Hashirama knew Maeko wasn't going to make the cut.
He contemplated hard whether he should discourage her from even taking the exams, or let her go through with it and inevitably fail. Neither was a good option.
Finally he let her do it, and braced himself for the backlash.
She did fail, and was openly discouraged from trying again, on the grounds that she completely lacked both exant ability and any potential to learn certain skills deemed essential to become a capable shinobi.
It did not matter that she was Senju. It did not matter that she was Hashirama's daughter. She had been evaluated on the same requirements as all others, and had been found lacking.
They needed to keep this new system stable, and make sure that people understood that there wouldn't be exceptions based on what background the applicant came from. He couldn't be seen holding his own children above that system.
Of course people were mad about it. Mito was mad, and very concerned abut it. Several other Senju were mad about it. And Maeko was of course mad about it.
(Tobirama did not like it either. But he had been on among the exam proctors, and had been the one to seal Maeko's failure by being honest when asked if he thought his niece even had the potential to ever pick up the basic abilities needed for Ninjutsu. It had not been his intention to hurt her, even though he knew it would.)
Maeko, about seven years old at this point, was hurt. Hurt, angry and distressed.
She got it explained to her that although her anger was valid, it was still probably for the best, and right now the best thing she could do was to not openly challenge the decision, meaning to not challenge the system her father was trying to trying to put into place and uphold.
She could help by showing up as a good example as someone who had not made it into the academy, despite coming from a powerful and well-known clan, but was still happy and ready to support their clan, the village and the system from the sidelines as a non-shinobi. To show that it was a valid path now.
This was easier said than done.
Becoming a shinobi had been her identity since she'd been old enough to know anything.  And proving herself a capable shinobi, like her brother and peers, despite her difficulties had been a driving force through out her childhood.
And for other shinobi, rather than being seen as valid and as a positive example of what the alternative was for someone who wasn't able to get into the academy, Maeko was regarded as quite the opposite. Her position was far from something anyone ever wanted to be in, or see their children end up.
Nobody in a shinobi clan wanted their child to be publicly declared too weak and unfit to walk the path of their friends, family and ancestors, who had been born, raised, lived and died as shinobi. Especially when they were now tested side by side with children from completely unknown civilian families that had moved into the village, who had little to no shinobi training or heritage in their background.
Many clans had done their utmost to pull a veil over old grudges in favor of peace, but the pride of being shinobi ran deeper still and was something few were willing and able to put aside.
So instead of seeing being unable to enter and/or graduate the academy as an acceptable outcome, many would instead start training their children harder at home, to give them the best possible chance of success. So in that regard little actually changed compared to prior to the peace, where children were trained early and hard to give them the best possible chance of survival. It wasn't necessarily a mater of life or death anymore the same way it had been, but much more a serious matter of pride and honoring your ancestors and heritage.
After Maeko's loud emotions settled, she tried to act like it did not bother her, she didn't want to cause problems for her father after all, she did want to be useful, but soon it became apparent that what had seemed like compliance and acceptance, was indifference and depression.
She didn't want to be the bad example. Because no matter what Hashirama tried to convince anyone, she was now someone no aspiring shinobi would want to end up as.
She had been forced to abandon her old identity, but she didn't want her new identity to be defined by her failure and inadequacy. But she was in such a state that she couldn't find any direction to escape it.
It wasn't really until Hashirama was made aware of Maeko having slipped into such a state of misery that she was having thoughts of wanting to end her own life that he truly realized just how deeply affected she was.
He still genuinely did not know what to do. He couldn't put her into the academy. It was not his call after all, and he had to lead by example and back up the system, not sway it for the benefit of himself and his family.
Almost any suggestion he got to possibly solve the issue would result in him not really posing as a good example for how he wished others to adapt to the new way of life in the village. And those who didn't usually meant removing her entirely from the shinobi way of life, somehow finding a place for her away from it. Far away. Where her last name and parentage would not influence other perception of her.
He couldn't figure out an answer he felt comfortable acting on. Thankfully, Maeko was unsuccessful in taking her own life, and slowly dragged herself into a state where she could at least give off the air of functioning.
But she never got fully out of that depression. Ever. Although she did still engage with him in a friendly and familiar manner, she never forgave her uncle for the position he's put her in by not being capable of mustering up a lie for her sake. She never forgave her father for denying that the role and example he tried to convince her she should play was not one that would be respected by the majority of the village, and for not acting even when he saw her at her very lowest. But it was all for the village after all.
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
Hey, I notice that your request box is open, mind if I requested a family hcs with Madara, Indra and Izuna?
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warnings: mentions of breeding, slight suggestive content, mentions of trauma word count: 0.8k pairings: Indra Otsutsuki x Fem!Reader, Madara Uchiha x Fem!Reader, Izuna x Fem!Reader
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Indra doesn’t realize that he wants to be with you at first. You’re too soft, too sweet. But then he begins to spend more time with you.
The more time he spends with you, the more he falls in love. It takes very little time after that for him to claim you as his and to get you pregnant. He is the first in the Uchiha family to have the blessed(cursed) breeding kink.
While you’re pregnant, he is very overprotective. Stays with you almost all day and all night. He won’t let most people around you. Just the midwives and the doctors.
Once your first child is born, Indra becomes hellbent on making sure the child has a good life. He will raise them so well and be soft and gentle with them.
Seeing you with his baby just makes him even more turned on. He wants to breed you even more, but he understands he needs to give you time to recover.
You’ll be pregnant a lot when you’re with Indra. He takes good care of you and the kids. He won’t make anyone feel left out. But he will possibly favor his first born at times, and they have a very special bond.
The children love to train with him, and even if he can be harsh at times, he does what he can to show them tenderness and affection. His curse of love runs deep within each and everyone of them, even affecting you as well. All in all, Indra is a decent family man.
Madara is very protective of you. He falls for you so deeply, and he doesn’t intend on sharing you with anyone. Hashirama is the one who officiates your marriage. Then you’re blessed with becoming an Uchiha.
While on your honeymoon, Madara gets you pregnant. He’s so happy and over the moon. He will keep you safe the entire time, not allowing too much excitement nor will you have too many people bothering you.
The Uchiha family will grow immensely with him as the clan head and you as his wife. You will have many children together. He can’t help himself, he finds you so beautiful when you’re pregnant and motherly.
Your children cling to you a lot, as they are a bit afraid of their strong and gruff father. Still, he softens up quite a bit when they spend time with him. And they love their uncle Izuna and uncle Hashirama.
Madara finds himself growing a little too soft at times when his children are begging to play with them. He wants to give them the childhood he never got to experience. But that trauma can sometimes get the best of him.
They all train to become shinobi, but not because they need to fight, but because they want to be shinobi just like him. Madara is very proud of each and every one of them. He’ll give them tips to improve.
Your clan grows more and more, leaving you to have a very happy life with Madara. And the two of you are able to grow old together and just enjoy your lives with your children thriving and becoming the next generation of shinobi.
Izuna is shy at first. After surviving the attack from Tobirama, he doesn’t even consider himself worthy of love. He spends his time boozing and whoring around. Then he meets you and his heart only beats for you.
It takes him a long time to realize that he’s allowed to fall in love. When the time comes for you two to get married, his brother is the first person he tells. Madara gives you both his blessings.
Izuna becomes insanely obsessed with breeding you. The Uchiha breeding kink hits him harder than his brother. He is a man on a mission, and you barely remember much from your honeymoon except the color of the bedsheets.
When you return home, you’re already pregnant. And as you continue going through the pregnancy, Izuna becomes insanely protective over you. He’s not letting you out of his sight. He keeps a tight hold on you.
Izuna cries the moment he gets to hold his firstborn. And this is something that continues with each child afterwards. You help the Uchiha clan grow so much, as Izuna pretty much keeps you pregnant.
He’s good with the kids. Having a family has really opened his eyes and made him see how much he’s happier to have been given a second chance at life. They all love their father so much and cling to him.
Izuna enjoys being able to grow old with you by his side and to have all these amazing kids. He knows that no matter what they decide to be when they grow up, he’ll always be there to back them up and support them.
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hibiscusseaart · 5 days
So about Time Travel Tobirama
He gets back in his childhood, the period when Kawarama was already dead, but Itama still alive, just cuz I like Itama alive and well, ok. (also i love the idea of Itama the weed shinobi by @oh-no-its-bird so)
And he starts to think and strategise smth like "Ok, I need to kill Black Zetsu, but idk where he is. But he should be around Uchihas, so I must come closer. But I cant just go there, we're not in peace, they'd kill me. And I don't exactly know when Black Zetsu is gonna try to manipulate Madara. So I also have to monitor Madara and make sure Izuna doesn't ever dies, to ensure that Madara won't lose his shit".
So, he's really logical and his conclusion was "So the easiest way to monitor the Uchiha clan is to marry an Uchiha." But he can't just marry a random Uchiha, it'd be shitty for politics he is the clan heir after Hashirama after all + it'd be nice way to strengthen peace via marriage. Plus he needs to keep close eye to Madara. So. Marrying Madara it is. Or Izuna. But first of all, Izuna is annoying and second he still needs very carefully look for potential signs of Black Zetsu corruption and it's better to do that when they're in close quarters. So the best case scenario is Madara's hand in marriage.
Killing Madara might be easier, but Hashirama would be sad. Plus I think the ppl who helped him to be sent in the past (coughnaruto who said that) told him smth about that Madara and Hashirama are Indra and Ashura reincarnations and be like "What if daddy Sage gets angry..."
So yeah no killing Madara. Even though he kinda wants to.
And to be clear, he had this plan in the few days he's back in his baby body. He's like 10-12 or whatever, when Hashi starts running to the river to meet Madara. Oh and Itama is safe and sound cuz Tobi said fuck Butsuma and went to safe his baby brother.
So one day Tobirama follows his brother to the river to actually meet Madara before his father decides to fuck everything.
So, Tobirama's the most fucked up honeypot mission officially begun. Tobirama is gonna be like "Ok i need to impress a 12 yo... But I cant just show him a cool jutsu, he might think about me as a rival or whatever... Kids like praise and cool things... Maybe I can tell him that he's cute and find him a cool stick? Should I ask Anija to make a cool stick?"
He meets Madara (without a stick, Hashirama might've suspect smth) and be like "Wow, Anija who would've known you've made such a cute friend" (Tobirama is hard cringing in his head, he's not the best in honeypot missions) and Madara, being about 12 year old, is standing there covered in mud, cuz Hashirama threw him into river or whatever + the little hc that he's kinda ugly when he's in his teens. Like Madara thinks of himself as strong and cool, but not particularly handsome with his wild hair and eye bags.
So Madara is smitten cuz wow pretty boy with red eyes said that He's cute!!!
Tobirama looks at Madara's dopey smile and thinks of the first phase as a success. Now Tobirama starts to spend some time with Hashirama and Madara to monitor their surroundings from their clans, while Itama distracts their father, and also try to win over Madara when he is still an impressionable kid. Plus he starts hinting that they may be Senju and Uchiha and that they should be prepared. But well they're kids who wants to escape all that war and just play with a peer so.
Long story short, Madara be like "So we're gonna make a village and then I'm gonna marry Tobirama!"
Tobi "fuck yes, a bit ahead of the schedule, but sounds good, i'm in"
Hashirama is outraged bc THATS HIS LIL BROTHER!!!
So Tobirama plays hard and makes Madara promise to marry him when they're old enough.
But then well, they're still found out and they still have a fallout cuz of their clans. But Tobirama made them promise to try hard for peace (and marriage), so now they just have to wait til Butsuma dies and Hashirama can become a clan head.
Tobirama tries not to be so efficient at killing Uchihas cuz he will be their family later so he tries to avoid it and just knock out or use some non lethal methods. Hashirama mostly fights Madara and it's almost sparrings at this point. Itama works on his weed empire and learns healing.
Well one day Butsuma dies and Hashirama and Tobirama bully their Elders and rush to try for peace. Tajima (who I think is still alive) is suspicious of all of it and stalls af.
So one day on the battlefield Tobirama says "So, marriage when? You promised asshole", making all the Uchiha and Senju stumble and "HUH?!"
So now many of the Senju and Uchiha now know that Uchiha clan heir apparently proposed to the Senju heir ??? Everyone is confused.
Madara, still crushing hard on Tobirama, catches this opportunity and bullies everyone to allow peace and let him marry Tobirama. Uchiha allow it only cuz everyone knows how crazy Uchihas about loved ones and Madara is the strongest one. They kinda afraid that if they won't allow it, he'd go crazy (he would).
So Madara gets his trophy wife Tobirama, Tobirama gets his safari zone with Uchihas in their natural habitat.
Tobirama is a surprisingly good husband to Madara, cuz with all that Zetsu thing, he's attentive as hell. "Something bothering you, dear husband? Do tell me everything."
At first they think he'd learn things and will tell that all back to Senju, but Tobirama tries to assure them "I don't really care about details. Tell me about how it makes you feel." (he looks for the signs of Zetsu corruption)
So basically Tobirama marries Madara to become his therapist. Madara is very much in love and constantly brags how much his spouse loves him and that he always listens his worries.
Izuna is mad as fuck about all of it btw. He thinks that Tobirama has ulterior motives and hides something. (He's right. ) But Tobirama dutifully plays his part as an attentive spouse and makes plans for bettering Uchiha clan just so that the village won't suffer. He'd probably would prescribe them regular therapy for everyone who awoken Sharingan.
also @fashionredalert write a snippet for this au with madara in the mud! pls check it out!
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thottyimagines · 11 months
Top 5 fucked up things that happend in Naruto?
This lived in my drafts for quite a while as I went back and forth with just a top five. I don't think this is in any particular order, because good god these people have suffered. Also, please note that I haven't read or watched Boruto and know nothing about it, so whatever atrocities occur there are mysteries to me.
That time Rin committed suicide by jumping into Kakashi's Chidori, then everyone started calling him Friend Killer Kakashi and even he believes he murdered his teammate in cold blood for the good of the village.
When Minato decided to make his minutes-old son the Kyuubi container and then swiftly leave him as an orphan, and Hiruzen thought the best thing to do would be to let the village terrorize him and leave him without the protection of his powerful, beloved parents' legacies.
Nagato going off the deep end after Yahiko got murdered and deciding to use his dead bestie's body as one of his paths, forcing Konan (who may or may not have been romantically linked with Yahiko, but at the very least was another childhood best friend) to interact with his corpse for years to come as Nagato's real body rotted in the basement.
Orochimaru's whole child experimentation/abduction/murder/body snatching extravaganza is just...horrific. He truly is a plague upon the elemental nations, and I believe if Tobirama were Hokage when Orochimaru started to get weird, he would have been put down like a mad dog. Maybe Minato would have tried to do it had he lived long enough, too.
You can't have a list of fucked up Naruto things without mentioning the obvious Uchiha massacre. Village-sanctioned genocide perpetuated by a 13-year-old family member and his insane cousin masquerading as their equally-insane ancestor is some dark shit, and that's not even getting to the other related factors (re: eyeball snatching, the Sasuke of it all, Divine Intervention via moon goddess planting the seeds of it happening at all).
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
About Shisui Uchiha
just some shower thoughts i had about him. this is very headcanon heavy and rather vague at times.
tw for talks about suicide, manipulation, trauma, abuse, etc
tagging: @uchihaharlot @pxssy-stuntin-for-itxchi @lalalover33-blog @burning-bubble @naruto-scribblings-j
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Unlike Itachi, who was born during the last year of the great Shinobi war, it is safe to say that Shisui was born while it was still going on. So naturally, he was exposed to the worst side humanity had to offer, most likely traumatizing him in the process.
His mother is never mentioned, so I assume she must have died during his birth or in his early childhood. His father, most likely ravaged by illness before he even entered the battlefield, lost his left leg, leaving him with phantom pains and high medical bills. As a born shinobi, Shisui’s father lacked the funds and education to pursue any other path of career, leaving his child as the only breadwinner of his family. Shisui probably had to spend his entire childhood and youth slaving away just to keep his father and himself afloat. Additionally, he took care of a terminally i’ll man who didn’t even remember his son’s name. Of course, this would lead to Shisui being very perceptive of the psychology of the ones around him, how else could he search for a sign of his father’s state health changing?
Shisui often spent time wondering what it’s like to have a family, a family in which he is allowed to be what he is: a child. Someone who is cared for, someone who is looked after. Despite being an Uchiha, his relation to Kagami Uchiha - the Uchiha allied with Tobirama, the very person planting the seed for all the discrimination the Uchiha would face, up to a point of their genocide, would probably lead him to feel ostracized within his own clan. And like everyone of us, he is trying to find the balance between individuality and belonging - the latter being the one he lacked. His abilities as an Uchiha become a defining factor of identity for him, leading to him being willing to let a comrade via withholding aid - just on the basis of that comrade potentially being stronger than him. Once his comrade dies, the young Uchiha is ravaged by feelings of guilt, by the awareness that the blood of his friend is on his hand.
But nevertheless, he is blessed with a new Uchiha ability - the mangekyou sharingan. His entire life he had to enter a role he didn’t want to be in, robbing him of memories he could have had. So what better mangekyou ability to have than the one that alters memories, and, in extension, alters your role in the world?
Shisui’s resentment against his Uchiha identity starts bubbling up inside him again, and being a shinobi who frequents B- or even A-Rank missions as a literal teenager (how else would you pay for your father’s medical debt as a shinobi, eh?) he was closer to the village from the start. Hailed as the strong and talented Uchiha boy, taking on missions to serve his village, behind the facade a broken kid forced to grow up way too quickly. His first serious doubts begin when he is forced to kill Mukai Kohinata, a direct reflection of Shisui, just the other way around: a father wanting nothing but funds to care for his dying child.
Things don’t get better when the tension between the village and the Uchiha rise. His own brethren or the collective - who will you support? Getting into Shisui’s mind and twisting his perception of what’s right is an easy game for Danzo, almost too easy. A civil war breaking out in Konoha would be a repetition of his initial trauma - the one thing Shisui wants to prevent the most. Shisui starts feeling conflicted, until he finally stumbles upon THE miracle solution: forcefully keeping up the status quo by manipulating the leader of the revolution - an unpleasant reality, but better than the Uchiha clan’s extermination or a civil war breaking out, right? To Shisui, atleast. And honestly, who could blame him? As a ninja who graduated young, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he lacks the methodical and critical thinking outside of the parameters of violence and manipulation he is used to from Danzo and the shinobi world.
And then it happens. He agrees to suppress the revolution of his own ethnic group just for the sake of keeping up a false sense of peace, and suddenly, his co conspirators, the man that is supposed to be guarding him, leading him, suddenly abandons him and steals his eye? Shisui’s entire identity as the Uchiha boy from Konoha collapses and he doesn’t know what to think or believe anymore. In his last moments, he becomes aware of the utter pointlessness of the killing and the brutality of the shinobi system, the sheer feeling of powerless overwhelming him. At this point, death seems like a sweeter option than continuing to live powerlessly in such a system.
Shisui is a skilled ninja, but not always in contact with his emotions. Therapy is a rarity in the leaf, with even the counselors themselves not being able to give advise outside of the parameters of what’s “acceptable” in the hidden leaf.
So, what better way to hide your agony than behind a -albeit manufactured- goofy smile?
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tossawary · 4 months
Ooohh do you have any thoughts on Orochimaru specifically? Would love to hear them, I find his whole deal fascinating.
At the moment, not really? I mean, I just finished the last 100 chapters of the "Naruto" manga and I best remember the Chuunin Exams arc besides that, so while I have a general idea of Orochimaru's deal and backstory, I do not remember the small and specific canonical details that generally make characters super interesting.
One thing that I thought was super funny was that Hashirama, Tobirama, and Minato (and Sarutobi Hiruzen, I guess? He was there doing... something) are carrying a significant percentage of this super long final battle, fighting against Obito and Madara, saving lives and dealing out damage. And they're only there as super powerful undead warriors because Orochimaru resurrected them with his improved Edo Tensai technique. So I think it's fair to say that a SIGNIFICANT part of the final battle is being carried by OROCHIMARU, who might as well be sitting on the sidelines for most of it with a cocktail and a beach chair.
I don't remember the exact details of the human experimentation, at least part of which I'm sure is unforgivably evil even if Orochimaru was doing them on behalf of his village at some point. (Doing that shit on someone else's order is still not good even if all of these traumatized characters were raised to be obedient soldiers since early childhood.) But besides the mad science, Orochimaru generally doesn't really stand out to me as being any more evil than a lot of kage and other senior shinobi.
Like, they are in the business of making child soldiers and killing people for money; that is the general deal of ninja here. Inherently corrupt and violent systems and all that jazz. So, personally, I don't really care all that much that Orochimaru defected and started his own business, because I don't think that most of these characters owe any real loyalty to this broken military state that keeps fucking them and their loved ones over to hold onto its power. I like the fact that he's fun-looking and dramatic and a lot about him as a villain / antagonist calls out everyone else around him as hypocrites.
I don't remember enough about him to fully understand his motivations and be persuaded that his actions make any kind of sense by the story, but a lot of character motivations and their choices to achieve their goals in "Naruto" barely make sense to me. (Note to everyone: this is not an invitation to explain Orochimaru's everything to me. I'll read all of canon properly at some point.) I like the fact that he decided to help against Madara and Obito at the end of the story, because he was like, "Of course I want to save the world? I live here???"
I thought the end of "Naruto" was super abrupt and I can't remember if there was much of Orochimaru in those final chapters. I know he fucked off again and had a kid later, which I find funny. (Half of the time Orochimaru was on screen, I was distracted by Uzumaki Karin, because I wanted to like her as a female character with some cool attributes, I wanted to be in her corner, but every time she appeared, she did something that made me want to strangle the author with my bare hands. I feel entitled to financial compensation.)
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Senju Family x Reader Platonic Relationship Headcanons
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Tags: No Reader Pronouns
𓆃 While Butsuma is around, you better be on your best behavior. He's extremely tough on his sons because he believes that that is what is best for their survival, so he won't allow anyone around them who he thinks will drag them down.
𓆃 No matter who you are, if you have any association with his children, he expects you to be tough. Bonus points if you excel in combat so profoundly that he starts comparing you to his boys.
𓆃 Given who he is as a man as well as the children he's already lost, Butsuma is willing to view you— a good friend of his sons— as one of his own... given you fit his standards.
𓆃 While much tougher on his own children, Butsuma will always treat you with respect and regard your accomplishments. He'll often forget that you aren't one of his children.
𓆃 And as adults, your bond with Hashirama and Tobirama will continue to be as strong as ever. Or even if you happened to have met in your adulthood, your relationship with the two would be absolutely seemless.
𓆃 Knowing Hashirama before the conclusion of the Senju-Uchiha conflict, following him in his dream is almost a given. Even if your passion for starting the village isn't as strong as his, you and Tobirama are following and supporting him every second of the way.
𓆃 Whether it's going on drink runs, making copies and playing secretary, or spending late nights with Hashirama preparing him for diplomatic meetings, you've already volunteered yourself.
𓆃 And your homes are basically each other's. You have the keys to prove it.
𓆃 Hashirama will show up to yours unannounced for dinner (which you'll have to improvise). You'll have to rifle through Hashirama's closet because he's spilled wine all over his robes. Tobirama picks up the things you forgot on the counter in your kitchen because you were so busy worrying about this huge gathering of diplomats.
𓆃 You get to know each of their students well, treating them as your own. You get them gifts on major holidays and never forget a birthday or graduation.
𓆃 Tsunade absolutely adores you, and the three of you take turns spoiling her and taking her out on adventures around the village.
𓆃 There's a period of a couple months where you're all engaged in a harmless prank war and you're not sure who started it. You think it lasted for as long as it did because all of your students and respective grandchildren thought it was so fun.
𓆃 You oftentimes have impromptu family nights where, a few days before, you'll arrange to meet up at someone's house. People will bring food and activities for the children. Students are, of course, welcome.
𓆃 Hashirama has at least one goofy gag that he pulls out at the dinner table to make the little kids laugh.
𓆃 There's little structure to the night, just spending time with each other.
𓆃 Tobirama loves hikes and will take everyone on nature walks. He's oddly passionate about different trees and features of the landscape. He pouts when he thinks no one is listening to him.
𓆃 Hashirama's whole dream was giving people a place to be a community, while not even noticing he's made his own microcosm.
𓆃 You all have waited so long for peace, that now you finally have it to share with family— blood or not.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Childhood Best Friends with Tobirama and Hashirama Headcanons
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