#today I actually acknowledged it’s okay for me to be like. not an actual angel amongst mortals and that’s genuinely so big for me
stuckinapril · 11 months
I’m always so excessively hard on myself whenever I experience a normal human emotion. Like the first thought that comes to mind is how to mitigate it and alleviate it and sometimes even pretend I haven’t experienced it. It comes w my toxic perfectionist tendencies but I think that’s so unsustainable. And so today while I was journaling the first thing I wrote was “it’s okay for you to be feeling this, you’re human and no human is perfect” and that was so big for me. Like actually acknowledging I’m not a uniquely horrible person for having flaws. I think the fear of being imperfect has also come w historically having people in my life who just didn’t allow me the space to be a flawed girl in this incredibly confusing and harsh world. But it’s fine bc I don’t need their validation anymore and I don’t care how anyone perceives me. I’m okay w myself. I am legitimately trying my best right now. And that’s all that matters
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adamsstabwound · 7 months
Adam x Archangel!Mreader
-cock signing off
A/N: pretty gn though ngl 😔🙏 first posted fic btw be nice 2 me 💕
Summary: you'd met him in the Garden of Eden between Lilith and Eves creation. The new human had taken a fondness for you.
The air in the garden was warm, a comfortable warm, when was it not? You'd come to visit the human god had created for only the second time, you were simply there to keep him company for the short while.
As you walked through the angelic(pun intended) garden, in search of the human, you came to a pause. You stood straight, looking around, puzzled as of to where the hell he had gone- it's one garden, where could he have possibly wandered off to?
You sighed at the silence, nothing but the beautiful songs of birds and the rustles of the leaves in the gentle breeze. It was.. nice. It felt more colorful than heaven. All of the vivid colors seemed not to follow any set of rules, any specific strict palettes. It was.. natural. Beautiful. You felt out of place in your brightly colored white robes and golden wings. Among so many unique and gorgeous things and here you stood with NO fashion.
You were snapped from your thoughts as you heard a splash, your head snapping in the direction it had emmited from. Surely it was Adam- well. No. He wasnt the only thing in this god damn garden but-
You sighed softly as you made your way forward, coming to a clearing where a large pond lay, Adam sat comfortably at the shore of it, watching the creatures he'd oh so proudly named ducks paddle through it. As he heard you approach, he excitedly turned his head towards you with an eager smile, only for his expression to soften in some kind of disappointment when he saw you.
You waved awkwardly before sitting beside the human, you wanted to pretend to watch the ducks, but your eyes couldn't help but stay fixed on Adam. In the strong silence, he finally spoke,
"Will i get a new wife?" He asked dryly, staring towards the lake, but his voice was laced with a subtle sorrow.
You frowned softly, followed by a gentle nod, "soon, Adam." You assured, tilting your head to properly face the human, "what are we doing today, Adam?" You smiled in an attempt to ease the tension, trying to cheer the man up.
He peered to you softly once more, raising his brows, in thought. You watched, taking note of his features, how soft yet sharp they were. How endearing, how fascinating. A human. The fi-
"I was thinking," Adam began, ripping you from your thoughts once more. You raised your brows almost mockingly. Adam? A human? Thinking? How revolutionary.
He furrowed his brows softly as he took note of your rather telling sarcastic expression, snickering softly to himself, "dont look at me like that-" he groaned, sighing and leaning back on his hands.
You smiled, trying to imitate Adams posture as you too sat back on your hands. Nodding softly to Adam in acknowledgment, "Okay,, well what were you thinking, Adam?" You questioned, looking to the human.
He smiled excitedly, obviously happy to share any and all thoughts with someone who could- well- reply to them. He couldn't deny his own loneliness. He was,, pathetic.
"Okay okay, well i was thinking of a name for y-" he started, only for you to interrupt him, furrowing your brows slightly.
"Adam, we've discussed this. I already HAVE a name i don't need-" you objected, only for Adam to put a gentle finger against your lips to shush you before he continued,
"A friend name! Just for us?" He pleaded, pouting his lip playfully, to which you groaned in irritation. You couldnt deny the soft spot you'd already grown towards the human. It was rather embarrassing actually.
"Okay. Just for us." You repeated, sighing deeply and nodding to Adam, the mans face lighting up instantly, leaning forward.
"OKAY OKAY-" he began, you couldn't help but roll your eyes already, peering off to the side as if youd found something more interesting to look at.
"So what about.."
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 18
oh no depending on what exactly the Angel’s motivations and allegiances are this conversation between her and Camilla could go very differently. and oooh i don’t know if its mentioned before but is Cam wearing her sunglasses in this scene, because i wonder if Cam tripping into the Angel is actually Palamedes doing his whole psychometry thing 
and it is Palamedes!! whaaat the fuck is he doing talking to Angel about necromancy, i really hope he has some kind of plan right now
and also something strange is up with Noodle, is he like trained to detect necromancers or something? i really hope Noodle doesn’t start hating Nona at some point, that would be horrifically sad 
and there’s some discussion of a mysterious implant that the Angel has in her body, one that Palamedes is very invested in knowing about … no clue whats going on there. some kind of BoE military information maybe??
i’m very glad that Palamedes is acknowledging that Nona is perfectly capable of making her own decisions here 
‘you became my enemy in the last five minutes’ and now this situation just went from bad to worse, of everything i thought that these guys had to worry about it wasn’t Nona’s school-teacher throwing hands with them
ohhh fuck Nona’s whole ‘popping’ bad headache is her getting shot in the head, isn’t it
and all that mentioned inter-organisational conflict within BoE is finally rearing its head. ngl i think i understand whats going on with the protocol and internal conflicts of BoE even less than i did the necromancy in GtN. and apparently no-one in BoE can communicate, given they had no idea that an integral part of their Lyctor project was being taught by another very important member of their organisation. also a very small detail, but confirmation that the Building is actually some kind of BoE safe house 
and thank god that Cam and Pal also aren’t actually dead, this chapter is giving me a fucking heart attack
oh damn i was not expecting someone with the name ‘Our Lady of the Passion’ to look cool
omfg i cannot believe that BoE thought that Nona’s truly terrible pretend radio call was real
also i totally forgot Hot Sauce basically disappeared after Nona got shot. either she’s dead or she’s got to have realised about Nona, and i don’t know which one is going to hurt more 
‘Nona vaguely made a note to practise scowling, and also dye her hair’ focusing on women they’re attracted to in the worse possible situations, Nona your inner Gideon is showing. also in the vein of every teenagers existential crisis, Nona wants to change up her hair 
Nona going to find Hot Sauce through the building, and them just holding eachother through the gunfire, is probably the tensest/most horror-like passage i think there’s been since GtN. 
and the worrying description of Hot Sauce drawing her gun seems to be coming very soon. there’s really a lot of emphasis on it in this passage, and i have a bad feeling Hot Sauce is going to shoot Nona 
‘Nona was sorry for the bean experiment’ rip the bean experiments, we hardly knew ye 
and there it is, Hot Sauce shooting Nona dead in the temple. poor Nona’s getting shot an awful lot today. even though Nona’s obviously going to be okay physically, on an emotional level i really don’t think their relationship can come back from this
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Helpless part 36, sorry for the wait, here is a long chapter as payment
Nico woke up after three hours with a splitting headache, he felt nauseous, where even was he? He spotted the blonde boy sitting on the chair next to him reading a book, he was surprised that he wasn't off with ten other patients by this point. "You okay Neeks?" Will said putting his book down and walking over.
"I've got a headache."
"Nauseous to?"
"How'd you know?"
"It's normal, I'll go get you some water." Will walked out returning with a glass and handing it to the Hades kid, he started taking small sips from it, letting the cool water run down his throat, when even was the last time he drank water? "Would you be open to talking to someone? I know you don't like opening up to people but it could help."
"Are... are you forcing me to?" Nico asked so softly Will could barely hear him, he sat down next to the whispering boy.
"'Course not Neeks, we just want you to get help."
"Please don't make me talk to people." He whispered back, curling up.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Nico mentally laughed at the irony of Will telling him that when he was being kept in the infirmary which he really didn't want to do. The son of Apollo grabbed the small boy's hand and started rubbing the back of it in circles, "You could try a journal? I've heard that helps."
"Maybe... can we leave this for now?"
"Sure, anything in particular you want to talk about?"
"Can we finish our game of twenty questions?"
"Who's your favorite siblings?"
"Don't you dare tell any of them but Kayla, Austin will kill me if he finds out." Will laughed, "Least favorite of the seven?"
"Valdez, he's annoying as fuck also I fucked him that one time so it just makes everything awkward."
"Wait what?!"
"We were both bored and drunk, we never talk about that day. Anyways, have you ever dyed your hair?" He decided to let Will come to his own conclusions on that one, especially because Leo was too drunk to actually remember it, or he was just a very good actor. He remembered that night, it was the anniversary of when Bianca had died, while he last memories with her weren't the best he still loved her. He still wished he'd died instead of her. He was drinking himself numb, standing outside on the deck in the darkness when Leo walked, well walked was being generous, stumbled down the stairs, so drunk he could barely stay up right. He remembers thinking 'well might as well do it, haven't got anything to loose.' He remembers grabbing his shirt and smashing his lips against his.
"Why are you so drunk Valdez?" He muttered into his ear, trailing up kisses
"None ya business Shadow boy."
"Fine." He pulled away,
"No sympathy sex if you don't tell me."
"My mom died today."
"I'm sorry."
"Di Angelo I seem to realise you are also drunk, would you care to explain why?" His words were practically just slurs, fuck it, he thought, they'd both just never acknowledge it again.
"My sister died today."
"What? But Hazel-"
"My other sister, Bianca, died when I was ten."
"I'm sorry."
"Can we just fuck senseless I can't take processing this anymore."
"Fine by me." And then that was it, they never spoke of it again and went back to hating each other, honestly it was a disaster that they we're probably never going to unpack.
"Nope, I was going to dye it brown again when I saw my mum but then she didn't talk to me for years so never really did that."
"That is messed up but in a desperate attempt to keep this light hearted we will unpack that later. Now, I will be kidnapping you and dying your hair every colour imaginable."
"Can I ask why?"
"You're blonde, what else would I do?"
"Umm... okay then, have you ever watched Star Wars?"
"What! How? I'm putting Kay or Aussi on tomorrow night and we are binging all of Star Wars together."
"Please no."
"Too late Angel boy." Nico sighed in defeat, shaking his head but accepting his fate.
"Why didn't you tell me you could speak Italian?"
"I didn't know, I mean the song I learnt a while ago but actually speaking it's like how Aphrodite kids can speak French because it's the language of love, Italian's the language of music."
"That makes a lot of sense."
"Speaking of Italy, do you miss it?"
"Yeah, but when I went back there with Jason on the Argo II I didn't really feel anything, everything there changed so much, it barely feels like home now. What's something no one or only one person knows about you?" Will could tell him so many different things, he had so many secrets but was it safe to share them? He could do the easy thing and say that he glows in the dark, he could talk about his mom or the things he does at night when he's sure no one's watching him.
"I can glow in the dark." It was too soon, he'd tell him... eventually.
"YOU'RE A PORTABLE SUNSHINE!!!" Nico cringed at himself mentally but it was so easy to get lost in conversation with Will, just about fun shit, not worrying about everything all the time. I mean he'd had his fair share of hard conversations and lectures from the blonde boy but it was still so easy to relax around him. That wasn't good, he couldn't let his guard down, especially after those kisses. He said he loved him, he kissed him after the first one, he didn't pull away but that didn't mean anything. He would leave after realising that he was worthless and didn't deserve love, he wanted to let him in but his brain wouldn't let him, the only reason he'd said half the shit he had now was because of Reyna.
"Shut up Doom and Gloom." He laughed, messing up Nico's hair.
"Don't think I will, Care Bear."
"You love it, be honest." Fuck, he shouldn't be letting himself get this comfortable, he shouldn't be getting this relaxed with anyone. But it was living sunshine, cinnamon roll, Will Solace, he could trust him... right? Will rolled his eyes in defeat,
"...Will you be my boyfriend...?" Fuck, why did he do that? What if he- his thoughts were cut off with Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, ambassador of Pluto smashed his lips against his own, grabbing his blonde hair. He wrapped his arms around the small boy's neck, pulling him as close as he possibly could until they broke the kiss.
"I'd love that Sunshine." Here goes nothing, at least he'd be happy for a day or two, he didn't want to build hope of Will liking him for any longer than that, but at least there would be some temporary happiness. A moment of silence passed until Nico asked the next question "What's going on with your mum?"
"Well- Umm.." Will struggled to hold back tears,
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."
"I want you to know, it's just... hard."
"Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay." Will shook before a tear fell from his eye as started to talk.
"Well until I was eight she was amazing, honestly the best parent I could wish for. But then after that she became really busy, working two jobs to pay for the album she was writing. Then when I was nine she dropped me off a my aunts, said it was for a few days, three months later I ran away. Her house... it was a nightmare, constantly called the unwanted child, yelled at for getting in trouble at school and not paying attention. And for anything that went wrong... ever and well let's just say she wasn't the nicest overall. Food once a week and if I was in trouble once every three weeks and well she hit hard. I don't think mom knew how bad she was, at least that's what I used to think, now I'm not so sure. I ran away which is when I found camp, just wandering around aimlessly until I was attacked by symphalian birds and I just ran until they couldn't find me. I was in the infirmary for two weeks, which was when I met Michael... first time someone cared about my existence in a few years. I was claimed the first campfire I went to; I wrote to mom so much those first few months... poured my fucking heart out, never got a goddamn response. Well she sent me a letter yesterday... wanted to meet up next week, don't even know how she fucking found out where I was. Didn't even bother asking the fuck had happened." Will didn't realise he was crying until Nico wiped a tear from his cheek and kissed him on the forehead,
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm going to go there next week and say every fucking word I want her to hear." He said in a broken voice, he pulled him into a hug.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Will just nodded, sinking into the smaller boy's arms, slipping his hands into Nico's.
"Why do you always wear that ring?"
"Bianca gave it to me before she left, it was my mothers; nearly got it stolen at a club a when I was twelve."
"Why were you...?"
"Addicted to more things than I would be willing to admit, easiest way to get them. Cats or dogs?" A look over uncomfort washed over his face as he quickly changed the subject; Will knew he wouldn't get any more information on what had happened, at least any time soon.
"Cats and that is objectively the correct answer, also I already asked you that."
"Firstly, I don't care. Secondly, you're wrong. Thirdly, you are a golden retriever but you like cat's!? How?? Why??"
"Cat's are just better, and anyways you are the definition of black cat but preferre dogs."
"Cat's aren't 'just better' why do you think we have three headed dogs but not three headed cats?"
"Simple, a single cat is already perfect, why add two more when you've already got perfection?"
"Shush, dogs are still better."
"Whatever you say Neeks, just know that your opinion is wrong." Will teased, patting Nico on the head, covering his hand with his mouth to stop any protests. "Who's your favorite Mean Girls character?"
"Regina, what kind of a question is that? How much longer do you think Jason and Piper are going to last?"
"His much longer will they last? It's doomed, my bets are another week or two before one of them snaps." Will thought back to the two of them, he didn't know either of them that well but he normally never would have guessed they're together.
"Umm... I haven't really thought about it but I guess another month maybe month and a half. Favorite book?"
"Ernesto, it was impossible to find and even harder to read since it was all in bad handwriting and dyslexia didn't exactly help. Also if I was caught with it I would have to spend months in the church but I still managed to get through it." Nico remembered finding the first page somewhere on the floor and picking it up, desperately trying to find out where it was from. It took him months to find one and about a year to read that one but he remembered the plot word for word. He could remember sneaking out at dawn to read it before anyone else was up, it was like that for half a year, waking up every morning to read it and then hide it from his mum and Bianca, he didn't know how he never got caught. "Do you like being in the infirmary all the time, I swear you never take a break."
"Yeah, I like being able to help people. Also I'm the only healer so I try to not put anyone else in the Apollo cabin have to be in here too much, I mean normally it's Kay and Aussi but sometimes we have other people in here. What's your favorite season?"
"Winter, I love the rain also I hate the sun."
"Sorry Sunshine, it's the truth, when have you ever seen me outside willingly? What's your favorite song?"
"Probably... Pretend."
"Sing it?" Nico said laying down on his lap, looking up at him.
"Tonight my self-respect went out the window
It didn't stay for long
But I figured I'd be wrong
So, don't come close
My heart is rather clueless
I don't know why I do this But just once more
Let's close the door and play pretend
More than a glance
More than a friend
I'll close the door and play with you
Is that what you want me to do I'll do what you want me to do
Hit me up
It's fine, Mil pause my healing
It's all part of our truce
Oh, the sweet smell of abuse So, please don't go
My life is going backwards
No room in it for you But this bed fits two
Let's close the door and play pretend
More than a glance
More than a friend
I'll close the door and play with you
Is that what you want me to do I'll do what you want me to do
Why do I want it too?
I should be running from you
Why do I want it?
Oh, I want it too
Let's close the door and play pretend
More than a glance
More than a friend
I'll close the door and play with you
Is that what you want me to do
I'll do what you want me to do" Nico stared into his eyes, mesmerised by the blonde boy's voice. Will smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead."If you could have one wish, what would it be?"
"I'd bring Hazel's mother back, she deserves to see her again."
"Not your own?"
"I'd rather make her happy; do you play any sports."
"I love playing soccer but there isn't really time with being in the infirmary."
"You mean football?"
"No I mean soccer...?"
"Soccer is football, the abomination of a sport you have here that you call football is rip off rugby."
"I would argue with that but I really can't, there's basically no difference between the two sports. But it's definitely soccer."
"All Americans are dumb and that is the hill I will die on, you kick the ball with your foot, that's why it's called football. Where did soccer come from?"
"I don't know but it sounds better."
"It really doesn't Solace; just ask the next question, I can't afford to lose any more brain cells."
"Rude, but what's your favorite time of day?"
"Sunset, who's your favorite out of the seven?
"Probably Annie, but I talk to Leo a lot, mainly because he's here a lot."
"Can't imagine why." Nico said speaking in fluent sarcasm,
"What's your fatal flaw?"
"Holding grudges."
"How am I not surprised? Also that was the last question."
"Good, I was starting to run out of ideas."
"Same though," Will glanced down at his watch, "Neeks, it's almost lunch time. I want you to try eating just a tiny bit, stop whenever you feel sick, but could you try?" He half nodded, dreading what would come next.
Sorry again for the wait, I got distracted
I'll be honest I was running out of questions at the end
If you're still reading comment your Hogwarts house
May the odds be ever in your favour
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The Winged Servant - 10
content warnings: mentions of murder, non-human whumpee with non-human injuries, dehumanization
prev chapter | masterlist
It wasn’t until hours later that someone tall walked in, his perfect posture and unreadable expression reeking of confidence. I immediately ducked my head down, but he didn’t glance at me, his platform boots coming to a stop in front of the queen.
“Kieran,” she acknowledged, not looking up at him.
“Lucia. Pleasure to see you again. Your status as a former ruler means that I am required to show a certain level of respect for you, but please know that will not protect you from the consequences of breaking the law. It will only protect me from spitting on your grave.”
I tried desperately to remember what Prince Ryan had told me about Keiran last night. Someone had their information wrong, because he’d just called the queen a former ruler when her family had had the crown for sixteen generations. We’d come here to overthrow Keiran—that meant he was a king, right? Of what country? We hadn’t driven far enough to have left Sathenn last night, had we? All of Sathenn was the territory of the royal family, forever, but Kieran was a king somewhere, right?
“Lucia, your charges against the kingdom are as follows,” the man—Kieran—continued. “The murder of seven people last night, the-” He abruptly cut himself off, and I glanced up to see his eyes fixed on me.
I leaned further forward, straining my wings in an effort to stay balanced, hoping desperately that he’d continue whatever he was doing before. It seemed to have the opposite effect. “You have wings.”
I swallowed nervously. “Yes, sir.” His boots had spikes on them. I couldn’t tell if they were just decoration or if they were strong enough to be used to hurt. Decorative spikes could still hurt, but it’d ruin them to be used like that. That might not stop him, though. With boots like that, he wouldn't even have to crouch down to draw my blood, it'd be so easy. If he kicked me, it would- well, it probably wouldn’t be good, exactly.
Kieran glanced between me and the queen. “Lucia, where the hell did you get an angel? I can’t- You know what? I don’t want to know.” He crouched in front of me. “Hey. Angel. What’s your name?”
“Onyx. …Sir.” I didn’t lift my head up, hoping it would disguise the way my voice shook.
Obviously, it didn’t work, because his voice was gentle the next time he talked. “Okay, Onyx, my name is Kieran. Can you tell me what happened to your wing?”
“... Pardon?”
“Your wing. The broken one.”
The broken one. Right. Right. “That wasn't from last night. It’s been broken as long as I can remember, sir. It doesn’t hurt anymore. It was broken as a preventative measure, so that I couldn’t fly.”
“So that you couldn’t- Jesus. Okay. That’s sadistic. You’re going to need medical care for that, and for- what happened to your arm?”
My arm was from last night, but it was difficult to remember what had actually happened. It was a sword, I thought, probably, because Prince Cardan had… fuck, what had happened? He’d resisted the handcuffs, right?
“Sometime today, Onyx.”
“My apologies, sir. It got scraped last night.”
“Right. Medical care. Is anyone else in here injured?”
“Ryan fucked up his arm,” Prince Cardan blurted out, and Prince Ryan turned to glare at him.
“You fucked up my arm. Are you snitching on me to Kieran to get back at me for not letting you kill him? Is that what this is, you little piece of-”
“No one is snitching on anyone,” Kieran said firmly. “For better or worse, no one is treating anyone without explicit consent. Ryan, would you like medical assistance?”
Prince Ryan spat at Kieran’s boots.
“Fine by me,” Kieran muttered. “Onyx, medical care?”
I glanced at Prince Ryan, on my left, and he sighed. “They won't be able to do anything about your wing, but you can go if your arm hurts.” He was annoyed, maybe with his brother and maybe with me, but he wouldn’t have said I could if he hadn’t meant it. I wouldn’t get in trouble for going.
“Untie the angel and help him to the infirmary, please,” Kieran told a guard. I wouldn’t get in trouble from the royal family for going, but I supposed that he had made no promises.
“Onyx,” Prince Ryan said quietly, and I glanced back at him. “Do what they tell you, yeah? Be nice and compliant for them. Don’t get hurt.” Don’t get punished, he meant. Do what they tell you and stay out of trouble.
I could do that. I knew how to do that.
Prince Cardan laughed. “It's an angel, Ry, not some priceless artifact. Does it matter?”
Prince Ryan didn't give an answer, and the guard didn't wait for one anyway, ushering me out the door.
taglist (lmk if you'd like to be added/removed): @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump @risk606
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obsidiancreates · 1 month
Out Of The Shadows and Into The Neon (Part 16)
“Hey Dooonald?”
“Yeah, Angelo?”
“Ever notice Mikey is starting to sound a lot like Shelldon?”
“Actually I believe he picked up the ‘sufer/skater bro from the 80’s’ lingo from Jupiter Jim XXIV: The Rad-tastatic Wave Through The Time Tunnel’.”
“I meant his actual voice.”
“Oh. Are we finally acknowledging that?”
“So you also noticed it!”
“Yes, yes, I’ve been tracking it, as you see on this chart.”
“Wooooow. So, why’s that happening?”
“The short answer, I don’t know. The slightly longer answer, I do not know.”
“Maybe it’s just a fun coincidence that our boys sound so alike!”
“... Yeah, I’ll settle for that, it’s not the first time someone’s sounded strangely similar to someone else.”
“Uhhhhh what are you two talking about?” Leon leans in the doorway, frowning in confusion at his brothers.
“Just about Mikey sounding a lot like Shelldon!” Angelo says brightly.
“Pffff, they don’t sound that alike.” Leon waves his hand dismissively. “Way more important, are you guys ready for Ultimate Uncles Day?”
“Are we sure we aren’t doing this too close to Vacay Day?” Donald leans his arm on the back of his chair and rolls away from his work desk. “It’s only been a week. That’s a lot of family bonding in a short time.”
“It’s perfect!” Angelo springs up, pulling a calendar down from Donnie’s little section of the lab (the kid has always gravitated towards Paper more than Digital with certain informational storage, and Donald has learned it’s best not to force otherwise– comfort zones are comfort zones, after all). “We can make this kind of thing a weekly tradition! That’ll give us all fresh eyes on any ways we’re coming up short as fathers by being judgemental as uncles!”
Leon frowns. “... Okay… reminding me a little of the whole Unicorn Competition disaster there, bud…”
Angelo flops a hand down. “This is waaay different, Leon! I’m not competing, I’m saying we can balance each other’s strengths and weakness, like in a fight!”
“Still sounding weirdly violent.”
“That’s a you problem,” Donald says matter-of-factly, standing up and stretching. “And to answer your previous question, yes, we are ready.”
“I got all-new spray paints for today, baby!” Angel whips out two of them to show off. “Raph’s gonna have a great time with the place I picked out! It’s an old skatepark that a community program just got all fixed up, and the one big thing people wished could’ve been kept was the graffiti!”
“Wooow! Now that, is convenient!” Leon nods, impressed.
“And I have gotten Leo and I tickets to not only attend the observatory, but test out their new Interactive Space Travel Experience! A-HA-HA-HA!”
“Niiice! But check… a-this out.” Leon proudly presents.. a receipt. One of Donald’s robotic arms snatches it and he and Angelo read it so closely they’re basically sniffing the words.
“You rented out the whole stadium?!” Angelo looks up at Leon with sparkling eyes as Leon smirks.
“Is that why my safe had pizza sauce on the handle?” Donald narrows his eyes at Leon, who breaks out into a sweat.
“Uhh… nope, that was definitely Mikey trying to get into it.”
“Oh, you did not just frame my son in front of my face!”
“AH! I mean- Raph, did it?”
“Raph did what?” Raphie peeks his head into the doorway. “Leon! Are you accusin’ our boys of somethin’ you did? ON ULTIMATE UNCLES DAY?!”
“Oh, gee, is that the time, Mikey’s probably bored out his mind waiting gotta get going already byeeeee!” Leon slashes open a portal and gets away just as his brothers all jump for a tackle. They scream as instead of landing on Leon they all crash into each other, landing in a heap on the floor.
“Note to self,” Donald groans, rubbing his head. “Install update to Anti-Leon Safe Security Measures.”
“That’s what was happening?” Raphie sits up. “So he got that ten bucks he’d owed me from you?”
“He- ARHG!”
“Well before that–” Angelo stands up and dusts himself off, “– we were comparing Uncles Day plans!”
“Oh, I got the best plans!” Raphie pulls out two tickets. “They’re doin’ a Ametuer Feature Event at the wrestling arena today! It’s got a whole bunch of up-and-comers! There’s even an event where the kids in the audience can have some matches of their own between shows!”
“Oooooh. That is the best one!” Angelo throws up his arms in praise as Donald’s face melts in a jealous bitterness.
“Ha-ha! I know.” Raphie tucks the tickets away again. “Alright, Mad Dogz! … Minus Leon. Let’s get our Uncling on!”
“So, we can just paint whatever we want?” Raph asks as he and Angelo walk to the gate around the park. “Like, anything?”
“Whatever your imagination cooks up!”
“... Can I paint a big cuss word?”
“Wha- you know cuss words?!”
“... No.”
Angelo narrows his eyes for a moment, then laughs and rubs the top of Raph’s head the way one would ruffle the hair on a human child. “Let’s skip the cuss words and keep to the art, okay?”
“Aw… alright.”
They get to the fence and Angelo uses his powers to lift the bag of their many cans of paint over the top. “Alright, lil’ man, need a boo-?”
Raph jumps at the fence and scales it easily, landing on the other side with a grunt and turning back around with a proud look on his face. Angelo grins back. 
“That was great!” Angelo gets over the fence with one jump.
“I’ve got the ‘breaking in’ part of ninja-ing down!” Raph cheers.
Angelo laughs lightly. “Except the ‘keepin’ it secret’ part, kid!”
“Oh. Right.” Raph grabs the bag and, with a great deal of effort (and some subtle unknown weight-supporting mystic help), hoists it onto his back and sets off for the middle of the skatepark.
They get down into the center and Raph plops the bag down, the top falling open to reveal the huge assortment of paint colors, paint finishes, and two sets of gas masks and goggles. They pop the protective gear on and look around.
“I’m gonna start on that ramp,” Raph declares, pointing. “I’m gonna paint… a van! A turtle van!”
“Aw, yeah, baby! Keepin’ it on brand!” Angelo points at the half-pipe next to Raph’s chosen spot. “I’ll be right there if you need me, I’m gonna do some word-art!”
They both grab some cans and get to work. Angelo flows with the feeling, letting the shapes and colors of the letters take him on a journey as the work blossoms, bigger and bigger, details filling in themselves as inspiration flows through him the same way his powers do. He remembers standing on Raphie’s shoulders when they were kids, painting the walls of their childhood lair while Donald and Leon chased each other and Splints’s snores echoed around the huge main room.
That lair would’ve been nice to raise the boys in. It was a little less cramped- but also more sewer, so maybe the tradeoff wasn’t so bad after all. Still, it would’ve been nice to have the indoor ramp for the boys to skateboard on, and the better lighting, and bigger space for the Lair Ga-
Lair games! Oh, man, they haven’t had a Lair Games since before the boys were brought home! The last time they held one was–
… Before Shredder, and The… Aliens.
… How long has he been out of paint in this can? Angelo shakes his head and turns around to grab a new can, trying to ignore the pang of loss in his chest. It was so long ago– why does it still hurt so bad sometimes?
He blinks as Raph suddenly snatches up the can Angelo had been reaching for and dashes away with it again. He chuckles a little, feeling some of that tightness around his heart loosen, and looks up. His eyes widen. “WHOA, LIL’ MAN!”
He’s fairly certain Raph hasn’t used Spray paint as a medium before, but he seems to have figured it out quickly. The van is very impressive, especially for the work of a 3--foot-tall 10 year old. It’s an old volkswagen-style body, with huge monster-truck-esque back tires and smaller, normal tires on the front. It’s a side-view of the vehicle, showing off some kind of dark red armored siding in place of a back sliding door. The top of the van has a turtleshell pattern to finish off the look. Raph climbs up to the top of the ramp and hangs off the side, then shimmies until he slides partway down and plants his feet against the concrete side when he reaches the height he wants to be at. Holding on with one hand he leans closer to his artwork and adds two fin-type decorations to the back of the top of the van.
Angelo gapes at the sight, impressed and astonished. He shakes his head again and walks over. “You want me to hold you up instead?”
“I’ve got it.” Raph looks at his uncle. “Cool, right? Donnie drew it for our comic, before everything got… bad.”
“It is sweet, baby!” Angelo puts his hands on his hips. “I should talk to Donald about makin’ something like this!”
“But you guys have a tank!” Raph slides the rest of the way down the ramp. 
“The tank is for fights, Raph. Vans are for things like family road trips! Going to the park! Mall hauls!”
“Not this one.” Raph crosses his arms and looks at it with a violent sparkle in his eye. “It’s armored and it’s got all kinds of weapons in it!”
Angelo looks over at his piece, unfinished on the half-pipe. The last few letters are done with a shakier hand, messier mind, messier lines– he doesn’t feel like continuing it anymore.
So he uses his powers to float the whole pile of paints over to him and Raph. “How about I help you with adding all those weapons?”
Raph grins. “There’s a million of ‘em! Let’s start with the deer head that shoots fire!”
“The what?! That is genius!”
“Uh, Uncle Leon?” Mikey whispers as he clings to Leon’s neck. “I think we’re early, this place is totally empty.”
“Surprise!” Leon grins and slices open a portal to the light switches, flipping them on and pulling his hand back out to throw out in grand presentation. “I rented the whole place out just for us!”
Mikey’s grip tightens, and Leon chokes for a second before Mikey lets go and springs off, pushing his hands against Leon’s head to use as a springboard and effectively toppling his uncle to the ground. His eyes shine as he looks around the stadium. “So we can jump around the whole place?!”
Leo sits up, rubbing his throat and grinning. “Oh yeah! If you wanna do a double front flip off the first row of seats, you can!”
“I TOTALLY DO!” Mikey runs up into the stands and does just that, landing for only a second before springing into a backflip to push off the stand wall and launch himself up again, flipping and flinging through the air and laughing gleefully the whole time.
“Whoa, who needs a basketball when we’ve got you?” Leon laughs. 
Mikey lands and gasps. “You’re right! I’m even the same color, yo! I am the basketball!”
“Guess I should set this guy up in the audience then.” Leon pulls the old, faded, worn basketball out from a small portal. “Maybe I’ll bring Lace-Face in, they can be our mascots.”
“No, no wait!” Mikey zips over, sliding up on his knees and clasping his hands. “Please let us play normal basketball first! Pleeease!”
“Well…” Leon pretends to be deep in thought about it, tapping his chin.
“If I’m the ball I can’t play! And if I can’t play I can’t prove I’m the awesomest basketball player ever!”
“Oh! So this whole thing is a chance to steal ol’ Uncle Leon’s title, huh?” Leon smirks as Mikey’s eyes go wide with realization.
“How about this? If you win–” A guarantee, this is Mikey’s Day after all, “– I make you a crown officially declaring you The King of Turtle B-Ball. If I win, youuuuu uhh… draw me as a superhero and you as my sidekick!”
Mikey jumps up. “Deal!”
He and Leon head to the center of the stadium. Leon clears his throat and lifts the ball up. “Alright, you know the rules and so do I.”
Mikey, instead of answering, just vibrates with barely-contained competitive and excitable energy.
“And… a-let’s go!” Leon tosses the ball up to start the game. As soon as it lands and begins to bounce up again Mikey starts dribbling it over to Leon’s hoop, his disproportionately large hands giving him a grand advantage in keep the ball from slipping away from him. Leon gives chase, and Mikey gives the ball an extra-forceful slam to send it high into the air! He jumps up with it and slaps it back down at an angle, sending it a good deal ahead of both of them!
Leon stays running at a speed matching his nephew, trying to keep a balance of trying hard enough for Mikey to have fun but not so much that Leon will absolutely win without contest. He’s seven feet tall, has superpowers, and is a ninja master– his nephew is just under three feet, no superpowers, and only has five years of semi-casual training under his little leather belt. The game couldn’t be less fair.
He catches up to the ball first and starts dribbling, turning and making his way to Mikey’s basket. His nephew gasps like he’s been unexpectedly betrayed, and then leaps into the air again. “COWABUNGAAAAAAAA!”
Leon realizes what’s about to happen and scrambles to keep the ball but still move out of the way. “WAIT WAIT WAIT-!”
Mikey does not wait. How can he, when he’s already plummeting back down at his uncle– and popping his head and limbs into his shell for the impact.
Leon ‘Oofs!’ as Mikey slams into him! It’s far from the worst hit Leon’s ever taken, but it’s enough to rattle his brain a little as he’s sent heels-over-head upside-down and Mikey pops back out of his shell to steal the ball back his way. Leon lands in a crumple and blows his mask tail out of his face. “Referee?” he mumbles, dazed for a second, before he sits back up and whistles with his own two fingers.
Mikey freezes just as he’s about to take the shot.
“How about no trying to turn your uncle into one giant concussion while we play for the rest of the day?” Leon calls out.
“I was just doin’ what it takes to win, yo! In the old home movies you totally do and say the same thing!”
“Oy… Okay, can’t argue there.” Leon shrugs. “But… I was being stupid and learned a valuable lesson many years after those were filmed?”
“Pssssh, you were the Lair Games champ! You don’t hold back on anybody, so I’m not gonna hold back either!”
“Oh-ho, you think I wasn’t holding back?”
“Nope!” Mikey grins and spins the ball on his finger. “Old people just get slower in sports! It’s like, science!”
Mikey blinks at Leon innocently. Leon puts his hands on his hips, and shrugs.
“Alright, mi sobrino. You wanna go all-out? Prepare to face the undisputed champ!”
“AND YOU PREPARE TO FACE– uh, um– DR. SPORTSINSTEIN!” Mikey dribbles the ball, rolls it across his shoulders, and then puts it down and balances on one foot on top of it before kicking it back up to spin on his finger. “HA!”
“Okay, you’re totally showing me how you learned that after this, because there’s no-way it was from any of my bros. And… GAME ON!”
Leon zips at Mikey as quick as he would in a fight, and his nephew yelps in surprise as Leon easily snatches the ball away and not only makes it to the basket, but slam-dunks the ball through in seconds.
The scoreboard above thoonks as the numbers change, 01-00. 
“Whoa…” Mikey isn’t even upset– just amazed. He has stars in his eyes as he stares in awe.
“And that is why my only Lair Games loss wasn’t even a loss.” Leon buffs his nails against his shell. Mikey is still quiet, though, so Leon’s smirk fades as he remembers this is Mikey’s Day. “Hey, I didn’t mean to–”
“THAT WAS SO AWESOME!” Mikey jumps in place, flapping his hands. “THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH COOLER THAN I THOUGHT!”
“You- huh?”
“I’M GONNA BEAT THE CHAMP!” Mikey runs forward, goes into a  front handspring, and basically tackles the ball to get it away from Leon. “YOU MAY BE BIGGER AND FASTER, DAWG, BUT I’VE GOT THE DR. SPORTENSTEIN SPIRIT!”
Leon laughs. All-out it is then!
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tamlinrose · 1 year
My Personal Analysis of Aziraphale’s OFFICAL Playlist: A Journey
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I have MANY opinions and interpretations of his playlist so bear with me. This playlist takes us through Aziraphale processing his feelings for Crowley in the context of his relationship with heaven and earth, and he ABSOLUTELY comes to a decision by the end of the playlist. I’ve already listened to this playlist like five times so here we go: (Crowleys May come later and I love his songs deeply but Aziraphales is the one who is really going on a journey with his music that we haven’t had a ton of insight into whereas I’m pretty sure everyone within a 100mile radius of Crowley knows he listens to Hozier and why lol)
What a Wonderful World
This song starts us off with insight into Aziraphales feelings about Earth. That makes sense, as he is the principality here and takes genuine joy in creation, the birds, music, food, and sensual pleasures. I think this was an intentional first song as it shows us Aziraphales core of love and intentions to fulfill his job as protector of earth, not just because of his duty as a principality but because it aligns with what he believes his purpose is as an Angel. The song ALSO speaks to his ability to feel love around him
“I see friends shaking hands/ saying’ how do you do? They’re really saying, I love you”
we know that Aziraphale can feel waves of love, and we also know a certain friend he has who probably gives off waves of love while having completely innocuous conversation. It’s pretty clear from the song that Aziraphale is aware of their bond being more than the words they’re saying to eachother, while also considering it just one of his reasons why this is a “wonderful world” I’d say this song is Pre-Armageddon’s during the “arrangement”
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Oh boy, oh BOY this song. Translated, the main chorus is
“no I regret nothing/ not the good things that have happened/ Nor the bad, it’s all the same to me/ Because my Life, my joy/ today, it begins with you!”
I consider this a just barely post-Armageddon’t song. Aziraphale took stock of all he has to lose: his position in heaven (as tenuous as it was), his earthly comforts, possibly his life and makes a choice to save the world with Crowley for the sake of their relationship, which is a symbol for him of all that’s good in the world. After he’s made this choice and become a traitor to Heaven, he’s not sorry, he rejoices in his choice! Because choosing Crowley is choosing his moral values of protecting love on Earth, and he doesn’t regret relinquishing heaven, which doesn’t believe in that. This song is him celebrating choosing Crowley and the World
Earth Angel (Will you be Mine)
Now that Armageddon’t is out of the way, Aziraphale can actually process his feelings lol. Okay this is SUPER gay of me but because he associates Crowley with the World I think Aziraphale considers Crowley his Angel on Earth. Other than this song being a sappy af love song to Crowley, I also think it points out that although Aziraphale knows they have something more going on, he’s still hesitant to assume Crowleys feelings, and they are still not speaking openly about their connection. The song states
“I Hope And I pray/ that someday/ I’ll be the vision of your happiness”
I think this almost speaks to Aziraphale not seeing his affections as noticed or reciprocated quite yet, in my professional opinion because no one ever chose him in heaven so he can’t fathom it and has a bit of blinders on to the extent of Crowleys care for him.
Because of this I do NOT think they’re starting season 2 with openly acknowledged love. They’re still yearning hardcore
Fly Me to the Moon
More yearning post Armageddon’t lol, If I had a nickel for every time Crowley asked Aziraphale to run away with him to the stars and Aziraphale rejected him I’d have like, what, 20 cents? 25? Nevertheless Aziraphale is swept off his feet emotionally by the offers, although he’d never consider leaving Earth behind, because it’s the crux of his passion. Crowley does not understand his rejection wasn’t a RejectionTM just a notice that if they’re going to fall in love it should be in a place with tea and cakes and books, thank you very much.
“And let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars/ In other words/ Hold my hand”
Yeah oh boy, I think this is after a big fight that they’ve been alluding to in the promos for season 2. Whatever it was about, this non-breakup breakup comes with some serious emotions for Aziraphale. Whether or not this comes before or after they’ve had any progress on admitting their feelings (I gotta sick feeling that the first acknowledgement they’re something more from one of them with no good resolution or chance for reciprocation will come out DURING the fight, which will really give them both something to chew on). This song is really just a classic break up song, but don’t lose hope! This is temporary.
“Feelings, like I’ve never lost you/ and feelings like I’ll never have you/ again in my life”
Angel Eyes
Wow, okay so this is definitely the anger/jealousy but still yearning post non-breakup breakup song. This song has more than the me quote that really pulls me, the entire narrative is being jealous and wanting to warn the “new girl” not to get to entranced by a man because he’s not what he seems, while still clearly being head over heels in love yourself. A key phrase:
“Look into his Angel eyes/ you’ll think you’re in paradise/ and one day you’ll find out he wears a disguise/ don’t look too deep in those Angel eyes”
In my professional opinion this song is a secret salty ode to Crowleys beautiful eyes, however the other lyrics make me think Crowley did something Aziraphale sees as a betrayal. Did he sell out Jim, join temporary truce with some demons to do it? Is that why Aziraphales lowkey jealous? Only July 21st can tell. Either way Aziraphale is PISSED (and still in love)
Feeling Good
Oh, OH Aziraphales feeling GOOD. They’ve made up in a BIG way (I would educated guess THIS is precisely the point in season 2 where if there was a kiss, we’d GET one)
Let’s just let the song say it:
“You know how I feel”
This song also emphasizes several earthly delights, birds flying high, sun in the sky, fish in the sea, blossom on a tree. Aziraphale is FINALLY experiencing the full combination of his love for Crowley and Earth in one, and it’s GOOD baby
“And this Old World/ Is a new world/ And a bold world/ For me”
Does this imply Aziraphale initiated???? I sure hope so
I Will Follow You Into the Dark
Okay shut up shut UP I love this song and it is so them it was already on my PERSONAL ineffable husbands playlist. Just listen to the lyrics:
The chorus:
“If Heaven and hell decide/ that they both are satisfied/ illuminate the no’s on their vacancy signs/ if there’s no one beside you when your soul embarks/ then I’ll follow you into the dark”
Classic hurt/comfort fic territory. They’re finally together. All is acknowledged. Aziraphale is ready to make action and leap for Crowley. My guess? This is the big confrontation with Heaven and Hell this season, I’d say like we got A Crowley mourning Aziraphales discorporation last season, we’re in for a real doozy of a role reversal this one. I’m ready to cry, out of happiness and hurt
“She told me “son/ fear is the heart of love”/ so I never went back”
Oh, we’re getting into it now. Aziraphale sees and RENOUNCES the love he was taught in heaven, and replaces it with his own love. While he’s been gearing up for this all season, I think this is the moment he gives heaven a piece of his mind (not just Crowley in an Aziraphale suit)
“The Time for sleep is now/ but it’s nothing to cry about/ cause we’ll hold eachother soon”
Oh boy, again, I get the horrible scent of a mutually sacrificial action. I smell choosing some perceived sad and horrible (but not so horrible with eachothe) outcome, I smell my angry screams at @neil-gaiman in the climax of season 2
Spread a Little Happiness
The resolution of the perceived sad and horrible outcome. The PR team knows we’re out here psychoanalyzing this playlist, so this song is purposefully vague. It’s basically “we won’t say anything in particular but try to be optimistic” I see an unexpected MiracleTM consequence of the self sacrifice in the last song that turns the entire scene around, this is our last hurrah, the final moments of the final episode of season 2:
“Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky/ you mustn’t sigh and you mustn’t cry/ spread a little happiness as you go by/ please try”
There will be an unexpected twist, I’m hoping this means they’re saved/ restated in their bodies/ whatever bad thing just happened is undone, or maybe there isn’t and there’s a silver lining:
“I’ve got a creed for every need/ so easy that it must succeed/ I’ll set it down for you to read/ so please, take heed”
Do you sense God? I sense God. Not to say Aziraphale and Crowley are God’s favorite children, but maybe they are, maybe they are.
Finally, remember this playlist spells “INEFFABLE” something’s happening between Aziraphale and Crowley, and it’s already written out in the stars, we just haven’t seen it yet. But Aziraphale certainly is going to learn where his feelings stand with Crowley
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metatronhateblog · 11 months
The Opening Credits Pt.1 Jimbriel
Okay so as I'm sitting down to take a crack at ciphering the angelic language on the show, I've come tot the conclusion that I have so many clues and other things I found, that it's time for me to start slowly dropping these out because boy oh boy have I been collecting clues and theories like a dragon hoards golds. I've also added another member to this blog who will be posting theories and clues as well.
That being said, welcome to the Sequence of Opening Credits Post Part 1, or the I sat down and played the opening credits at .25 speed and took screen grabs of everything weird I found. (Which, brief disclaimer, my eyes are not perfect and I'm bound to miss things, even my glasses don't 100% correct my vision. There's bound to be things I miss and if you happen to find them feel free to add in your finds!)
Today I'm starting off with Jim/Gabriel. Since it was said recently in a panel he's in every scene of the opening, and I knew that cause I've found him...at least I think I found all his appearances... I'm going to start this series of posts off by sharing them with you.
Right off the bat, we have him in the scene directly after Crowley lights a match in a cave.
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He's there, nice and clear and noticeable. Keep that in mind because I think that's the most openly we see him in the opening credits.
The next scene after the goats his the graveyard scene. He's already a little trickier to find.
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And for those who don't see him in that picture, here's a closer look.
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Next seen they enter the mausoleum and you see Gabriel as they decline
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(I'm realizing now that if I use too many images there might be a parts 1.1 lol) Any ways after hiding behind that tombstone shaped similarly to (but not quite) the one that says 'Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub) we see him (or at least me, I'll be honest I don't see him when they're walking over the lake of fire) Is in London??? Getting bombed.
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Now is you don't see him here that's okay, I told you it gets harder.
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He's standing here in this window, even more interesting to me, once the plane drops the bomb that explodes into rabbits...
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He's hiding his head in the box lol.
Moving on, I ALMOST didn't see him in the next scene (walking through West End) because I shit you not, he's tucked away in a little nook.)
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He is actually hidden (paint me like one of your French girls style) IN THE FRONT of the scene. Makes me wonder if that's where he might be when they cross the lake of fire.
Moving on. Next time we seem him is in space, while Crowley and Aziraphale are doing an interesting little 'swapping sides dance.' Our mans is clinging for dear life lol
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In the next scene is where I get confused. Crowley and Aziraphale are sitting on the roof aaaaand...
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Jimbriel is standing above 'Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death?' Why not about the bookshop??
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In his next appearance....he actually has wings? Which is sus to me again but what isn't sus about this show lol. Jimbriel is in an elevator, riding down as the line of people making their slow death march pass.
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Using all my will power to acknowledge the blatantly weird things in this screen grab alone, I move on.
In this one, I will momentarily ignore our boys kissing in the opera box and instead show you, Jimbriel. ALSO in an opera box.
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Now I'm not sure Jim is in the direct next scene cause no one is, but there is a falling apart? statue of Gabriel in front of Mount Zion.
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Aaaaand finally we have him walking along with everyone else, preparing to seal his fate. I won't do a close up of this one because he's right there.
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And that concludes The Opening Credits Pt.1. I would say something more, make a little theory or something, but I don't think there's much to say on Jim giving someone (whose name currently escapes me) said in an interview Jim is in every scene. So anyways. Here's this for you to hold as reference, or just look at, or ignore cause I'm not sure myself how important it is. (Yay me for fitting this all in one post!)
Anyways I'm going to get started on cracking this Angelic language. Stay tuned for more Opening Credits posts because believe me. I have more.
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shujibabes · 1 year
“His muse”
•Contains: fluff, kiss scenes within the end.
•If there’s any error, correct me !
This oneshot hasn’t been proofread yet.
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“Have you heard Olivia Rodrigo’s new song ? Its fire.” Minju, your close friend mentions and showed you her Spotify playlist. “Yeah, its so relatable.” You smiled and both of you laughed it off as it is obvious a thrown shade on your ex-boyfriend, Minghao. “I honestly want to get him real back if Im being honest.��� You say out of the blue. Minju gave a thought into it and a light bulb appeared. “You know that trend?”
You frown upon her words. “What is that trend may I ask ?.” She come into halt in front of the cafe door and whispers to you. “Rent a boyfriend.” Both of you then walked on laughing hysterically at it. “You’re crazy.” You say as you sat on the chair and place all your stuff. “Im being for real babes.” She winks and continues “A trend to make your ex jealous and get him back.”
You shrug her off and stood up to order, “give me a pumpkin latte !” You hear her voice and smiled at her cuteness. “Good day, Welcome to Attaca Cafe, what would you like ?” You didn’t notice a voice as you were so scanned towards the menu. You finally look in front and there was a charming stranger in front if you with the most gentlest smile.
“I’d like one pumpkin latte and choco dip oreo milkshake.” You smiled. “Alrighty, Can I have your name ?.” “Its ___” “A beautiful name can I say.” He smiles and you felt yourself getting flustered. “That would be 10.50, love.” oh damn, love. That made you feel squismish. You gave him the money and as you were about to leave he stopped you. “Wait Miss, do you go to Carat University?” Tilting your head , a nod came. “I do.” “Do you perhaps study Art ?.” Your eyes widened. “I actually do, how do you know?.” He laughed, the most angelic one you can see in a man.
“Well, were actually in the same class, you might not notice me because well, there is a lot of people in class. I just wanted to say I loved your oil painting on “Romeo & Juliet”, it was beautiful and I loved your story.”
You were taken aback my this stranger’s compliment but felt your heart warming up. That painting took your all your hard work and you were quiet scared no one would acknowledge it.. even Minghao did not compliment it and compared it to his one. “Thank you.. What’s your name?.” You asked. “Hong Joshua, Just call me Joshua.” He smiles.
“Since I know you now, I’ll say hi to you.” You smiled and waved. He chuckled and nodded. “You can sit right now, Im sorry to keep you waiting. I just took a chance since there isn’t much customer in today.” He explained and you giggled. “Hey, its okay, I love friendly people. Im not in a rush either. I’ll get going then Joshua.” You grinned, showing off your dimples. He felt flustered and nodded.
Making your way back, you felt embarrassed and soft with the way you just talked with a stranger so casually, a gentleman you can say. “Well well, you’ve been flirting with that waiter.” Minju eyes her and crosses her arm. “Hey ! Don’t say it too loud. I wasn’t.” You looked back at Joshua, there was a smile on his face when he was pressing something on his cash register. “Damn, ___ you go girl.” “Aish, stop it will you.”
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“Here you go, one pumpkin latte and a Choco dip oreo Milkshake.” Joshua brought your order. You took off your headphones and smiled at him. “Thank you very much.” You say and he nodded while going back to his work place. “You both look cute together.” Minju utters and you playfully slapped her shoulder from across the table. “Ouch !” “You better please be quiet, Im begging.”
He laughed it off and continued on whatever she was doing on her laptop, a presentation perhaps. You look down at your drink and realise there was something written on the tissue.
“Always smile, it makes you cute. Hope it lightens your day cause you looked stressed, you’re doing great !”
You blushed probably so hard that its making you look like a strawberry. “What?” Minju says and you showed her the tissue. “Babes, You are basically winning life right now.” You were about to turn towards the cashier but realise it was another person. He must’ve left already. Your smile drops and Minju pats your shoulder. “Cheer up, he’s probably one of those nice dudes every girl can be friends with, remember don’t let your hopes too high.” She points. “Yeah.. I know.” You say and proceed to finish off your final year project.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
Laying down on your dorm bed, you were listening to Taylor Swift’s song. “Begin Again.” It somehow reminded you of Joshua, it’s probably the vibe aesthetic he gave off. “___ !.” You heard someone call your name making you flinch. “Ah ?” You replied. Minju came out of the bathroom and showed you her phone. “I got you a rented boyfriend ! Don’t worry. Its on me.” She squeals. “What the hell Minju ! I didn’t ask for this !” You yelled and she quiets you down. “Miss ___, Imagine the jealousy Minghao will get, we’re going to get him back by making him jealous, how dare he break up with you out of the blue !” Minju exclaims. “I have beef with him.” Her eyes squints and you sigh at your best friend.
“But Minju.. isn’t it useless either way ?” You say feeling heavy hearted, you did want to hurt Minghao but you weren’t that kind of person. “Maybe you just need a little push.” Minju says and comforts you. “Cmon ___ give it a try !.” You knew how Minju is, she won’t give this up. “Fine, only once. If it doesn’t work, does not make him jealous. Its a never for me again.” Thats when Minju did her little bunny dance and say back down next to you. “Can I see his face though ?” “Well about that..” “You’re telling me, we’re renting a boyfriend. We can’t see his face ?.” You question.
You hit her shoulder. “Yah ! What if we’re being catfished !” You shouted and she calms you down. “Hear me out first—.” She puts a finger up. “My friend did this before, she got a hot guy, I mean its the cheapest out there. Only 20 for a whole day, thats how business work ___.”
You sigh , a loud one to show that you were worried. “Please be with me tomorrow.” Minju nodded. “Of course ! Ill be that spy, taking pictures of you and this guy. Ohhhhh, Minghao’s gonna be soooo jealous.” She squirmed.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“Babes, you look gorgeous. What the heck.” Minju compliments you as you waited for your date infront of the mall. “Really ? Im quiet nervous.” You say as you looked at your phone, Minju gave you the person’s number and he texted. “Ill be there in 5 minutes.” “Yes, now Im going to follow from behind, don’t worry if anything happens, Ill call the cops.” She says and you nod. Thats when she is no where to be seen and god knows in where she is right now. The time is ticking fast and you hear your notifications go off.
“Im here, entrance, wearing a beach shirt.”
You search for someone with this outfit and you saw someone wearing a bucket hat, a mask and that beach shirt. He then turns away from you and had his hands in his pocket. Is that the guy ? You then took steps towards him, now behind him you tapped on his shoulder. “Excuse me, are you my rented boyfriend ?.” He then turns to look at you, taking off his sunglasses and mask. You felt your throat stuck and your heart beat fasten. “Joshua.?” You say and he was even as shocked as you are. “___?”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“Well, I never knew you’d be a rented boyfriend.” You laugh it off as you and Joshua took a stroll in the mall. “I never thought you’d be the one to rent a boyfriend.” He replied laughing. “Hush, its my friend that set me up.” You smiled and rolled your eyes. He looks up at you up and down walking backwards. “You look utterly beautiful today though.” “Is that something a rented boyfriend should say to please their client ?.” “Im actually saying that from the bottom of my heart, love.” He winked and you felt yourself blushing. “You’re such a flirt.” You teased and he shook his head. “I know how to cherish a woman.” He smiled. This man was a whole green flag.
“Let’s eat something first, how about Sushi ?” He says and you felt your inner kid jumping. “I’d love that!” You say excitedly. “Thats, That was cute.” He pointed and put his hand out, “Now, may I hold your hand ?.” He asked politely, a man who asked for permission. You couldn’t help but flutter. “Yes, yes you may.”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“Now tell me, why are you renting me ?.” He asked after your finished ordering. “Let me clarify this, I was not the one renting you. Its my friend. Uh.. its because of something that happened to me.” You explained and he tilted his head. “Are you okay with telling me that ? I completely respect if you don’t want too.” He smiles softly, it makes you want to tell him more.” “I guess, I could.” Joshua was ready to listen.
“I had a boyfriend, we were together for 3 months ? Well, He was the one to confess to me and yeah, I gave it my all into that relationship. It started to get toxic and I don’t really know why, he would always degrade my art.. then yeah, he broke up with me before that presentation. My friend and I thought of getting him back by renting a boyfriend to make him jealous. Does that explain this situation ?.”
Joshua was speechless, there is alot of emotions in him right now. “I see.. but I don’t understand the part where he would degrade your work. That’s like an A+ piece of art !.” You chuckled at the man. “Now, you tell me. Why are you Mr. Rent a boyfriend ?” You asked him.
“Well, I was actually looking for pocket money… I saw this trend on tiktok and I had to give it a try?.” He says. You nodded and finally your order came. “Ahh ! I was getting hungry.” You smiled and he chuckled. “You’re really cute, eat up.”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“How would you like to pay?.” The cashier says and as you were about to get some notes in your purse, Joshua gave his card.” “Thank you very much, you both a cute couple, do come again !.” The woman says and he bows in respect, holding your hand, you let him pull you. “Hey.. I could’ve paid too..”Joshua gave that warm smile again. “Its okay. Its on me.” “You can’t be too nice to a stranger you know.” You warn him.
“I thought I could consider you as my mutual ?.” “Ah?”
“Hey look at that, a claw machine. Want to play it ?” But before you could even answer he is already walking there and inserting a coin in. “Watch me win for you !.” He sounded excited that it made you flustered at his cuteness. Ah, after 5 tries and 25 dollars wasted, he finally caught his plushie. “FINALLY.” he shouted and made some head turn, you didn’t realise that you were actually cheering on for him, recording him.
“Here you go my princess, a kuromi plushie for you.” He smiled and you excitedly hugged it. “Ahhh, is this what its like being spoiled ?” You question and he pinched your cheeks. “Its for your hard work baby, that doll cost approximately 25 dollars.” He winked and you blushed. “Aish, such a flirt.” He chuckled and held your hand, you forgot that Joshua was a rented boyfriend.
Honestly you remind yourself, you shouldn’t feel things right now. He is doing this to get his money… It’s nothing serious, You’re paying him either way.. “Hey, are you okay ?”. He tapped your shoulder. “Ah? Im okay.” You whispered but looked down. “You look sad.” His name faded but you shook you head. “Im not ! But can I aak something ?.” “Of course.”
“When does this date end?”
Joshua was quiet for a minute, he actually almost forget that he was being rented, rented to make your ex boyfriend jealous. He felt a bit stupid actually enjoying this date with you. In the end you’re just paying him and won’t see anything, wont know if you can actually grow attached. “When you want it to end.” He looks you in the eye, you gave that charming eye smile of yours with that dimple. “Let’s go watch the sunset by the fountain ?”. You suggested.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“You can lean your head on my shoulders.” He smiled and tapped his shoulder. “You are so kind for noticing.” You rest your head on his board shoulder watching the sunset. “My mother raised me right.” Thats when there was that peaceful silence. That silence that makes you hear things your heart wants to say. The utter peace that is between both of you right now.
“Did you start the final year project?” He asked. “I did, what about you ? You have an idea on what you’re drawing.” He looked at you and then the sun. “I think I do, it’s a surprise though. What about you ?” “I see, we’re keeping secrets aye ? I might as well say its a surprise too then.” You closed your eyes, almost falling asleep. “cute.” He whispered.
That was the moment he thought, if only he wasn’t your rented boyfriend, if only this was a real date, would feelimgs develop, would you like him ? Would you be interested if he told you he was ? Can he cure you from your heartache. Gosh, a woman like you was like a woman from his dreams, you were kind and hardworking. He’s been honestly observing for so long but never got the chance to know you, a stranger he found comforting. He saw the way you would draw, color and ask the lecterur idea’s. The way you present with confidence and etiquette.
In your pov, you thought about it too, if this wasnt a rented date, could you fall for someone new ? Could he heal you ? He appreciated you, whatever he is, a stranger. Atleast right now, you can consider him as a mutual. You heart warms up, knowing him for a whole day was just like knowing his for a whole year.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“Looks like you enjoyed your date with your cafe man.” Minju teased and you rolled your eyes, shoving another piece of bread in your mouth. Its been a week since your date with Joshua and yes, you both have successfully posted the pictures online, Minghao would’ve definitely seen it. You honestly didn’t care thought cause your mind was always drifted to Joshua. “___.” You hear a voice to look behind, “Joshua ?.” You felt your heart beat accelerate. “Hey !” He waved and Minju and took his seat beside you. “Yoo !” Minju replied too focused on her laptop. “What are you doing?.” “Im sitting..?” “I mean, how did.. You know what ? Never mind.” He chuckled , you had to remind yourself that you were both within the same campus where else faculty. “Did you start drawing ?. The final year project is due this Friday. Im quiet nervous.” You nodded, “Yeah.. Im just scared to get criticised.” With a frown on his face, he tilted his head and looked at you, a move that made him look cute. “True Artist will always face criticism, love.” He said. That was true and thats when you felt him pat your back which made you at ease.
“I see tears coming out, do not cry so easily.” He smiles, “I would also like your number.” Your eyes widened. Minju interferes “I gave you her number through the rented boyfriend chat, why not text her there.” She raised a brow and he shook his head. “Oh no, that is not a gentlemen thing for me to do. I’d be a polite one to actually ask for her number.” He explained, “Why didn’t you ask for it on your date.” Minju continued, you swear you could slap her across the face. You knew she was protecting you but this is Joshua.
“I guess.. I was a coward aye ?.” He grinned and took out his phone. “___, can I please have your number ?.” You couldn’t help but blush. “You’re an idiot.” You mutter and he leans in Nd whispers to you, “It’s been a while someone has made me one.” Gosh, how long can this man keep on doing this to you, what is his intentions ?
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
Now in your dorm room, after finishing a masterpiece. You looked at it proudly, it was something you’ve never thought of drawing, all there is the story behind the drawing.
He was smiling like an idiot, looking at his painting and already having a story on it. This is why he loved art, he could draw something he loved.
These two have been talking non-stop for a month as the final year project has been postponed and in a few days it will come. Getting to know one another and having a few outings here and there. It cured ___ as you totally have forgotten about you competitive ex, Joshua in the other hand had gotten the chance to know you deeply and might’ve developed feelings ? A feeling of wanting to claim you as his.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“___, your turn.” The lecterur called and you brought your painting down, covered in a black cloth. You were feeling pressure as you see a face you never wanted to see. A judging Minghao in-front of you staring intently. Your eyes couldn’t help but wonder towards that one guy 2 seats behind him. Joshua was giving a thumbs up and that comforting words he would mouth “You can do it !.” “Goodmorning everyone , My name is ___ ___.” I would now show you my drawing.” You took off the cloth and the whole class gasped. You took a little look on your ex’s face and even he was shocked. Joshua looks twice as surprise.
“This picture as you can see is a transition of two things. This girl as you can see in the first scenario, she looks broken but outside she looks fine, tapping the shoulder of a guy she found quiet mysterious.” You continue,
“Now transitioning, she looks lively and the guy looks vibrant, such colours that made her shine and reflect through him, they’re playing the claw machine. “My intake is this is actually from personal experience. How there is always someone new that would save me from my past sorrow, it can always start mysteriously and unexpectedly.”
A clap from everyone, you smiled but your eyes was focused on Joshua.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
“Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to show my art now.”
Another shocking masterpiece and the whole room was looking at you. “It’s a portrait on my muse, made by original colours of flower and its petals.” “This story is a bit interesting, this story is about this woman, who’s captivated me me, since the day I saw her face in this class, she caught my attention, I couldn’t help but draw that beautiful face of someone who is we all know is talented and hard working, this doesn’t sound like a story right ? Never mind, thats my take on my portrait.”
Its the first time someone made a flower portrait, it was one of the hardest portrait to make.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆
You knew that voice , dreaded to hear it. Minghao pulled your arm and made you look at him once everyone was gone. “what..” you replied and he sighs. “Im sorry for being so harsh on you.” He says and thats when you felt soft but in the same time forgave him. “Can we start again ?” That was honestly shameless for him to do.. “Minghao..”
“I can’t stand seeing you with anyone else.” He held you tighter , he was jealous. “Hao.. you’re hurting me.” “Please let her go.” You both heard someone from the door coming in. “Its you.” Minghao put his hands in his pocket. “Yes it apparently is.” Joshua smiles and pulled you slowly to him, as if your body was fragile. “So its true ? You have a boyfriend ?” Minghao scoff in disbelief. “I..” you were speechless, “Im sorry but she does right now.” Joshua holds you. “Please don’t be like that again, she already forgave you Minghao.” He says professionally. Thats when Minghao realises, it was him being toxic all along..? “I need to go.” He picks up his bag and walked out.
“Are you okay ?” Joshua checks you. “Tell me the truth.” You say, Joshua nervously looks up. “Do you feel more?.” You question. “Drawing me as your muse, am I able to put the puzzle together ?” You say and thats when he embraces you. “I love you ___.” He whispered. “Its was such a coincidence you being my first client and last for that renting a boyfriend of mine. I couldn’t help but think about you.” He continues.
“I think about you, think about the things we could’ve been. Hear you in every love song I listen too. Close my eyes and all I see is your kindness and smile. I think— no. I am in-love with you and is willing to not be a coward and take another step. “ he professed his love for you. “I’ll make you happier, give you what you deserve. Will you be mine ?.” He says and you felt your eyes stinging.
Its the first time someone actually acknowledged you, your art your personality. You gave him a kiss on the lips to prove that you are willing to take his wishes. “I will.” You smiled and he mouthed a “Thank god” while giving you another hot long kiss on the lips, hands wrapped around your waist, making you feel like a princess. “Sushi ?” He smiled and you nodded. “I maybe can win you another kuromi plushie.” Both of you chuckled.
“I honestly have to thank Minju for this.” He says and you nod. “She needs credit for sure.” You held his hand and he kisses the top of it. A new story begins.
____ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆
Hello everyone once again !, So i decided to write another oneshot on Joshua <3 I kinda made up the story on the spot without planning, so if its kinda jumbled up, pls tell me
I tried to make it as interesting as possible and it’s probably predictable. Heueheueheueh
2/3 done, my next one is my Jeonghan oneshot, but I think
I have to kinda plan it before hand
Its gonna be a fantasy themed one
and I’ll post it as soon as
possibles. You can now checkout my
Seungcheol oneshot that is pinned
on my page ! Press his name,
It will take you to his story💗
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love-and-greta · 2 years
Surprise Surprise
Just a little Daddy Josh fic that has been sitting in my drafts for way too long!
Hope y’all enjoy!
No warnings, just pure fluff :)
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You sat on the edge of the cold toilet seat staring down at the pregnancy test in your hands; your eyes wide and your heart feeling like it was going to beat straight out of your chest.
Two lines. There was no denying it.
You and Josh weren’t actively trying to get pregnant, but you also weren’t exactly trying to avoid it either. The two of you had made it known that one day you wanted to have children with one another; long nights turned into earlier mornings, wrapped up in each other’s arms, whispering plans for your future together.
You were just shocked that that future was now. Was Josh going to be excited? Would this get in the way of his career? Were you even ready to be a mom?
Nervousness started to creep into your stomach the longer you stared at the test. You knew you had to tell Josh today. You hadn’t let him know you had missed your period two weeks ago, hoping it was just late this month. But the truth was sitting right in your hands, clammy from the nerves, or maybe nausea? Either way, it was time to give him the news.
You stood up, placed the test in your back pocket and turned towards the bathroom mirror. Hesitantly, you looked at your reflection, trying to avoid the lower half of your body. You weren’t ready just yet to acknowledge the small amount of bloating your stomach had taken on this past week. However, you couldn’t help it when your hand popped up to hover over your abdomen as you thought about the possibility of carrying Josh’s child. You also couldn’t help the small smile that pulled at the corner of your lips.
After giving yourself a short pep talk, you exited the bathroom and slowly made your way down the hall to Josh’s studio, pausing at the open door. He was sitting at his desk, facing away from you, writing in his journal. Sunlight streamed into the room from the large bay window in front of the desk, illuminating the stray curls that crowned Josh’s head. No matter what he was doing, Josh somehow always managed to look like a literal angel.
He placed his pen down and turned towards you, a smile already stretched across his face. He must have felt your presence, you thought.
“Well hello there beautiful.”
“Hi baby,” you replied shyly.
“Well don’t just stand there, come here Birdie,” Josh chuckled, motioning to you to come sit on his lap.
You crossed the room and straddled Josh’s thighs, immediately lacing your fingers into the curls you had just been admiring. Josh sighed and softly kissed your lips.
“I definitely think I’ve done enough work today now that you’re here,” he said quietly into your lips.
You were tempted to get lost in Josh’s embrace, but knew you had to share the news before you lost the small amount of courage you had gathered in the bathroom.
“Actually, there is something I need to tell you…”, you replied quietly, slowly pulling back to look into Josh’s eyes.
“Yeah…”, you responded nervously.
“Okay, well lay it on me sweet cheeks,” Josh teased, slightly tickling your waist.
Before thinking on it too much, you grabbed Josh’s hand and placed it over the bulge in your back pocket. He felt around for a few seconds and paused before beginning to pull the stick out.
“A present?”, he asked, slight confusion showing on his face.
“You could say that…” you replied cautiously. You could feel your heart start to pound as Josh brought the test into his view.
Quickly realizing what it was, Josh’s body stilled. He stared at it with wide eyes for a what felt like a lifetime before he turned his attention back to you.
“Birdie…”, he finally said, his voice just barely above a whisper. “Are you…” Josh’s voice trailed off, looking at you expectantly.
You slowly nodded your head, not being able to find any words at the moment. You could see tears beginning to form in Josh’s eyes and a small smile spread across his lips.
“There’s a baby in there?”, Josh asked quietly, looking down at your stomach. “We…we made a baby?”
He put the test down onto the desk, and placed his hands on your waist, slowly rubbing circles on your stomach with his thumbs. “You’re pregnant?”, he asked quietly.
“It appears so,” you answered, feeling your voice wobble as tears threatened to fall from your own eyes.
Josh looked back up at you with a huge grin, a rogue tear sliding down his cheek.
“Birdie, we’re having a baby!”
You nodded your head again, a small giggle escaping your lips.
“Holy shit babe. We’re going to be parents!” Josh exclaimed, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you tightly against his chest. You felt a surge of joy course through your body seeing Josh’s very obvious excitement about the news.
“I honestly couldn’t love you more in this moment than I do right now,” Josh said breathlessly. He brought his hands up to cup your face. “Thank you mama,” he whispered, kissing your lips softly.
“I love you so much Josh,” you sighed, deepening the kiss.
Josh chuckled softly against your lips.
“What?”, you asked, pulling back.
“It’s nothing. I’m just so happy right now,” he answered, kissing his hand and placing it onto your belly. “And I am so happy to be your dad, little one…”, he spoke softly towards your stomach.
You placed your hands over his, feeling like your heart was going to burst with joy. In that moment, you knew that everything was going to be okay.
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hermanunworthy · 10 months
welp. todays the day. pray for me guys this could easily be the most upsetting episode of dndads for me. im dreading this so bad
- i feel sick i havent been able to move on from the intro
- im gonna be so honest i was expecting a "sike" or something at the end so u can imagine my relief when the little clicks started playing
- okay. okay. time to listen to ur fun facts u sick fucks
- anthony stfu i dont want to hear ur voice (hes literally the dm)
- will. what evil fact do u have for us today.
- scary plays the piano omg!!!
- "im really nervous about what anthonys gonna do this episode" U AND ME BOTH MATT
- it has taken me an hour just to get through the intro + facts.
- "but at what cost?" AT WHAT COST IS RIGHT BETH.
- "wheres hermie?" IM DONE
- anthony rushing them away. i cannot. i cannot
- "well fix it" im done
- "this marriage has one less spouse but heavens got one more little angel" MATTHEW ARNOLD CAN U NOT.
- im sitting here in shock through all of this
- "just be happy ur not in hell" shut up anthony too soon
- thank god normal didnt take damage again
- lincoln cool scar era okay
- theyre back home.
- "VOTE WILLY"?????
- "u guys ready to see him?" NO. NO IM NOT
- ty for protecting dood scary :[
- "the only thing keeping u together is the absolute ignorance u have of the fact that maybe the only person who ever showed u any real affection in the last couple years of ur life is dead" anthony burch im hunting u down.
- is the dude w the white beard that "new fan fave npc" will was talking about lol
- BARRY?????
- HOLY FUCK......
- anthony burch. i hate u
- okay scam apologizing does feel good
- "u feel like home for some reason" WAILS
- ty henry for giving normal what he needed im gonna sob my eyes out
- "i liked u too" sighs.
- "hermie u definitely were one of us" SOBS
- "i did notice u. thanks for everything" AAUAGAUHH
- "lark shakes ur hand, sparrow goes in for a hug" ough.
- "help me normal, only u can save me normal" WTF??? WTF????
- guys i made it through. [confetti falls on me]
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izzy-b-hands · 5 months
Feeling slightly better than i have been at this moment (hence being on Tumblr for more than a half second before my body goes 'hm, actually, that's too much. put the phone down or i make u throw up 🥰' as it has been all week since this back pain bullshit began
(more blathering abt this stuff and work and just. general life update as of this week below the cut)
But realised that's probably only bc:
-Housemate (who has been an absolute angel thru all of this and has looked after me better than my own mother ever has tbh), got me some Pedialyte style drinks, and I've made it thru nearly all of one today (a miracle bc the nausea has otherwise been constant even when the pain isn't as bad and has made eating more than like. broth and saltines and gummy edibles basically impossible)
-Im stoned, on a increasing rotation of meds (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, mucinex which it turns out has potential off label use for muscle spasms, as Housemate researched and found out, edibles, magnesium, and now ginger pills to help the nausea) all of which im grateful for but combined leave me feeling less in pain but a bit. idk. blah? brain foggy, more than usual? Tbh it's probably the pain making the brain fog, the pills just can't do anything for that and i don't fault them for that, but for a brain fog example, I've been trying to place an order for some local chocolates to ship to my mum for mother's day, and legit it's taken me ALL WEEK just to get the site open, to the shipping menu, and just today actually putting things in the cart, but I haven't managed to check out yet bc just getting the cart together that made me feel like i needed a nap. This post is the longest thing I've typed in days, and I'm struggling rn to keep going..But i started it, so we're finishing it, back spasm at a level 4 of pain be damned
-and im doing basically nothing aside from stretches (gentle yoga ones i already know the forms for, and some pilates gentle type things i remember from when mum joined that fad lol), using one of our wand vibes on my back (never had done before, they actually do work for that too! kinda fun to find out, just wish i hadn't found out like this!!), laying on a heating pad and wedge pillow, and trying to nap (bc the pain is worse at night so I've somehow been sleeping even worse than i usually tend to)while YT videos and/or the 1973 JCS plays on repeat.
I mention all this bc i work this weekend, and i don't want to have to call out for the first shift tonight. but like. if im struggling just to type this post up (nvm that i have my zine checkin to finish and send in as well, if Nads or anyone else from the group reads this pls know i will make sure i have it done by the due date! it's just been taking. longer, with this back pain mess), keeping my brain on track is difficult rn (as evidenced by...this entire post), and my back is starting to twinge up to a 3-4 overall already bc i let the heating pad turn off, thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I'm feeling okay enough to be on Tumblr then maybe that's a sign this is finally over, and my back is done making life miserable...
then maybe work isn't a great idea. but it scares me every time i have to call in (and I've tried not to unless i absolutely had to, but they're very particular abt ppl basically never calling out, so i know that even if they acknowledged i sounded as sick as i was, that doesn't mean this wouldn't be reason enough to fire me)
I just don't know what to do. i want to work. i want to make money. i also don't want to have to mute my mic bc my back spasms hard enough to make me vomit tho, and that's unfortunately still a very real possibility (spent entirely too much of this week throwing up from the pain tbh!!! not happy abt it, i do not like being sick like that, for any reason!!) The last reason makes me think calling out is the right thing. but. i have a few hours yet, so im gonna see how it goes, acknowledging that i probably do need to call out, whether i like it or not
(if for nothing else, to maybe be recovered for my first set of doubles on Sunday)
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thevagabondexpress · 7 months
🔥🔥 hit me up with your most problematic and out of pocket opinions
okay. you asked for unpopular opinions so you get them, unfiltered.
i. chain of iron was the best book. i get it, i fully acknowledge chot and choi have better character writing and more of the characters a lot of people wanted to see, but i'm a mystery girlie (gender neutral) at heart. i was raised on tony hillerman and anne perry and the lord peter wimsy miniserieses. choi abandoned the epic war movie for a hot second and gave us a serial murder mystery which is a plot that will always win in my book and i will always enjoy it the most for that, and respect cassie just a little for stepping out of her usual wheelhouse and trying a new plot structure even if it didn't hit it out of the park with everyone else.
ii. hamburger patties don't taste like anything. before you tell me that i just haven't had a good hamburger patty, the ones made at home, from scratch, the og hamburger patties to end all others made anywhere else, don't taste like anything. if my dad can't make them taste like something and he is an amazing chef then i don't know.
iii. the new wearing house slippers/shoes that look like house slippers/slides that look like house slippers/shoes made of puffy fabric outside the house trend is kinda stupid.
iv. jem should've been allowed to be nastier. snarkier. generally less "angelic."
v. the star wars sequels kind of ate, actually
vi. every single one of the merry thieves would've looked great in those soft workman's flat caps they wore back at the turn of the century (the ones that are kind of the precursor to the newsboy hat we know today) and they should have been wearing them. james and matthew especially. official cassandra clare hat-phobia callout.
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writingwhimsey · 6 months
How Does A Good Girl Go To Hell? Ch. 3
A/N: Some warning for language, mentions of drug use, abuse, alcoholism, nothing graphic, but still read with caution.
Chapter 3
I sat on the bed in the hotel, staring out the window. So much had happened and I still didn’t understand it. I was glad to know Anna was fine and still with her family…but I still didn’t know how I could have ended up in Hell…and now I was needing to be redeemed?! I think I had been here for a couple of days now, but I just…I still couldn’t wrap my head around it.
Just then there was a knock on my door. “Hey, can I come in?” Angel called from the other side.
“Uh, sure.” I replied, turning to the door.
Angel opened the door. “Hey, ya doin’ okay tutz?”
“I guess.” I answered. 
“You should come on down. Charlie is wanting to start our activities for the day.” Angel said. 
“Activities?” I asked.
“It’s part of this rehab thing.” Angel replied with a shrug. “Now come on and let’s go or would you rather Charlie comes up here and sings and pulls ya into a dance again?”
“Alright.” I replied, climbing out of the bed and following Angel to the elevator. “So…do you think this hotel actually works?”
Angel shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s possible to rehab sinners.” He answered. “But I know my life has definitely improved since bein’ here…and I don’t know what ya learned in your human life, but…the people here are good people.”
“It feels like…everything I learned in my human life was a lie.” I answered.
Angel put a hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be alright.” He told me.
Just then the elevator doors opened and we were stepping out into the lobby. The others were already gathered. There was also a new face…or at least new to me. She had blond hair and one big eye.
“About time you got here, fuckhead.” She greeted Angel.
“Hey Cherri, didn’t expect to see you here today? Finally decided to give the hotel a shot?” He asked.
She shrugged. “Just thought I would stop by.”
“Well, you are always welcome here, Cherri.” Charlies said, placing a hand on the other woman’s shoulder. “Oh and please meet our newest resident, Ariel.” She introduced me.
Cherri looked at me. “So, you must be the new girl Angel was telling me about.” She was then throwing an arm around my shoulders. “Me and Angel will have to take you out sometime and show you a good time!”
“I…I don’t know about that.” I replied.
“Ariel seems to be a little shy.” Charlie said. “Which of course, there is nothing wrong with that.”
“How about we get to what you have planned, babe?” Vaggie asked, looking at Charlie.
“Oh, right. Yes, come on and let’s all sit down.” Charlie said.
We were all soon sitting down in a loose circle of chairs and the couch. I was surprised to see Lucifer having joined us, but I saw no signs of Alastor. I had noticed that Lucifer was participating in things and Alastor would, but only it seemed to compete with Lucifer.
“Alright, so I was thinking we could start with something simple.” Charlie said, stunning up in our circle. “And I figured to help you, Ariel, we all might go around and share our stories of how we think we ended up in hell. Acknowledging our sins.”
I stared up at Charlie, almost in disbelief. I had no idea how I ended up in hell.
“Who wants to share first?” Charlie asked. “And sharing is optional, as this is highly personal, but I highly encourage it.”
Angel seemed to heave out a sigh. “I’ll go.” He said. He then gave me a small smile before beginning. “I didn’t have the easiest life…it was a pretty hard life. My parents…they didn’t really care what happened to me or what I did as long as I left them alone. When I didn’t…well that’s when the beatings would start. As I got older, I…I got into drugs to escape the abuse… ended up doing turning tricks, stealing, anything I could for those drugs…overdosed and ended up here.”
That sounded like a terrible life and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. It honestly didn’t seem fair…he had experienced hell on earth…now he was getting hell for all eternity?
“Thank you for sharing, Angel.” Charlie said. “That was very brave of you.”
Husk sighed. “I’m a drunk and a gambler.” He stated. “Gave into my vices to try and get away from the shithole that was my life…came here and fell into the same traps.”
“I like to blow shit up.” Cherri stated.
“Oooh, my turn, my turn…” Nifty began to jump around excitedly, but Husk was picking her up. “No one wants to hear that story right now. No one is ready for that.”
“I’m a fallen angel.” Vaggie said, catching me off guard.
“I was an exorcist.” Vaggie said. “My job…was killing demons, but I got caught letting a demon child go and…”
“Demon child?” I asked. “There…there are children in hell? That…that’s not…that’s not what I was taught…”
“Well, some kids are born here.” Charlie said. “Like me, for example, but yes…there are children that end up here.”
“It’s…it’s not just that though…I mean everything…you guys said…you…Angel, you were a victim in your human life…why…” I couldn’t bring myself to finish my thoughts. I could feel my chest tightening and my breathing becoming more ragged.
“You need to calm down, sweetie.” Angel told me. “Look we don’t know for sure what makes a person a sinner or what gets a soul into Heaven…”
“Yeah, Heaven doesn’t even know the answer to that one either.” Charlie said.
I looked at them all in disbelief. “What? Heaven…they don’t even know?”
“No, they don’t.” Vaggie agreed.
“So…if they don’t know…and you don’t know…how…how can this hotel even work?” I asked. “What…what even was the point of everything?” I could feel myself becoming hysterical.
“Hey, Ariel, it’s okay…” 
I wasn’t even sure who had spoken. I wasn’t even seeing anyone else. “I…I have to go…get some air…” I said before bolting for the front door and running out into the street. I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do once I got there, but I knew I…I just needed out at least for a little while to clear my head.
“Shit…” Charlie muttered as she face palmed. “I was just trying to help and…”
Lucifer was reaching up and putting a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “You did good.” He told her. 
“Yeah, babe, Ariel…she’s still new.” Vaggie said. “And not just to the hotel, but to Hell. When you’ve been told one thing all your life and then learn it’s not true, it’s hard.”
“We should probably go after her.” Angel said. “She is new to Hell and if she’s not careful end up sellin’ her soul to someone like Val.”
Charlie nodded. “Right. Let’s split up and go look for her.”
Everyone soon left the hotel, going off in different directions. Lucifer spread his wings and took to the skies. He recognized that look in Ariel’s eyes. It was the look of someone who had felt utterly betrayed and defeated. Someone who found out everything was a lie.
As he began to search, Lucifer lifted his hands and his golden power flowed, coalescing into an orb between his palms as he had the other night to show Ariel her friend. Soon her face came into view on the orb and he was able to pinpoint her location. “A bar…”
Lucifer flew to the bar in question and walked inside. He looked around, spotting Ariel sitting at the bar, nursing a drink. A large wolfdemon approached her. “Hey, you’re new. How about I buy you a drink and you come to the back with me?”
“No thanks.” Ariel said.
The wolfdemon put a paw on her arm. “Don’t be like that sweetheart…”
“Hey, I think she told you no.” Lucifer spoke, glaring at the demon.
“Just what do you think you’re gonna do about it?” The wolf said, not even looking away from Ariel.
“You really wanna fuck me?” Lucifer asked.
The wolf blinked. “No, she’s the one I wanna…” He cut off his sentence as he turned to see the king of hell standing before him. “Oh shit…is…is she with you? I am so sorry, sir…” He was then dropping Ariel’s arm and running off.
Ariel turned to look at Lucifer, already feeling the effects of her drink, though she hadn’t been gone long enough to drink even one drink yet. “Why…why are you here?” She asked.
“To keep you from getting hurt.” Lucifer answered as he walked up to sit on the stool beside Ariel. 
“Thanks…I guess.” Ariel replied. “I…I’m not going back to the hotel…at least not right now.”
“No one said we had to leave.” Lucifer told her. He was then ordering a drink from the bartender. “Mind if I join you?” He asked Ariel.
“It’s your kingdom.” Ariel replied.
Lucifer pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a quick text to Charlie and the others, letting them know he had found Ariel and he would be bringing her back in a little while. He began to sip at his drink, just sitting in silence next to Ariel.
Ariel finished her drink and ordered another. She started sipping it before finally speaking. “I just… I don’t get it.” She said. “I mean…what the others said…it doesn’t seem fair that they suffered in life and get sent to suffer for all eternity too…and…I still don’t understand what I did to end up here…was rock music really the devil’s music, as my grandmother would say?”
“No, I prefer something a little more upbeat.” Lucifer replied, giving Ariel a small smile.
Ariel looked at him. He could tell there was a part of her that wanted to laugh at his joke, but another part of her seemed pissed for making the joke at this time. “I’m being serious…I… I thought I did everything right. I didn’t drink. I didn’t do drugs. I went to church every Sunday.” She rambled. “I even waited until I was married to have sex!..,and it sucked! I died not even knowing what it felt like to orgasm!”
“That’s terrible.” Lucifer replied, horrified by everything she just said.
Tears began to form in her eyes. “I…I thought that if I did everything right…I would…go to Heaven…that’s… that’s what they taught me…but it was all a lie. What was even the point?... I mean…look at me. I’m in Hell…drinking and rambling onto the devil himself!”
Lucifer sat silently as she rambled, not even reacting to being called the devil. He’d heard that and many other names in his immortal life. It didn’t sting anymore, not like it used to. Once she had finished, he spoke. 
“Was…was my faith not strong enough?” Ariel went on. “Was…was it because I had started to let doubt creep into my heart? Questioning the things I was taught? I mean…I didn’t voice my questions, but I couldn’t help but to think of them and wonder…especially when…when I couldn’t…get pregnant…and then when my husband left me for another woman who could get pregnant…”
“Maybe.” Lucifer finally spoke. “I was sent here…banished here because I dared to dream. I dared to be different and to question the other angels.”
Ariel looked at him, her eyes glassy. “Really?”
Lucifer nodded. “Yes.”
“You know…Hell isn’t what I expected.” She finally said after a moment.
“You expected to be on fire right?”
“I mean…there are parts of Hell where you could experience that.” Lucifer told her.
“You’re not what I expected either.”
“Expecting me to be red with horns and a pitchfork? I can do that look.” Lucifer replied.
Ariel let out a small laugh at that. “Tail, too?”
“Yeah.” Lucifer replied. “Shapeshifting is kinda my thing.”
The pair sat at the bar for a while, Ariel finishing her second drink and ordering a third. Lucifer still continued to sip his first drink. Sometimes Ariel would say more, but for the most part they sat in a companionable silence. Arel was halfway through her third drink when she pushed it away. “I think…I’m done.”
“Ready to go back to the hotel?” Lucifer asked.
Ariel hesitated a moment before nodding..and then instantly regretting it. “Oh…I shouldn’t have done that…my head is swimming.”
Lucifer paid for their drinks before hopping down from his stool. He offered Ariel a hand. “Here let me help you.”
She looked at his hand, hesitating only a moment before placing her hand in his and allowing him to help her up…and then almost immediately falling forward. Lucifer quickly caught her.
“You are a lightweight.” He commented as he scooped her up into his arms. She was the same height as him, but weighed practically nothing. In hindsight, he probably should have tried to cut her off after her first drink. “I got you.”
Ariel looked up at him, her eyes wide. “I…uh…”
Lucifer walked out of the bar, still carrying Ariel. “Hang on.” He told her.
“Okay…” She said, hesitantly wrapping her arms around his neck.
Lucifer unfurled his wings once again and took off.
Ariel let out an eep of surprise and quickly tucked her face against the side of his neck. “Just….let me know when we land…”
“You don’t like heights or something?”
“Not really, no.” Ariel answered.
“Don’t worry.” Lucifer told her. “I won’t drop you.”
“I’d hope not…” She said, her face still tucked into the side of his neck, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.
By the time they landed, Ariel had passed out, whether it was from the alcohol or her fear, Lucifer wasn’t one hundred percent sure on. He withdrew his wings before walking inside the hotel. Charlie and the others were already there, waiting.
“Is she…?” Charlie asked, approached.
“She’s okay. She just had a bit much to drink.” Lucifer answered his daughter. “Don’t worry, I’ll put her to bed.”
Lucifer carried Ariel up to her room and placed her in her bed, gingerly lifting the blanket and tucking her beneath. “I don’t know why you ended up here,” He spoke to her sleeping form, “but I can tell you, not many people here really deserve their fates.” He then left another duck on her nightstand before walking out to let her sleep.
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advancement-made · 11 months
i m he dmeoen tht coeme swnehen ppl cal its naem or seoemtihgn i doent knwow haow the fuckiggn qoeuet goeas leaeve me aleoen aened taek thease woerd as shostaeg thsis wotek 30 MINTUETS THSIS TIEM
On the one day Unskilled chose to be completely and legitimately certain that absolutely nothing out of the ordinary was going to happen, something out of the ordinary happened. Which was a pretty sad statement about their life.
The screams of acid melting bones were dull with the earplugs in. Extermination day was just the same few actions on repeat. Walk. Shoot and/or stab. Wait for demons (or demon, but generally speaking it was plural.) to die. Repeat.
Occasionally, after creating corpse after corpse, Unskilled felt a pang of jealousy run through them. Lucky fuckers. What they wouldn't give to die. Yet another sad statement about their life.
Clearing out kills number 873,673 through 873,789 they turned to leave, before hearing a rustling behind the counter. Unskilled sighed inwardly, reloading their gun and walking to the sound's source.
Taking aim, as if on autopilot, (which is probably because they were on autopilot) they were about to pull the trigger for kill number 873,790 before they hesitated. Broken wings. A fallen angel. Vance. Emotions, memories, et cetera. Nothing they haven't refused to acknowledge before.
Still, this was different. Unskilled and Vance were friends, or as close to friends as they would let him get. They couldn't treat him like kill 873,790, as just another demon. Unskilled's rapidly vanishing conscience could only offer so much leeway.
As they calculated their moral standing if they pulled the trigger, the silence drew on, for seconds, minutes, potentially hours, before Unskilled coughed. "So," they began. "Hiding behind cabinets now, I see." There was no malice in their voice. Just a plain statement.
Noncommittal shrug of reply. "Extermination day." Vance said. "You know how it is."
Unskilled almost felt offended at that. Almost. But maybe, just for the sake of novelty for today and nostalgia for years prior, they would stick around. Conversate.
"Yes, we're basically the same. You hide behind counters and I hide with earplugs."
"And with a gun pointed at the other person's face," he not-so-subtly remarked.
They huffed, and lowered the gun. An eyebrow raise from Vance made Unskilled drop it, and a side eye from him made them kick it about 10 feet away.
"Is this good."
"Perfectly fine. Now we can talk with me worrying about you stabbing me with one of the swords you're legally required to carry instead." Despite the biting words, Vance didn't seem angry, so Unskilled sat down cross legged.
"I'm not getting rid of those."
"Yeah, I know."
The silence drew on once again, until one of them spoke once more.
Vance fidgeted with his clothes, trying fruitlessly to seem like he was okay. Quite frankly, he wished Unskilled would just stab him and get it over with. But that would just be too easy, wouldn't it?
"So. We meet again, huh. Feels..."
He trailed off. He wasn't sure how it felt. He also wasn't sure how to have a conversation under these circumstances, but he saw no option but to try.
"I... was actually just contemplating going out there to get myself killed..."
Why did he say that? That's not the kind of thing he would've ever admitted to someone else. But somehow, he thought, this case was different than any other.
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fuckin nanowrimo progress (i’m strugglin’) (days 1-4)
word count before beginning: 10,995
chapters completed: 3/21
chapters outlined beforehand: 11/21
(will update those top statistics every week probably :))
okay I’ll fuckinnnnnnn do this. days 1 - 4 of nanowrimo, condensed in a singular post because no way am I making one individual post every time. formatting this Update sorta like @/callipraxia’s because it’s actually very fun to read and short! cramming soooooo HERE WE GO
day 1:
words written: 1099.
writing sessions had: 1
percentage of manuscript completed: 2%
goal reached?: nope. 568 words behind.
scenes/chapters worked on: 1, and Chapter 4.
interactions written: some quick context of what’s gonna happen in this installment. we meet hastur, see how normal and burning his life in hell is, before getting summoned by beelzebub with a very odd order: go to earth and literally just attack aziraphale unprovoked. they don’t give any reasons for this, don’t even tell hastur to capture him or anything useful, just hurt him. there IS a reason, obviously, and it’s actually pretty valid, but we don’t know that yet. and we won’t until a good bit later….
curse words/nicknames (in-world and otherwise) used: eight. one derogatory ‘pet’ and two derogatory ‘angel’ from the demons and me quietly cursing hastur to kingdom come very quietly . I’ve been logging them. I wanted a random statistic okay? they’re fun.
amount of breaks had in between: one bathroom break. I didn��t take that long tho so it doesn’t really factor in much
random thought of the day: how the fuck do I write in hastur’s voice. his voice is fucking. weird. schrodinger’s voice. is he british is he from wales like what IS THIS FUCKING THING???
day 2:
words written: 1858!!!
writing sessions had: 3. two small ones with a big one in between :)
percentage of manuscript completed: 6%
goal reached?: YES! 191 words over the minimum too!
scenes/chapters worked on: 2, and still Chapter 4.
interactions written: the first one was a brief interlude of domesticy. aziraphale and crowley were just chilling at a cafe watching a few humans struggling with some coins placed and glued to the sidewalk by crowley for a bit of entertainment. crowley, however, is suspicious of aziraphale’s apparently innocent intentions with this date day. he will be right eventually.
and scene two is just the very beginning, because I couldn’t do much more afterwards. crowley and aziraphale are just having a nice walk before the atmosphere changes drastically and crowley gets tackled like an american football player. things only get better from there /sarc
curse words/nicknames (in-world and otherwise) used: four. crowley calls aziraphale angel twice, aziraphale drops a ‘dear’, and crowley uses ‘blessed’ once. I didn’t curse anyone at all!
amount of breaks had in between: soooooo I kind derailed for like 30 minutes to eat some pancakes. I was hungry and the opportunity came so perfectly I just. things happened! I still got my limit tho so hell yeah
random thought of the day: why are this fuckers so fucking romantic. Stop It 🫵 also apparently hastur’s signature weapon is a crowbar according to my Two Fics with hastur in it (this and another). He used a crowbar once in the show and I was like yeah. yeah that’s his weapon now🔥
day 3:
nothing. I couldn’t write that day, sadly. tired as hell
day 4:
words written: 568
writing sessions had: 2
percentage of manuscript completed: 7%. i should've been at 13. crying
goal reached?: nnnnopre. 1667 - 568 = 1099. ironic, isnt it? so. ironic. right? yeah. its weird isnt it. inversion. like i missed 2 days instead of one. i am on the brink of extinction
(also i just realized that the daily word count increases by the day. day 1 is 1667 and day 5 is 1788. i am actuallly about to die)
scenes/chapters worked on: 1, and STILL chapter 4. i plan for today (nov 5th) to be thr last chapter 4 day PLEASE ITS 5K WORDS
interactions written: the first is a brief acknowledgement of the demon brave enough to comediacly tackle The Demon Crowley very bravely. the second is aziraphale and hastur, who very kindly wacked him acrosd the head and was very confused when all that did was make him stumble a bit. hit him again, didnt even get him to his knees. he switched to a Fear Tactic after the third.
the third is crowley and hastur, who did their song and dance. it was funny ngl. the final one was aziraphale and crowley, who debated on whether or not to flee to the shop and if demons can follow them inside. concensus: no. probably.
(btw, i measure words by using the FINAL word count afterwards, like whats been added to the day before, so these sound like longass interactons they are. either i had them before already and i added on or Smething Else. idk im tired)
curse words/nicknames (in-world and otherwise) used: none that i can remember. im not gonna go back and check atm
amount of breaks had in between: derailed very intensely eighteen minutes in *i was usingthe stopwatch today* to rearrange like 3 chapters of my outline and introduce a new subtle miscommunication plot point that will probably break at least One person's heart. thats the desired outcome. why cant these guys TALK
random thought of the day: wow i dont know how to write this guy (hastur). hey you think he should use that power where he can eat the inside out of someone's body. yeah lets use that its nightmare fuel ✨️ HASTUR LA VISTA!??!??!?!
and day five’s gonna be it’s own post soon. so. yes. gonna answer my asks first tho bc they are very important to me. either way, I’m back on track now and it took me TIME but I’m MAKIN IT!!!!!!!!! I WILL!!! WISH ME LUCK PEOPLE BECAUSE GUESS FUCKING WHATTTTTT I HAVE TO DO ERRANDS TODAY!!! AND WRITE 5K WORDS WHEN I GET BACK!!!! IM SO TOTALLY READY FOR THAT :))) *eye twitch* have a good day, guys. or, if you’re ferret, a good night/early morning . hi stanley 👋👋
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