#today it doesnt hurt just sitting around but if i extend my arm it still hurts a bit. my thigh still hurts also 😭
ellabswilliamson · 4 months
I worked out too hard Sat and spent all of Sun in pain bc I strained my arm tendons. Still hurts tbh
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
Secrets chapter 1
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Summary: Daddy Negan and (y/n) had a falling off with eachother but what happens when a new man pops up in his life trying to be a better father than he was at taking care of his little girl and his use to be girlfriend.
Warning: jealousy, anger, fighting, some smut, violence, cheating
Objects were flying all over the house (y/n) was screaming at the top of her lungs chucking any items she sees in her way at negan.
"Hey!...hey! Calm the fuck down!!" Negan yelled dogging the picture frame that came flying at his head shattering on the wall behind him.
"You fucking peice of shit! I knew you were screwing around behind my back!" Tears streaming down your face you marched to the kitchen grabbing a big knife out of the knife block streching your arm out towards negan with the sharp tip almost grazing against his throat.
Negan quickly grabbed your hand steady that was holding the knife trying to persuade you to put it down your whole body was on fire shaking with rage.
"Baby....put the knife down...you dont want to do this" negan slowly began pushing your hand away sliding the knife out of your grip placing it on the counter behind him.
"M....mommy..." A small frightened little voice called out from the hallway
You instantly collapsed on the floor with your back sliding down the kitchen counter in tears resting your head in your hands
*end of flashback*
"Ellie!...come get your breakfast baby!" You called out while spreading the last bit of peanut butter on her toast and placing it on the counter next to her OJ.
" goodmornin mommy!" Ellie sweetly called out before hopping up in her chair slopply chugging down her OJ spilling it down her face
" haha Slow down hunny i dont want you to choke" giving her a little kiss on her forehead sitting down next to her
"Can i see daddy today?" Ellie ask curiously while chomping down on her peanut butter toast giving me goofy faces after each bite.
The doorbell rings and ellie jumps straight out of her chair running up to the door flinging it out impatiently.
"Hey babygirl!" Negan bends down to her level swooping her up in his arms giving her small little kisses all over her cheeks closing the door behind him.
"I miss you daddy" ellie said giggling
You were still sitting at the table swirling the spoon in your bowl of cereal zoning out. Hearing his voice still hurts hell even just looking at him hurts you. You loved him you wanted to marry him a part of you still hasn't forgave him for what he did to you. He ruined this relationship...you were snapped out of your thoughts when negan and ellie came and sat down at the table with you.
"Hi..." He says sitting ellie down in her chair
"Hey...." You say quietly giving him a half smile
"How have you been?" He sits down next to you grabbing an apple from the fruit basket
You wanted to tell him the truth you wanted him to know how bad you actually hurt how you lay awake at night crying and blaming yourself for everything.
"Im okay....haha..." You nervously shift in your chair about to speak but the front door opens your heart begins to race at the fact that its a guy you have been seeing that negan doesnt know about.
"Hi jack!!" Ellie playfully yells out
"Hey kiddo!" Jack walks into the kitchen scruffing up the hair ontop of ellies head before turing to you and negan in a silence
"Hey baby..." Jack lands a kiss on your cheek while not breaking eye contact with negan.
There was a long awkward tension between the two of them untill negan gor up from his chair walking over to ellie.
"Jack??...hi, im negan ellies dad" he says with a god awful smirk on his face he extends out his arm for a handshake
"Hi negan nice to meet you...im (y/n) new boyfriend" he closes the hand shake with his hand before pulling away
" well would you look at that....boyfriend huh?" negan glares in your direction you dont dare stare up at him your face was getting flushed
"Well on that note me and ellie should be heading out, right KiDdO?" Negan said in a mocking voice before swooping ellie up
"Wait i have her bag packed its in her room" you quickly said hopping up from your seat running to the room to grab it. You handed the bag off to negan he slung it over his shoulder with ellie in his other arm standing on the porch.
"Have fun i love you baby"giving ellie a quick kiss on her cheek
"Ill have her back before 8....i promise" negan leaned in and gave you a small kiss on your cheek without breaking eye contact with jack standing behind her.
"I dont think negan likes me ha..." Jack lets out a small laugh
"He does....he is just...protective" you begin cleaning up the kitchen and doing dishes when jack comes up behind you grinding his soon to be hard cock on your ass
"Jack....i have to go get ready for our date" your face beings to flush and you spin around landing a kiss on his lips
"Mmm...you always taste so good...." His hands now on your hips
You grinned at jack before slipping out of his grasp. You snuck off to the bathroom andclosed the door behind you running the water in the bathtub you slipped off your clothes slowly lowering yourself into your hot bathwater. Laying there with your eyes closed your phone buzzed and startled you. Your dripping wet hand reached over and picked it up seeing that it was a text from negan.
From negan:
So you got yourself a young new boy toy..
You opened the message and scoffed at what he had sent you, you tossed your phone back down on your towel before it buzzed again.
From negan:
Dont ignore me....
"Asshole...." You whispered to yourself before slipping out of the tub drying yourself off with your towel. You walk over to your closet pulling out a skin tight black dress with black high heels. Slipping on your black bra and black lacey thong you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror youve always struggled with your body image because your thighs were bigger than most girls and negan always made you feel better about yourself when it came to situations like that. Snapping yourself out of your thoughts you apply the rest of your makeup and head out witb jack to dinner.
"You look sexy..." Jack complimented you kissing on your neck
"Thank you..." Looking up at him through your dark mascara filled lashes and biting at your ruby red lipstick
Jack had dropped you off back at home when you instantly heard negans car pull up in the drive way. 8 o'clock on the dot. This man never plays around. You opened the door to se negans face in awe.
"Je-sus!..hello hot mommy..where have you been" negan walked through the door biting at his lip with ellie asleep in his arms.
"I went on a date....its none of your concern" you said with your hands on your hips your dress hugged your curves in all the right places. Negan went to go lay ellie down when you stepped outside to light a cigarette.
"Smoking again huh..." Negan stepped outside beside you
" i never stopped..." You took a long drag on your cigarette your ruby red lips parting letting the smoke roll out of your mouth
"Why did you ignore me..."
"Im none of your concern anymore...so dont act so fucking generous" you said annoyingly throwing your cigarette on the ground stepping on it with your heel
"Fiesty.....i miss that" negans tongue slipped across his bottom lip
You were about to open the door to walk back inside when negan grabbed you by the waist tightly causing you to moan pushing your body up agaisnt the brick wall on the porch. His hand making his way up to your throat gently applying pressure his lips lightly grazed yours feeling his stubble from his beard on your cheeks. He moved in closing the gap between your bodies you could feel his rock hard cock bulding in his jeans only causing your pussy to be wet even more.
"Negan i cant do this...i have jack" innocently moaning
"what he doesnt know wont hurt him..." He whispered in your ear giving you goosebumps
You snapped out of it realizing what he just said is the same thing he said to the woman that he cheated on you with. You shoved him off of you.
"Negan go!...now!" You pointed at him to leave before slamming the door in his face crying storming off to your bedroom.
(Let me know if you guys want another chapter!❤❤)
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yodamn · 4 years
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This is something I just thought up, enjoy!
Thank God for your parents. Them having other children after you gave you the perfect amount of experience to handle the situation you were in. Your younger brothers, specifically, have helped you unknowingly.
There in front of you stands a Clone. But not just any clone. Marshal. Commander. Cody. THE Marshal Commander Cody. You aren't one of his brothers, you're just an officer delegated to Communications and occasionally getting one very finicky control console to work who, despite not being sentient, only works for you. Thanks Dad for teaching me some of your Mechanical Know-How. But anyway...
Marshal Commander Cody. SIC to General Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. A highly skilled man. Trained to be able to take droids, or people, down extremely easily. Even though some people look down on clones not ONE person can say something bad about Cody in front of his face. Hes intimidating. He commands respect from COUNTLESS clones and he.
Hes got the same look your little brother gets after a really bad day at school.
Eyes glazed with just enough water to seem wet but not to the point of tears, blank stare through time and space. His posture isnt different but he probably is used to having to hide in his helmet. The ever so slight quiver of his bottom lip, most people wouldnt even notice. But you do. You always do. Its the exact same expression. And you can read it like a book. That faces says that he really just wants to be hugged tight and told its gonna be okay and go to sleep but hes not gonna ask for it. Hes hiding it well but youre used to seeing the signs. Sometimes your little brother, Gil, doesnt know how to ask when he needs help. He pushes people away. And your parents do their best, but they've got four other kids and their jobs, they don't catch everything. So then it becomes big sister to the rescue. Who had the time, patience, and energy to help.
And it seems like noone else notices whats happening to the Marshal Commander. You pay attention to the briefing of course but also keeping an eye on Cody. After the briefing youre just close enough to hear Cody dismiss himself as well, saying that he needed to get some work done. At that the plan is set into action. First stop? The Officer Lounge. You grab a cup of caf and put a lid on it. You stop by the officer barracks and grab the nice blanket your mom sent in a care package and swiftly continue towards the Clone Barracks.
There are horror stories told about the Clone Barracks by officers. That they'll eat you alive. That once a new recruit wandered in and was never seen again. Stupid things. But that doesnt mean walking into a hallway of barracks where you really stick out isnt scary. Their gazes are burning into you at all angles, curiosity, confusion, the occasional glare. You finally found the Commanders door. Looking both way you knock first. No answer. You know hes in there because the light of the pad beside you is on. Indicating someone is inside. You knock twice more with the same result. A sigh leaves your lips and you weigh your options.
Open the door yourself and possibly get yelled at. Potentially invade his privacy. Or leave and forget any of this happened. The second option seems more appealing. But then you remember why you came. Seeing his face in your memory. The look of pain in his eyes. Seeing your little brother in him, despite the commander being three times his size and much more intimidating than your dorky little brother. Taking a deep breath to steele yourself you gently and slowly open the door. Hes sitting on his bed. Head in his hands. In the dark. Just like Gil. And a gruff voice calls out.
"What do you want"
"Commander Cody?"
Apparently not the voice he was expecting because his head shot up.
"Can I help you? Is there something you need? I'm sure that-" you cut him off with a wave of your hand.
"No! No I dont need anything, its just," you sighed, no going back, "At the briefing today you seemed a little off, I thought you might need a little pick me up?" You offered with the still hot caf held out to him.
"I brought you some caf, and my extra blanket, its weighted and it always helps me so if you wanna borrow it..." You trailed looking away and then back to see him still staring at you.
"But! Thats-thats only if you want to, you dont have to I just, it helps me and I wanted to..." you stuttered and rambled while flailing your own free hand around.
"Thank you"
You stopped and stared at the man. The look was back. And oh how it hurt.
"I-Thank you, that's very thoughtful" Cody furrowed his eyebrows and scratched the back of his head. You extended the caf to him again, he took it and just held it in his hands.
"How-how did you know? How could you tell?" He asked, oh so softly. Running a hand down your cheek you gesture to the bed next to him and he nods and scoots over.
"Uh, well" you start and sit on the cot, you place the blanket down next to him and think back to Gil, "I'm the oldest of 5 kids in my family, and my parents try their best. But they dont always catch everything, what with having five kids and my mom and dad own a business and other family issues" you explain.
"Sometimes I step in to help, I dont have to. But I care, and they are important to me", you smile thinking about your younger siblings. Your parents were always so adamant about you not having to help. But at one point your grandfather got sick, had to come live with you. You wanted to step in to alleviate the stress. You lean back against the metal walls and looked at Cody.
"And you, sir", knocking your hand against the plastoid of his armored arm you shift to fully face him, "You had the same face that my little brother makes when hes had a really tough day and just wants to talk about it"
Cody chuckled taking a sip from the caf.
"Sorry if its not all that good, its just the caf they supply officers and I also dont know how you like your caf so..."
"No, no its fine, thank you" he whispers, he's so tired. You can see it in the way his eyelids flutter. "I can't really talk about what I do, it's confidential" hes slouching where he sits, soon you can see his head slightly bopping up and down. Resisting the pull of sleep.
"That's fine, you dont have to" you reassure patting him on the arm, you lightly rub your thumb in the crease between the armor and his blacks.
"Can you tell me about yourself then? Whats your favorite caf? Do you like bolo-ball?" You ask quietly, you move to sit in front of him on the floor. By slowly lowering your voice you should be able to get Cody to relax and fall asleep, it works for your. The big commander humms and slowly explains that he likes his caf with sugar but never can find any so he drinks it black mostly. He, like most of the clones, are loyal to the Corosaunt team. His voice getting softer and softer with yours as he went on. You hummed sweetly and looked at his armor. That can't be comfortable to sleep in.
Tapping your finger on his knee plate, and unfortunately reeling him back out of the sweet embrace of sleep. You ask if you can remove his armor, following that you didn't have to if he didn't want you to . Cody nods drowsily and croaks a yes out. You perch on your knees and begin to fumble with his leg armor.
"Please Cody, tell me more about Waxer and Boil" you prod gently while slipping your fingers into the magnetic locks. You had a nurse friend who had often had to remove armor from the clones due to them being unconscious. He had complained about how sometimes the locks would stick and explained how to get them unstuck. Not that you needed to know at the time, but it was useful right now.
Cody rambled on about Waxer and Boil and how sometimes Obi Wan would loose his lightsaber in battle.
He pouted, "Its rich because he always, always says 'The lightsaber is your life' to Skywalker..."
You giggle and stand up, he sighs and goes to lay back on the bed. Drunk in exhaustion. You had removed most of his armor, him removing things you couldn't.
He inhales and looks back at you, having sat back down next to the head of the bed. Cody lets out a sigh and continues to ramble, at this point his words are getting mixed up and jumbled. He had begun to explain how he got upset at all the paperwork he had to do and battle plans to make and military personnel to kiss up to, but you stopped him.
"Thats confidential remember?" You whispered, brushing a stray hair away.
"Thas right, you" he clumsily pointed up to you, "youre a good person"
Smiling you grab his hand and bring it to lay on his chest, "Thank you Cody, so are you" you softly pet his hand.
He turns onto his side and ever so slowly you see him slip into a peaceful sleep. You stand and lightly laid your blanket over him. It was muscle memory. Remembering all the times your parents had to work late or were focused on helping a sibling or relative that was sick and you had to put the others to bed. You tucked Cody in and gingerly lifting his head to move his pillow under him. After making sure he was covered you laid a kiss on his temple. Youre eyes snapped open and you tensed your back.
Why did I do that? You looked down at the man and he was still peacefully sleeping. Shaking your head you sighed, stupid muscle memory. You moved the cup of cold caf further on the nightstand next to his bed just incase her flailed an arm and he knocked it over. You brushed hair from his eyes once more before moving towards the door. Opening the door just enough for you to slip thru you turn down the lights and leave, shutting the door on your way out. Turning you bump into Obi Wan.
"Oh! Im so sorry General" You quietly stutter before moving past him.
"Oh please, I shouldnt have snuck up on you" he assures, "I must say thank you though, I noticed what you did"
Flushing you nod and continue out of the barracks.
The next day you wake up and go through all your duties. You had to make the control console work three times because it decided today wasnt a good day. Some shiny bumped into you in the mess, spilling all your food over you. You had assured him it was fine. All of your clothes were dirty so you had to continue the day with slightly gravy soaked clothes. Over all the day wasnt very good, and you just wanted to go to sleep.
You walk into the Officer barracks stripping down your uniform and tossing it. You washed all of the sticky feeling off of you, changed, and went to just pass out. Once you reached your bunk you see a piping hot caf on the nightstand and her blanket folded on her bed. Laying neatly on the blanket was a card. Opening it showed a simple message.
'Thank you, if you ever need anything dont hesitate to let me know
- Marshall Commander Cody'
You smile and curl up on your bed with the caf and your blanket. You can tell this is the begining of a beautiful friendship.
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survivingthejungle · 5 years
Little Lies ii— tommy shelby
this is my fifth attempt to post without either losing it or accidentally deleting it and if it doesnt work i’ll kill myself THANKS
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The next morning your parents had gone off to the market to buy some groceries; your pantry was running low. They had asked you if you’d like to join them, but you declined. You didn’t want to be going anywhere anytime soon—not after what had happened yesterday. You were sitting downstairs at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and looking through the window at the little meadow out past the garden in your backyard. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. You were startled a bit; you weren’t expecting visitors and you knew it couldn’t be your parents because they’d left not ten minutes prior. You almost didn’t answer the door, fearing it to be one of the men from yesterday, until— “(Y/N)? It’s just me, sweetheart, you’re safe.” Oh, thank God, you thought, just Tommy.
You opened the door for him and let him inside, shutting and bolting it after it had closed again. “I didn’t know you were coming by,” you admitted.
“I told you I’d check up on you, little bird,” he reminded you, taking his coat off. It seemed he was planning on staying for a while. You offered to take it from him and hung it up in the front closet, then led him to the kitchen.
“Do you want any coffee? My family isn’t big on tea; I know that’s a super British thing so if you want I can make some—”
“Coffee’s fine, sweetheart. Thank you.” He seated himself down at the table and kept his focus on you as you moved about. “How ‘ave you been holding up? Since yesterday?” he asked, voice low and nearly monotonous.
Your back was facing him while you pour the coffee and you stood still a moment before responding. You turned back around with a courteous smile. “I’m fine,” you pushed. “I didn’t get hurt or anything; I’m alright.” He knew you were only being polite and not speaking with honesty.
“No, you’re not. And after yesterday, you deserve to know what’s going on.” You set the mug down and sat a few seats away from him, your own mug still full enough. You raised your eyebrows so slightly it was barely noticeable; he continued. “You’ll remember I said my family pissed some people off.”
“It’s a bit more than that. You’ve never been to Birmingham, am I correct?”
“Yeah, we haven’t been there yet.”
“In Birmingham, there is a prominent gang known as the Peaky Blinders. It’s run by the Shelby family.” He looked at you to try to find any semblance of panic in your expression. All he found was a look of confusion; like you were about to realize something you didn’t want to. “That’s my family. That’s the business I run.”
“But I thought…” you trailed off. Didn’t he once say he owned something called Shelby Company Limited?
“The company’s a front. It’s real, of course, but it’s through the Blinders we make all of our real deals. We’re sending alcohol to your country right now, in fact.” You nodded, accepting all of this new information as best you could. “And now we’ve gone and pissed off that family of Italians; the ones from America.”
“Yeah, I remember that part.”
“Another gang family. They’re the mafia type.” At this your eyes widened, and it wasn’t subtle like the eyebrow raised.
“Hold on! Are you telling me I was being shot at by the mafia yesterday?” You were beginning to spiral into a panicking fit. “I move to a new country and the first goddamn thing that happens is someone tries to murder me!”
“(Y/N), (Y/N),” Tommy interrupted, grabbing your hand in his. “Listen to me, little bird. No one’s going to hurt you. I’ll keep an eye on you, alright? I promise. No one’s gonna think to come after you; but I’ll make sure that you’re looked after, alright?” Your eyes were slightly glassy as you were still understanding the weight of what had just been thrown at you. You nodded anyways, just wishing that things had gone differently yesterday and that there was no need for this. Even if you did really like the nicknames he gave to you, or how he held you close when you got freaked out. He stood up and stood beside your chair. “Look at me. C’mere.” He gestured for you to stand up and you did, your hand still held by his own. He wrapped his arms around you and brought a hand to your hair, smoothing it down gently. “Calm down, yeah? No one’s gonna come after you. I’ll make sure of it. You’ll be okay. Shh,” he whispered as your breathing became uneven and a few tears slipped out.
“God, I’m sorry,” you told him as you pulled away after a moment. You wiped your face with the back of you hand. “You must think I’m such a crybaby.”
“You’re upset, and you’re scared, and you’re young. Too young for this,” he muttered to himself, “I’m used to it. Been used to it my whole life.”
“That’s terrible.”
“It is what it is, love,” he responded, looking down at you. He smiled softly and put a palm on your cheek, brushing your cheekbone with his thumb. “I’m going to have one of my boys bring you into Birmingham tomorrow. There’s something there I think you might like. And you deserve to go ‘ave fun after yesterday. Alright?”
“Oh; yeah, sure. Sounds good,” you smiled, really trying to seem like you were fine again. You suspected he knew you were faking it, but he took the bait regardless. With a goodbye and a promise of return, he grabbed his coat and was out the door once again.
“Mama can I go into town tomorrow?”
“What for, honey?”
“Just to check it out. I don’t really know where anything is yet, I should probably learn my way around.”
“Is anyone going with you?”
“No; I can handle it by myself. If I get super lost I can always call.”
Your mother hesitated. She finished drying the last of the dishes before turning around to face you, leaning on the kitchen counter. You were seated at the dining room table again, this time with a half-eaten plate of fried potatoes. “You’d better be careful.”
“I will, Mama. Promise,” you grinned, thanking her for letting you go. You almost felt terrible for not telling her the truth, but you convinced yourself that you weren’t really lying, either. You never specified which town you were going into, and it was true that no one was going with you—only bringing you there.
“What time are you gonna go?”
“Uh… I don’t know.” Did Tommy ever say when he’d send someone for you? “Probably the afternoon.”
“Your father and I will be gone by then, I think. Going to see about getting some new livestock.” Your face lit up.
“Can we get some more chickens?”
A very shiny, very expensive looking Bentley pulled up to the front of your house at about eleven. Is this the kind of car that gangsters drive? Very inconspicuous, you mused. The driver shut the engine off and made his way on the little path in your front pard toward the door. You’d been watching from the upstairs window in your bedroom. You slipped your shoes on and grabbed a jacket before running down the steps, just as the doorbell rang. You opened it up to greet the boy who’d been assigned to pick you up. “Hi. My name’s Finn. ‘M Tommy’s brother,” he introduced himself, extending his hand to shake your own.
“Nice to meet you, Finn.”
“You too. (Y/N), Right?”
“Yeah, that’s me.” You grabbed a spare house key and locked the door, shutting it as you two made your way down the path to to car.
“You’re American?”
“Born and raised,” you confirmed.
“Think I might be going to New York soon. You ever been?”
“No; but I’ve always wanted to. My family’s from Virginia. It’s pretty boring, nothing but farms.” Finn smiled at that.
“And now that you’re all the way across the pond, you’re…”
“Back on another farm,” you laughed. He opened the passenger door for you and helped you step inside. “It’s weird that you guys drive on the left side of the road.”
“Not for me, it’s not,” he responded, getting into his side and starting the car up again. “I think you Yanks are weird for drivin’ on the right.”
“Good point.”
“You excited?” he asked, glancing over at you. “For today.”
“I might be, if Tommy’d ever told me where I was going.” Finn looked at you with a surprised expression.
“He didn’t say?”
“No, only that it was ‘fun’. Do you know?”
“Yeah, yeah; we’re going to the races today. Tommy’s got a horse running. It’s gonna win.”
“You that sure?”
“Tommy’s horses always win,” he deadpanned, but still with the hint of a smirk on his face. “He’s always been good with ‘em.”
“Really? Me too. Before we moved I had a horse. ‘Big Brown’; I named him when I was five,” you giggled. He did too. “When we left we let our neighbors have him. He’s a good horse,” you recalled, looking out at the vast pastures you were speeding by.
“I bet Tommy’ll let you meet the horses, if you want.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, why not? He’s bringin’ you all the way out there, might as well.”
Finn guided you into a room at the racetrack complex where Tommy was waiting. “We’re here, Tommy,” He called, knocking on the door before pushing it open.
“Come on in,” Tommy called. You couldn’t see where he was but you heard his voice clear as day. You waited for Finn to come in with you, but he just stood at the door gesturing for you to enter.
“You’re not coming?” you whispered to him.
He shook his head. “No. Tommy’s got me on another job. You’ll be fine,” he promised, before gently pushing the small of your back with his hand, forcing you inside. You tried to stop him, suddenly very nervous without your new friend; but he was gone and now it was just you and Tommy. And, you supposed, whoever else was in the viewing box.
“Would you like a drink?” he asked, coming around the corner and into the bar area next to the door.
“Uh.. no, no thanks.”
“Very well,” he assented, talking time to concoct something for himself. “Go on, sit down, love. Race’s about to start. You’ll like it.” You obeyed and sat down on the little couch area facing the track; the only barrier was a little wall that stood about thigh-high and an awning to stop the sun from shining too intensely. He sat down beside you shortly after, taking a sip of his drink. You guessed it to be whiskey. “Y’see that horse, right there? The black one?” You nodded. “That’s mine.”
“Really? It’s so pretty,” you noted, admiring the sleek black coat and muscular stance.
“His names’s ‘Nighttime’. Charlie named him,” he chuckled, taking another sip of his drink. “Kids don’t think too much into it.”
“Hey, it’s better than the name I gave to my horse,” you joked. “When I was four I named mine ‘Big Brown’. Tommy laughed again at this; so did you.
“You had horses? Back in America?”
“Yeah. He was really great. Sweet horse,” you remembered, reminiscing on all your years with him. “He lives with our old neighbors now.”
“How’d you like to meet some of my horses?” he offered.
“Really? You’d let me?” you asked, eyes wide and sparkling. He admired your expression for a moment.
“‘Course, little bird. Anything for you. It’s the least I can do.”
“No… This is a lot of you. I wouldn’t say it’s the least.”
“Well, maybe I just think you deserve it.”
You looked at him, head slightly tilted, unreadable looks on either of your faces. You were afraid a blush rose to your cheeks, but you couldn’t tell; you hoped one wasn’t there. “I’d really like that,” you admitted, finally.
After a few moments of silence: “How old are you?” Ah, here it is. The dealbreaker. It’s been nice flirting with you, Tommy Shelby.
“I’m nineteen.”
“You’re nearly an adult,” he noted, trying to come off as blasé as possible.
“Some people would say I already am,” you retorted, trying to lighten the heavy weight you felt in the room. He smirked at this.
“Would you say you are?”
You hesitated. “I… I don’t know.”
He gave his opinion next. “You’re young, but you’re a smart girl. More mature than most people I know. Much more mature than Finn, at least, and he’s about your age.”
“You think so?”
“Oh, yes,” he emphasized. “Just look at what happened the other day. You got right back up and kept on with your day. Never let it seem to bother you, even if it did. You don’t act like a nineteen year old girl, that’s for sure.”
The races were about to start, but you were too distracted, preoccupied, and confused by what Tommy had said. “Is that… bad? Or…”
His head was fully turned toward you now. “No. No, it’s not,” he assured you.
Tommy’s horse won— big surprise. After the races, like promised, the both of you went down to look at him and a few others. He was a beautiful, majestic black mare with a strikingly clean coat and an intense gaze. As soon as you were within petting distance you walked up to him. “Hi, pretty boy,” you cooed, stroking the side of his face. “Did you win today? Oh, good job!” The horse was apparently revelling in the attention and praise, whipping his tail and pressing his face toward your hand more.
Tommy was entertained by the sight. He knew it wasn’t what he needed to be worrying about right now, what with the New York Mafia after him and his family, but he couldn’t shake the thought of you from his mind. Clearly. It shouldn’t have been a prevalent issue for him, being interested in a woman—a nineteen year old, at that— but yet there was something about you that kept him constantly at bay. Maybe it was the fact that you were an expatriate that made you particularly exciting, or that you were clearly so well-versed with horses, or that you were so young that made him want you; whatever the reason was, the result was the same—he wanted you. And as Tommy Shelby was never one to follow the rules, he was going to have you, as well.
The moment you asked if you would be allowed up on the horse, he immediately gave you permission, actually really wanting to see how well you were able to handle one. You didn’t disappoint; having grown up on a farm and riding horses all your life, it came as second nature to you. Tommy was enamored, there was no denying it. “Looks like he likes you,” he noted. “Usually doesn’t like strangers.”
You smiled from up on his back. “Guess I’m just special, then.”
“That you are, bird. You’re something else,” he murmured.
Tommy took the liberty of driving you back home. He could see you were almost considering not getting into the same car as him, considering what happened last time, but he assured you that the events of three days ago would never happen again. “Promise you no one’s going to start shooting,” he spoke lowly into your ear, gently grabbing your elbow and guiding you to the car. “We’re on Blinder’s turf. Got men at every turn watching out for us.” You felt a breath leave your chest.
“You’re sure?” you questioned.
”Absolutely.” Once he helped you up and you got settled in the front seat, he walked around to the other side of the car and got in. Starting it up, he looked at you again. “D’your parents know you’re here?” he asked you.
“Uh… sort of?” you offered, a small nervous smile on your face. “I asked them if I could go out… I just never said where.”
He chuckled. “Clever girl,” he praised. Your heart fluttered like it had been all day. You returned home soon enough, the conversation flowing naturally throughout the whole car ride— what it was like living in America, who your friends were, silly family stories; you never once worried about the car falling silent. And then you pulled up to the front gate of your family’s cottage. You were just reaching for the door handle when: “(Y/N)?”
“Yes?” you responded, almost afraid that you’d sounded too eager and willing. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Charlie’s needing a babysitter. Would you be interested?” There was more to the question that Tommy was letting on, of course; but if you had any idea, you did a damn good job not showing it.
“Oh, I’d love to!” you gushed. From the stories you’d heard of him, you’d been eager to meet the kid. Tommy smiled. “I’ll be writing to you soon; going out of town for a bit. Take care of yourself, love.”
“You too. Thanks, Tommy.” With that you exited the car and unlocked the front gate, walked down the garden path, and entered your house. Only when the front door was closed did Tommy begin to drive away.
You had taken the liberty of bringing in the mail for the past few days. Your reasoning, of course, was purely out of the goodness of your heart; you had absolutely no ulterior motives. You reminded yourself this when finally, one day, a letter arrived addressed to you, in the same flowing handwriting as the dinner invitation.
Dearest little bird,
I hope my letter finds you in good health. I am caught up in London on business for a while and can not get back to you as soon as I would like to. I want to give you a warning— if any other Americans approach you and happen to be Italian, don’t speak a word to them. They are not above harming civilians, especially not ones under my protection. Do yourself and your family a favor and trust no one, at least not until I return. When I come back I’ll call for you to come and help take care of Charlie.
See you soon.
Your heart raced with every line. You flipped to the next letter in the pile—it was all the way from America. Charlotte, you thought, and ripped the envelope open, diving right into the contents of the paper inside.
(Y/N), my best friend in the whole world,
I can’t stand living in this town without you! I can barely stand living in this country without you. Why did you have to go and leave me? I can’t very well find another best friend who knows me as well as you do.
When I read your letter I think I nearly died. Do you have a picture of this mystery man? He must be gorgeous if you’re making such a fuss. The only advice I can give you is— go for it! I bet he likes you as well. Lucky for you you live so close! Is he very rich? Maybe the two of you will get married and have two houses: one in England and the other one here, back in Virginia, right next to me!
Missing you bunches. Nothing exciting has happened recently except for my cousin eloping with some boy she met at school. I’m not surprised it happened; I only wish you would’ve been there when we found out. My parents were mortified! It was hilarious. Maybe you and your new man should consider it?
Write back soon and don’t forget about me, Lottie
Reading Charlotte’s letter you nearly laughed out loud a handful of times. You very seriously considered going on the hunt for a picture—any picture, really— of Tommy to send to her. You didn’t want to seem like one of those desperate, obsessive girls that you sometimes heard about in the news, however, so you reeled yourself back in. You weren’t surprised by the news of her cousin, either; you were almost positive she had been talking about Winnie, who had been a rebel and a troublemaker since the very beginning. You only wished you had as much courage as she did.
Dearest Lottie,
If I had the gall, maybe I might try to take a picture. I don’t think I’ll ever be brave enough to do it, so let me describe him for you instead.
Mr. Thomas Shelby is one of the taller men I’ve encountered so far, maybe even ever. He has thick black hair that stays cleanly trimmed on the sides and neat on top. I think he must get his hair cut very regularly. His eyes remind me of the sky, or the ocean; I can’t decide which, but believe me when I say they’re the most strikingly blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He’s never looked at me with anything but a kind expression and it makes my heart flutter.
His cheekbones are to die for. He looks like a perfect roman marble statue; I don’t think God could’ve made them better if he tried. He has a perfect nose. I don’t know what exactly makes it perfect, but it is. And his lips— Charlotte, his lips— I know they’re soft. I can feel it instinctually, they look like satin and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about kissing him. I don’t think I ever could. I’m afraid I’m reading the situation all wrong and if I ever made a move and he didn’t reciprocate, I think I’d have to swim back to Virginia.
Please, please pray for me… if I let this go on any longer I’ll lose my mind. What do I do?
Love you forever, (Y/N)
Again you sealed the letter up and addressed it to her, ready to take it into town someday soon. It was around five o’clock, so you decided to make dinner for yourself, not knowing if your parents would be back home before it got cold.
Then it was six o’clock and you were still home alone, and now it was time to feed the chickens their supper. You took the grains from next to the back door and strolled around in the fenced in field around the coop, throwing handfuls here and there before getting yourself back inside.
At around half past six the sun began to set and still, there was no sign of your parents. You wondered what could be holding them up. Maybe a road got closed off so they had to figure out a new route? Rather than let your mind dwell too long on an issue that very well may not have been serious, you retired upstairs to take a bath, brush your hair, and get dressed in your night clothes. Once your skin and scalp were thoroughly scrubbed and smelled nice and fresh, you exited the tub and dried yourself off. You grabbed your favorite nightgown, a white slip with short sleeves that tended to end up hanging just off of your shoulders and a square neckline exposing your chest just enough to keep it comfortable. You left from the bathroom to your own room and sat down at the vanity in your room to comb through and detangle your long hair.
It had reached about seven o’clock. When your nighttime checklist was all marked off, you looked out the window to try and catch a glimpse of any sign of your parents, until you looked down the road, and—a car was driving up the hill from the direction of town; it could only be your mother and father back from their negotiations. The car pulled in to your driveway and the headlights flashed off, and you could hear a door shut from your third floor attic bedroom. A figure, one you could recognize neither as your mother nor your father could be seen making its way to your front door. Then it knocked, loud and strong, and it made you jump nearly twenty feet in the air.
You were hesitant to answer. The figure didn’t look anything like your parents and you were expecting no visitors; they hadn’t called from anywhere to let you know that they’d be late or that anyone would be coming to the house. The knock came once more. Suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. ‘Tis a visitor,’ I muttered, ‘tapping at my chamber door— only this, and nothing more’. Your recollection of the chilling Poe poem and its similarity to your current predicament did naught to calm your nerves; but at the third bout of knocking, you figured that the person was not going to leave without seeing someone at the house.
You creaked carefully down the steps, trying desperately to be silent, hoping that if the visitor didn’t hear you that he would leave and you could continue the rest of your evening in peace. But you got to the first floor hallway that led directly to the front door and there was no indication that he had left. A muffled voice then came from outside. “(Y/N)? C’mon bird, open the door. I know you’re in there.” Tommy! With that, you rushed the last few steps over to unlock the bolts and swing the door wide open.
“Hi! What brings you here?” you wondered aloud.
Tommy looked at you with a strikingly serious expression. “We need to leave. Now.” With that he grabbed you by the hand and damn near dragged you out of the house, only barely giving you time to shut the door behind you. You didn’t even have a chance to put on any shoes or slippers or even grab a jacket to keep you warm from the night air. Without any other explanation he led you to the car, unceremoniously made you get on the passenger side, and then got in himself and started the car up, a determined look on his face.
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loki-fanfic-whore · 5 years
Venomous Curse ch. 2
Loki x female
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Warnings: sexual situations, language, abuse, noncon adult situations.
Chapter 2 Remorse
Alice's eyes flitted open, she was laying in her bed after what had felt like the deepest most peaceful slept she had ever had. Maybe it was due to the fact Conner didn't burst in. Maybe exhaustion just got the better of her.
She got up, showered and dressed for school. Her face swelling was going down and her eye was now turning to shades green and yellow, a sign of healing.
She couldn't really remember yesterday evening. How she got home or what happened. She remembered sitting in the park...and seeing...
"Professor Laufeyson!" She spoke aloud. Her heart beat sped up as she felt her core burn. What in gods name was happening to her? Why did she feel turned on all of the sudden?
She grabbed her back pack and decided to walk to school. The sun hadn't peaked yet and the calm darkness comforted her. She walked at a brisk pace but still enjoyed the silence, before she would have to face everyone for another day of torture.
She got to the school a few minutes early and slipped into the library. It only had a few students in the corner playing some card game. She went to the back and picked up a book on the history of England in the Tudor era, which was one of her favorites. Sitting on an over sized bean bag she began leafing through the pages when the door burst open to the library and a shrill sound assulated everyone's ears.
"Where are you you little fucking slut?!" Selenas voice carried to every corner of the library. Alice kept quiet ignoring it and continued to read. Her heart sank in her chest as she knew she wouldnt be able to escape. Her hands were becoming sweaty at the adrenaline rising in her system.
Selena peaked around a corner then sneered.
"I found you fucking cunt." She marched up to Alice and grabbed her by the nape of her sweater dragging her off the beanbag chair. Alice simply froze, as the triggers led to tears. Selena slapped her across the face causing a small yelp to escape.
"How dare you touch Conner in any way! You stupid bitch!" She roared angrily as she continued to hit her. After the third or fourth hard contact to her head, slice felt herself becoming concussed. Everything going hazy.
"What is the meaning of this?! Miss. Ramos let her go and go see the principle! Miss. Lovelace come with me." A deep voice filled the air causing Selena to drop her. Alice crumpled into a ball on the library floor.
"Miss. Lovelace? Can you hear me?" His voice was fuzzy and going in and out. Alice moaned gently and rolled onto her side. The lights were so bright.
"Miss. Lovelace I am going to pick you up and take you to the nurse. I think you may be concussed. Do I have your permission?" He made sure to say it loud enough for the other students present to hear.
Placing his arms around her he carried her bridal style out of the library and into the nurses station.
"Abigail...I need help." He called out laying her body down.
"Alice? Stay awake please. You can't fall asleep." His hand gently held her cheek.
"Loki? What happened." A thin old woman in a white coat came in.
"Abigail there you are. She was attacked by another student. I think she is concussed. Abby- she is my new blood." Loki mentioned the last sentence in a low hushed tone. The older woman's blonde eyebrows raised in suprise.
"Loki- how long has it been since your last?" She asked as she looked to the poor beaten girl on the table.
"Its been...decades....but that's not important...our bond has just begun, but I believe I can help her."
"Yes yes.... I'll lock the room. Just call the desk phone when you are done." She turned and left without another word. Loki sighed gratefully and closed the door locking it. He moved to the table and leaned over Alice checking to see if she was still conscious.
"Alice? I need to make you better. I- I can help you, but its unconventional...I need to touch your body...do you give me consent?" He spoke gently and his minty breath fanned her face. She had a throbbing headache and opened her eyes a crack to process his words. After a few moments of silence she groaned gently
"Do what you need to." She laid on the table as Loki took his jacket off revealing a pressed button up shirt and black slacks. He rolled his shirt up to his elbows and then gently sat her up removing her sweater. He unbuttoned her shirt and slid it down her arms revealing her chest to him. He could see the bite he had left the night before that was almost healed. He also could see countless bruises and cuts. He gently took her neck and waist in his hands as he kissed at her throat.
"I am going to bite you Alice...itll sting, but I promise it will become much more enjoyable soon." He let his dual fangs extend and sunk them into the crook of her neck, she let out a soft whimper as he began to drink. Jesus christ the feeling she gave him was euphoric. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants painfully erect from her scent and taste.
He only drank a little, just enough to strengthen the bond. He then gently bit his palm and placed it to her mouth. His other hand still holding her up gently grasping the back of her neck.
"Drink Alice...we need to complete the bond today" he spoke softly. Alice opened her mouth and licked at his palm. She could taste his bitter blood and wrinkled her nose. She drank only a few drops before it was too much. She felt herself growing increasingly turned on.
"L-Loki I dont feel any better." She slurred out.
"Darling...I need to be intimate with you in order to finish this process and heal you...do I have your permission?" He spoke in a hushed husky tone in her ear. He knew she was aroused. He could feel her heart beat picking up. When they were complete in bonding he would feel every emotion she had and she would feel his.. it was what made the bond special. She would be his forever. The over powering scent of her arousal caused him to groan and try to readjust himself.
"Do I have your permission?" He asked again not trying to push.
"Y-yes." She spoke breathlessly. Loki immediately freed himself from his trousers and pulled her underwear to the side exposing her sweetness to him. He sank into her to the hilt sucking in air as he became overwhelmed with emotions. The bond was completed. Alice moaned out as she felt herself changing. She was becoming more clear headed. The concussion slipping away. She looked down to see Loki biting his lip his cock buried fully in her.
"Alice...now that you are level headed and the bond complete....I need to ask again. Are you okay with this? Or would you prefer me to stop?" Tears slid down her cheeks as she began to tremble.
"I-I" she hiccuped. Lokis face turned to one of anguish.
"Shhh it's okay. I'll stop my darling....we need to talk and now is probably the best time." He gently slipped out of her and groaned internally. His cock was a light purple from lack of release. He pushed it back into his pants and handed her back her sweater.
"What are you?" Alice was the first to break the silence. As she buttoned her shirt and pulled her sweater back on over her head.
"Uh...I am called many things...I believe the most recent name is a succubus. I get energy from extracting it through...different means from others."
"And this bond?" She asked again breaking the silence.
"Uh..well contrary to most beliefs, succubi do not enjoy sleeping with everyone....we bond to a certain person who calls to us. And we are bonded for life...I can...feel your emotions and you can feel mine...the bond becomes stronger with every time we mate or whenever you allow me to feed..." he chose his words carefully staring at her with his arms crossed.
"And I am now bonded to you? What if I dont want to be?" She asked her eyes flicking up to meet his.
"Well...it would break my heart...being rejected within a bond can cause many negative effects, but ultimately it leads to death of one or both bonded individuals." He didn't hide the hurt in his eyes. She felt a slight pang in her chest. It must have been from him, it was such a strange sensation to be the cause of sadness within yourself.
"Please, when we are alone call me Loki..."
"Loki- I don't know if this is what I want...I- have a lot going on with Conner and school and-and I dont even know you!" She gushed forward as she stared right into his green eyes.
"I am aware it is overwhelming Alice, but now, with this bond I can protect you...keep you safe..we dont have to be intimate if you wish not to be...I- I can see some of your memories and I understand completely." His voice was soothing but she wrapped her arms around her middle trying to hide the trembling.
"You-youve seen my memories? You have watched my life like an open book before you and I dont even know you.." she was becoming increasingly upset.
Loki sighed and ran a hand through his hair. This is not how he wanted this to go.
"Alice please, we dont have to do anything you aren't comfortable with until you are fully ready....but this bond...it doesnt go away...it will only make you sick if you fight it...I will tell you anything you want to know. I will woo you and we can even go on dates if you prefer all until you are comfortable with me...I didn't mean to be intrusive...the bonding just shows me a great deal about who I bond with...I was hurt and you were wanting and willing to help." he looked to her with semi-pleading eyes. She could feel the tightness in her chest.
"You are my professor! I am your student! What will others say?" She was incredibly opposed to this bond, but she could literally feel the hurt of trying to reject him.
"You are almost done with school." He countered before moving from the counter to stand infront of her.
"Alice...I'm so sorry if you didn't want this, but it's too late now..." he spoke softly before cupping her cheek. She flinched to his touch and he immediately took a step back.
"I'm sorry Professor Laufeyson...I need to go. I've missed class." She stood up and quickly moved past him unlocking the door and bolting out. Loki stood in the doorway horrified at how he had just scared her off. Abigail stood and moved beside him.
"Young man...you know how wounded she is...she will come around, but you must go at her pace. She is scared of being hit not caressed. Of being raped not loved..."
Loki sighed and ran both hands through his hair.
"I'll need to help her see her self worth."
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leelee10898 · 6 years
The King and I- Love will lead you back. (3/?)
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Summery: Serenity is headed to cordonia, how are she and Liam holding up? Serenity runs into a familiar face.
Rating: fluff.. language
Tag list: @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @alicars  @katurrade  @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world  @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @laniquelovely @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao7321 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @lodberg @brightpinkpeppercorn @cocomaxley @darley1101 @blackcatkita @mynameiskaylabella @barbaravalentino @lodberg @thatspicegirlssong
Serenity pov
About two hours into their flight the booze hit her hard and she passed out. She woke up four hours later
"Well hello there sleeping beauty, way to sleep the flight away." Ginny teased. she looked at her phone. "Shit, I cant believe I slept that long." A stewardess walked past with a tray of champagne, she grabbed two glasses and chugged both. She pulled out her book, trying to figure out which excerpt she was going to read at the reading in two days. She flipped through the pages and settled onto a random page. As she read her mind wandered back.
"Will you jump with me?" Liam motioned to the top of the cliff. "Up there? It's awefulky high, will you help me up?" Serenity flirted. They climbed to the top of the cliff. Take my hand, we can jump on three." Liam grasped her hand. "One. Two..." "Three..." she leaped off hand in and with Liam into the deep water. Once they surfaced they floated on their backs. Before swimming to the shore. Liam brushed his hand agaisnt serenitys, entwining his fingers with hers "Thank you." He whispers "For what?" "For getting to know me, for seeing me as a person amd not just the crown. I've never had anyone like you in my life before. And now that I do, I never want to lose you." Liam looked into her eyes. She stood on her tippy toes placing a soft kiss on his her hand rest on his chest. "Mmm that was nice but, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, but. " "But what?" She questioned. "But, I don't know what's going to happen and I never want you to be hurt. " sadness filled liams eyes. Serenity closed the distance pulling Liam forward., her lips crashing down on his, her fingers tangled in his hair. Liam lowered her down onto the sand, his body hoovered on her hers, his lips peppered sensual kisses down her neck, his hands roamed her sides. He pulls back and rest his forehead on hers. His eyes dark and full of desire. I know we have only known each other a short time but I can't help but feel.. Serenity, I think. I think I'm in Lo-" suddenly a bird rested a bush near by interrupting their moment. "We should probably get back."
"Only about 20 minutes until we land." Ginny informed her, pulling her from her thoughts. Serenity grabbed her make up pouch and went to the bathroom to freshen up . It wouldn't be to long before they landed and she needed to not look like a wild animal, Just in the case someone noticed her. She went back to her seat and buckled in as they landed.
"Whats with the hat?" Ginny questioned. "Trust me, if there are any paparazzi around, and they notice me. It'll be crazy." She said tucking her hair into the hat. Ginny rolled her eyes and chuckled. They made it out of the airport and into their waiting car without incident. They arrived at the hotel and got settled into their rooms.
A knock came at Serenitys door, panic started to set in what if someone spotted me. Oh god. Her thoughts ran wild. "Ren open the door." It was only ginny. Relief washed over her as she opened the door and let Ginny in.
"Jesus, what were you taking a dump? What took you so long?"
"Ew no, I panicked. I thought maybe someone spotted me." Serenity sighed. "Ok, you really need to lighten up. Im starving lets go get some dinner please?" Ginny begged.
Serenity agreed and they headed towards the lobby. Serenity held her head down hoping nobody noticed her. She wasnt paying attention to where she was going until she collided into someone. "Ouch." The woman's voice squeaked
"Oh im so sorry miss here l, let me help you." Serenity held out her hand.
"Oh your to kind, really its my fault." The woman answered.
Liam pov
Liam paced the study floor. He had asked Bastian to inform him when she arrived in Cordonia. The anticipation was killing him. Not that he was going to see her before the book read, or atleast that is what he kept telling himself, he just needed to know she was there.
He walked over to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass of scotch. A knock came to the door. "Come in." Liam yelled. "Hey, Just thought I would check in on you and see how you were doing?" Drake came in sitting down in the chair.
"Well I am going out of my mind. Her flight arrives today."
"Are you going to meet her at the airport?"
"No, Bastian is going to let me know when she lands. I dont want to over whelm her, what if.. what if she doesnt want to see me?" Liam threw himself back in his seat.
"Liam, you know why she left. She loved you, and I would be willing to bet money she still does." Drake got up poured himself a tumbler of whiskey and sat back down. He swirled the amber liquid around "I know you never stopped loving her and want her back."
Liam sat up in his chair "Of course I want her back, not a day passes by that I haven't wished she was here with me."
"Well, she will be here soon. the question is, what are you going to do about it?" Before Liam could answer a knock came at the door. Bastian entered
"sir, Lady Sernity's plane landed about 10 minutes ago."
"Thank you Bastian." Liam nodded as Bastian leftthe room.
"Tick Tock Liam." Drake said taking a sip of his whiskey.
Serenity pov
"Hana? Oh my god!" Serenity extended her hand helping Hana up off the floor. "Oh serenity, it is good to see you, what are you doing in Cordonia." Hana wrapped her in a hug. "Actually, I am here for a book read. I kind of wrote a book. " Serenity blushed. "That is amazing, congratulations I must read it." Hana squeezed Serenitys hands.
"eh hem." Ginger cleared her throat. "Where are my manners. Hana, this is my friend/editor/agent Ginger, or Ginny I call her. Ginny this is my friend Hana." "Pleased to meet you Hana."
"Yes, the pleasure is all mine." Hana took ginnys hand shaking it, they let the hand shake linger a bit long, Serenity sensed a mutal attraction between the two. "Hana, Ginny and I were just heading to dinner. It would be so great if you would join us. " serenity shoot a sly look at Ginny. Ginny tried to stiffen the smile that was threatening to form. "That would be fantastic, I would love to." The three linked arms and made their way into the cordonian night.
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break up | archie andrews (riverdale)
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request: can i request an archie imagine where the reader and him had a fight and break up. it being really angsty and avoiding each other. but one day she went to investigate something with betty and jug she got hurt and he sees it? just fluff please!!! thank youuu❤️
it had been days since you left the house after what had happened with archie. you were heart broken with the latest events including the break up.
betty & veronica had constantly been visiting bringing you over food and movies trying to cheer you up and get your mind off of things but it you just couldn’t, there was no use.
how could you possibly forget that your boyfriend of almost a year had let himself be seduced by the blossoms and allowed cheryl to kiss him. the thought made you feel sick inside
and it was worse because he didn’t even have the guts to tell me, you heard it from the mouth of the devil herself. and boy did she love to see you crack and squirm, placing doubt in both of our minds enough to make the red headed boy i love leave you
there’s soft knocks on your door causing you to sigh sniffling, “come in” you croak shifting in your bed to face the door as it opens to reveal two of your closet friends jughead and betty
“hey stranger” you smile sadly to the beanie wearing brunette standing next to your blonde best friend.
he sits himself on the edge of your bed extending his hand to your shoulder giving it a comforting and reassuring squeeze “im sorry i didn’t come sooner”
you quickly place your hand over his i knew exactly why he didn’t come, he was currently living in the andrews residence so it almost seems reasonable that he didn’t want to offend or anger his new roommates and his re kindled relationship with the red headed jock and his father
“it’s seriously fine jug- i understand” you smile sadly at your best friends, concern visible on their faces
“we’ve got a job for you” you wipe the tears from your cheeks and sit up slightly “you up for it?” “yeah okay”
they smile triumphantly at each other and before reaching over and pulling you out of your cozy bed “change and meet us outside” you nod flopping back down on your bed watching them as they scurry out of your room
you finally get the courage to leave your bed changing and pulling a brush through your knotted hair for the first time in days applying makeup to cover the evident dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep
after you finish changing you grab a random sweater off your freshly made bed and throw it on only noticing half way down the stairs that it was intact archies; he leant it to you one night at pops when it was cold and he didn’t want you to freeze.
well that’s what he liked to tell you why he did it, you still believe to this day that he only did it to shut your whining as you rubbed your arms rapidly comparing on how it was so cold
you tug at the sleeves, it smelled of him. the warmth swallowing you up. trudging outside you spot the couple standing beside your car “so what’s the plan?”
the blonde glances to her boyfriend before speaking “jug and i are going to explore a new lead, you need to go to pops and find veronica she’ll catch you up to speed” you nod fiddling with your keys
“pops, v? got it” betty gives me a tight squeeze “be safe, ill see you later” you nod turning slightly as jughead gives wraps you up in a small hug “bye”
you watch as they join hands and walk toward the direction of the cooper household, heart eyes evident. you feel the tears stream down your face as the sight trigger your memories of they way archie used to give you that same look exactly like that.
you get in the car and drive over to pop’s, sliding out and walking briskly into the empty diner, spotting the raven haired girl sitting with him. you find your breathe hitches, lodging in your throat
swallowing the lump in your throat, you force your feet to propel yourself forward to the occupied booth “V” the raven hair girl looks up slightly surprised at your presence.
she jumps out of the booth and throws her arms around you pulling your body into her warm embrace “god it’s good to see you out of bed- and in normal clothes- and your hairs brushed oh im so proud”
she hugs you again it was tighter then before, glancing over her shoulder making eye contact with the boy who broke my heart, he looks worried sick
she pulls you back at arms length and glancing at you concern washing over her face “(y/n) i thought you were getting more sleep?” you shake my head moving away slightly from your friend.
“look can you just fill me in?” she glances back at our friend then to me “yous should talk” she begins backing away from the booth
panic setting in for the both of you
you shake your head furiously “no no i-i-i ccan’t-t” you stutter edging yourself further and further away from the booth before breaking into a sprint racing toward the diner door and out to your parked car.
tears begin to cloud your vision as you drive off toward betty’s house, hoping that the two hadn’t left for their sleuth session yet
you were an absolute mess tears pouring from your eyes blurring your vision so much that you didn’t seem to even notice the car speeding through a red light and just like that your vision turned black.
archie’s pov
i cuss under my breathe as i watch my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend rush out of pops like she was on fire. i hate that i did that to her.
“archie you can’t keep avoiding each other you need to talk to her” i shake my head “cause your idea worked so well didnt it” i yell 
“god i should’ve never listened to you three- she doesnt want anything to do with me thats why she just ran out!”
i pull on my hair as we sit in the booth in silence, tears begin to well in my eyes and it takes all of me to swallow my pride standing from the booth and slipping on my jacket
“where are you going?” veronica stands grabbing onto my arm “i need to make this right”
i grab my phone and dial her number holding it against my ear waiting for her response only for her to not pick up, i try again the sound of sirens faintly ringing in my ears
the two of us share a glance before looking out the window as the sirens grow louder and louder until finally they pass the diner, two ambulances and a police cruiser
my stomach dropped her name falling from my mouth before i rush out of the diner veronica hot on my hells “arch get in my car ill drive!” she yells but i ignore her pushing myself to run as fast as my legs will carry me
i chase after the emergency services as they pull up a head to what looked like a car accident, a soon as i see the familiar car i scream out her name veronica zooming past me and fleeing the car.
i rush over to the paramedics as they pull (y/n) from the car her cheeks still dripping wet with tears “no- no no NO” i yell not bothering about the tears that are streaming down my cheeks.
she was covered in blood, her arm looked broken and her lip split my heart shattering as i stare at the fragile girl that was my entire world
“son you need to step back” the paramedic told me trying to wheel the gurney up into the rig “no im going with her” i insist trying to push past “please” the shake their head loads her in
“archie?!” i turn to see sheriff keller jogging to me “what’s wrong?”
i point to the ambulance “it’s (y/n) she was in a accident i have to go with her” i beg to the sheriff and he nods walking over to the guys and whispering something with them before the allow me to climb up
i lace my hand with hers as i giving her a squeeze my other hair tangling through her hair trying to soothe her.
“c’mon (y/n) you can do this baby keep fighting" i mutter tears still running down my cheeks.
i clutch her hand tightly as the monitors start to beep the crew shouting a bunch of words to each other before they push me back in my seat forcing our hands to pull apart
“what’s happening?!” i shout panic dripping from my words.
“we need you to give us space kid” i nod sitting back in my seat clutching my hands together hoping that she wouldn’t die not today
and thats when she flatlined.
i shift in the uncomfortable hospital chairs still clutching my girlfriends hand when i feel a slight squeeze.
i jolt up blinking the sleep out of my eyes “(y/n)” i choke my voice raw from all the crying and begs for help.
she stirs moving slightly in the bed her head titling toward me “a-arch” she whispers her lips are cracked her eyes wet from tears.
tears overwhelm me as i stand pecking her head “god i thought i was going to loose you” she smiles bringing both hands up to my cheeks “im sorry” she mutters to me
i shake my head frantically my cheeks growing wet “no im so, im sorry for everything i did to hurt you i didn’t want to hurt you (y/n) i just want you back”
i move her oxygen mask from her mouth and lean down connecting our lips together in a sweet embrace before pulling back and placing her mask back
“will you take me back?” i ask eyes begging for her to say yes
“of course archie, i love you”
“god i love you too (y/n)”
she giggles and it cures my heartache i smile up at my beautiful girlfriend as she scoots over in her bed patting the spot next to her “c'mere” she mumbles.
i move from my seat kicking off my shoes and cuddling into the fragile girl as she rests her head on my chest tracing circles into the fabric
and in that moment you knew, you never know what you have until it’s almost taken from you
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Chapter 11: If i fits, i sits and it isnt where i want it to be.
✗ Adrian  ✗
“Tell me about you. What else are you into besides photography?” Val spoke eruptly like i spooked him out of a thought.
Eyeing him quickly, I leaned back and crossed my ankles together under the table. “Music and drugs.” I said while crossing my arms over my chest.
“That it?” Val raised his eyebrows at me.
“Honestly thats about it.” I rolled my head to the side, cracking my neck a bit. “Music is something I was shown when i was young. I can play the guitar and piano. My mom wanted me and my siblings to be talented in different things but never pushed us to much except music. Sis can play the violin and harp, bro can do flute and violin as well.”
“Why both violin?” val asked, leaning on the table.
Shrugging a bit, “Dunno, they both just really like it. I never liked those things, guitar was the only string i could do, Piano was something i tried really hard to learn because mom really likes it and knows a bit. I wanted to share something with her.” I felt my lips twitch into a smile because of talking about my mom.
“You close to your mother?” He asked with a small smile on his lips.
“Yeaaaaaaah.” I scratched the back of my head. “Im my mom’s kid. My siblings are just like my dad, look just like him, act like him a bit, talk like he does. Mostly my bro, hes a literal clone of my dad. Sis is a mix of dad with a feminine touch. Me, im a male version of my mom. Look just like her with my hair and eyes.” Val continued to just sit and stare at me with a stupid smile. “I pursued music as a major minor kinda deal cuz i wanna perform for her, and show the world i can sing and play instruments because she taught me, pushed me to it and is my biggest fan. Ill sing for her all time and what not.”
“Thats really sweet of you.” Val had a big smile on his face.
“Yeah.” I chuckled a bit. “The drugs were cuz…..” i slumped my shoulders down and stared at the table. “I did em just cuz i could.” I looked back up at val, “didnt wanna be that perfect kid like my siblings. Pissed me off that my father wanted to mold me to a perfect child.” I twirled my hair on my finger, “Soooo i did drugs, got in trouble a lot,....had dad save me from going to jail.” I started mumbling.
Marcus came back with our drinks with a smile and set them down on the table. “Are you both ready to order?” he looked between us, Val looked at me with a raised brow.
“Yes, please.” I answered and waited for him to pull out his notepad. “Can i get the Royal red robin. No tomato, egg hardset, and medium well please.”
“Can do sir!” Marcus wrote and turned to val with a smile.
“Can i please have the Whiskey river Burger with fries.” Val said with a smile and very sweetly.
“Alright! I’ll get that out as soon as i can.” Marcus smiled and left to place the order.
I stared at val with a confused smile. “You can eat all of that?”
“Of course!” He smiled happily.
“Damn i wonder what else you can fit in that mouth.’ I mumbled into my glass before i took a drink from it.
“Excuse me?” Val leaned in, “i didnt hear that.”
“Tell me what you seemed upset about earlier.”  I set the glass back down on the table and stared at Val who then just put his mouth around his straw and stared at his glass. “Cmon, we’re roommates….and friends, you can tell me things and i wont judge.”
Val sat silently for a while longer after he let go of his straw. He leaned back and looked up at me. “So, um...who was the guy you were with earlier?”
“Who...guy i was…..” I stared at him confused for a second then it clicked. Demyan. He means demyan. Did he go out with Karim earlier today? I Looked down at the table for a second then back to him. “That was a friend of mine, i dont get to see him often, so when i ran into him today we just had lunch together and talked.”
“Friend from high school?” He asked, little upset in his voice.
“Yeah, he goes to a different school and busy with work and school.” I started twirling my hair a bit. Val looked a bit upset by it. “Yo.” I extended my hand to poke at his arm, “whats wrong, you seem upset.”
“It just….” he sighed heavily, not looking at me or even my hand.
“I know, i come off as an asshole kinda.” I poked his arm again to make him look at me, and he did. “I dont hang out often, i dont hang out with my band members much either. Kinda a loner guy. The dude you saw me with was just a random meet up and hanging with him was something i dont do a lot.” I paused to see he was a bit hurt still, “and i know i dont hang out with you much and i come home late...a lot.”  I put my hand on his wrist gently, “But i do like hangin’ with you, and i’m gonna try and not be a shitty roommate anymore.”  
“You mean that?” Val asked quietly.
“Yeah man, i try not to break promises.” I smiled at him. Val finally smiled back at me and nodded. Slapping my hand on his neck lightly and pushing on his cheek a bit, “thats the cupcake i know.” I chuckled and took my hand off his face, “it does hurt to see you sad, you’re like a sad puppy and it breaks my heart.”
“Im not a sad puppy, im a fierce kitten!”  Val sat up straight and looked very proud of himself.
Staring at him for just a moment, i started laughing and put my forehead on my forearms which were on the table. “The fact that you said kitten makes it better. Doesnt matter what you are, you’re the cute baby version of said animal.” I spoke through giggles then started laughing even more that I covered my head with my arms.
I looked back up to see him have a very displeased look on his face. His brows were together and his cheeks were puffed as he stared at me with displeasure. I started laughing again and this time accidentally snorting, which made me start laughing even harder and Val started laughing too at the fact that i snorted. I sat back up and put my elbow on the table and put my forehead in my hand, “Shut up you didnt hear that.”
Val made a long squeal like giggle and put his head on the table, “but it was funny! You snorted!” I sat back up and leaned back into his seat. “I didnt think a snort would come out of you when laughing.” he ran his hand under his eyes as he finished up laughing.
“Im only human after all, I can snort and make weird noises if i wanna.”  I flipped my hair back over my shoulder. “So, tell me about yourself. Its only fair.”
“Okay, well…” He paused and straightened himself out, “you know I’m going for fashion and that I do yoga. I mean, clearly I’m not straight with how I dress. But, i’m not really very interesting, sorry.”
“Hm i just kinda thought you didnt care about gendered clothing.” I twirled my straw around in the glass.
“If it’s going to be hard being in the same room as me I can move into the spare room. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” Val spoke softly, I looked up to see him fidgeting with something in his lap and a blush on his cheeks.
“Dude.” I said low, Val looking up at me with wide eyes. “I dont care what your sexuality is, I support all of it. You dont make me uncomfortable. One of my band members, she’s a lesbian. Joce as you can see is straight, my drummer is straight and my bass guitar is pansexual.” I smiled at him, “I dont hate on people for gender and sexuality. I only hate if i meet a person and they are a douchpickle or are acting like a fucking buttplug. Then imma kick their ass cuz i can.”
Val started giggling because of the insults i just used. He smiled happily at me, “thanks,Adri.”
“No problem cupcake.” I smiled back at him.
Marcus came back with two plates in his hand. “Whiskey river burger.” and set the plate down in front of Val, “aaand the Royal red robin for you.” he set my plate down in front of me. “Everything look good? Can i get you anything?” he asked with a smile.
“Im good, thanks.” I looked up at him.
“No, im good too,Thank you!” Val asid with a smile.
“Awesome! I’ll check back in a bit!” he smiled and walked off to check on other people.
“He seems like a nice guy.” I turned to see Val with his burger shoved in his mouth. He still had his mouth around the burger in his hands. Staring at me like a curious cat and his cheeks puffed out a bit, blinking slowly at me. Turning my head away, closing my eyes and covering my mouth and nose i started laughing again, my free hand pounded the table as i laughed. “Cupcake, hermegawd, you’re a chipmunk!”
Val took his bite and held his hand up to me so he could chew and not talk with his mouth full of food. “I was hungry, and didnt expect you to talk!”  He blushed red and looked at me with a serious look. “And yes he seems like a nice guy and is good as a waiter.”
“I feel like ive seen him before.” I tossed a fry into my mouth, “Like he was at one of my concerts.”
“Where do you usually perform at anyways?” Val took a sip of his drink.
“Anything we can get really.” I tossed another fry in my mouth before speaking again. “We perform at bars, clubs, music fests sometimes if we can. We all do a bit of solo stuff sometimes. Well Harvey not so much, he sings yeah but hes our drummer so he doesnt solo drum places. Joce will dance or sing on her own sometimes, Desi will play guitar and sing as well. Asher i dunno if he does solo things. And i naturally perform alone sometimes because ill either just sing for who hires me, play guitar and sing, Play piano only or sing sometimes.”
“So you all arent an official band?” Val raised a brow at me as he munches on a fry.
“We are, and arent….” I stared at him with a questioning look. “We all love to perform together as a group, but sometimes we cant always meet up and do it cuz someone will have something going on. So we just do our own solo stuff sometimes.” I finally picked up my burger and took a huge ass bite out of it, kinda realizing too late that I took too much to chew.
“What all can you sing?” Val took another bite and swallowed after he chewed, “Like genre what can you sing.”
Holding up a fingering and swallowing hard,then taking a quick drink. “Lemme tell you what I cant do, cuz thats easier.” holding up one finger, “I cant do a song in a foreign language, so ill do it in english if i can.” Holding up two finger, “I dont do opera.” I continued to hold up a finger for what i listed, “Dont do metal or screamo.” I paused to think, “I dont do gospel type music. Aaaaaaaaaaaand i cant Rap...well enough to say i can do it.” I looked at my hand “So thats the five things i cant do.”
“You can do country?” Val asked with a raised brow.
“Aaaaaaaah, does it count if i can perform the song in a country style but not singing it in country format?” I asked holding my straw in my mouth.
Val giggled a bit, “no, it doesnt count.” before taking a bite of his burger.
“Damn, then six things…..No. Five point five, i think half kinda doing country counts.” I smirked at him and got a ‘really, seriously?’ look from Val. “yes im serious, i can sing a country song just not country-ish like….Dont judge me.” I pointed a finger at him before taking a bite of my burger.
Our dinner went really well and we had a lot of fun, or at least i had fun. Im guessing that all the giggles Val made means he had fun too. When Marcus came back with boxes, he asked if we wanted something for deserte. Both of us said yes. I got the Nana-nana moo-moo classic, and god i hate saying that name but its worth it, to go. Val ordered a classic chocolate to go as well. Marcus took the order and then went to go get those.
“We doing back to the dorm for the night after?” Val asked raising a brow at me.
“No, imma take you somewhere.” I smirked at him. Val looked at me with wide eyes and a slightly blush on his face,
We got our milkshakes a few minutes after. We paid, fighting back and forth who was gonna pay and ended up splitting it and both paying. When we got up, we passed by Joce and Gabe. I leaned down to give Joce a small pat on the back and waved her off with a peace sign. We saw Kane and his buddy Yori standing outside as well.
“You can get in the truck if you want, ill just take a quick smoke.” Kane had his hands up by his mouth.
“Its alright, I’ll wait.” Yori smiled at him, then turned to see us. “Oh hi again.” he still had a smile on his face.
“Wahzzup.” Kane said with his cigarette in his mouth then took an Inhale and looked away from all of us to blow it out. “Fun date?” He asked with a smile, keeping the smoke away from the three of us.
“Wasn’t a date.” I said.
“It was fun.” Val said just right after me with a smile. “You’re polite about your smoking habit.”
“Thanks buttercup! I try to be courteous to people who dont like my nasty habit. Yori here doesnt like it, and imma assume you dont like it either. Half shave here i know smokes so he doesnt mind.”
I saw Yori lean towards Val and mumble, “I don’t like it because i get asthma attacks from too heavy of a smoke cloud.”
Val smiled softly at him before patting his back, “i’m sorry.”
“Half shave?” I looked at Kane with an offended look, “the fuck you wanna fight ya blondie?” I shoved him a bit with my hand.
“Naaah, its all good.” He laughed lightly. Kane took another quick swig off his and offered me his hand before blowing it out away from us.
“Nah im good thanks, i dunno whats been in your mouth.” I held up my hand and leaned away a bit. “Not a germ freak, but i really dont know whats been in yuor mouth dude.” I chuckled lightly.
“Thankfully today, nothing that comes out of a vehicle!” he laughed proudly. “But we should let you two have fun on your Not-a-date date.” He smiled before putting his smoke in the asht ray outside, hooking his arm around Yori. “lets go finish our date too!”
“Its not a date!” Yori complained and looked back at us, “it was nice meeting you!”
“You too!” Val waved back at them.
“Hey! Come to one of my shows coming up!” I yelled back at Kane.
“Text me when and where the fuck it is, ill try to come and ill bring Yori!” He held up a peace sign and went to the other side of the parking lot.
“You come with me.” I grabbed Val by the arm and walked to my truck.
Val hopped in and got his seatbelt on, “where are we going?” he asked turning to look at me.
“You’ll see.” I smirked at him and turned the truck on, backing out of the spot and going to turn out of the lot. “Its my favorite place to be.”
“I thought that was your bed?” He snickered to himself.
“Thats my Second favorite place!” I held up my finger.
Our trip was all but quiet. Val and i, mostly me, would sing along to whatever played on the radio. Val would occasionally randomly change the station to see if i could sing the song which I fucking good. He even found the fucking country station and i sang along to that. Getting so into the song, i made us swerv on accident. Val looked like a scared cat as he held onto the Oh-shit-handle. I laughed at his reactions, and tried to stay perfectly calm when driving. We got on a backroad and Val was looking out the windows at the open fields and the trees.
“Where are we?” he asked.
“Almost there!” I smiled at him and patted his thigh. Turning onto a graveled path literally in the middle of know where. “Get out and follow me.” I patted his thigh again and got out. I waited of him on his side, holding my hand to him, “its dark and i dont want you to leave me. Gimme your hand.” Val looked at my hand and hesitantly took my hand in his. Holding his hand and dragging him behind me we walked through the dark woods. We didn’t talk at, the only noise around us was crunching leaves and the sounds of active night animals.I walked us out to a clearing when we got out of the trees and shrubbery, I looked back at him and Val was staring up at the clear sky filled with stars.
“Oh my god.” he said softly, “its beautiful here.”
“Yeah. Its also kinda in the mountains too.” I let go of his hand and walked further out. “This is a place i like to go to clear my head, singing and no one hear me, or break down if i need to.”
“Is that why its your favorite place?” Val asked, standing beside me.
“Yeah.” I leaned down and sat on the grass, pulling Val down with me. “I came here for the first time when i ran from my home. Dad was pissed at me, mom was crying, and i wanted out. Found here, and ive been coming here ever since.”
“What did you do?” He turned to face me.
“First time i was ever stoned out of my fucking mind.” I leaned forward, pressing my elbows to my knees. “Didnt wanna see my mom crying, didnt wanna know what dad would do, so ever since then, its just a place i find comfort in.”
“So why did you bring me?” Val asked, holding his feet in butterfly position.
“Thought it would be a good bonding moment.” I sighed, “thought you’d wanna see it, and it makes me feel calm for what im about to tell you.”
“Huh?” Val raised a brow and touched my arm, “something wrong?”
“No no, its just.” I sighed and laughed a bit. “I just think its kinda mean of me to keep something from you, when you’ve been so open with me.” I turned to look at Val, and he had the most confused worry look on his face. “Back at the restaurant, you came out to me.”
“Yeah.” he said low.
“Well, i tiptoed around it like an ass and didnt tell you, but Im gay too.” I smiled softly at him, “and it was eating at me that i didnt tell you when you told me, but i was scared to for some reason, like you’d think i was lying.”
Val was just staring at me like a cat. Fucking hate when he does that cuz i feel like he’s thinking im crazy or lying and it freaks me out with that stare. Val shifted onto his knees and leaned into me, wrapping his arms around my neck and pressing his chest to mine.  “Thank you for telling me, it means a lot.” he said softly and sweetly. I felt my hands twitch lightly, do i hug him back? I dont know, how to hug him without it seeming weird, hes on his knees hugging me and his back is arched and i can see his ass. Val pulled away from me slightly and i think caught onto that i was a little nervous about this situation,  “You’ve been touching my thighs one way or another, would it make you feel better if we sat here and you had a hand on my thigh?"
“Aaaah...uuuuh.” I started mumbling and blushing a bit. “i-i-i…..Yeah.” I mumbled lowl. GOD im a fucking weirdo! Why the fuck do i have this weird need to touch his damn thighs? This kid probably thinks im a freak. Val shifted back onto his butt and sat beside me, letting me place my hand on his thigh. I put my face into the palm of my hand and squeezed his thigh a bit, “Im really fucking sorry.”
“For?” He asked and i could feel him shift to lean forward and stare at me.
“This!” I squeezed his thigh and shook my hand a bit. “Ive never done this to anyone else, anditsmakingmefeellikeacreep but idonthateit.” I started to mumble and feel my face heat up more, so i tried to cover my face more with my hand.
Val’s whole body started shaking with erupted laughter. He leaned back to lay in the grass and covered his face with his laughing. I shifted to sit on my hip closest to him, shiting my hand further up his thigh a bit too high up actually and he started laughing even more, putting his hands up on my chest. “The fuck is so funny?” I asked leaning in closer to him and prop myself on my elbow.
“You’re tickling me!” he giggled, fidgeting beside me.
“How?!” I asked, “where am i tickling you?!”
“My thighs are ticklish!” He giggled louder. I looked down at my hand and slid my hand back down to where it was, sliding back up his thigh slowly and letting my nails drag across his skin, getting to close to his nether region yet again. “StaaaAAAAAHHHHP” he started laughing harder now, trying to roll away from me.
“How do you have ticklish thighs?! In one fucking spot cupcake?!” I asked, doing it yet again cuz it was kinda funny to see him squirm.
“I dont know!” He laughed and tears started to roll down his cheeks as he laughed.
I put my hands under his arms and started wiggling my fingers on his sides and up to under his arms. He erupted with more crazy laughter and started to roll around more. “You’re going to roll down a hill, cupcake!”
“Then stop tickling me!” He yelled at me through laughs.
“Naaaaah.” I swung my leg over his body and turned around to barely sit on his stomach and tickle his other thigh now. He started kicking at the air in front of me, yelling behind me and grabbing the back of my shirt. I wrapped my hands around to tickle the back of his knee and the back of his thigh. He sounded like he was crying and laughing at the same time now. Switching to his other leg i did the same thing.
“Adrian, ADRI STOOOOOAAAAAAHP PLEASE!” He cried as he laughed and was wiggling underneath me pulling at my shirt.
I looked back at him and dropped his thigh onto the grass. “Ill stop, kinda dont wanna be accused of murder.” I sat up a bit for Val to pull his legs out from under me and sit behind me.
He had his legs touching his chest and had his hands wrapped around his knees. “I feel violated and my stomach hurts now.” he puffed his cheeks at me.
“Thats what you get for being ticklish.” I smirked at him and he stuck his tongue out at me.
“Keep that tongue in your mouth, boy.” i reached to grab at his tongue but Val leaned back and avoided my hand.
He launched himself forward at me, knocking my onto my back and sitting on top of my stomach. “Im going to return what you did to me!”
“Go for it, im not ticklish.” I chuckled with a cocky smirk on my face.
“Pssh, we’ll see if thats true!” He ran his hands along my sides and under my arms and pouted when i didnt even giggle. He tried to tickle my stomach and more so was embarrassed that he touched my abs then trying to tickle me.He spun around to have his back to me and tried to get a response out of me that way. He grumbled very angerly and placed his hands on my thighs. “You aren't tickle-ish.”
“Dunno you didnt try my feet.” I chuckled from behind him.
“Im not touching your feet!” He looked back at me with puffed out cheeks.
Shifting under him and pulling my thighs out from under him enough, i sat up and partially had val sitting in my lap. Leaning into his back, i put my cheek on the back of his head. I could feel Val was kinda tense under me. Keeping my hands behind him, I leaned forward, pushing him forward a bit as well. “Thanks.”
“For?” he asked, and lightened up his body a bit.
“For hearing me out.” I played with the rim of his shirt. “Means a lot.”
“Of course.” he looked back at me and smiled.
“Now, care to get off me?” I leaned off of him.
“Nope, if i fits i sits.” He chuckled wickedly to himself and made himself comfortable.
“Oh my god, you fucking cat.” I sighed and threw my head back.
“Meow hehehehehe” He continued his evil chuckles.
“I will kick your ass down this hill and to the car.” I groaned, leaning back onto my hands.
“No you wont.” He looked back at me with a cocky smile.
“Off my lap, or you’re rolling down this hill.” I said flatly.
“Nope, or im taking you with me!” I felt Val grab onto my jeans with a tight grip.
Grumbling, i took the clip out of his hair, watching his shiny red hair fall down and lay flat on his back. He looked so nice with his hair down and it looked so soft and silky too. “Off the lap or this clip gets thrown!”
“No!” He whined, “give it back!” he turned to look back at me, whipping his hair around over his shoulder at the process. When he saw i was holding the clip behind my back, he spun around and scooted up my lap and leaned into my chest trying to reach for it behind me.
Tensing up a bit and a small twitch of a smile on my lips, “Off my lap and i give it back, or if you stay on my lap start grinding and we’ll call it even.” I looked at Val who was practically laying on me tense up and watch his face go from white to bright red.
“You’re a wicked man….” he mumbled and stared at me with a slightly pissed look but mostly embarrassed.
“Hey, if you fit you sits.” I smirked and chuckled, “said it yourself. So either fits on the grass or fits on my dick and we have a outside quickie.” I growled playfully at him, watching his face get as bright red as his hair. Val pouted and swung his leg off my body and plopped down on the grass, looking away from me. Chuckling lightly, I took his hair and tried my best to have it the way he does his hair and clip it back up for him. “Sorry that was kinda mean.”
“No this is kinda mean.” Val leaned into me again, his face close to mine like he was going to kiss me. My body tensed up but started to lean back when Val shoved his hands into my chest, Yelling loudly I grabbed onto his leg and pulled him down with me. We tumbled down the hill together, me yelling the whole way down and Val was laughing.
I hit the bottom of the hill first and Val landed ontop of my chest. His thigh hit my crotch with some force that i grunted loudly, and in minor pain but mostly a little turned on from how close he was and his thigh touching my fucking dick.
“told ya I fits I sits, or in this case I lay on top of” He chuckled and sat up, his hair falling slightly out of his clip, and his hands on each side of my face.
“And i told ya. Ass on the grass, or ass grinding my my dick that your so kindly shoving your knee into.” I looked up at him with a slightly displeased face and i could feel my face heat up.
“Oh god i am so sorry!” he looked down between us and moved his thigh.
“No you arent.” I groaned, fuck i just wanna a quickie, i need sex now.
“You’re right, Im not.” He laughed and got up standing on his feet and fixing his hair. “We should head back” he started dusting off the grass and dirt on his body.
Groaning loudly, i got up and cleaned off my ass. “We good?” I turned around to show him my back.
“Mmmmmm?” Val purred a bit.
“Ass, check? Dirt gone?” I looked back at him.
“Yeah, oh yeah we’re good.” He smirked at me.
“Your ass in the car noooow.” I snapped and pointed, pulling out my keys from my pocket.
Val giggled and jogged to the direction we came from towards the car. He stood patiently at the door for me and waiting until i unlocked it for him to hop in. I hopped into the truck soon after and clicked my seatbelt.
“You do know showing me this place means you cant run from me now.” He smiled softly.
“Maybe i want you to find me.” I said softly and put the car in reverse. Val never said anything again the whole drive until we got back to the dorm.
“Wanna watch something before bed?” Val asked as he took his shoes off and set his things down.
“Sure.” I closed the door behind me, kicking my own shoes off. “I could do something else before bed too.” I mumbled low.
“Huh?” he looked back at me.
“Nothin!” I smiled.
“Well, you set something up, im changing my clothes, these have grass stains now.” he pulled at his shirt and walked to the bedroom.
“Aight, porno it is.” I cackled and sat on the sofa.
“NO SIR IT IS NOT!” He yelled back.
Laughing lightly to myself i plopped down on the sofa and flipped through on netflix for something good to watch. “Lilo and stitch good?!” I shouted back at him as he was changing.
“Yes!” He yelled back.
Selecting that and hitting Pause i waited for Val to emerge from the bedroom. His hair was now neatly clipped up in his usual style as he wore a loose crop top and the famous shorty shorts he usually paraded around in. “how about you go get changed.”
“Aight.” I walked around him and went to the bedroom to get a change of clothes. I grabbed a pair of worn out soft sweatpants to put on after i took my jeans off and a loose tshirt that hung low on my body. Changing quickly i walked out of the bedroom to see Val coming back with two drinks in his hands. “Whats in the cups?”
“Vodka.” He said flatly. I looked down at the cups and picked one up to sniff it. Val instantly started laughing and plopped his ass on the sofa. “Im not going to get us in trouble by having vodka on campus, and being underage. I didn’t think you’d believe me.” he giggled.
“Shut up before i pour this fake vodka down your short shorts.” I groaned and sat back down on the sofa.
Val took the remote and hit play. Curling up into himself, his feet tucked up under him as he leaned on the arm of the sofa he was on.  I leaned back and put my hand behind my head and my other hand made lines up and down Val’s thighs.We didnt talk at all during the movie until i looked over and saw Val sleeping. He had slumped down in his spot and had his head resting on the arm as his knees were up at his chest. Sighing softly to myself, i turned the netflix off and got up. Picking Val up and taking him to the bedroom. I brought my foot up and pushed his covers back so i could put them over him as he slept. Setting him down on the mattress, i reached around and took his hair clip out of his hair and set it down on the nightstand by his bed. I grabbed the covers to pull them over him and let him sleep. But i looked at his very exposed thighs and had a wicked thought. Leaning down over the leg closest to me, i put my mouth on his inner thigh. Kissing softly to see if he would wake up, kid is a deep sleeper, so i dont think he’d wake up to this. Opening my mouth more, i bit some of the flesh on his thigh, sucking on it to leave a nice hickey for him to wake up to. Letting go with a slightly pop,i looked back up to see if val had woken up. Nope, kid was still sleeping soundly. Chuckling softly, i brought the covers over him to his shoulders and got off of his bed and walked out to turn all the lights off.
When i got to the living space, i turned off the lights and turned to see Aero sitting in the bedroom doorway staring at me. She just sat there with her tail swishing slowly and her head tilted. Walking up to her, i squatted down and held my hand out for her to sniff. She instantly put her face in my hand and leaned heavily into the palm of my hand. “You’re an odd kitty.” I whispered softly, and she instantly stopped rubbing her head in my hand and turned around and got onto Val’s bed with him like i just offended her. Getting off the floor i took my shirt off and tossed it on the floor beside my bed and flopped down onto my mattress.
My body still ached from my fight with Aj, and knowing tomorrow Demyan is going to make me practice with Pendragon or Takeshi. Groaning, i rolled onto my side facing away from Val. It also didnt help that i really wanted to masturbate, but being in a room with someone else kinda put me off from the idea of it, but god that Cupcake really made me wanna have sex. It’s been awhile since i had a FwB or a relationship after my last ex. Sighing heavily, i grabbed my pillow and brought it up over my head, pressing the pillow onto the side of my head. Should maybe go and try to find a fuck buddy...or ask the cupcake.
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elliotthezubat · 5 years
 Joker: "Good morning!" *grabs a thermos of coffee* "Well, I'm heading out~"
nana: whatever.
sasori: *yaaawn*
scarlet: how was the first night for you?
sasori: i slept well, all things considered...
Joker: *looks outside* "..." *taps a security device on the door before climbing up an indoor stairway*
sasori: so, what am i supposed to be doing?
scarlet: for starters, getting a decent meal.
Joker: *calls back* "And keep an eye on Nana--she bites!"
nana: SCREW YOU!
sasori: .___.;
Joker: "..." *shuts the door, looks up the stairs...then flashes away*
Inka: *walking through streets with a hoodie on* "...You didn't need to follow me for this."
ritsu: *in gothic lolita attire with a parasol* but it's important to keep you safe, besides, i enjoy a little people watching~
Inka: "...Uh huuuuuuh..." *looking around* "The fire trail is faint...but I think I see where a fight will happen soon enough..."
Tsukiyo: *shivers* "Ugh, they said a giant laser hit the Moon. Is Haijima working on blowing it up now or something?"
Konro: *looking at his medicine* "Gee, what if the medicine comes from aliens?"
Tsukiyo: "WHAT?!"
Konro: ^^; "I'm just making a little joke..."
fang-hua: ^^; still, pretty scary stuff.....
Tsukiyo: -3- "Anything that hurts the Moon is an offense to me."
Benimaru: "Look who's got a high opinion of herself."
Tsukiyo: >3<
eibon: nngh.... *opening his eyes*
Blair: "Hello, sir...Feeling better?"
eibon: i suppose so...*looking around*
Blair: "We had you moved to Gallows Manor. But your children told us what you may like us to bring over."
eibon: ah, i see. are they around?
Blair: *nods* "They were making some soup for you..."
eibon: ah. *tries to get up*
Blair: "Wow--rest up! You need to recuperate..."
eibon: yes, right....
Blair: "I'll call your kids in~" ^w^
Lucy: "Feeling better this morning?"
atsushi: yeah, i guess so...
Lucy: "...But...?"
atsushi: but what?
Lucy: >3< "But you just said 'guess so,' so there must be something else still bothering you!"
atsushi: well, i guess im still kind of tired. ^^;
Lucy: "..." *sets down some tea* "Did you sleep at all?"
atsushi: i dont remember falling asleep.
Lucy: "?! Then no wonder you're tired. So, you didn't sleep at all, or you fell asleep but didn't feel like you slept?"
Atsushi: yeah pretty much.
Lucy: "That's no good. We're asking Kunikida to give you today off."
Vulcan: "Nice wheels, Hibana..."'
Hibana: "Only the best. Also, why are you here?"
Vulcan: "I want to have a word with Haijima, too! After the shit they did with my family's work!"
Viktor: *rubbing his hands*
shinra: *fiddling with his tie*
Akitaru: "Feel alright? Too tight?"
shinra: i dunno, im not used to formal wear.
Akitaru: "You've had to wear your formal uniform before. Just think of this as workplace training."
shinra: yep, my palms are sweating already.
Viktor: "Yeah, facing your eminent demise does that." Q_Q
Saria: "I spy with my little eye...something that starts with 'S'!"
genny: *sigh* is it sand?
Saria: "Correct!"
lei-lei: *balancing a pencil on her nose*
Asher: =_= *squinting eyes*
Monica: *has stolen a soda from the cooler*
stephanie: oooh are those piercings real?
Kau'i: "Yes, they are real. Like 'em?"
stephanie: super shiny!
Kau'i: "Um, thanks? What, never seen piercings?"
stephanie: of course i have! i've had piercings since i was a baby!
Kau'i: "Huh--your parents were the type to pierce your ears as a baby?"
stephanie: my mommy's a beauty queen in california, and she has lots of friends!
Kau'i: "Like beauty pageants and stuff?"
stephanie: yep! but most of her friends are guys. she invites them over a lot. ^^
bully 2:.....bruh...
Monica: *waves* "Just drop it."
stephanie: ok!
Kau'i: -_-; "Odd group..."
Derek: "Maybe don't talk so friendly to the lower grades."
Haijima Secretary: "Right this way."
shinra: *sweating*
Secretary: *opens the doors to a corporate office...that has shelves of video game systems along the wall*
shinra: ??
*The President is seated at a desk, playing a Game Boy*
shinra: *takes a seat, smiling nervously*
Viktor: *sweating, as he takes his seat*
Hibana: *sits, crosses her arms*
Akitaru: "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us..."
kahono: *enters with some coffee and a slice of toast*
President: *staring at the Game Boy*
Viktor: Q_Q
Hibana: -_-;
shinra: *AHEM*
President: "Shhhhh. I'm fighting Tatanga."
Akitaru: "Um...Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice?"
Hibana: *facepalm*
kahono: sir, please focus.
President: "Hmm? Oh, it's you. Well, it's good you're here--if you want to continue to function as Fire Force Companies, you can't afford to make enemies with Haijima Heavy Industries."
Hibana: -___-; "I'm already on the Board of Directors, so I'm fine. But these fools are screwed."
shinra: *GULP*
Akitaru: "...Is that a threat?"
President: *sets down the Game Boy, stares at them* "I won't waste your time today, so let's get to the point: I want to form an alliance against the Preacher."
shinra: so you arent working with them then?
President: "Why would Haijima work with someone trying to destroy the world? There's no profit in that--trust me, we've looked into it: you can't make money if the world comes to an end. Did you know that? I didn't."
shinra: .....
President: "We extend this offer not lightly: we want something in exchange from you, Shinra Kusakabe."
shinra: and what is that?
President: "The Adora Burst--we want to see how it works."
shinra: for the record, i dont know how all it works 100% either.
President: "Which is why you will be residing here."
shinra: ??!!
kahono: sir-
President: "If Kusakabe agrees, I will suspend all testing on the children."
shinra: !!!!!
Hibana: "..."
President: "Not a bad deal, right?"
kahono: sir, if i may interject, i feel mr kusakabe has a right to live a normal life. he seems content with being in the 8th. i feel it wouldnt be fair to him to take that away from him...
President: "I am thinking about the good of this company and our shared desires to stop the Preacher: letting him have a 'normal' life compromises how quickly we can solve this problem, which costs us time and money."
shinra: hey, im not an object, you know.
President: "So you decline this deal?"
shinra: i....i need time to think about it.
President: "Ah, I get it--you're driving a hard bargain. Very well--if you join, I will cancel the assassination order I put out on Viktor Licht."
Viktor: "WHAT?!!"
shinra: .....
Akitaru: "This is insane--you are admitting that you were trying to murder one of my men? That does not convince me you are not in league with the Preacher. My investigations already point the finger at your organization having some relationship to the Preacher and the secret of Amaterasu."
kahono: commander oubi-
Akitaru: "Viktor, tell them."
Viktor: "We know there is something--someone--inside Amaterasu. We discovered that some inhuman is the real founder of the Holy Sol Temple. And it's not unreasonable you have some connection to the Preacher after your work with Giovanni and..." *glances at Hibana*
Hibana: *frowns*
kahono: .....
President: "So, because the Holy Sol Temple is founded by some inhuman, and because Haijima worked with the Temple to make Amaterasu, you suspect us?"
Viktor: "It's a reasonable assumption..."
President: "I will not ignore that Haijima breaks multiple laws to further our research. As you said, it is public knowledge we condoned--hell, we _approved_, Hibana's research with the Witch Shaula. Did you know that?"
shinra: !!!
Hibana: "..." *nods*
Viktor: "...Then the human inside Amaterasu--"
President: "Yes. We put a human inside Amaterasu to power it."
shinra:....*shakes and covers his mouth*
Akitaru: *puts a hand on his shoulder*
shinra:....i dont feel well.....
President: "It is thanks to her sacrifice that Death City enjoys an independent power source regardless of the multiple disasters that are visited upon this city--"
Akitaru: "You...monsters..."
President: "..." *goes back to his Game Boy* "Tell me, Commander. If you could've substituted yourself for your wife and daughter, would you?"
Akitaru: "..." *tosses the chair back, reaching across the desk--*
kahono: commander oubi-
Akitaru: *grabs the President by the tie--*
Secretary: *pulls out a gun, aims it at Akitaru's head* "Let go."
shinra: !!!!!!!!
kahono: !!!!!
Hibana: *has a fan to the Secretary's neck* "You first, bitch."
Viktor: *hiding under his chair*
kahono: ok everyone, take a deep breath and think happy thoughts.
President: "..." *nods to the Secretary*
Secretary: "..." *lowers the gun*
Hibana: "I'm not putting the fan down, so keep talking, _sir_."
Akitaru: *glaring at the President*
President: "As I was saying, we want to keep Amaterasu running. That is why we need someone else with the Adora Burst..."
shinra: ........
President: "Mr. Kusakabe...With your Burst, we could save the lives of millions depending on energy..."
secretary: why him and not the kurai girl. doesnt she also possess the burst?
shinra: !!!!!
President: "Good question--too many lawyers, too much money."
President: "But you don't have that problem, Mr. Kusakabe. And we know you have a hero complex--a desire to save others. I would think you would be willing to give up your own life as a firefighter to save someone else, yes?"
shinra: ....if it came down to it, yeah....
Akitaru: "No."
shinra: commander?
Akitaru: "You undervalue your own life to think you have to throw it away...when you know your survival means you can save more lives."
kahono: he's right. you have so much potential, it'd be a waste to throw it all away.
Akitaru: *pats Shinra's shoulder* "So let's do more than just sacrifice ourselves...Let's save lives."
???: sir, you arent allowed in there!
*the door is knocked down--along with a security guard*
kahono: oh goodness.
kahono: how ambitious, that's a joseph for you.
President: "??? Joseph? Oh, let him speak."
shinra: there's a name tag right there.
-the name plate on the desk reads 'Gureo Haijima'-
Vulcan: "...Wait, this guy's the president?" *looks around* "...The hell is with all the video game systems?"
Gureo: "You say you can build Amaterasu without sacrificing one person?"
Vulcan: "Huh? Oh, yeah--I can do that! I've seen enough creatures die off for 'progress,' and I won't let you bastards kill more people!"
Akitaru: "I think you should pursue this plan, _sir_. It'd be less illegal and not get Shinra killed."
Gureo: "...Would it cost much?"
Vulcan: "I just need the equipment and parts!"
Gureo: "No pay?"
Vulcan: "I don't need your blood money!"
Gureo: "Okay, it's a deal. We won't sacrifice Kusakabe to Amaterasu."
shinra: and the kids and viktor?
Gureo: "Like I said, we'll cancel the assassination order on Licht."
Viktor: *passes out* XwX
shinra: just like that?
Gureo: "Just like that..." *sets down the Game Boy, showing a microphone on it*
shinra:....what's the catch?
Gureo: "The catch is we will not suspend child testing."
kahono: rest assured, the kids are being taken well care of. i've made sure of that, sir.
Akitaru: "..."
Gureo: "It would be a waste not to learn as much as we can about their abilities."
shinra:....as long as you arent hurting anyone, im alright with this.
kahono: shall i show them out, sir?
Gureo: *nods* "Yes, please. I have other meetings to attend to..." *pulls out a 3DS* "...Oh, darn--I missed my house visit with Hambo..."
-as they walk outside, shinra spots tatsu, who waves to him-
shinra: *waves back*
Kurono: *watching* "..."
kahono: that reminds me, i wanted to give you something, shinra. *hands him a paper* i photocopied this drawing that tatsu did last night.
-the drawing is of him, shinra, kahono, kurono, puppet girl, and the other kids-
Akitaru: "Shinra? Hibana is going to drive us to the hospital..."
shinra: !! r-right...
kahono: let's all meet up for coffee sometime. ^^
Hibana: "Hmm."
lisa: *looking around*
Arthur: "Always be on the look-out for interlopers..."
maki: how're you holding up?
lisa: the coat's a bit heavier than i was expecting.
Arthur: "It is modified for different people depending on ability. For example, I need to be able to swing my arms, so the fabric there is lighter."
lisa: ah. so i guess im just using a standard issue coat right now?
maki: pretty much. but we can always have something custom made for you.
Arthur: *nods* "Sister Iris modifies some of the coats, so you can ask her later."
lisa: i see.
maki: i helped shinra with his pants....that sounds weird saying it out loud.
lisa: ^^; come to think of it, you and iris helped vul with tamaki's new uniform, right?
maki: yep!
Arthur: "..." *looks down*
lisa:...hey, you alright arthur?
Arthur: "...I should have considered more what she was feeling."
lisa: ??
Arthur: "...Since leaving the First, she has never completely gotten over what happened..."
Arthur: "Perhaps we should have asked her to sit out that mission..."
lisa:...maybe i could talk to her? i dont know what all happened, but maybe i could help?
Arthur: "...Right, I forgot--you too have experiences with betraying someone's trust--you're perfect for this task!"
lisa: *GLARES* you get a 2 minute head start.
Arthur: "??? Then what happens?"
maki: *GASP* look! the new wan-wan-nyan mascot keychains are out!
lisa: !! *looks*
maki: *kicks arthur aside* so cuuuute! they're in little summer outfits!
lisa: hnng! i need to get one of each!
Arthur: "?!" *falls on his face--then keeps rolling down the road like a ball*
izumi: *looking out the window*
*the desert stretches out...there's a dune up ahead...*
Sid: *pulls the bus over*
preston: have we arrived already?
Sid: "Exit the bus and stand by the road--we'll be walking to the campsite."
genny: we're gonna die.
Derek: "You're not going to die--we got cloaks for everyone who didn't bring one, so put them on to shield against the sun."
lei-lei: woohoo! this is gonna be so fun!
Asher + Monica: "No, it won't."
Asher: "..."
Monica: "..."
Kau'i: *passing out cloaks...* *looks at Lukas* "Here's your cloak."
lukas: thank you.
Saria: "I'm glad you brought the sunglasses."
lukas: best to be cautious.
Saria: *smiles*
Sid: "Hurry up--we want to get to the campsite before the sun gets any higher."
Relan: ^^; "I'm fine, really...You can let go now."
shinra: im just....happy you're alive...
Relan: "Y-Yeah?"
shinra: *holding relan's good hand* if you need anything at all, let us know, ok?
Relan: *nods* "I will. I just wish I was back in the field...Not that I am as much use as Lieutenant Hinawa..."
shinra: ...
iris: ....well, nozomi did bring over some audio books for you.
Relan: "Oh, great! Please tell her thanks..."
Inka: *sniffs* "..." *points down a road in the slums*
ritsu: *follows*
Inka: "...You may want to step back. Given what I'm sensing, we'll have an explosive fight happening..." *she follows a line towards a building*
sasori: *in a hoodie, walking along*
Inka: *follows the line...smiles* "Bingo."
sasori: *looks at a list*
Inka: *following 10 steps behind...the line is circling around Sasori...Inka's finger twitches, but she's not lifting her hand* "..."
ritsu: ??
Inka: "C-Could you not look at this? It's making me nervous..." *the line has circled around*
ritsu: *looking away*
Inka: *traces her finger towards Sasori...then the line continues until it reaches Ritsu's head, where Inka zaps her brain*
ritsu: *collapses*
Inka: *catches her* "..." ("The hell with these lines wanting me to knock Ritsu out but not Sasori?!") *looks where Sasori was heading*
-she's gone-
Inka: "Shit!"
Crona: *unconscious*
mami: ........
Ragnarok: *growling, shaking*
mami:....*trying not to cry* please....stop....
Ragnarok: *twisting under constraints, melting and solidifying as he screams* "LET ME OUT! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!"
*knock knock*
Spirit: *peeks in*
Spirit: "Hey..."
Spirit: "How's Crona?"
mami:...*bites her lip*
Spirit: "..." *pats her shoulder*
mami: im scared....
Spirit: "I know. Lord Death is doing everything he can..."
mami: i-if something happens to them i-....i dont know what i'll do....
Spirit: "Hey, don't think like that. Crona is going to be fine."
Spirit: "What they need right now is for you to be strong--so when they wake up..."
Spirit: "Have you gotten any sleep?"
Harris: "Hello, Nataku. Ready to begin?"
tatsu: *steady breaths* ok. im ready.
Kurono: *walks into the room*
Axel: =n= "It's too hot...Why couldn't we have done this by the beach?"
genny: *being carried by lei-lei*
Sid: "Imagine the challenges for someone like me. I once had to dig through the desert here looking for something a witch buried..."
Kanin: *looking out at the distance* "???" *squints his eyes* "Um, Miss Naigus? What's that on the horizon?"
*it's a sandstorm!*
nygus: everyone, take cover!
Asher: "Shit..." *grabs Izumi, pulling her to the ground*
Axel: *grabs onto Zeke*
hibiki: *hiding behind a rock*
Kau'i: "Shit...Dagon, transform!"
*the storm...seems to be just circling around them?*
izumi: ??? (the heck?)
fuyuka: EEP!
lukas: !! saria!
Saria: "On it!" *transforms into her whip form*
lukas: *yanks back*
fuyuka: *lands*
Sid: "Hang on just a little longer, everyone!"
Duncan: "This is crazy!"
Kazue: "..." *looks up* "?!"
*a giant shadow is forming over the group*
hibiki: !!! zeke, axel! transform!
zeke: right!
Axel: "On it!" *does so*
Yafeu: "WHAT IS THAT?!"
*in the shadow...eyes open*
hibiki: *throwing zeke at it's eye*
zeke: HYAAH!
*a giant hand forms, grabbing Zeke*
Axel: "?!!! BRO!"
preston: *takes aim and shoots*
???: "..." *bricks form around the exterior of the giant--and start falling onto the students*
Kazue: "?!!!" *flash steps, grabbing NOTers to get them out of the way*
lumina: *shooting with a revolver arm*
*then out of the giant appears...a statue of two people kissing?*
genny: W-WHAT THE HECK!???! O//////o
*a giant laser beam is charging up from the giant*
izumi: !!!!
Sid: *calls into a walkie talkie* "Okay, you two--that's enough."
*the sandstorm fades, while the giant is revealed as a genie-esque creature*
zeke: *changes back and falls onto the ground* ow!
Sid: "That concludes your first test. Say hello to your guest lecturers..."
*The genie shrinks down*
Jinn: "..."
zubaidah: i see some of you need work on your reflexes
genny: 7////7;;;
Jinn: "And tossing a projectile weapon at an enemy before ascertaining its powers put your weapon at risk." *offers a hand to Zeke*
zeke: ehehe. ^^;;
Sid: "Good work, Lukas, Saria."
lukas: thank you, sir!
Saria: "Fuyuka, you okay?"
fuyuka: Q_Q im sorry i got swept up...
Sid: "That is why we had this crash course--so that you all take more seriously the dangers you will face as meisters and weapons."
Axel: TnT
Duncan: "...I knew this was a test all along."
amelia: you arent fooling anyone.
Duncan: >3<
Jinn: "Ha. Now, hurry up--you still got some distance to go."
Vulcan: *setting out blueprints*
Viktor: *unpacking*
nozomi: oh, you're back!
karin: how did it go?
Viktor: "I'm not dead!"
Vulcan: "I'm building a new Amaterasu."
karin: wow! that's amazing, vulcan!
Vulcan: "Thanks...This is going to be a challenge..."
shinra: *looking down at his lunch*
Petra: "??? Something wrong with your meal?"
shinra: it's really good....*wipes his eyes*
Petra: "...I haven't seen my cooking bring tears. Did something happen at Haijima, or the hospital?"
shinra: im just...really emotional about everything, i guess.
Petra: "Hmph. 'Emotional,' or responding in an expected way?"
shinra i-i dunno....
Petra: "...I'm sorry what happened to Relan. Is he going to be okay?"
shinra: h-he should be better by november...
Petra: *nods* "That's something at least."
Kid: "..."
liz: everything ok?
Kid: "...Something is wrong again."
liz: *listening*
Kid: *rubs his hands* "It's not taking me over. But I can sense madness."
liz: hmmm...
Kid: "It-It's too coincidental with everything going on."
liz: well, patti and i are here for you. ok?
Kid: *nods* "I-I don't feel like I've lost control, not like before...but this is here. And I can't find it."
Asher: *panting*
nygus: should we take a break here?
Sid: "It has been an hour--but they do need to push beyond their limits..."
Axel: *holding onto his brother* T~T "I was so worried I was gonna lose you, bro!"
zeke: *pat pat*
amelia: should we be drinking from our canteens?
Sid: "On average, you'll lose 900 ML of sweat every hour--so I suggest you drink that much..."
genny: how do we even estimate that? -~-;;;
Kanin: "That's about 30 oz, so make sure you're drinking about 4 of those water bottles every hour."
genny: .. .///. r-right...
preston: permission to take off my shirt? ^w^;;;;
stephanie: eeeew he's all sweaty!
Monica: "Gross--can't believe they let someone like that here. He'd probably be the first one caught..."
lukas: do those girls ever shut up? -_-#
Bully 2: "The fuck you say?" *shoves Lukas*
lukas: WOAH! *trips over a rock....and somehow falls out of his pants and shirt* GYA! >///~///<;;;
Saria: >\\\\< "You jerks! What is wrong with you?!" *picks up Lukas's clothes*
Jinn: "..."
Monica: "Ha! Nice ass, bitch!"
hibiki: can you just stop?
Kau'i: "... ... ..."
nygus: alright, settle down everyone.
Monica: "He can't even keep his clothes on--how is this shit-for-brains going to handle a real fight?"
Derek: "Miss Nygus, I think breaking up that group may be best--to keep an eye on them."
Chuuya: "Keep security around my residence while we're out."
higuchi: right. i'll be around.
Chuuya: "Thanks...No sign of the Rats?"
higuchi: nothing thus far. we've had a raid on zverkov mining, but nothing...
Chuuya: "...This may sound crazy...but you've heard the stories of Infernals underground?"
higuchi: ....i've heard rumors, but those are j-just ghost stories, right? ^^;
Chuuya: "Best be careful. Hell, at this point, roping in an expert wouldn't be the worst--"
Motojiro: *pops up behind Higuchi*
Motojiro: "..." *collapses*
Chuuya: "...Well, technically an expert."
Motojiro: *has a fist imprint in his face* "I just get excited about new discoveries--like making sure your surveillance teams don't get burnt to a crisp by pyrokinetic level 5 horned Infernals with the capacity of incinerating human flesh, bone, and muscle at 1381 degrees Celsius!"
higuchi:............ .______.;;;;;
Chuuya: "Kajii, maybe accompany one of the teams--and bring a fire extinguisher."
Joker: *looking around* "..." *walks back down the stairs* "I'm home~"
sasori: hey, i got that thing you asked me to get.
Joker: "Super!" *holds out his hand*
sasori: *hands him the bag*
Joker: *opens the bag--and inhales deeply* "Ah, good stuff..."
sasori: *looks*
Joker: *pulls out some leaves*
sasori: -____- getting that for you was _not_ fun.
Joker: "Oh, for real? Did they overcharge?"
sasori: the smell wasnt too great. and i felt like all eyes were on me on the way home.
Joker: "...Huh. Maybe you're sensitive to this stuff."
sasori: =_=# well for starters i'm 16...
Joker: "Eh, that's not too young--I was a few years older than you...Want a hit?"
sasori: pass.
Joker: " 'Kay. I'm going to nod off for a bit..."
sasori: im just gonna check on nana.
Joker: "Good plan..." *walks to his room*
Sid: "Start by laying down your blanket. We're going to need to weight them down against desert winds."
hibiki: using rocks, right?
Sid: "Right. But check the rocks for crevices--you don't want something full of wildlife. You also can bring weighted items with you to put on the blankets, like Derek did."
stephanie: >~<;;
Monica: *shakes a rock at Stephanie* "Beware--we have scorpions in these rocks."
stephanie: just no tarantulas, they're so creepy!!
???: "You got a problem with spiders, kid?"
stephanie: OwO eh?
Sid: "Oh, look who finally showed up."
???: -~- "It's hot as balls here...and I got lost." *pulls down his hoodie, revealing Giriko*
izumi: oh, arent you that guy from the other day?
Giriko: "??? Oh, you're that girl who--" *remembers knocking out one of the kids* O____O;
{*flashbacks to Giriko talking to Lord Death*}
{Giriko: *curled up against the mirror* "I SAID I WAS SORRY!"}
{lord death: now, you'll be on your best behavior for this trip, wont you?}
{Yumi: *holding up My Little Pony fanfiction* "I can read more."}
Giriko: Q___Q "...I think I need sleep. Which one of you brats is going to make my tent?"
Monica: *staring*
Giriko: *turns, spots Monica* "...SHIT! A ZOMBIE!" *falls back*
Sid: -_-####
nygus: rude.
Monica: -\\\-# "Asshole."
Saria: "Zeke, I need another rock here."
zeke: got it. YO! this rock looks like australia!
Kanin: "Oh, hey, it kind of does!"
Duncan: "No, the bottom isn't curved enough..."
zeke: it almost does tho. WHO WANTS THE AUSTRALIA ROCK?
Axel: "Dude, a rock this awesome needs to be held by the person most deserving of it. I suggest Rock Paper Scissors."
zeke: hehe good one.
Saria: "I'm game! We keep going in groups until only 2 are left?"
Child: *crying* "My cat is stuck up the tree..."
lisa: alright, we'll get the kitty down. *lifts herself with her tentacles and picks the cat up*
Cat: "Nya?" *sniffs at Lisa*
Child: *sniffle* "Thank you, ma'am!"
lisa: no problem. ^^
Arthur: *looking around* "..." *spots an alley*
maki: ?? you ok arthur?
Arthur: "..."
{Arthur: *tied to a chair* "Let me out..."}
Arthur: "N-Nothing..."
Arthur: "...Um, are there any more feeds to do for the serfs, or should we retire?" *avoiding eye contact*
Hibana: *changing her bandage*
gabriella: mikami and ryuuko offered to take hanako out today.
Hibana: "..." *nods* *applies the bandage...hand shakes*
gabriella:.....*holds her hand*
Hibana: "..." *squeeze*
gabriella: do you want to talk about it?
Hibana: "...I wanted, so badly, to find out who did that to the sisters...and how it could be replicated..."
gabriella: *listening*
Hibana: "Then I unlocked it, creating pyrokinetics...or whatever they are. I still don't know--the implementation of that witch's magic made these...things that aren't quite like Infernals. And I just got roped up in wanting to learn more and more..."
Hibana: "I just told myself, like when we experimented on that serial killer Infernal, 'Maybe they can finally be useful with their lives'... ...The hell is wrong with me."
gabriella: *hugs her* you just wanted answers. we couldnt have known....
Hibana: "I didn't even see them as humans. Just specimens."
gabriella:....*rubs her back*
Hibana: "..." *hug*
Mephisto: "This is a surprise to have you visit."
lord death: well, there's a little, erm.....incident, with one of our students. so....do you think we can have a certain little...husk? ^^;;;;;
Mephisto: "...What kind of 'husk' *air quotes* are you looking for? A tall 'husk,' or a husky 'husk'?"
lord death: well. *holds up a sketch* something like this perhaps?
Mephisto: "Oooo~ Excellent sketch! Hmm...I'll have my team find one that matches most of these qualities."
lord death: thank you.
Mephisto: "May I inquire who will occupy this 'husk'?"
-lord death explains-
Mephisto: "Oh my. And what will Crona do? Isn't Ragnarok their blood?"
lord death: we'll likely give them a transfusion, worst case scenario.
Mephisto: "What blood type is Black Blood?"
lord death:......a legit good question.
Medusa: *looking through a crystal ball* "Let's map this out..."
*dark splotches appear on a global map...*
Medusa: *taps along some spots* "Hmm...Madness has intensified in those locations...which means some witches around them would notice..."
neian: baba?
Medusa: *nods* "Here. Want to see a new spot?"
neian: *babble*
Medusa: *picks her up* *spins the globe on the crystal ball* "Okay, tap a spot, Neian."
neian: *poke*
*the globe stops on a spot with a bright handprint*
Medusa: "Okay, destination determined."
Spirit: *sets out plates* "...Oh, right..." *puts one plate away*
sachiko: empty nest syndrome?
Spirit: ^^; "Guess so...Been a while since having a kid on an overnight trip."
sachiko: yeah, but at least we have the night to ourselves~
Spirit: "Oh, yeah?" *slides a hand along her arm*
sachiko: 7w7~
izumi: does anyone else feel embarrassed for some reason?
Asher: "Yeah, Axel is still trying to find a spot to use the toilet."
Axel: *looking behind a boulder* "AM I FAR ENOUGH AWAY FROM CAMP YET?"
Sid: "Go further!"
lukas: so what now?
Kau'i: *sneers* "We're having a ghost story contest tonight..."
genny: sounds fun.
Duncan: "What's the prize?"
Kau'i: "We don't tie you out in the desert to get eaten by scorpions."
hibiki: scorpions dont typically eat people. -_-;
Kau'i: "Then vultures--whatever!"
Vulture: *eyeing Duncan* O^O
Duncan: Q_Q;
zubaidah: so who wants to start?
Kanin: "I think Genny may have us beat..."
genny: eh?
Kanin: "I just mean, you write stories, so you probably got a ton of scary tales..." ^^;
genny: .////. i-i guess, b-but i mostly write comedy stories, so-
Jinn: "I like comedy."
Sid: "..." ("Hard to tell with the mask...")
eibon: *observing the coffee machine*
Gopher: "..." *looks around Eibon*
eibon: fascinating, simply fascinating....
Gopher: "It's...percolating?"
Akitaru: *counting* "40 spears, 12 arm blades..."
rita: *silently counting and taking notes*
Akitaru: "Okay--this'll be a lot. Usually--"
Petra: *signing for Rita*
Akitaru: "--we'd walk these over. But even with Iris having more of you here to help move them, I'm not sure this is a simple walk."
rita: *signing* <understood>
Akitaru: *nods* "And could you take Tamaki with you?"
hibiki: so i guess we're going to be reviewed on the test now?
Sid: "You had your fun with ghost stories--"
Duncan: Q_Q *shivering in place*
Sid: "--so now it's time for a discussion about Zubaidah and Jinn's test on you."
Giriko: *sitting away from the fire, back turned to the others* "..." *sips his drink*
Kanin: *glances at Amelia* "..."
amelia: .....
Sid: "Some of you already heard it. For example, Hibiki, tossing Zeke at the opponent put his safety at risk."
hibiki: *wince* yeah....sorry.
zeke: ^^;
Sid: "Your weapons are not what we classify as returnable weapons, like boomerangs. If you're going to use Axel and Zeke effectively, then your weapons need to think up a way to be recoverable."
Axel: "..."
hibiki:....understood, sir.
Sid: *nods* "I've set up some lessons tomorrow with Giriko for you. Let's see..." *reviewing notes* "Izumi and Asher."
izumi: yes sir?
Sid: "The first rule when facing a threat is survival: if you die out there, you're not going to be able to save anyone else. Asher had the right idea to make sure you didn't both go flying up in the storm."
izumi: t-thanks for that, asher.
Asher: "Um...you're welcome...sure."
Sid: "Where I see a flaw is what to do next--because Asher is a close-range weapon, and against Jinn, you'd be dead."
izumi: *gulp* ._.;;;
Sid: "You were acting in your meister-weapon teams, like Lukas and Saria rescuing a classmate..."
lukas: *nod*
Sid: "What you're all lacking now is to stop acting like individuals and instead work as a team..." *looks at Monica, Stephanie...and Kazue, Kanin, Duncan...*
Monica: *grunts*
amelia: understood.
Sid: "That's why we have to expedite your training. Some of you have already had combat experience, like that plant monster attack some time ago. Now we're moving on with chain resonance."
hibiki: that's a resonance between multiple teams, right?
Sid: "Correct. More specifically, the meisters need to get their souls in sync with each other."
lukas: ah...
Sid: "I'll put you into your 3-meister teams tomorrow, and we'll have you working with me, Naigus, Giriko...So you'll need to really focus on teamwork and not just running around willy-nilly."
Kazue: -_-;
amelia: understood.
Jinn: "Zubaidah and I also will be assisting meisters and weapons with improving their resonance."
Derek: *tightening his jaw*
Kau'i: "Tch. How are we supposed to do 'chain resonance' with such weak newbie meisters here?"
Monica: "Could ask you the same--how many years you been here without graduating?"
Kau'i: "?!"
nisha: zzzzz.....
Giriko: "Jeez...Got our work cut out for us with this lot."
Jinn: "Indeed."
-in a forest of black thorns....-
-footsteps running-
???: waaAaIit....coOme..BaaacCkk....
Crona: *panting, running* "N-No! Get away!"
chrona?: *chasing after them, bloody wings sprouting out of their back and holding a sword*
Crona: "I'm not you! Stay away from me!" *trips* "AH!" *falls onto the dirt of the forest* *panting, clawing themselves away*
chRona?: wheRe arE You gOing?
Crona: *sobbing* "I don't know! Just anywhere but here!"
KroNa??: but i am you, where do you think your power comes from? without me, without This MadNess, you aRe NOTHING.
Crona: "Shut up..." *sniffling* "I know what I am..." *holding their head in pain*
????:....na....pl...se.......ke up....
Crona: *shaking under sheets, screaming*
mami: *holding their hand*
Crona: *pants...looks at Mami* "..."
mami: chrona! are you alright?
Crona: *whimpering*
mami:...*hugs them*
Crona: *shaking* *shaking their head* "No..."
mami: *rubs their back* im here chrona....im here....*trying not to cry*
Crona: *sobbing, clutching their stomach*
stocking: ooh! look at this, kiddo!
Kid: "???" *looks*
-it's a pamphlet for a cooking contest-
Kid: "Ah, that looks fun."
stocking: im thinking about entering.
Kid: *smiles* "I think you should."
stocking: ^^
Kid: "Do they have categories?"
stocking: 'create an imaginative meal with full appetizer, main course, dessert, and beverage to match the given theme'
Kid: "Hmm...I wonder what kind of themes they are imagining."
stocking: perhaps an ocean theme, or maybe a june bridal theme?
Kid: "Both sound delightful. It sounds like you may have a meal or two in mind?"
stocking: i've got some ideas cooking~ hehe~
Kid: "Ha...And for visual design?"
Axel: *snoring*
Sid: *heating up food over the fire...it's still dark out*
amelia: *sniff* *opens her eyes* ??
Kanin: *yawns, stretches*
Giriko: *sipping coffee* "Ugh--no one brought milk for this?"
zubaidah: i see we have some early risers.
Sid: "Need to be--before the noon heat wipes us out."
amelia: what are you making?
Sid: "Just some instant hot cereal and pancakes."
amelia: ah.
Monica: *groans...sniffs...finds Stephanie's foot next to her face* "?!" *tugs at her foot*
stephanie: hehehe~
Monica: "Fucking move over!" *shoves her*
stephanie: *rolls onto the dirt* *PATOOIE* *ACHOO* huh? what happened? where's jared?
Monica: "In your dreams!" *kicks her in the butt*
stephanie: where are we? oh shit did i get hella stoned again?
Sid: "Stephanie! Monica! Stop goofing around! We have training in an hour--and you're going to need the energy."
genny: *already up* yeah, jeez.
Asher: *snoring*
Axel: *sniffs* "..." *sleep walks to the pancakes*
Yafeu: *grumbling* "Darn tired of..." *yawns, as he trips over Preston and Lukas* "...OW!"
zeke: spoopy....*snore* scary...skeletons...zzzz.....
preston: zzzzzzz
Saria: *yawns, stretches, smiles* "Good morning, everyone!"
Duncan: =A= "Shut the hell up and go back to sleep..."
lei-lei: *sleep kick*
Duncan: "OW!"
Jinn: "... ... ..." *summons a trumpet--and blows loudly into it*
izumi: ?!?!?!
preston: hnn?
bully 4: OI WHAT THE FUCK?!
Jinn: "Oh, good--you're awake. Get dressed and eat your breakfast, then we will commence your exercises in 50 minutes."
nisha: *sits up, still asleep*
izumi: ogh...what time is it?
Derek: =_= *checks his watch* "...5:04 in the morning..."
izumi: that early?
Giriko: "Hey, you'd rather wait until the desert Sun is out and burns your skin to a fried crisp?"
izumi: .____.
Asher: =~= "This sucks..."
Dagon: "Your pancake, sir."
Kau'i: "Ah, sweet--thanks..." *nom* "?! Where's the freaking pancake syrup?!"
Dagon: "On its way, sir."
amelia: do we have eggs?
Derek: *eyeroll, grabs cereal*
Sid: *shakes a carton labeled 'eggs'*
stephanie: what kind of bird laid that?
Monica: "One whose ovaries died on them."
izumi: ._.
Sid: "It's called packing smart: low-weight, high-protein--"
Yafeu: *tugging on some food* "RUBBERY AS PENCIL ERASERS!"
Kanin: "Beggars can't be choosers..." *examining the packaging* "Is this vegetarian granola?"
Duncan: "...What other kind of granola would there be? Stupid."
Chuuya: *picks up Miyuri's suitcase* "Hmm...What's in here?"
miyuri: miyuri packed her clothes and swimsuit!
Chuuya: "Feels a little light."
miyuri: is that bad?
Chuuya: "Just wanted to make sure you packed enough--we won't be doing laundry while we're there."
iris: *asleep* ...
{-in a dark place, a woman can be heard screaming-}
{???: hurry up and push already!}
{-soon, a baby's cry is heard-}
{????: oh go- oh god! my baby! my baby!}
{???: so you've had a girl...}
{????: please, let me hold her.}
{???:....take it away.}
{????: please! i need to hold her! just let me hold her for a moment!}
{???: you know we cannot allow that. we've prolonged the ritual for long enough, and now that the child is here, we can continue as planned}
{???: no please! let me see my baby! please! NO!!}
iris: *jolts awake* AH!!....*panting, shaking*
*knock knock*
iris: !!!!
Akitaru: *calling from outside* "You okay in there?"
iris: ...y-yeah....im fine....(what...what was that....?)
Akitaru: "Okay. Breakfast is on the table."
iris: ok...thank you...
Akitaru: "..." *walks away*
iris:.....*shaking, pulling the covers around herself*
Chuuya: *snores*
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "Nnng!" *wakes up* "H-Huh?"
sonia: arent we gonna head out soon?
Chuuya: *wipes his mouth* "Wh-What time is it?"
sonia: *holds up the alarm clock*
Chuuya: O_o "?!!! Shit! The cab is coming in 10 minutes!"
sonia: !!! let's go!
Chuuya: *grabs his suitcase* "Right! Get the carrier for Mito!" *he's still in his pajamas*
Harvar: *grabs a duffle bag* "Ready."
ox: ok.
Thunder: ^o^ "Ready!"
kim: we're here!
Jacqueline: "Hello, everyone." *waves at Fire and Thunder*
fire: hiya!
Harvar: "...Where's the ride?"
Asher: *in weapon form* "...I'm not sensing anything."
Kanin: *eyes closed* "Yeah, Mr. Barrett is really hiding himself..."
Duncan: -_-# *in weapon form* "Just dig through the dirt until you find him."
*they are in a wide stretch of desert sand*
izumi: .....
Kau'i: "SCREW THIS!" *stabs the trident into the sand* "GET OUT OF HERE, SID! I KNOW YOU'RE SOMEWHERE IN HERE!" *running back and forth, stabbing into the sand*
izumi: um. a-are you sure you should be doing that?
Dagon: -____- "Sir..."
Duncan: "...He does have a point. Sid is already technically dead."
Giriko: *pats a tall golem* "And this big guy here is Gruk."
Gruk: O_______O
Axel: *in weapon form* "Wooooooooo! He is huge!"
Saria: *also in weapon form* Q__Q *she and Lukas are surrounded by a bunch of golem*
lukas: ok, we can handle this. i hope.
nisha: zzzzzz =u=
fuyuka: Q~Q oh jeeeeez...
hibiki: stay close, guys.
zeke: right.
Giriko: *rotates his neck* "Well, we'll see about that. See, this is about some long-range fighting. And poor little ole' me is at a disadvantage..." *transforms, flying into a sky, and landing in Gruk's hands as a chainsaw* "NOW I'M ALL REVVED UP!!!"
hibiki: (ok hibiki, think. how do we handle this?)
nisha: *deflecting some of the smaller golems, still sleeping?*
Axel: "...Hibiki, how fast can you run?"
Gruk: *running up to Hibiki, swinging Giriko*
Giriko: "HA HA HA HA HA!"
hibiki: !!!! *running* you two got a plan?
zeke: yeah; not getting killed!
Axel: "But we're supposed to learn how not to get captured! And we can't sail back into Hibiki's hands--" *spots something* "...I GOT AN IDEA!"
zeke: yeah bro?
Gruk: *swings a fist, just missing Hibiki*
hibiki: SHIT!
Axel: "Aim for the cactus!"
*there is a cactus behind Gruk*
hibiki: what?
Axel: "Trust us!"
hibiki:....alright. *KUNAI TOSS*
*Axel and Zeke fly around Gruk*
Giriko: "BAD MOVE, KIDDO!"
hibiki: !!!
Gruk: *lifts up Giriko--before bringing the chainsaw down onto Hibiki*
hibiki: *flinches*
*a motor freezes*
Giriko: "...Huh?"
*a bunch of cactus needles have stabbed into Giriko's motor*
Axel: *stuck in the wet remains of a demolished cactus* "WOOT!"
hibiki: huh?
*when tossed, Axel and Zeke increased their speed so that, rather than merely getting stuck inside the cactus, the force of impact blew it up*
Giriko: "Damn it!" *trying to start up the engine* "Aw, nuts! Golems, handle the other ones while I get this out--" *turns back into a human...then realizes he has needles stuck in his face, arms, and butt* "... ... ..."
coyote: *wandering the desert, sniffing at a black rock?*
Black Rock: "..." *rattles*
coyote: *growls*
???: {Hooooooot...Not cold...What is this...}
coyote: *snarls*
*the rock stops rattling*
coyote: *bats its paw at it*
???: {Tactile stimulus...Processing...Inferior shape...Solution--}
*the rock cracks open--and black tendrils choke the coyote*
coyote: *whines and yelps, trying to get away*
*the blackness forms a mouth, letting out something that sounds like a cross between a whine, a scream--and a giggle, as it crunches its 'teeth' down onto the coyote's snout*
Takehisa: "Careful how you set those in there--" *shifts, pointing--then cringes, clutching his bandaged shoulder*
Petra: -_- *ignoring him, as she deposits weapons in the back of the Matchbox*
iris: are you alright, captain?
Takehisa: "I'm fine. Healing my shoulder is taking longer than optimal."
iris: try to get some rest.
Takehisa: "I will. ...You look like you could use more sleep, too."
shinra: want me to go with you gals?
tamaki: why?
shinra: guess im curious how you do this blessing thing? ^^;
Petra: "We can explain it to you later--nuns have actual work to do--"
Takehisa: *grabs Shinra's head from the top with his good arm* "Go with them. Keep an eye on them."
Petra: -_-###
shinra: ok.
Vulcan: "Who's driving?" *holds up the keys*
Yotsuba: "Yay! This'll be fun!"
Foein: ^^; "Don't get your hopes up--the church has been kind of deserted..."
ruby: maaan it's been too long since we were here last. i wonder if sister maple's still here or if she's in a brigade now?
Yotsuba: "Yay! This'll be fun!"
Foein: ^^; "Don't get your hopes up--the church has been kind of deserted..."
ruby: maaan it's been too long since we were here last. i wonder if sister maple's still here or if she's in a brigade now?
Yotsuba: OwO; "I'm not quite sure I've met her--but I'm sure she's super-duper lovely~!" ^w^
Foein: "We'll see soon enough. I hope Sister Evergreen is hanging in there--baptizing all these weapons is exhausting."
pearl: *looks around*
*the church...has seen better days...the fountain is not running...*
ruby: jeez, looks like a ghost town!
pearl: ruby!
ruby: just sayin'
Yotsuba: "..." *whispers* "Hello?"
*Echo*: "Helloooooooo?"
Foein: -_-; "I'll...go let Father Cypress know we're here."
Jinn: -_-; "The point is to work together--"
Zarya (Bully 4): *inaudible loud grunt*
Jinn: "... ... ...Meisters, get your weapons under control."
preston: my my, they're spirited, arent they? =u=
Zarya: *LOUD GRUNTS, nails off her weapon form poking out*
Jinn: "... ... ...Permission to knock them out?"
zubaidah: *snaps fingers*
Jinn: *out of the lamp comes an aromatic mist...that passes by the weapons*
Zarya: "..." *LOUD YAWN, before turning back into human--and collapsing onto Stephanie*
stephanie: URK- >3<
Jinn: *sighs* "Meisters...you have your work cut out for you with these 3."
Zarya: *snore*
lord death: *knocks on the door*
Crona: *shivers* "E-Enter?"
lord death: *enters the room* hello chrona. how're you holding up?
Crona: ._. "...Well--"
Ragnarok: *locked in a giant glass tube sticking out of Crona's back, shaking with rage*
lord death: would you like some tea?
Crona: "S-Sure?"
lord death: *pours some* it's decaf.
Crona: ^^; "Good...I haven't slept..."
lord death:....i was wanting to make an offer for you to help with your...current situation.
Crona: "Wh-What kind of offer?" *hugging a pillow*
lord death: well, some arrangements have been made, and we were considering giving you a transfusion, and putting ragnarok into a separate body.
Crona: "A new body? ...But if Ragnarok is my blood, what will happen to me?"
lord death: you'll recieve new blood. how it will affect you, im not certain, but hopefully it will be an improvement to you, in a manner of speaking.
Crona: "...What if the body rejects Ragnarok? What will happen to him?"
lord death: it's an uninhabited body, so im sure he'll adapt just fine.
Crona: "..." *shakes* "S-So, it's a surgery?"
lord death: ultimately, it's up to you if you want to do this.
Crona: "...I want to think about this...Can I answer tomorrow?"
lord death: of course. this is a big thing to consider, so take as much time as you need.
Crona: "Th-Thank you..."
lord death: *exits*
Crona: "..." *glances*
Ragnarok: *shaking with rage*
Crona: *hugs the pillow tighter*
Black Star: *passed out...in the front yard?*
naho: *poke poke with a stick*
tsubaki: what on earth...?
Black Star: "Nggggh..." *he's still in his boxers and sleep shirt*
Shamrock: "I found him like this upon waking. Also, your window is smashed."
*there's broken glass on the front lawn*
tsubaki: black*star?....*moves him away from the glass, then turns the hose on*
Black Star: *eyes snap open* *high-pitched scream--as he rolls along the grass* "WHAT THE HELL?!"
tsubaki: are you alright? what happened to you?
Black Star: "I-I don't know! Why the hell am I wet on the front lawn?!"
Paperboy: *rides by on a bike--tosses the paper at Black Star's head*
Black Star: "... ... ..."
otogiri: i wasnt aware such deliveries were still available...
Belkia: "This is an old-fashion kind of town..."
Black Star: -_-# "I probably just sleepwalked..."
tsubaki: hmmm....
Shamrock: "I'll call a window repairperson..."
Belkia: *tosses a towel over Black Star's head*
Petra: *looking out the Matchbox window*
shinra: we there yet?
Vulcan: "Not sure--I haven't driven here before. Usually Sister Iris grabs a muscle-load of weapons and hauls ass over to the church."
Petra: *glare*
Vulcan: "...'Hauls butt'?"
iris: it's not far now.
Chuuya: *collapses in the airplane seat* -~-
miyuri: *face pressed to the window* woooooow!!
Flight Attendant: *spots the family* "First time on a plane, kiddos?"
sonia: yes ma'am.
miyuri: what's that thing?
Flight Attendant: "???" *looks*
-she's pointing to the engine-
Flight Attendant: "Oh! That's the engine. It's what gives the plane the push up and forward to fly."
miyuri: oooooh! and what's that?
Flight Attendant: *looks*
-she's pointing to the wing this time-
Flight Attendant: ._. "...The wing of the plane? It...lets the plane stay parallel to the Earth and fly over?"
miyuri: wooooow!
Damon: *puts a blanket over a napping Soul*
soul: ......
becky: *puts a cool compress on his head*
Damon: "What happened to him?"
becky: i dont know....im gonna call aunt blair.
Damon: "Good idea."
{???: "Well, look at you--all grown up, huh?"}
{soul:...what the hell do _you_ want?}
{*music slightly off-tempo plays on a record...Soul is in a pinstripe suit*}
{Little Demon: *turns in a chair* "I think it was about time to explore our partnership once again." *toothy grin* "Or has playing daddy taken up too much of your busy schedule?"}
{soul: you leave them out of this.}
{Little Demon: *holds up his hands* "I'm not involving them. Just think of this as my come-back, given the new...atmosphere around here."}
{Little Demon: "Haven't you and your old friends felt it? Or do you not speak to them? I haven't notice much interaction between you and your old teammates. You should check on them, after their last encounters with Madness."}
{soul:........if it gets you to shut your trap, fine.}
{*an old-fashion phone slides on a table to Soul*}
{soul:...i think i'll do it in the real world, thank you very much.}
{Little Demon: "Then wake your ass up and stop being a frail sickly boy."}
soul: *opens his eyes*
becky: morning dad.
soul: hey kiddos....you have breakfast yet?
Damon: "We left out some cereal for you..."
soul: thanks....dad's gonna make a few calls.
Sid: "So, how did your training go?" *covered in bandages*
*his students from training earlier are under the tent*
Kau'i: *has a black eye* -_-#
zubaidah: honestly, could have gone better.
Jinn: "They are so difficult--like children."
Giriko: "Ugh, some are smarter than they let on...I'm still pulling needles out of my ass."
Monica: *still asleep*
Gruk: *playing with Stephanie*
stephanie: pattycake pattycake~ ^w^
Axel: "So, where you all from?" *looks at Fuyuka*
fuyuka: j-japan...
nisha: im from india.
Axel: "Oh, neat! You been back recently?"
Asher: *passes a drink pouch to her* "Here."
izumi: thanks...
Kanin: ^^; "Quite the work-out, huh? You two held up really well."
Asher: >_>;
amelia: *staring out into the distance*
Kanin: "??? Amelia? You okay?"
amelia: alright....but a bit uneasy...
Kanin: "..." *looks around* "It is pretty hot. Mr. Barett and Nurse Naigus said to stay under the tent until late afternoon..."
amelia: i dont think it's that, exactly......
Kanin: "...But you feel something else?"
amelia: *nods* something beyond the horizon....
Kanin: "???" *looks at the horizon*
-a breeze blows past-
Duncan: *shivers* "Stupid desert wind." *huddles under his cloak*
Chuuya: "Now landing can be a bit bumpy..."
sonia: *asleep*
Chuuya: "..." *looks at Miyuri*
miyuri: *she has gotten her nausea bag to pop out* oh! hehe! ^w^
Chuuya: ^^; "Just make sure you'll buckled in...We're descending."
miyuri: ok!
*the wheels fall out on the plane...the wings alter shape...*
miyuri: oh! *presses face to the window* woooow!
*the plane descends--hitting the runway with a jerk and rolling down, decreasing speed*
sonia: hnn...? *yawn*
Chuuya: "We've landed."
soul: *holds up his soda* cheers.
Kid: "Cheers!"
Black Star: "Um, yeah..." *sips*
soul: you ok black*star? you're a bit quiet.
Black Star: =_= "I couldn't freaking sleep well..."
soul: ah. trouble sleeping?
Black Star: "I jumped out the window."
soul: ??
Kid: "That's unusual--why would you do that?"
Black Star: "I don't know! I just remember a lot of running, some inky black stuff--then, bam, I wake up wet in my boxers on the front lawn."
Kid: "..."
Black Star: "...Tsubaki turned the hose on me."
soul: wait, what was that part in the middle?
Black Star: "Inky black stuff?"
soul: yeah, that. i had a nightmare about it too....i also met the little demon again...
Kid: "...A little too coincidental...I had felt anxious, not dissimilar to..." *gestures to his chin* "...before."
soul:....do you think it has to do with what happened with the moon?
Kid: *sighs* "That is what we are looking into. The madness you have felt before, Soul, and that I have experienced makes sense. Not sure why Black Star would be affected so strongly."
Kid: *forehead flick* "Not very attuned to perception, though."
Black Star: -n-#
soul: hmmm....is eibon still at your house, kid?
Kid: *nods*
soul: maybe he might know something?
Kid: "I could ask...He is still recovering."
eibon: what a curious contraption. *flushing the toilet* fascinating...
Gopher: ._. "Sir, please shut the door before...whatever you were just doing."
liz: ugh, you do know what those are used for, right?
eibon: do tell.
liz: *whispers*
eibon:........................................................far more advanced than a chamber pot.
liz: TMI!!
Cyprus: *walking through the garden*
evergreen: *watering plants*
Cyprus: "Coming along nicely, Sister?"
evergreen: *nods*
Cyprus: *looks around...aside from some bees on the flowers, it's rather deserted* *sighs*
evergreen: is everything alright?
Cyprus: "Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. I just suppose I'm not used to a freer schedule." ^^;
Asher: *napping in the tent*
Saria: "Good work out there--" *hands water bottle* ""Cheers!"
izumi: thanks.
Saria: "What do you think we'll do next? I don't know how to top trying to sense Mr. Barett's soul or fighting Golems..."
izumi: not sure...
Derek: "After the intense workout, it'll be breathing exercises, then a lecture."
lukas: ah.
Dagon: "At this rate, I'll fall asleep...like certain people."
Crona: "So that's what he offered..."
mami:....so what are you going to do?
Crona: "I don't know! I can't keep going on like this!" *shaking*
mami: *hugs*
Crona: *holds onto her* *crying*
mami: *trying to hold back tears*
Crona: *hic* "I-I can't take this..."
Ragnarok: *shaking in the container, growling*
mami: if i could take you out of this situation, i would without a second thought.
Crona: "R-Really?"
mami: *nods* even if that meant bearing the burden myself.
Crona: "...Sh-Should I?"
mami:....i hate to say it, but it seems the best option right now...but it's ultimately up to you.
Crona: "..." *nods*
Black Star: *walking home--and a baseball rolls by his feet* "???"
child: hey, can ya throw that back?
Black Star: "Sure thing!" *picks it up, tosses it underhanded--and it goes flying up into the sky* ._______.;
child 2: woah....
Black Star: "...What the flying crap is going on with me?!!"
*something bright shines in the sky...*
child 3: !!!
*the baseball crashes back down--blowing up someone’s car*
*in a cafe, someone inside can be seen looking out--*
Endeavor: "MY CAR! AGAIN?!"
child: bail, BAIL!
Black Star: *running with the kids* "GAAAAAAH, that was so awesome but so not what I was trying to do!!!"
Endeavor: *running outside, trying to contain the fire* "Damn it!"
Kid: *checking himself in the mirror*
eibon: feeling alright?
Kid: "!!! Oh-Oh, yes. Sorry. Just...worried about a repeat."
eibon: would you like something to eat to calm your nerves? i have some old recipies from my mother that i've memorized.
Kid: "..." *smiles* "I would like that. Thank you."
Vulcan: *opens the back of the Matchbox* "Okay, let's see..." *pulls out a bag of hand grenade* "Sister Iris."
iris: thank you.
Vulcan: "Okay, who wants the giant spears?"
shinra: *looks around* .....(man, this place has seen better days...)
*dust and sand blow along the stone steps*
Petra: *picking up items* "Come now--don't dawdle. Tamaki, the handcuffs."
tamaki: yes ma'am!
*the courtyard looks empty...*
Vulcan: "..." *carrying another box* "Not used to the Church after my family built Amaterasu..."
shinra: *looking around*
*the doors are open...a few nuns can be seen inside, milling about and kneeling in prayer...*
-one sister looks up-
???: oh, you're the 8th, yes?
Petra: "Yes. Hello, Sister. We have items to have baptized."
nun: yes, right this way.
Petra: "We will bring these in. Outsiders will have to stay outside." *looks at Iris* "...Iris? Come along."
iris: oh. yes.
Vulcan: "..." *sits on a bench*
Vulcan: "...Yeah..." *brushes dust off the bench*
shinra:....*tapping his foot*
???: *humming* "Oh! Look what the 8th brought in!"
shinra: *looks*
Foien: *waves*
shinra: ah, father Li. how are you?
Foien: *rubbing his artificial arm* "Hanging in there. I haven't seen you lately."
shinra: yeah. are the other members of the 1st around?
Foien: "A few of us, yes...Just not Karim."
iris:......(the preacher....they're the ones who created this church.....so...why am i still praying?)
Petra: *in prayer*
rita:......(sister iris looks so sad.....) *signing* <are you alright?>
iris: hmm? *signing* oh, yes, im ok.
???: "Oh, so many here!"
iris: *glances*
*A nun looks at them...not smiling* *looks at their number badges*
iris: um, hello.
Nun: "The Eighth really has so many?" *stares at Tamaki's outfit*
tamaki: what?
Nun: "What kind of a nun's habit is that?"
tamaki: it's a combat uniform. =n= it's got shorts.
Nun: "I see...I haven't seen many combat nuns--I'm mostly around here..."
tamaki: you'd be surprised. *does some kung-fu moves....and ends up stumbling into a pew* OW! *BLEEEEEEEP*
iris: !!!! O_____O
Petra: *facepalm*
Nun: D8 "The pew!"
rita: ._.;;
iris: *sweatdrop* (_that's_ your concern...?) .....
Nun: "...I think it's best if you step outside."
tamaki:...that's fair. *exits*
shinra:.....do you think iris is ok?
Foien: "Is it about those rumors about the Preacher?"
shinra: i dont know, she wasnt really herself this morning, and im worried.
Foien: "That's...been going around. Ever since the conspiracy theory that the Hoods are the real founders of the Holy Sun Temple..."
shinra: ......
Foien: "I am less afraid of such a story, as it doesn't shake my faith...But it does those of others...and there is something worse to think about."
shinra: ??
Foien: "Even though I know this Preacher is a fraud, the followers they have amassed...That's a devotion to what they consider to be a god."
shinra:.....*shakes slightly, but tries to keep cool*
Vulcan: "..."
Foien: "As long as the Preacher hides in the shadows, whether in the Nether or elsewhere, it is obvious they want to destroy this world. And our faith."
shinra:....so what do we do?
Foien: "...Keep up our faith--in God and in each other."
Foien: *smiles* "Well, I better check on the others..."
Blair: *floats a doll by Becky*
becky: *observing*
Damon: "That's so cool..."
Blair: ^^ "Just a little trick I learned~"
becky: is learning magic hard?
Blair: "At first it was. I had to work to make sure I could contain it all."
becky: ...
Damon: "And if you couldn't?"
Blair: OwO;;; "...Well...I learned I'm mostly fire-proof."
becky: .____.;;;
Blair: "And that's been useful for me! Like the time the weirdo shoved me into a stove. Or the time I cooked for your father and his meister--and burnt the fish."
Damon: "Is that why Dad doesn't like you cooking?!"
Blair: ^^; "How about I just order take-out?"
Hajiki: *fist-bumps Takeru's chest*
takeru: ??
Hajiki: "Huh--sturdy! Your balance has gotten better."
takeru: um t-thanks?
hito: you're surprisingly timid, noto.
takeru: WAH! h-hito! you startled me!
Hajiki: -_-; "Need more courage there, Juggernaut."
hito: out of curiosity, why did you join the 2nd?
takeru: well, i was kind of encouraged to do it, to try to be a bit braver, i guess.
Hajiki: "Encouraged? You were recruited?"
takeru: y-yeah.
Hajiki: "I guess the 2nd saw your size and thought 'Scoop him up before someone else gets him!' But coming in from China is a long trip."
takeru: ^^;
hito: and how about you, hajiki?
Hajiki: "Death City seemed like my kind of place--somewhere to show my mettle! Way better than...than...Wait, where did I come from?"
hito: *sweatdrop*
Hajiki: "...Anyway, the Commander recruited me after seeing me in a training exercise. How about you?"
hito: well, my dad was in the 2nd brigade, and i wanted to follow in his footsteps.
Hajiki: "D'aw! I'm sure you can! But we'll need to bulk you up."
hito: -_-;
Kanin: *scratching behind his ear...with his back leg* "..."
amelia: kanin?
Kanin: "Y-Yeah?"
amelia: are you alright?
Kanin: "Just the desert sand--itches like the dickens." ^^;
Kanin: *pants slightly* "..." *covers his mouth* "I-I think I better drink something..."
-at camp-
Axel: *slurping out of a juice pack*
hibiki: *listening to music*
Sid: *securing the tents against the wind*
zubaidah: *keeping watch*
Jinn: *showing off different transformations to students*
stephanie: oooh!
Asher: "Huh. Being a Death Scythe lets you take on multiple forms?"
Jinn: *changing forms again* "Or depending on the weapon type--you may have one with multiple properties."
hibiki: yeah, take harudori for instance. she's officially classified as a halberd, but she's a tri-blader.
Saria: "Neat! I'm not sure we have many multi-formers here, though. I can only go into whip form, not, like whip and...something not whip. Um...Nunchucks?"
lukas: sure, let's go with that. ^^
Saria: ^^; *nervous laugh*
Jinn: "The goal, however, is to be powerful even in the simplest form..." *turns back into a lamp, just sits there*
Duncan: "... ... ..."
Asher: "...What exactly can a lamp do--"
*the lamp leaps, just missing Asher's head*
Asher: *hood blown back off their head* .______.
preston: owo;
Jinn: *reverts to human form, his eye through his clothing glaring at Yafeu*
Yafeu: "...SO, NO?"
Vulcan: *examining water fountain* "You know, I could probably soup this thing up. Water seems to be blocked by sediment..."
shinra: hmm....
Evergreen: *studying the two* "I would advise against that." *sees the 8 on Shinra's uniform*
shinra: hello ma'am.
Evergreen: "Hmm. I wasn't expecting firefighters here...This is a holy site."
shinra: well, we're waiting on our friends inside. blessing the items and all that.
Evergreen: "I see...Sorry. It's been some time since we've had visitors blessing items. I haven't seen you around before. I am Sister Evergreen."
shinra: *nods* Shinra Kusakabe, 8th brigade.
Vulcan: "Vulcan Joseph, engineer at the 8th."
Evergreen: "Hello. ...How is your day going?"
iris: *exits*
Petra: *carrying a satchel of daggers*
Vulcan: "Doing alright. Looks like the sisters handled the first blessing of weapons."
*a bee flies by, landing on one of the flowers*
iris: *nods* shinra, could you...follow me for a moment?
shinra: um. sure.
Vulcan: *takes the satchel* "Go ahead--we'll load up." *looks at Tamaki* "...The hell happened to your face?"
Evergreen: "?!"
tamaki: YuY
-at a cemetery...-
Shinra: *holding a broom* *looks over at the sunflowers* "...It's nice of them to plant those."
iris: *nods*....they're planted to guide the lost souls of the sol church to the sun....
Shinra: "I didn't know their significance..." *looks at one tomb*
-revolution, rest in peace, new future-
Shinra: O_O; "Th-That's one super-bright tomb..."
iris: oh dear...
Shinra: "All these flowers and--is that a disco ball?!"
iris: ^^; i get the feeling sister hibana might have been behind this.
Hibana: *sleep sneeze* "...Zzzz..."
-back at the cemetery-
Shinra: "Do we leave it up?"
iris: ^^;;; *praying* hello everyone, sorry i havent been here a while. clematis, please dont overeat, sakura, dont oversleep, rose, keep a watchful eye on everyone, ok?
Shinra: "..." *looks at the flowers outside...spots a watering can*
-and so-
iris: thank you, for watering the flowers...
Shinra: "Happy to help! ...Can I ask you something?"
iris: what is it?
Shinra: "You've seemed worried...Is it about the Preacher?"
iris:....i guess im not very good at hiding things, am i?
Shinra: ^^; "I wouldn't expect a nun to lie."
iris: .....
Shinra: "S-Sorry! It was just a little...humor. S-Sorry...I like that about you...You're open and honest."
iris: t-thanks... *wipes her eyes*
Shinra: "Iris...We don't know everything about the Preacher or this story."
iris: i-i know....i just....i had a hard time focusing on the baptism today.......shinra, what do you think of the sol church? be honest, please....
Shinra: "..." *looks down* "What do I think? I--"
???: *SCREAM*
iris: ?!?!?
Evergreen: *clutching her head--as her body explodes in flames*
iris: !!!!!!!!!!!
*the other nuns back up*
Petra: *running back--bumping into Iris* "It happened instantly!"
iris: *shaking*
tamaki: *battle stance*
Vulcan: "Shit!" *looking through the satchel* "I know I left an extinguisher bomb here--where is it?!"
rita: >~<;;;
Juniper: *bumps into Iris* "Why is this happening?! Sister Evergreen was so devout! Why would God do this to her?!"
iris: *speechless*
Evergreen: *roars at Iris, Juniper, and Petra*
shinra: *battle stance* alright, let's finish this, tamaki!
tamaki: right!
Evergreen: GRAUAAAAAA!"
Petra: *holds her hands* "Begin the prayer..."
tamaki: *charges* the flame is the soul's breath...
rita: *silently praying*
Petra: "The black is the soul's release..."
iris: ashes to ashes.....
Evergreen: *collapses to her knees*
shinra: return to the great flame!
tamaki: *dropkick* RATOMU!
Evergreen: *lets out an inhuman cry of pain...before her body collapses into ashes*
Juniper: *staring...falls to her knees in front of the ashes, sobbing*
iris:.....*rubs her back*
rita: *sniffle*
*footsteps are heard coming*
Cypress: "What's going on?!"
Foien: *spots the remains* "...Oh no. Sister Evergreen..."
nun: i cant! i cant do this anymore!
maple: who's going to take her place?
Cypress: "...We have priorities first. Let's lay our sister to rest."
Assault: *bandaged, arm in a sling from having been stepped on by the Giant Infernal* "Giovanni will be displeased you are playing with his experiments."
guruna: >XP who caaaaares~@
Jonah: "Besides, Giovanni is going through...changes."
Inka: "??? Puberty?"
guruna: EEEEEW he's like, way too old for that!~@
Haumea: "Besides, you're thinking of Sho-chan."
arrow: im sure it's antics like this that are partially the reason he's confined himself to his room...
ritsu: perhaps i could....persuade him to come out~?
orochi: please dont.
Inka: "God no."
Jonah: "Even that disturbs me."
Haumea: "...Yeah, let's not."
ritsu: perhaps you're right. poor boy might be traumatized if i showed him what lies underneath, fufu~
Jonah: "...Ha! Because 'Nether'!"
Assault: -__________-
orochi: she means it, once she flashed these two perverts, and they took of running in horror. take my word for it, you _dont_ want to know.
ritsu: OROCHI! that's private info!
Inka: "... ... ..." *slight nosebleed*
Jonah: "I once turned into an Eldritch abomination. I've seen it all. Including Giovanni changing."
arrow:......im surrounded by freaks. -_-;
Haumea: *puts an arm around Arrow* "What was that, fresh meat?"
arrow: not today, please, im exhausted enough as it is.
ritsu: best leave her be for now, wouldnt want to wear her out.
Haumea: -n- *holds a finger to her head* "Need help falling asleep?"
Gruk: *motionless*
Sid: *seated with students around the campfire* "We still need to improve the chain resonance for some of you."
izumi: *yaaaaawn*
Sid: "...Perhaps this may be a better conversation in the morning--you'll be up early before the sun rises."
hibiki: what time even is it?
Duncan: *pulls out his calculator watch* "9:14 and 32 seconds."
lei-lei: wow!
genny: so tired.....
Kanin: *looking up at the Moon* "..."
Sid: "Okay, you're dismissed. See you at 5 AM."
Monica: "Thank God--what a waste of a day..." *rubs her shoulder*
Black Star:*sitting up in bed, looking at his hand* "..." *makes a fist--and sees something around it* "?!"
tsubaki: *asleep*
Black Star: *blinks* ("...Must be my imagination. Not like I see souls or anything...") *lies down, still looking up at the ceiling* "..." *tosses*
tsubaki: nnh...black*star?
Black Star: "...Hey. Sorry. Can't sleep."
tsubaki: .....want some tea?
Black Star: *nods*
tsubaki: *gets up* ok.
Vulcan: *driving them back* "..."
{Cypress: "...ashes to ashes...Latom."}
{Cypress: "..." *looks at to the 8th* "I'm sorry...We were lucky that you were here, and we weren't exactly the most welcoming. After so much..."}
{tamaki: it's alright....all in a day's work, right?....s-sorry, that was a bit insensitive, huh?}
{Cypress: "Life does not always go the way we expect. We leave it in God's hands to guide us to what best we can do to make this world better, yes?"}
{tamaki: i guess......}
{Petra: *nods* "Thank you, Father."}
iris:......*leans against shinra's shoulder*.....
Shinra: "..." *puts an arm around her*
Shinra: *pat pat*
Crona: "..."
nurse valentine: just checking in.
Crona: "Hello...I'm not yet asleep. I don't think the medicine is helping."
nurse valentine: hmm.
Crona: "...Nurse? I'm not sure what to do."
nurse valentine: want to talk about it?
Crona: "..." *nods* "I've been like this for so long...I can't imagine being something else now...I don't know if I deserve to."
nurse valentine: ....everyone deserves a shot at a second chance. i found mine....
Crona: "Is-Is that so?"
nurse valentine: *nods, with a small smile*
Crona: "...I think I'll have my decision in the morning, then."
nurse valentine: take as much time as you need.
Crona: *lies back down* "Th-Thank you, Nurse..." *wipes their eyes*
Asher: "Zzz..."
amelia: ........
zeke: *snores*
Kanin: *tossing*
izumi: *sleeping*
???: "YIP YIP YIP!"
izumi: hm?? *rubs her eyes*
Kanin: *sleep growl*
*it sounds like something running in the sand outside*
izumi: *looks outside*
*running along the outskirt of the camp is a coyote...it has odd markings along its side*
izumi: *squints*
Coyote: *stops...stares at Izumi...walks forward towards her*
nygus: *looks outside* !!!!! sid, sid wake up, now.
Sid: *gets up* "What is it?"
nygus: look.
Giriko: *snore grunt* "H-Huh?"
Sid: *looks outside* *studies the markings* "..." *holds out his hand* "Nygus, transform."
nygus: *knife form*
izumi: mr barrett?
Sid: *steps outside, holding the knife* "Stay back. Wake up the others..."
izumi: w-what's going on?
Sid: "Just do it!"
zeke: *rubs eyes, looking outside* is it a fire?
Axel: *sleep whine* "Five more minutes..."
izumi: asher, asher get up!
amelia: !!!!!
Monica: =___=# "Shut the...*yawn*...up." *looks--and sees Stephanie's feet again* "GAH!" *shoves*
Asher: "Ugh. I'm up, I'm up. What the hell..."
amelia: everyone, wake up. NOW!
stephanie: zzzzz...
Kanin: *gets up* "Amelia? What's wrong?" *scratches his arm*
Kau'i: =_= *looks outside* "?!!! Shit!" *grabs Dagon's arm*
Derek: *studying what's outside* "..."
Sid: *circling with the coyote*
lumina: *transforms*
Coyote: *its eyes shine a red color under the Moonlight...those fur markings look like tear-drops or...*
zeke: are those......oh....oh shit. bro, BRO GET UP!
hibiki: zeke, what the hell?
Axel: "HUH?!" *gets up*
Kanin: *staring outside* "..."
genny: *hyperventilating* oh god, oh god i dont wanna die, i dont wanna die....!
Monica: *hears 'Kishin egg'* "..." *shoves Stephanie away, grabs Yolanda's arm*
yolanda: oi what the hell?
Monica: "Get up." *transforms*
yolanda: what the fuck monica? *spots it* oh...oh fuck me running.
Coyote: *growls at Sid*
Monica: "Don't you dare run! Stay there!" *shoves herself into Yolanda's hands*
yolanda: oh HELL NO am i fighting _that_!
amelia: mr barrett, what's the plan?
Monica: *sends a soul shockwave into Yolanda* "This is our chance--don't fuck this up for me!"
Sid: *calls back* "Stay back! Get Zubaidah and Jinn to evacuate you! I'm--"
yolanda: YEOW! fuck! ok! you dont have to be a dick about it, crimeny!
Coyote: *leaps--and bites into Sid's neck*
Sid: *screams*
amelia: !!! kazue!
*Kazue isn't there...*
amelia: !!! *grabs nygus from sid's hand and stabs the coyote*
Coyote: *yips--lets go of Sid...something black is foaming out of its mouth*
Axel: "SHIT! It's got rabies!"
amelia: ....just as i suspected....
zeke: black blood.....
Sid: *holds his neck...nothing leaking out of him, but the black foam is still there* "..." *rubs it off of himself onto the sand*
Coyote: *wide-eyed, looking at all of them...*
*the sand shifts underneath the Coyote...*
nygus: sid, are you alright?
Coyote: "???"
Sid: "I think so. We need to contain the Kishin and the blood--"
???: *underground* "Leave that to me!"
Coyote: "?!"
*the sand explodes up, as Gruk appears, grabbing the coyote in both hands*
amelia: *knocked back*
izumi: mr giriko!
Kanin: "?!" *catches Amelia*
amelia: t-thank you.
Giriko: *behind Izumi* "Right behind you." *gestures with his gloves* "That's it, Gurk! Hold 'em!"
stephanie: hooray! hooray! go for it! go fight win!
Coyote: *wiggling under both hands, shaking like a snake*
Gruk: *struggling to hold on--*
Coyote: *slips out of the grip--and slides down Gruk's "mouth"*
Giriko: "?!!!"
hibiki: that's not good.
stephanie: OwO;;;
Gruk: *moving its arms, trying to punch into its own torso--as it starts to glow black...and ooze comes out of its "eyes" until--*
stephanie: EEP!!
*Gruk explodes, black blood leaking out of its remains...leaving the Coyote in a new, blacker form, gears from the golem fused into it*
Giriko: "GRUK! You fucking bastard!"
hibiki: got any other ideas?
*something slides up Hibiki's leg...*
hibiki: ??!?!??!?
*it's the black blood*
hibiki: !!!!!! get OFF!
Black Blood: *its 'mouth' opens--*
zeke: NO! *SLICE*
*an arm reaches out of the sand, grabbing Hibiki's leg*
hibiki: eh?
*a soul shock goes through Hibiki's leg--shocking the blood and sending it at Zeke's face*
zeke: GAH- *SPIT* gegh! gross!
*the hand is still on Hibiki's leg*
hibiki: *looks*
Kazue: *popping up out of the sand, holding onto Hibiki's leg* "..."
hibiki: dont just stand there, DO SOMETHING!
Kazue: *nods* *holds out a switchblade, aims at Zeke's cheek--*
Monica: "You cowardly cunt--get the fuck in there and slice that motherfucker!" *dragging her weapon form out into the field*
yolanda: >~<
Sid: "I said retreat! All of you!"
hibiki: we're DWMA students, arent we?
Kazue: *brings the knife to Zeke's face--*
zeke: O_O;; *gulp*
Asher: *slaps Kazue upside the head* "Asshole. You're scaring him. Just zap it off."
zeke: thanks fam.
Kazue: -_-; *uses a soul zap on it--as the black blood releases, crawling into the sand...*
lei-lei: HYAH! *kicking at the blood* genny! are you ok?
Sid: "You may be students--but this is beyond you--"
genny: *in fetal position, trembling*
Coyote: *spots Lei-Lei and Genny* "..." *grins--and leaps at them*
lei-lei: !!!!! *blade arm*
genny: NOO!!!
Coyote: *its mouth opens...into four parts, baring fangs and a slithering tongue--*
amelia: !!!! STOP! *her wavelength seems to be increasing?*
Coyote: *has pounced on Lei-Lei--but has turned back to look at Amelia*
nygus: ?! (her wavelength...it's almost like.....no, she couldnt be, could she?)
Sid: "Nygus..."
amelia: *glaring at it.* stand. down.
Coyote: "..." *gets off of Lei-Lei, but circles around Amelia, alternating between yips and growls*
amelia: *watching, shaking a bit, but standing her ground*
Monica: "Now's our chance--do it!"
Coyote: *barks at Amelia, moving forward and backward at Amelia*
yolanda: *gulps and starts running for it*
Monica: *grins in her weapon form--*
Sid: "?!!! NO! Don't--"
Coyote: *it's tail unrolls like a gear--as it wraps around Yolanda's leg*
yolanda: !!!!
Coyote: *the tail swings Yolanda away, as she loses her grip on Monica, who lands in the sand*
Monica: "...Da fuck?!"
yolanda: nngh...
Monica: "..."
{Monica: "I want to be like you, big bro!"}
Monica: "..." *reverts to human form, with her machete arm* *stalks up to the Coyote...*
Coyote: *focused on Amelia*
amelia: .........
Coyote: *barks at Amelia, careful how close it marches up to her*
hibiki: what's she doing? she's just standing there...
Coyote: *gets up within leaping-range of Amelia...crouches down, readying itself to pounce at her*
Monica: "Almost there..."
Coyote: *leaps*
amelia: !!!
Monica: *leaps at the Coyote*
*then something big and furry tackles the Coyote*
Monica: "?!" *crashes face-first into the sand*
Kanin: *in werewolf form has tackled the Coyote, using a choke-hold on it*
Coyote: *desperately trying to move, its tongue sliding out like a snake's*
amelia: !!!! kanin!
Giriko: *pushing the kids away* "Move it!"
*a sand tornado forms in front of the kids*
izumi: EEEP!
lukas: *running*
Jinn: *calling from the tornado* "Step in."
stephanie: i forgot one of my slippers!
Zarya: *grunts, and picks Stephanie up*
stephanie: OwO
Zarya: *tosses Stephanie right into the tornado*
stephanie: EEP!
Jinn: *from inside the tornado* "I got you. Toss the rest in."
Asher: *helping Zeke walk to the tornado* *gulp*
zeke: i feel sick, bro.
Axel: "It-It's going to be okay, bro..." Q_Q
hibiki: come on, let's go!
Kanin: *trying to choke the Coyote*
Coyote: *slithering--until it gets out of its grip, stretching its neck until it's sniping at Kanin's face*
amelia: no stop!
Kanin: *barks back at it--before it grabs the Coyote's snout in one hand and its hind legs in the other hand*
Coyote: *wiggling*
Kanin: *barks back at it--before it grabs the Coyote's snout in one hand and its hind legs in the other hand*
Coyote: *wiggling*
Kanin: *growling, as it tugs harder at the Coyote--*
Monica: ("I'm not letting you get all the credit...") *runs at them--and brings her blade down at the Coyote, slicing it in half*
lei-lei: *carrying genny to the tornado*
Kanin: "?!!!" *falls back...on all fours, glaring at Monica, his glance shifting everywhere at Sid, Nygus, and Amelia...*
Derek: *waving Lei-Lei and Genny forward* *looking around* "I've counted everywhere...We're missing one."
amelia: are you alright?
nygus: where's armstrong?
*The coyote's remains lie motionless*
Kanin: *growling...he's staring at Amelia, huffing and puffing...*
*in a tent, someone is shivering in fear*
amelia:....*hugs* it's ok, im fine, really.....
Duncan: *shaking* "N-No...Just stay here. Just stay here..."
Kanin: *growls at Amelia, barking*
*there's black blood on Kanin's face...The Moon is giggling above*
Monica: *gets up, looking at Kanin and Amelia* "...Hmph. Is that all it took to take down a Kishin? That's pretty simple..."
amelia:......*wipes the blood away*
Kanin: *still barking at Amelia, sniping at her*
Monica: "??? The hell is with him?"
amelia:.....you really arent leaving me any choice, are you?.......very well.....*CHOP* bad kanin. bad.
*the coyote's back half is motionless...but no one can see a hind leg kicking slightly...
Kanin: "?!" Q_Q *dog whimper*
Monica: "Ha! That's one way of dealing with a mutt..."
amelia: *glances behind monica* !!!! behind you!
Monica: "?!" *swings her arm blade--*
*It's too late: the Coyote's front half has tackled Monica...as black blood pours out of it*
Monica: "?!!!!"
{Monica: *in her school uniform, prim and proper, looking up at the DWMA stairs* "..." *inhale* "Okay, big bro. Let's do this."}
Monica: *screams--until she's silent, the black blood completely covering and consuming her...*
????: get OFF OF HER!!
Duncan: *still hiding in the tent, shaking*
Sid: *has knocked the back of BlackBlood!Monica's head with a tombstone, shattering it* "Let go!"
BlackBlood!Monica: "..." *stands up, turns...her face is a coyote-like snout, snake-like eyes, gear-like appendages along the shoulders...it's like a being of just blood...the blood forms two arm blades* "..." *slices Sid*
Sid: "?! ..." *his top half falls off*
nygus: !!!!! shit!
Sid: *has fallen forward, now sliced at the hip*
izumi: mr barrett!!
BlackBlood!Monica: *lets out an inhuman chittering...looks at Kanin and Amelia* "..." *blades out, rushes at them, moving swiftly*
Asher: *still holding up Zeke* "Izumi! Get out of there!"
Kanin: "?!" *pushes Amelia away--and runs at Monica, barking*
izumi: .....*runs in* we cant leave them behind!
Monica: *slices at Kanin, slicing off their arm*
Kanin: *bites into Monica's shoulder, black blood coating his mouth--before he flings Monica into Duncan's tent*
Duncan: "EEEEEEEK!"
izumi: duncan! take my hand!
Duncan: *screaming incoherently--trying to avoid Monica's slices and Kanin's clawing and bites...his arms reach out of the tent*
izumi: *grabs and pulls him out* ok, now go! hurry!
Sid: *standing up on his arm* "...Nygus, could you pick me up. I'm going to need some help with this next part."
nygus: ok
Duncan: *holding onto Izumi's arms, running with her, sobbing*
Kanin: *pins Monica down*
izumi: i guess we're even now, huh?
Monica: *mouth opens, revealing the slithering tongue, striking at Kanin's face*
Duncan: Q_______Q "...Wh-What the hell is that thing?!"
izumi:....monica.....you go ahead. im going to try and save her.
Duncan: "Are you insane?!! Leave her! She's dead now!"
izumi: i can at least try to help her!
Duncan: "..."
{???: "At least try for once in your life, Duncan!"}
Duncan: "..." *lets go* "G-Good luck..." *runs off*
izumi: ok. (what am i doing? am i really crazy?).....*bites her lip* (if i dont help her, then who will? no. i have to do it. maka...she would have done the same....wouldnt she?) *runs in*
Kanin: *trying to pin Monica down--only for her to slip out of his reach--*
Monica: *stabs blades into Kanin's back*
amelia: kazue, transform!
Kanin: *howls in pain, desperately trying to bite at her arms*
Kazue: *does so*
amelia: *runs in*
Monica: *focused on Kanin, stabbing repeatedly into him, exposing his spinal cord*
Kanin: *pants, barking mindlessly, biting into her arm*
amelia: take this! *spinning at monica, slicing at her* ~DEATHMARCH WALTZ!~
*the slice rips black blood off of Monica's face, revealing her eye and mouth*
Monica: *looking terrified* "B-Bro..."
Kanin: *turns around, trying to bite at Monica's neck*
izumi: hey! monica! fight it!
Monica: *turns at Izumi...the blood falls back over her face, as she grows silent again and aims a blade at Izumi*
izumi: *throws a rock at her*
Kanin: *gets up, spinal cord still revealed, watching*
amelia: kanin, stop!
Monica: "?!" *slices the rock in half...runs at Izumi*
Kanin: *growling--and bites at Amelia*
izumi: *running* (come on, think!)
amelia: *jumps back, her dress ripped around the waist......revealing two black stripes*
Monica: "ALBAAAAAARN!" *slithers along the ground, alternating with a four-leg run at her*
Kanin: *chewing through the dress's skirt, eyeing Amelia...spits out the skirt, on all fours, stalking at her*
Kazue: "..."
amelia:.....kanin.....you arent....the only one hiding something.....
Kanin: *growls* *getting into position to pounce again, salivating*
amelia: you probably cant hear what im saying, but please, come back.
izumi: *running, but trips on a rock* AH!
Kanin: *he looks gone...leaps*
Monica: *leaps, blades out, aiming at Izumi's head--*
izumi: *rolls to the side*
amelia:....*takes a breath....and starts singing?*
Monica: *slams the blades to the side of Izumi, then turns her head to stare at Izumi, snakelike eyes narrowing before her mouth opens, the tongue slicing towards Izumi*
Kanin: *pins Amelia down, open his mouth to bite into her neck...then hears the song...*
{Kanin: *humming*}
{amelia: *asleep* nn....papa....}
{Kanin: "..." *tucks her in, continues to sing quietly*}
izumi: come on, snap out of it already!!
Monica: "WEAKLING!" *slice* "NEPOTISM!" *tongue strike* "YOU'RE ONLY HERE BECAUSE OF FAMILY!"
{Monica: *knocked down a flight of stairs* *looks up*}
{Bully: "You're only here because of your brother!"}
{???: what a poser.}
{Monica: *sniffle...then her stare gets colder, as she turns her arm into a machete* " 'Poser'? I'll show you..." *runs up, screaming*}
Monica: *runs at Izumi, swinging her blade*
izumi: *dodging, one of her ponytails getting sliced off*
Monica: *SCREAMS* *lifts up both blades, bringing them down at Izumi*
izumi: !!!! im only here because of family? then what are _you_ here for, huh?!
*the blades come down--just stopping right above Izumi's eyeballs*
izumi: *flinches*
Monica: "... ... ...Bro-Bro..." *the black blood bubbles*
izumi:.....your brother....he's a DWMA student too, right?
Monica: *the black blood melts away just at her eyes* "The best..."
izumi:...i'd call you a hypocrite, but that wont do either of us any good right now.....
Monica: "?!!!" *the blood covers her eyes again, but the mouth opens, revealing a mess of muscles and teeth* "YOU MAKING FUN OF ME?!" *her arms are blades again, but she's stepped back now*
izumi: actually...im a bit envious of you, all things considered. you got to meet your sibling. got to really know them.....i never got a chance to meet maka.
Monica: *slight pant, still stepping back* "Th-Then why do you do this? If you never met a dead person, what do you have to compare yourself to?" *still stepping back, but her blade swings are more erratic, as if not aiming at Izumi*
izumi: ....i guess, i want to feel close to her. maybe i just want my life to have some kind of meaning.....you know spirit's actually my step-dad, right?.....
Monica: "...I don't know shit about you, Albarn. I just know you piss me off..." *the blood has fallen off her face completely but still coats the rest of her*
izumi: .....my birth father is dr rodigy.
Monica: "And I should know who that is?" *more of the black blood pulls away*
izumi: most people would......he was....a really horrible man. i was used as a test subject for his experiments. mom and i came to death city to escape from him. i wanted to get him out of my life, more than anything. i wanted to live a happy life, but if i ignore my past, then i cant improve myself for my future, can i?
Monica: "..." *dissolves the blades* "You don't want to ignore your past, but you change your name? That's kind of a fucked up inconsistency...But I get that. Why take on the name of some abusive shitbag."
izumi: yeah, i guess so. you know, when you arent being mean to me, you're actually kinda cool.
Monica: "?!!! The hell is that coming from?!" >\\\\> "Don't fucking condescend to me, you weak brat..." *the black blood has almost all fallen off of her, along with the gears left from Gruk*
izumi: maybe we can start over and maybe be friends? *extends a hand*
Monica: "... ... ...I'm not going that far." *holds up a bloody fist*
izumi: *fist bump*
Monica: *fist bump*
Monica: X_X *falls down*
izumi: D8
Asher: *knocked Monica over the head with their weapon arm* "... ... ...Oh. I ruined the moment?"
izumi:..... ^^;; i'll grab her arms, you grab her legs?
Asher: >_>; "When she wakes up, just tell her a bird hit her or something, 'kay?" *picks up the legs* "Ugh--she's all bloody and sweaty."
izumi:......you were jealous, werent you?
Asher: "...I'm not jealous. At all."
izumi: whatever you say, partner.
Asher: =\\\\=; "Shut up."
Kanin: *panting, still in wolf form, but he's stopped attacking*
Sid: *watching*
amelia:...*petting his head, humming*
Kanin: *dog whimpering...* "Zzz..." *still in wolf form*
nygus: should we report this to lord death? or does he already know about this?
Sid: "I don't think he would know even this..." *looks at the coyote's remains...it's decomposing* "Looks like the blood got away."
nygus:....we should have the area quarantined for now.
Sid: "And the students, unfortunately. We don't know how much blood got on them."
Giriko: *looking at Gruk's remains* "..." *there's still black blood on them*
zubaidah: you can always make another one.
Giriko: "I-I know that! Doesn't change the work I put into this one. Gruk should've been able to handle that thing. Now I need to strengthen his design."
sonia: *asleep*
Chuuya: *looking over the schedule* "Hmm...Should be do-able."
mito: *jumps up onto the chair next to his, looking* mrrrp?
*Chuuya has a schedule of beach activities, restaurants to visit, and other day activities*
mito: *relaxes on the chair*
Chuuya: *strokes her back* "Glad the hotel has a pet policy."
Axel: *in a bathrobe, shaking* "Ugh--I hate decontamination..." T~T
hibiki: hopefully we arent stuck here for long. i get antsy without my headphones.
preston: *on call* really- no really mama im just fine.
Saria: *on a phone* "Dad, please! I'm fine! We'll be out in a few hours...I think?"
yolanda: ugh, last night was such a shit show.
stephanie: totes. only less coke.
Monica: *holding ice to her head* -_-# "If you don't shut up, I'm going to shove my boot up your ass." *she's barefoot, also in a bathrobe* "Ugh...How the hell does a bird drop a coconut in the middle of a desert?"
Zarya: "..."
izumi: *offers her a soda*
Monica: "Oh, thanks."
izumi: figured you might want something.
yolanda: the hell? since when are _you_ two buddy-buddy?
Monica: "..." *sips*
genny: *sitting outside the door to the room kanin is in* .....
*growling can be heard inside*
*the growling stops*
genny: are you alright in there?
Kanin: "..." *grunts*
genny:....im glad you're ok.
*sobbing can be heard inside*
genny:......do you....want me to come in?
Kanin: "...It-It's open."
genny:....*gingerly opens the door*
Kanin: *small dog whimper*
genny:....*reaches a hand out*
Kanin: *recoils, shrinking back*
genny:....*sits across from him*....sorry i didnt do much last night......
Kanin: "I-I didn't help..."
genny: you helped fight that monster off. that was pretty brave of you.
Kanin: "...That wasn't me."
genny:.....im not really sure what to say, i know i dont know a lot about you, but i still want to anyway.
Kanin: "Why? I'm just a mindless beast...Are you here just to study me or something?"
genny: you arent mindless, you're smart, caring, friendly...i know, this doesnt mean much coming from a nobody like me, but i still want to know you more..because i.....because i lo-*hic* i lo-*hic* (OH NO! NOW ISNT THE TIME TO BE GETTING HICCUPS!)
Kanin: *grabs her*
genny: !!!
Kanin: *hugs, sobbing*
genny: !!!!!.......*hugs him*
Kanin: *still crying, holding onto her*
*DWMA forensics are in hazmat suits, combing the desert...*
*far away, a sliver of black blood tunnels through the sand*
ox: rise and shine everyone!
kim: *groans*
Harvar: *still lying down*
Jacqueline: =_= *yawns*
kilik: hnn? *checks his watch*
Thunder: *yawns* *rubs eyes* "What time is it?"
Chuuya: ._.; "Miyuri, we should blow up the beach balls and toys at the beach..."
miyuri: ~? Owo
Chuuya: ^^; "We'll do our best to fit them in the back--just don't poke them. Sonia, you got everything?"
sonia: yes papa.
Chuuya: *smiles* "You look lovely. Let's get a photo first."
miyuri: *waves to the camera*
Chuuya: *snaps the pic* "Perfect!" *pets Mito* "Behave yourself while we're out."
mito: mreow
Crona: "...I'll do it."
lord death: you're certain?
Crona: "Y-Yes. I'm not sure this is what I want--but I think it's what I have to do."
Ragnarok: *snarling in his container, banging against the glass*
lord death: very well. i'll inform stein right away.
Crona: "Thank you, sir."
Duncan: *on the phone* "Yes, I-- ...No, I was-- What I'm trying to say-- ...Yes, sir. Yes. I'm sorry. ...Dad? Happy Father's--"
*the phone has hung up*
Duncan: "..."
lei-lei: welp, im all clear.
Duncan: "...Congrats. Guess I'm next..." *walks by her to the examination room, shoulders slumped*
Blair: *in a hazmat suit* "Hello, sweetie~ Let's check your pulse."
Duncan: ._.;
lei-lei:....you think duncan's alright?
Derek: "I don't know him very well. Is he usually so morose?"
lei-lei: usually he's a bit more pompous.
Derek: "I see...They say in battle people show who they really are. And he did hide in the tent."
lei-lei: mm....
*sounds of wheels are heard*
Sid: *his torso on a skateboard* "Derek, gather these students on this list." *holds up a list to him*
Derek: "Yes, sir."
lei-lei *looks*
*the list includes Duncan, Kanin, Amelia, Kazue, Izumi, Asher, and Monica*
lei-lei: ._. oh jeez....
Aizawa: -_-# "If the DWMA can't even handle their trip, that has me more concerned about this trip..."
blood king: you're being too paranoid. what's the worst that can happen, gaha!
Midnight: -_-; "You're all such children. We've moved the location 7 times already, and we've kept the travel plans confidential to only three people--" *points at Nezu, Aizawa, and Blood King*
*knock on the 8th Cathedral*
lisa: yeah?
Yotsuba: ^w^ "Hello, friend! Is Sister Iris here?"
lisa: .-.; um...yes?
Yotsuba: "Splendid!" *claps her hands together, as an almost flowery aura seems to appear around her* "May we enter~?"
Foien: ^^;
Karim: -_-;
lisa: um...sure...come on in... (what's with this girl?)
Yotsuba: *practically skipping in*
Foien: "Thanks. You're Lisa, right? Vulcan had helped me with this arm..."
lisa: yes, that's right. how's it holding up for you?
Foien: "Pretty well. I am having some problems on the middle finger--!!! N-Not that I'm using it like that or anything!" ^^;;;
Karim: *looks out the window to the courtyard* "..."
lisa: want vul to take a look at it?
Foien: "If it wouldn't be a problem..."
Karim: *exits for the courtyard*
rita: *watering flowers*
Karim: *looks around, waves at Rita*
rita: *she hasnt noticed him yet*
Karim: "..." *walks around in front of her*
rita: *looks up* !!!
Karim: *holds up his hands* "S-Sorry...Um..." *trying to sign* <Where Iris?>
rita: !! *signing* <she's asleep right now. she isnt feeling well.>
Karim: *nods* <I can come back.>
Black Star: *doing sit-ups--each time, looking up at Soul* "So--you--saw--what--happened--to--the--NOT--kids?"
soul: yeah i heard...
Black Star: "...I keep feeling off, man. I feel stronger."
soul: hmm...
Black Star: "And I heard there was Black Blood out there from Sid...It was kind of hard to hear him since he's kind of shorter now."
soul: .___.;
Chuuya: *pulls into the parking lot* "Okay, remember the number we're at."
*across the street is the beach*
miyuri: YAAAAAY! *running*
Chuuya: "!!! Look both ways!" *running after her*
sonia: *stares out at the ocean* wow....
Chuuya: *catches up to Miyuri* *sighs* *looks around at the beach* "Okay, time to find where to set up the blanket..."
Crona: *lying down* *gulps*
Stein: *washing his hands*
nurse valentine: we're gonna give you the anesthetic now, is that alright?
Crona: "..." *turns to look out the window of the operating room...*
mami: *watching, trying to keep on a brave face*
Crona: "It-It's alright. I'm ready..." *smiles at Mami*
*from a DWMA hallway, loud screaming can be heard coming from a classroom*
Saria: O_O; "Mr. Sid has been yelling for 5 minutes straight at them..."
lukas: do you think they'll be ok?
Saria: *shakes her head* "I don't know...He sounds really upset."
Duncan: *looks down*
Monica: *feet on the desk* "Tch."
Asher: >_>;
Kanin: *still in a half-ways werewolf form* "..."
Sid: "AND TO TOP IT OFF, THOSE OF YOU WHO COULD'VE BEEN USEFUL THOUGHT, 'Oh, I'll be cool and make a dramatic entrance--'"
Kazue: *holds up a sign* <I do like my dramatic entrances.>
izumi: .w.;;;;
*Sid is lying back-down on the teacher's desk...while his lower body is hanging on the lower part of the desk*
Sid: T~T "Could you please be more careful stitching me back up?"
yolanda: *gulp*
nygus: *hoists his torso up*
Duncan: *covering his mouth* "Oh God--" *grabs a paper bag--and vomits into it*
Kanin: -~-;
yolanda:...i've seen worse.
Asher: *glances at Yolanda* "...The fuck?"
Sid: "Ah...That's better. ...Duncan, you need to get a stomach for this work, or drop out of the Academy. Kanin, you are out of control and will be kept under greater scrutiny. Monica, you are suspended for 2 weeks and will be going through more medical exams to make sure the black blood's effects on you are limited."
Monica: "WHAT THE F--"
Sid: *throws an eraser at her--that slams into her mouth*
Monica: *knocked back* @O@
yolanda: ._.
Sid: "As for the rest of you...I appreciate Izumi's good work rescuing a classmate, but I can't let that stand. Therefore, the rest of you are on restroom clean-up duty for the next 2 weeks."
izumi: yes sir...
Asher: "Ugh. But they're so gross."
Kazue: <Didn't one of your coworkers used to smash the toilets with a hammer?>
Sid: "Shut up and start cleaning--OW!"
izumi: OxO;;;;
Patty: *glancing around the kitchen...slithers up to a bowl of cake batter...reaches for it--*
Patty: >~< "OW!"
stocking: NO TOUCHIE! *she's super focused*
Patty: "Aw, you're no fun." -n-
Kid: *sighs* *holds up a cookie* "Patty, leave her be." *shakes the cookie*
Patty: OwO "Cookie!" *runs after Kid*
stocking: this recipe needs to be perfect.
Kid: *tosses the cookie down the hall*
Patty: *yips after it*
Kid: *stands in the doorway, watching Stocking* "..."'
stocking: *sigh* man, this is exhausting... TT~TT
Kid: "Maybe 5 minutes for a drink of water?"
stocking: good idea.
Crona: *groans*
Stein: "Good afternoon."
Crona: "Wha..." *groggy*
mami: *holding chrona's hand*
Crona: "Mami? ...Where am I?"
mami: you're in the recovery room. *she has bandages on her arm*
Crona: *looks at her arm* "...Oh no..."
mami: it's fine. i wanted to...
Stein: "How do you feel?"
Crona: "...I can't hear Ragnarok...Wh-Where is he?!"
nurse valentine: look to your right.
Crona: *turns*
-in the other bed is a tall, muscular man with black hair-
Crona: "???"
Man: *groans, eyes closed--and throws a pillow at Crona*
Crona: ._.;
mami: D8<
Man: "Shut up, you stupid bastard--I'm exhausted."
Crona: "!!! Ragnarok?!"
nurse valentine: and how are you feeling, chrona?
Crona: "I-I don't know? Tired? Hungry?"
Stein: "Water for now. Stick to the IV pack for now too."
ragnarok: real talk here....how well equipped am i?
mami:.....*summons one of her rifles, and smacks him with it*
ragnarok: YEOW!!
Karim: *still sitting in the 8th's courtyard* "..."
Foein: *looking around the workshop*
Yotsuba: "--and then we can braid each other's hair and look at my sticker collection and order pizza and stay up late with a pillow fight--"
tamaki: *dead eyed expression* (why? why is this happening?)
iris: father fulham, rita told me you were out here.
Karim: "Yo. Hey. How you holding up? Doing okay?"
iris: i guess so. you?
Karim: "...Did you know Sister Evergreen very well?"
iris:.....not too well.
Karim: "Hmph. I talked to her every time I stopped by. She wrote a recommendation for me to get into the 1st."
iris: really? i didnt know that.
Karim: "Yeah. I'm not exactly the most talkative person."
iris:....i guess you heard about the group suicide this morning too, huh?
Karim: "..." *nods*
iris: i just....i cant imagine doing something like that....
Karim: "...I could."
iris: ?!
Karim: "If you lost something that was so full of meaning in your life, when everything feels useless and hopeless...I could imagine someone doing that."
iris:.........you arent going to....are you?
Karim: "No. I'm just saying I know where they are coming from. And if I didn't know that, how could I be a good minister to a flock?"
iris: i suppose.....
Karim: "...I wanted to stop by to ask whether she suffered."
iris:.....i dont know.....
Karim: "...I see..." *lowers his head, putting it in his hands*
iris:.....would you like something to eat?
Karim: "...You cook?"
iris: a little bit.
*at the front steps of the DWMA*
Spirit: T~T "IZUMI!!!"
izumi: hey da-
Spirit: *tight bear hug*
izumi: >nO t-tight...
Asher: *eyeroll* "That's just embarrassing--"
Asher: O_O; "H-Hey, Cassidy. What's up?" ^^;;;;
Monica: "..."
*someone puts Monica into a headlock*
Monica: "GRK!"
izumi: eh?
*it's a young man holding Monica in a headlock*
Monica: "Knock it off!" *grabs his arm, holding it behind his back*
Man: "A-Ah! Slippery, huh?!" *tickles under her arm*
Monica: >#< "Cut that shit--ha ha--out!" *smashes the palm of her hand up at his chin*
Man: *still fighting Monica* "Hey! I'm Lorenzo!" *grabs Monica's head by the top--and slams it down to the floor* "I'm sorry for my sister's behavior."
Monica: X____X
izumi: wait, you're-
Spirit: "Wow, Lorenzo, that's you?!" *pats the top of his head* "Look how tall you've gotten!"
Lorenzo: ^^; "Mr. Albarn, I've been this tall for 2 years now." *steps down on Monica's head into the sidewalk* "How you been?"
Monica: *muffled scream, as she grabs Lorenzo's ankle, clawing into it*
izumi: ._.;
Spirit: "I didn't know...she, was your sister."
Lorenzo: "??? Oh? I heard she got into trouble, but didn't think it was this bad." *waves at Izumi and Asher* "Hello."
izumi: it's nice to meet you, sir. *bows*
Asher: "...The hell is wrong with you and your freak bully of a sister?"
izumi: asher!
Lorenzo: "I had thought training Monica on her weapon here would do good for her like it did for me." *taps Spirit's arm* "Like Mr. Albarn and Dr. Stein did for me."
Spirit: .______. "D-Don't mention him..."
Monica: *by this point, she is now gnawing on Lorenzo's leg*
izumi: oh yeah, uncle stein said he was working on something today, right?
Spirit: *nods* "I was going to the hospital to check on Mami and Crona. I think you should, too."
izumi: *nods* yes sir.
Lorenzo: "D'aw, Uncle Stein. That's cute." ^^ *stamps his foot down on Monica's head*
Monica: *stands up--picking up her brother with both hands* "Sounds really corny. What's your friend in for?"
izumi: *sweatdrop*
Mephisto: *on the phone* "So the vessel was satisfactory and to your liking, Nurse~?"
nurse valentine: he seems to be adapting quite nicely. we'll need to keep them both here for a few days to check on them, but other than that, she transfusion seems to have been a success.
Mephisto: "Ah, marvelous! I'm glad we could be of assistance. Do let me know if you see any signs of his soul rejecting the body--we had to go through 5 of those just for Amaimon."
Amaimon: *sitting in front of a baby's toy to fit the square peg into the square hole...and shoving it into the circle hole*
nurse valentine: *sweatdrop* i'll keep that in mind....that reminds me. doctor?
Stein: "Hmm?"
nurse valentine: shall i call for lord death to come in and do a soul examination on chrona?
Stein: "Yes, please do so."
Kanin: *walking home with Amelia* "..."
amelia:....are you going to be alright?
Kanin: "...Amelia. I don't know."
amelia:....they wont lock you away....will they?
Kanin: *tenses* "...I don't want to talk about this. Let's just go home."
amelia:....ok......can we make a hotpot tonight?
Kanin: "...We don't have the ingredients. We'll stop by the grocery."
0 notes