#today i was working with literally... the laziest people.... why!!!!!!!!!
queenerdloser · 2 years
today a coworker asked me i was following the h*ard/d*pp trial and i said i was trying to avoid it bc i didn’t like the rhetoric around it at all and she started to explain what it was to another coworker who didn’t know anything about it and immediately started talking about how h*ard was crazy so i gave her like five patients in a row so she’d shut the fuck up lol
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sxypigeon · 2 months
Love Bombing
Wednesday x Enid
Wednesday wouldn't be a good cult leader, but she knows who would be.
A slice of life for the couple and their friends.
The mundanity of everyday life, though often dull and repetitive, can occasionally prove to be entertaining.
“Babe, I’m hurt.  Vampires are known for their thralls,” Yoko whined irritatingly.  “I would absolutely make for a bad ass cult leader!”
Divina rolled her eyes and pecked her girlfriend on the cheek, “Sweetie, you’re the laziest person I know, except for Ajax.  You wouldn’t even last a week before letting someone else take over because it would be too much work.”
“Delegating is an important life skill.”  The vampire crossed her arms and huffed childishly.  “So who do you think would be a better cult leader?  You and Bianca don’t count since you can just siren everybody into following you.”
Both sirens and Enid looked up from their phones at each other before simultaneous turning to look at Wednesday.
Since entering an amorous relationship with my technicolored wolf, I find myself unwilling to part with Enid longer than necessary.  As a result, I’m often among my peers, her friends, during our lunch hour.  Though I don’t usually participate in their mindless conversations, today it seems unavoidable.
Enid grinned her radiant smile as she nudged Wednesday’s shoulder, “How would you feel about leading a cult?  I bet you’d put Jim Jones to shame.”
“I’m flattered, but no I wouldn’t,” the seer looked up from her battered Old English copy of Beowulf and was momentarily blinded by her love’s beauty.  “I . . . I daresay you’d be a much better candidate.”
An exaggerated cough that sounded suspiciously like simp came from across the table.
“For real, Addams?” Bianca teased in a grating voice.  “Your girlfriend would be a better cult leader than you or Yoko?”
Everyone goes through phases as they age: in elementary school I was fascinated by medieval torture, in middle school it was serial killers, and most recently my guilty pleasure has been destructive cults.  Enid’s podcast recommendations on the subject have been surprisingly enjoyable.  
“What is the single most important trait of a non-siren cult leader?” Wednesday asked the table as she folded her hands on top of her closed AP lit reading assignment.
Divina cocked her head and frowned, “Charisma.”
The seer nodded shortly, grateful the siren had a few more brain cells than the vampire.  “And do I or the parasite have any relevant amount of charisma?”
“I’m very charismatic-”
“Yoko, people are just afraid of you because you’re a vampire,” Bianca interrupted.  
Enid giggled, the sound nearly as hypnotic as a siren’s song, and nudged her girlfriend again.  “I think you can be charismatic when you want to be.”
“Which is never.  You on the other hand possess the trait in excess,” Wednesday stated with confidence.  “Your gift for befriending our peers is truly extraordinary.”
The wolf was nearly vibrating out of her seat as she leaned further into her girlfriend.  “Wens, you’re literally the sweetest.”
“Okay, stop flirting for a sec.  We just decided Yoko couldn’t be a cult leader because she’s too lazy,” Bianca pointed out, skepticism dripping from her tone.  “Don’t you think your girlfriend is way too nice to manipulate anyone?”
“She is uncommonly kind and patient, yes,” Wednesday readily admitted.  “But Enid also has a drive to be exceptional at what she cares about, something the vampire lacks.  I believe that drive could overwhelm any perceived niceness.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment or-?” Bianca asked.
Wednesday slipped her book back into her bag.  “Simply an observation and a theory.”
“I’m gonna take it as a compliment,” Enid justifiably preened.
Tongue loosened by Enid’s proximity, the seer continued, “Aside from her personality, I also believe Enid would be a master at love bombing.”
Yoko petulantly threw her straw wrapper at Wednesday.  “We don’t need to hear about what you two get up to in your dorm.”
Why does Enid like this obnoxious tick?  I would much rather be there with her than here with this lot.
“Love bombing is a popular method employed by cults to quickly incorporate new members.”  Wednesday continued in a painfully even and measured tone, “Many individuals targeted by cults are social outcasts, those without families.  These people tend to be starved for affection, thus giving them that affection in high concentrations at the beginning of a relationship will quickly overwhelm them leading to something akin to addiction.  They’ll do nearly anything to continue receiving that love as a result.”
“So love can be a weapon?” Enid asked with a fang-filled smirk and a playful crinkle to her eyes.
Wednesday swallowed slowly, ignoring the blush trying to flood her face.  “In the right hands, yes.”
Yoko sighed loudly while rolling her eyes,  “Fine.  Enid, when are you going to start your cult?”
“I think I wanna graduate first,” the wolf said after an adorable snort of laughter.  “Maybe between sophomore and junior year of college?  Oh, what should my angle be?”
With no hope of stopping the flow of adoration, Wednesday spoke up.  “You are the personification of love and the moon incarnate.”  The seer continued, ignoring Enid’s- the rest of their friends, taking her love’s hands in her own, staring intently into her eyes.  “In a world filled with misery and pain, you would be an avatar of peace and acceptance.  Those blessed by your presence would instantly fall victim to your aura and gladly adore such a divine being.”
Silence lingered for a moment after the seer’s speech.  
Divina cleared her throat a bit awkwardly, “I know this is all hypothetical, but holy shit can Wednesday sell worshiping Enid, the cult leader.  Where do I sign up?”
“Underneath all that monochrome anger beats the heart of a romantic,” Bianca cooed teasingly, insufferably more than anything.
Enid threw herself at her lover, purposely almost knocking Wednesday over on the bench seat.  “Damn right it does,” she purred as she tried to hug the life out of the seer.
This is precisely why I don’t usually partake in these conversations.  The urge to shower my wolf with approbation is hard enough to contain without speaking.  There is no internal filter strong enough to resist the devotion begging to fall from my lips.  I can only hope my wolf follows through and suffocates me with her embrace and puts me out of my misery.
Whatever fear and mystic my reputation once held has surely been replaced with soft romanticism.  I fear I’m no longer as intimidating as I once was and perhaps never will be again.  I mourn the loss, painfully at times, but will gladly sacrifice it all again for just a moment of my wolf’s attention and affection.  
“How can someone so socially awkward have so much rizz?” Yoko groaned into her hands.  “You’re making the rest of us look bad.”
Divina rubbed soothing circles over the leech’s back.  “It’s not a competition, Sweetie.”  
“If anyone here has pressure to up their romantic-ness, it’s me,” Enid muttered, squeezing the seer once more before finally releasing her.  “I kid you not, she’s made me swoon before.”
Wednesday felt a wave of indignation crest upon her.  “You are more than adequate with your affection and love.  I doubt my sanity would remain intact if I were any more smitten with you.”
“Is no one gonna take that?  Really?” Bianca asked before muttering, “Low hanging fruit.”
“Are you claiming you were sane to begin with?!” Yoko shouted belatedly.
“Your wit is truly something to behold.”  The seer sighed and focused again on the only person worth her time at the table.  “The torment you inflict upon me is like none I have encountered before and, more often than not, leaves me overwhelmed in the best possible way.”
“Okay, this is getting a little too PG-13.  I’m gonna walk Yoko to her next class before she gets herself staked.”  Divina stood and pulled her girlfriend up with her.
“Make sure you get your head on straight before fencing,” Bianca added to the seer as she too stood.
“Okay, see you all later!” Enid shouted and waved as the group left the cafeteria.  She turned back to Wednesday and blinded her with a luminous smile.  “I kind of wanna skip the rest of today’s classes and torment you into insanity.”
“Mierda. . . Whatever you desire, mi amor.”
I never did make it to fencing.
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xianjaneway · 7 months
The Loss of Rev. Bubba Copeland, Part 2
(Content note: we're going to address topics like suicide, child sex abuse, graphic descriptions of sex & abuse in fiction, fundamentalist & conservative hatred towards LGBTQIA people, & the Southern Baptist Convention's cover-up of child sexual assault within its leadership. This is a cry for justice, & it's not going to be pretty. If any of this is unhealthy for you to read about, please use the back button to save your sanity.)
Conservative Christianity showed its face today, & it is dirty.
The response of the church to the passing of Rev. Copeland has been outrageous, confusing, and filled with both misinformation & bigotry.
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I need the queer, trans, fanfic, dead dove, & any other affected community to see what's happening here:
They're saying his works of fiction are indications that he's a danger to the community.
They're saying that, because he wrote about a murder, using the name of a real woman, he must have secretly wanted to murder her.
I don't know how to explain to non-writers, "Fiction isn't reality. Copeland wasn't going to murder that woman, just like I'm NEVER going to be an military intelligence analyst in witness protection."
I wonder if they think reality TV is real.
Even worse, they're attacking those of us who brought stories of systemic child sexual abuse into the light, saying, "BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS GUY?? HOW CAN YOU DEFEND HIM?"
My friend @CoffeeYall said it best: "We will never ever deal with church abuse, when we view a queer adult man as having the same amount of evil, as a pastor who grooms and rapes underage girls."
The church fundamentally does not understand the difference between "sin," or violating their commandments, & "abuse," the act of harming another person, taking a person's agency away, controlling them, violating them, & destroying them. They view sin as a type of abuse against God, the church, & society, & seek to banish it.
They don't understand consent, which is why the fact that Rev. Copeland's wife had full knowledge & consent of their online life doesn't matter to them. When we became Evangelical, we were supposed to give ALL of our will & ambition & sense of self over to God.
They don't understand that people have a right to exist without their approval. They literally see themselves as a type of authority that should be on equal footing with the government.
Here's the laziest example of this type of thinking. It's an excerpt from James Dobson's book, "Marriage Under Fire," page one:
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Does Dobson justify this claim in any way? Of course not. That would take work! Evangelicals like him just accept that their views should be taken as default. They don't understand that protecting the rights of people who disagree with them eventually protects their own rights as well.
You might ask, "Why then would Rev. Copeland stay in such an environment? He was only harming himself?"
Sadly, Rev. Copeland was 49 years old when he died. I turn 44 in a couple of weeks. I can tell you, as someone just five years younger than him, who also grew up in a rural community, that we didn't grow up with the internet, or strong technology literacy, or any diversity of media.
The only difference is, I was taken away when I was 16, & was exposed to a new world of ideas. If I'd stayed?
The most radical or diverse ideas I'd have seen would be at the solitary Catholic church in a 30 mile radius. Maybe I'd have been a crazy Apostolic or Methodist Lady Pastor!
People who discover truths about themselves late in life often face a very difficult choice:
Hide who you are for just a FEW more years, until you can comfortably retire.
Don't hide who you are, & lose everything you've spent the last 20-30 years building. Your community, your financial security, your dignity, & your life.
I know a pastor who successfully navigated 3 short years before retirement. I could tell when the topics & language of his sermons changed, that he was struggling. He's now living happily, about 2500 miles away.
I wish Rev. Copeland had been given that same chance.
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FULL REVIEWS: “Hooty’s Moving Hassle”
I’ve only seen Howl’s Moving Castle once and I thought it was just okay. The animation was amazing. The story and characters were just...okay. But we’re not here to talk about that today.
A Hooty centric episode? Count me in, hoot hoot. The hype train just keeps on going and I was so glad that I found my new favorite show. AND my niece loved it too, so that’s a huge plus. The only thing that I was sure about this episode going in way back when was that Gus and Willow were going to be in it. Let’s check it out and see if it’s still as good as I remember it, hoot hoot.
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“Cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun.”
Hot damn, Luz. The episode just started and she’s already out firing shots. But to be fair, she did grow up with smartphones and game consoles being a thing so I doubt she sees the appeal. Do kids even still play with toys anymore? Or do they all just play on tablets now? Probably why Toys R’ Us closed. 
Speaking of things that can only happen in this generation, callbacks and continuity! Eda’s curse is rearing its feathery head and like the irresponsible adult that she is, she’s out of elixir, hoot hoot.
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It’s not our full introduction to Owlbert, but at least he gets some screen time where he actually moves and stuff. I totally get where Luz and King are coming from. When a friend discovers they’re really good at a game and they want to play it all they time because they like winning but it’s super annoying and you always lose because it’s not a game you would ever play on your own, hoot hoot. Yeah. Eda is that friend. 
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People watching in a fantasy world would actually be a fun little way to do some worldbuilding, but I’m afraid some people would call it lazy. We get a bunch of set-up for the third act and then the spice of life returns, hoot hoot.
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“Who hurt my babies?”
Hyper fangirl Luz spots her babies wearing frowny faces thanks to Amity and her little group. Apparently Amity’s forced friend brigade is going to have a moonlight conjuring which is basically just a slumber party. It’s literally exactly like a slumber party. I have proof. Just check out this video and see that slumber parties are just modern witch gatherings. 
Thanks to Luz though, Willow has enough friends to have a moonlight conjuring of her own. Wow, typing out that sentences actually made me feel really sad. Willow is a sweeties and she deserves the world. Okay I feel better, hoot hoot.
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Also Penstagram? Really? Like freaking really? I hate Instagram. The feed is never in chronological order, I don’t know what “link in the bio” means and I never have enough pictures to just be on there. I mean, who freaking takes pictures for everything all the time? It’s a madhouse, I tell you. A madhouse, hoot hoot.
Like Owlbert, this is our kinda introduction to Boscha and her crew. It’s not a full introduction, but it’s not like we’re not going to see more of her later. There’s Skara again and Cat. Thank you, Owl House wikia.
Eda’s dealer suggests going to the Night Market to pick up what she needs and shoots down Luz’s moonlight conjuring idea. But Luz isn’t going to let something small like a parent’s permission stop her from helping her friends, hoot hoot. So Luz pulls the laziest plot device in all of fiction and lies. 
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Sleeping King in a baby sling and Willow saying “I’m a sneaky sneakster” hoot hoot? This episode is all kinds of cute.
Eda heads to the night market and Luz has her little slumber party. A sad thought just occurred. What if this is also Luz’s first slumber party too? Her mom did say that she didn’t have any friends. I made myself sad again, hoot hoot. 
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Luz, ever the good host, tries to accommodate her friends and they get to work on the moonlight conjuring. Luz chanting that she doesn’t know the words made me laugh. Especially because I’d do the same thing. 
Side note, but Gus insisting that Beefy Bob is a figurine is just kinda funny. All I kept thinking about was the difference between action figures, dolls, and figurines. Dolls don’t move but you play with them. Action figures do stuff and you play with them. Figurines don’t move and you don’t play with them, hoot hoot. “A real man never takes accountability” is hilarious and unfortunately true. 
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“Light as a feather; stiff as a board. Light as a feather; stiff as a board.”
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“Something ridiculous this way comes, hoot hoot.”
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And just like that, our heroes conjure the whole house. How? Why? Never mind that shit, here comes Bosha! And the set up from early in the episode, hoot hoot. 
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Meanwhile at the night market, Eda meets the recurring villain of the series. I like to call these guys jobber villains.
For those who don’t know, a “jobber” is a pro wrestling term. It’s a guy who is hired to just lose to the big name guys. I use the term “jobber villain” to describe any antagonist who isn’t the main villain who is used frequently to lose to the heroes. Think Team Rocket in Pokémon, Dr Light in Teen Titans, Ludo in Star vs the Forces of Evil, etc, you get the idea.
Tibbles hustles Eda over the Hexes Hold ‘em game and we get a bunch of funny ass jokes that I dare not ruin for you. The two plots cross for just long enough for Luz and co to get busted. 
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I have concerns, hoot hoot.
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Meanwhile, back in the other failed moonlight conjuring, the moonlight conjuring has failed. The girls do what every young girl would do in that situation and complain on social media. Amity gets a really cool shot that I don’t have and the episode ends with a hint that someone on our main trio is more powerful then they are letting on.
FINAL SCORE: 5 - Loved it.
This episode is funny as hell. That’s the main highlight for me here. There are so many good jokes especially since it’s my type of dialogue humor. 
Lots of character work. The reveal that Willow and Amity used to be friends adds depth to both characters, making the relationship a bit more complex than just bully-victim scenario.
I love it whenever Luz speaks Spanish. As a Hispanic guy myself, I’m really happy about this kind of representation. This plus Marco Diaz. 
We kinda get introductions to several characters who play bigger parts in later episodes. Bosch and Owlbert get soft intros while Tibbles takes the center stage as the episode’s main villain.
I’ve never been to a slumber party but I doubt they’re as fun as this.
I forgot what the next episode is so I don’t have a lead up line for it...hoot.
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Heyo! Can we have the nsfw hc's for Daigo's bfs? :3€ thank you in advance!!
Of course you can, my dear c: Apologies in advance for my very strong bias for my fav boy Mine, but I’ll try to be fair to everyone ^^; 
Ryuji Goda: 
Ryuji and Daigo have that classic enemies-to-lovers friction. That gloating victory, that simmering hatred melted away into physical attraction. So, at first, they’re all rough touch, biting and snapping and grabbing. No tenderness, no gentleness. But over time, this would cool to lazy ego-stroking and pampering. A knowing fondle, a smug tease. 
Ryuji is the world’s laziest dom. I’m sorry, but he’s got a little too much of that “I’m king god and I know it” going on to put in effort most of the time. Oh, he’s happy to order you around and have you worship him, but he’s not going to make your job easier or even praise you too much for doing it, unless it’s to mock you. This isn’t to say that Ryuji’s mean, necessarily, just that he’s smug and everything’s about him. 
If he ever gets around to actually fucking you and not insisting that you get him off in a way that does nothing for you, he will put in effort doing that. After all, he’d be unworthy of his exalted status if he couldn’t actually back up his claims. So he makes a point of fucking people good and hard, in a way they’ll remember. And he even makes it a point of personal pride that you enjoy it, even if that means he has to be gentle. Being strong enough to be gentle is still strength, after all. And you’ll hate him just a little bit more for the fact that he can make you feel nice and you like it. 
Daigo certainly hates his smug face about it. 
But the real trick is if you can get Ryuji on his back. He’s a whimpery baby when it comes to bottoming. He’s inexperienced taking it, but does enjoy it, which puts him in an awkward position, having to listen to someone else for a change. Suddenly it’s “Oh, be gentle with me!” and “Wait, slow down!” and not quite knowing what he wants anymore. It takes patience to get that far with him, but Daigo certainly think it’s worth it. Ryuji’s got an ass that won’t quit and driving into that self-congratulating asshole, no pun intended, is delightful. 
Daigo prefers a more generous environment than Ryuji, but Ryuji’s stuck-up pride is appealing as a target to launch yourself at. And it is flattering that Ryuji won’t fight with you in the first place if he doesn’t think you’re worthy. It is a little warming in itself to have his attention. 
In a long-established relationship, Ryuji’s pride would lose its edge, he wouldn’t feel quite so desperate to prove himself. So his teasing would be more fond and soft, less biting. Daigo would grow in confidence, able to rebuff Ryuji a bit better and lead him around if need be. Daigo sparks under Ryuji’s overbearing dominance, but only when Daigo’s trying to be dominant. Daigo’s happy to receive most of the time. It’s more the way Ryuji comports himself that is the issue. But Daigo would relax over time too, seeing Ryuji soften and open up. They could learn to be tender with each other, rather than only mock and sneer.
Mine Yoshitaka: 
Fucking Mine is like driving a brand new Ferrari. It’s very sharp, very fast, very expensive. It’s beautifully designed. But it wants to be doing everything at 200 mph when most of your life is, at best, at the 60 mph speed range. And you know it’s going to break. You don’t know when, you don’t know where, but the thing is so fucking temperamental and insistent about going 200 mph that it’s just going to break, there’s nothing you can do about it, and you’ll have to get it repaired. That’s what fucking Mine is like. 
Mine is an entire goddamn disaster. He’s SO hot and SO fucking on fire. 
There is absolutely no way on earth Mine had ever fucked anyone before Daigo. Come on. Think about it. He’s very pretty but... psychotic. And also convinced that other people are, I don’t know, dust mites. Is fucking you going to get Mine power? No? Then why the fuck are we still talking? 
So no, Mine never fucked anyone, may not have even been interested in sex at all before Daigo. 
But he’s... oh god, he’s gotta be The Best at Everything. You can see where this is going. 
Mine’s SO DESPERATE to prove how good he is at sex, how willing, how flexible, but he’s instantly overwhelmed by everything and we have to scale back his insane plans to... how ‘bout we hold hands in bed for awhile, okay? Maybe your blood pressure will go down some. 
Daigo has to, somehow, contain Mine’s insane need to please and be The Best while also convincing him that it’s okay to take things one step at a time and slow down sometimes. He has to hold his hand through everything and show him, literally, all of the steps. Just kissing might paralyze Mine for a day, to say nothing of removing clothes or touching each other. 
That’s okay, Daigo can be patient. Apoplectically insane doesn’t do it for everyone, but... there’s something charming, for Daigo, in the way that Mine will absolutely break if you’re cute to him, if you’re nice to him. It’s so little effort for Daigo to be nice, and he gets SUCH a response in return. That alone is satisfying. It’s okay that Mine needs to move inches at a time or he’ll explode. It’s okay that every little thing sets Mine off, it’s kinda adorable. As long as you can be patient and don’t have to look after him every second, it’s actually pretty functional. 
After a lot of coaching and patience, their first time is... still a total disaster. But no one had to go to the hospital and Mine only wound up crying for an hour, so Daigo’s taking this as a good sign. 
Slowly, after a lot of therapy and socializing him with other people, Mine calms down. Over time, Mine can become functional and even very skilled. As Mine would never accept “adequate” for anything. And Daigo can’t fault him for his ambition and discipline even if it is... terrifying to watch how fast he develops. 
After the initial volcano of embarrassment and feelings of panic and unworthiness, once he finally fucking calms down, Mine becomes flawlessly competent. Daigo’s actually little worried that Mine could get him off in three strokes if put to it. He’s careful to absolutely never under any circumstances ask Mine to demonstrate. 
And Mine’s own desires grow apace with his skills. Mine’s main kink is endurance. He’s sort of similar to Majima’s exhaustion and over-stimulation gambit, but it’s a little different. Majima wants to be fucked until he can’t think anymore. Mine wants to prove his stamina, he wants to be the greatest physical specimen possible. So marathons are truly his thing. Daigo struggles to keep up. 
Fortunately, Mine is an absolutely mewling bottom, hungry for any attention. He wants to be stretched to his limits whenever possible, pushed to the utmost, but he’d never forgive himself if Daigo isn’t also enjoying himself. He learns to balance the two, to make sure Daigo is having a good time and not ask... more than is humanly possible. 
Even so, fisting is not out of the question for him and Daigo has, on occasion, worn a cock sheath. Mine’s a bit of a size queen. Again, the stamina thing. He’s... he’s insatiable in almost all possible ways. 
Mine will also gladly fuck Daigo! He has never refused a request from his one and only beloved and he never will. But Mine has no impulse to dominate. He doesn’t need to prove anything, he already knows he is the best there is, and he doesn’t need to serve to derive his sense of purpose and meaning. He will serve, but it is only to make Daigo happy. His pride is taken from how happy he can make Daigo, rather than anything about the act itself. His intense attention is borderline unbearable, but Daigo has gently coached him into where to direct his attention and how much intensity is needed. Mine is a ready and willing student, trying hard to be the right amount of too much, rather than monstrously too much. So he’s always excited to be ordered by Daigo and do what he likes. Daigo, for his part, has never been disappointed. 
Daigo, despite the incredible emotional and physical exhaustion of fucking Mine, does enjoy it. Mine does push him to his limits and asks for so much, but... the loopy, satisfied smile on Mine’s drained face when he finally lays back, when he’s at last loose and pliable... it fills Daigo with such a sense of satisfaction and pride and love. Whenever Daigo doubts himself, whenever he’s unsure, he remembers that the most perfectionist man on earth is head-over-heels in love with him and begs to be fucked every night... nothing comes close to being that kind of ego trip. And Mine is even genuinely reassuring when Daigo needs that too. 
It’s a disastrous beginning and it’s rough and rocky for awhile, but... in time, their dynamic becomes a smooth beat-counterbeat of lust and confidence, doubt and reassurance. They support each other in their weak spots and they love each other for it. 
Shinada Tatsuo: 
Shinada is like a breath of fresh air after the work of those last two. He is neither on fire nor selfish. A welcome relief for Daigo, if he fucked the last two. Finally someone he doesn’t have to put in all the work for. 
Shinada is the definition of easy going. Whatever you want to do, he’s up for it. And with his predilection for sex workers, safe to say he’s not a virgin by any means. No awkward hand holding with him. 
Shinada is not much of a dom, way too lackadaisical to take charge, but he is very warm and giving. So if Daigo just wanted to be taken care of today, he’d do his best to comply. He doesn’t have Mine’s intensity or stamina nor Ryuji’s forceful personality, but he’s sincere and generous and that goes a long way. 
Shinada is far more willing to be acted upon though. He’s lazy in the exact opposite way of Ryuji. Shinada would love to be fingered and fucked and taken care of, while putting in very little effort to achieve this. He’s happy to receive your energy and fierce determination. And at this point in Daigo’s life, sometimes he needs to take charge, just for the sense of control over something. Shinada’s got no problem with that and it’s reassuring and satisfying to know that Shinada’s happy with whatever you have to give him. Not having to put in a major effort or think about what will make him happiest makes Daigo’s job a lot easier. 
Not to say that Daigo wants to just use Shinada and leave him. Daigo’s very kind and cuddly with Shinada, eager to appreciate him simply because he’s so low effort. Shinada thinks it’s cute the way Daigo tries to pamper him. 
Daigo does sometimes push Shinada for more, ask him to go harder, to be rougher, but it isn’t really in Shinada’s make up to be forceful and intense. He’s up for anything so he never blinks if Daigo asks for something a little unusual or wants to experiment with something new, but at the same time, there’s no drive in him for any particular thing. 
Shinada’s main kink is hands, using his hands or hands being used on him. Hands are still his best method of communication, still dexterous and tactile, even if he’s out of practice these days. Also toys, strangely. He loves self-service toys or partner toys. They take some of the effort off of any one person to perform a certain way while still making sure everyone’s satisfied. No much ruffles him, but he will get a little blushy if you praise him a lot.
Daigo... loves to be taken care of. But also likes to fuck people into whimpery piles. He’s just so tired at this point. Sometimes he misses Ryuji’s demands or Mine’s intensity. But right now, he likes taking it easy with a sweet, pretty boy who like to lay in the sun and do nothing. He’s easy to pamper and his eyes go wide for just a little love and care. Daigo likes making someone happy and not having the fear that it will all go horribly wrong all too soon. 
Shinada sees him get sad sometimes and hugs him close, murmurs gently and keeps their hands close. He doesn’t mind that Daigo’s hurt and has been through a lot. He’s happy to be with him now and to make him happy in whatever ways he can. 
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jess-the-vampire · 4 years
I fucking hate these dumb 80s kids! They still wanna bash that She-Ra reboot, for the most pettiest of reasons. Also, they have the OG She-Ra they can go watch that and why them soyboys hatin' on Noelle Stevenson??? She's NOTHING like Rebecca Sugar and they're overreacting acting. When they watch it, they still act like crying little bitches about it, like it's not for you, you got Kevin Smith's He-man coming up and the 80s she-ra, grow the fuck up!
alright alright, it’s ok, breathe.
no need to get too worked up either.
i get not liking a reboot, but a lot of the reasons most people aren’t fond of the new she-ra seem to come from not seeing it and judging is purely on looks alone without much of the proper context.
Some of them haven’t even seen the original.
In my opinion, for me at least, i think they’re missing out frankly, i did enjoy the show and i think it’s worth a watch and a lot of the hate around it seems rather unjustified or purely incorrect.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s ok to not be personally interested in the direction the reboot chooses to go in, you don’t have to be. But at the same time it’s also not ok to trash it just because it’s not catering to your personal interests either.
Some people who grew with with the og she ra LOVED the reboot, and really connected with it, and that’s totally great too, i think it’s great if you can enjoy them as their own separate entities and enjoy both as what they are.
the og she ra will always be there, it’s not going anywhere.
In ways i think the fact the reboot was good gave a lot of attention to the original, and that’s awesome to me.
Reboots can be a mixed bag, but i think judging it solely on character design and lgbtq characters is not the way to go about it, it’s trying to do it’s own thing and i think it does it well.
It’s for an audience of today, it really couldn’t be exactly like the og even if you wanted it to be, a lot has changed since then.
and granted, despite that some people call it lazy, i think the laziest thing they could’ve done was literally do everything the og did and not change any of it at all.
If the reboot ends up resonating with people and helping people and making them happy and excited, it’s doing it’s job well in my opinion regardless if i liked it or not.
and i did like it, and so did a lot of others, i would gladly rewatch it again frankly.
i think if people gave it a chance they’d like it more then they think, but that’s up to them.
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thirteen-beaxhes · 5 years
Snap (A Tyrus One Shot)
So Sarah ( @heart-eyes-kippen ) ( i love her she is amazing ) and I were talking today (instead of working on our fics rip) and we thought of this GODTIER concept for after 3x13
So you have heard of Buffy snapping at Kira. You may have even heard about Cyrus snapping at Kira.
But let me introduce you to Buffy AND Cyrus snapping at Kira. 
Words: 3045
“Hey Cyrus, thanks for waiting back with me for practice,” Buffy said, trying to catch her breath as the rest of the girls’ team left the gym, all shouting out to Buffy and giving high-fives as they left. Cyrus looked up from his phone, a small smile on his face. But it didn’t reach his eyes.
“No problem, Buffy,” Cyrus said, gathering his stuff. “It was nice to get my mind off things for a bit.”
Buffy sighed, looking at her friend helplessly. He looked better than he did the last week, but only slightly. His eyes were still puffy, dark bags under them, and he hadn’t smiled genuinely. Not since Costume Day.
TJ was dead, Buffy thought to herself, trying not to let it show on her face as she squeezed Cyrus’ shoulder. And to think he had actually changed. Buffy put a smile on her face, hiding her thoughts. “I’ll just be done packing up, okay? Wanna head to the Spoon afterwards? Baby taters on me!” she said, trying to get Cyrus even a tiny bit excited.
It seemed to work, his smile growing a bit wider. “That would be ni-,” he started, stopping as he heard the gym doors open and a suspiciously familiar girl’s voice.
Of course. Kira.
“Get ready to be destroyed, Kippen,” she said, as she walked confidently onto the court, TJ safely in tow behind her, silent.
Cyrus’ eyes widened, as he immediately started to move out from the bleachers. “Buffy, let’s go. Before she sees us,” he whispered, grabbing Buffy by the elbow to try and get her to move faster.
“Too late for that,” Buffy hissed back, gesturing to Kira, who was now looking pointedly at the two, a smirk on her face.
Cyrus inwardly groaned, trying to keep his fractured feelings together, especially in front of TJ and Kira. He made it a point to keep his eyes trained to his feet, sheepishly following Buffy as she walked forward. Before they reached Kira, Buffy grabbed Cyrus’ hand, giving it a squeeze. That sent a rush of relief and comfort through Cyrus. At least he wasn’t alone.
“Well, if it isn’t the Slayer and Salt-boy,” Kira said mockingly, eyeing the two up like they were prey. Buffy just glared at her in response with all her anger, moving involuntarily in front of Cyrus, as if to protect him.
Cyrus couldn’t help but feel the stab at his heart when Kira called him ‘Salt-boy’. He’d rather never remember anything about that costume, or the person who suggested it. Though that was hard when they were standing right in front of him. But Cyrus resisted the urge to look up, his free hand pulling at his shirt.
“Oh look,” Buffy said, matching Kira’s tone. “It’s Mr and Mrs ‘Foul Costume’. What a horrible surprise.”
For that one comment, he would give Buffy all the baby taters in the world, Cyrus thought to himself, trying to control the small smile that was appearing.
That comment seemed to annoy Kira even more, causing her to step forward towards Buffy. “Well, at least one of us isn’t the captain of a hot mess.”
“Well, at least one of us isn’t such a sore player that they get kicked off the team.”
The two girls were getting closer, and angrier with each sentence. Buffy was all prepared to sucker punch Kira in the jaw, until a strained voice said, “Back off, Kira.”
Buffy looked over Kira’s shoulder, surprised to hear how TJ sounded. That was also when she got to actually see TJ for the first time, and she had to try and hold back a gasp.
TJ looked awful. His hair was messy, like he couldn’t have been bothered to comb it. His eyes were puffy and sunken, bags under them. His shoulders were low, exhausted and defeated. He looked like a small child in front of Kira, like he was scared of her. That was not the TJ Buffy or Cyrus knew. Something was really, really wrong.
Kira turned around, incredulous. “Why are you telling me to back off? We’re on the same side, aren’t we Kippen?” she said, her voice low but still audible to Buffy.
TJ just looked away, as if he couldn’t even look her in the eye. He turned to look at Cyrus, his eyes immediately softening, as if by reflex. But almost instantly, they grew sad, as he desperately tried to make eye contact with Cyrus, but Cyrus still wasn’t looking up.
Seeing the two act that way broke Buffy’s heart. There was no way TJ wasn’t remorseful, he was practically exuding it. What really happened? Buffy was confused, but she had begun to form a theory, and it wasn’t looking very good for the she-beast that stood in front of her.
Kira huffed in annoyance as she turned back around to face Buffy, a sly smile on her face. “What say we have a little two-on-two, you against us?” she said, moving back to stand with TJ, putting an arm on his shoulder. Buffy couldn’t help but notice the way TJ cringed away from her touch, as if he couldn’t stand it, and she felt bad for wanting him dead. If anything, she suddenly felt weirdly protective of him.
“Actually,” Cyrus spoke, his voice small and choked. “I have to go to my locker.” He picked up his bag and looked straight at TJ for the first time. “You guys have fun.”
Cyrus left as soon as he could before the tears that were dangerously filling his eyes threatened to spill. Before he left the gym, he turned around one last time to look at the other boy, tears clouding his vision, and he left, heading outside.
Buffy looked at Cyrus leave and looked back at Kira, now smiling smugly. “Hm. What a shame. Oh well, good riddance.”
Buffy could feel her vision going red, and she almost connected her fist to Kira’s jaw, but the only thing stopping her was Kira’s hand holding onto TJ’s shoulder. When Cyrus had left, TJ had moved forward, as if to go after him. But Kira gripped onto his shoulder, almost as if she were holding him back. Something told Buffy that the root of the problems between TJ and Cyrus was none other than her. So she calmed herself down slightly, only responding with, “I’d rather not this time. But, by all means, you guys play your one-on-one. I’ll be out of your hair shortly,” she said, adding in an angry mutter, “Lord knows I wanna get out of it.”
Buffy then went to the bleachers and began to gather her things. Kira smiled victoriously, turning to TJ. “So, we’re on?”
TJ ignored Kira’s words, whispering harshly, “Do you really have to be this mean?”
“What? Why do you care? It isn’t being mean, it’s knowing people’s places.”
“I care because Cyrus is my friend. Or at least was,” TJ said sadly. “Still, I’ve known him longer than I’ve known you. And he doesn’t deserve you talking to him like that.”
“So if you’ve known him longer, why did you do the costume with me?”
Buffy slowed down the rate she packed up her things, trying to listen into the conversation. She knew it was probably wrong, but she needed to know. Something wasn’t adding up in that situation, and all it was doing was hurting Cyrus and also, apparently, hurting TJ immensely.
TJ was at a loss for words, looking away from Kira at his hands. He began to nervously fiddle with his shirt, a habit he had picked up from Cyrus, his mind unhappily noted. “You know exactly why,” he said in a tight whisper.
“No, I’m sorry. I don’t,” Kira said, feigning innocence. Just the way she spoke made Buffy want to rearrange her facial structure.
“Because you said that,” TJ said, his voice becoming shakier.
“What? All I asked you was would you rather do a costume with Cyrus than with me.”
“You know exactly what you were implying,” TJ said, now irritated as he stepped towards Kira, but his voice still shaky, his hands still nervously fidgeting.
Buffy couldn’t understand the big deal about the sentence at first. Of course he would pick Cyrus, they were best friends. Unless…
And then it hit her.
And she had never felt that much anger before in her life.
“And what of that?” Kira asked, also stepping close to TJ. “You should be thanking me, saving you from that embarrassment. What would people have said, TJ? You tell me.”
“I’m sorry,” Buffy cut in, finally fed up of Kira’s actions. “But Kira, you are awful.”
“Excuse me, Driscoll?” Kira said, turning towards Buffy.
“Buffy, you really don’t have to,” TJ whispered, his voice betraying how close he was to tears.
“No, TJ. I do. Because all this time, I was blaming you for how Cyrus felt, when in reality, it’s all her fault,” Buffy said, as she moved towards Kira, who was still smiling smugly. The absolute bitch.
“How am I wrong, Buffy? I saved him from embarrassment.”
“Are you actually serious right now? You are trying to praise yourself? For what you did?” Buffy said, scoffing. “I can’t believe you would stoop so low. I knew you had a bad attitude, but I didn’t know you were a manipulative bitch!”
“Whoa there,” Kira said, holding her hands up in mock surrender. “The good girl Slayer is swearing. Hold your horses. The way I see it, I did something good. Our costume was incredible, and something many people would get, unlike their costume.”
“Your costume was two white shirts with DRIBBLE written on them! That is the laziest costume ever! A literal five-year-old could have done it!”
Kira just laughed in Buffy’s face, stepping closer to speak in a lower voice. “I did him a favour, Driscoll. Do you want people to start talking about him and that friend of yours?”
Buffy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How can you even defend yourself? You manipulated him to do what you wanted by threatening to say something about him and Cyrus? What on earth is wrong with you?”
TJ looked at Buffy when she said that, shocked but comforted that she seemed to be standing by him. He flashed her a small smile, but it quickly faded away when he looked behind her.
“She did what?”
Buffy’s eyes widened as she turned around to see Cyrus standing there, his bag slung over his shoulder, his eyes wide.
“Cyrus, I,” TJ started saying, moving forward towards him. But Cyrus didn’t acknowledge him. His eyes were solely on Kira. TJ looked scared, looking back and forth between Kira and Cyrus.
Kira just smiled slyly at Cyrus. “Oh look, your shy friend is back.”
Cyrus walked up to her, an unreadable expression in his eyes. “Did you actually do that?”
“Why does it matter to you anyway? It’s not like-”
“Did you?” Cyrus interrupted, his voice quiet, unlike how he had ever spoken before. Buffy was taken aback at her friend’s behaviour, unsure of where it was headed.
Cyrus’ tone momentarily made Kira lose her smugness, but she immediately held it back, replying, “So what if it is?”
Cyrus was silent for a moment, and then just scoffed. “You are a horrible human being.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. How dare you use something like that against another person? You must be so obsessed with getting what you want that you would ever even consider doing something as awful as that. And how dare you take someone’s insecurities and use it to your advantage? You are manipulative and selfish and a sore team player.”
Kira looked absolutely taken aback by Cyrus’ outburst. She had not been expecting Cyrus Goodman to come and confront her. Buffy just stood there shocked, but inside she felt tiny bursts of pride at finally seeing Cyrus stand up to a person. TJ just kept his eyes fixed on Cyrus, his fidgeting gradually decreasing as Cyrus continued to speak.
“I don’t know what you said to TJ to make him do the costume with you, but I have an idea. But whatever you were implying about him, true or false, I don’t care. Not one bit.”
TJ let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, a small amount of happiness reaching his heart.
Cyrus continued, showing no intention of stopping. “What I do care about is that you still went ahead and did that to him. I spent all this time feeling hurt, not even seeing that he was also hurting. Bad. And it’s because of you. You used that to get him to do what you wanted, always holding it above his head. Well not anymore.”
At that, Cyrus walked over to TJ and grabbed his hand, looking him in the eyes for the first time in a week. TJ looked at Cyrus in surprise, and back down to their clasped hands. He could feel the tears coming, but they were no longer just tears of frustration or sadness. They were mixed with tears of appreciation.
Cyrus looked at TJ, giving him a small smile. “Come on, TJ. Let’s go,” he said, pulling TJ after him, who gladly followed. Buffy followed soon after, not before throwing the finger at a stunned and shell-shocked Kira.
The three left the gym and headed outside to the courtyard, where Buffy turned to Cyrus and hugged him, spinning him around.
“Oh my god, Cy!! I am so proud of you! I knew you had it in you! You should have seen her face after you left, she looked like she had seen a ghost.”
Cyrus laughed, for the first time feeling actually lighter. “I think I yelled out all my feelings at her, I don’t even remember half of what I said.”
Buffy laughed, but then looked at TJ standing behind, nervously wringing his hands together as his head hung low. She looked back at Cyrus and said, “I’ll leave you guys alone. You need to talk.”
Cyrus just nodded, giving Buffy another hug before she turned to leave. Then, he turned back towards TJ, who was keeping his eyes trained to the ground.
“Hey,” Cyrus said, his voice soft, unsure of how TJ was doing. “Are you okay?”
Silence. Cyrus started to feel a bit worried. “TJ?” he asked, as he stepped closer.
TJ looked up when Cyrus said his name, and before Cyrus could say anything, he walked up to Cyrus and engulfed him in a tight hug, his shoulders shaking as he began to sob.
Cyrus was surprised, but hugged him back equally tight, his heart breaking at the way TJ was breaking down. He rubbed comforting circles on TJ’s back, just repeating words of comfort into his ear as he let TJ cry. He really had been hurting.
It took a while for Cyrus to realise that in between sobs, TJ was saying, “I’m so sorry, Cyrus.” His words were nothing but gasps.
“Shh, TJ. Don’t talk, it’s okay,” Cyrus said, holding the boy closer to get him to stop.
“No, it isn’t,” TJ said, pulling away to look at Cyrus, his eyes red and puffy and still filled with tears. That sight was causing Cyrus to have to control the tears that were threatening to fill up.
“I should never have fallen for Kira’s words. I hurt you, Cyrus. I hurt you bad. And I didn’t even call. I’m so sorry.”
“You were scared. Kira had said things, true or not, that made you scared. It’s okay, I understand now why you did it.”
“That doesn’t make it okay, Cy!” TJ said, running his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “What I did was still horrible. And I get if you can’t forgive me.”
“Hey,” Cyrus said, holding TJ’s chin. “I do forgive you. Yes, it wasn’t good what you did, but I get why you did it. Plus, this time you actually apologised!”
That made TJ laugh a little. God, he had missed that sound.
TJ looked nervously at Cyrus, gulping. “What she was implying is true.”
“What?” Cyrus asked, unsure of what TJ was saying.
TJ sighed. “Kira implying that I am gay,” his voice dropping on the last word, “It’s true.”
Cyrus was surprised, his mouth opening slightly. “R-Really?”
“Okay,” Cyrus said, smiling wide.
TJ looked at Cyrus, hesitant. “Yeah?”
Cyrus nodded, pride in his eyes.
TJ smiled, letting out a sigh of relief followed by a laugh. “Okay.”
Cyrus hugged TJ again, trying to communicate his support and appreciation as best as he could. TJ practically melted into the hug, relieved. They stayed like that in comfortable silence, just hugging. Suddenly, Cyrus realised something and he pulled back, causing TJ to jump.
“Wait, one thing doesn’t make sense,” Cyrus said.
“What is it?”
“How did Kira find out?”
TJ’s eyes went wide and he disentangled himself from Cyrus as quickly as he could. He started to scratch his earlobe. “Well, um. She saw how I acted around you.”
“How you acted around me? What does that have to do with anything?” Cyrus asked, still very confused.
TJ groaned, hiding his face in his hands. “She found out by seeing how I act around you because I like you, Cyrus.”
Well, this took a turn for the unexpected.
Cyrus stammered, his cheeks going red. “You, she, what?”
“I like you,” TJ said, his voice growing small as he waited for Cyrus’ reaction.
Cyrus took a minute to completely process what he had just heard, but when he did, the smile grew on his face until it was as bright as the sun.
“Whoa,” he said, happiness evident in his voice. “This has never happened before.”
“What hasn’t happened?” TJ asked, still confused and nervous.
Cyrus stepped forward with a smile, wrapping his arms around TJ’s neck. “That the guy I like likes me back.”
The shocked look on TJ’s face morphed into one of disbelief as he smiled, scrunching his nose. “What?”
Cyrus giggled, kissing TJ on the cheek. “I like you too, TJ.”
TJ laughed, pulling Cyrus in for another hug, holding on tight, Cyrus doing the same.
Neither had plans of letting go anytime soon.
i’ve been posting so much as of late, one day the drought will come and i won’t be ready lol.
sorry for another 3x13 fic but this was too gold a concept to not write.
Once again, thank you to Sarah without whom this idea wouldn’t even exist. Hope you guys liked it!
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boyinjeans · 5 years
can i have some uhh domestic jazzalil? i will sacrifice 10 mosquitoes
[my eyes turn black and i cry blood and begin speaking in tongues]
it is done
I’ve always been jealous of Zazzalil. Not a jealous hatred, no, but more of a jealous love. I envy the way she so effortlessly connects with people, I love the way she can make a quip without even thinking about it, and I especially love how she can roll out of bed and look like Aphrodite in the dusk as Apollo streaks across the sky, setting her ablaze with more beauty than you thought possible.
However, Zazzalil is also the laziest person I know. I had to drag her out of bed and carry her into the kitchen and force feed her her breakfast. I love her more than anything, but I hate getting her up in the morning. I’ve forced her onto my sleep schedule, and she does not like it. Early to bed, early to right. We go to sleep at about 10:00 every night and wake up at 5:30 every morning. I wake up so early because we live in the middle of the “fucking woods”—Zazzalil’s words. She pretends to hate living in the countryside, but she loves all the friendly animals and the peace, I know it—and I have to drive for an hour and a half to get to my job in the city. I’m a supervisor at modeling agency. Big bucks. Zazzalil doesn’t need to work, but she insists. Really it’s kind of ironic that she refuses to be unemployed but I have to literally drag her lazy ass out of bed every morning. She works in the city too, but at Costco. She’s a sample lady. And I adore her.
Today is particularly hard, though. She hated getting up even more than usual, she barely told me she loved me before leaving the car, and she wouldn’t sing along to the death metal I play every morning just for her to wake up. I’m worried that something is bothering my love. So worried that I can barely focus all day. No one notices much, though, since we’re preparing for a runway show this weekend. I just have to make sure none of the models kill each other or die.
“Hey, J?”
“Yeah Clark?” I ask, looking up from my blank clipboard. Did I forget to grab my itinerary this morning? “One second. Tiblyn! Itinerary!” I snap my fingers and Tiblyn is running up to me with my itinerary in hand. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Tiblyn says before walking off, speaking rapidly into a headset. She’s quite attractive. She would be a model if she weren’t such a damn good stage manager. She does the real hard work, she should get paid more than me.
“Anyways, what is it Clark?”
“I was just going to tell you the hospital called. Your wife—“
I don’t even let him finish before I drop my clipboard and start sprinting out the door. I thank God that billowy pants are in fashion right now, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to run this fast. I don’t bother getting my car, that would only slow me down. I have my stupid little backpack on—PR makes me carry it around—so I have all my belongings. It’s only two blocks away, I can make it.
I run in and practically slide to the front desk.
“Zazzalil Miller?”
“You must be Jemma Miller? Spouse?” The woman doesn’t even look up, she’s tapping away furiously at her keys. Jemma Miller, I think. I haven’t been called that in years. Jemilla just kinda stuck in college.
“Room 619.” I thank her before walking as quickly as I can to the elevator. They won’t let you run in here. I press the button to the sixth floor and the close doors button about a hundred times after. I know the button doesn’t really work, but all the adrenaline in my body needs to go somewhere. Why is she is even in the hospital?
“Zazz?” I ask when I find her room. She’s hooked up to an IV and a cannula is her nose. I’ve never seen her skin look so pale before. She looks like she’s on the brink of death.
“What’s up, J-Mills?” She smiles and snaps finger guns at me. I can’t believe she’s joking around. I rush to her side and sit at the chair by her bed.
“What’s up with me? What’s up with you? You were fine this morning.” I brush the hair out her face and rest my hair there on her cheek. She’s burning up.
“Was I really Jemilla?”
“What do you mean?” I ask. My voice is thick with concern. I just want to know what happened to my baby.
“I told you I didn’t feel good this morning, Jemma.” She never uses my real name.
“You-You never feel good in the morning, Zazzalil, that’s just how you are,” I laugh in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“I haven’t felt good in a long time, honey,” she smiles sadly and puts her hand over mine. “They ran some tests and they think I have an auto immune deficiency. I passed out at Costco in the bread aisle. It was kind of funny, actually.
“Zazzalil, why didn’t you tell me it was serious? I would have listened.”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” She laughs. “Besides, I’m fine. They’re gonna jack me up on meds and hope I don’t feel like death all the time. They said some things like chronic fatigue syndrome and auto immune deficiency, and so my half conscious ass says ‘Call my god damn wife’ and passes out. I’m glad they called you.”
“I’m glad they called me too, Zazz,” I sniff, trying to hold back tears. “Maybe you should quit at Costco. After this weekend I pretty much don’t have to work for a month, we can just be together and—“
“Jemilla, please. You act like I’m dying. I’m alright. I never say I’m alright. You know how dramatic I am. Really, though, this time, I’m okay. Okay?”
“Okay,” I nod, still a little unconvinced.
“I love you, Jemilla.”
I smile at her. She still makes me swoon. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
When we get home, Zazzalil has to sleep for a long time. I don’t try to stop her from it because it’ll “throw off the sleep schedule,” and all she does when she wakes up is snack and cuddle into my side while I do some online work. I adore how cuddly she gets when she doesn’t feel well, but I hate that she doesn’t feel well. I would take away all her disease if I could.
I look over to see her asleep on my shoulder, arms around my waist and covered in a fluffy blanket and one of my hoodies. Even pale, sickly, and eyes sunken, she is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
I’ll be with you every step of the way, I think. We’re gonna do this together.
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berlinaura · 4 years
Oh how the laziness has taken over. My school motivation has completely disappeared and the only thing keeping me going is the fact that the work I have to do are group works. I am allowing myself pass classes with minimum effort right now. 
On the week after my birthday party my Finnish friends were in Berlin. I was at school on one day of that week. We drank 4 days in a row (okay I had to take one chill day in between because I had the throw up kind of hangover). We went to some bars and Mauerpark flea market on Sunday. 
The next Monday I had an intervietw for an internship in Berlin. I was stressing over the interview for the whole night and got only 1 hour of sleep. I felt like a shaking zombie. Nevertheless, the interview went alright in my opinion. They made me speak some German and wanted to hear why I applied for the position. That’s basically all they asked me. They promised to let me know their decision by the end of the week but so far I have heard nothing from them (now it is Monday again and exactly 1 week has passed). That is alright because I also got a job offer from Finland and I am pretty sure I am gonna accept it no matter what. The tasks and salary are too tempting and unfortunately outweigh Berlin. I also got another interview for an internship in Berlin and even though I have basically made up my mind, I am gonna do the (phone) interview for practice. 
Last Thursday me and my friends were at Escape room. It was a birthday gift I recieved from them and it was so much fun! I have never been to an Escape room before so I had no idea what to expect. We took one called “Puppeteer” and the idea was to escape from a puppeteers workroom before he makes us into puppets. We had a creepy ass robot baby, quietly saying “take me with you, take me with you...” that we had to carry from a room to another. We did so well and only needed “1,5 hints” from the game master. And even got 2 spare minutes in the end! I definitely want to try this game again.
Afterwards we went out for a couple of drinks and to analyze our game. Suddenly we got the best idea ever: we are going on a road trip in February, after exams! It didn’t take long and suddenly we already had a route planned, From Barcelona to Montpellier, from there to Lyon and ending at Genf. I have been wanting go on a such adventure for ages and now I can’t wait until the exams are over!
On Friday me and a friend went spontaneously for drinks to an Indian restaurant called Amar. I found my new favorite drink “Touch down”. One thing I love about Berlin that the cocktails are often so cheap and good and you can get them from normal restaurants. It feels kinda luxurious but at the same time it only costs around 4 euros each. Also, they were super strong and only a few cocktails got us drunk and talk about deep stuff. I wish I had one right now...
On Saturday I tried my best to concentrate on school work. I didn’t proceed at all. I ended up playing Mahjong and taking a nap. In the evening I had a super fancy sweatpants, tv and frozen food -kind of date. The best way to relax after a hard week, am I right! 
On Sunday me and friends decided to check out an Asian restaurant called Umami. Their food was delicious. Always when I try food like this I try to analyze which ingredients they have used so I could redo the dish at home but I never end up doing it. 
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The next week was nothing but school work from the morning to the evening. I have three presentations coming up, one paper to write and of course exams and normal homework. I feel like I am learning so much and these courses are actually beneficial for me but at the same time I feel like there is no point in stressing over grades and stress over studying. I think I have found a nice balance in working hard during week and then being super lazy during the weekend. 
After one Thursday we went to have a drink to a bar to plan our Spain/France roadtrip. After 30 minutes we had already booked flights to... SCOTLAND! No idea what that trip is about but I can not wait for the exams to be over now. We are going to visit both Edinburgh and Glasgow. Hopefully the weather is not going to be a classic February gray rain weather, though. 
On Friday 31.1. we were supposed to have a house party but decided to do a pub crawl instead. Somehow our group grew to 10 people and towards the end of the evening we were having a hard time to fit into the places we wanted to go to. The first one, multilayerladen was the stereotype of a hipsterish Berlin bar where people sat on swings, Mary Poppins film was projected to the wall and rusty shopping carts were used as a decoration. They made a delicious and affordable Gin & Tonic though so nothing to complain there. Then, naturally we ended up at Que Pasa to order their 3,5€ cocktails and read palms. Then towards the end of the evening our group started to crumble. At the last place we found fun pinball arcade machines, had conversations about language grammar and smoking and then finally left the extremely crowded yet cozy place (Clash).
I had the laziest fucking Saturday yesterday and I plan to spend my Sunday exactly the same way. I already slept for 13 hours and now I plan to play some sims, maybe bake something and maybe in the evening do something for school. If the stores were open, I would have wanted to go thrift shopping today, it seems like the perfect day for that but unfortunately I have to leave that for the week. 
Recently I have been feeling melancholic because I know my exchange year is ending soon. It is hard to enjoy fun moments when you know you are going to leave these people soon and go back to your normal life. I should accept that this semester is just a temporary part of my life and I won’t feel the same after a year. I know that after being in Finland for a couple of months, I am already used to it and don’t feel so dead inside anymore :D Also, I can always come back after graduating. Literally, who knows what I am going to do. At least now if I ever think about moving abroad, I know I’ll manage and fear isn’t holding me back.
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dramajib · 5 years
I’m planning to start watching Strangers from Hell today, but before I do, I wanted to share some quick thoughts I had on the Watcher finale.
Obviously, spoilers below.
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I actually loved the ending between Do Chi Gwang and Young Goon. I know @rocknghorss doesn’t necessarily agree with me, but my takeaway from this was that it was kind of sweet, the relationship that is developing between these two. 
Do Chi Gwang played a huge role in Young Goon’s dad going to jail (as a side note - his death was. not. okay.) and the guilt/trauma from all the fallout has seen him evolve into a really interesting character. He explains himself pretty well to Han Tae Joo somewhere in those last two episodes (unfortunately I can’t seem to find the scene to cap it) when he talks about how he doesn’t see himself as a righteous man, or a bringer of justice or anything like that - he’s just trying to do the right thing, and does whatever he needs to to do it. Which is problematic, of course, but fascinating in terms of character development.
In this last scene between the two, Young Goon rightly calls him out on it, but instead of being disappointed or angry or anything like that, he just says he’s going to stay by his side and make sure he keeps on track. And to me it’s just as if he’s decided that hey, you know what, you messed up, and I was fucked up, and you watched over me to make sure that circumstances didn’t turn me into a failure of a human being, so now I’m going to do my best to return that favour.
Is there anything I love more than two very flawed people loving on each other? Not that I can think of off the top of my head, to be honest.
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Which is part of why I’m so disappointed with the character of Han Tae Joo. There was so much promise in there, I love how she was this badass, super effective, unapologetic broken person on a mission of vengeance. But as strong and cool as she was in the earlier episodes, somewhere along the line I felt like the production team just lost the plot a little. 
A lot of the time I couldn’t understand her decisions and actions, and we never really got the necessary exposition. I usually don’t like exposition because it’s often overdone, I can understand things without every little thing being spelled out, thank you very much. But the show went in the opposite direction, and gave me so little to work with that I was just confused and felt dumb. Because of course this amazing character has some sort of logic and reasoning behind her actions, even if she’s just being fuelled by irrational emotions, you know? So why couldn’t I figure out what her guiding philosophy was?
The introduction of her ex-husband for two episodes to move the plot ahead in a way literally any of the other bad guys could have (or even a new anonymous henchman acting as a Turtle substitute for that matter) was either the laziest bit of story telling, or the most pointless, I’m still not sure which.
There was so much room for an amazing story when it came to her, so I just feel really let down on that front.
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Though not as let down as I was by the fucking blacklight bullshit. COME ON. What even WAS THAT. You go the whole series not doing any of that CSI, actual crime solving nonsense, but focusing instead on the politics and stories and people, and then suddenly in the last episode everything gets wrapped up because of some GAS and a BLACKLIGHT?! 
Like maybe Commissioner Yeom just gave a big ole handy before closing her laptop, you know?! UGH. It legit made me so mad. SOOO MAD.
It really was the weakest point of the show for me, even more so than Han Tae Joo’s wishywashyness, even more than her ex-husband (because his psycho ass was kind of an interesting character, even if he barely appeared on screen), and even more than the criminal lack of screentime Park Ji Hoon got (look, that chiseled face and thin goatee thing is like my East Asian man kryptonite, I can’t help it, I’m a hoe). 
But honestly, apart from those things, this show was great. Like I mentioned to a couple of people before, I think it was a case of solid storytelling (and acting!), but unfortunately without an equally strong script to back it up. So did I love it? Hell yes. Would I recommend it to anyone else? It depends. If you’re the kind of person who loves mystery and suspense and some politics in a cop drama, then hell yes. If you love OCN shows, this is a great one to add to your list. If not, maybe start with something else, and then work your way down to this one, because it’s the worth the time, but only if you’ve already started that slippery slope of a love affair.
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YouTubers are shitty people
First of all, deal with it, accept it, let it sink in so we can fix it like we should have done a long time ago. The more I get to know and learn about that community, the more I am convinced it’s specifically appealing to extraordinarily self absorbed, self important, egocentric, entitled people, and that’s no coincidence. I couldn’t put my finger on it for a long time, because it’s not until you come across a *few* actually decent youtubers that it becomes obvious. Reminds me of older generations and casual homophobia. They never see it as an issue because in their circles, everyone is doing it and it’s very well accepted if not even demanded.  The main reason I chose to call them collectively shitty instead of naming names, even though not *literally* every single one of them is shitty, is because they all (at least the very successful ones) seem to share certain character traits. But before we get into that, let’s discuss yt as a platform first. The best thing about it is also the absolute worst thing about it: ANYONE CAN DO IT. Politicians talk about farming as a low skill job, but that ain’t it, being a youtuber is. If you know how to film a video and have internet access, congratulations! Because that’s literally it. Now of course, some creators will put more time and effort and their additional skills into their work, but even if turning your camera on is all you got, it’s not an obstacle whatsoever. Just look at Tana Mongeau real quick. She sits in front of the camera, tells a whatever story, that could easily fit into THREE sentences, for half an hour, with minimal editing and bam! Hands down one of the laziest ‘content creators’ to this day, but still, in the yt world, she’s the 1%.  Other than Tana Mongeau, the more important problems with ‘anyone can do it’ are the factors determining who becomes the fairest of them all (which is what enabled her rise to fame in the first place). This is where we get political, but let’s get real, spilling the tea about who said what about who is so last year, in 2019 we’re looking at the bigger picture. The bigger picture would be, where we are as a society, which is not a good place at all. The situation is, a handful of people~the famous 1%~are fucking us in the ass for profit and effectively getting away with it.(Not really news) They are able to accomplish that with three main mechanisms: 1. Keeping people busy and stressed. If you have to get up early, work all day for shit pay and worry about paying your bills, debts, feeding yourself, keeping that job...you don’t actually have the time for much else. An average worker doesn’t have hours or days to spend on in-depth researching of socioeconomic trends, they’re mostly just going to rely on quick news they get from the media, which, as we all know, does not paint an accurate picture, to say the least. That middle class persona, who has a decent job, full 8 hours of sleep and some free time, with the rising rates of poverty and homelessness, is becoming a rarer and rarer occurrence.  2. Isolation. There’s this whole individualism thing that we got going on. You know the ‘We are all individuals for ourselves!! If you’re successful, it’s only because of YOU personally and if you’re a failure it’s because you’re stupid and unworthy!! Everyone is competition!! Asking for help is shameful!’ And also, belonging to a group (American, white, black, gay, straight, man, woman, trans...) is a part of our identity, but it’s almost like, identifying with a certain group means picking a side. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s great to know where you come from and to find a place where you belong, but individualism has us thinking that the differences between these groups are somehow irreconcilable, when, in reality, we have a lot more in common than not.  3. Providing you with an enemy. We all see this every day. ‘Mexicans are stealing your jobs! Immigrants are the biggest threat to national security! North Korea is our number one enemy!’ You know, usually people with virtually no political or decision making power in the country get to take all the blame. And if you’re an average person, stressed, depressed and isolated, and someone points a finger and says ‘This is the reason your life sucks’ instead of saying ‘Hold up, that’s not true, you’re the reason my life sucks, get that dusty dick out of my ass and let me take a break’ you end up throwing stones at people getting fucked just as hard as you.  (I would also like to point out that a big part of keeping this in place is fucking up the education system and rewriting history in a way that favors the existing situation so one feels less inclined to question it form an early age.) Now let’s get back to youtubers. The reason I wrote this long ass introduction is because youtubers come from the society and are very much a part of it. They don’t fall from the sky straight into our hearts, even though it might feel that way sometimes. In fact they are a product of it, because who thrives and who perishes is decided by the said society. People tend to gather around content that resonates with them, so just like a Trump supporter is very unlikely to endorse AOC, and vice-versa, we support youtubers that align with/represent our own beliefs and values the most. So upon taking into consideration the very shitty values and beliefs that we get shoved down our throats on a daily basis, it is only reasonable to assume they take part in deciding which youtuber we like and want to see succeed. And if we take a closer look at youtube’s it list, we will notice some pretty worrying similarities. First of all it’s rare to find one without a questionable past (and present) that ranges from racism, sexism, misogyny to bullying, lying, scamming...It’s so common that it’s not even that big of a deal anymore, it’s just a thing that happens. Kinda like apology videos. Who doesn’t have at least one these days? It’s hard for me to believe that out of hundreds of thousands of youtubers out there, we somehow accidentally cherry picked, almost exclusively, only the ‘problematic’ ones. And they are all ‘problematic’ in the same way.   Second of all, they are very self important. Also coincidentally.  When you make tons of money and have worldwide fame at a young age, and most of them are young, you start to think that you *must* be special. God must have put his finger on your forehead and made you better than everyone for all of that to happen to you. Sadly, this is encouraged by fans too. Even more so since today being rich is *the shit*  and the ultimate end game, so people will look up to them, admire them, idolize them etc. This leaves a very strong ‘you can’t sit with us’ aftertaste and frequent outbursts of entitlement whether it’s inability to take criticism, coming after regular people, letting fans tear them apart or  refusing to be held accountable for your bs and blaming other people. I think James Charles is an excellent example of an entitled youtuber. Even Gabbie Hanna handles criticism better. And he also categorically refuses to be responsible for any damage he does. Whenever a sister scandal occurs it’s either a) not his fault or b) he was a different person back then and has since done some personal growth so we can’t hold it against him.  Next, we gotta talk about that youtuber ego. We get to experience it any and every time someone asks ‘Why tf are youtubers getting payed insane amounts of money?’ They are a very easily triggered bunch and I can’t count all the times I heard ‘YOUTUBE IS A JOB NO ONE WORKS FOR FREE SO NEITHER DO WE JEALOUSY IS A DISEASE GET WELL SOON’  Here’s the thing though, no one disputes the fact that it’s a job. What is unfathomable to outsiders is, why would someone give a person five figures for saying ‘Buy this shit it’s really cool’ on camera? How is that possibly worth that much? Fact of the matter is, it’s not, but saying ‘By this shit it’s really cool’ to a shit ton of your followers, is. The youtuber ego is what happens when you can’t say ‘We earn money by exploiting the trust our fans put in us’ but you still have to justify your position so you say ‘First of all. We’re super special, original and unique. This is a very hard job, we work our asses of, if it was easy, everyone would do it.’ And then you star believing it. But more importantly, your followers believe it too. At the beginning I pointed out that anyone can to it because it’s a low skill job, so if you wondered why everyone is not doing it, it’s precisely because we’re constantly being told the opposite, and I gotta say, I don’t see anyone questioning it. Even though it’s not even remotely true. Take a look at any group, beauty gurus, entertainers, commentary channels, drama channels, whatever you choose, if you’ve seen five creators in a bunch, you’ve pretty much seen them all, not a whole lot of originality going on there. In fact, this ‘uniqueness’ is nothing more than some basic branding. Drinking coffee is so Emma Chamberlain, conspiracy theories are so Shane Dawson, racism is so Pewdiepie and so on.  Pewdiepie actually brings me to my last point. He illustrates what I want to say so incredibly well. As we all know, he’s been called out, multiple times, for blatant racism, antisemitism, sexism, overall regressive, aggressive, harmful standpoints. And absolutely nothing happened, he’s doing just fine. Why is that? Because, firstly, he never gets called out by his own fans. Like I said, we pick who we support, which means his fans gathered around him because they liked and shared his viewpoints in the first place. Not only did they not call him out, they defended him. How many times is Pewdiepie going to have a sister scandal and get away with it? As many as he wants. He’s never gonna be cancelled because the only people who have the power to do that, love his racism. He’s virtually untouchable. It makes sense why he acts like he’s got God by the balls. And, coincidentally, he is the most followed youtuber in history of youtubers with 80 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS. All the other shitty youtubers ™ stay relevant and slaying for the exact same reason. Their fans like them because they are shitty, it’s a vicious circle. Not ony are shitty youtubers ™ a reflection of how much we need to do better, they are to an extent preventing that from happening. ‘Such, such and such bad behaviour made this person rich and famous, so it must be good, and every time I watch their videos I am surrounded by people who think the same, which in turn, encourages me to glorify it even more.’  The whole reason I wrote this, is because we really, really, need to do better. I have seen people calling them out on things I mention here, but so far I never saw anyone connecting the epidemic of shitty youtubers ™  to our current circumstances as a society, which is definitely there. So instead of wrapping ourselves into the comfortable blanket of ‘as long as a lot of other people are thinking like me, everything is fine’ we should start asking for more from ourselves and others.  Pass it on, spread the good word. 
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 43: Things Get a Lot Less Vague, But it’s Still Pretty Vague
I’m taking full advantage of the laziest time of the year and I’m watching even more Yugioh. I even gave myself a buffer. Sort of. I kinda lost a day playing Octopath Traveler and I don’t even remember that happening.
Now this episode doesn’t have anyone getting struck by lightning, but if that happened, it would have fit right in. A lot happened in this episode. So, to start off, Mai decided to play one of the three cards we were given explicit instructions to never ever play and it has immediately screwed her over via orb.
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Everyone else watching the orb has become completely enamored by it. Especially Kaiba, who is pretty positive he can turn this sphere into a dragon. I don’t know why anyone would ever come to this conclusion, but welcome to Yugioh, it’s well into S2 and I’m just still jaw agape and saying “HOW?” at my screen.
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Like y’all I don’t know how to play this game, which should be hella apparent from reading any of my posts, but like there is one thing that everyone knows--even I knew--about Yugioh the game. Let me just, once sec
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Ah, there we go.
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Like sometimes it shows that your game is originally in a language that doesn’t require spaces between words. And like this is coming from me. You know how verbose I am, I freakin love words. But maybe that’s too many words for a card.
(read more under the cut)
And while this is pretty much the worlds most BS card already, what’s even better is that none of this jargon appeared until after Mai played the card. Like basically the card pretends to be completely normal and then is like “Boom, gotcha. I’ll just be a cool Ikea orb lamp instead!”
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At this point, while everyone is scrambling around trying to fathom what to do about this huge ass fake sun blinding everyone down in Domino, Marik decides to deposit some more bizarre lore.
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I kind of assumed Yugi and Kaiba were born with the correct soul formula to become the reincarnation of these people from 3000 B.C.E. without any actual blood relations but apparently, somehow, you got people from Ancient Egypt migrating to Ancient Japan. Sure, I mean if you did enough trading routes it could happen. It just seems like it would be a difficult transition?
And we could get real head canon and talk about their parentage since there’s a lot we don’t know. Mokuba and Kaiba could have different fathers, since they are quite different looking, which may be how Mokuba is exempt from all this lore while it still applies to Seto (Cuz Mokuba has been staring at that card for like quite a while and he cannot read it). But like, I don’t know if the show will even bother to cover that.
I don’t know if we’ll find out when in their bloodlines Kaiba and Yugi’s Egyptian cursed lines arrived in Japan. Was this during like the Edo period? Was this to set up a really bizarre Shogun Yugioh spinoff?
Wait, is that a thing? I don’t actually know, Yugioh seems to have like 8 spinoffs that all look a lot of the same to me. It may just be 1 spinoff that Netflix keeps changing the preview image of to trick me into thinking there’s 8 of them.
Or, did Kaiba have a relative that showed up in the 80′s and had a crazy weekend and a one night stand? Would Kaiba even know who his real Dad is?
Whatever, I’m sure there’s plenty of fanfic made over the last 20 years to cover this so I don’t have to. Moving on.
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And then this kid’s show decided to tie up Mai to a wall or something? Man, Marik and chaining people up, this is the fourth person he’s chained up today! At least this time she doesn’t have a box over her head.
Still pretty kinky though.
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Yo did Mokuba just...casually walk out of Marik’s Shadow Realm just now?
Again, do they cancel the game at this point because the equipment is...clearly malfunctioning? Like, this is the part that Kaiba is supposed to have full control of because he made all the equipment they’re using and he’s just...glossing over this? Like, this is the one thing that Kaiba would be like “OK wait, wait, we can’t ship it like this, my company is actually ruined if the game can do this, one sec, cancel everything.”
Nah. They just kinda watch.
And now, Marik decides to say the bird chant so we can hear what was actually written on the card and it was...a...
...it was the definition of what a poem is all right...
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This is the lyrics to the Ra poem, just so you can see how bad it is. My search engine history will never be the same, but I just want y’all to glory on how kid’s show this poem is, compared to everything else going on in this kid’s show at this moment.
"Great beast of the sky, please hear my cry./
Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight/
Envelop the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe./
Unlock your powers deep within so that together we may win./
Appear in this Shadow Game as I call your name,/
Winged Dragon of Ra"
Bravo, writers. Bravo. This corny as hell poem with its very awkward meter was voiced over alllllll the other nuts stuff going on in this show and guys, it’s a juxtaposition.
Now at this point, Kaiba has his poem he needs to make the card works--so he no longer needs to translate it--so he can just cancel. He’s got everything he wants now. Time to just cancel. Throw the cursed boy in whatever prison you got on this ship. In fact, just toss him off the ship entirely. You no longer need him. He doesn’t even have the card anymore. Mai has it.
I honestly think Kaiba just spaced the hell out at this point.
Also then Marik follows it up by saying this:
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Joey gets wind that this is pretty bad and we’re going to get a very dead Mai--I mean Joey was the one who just recently got struck by lightning so it’d make sense that he’d be the one to say "I know for a real true fact none of you are going to do a damn thing about this unless I do this myself.” So he runs directly over to Kaiba but then I think the show decided to edit out him talking to Kaiba because it just jump cuts to Joey talking to Roland instead.
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Like it really felt like Joey went the long way around to get on this platform but I dunno, maybe he tried to punch Kaiba in the Japanese version and that’s why they edited it out? I dunno.
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Also, how many times will Joey get DQ’d before he actually gets DQ’d? Will anyone ever in fact get DQ’d in this entire tourney?
As Ra starts warming up his engines to start spewing fire all over the field, Joey decides to take a moment to try and talk to Mai. To tell her that yes, he did have a dream about her, but didn’t want to tell her earlier, because no teenage boy in their right mind would tell an adult woman that they had a dream about them during a near-death experience.
Which honestly most of it was lost on the fact that Mai can only hear him as a sort of ghostly spooky echo.
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So then, through the power of...the show only calls if friendship, but it’s very vague, y’all...they break the curse that Marik put on Mai, and she remembers Joey. Also because Joey is touching her face. Like literally touching her. This would have been way spookier if she could not see him at this point.
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So Ra is getting ready to fry these two up and I thought “wow, we’re gonna get two bodies at the end of this episode. What a treat!” but there’s a twist.
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What? Lol what?
Within like 3 milliseconds, Yugi goes “dammit what are these assholes doing?” and leaps up to the platform and then takes yet another direct fireball hit in order to save Joey Wheeler. No one even asked Yugi to do this--he’s not even competing in this game, but he certainly got up there and took it.
This episode must have been a right up shipping frenzy when y’all were 12.
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Marik is so pleased that he got to eff up Yugi more in this duel than the one that he actually tried to kill Yugi Muto in. If I remember correctly he did mention that this all was very convenient--I mean he got 3 in one go and he wasn’t even trying. So, Because Yugi is passed out and because Kaiba will never actually step in and stop anyone in this show unless Mokuba orders him to, Marik walks straight up to Joey and Mai and makes some more nonsense right in front of everyone on this show.
This is right in front of most of the entire cast.
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Maybe it’s the color scheme but I got strong Stinky Cheese Man vibes from this magic effect.
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I thought of pulling more caps from this point but there was waaaay too much shirtless Yugi in it. In my mind, all cartoon characters, when they take their shirt off, have another shirt on underneath. And if they take off that shirt, it’s yet another shirt. It’s shirts and boots leggings on all the way down to infinity like a russian nesting doll, and the image of shirtless Yugi really puts a kibosh to my world view and I didn’t like it.
No kinkshame, of course, if that’s your thing, well, you got a 18x18 pixel shirtless Yugi right there for you to enjoy. Enjoy.
Now that Mai has been trapped here in this hourglass resort, she will lose her memories of her friends for the rest of time, obsessively watching everyone else's vacations that are full of friends having way more fun than she is having.
This is just Instagram basically. Y’all, this is just Instagram.
And some of y’alls Instagram has shirtless Yugis in it, I just know it.
And not to get too real but like, last episode we went through how Marik basically gave Mai depression--and it says a lot that his way of doing this was illustrated in a show written like 20 years ago in a lot of the same way social media works today. Just throwing that out there. 
Overall, I feel like the theme of the Mai ark is “Marik just sped up what they were already doing and it was super effective.” Mai trapped herself in her own false and negative insecurities. Kaiba failed to moderate anything. Joey waited way too late to say the right thing. Yugi sacrificed himself again to such a degree that he couldn’t save Mai later when Marik was just strutting around cursing people willy nilly.
And I’m not going to lie, Marik’s cargo pants/cape strut was hilarious.
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It was probably supposed to be menacing, but this long cut of this ridiculous cast just watching this weird boy go was great.
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Up until now Seto has been a very patient impatient person, but now it’s finally his duel, and he’s so excited to duel Ishizu--but y’all it’s just Seto up against a phsycic again. I imagine it’s gonna go real great.
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Other than that one guy in town, will this boy ever duel a normal person?
Also...been debating on whether Mai is dead or alive, and her soul still seems attached to her body--like she’s still salvageable? So I’ll say alive for now. Seems more like a dream than like she literally got transported elsewhere.
Dude. It is S2 and I just realized that Mai Valentine is a pun.
If you just got here, this is the end of S2 and things are rapidly losing their mind. Click here if you want to read from ep 1
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Let's spice things up a bit; ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS
oh baby, you answered m prayers lol this is gonna be long so buckle up ?
1. favourite place in your country? my hill station, because of the weather, and because i haven’t been to many places, and the ones that i have been to were extremely hot and i never want to go there again,
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad? depends on the holidays tbh. what the festivals the holidays fall near and that. i’d stay here for some, but for the ones that we don’t celebrate in my country like Halloween, i’d like to go abroad.
3. does your country have access to sea? peninsula, babey!
4. favourite dish specific for your country? chicken biryani. boy, oh boy, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. it’s that good. gosh, the flavour, the spice. the way they cook it,,,, the colours ahhhh
5. favourite song in your native language? ones made before the 60s. and the patriotic songs. there are too many to name, but two (non patriotic) ones are this and this (because they’re sad love songs and give me flyboys feels ya kno?)
6. most hated song in your native language? like, as a nation? idk. but personally, i hate, absolutely loathe any songs made after the 60s. they lack originality and creativity. all they did was rip off popular english songs, and changed the lyrics. that’s literally all they did. and they are super proud of it. i hate it. the music industry had gone to complete shit. even today they don’t know what good music is and ow to make it. they’re remixing all the old ones because they lack creativity. i hate it. 
7. three words from your native language that you like the most? i don’t like any three words, because they’re not that appealing on their own (not the ones i can think of right at this moment) but rather, phrases. when you string those words and make poetry or prose. it’s really beautiful, and really poetic. perhaps the best ones are in those two songs, and others like them.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom? i haven’t been in a situation like that so i can’t say.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best? probably Russia because the ones right next to me are exactly the same in topographical, cultural and architectural respects. there’s literally nothing new to see there, so i’d like to go to Russia.
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? so it’s basically three: bhenchod/madarchod/chutiya. all of them mean motherfucker in their basic essence, but are used to describe people, cuss out people, call your pal, so basically, the hindi equivalent of fuck. can be used as adjectives, prepositions, verbs, nouns, whatnot. can be used individually or all together. perhaps splash one of them in a conversation to make the group giggle a bit more while telling a funny story. 
11. favourite native writer/poet? the ones who wrote nationalistic literature during the freedom struggle. so, to say, i like Sarojni Naidu, and Tagore. they’re perhaps the most famous ones of the time, and i like their work. 
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem? i don’t have any, because they’re already written in english by the authors. i read a poem or two lying around somewhere, but the thing about hindi is that the translations don’t bear the same feelings as the originals. 
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?  oh there are too many. too many by far. most of them are the usual black cat and others, oh, one i heard when i was in like 4th grade was that you shouldn’t go out with open wet hair at night because a spirit can get caught in em and come home with you. so that was strange. my family doesn’t have any, we’re rather realistic.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV? no not in the least. you know why? because of this. i swear to fuck, the person who uploaded this compilation didn’t edit a single thing in. how do i know? because i’ve watched these on actual television. when i was young. in my neighbour’s tv. 
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get? remember when some of you motherfuckers got offended by bitch lasagna because you lack basic understanding what a fucking joke is? you don’t know what satire is? you are the reason why people think indians have no sense of humour because you DON’T it was a fucking JOKE holy shit i’m so triggered by this
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with? haven’t heard of many stereotypes about us, but the laziest one i can think of is that we can do math and are good at science. we’re not. i’m shit at all of that. so are my 34 other classmates. 
17. are you interested in your country’s history?  not really, tbh. maybe the period just before independence, and some post-independence stuff, because i got dirt on those politicians and i want more of that so that i have a reasonable justification for hating politicians.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language? i don’t know, maybe i’m so used to it i don’t even realise lol. but i guess so.
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem? YES. YES. YES. i love them. i absolutely adore them. the flag is so symbolic and so beautiful i love her (orange on top for sacrifice, white in the middle for purity, green at the bottom for prosperity, the blue circle in the middle for resolution and justice, just ahhhh). the national anthem always gives me the chills. everytime i hear it playing somewhere, or when we sing it sometimes after assembly, or during days like today (independence day) or republic day, when we finish singing the last line it just always makes me a bit emotional and proud? yeah. today i almost started crying because i love it so much.
20. which sport is The Sport in your country? Cricket. even though the national sport is hockey. no one cares about hockey :(
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?  the memers who think they’re very funny, (which they are not in the least), and the anti nationalists and separatists. i do not want them here. get lost. fuck off. shooo.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed? what makes me proud, is the freedom struggle of the revolutionaries, and the progress we’re making in every field, the hospitality of the people, and the unity in diversity. what makes me ashamed is that there’s still so much corruption in the government, can’t help it, the law’s delay, gosh the people who think they’’re better than everybody else, the entertainment industry, the music industry, some of the people, most of the politicians, etc.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country? bold of you to assume we have a single favourite beverage for the entire country. i think it varies from state to state. for mine i think it may be something apple related, because we have lots of apples here. the season is also coming lol and also, it’s very confusing because some states have completely banned alcohol and in some the legal drinking age is 18. 
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country? canada and ‘murica mostly because so many people immigrate there 
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country? i’d like to be British, because  i like the aesthetic and weather. 
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal? i don’t watch many movies, but i think it’s not much/a small amount and neither do i mind nor do i care. 
27. favourite national celebrity? no one. i hate all of them.
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites? yep!! she’s not called a subcontinent for nothing, babey! i live near the Himalayas, so i like that.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country? oooooh yes. ooooooooooh  boy. with Pakistan lol. mainly because of the union territory of jammu and kashmir. because pakistan wants it, we want it, and it legally also belongs to us. there’s separatists there, anti nationalists, and there’s poverty there, so it’s easy to instigate the people against the government. there were wars fought for it, most of them ended in our favour, but the other side is still making so many ceasefire violations, it is insane. it has been years, and every other day there’s a new violation. there’s lots of unrest in the valley, which is a shame, because it is a truly beautiful place. 
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family? my uncle is British, my cousin’s husband is also a Brit. a great-grand relative of mine was also British. there are none on my mother’s side.
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the-lady-bryan · 5 years
Weird Waitressing Dream - April 7, 2019
So last night I had a weird ass dream that felt so damn real I was disoriented for about 10 mins after I woke up and honest to got believed I'd made a big mistake quitting my job.... Only to realize that there's no such thing as an italian/waffle house fusion restaurant and I haven't been able to work due to medical shit since 2014. So.... anyway, here we go.
The best way to describe the start of the dream is I guess dream logic? A sort of montage but not montage I guess. This period encompassed around seven or eight years of dream time where I worked as a waitress in a, as stated above, italian/waffle house fusion restaurant. (I'd like to note that in the dream, I never saw what my life was like outside of work. I only know that I had a family and needed this job to help support them. And that my son was in high school. I may or may not have had other children. I don't know.) You know how every waffle house-type restauarant has "everyone's fave waitress"? I was it. I busted my ass, got great tips, the customers loved me and I was actually perfectly happy with my job even if the hours were long and most of my co-workers were assholes....
Speaking of co-workers... The only ones I ever saw were Angie, a teenager who worked after school that I'd trained so she was awesome. And The Bitch. She had a name but I never learned what it was in my dream because she always forgot her nametag and everyone except one other person called her "The Bitch". So, I'll assign her one now. Let's call her Brittany. I knew a lot of bitches in school named Brittany. And the last member of this cast of workers was Jamie. He was a lazy asshole who I think was a cross between maintenance guy and cook but I never saw him cooking or, well, doing anything really. He always sat at the end of the bar and drank Coronas all day, every day. (I only know they were Coronas because right before bed I'd looked up to see if a local bar, called Coronas, was still open of if it had closed down since I ain't seen people at it in a while. It closed down. Anyway, back to the dream.) The cast is rounded out by assorted customers coming and going, a few of them are regulars.
Okay so like, dream logic time lapse thing happens and then I walk in for a shift one morning. I'm pulling a double and relieving the general manager who is just finishing a double. I never see her, but anyway, I clock in and already Brittany is riding my ass and I ain't been there but less than five minutes. Angie isn't there yet because she's still at school. Brittany doesn't do shit but run her mouth all morning and afternoon till Angie gets there. Jamie's in his spot sucking down beers and I'm pretty much running the place alone but like a well oiled machine. I've got a system, and it's letting me cook, clean, and serve without any problems. I'm keeping the customers happy, racking in fantastic tips, all the while The Bitch just keeps on bitching and once in a while does a table that doesn't look like they'll be ordering anything too complicated.
Angie gets there and suddenly she's singing a different tune. Butter won't melt in her mouth. I know somethin is up because Britt the Bitch HATES Angie nearly as much as she hates me (I still don't know why she hates me but whatever. I just keep on a working). I work Angie into my system and the pair of us are doing great. Then Jamie decides he's done being the cook but he'll still do maintenance and what do you know he's decided fuck us using the grill - he's gotta fix it right this fucking second! - So the grill gets broken but I'm like "don't worry, I gotchu burger people!" and BAM! I whip out a George Foreman and slam it down on some clear counter space in the cooking area where I can keep an eye on it. And me and Angie just keep on bangin out orders.
My double ends and then weird dream time passing shit and I'm back at work. General Manager had pulled another long shift and has gone home. Jamie's in his spot, the Bitch starts her bitching, and I get to work as usual. But there's something.... different. Angie is there. And we're working like normal but she's not supposed to be there. She's supposed to be at school. So between orders I'm like "bitch you need to leave and get to school. your education's important and you don't wanna end up here forever." and she's like "eh." I eventually get her to leave and go to school. Late but she still goes. Angie's a great gal and whatever dream world she exsts in, she's gonna go far as long as she sticks to that life plan she's made for herself to get into chemical research.
Anyway so Angie leaves and I'm alone with the two laziest motherfuckers on dream-Earth.
Shift eventually ends and I leave.
TIME SKIP DREAM SHIT AND..... I'm walking in the door at work. Got my apron on. There's a promotion up for grabs and it's pretty obvious who's gonna get it. Me. I just have to get through one more shift before the owner of the place makes the announcement. This is pretty much just a formality at this point. Plus I was scheduled anyway so whatever.
The entire fucking day Brittany will NOT shut the fuck up about this guy "Justin" and how she's gonna totally hire him to be the new pizza chef. She's so bad with this that customers are like "Z, your awesome spaghetti sausage omelette is the best but even that isn't worth this shit. Here's my money, here's a tip for having to put up with this bitch, but I'm out." and she's literally driving away business to the point that after Angie's gotten out of school and clocked in the place is fucking dead. So, I decided fuck it, I'mma start cleaning shit to make it easier for shift change and cleaning your restaurant is just some really good positive shit man. I've got myself a big glass of iced sweet tea and I'm boppin along. And then, I take a break cause we're still dead. The moment my ass hits a stool at the counter, Brittany starts going on about "Great, now that SOMEONE is finally willing to sit down and shut up, we can get this meeting started" and I'm like "wtf? what meeting? Did Antonia call a staff meeting today? When's she get here?" and this bitch is all smug like "Ive been here for fifteen years so what I say goes and when I get the manager job" and I stopped listening after that and was like "Look, if you wanna hire this Justin guy then do it and shut the fuck up about it because you sound like an obsessive ex girlfriend the way you keep fucking talking about him." and Jamie's like "you can't talk to her like that!" and Angie's like ".......uh....... just pretend i'm not even here...." and Brittany, smug as shit is like "you've always had a problem with me since your first day! you'd better shape up or-" and finally i'm just so fucking done with this bitch. I very calmly say, "You're right." which shocks her enough and distracts both her and jamie enough for me to get up, untie my apron, take one large gulp of my huge ass iced sweet tea and then throw the liquid in this bitch's face while very calmly saying "Fuck this. I quit." I then threw the actual glass, it bounces off of jamie's head and hits the bitch in the face before falling and finally breaking, and then i take off the apron, drape it over my arm, and still weirdly calmly walk out the door.
once outside, i round the corner of the building and i call my boss, the GM, Antonia... who is also the owner. and i'm apologizing all over for waking her up because i know she had to pull another super long and hard shift and i know she's tired but i wanted her to know from me instead of hearing it from someone else that i had just quit and walked out and that i just can't work with "The bitch and that lazy fucking whale" anymore.
Now, Antonia was shocked to hear me swear because apparently despite real world not-dream me swearing like a goddamn sailor all the time, dream me NEVER talked like that. only in the most extreme of situations and then it usually had been like, Ned Flanders level of swearing. But I'm so done. i've lost my chill. i have none left. there are no more fucks for me to give. they've all been used up and i can't buy anymore because they stopped manufacturing the fucks for my model number. the point is, to Antonia, me swearing is "oh shit is this the purge?" level of panicing she should be doing right now.
after a few minutes of me losing my fucking cool on the phone she's like "i have another call and need to put you on hold." so she does, then not even a full sixty seconds later she's back and she's like "go home, calm down, and i'll talk to you tomorrow." and i'm like "why? i don't work here anymore. so fuck it." and she's like "no. go home Z, and calm your tits. i WILL speak with you tomorrow."
the last thing i heard before waking up was The Bitch screaming from the front of the building about having to actually fucking do her job for once and that Jamie was a useless piece of shit and Angie was a lying whore and I was a drug addict and shit.
after i woke up i sat in a chair for ten fucking minutes worried about having fucked up my family because i quit my job in a fit of rage instead of landing that promotion and that we'd have to sell the house and now i can't afford my meds and...
then it hit me. the building in my dream where i worked corresponds to a real life waffle house location down the street from my neighborhood, and they definitely are not an italian/waffle house fusion restaurant.
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nullum-nocte · 5 years
fireredrules’ pokemon team dynamics rp meme.
( please repost with everything attached! ) answer each prompt with whichever of your muse’s pokemon fit it best. feel free to include multiple pokemon per answer or extra details as to why they might fit the prompt. if one doesn’t apply, just put N/A
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Who is most likely to steal their trainer’s food? 
Golbat hands down. She will take whatever she can get her grubby wings on. Though she’s easy enough to ward off and protect your food from. She’ll always manage to bumble around and get found out.  
Who is most likely to rebel or ignore orders during a battle? 
Mimikyu, though it’s not even Gladion pokemon so it has free reign to do what it wants anyway. For the rest of the captured team, it’s really rare where they don’t follow the strategies that Gladion planned out beforehand. Only times they don’t would be if nothing Gladion has said fits in a situation so they’ll do what they think will win the match. 
Who is the least welcoming of new pokemon/people? 
It use to be Null in the beginning when they were learning their boundaries with Gladion. It took them a while to trust that Gladion wasn’t just going to throw them away so any add-on to the team made them uneasy. When Rockruff was brought on they both got into many spats over Gladion. 
Sylveon takes that spot currently for most untrusting of people and pokemon ever. He’s downright paranoid of new team memebers / new people and is just waiting for them to turn on them and murder everyone. A bit extream but it’s how he thinks. 
Who is the laziest? 
Shiny Cutiefly close second being the Golbat and third being Umbreon. Though for Umbreon it’s less I'm lazy and more I’m content with being able to laze around and fight when I can.
Who stays up the latest, or doesn’t sleep at all? 
Null, though that’s just due to Gladions own strange sleeping patterns. Nulls not able to run around as much as it wants so any time that Gladion takes them out of the pokeball they use that time to run around. 
Lucario, Umbreon, and Lycanroc would stay up late if the team was sleeping in the forest. They keep watch for any other pokemon and do their best to ward them away.
Sylveon will not sleep if he’s out of his pokeball and in a strange area. He’ll only sleep when he’s in the motel room.
Who is the messiest? 
Shiny Cutiefly due to it being basically a baby and always manages to get food stuck to her little face while eating. Golbat is kinda messy too but she usually cleans up after herself- or tries too it usually ends up becoming a bigger mess tho.
Who is the loudest? 
Noivern, when she doesn't, get what she wants. She’ll throw a tantrum and even if she holds herself up to acting like a lady that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to throw a fit. Lycanroc gets pretty loud when he gets worked up and itching to fight as well.
Who considers themselves the ‘leader’?
Null is the official leader due to being Gladion’s first- but knowing that Null can’t be out of his Pokeball much the leader position lands on Lycanroc ‘s shoulders. After that would be Umbreon though she’s more of the second in command/ voice of reason towards Lycanroc’s need to sometimes fight literally everyone 
Who is the weirdest?
Golbat...... she’s just so.... goofy. Goofy, impulsive, with little to no social grace her most common way to great people is licking or biting them. And with knowing that you know that’s gotten Gladion into trouble more times then he can count.  Zoroark is pretty weird too but he’s a creepy kinda weird while Golbat is a goofy weird.
Who is the biggest cuddler? 
Null wins first place in that field- they want to be cuddled all the time when they’re not running around stretching their legs. Second place is tied with Lyconroc and the Shiny Cutiefly
Who gets themselves into trouble the most often? 
Golbat no one else gets in trouble more than her besides Lyconroc but at least he decides to get into trouble while she just happens upon it on accident. 
Who hates bath time?
 None of them particularly hate bath time, a lot of the time they all find it quite relaxing.  Noivern is the closest to the hate category, that’s mostly due to not liking someone else cleaning her when she can do it herself. She prefers her fur being styled a certain way and only she knows how to do that.
Who gets the most visibly excited from seeing their trainer after a long absence?
Null who would most likely be outright sobbing if left alone for too long, Lycanroc and Lucario are right behind Null maybe not sobbing but definitely teary-eyed. Shiny cutiefly is the one that’d be squealing excitedly at Gladion’s return and not crying. 
Who is most protective of their trainer? 
Null, Lycanroc, Lucario, Sylveon. There is no tie or anything these four are the “protect Gladion squad” 
Sylveon is the most likely out of the four of them to straight up start choking someone with his ribbons if he even gets the inkling that they're going to harm Gladion. At least the other three wait for the person to show malicious intent before thinking of attacking.
Who uses their charms/cuteness to try and get away with things? 
Shiny Cutiefly cuz she’s just a little bug baby who doesn't even realize she’s using any charm to get out of stuff. She’s just that good. Zoroark will try but he more times than not fails spectacularly and scares people instead of charming them. That doesn't mean he doesn't succeed though, his success is just brought around by different means. 
Who messes with other trainers for fun? 
Lycanroc enjoys taunting people into fights and loves the fact that more times then not the other trainer is too pissed to realize their making mistakes in battles. He thinks it’s hilarious and enjoys watching them rage quit after the fight. 
Who is the most submissive to their teammates? 
Anna’s the most passive on the team and will do anything asked of her even if it’s questionable. She’d mostly do it because she’s afraid of being abandoned. With that in mind, it’s rare for any of the teammates to ask her for anything not wanting to presser her.
 Shiny Cutiefly being the new addition knows this so she does what anyone asks... most of the time, she can kinda be a little bratty but it’s expected since she’s young. 
Umbreon is pretty lax and doesn't mind doing most things if a teammate asks unless she doesn't want too. If she doesn't want too then they’re tough out of luck. 
Who is the purest angel? 
Anna is the shyest of the team who will do anything for them even if she’s unqualified to do said thing. She has a mixed air of maturity along with her innocence- she’s been through a lot so it’s not surprising.
Shiny Cutiefly is second because of her baby status.
Who gets jealous the most? 
Null, Lycanroc, Lucario, Sylveon. aka Gladions protection squad again. They don't act out on their jealousy though, they are all more likely to go sulk until Gladion comes to them.
Who is the one laying on their trainer’s face in the morning? 
Shiny cutifly but replace face with hair- she likes Gladions hair a lot and thinks it’s the best place to nap. Anna does this, (although it’s rare) when she’s lonely.
If Mimikyu ‘s around at the time then chances are high Gladion will wake up and scream due to the literal darkness incarnate wrapping it’s shadow arms around his head to keep it’s place on his face.
Who is the most distant from their trainer?
Noivern is more affectionately distant due to the personal standers she holds herself too. Yeah, she cares about Gladion but she doesn't want him to know that since she’s always held a grudge against him for being piss poor.
Zoroark and Mimikyu are second, Zoroark due to just being awkward with his affections and not feeling completely comfortable with showing his care. While Mimikyu is a wild pokemon who while it likes Gladion it doesn't feel the need to join his team- even if it stalks him basically everywhere. It personally likes it’s wild pokemon status and rather wouldn’t be caught.
Who is closest to their trainer? 
Null due to being Gladions first, both Umbreon and Lyconroc are second as they’ve seen Gladion grow up and turn into the trainer they love and respect today. 
Who is most alike their trainer in personality or habits? 
Surprisingly that’s  Zoroark, he shows off more of Gladions personality traits than most and that’s one reason why him and Gladion have a hard time connecting. They are way too alike in a way which causes some miscommunications or if there was a fight both are too afraid to go talk to the other to sort things out. Gladion is getting better with facing things like that so more times then not if they have a fight Gladion will go talk it out.  
Null, Lycanroc, Lucario, all have Gladion’s deep loyalty and quick reflex to protect those they care about.
Who races ahead when on a walk?
Sylveon, it’s less racing ahead and more checking the area for threats to the team's safety. Shiny Cutiefly might fly ahead due to curiosities sake but will come right back once her curiosity is sedated.
Who is the most loyal/obedient? 
Null, Lycanroc, Lucario, Sylveon are the most loyal out of the bunch. They will do anything and everything if it means protecting Gladion or doing what they think is best for him. The most obedient is Anna though it’s done out of anxiety of being abandoned, following orders was basically trained into her by her old trainer. 
Who eats the most? 
Noivern eats a lot though she’d blame it on having to eat more due to not having the “good stuff” aka more expensive stuff. Null is close second since they’re pretty big too. Golbat eats a lot of food just because she likes it and not because she’s hungry.
Who is the quietest? 
Sylveon, he’s pretty timid due to his background and feels the need to always be on alert just in case there’s a sneak attack. Noivern is quite as well but that’s more because she doesn't see anyone else worthy of her attention.   
Who is the clumsiest? 
Golbat. Mimikyu can be a bit clumsy as well when it’s not looking where it’s going.
Who is the most hotheaded?
Lycanroc is the most hotheaded out of the bunch though one can say that’s just in his blood. Sylveon appears like an anxious mess (which he is) but once in battle and if angered he will cause some damage- unlike his appearance it’s not pretty.
Who is the ‘mom pokemon’? 
That’s actually Anna even if she can’t express her emotions she still deeply loves everyone on the team. She cares a lot about how everyone is feeling and if everyone is comfortable. Though due to how she has selective mutism she can’t really find her voice to ask out loud. Her care can be see through her actions. 
Tagged by: @toeachfuture Tagging: anybody who wants too ayyy
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (31): Wed 13th Apr 2022
I read that the American comedian Gilbert Gottfried had passed away. I wasn't an aficionado of the guy's work but I've seen some of the jokes he did on the Comedy Central roasts and man was that guy dark. Prior to seeing him on these I had only known him as the voice of the parrot in Aladdin and some crazy role in Saved By The Bell: Wedding In Vegas. From these performances you'd think that Gottfried was some sort of wacky kid friendly stand up but nothing could be further from the truth. In one of the clips I watched Gilbert was dressed up as Hitler during one of the roasts and when one of the other panelists asks him if he is feeling alright he says that he thinks he left the oven on...WOW! Maybe him doing that stupid voice was his way of making people who had never seen him before think that he was a shitty stand up and then out of nowhere he would hit them with a brutal joke like that and it would be even more shocking than if he'd have done the joke immediately in a normal voice. The thing that made me laugh the most about him was a sketch that was included on a DVD of some cartoon sketches by Seth Macfarlane entitled "Sex With Gilbert Gottfried" which only last a few seconds and features Gottfried in bed with a girl screaming in his signature voice "YES OH BABY THAT'S THE SPOT! THAT'S THE SPOT! I WAS THE PARROT FROM ALADDIN!!!". Still to this day it makes me wince with laughter.
I was looking for a movie to watch today so looked at a few clips from movies I've never seen before. One of them was from the movie "2012" and though I haven't seen this movie before I get the feeling that I have because it's literally the same story as The Day After Tomorrow (Which I have to admit I did like even though it is stupid...the global warming just goes away at the end. That has to be the laziest fucking ending ever). The director Roland Emerich specializes in disaster movies and while the effects are always very impressive there is never any decent character development and the story always sucks because the makers of the film clearly blow their collective loads on making sure the effects are top notch and they just don't have the energy in them to focus on the other stuff in the movies. The clip that I watched from the film features a bunch of people on board a cruise chip as a tsunami capsizes it. Visually it's very impressive but I guarantee if I were to watch the movie I would end up not giving a shit about it because the characters on the ship would be poorly written and so why would I care that they all died? I remember in the lead up to 2012 most sensible people had dismissed the Mayan prediction that the world would end in 2012 as bollocks but I hope that this movie turns out to be a completely different, unrelated and coincidentally disaster that happens to take place roundabout when the Mayans thought the world was going to end. If all the survivors in the movie turn out to be a load of doomsday preppers who had built bunkers and stockpiled food in order to survive the end of the world then that could at least be an interesting premise but I doubt that's what the film is about, I' guessing that in the film the Mayans just turn out to be right and the world comes to an end.
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