#todoroki accidentally hurts bakugou
hanahaki270 · 6 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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fanficriter · 15 days
desperately need mha boys texting you after accidentally hurting you during training 🙏🙏
They hurt you during training!
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Tamaki Amajiki
Izuku Midoriya
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Katsuki Bakugou
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Shoto Todoroki
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Denki Kaminari
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Tamaki Amajiki
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years
Hi! I have a request.
Okay so 1-A bakugou end’s up to the future. Where he sees that he has a family with reader and sees what a simp he will become🫣
And how would future bakugou and reader (+ the kids) react to meeting him.
(You can choose if past bakugou knows reader or not)
I’m sorry if it’s confusing,
It was safe to say that Katsuki was beyond pissed. He was certain that at this point he was never going to fully get your attention, not with that damned Todoroki always swooping in before he can even look your way.
The cacophony of grunts from the students plundered against the walls of Gym Gamma. It was self-improvement day and Aizawa was NOT letting anyone rest.
“Keep it up class. Those who fail to break some sort of barrier today will receive double homework for a week. I’m looking at you, Kaminari,” Aizawa grinned evilly. You let out a giggle at Kaminari’s audible gulp before Aizawa shot you a glare.
Katsuki was busy increasing the flow of his AP shot; he thought that if he could increase his sweat, he could increase the speed of which the blasts sped out. The poor rock he was blasting was finally on its last legs, all before that IDIOT Kaminari accidentally bumped into him and caused a rockslide, directly above the platform that you were training on.
“Hey, watch!-” he yelled in a panic. He saw fear flash through your eyes as he willed his body to move. Thankfully for you and begrudgingly for him, a smooth glacier of ice barricaded you from being concussed with Bakugou’s debris.
Todoroki hopped his way from his platform to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright? You aren’t hurt are you?” Todoroki asked, examining your head for injuries. You shook him off you with a nervous smile.
“Thank you for stopping the debris Todo, but I’m fine. It was shock, I’m not hurt,” you reassured him gently. Todoroki gave you another once over before seeing where the damage came had arrived from.
“I would recommend being more careful next time, Bakugou. Someone could have gotten really hurt,” Todoroki gave him a meaningful glare as Katsuki fought every vein pop in his neck at his implications. Kaminari let out a guffaw, before he let out a squeak of terror at the animalistic look on Katsuki’s face.
“Laugh. Again. I. Freakin’. Dare. You,” he strained angrily through gritted teeth.
“O-okay Kaachan!” Kaminari speedily ran away from the threat as Katsuki stared at the back of your head. Well, now he was in a bad mood.
Katsuki was the first one in the changing room, and the first one out. He trudged his way to the UA dorms so he could shower and forget the whole day. He couldn’t stand the idea of being teased right now, not when he was so careless to the point that you nearly got concussed. Well, that never would have happened if Dunce Face watched where he was going…
Katsuki was torn from his thoughts as he barged past another student.
“Hey, watch where you’re fucking!-”
And just like that, Katsuki fell to the ground.
It took Katsuki a long time to start stirring from his sleep. It was a gradual process, but somehow he managed to tear the sleep from his body as he was poked and shaken incessantly by someone. Katsuki jumped up immediately in surprise, throwing a blast at his assailant. His assailant was no match for him though, springing back and using their quirk to restrain him.
Katsuki wiggled in his restraints like a wild animal, snapping and snarling.
“What the hell do you want with me you bastards! Let me the hell go or I’ll fucking kill you!” He snarled with purpose. A soft giggle filled his ears. A familiar giggle.
Soft (S/C) skin filtered through his still blurry vision until he saw… you.
You were at least a good 20 years older, some laughter lines he didn’t remember seeing (not that he definitely doesn’t scan you every time you’re close to him), as well as new scars.
Your eyes had aged too, the bags slightly more prominent but you were still you. You had four small children gathered around the bed gawking at the teen. The smallest was in your lap, seemingly frightened of Katsuki.
“Easy there tiger, you just woke up. I found you in the street asleep, so I took you to a hospital to see if you’re okay,” you offered an explanation that only answered some of his questions.
“Who the damned hell are you?? Why the hell am I here?? Argh, damnit! Let me out of these shitty restraints!” He demanded. Your face hardened in an instant as you glared at him.
“Hey, no fucking swearing in front of my children! If you’re going to talk and ask questions, you need to be respectful. You’re frightening my son with your endless shouts, so what’s your name and we can call your parents to come collect you.”
Katsuki let himself be still for a moment, glowering at you before relaxing his pose.
“My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I was hit by a quirk on my way to the UA’s dorms, I fell asleep I think, and the next thing I know is I’m in a hospital bed surrounded by someone who looks like a classmate of mine,” Katsuki growled. Your face grew a look of puzzlement.
“D-did you say… Katsuki Bakugou? As in, explosion quirk, super goal oriented, current number 2 hero?” You questioned him worriedly.
Katsuki gave you a strange look. How the hell would you know about that stuff??
“I’m only a high school student so I can’t be the number two hero yet, but everything else is true. Look, here’s my quirk,” he said as he let off a few sparks. The small children around the bed looked on in awe at the sight as you chewed your nails.
Katsuki looked back up to you and saw your expression.
“Why?” He asked.
You gulped.
“Because I’m married to Katsuki Bakugou.”
“Baby, I need you to come to the hospital in Kyoto, it’s an emergency! What? No, me and the kids are fine, we-. Hey, I told you we’re okay, but you have to be here as soon as you can. I’ll send you the details. I love you, see you in a bit.” You hung up the phone with an ashen face as you made your way back to your chair. Your children were bombarding Katsuki with questions, all too weird for Katsuki to answer.
“Papa, why are there two of you?”
“Daddy, why don’t you remember us? Did we do something bad?”
“Dad, why do you look so young? Where are all of your cool scars?”
“Alright kids, give the kid some space. We obviously need to get this fixed somehow. How we’re gonna do that is beyond me though,” you massaged your temples with a sigh. You glanced back up to young Katsuki.
“You’re definitely not a clone or something? Not some sort of fanboy who cosplays in his spare time?” You asked him, half joking.
Katsuki snorted.
“No, I don’t cosplay heroes. I beat them in the hero ranks to show them that I’m the best!” He exclaims.
“God, you even sound like my husband. I’m getting more and more convinced that this is some sort of weird time shift,” you stopped speaking as soon as a muscular figure pulls himself through the door. Katsuki physically stills.
It was him, but older.
At first, older Katsuki didn’t give him a look in. He scrambled over to you, kissing you deeply before checking you over for injuries.
“Where are you hurt?? Are you alright?? Speak to me??” He demanded. You carefully push him off you and rub your thumb on his cheek.
“Sweetie, I told you I’m fine. See, even the quadruplets are fine. We have a major problem though, and I don’t know how we’re going to solve it,” you gestured to younger Katsuki. Older Katsuki glares at younger Katsuki before a look for confusion befalls his face.
Katsuki looked… older. His face was more structured, yet still maintained some of his puppy fat. Scars littered his face, the most noticeable a large triangle that went from the middle of his cheek to the underside of his neck. His hair was shorter too, buzzed at the side. He towered over you easily and his pecs looked even bigger than before. Taunt muscles flexed at the threat to his wife and children.
“Can someone explain what the fuck happened?”
“Katsuki, stop fucking swearing!”
Until he was back to his current time, you had pleaded with your husband to let him stay. Older Katsuki agreed when his babies started pleading too, chubby cheeks wobbling with unshed tears at the idea of their older daddy throwing out their younger daddy.
And for the last few days, he had lived with you and his (?) children. Older Katsuki was mostly at work when he woke up, and he wouldn’t see him unless he stayed up past his bedtime (he could never compromise his sleep).
He spent some time babysitting your children, the quads. The eldest, Akira, was a total carbon copy of him, apart from his hair texture and colour. He was so bold when facing younger Katsuki, asking him questions and hiding his siblings behind him when they properly met.
The second eldest daughter, Aika, was more like you; shy and reserved but very playful all the same. She was a more balanced mixed of the two of you (?).
Your third daughter, Kokoro, was a pain in his ass. She constantly played tricks on Katsuki, taunting him and making mean jokes (all before she was shut down with your stare).
And finally, your littlest quadruplet Keiko, was honestly kinda his favourite in the strangest way; he was so different to his siblings it was unreal. He was the smallest, most sensitive of the bunch. In a way, he reminded him of Deku when they were kids, but with his colour hair.
The morning of the third day, you sat him down with your children at the breakfast table and grilled him a fry up. Each of your children were giggling happily in their high chairs, scrambled eggs and ketchup smeared around each mouth. Katsuki let out a small smile when Keiko offered him a piece of toast from his plate before denying it with a “no thanks squirt, your ma is making me some”.
“Well, good news! I found the person who you described and asked them how long the quirk should last. You should be back to your own time by next week, maybe even earlier if you’re lucky,” you smiled as you flipped the sizzling bacon in the pan.
Katsuki was scarfing the breakfast like there was no tomorrow, up until you said that he should be home sometime by next week.
That’s good, he thought. I really want to know something though, I might as well take advantage of the situation.
He looked up at you, one burning question on his mind.
“I bet you’re wondering how me and … well, I suppose you got together, huh?” You grinned at him.
“How could you tell that’s what I was thinking?” He demanded. You let out a laugh.
“Katsuki hun, I’ve been married to you, er, him for over 15 years. I know all of your little tricks and tells, so don’t even try hiding them,” you offered more bacon to him. He accepted, before you turned your attention to the kids in their high chairs.
“Let me clean up my mucky little pups up first and we’ll talk after I’ve dropped them off at daycare.”
It was a pleasant day, Katsuki noted. After dropping off the children at the daycare and added cuddles from the babies, you did as you promised and hurried Katsuki to the couch with a photo book.
“See here, this is a photo I took of us at our first date. You were so nervous, your hand kept popping and you had to keep wiping your hand,” you laughed fondly at the memory. Katsuki peered at the photos with a strange feeling lying in his tummy. Is this why he felt so nervous around younger you all of the time?
“Oh! And here, this was our trip with the class to France! I had said something about the croissants being delicious, and you took that as a challenge. I was eating the croissants you made for days,” you let out another laugh as you recounted tales of your relationship.
Katsuki stared at you for a solid 5 seconds. You stared at him back until his face hardened and he turned himself away. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Is something the matter hun?” You pried carefully. Damnit, you even knew the right nicknames to make him feel all weak inside.
“Just… why the hell would you go out with someone like me, hah? I’m loud, I’m obnoxious, I can be pretty freakin’ mean, so why? Why would you ever let me have a home with you?! Why would you ever let me grow a family with you?!? Why do you seem so happy, even though there’s a chance I may never come back?!?” He was borderline yelling at the end of his lament, tears threatening to plop onto the pages of the photo album.
You hugged Katsuki tightly, fingers playing with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck, all soft and gentle.
“Katsuki… I have no idea how far you’re into the relationship with younger me, but I’m going to let you in on a secret. I had a crush on you since our first day. I thought you were so strong and handsome, although you had some angst problems. Even after that, I always admired you from afar.
It hasn’t always been easy with you, as I’m sure you’re aware of. You can be loud and mean, and that has caused some rifts in our relationship, but,” you lifted his head up and cleared some tears.
“You’re also dedicated. You found ways to make up for your mistakes, and I always forgave you for them. I wanted a family with you because I love you, er, older Katsuki. We’re so blessed to have the quadruplets, even if they’re little pains sometimes. And yeah, there isn’t a day that goes by when I’m not panicked beyond all belief when you’re at work, but I wouldn’t stop you because it’s your dream.”
Katsuki looked at you. Your eyes held nothing but sincerity as he smoothed his breathing.
“Now come on, let’s go make some spicy noodles. My husband will be back soon.”
Katsuki helped you diligently in the kitchen, chopping vegetables with renewed vigour. Older Katsuki trudged through the door with a loud grunt, you immediately dropping the pan on the hob to give him a welcome home hug.
“Welcome back baby, how was work? It was nice that Kiri offered to cover your shift,” you rambled happily into his neck. Katsuki let out a barking laugh at your clinginess as he picked you up and kissed you, making you squeal in surprise.
Younger Katsuki stared at your display; is this how you’re going to be in the future? Allowing him to kiss your neck when he comes home from work, cooking his favourite meals, keeping your home in tact?
“Oi, quit starin at my wife you pervert,” older Katsuki barked before you slapped his chest playfully.
“Leave him be, he’s literally you, you big dumb dumb. I’ve been letting him in on some of our dates and stuff so he can seduce younger me into wanting you,” you teased. Both Katsuki’s huffed simultaneously, earning a laugh from you. You wriggled yourself out of his grip and led him to the dining room where the meal you and younger Katsuki created.
You kissed his cheek as you went to fetch him a drink, leaving both Katsuki’s by themselves.
Older Katsuki stared menacingly at his younger self before clearing his throat.
“Listen brat, we need to fuckin’ talk,” he starts, rearranging himself on the chair and nudging the other chair adjacent to him. Younger Katsuki did so with hesitation.
“I’m fuckin’ tellin’ ya now, if you do anything that wrecks what I have now, I’m gonna come back in time to kick your ass,” he growls lowly.
“I love that damned woman more than anything in this godforesaken planet, as well as my little pack of brats. I would do anything for them, and I’ll be damned if you do anything that fucks that up for me,” he glares at him. Younger Katsuki slowly put two and two together and looked pointedly at the scar on his cheek. Older Katsuki knew where he was looking immediately.
“I, we, got this scar during a villain attack. (Y/N) took the brats to the park after a stupid fucking fight we had, and a villain attacked them out of nowhere. Luckily, I was patrolling there and stopped them from hurting them, so I took the blow in her place. I would do it a million times over for her,” his voice audibly softens whilst talking about you, eyes downcast to the large scar on his cheek.
He touches it almost fondly, as if he was proud of the scare. Knowing Katsuki, he probably was. He looked back up at younger Katsuki, who had a contemplating look.
“So…. Please. Don’t hurt her younger self in any way. I wouldn’t be able to survive without her. If you argue, hold your tongue even if you’re right. Treasure her. Make her feel like she’s the most incredible woman in the damned world, cos she fuckin is,” he finished with a doleful look in his eyes.
“…okay. I’ll, I’ll try,” younger Katsuki promised. Older Katsuki nodded and cleared his throat as you walked into the room. You presented the bottle of beer with a happy grin and a kiss on the cheek and a ruffle of the hair for younger Katsuki.
Fuck, he was smitten.
“Daddies, watch me!” Aika grunted loudly as she successfully tiptoed from one end of the couch to another. Older Katsuki clapped and whooped in adoration whilst younger Katsuki looked on in pride.
“That’s my little ballerina! You’re gonna be the most graceful dancer ever, pumpkin!” Older Katsuki cheered, sweeping her up on his shoulder and making her squeal.
Kokoro looked on in jealousy with a pout on her face before a brilliant idea struck her. She toddled back to the couch and attempted the exact same feat as her sister, except on the back of the couch.
Keiko sat below her and watched her with a fearful expression.
“Papas, watch me! I can do it better than Aik-AAAAA!” She shrieked as she went to fall on the cushions of the couch, and subsequently Keiko. Keiko let out a scared cry as younger Katsuki swooped in to save him, carrying him in his left arm and catching Kokoro diligently in his right.
Keiko sobbed loudly into Katsuki’s broad shoulder, clinging to him with impressive strength. He nestled in as close as he could, passing Kokoro to his older self as he tried shushing Keiko.
“There there brat, you’re okay. Shhh, it’s okay, I’ve got you,” he murmured softly into his ear. He tried rocking him softly in his arms the same way you did and he was slowly left with a hiccuping, sleepy toddler.
“Damnit Kokoro, this is why I tell you to be careful! Every time you try to show Aika up, you end up hurting someone and yourself. Are you hurt, Keiko?” Older Katsuki asked Keiko. Keiko shook his little head into younger Katsuki’s neck.
Kokoro started tearing up at older Katsuki’s tone and looked down in shame. He visibly softened at his daughter’s tears and wiped them away with his fingers.
“Just be more careful, okay pumpkin?” He said firmly. Kokoro nodded and offered Keiko an apology.
The next time Katsuki woke up, it was in a hospital bed. Specifically, Recovery Girl’s clinic. The light filtered through the blinds, hitting Katsuki in the face and making him stir.
IV wires and tubes fed into him and made it hell to try to sit up, before he saw a sleeping figure near his knees.
It was younger you.
He nudged you with his knee in order to wake you up. You looked dreadful; massive eye bags, lips nibbled red raw, sniffly pink nose like you hadn’t stopped crying.
“Oh my god, you’re awake! I’ll go get Recovery Girl!” As you moved to get her, Katsuki grabbed your hand.
“W-what…,” his voice felt strange, like it wasn’t his.
“What the damned hell happened?” He croaked out.
Your face saddens as you looked away.
“You seemed really upset after our last training session, so I went after you to find you. You had collapsed just outside of the Height’s Alliance building and you wouldn’t wake up whatsoever,” your voice cracks. Katsuki let out an “oh”.
You gained your composure before looking at Katsuki again.
“So, how do you feel? Is anything hurt? What happened?” You interrogated him. Katsuki rolled his eyes at your pestering before a sly grin crossed his face.
“Why, were ya worried about me?” He teased and watched as your face turned a bright pink. You flapped your hands around in a panic.
“It’s just because you’re my classmate is all! You wouldn’t wake up, and I didn’t want you to stay like this for ages!” You rambled in a worried state. Katsuki let out a gruff laugh before wincing at his voice.
Well, better shoot my shot, he thought.
“Well, I’ll tell ya what. Go out with me this Saturday and I’ll tell ya everything,” he promised.
The pink in your face told him everything that he needed to know.
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mysoncookie · 4 months
BNHA Dabi-Centric fic recs
Artificial Parenthood, Affectionate Brotherhood by cereal_whore
Teen & Up, Gen, No Archive Warnings
Available on Ao3, On Going | Wordcount: 208,780
Has an On Going Series Called "Dabi says fuck the human species: artificial natural selection addition"
Summary: 22-year-old dabi switches place with ten-year-old touya todoroki in their timeline Bakugou, a single child with the social skills of an apathetic gamer, runs into a cellular mass of anxiety that vibrates the same murderous rage of a chihuahua. Said kid is as problematic as Bakugou himself, is a ginger, does not fear the laws of this land, and doesn't even seem to be from this land- or more accurately, time. Between Bakugou's homicidal urges, Todoroki Shouto's lack of filter, and God's middle finger, lies the Pandora's Box of the Todoroki's household secrets, in the form of a child named Touya Todoroki, who hates fish and has never heard of Minecraft. Todoroki Shouto just wants joint custody over his own older brother who's now inexplicably ten-years-old. So clearly, the only effective solution would be to force Bakugou to adopt him and all his other siblings. Meanwhile, Dabi, still in a world that never wanted him, learns that maybe an old dog can't learn new tricks (a truth he realises, when he finds himself reunited with a nine-year-old Shigaraki, who might not be past saving, the way he will be a decade later).
Lay Me on a Pyre (Sacrifice me for your sins) by RadioSilencer
General Audience, Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply
Available on Ao3, On Going | Wordcount: 29,126
Summary: “Ah, and I hate to do this to you, but there’s a couple questions we have to ask since you’re awake now. Is that all right?” Wondering why his input was needed for that, Touya nodded. Anything they wanted. Whatever he could do to be less of an embarrassment. “Okay then, tell me if you need a moment whenever,” the woman started, “your name.” “Todoroki.” Even if he wished it wasn’t (and everyone else probably did too). “Todoroki Touya.” (A bystander loses control, and Todoroki Touya opens his eyes to a brighter world than he left behind.)
By Any Other Name by SatelliteBlue
Teen & Up, M/M, No Archive Warnings Apply
Available on Ao3, Complete | Wordcount: 258,617
Has an On Going series called "Will you accept this rose?"
Summary: Through some freak accident of the universe, Dabi has been invited to compete on The Bachelorette. Have they actually seen his face? Surprisingly yes, and they still want him. For this season they apparently need a ‘bad boy’ to both balance out the hero contestant (why in hell is Hawks involved?) and to trash talk the show in interviews to appeal to audiences who don’t like the scripting. Getting sent on a vacation away from his annoying bandmates to complain and eat as much free food as he wants? Sold.
The Difference Between an Heir and a Son by ofHeartmateAndSoulbeats
General Audience, Gen, No Archive Warning Apply
Available on Ao3, On Going | Wordcount: 11,774
Summary: ...because if Enji had ever loved any of his children, it would have been Touya
Brother by Dreamy_Cel_100
Teen & Up, M/M, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Available on Ao3, Complete | Wordcount: 79,561
Summary: Todoroki Touya has never known comfort. He just didn’t realize he wasn’t the only one. Or When Touya runs away, he decides to take his kid brother. And instead of joining villainy he attempts to create the home he never had.
Sins of the Father by kanekki
Teen & Up, M/M, No Archive Warnings Apply
Available on Ao3, Complete | Wordcount: 32,411
Has a Complete Series called "the hellish todoroki family"
Summary: Shouto’s lower lip wobbles as he cries. “M-Momma hurt me and Father sent her away. I m-miss you Touya, please come home. It’s scary without you.”
“Alright,” Dabi says soothingly while he glares at the heroes, “We’re going to my place then. Your nii-san’s going to protect you now, okay?”
Shouto is accidentally rewound by Eri’s quirk in the middle of a villain attack, reverting him to a small child with no memories of his future. Dabi takes the opportunity to bring Shouto with him to the League of Villains headquarters to remove him from Endeavor’s clutches.
little brother, we are all grieving by jurassicqueer (kukurosaki)
Mature, Gen, M/M, No Archive Warnings Apply
Available on Ao3, Complete | Wordcount: 29,561
Summary: When a teenager is dragged into a police station by someone with a self-proclaimed de-aging quirk, it seems too improbable that one of the most notorious villains in Japan could actually be reverted to a scrawny sixteen year old.
But then the blood tests come back, and the quirk labs hand in their results, and it seems that Dabi really is a teenager again- and claiming to be the dead Todoroki Touya, of all things.
OR: Touya never expected to wake up a wanted fugitive, but with his luck, he's hardly surprised.
as per requested from my previous post I updated my fic recs on dabi and ofc I added the bachelorette au that y'all been talking about tnx to @attackontreason for recommending it ksksks
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Ler Izuku and Mirio
Tea Type: Brown Sugar Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Izuku/F! Reader, Mirio/F! Reader
Length: 873
Summary: N/A
Izuku Midoriya:
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Izuku cares about his friends. Anyone who even sees him in passing can tell; given he’s anything but shy about it.
He’s very good at anticipating their needs; it’s a habit he picked up from his Mom actually though he doesn’t realize it himself.
Izuku, being the observant friend he is, can’t help but notice when you blush as he accidentally brushes your side when reaching for something behind you and squeak out an excuse about how you’re fine, and just startled before dashing off.
Deku’s not dumb. Kachaan would pull the same thing back in middle school but with anger to make people back off instead.
At first he thinks you don’t like it, but he puts together rather quickly that that’s very much not the case when he catches you leaning into Todoroki’s fingers as he helps you with your hair; even as they drag ticklishly along your neck and make you giggle. Your ever present blush like last time is there too.
He can’t help his fond smile.
Cute. You’re adorable. He wonders if anyone else has figured it out but doubts it and seeing the way you nearly chase Todoroki’s fingers when he pulls away and the little look of resignation on your face before you hide it with a smile and a thanks…well…
Deku can’t have that, now can he? What kind of friend would he be otherwise?
He knocks on your door that night and once inside he smiles and simply asks, all innocent curiosity.
“Say, do you really like being tickled?”
When you go red and stutter helplessly, barely able to from words as you shyly start backing away, already giggling; you give him the answer he needs.
He follows, giving you time to move away if you’d like, but you don’t as his hands come to simply rest at your sides.
“Aw this’s adorable!! Can I help? I promise I’ll be gentle, all you have to do is say red and I’ll stop! K? If you want me to be a little faster, or rougher…tell me and I’ll try okay? You may be better off going to Kacchan for that though-”
He jolted a little as you grabbed his wrist from where he was getting ready to gently pin you down, already straddling your hips.
The desperate look in your eyes almost made him smile but the anxiety there quickly made him frown.
“Hey, this isn’t anything weird, ya know? I won’t tell anyone else if it really makes you uncomfortable but…I don’t think anyone else would mind. You always run off before the tickling branches out to all of us, but tickle fights are common. Pretty sure all of us except you have gotten wrecked by multiple people at once.”
He giggled as you blushed madly at that, hiding your face in your arm at the thought and mumbling how he was being mean.
“Aw making you flustered and blushy and warm is just part of the job description if I’m gonna tickle you! Just say Red if you need me to stop for any reason, alright cutie?”
He starts gentle when he lers and stays consistently at that pace. Unlike Bakugou who’s rough out of the gate and Todoroki who keeps things varied Izuku is almost paranoid with his strength and pressure usage thanks to his Quirk.
He never wants to hurt you, obviously.
But it makes it tickle so much more.
Unlike with other kinds of tickles there’s no heavy laughter or struggling even really.
The softness means you feels every feathery flutter of fingertips and there’s nothing you can so expect focus on it, giggle helplessly with little squeaks and squeals and the occasional gasp and flinch.
All the while Deku is merciless but in the most gentle way possible.
He’s full of praises, and coos and affectionate gestures like nuzzling your neck and humming and gosh it’s so soft and comforting it can be enough to make one cry if they’ve had a bad day and just let it out.
Afterwards he always makes sure you drink plenty of water and stretch a little too if you’ve been there a while.
Overall, a Ler super atuned to your needs and a sweetheart.
Mirio Togata:
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Laughs with his Lee
Tells stupid jokes and stories and pretends that’s why you’re laughing so hard as he tickles
Absolutely uses his Quirk to tickle attack you from behind your friends if he hears you on the other side of something. 
Loves outing your ticklishness in public and ganging up on you with others omg. 
Not a possessive ler
Loves to spread how cute you are with the world!! 
Only if you’re comfy with it though of course! He’ll play it off and let you turn the tables on him if he notices you’re uncomfortable or something! 
Doesn’t like silence when he lers so he always is talking
From stories and jokes like above to coochie coos and tickle tickles he never stops teasing. 
Loves seeing his Lee get all shy and blushy if they’re the type or to make them fight back if they’re a brat
I see him as a tummy guy as a Ler; he thinks it’s both really accessible and fun to play with
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midnightpink · 23 days
read it here on ao3
Yaomomo sighs. “We’ve got a little bit of a situation, Bakugou. Ashi—uhm, somebody might have accidentally signed you up for that modelling gig.”
Katsuki holds up a hand. "So what you’re telling me here," he says, "is that you told Calvin Klein I would model for them. In my underwear.”
Ashido sinks behind a desk to hide. “Yes.”
(The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart.
So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.)
by: supercrunch
Words: 18,018, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Collections: GBFOAT: Greatest BakuDeku Fics Of All Time 💥🥦, HighQualityBNHAFics, A Labyrinth of Fics, The Good (finished) BkDk, Best of BakuDeku, Favourite_fanfics_of_all_time_mixed_fandoms, BakuDeku AO3 Collection (Shin), All Time Fave BakuDeku Fics I've Read (Shin), Mha fanfics I’ve read/reading, The "I wish I had amnesia so I can read this all over again" BKDK Collection, bakudeku love :) <3, fics i wanna hold hands with, Worth It BNHA Fanfics Reading List - Completed, Stellar Fics: A Wonder Duo Collection ☆★, BakuDeku is HEART, Read in reverence by rune, Almost every Bakugou fanfic I have read, losing myself in, Re-read ALL the time, bkdk one-shots that will make you scream, mha fics that make me want to scream into the void, BNHA_FICS, class1akids bnha recs, BKDK Brainrot (TiaLee), Literature I could lick off my fingers, Cheesing or crying I can’t tell, clips best of bkdk, lil’ bkdk box of skittles (+others), bkdk goodness, my hero academy <3, my top top bkdk/dkbk faves, The Foxy List
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Bakugou Mitsuki
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki & Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Past Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Past Todoroki Shouto/Midoriya Izuku - Freeform, Endgame Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
yaomomo joins the bakusquad, Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), bakugou gets bullied into underwear modelling, bakugou's personality issues present Real Problems, deku is Tired, they should really learn to communicate i mean honestly boys what are you doing, Yaomomo is a good friend, fake dating with a slight twist, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, i saw the opportunity for manservice and i ran with it
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
How about switches TodoBaku? Maybe Todo wants Bakugo to say he loves him but he won't go down without a fight!
Ooo, yes! I adore these two so much! I've gotcha covered, anon!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
CW: Swearing
@myreygn, @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @nutsgunraylvt
“Hey,” Todoroki reached out, gaining Bakugou’s attention. “I love you.”
Immediately, the blonde’s face flushed a vivid shade of red. Eyes wide, he sputtered before twisting around, ducking into himself with his arms folded tightly over his chest.
“F-Fuck, IcyHot! Don’t just say shit like that without warning!” He growled, ears red as berries.
It was so endearing, watching Bakugou get flustered over the smallest gestures of affection. Originally, Todoroki was rather hurt by the response, but once he realized it was out of pure fluster, that confused hurt turned to pure devious enjoyment.
Leaning in, he prodded the blushing boy’s shoulder. “Hey, say it back.”
“Fuck off!”
“Say you love me, Katsuki.” He smiled a little smile, eyes dancing. “You said it before, remember?”
“Go away! I’m not saying shit!” Bakugou shrunk more, his entire face pink. The memory of the accidental slip up hung between them- Todoroki getting so mad at the Kimchi jar he threw it out a window, watching it explode open. The whole thing was so stupid it made Bakugou laugh hysterically, doubled over with tears of mirth in his eyes.
“Oohoho my god! I fucking love you, Shoto!”
Laughter got choked off, shock set in along with a fairly bright blush, and Todoroki had been craving those words ever since.
The problem was just getting Bakugou to say it!
“Should I throw another jar of Kimchi onto the pavement?” Todoroki asked, watching the way Bakuogu’s lips twitched. “I don’t think Mr. Aizawa would be happy if I did.”
“Don’t waste food, idiot.” Bakugou huffed, turning his head away when Todoroki went to peek. Opportunity was before him.
“Then say you love me.” Todoroki poked his ribs, grinning when Bakugou jumped, sucking in a breath. “I’ll throw a hundred jars of Kimchi out the window if that’s what it takes.”
“Gah- N-No! Stop that! Don’t fucking to-ouch me!” Bakugou squirmed at each poke, his lips wobbling into a smile as he tried blocking out the other’s hand with his arm. His face was still turned away though, making his aim off. Todoroki added a finger.
“Tell me you love me first.” Poke, poke poke.
“Fuuuhuhck you!”
“I love you. I think you’re great.”
“I want to spend my days with you. I want to breathe the air you breathe.”
“That wahahahs stuuhuhhupid!” Bakugou let out a cross up of a genuine laugh and a tickle one, his hand slapping over his ribs protectively.
“Was it? I got it from one of those romance manga you read.” Todoroki teased, moving down to Bakugou’s hip, throwing all caution to the wind as he gave it a friendly squeeze. “I swear I remember you swooning over it at the time.”
“Shiihihihihihit!” Bakugou swore as he fell back into Todoroki’s chest, laughing helplessly as he tried prying his hand off his hip. Now that he had captured his target, Todoroki brought his other hand into the mix, drilling his fingers into the middle of his ribs. “Fuhuhuhuhuck ohohohohohoff, Iihihiihiihicy hoohoohoohohot!”
“Tell me that you love me.” Todoroki grinned, thinking of the tiktok Uraraka sent him the other day. “Tell me that I take your breath away.”
“Doohoohohohn’t fuhuhuhuhucking quote tihiiihiihktohoohohoks! Ahehahahahhaa, Ihiihihihcy hhoohoohohohohot!”
“It’s Icy Thot on Thursdays.”
“Shuhuhuhuuhhut uhuhuuhuuhp!”
“Just say you love me.” Todoroki teased, bringing both hands to Bakugou’s hips, making him arch with a squeal. “Then it’d be all over.”
“Nehehehehhehever!” Bakugou declared;  his next move unpredictable. He shot his hands out, grabbing Todoroki’s thigh just above the knee. Then he squeezed.
“Ah!” Todoroki yelped, spasming. Bakugou took his chance.
Diving forward, he grabbed his boyfriend’s ankle, drilling into the socked sole. “Come on then, tell me you love me! Come on, say it!” Bakugou mimicked, laughing when the other shrieked, flailing behind him and kicking him with his free foot. “What’s wrong? Too shy, Hot Pocket?”
“GEHAHHAHAHHAHA! KAHAHAHAHAHAHTSUUHUHUHKI! AAHEHHAHAHHAHA, STHAHAHAHP THAHAHHAHAT!” Todoroki howled in mirth, tears blinding his vision as he tried to wrench his foot out of Bakugou’s tough grip. This was not how he planned it- not at all! Sitting up when he could, he tried grabbing the back of Bakugou’s shirt- his hair, anything to pull him off, but the other was adamant on tickling the snot out of him. “COOHOOHOHME OHOOHOHOHON, HAHAHHAVE MEHEHHERCY!”
“You wish!” Bakugou laughed, grinning over his shoulder.
Fine then- last resort it was.
Making his hand extra cold, he reached out and shoved it up Bakugou back, making the blonde squeal and fly off the bed. Unfortunately for Todoroki, his foot was still in his hold, meaning they both came crashing to the floor. He grabbed onto the sheets for security, but that proved only to be his downfall as they came down with him.
Blinded, breathless, with his pride beaten, Todoroki gasped for air as he heard Bakugou swear, looking for freedom in their trapped state. “If you fucking fart, I’ll kick your ass.” He heard him mumble, the thought was enough to send Todoroki into a fresh fit of laughter. Finally, the sheets were removed, light momentarily blinding him before Bakuogu’s head loomed over, a mild scowl on his face. “Asshole.”
“Pfft- gehahahahahhaha!” Todoroki couldn’t even form words, laughing too hard at the whole scenario. He covered his mouth as a snort escaped, squeezing his eyes shut as more came out. Bakugou’s scowl melted into a grin as he laughed, shoving the other gently.
“Hey, giggle box- you’re not hurt, are you?” He looked over his shoulder at their tangled limbs, nodding in satisfaction when he saw no injury. “Ugh, you’re such a dork, you know that?”
“Wohoohrth it.” Todoroki smiled, finally starting to calm down. Looking up at his boyfriend, he reached up, running a hand against his cheek. “I do love you. Truly.”
Bakugou blushed, but this time he didn’t look away or fuss. Instead, he sighed, leaning into his hand with a small grin. “I love you too, Icy Hot.”
Todoroki’s heart raced, but it was missing something. “Say it again.”
“So needy.” Bakugou shook his head with a snort. “Fine.” Leaning down, he got close enough that they were nose to nose. “I love you, Shoto.” He finished the statement with a kiss on the lips, so gentle it was like a feather. “Happy?”
Todoroki’s face was warm, as was his heart. He leaned up and kissed the other back, grinning at the shocked blush spreading over Bakugou’s face once more. “With you? Always.”
Thanks for reading!
Icy Thot joke credit to @/brownbakugou on tiktok! :D
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loveing-eyes · 2 years
master list
shoto todoroki
1. first kiss
2. falling asleep on them
3. shoto with a touchy s/o
4. the first i love you
5. sneaking back into the dorms
6. todoroki with a quirkless s/o
7. dating shoto would include
8. hurt
9. sleepover
10. aftercare
11. revealing
12. dresses
13. coming out to them
izuku midoriya
1. deku with an quirkless s/o
2. deku with an touchy s/o
3. first kiss
4. falling asleep on them
5. "sneaking" in the dorms pt.2
6. the first i love you
7. hurt
8. sleepovers
9. aftercare
10. artist s/o
11. singer s/o
12. dating deku would include
13. insecure s/o
14. dresses
15. actor s/o
16. coming out to them
17. calling him crying
denki kaminari
first kiss
2. falling asleep on them
3. the first i love you
4. dating denki would include (2)
5. "sneaking" around the dorms
6. aftercare
7. hurt pt 2
shinsou Hitoshi
falling asleep on him
2. the first i love you
3. "sneaking" around the dorms
4. aftercare
5. revealing
6. dresses
eijiou kirishima
falling asleep on him
2. the first i love you
3. dating kirishima would include
4. "sneaking" around the dorms
5. hurt pt 2
katsuki bakugou
the first i love you
2. "sneaking" around the dorms
3. hurt
4. bakugou with a touchy s/o
5. aftercare
6. anger issues
7. coming out to him
8. sleepovers
9. dating him would include
10. falling asleep on him
hanta sero
sneaking around the dorms pt.2
2. the first i love you
3. dating sero would include
shouta Aizawa
hizashi being cupid
2. teen vs adult dating
3. teen aizawa with a touchy s/o
4. adult aizawa with a touchy s/o
5. mr aizawa having a crush on his coworker
6. teen sleepovers
7. energetic s/o
8. living together
mina ashido
"sneaking" around the dorms pt 2
2. the first i love you
3. dating mina would include (3)
tomura shigsharaki
dating shigaraki would include
2. shigaraki with a touchy s/o
3. falling asleep on them
4. aftercare
tamaki amajiki
first kiss
2. falling asleep on tamaki
3. sneaking around dorms pt. 2
4. tamaki with a touchy s/o
5. sleepover hcs
6. nejire accidentally exposing your crush on tamaki
7. aftercare
8. revealing
9. dresses
10. condition
dabi with a touchy s/o
2. moonlighting
3. aftercare
shirakumo oboro
1. dating shirakumo would include
toga Himiko
1. dresses
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vultureboi · 9 months
Short MHA story BakuBowl
It was a normal day at the gym. Or at least, it was for most of the pros there. But one thing was very different. Katsuki Bakugou, pro hero Dynamite, has blessed them with the sight of his juicy pecs.
He’s currently on the treadmill, shirtless. Now, this isn’t the first time they’ve seen him shirtless of course. But this is the first time he worked out shirtless. So with each and every bounce in his step, his pecs bounce with.
Izuku has already stopped what he was doing to stare and practically drool over the equipment he was using. Kirishima tried to play it sneaky and kept doing pull ups while sneaking a glance every once in a while.
But some people were far less sneaky. Or in Todoroki’s case, not at all. He simply walks up to Katsuki and watches. “What the fuck are you looking at half n half?!?” Katsuki turns off the machine and looks at him with a scowl.
“Your pecs are bouncing. Do they hurt like when boobs bounce? Momo said that girls can’t really bounce like the cartoons because that would really hurt. Do your boobs hurt, Bakugou?” Katsuki feels his face heat up. From rage or embarrassment or possibly both.
“EVERYONE KEEP YOUR EYES TO YOUR FUCKING SELVES, PERVERTS!!” Katsuki yells to everyone in the gym.
“I wouldn’t look, bro. It’s totally manly to have bouncy tits!” Kirishima blushes.
“Yeah right, Shitty Hair!” Katsuki growls. “You were staring just as much!!” Katsuki huffs, shaking his head in disapproval. “And Deku? Really? You’re cleaning up that drool! Honestly I’m shocked. Deku I expected. You all? Wow.”
“Why would you expect Midoriya but not us?” Todoroki asks.
“Because he’s been a simp our whole fucking lives! I’m pretty sure he masturbates to some magazine photo of me!” Katsuki yells.
“THAT IS NOT TRUE!!” Izuku blushes. “I only masturbate to the THOUGHT of Kacchan!” Izuku then mentally slaps himself.
“SEE?” Katsuki points at Deku.
“Well, in all honesty, I think we all masturbate to you, bro.” Kirishima shrugs.
“What the fuck?!? And don’t call me bro after saying something like that!! Deku can be shirtless? You can be shirtless! But I can’t without you all simping over me?!?”
“Admit it. You simp over Midoriya and Kirishima when they’re shirtless.” Todoroki says.
“Hell no! Because I’m not a pervert!!!” Katsuki defends himself. Izuku raises his hand.
“Is it not true that you were the one who stole the gay magazines from our teacher in middle school?” Izuku points out.
“THAT WAS MIDDLE SCHOOL! I was a hormonal teenager!! We’re adults!!” Katsuki looks at all of them but then narrows to Izuku. “You’re the one who writes notes on everyone like a stalker! I bet you have people’s dick size in those things!!”
“Well… some people’s…” Izuku admits. “I have All Mights!”
“NO ONE WANTED TO KNOW THAT!!” Katsuki covers his ears.
“Actually, I’m curious if he’s bigger than my dad.” Todoroki walks to Izuku. “What’s his size? Is it different for his smaller form?”
Katsuki ended up rage quitting and leaving before he accidentally heard what size All Might was. He does NOT want to know.
Katsuki made sure to always wear a shirt when he works out after that.
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mangospams · 1 year
How would the bhna and jjk yanderes react to their darling trying to wrestling / play fight with them?💕
Ohhh I’ve been getting so many of these how would ___ react things, I love them!!
Playfights with you: Hawks, KIRISHIMA, Mirio, Mahito, Itadori
Let’s you wrestle with them but doesn’t fight back: Aizawa, Deku, Shinsou, TODOROKI, Mr Compress, Shigaraki, Choso, GETO, Megumi
Playfights with you but ends up accidentally hurting you (they apologize profusely): Bakugou, Toga, Sukuna
Lays down while you try to wrestle with them because they like you being on top of them 🤭: Denki, Dabi, TOJI, Gojo
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likeadog · 7 months
oops yeah please share the story I am in dire need of your webweaving
Sorry this is so late, I was struck immediately and viciously by the wrath of god (and sedatives), so needless to say i was away from my computer
anyway so . the setting is: bnha roleplay server. let me introduce our cast
we have ME, 18, playing Monoma
we have the Bakugou and Shinsou roleplayers, who are a couple also. They are also the server mods. Notably, all three of us are some kinda gay-guy-adjacent-moment
you have Snow, 19, playing Kaminari and Summer, 20-something, playing Kirishima. Snow was ace/agender/aro and summer was identifying as cis bihet
I, unaware of summer identifying unironically as like, biromantic heterosexual, had accidentally started a fight about microlabels in the discourse channel, which ended in her refusing to speak to me further on the topic because she "couldnt control herself from hurting me", which were big words from someone i was not scared of in any way, but slay.
Regardless, the server moved forward.
Kirishima was, in this setting, a gay guy. I'm pretty sure he also had lesbian moms. Summer decided to take the exciting "discovering your identity" approach, despite confiding in us that she really didn't come out until well into adulthood, but one is not limited to live experience in the world of fiction, yeah? however, i think some people should be.
anticipation builds in the ooc chat. monoma makes an off-hand comment about being gay. kirishima asks, "what's that?"
we are aghast. this continues. not only does imaginary gay kirishima not know what gay is, he doesnt know what lgbt stands for. when a comment is made that he could google it, a joke about it all being inappropriate images is dropped. the homophobia is beginning to stink. however i have promised i would not get into more fights (liar) so me and the shinsou and bakugou rpers are just like, ribbing at it a little in the ooc chat. like, "man, i wish i was this sheltered growing up, maybe i wouldnt have been bullied in school" or something to that effect, which summer takes very personally and adamantly defends her right to imagine a world where it is in any way realistic for a sixteen year old who is gay and has gay moms to be this stupid.
but nonetheless, the in character chat goes on. kirishima is still getting hooked on phonics style sexuality. and then kaminari decides to whip out a chart. which chart?
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needlessly to say, we were baffled. surely no one believes this is how anything works, yes?
the vilification of hypersexuality (medical symptom, often of trauma). the bizarre insistence on carefully organizing every aspect of attraction on a gradient. its such a fascinating little piece of bullfucker, but furthermore,
in a world in which the LGBT acronym is too hard for someone to grasp, im supposed to believe he just clicks with Sexuality Battleship??? I'm a professional faggot and this thing confuses me.
It was such beautiful insight into their minds. A world in which one can skip all the annoying gay people parts of sexuality labels and instead dive right into the microcosms of what was solely relevant to them. it also fantastically predicted the future homophobia i would be subject to, including a line about how "gay people had enough and wouldnt stop stealing ace rep" about the magnus archives, and also the todoroki conversion therapy moment, but this was really just a truly incredible appetizer to the full course of dumb fuckery.
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fanficriter · 1 year
Dating the BNHA Boys!
Warnings - None
Characters - Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki
Notes - Isn’t my best work but oh well :3
Gender Neutral Reader
Izuku Midoriya
- Silly lil guy
- Took him a LOT of courage to confess to you
- Just kinda stood there dumbfounded when you reciprocated his feelings
- Poor boy is lowkey insecure
- He’s silently insecure about his scars :(
- If you kissed his scars i think he’d go insane
- Will probably cry
- He has little notes about how pretty you are in his quirk journal thingy
- Will go in rants about how amazing you are to his friends
- “Y/N is just so perfect and i love them and i don’t know what id do with out them they’re always there for me and-“
- If you have long hair, he always keeps a pack of hair ties incase you need them 😭
- When you tell him about something you like, he will write it down so he remembers
- Was soooo nervous when he first held your hand
- Always blushes without fail
- His hand are rough, but also rlly soft? (i need to make hand hcs holy shit)
- Doesn’t really like sparring with you bc he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he will if you rlly want to
- He will train together tho!
- He loves giving you tips, and watching you use your quirk
- Likes setting up little picnics with you bc he’s quite literally the perfect man ever
- He is a CUDDLIER
- Absolutely loves cuddling with you
- Loves it when you face him and dig your face into his neck
- Definitely talks in his sleep
- He loves taking you on dates to a bunch of different restaurants and such
- Gets so nervous when kissing you
- He loves it but he gets flustered way to easy
Katsuki Bakugou
- Malewife fr
- Will cook for you, though he acts like it’s a chore, he loves your reaction to all his different meals
- Deaf bakugou hc is my favourite thing ever i’m sorry
- He can still hear, (kind of) but he needs to wear a hearing aid
- He knows sign language, but really only uses it around his mom bc he’s embarrassed😭
- If you know sign language, you’ll win his heart IMMEDIATELY
- You were definitely the one to confess first
- Actually rejected you at first (he still liked you at the time)
- But after a few weeks, he confessed to you
- “I actually feel the same way or whatever… just didn’t wanna feed your ego to much…”
- Knows how to style hair weirdly well
- Will always make excuses to do your hair
- “Oi, c’mere, your hair looks like shit.”
- He’ll never admit it, but he LOVES head scratches
- Will lay on your thighs without warning, expecting you to scratch his scalp
- Sparring together is a MUST
- Don’t expect him to go easy on you
- Isn’t to big on PDA, but he’ll kiss you in private all you want
- The first few times you guys held hands, he was kinda scared that he would accidentally explode you 💀
- Doesn’t really take you out for dates a lot, it’s usually just movies and popcorn in bed
- But on the rare occasion when he DOES take you on a date, it is at the fanciest restaurants known to mankind
- Or hiking, he likes hiking
- It took a while for him to be comfortable with cuddling, but he loves spooning you, or holding you as you bury your face into his chest
Shoto Todoroki
- Confessed to you pretty soon after he realised his feelings
- Straight to the point
- “I’ve recently developed feelings for you.”
- Has a small smile when you said you liked him back
- He stares at you a lot
- Loves admiring you
- Also gives the weirdest compliments?
- “You have a nice facial structure, it suits you”
- “Thank you??”
- Will pick flowers occasionally and give them to you
- Literally buys you everything
- With his Dads credit card (You have no idea)
- You see a pair of shoes you like? BOOM. They are yours in 0.5 seconds
- He just buys everything bro CALM DOWN
- Loves taking you on fancy dinner dates
- You have to meet his siblings btw
- Mainly bc his sister WOULD NOT SHUT UP AB MEETING YOU
- She loves you
- So much
- It’s actually a bit concerning
- Doesn’t necessarily not like PDA, he just doesn’t feel the need to initiate it
- He can be a bit oblivious, so if you want PDA, just tell him!
- He has no problem with it
- Not really a cuddly person, but he will cuddle you if you want!
- Your relationship is definitely based on a lot of communication 😭
- As time passes, he will start to do those things without you having to ask, he just needed to get used to it
Tamaki Amajiki
- oh my god okay
- He confessed first but it took him SOOOO long
- Needed so much encouragement from his friends
- Then he just blurted it out while he was at your house one time
- “I- I love you!!”
- Almost died when you said it back
- Actually saw god when you tried holding his hand the first time
- CANNOT do PDA i think he would die
- Definitely an act of service man, he is too shy to do anything else
- Can’t reach somthing ? he’s on it. Your bathroom need cleaning? Consider it done!
- Also likes making you random little gifts
- Kiss him on the cheek i dare you
- He will EXPLODE
- Your always helping him calm down in public
- “Y/N i wanna go home”
- Further into the relationship he will slowly get used to physical affection
- I don’t think he will ever not get flustered tho
- He loves taking you out too eat
- Really likes picnic dates
- I feel like he meditates often to try and clear his head (there is a lot going on in there 😭)
- Will always invite you to meditate with him
- He actually really likes cuddling with you
- He almost dies every time but
- Loves when you spoon him
- Also loves laying on your chest (or the other way around)
- Absolute chef in the kitchen
- Always cooking u meals
This took my life 3 weeks to write i kept putting it off so it’s not as detailed as i’d like it to be but oh well
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saiikavon · 1 year
So I think I’ve pinpointed the general vibes for the three bnha ships I keep rotating around and it kinda goes like this in my head
Kiribaku: The high school sweethearts. Ride or die almost from the moment they meet to the end of their days together. These two can ride the ups and downs long-term probably the best out of the three. Not to say they never argue, but there’s an easy understanding of each other that leads into a greater willingness to compromise. Kiri knows the how and why of Bakugou’s rough edges and learns quickly not to take things personally; Bakugou winds up wanting to answer this understanding in kind and finds it doesn’t actually hurt his pride all that much to bend on things for Kiri’s sake. They’re the kind to drop everything if one or the other says “I need you” because they wouldn’t say it unless it was really, really true. These two probably have the easiest time being vulnerable around each other of three, because there’s no judgment, and there’s never a need to explain why, because they already know.
Dekubaku: The rocky slow burn. Spend their younger years riling each other up without fully understanding why, before having a huge blowout that results in some distance, whether or not they attempt any sort of apologies afterwards. There’s an acknowledgment that they are both too alike and too different to stay close while they’re still each trying to find their own paths. But when they meet up again all grown up, changed and with new perspective on themselves and each other, they find themselves yearning to see what that means. These two will butt heads the most often out of the three and come out of each argument steaming and stewing. Apologies get them nowhere. Action, a drive to improve and not give up; those are the only things that matter. One thing that neither of them lacks is determination, and they will use every ounce of it that they can to keep this thing going, now that it’s theirs.
Todobaku: The “accidental” relationship. Really sort of an oddball couple, the kind of relationship that makes people wonder what they’re like off the field - when they’re working together it makes sense and neither they nor anyone else question it. It just is. They start to fall into each other’s space and it settles without them really having to think about it. They move in together because it feels fine to do so. They start kissing and sleeping in the same bed because it’s comfortable. They go out to dinner and to see friends together because it feels right. They don’t so much argue as they do give each other the cold shoulder for a day or two after a disagreement before continuing on as normal. There’s little need to define it initially, because it is what it is and they are who they are and they’re good with that. But Bakugou blows a gasket when someone inevitably asks, “so when are you two getting married?” and Todoroki answers, “I don’t know. We haven’t really thought about it.”
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herofics · 2 years
I not sure if currently take request but I was wonder if I can do Bakugou,todroki x reader where the reader has similar powers like scarlet witch and has hard time controlling her powers and helps reader snap out it if it ok if you do both charcters separately Aslo to clarify this is not poly fic just wanted to let u know
I did HCs for this, and just so you know, I haven’t watched WandaVision and it’s been a while since I’ve seen any marvel stuff
~Todoroki Shouto~
•Todoroki knows you’ve got trouble with controlling your powers sometimes, and he’s there to help when you need him to
•You’re hard to get close to when you’re out of control, so Todoroki usually just tries to talk to you
•Well more like shout, because all the energy that’s whooshing around you is quite loud
•Todoroki usually tries to talk you down and after you’re in control again, he just holds you as long as you need him to
•He knows you hate feeling like you’re not in control, especially if it means you might accidentally hurt someone
•Todoroki knows what it’s like to try and suppress your quirk, since he did it to half of his quirk for years, and now that he’s mostly in control of it, he knows it’s not the way to go
•The two of you talk a lot about the whole situation, like how he could help you when you’re having a hard time with your quirk
•Most often you snap out of it when Todoroki grabs your hand or manages to touch you in some other way, like wrapping his arms around you or putting his hand on your shoulder
•Your quirk is very strong, and you’re often scared of hurting someone by accident, but Todoroki’s presence helps a lot
~Bakugou Katsuki~
•Bakugou can be a bit reckless with his attempts to make you calm down
•He just pretty much goes in and holds you still until you’re in control again
•Bakugou is worried of course, especially if it hurts you when your quirk goes out of control
•It’s usually the things and people around you that are in danger of getting hurt
•It’s not like you’re doing it on purpose though, so if someone does get hurt before Bakugou can intervene you feel extremely bad about it
•Your friends have tried to calm you down as well, and it sometimes succeeds, when you’re not too out of control, but the only person who has a 100% success rate is Bakugou
•As we know, Bakugou has quite a lot of anger issues, so he’s had to learn to control himself, so he can help you with it too
•Your quirk tends to go out of control with strong emotions, so you’ve had to learn to keep calm
•That is not the case all the time of course, no one can control their emotions all the time so you’re of course also going to have to learn to control your quirk better
•It’s a long process, but Bakugou is happy to help and he learns some things along the way too
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 15 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/UYLX0dp by FriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderFam You don't realize your in love with your best friend until they're kidnapped by the League of Villains, and you might not ever see them again. After the Kamino rescue, Kirishima and Bakugou realize their true feelings for one another, and finally decide they want to be together. Life after UA should be a walk in the park as long as they're together... right? Nine years pass, and Bakugou is twenty five, single, and hanging on by a thread. His closest friend is Denki Kaminari, who urges him to reconcile with Kirishima but he doesn't budge. Not until he accidentally runs into the red head at the hero gala. Well him, and his new boyfriend, Ryota. Seeing each other again after years of not speaking causes them to attempt a friendship, but is it too awkward? What happened between them to cause such a rift? Will old feelings start to seep through and cause issues for Ryota and Kirishima? I'm not the best at summaries but its a great slow burn I've been working on for literal years so I'm releasing the first few chapters and seeing how it goes! Thank you! Love these boys. Words: 1614, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou's Parents, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka, Shinsou Hitoshi, Original Characters, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yaoyorozu Momo, Iida Tenya Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kirishima Eijirou/Original Character(s) Additional Tags: kiribaku, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Top Kirishima Eijirou, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Bakugou Katsuki Has PTSD, Time Skips, Polyamory, Aged-Up Character(s), Break Up, Post-Break Up, Slow Burn, Awkward Tension, Exes, Kirishima Eijirou Has Two Moms, Kirishima has a boyfriend, Hurt Kirishima Eijirou, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Has Anger Issues, Bakugou Katsuki Has Nightmares, Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki are Best Friends, Ashido Mina & Kirishima Eijirou are Best Friends, Bisexual Kirishima Eijirou, Gay Bakugou Katsuki, Camping, Reconciliation, surprise elements, Jealousy, Friends to Lovers, Lovers to Friends, Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Supportive Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Action/Adventure, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Implied Sexual Content read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/UYLX0dp
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applepi-1 · 1 year
Aoba Johsai.
Toru Oikawa-  
Make things right
Spin the bottle
Issei Matsukawa-
coming soon
Takahiro Hanamaki-
coming soon
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Photographer- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12- Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 -
Just Cramps
Your friend likes him
shigeru Yahaba-
coming soon
Shinji Watari-
coming soon
Yutaro Kindaichi-
coming soon
Akira Kunimi-
Kentaro Kyotani-
Kaneo Yuda-
coming soon
Motomu Sawauchi-
coming soon
Heisuke Shido-
coming soon
Wakatoshi Ushijima- 
Friends to lovers
Jin Soekawa-
coming soon
Eita Semi-
Movie night with Shiratorizawa team? And confession with Semi...?
Reon Ohira-
coming soon
Satori Tendo-
Brothers insecure best friend
Enemies to Lovers
coming soon
Tsutomu Goshiki-
coming soon
Yu Shibata-
coming soon
Kenjiro Shirabu-
coming soon
Taichi Kawanishi-
Kei Akakura-
coming soon
Hayato Yamagata-
coming soon
Yusho Sagae-
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Tetsuro Kuroo-
I missed you
Brothers best friend
Nobuyuki Kai-
coming soon
Morisuke Yaku-
coming soon
Taketora Yamamoto-
coming soon
Kenma Kozume-
according to you
Shohei Fukunaga-
New girl
So Inuoka-
coming soon
Tamahiko Teshiro-
coming soon
Lev Haiba-
coming soon
Yuki Shibayama-
coming soon
Daichi Sawamura- 
coming soon
Koshi Sugawara-
can I sleep with you?
the girl who wants your boyfriend
need and wants
Asahi Azumane- 
coming soon
Yu Nishinoya- 
Ryunosuke Tanaka-
What in the-
Tobio Kageyama-
school shooting
Like shes mine
rained in
Shoyo Hinata-
coming soon
Kei Tsukishima- 
He cheated?! ft. Kageyama
surprised party
asking to kiss
you get jealous
Dreams or reality
The Texts
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
coming soon
Keishin Ukai-
Old friend
Shinsuke Kita-
coming soon
Ren Omimi-
coming soon
Aran Ojiro-
coming soon
Hitoshi Ginjima-
coming soon
Atsumu Miya-
friends into lovers
drunk confessions get the girl
Rintaro Suna-
Work wife
Osamu Miya-
creepy ex
Yuto Kosaku-
coming soon
Heisuke Riseki-
coming soon
Michinari Akagi-
coming soon
Tatsuki Washio-
coming soon
Yamatu Sarukui-
coming soon
Kotaro Bokuto-
Never too late
It’s always been you
Keiji Akaashi-
you have a panic attack
Secrets out
Akinori Konoha-
coming soon
Shuichi Anahori-
coming soon
Haruki Komi-
coming soon
Wataru Onaga-
coming soon
Friends into lovers
Seven minutes in heaven
Unfriendly friend
Bumping into an ex or old friend
Kenma, Ushijima, Kuroo
They have a nightmare
Daichi, Nishinoya, Semi, Tendo
Comforting Haikyuu boys who aren't use to being loved
Iwaizumi, Kenma, Tsukishima, Akaashi
He gets defensive of you when your parents treat you badly
Kuroo, Tsukishima
truth or dare
Iwaizumi, Daichi
Protecting their girlfriends
Tsukishima, Bokuto, osamu, Sugawara
Saving their crushes
Tsukishima, Akira, Akagi, suna
Morning after
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Sugawara, Sakusa
The team finds out they have a girlfriend
Kissing you in front of your ex
Tsukishima, Hinata, Kenma
Someone flirts with you- you use it on them
Sakusa, Asahi, Atsumu
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima, terushima, atsumu
They comfort you after a break up
Sugawara, Kenma, Suna
They hear someone say something bad about them
Bokuto, Akaashi
Caught making out
Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Suna
Kissing them for the first time in front of another girl
Kageyama, Tsukishima
You flinch
Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi
Ushijima, Tsukishima, Iwaizumi
Calling them 'babe'
Akaashi, Bokuto, Osamu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma
Accidental confessions
Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Iwaizumi
My hero academia:
Confessions with Bakugo
He hears someone say something bad about him
Car rides
Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki
First I love yous
Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima
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