#toga himiko x uraraka ochako
mimithealpaca · 9 months
guess who has a wifey now
This was the piece I squeezed into last minute asdfadsf did for the free Togachako New Year's Zine! You can get that here.
This picture is set in the same universe as Overdue Honeymoon. It's one of my favorite AUs I KNOW I HAVE A LOT OF THEM.
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also, kacchan's username is a poor rip-off of hbomberguy's username, if you couldn't tell...
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a-sentimental-man · 1 year
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do you want some sappy togachako smut? boy do i have the fic for u
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natsukashiibyla · 2 years
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Togachako in their own world
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ariasfandom · 1 year
Title: Long Time Coming Pairing: Uraraka Ochako/Toga Himiko Rating: Mature Word Count: 349 Warnings: Major character death, unrequited love, violence Summary: Toga confesses her love to Ochako who takes it horribly. A/N: This is not intended to bash any character, please do not come for me Created for: @anyfandomangstbingo "Been a long time coming" | @badbitchesbingo Coming out | @lgbtqbingo Bisexual character | @anyfandomdarkbingo Free Space
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“I love you, Ochako! And I love Izuku! I love you both so much it just makes my heart want to explode!” Toga proudly announced, confessing her love to the girl she’s been in love with for a long time while she played with the mini All Might keychain. “I don’t care what I have to do for us to be together!” she was desperate. Desperately in love with her gorgeous space girl. “I love you, I love you, I love you!” She repeatedly said, tears of joy falling more and more with each ‘I love you’.
“What?” Ochako seethed in disgust and physically recoiled. 
“I love you,” Toga sighed and began to step towards her. 
Ochako shook her head. “Do you really think I could ever love, let alone tolerate someone like you?” Toga’s eyes widened and felt her head start to float and not the way she wanted to. “I don’t care how hard your life is. The world is perfect exactly how it is before you people came and ruined it!”
“You don’t get it!” she screamed. “You’ll never understand. The world needs to change, you’re the only good thing I know-”
“Tell that to someone who cares,” Ochako darkly said as she screamed her new ultimate move ‘Zero Satellite’ on the broken hearted girl, and began a long hero monologue.
“Why?” Toga screamed. 
“Because you’re a villain and it’s my job to stop scum like you!” She lunged forward to try and float Toga but she quickly dogged. One of Toga’s knives had dropped when Ochako got a dark idea. She released the furniture on top of Toga, pinning her to the ground. Ochako grabbed the knife and stood over her, knife incredibly light in her hand without using her quirk. 
Her eyes widened, realizing what the woman she loved was about to do. “But you’re a hero! Hero’s can’t kill people!”
“It doesn’t matter,” she darkly said. “It’s been a long time coming,” as she plunged the knife into her chest. Now there was no one left to take her Deku away from her.
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Chapter 20 is Live!!
You can find it:
Here! on ao3
Here! on ffn
Or Below the Cut if you prefer Tumblr :)
“Christ Jesus,” Tomura said through gritted teeth. His fingers were bone white where he gripped the rail.
“He can’t help you now, captain. Instead of invoking his name, why don’t you pray that I get these stitches straight instead?” Magne said as she corked the liquor bottle that she had just poured over Tomura’s shoulder.
Dabi huffed out a breath. He was stood next to Tomura, one arm wrapped around the other’s back to help him stand still. “Dramatic much? It doesn’t really suit you, Mag. That’s more Compress’ thing.”
All he received in return was an eye roll from Magne and a sharp hiss from Tomura as the needle broke through his skin.
Himiko watched this all from her seat on the upper deck. Her legs were stuck through the bars that held up the railing, and her hands were holding a flannel blanket tight around her shoulders. The three others were below her on the main deck, along with Ochako and her friends but they were all on the other side of the ship. She watched closely as Magne slid the thin needle—made from bone and insanely sharp—through Tomura’s flesh again and again, drawing his bullet wound closed with black thread and precise tugs. As a pirate, knife enthusiast, and former vagabond, Himiko was intimately familiar with stitches. She knew the feeling of thread through flesh better than she knew a mother’s comfort. There had been a time where the thought of her mother dragged her into a depression that was nigh inescapable for days and days on end, but that was a long time ago and things have changed. Himiko had a family now–a true family, one that loved her for who she was–and she no longer mourned her mother. No, the grief she now felt had nothing to do with the woman who had tried to suppress her daughter’s very nature. The grief that now twisted and roiled inside her chest came from another daughter estranged from her mother because of an age-old hatred and the fear of the unknown.
A cold touch on her shoulder shook Himiko out of the past.
“A question for you, old friend, if you’ll hear it,” Himiko said to Jin, who had gone through the effort to expend energy and become more corporeal. Looking through him now was not unlike peering through an old warped glass. The ship beyond him was foggy, distorted, and tinted different colors–faint gray through his jacket, parchment colored through his yellow hair, and soft red through the scarf tied around his brow. Himiko could see more clearly the large gash, the permanent marker of his death, that scored his forehead vertically in two peeking from the bottom of his scarf as it cut down to slice the very top of his nose.
“Always, Himiko,” He crouched down to sit beside her on the wooden floor. “What’s troubling you?”
Himiko knew without looking when a second contradicting statement didn’t come that Jin had to be doing something to control his curse, and indeed when she turned to look him in the eye she could see that his mouth was screwed into a tense line–white around the edges from the amount of force. She knew that this was hard for him. Even though it was possible for him to control his curse when he was more corporeal, it still took a vast amount of effort.
“Is it noble and good to turn someone away, to let them go if you believe that you are poisoning them with your presence?”
Confusion clouded Jin’s face. “How do you mean?”
“How can I, in good conscience, allow Ochako to stay here when she should be at home with her parents leading a normal life? It is my fault, is it not, that she is here instead of home. I am poison, as I said before. I have ruined her chance at a good, normal life.” Himiko turned her head away and looked at Ochako again. The other girl was now talking to Magne and Dabi, and Himiko could hear her ask, Is there anything I can do to help?
There was a long pause before Jin deigned to respond. He heaved a great sigh and said, “I think this is a question better saved for Ochako, but I will tell you this while I still have relative control over myself,” He reached over and laid a hand on her knee. “Contrary to your belief, you are not poison. Put that thought from your mind completely and immediately.” He paused again and urged her to look at him. She did so with wet eyes. “You are my friend. We are one and the same, Himiko. If you are poison, then I, too, must be poison. Whatever we are, whatever we do, we exist together.” He stood, and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. He then faded, and became merely a rush of wind.
Though she knew that she should move, that she should be helping her crew to recover and set course for wherever they planned to sail, Jin's words and her own despair froze her and rendered her immobile. She watched her shipmates–including Ochako’s group–come and go over the next several hours. Himiko only clutched the flannel blanket closer around herself and laid down on her side, drawing her knees to her chest. She could see the questioning, concerned looks that were sent in her direction. She knew they were all worried, though she thought that the worry was misplaced. Tomura was the one that had been shot, not her. She was fine, she was just planning her next move, was all.
The moon was well into the sky by the time Himiko found the strength to move. Tomura and Eri had retired to the cabin below deck, as well as Dabi who hadn’t left Tomura’s side willingly since they had set foot back on the ship. Magne, Spinner, and Compress were slowly but surely finishing up with the rigging and setting the sails. She could faintly hear Compress leading the appropriate shanties to get the job done. Jin, meanwhile, was nowhere to be seen.
Himiko could just barely spot the new trio out of the corner of her eye. Over the course of the last several hours they had stood near the port-side rail, then migrated to the starboard rail, and were now standing directly underneath the upper-deck stage where she was lying. If she wanted to, Himiko could reach down and weave the strands of Ochako’s russet hair between her fingers. She refrained, keeping her fingers to herself. She tried listening to whatever the three of them were talking about, but she couldn’t shake the fog in her mind. It muffled her ears and made her eyes wide and unseeing. Everything was far away in a sensation that Himiko hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
“‘Scuse me, dears,” Magne said, brushing past the trio. Himiko blinked, coming back to herself a little as Magne pried open the door–swollen with moisture– to the cabins below deck. She looked Himiko in the eyes right before she disappeared through the door. Another concerned look.
With Magne’s interruption, Ochako, Izuku and Tsuyu’s conversation died out. The sound of the waves crashing and rolling against the hull became hypnotizing, and Himiko’s mind began to turn numb once more until the door opened and Magne stepped back on deck.
“All right,” she said, walking amidship. “I’ve just talked with the captain, and he’s given us the go ahead to set sail. Everyone to the capstan, we’re raising anchor.”
Himiko forced herself to sit up and then shook her head hard. She could continue her sulking–or whatever this was–later. She had skipped out on her responsibilities enough, especially since this was a task that required as many hands as possible. With three crew members injured, busy, or missing, she was needed. A thought bothered her, though.
Sail? Himiko thought. Where are we sailing to? It wasn’t as if Ochako’s parents would find them all the way out here. Well, we have been anchored here for quite some time. Maybe it was for the better that they were leaving. Himiko only wished that she could have had a reason to send Ochako away. She didn’t need to be anywhere near Himiko anymore, not when Himiko had already disrupted and ruined everything that Ochako had ever had. A painful realization, but a correct one, Himiko knew.
The capstan–located behind the main mast–was made entirely of iron. Himiko remembered in the early days of her joining the crew when the capstan was so black and shiny that it would nearly blind her when the sun was at its highest in the sky. Nowadays, it was dull looking and squealed quite a bit when used. She, along with the rest of the crew, lifted their wooden handles and inserted them into their respective slots in the head of the capstan.
Himiko didn’t miss the confused glance that Ochako–located diagonally from Himiko across the circular head of the capstan–gave her when at first nobody moved. Everyone was holding onto their spoke, leaning over and ready to push, and yet they were still. It wasn’t until Compress called out a line of a capstan shanty that they all began to push, marching dutifully to beat.
“Oh Santiana gained the day–”
The wooden capstan handle bit into her hand as she heaved along with everyone else. They were weathered and splintering, the varnish that was originally on then chipped almost completely away.
The crew, minus Ochako, Izuku and Tsuyu, dutifully called back: “–away Santiana–.”
On and on it went for hours. Every so often someone would have to break away to untie and retie the messenger cable to the anchor cable. By the third verse, the new trio had gotten the hang of the call and response that made up the shanty. Breaks were required, even with the advanced strength of some of the crew. The fog in Himiko’s brain lingered, not helped by the repetitiveness of the task at hand. The fog grew worse, accompanied by a shrinking feeling in her chest when she saw–even across the distance between them–that Ochako’s hands had left blood on her capstan handle.
When the scraping, thunking sound of the anchor hitting the hull was heard Himiko nearly fell over in relief.
Eighteen - Nineteen - Twenty - TBD
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actualfemslash · 2 years
My Lovely (6130 words) by MisTaJaY Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako Characters: Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Toga Himiko Needs a Hug, Uraraka Ochako is Bad at Feelings Summary:
Ochako and Toga are trapped in a cave and feelings ensue.
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miowess · 7 days
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She can't forget her smile.
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aashi-heartfilia · 2 months
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They have each other's reflection in their eyes!!!!
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dekusleftsock · 6 months
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They did not know how to dress as kids
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nightfaeses · 13 days
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testing out a new program <3
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arizuume · 9 months
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xuune · 1 year
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heard she gave her blood
do not repost, reblog only
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a-sentimental-man · 1 year
would you like to join a server that's dedicated entirely to togachako? where u can scream and shout about our girls to your heart's content, and share your fanart and fanfics? i have the server for you!! the only requirement is that you have to be over 18 :D
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dailyzzy · 1 year
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Highschool sweethearts
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poofbark · 2 months
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himichako i didnt ACTUALLY want you to be doomed yuri Please come back to me PLEASE
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Fish and Pearls Chapter 19 is Live!!
You can find it:
Here! on ao3
Here! on ffn
Or Below the Cut if you prefer Tumblr :)
Ochako assumed that this turn of events could be considered ironic. Her fear of the ocean had always kept her from really appreciating it, and now she was about to sail right to the very heart of it. Well, it was really only a few miles from the shore, but that was still far enough to nearly send her to hysterics.
Not that she hadn't already been in hysterics today after, well, everything.
“This might be a redundant question, my dear, but are you alright?”
Compress, who was sitting to her right, placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. He was so nice, and Ochako felt bad for the sudden flare of temper she experienced at his question.
No, she thought to herself. I am not alright. I just lost both my mother and my father and–
“In all honesty,” she said, boxing up her frustration. “I’m afraid of the ocean.” She gave Tsu’s hand–which she had been gripping since they had pushed off from the shore–a grounding squeeze. 
With the type of people she was surrounded by at the moment (pirates–who spend most of their time in and on the ocean), she fully expected to be laughed at. She was pleasantly surprised when nobody so much as scoffed–not even Dabi, who was sitting at one end of the boat rowing with all of his might. 
She took a deep breath and then continued, “Normally I can just ignore it and get over it, but–”
Not now. Not after everything that has happened today. Ochako was sure that the unspoken words were understood. 
“It’s quite a reasonable fear to have, you know.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh yes. It just so happens that pirates and other sea-faring folks can be quite unreasonable.”
“Oh come off it, Compress,” Dabi said, grunting as he rotated the oar and guided it back into the dark water. “We aren’t that unreasonable.”
“You once threatened to run me through with a hot poker for borrowing your jacket,” chimed Tomura, though instead of the joking tone that both Compress and Dabi had, the captain sounded pained and spoke with slurred words as if he were drowsy or tipsy. Ochako saw that all of the color had left his face, making his under-eye bags stand out like black eyes. 
“My point stands,” Compress said. “We are a notoriously unreasonable people.”
Despite everything, the interaction managed to coax a small smile out of Ochako. She ran her fingers through Eri’s hair as the small girl slept against her chest. Up ahead, a ship began to appear on the horizon.
“Is that–?”
“Yes indeed! Home sweet boat.”
Ochako could see two figures climbing up the side of the ship, as well as the giant serpent that could be none other than Spinner. 
She leaned down and whispered into Eri’s ear, “Eri, it’s time to wake up. We have to get on the ship.”
The small girl stirred and blinked up at her with bleary red eyes. 
“We’re at the ship already?” Eri said, her voice softer than normal from sleep.
Ochako tucked a piece of hair behind Eri’s ear, and then looked out at the ship. It was relatively big, and had a small attachment at the bottom that she could barely make out. The flag, waving from the mast, was made from a pale red fabric with a black hand sewn onto the center of it. The figurehead–where there would normally be a mermaid or a unicorn–was a horrifying creature that Ochako had never seen before, and if she had it would have been in her nightmares. 
Gods help me, she thought as she prepared herself to climb onto the Devil’s Inferno.
When Ochako managed to haul herself over the rail and onto the deck of the ship, she was sure that she had pulled muscles that she didn’t even know existed. Her arms and shoulders were burning, as well as the miniscule muscles in her hands. She could already see that blisters were starting to form on her palms. Where there weren’t blisters, the skin was stripped raw and filled with splinters. It had occurred to her as she was halfway up the ladder on the hull of the ship why–even though Ochako wouldn’t consider herself physically unfit–the residents of this ship weren’t nearly as winded as she was. Even Izuku, who had helped Dabi row the dinghy back to the ship, was shaking and out of breath–and he had used his “faerie powers” (Ochako was still confused as to what they did, exactly) to assist him. Dabi was purely human–from what Ochako could tell–and he didn’t seem near as exhausted. 
There was a thump as Izuku landed on the deck in a crouch with Eri clinging to his back. Green lightning crackled in small arcs around his legs, and his hands were behind his back–presumably holding Eri so that she didn’t fall. 
The confusion must have shown on her face as she asked, “How did you–?” She trailed off and made a vague gesture in the direction of the rail. 
His gaze flicked over to her as he set Eri down on her feet. The young girl rocked and stumbled a bit, unacquainted with the movement of the deck beneath her. He had the good graces to look bashful as he said, “I jumped up.”
Ochako hummed in acknowledgement, even though she absolutely did not understand. Yeah, she thought to herself, sure. You just jumped over twelve feet into the air carrying a small child on your back. You’re my best friend–who I’ve known my whole life–and now you can just do stuff. Like jump. Twelve feet into the air. Like it’s no big deal. Totally makes sense. 
Ochako turned away from him to look at Tsu. She held out her hand to the other girl, inviting her into her space. She wrapped her arm around Tsu’s shoulders as Tsu did the same. They both looked over at Izuku, who got the hint and came over to the two of them and joined in their embrace. 
Around her, Ochako could still hear the atmosphere–crewmates moving here and there, Tomura grunting in pain as alcohol was poured over his wound, the wind whispering around the masts–but it was simply background noise. The sound of Izuku and Tsuyu breathing was more immediate to her ears, and it helped to remind her that they were all still here. They were alive and well. They would make it through. 
And even though she had lost her blood family, the only family that mattered was right there with her in her arms. 
They would be okay. 
Ochako was sure of it.
Sixteen - Seventeen - Eighteen - Nineteen - Twenty
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