#today the thought occurred to me that any number of my asks could be from the same person
juuheizou · 7 months
yo we know that juuzou doesn't really talk about his feelings but do you think w a significant other like mutsuki he would perhaps be more open?🤔 do you imagine they having late night deep conversations and moments of emotional vulnerability? if so, how does that go? like with all development he's got, how does juuzou talk about his feelings/vent and is open to emotional comfort? how do these moments happen?tysmm in advanceee💘
I don't think it will ever be his first instinct-- he just reads to me as someone who tends to try and pick apart his problems and figure out what to do about them on his own, on the occasion that he realizes he has a problem, and more than being particularly reserved, he just doesn't think to share and involve other people unless there is something practical he knows he needs from them. But I can see that being a skill he gets better at, specifically with Mutsuki as his partner in practicing it more.
Mutsuki, as we know with other characters, can not just read people who do everything in their power not to be read, but has the kindness and the empathy-used-for-good to engage with them in a way that can literally calm the savage beast. Suzuya might be another hard read, though in a different way than Urie, but especially once they grow close, Mutsuki can tell when he's upset behind the nonchalant smile and when a simple 'do you want to talk about it?' can dramatically alter the course of how Suzuya was going to handle whatever is bothering him. And it's not like he actively avoids sharing with people he trusts, so a lot of the time all Suzuya needs to open up in that way is for someone to put the thought in his head.
When Suzuya does talk about his feelings, he is a fun mixture of open and direct while also experiencing legit alexithymia and just not having the same emotional reaction to some things that his peers do. He might struggle to label his feelings as happy, sad, angry, and sometimes all he knows is what he wants to do about them. So I can see Mutsuki gently insinuating the idea into his head that maybe they should talk about something, then Suzuya just drops a bomb like 'this other senior investigator I'm stuck sharing this case with has been barring all my ideas. Sometimes things were easier when other people were just something to stab hundred times and watch them die,” or “I put down this cat I had for three years, and Shinohara probably isn't gonna make it just like my cat, so maybe I would like curling up and dying too,” as casual as someone says they've been feeling a little down lately.
Mutsuki is just as kind and (even if he doesn't really understand, he will fake it until he does) understanding as ever and will follow whatever lead Suzuya gives him deeper and deeper. Sometimes Suzuya's way of articulating his feelings can be hard to hear, but he still musters up a calm 'that must be so sad to go through all at the same time. For what it's worth, I would really miss you if you curled up and died.' And they just keep going back and forth talking until Suzuya feels better or gets worked up enough to beat up one of his pillows or throw a stuffed animal or something cathartic he needed to do to start feeling better. His arms are open when Suzuya gets all his thoughts out and needs a hug.
Suzuya is a smart cookie in his own way and can usually figure out solutions to things he can in fact solve (and work himself up into meltdown-level frustration trying to solve things he can't) on his own or with just an opportunity to talk himself through his thoughts with someone who will listen, but if he is really stuck enough to seek out an answer, which is REALLY stuck because underneath his outer appearance of indifference he is REALLY stubborn about things that actually matter to him, sometimes what he needs is a more Mutsuki-like idea for what to do. He always has a solution, sometimes unsolicited and unwanted, when Mutsuki has something to cry on his shoulder about, and in turn Mutsukki does his best to offer suggestions.
The first time he comes to Mutsuki on his own just to talk, Mutsuki definitely noticed it more than Suzuya did and really took it to heart that talking to him is on Suzuya's list of ways he can fix his problems. And, at that point in their relationship, that he actually has things of value to help Suzuya with, rather than Suzuya always coming to his rescue for nothing in return. I can see them occasionally having deep talks late at night or at the dinner table. Not super often, but I can see it happening when a situation at work or in life demands it.
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teaboot · 4 months
Forgive me if you’ve already answered something similar but how do you deal with crushing guilt when you did fuck up but there’s not really anything you can do to like make amends or you’ve already done anything you could and still feel guilty?
Like I know the guilt isn’t productive at all, if anything it’s just paralyzing me, and mentally beating myself up over it isn’t actually helping anyone. But I don’t know where to go from there. Idk how to actually forgive myself, or at least be able to move on
Okay, so this is something I've had to work through for a very long time myself, and there's a few different strategies that I've used to cope and process with varying levels of success.
What I used to do was handle the "I've ruined everything and hurt people and am never going to be forgiven" feeling by hurting myself in a number of creative and stupid ways, from physical hurt (Everything you'd expect) to mental hurt (wallowing, speaking badly of myself, going over the bad thing over and over again in my head) to passive hurt (neglecting my health, not eating properly, failing to pursue good living conditions, letting others hurt me, deliberately wandering into risky situations) and despite any short-term relief or peace I got, none of it ultimately fixed anything.
At the end of the day, making myself suffer as retribution or apology didn't fix the thing I'd done and didn't make the guilt go away, and all it gave me was an additional sense of shame and isolation because now not only was I a garbage person, I was a garbage person with something to hide from my loved ones. Zero out of ten, do not recommend.
The stuff that DID help was harder and is going to sound stupid because *I thought it was stupid* until it worked for me.
First: Learn the difference between GUILT and SHAME.
GUILT is how you feel about your choices.
SHAME is how you feel about yourself.
"I was late to a date again, that was inconsiderate": GUILT. The issue can be resolved by analyzing the reason behind the action and planning steps to avoid repeating it in the future. Guilt is productive because it motivates us to improve our choices. Once you've corrected the behaviour, it's over.
A"I was late to a date again, I'm inconsiderate": SHAME. The issue can be resolved by asking ourselves:
What negative thing to I believe about myself?
What other experiences support this belief? What evidence do I have that the bad thing is true?
Do those previous experiences have anything in common? Where they actually proof of a personal lack, or did someone just tell me they were? Were my choices and actions understandable? Did I have a reason? Was I trying to hurt others, or was it a mistake, accident, or learning experience? Have I grown from that experience?
Can I forgive myself for the past? What do I need to do to forgive myself for those past events? Was I really at fault at all, or was it out of my control?
Accept that.
Your present traumas and shames often have roots in beliefs you had about yourself before the new shameful thing occurred. When you dig into resolving the issues that led to today, you can use those conclusions to work through tomorrow. This is something I learned in cognitive behavioral therapy.
There are a number of ways of unpacking these questions, but as I felt I was deliberately avoiding my thoughts and feelings, I chose to jump into them directly, and found it to be effective.
You can write things down, talk to someone, paint something, draw something, whatever. Whatever at all works for you.
My solutions was to find a comfortable place on the floor, sit down, close my eyes, and do box-breathing (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4) while deliberately thinking about every upsetting memory attached to a specific bad belief that I could recall until I had nothing left to go over.
Judge and jury. Was I a bad person, or did I make a mistake? Did I have malicious intentions, or did someone accuse me of malicious intentions? Am I bad, or have I been conditioned to believe I'm bad? And at the end of it all, am I capable of better? Do I want to be better? And would a truly bad person care?
It was more emotional than I expected the first few times. Cried a lot, actually. But if I can liken it to a common feeling, it was like getting out of a very thorough shower and realizing you didn't know how dirty you were before.
The process sucks ass, no lie, but it's worth it. Like draining pus from a gnarly wound to get it healed up properly.
I'm not an expert, of course, but life has gotten better since I started. I'm better at forgiving myself, at least.
Also: Some people will never forgive others even for tiny things. Sometimes once you've done your best, you've just gotta say "fuck 'em". C'est la vie, mon amie.
Good luck, yeah?
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So did N post the Brazil restaurant pics and talk about it in an interview (a bit randomly) because she knew a lot of people were taking pics of them, and she wanted to control the narrative? Play it down and hush rumours? I don't recall her posting any other dinner photos during the tour?
Given the precise timing, I suspect the new photos/video that were released today may have been taken by staff who were under a 90-day NDA (from Part 1 release). I know of other photos that were posted in real time of L and N at the hotel restaurant. For some reason, they were not restricted to post? Maybe just a casual diner or guest? It just occurred to me that the two photos of them (on different nights) taken from a distance may have been screenshots from a video, as the quality is so poor? That's an interesting thought.
Then there's the NY Premiere videos. Why were some released in real time while others were released precisely 90 days after the release of part 1? Why would NDAs apply to some people but not others? Unless the videos posted today were purely by influencers via their official accounts and the other videos posted in real time were from random guests and anonymously leaked?
I'm confused as to why NDAs would be in place? Is it just a safeguard in case anything scandalous happened that would effect viewership numbers? And in the case of the Brazil hotel, just a general privacy thing? But why would it be limited to 90 days if that's the case? Unless they thought something would happen at the hotel that could effect viewership numbers?
Idk. I'm so confused about today. Particularly when you pair it with the week of posting from N. No surprises she posted something social awareness related today (all eyes on her) either because she anticipated today's events OR she had a look at her socials and saw that things had been posted and wanted to make the most of public interest. But still, why the lead up with her own cryptic and love-struck posts? And radio silence from L and all adjacents since he posted the Bridgerton bloopers?
Here are my key takeaways from today (and this week):
They spent a shit ton of time together in Brazil, and didn't get sick of each other. Even going to two separate restaurants in the hotel on one night. They had at least two outings together, without their teams in earshot, across two nights.
He enjoys grabbing her hand unnecessarily just as much as she enjoys grabbing his. Their level of physical affection is unsettling to me, even when certain adjacents are around.
Certain adjacents are just hanging around, whether they know they're being filmed or not. Where is the affection or physical comfort?
A few days before the Premiere, N posts a song about waiting for someone, asking them to give her 'a look again' to get things going. Then in the week leading up to the end of a 90-day period from Part 1 release (and possible NDA expiration), she proceeds to post about someone giving her a call after not hearing from them in a while, and admitting their love for one another (the caller expressing their feelings first). She then posts a song about getting it on with a person where there's no pretending, who knows her so well. Someone who makes her want to dress up and go dancing. Makes me think of that song she posted after S3 filming (I think) and possibly again during tour? - "we should kiss like real people do". What's this whole theme about pretending vs. reality? Being real/yourself vs. fake? What's this in relation to? I mean, I have a few theories...
I can feel it in my loins that the next few days are going to be enlightening, and could literally go in any direction. But did any of us predict this turn of events in what was suppose to be the 'dry period' before s4 filming begins??? This is honestly the best show I've ever watched.
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 5 months
Wrong number
Gojo likes to write Nanami and chat about (Y/N). The problem is… that all this time he was writing… to you.
"Hey, Nanami, you know what? My future wife gave me a very sweet smile today! I always thought that my Six Eyes didn't have even the slightest flaw, but in fact, there is still one! Why can't I use them to take photos? I would like to remember her smile forever!"
"Nanami-i-in, you have thirty seconds to say what (Y/N)-chan likes out of food! If you don't tell me, I'll come to your house and yell under your windows until you tell me!"
«NA. NA. MIN! Can you go to (Y/N)-chan and find out what her ring finger size is? I want to order a ring for our engagement in advance, but I do not know what size my princess' fingers are."
Again. Again. Again and again. Gojo sent these messages... to you.
It all started about six months ago. You were lying quietly in bed and enjoying a well-earned sleep, when suddenly you jumped up and almost hit the ceiling. Your phone rang abruptly and woke not only you, but definitely your neighbors as well!
You mentally cursed the fact that you forgot to turn down the volume or turn off the sound completely. The phone was in your hands, and you were instantly almost blinded by the bright light. Cursing everything that was happening, you canceled the call and lay back on the cool sheets…
Only to hear three loud sounds in a row in a second, notifying you of the incoming message!
You sat up and growled softly to yourself. Belatedly, it occurred to you that you might be urgently needed as a sorcerer. So that you, overcoming the burning light in your eyes, could finally see the message that came. And there…
"What do you think, what kind of filling do I need to take anpans with?"
You sat for a few seconds, remembering what "anpan" is. Your sleeping brain found somewhere in your head the information that this is dessert, threw it at you and continued to sleep. You looked at the message again…
"Gojo-san, how did you get my number?"
Who else could it be? It was two o'clock in the morning, and an unknown person suddenly writes to you and asks with what filling to take a sweet! This was one hundred percent Gojo.
You turned down the brightness of the screen and turned down the sound, lay back on the bed and decided to finish this conversation quickly so that Satoru would no longer distract you from sleep.
"Ha! Because I am the great Satoru Gojo! You thought you changed your phone number and got away from me? Ha! A genius like me will find someone like you without any problems!"
You frowned. You haven't changed your phone number. But you decided not to think about it, you wanted to sleep.
"I don't want to deal with all this. Take all the filling options for anpans, you're still rich. I'm going to sleep."
And then you turned off the sound on your phone, put it away from you, and went back to sleep.
The next day, you decided to find Satoru and ask him how he got your phone number. You had a weekend off, so you didn't dress in your usual dark uniform, but in something more elegant. As you walked through the school grounds, you listened to the sounds around you. Yes, it would be more logical to find the tall man with white hair using your eyes, but you knew that it is much easier to go to where the loudest and "violent" sounds come from.
Suddenly, your phone tells you that you have received a new message. You have opened the appropriate tab…
You froze, looking around. Yes, there could be no mistake. Gojo photographed you from the roof of one of the nearby buildings.
You wanted to write to him and ask him not to joke, to come here and talk to you, but you froze, looking at the new message from Satoru.
"Hey, Nanami-i-in, do you see this? (Y/N)-chan is so cute today! Oh, I know! If I'm the "strongest", then she's the "cutest"! I think my cheeks will ache for a few more weeks from this memory!"
You continued to stare at the screen in shock. «(Y/N)-chan»? He never called you that! He always referred to you as "(Y/N)", sometimes as "(Y/S)".
But that's not even the strangest part! Why does he suddenly say you're... cute?
You were so confused by this sudden information that you couldn't speak to Gojo when he appeared next to you. You just mumbled something in embarrassment and ran to the bathroom, trying to cool off by splashing cold water on your face.
While you were washing up, I received another message.
"He-he-he-he, I really am not only the strongest, but also the most beautiful. I have a new record, Nanamin! I was able to embarrass a girl in seven seconds! And given that it was (Y/N)-chan… This is my absolute victory!"
After that, you couldn't even talk to Gojo.
You were in a hurry to go home, but so successfully encountered Nanami! You asked him to talk to you alone. Kento nodded and calmly followed you into one of the empty classrooms. All this time you have felt the heavy gaze of the heavenly eyes.
When you were in class, your phone made that familiar sound again.
"Why did (Y/N)-chan call you to this small room, m? Are you trying to take my little girl away from me? Quickly get out of there so I can see you! I don't trust your sharp cheekbones!"
–Is something wrong, (Y/N)?
You looked at Nanami and suddenly realized why he was so tired. When you were in school with him, you were even more or less tolerant of Gojo's antics, finding them funny... but Nanami…
–Did you change your phone number, Kento-kun?
The sorcerer gasped softly and nodded quickly.
–Yes, I'm sorry I didn't warn you sooner. I was on a mission, so I couldn't warn you. You couldn't reach me?
–Um... that's not really the point... I have a... problem here.
You showed him your phone screen. Kento quickly ran his eyes over the messages and then groaned loudly.
–I knew he wouldn't stop there…
–W-what are you talking about?
–I actually changed my phone number so that Gojo wouldn't write or call me anymore, – Kento said with a serious face. – And even though I knew he would try to find me, I didn't think he would try to do it so quickly.
–Um... what he writes to me… is this a hoax or something, y-yes?
 Nanami looked at you. You've looked at Nanami.
–I could try to smooth things over, but our senpai deserves to be punished for distracting me from my legitimate vacation so often and forcing me to answer his stupid questions. Gojo has been in love with you since our first year of school. He keeps writing me stuff like that about you. This is one of the reasons why I decided to change my phone number and not tell him a new one.
You stood there in shock. You... you couldn't believe that Gojo has been in love with you for so long! You can't believe it, because even now, when you received such information and re-analyzed all his actions, you couldn't believe that he was in love with you!
 Yes, he brought you food. But at the same time, he was carrying packages for his students! Yes, he invited you to dinner. But with him and you always went your colleagues, friends or his students! Yes, he brought you souvenirs. But to whom did he not bring souvenirs after his travels?!
You've thought about it over and over and over again. And with every encounter with Gojo replayed in your head, you didn't understand how Satoru could be in love with you.
Meanwhile, Nanami noticed your reaction and tapped you on the shoulder.
–I understand you, (Y/N). I would also be traumatized if I found out that someone like Gojo had fallen in love with me.
–T-that's not the point! G-Gojo-san hasn't shown any signs of attention to me all this time! He... h-he just existed next to me and sometimes acted like Gojo-san usually does!
–However, this does not make my correspondence with him any less adequate, – Kento sighed and patted you on the head, trying to calm you down. – Gojo may not have shown it, but he's incredibly in love with you. I even think he's mentally unstable... and it's not just his romantic feelings for you. (Y/N), – he looked you in the eye, – you can do whatever you want with this information. You can even make him feel a huge amount of shame and opprobrium, which is usually felt by people around him. I personally don't care.
You just nodded in embarrassment.
When you were exchanging phone numbers with him, you suddenly asked:
–Kento-kun, why didn't you just block Gojo-san if he annoyed you so much?
–Because, – Nanami clenched his jaw tightly, – he broke into my apartment, stole my phone, guessed the password, and unlocked himself! I logically decided that it was better to continue reading his whining than to clean the apartment again after a person who does not take off his shoes indoors!
–What makes you think... that he can't just break into your apartment and get your phone number?..
 Nanami grinned broadly at you.
–Because I moved out.
You left the room with Kento, happy for him and his new apartment. Suddenly, you got a text message again.
"Why is she so happy around you?! What did you tell her?!. I'm serious. What did you tell her to make her so happy?.. Oh, I know! If you tell me, I'll buy you bread!.."
You put your phone in your pocket without a word.
You wanted, you really wanted to write Gojo that you are not "Nanamin", that you are not "(Y/N)-chan", that you are not his "princess", "sunny", "rabbit", "goddess", "the most beautiful woman on Earth" and so on. But…
Sometimes it was so nice to feel like the most loved person in the whole world.
You didn't have a romantic relationship. You weren't sure what it was about, but the fact remained. No one gave you loud compliments, no one praised you and your body in a way that didn't make you feel uncomfortable and nauseous, no one gave you gifts or told you that they would put the world at your feet.
And Satoru Gojo... he said all that.
Every time you felt sad, you opened a conversation with him and read his endless "simp's messages". When you didn't have enough of that, you wrote and asked Gojo what exactly he "likes about (Y/N)". And each time Satoru wrote "oh, you finally asked, Nanamin, I thought you didn't want to be in this topic" and the next message flooded you with a portion of compliments.
When you thought about someone great like Satoru Gojo having such feelings for you... you couldn't help but feel better, and you had hope for the best.
But there was still a problem. Gojo... he never once did what Nanami asked him to do. It was like... bullying.
"Nanami-i-in, what kind of cologne do you wear? (Y/N)-chan said you smell good. Maybe if it suits me, (Y/N)-chan will also stick her nose into my chest?"
You answered it by asking Kento first. But Satoru didn't change in any way after that. He smelled the same as before. (Yes, you specifically checked this out).
"What was the name of that restaurant that you and Shoko were discussing? I hear it has a great kitchen. I want to book a table to ask out (Y/N)-chan!"
No one asked you out on a date. Gojo didn't even hint at it.
"What kind of food (Y/N)-chan likes to take with her? She's going on a mission with me, so I want to cook lunch for her!"
No one shared the food with you that day. Moreover, Satoru left when you asked him to eat together, saying that he had urgent business to attend to.
"What gems do you think will suit her? She got a beautiful manicure, and I want to give her a ring and a bracelet that will match the color of her nails!"
You didn't get any expensive (or cheap) jewelry either before the nail polish was still in place or after it was worn off.
Gojo seemed to know… that it's you. (You thought so). You started to doubt that you were able to parody Nanami's perfect grammar, but then you remembered that Kento himself said that he constantly received messages from Satoru of a similar nature. And your friend will not lie to you, especially in something so serious.
In the end, half a year passed. You woke up and fell asleep with questions... and messages from Gojo. You didn't know what to do at all, especially now that you've come this far.
But there was exactly one huge plus in all of this. Nanami always wrote without errors and abbreviations, he even placed commas in the right places! So you were filled with the wisdom of your language and even learned a few dozen new words, because sometimes Kento dictated to you exactly how to answer Gojo.
The fourteenth of February came unexpectedly... or almost. And you planned to end your suffering soon. Because if you once again receive incredible praise in the text and see the usual behavior in life… you'll go crazy.
"Gojo-san, are you awake?"
"What do I see?! Did Nanamin finally text me first?! I don't believe it! I'll go and ask that ugly curse to pinch me! Wait a second!.."
"I can't wait. It's about (Y/N), if it makes you think faster."
You stared at the screen for a few seconds, and then…
 –(Y/N), why Gojo is breaking into the classroom where I wanted to take a nap and yelling that he's going to kill me?
–Um... I texted him on your behalf that I wanted to talk to him... C-can you ask me what kind of chocolate he'd like for February fourteenth? Better yet, l-let him write!..
 Kento ended the call abruptly. You decided to write to Gojo as soon as possible that "(Y/N) is interested in what kind of gift for the fourteenth of February you would like". Suddenly, Nanami called you again and thanked you for saving him, because he had already started climbing out of the window so that Satoru wouldn't kill him.
 Gojo has started typing you a message… He wrote it for a minute, two, five… You decided to leave your phone alone and go for a cup of tea.
When you returned from watching an episode of your favorite TV show, you looked at your phone…
 Did he w-write me a whole book?!
 You scrolled and scrolled and scrolled down the screen... until you finally reached the end.
"So much information is normal? I can think some more if (Y/N)-chan can't choose from what I've suggested!"
You decided to quickly convince him that everything is in order and so.
You started viewing his message… You have a feeling that you didn't read so much in high school.
In the end, you came to a simple conclusion that you didn't have to spend at least ten minutes reading this entire text: Gojo will be happy with everything you give him, but he will be most happy with homemade chocolate.
You planned to hand him a chocolate bar with a note like "it was me all along, (Y/N), not Kento-kun." But it turned out that you don't know how to make sweets. In the end, you decided to ask Nanami for help, taking up his entire evening.
Everything was fine. The wizard really knew how to cook, you quickly finished all the "dirty part", now the chocolate was cooling in the refrigerator and waiting in the wings. Slicing vegetables for Nanami to make a stew doesn't feel quite right. You were proud of the work you did. And yet you were afraid of what was coming.
–If you're tired, I can make dinner myself. You saved me from Gojo's nagging, so this is the least I can do for you.
–No, no, it's okay, Kento-kun… I was just thinking about it… Why is it that Gojo-san practically confesses her love to me in every message, but when we get close?… Why is he acting like he doesn't feel anything at all?
–This may sound corny... but he probably doesn't want you to get hurt, – Nanami reached out and patted your head, bringing back memories of the day you were in the classroom with him. – He is the strongest sorcerer, and he has many enemies. If he has a "favorite", then they will be in danger. This is especially true for the person he loves.
–But why then does he not try to suppress these feelings, but only remind himself of them by 'communicating with you'?
–Because Gojo is an annoying jerk who doesn't know how to control himself, – Kento started cutting carrots. – If you love him, I hope you both start dating as soon as possible. Then all his energy will go to you, and we, all the rest of his environment, will breathe calmly.
–Hey! Are you just making me a victim, Kento-kun?!
–Yes, you're right... – he chuckled softly. – Even you can't completely neutralize someone like Gojo.
You silently poked him in the shoulder.
Shortly before the fourteenth of February, you took out chocolate in the form of hearts, which was cooling all this time, and with the help of white chocolate you wrote an inscription on the sweets (each candy had one letter). "It wasn't Kento-kun's cell number".
And now everything was ready. You bought chocolate for your male friends and prepared to give joy to your colleagues.
You ran from building to building, finding your friends and giving them gifts. (You were planning to get a lot of gifts for White Day, so you had to take care of every man in your environment, hee-hee!) You decided to approach Gojo at the end.
The tall, solitary figure was easy to find. You clutched the colorful box in your hands and prepared for this important step in your life.
–Gojo-san... I have a gift for you.
 Satoru instantly turned around and pulled the black blindfold from his eyes. He smiled slyly at you and began to draw out the vowels, saying something teasing. But you didn't listen to him. You wanted to understand... how you're feeling right now.
If you were disgusted with Gojo or something like that, you wouldn't be reading so much of what he wrote for Nanamin.��And yet... you didn't act like an embarrassed teenager either... or basically a person in love.
But then why did you do it? Why did you even make homemade chocolate for Satoru Gojo in honor of the fourteenth of February?..
You froze, looking at the sorcerer who said something like "are you frozen, struck by my beauty?". You thought about what he said... and then you nodded.
 Gojo has been close to you for several years now. People might call him annoying... but you found his behavior funny.
 You liked his jokes and antics. Yes, sometimes his pranks got out of hand, you felt more shame than laughter, but... in the end, you couldn't be mad at Gojo.
 Satoru was the one who always protected you on missions because you were "too weak". He was the one who threw a cold water bottle at you on hot days. He was the one who talked about himself and his "incredible coolness " over and over again when you were feeling bad, until you switched to anger at him, forgetting about your problems.
After all... Satoru wasn't as "bad" as some people thought he was. Or maybe you're already used to the fact that he's such an active, funny, and funny fool.
You didn't know why he fell in love with you. Maybe you just handed him a dessert when he was weak, and he remembered you as his hero. It doesn't matter…
Because you tripped over a rock!
You flew down in a rush, but suddenly big hands grabbed you by the waist. Gojo lifted you off the ground vertically and laughed, there were tears in his heavenly eyes.
–Y-you tripped in the air?! I want to make a GIF out of this! It was just perfect!
–Y-yeah, yeah, I know… Can you put me on the ground? I can't give you chocolate in this state.
 Satoru nodded enthusiastically and placed you on the ground. It vibrated impatiently on the spot, reaching out to you and waiting for you to give it a sweet. You looked at his face carefully. His skin was as pale as usual.
You gave him the box. Gojo started chatting about how he was so incredible that they even made him homemade chocolate. Satoru put the lid aside... and you were horrified to see that all the candies had flown up and got tangled up, so the phrase was impossible to read.
While Gojo chewed happily and theatrically, enjoying your cooking and praising you, you clenched your hands into fists. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't just give up and walk away. You…
–Gojo-san, did you like the candy?
–Yes! – he looked at you with great joy. – You made them especially for me? Oh-oh-oh, (Y/N), you're such a good and hardworking girl!..
It started pulling at your cheek. You listened to his phrase. He didn't sound serious, he was teasing you.
And you couldn't stand this ambiguity any longer.
–Gojo-san, by the way... can you call my phone? I lost it somewhere in my bag, I can't find it…
–I can use my Si…
He suddenly shut up and suddenly started nodding vigorously. He took out his phone and asked you to give him your phone number. You were talking digit by digit, shrinking from the inside out and afraid that it would end right now... no, you were afraid that you didn't know how it would end.
 And now the end has come. The last digit. Gojo tapped the screen with his finger…
–I think you gave me your phone number wrong. I called Nanamin for some reason…
You took your phone out of your bag with a trembling hand and looked at the screen. All of a sudden it became bright, two options appeared. "Accept incoming call" and "Cancel incoming call". You hit the green button under the shocked gaze of the sorcerer and bring the phone to your ear.
 Gojo stood blinking in surprise for a few seconds, then canceled the call.
–S-so... everything I wrote... wasn't seen by Nanamin, but b-by you?
–Y-yes, – you gulped and nodded. – And I wanted to talk about it…
Before you finished your sentence, Satoru threw his phone at you and ran off in an unknown direction so fast that you didn't quite understand where he ran to in the first place. The only thing you realized... was that his face, ears, and neck were completely red.
 You are left alone with your thoughts, feelings... and his phone.
After that failed declaration of love (or whatever it was?), you were on missions for several days and couldn't talk to Gojo. Just in case, you carried his phone with you, so that if something happened, you could give it back. So when you finally got back to your apartment, showered, and ate... there was a knock on your door.
 Satoru was on the doorstep. It looked calm when you looked through the peephole in the door, but now that you opened it, it was getting redder and redder before your eyes.
–Um... I came to get my phone, and... my mistakes and my shame.
–Do you want to... talk about it?
–I t-think... you already know.
You looked at Gojo and were surprised. You've never seen him look so confused. Usually Satoru made all the people lose their patience and calmness… but now, he was the one who had lost his playfulness and fun.
You silently stepped aside, hinting at the sorcerer to come in. But he didn't budge from his spot in the communal hallway.
–Um... please come inside, I don't want any of the neighbors to see the mess in my apartment. I think... we need to talk.
–Ar-re you sure... you want to do this after everything I've written... to you?
–Yes. Because... your words really supported me when I was having a hard time, – you smiled faintly and hid your embarrassment by burying your nose in your shoulder. – So... please... let's talk.
 Gojo Satoru, a great sorcerer, the strongest user of cursed energy in this generation, a tall and incredibly handsome man... came into your apartment blushing and hunching like a teenager. You smiled faintly and closed the door behind him so that he wouldn't run away.
Because you couldn't escape his messages. And now he... won't be able to run away from you either. Perhaps... it's time for him to know what you think of him, too, even if you tell him all this while looking him straight in the eye... and not through messages on your phone.
[In my head, it looked better... eh…]
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
A/N: I don't know which ship name is the most common, so I'm using all of them lol I may or may not have been drinking while writing this...
"Today's adventure is THE TERRIFIC TREASURE TAKEAWAY!" Caine introduced his adventure of the day with the usual display of flare, completely oblivious to the reactions of the unimpressed six in front of him. "You're going on a scavenger hunt! It'll be three teams of two searching the grand Museum for TREASURES! Avoid security! Or they lock you up and your teammate has to get you out! If both of you are caught, you're out of the game! The last team standing, or the team with the most treasures at the end of the time limit, wins!"
Pomni spoke to Ragatha out of the side of her mouth. "Do the adventure titles always have to be illiterate?"
"No." Ragatha covered her mouth and whispered back. "I think that's just a Caine thing."
"Three teams? We ALL have to participate?" Zooble groaned.
"The game is more fun than way! Come on, Zooble! Don't you want to play a game with your friends?" Caine was practically begging. He could not force them to play if they absolutely did not want to, but he REALLY needed an even number of people for the game to work properly.
Zooble rolled their eyes and turned to leave, but then overheard Jax.
"Looks like Zooble is going to be as boring as always. Come on Gangle, you're my partner."
Zooble stopped and turned on their heels. They marched to Jax and shoved him away from Gangle. They crossed their arms and didn't move when Jax got back up and glared.
"Fine. I didn't really want to be stuck dealing with her whining anyway." Jax huffed and stretched his arm out to grab Kinger by the scruff of his robe. "Kinger and I got this."
"Hey, Pomni. Would you like to be my partner? ...for the game! The game." Ragatha awkwardly felt like she needed to clarify.
"Oh! Uhhh, yeah, sure." Pomni was glad Ragatha asked first.
"EXCELLENT!! I do love full party participation!" Caine snapped and a colorful portal opened. "Good luck everyone!"
The group walked through and found themselves in the grand main hall of an enormous museum. Around them the main hall separated into three wings and had three floors. Above them hung a banner that read WELCOME TO ESCHER'S MUSEUM OF ODDITIES. A full T-Rex fossil was having tea with a wax figure of Abraham Lincoln on a display in the center of the room. Various random items were in display cases, many of them only vaguely resembling artifacts and art pieces.
Pomni nervously looks around. "Uh, any ideas as to what these TREASURES look like?"
"No clue. I'm more worried about this SECURITY Caine was talking about. His ideas of enforcement came be a bit...scary. BUT we won't know until we try taking something." Ragatha tapped the glass around a weird mask looking object.
"...it just occurred to me that Caine has literally sent us to rob a museum." Pomni thought out loud as she backed up against a wall, feeling exposed in the large liminal space.
"This is supposed to be a competition right? Outta my way!" Jax pushed Ragatha aside, into Pomni.
Ragatha braced herself against the wall, arm on either side of Pomni.
Pomni flushed, seeing Ragatha up close and personal always made her heart flutter but they've never been this close. She stared up into Ragatha's smiling, apologetic face. Her one eye soft on her.
"Hey..." Ragatha giggled.
"...hey." Pomni delayed in answering, but managed a smile.
Neither of them moved. They just stood their. Awkwardly. Neither wanting to tell the other to move, because what if that was rude?
Jax yeeted the glass case Ragatha had tapped and grabbed the mask. It turned into a cloud of sparkles and a +1 popped up before disappearing. "Ha! I knew it! The WHOLE museum is up for grabs!" He jumped on the platform with the dino and president tea display and tried removing Abe's head.
The whole room went red. INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!
"Oh noooo..." Gangle whimpered.
Massive drones came out of the walls and flew towards Jax. "Oop, time to go." He bugs bunny-ed his ass out the room as fast as he could, three drones on his heels. One drone shot a laser at Kinger and he disappeared. The girls screamed.
"Come on!" Pomni took Ragatha by the hand and ran. The maze like layout of the museum discombobulated those who could get away. Lefts was right, down was up. Every door hit a stairwell and every stairwell looped in on itself. At one point, they were on the ceiling. "What kind of place IS this!?"
Ragatha tried to keep up but Pomni was practically dragging her. "Pomni! The stai-" She tripped, fell over apomni and they both rolled and bounced down a countless flight of stairs. Ragatha wrapped her body around Pomni in an attempt to protect her from the fall, even though it felt like rolling down a bouncy castle.
They eventually stopped when they slammed through a closed door.
Ragatha still had a hold of Pomni, they laid side by side. "Are you alright?"
"Uhhhhh....I think so." Pomni had dizzy swirls in her eyes.
Ragatha couldn't help but snicker. It was a funny look on Pomni. "Good. Because that was actually kind of fun."
Pomni shook the swirls away. "Seriously? Falling down the stairs is your idea of fun?"
"Oh, well, no, not real stairs but it was...uh...never mind. I'm just glad you're okay." Ragatha let go and they both got up.
They saw no way out other than the door they knocked off its hinges. Colorful tiles covered the floor, small tables sat in neat little rows, and there was a large play area.
"Where are we?" Pomni asked, looking around.
"I don't know. A classroom?"
"This place doesn't make any sense."
"It wouldn't be one of Caine's creations if it did." Ragatha said with an irey lilt in her voice. "In fact, this actually isn't the weirdest place I've ever seen. I wouldn't even put it in the top five."
Pomni gaped. "Say what?"
"Yeah, you weren't here for the time he tried to make us all fly like him and Jax ended up on the underside of the sun."
Pomni smiled. "He did?"
"Oh yeah, he had to tap dance the heat off his feet until Caine figured out how to turn gravity back on. Took like an hour."
Pomni started to laugh. "It took him THAT long?"
Ragatha laughed with her. "Yeah! If you ask me, I think he did it on purpose." She loved hearing Pomni laugh, it was so rare.
"Wait, so is that the weirdest?"
"Oh, no. The absolute weirdest had to be Derby Day." Ragatha leaned against an oversized toy box. "Derby Day was when Gangle had to-"
The toy box opened, swallowed Ragatha whole, then slammed shut.
"Ah! Ragatha!" Pomni went to open the box and she too was magically pulled inside. She fell and fell and fell into an endless pit of vibrate color. Ragatha was just below her. "Ragatha!!"
"Pomni!!" She cried out as she tumbled through the air.
Pomni streamlined herself to fall faster and caught up with Ragatha. She tried to get Ragatha's hand but the ragdoll was living up to her namesake and accidentally kicked Pomni in the face. They both spun and free fell into a pile of pillows. They laid there for moment to collect themselves.
"What. The actual. [%$!#]." Pomni mumbled into a plush pillow.
"I take it back. This IS really weird." Ragatha moaned.
"...top five?"
"Top three."
Pomni sat up and didn't bother checking her new surroundings. It didn't matter where they were, they'd probably end up somewhere else in a minute anyway. Ragatha rolled over and stared at the new sky. She couldn't see the top, it was an abyss of kaleidoscopic color. "You know...for all the weirdness...I am grateful for one thing."
"What's that?"
Pomni jerked her head up. "What?"
"Yeah... I'm probably saying this because it doesn't matter if I do... But I enjoy your company."
"Oh...I...I didn't think anyone would. I'm not exactly...fun. And don't say you don't matter. If there's one thing in this digital scape, that actually does matter, it's our feelings. It's what makes us human." Pomni rolled over to join Ragatha looking at the weird sky. "A-and you've been wonderful to be around, too. I'm sorry I don't really say it. I tend to get lost in my own head."
"I understand. This place will do that to you." Ragatha paused, considering if she should say what she wanted to say next. "I'm... Grateful for one other thing today."
"What's that?"
"I got to hug you."
Pomni turned her head to Ragatha. They smiled at each other.
Ragatha continued. "I- I know you're not the biggest fan of touch so...the fact that you didn't freak out after we fell down the stairs-"
"Ragatha, I wouldn't freak out on you. Not for that. Sure, touch isn't really my thing but...I make a small exception for you."
"Would it be okay...if we hugged again?" Ragatha asked with a deep blush across her cheeks.
Pomni scooted closer. "Yeah."
They locked into a warm embrace. It was the most human thing either one of them had felt in a long time. Pomni felt anchored, her mind focused on only the here and now. No what ifs and maybes. It was bliss.
Ragatha felt a sense of comfort and connection that she thought she'd never get to feel again. In this place...it was getting hard to feel anything but melancholy.
As they hugged the pillows shifted. They tried to get up but they both slipped in the surface vertically against one another. It was like falling into quicksand.
"Great....were are we going now?" Pomni held on around Ragatha's neck.
"I don't know, but we're going together. That's all that matters to me." Ragatha held tight as they sunk further and further into the unknown.
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hughesies · 2 years
could you do one where the reader is the best friend of Sira (Ferran torres girlfriend) and she meets Gavi for the first time and he is absolutely in love with her please. Thankss<3
love at first sight, pablo gavi
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*not my gif. full credits to proper creator*
summary: sira invites you to the fair with her, ferran, and a friend, which you both click instantly.
pairings: pablo gavi x fem!reader
note: i hope you guys like this one🫶🏼. please leave any comments or tips for me and keep requesting!
"im nervous," you stated, picking at your nail cuticle. you haven't tried to engage in any sort of new relationship since your breakup when you found out your now ex-boyfriend was cheating on you. that was nearly 8 months ago. you've just been scared of the same thing occurring and going through that pain again.
"y/n, what is there to be nervous about? you need to get back out there and forget about that stupid kid." sira stated, eyes focused on the road as she drove.
she was currently driving to a famous fair in Barcelona. you both were going to meet her boyfriend, ferran there along with a teammate of his. they both played for Barcelona's football team.
"i don't know, like what if we don't get along? it's going to be awkward," you looked out the window but could still see sira roll her eyes from the corner of your eye.
"please, you two will get along just fine."
as you guys arrived at the fair, you walked down to the food stands to meet up with ferran. after all, sira was just trying to do a nice gesture for you.
you two finally found ferran and his friend, and his friend was a very good sight to look at. you smiled as the two of you approached them. sira gave ferran a little hello kiss and hug, while you gave him a little hug, becoming familiar with his presence.
gavi finally made eye contact with you, and he thought you were absolutely stunning. from your light brown, wavy hair to your deep honey-colored eyes with long lashes.
"hi, im y/n," you smiled brightly at him as you introduced yourself. he was at loss for words, but quickly snapped out of whatever effect you had on him.
"uhm hola, soy gavi, pablo gavi," gavi stuttered a bit and smiled back. you both have each other a small hug as you would normally do when you meet somebody but held on a couple seconds longer.
the day went on and you and gavi got along pretty well. he loved cracking jokes, which would make you laugh, showing your gorgeous smile. he loved everything about you so far. he loved the way you were calm. he loved hearing your soothing, soft voice. your laugh was one of the most intoxicating laughs he's heard. he didn't know he could like someone so much at the same time he met them.
you loved so much about him as well. you loved the way he spoke to you. you loved how he wouldn't leave you alone. you loved hearing his Spanish accent as he spoke English. he was different. you felt like you could be yourself around him. you liked him so much as you barely met him today.
you both knew for sure you wanted to be around each other more than once. you two enjoyed each other presence.
as the day came to an end, you were sad not knowing the next time you would see each other, as the same went for gavi. you decided to exchange phone numbers for the future. you gave each other a long, friendly but as well very flirtatious hug.
the two 18 years old got into different cars, hearing things from both ferran and sira.
"what if we don't get along? it's going to be awkward," sira giggled as she mimicked your statement from earlier in the day. you just rolled your eyes and smiled.
"so do you like him?" sira asked beginning to drive off.
"yeah, i really do," you blushed as you looked out the window, viewing the sunset, thinking about gavi.
"entonces, qué piensas de ella?" ferran asks his teammate. (so what do you think of her?)
"ella me gusta mucho." gavi began blushing as well, looking out the window, thinking about you. (i like her a lot.)
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junikicker · 1 year
Under Her Spell Part 2 - Lady Bellaston x fem!reader
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Under Her Spell - Lady Bellaston x fem!reader
warnings: mention of scars, abuse, surgery, soft and caring Lady B (?), smut
word count: 3.4k
note: you wanted part two, I give you part two
You weren’t sure if it had been the right decision to meet up with Lady Bellaston, but now that you had given her the note and were walking back towards your London home, you found yourself smiling at the thought of seeing her again.
“I take it your meeting with Miss Western went well?” Your father asked as you came into his office, announcing your return. He was a tall, thin man of forty years. Pale skin, bright eyes and dark hair that matched the color of his beard.
“Quite the opposite. I fear, father.” You replied, standing straight. “As it turns out, lovely Lady Bellaston does not see me marrying her niece.” You spoke, only revealing part the truth. “I see. Well, so shall be it. But perhaps I could pay her a visit. We are old friends after all.” He spoke, getting back to writing a letter.
“I doubt that will be of any significance on the case. She seemed quite passionate about her decision.” You said calmly, trying to hold back a smile that was threatening to make its way to your face.
“Maybe look forward to the masquerade ball then. Half of England’s most significant women will be there. You shall try talk to someone suitable there then. “Your father spoke, eyes trained on the parchment in front of him.
“Why not marry out of love? Why shall I marry for status?” You asked him and his eyes shot up from the paper as he dropped the quill in his left hand.
“Marry out of love?” He asked you, looking at you as if you were hallucinating. “Marriage for love is not something we do in this family. It might come as a lovely by-product, but it sure is not necessary for marriage. I did love your mother. Very deeply. But we, too, were set up by my father. As were him and my mother and so on.” He explained, getting up, and smoothing out his clothes. “I do understand that you want to marry for love. All the young people do today. But, and I hate to tell you this, given our status among our people, we simply cannot risk losing our influence. I am Viscount after all. Someday, you will take my place, son. And shall produce an heir.” These words cut deep. They always did. When he called you son.
“Father, you and I both know that is-” You started but he cut you off. “Impossible? You could not be further from the truth. I have been in contact with your uncle and discussed the matter with him. Your cousin would be thrilled to help out. His mother is your mother’s sister after all.” He proposed, stroking his beard.
Right. Aaron. Always in the right place at the right time. He sure was loyal to the family. Three years younger than you and yet to be wed. It occurred to you that it had been only a matter of time for your father to reach out to him. “We do look quite alike, do we not?” I suppose this is the best we can do.” You agreed, knowing that you would not be able to change his mind, even if you tried to.
You stood in front of the mirror in your room. Shirtless, as you looked at your scars. Your whole torso was covered in them. So many that sometimes you liked to think that the ones on your chest from four years ago would go unnoticed if you didn’t know what they had come from.
When it came to hiding your gender, your father hadn’t spared no expanse or effort. He had a doctor from France come to your home and perform surgery on you in an attempt to make your chest appear smaller.
The rest of the scars had mostly been from prior to that surgery. Scars from your childhood when you went hunting or horseback riding. A large number of scars remained from a day when you were playing in the forest with your cousin and fell into a bush of roses, the thorns cutting deep wounds into your flesh. Another one had come from the attack of a dog that you got involved in after unlawfully setting foot on another person's property. And lastly, there was a scar that went from your right shoulder to your left hip bone. However, this was one of the scars that you remembered fondly.
You had been playing with a friend of yours when you were fifteen. You had nicked swords from your father and started fighting each other for fun. One thing led to another and he accidentally hit you harder than you intended to.
You sighed and grabbed your shirt from your bed. It was almost time for you to leave. You would need a good forty minutes to your destination if you wanted to go unnoticed by people.
You had decided it would be best to go unnoticed in simple colors, black and dark blue were the colors of your family, so you deemed them appropriate. These were colors that were used among people all over the city, you would blend in with them nicely.
“Father, I am leaving. I will spend the night at Charles’.” You said upon your departure as you stopped by at your father’s office. “Alright then. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon.” He replied, not bothering to look up from his desk to look at you.
And with that, you went. You made sure to grab a hat on your way out, a way of disguising yourself a bit more. You walked until you were somewhat close to St. James’s Park, deeming it safe enough to enter a carriage without much fuss.
“Champagne Lane.” You said, getting in and the coachman nodded. Within twenty minutes you had reached Champagne Lane. You paid the coachman and then left for your destination.
You hid in an alley and watched the coaches, watching who stepped out of them. After a few minutes, you were unsure if she would even come. You looked at your pocket watch and time seemed to only go by slower. One minute more. And as if perfectly planned. As the clock stroke eight, a carriage appeared. Lady Bellaston stepped out and paid the coachman just as you had about fifteen minutes before.
The carriage left and she looked around, looking for something, probably you. You stepped out from the shadows of the alley, walking towards her. She seemed to notice and flashed you a small smile.
“Lady Bellaston. A pleasure to see you again.” You said as you reached her, you bowed down a bit in front of her. “The pleasure is all mine, Huntington.” She replied and you held out your hand for her to take. “Shall we?” You asked, she nodded. “I hope you are not here to abduct me.” She joked with a smile. “I shall never. But maybe you decide to stay yourself after all.” You joked back as you walked up the stairs of a house.
It wasn’t a big place. It was a small, cozy getaway that you had managed to buy yourself without your father noticing. It was nice to have your own place after all.
“After you.” You said, opening the door, stepping aside to let her enter first.
“Let me take that for you.” You offered, taking her jacket off for her. “This is not what I imagined your place to be like. I’ve known your father’s residence after all.” She said, looking around. “My father does not know about this place. This is my personal getaway. My quiet place.” You replied, leaving your own jacket on the rack at the door that you had made yourself.
“Shall I make us some tea?” You asked her as you lead her into the living area that technically was the same room the kitchen was in. “I doubt we will be able to finish it. Such a waste.” She said, hinting at the true reason you both were there.
“I do agree.” You said, sitting down next to her. “Shall I show you the bedroom?” You asked her and she nodded. You stood back up and held out a hand.
You lead her upstairs to the bedroom. You liked how the place was divided into living and sleeping areas. The bedroom was big, arguably one of the biggest rooms in the place. “Welcome, please, do enter.” You smiled, opening the door.
“I’ve heard Tom Jones is in the city. Has he paid visit yet?” You asked, trying to fill the silence that made the room seem a bit empty.
“I doubt that is any of your interest.” She said, turning to face you and stepping toward you. “Seeing as you are here...” She places a finger on your chest. “With me...” She undid the first button of your coat. “Doing things...” The coat went to the floor. “That we both know we shouldn’t.” She finished and placed her lips on yours. Her touch was sending chills down your spine.
As her tongue invaded your mouth, you felt her perfume fill your nostrils. The world seemed to disappear around the two of you, the only thing existing were your bodies.
“I shall free you of your restraints.” You breathed against her neck, hands on her hips as you spun her around. You gently undid the strings on her back and the dress pooled down to the floor. She seemed to have gone for a simpler choice of clothes, as did you. Her hair wasn’t up in the way it had been when you last saw her and there were no feathers gracing her head. Never the less, she hadn’t skipped on the corset underneath the dress.
Just as you went to undo them, she spun back around and crashed her lips to yours in a heated kiss. Her hands were fumbling with your waistcoat as she tried to undo them during the kiss. Shortly after, she got frustrated and instead harshly pulled it open, sending some of the buttons flying across the room. Her hands immediately grabbed onto the fabric of your linen shirt, tearing at it, wanting it to come off as soon as possible.
Lips still attached, you lead the two of you towards your bed, showing her down onto the mattress, a parallel to your first meet. As you now towered over her, you decided that it was time to discard your shirt. In one swift movement, you lifted the piece of fabric over your head and sent it to the floor.
Lady Bellaston’s face seemed to get a bit pale at the sight of your torso. For a second you had forgotten about your scars.
She sat up and carefully placed a hand on your stomach, letting it travel over your skin, circling every other scar. “Who did this?” She asked you, looking at you, never seeming to break the eye contact.
“Mostly, I did. I tend to be an unhandy person.” You said. “This was your work too then?” She asked, tracing the biggest scar. “Partially my fault.” You admitted, growing nervous as she was close to the scars on your chest that you hoped she wouldn’t ask about.
Instead of asking more questions, something you did think she would, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on the scar. “I must say, I find these quite arousing.” She admitted and you smiled, leaning down and pressing another kiss to her lips. “Oh, do you now, my lady?” You asked teasingly, relieved that she was more than okay with your scars.
You freed her of her corset, not breaking the kiss. Just as you expected, she relaxed into the comfort of the loss of restriction when you lifted the corset over her head. It was only now that you noticed the heart-shaped mark on the top of her left breast, so drunk on her body you hadn’t noticed it at first. You gently traced a finger over it. “As much as I appreciate you worshiping me, I am longing for you to work that witchcraft on me again.” She breathed as you climbed on top of her on the bed.
“Ah, yes. Witchcraft. How could I forget.” You apologized in a teasing manner, before wrapping your lips around her nipple, having her back arch into you only a second later and a loud moan escaping her lips. You hummed around her nipple, drawing life elixir from her moans, making goosebumps appear on her skin. “Is it that sort of witchcraft you were thinking about?” You asked her teasingly and she nodded quickly.
Her sighs of pleasure make your stomach flip and you switch to her other breast, to give it the same attention before you continue your journey down her body. You kissed down her sternum, leaving a love bite right between her breasts for her to remember tonight by.
You kissed down the center of her stomach slowly, feeling her skin soft as silk on your lips. Her grip on your hair tightened and she let out a small sigh of realization when realized what you were heading for. You smiled against her skin. Somehow you were doing new things to her all the time.
You hooked your fingers into her underwear and seductively slid them down her legs, letting her kick them off as you shifted up to kiss her again. You slowly cupped her center, pulling away to see her reaction. Lady Bellaston gasped softly and her hips twitched to add pleasure. “If you were a witcher, it would be just reasonable.” She breathed, smirking at you. You kissed her cheek before whispering “Let me know if you want me to stop, my lady.” And she nodded, biting her bottom lip.
You rubbed her center up and down slowly, taking notice of how drenched she was already as you watched her sigh and gasp before you started rubbing tight circles onto her bundle of nerves. A low moan escaped her mouth and you smirked again, kissing down her body, settling yourself between her legs. You grabbed her thighs and she momentarily grunted in protest at the loss of pressure, snapping her head up to glare at you. You quirked an eyebrow and threw her legs over your shoulders and her eyes rolled back at the sight, her fingers finding their way back into your hair. You weren’t sure if she was alright with you going down on her, but based on her reaction, you judged that she was more than alright with it.
You kissed up the inside of her thigh, skipping over where she wanted you most, fighting slightly against her grip on your hair, to kiss down her other thigh. You made your way back to her center after leaving another love bite on the inside of her thigh before placing a kiss against her core. Her hips twitched, so you grabbed them to keep them in place. One of her hands shot up to cover her eyes, lip between her teeth in pleasure as you slowly flattened your tongue against her. You had spread your fingers out across her stomach in an attempt to keep her in place and moved the other hand to tease her entrance while taking her bundle of nerves into your mouth, softly sucking.
Lady Bellaston moaned out a “Dear Lord” as you sunk one finger into her heat, loving the lewd noises coming out of her mouth. You established a slow rhythm with one finger before adding another, her mouth releasing a raspy moan as she adjusted. You lightly bit at her clit, soft curses leaving the woman’s mouth as a result. You quickened your pace before she could ask and her gasps sent wetness to your center. You curled your fingers and sucked harshly on her clit simultaneously and her grip on your hair tightened almost painfully but you could not have cared less about pleasuring the beautiful woman beneath you.
You moved your fingers in a come hither motion and felt her heels dig into your back, the pleasure overtaking her body. Her free hand grabbed at the sheets, her head pressed back into one of the pillows on the bed, her back arching and you momentarily took a mental image of her body opening up so beautifully for you. She was absolutely gorgeous.
With a few more quick curls of your fingers and twirls of your tongue on her clit, she unraveled before you, a long, loud moan leaving her lips along with the name of the Lord and a string of curses. You slowly continued your movements with your fingers, letting her ride out her ecstasy before cleaning her up with your mouth and kissing back up her body. You took your time trying to kiss every inch of her body you could find, feeling her breathing calm down.
You slowly made your way up her neck and to her lips, slowly connecting them in a passionate kiss, her arms wrapping delicately around your head and neck. You felt her hips shift on your thigh now that it was between her legs.
“Are you alright, my lady?” You asked, searching her eyes. “Ecstatic.” She replied, still searching her breath, eyes only half open. “My turn now.” She said and easily flipped you over.
“Wait.” You said, fear rushing through your body. “I need to tell you something.” You said, holding onto her hand on your chest, close to the scars from your surgery. She tried to find your eyes but needed to lift your chin in order to do so. “You may leave after I tell you, but this is central if you want to continue.” You said, looking down again.
You gently took both her hands into yours as you sat up in bed, placing each thumb onto one surgery scar. “I might be an unhandy person, but for these… it takes precision.” You started and a confused frown appeared on her face. “My father wanted a male heir. Then, when I was born, my mother died...” You explained and her expression softened. “And then there was this little girl. So confused in this new world, no mother. And then my father decided...” You took in a deep breath. “That he shall raise this little girl as his son and make her his heir?” She finished your sentence and wiped a tear off your cheek.
You just met her eyes, hoping it would be enough of a response for her. “After all this time?” She asked, a sad expression on her face. “Always.” You breathed. She gently got a hold of your neck and pulled you forward so your head could rest on her nude shoulder.
“What is your name?” She asked you once you had straightened up again. Your lips quivered. No one had ever asked you that question. “Y/n.” You replied, another tear rolling down your cheek. “After-” You started but she cut you off. “Your mother.” Lady Bellaston finished your sentence.
“Do you want to leave?” You asked her, wanting to give her the chance to escape if she wanted. “Do you need me to?” She asked in return, looking at you lovingly. “I suppose not.” You replied and she smiled.
“Did I ruin the mood?” You asked, feeling a bit guilty. “Somewhat.” She chuckled as she laid down on the bed, showing off her gorgeous body. “But it does not matter.” She patted the space next to her and you laid down, facing her. There was a comfortable silence for a few moments as you just looked at each other. There truly was something about the art of eye-contact.
“Stay the night.” You said. “I told Father that I won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon. Just the two of us. Maybe I shall teach you some of that witchcraft.” You smirked at the last part and she smiled. “That sounds delightful.” Lady Bellaston agreed and leaned in for a kiss. This one was soft. Not like the passionate, lustful, heated ones you had shared with her before but more loving and caring.
As she was lying on your chest that night, arms draped over your body, you couldn’t help but feel some sense of irony. When you held her, you were the one who felt safe. Who would have though that Lady Bellaston actually had a soft side to her.
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Okay. It’s 💛 (perfect emoji choice by the way). I’m going be selfish and request a part 2 to Number 16 Cotton Candy. I know you said you didn’t really where to go with it, so I have a suggestion.
The torchbearer invited the reader to the town hall. I’m thus assuming that he was there (unless you’re pulling a navigating on me). I suggest that the reader perhaps either A) Demand to be taken with him back to the Bandito camp/to wherever he meets up with Clancy, or B) Somehow sneak out behind him and follow him to the Bandito camp/wherever he meets up with Clancy. I feel like some good angst could come out of that reunion if it happened (and, of course, the classic “You changed your hair” trope can occur). Maybe for the ending she can end up joining them officially.
This is just a suggestion. I really loved the first one and thought it would be cool to see it continued. If you don’t wanna do it, no problem (also I’m sorry for all my long asks. I’m a yapper).
Number 16 Cotton Candy Part 2 - Clancy x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph/Clancy × Fem!Reader
Warnings: Violence, anything related to Dema or the Trench story that's generally triggering
Word Count: 2158 !!
Summary: Check the request!
Part 1: link
A/N: Your asks never fail to bring a smile to my face 💛! I had a few ideas with this one and tbh it did relatively well. Someone else reposted it wanting a part 2 so yay! I’m always checking my phone for your next request 💛(I’m not lying, I think I checked like 7 times today). I’m planning on doing an October challenge and writing something new everyday based on a prompt, obviously tøp themed! P.S. I’m also a yapper. Also incredibly proud of this one's ending - literally crying.
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The town hall was normally empty, cold. But with the amount of people who looked almost like what Clancy had described bandtios as, it felt hopeful. I’d wondered who all those people were, how they’d found out about this, the banditos, and why they were here rather than in prison cells. Surely a rebellion in Dema would be wiped out instantly, even one of this size. Clancy had walked into the room, face covered in a red and gray mask before speaking to us. Everyone was quiet, anxious to hear what he had to say. Had any of these people even met him before? Did they even know what he looked like? He was shorter than I’d remembered, preaching a story I’d heard him tell 3 years ago. The story felt more important when it was being told to a room full of people rather than just me in the dressing room of ‘Good Day Dema’. Except something was wrong with Clancy. He looked sick, slowly throughout his speech he started to stumble until he collapsed to the floor. Citizens jumped out of their seats and ran in his direction, crowding around his body on the floor. 
“Take his mask off!” I heard one yell while another was already removing the piece of fabric. I stayed in my seat, stretching up to get a look at the floor to see his face, one I hadn’t seen in years. 
“Don’t bother,” a voice came from next to me. The Torchbearer. “He’s not here.”
“What?” I asked, turning to face him. 
“He told you about seizing right?” 
I nodded. There was no way Clancy was seizing, only bishops could seize. I looked back down to the floor to see a lifeless body laying there. A body which wasn’t Clancy’s, not even close to it. I stood up and started towards The Torchbearer. 
“Tell me everything right now or I swear to god I’ll–I’ll…” The Torchbearer grabbed my hand and led me away from the town hall and out into the night. It was dark enough to hide from anyone else around after curfew but the real worry was coming. Soon the vultures would come out and the bishops would be able to see everything. We ran far from the hall and turned into an alleyway. “Where the fuck is he?” I shouted. He held me tightly, clearly trying to calm me down. His fingers dug into my arms, hard enough to tell me to shut up but light enough to not leave bruises. 
“He–He’s safe. Off continent. I’ve kept an eye on him. The sub went down and he washed onto Vøldsoy, an island not far away from here. He’s heading back to Trench on a boat, back to the Bandito Camp,” he explained, composedly. He’d been safe on an island for the last 3 years and hadn’t even reached out once. So much for ‘I’ll come back for you’. 
“And what exactly have you been doing since he was captured?” I felt weak inside and light lit by Clancy snuffed out. 
“I–uh… I have an ability to guide,” he continued. “Physically I’m back at the camp but I’m able to appear to people in spirit. I’ve been guiding him. He has the ability to seize like the bishops, hence why the boy on the floor–” Even The Torchbearer wasn’t here right now. The ‘rebellion’ was turning out to be a fake movement with more talk than action. 
“I don’t want to hear about the boy he used,” I interrupted, “I want to be taken to him. Now.” His face scrunched slightly and his body’s stiff composure relaxed slightly. 
“I can do that.”
We waited, vultures circled over the city, eyes lit orange by the bishops. The Torchbearer grabbed my hand, leading me out into the empty street. He stopped in front of a manhole and removed the cover while I kept watch. 
“There are tunnels down there. If you walk out towards the light you’ll come out in Trench. I can physically meet you there,” he explained, helping me down into the hole. The heavy black boots on my feet stomped down onto the damp ground. The air was dank and felt heavy, hard to breathe in. “You need to run before the bishops find out you’re missing, I’ll see you on the other side,” he declared, closing the lid and sealing me into the tunnel alone. I listened to exactly what he said, despite the air practically suffocating me–I ran. The roof of the tunnel was covered in wooden planks, old and molding no doubt. Light peeked through towards the end of the tunnel and I quickly made my way there. As I exited, I noticed the landscape for the first time. It was flat and dry, except for a few rocks. A bush of yellow flowers sat pristinely at the end, indicating that I was safe.
“You made it.” My entire body jolted in shock, forgetting I was actually supposed to be meeting someone. The Torchbearer was wearing different clothing from the last time I’d seen him. A navy green hooded jacket with yellow tape across his chest, a yellow bandana covering his face. He was carrying a black jacket for me and two other banditos appeared behind him, each carrying yellow tape. 
“Where is he?” I said, taking the jacket while the banditos taped my shoulders. 
“He’s still on the island, preparing to head back to Trench in a few days,” The Torchbearer didn’t even look back at me while he spoke. As we hiked through the terrain, I took in the environment I’d dreamed about. Clancy’s description was an understatement, it wasn’t beautiful, or colorful, or free, it was so much more than that. We walked back to the camp where I was escorted to a tent, a yellow one. The camp was full of tents and boxes of equipment. I wondered what they did for food in an environment like this. How the bishops got food into Dema. Blankets were set up perfectly inside the tent along with one essential item I hadn’t expected to be there, something I hadn’t touched in years. It brought back memories I wasn’t sure were positive but I knew exactly why it was there, The Torchbearer knew the significance, he had to. Number 16 cotton candy hair dye and bleach. He’d set me up with one of his closest friends–or so I’d heard. Debby, a bandito who had apparently been part of the rebellion since she was 13. She was born in the same region as me, had bright red hair, and was clearly the designated hair person in the group. After spending an afternoon telling her every detail of the story, she offered to dye it for me. I gladly accepted. 
It was a week before The Torchbearer mentioned Clancy again. I’d begged him to tell me what was happening with him but he’d refused to say anything. Until out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, he’d enter my tent in a hurry. 
“He’s arriving on the shore, pack a bag,” he declared, with no explanation. There were three banditos lined up behind him, each carrying a torch. I wondered where Debby was, she had to know what was going on. 
“Who?” I asked. Any number of people could be arriving… and there was no need to get my hopes up. 
“You know who Y/N,” The Torchbearer had a serious expression plastered on his face, determined. “Pack your bag.” 
It took 3 hours for us to reach the edge of the forest. Torchbearer stopped right where the trees opened into a large clearing, turning to face me. We hadn’t spoken much on the hike but here we were. I’d wondered how Clancy dealt with him, someone as talkative and creative as him, and then The Torchbearer. Two completely different personalities. 
“Y/N. He–uh… he thinks I’ve physically been with him since Scaled and Icy. He might be in shock,” he spoke. I didn’t have a chance to respond before I was pushed forward and out into the open. Torchbearer had handed me Clancy’s mask and followed right behind me. I scanned the field, empty other than a large bonfire that lit up the night sky. Back in Dema the night sky was just dark, no stars or clouds. I wished I had gotten out earlier, I’d have been able to see more of them. A man stumbled out from behind a tree on the opposite side of the field, right on time as The Torchbearer had predicted. I ran to him, a new set of scars on his face capturing my attention. He was dressed in a dark coat, a black beanie covering his head, eyes full of concern. Clancy had aged, sun damage was evident along with smile lines etched onto his face. 
“You’re here? You–you got out? How did you get out?” He turned around as if he expected someone to be standing there. “You said–” Torchbearer stepped out from behind me, a loud sigh escaping his lips. 
“I’m here…”
Clancy pointed right at him. “Josh… you’re going to need to explain where the hell you’ve been for the last 4 years.” Another secret that had been kept from me, The Torchbearer’s name… Josh. The two of them walked away together, as if I didn’t exist, continuing their conversation. I desperately tried to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach, the bubbling mix of rage and sorrow building up. I no longer mattered. 
The whole journey back, Clancy and the Torchbearer–Josh–exchanged stories, catching each other up on the last 4 years. I returned back to my tent when we arrived at the camp, the sound of banditos running backing and forth, welcoming one of their own back. I was exhausted and all I needed was rest, that and to be left alone. Surely I hadn’t escaped for this, to be thrown aside like I was just another asset to ‘the cause’. 
“Y/N?” A dirt-covered hand crept around the fabric ‘door’ of the tent, Clancy. He was the last person I wanted to see or talk to, but before I could say anything he’d stepped inside and sat down in front of me. I stayed quiet, waiting for him to explain himself. “Are you okay?” Three words no one had asked me in the days I’d been out of Dema. 
“Am I okay? Am I fucking okay? You were dead, you were gone for four years Clancy! Four fucking years!” I shouted, my breath quickening. He reached out for my hands and I moved to shove him away. Clearly his reflexes had improved because he’d caught my hands and instead pulled me in close. His heartbeat thumped against my ear, gently telling me he was nervous. It had been a long time since I had been this close to anyone. I couldn’t do it anymore, I knew nothing about him. I wasn’t okay, not at all. 
“I know–I’m–I’m so sorry,” his hand rested on the back of my head, the first proper touch we’d had since ‘Good Day Dema’. “I’m sorry Y/N.” Tears started to well at the edges of my eyes, threatening to spill over. My face burned and contorted into a pained frown, every muscle in my body aching. He rocked us back and forth, whispering comforting words into my ear. My mother used to do that when I was angry. I was the type of person who only got angry when they were scared or sad–it wasn’t clear which one this was.
“I loved you,” I sighed heavily, letting my head drop. I hadn’t admitted that to anyone, including myself. 
“I still love you,” he cupped my face, leaning his forehead against mine. I hated him and loved him at the same time. “Come here,” he removed his large–and heavy–jacket, placing it to the side of my blankets along with his beanie. His hair… it was gone. The brightly coloured pink we’d bonded over was now gone. The color I’d just dyed my own hair. I’d stolen one of the bandito’s beanies to keep warm on the hike and still had it on, hiding the color.
“I want to hate you.”
“You’re allowed to. You–you should. I made a promise and didn’t hold to it,” he traced my palm lines instead of looking at me. 
“You have no hair,” I chuckled tiredly. He sat back, brows furrowed in surprise before shrugging. 
“It was easier to shave it off instead of letting it grow out.”
“I liked the pink,” I muttered. Clancy curled a strand of hair that was hanging out from the beanie around his fingers. 
“I can tell. You changed your hair too,” His eyes darted over my body, “What is that… number 16 cotton candy?” The tears finally fell from my face as I nodded, I removed the beanie and let my hair fall freely. 
“I missed you.”
Hope you liked it 💛! Looking forward to the next request :)
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Would you by any chance ever consider writing a second part to prompt 60? 👉👈
I would actually love to. This is one of my favorite prompts I've made.
1,465, 1,466, 1,467, 1,468–
A mittened hand suddenly caught the vampire’s cold one yanking them free from the trap they had unwittingly stepped into.
“[Hunter]?” the vampire croaked, spilling half their handful of poppy seeds back into the snow.
“Shhhh.” [Hunter] blew on their iced finger tips, even though they both knew that the warmth could only go so far. “I’ve got you now.”
The vampire’s lip trembled, fang points catching against their own chapped skin. For a moment, they could only stare at their peculiar, unexpected savior, then they shoved their face into their living, breathing chest and broke down into violent sobs.
[Hunter] rubbed their back, slow and gentle, like they had all the time in the world and not, in fact, a measly hour before the vampire met a smoky, moldering demise. “It’s alright. I’m going to take you away now.” They worked the rest of the seeds from the vampire’s hand and clasped it tight. “Let’s get you inside.”
Vampire huddled under the pile of furs and tried to pretend they belonged to regular animals. Not, in fact, the other worldly creatures that Hunter made a living off disposing of. Creatures like them.
A light rap sounded on the open door, and Hunter stepped across the threshold. Such an easy task for them. Almost enviable. If the human hadn't asked Vampire inside when they did, they would be nothing but ash on the snow.
"I brought you some hot chocolate," Hunter said, holding out a large metal mug. They hesitated just short of Vampire's fingers. "Can you drink hot chocolate?"
"Liquids are easier," Vampire replied, cupping the warm metal between their hands. They omitted that while liquids were easier, outside of one obvious and particular exception, they still were not wholly digestible. Vampire was about to get a behemoth of a stomach ache. But they hadn't tasted chocolate since their living days. And the thought of its warmth in the chilled, panicked hollow of their stomach soothed them.
Vampire tilted the steaming sweetness toward their lips but then froze, raising their eyes to Hunter's watching face. "Isn't this stuff expensive?"
The hunter shrugged. "It's a regular part of the hunter's ration. I get them every time I visit a hunting center in a new city. And I figured...after today... Well. it always makes me feel better."
Vampire nodded and let the rich, creamy warmth trickle down their throat. Their entire body warmed, and the tension they held in their muscles ebbed. For an instant, it was like being human again.
It occurred to them as they took their second swallow that this could be a trap. Hunter may have spiked the hot chocolate with any number of deadly or incapacitating things. They knew Vampire's weaknesses after all. Though, none of that would have made much sense. Hunter already had them in their lodgings. And with the sun in the sky, they were essentially trapped already. And if Hunter had wanted them dead, they could have simply left them in their counting loop, killing them without lifting a finger themself. Vampire had been so relieved at being saved that they hadn't considered how utterly confusing and out of character this all was.
Vampire lowered the mug into their lap.
"Why are you doing this?"
Hunter pressed their lips into a thin line and sat in the chair across from Vampire. "Creatures like you are not my expertise."
Vampire blinked. "Creatures...like me?"
"Lucid. Controlled. Harmless." Hunter listed each adjective on their fingers, hesitating on harmless. They both knew that Vampire was not. It was only something as flimsy as a choice that kept Vampire from pinning Hunter against the hearth and draining them into a pale, dry husk.
As if sensing this new train of thought, Hunter shuddered. A prickle of fear still lived deep inside the hunter's primal instincts. A built-in warning not to turn their back, to stay away, to kill or be killed.
"I kill threats to human life," Hunter said. "Since I entered town, there have been no deaths outside of livestock. Nor have there been for the last 20 years. You are a nuisance, not a danger."
Vampire eyed the hunter carefully, unsure whether it was distrust or the hot chocolate making knots in their gut. "Do you often question your assignments before killing them?
Hunter grimaced slightly. "No."
"I'm an exception."
"You are a quandary." Hunter avoided meeting Vampire's gaze now, though they were definitely still watching out of their peripheral. "It didn't add up. The lack of killings, the stalking without attacks, and... That day in the woods. I knew you as soon as I saw you, and you knew me. You can usually feel the malice on a creature when you confront it. One of those things that a hunter gets attuned to. But...I felt no ill intent on you. I've never met a vampire that wasn't motivated by bloodlust."
"Well," Vampire said, setting the empty mug on a side table. "Here I am. What are you going to do with me?"
Hunter tilted their head birdishly, like a thrush listening for predators.
"I get the impression you're not going to just let me go."
"No," Hunter affirmed quietly. Their throat bobbed as they swallowed. "In fact, I have something to confess."
It was Vampire’s turn to cock their head, though they felt more like a fox listening for the heartbeats of prey.
"The poppy seed trap. It was mine."
Vampire shouldn't have been shocked. There were no other hunters in town at the moment. And though many villagers scattered rice on their thresholds, few dared to set such a snare in the middle of the woods. Still, they'd been so relieved at Hunter's arrival. So ready to throw themselves on any sort of savior. A wave of nausea washed over them, mixing with the already uncomfortable ache of indigestion.
They dropped their head into their hands and moaned.
"I needed to catch you,” Hunter explained. “If they find out you're still hanging around, they'll hire someone else, someone who won't ask questions.”
Why were they trying so hard for forgiveness? And why did they even tell them in the first place? They could have never mentioned it, and Vampire would have been none the wiser.
“I need you to trust me,” Hunter said.
Vampire jolted at the almost answer to their internal questions and peered up from between their fingers. “Why? What do you expect me to do? I live here! Have lived here, for decades!”
Hunter flinched back in their seat at the sudden venom. But to their credit, they quickly recovered, rising to their feet and striding within arms length of Vampire.
"Come with me.”
Vampire stared. “What?”
“We'll find you a colony. Or a mountain. Or anywhere else you can live without a kill order overhead."
“You mean away from people.”
Hunter’s wince was answer enough.
Rage boiled in Vampire’s blood, and they burst to their feet sharp enough to make the furs tucked around them scatter and Hunter take a step back. “I haven’t done anything wrong! I’m not the one going around killing people for just existing!”
Hunter recovered their lost step and, with some effort, held Vampire’s smoldering gaze. “Still.”
Vampire wanted to rage further. To break the furniture, shred the furs, pulverize the stone hearth to rubble.
Instead they wiped the bitter tears gathering in their eyes on the back of their hand and nodded.
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ksyongi · 2 years
chapter two : falling for him
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pairing: ceo!wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: fake dating to lovers, mutual pining
warnings: language, full lowercase post, drinking, suggestive themes
word count: 3.4k
series masterlist
note: please do not copy my works, reblogs and notes are appreciated.
an: sorry i took so long to do this !! i hope you guys enjoy this chapter !!
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synopsis: having to work at a 'jeon' company was already stressful as it was, what about dating the ceo, jeon wonwoo? what would happen in this unexpected situation? would both of you come out as enemies? friends? lovers? unexpected situations occur, and you two would have to encounter them together.
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a vibration on the couch pulled him away from his train of thoughts, following the noise to under a cushion, he carefully lifts your head off his lap, as he sighs in relief. he lifts the cushion up looking at the contact name 'oppa💘🦭' wonwoo accepts the call with a visible frown on his face.
"hello sunshine!! how are you? is work still stressful for you last i called you, you ranted about your mean boss?" the unknown person comments. wonwoo wastes no time in asking "who are you." "i should be the one asking, who are you? why are you holding my angel's phone?" "nevermind bye." "don't you hang up on me-"
sighing, wonwoo walks to one of the rooms, coming back with a blanket in his arms. he places it over you before going into the guest room and going to sleep.
you woke up from the sound of your alarm, finding yourself in a big fluffy blanket from your room. 'wonwoo must've put this here...didn't think he'll be such a gentleman,' you thought to yourself. switching on your phone to look at your notifications as your eyes go wide when you saw the missed calls from your brother. 9 missed calls and 23 texts ranging from 'WHO IS THAT MAN' 'DO YOU WANT ME TO COME THERE RIGHT NOW' 'actually i can't its an hours drive BUT STILL.'
 quickly dialing his number, he responds after 3 rings. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY? DID YOU HAVE A MAN OVER LAST NIGHT?" "OH MY GOD SEOKMIN STOP SCREAMING ITS FUCKING 8 IN THE MORNING." "oh... heh sorry...." "yes i had a guy over why?" "well maybe he answered my call and i got protective," "HE DID WHAT?" "well look who's screaming now," you could feel his mischievous smirk at the other side of the line. "sorry seokmin i'll call you back, love you oppa."
going to find wonwoo, you storm to the bedroom but you are met with a note on the door. 'hey y/n, i had to attend to something so i left first, see you at the office.' rolling your eyes you quickly shower and throw on any decent outfit you found. you had to get to the bottom of this.
trying to compose yourself before going for wonwoo, you quickly enter a taxi and go to your office. but luck didn't seem to be on your side that day. met with a charge of $40 and a grumpy driver. adding on to that, jae happened to reach at the same time, following you all the way to the lift. "soo where are you headed?" opening your mouth, only needing to say one word for him to shut up "boyfriend." he awkwardly shifts from left leg to the right. 'since when did elevator rides get this long...?' you thought to yourself. the lift reached his level after an eternity, "well, see you later then..." he dashed out of the lift before you could mutter a response back.
reaching the level which wonwoo worked on, it was more tense than your level. a shiver went up your spine as you walked past the other workers. they were all quietly typing away on their keyboards, and there was minimum communication. you turned the corner and saw hansol arranging papers. his face lit up as he saw your presence. "hey miss y/n! thank god you are here, wonwoo is rather colder than usual today, he did not talk to me at all, he only walked into his office right after he arrived. since you're here, could you figure out what is wrong with him? and perhaps cheer him up too? hope i'm not asking for much! thank you!" trying to hold up a genuine smile, you nodded, and proceeded to knock on the door.
a faint "come in" could be heard as you slowly turn back as hansol mouths a 'good luck', two thumbs up as he scrunches his nose. you turn back to the door and enter. wonwoo is seated at his desk, glasses perched up on his nose like how you saw him for the first time. however, his eyebrows were furrowed, a worried look in his eyes as he tried to work.
 "oh y/n..." "wonwoo." "hopefully you saw my message, hope you are okay with that-" "cut the small talk, you know what i am here for. with all due respect, we must still respect each other's boundaries. being my 'boyfriend' does not mean that you can answer any of my calls." "does that mean you are hiding something y/n? you could have already told me that you were dating somebody, it would have been easier from the start." scoffing, you shake you head. "maybe if you'd not jump to conclusions and listen. the person who called, he is my brother, don't get any ideas alright? rather than this conversation getting heated, i think we both need some space." with that, you stormed out of the room.
hansol looked at you, "kinda got a hint...you didn't shut the door all the way so i could hear a tad bit of the conversation, hope you are going to be okay," hansol gives you a grin as you wave, walking off to do your work. you walked back to your desk with more forceful steps, plopping yourself on the seat before replying to your emails. you were close to screaming at him, thankfully you didn't. you did not even want to think about it at that point.
you could not be bothered with the looks of others as they throw at you already, nor the comments they throw at you. "oh i bet she tricked him so she could get in his pants." "ugh...i thought jeon wonwoo would have  better taste." and the list of comments goes on... you could simply roll your eyes at their boldness to make such remarks so loudly, its as if they want you to hear. well, you got yourself into this mess. no way wonwoo was going to let you break of the agreement anytime sooner and jae would just pounce at you the second he got the news that you 'broke up.' gosh....this is too complicated and stressful.
grabbing your wallet and phone to go for your lunch, you'd ask hansol but you don't want to risk getting in contact with wonwoo again. so....lunch alone it is..... strolling to the lift, placing your airpods in your ears-mostly to not hear the chatter of the others. a certain blue-headed guy interrupted your 'alone time' you raised your eyebrows at him as his hands signalled to take off your airpods. "are you y/n? the supposed girlfriend of jeon wonwoo?" your jaw clenched as you forcefully let out a "yes." "oh..my.GOD...YOU'RE SO PRETTY! oh how rude of me, i haven't even introduced myself." using his hand to hit his mouth as he nagged himself you could make out the words 'how could you forget common curtsey' and the rest of the words were scrambled. he finally faces you. "i am boo seungkwan, i work in the office of jeon wonwoo so you might not see me often since i'm always piled up in that paperwork...but hi!" you felt the sides of your lips curl up at his character. "you probably know me already don't you? its nice to meet you," seungkwan lets out a bright smile. you reach out your hand for him to shake but he throws his arm around your shoulder, "well, i see you're alone for lunch aren't ya? my best friend is busy and can't go with me today soo lets go together!" 
you were at the usual barbeque place with seungkwan. both of you just glued to your seat at this point. according to seungkwan, he knows all sorts of drama and can gossip with literally anybody. somehow all the news would go to him and he would spill it to anybody-on the condition that they buy him an iced americano. which was actually fair to you. he's actually a really good listener too? you were telling him everything about your 'relationship' with wonwoo...except the part where its all fake. you really did not want to talk about anything related to wonwoo at the moment. but seungkwan somehow managed make you spill most of the information.
his eyes bulging and eyebrows raised and mouth trying to gasp as he eats his piece of meat you explained, he would add in comments from time to time like "never thought mr jeon would do that..." "NO WAY HOW COULD HE?" "i refuse to believe whatever you are telling me right now." you could only close your eyes and nod.
you two headed back when you saw your other colleagues going out of the door, the bell leaving a 'ding' noise with every swing which always annoyed you. grabbing his coat in one hand and holding the door open with the other, you held a grin and thanked him before concluding your conversation.
walking into your office building, you bid your goodbyes to seungkwan,"it was nice talking to you, hope to do this more often!" seungkwan chirps. nodding your head and waving, he gives one final wave before turning around and leaving. the smile from your face practically vanished from your face when you saw wonwoo in the distance looking at you with a raised eyebrow before walking over to you, hands in pockets like his usual stance.
you talked to yourself in your mind trying to get yourself out of the position you were in. 'no. no i do not want this day to get possibly worse ugh move your legs please y/n. yes that eyebrow raise is hot as fuck but please cooperate with me this time.' cursing wonwoo's long legs, you could swear he teleported right in front of you. "can we talk." you shook your head and turned around. "are you fucking serious? our colleagues are watching and you decide to act like a child to get more rumors?" he says under his breath. only then you realize the amount of eyes that are on the two of you. "follow me." wonwoo starts walking at that stupid pace which is too fast for you,  "could you slow down and actually look like you care for your 'girlfriend'?" you said at a voice only audible for him to hear.
hearing a sigh from him and deciding to ignore it, he slows down before following him to a spare meeting room.
"come over to my house after work." he says, hands returning to his sides after closing the door. he leans against the door, looking at you with his usual blank look. "um what?" your face heating up at the possibility of- "don't get any ideas." wonwoo breaks your imaginative bubble above you. "i simply just want to have dinner to make up for what happened earlier." crossing your arms, you look back at him right in his eyes, "fine." he nods before an awkward silence fills the room.
you break the silence, "soo what are you going to do about the rumors of us? uh i mean like not i heard any its just that there might be people not believing us dating." "not like i care about them, they won't dare to open their mouth in front of me anyways." you frown at his answer, "but there are still girls trying to get you to sleep with them, please tell me you see those girls with the tight fitting dresses..." wonwoo's lips curled up into a smirk, "well ms jealous, would you rather me make out infront of them with you? or or how about i go and chain you to me the whole day to show them you are 'mine'."
wonwoo leans onto the table, getting closer to you. you place both of your palms on the table too, your faces only inches apart. "well, i'd not mind that....sir." "tsk don't play with me, you know i won't mind." with that, he shakes his head and leaves the room. you really didn't understand... you don't like jeon wonwoo but why does he make you feel such things... there's no time to think about these things... nevermind.
when you were packing your stuff into your bag, after finishing all your assignments, you got a message.
wonwoo: i'm waiting in the carpark.
y/n: okay let me pack my stuff first
you quickly go into the lift and descend to the carpark level. you see his car already waiting at the drop of point. wonwoo was holding the steering wheel with one arm and the other was hitting the gear with his index finger at a constant pace. you open the door and wonwoo gives you a nod in acknowledgement before heading off to his house
you could say yourself, you were impressed. wonwoo's house looked wayy more expensive that you thought it will but it had a minimalist interior, most of his furniture in black and white. wonwoo walked over to you, helping you take off your coat and place it on the rack. "oh thank you," you mumble. wonwoo darts his eyes left to the right before saying "uhm i invited you to dinner but i may have forgotten that my personal chef was unwell..." "oh that's fine" you reply, "i mean you can just cook right?" "um...about that, i can't." "WHAAT??" "shut up, don't rub the fact in even more." "well, do you have any alternatives?" wonwoo raises his eyebrows at you, "of course i do. JISOO COME HERE." a certain brown haired man peeks his head at the hallway before walking towards the two of you.
"yes sir? how can i help you?" "could you bring me my 'no chef situation' food?" "yes, sure thing sir." with that jisoo walks away and in less than two minutes, he comes back holding....a pair of cup noodle packets?? "i really thought you would have some 'jeon wonwoo expensive' food as a backup?" "zip it, i'm a human too okay? i need some instant noodles sometimes." you fall back onto the couch, waiting for the noodles to finish cooking.
"oh shit i almost forgot" wonwoo quickly got up to his feet and walked off somewhere. he comes back with a bouquet of roses with a feint blush dusted across his cheeks. his head slightly turned to the side, not being able to look into your eyes. you look at the flowers in his hands in awe, "thank you so much wonwoo," "hope you accept my gift as an apology" he stutters out. you grab the flowers in your hand and delicately place them beside your noodles on the table.
you two take your cups full of noddle's and start eating them. you decide to get to know him even more. "so although our get to know each other session got cut off last time, tell me more about you." "you really do? i have a real shitty past to be honest." - "well, at least you have me as an outlet to get rid of all that pent up stress." "alright."
wonwoo sighs before he continues, both of  "i had to become the ceo of this company when i was barely 18, my father decided to pass it on because my grandfather got ill and my father had to take care of him. by the way, i’m sorry if i bore you because i really suck at all of this. so my father just threw all the work at me with no guidance whatsoever but just to be his 'slave' and make sure the company does well. luckily i had hansol who was there from day 1, he helped me with my work and mistakes although being almost as clueless as i was. but its just that i did not realize that it would mean i would be busy so often. from back to back meetings and with phone calls at any time of the day, there is always some sort of stress when in my position. guess nobody was there for me to help me with my struggles."
you speak up, "no, don't say that wonwoo i'm here okay? just give me a ring anytime you want to talk about anything, don't worry although i'm your fake girlfriend, i will make sure you know you are not alone in this.
there’s a moment of silence before wonwoo goes and gives you the warmest hug. you were speechless. you slowly come to the realization and wrap your arms around his too. "thank you..for being there for me.." wonwoo says in almost an inaudible whisper. he slowly returns back to his normal position on the couch. you both continue eating, "well... wanna watch something...? i'm choosing though, no more sci-fi please."
reaching for the remote, and going to netflix, you see the show '50 shades of grey' at the recently played show column. your eyes go wide before turning to him. "what? i'm a man too okay? i'm mature enough for these things and i heard it's a good show." "no i’m just shocked you watched this for the first time ONLY NOW??"  he gives you a frown, "i’m sorry i don't have much time to watch a show and possibly get horny and jerk off?" you roll your eyes and settle on the show puss in boots.
"y'know, puss reminds me of you." you comment. he squints his eyes at that, trying to find any sort of relevance. "how?" he inquires. "well, maybe because you look like a cat too. you're charming like him too." wonwoo gave you a smug look "well, tell me more." "that's for another day, lets play something shall we?" he sighs, "well do you have any board games here?" "uh well..." wonwoo scratches his head-"so i may only have uno..." "eh that'll do." you say.
wonwoo walks over and opens one of the drawers. he pulls out the deck and you grab it from his arms. splitting the cards and shuffling them with ease. "you know the rules don't you?" "please i am not that boring to not know how to play this game." you let out a chuckle. you deal the cards, 7 each. an idea pops into your head. "well, how about we do drinking and uno. get your stash of liquour out hm? " you tell wonwoo. "didn't know you drunk." wonwoo blankly says before walking off and coming back with four bottles of soju in his hands. "what's your tolerance?" he asks you. "uhm one and a half maybe?" he scoffs at that. "you?" you shoot back. "three." - "wow show off."  "you asked me, i respond."
"plus..two." wonwoo joyfully says. "no you plus two!" you answer, "plus another two...HAHAHAHA" wonwoo triumphs "plus....four!" you exclaim, "nooo...YOU plus....uh FOUR!!!" wonwoo rejoices. "awh man.. thought i got you.." you start to sob in your hand, the other picking up eight cards. you didn't care that you two were tipsy, anyways the day after was a saturday so who cares? you were nearly gone and wonwoo was still quite stable compared to you. "skip your turn, its mine ! and uno! so... hah plus another four and I WIN IN YOUR FACE AHAHA," wonwoo cheers. "you must've cheated! you are so mean." you say with a huff.
"alright alright time for you to sleep missy. i'll bring you to the guest room" wonwoo grabs your arms and picks you up bridal style and carries you up the stairs. "goodnght y/n" wonwoo says with a small smile on his face after he places you on the bed. "goodnight y/n" he says. "tuck me in." "ugh….fine.." "can't you sleep here with me?" you ask, grabbing his arm. "no i won't, let me go." "fine. go then..just when i thought i liked you." wonwoo's body stiffens at that. "goodnight, you are just drunk." wonwoo quickly strides out of the room before closing the door in a haste. he decided he'll bring this up when the time was right... but he couldn't help his heart from racing when he heard that.
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taglist: @dinosbestie @odetoyeonjun @sdoulc @sunggasm @cersti-mo0 @itsveronicaxxx
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foxilayde · 2 years
ahh, i hope i‘m not too late for the Angst prompts…i never see these posts on time! plus: i‘m not good at making decisions so i go for 3. OR 9. with Pope please!!
You're not too late! Thanks for the prompt!
Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader
Rating: T
Word count: 750
“Gunna be real honest with you, Pope, when you invited me to a soccer game today, I did not picture this…”
The community park soccer field is occupied with confused children in the 4 to 5 age range, all decked out in mini regulation accoutrement, little matching uniforms with numbers, shinguards that serve little purpose for the low impact environment, and the tiniest cleats you’ve ever seen. It’s cute, for sure, but once could hardly call the distracted, clumsy, ball kicking with time outs occurring every 30 seconds, a “sport”. 
Pope chuckles and offers you his bag of sunflower seeds. “Well what’d you expect? Lyla is only 5.” 
“For some reason I thought she was older? Or maybe I was thinking of your other niece, the one in middle school.”
“Yeah! Thought this would be a high school match or something. Don’t get me wrong. This is adorable. Just not what I was picturing.”
“Lydia doesn’t do sports. She does play in her school’s jazz band though.”
“Looks like Lyla isn’t interested in sports either. Isn’t that her? Number 22? Sitting down and picking a dandelion?”
Santiago squints his eyes under his navy blue ball cap, “What? Oh jeez.” Santi sets the bag of seeds down on the bleacher seat and stands up, cupping his hands around his mouth and shouts at the little players. “Lyla! Sweetie! Put down the thing and go for the ball! Kick the ball!” 
Lyla turns around and pushes her tangled hair out of her eyes, she stands up and waves at him, dandelion in hand, “Hi uncle Santi!” 
The surrounding parents on the bleachers are giving ‘uncle Santi’ annoyed looks and shaking their heads. He shoos her with his hand to go in the direction of the action at the middle of the field. She obeys and runs as fast as her little legs can carry her to join her teammates. 
“Sit down! I think you’re going to get us kicked out.” You laugh, grabbing his bag of seeds to clear his space on the bench. 
He pulls his jeans at the thighs before sitting back down. He leans forward more now, properly chastising himself for paying more attention to you than to Lyla who he’s supposed to be babysitting. 
“You ever think about having your own?”
“My own what?” Santi mumbles distractedly, physically restraining himself from shouting at Lyla that she’s got a clear shot at the goal and to “go for it!”
“Your very own soccer field.”
Santi cocks his head and glances confused at you from the corner of his eye. “What?”
 You roll your eyes, “Your own kids, genius.”
Santi shakes his head and spits a sunflower shell on the metal floor of the bleachers. “No way. Not in the cards.”
“It’s not that crazy of a question, Pope. You’re really good with your nieces.” 
Santiago nods, accepting the compliment. He tries to be a net positive in their lives. He makes every effort to be involved when he’s asked to be. Truthfully nothing makes him happier than being ‘Uncle Santi’, but that’s all it’s ever going to be. He can’t raise a family. Not with his job, not with his PTSD, not with his bad knees, not with his nightmares that break through to real life and leave him screaming and sweating in the middle of the night. He’s reliable and fun with the kids, he’s appropriately harsh when he needs to be, but he knows he can’t be a full fledged father. He’d never be able to live with the future disappointment any offspring are sure to have in him. 
“Don’t give me that look.” You’re not sure what look he’s talking about, he can’t even see your face with his eyes trained on the field. “I’m not having any for the same reasons you aren’t having any.”
“The insane biochemical urge to change identities at the hint of commitment?”
Santiago’s smile reaches his eyes. “Exactly. You know as well as I do, happy endings don’t happen for people like us.” 
Before you can retort, Santiago leaps to his feet again and shouts “Go, go, go, go, go! Yes!” Lyla scored a goal. And in the right net, too. You clap and cheer with the rest of the crowd. “That’s my girl!” Santi shouts, wolf whistling to the annoyance of the surrounding parents and guardians. 
He might not get a happy ending, especially if he doesn’t think he deserves one. But he’s got a pretty happy middle. 
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relevant-url-incoming · 6 months
once again doing some outside perspectives of when people realise caibos is actually Baby, this time with Tharan (can you tell this is matching up to my playthrough) (also realising that they did imply that he can stop shielding and therefore no longer be weakened once vivicar's done sending out the plague signals or whatever the fuck but that's dumb i like my consequences long-lasting and heartwrenching. i handwaved it for some of my consulars but not for Caibos i am making this boy suffer)
The first time Tharan realised how deceptive the Jedi’s looks must be was when he returned with Qyzen from the Carida. Tharan had seen how haggard Caibos had looked after shielding Master Fain, but it was the greying at his temples as he returned from saving Fain’s daughter that clinched it.
“I see shielding this victim has done a number on you,” he said, eyeing Caibos as he trudged up the steps into the ship. He couldn’t help but feel concerned. He’d thought the wrinkles and occasional winces of pain were due to a life lived well and long. The rapidity of his degeneration today made that significantly less likely. Not that Tharan was any less excited to be travelling the galaxy with him, as the Jedi had certainly proved himself, but this rendered the Jedi an unknown quantity once more. Tharan only liked that in a new piece of tech, and when he knew the unknown could be made known through his genius.
“I’m fine,” Caibos said. Tharan looked at Qyzen. He couldn’t be sure, having not had the opportunity to learn Trandoshan facial expressions, but he thought Qyzen looked upset or frustrated. Certainly, it was an unusual expression for the hunter.
“Rest, Herald,” Qyzen said. “Cannot hunt on shaking legs.”
“I am fine,” Caibos said again. There was a strange note to his voice – higher-pitched and plaintive, like a boy whose voice was still dropping. Tharan’s sense of foreboding grew. “I must call Master Syo.”
Tharan trailed after Caibos and Qyzen, intending to keep an eye on the Jedi. There was something strange in Syo Bakarn’s eyes as he spoke to Caibos, Tharan saw now – and he apologised to Caibos.
“I did what I must do,” Caibos said, as though these were words he said so often he didn’t have to plan them. From Syo and Qyzen’s reactions, they had heard them before, too.
“I appreciate your commitment, young Jedi,” Syo said. “But the Council does not take your sacrifices lightly.”
“Master Syo, we should discuss Lord Vivicar,” Caibos said too quickly.
When the call was done, Tharan did not return to the lower deck right away. Instead, he followed Caibos to the cockpit.
“Is something wrong?” Caibos asked.
“It’s difficult to say,” Tharan said, unsure how to start the conversation. “It has occurred to me there are a few things I neglected to ask you when this partnership began, not being on my mind at the time –“
“Tharan, it’s quite all right. You can ask me anything.” Caibos’ voice was so soothing and solemn that Tharan felt incredibly silly for a moment. He would only insult and confuse the Jedi if he was wrong – but then again, he was a genius. Perhaps not always in matters of picking up on lies and half-truths, but Tharan had never been a fool.
“How old are you?” he asked.
He knew immediately that he had guessed right. Caibos stiffened, seeming to search for an answer.
“Fifteen,” he muttered at last, sounding for all the galaxy like a sullen teenager. Tharan supposed, to his mounting horror, that he was. “How did you know?”
“I wasn’t certain,” Tharan said. He needed now to recategorize each of their interactions. The way Caibos’ eyes skittered over Holiday’s midriff – not just a Jedi with an overdeveloped sense of propriety, but a boy unsure of how to interact. The insistence on handling everything himself – knowledge of his own competence, or a desire to prove himself?
“Then why did you ask?”
“It occurred to me after your most recent foray into shielding your fellow Jedi,” Tharan said. “That perhaps your wizened appearance is not due solely to time lived.”
“I’m not wizened,” Caibos said, sounding disgruntled.
“My dear boy,” Tharan said with no small amount of amusement. “You are now going grey.”
He reached up to touch his hair, positively pouting.
“You look very distinguished, never fear,” Tharan said. “Though I should say if anyone expresses interest in such things, you may want to disclose your age sooner rather than later.”
“Why would – Oh. That’s – I am a Jedi!”
“Of course,” Tharan said. “But if you ever desire advice –“
“Tharan, you don’t need to treat me differently,” Caibos said. “You didn’t treat me like a child before.”
“That would be my mistake, and not yours,” Tharan said more sombrely. “I don’t doubt your skill, Jedi. But it doesn’t take a genius to know a child should not shoulder these burdens alone.”
“I’m not a child.”
That sentence alone was enough to confirm his age. Tharan smiled, reminded all too well of his own teenage years. What a hellion he had been.
“I’ll leave you to it,” he said. “I thank you for your time.”
He was no expert on biology, but he resolved to see what he could find to diminish Caibos' symptoms. Especially if this plague continued, the boy would need all the support he could get. He may not welcome it, but Tharan was quite good at making his efforts so indispensable that even the most recalcitrant of people had to accept them.
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necromancy-savant · 1 year
Multiples of 3 for book asks!
3. what is your preferred genre?
My preferred genre is the stuff you find in the nonfiction section that's all myths and poems
6. do you track the books you read? if so, how?
Nope; never occurred to me
9. do you have a favorite author?
John Milton \m/
12. which book will you read next?
Probably The Two Towers bc I read Fellowship, loved it, and then got distracted by like 5 other books. I need to finish reading Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion
15. have you been/are you in a book club?
I was in a Shakespeare club in grad school! I brought in the production of David Tennant's R2 for us to watch that @skeleton-richard introduced me to
18. do you have any rules if you loan someone a book?
I mean don't write on it or like intentionally be rough on it?
21. do you prefer to read or listen?
Read. I watch everything with subtitles if I can
24. what book to movie adaptation to you dislike?
I mean one time I saw some Iliad adaptation that didn't even have the gods and was boring af but I don't remember what it was. And one time I saw about 10 minutes of some CGI Beowulf bc it was so ugly I had to turn it off
27. is there a book that scared you?
Yes. Well, recently I was having a bit of trouble sleeping thinking about the demons in Camp Damascus, but also I used to stay up late in high school reading my giant Edgar Allan Poe book and then I could never sleep. I don't even remember which ones were the scariest. There was one about a coffin on a boat that fucked me up and wasn't even that scary.
30. is there a book that changed your life?
Phantom of the Opera, then Paradise Lost, then Richard III, and I think now The Locked Tomb
33. what was your favorite childhood book?
36. what’s the most you’ve reread a book?
I literally have no fucking clue. I've memorized all of Richard III's lines in that play. I lost count of the number of times I've read Paradise Lost about 10 years ago. I can predict the next words in my translation of Phantom and read it in its original language just because I know what it's going to say, I know all the words to Earnest and Julius Caesar, I have no clue how many thousands of times I've read Enuma Elish or Ishtar's Descent to the Underworld or anything else I've every tried or had to translate. Basically I read the same few books and stories over and over and over and over and
39. favorite quote from your favorite book?
Be then his Love accurst, since love or hate, To me alike, it deals eternal woe. Nay curs'd be thou; since against his thy will Chose freely what it now so justly rues. Me miserable! which way shall I flie Infinite wrauth, and infinite despaire? Which way I flie is Hell my self am Hell; And in the lowest deep a lower deep Still threatning to devour me opens wide, To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heav'n.
42. do you buy new or secondhand books?
I have so many books I got for free from the grad school English department that they were literally just giving away. I got a whole Faerie Queene that way. I got a complete Chaucer's works that way. One time I went in and some students were going through stuff and I was like "yo is that a fascimile of Poetaster??!!" and my classmate said, "here, it's yours: it should go to someone who will love it" and I was in Heaven
45. thoughts on separating the author from the work?
So...this gets into so much internet discourse and so much discourse within critical theory over the last like 40 years. Basically, yes, historical context matters and knowing who an author was as a person can give some insight into a text, but I'm also not going to give a currently living author money whom I don't want to support. You should read problematic stuff from hundreds of years ago to learn your history; hell, I'd venture to say that if you can do so without giving them money, you should read problematic shit written recently and today to know what it looks like and learn to draw your own conclusions
48. what book would you give someone if they wanted a glimpse into your psyche?
Richard III
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pinklocksoflove · 11 months
One particular problem keeps getting bounced from IT. It's user Mick and he is either the laziest or most inept person on the planet. Toner run out? Ring IT and ask them to change it. IT says its a Repro issue because Repro has the toners? Call Repro and ask them to come down and change it. Naturally they refuse, as though they supply the toners staff have previously complained they've mucked up their settings when they change them. it's their bed, they can lie in it. Mick doesn't like this and insists IT comes out.
We let this go on for a while since Mick's colleagues usually sort the problem. I'm alone in my office on Fridays. Yes, me the dorkubus is left alone for a day a week. My day started to be ruined when our paper delivery failed to arrive. We run out of paper to give to staff and i put a note up. I leave for lunch, and lock my office. Relevant aside, if we have a lot of printing for the same person, I'll put it in a paper box, which is clearly marked with the staff members name and department.
I return to find two things, a paper box missing (no biggie, I guess someone picked it up using next door's spare key), and an urgent message from IT "You gotta see this! It's a you problem, bye." (paraphrased). The reference was Mick's department office.
This poor printer. It had red lights all over it, and was making a funny noise. I open it up, noting the lack of any error numbers, just "call service rep". This is not normal. I open the toner bay. I find a toner for a completely different printer stuck in there and they are not interchangeable. it's made a mess of the whole bay, but somehow it is dispensing toner. I clean up what I can, make a note of the shattered plastic, and prepare to call the engineers for a conversation that will cost me dignity, but I knew there must be more seeing as it had been reported to IT that it was printing two jobs on one page, which us downright weird. I open the scanner unit, to find a massive gouge taken out of the glass plate. unsure of how that happened I log that too. That doesn't solve the two sets issue.
Unless, a horrible thought occurred, they weren't using new paper. No I thought, they can't be that stupid. I open up the paper cassette and what I find was worse than I could have imagined. One, the rollers are not the ones they should be. evidently, the accountants have reached a level of confidence where they are now replacing parts themselves. which would be great, if it was the right brand, or even size. Two, they are using paper which they've nicked from my office. Paper that has already been printed. Surely they must have noticed? Evidently not. Their stolen paper worked fine, up until they reached the stapled sheets. Which has gummed the machine right up. I give up after twenty minutes of trying to pick stapled paper out of the inner workings, as they'd made it surprisingly far.
I replace the rollers, and the "waste toner unit" a juryrigged water bottle, so they're two less things for the engineer to cry about. My final job is to gather the serial code and fault code(s) for the engineer. Serial code was easy enough, but fault code, good lord did the printer have a sense of humour. Instead of displaying an error code, it displayed the name of the last user to send a job, and therefore, its murderer. Mick the Accountant.
Today we had the reckoning. Engineer was here for five hours. We were honest, told him the full story. He was honest, told us we were screwed. He did what he could, then arranged for a pickup for Frankenprinter. The accountants have voided the lease and it'll cost about five grand to get a new printer. Guess we will respond to change toner jobs from now on.
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Today on TED Talk. . .
Written for DannyMay 2023 Day 9 Prompt: Ghost Zone Fandom: Danny Phantom Characters: Danny, Jack, Maddie, Minor Oc Words: 832 Summary: Danny has to write an essay for his Comm's class but can't think of what to write, lucky for him his parent's are always there with fresh ideas
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“So you have to write an essay for Comms?” Parker asked at his desk on the other side of their shared dorm room.
“Yeah it can be about anything but the whole point is that we have to educate the reader on something,” Danny tapped his pencil, writing never was his forte.
“Why don’t you write about space?” Parker suggested.
“I did my last essay on space. I want to write about something I don’t think many people know about,” Danny pointed out.
“I’m sorry man I don’t know how to help you,” Parker shrugged.
“Yeah. . .maybe I should call my parents. See if they have any ideas,” Danny shrugged as he wiped out his phone, tapping his mom’s number, she was always the safer option.
“Hey, sweetie!” Maddie greeted happily.
“Hey, mom! I’m looking for an idea. We have to write an essay educating the reader about something and I want to do something not very well known. Got any ideas?” Danny swiveled around in his chair.
“Why not do one about ghosts?” she asked as if the answer was obvious.
“I thought about that, but it’s too vague. I would need to center on one point, not to mention there’s some information I just don’t want getting out,” Danny told her, happy that his roommate decided to put in headphones.
“Well, what could you educate your reader about ghosts that you think would help both parties? Their’s core’s?”
“Too worried the GIW will use it against us. Can’t be anything about what they're made of,” Danny was quick to shut down that idea.
“Why doesn’t Danny Boy does it on the Ghost Zone? He did say that it was a mirror dimension of ours,” Jack’s voice came through the phone as Danny’s eyes widened.
“Why didn’t I think of that? Dad, you’re a genius!” Danny smiled.
“Thank you, Danny. Do you want us to send you our research?” Jack asked.
“Send it to Tucker. He’ll be sure to erase any traces, in case someone might find something,” Danny told them as they agreed. They talked for a few more minutes about college and what  Danny was doing before the call ended. They didn’t mind Danny being careful about sharing the information. The GIW has been a pain in his ass since highschool and it hasn’t stopped. It’s why he’s tried to be careful about using his powers.
“Looks like you have your essay idea,” Parker smirked his way as a ping came from Danny’s notifications.
“Yep it’s either going to get me an A or an F, we’ll just have to wait and see,” Danny smiled as he read through his parent’s research on the portal, mixed with his own. It took Danny three days of reading and two days of writing but he was able to get the paper turned in three hours before it was due. 
A week later it was Danny’s turn to present to the class. Grabbing his printed-out essay he walked to the front and gave his whole speech flawlessly. To be fair if Danny had it his way he would have never taken this class, being used ot public speaking at this point thanks to his council, but it’s required.
“To simplify the Ghost Zone or Infinite Realms, is a mirror dimension towards our own. If one gets destroyed so will the other so it is right to assume that we should be protecting both, not one.” Danny finished his speech as his teacher looked at him in confusion.
“Mr. Fenton you were supposed to write a paper educating your class on something.”
“I did Mr. Smith. I have even provided research within my paper that has been approved. The Ghost Zone is real, most just miss out on the naturally occurring portals happening around them simply because they do not know to look for them,” Danny was ready to turn his essay about educating into a debate. He couldn’t hold back the protectiveness he felt for the Realms. It was going to be his domain. It is his home.
“I will review this research and if it is proved that it is indeed approved I will give you the grade you rightfully deserve,” Mr. Smith sighed as Danny let out a breath of relief. It was a lot harder to hold back the instincts of his ghost side than one would think.
“Thank you, Mr. Smith. If you would like I can also provide additional research that I did not use,” Danny assured him.
“No Mr. Fenton, just the research you provided in your essay will be enough,” his teacher sighed as he drank his coffee, clearly not wanting to deal with more of Danny than necessary.
Danny easily handed in his paper essay and sat back down in his chair, listening to the rest of his class give their essays, all giving him weird looks as they passed him, but Danny is easily  able to shrug them off at this point.
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kleoyeager78 · 2 years
10 things I hate about you Ch.4
Warnings: mentions of suicide attempt
y/n's Pov
When I got back to class, I was instantly met by Annie.
"What took you so long"
"I-" I was going to make up some excuse, but she stopped me
"Were you crying?"
"No, I-" I was going to make up another excuse but again she stopped me
"Was Yeager out there?"
"U-" again she wouldn't let me finish my sentence
"I knew I should've gone, him and his friends usually smoke at this time. Did they bother you?"
"Who am I kidding of course they di-"
"Annie stop asking me questions if you aren't going to let me answer" I said getting aggravated
"Huh- oh sorry y/n I was really just talking to myself at this point I expected you to zone out or something"
"Anyways let's go warm up"
"Sure, and you can tell me what he did while we do so"
"Fine but you better not go crazy"
"That right there is why I'm not telling you"
"But you will"
I knew that she was right, so I just sighed and shook my head. if I didn't tell her she would spend an eternity trying to find out.
"Annie let's go" you said basically dragging her outside
(I don't think I said this, but Shadis's classroom has an indoor classroom with a door leading to the outside so if you are confused on why they aren't already outside its because they were standing in the classroom part. I don't know why I felt the need to include this lol)
When we got outside, Annie was still attempting to get the details of what had occurred in the hallway from me, so I told her. And to say that she was livid would be an understatement.
"Just wait till I find him; he'll wish he never laid a finger on you." Annie started rambling about everything she would do to him if he ever came near me again.
I couldn't help but smile when I realized how much she cared. I'd never had anyone care about me as much as Annie did, not even Hitch; she'd always tell me things like "just go with it." or "he just had a bad day, tomorrow will be better." Annie, on the other hand, was different. She was willing to snap anyone's neck, if she thought they were giving me the wrong look. But here's the strange thing: Annie wasn't like this for herself. If someone said something rude to Annie, she would simply walk away, not wasting any of her time.
"LISTEN UP RODENTS" Me and Annie heard Shadis say and immediately started to pay attention
"You will be partnered up for this activity"
Everyone started to look at who they wanted to be their partners to be, and you looked at Annie.
"don't get too happy, I will be choosing your partners" Shadis said with a sinister grin letting us know we most likely won't get the people we want
He began to say the partners once the number of sighs decreased.
"Hitch you're with Marlo" I could hear Hitch and her friends giggling when he said that because they were all aware of her crush on Marlo.
It was eventually my turn when only a few individuals remained, including Annie, so I crossed my fingers and hoped for Annie.
"Y/n you're with Mikasa"
After he said that, my whole mood switched from hopeful to scared. I wasn't scared of Mikasa, well I was but that's not why I was scared I was scared because Mikasa always tried to get every class Eren was in, so he was most likely in this class as well
And when I looked around to check sure enough, she was standing right next to him.
I didn't even notice Shadis had given everyone else their partners because I was to stuck in my own head
"Find your partners so I can explain the activity"
Everyone started to move but I was going to walk up to Shadis and ask to switch. As I was walking up to him, I felt someone grab my hand and yank me. I turned around to see Mikasa
She didn't say anything, she just dragged me, and I didn't stop her because I didn't want problems, especially not with Mikasa.
"Today we are going to be doing a fitness test" Shadis began to explain the directions
I was already aware of what Shadis had in mind for us to do, but I didn't see why we required a partner.
"Due to the fact that most of you had me last year, I didn't feel the need to work you to death. As a result, I gave you partners so that you could alternate activities; how you choose to rotate is entirely up to you and your partner. Quite frankly, I don't care if you don't work at all as long as at least one of you does something."
Well, that explained everything I was thinking.
"I'll do everything you can just sit or do whatever" Mikasa said
The girl most likely could do everything by herself and not lose any energy but I didn't want to let her work all alone like that. I mean we were a team for a reason.
"No, I can d-" She cut me off before I even got a chance to speak
"Listen I don't need your bad lungs and inability to stay on track messing me up so like I said I'm going to do everything and you're going to sit understood"
"Um my health might not be the best but I'm sure I can help with something" I said not even trying to hide how her words offended me
"Listen y/n like I said you aren't going to mess me up so no you aren't going to help with anything"
I gave up attempting to help because Mikasa was not going to let me, and the activities were about to begin, so if I made her late, I would only have given fuel to the fire. So, I proceeded to the bench where everyone else was waiting for their partners.
When I arrived at the bench, I was shocked to see Annie sitting there; the first activity was running, which she was good at, so I was wondering why she wasn't the partner running since they couldn't possibly be a faster runner than she was.
"Hey, why aren't you running" I said sitting next to her
"Renier had made a ridiculous bet with Connie that he would beat him in a race, so he insisted on running for us."
"Oh, that makes sense"
After chatting with Annie for a while, suddenly, someone approached me and threw a cup of ice water in my face.
"What the fuck" I said taken aback by the action
"What the fuck is your problem" I heard Annie say and my senses immediately came back because I knew Annie was probably going to get violent.
"Geez it was Just an accident" The person who spilt water on me said and I recognized the voice it belonged to one of Hitches friends her name was Abigail.
Abigail was a hoe like the rest of the girls in that group, but she was different because in addition to being a hoe she was a backstabbing home wrecker who was known for sleeping with one of her best friend's boyfriend and when her friend found out she had her friend beat up by multiple people and then when she realized her best friend had no one she paid dudes to act interested in her, get her nudes, and post them all on social media. This led her friend to make three suicide attempts, all of which failed. However, her friends' parents continued to press accusations against her, but Abigail pretended to be innocent, and her money, of course, bought her way out of the charges. She was also one of the girls who was obsessed with Eren to the point of making a one-night stand appear like a relationship and fabricating a pregnancy in order to keep him, so naturally when Eren told her that he still didn't want anything to do with her but would take care of his child she stopped because I'm guessing she realized how desperate she looked.
But she was also known for starting drama so when she threw water in my face Annie didn't take it lightly.
"Accident my a-" Annie was about to say something but I quickly interrupted her
"If she said it's an accident it probably is, no need to fuss over it"
"Yeah, it's not like you didn't need it" Abigail said
"What the hell is that suppose to mean" Annie said getting even more mad now
"I mean she looks dry as fuck does, she not"
For some reason I didn't notice Abigail attracted a crowd until I heard people snickering.
"Isn't that what every man you get with says after the first night, come on i'm going to need you to be more original" Annie was quick to defend you as usual.
The crowd grew louder, and the number of eyes on you increased your discomfort.
"The running is almost over I'm going to get Mikasa some water" you whispered to Annie
Although you probably shouldn't have left her alone, you didn't care because you needed to get away from this atmosphere, and if it meant letting Annie beat the fuck out of Abigail, so be it.
While you were gone, Annie and Abigail continued to argue, and Abigail's friends made the decision to get involved.
"Why do you even hang out with that junkie?" Abigail asked
"Why can't you ever shut the fuck up" Annie responded
"I'm just saying it's not like you gain anything from hanging out with her"
"You aren't supposed to gain anything from being friends with someone, but since you aren't a true friend, I suppose you wouldn't realize that."
"Friendship shouldn't be a burden, but because y/n is your only friend, I suppose you wouldn't realize that."
Annie did not have a response for that. She didn't think of you as a burden; rather, she was taken aback whenever you were referred to as her friend.
Because Annie had never seen someone like that before, and the fact that other people saw you like that made her question how close you two appear from the outside.
But nevertheless, Abigail took Annie's silence as her being defeated.
"Oh, so I guess the little druggy is a burden? I mean it's not that hard to tell it must get tiring having to pay for all her drugs, right?"
"Shut up you don't know anything about her"
"But I do I know she takes a lot after her mom if you know what I mean" Abigail said with a giggle which pissed Annie off
"And her dad - " Before Abigail could finish her sentence Annie cut her off
"How the fuck do you know that?" Annie was quick to shut her up because she knew you didn't want people to know any of this.
"Oh, I have my sources?" Abigail said referring to Hitch
Annie sent Hitch the dirtiest look which did not go unnoticed by Hitch
"Don't look at me like that, Annie; you don't even want to be friends with her, and we all know it's out of pity. Seriously, who wants to be friends with someone who has such a crappy life? She's pathetic really."
"She's the pathetic one? Hitch, you should be disgusted with yourself. You deserted someone who would have given you the world if you had asked for it, and for what? Some dick from a man who treats girls like they're nothing, and for friends who would ditch you the moment you even consider debating with them."
"So, what it's better than having a junkie for a friend"
"You are part of the reason she's a junkie"
"And that doesn't sound toxic to you Annie? She was that dependent on me that she had to use substances when I left"
"I'm not saying you're terrible for leaving that environment, but you did that to her: you gave her weed and promised her it would make her feel better, didn't you? You told her it would help her get rid of her issues, didn't you? You slept with Eren behind her back knowing how he treats her didn't you? But you didn't care because you never gave a fuck about her, did you?"
"I-" Annie didn't even let her finish her sentence
"You didn't, despite everything, and you don't now, because if you did, you wouldn't be going around discussing her family life."
Hitch couldn't say anything because she knew she was right.
"And, despite everything you've done to her, she'd still welcome you back with open arms."
Hitch still couldn't say anything.
"However, Hitch, she's more of a friend than you ever will be."
That was the last thing Annie said before leaving to find you because she knew you were probably crying from Abigail's hateful comment about you.
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