#togami x souda
t0yac1d · 10 months
mondo, byakuya and kazuichi x fem (or gn) s/o who’s like mikan? (ex. clumsy, low self esteem, stuttery, shy, etc :D) thanks so much! i love your writing btw <3
Danganronpa Boys x Shy!F!Reader
Characters: Mondo Owada, Byakuya Togami & Kazuichi Souda
Word Count: 656
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☆Mondo Owada would always stay close to you incase you trip, and when you do he catches you before you hit the floor, holding you close to him and making sure you're okay. With your low self-esteem he makes sure to tell you that you're beautiful, gorgeous, smart, incredible and all of the above. He makes sure that you know that he wants and loves you for you and not your looks and that he really does love you and all of your flaws.
He also doesn't mind your stuttering, he tells you that it's okay and to take your time, he doesn't mind waiting for you to tell him what's on your mind. He's also fairly patient and thinks your shyness is adorable, how you blush when you're nervous and how you turn your head away from him when you get slightly embarrassed. He loves it all and loves all of you.
☆Byakuya Togami doesn't really stay as close to you like Mondo. He stays in his space, but when you trip and fall into a revealing pose he's immediately by your side and covering you up with his jacket. He'd glare at any person laughing or looking at you. He'd deal with your low self-esteem by also giving reassurance. If you think a certain outfit would make you feel more confident in the way you look then he'd buy it for you, he feels as though if something makes you feel better about yourself or if a certain clothing brand would make you feel confident in your skin then he'd buy it immediately just for you.
But that doesn't mean he'd do it all of the time. He'd sit you down and have a heart to heart with you, he'd ask you why you think so badly about yourself and help you overcome that feeling and he'd keep doing it until you can look in the mirror and whole heartedly appreciate yourself. Now, with your stuttering. He's not a patient person, but he'd try to be and he's trying really hard to be patient. It's a work in progress but he's progressing really well, overtime he became extremely patient and would much rather wait for you to speak before speaking himself. Let's be honest, your shyness is what drew him close to you. I don't make the rules, he absolutely loves your shyness and the habits you do. Would he actually say this out loud? Hell no. But everyone with eyes can tell that he's absolutely smitten about you.
☆Kazuichi Souda is like Mondo, always around you and by your side. If you trip he'd catch you, but he's also pretty clumsy himself so he'd fall on top of you. But his body is covering you so anyone that passes by just thinks he stumbled onto you, which embarrasses you both even more. But as long as you're covered and not in any revealing pose, he's fine with getting teased about falling on you. If I'm being honest I think he'd absolutely suck at helping you with your low self-esteem only because he has the same problem. He'd try to help but he's scared that he'd accidentally make it worse. So your best bet is for the both of you to help each other and grow together.
When you stutter he finds it adorable and mentions it when you do which causes you to stutter even more. Same goes for your shyness, he loves it and it's what made him fall for you. He never saw anyone so cute in his life and so he immediately fell head over heels for you, even though he never actually spoke to you. But when he did he almost passed away because just looking at your already pinkish cheeks and how you slightly turn away when speaking just made his heart speed up. He's literally so in love with you, no one can even fathom the amount.
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alluring-eclipse · 6 months
Hiii! Could you write headcanons of the dr2 characters (you can choose whichever ones if you don't want to write all of them) with a reader (platonic) who is very realistic, and expresses it in funny/sarcastic remarks about the others and their island situation?
They will basically say things like, "Okay, so a magical bunny just freaking teleported us to God-knows-where, and now we're all living in 'Death in Paradise'... Gotcha... Perfectly normal..."
Or, will witness Nagito's behavior in the first trial and say something at that moment, literally right there in the trial room, like, "Alright, so we're stuck with a psychotic control freak who's most likely gonna kill us all 'cause of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm swimming back to Japan, peace! ✌️"
Or at some point will say, "Why are there so many crazy ppl in this class!? Damn, y'all got issues! Y'all need Jesus!" 😭
Of course love, here you go, tell me if I missed anyone please ☺
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**Hajime Hinata:**
Your dry humor catches Hajime off guard, making him appreciate the unexpected wit. He often finds himself smirking at your comments, secretly enjoying the realism you bring to their surreal situation.
**Nagito Komaeda:**
During the first trial, you can't help but blurt out your unfiltered thoughts. "Ok, so we're stuck with a psychotic freak who's most likely gonna kill us all because of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm gonna swim back to Japan, peace!" Nagito, oddly unfazed, just smiles, "I'm sure Hope will guide you back."
**Chiaki Nanami:**
Chiaki finds your remarks refreshing, a nice break from the tension. She secretly appreciates your realistic perspective but doesn't express it openly. You become her go-to for a good laugh amidst the chaos.
**Gundham Tanaka:**
Your sarcasm amuses Gundham, and he starts including you in his grandiose speeches. "Ah, the realist amongst mortals! Even in the face of doom, your spirit remains unbroken." You roll your eyes, but it's hard not to smile.
**Mikan Tsumiki:**
Mikan is both fascinated and intimidated by your blunt remarks. She often stammers when you're around, unsure how to respond to your straightforward commentary. Despite this, she secretly admires your confidence.
**Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:**
Fuyuhiko initially brushes off your remarks, but deep down, he appreciates your no-nonsense attitude. When things get tough, he finds himself seeking out your presence for a dose of reality.
**Akane Owari:**
Akane enjoys your humor and often challenges you to participate in her antics. She appreciates your straightforwardness, seeing it as a refreshing change in a sea of eccentric personalities.
**Sonia Nevermind:**
Sonia is intrigued by your realism, finding it a stark contrast to her royal upbringing. She subtly seeks your company, enjoying the down-to-earth perspective you bring to the group.
**Byakuya Togami:**
Your remarks manage to make even Byakuya crack a small smirk occasionally. While he won't openly admit it, he respects your practical outlook and occasionally seeks your opinion on matters.
**Ibuki Mioda:**
Ibuki adores your sarcastic humor, often incorporating it into her wild antics. The two of you make an unexpectedly entertaining duo, bringing a unique dynamic to the group.
**Teruteru Hanamura:**
Teruteru attempts to flirt with you, thinking your realism is just a façade. You shut him down with a dry comment, and he's left both impressed and slightly intimidated by your unyielding attitude.
**Mahiru Koizumi:**
Mahiru appreciates your realistic perspective, especially when it comes to organizing and planning. She often relies on your input, secretly finding comfort in your practical approach to the challenges they face.
**Nekomaru Nidai:**
-the Reader sarcastically comments on Nekomaru's intense training routines, "Oh great, the human bulldozer is here. Just what we need to survive on a deserted island – someone to clear a path to the buffet."
**Hiyoko Saionji:**
- When Hiyoko insults others,the reader fires back, "Wow, such cutting remarks. I hope you use those razor-sharp insults to build us a shelter or something equally useful."
**Kazuichi Soda:**
- Observing Kazuichi's obsession with Sonia, the reader quips, "Dude, if you put half as much effort into fixing things as you do chasing Sonia, we'd have a functional way off this island by now."
**Peko Pekoyama:**
- Seeing Peko's loyalty to Fuyuhiko, the reader deadpans, "Ah, the devoted swordswoman. Remind me to hire you for my next bodyguard gig... if we make it off this island alive, that is."
Hope you enjoyed dear, feel free to make more requests and I'll finish them as soon as I can😇
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floorbe · 2 years
So glad to see that requests are open! How about pet name headcanons for the sdr2 boys? What do they call their s/o? What do they liked to be called? Thanks!
shure! spoilers under the cut//
Hajime Hinata
-He mostly calls you sweetie, sweetheart, and dear
-Mostly comes out when he’s not thinking about it at all, like if you surprise him or something
-He’s a little embarrassed by it the first few times until you reassure him
-He likes being called anything, honestly! Just the fact that you have terms if endearment for him is amazing
-He does have a soft spot for sweetheart and the more sweet terms like pumpkin tho
-It makes him feel so fuzzy inside
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
-In public? Doll, sugar, sweetheart, hot stuff... typical tough guy pet names
-In private? Honey, sweetie, babe, less stereotypical and more fuzzy names
-You swear you heard him say bunny once. He denies it
-He warms up to pet names pretty quickly. He’ll probably call you the tough guy pet names before you’re even together as a tease
-The more intimate ones take a bit longer, and the first time he does it he is hyper aware of it and watching your reaction
-He doesn’t use them too often, mostly in public, honestly. He likes your name
-He likes being called love, dearest, angel (be careful w this one tho), anything that reminds him of just how much you love him
-The first time you call him a pet name he goes red and will stomp off if you mention it
Gundham Tanaka
-Ohh this mans, only the highest quality names for his dear love
-Queen/King if you use those terms. He also uses my true love, my dark partner, dear heart, my dear, my love... and rarely he just calls you “lover”
-The first time he uses a pet name it’s completely unintentional, but he’ll play it off like it was totally according to plan
-He’ll be flustered using them until he gets more comfortable in the relationship, in which he’ll be throwing them out more than your name
-He’s weak for any and all pet names. He’s the weakest for sweetheart, my heart, my love, and honey
-The first time you call him a pet name he freezes and has to reboot. You called him what? Oh Gods, you really do care about him, don’t you...?
-Biggest restrained smile on his face for the rest of the day
Kazuichi Souda
-Oh lord he’s so nervous to call you anything at first. Expect some “bro” and “dude” (honestly even way into the relationship, it’s just how he works lol)
-He defaults to babe and sweetie
-He also calls you honey and sugar when he’s feeling especially confident
-He’ll resort to any pet name when he wants something tho. Comedically ofc
-“Y/N, love of my life, light of my day, blood through my veins, ventilator to my heart-” “Kazuichi what do you want”
-He uses them decently often! He’s a bit nervous to use them too often but you’ll catch him calling you them naturally when not focused on it
-Oh he lovesss being called love, baby, sweetie, sweetheart, and pumpkin
-Bright red the first time he hears them, but he’s soo happy
-“H-huh?! Wait, what did you say?! Say it again!”
Nagito Komaeda
-He doesn’t use pet names at first (you’ll leave me soon, anyway, right? You wouldn’t want me calling you anything, anyway), but one day he accidentally lets one slip
-You are incredibly happy and he sees that. And something clicks for him and now he is saying them all the timeee
-My heart, my love, sweetie, pumpkin, honey, my hope... you think it, he’s said it
-He picks up on what you like the most and sticks to those
-He calls you them very often once he gets more comfortable, he likes being able to show his love and likes seeing your smile widen
-He loves any and all pet names you give him! He’s weak for my heart and lovely, tho
-The first time you use a pet name he kinda frowns and reassures you you don’t have to. But you keep doing it anyway?
-Now he just gets a big smile
Nekomaru Nidai
-Oh sweetie all the way! Dear, my love, babe, baby, hot stuff, my man/lady/partner, pumpkin, honey...
-He’s trying out all of them to see which you seem to like the most! He falls back to babe, baby, and sweetie routinely, tho.
-He also called you “my little star” once... huh? Where did that even come from? If you ask abt it he’ll just laugh and ask if you want him to call you it more
-He loves calling you pet names! He uses them soo often
-He also loves being called pet names!! They make him feel so warm and lovey
-The first time you call him one he sweeps you into a big ol hug
-He loves very lovey names, “big guy” if you’re smaller than him, babe, love, sugar... lord he’s so so weak for all of them
Teruteru Hanamura
-Pet name God. Someone stop him. He’s getting so carried away. I hope you’re ready
-Pumpkin, sugar plum, honey, sugar, sweetie, sweetheart... anything is on the table.
-He defaults to pumpkin, honey, and sugar
-He jumps into pet names immediately. He probably uses them before y’all are together when flirting tbh
-He definitely ups his usage in public to see you flustered. Just lay into him in return to decommission him
-The first time you call him my love, my heart, or pumpkin in return he has to take a second to collect himself
-Oh bright red when you first call him a pet name. Expect that twang to come out!
Byakuya Twogami
-When in his Togami disguise? He rarely uses any. Maybe a rogue “dear” once in a while
-When it’s just you two? He doesn’t use a lot of them, but he’s partial to love, dear, and maybe sweetheart if he’s feeling particularly affectionate
-He struggles to keep composure when you call him pet names, tho!! Lord help him, you’re gonna give him away with how hard he has to fight back that blush
-He may be a bit of a dick towards you when you use them, but it’s just to keep up appearances. He’ll apologize profusely later when alone
-He love any pet name you give him, even if the more intimate or “lovey” ones may fluster him
-He will never say it when he’s Togami, tho. But you’ll know, there’s always a slight quirk to his lips when he struggles to keep his smile in check
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danizmomota · 11 months
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He’s getting him ready for the day a date… his face is squishy :3 …also if someone requests a ship I WILL GO CRAZY.
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That’s quite a lot of bags!
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Yeah I uhhhh got a little silly there TogaKure FINISHED!!! I definitely enjoyed drawing this one!
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…and they are still spying.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
can i request kokichi, byakuya togami, kazhuichi, and nagito with a s/o thats absurdly good at the knife game?
Kokichi Ouma, Byakuya Togami, Kazuichi Souda, and Nagito Komaeda with a S/O who's hella good at the knife game
omg i remember this ask from a many of months ago I'm glad you're still here babes anon
-Mod Souda
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Kokichi Ouma
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✯ There are no words exchanged between the two of you whenever he watches you play. It's not as if he fears distracting you, because he doesn't, but he is actually too concentrated on observing. It's such an interesting little game and the fact that you're so good at it is one of the most impressive things about you. You go fast, faster than he thinks he would be able to go, and it makes his eyes dart around while he follows.
You pull the knife out of the restaurant's napkin without a word and begin to play. He sits watching you go, then turning his entire body to face you, a bit amused that you decided to play this in a public space. It is a pleasant place, one that he likes to tarnish with his friends. The two of you sit with them now. "The game," one of them says. "Nice." You shrug, continuing to play, not taking your eyes off your hand. Ouma sighs with admiration, focusing all of his attention on you, the hypnotic movement of the knife capturing him completely.
✯ He'll make you do it in front of people as a flex.
✯ He does try it, but he is as good as average, and he will find any excuse to not do it with an actual knife.
✯ It almost never goes sour, which impresses him even more.
✯ When you do mess up, you try to conceal it, which he notices ofc, and he thinks your pride is rather cute.
Byakuya Togami
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✯ He with confiscate things with a sullen silence. He gets annoyed, often frustrated by the way you continue to bypass his levels of comfortability (towards things like your safety). He doesn't care how good you are at it, he will continue to snatch your wrist and force you to drop whatever object you're playing with. Sometimes you laugh at him, which makes it worse, and you often fail to foresee his worsened mood.
"This won't do," he meant to say this under his breath but it was loud enough to make you slow the stabbing of the table in between your fingers. He continues once he realizes you heard: "you're going to mark the wood." You turn sharply. He stands tall, crossing his arms. You shrug, "you can buy another one," before continuing with your game.
✯ He had started by asking the servants to maintain control over the usage of knifes by anyone, then trying to figure out what other things you'd use in place of them by trial and error.
✯ He could not help feeling that he had become some sort of parent to you.
✯ It's all about the concept of you actually hurting yourself, it is going to make him at best annoyed and at worse worried, even if he's the one that's going to take the responsibility to bandage it.
Kazuichi Souda
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✯ Sometimes you'll just disappear into the kitchen and he just knows it's to get a knife. He knows it's best not to investigate. Whenever he catches you playing the game he can literally feel his heart sinking, it freaks him out like all hell. And, unfortunately, you like playing the game very much, so you give him the mercy of trying not to play it in front of him. He can still always hear the thump thump thump thump thump of it.
He takes his travel bag and pokes around his bathroom ━ electric razor, toothbrush, nail file, contact solution ━ those all were his to pack. The knife on the counter was not. He stares at it for awhile, not touching it at all. His eyes become level with the counter. It's clean, and the end is a bit bent from how hard you tend to play the game. "Plastic," he whispers. "Thank god."
✯ Sometimes when you play it you'll look up and stare him in the eyes and it makes him panic so bad (it's so funny).
✯ Sonia and Gundham are heavily interested in it though, and that's what makes him tolerate it, even if it's for a second.
✯ His friends are way more impressed than he is. Much more.
✯ The sounds of you playing the game from downstairs is more terrifying than if he were to wake up to the sound of strange footsteps.
Nagito Komaeda
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✯ Oh that game completely entrances him. He sees you playing it and is immediately curious, and once you explain it, the concept is addicting and he feels the need to play it, almost because he wants to see if he's on a good luck streak or a bad luck streak. You should let him uhhhh not play it, because unlike him, you don't want to find out.
"Wow, you have amazing luck..." His eyes gleam a bit as he watches you play. The knife goes in between your fingers at an intense speed, but you slow down when it comes to talking at the same time. Sometimes the end would cling to the slits in the wooden table and it gives you a second to pull it out.
"I have skill, not luck. I'm just good at this." And with that you remove your hand, but slam the knife into the space where your palm was, scaring him in the process. "Practice makes perfect."
✯ He loves hearing the sounds of you playing it, just knowing that you're playing it makes him excited. A part of him wants to know what happens if you lose.
✯ There is also a worry that his bad luck will try and target you and make you lose, that won't be very exciting.
✯ It worried him at first but when he came to terms that it's literally a skill of yours then he realized you're not in danger.
✯ ^ He's protective of the people he likes.
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Byakuya (the real one) x Kazuichi please! :3
Here ya go!
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tobi-boi · 1 year
Love languages
Characters included: Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Ibuki Mioda, Nagito Komaeda, Kazuichi Soda, Miu Iruma, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Oma Genre: fluff Reader gender: gender neutral Warnings: none Word count: 264
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✦Byakuya Togami✦
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╺ Byakuya's preferred love language would most likely be gift giving/receiving.
╺ The love language he tries to avoid the best he can would most likely be physical touch.
✦Kyoko Kirigiri✦
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╺ Kyoko's preferred love language would most likely be acts of service and/or quality time.
╺ She wouldn't particularly avoid any of the love languages, but wouldn't be very fond of physical touch.
✦Ibuki Mioda✦
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╺ Ibuki's preferred love language would most likely be words of affirmation and/or physical touch.
╺ She doesn't mind any of the other love languages, but the before mentioned are the most preferred.
✦Nagito Komaeda✦
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╺ Nagito's preferred love language would most likely be words of affirmation and/or gift giving/receiving.
╺ He doesn't mind the other love languages at all, he just wants affection.
✦Kazuichi Soda✦
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╺ Kazuichi's preferred love language would most likely be gift giving/receiving and/or quality time.
╺ He mostly doesn't mind the other love languages in the right amount, but prefer the before mentioned.
✦Miu Iruma✦
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╺ Miu's preferred love language would most likely be words of affirmation and/or acts of service.
╺ She doesn't mind the other love languages, she'll take any affection she gets and cherish it.
✦Gonta Gokuhara✦
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╺ Gonta's preferred love language would most likely be acts of service.
╺ He would also quite like physical touch– small things like headpats and holding hands, though.
✦Kokichi Oma✦
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╺ Kokichi's preferred love language would most likely be physical touch.
╺ He would also quite like gift giving/receiving and quality time.
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Okay so i dont post  anything here since valentine days, i gona probably try to post a  some kisekae thing here and there to keep this blog going ,but i hope i can post some headcanons soon, so i can do this was inteand intended too when i start with this lil gabarge can of mine here on tumblr. For now so i dont let this just a an  text comment of  me complaining how I haven’t posted anything in a while, i gona try to post something, so  here  is some old shitpost i did for my ship chart for the characters that were not in a relationship ,as i personaly dont feel like forcing to 2 character to be together in a ship on prospect of they being “alone” with when im not super into it the ship to begin with. I guess the fun of being open to see what close people do with my setings in the new pespective they add with their own things, especialy for ships, hell i found enjoyment in oc x canon with some original characters, so maybe this stupid meme work also as a ‘’ singles ready to mingles’’ for some people lol ( although i’m also love to see ho people work different ships from the ones i already going for in my setings ,is just fun to see what people can imagine for a au im working on, even if is diferent from my own) . Well now im start rambling so is beter me to end in there.
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ultimatenaoki · 1 year
Introduction, rules and navigation
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Hello everybody, I hope you have a good day/night.
Please refer to me as Naoki and using he/him pronouns.
This blog will be for Danganronpa and Danganronpa only.
English isn’t my first language so sorry for any mistake.
Now let’s pass on to the rules:
I write for male reader/gn reader
I write fluff, smut and angst (only with happy ending)
I write mostly for bottom reader
I don’t write for incest, pedophilia (I can write for WOH but only platonic)
I write poly relationships
When requesting please gives as much detail as possible and specific if you want a male or a gn reader story and if you want head canons or not
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reficu1 · 2 years
If you are an INTJ, this is the relationship you have with the characters
It took quite a while, and at the end, when I finished writing, I realized that the names of personalities are different in different languages, and this also took time. Attention: I took personality types from different sites and where they were more repeated, I took it, but also took into account the character's character, if the character's personality type did not match the "accepted" one, sorry.
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Makota Naegi // Mediator:
“H-hello, Y/N-san, can I ask you about this?” after that, he starts describing the whole situation that worries him. At first, Makota did not trust or simply did not want to initiate you into his life, but after noticing your help in emotional moments, he began to often ask you for help.
Kyoko Kirigiri // Architect:
- Shall we sit or walk? - Kirigiri entered your room with an evening proposal. You can not communicate for days on end, pass each other by - for you this is freedom, and such your little dialogues take place about every other day. This is how you both deal with stress.
Celestia Ludenburg // Architect:
“It’s interesting because I…” the girl immediately falls silent when your personality enters the room. The action takes place after the second class trial, and you just always see the goals of others - Celes knows this, so it strains her that you understand her thoughts and further actions. She doesn't trust you.
Byakuya Togami // Commander:
"... Say it already, stop being silent and let such nonsense waste my time," his intuition screamed that you could say something solid. Due to his impatient nature, your communication is a little difficult, but despite this, he would prefer to work with you from the whole group.
Toko Fukawa // Mediator:
Since the two of you are introverts, so your communication is zero, this is also affected by Toko's negative and distrustful outlook on life. If you are interested in communicating with a girl, then you should spend a lot of time building a trusting relationship.
Genocide Jack // Entertainer:
And so every time, the serial killer does not feel this balance and is not able to stop in time to make friends with this person, namely, you will need to endure her behavior or pray that she will understand you one day.
Aoi Asahin // Entertainer:
“Y/N, do you want to join?” Aoi asks you.
“No? When the mood appears, tell me!”
But Aoi perfectly captures your mood: you will answer her in the same way, and she knows this, therefore she does not consider you arrogant, like Togami.
Sakura Ogami // Defender:
- Is there something wrong? - this question always sounds when an investigation begins and you cannot take your eyes off her, your intuition in her direction is silent, and this is annoying. But, otherwise, in your free time, you will be comfortable, if you do not take into account the fact that she can avoid you at the moment when you are focused.
Sayaka Maizono // Adventurer:
“I understand you correctly, Maizono, you took the conflict personally, although you could have avoided it, and I would continue to be soft,” they reprimanded at an emotionally negative moment. Only such behavior of each other annoys the two of you - you should avoid meeting in person if you do not want new conflicts.
Yasuhiro Hagakure // Campaigner:
- Witch, what do you think? - this is probably the twenty-fifth time in ten minutes from the beginning of the investigation, when he approaches you. He will not give personal space, and Byakuya will not give you a cord, he himself needs a second trial, it can come in handy.
Hifumi Yamada // Debater:
- After all, you finish your work at this time, right? - Enter his room, knowing the guy's schedule. If you can catch Hifumi right after work, you can talk to his rational side until he switches back to a vassal.
Chihiro Fujisawa // Defender:
- Oh, no, no, - again the guy avoids your concentration in any of your specifics in time, so as not to arouse your dislike. He does not ask for anything in return from you, except that you be more attentive to his feelings.
Mondo Owada // Consul:
“I think you are lucky, because he recognizes your talent,” one of the classmates once said, who watched you get criticized by a biker because the ringleader cannot control his anger, but he will later apologize.
Leon Kuwata // Entrepreneur:
The guy does not feel at ease around you: you do not make yourself understood, and Leon spends little or even no time, so the guy does not know your opinion and how honest you were.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru // Defender:
“You are so prudent, Ishimaru-san, but too emotional and picky about my needs,” you reply with a remark to the remark. If you want, then you sleep longer, if you want, then do something else that is unacceptable for Kiyotaki, and this he decides loudly.
Junko Enoshima // Debater:
Despair is incomprehensible and disorderly, that is, chaos. Exactly the same as her character? No, not even individuals. The transition from one to the other is very fast and abrupt, which causes you a stressful state.
Hajime Hinata // Logistician:
- If we do this, then we will have problems in the future, - do not have time to say, as Hinata tells you.
Let's talk about the present.
You often have such conversations because of time, but usually Hinata doesn't get hung up.
Nagito Komaeda // Campaigner:
You are motivated by many things that you can do alone, but soon you will lose it: Nagito will rant next to you while busy with something, about the future and about hope.
Chiaki Nanami // Logician:
- Enough, we must do something - go to Nanami's cottage, you know that she is waiting for you, and she knows that you have everything thought out and trust, calling it "go with the flow."
Byakuya Togami // Commander:
"Okay, look, you should." Byakuya always helps you to be more mentally open to his other classmates, he has the patience for that, in return he would just like you not to kill someone for his stupidity.
Teruteru Hanamura // Adventurer:
He is not a thoughtful, organized person. He doesn't watch what comes out of his mouth. Avoid...
Mahiru Koizumi // Consul:
The girl is not taken by Hiyoko's inappropriate comments, which speaks of her immunity. But here it is up to you, if you turn on your emotions and take your time to express your point of view, then you can become friends, and if not, then Mahiru simply tolerates you.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu // Executive:
One day, for some reason, he decided to be less emotional and this led to understatement, because of this it was not possible to reach the right solution to the problem. Surprisingly, you're better off working with the initial Fuyuhiko.
Ibuki Myoda // Entertainer:
It is difficult and boring for a girl to spend time with you, but only if this is not a rehearsal:
-How do you like Y/N-san?! - the guitarist asks with fire in her eyes that she has just demonstrated a new game to you: she knows that Y/N-san will not give stupid and unnecessary advice.
Nekomaru Nidai // Entrepreneur:
-Y/N-san? - Nidai always asks for your opinion, so he shows his respect and that he trusts a person like you. Often does this in front of Akane.
Akane Owari // Entrepreneur:
The first impression you had of her was not the best, because the girl was very hostile. After your communication was absent- Akane didn't understand why Nekomaru treats you like that.
Peko Pekoyama // Consul:
The girl takes your criticism lightly. It doesn't matter how you serve her, but she tends to your calm manner more, so she watches that no one decides to break your shell:
Do you see something unacceptable in your behavior? You strain Y/N.
Hiyoko Saionji // Logistician:
-... You're stupid, - she immediately covers her mouth with her hands.
-And maybe you, if you do not admit your incompetence in this matter?
Hiyoko knows you're right: you can always provide real examples, but she has a hard time accepting that.
Sonya Nevermind // Protagonist:
"... But notice that she didn't feel like that..." The princess is always trying to shift your perspective from the facts when an investigation is going on, but to the emotional side of the suspects as well. She's just trying to teach you to look in more detail.
Kazuichi Soda // Virtuoso:
-Y/N-saaan, I can't do it now, but Miss Sonia likes what's done on time, to which she gets the answer: "Well, don't do it." He likes emotional space, but sometimes there is too much of it.
Gundam Tanaka // Adventurer:
- Are you seriously looking for an earring while the investigation is going on? - very surprisingly, it helped you in court, after which you will receive a comment: "Be more flexible." In response, you replied: "And you are expedient." If you want or he wants, then through these tips, there will be an opportunity to build trust.
Mikan Tsumiki // Mediator:
“...I'm sorry?” You say to the frightened absolute girl, who, after your words, has become more prone to dialogue.
-And you me, I shouldn't have b-broached this topic.
In your communication, you can very often hear words of apology: you forget that you have a soft girl in front of you and can be rude. Mikan, in turn, can offer an irrational way out of the situation that makes you angry.
Kaede Akamatsu // Advocate:
"Y/N Y/L this is not funny!" The girl is worried that you can so easily make a joke on someone for whom this is a sore subject, but nevertheless she understood: you have a border of what is permitted, which neither you nor anyone can pass - or another.
Shuichi Saihara // Logician:
“If you don’t want to, don’t do it: you don’t have to,” to which you can hear some words about openness: “Eh, this is perseverance, talk about it with Momota-san.” And so always, when you work together, you try to give each other your knowledge in order to move on.
K1-B0 // Defender:
"Hmm... I like your approach," recognition and evaluate the actions of the robot. K1-B0 is motivated by your praise and ready to work on. He may even stop hearing Kokichi or Miu's comments.
Maki Harukawa // Logistician:
"That's really sound advice, but Maki, you'd better back off," you work very well in pairs. Both have silence, but she is the experience and you are the thinking. You complement each other well.
Kaito Momota // Entertainer:
"Come in," he has built very good and strong trusting relationships with you, so as not to lose them, he makes sure that he does not cross the border and does not cause you inconvenience - allowed you to open up emotionally.
Himiko Yumeno // Mediator:
"I'll sit here," Himiko informs you and quietly assumes her position. A girl does this to draw your attention to her condition, and it doesn’t matter what it is: emotional or physical. Because you are very attentive and will find the right approach to it at the moment.
Rantaro Amami // Defender:
“Y/N-san, react a little softer and forget what happened before, because we have new goals,” Rantaro reminds you, a hard-to-adapt person, helps to adapt. He has been watching you from the first moment, so it looks like that is why he will help build new goals.
Ryoma Hoshi // Architect:
Yes, come on, what do you prefer?
You and he are laconic personalities: this can sometimes be quite stressful. Everyone feels anxious, but you use hospitality and directness to communicate effectively.
Kirumi Tojo // Logistician:
Kirumi really trusts you because you are practical and grounded. For you, she tries to do a little more, always ready to listen to you and your thoughts:
"Oh, you told about it," and she also remembers what you shared with her.
Anji Yonaga // Adventurer:
"How many ideas do you have ... Wow!" The girl became so interested in leaving you alone with a blank sheet, and upon returning there is a sketch or a finished work. Soon she will begin to peep, but you should quickly finish your work in order to remain a mystery to her.
Tenko Chabashira // Entrepreneur:
You have a rough idea about the behavior and its subsequent actions, but Tenko should avoid too unpredictable aura as it will make you feel less stress-resistant, otherwise you will be pressured.
Korekiyo Shinguji // Advocate:
He understands that his mask can strain you and that you can take this for a lack of honesty. But he is glad that you follow your criticism.
Miu Iruma // Campaigner:
“I didn’t understand, I didn’t understand, stop, I’ll leave you!” And the girl chased after you, that she wouldn’t want to be left alone and think about your words.
Gonta Gokuhara // Defender:
"You don't have to, but only if you don't want to," it keeps you from doing work where you need to focus on details, not counting the time for investigation. He is ready to help you with anything or help you ignore someone, even if that someone is Gonta himself.
Kokichi Oma // Debater:
This guy's smile grows wider every second, looking at you. He can easily start a discussion with you, and in the middle he blames or quickly changes the subject:
"What are you talking about, Y/N-san?" We are discussing something else and you yourself said:
"You should quickly return and put him in his place in your conversation."
Tsumugi Shirogane // Commander:
“Hello,” and again the girl fills the whole space with herself, not letting you get out and watches how you lose energy and patience on her antics, but every time she retreats in time. She's having fun, and you won't be distressed for long.
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"Rich kid 4 rich kid, they're both weird in different ways that make their dynamic compelling?"
Meisouda (Boku No Hero Academia)
"Both are mechanics, Mei is kinda of like Miu, more chaotic but less horny"
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Candy Heart Valentine Event Masterlist (A-K)
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Here is the first half of The Candy Heart Valentine prompts for 2k22/2k23
Updated: 3/9/23
Full Masterlist
Black Clover
"I could do this all day" (Lee!Zora, Ler!Finral)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" (Lee!Nozel, ler!Fuegoleon)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" (Lee!Yuno, Ler!Asta)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” (Lee!Zora, Ler!Finral)
“What’s so funny?” (Switches!Noelle, Asta)
“What happens if I do this?” (Finral x Reader)
“Why are you trying to hide?” + “Do you want me to tickle you?” + “Yes please” (Lee!Asta, Ler!Yami)
"Your laugh is adorable!" (Finral x Reader)
Blue Lock
“Come over here and make me!” + “You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi)
“Hey could you…you know?” + “Don’t stop? If you say so!” (Lee!Isagi, Ler!Bachira)
“I’m gonna get you!” + “I didn’t know you were ticklish here!” (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi)
“I’m gonna get you!” (Lee!Isagi, Lers!Bachira, Kunigami)
“I could do this all day!” + “Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Isagi, Kunigami)
“It’s gonna be okay (Switches!Rin, Tokimitsu)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Isagi, Ler!Rin)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Nagi, Ler!Reo)
“What happens if I do this? (Lee!Nagi, Lers!Bachira, Isagi)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi)
“What’s so funny?” (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
“When’s the last time you smiled? + “No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Rin, Ler!Isagi)
“Where are those giggles I love so much? (Lee!Bachira, Ler!Isagi)
“You smiled at me! I think I’m in love!” (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Buddy Daddies
“I didn’t know you were ticklish here.” (Lee!Kazuki, Ler!Rei)
“I’m gonna get you!” + “When’s the last time you smiled?” + “Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Switches!Miri, Kazuki, Rei)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Miri, Ler!Kazuki)
“No way, I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Rei, Ler!Kazuki)
Bungo Stray Dogs
“Come over here and make me!” + “I could do this all day” (Kunikida x Reader)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Dazai)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” + “Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Dazai)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Dazai)
“You’re so ticklish, aren’t you?” (Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Akutagawa)
“Your laugh is adorable” (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Akutagawa, Ler!Atsushi)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Chuuya x Reader)
Chainsaw Man
“Can I have a piggyback ride?” (Galgali x Reader)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Switches!Kobeni, Galagali)
“Look how red you are! How cute! (Makima x Reader)
“I just want a hug!” + “Look how red you are! How cute!” (Angel Devil x Reader)
“I could do this all day.” + “Your laugh is adorable” (Lee!Pingsti, Long, Tsugihagi, Cosmo, Ler!Quanxi)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Angel, Ler!Aki)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Aki, Ler!Angel)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Yoshida x Reader)
“Wait! What are you doing to me?” (Lee!Denji, Ler!Aki)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” + “No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Angel, Ler!Aki)
Code Realize
“What's so funny?” (Lee!Lupin, Ler!Impey)
Collar x Malice
“Is this a bad spot?” (Takeru x Reader)
“Come over here and make me!” (Togami x Platonic!Reader)
“Excuse me, are you alright?” (Korekiyo x Reader)
“Hey, do you like raspberries?” (Komaeda x Reader)
“I just want a hug!” (Togami x Reader)
“Not there? What about here?” (Switches!Sondam)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Souda, Ler!Fuyuhiko)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Rantaro)
"What's so funny?" (Lee!Ouma, Ler!Kiibo)
"When was the last time you smiled?" (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
“When was the last time you smiled?” (Togami x Reader)
“Why are you trying to hide?” (Lee!Gundham, Ler!Sonia)
“Why are you trying to hide?” (Rantaro x Reader)
"Your laugh is adorable" (Lee!Souda, Ler!Akane)
“You smiled at me! I think I’m in love!” (Kamukura x Reader)
Demon Slayer
“Come over here and make me!” (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Giyu)
“Do you want me to tickle you?” (Enmu x Reader)
“Don’t stop? If you say so!” (Lee!Gyomei, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
“Hey could you…you know?” (Muichiro x Reader)
“Hey could you…you know?” (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru)
“Hey could you…you know?” (Lee!Muichiro, Ler!Genya)
"Hey, do you like raspberries?" (Lee!Tanjiro, ler!Sabito)
“Hey, do you like raspberries?” (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Rengoku)
"Is this a bad spot?" (Lee!Rengoku, Lers!Tengen, Mitsuri)
“I just want a hug!” (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Obanai, Ler!Mitsuri)
''Not there? What about here?" (Lee!Zenitsu, Ler!Tanjiro)
“Not There? What about here?” (Lee!Rengoku, Ler!Tengen)
"Not there? What about here?" (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sabito)
"Not there? What about here?" (Lee!Obanai, Ler!Mitsuri)
“Now, about that crush of yours…” (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Rengoku)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Switches!Rengoku, Senjuro)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" + "Your smile is so pretty, I think I'm in love!" (Zenitsu x Reader)
“What’s so funny?” + “Not there? What about here?” (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Giyu)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Tanjiro, Ler!Inosuke)
"When's the last time you smiled?" (Lee!Muichiro, lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Mitsuri, Ler!Obanai)
“When’s the last time you smiled? (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Sanemi)
"Your laugh is adorable" (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Gyomei)
Your laugh is adorable (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
"You're so ticklish, aren't you?" (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Rengoku)
"You two are adorable, it's killing me." (Lees!Tengen, Rengoku, Ler!Gyomei)
Dr. Stone
"Is this a bad spot?" (Lee!Ukyo, Ler!Chrome)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
“Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Fire Force
“I could do this all day.” (LeeArthur, Ler!Shinra)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Viktor, Ler!Vulcan)
Fruits Basket
“I’m gonna get you! (Lee!Hatori, Lers!Ayame, Shigure)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" (Lee!Tohru, Ler!Kyo)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Yuki, Ler!Kyo)
"Is this a bad spot?" (Lee!Yuki, Ler!Kakeru)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
“Hey, do you like raspberries? (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Natsuya)
“I just want a hug.” + “I didn’t know you were ticklish here.” (Lee!Haru, Ler!Makoto)
"Last warning. I'm gonna count to three now. One...two...three..." (Lee!Rin, Ler!Seijuro)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Ikuya, Lers!Rin, Haru)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Kisumi, Ler!Asahi)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” + “Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Switches!Ikuya, Natsuya)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Haru)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Nagisa x Reader)
"When's the last time you smiled? (Lee!Sousuke, Ler!Rin)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Haruki, Ler!Akihiko)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Mafuyu, Ler!Uenoyama)
"Do you want me to tickle you?" (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
"Hey, do you like raspberries? (Lee!Daichi, Ler!Suga)
“I’m gonna get you!” (Lee!Asahi, Ler!Noya)
“I just want a hug!” (Kageyama x Reader)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Bokuto)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” + “Why are you trying to hide?” (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Kuroo)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” + “Hey could you…you know?” (Lee!Ushijima, Lers!Tendou, Semi)
"Why are you hiding from me?" (Lee!Kuroo, ler!Bokuto)
"Why are you trying to hide?" + "Your laugh is adorable" (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Kuroo)
“Why are you trying to hide?” + “Come over here and make me!” + “Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Suga, Lers!Daichi, Asahi)
“You’re so ticklish, aren’t you?” (Lee!Asahi, Ler!Kuroo)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Noya, Ler!Suga)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Kuroo, Ler!Daichi)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” + “What is it you want? You’re gonna have to tell me.” (Lee!Yamaguchi, Ler!Tsukishima)
“Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Lee!Charlie, Ler!Nick)
Hell’s Paradise: Jirokuraku
"Why are you trying to hide?" + "When's the last time you smiled?" (Switches!Gabimaru, Yui)
“Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Lee!Sagiri, Ler!Yuzuriha)
Hunter x Hunter
"Do I have a chance with you?" (Chrollo x Reader)
“I could do this all day” (Lee!Gon, Ler!Killua)
"I didn't know you were ticklish here!" (Lee!Killua, Ler!Gon)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" + "Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Kurapika, Ler!Gon)
"What happens if I do this?" (Lee!Gon, Ler!Kurapika)
"Why are you trying to hide?" + "When's the last time you smiled?" (Lee!Gon, Ler!Killua)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
“I didn’t know you were ticklish here!” (Lee!Josuke, Ler!Okuyasu)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish?” (Lee!Abbachio, Ler!Bruno)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Kakyoin, Ler!Jotaro)
Jujutsu Kaisen
“Don’t stop? If you say so!” (Lee!Itadori, Ler!Gojo)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Megumi, Ler!Gojo)
"You're telling me that you can exorcize special grade curses, but completely crumble from a few fingers?" (Lee!Itadori, Ler!Megumi)
Komi Can’t Communicate
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Tadano, Lers!Komi, Najime)
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lonelyshuichilover · 1 year
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For my own sanity, the limit of characters per post is 4. Sometimes I will write for the "entire" cast, but only half of the cast per post. (eg THH boys with a reader who 'don't know what'.)
If the reader's gender is not specified, the reader will be gender neutral.
I would like you to be specific with your requests and what you want, I would not like to write something that has nothing to do with what you requested simply because I misunderstood.
Also, specific features in the reader are allowed (ex. Nagito with a reader that is the 'I don't know what' Ultimate.)
Don't spam, please.
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
More info under the cut!!
I will write!!
Fluff, Angst, Angst to Fluff, Fluff to Angst (does that even exist?)
Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort.
Major Character Death (Not Graphic).
Soulmates (Platonic/Romantic).
Platonic Relationships.
Romantic Relationships.
Character x Reader.
Suggestive themes.
Scenarios (my personal favorite).
Series (scenarios that get more than two parts.)
Into consideration (50/50)
One-shots (I'm not good with long stories).
Character x Character.
I will not write.
Non-con/Dub-con (ew).
Character x OC.
Ped0philia. (EW)
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
Extra stuff before requesting.
A thousand apologies if the character ends up being very OOC, I'm a bit bad with characterizations, but I'll try to do the best I can.
It might take me a while to finish your request, my posting schedule is quite unstable.
As you can see, I adore Shuichi with my heart, so you will see a lot of him in this blog (Request about him plz, it'll make me very happy).
English is not my first language, so please, have patience with me.
I have the right to deny requests.
Sometimes my motivation is low, and when it happens, I won't write anything, so if you see me inactive, please don't pressure me.
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
Characters I will write for
(* = Harder to write but not impossible, I'll try my best :))
Makoto Naegi (♡) Sayaka Maizono Leon Kuwata* Chihiro Fujisaki Mondo Owada* Kiyotaka Ishimaru Celestia Ludenberg* Sakura Ogami Aoi Asahina Byakuya Togami* Yasuhiro Hagakure Toko Fukawa* Kyoko Kirigiri Hajime Hinata Byakuya Twogami* Mahiru Koizumi Peko Pekoyama (♡) Ibuki Mioda Mikan Tsumiki Gundham Tanaka* Nagito Komaeda* Chiaki Nanami Sonia Nevermind Kazuichi Souda Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu* Akane Owari Izuru Kamukura* Shuichi Saihara (♡♡♡) Rantaro Amami* Kaede Akamatsu Ryoma Hoshi* Kirumi Tojo Angie Yonaga Tenko Chabashira Korekiyo Shinguji* Gonta Gokuhara Kokichi Oma* Kaito Momota* K1-B0 Maki Harukawa* Komaru Naegi Yuta Asahina WOH* (except Monaca) (Platonic Only)
Characters I will NOT write for
Hifumi Yamada Mukuro Ikusaba Junko Enoshima Teruteru Hanamura Hiyoko Saionji Miu Iruma Himiko Yumeno Monaca Towa Haiji Towa (I hope he rots in hell).
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
And that's everything! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! <3 Have a great day!
- Mod Shuichi.
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httpskarmaco-main · 22 days
Httpskarmaco's favorite rare pairs!
* The classification of rare-pair is a pairing or ship that is rare in a fandom. It is not featured in many fanworks and makes up only a small proportion of the overall total. Some pairings may be shipped by a lot of fans, but are uncommon in fanworks. Often, a rarepair may also be a crackship, but not necessarily if said crackship is popular.
If the pairing has little to no fanworks on Google/Safari,Twitter/X, Tumblr, Deviantart, Wattpad, or AO3 then it can be classified as a ‘rare-pair.’ If that ship name hashtag on Tiktok also has little views where most edits and appreciation posts of ships would be found can be taken into accountability.
The fandoms I’ll be sharing my favorite rare-pairs in are: Danganronpa (the whole series), Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia, and Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss.
Celestia/Daiya (They are both the legal age and the age difference wouldn’t be more than 5 years.)
Genshin Impact:
Bakugo/Jirou (in the middle of being a rarepair)
Velvette/Cherri Bomb
Mollie/Cherri Bomb
For Celestia and Daiya. Again they are of legal age. They entered Hopes Peak at the ages of 16-17 proof with Kuwata's backstory stating he went to Hopes Peak at around 17 years old. Then they were there for two years making them 18-19. Daiya is not that much older than Mondo seeing that Daiya doesn't look that much different from Mondo. He is possibly around 21, max 25. They wouldn't have that much of an age gap plus they are both adults/of legal age. If Daiya was stated to be much older than Mondo, meaning possibly 30 then I wouldn't consider the ship. This is just for clarification.
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Account renovations!
1. Username change
Since this is my main I'll post misc stuff here and tag it as #notakincallout hence the username change bc I didn't know you can only interact from your first blog
2.Abt me(CW: LGBT slurs, it/its pronouns)
Name: Anna/Moonlight
Age: 18
Gender: genderfluid, non-binary,
Orientation: sapphic
Pronouns: she/they/xe/ze and rarely he/him
Kintypes: black cat therian, nonhuman vampire, ghostkin
I don't have a set DNI
Other socials are in my linktree
3. My kinlist(CW: danganronpa, fnaf)
Danganronpa: Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, Nagito Komaeda, Mikan Tsumiki, Seiko Kimura, Miu Iruma, Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Tojo, Shuichi Saihara
Death Note: Light Yagami, L, Misa Amane, Teru Mikami, Near
Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust, Vaggie, Charlie Morningstar
Steven Universe: Pearl, Steven Universe, Spinel
Total Drama: Gwen
4. Posts I've already done(danganronpa, fnaf)
Danganronpa: Mikan Tsumiki, Kyoko Kirigiri, Alter Ego, Junko Enoshima, Hiroko Hagakure, Aloysius Pennyworth, Hifumi Yamada, Genocide Jack, Aoi Asahina, Kiibo, Kirumi Tojo, Mukuro Ikusaba, Gonta Gokuhara, Monaca Towa, Byakuya Togami, Makoto Naegi, Celestia Ludenberg, Kazuichi Souda, Kotoko Utsugi, Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Gundham Tanaka, Shuichi Saihara, Tsumugi Shirogane, Himiko Yumeno, Kokichi Ouma, Miu Iruma, Kaede Akamatsu, Angie Yonaga, Rantaro Amami, Tenko Chabashira
Death Note: Misa Amane, Light Yagami, Kyosuke Higuchi, Teru Mikami, Rem
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor
Chainsaw Man: Power, Makima, Denji
Magica Record: Yachiyo, Iroha Taimaki
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Madoka Kaname, Nagisa Momoe, Mami Tomoe, Kyouko Sakura, Sayaka Miki, Homura Akemi, Kyubey, Junko Kaname, Tatsuya Kaname, Kazuko Satome, Tomohisa Kaname, Momo Sakura, Hitomi Shizuki
Mob Psycho: Tsubomi Takane, Tome Kurata, Reigen Arataka, Katsuya Serizawa, Shigeo Kageyama, Teruki Hanezawa
BNHA: Fuyumi Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Ochacho Uruaka, Eri
FNAF: Mangle, Elizabeth Afton, Charlie Emily, Vanny, Sun/Moon, Glamrock Freddy
Undertale: Chara
Genshin Impact: Childe, Kaeya, Diluc, Venti
5. Request rules
No real people(factkin in the sense of alterhuman identity is valid but this blog is dedicated to those who kin to cope and kin for fun/as a hobby)
No one from Hamilton or similar historical pieces of media that are meant to be close to accurate portrayals of real people
I obviously can't analyze you if I don't know the source your character is from, if I don't, I'll get around to watching/reading/playing it and eventually get to your request!
If I'm incorrect, I'll redo it!
Current CW/TW List
LGBT slurs(including q^eer)
It/its pronouns
Cold weather
April fools day
Blood tests
The ocean
Religious pressure
Family guy
Ultimate Imposter from Danganronpa
Excessive bodily fluids
Bathroom content
Self harm, blades, knives cutting open flesh
Open cuts
Kokichi x Maki
Kokichi x Kaede
Miu x Kokichi
Kokichi x Celeste
Kokichi x Chiaki
Kokichi x Chihiro
Fanon komahina
Bakudeku, Ochacho x Bakugo
Mello x Near
Gamzee Makara
Abusive pregame hcs
Cynco from the flash
Lmk if you need me to tag something else!
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mannyduckslikeme · 2 months
npmd x danganronpa casting
pete - kazuichi souda (without pink hair and glasses) steph - miu iruma max - leon kuwata (debated if i should put mondo in this one) solomon - byakuya togami (come on.) grace - tenko chabashira ruth - tsumugi (lmao) shapiro - kyoko richie - hajime (lmao loser) wiggly - monokuma/junko blinky - celestia nibbly - hiyoko pokey - gundham tinky - yasuhiro
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