#today is a 22/4
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It’s an awful sound, when you hit the ground 
(We were in Harlem yesterday)
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I think it’s really impt to see these numbers:
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2:57 is both the number for 25’s, and equals 14, and of course is a three of swords reference.
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theedexterspeckman · 4 months
okay, i gotta say something that’s been bugging me for a while about ex-lily orchard fans coming for her after she makes a video criticizing their favorite thing.
so when you first like look up “Lily Orchard” on YouTube the first thing you see besides her own videos are the videos making allegations against her, right? so when you see that you first don’t think “huh. maybe… maybe I need to look into this a little bit more before I give her videos a watch maybe I need to do a little bit more research into this person before I start consuming their content”?
lily’s reputation in the online space is not very good. we all know this. (but we also know the allegations are based on nothing when you actually look into it.)
but let’s say, hypothetically, you don’t look into it at all. you don’t do any research into the allegations and come to a decision for yourself whether or not she is a good person or whether she is a bad person. you just keep watching her videos, consuming her content, supporting her financially by watching her videos and maybe even subscribe to her Patreon. by doing that, you are potentially supporting someone, who if the allegations are true, is a bad person.
you are potentially supporting someone who (ALLEGEDLY) is a domestic abuser, someone who grooms minors, someone who is faking being a person of color, someone who assaulted their sibling.
so what point am I trying to make you exactly? well, if you are aware of all of those allegations, and you do not do the barest amount of research into, figuring out whether or not you believe it or not, and you still watch her videos… but then she publishes a video criticizing a thing that you really like and you really disagree with her, or you are hurt by her opinions, and only until then you decide to believe all of the allegations?
that, to me at least, shows where your priorities are at.
you don’t care about protecting minors from predators, you do not care about victims of domestic abuse, you do not care about people of color.
you only decided to care when somebody criticized something that you liked and now you’re angry and butthurt and so you decide to believe all these allegations based on nothing- just because she criticized something you liked.
you live in a bubble where you are tuned out to real world issues, and the only things you seem to care about are your sources of entertainment. and when those things are criticized, and not even drowned in a thousand “it’s just my opinion and you are allowed to have your own opinion uwu” you go ballistic.
that’s what it’s been about with lily orchard.
that’s what it’s always been about with that woman.
you need to go outside and touch some grass and actually start caring about real issues.
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 11 months
Whump Prompt #1293
Whumptober #25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave” | Buried Alive | “They’re not breathing.” | Storm
(This ended up leaning towards an alien invasion setting. I think I’ve been playing too much Halo)
The enemy rolled in like a storm, crippling the cities and flooding the streets like a natural disaster. Your whumpee is one of the last of their kind: a squad of fighters who are possibly their [the city’s/humanities etc] last hope. They’re glorified heroes living off rations and so little sleep a couple of them had begun hallucinating.
Everyone was on edge. Just last week they’d lost several squad members and even more civilians in one go - they were buried alive beneath the rubble.
Your whumpee managed to escape by the skin of their teeth; hauled away on a stretcher as a swarm of medical personnel descended on the scene and barked variations of “They’re not breathing.”, “Keep pressure on that!” and “He‘s flatlining - shit - hand me-.”
By now your whumpee is just covered in scars, but they’ve long accepted that they’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave. They’re probably not even going to get a casket. The world will be their tomb as they’ll eventually be killed action and left to the dogs. A fitting end for a someone so highly valued by their army.
It was the perfect storm; an enemy so indiscriminate in its destruction and a hero so ironic in their powerlessness.
At this point, all your whumpee is doing is biding time.
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coridallasmultipass · 6 months
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Goddddd, Dorothy is waifu for laifu, I s2g. Can't wait to see what conditional saviour bullshit she pulls from this stunt.
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whenthegoldrays · 4 months
I’ll be fine then I’ll remember Mary watching an angry mob of people who have known her and her family for three decades dragging her son off to throw him off a cliff and I’ll fold in the middle of a grocery store aisle
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allfrogsmatter · 6 months
i spent a lot of my weekend playing sims 3 and mannn i forgot how much i loved that game, but it also makes me miss the sims 4 like crazy
rambling thoughts below (also if you played s3 what do you miss or not miss about it???)
sims 4 just does a much better job with relationships and dynamics between sims, which makes it such a good platform for storytelling and i miss that because all my sims 3 sims’ relationships just seem so flat
but there’s something about sims 3 that just makes it so playable. the open world truly was so nice, i love not having loading screens anytime i leave the lot and being able to toggle between sims as they go about their day - i miss it so much in sims 4
also the autonomy in sims 3 just seems so much better, when i leave my sims to their devices they always seem to want to clean up or play with the dog, but in s4 it’s play video games or drink water and leave dirty cups around, plus they spend so much more time actually doing things instead of standing around (maybe this is just because i didn’t excessively mod my game fro s3 but still)
and the wants in s3 are so much better than whims in s4, something about the way they’re displayed just makes me actually want to complete them, and i love that lifetime aspirations show up as wants for kids and teens
other things from s3 i missed:
- pets are more doable- in s4 they’re always running away from neglect because my sims don’t interact with them unless i make them
- separation between worlds- i wish you could travel to other worlds for vacation like you can the ones from world adventures, but i like that your world is contained in s3, everyone at the school lives in your world, everyone at your job lives in your world, you can maintain relationships with people from other worlds but they’re not showing up at your door every day (esp. in the context of a decades challenge, if your sims immigrate from europe to america you won’t be seeing your european auntie walking down the street in your neighborhood)
-color wheel - oh my god, i had almost forgotten, this genuinely was a heartbreaker when s4 came out, there was so much variability in cas and build in s3, even with limited clothing options you could create unique looks for your sims with different patterns and textures and you weren’t restricted to the awful ea options
-clothes- something about the s3 basegame clothing option, it’s just very workable and versatile, maybe i think this because trends have come full circle, but a few years ago when i jumped into s3 again i remember being so tickled with the outfit options
-teens- there’s something about s3 teens that just makes them better, maybe because they made them look like teens by making them shorter instead of just scrawny, but with generations teens just feel more fully fleshed out than in s4 (i don’t have growing together or high school years so ig that’s on me, but also i can’t afford both of those packs)
-packs- something that has really been grinding my gears for the almost TEN YEARS since s4 came out is how much extra content you have to purchase, for s3 if you wanted game content, for the most part you got it through expansion packs, but s4 is just excessive with expansion packs, game packs, stuff packs, kits, etc. there’s just so many features that you want in your game, but it costs a small fortune to get them all because they’re distributed across packs that cost up to $40
-PRICE- i have so many nostalgic memories of saving up my $20 to go to target and buy a new expansion pack for s3, then the joy i felt when it was on sale, every s3 expansion was, and still is, $20 but for s4 they’re twice that, the only time i can ever justify purchasing anymore is when they’re on sale
- rabbitholes- it seems like for s4 they did away with a lot of rabbitholes, just not work and school (except with packs), it was nice being able to send my sims to the movies or the bistro for a date night and not have to be following them the whole time, making them interact
- ownership- maybe it’s just me but i miss physically having the boxes the games came in and putting the disk into the computer and having the little icon for every pack on my desktop, i don’t like how everything’s through origin or the ea app now, esp. because for whatever reason s3 university got uninstalled on my moms pc and ea wanted me to buy it and when i used the code from the box it said it had already been applied (i only have the one account i have no clue why tf they took university from me) and if i didn’t have the disk i wouldn’t have been able to reinstall
- i also miss little things, like ordering pizza and seeing my sims drive around and catching birds in the wild and holiday festivals
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mrlesbian · 1 year
i love how the medical advice i get to not make my condition worse is to simply control it. like wow cool, idk why i never thought about doing that before, thank you i'm cured :)
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Just me and my bowl of trick or treat sweets against my annual mental health spiral
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lordsardine · 1 year
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gunpowder-tim · 1 year
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The truth will set you free, but first, it'll piss you off
But you know what they say, you can't help who you fall for
I bet you think about me when you say "Oh my god, she's insane, she wrote a book about me"
You'll never wait so long
Maybe the riddle of this accident goes back to your gossip with a ferocious strategy you play wounded in his cockpit
but I think that you forgot my days of teenage hustling
It's going to save me, save me, save me, save me, save me, save me from your dirty dealings
My time coming, voices saying they tell me where to go
California, a prophet on the burning shore
Standin' on the beach, the sea will part before me
I know where to go
Those women got them evil loving ways make a man go crazy don’t know what they’ve done
A man can do anything they wanted to
one thing that I asked my baby: bring yourself up
All I wanna do is jump in your saddle and ride. You’re my sweet little mare, I’ll ride you everywhere. Let me ride.
Little girl, 17
I could fly that night. Shotgun. And a sheriff behind. Keep on running.
I know when there’s some cookies baking, I can smell ‘em a mile away
Mama, turn your oven around.
You want some entertainment?
Go on, shove it up me - if you must.
Jarvis' comments: “I've always been fascinated by plants growing in places where they shouldn't really be - like weeds growing in cracks in the paving stones. For some reason I thought: "That's a bit like humans in a city - you're a natural thing but you're growing in this slightly hostile, crappy environment but somehow managing to survive." I started thinking about how most good music comes from people who are in shitty circumstances and then the Svengali comes along and makes all the money and the artist gets fucked off. Then there was the drugs connotation. There's a slumming-it mentality in our society which is going back to a Common People theme - people getting a buzz from scoring drugs off a council estate: "It's so authentic, I was in a real council house, and these people had tattoos and everything." It's like they've got real contempt for these people and they'll spit on them, but when they want some drugs or they wanna shag a prostitute they're OK. And then there was the whole thing about weeds being considered to be weak things. You get called a weed in England in a school if you're supposed to be a weak person, and yet weeds, as far as i can see, are the most tenacious plants 'cos they grow in very hostile [places] - they'll grow in a little tiny bit of soil. I always like it when you're going down a street and you see a roof and there's this big bush growing off the top of it...”
I know I keep you amused, but I feel I'm being used
Oh, Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more
Five to one; one to five
No one here gets out alive
Why do you come so far?
" Trying to get to you”
Used to be that my head was haunted
I feel strong, I feel lucky
Said I'm going to get to you
I've gone and quit my worshipping of the false gods and golden sins
Cause we've made love in the Tower of Babel and it fell down
It'll take a lifetime to clear your name
Betcha if you had ur way you’d turn back the hourglass
Somebody call 911 and leave his name
Oh, still running game, y’all
I dare you to stay with me
One way to find out if it ever gets better than right now
Maggie. Do you want to hear a story? It goes like this:
Every morning, I do a Latin clearing prayer on my shoes and the kids “spirit tools”, so I won’t fall and they’ll be clear. And there’s a thing I say three times.
The first time I see Bubbles. The second, the Tarot Reader. And the third, you. And every time I envision you, I hear either “I’m sorry” or the word “sad”. And you def look sad in my mind. End of story. Could be worse; when I see the TR, I hear the word “evil”.
And then Chloe in the Afternoon is your three of swords song today. The day I died for a sec.
Girl, I feel ya.
You analyze me, tend to despise me, you laugh when I stumble and fall
There may come a day when I'll dance on your grave
“And I yearn for the truth that you know of the years, years ago.”
Put a little music in my day
She's a real good friend right to the end
(Ain't no woman like the one I love, people)
I don't know why it is but I have to laugh when she reveals me
Tough on the teeth, but what the hell?
How long before the judgement day? Before we cut the fat ones down to size?*
“Did you hear what I just heard?”
You know this space is getting hot
I've been on the other side; then you call me, call me in
You think I am your possession
So maybe I let your big wheel turn my fantasy…I've been drinking down your pain.
White Ferrari. I know the car was white and sporty, I’m a glutton for detail.
(Sweet 16, how was I supposed to know anything?)
“Mind over matter is magic; I do magic.”
Que sera, sera
But I never got over the secrets I kept
The woman that you once dated: Who were you then, and who is she now?
I've heard lies that could curdle your heartstrings
(Drunk girls)
It’s such a long journey, children
You guys know I’m going to leave this blog, right
And then what will you do
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by Dr. John Koessler | When asked to define prayer, 19th- century preacher F. W. Robertson said this: “It is to connect every thought with the thought of God, to look on everything as His work and His appointment, to submit every thought, wish, and resolve to Him to feel His presence so that it shall restrain us...
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orcelito · 2 years
I made it. Barely.
The thing about 435 cups worth of tea is that it is so very much tea. You think you know how much it is just by hearing it, aka A Lot. But then you look at how much tea actually goes into that & how much space it's gonna take to store. And you're like. Wow! That's a LOT of tea!
Anyways it took me over an hour after i was scheduled to leave for me to finally finish it. I'm fucking Deceased.
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baeshijima · 2 years
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at this point we may never get wifi
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halechief · 2 years
the absolute olympic sport i have made of staying in bed until the last possible second as if it is restful in the slightest to lie there out of spite when i’m not even actually sleeping anymore bc i am so incredibly aware that i have to be up in like. four minutes. is so ridiculous. good for my idiot brain though
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
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I'm really proud of myself. I might be not a completionist, but I fulfilled half of the prompts given (twice as much as I did last year) and I count that as a success! Below, I leave you all the entries for this year @whumptober-archive
How to Save a Life (6.5k words) [Days 2,3, 16 & 31]
Teen | tw at your discretion | 3 of 3 chapters | whump, hurt/comfort, post order 66, post order 66, canon divergence, canon-typical violence, sequel to You're still there, I know.
No matter how much he screams internally or how many times Fox tries to kill Palpatine, or how many times he blames himself for not realizing the enemy was under his nose all this time, nothing changes. His body remains out of his control, only moving when Palpatine finally dismissed him from the office. He walks out like the automaton he has become, his mindless body following the orders of the Sith Lord.
Riyo will die at his hand, and there’s nothing Fox can do to stop it.
Ramaanla (1k words) [Days 4, 17 & 19]
General | TW mention of blood | one-shot | Whump, knees buckling, stabbing, hiding an injury, Mand’alor the reluctant
The duty of the Mand'alor is to look out for all Mandalorians. Sometimes, however, Din Djarin forgets to take care of one in specific: himself.
Running Out of Air (1.4k words) [Day 5]
Teen | TW Violence | One-shot | Whump, strangulation, force choking, implied beheading, implied massacre, nightmares
Kallus faces his worst nightmare yet.
Something In the Dark (2.5k words) [Day 10 (Alt prompt)]
Teen | no warning | one-shot | Implied Torture, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, mutual pining
Senator Riyo Chuchi and Commander Fox have an unexpected encounter in the darkness.
The Enemy Within (2.4k words of ?) [Day 22]
Teen | TW vomiting | 1 of 2 chapters | Whump, poisoning, vomit, protective Zeb
Bad meilooruns are everywhere, and not even the Rebel Alliance can save itself from the deadly consequences of having an enemy within.
The Tables Are Turned (3.1k words) [Day 25]
Mature | TW Implied sexual content | one-shot | mention of BDSM, whumpers are the good guys and the bad guys are the whumpees, role reversal, psychological torture, interrogation
Captain Rhamis of the Imperial Army takes the night off to indulge in his vices. Little does he know that his evening will go very differently than he expects. Instead of satiating his base urges, he falls into a trap, where former ISB Agent Alexsandr Kallus and Rebel Garazeb Orrelios force information out of him.
Magical Exhaustion (gifset) [Day 27]
Note to Self: Don't Get Kidnapped (gifset) [Day 30]
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