#today is the best day of 2023!!!!
back2bluesidex · 1 year
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Hoseok's Instagram is alive again....
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darkcandy-starfait · 1 year
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ut month 2023 ❤ - 16. alphys
sorry for being late today! had an unexpectedly busy day lol. but here's the very wonderful alphys, and i think about how bashful she is after mettaton reveals her crush on live TV, she's great :)
info on UT month 2023 here!
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iguessitsjustme · 9 months
2023 End of Year QL Ask Game
I created an End of Year QL Ask Game last year and thought I’d update it for this year. Some of the questions are the same, but some are changed. Have fun and enjoy our last few days of QL this year!
1. What are your top 10 QL this year?
2. What show surprised you the most?
3. What show did you have high expectations for, but ended up disappointing you?
4. Who are your top 5 favorite characters this year?
5. Who are your top 5 favorite pairings this year?
6. What show had the best opening song?
7. Best soundtrack in a show?
8. Best single song in a show?
9. Did you create anything for the fandom this year (gifs, fics, etc)? What’s one of your favorite things that you created? Link to it if you can.
10. What’s a show that didn’t air this year, but you watched this year that you enjoyed?
11. If you had to recommend just one QL from this year to someone, what would you recommend?
12. Best kiss of the year?
13. What are your 5 least favorite tropes used this year?
14. What are your top 5 favorite tropes used this year?
15. What is your favorite scene from a QL this year?
16.. What show do you wish had been longer?
17. What show should have been shorter?
18. Did you drop any shows this year?
19. What character had the best fashion sense? What character had the worst?
20. What show from this year do you love that wasn’t popular?
21. Who was the softest character/pairing in QL this year? Which pairing had the best communication?
22. Who was your favorite side couple this year?
23. Who was the best side character not involved in a couple?
24. Which character deserved better than what they got?
25. Did you have any fun fandom experiences this year?
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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chizuchan was right. childhood friend romances are the b e s t
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insectsinsects · 1 year
in a highly tumblr way, i need bottoms to reach vod status so the gay people can make gifs of havana rose liu fawning over ayo edebiri the whole movie
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freetobeeyouandme · 11 months
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Happy ST day one and all! May I interest you in a snippet from the 90k fantasy AU I'm dropping next week to celebrate?
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zelsisi · 9 months
How to Properly Kill an Emperor...With Your Problematic Sibling
So this is set in SWTOR during Echoes of Oblivion with Outcast's brother OCs Cuyan (Jedi Knight) and Kaden (Sith Warrior). I’m glossing over things here, it's not supposed to be exactly like the Echoes of Oblivion. I changed some things for the sake of this story considering it's on the OCs and not the story itself.
Also! Hi Outcast! @outcastcommander Been awhile vod! We need to talk more again, only if you want tho. I hope you like this piece (yes it was me as the anon asking lol)!
Here's a preview:
When the two heard what was going down here, of course they wanted to help. Except for very different reasons. For example, Kaden wants to put his former Emperor into the grave for good, afterall a lot of things in the galaxy is his fault. The blue eyes of his brother seem to twitch a bit as he catches the thought through the Force. Meanwhile, Cuyan wants to do it for a multitude of reasons. One to help Satele, the former Grandmaster of the Order and the one that helped him down the road he was on. Two, he hates that he agrees with his brother for wanting to just finally put down the major pain in the osik that is The Emperor. So what if he also wanted to get even for all the bullshit he’s been through? It's not that major. Who is he kidding though? Definitely not his brother who obviously caught wind of the thought through the Force and just gave him a look with his white eyes.
Regardless of why they’re doing this, the fact is that they are doing it. Running head long into danger. Again. For the thousandth time at least. A fact that both have been…quite vocal about as they board the ship that holds the ailing bodies and minds of Master Satele Shan and her students, who they find fairly quickly after carving through the Emperor’s Servants and the Scions.
Both of them kneel and close their eyes, using the Force to go into Satele’s mind. The landscape there is of stars and barren landscapes. Illusions of enemies long dead arrive causing them to fight back to back. The brothers activate their sabers, the glow being the only light close enough to them than the stars. Both are fairly aggressive but Kaden is more honorable in his fighting as he jumps from enemy to enemy, emitting force waves and force slams as he goes. He doesn’t take every opening but that’s his way, better to fight honorably than to take a cheap shot. Cuyan, on the other hand, while he does jump around from enemy to enemy, he’s a bit more…dirty. His fists and feet and head, aided by the force, become his secondary weapons. Every opening he sees he takes, even if it's cheap, his style greatly contrasting to his brother’s.
As the fight winds down, Cuyan’s footing slips on an unstable piece of the area as he dodges to the side, leaving him open to a strike which is quickly intercepted by Kaden’s off hand saber being thrown to throw off the strike. The blue eyes sharpen towards him as they deal with the last of them, “I don’ need your help!”
“Clearly. Tell me brother, how would Kira react if you didn’t come back from this?” That shuts up his brother real quick and Kaden can’t help but feel smug at that and gives a small smirk, “Regardless of your capabilities, this enemy is more cunning than most. As you and I have seen first hand as he was the Emperor of the Sith, saw the way he consumed Ziost, and then saw what he did as Valkorion.” Cuyan’s blue eyes go wide as they go through a wide variety of emotions. The fear of being raised by the Sith so much so that he left and later killed the Emperor as a way to face his own demons. The utter failure he felt after Ziost was consumed, he was a Jedi Knight wasn’t he supposed to save as much as he could? And the utter loathing that he felt when he returned inside his own head after killing him as Valkorion. The final part causes a shiver to run down Cuyan’s spine and he realizes how glad he is that his head is free from that…being.
Kaden sighs lowly as he deactivates his sabers, “Regardless of the past we’ve had, we both want to see that bastard dead. So watch my back, I’ll watch yours.” His hand becomes a fist as it hovers over the area of Cuyan’s armor where his heart is. It's a gesture they used to do as kids before they…made very different life choices. Cuyan freezes and watches it, clearly remembering the gesture but still tenses up. Whenever one of them had touched the other recently it was because they were fighting. Kaden pulls back. He doesn’t know if the touch would even be welcome or if he’d allow it. Both of them turn away from the other.
“How touching.” The brothers whirl around at the familiar voice to see Valkorian. Their eyes narrowing and their sabers activating in near synchronization as they spit out. “Valkorion.”
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Goretober III: Hematemesis (Written By Nemesis)
This one funny to me haha Castys so miserable he super loves the @coyotehusk goretober
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: chocolate, emeto (blood!), poison, gore, noncon touching that is a little bit more intimate than normal but still unsexy
Today’s restraint of choice was a metal collar around his neck that was chained to the floor, and Castys wasn’t really a fan. Sure, it gave him more freedom of movement than the table or dangling on a hook, but it didn’t really matter when Kuro could pin all of his limbs down and still have her hands free, which was super unfair. And the chain attached to his collar was long enough to allow him to sit up, but he couldn’t stand at all, which he supposed was better than being forced to stand and not able to sit, but still. 
Right now, though, Kuro was sitting across from him, holding out what appeared to be a piece of chocolate. “Here, Castys. You deserve a little treat for being a good boy so far.”
“You know I’m, like, way older than you, right?”
“You’d be surprised,” she laughed. And hey, maybe she was pretty old, too, considering that he didn’t even know what exactly she even was.
He kind of wanted to refuse the chocolate on principle, but he was also not one to turn down a little treat, especially if it was candy. Warily, he took it, watching Kuro as he put it in his mouth, but she just watched him right back, unreadable as ever. The chocolate was good, and it’d been a long time since he’d had something sweet, or any food at all, really, so he tried to savor it, but the longer he kept it in his mouth, the more he started to taste something…odd.
He was a fucking idiot this wasn’t just chocolate of course it was laced with something-But as soon as he tried to spit it out, Kuro pounced on him, pinning his wrists next to his head, her hand covering his mouth. “Swallow, Castys. You deserve it, remember?” Castys tried to squirm free and spit what was left of the chocolate in her face, but Kuro didn’t budge, so he was forced to chew the rest of the chocolate and swallow, since it would just melt in his mouth if he kept it there. “There you go,” Kuro said, stroking his face and causing him to flinch, which of course just made her laugh. It was always so funny to everyone how much Castys hated being touched!
Finally, she got off of him, allowing Castys to sit up and scoot as far away from her as his short chain would allow. “What the fuck was in that?”
“We’ll see, won’t we?” Castys sighed in annoyance and crossed his arms, waiting for whatever stupid drug or poison she’d fed him to take effect. He felt fine at the moment, maybe a little chest pain, but…okay, it was starting to get worse. As time went on, the pain only got sharper, and he started to get nauseous, which wasn’t really unexpected but still not fun. 
Soon enough he really, really had to puke, but Kuro was still sitting there, just staring at him, and he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. However, his stomach didn’t give a shit about Kuro, forcing him to lurch forward on his hands and knees and vomit. It sounded more…solid than he was expecting, like there were little bits of something in it, but it was hard to tell by looking at the dark puddle between his hands.
Having a Suspicion, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, and…yep, that was blood. “What’d you do to me?” he groaned, feeling even worse now that he’d thrown up, like the worst heartburn ever combined with an awful stomachache.
“It’s a special poison that sort of…destroys your stomach lining,” Kuro said lightly. “So your stomach acid is digesting you from the inside right now. I want to see if it’ll get fixed when you die.”
“It won’t.” Castys gave up and laid down on the cold stone floor, already feeling nauseous again. Well, this sucked ass. The acid was gonna eat through him no matter how many times he died until it…ran out? Did acid run out? Probably. Didn’t matter right now, he was gonna puke again, and he was barely able to get upright before even more blood spewed out of his mouth, splattering all over his arms and hands. 
Kuro laughed and picked up a little red chunk of something. “Ooh, I think this is part of your stomach. Looks like little pieces of you are coming up now instead of just blood clots.” Castys didn’t have the energy to reply, just lying curled up on his side as he coughed blood out of his nose and mouth, waiting for the next delivery of corroded bits from inside himself as the world spun out of focus.
He could hardly tell when he’d died or come back to life, the pain never really went away despite him having a stomach lining again since the rogue acid was no longer in his stomach. At some point Kuro tackled him so she could wrench his shirt up and look at the fun shade of purple his stomach area had turned, poking at it with interest. He’d stopped puking now and was just stuck lying there and groaning as his insides turned into soup.
It would stop eventually.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​ @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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willczek-art · 9 months
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~* Late Happy Holidays and early Happy New Year! :D *~
Biggest success of the year? I got my Bachelor's degree and the animation I made as the final project was even used by NerdyPup Games in their IndieCade Festival nomination! :D
So much has happened! Eraser stamps, commissions, contests and collabs, I got into a new school and even started a secret side-project with friends! This year really had it all! :P
Thank you for sticking around! :D
[Template by taxkha]
Links to previous years (2016-2022) under the cut c:
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dnangelic · 11 months
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enigma020 · 11 months
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Gonna take a two day break for now so that I don't overwork myself.
On the meantime, here's a picture of my plushie which my my best friend named "Koobee" for me.
This was what inspired me to create "Kuubii" :)
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masquenoire · 2 years
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So, about my contract ending? Work just called and they want me back permanently starting from Tuesday, same hours but less days (just 4 days a week) to cover evenings which works out pretty good for me, leaving me free during the day!
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strigital · 1 year
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back in NC after the latest patch and this time the game is a tad bit more stable so uuuh here, some pics of Jaxie's newest adventure!! again...
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hueningkai · 2 years
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happy birthday @yeonjuins ♡
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tishinada · 1 year
Day 9: Mirror
Would that I could deny
What lurks in dark mirror
What rages in that eye?
Who has ear to hear her?
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And yet if I turn
My gaze upon her
Eyes with fire burn
My own dark mirror
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At the end I can
But embrace her
Her fires to fan
My dark mirror
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mel-loly · 2 years
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(read the tags)
#this is an art that represents many things that I went through and that I suffered a lot last year..#like- for you to know how happy I am that the year 2022 is over. it's kinda like how much I'm standing up to now#because for me this year was very difficult#it was really very painful to the point of having to be the one who had to remain silent-#just so as not to say what's stuck in my throat until today#It wasn't just deaths that made me sad. it wasn't just because Brazil lost the World Cup#but there were several things that you have no idea how much it hurts to this day just to remember..#so- I hope that many here are happy that I'm still here#for having endured so much in all this time. for staying strong and trying to do my best...#for putting “bandages” on every thing I went through.#that some wounds even heal quickly. but there are others that don’t even manage to heal#(like- one of those stains you get on your clothes and it doesn't come off.#or breaking a video game out of anger and never being able to recover it)#but even so you still are trying to find a way to be fine..#and I'm not only here because I like it and I have friends that I don't want to lose.#but I'm also here because I want to see other people's smiles. whether with my art or even with the things I say#I'm here to show that no one is alone. nor will they ever be#that if you went through many difficulties in the year 2022. know that you were not the only one!#because I also went through it and now pls feel very happy to at least start another year and a new era..#may 2023 be a good year. that everyone can enjoy and have fun. without so much pain and suffering like last year..#have hope. stay strong and look at the past as a lesson on how to live even with so many things happening.#remember the good things. even if they are not many. they will help you and make you stronger..#try to think about the now and live a new experience trying to do your best and still stay strong#I care about y'all. and I hope to stay here for another year to see each one of you well.#also- that I love you guys very much. and I hope y'all don't forget that💛#art#i'm mel and this is my blog✌️#my art#art mel#mel creator
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