#tokoyamis right he really is amazing
tonyboneysblog · 4 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: none!
notes: “die Ryuji” we all say in unison while holding hands. (Thought it would be appropriate to post this on Mother’s Day…)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It had only been a few days since the villains attacked U.A. high, your son Fumikage said he had something important to tell you.
“Don’t get mad, okay?” Tokoyami says while twirling his fingers together.
“Just tell me Fumikage” you reply with annoyance. you hated it when Fumikage dragged things out, felt like he was about to tell you a family member died but really all he did was accidentally break a plate.
you don’t know why he became like that, he used to just clean it up and go on with his day.
“U.A. is going to have their sports festival, and I was wondering-“
“Already? Didn’t they just get attacked by villains.” You say with a disapproving tone, seriously what was U.A. doing…
“They wanted to prove that this attacked hasn’t affected us.”
“I doubt that’s going to go well.”
showing the villains all of the students skills sets is such an amazing idea U.A.! You thought with sarcasm dripping from it, you didn’t want to say that infront of Fumikage- he likes that school too much.
Fumikage hesitates slightly, “Do you think you be able to see it?”
You sigh. “I’ll have to see my schedule.”
Fumikage looks down in disappointment but tries his best not to show it.
“But hey, I’ll try my absolute best to see my amazing boy win.” You tap his chin, making his eyes face you.
“Promise?” He says quietly.
“Pinkie.” You raise your pinkie finger, Fumikage chuckles and shakes his head.
“You can’t break a pinkie promise, mama.” He interlocks his pinkie with yours.
You smile at him, “Wouldn’t dream of it, Fumi.”
You were glad that Fumikage asked you to watch him at the sports festival, all your friends joke about how he’s just some emo teen who’ll scream at you about how “it’s not a phase!”
you didn’t really care if it wasn’t a phase anyway. You’ll love Fumikage in whatever form he’s in.
Speaking of your friends, they have recently asked you to go clubbing with them on the weekend saying, “you need a break, sweet cheeks.”
You accepted gratefully and as the clubbing day came close Fumikage always came home and told you all about his classmates.
He spoke a lot of one named shoji, you hope with all your heart they become good friends.
When Fumikage was younger his only friend was dark shadow.
you never want to hear him say, “what’s wrong with me, mom?” Just because kids
used to be scared of him and his quirk.
Now it was time to do one of your favorite things ever, but groceries.
You caught Fumikage trying to sneak out of the house and do it himself but you tackled him back into his bed until he gave up.
Grocery shopping was always so calming for you, Fumikage used to come all the time until some old women asked if he was even yours.
sure he had a bird head just like his father but- still super rude!
Putting your groceries into the cart then checking them off your list, you finally made it to your last one.
Chocolate chip Cookie mix.
Fumikage recently said that the cooking hero made one of the best cookies he’s ever eaten and you will never accept that.
Mamas cookies will be better! well when
you can actually grab the box.
The box mix was on one of the highest shelves in the store, you jump once to grab it- you miss.
you jump again, and miss.
Thirds times a charm right? You jump once more and instead of grabbing it you just push it back more.
well you suppose it’s time to start climbing shelves.
But then a calloused hand came to save you, you immediately think it’s hawks- he’s always somewhere near you.
A deeper voice say your name, “Y/n..?”
Not hawks.
You don’t turn around, your too scared to
suddenly your thankful to that old women who accidentally made Fumikage stop coming with you, you wouldn’t want him here-not now.
You turn around.
Hawks off days were usually spent inside relaxing or trying his very best to actually relax.
lazily getting one of bed, the one with your weighted blanket, he makes his way to the Kitchen.
Grabbing the cereal box, he tries his best to pour it into the bowl but nothing goes in.
Well looks like he needs to go the grocery store.
Getting dressed in a simple outfit he makes his way outside then flies off to the store!
hawks always liked his little adventures, he hoped he’d see you on this one but he highly doubts it.
But hey, speak of the devil because you’re right there in the aisle when he walks into the store!
Seems like you’re talking to a man, nice looking, about 6’ foot with dark brown hair.
Hawks has never heard you talk about your friends, mostly about your son- what was his name again?
You look…scared? Which is weird because at first hawks just thought this was an old friend you were talking to but..
why would you look scared?
Hawks sends over a small baby feather to let you know he’s there, you shouldn’t be scared.
he’ll keep you safe.
His feather tickles your back softly, you jump at first but keep your attention towards the man infront of you.
“So, how’s Fumikage?” His deep voice says.
“Fine.” You say quickly.
He sighs, “look y/n, I know we left off on a bad note but I’m better now.”
He says all of these words so soft and kind, but you remember when that same exact voice pinned your son against a wall and screamed at him.
why would Ryuji even care about how Fumikage is doing.
You snap out of that thought, “what.”
“It’s nice to see you again, you look good.”
Ryuji and that sliver tongue of his, always trying to butter you up.
“Thank you, Ryuji, but I have to leave.. Fumi-“
“Could I talk to you a little bit at least.” He raises his voice.
He’s blocking you in, what are you supposed to do?
“Please Ryuji-“
“Everything okay here, sweetheart?” A cheerful voice calls next to you.
It’s hawks, he has a lazy smile on his face you can’t really tell if he’s angry or not also- sweetheart?
“And who are you?” Ryuji asks hawks, who doesn’t know hawks though…
“Well I’m her-…” hawks paisss for a moment, “boyfriend!”
Ryuji chuckles softly, “sure you are..”
You sigh at hawks terrible attempt of pretend.
“Ryuji, that is hawks- he’s...” you look at hawks for a split second, “my boyfriend.”
You can see ss hawks wings flutter for a moment, not a good time for him to be acting all embarrassed.
Ryuji stammers, “Oh, I-..I just wanted to say to you y/n that I’m real-“
you cut him off, “why are you out so early?”
“Hell y/n, you know they don’t really double down on all the ‘domestic abuse’ bullshit.” Ryuji says curtly.
You can see hawks face twist in realization on who this man actually is, you’ve only told him about Ryuji once or twice before.
Ryuji continues, “where’s Fumikage anyway, don’t he always come out with you?”
“He stopped coming out a little while back.”
“Terrible thing really, he’s a good kid.” Ryuji says softly, almost like he’s talking to himself.
“Didn’t think he was a good kid when you were with me.” You say with distain dripping from your mouth.
You don’t really understand why your being like this with Ryuji, maybe hawks is giving you some boost of confidence.
“Don’t get mouthy with me.” Ryuji snaps back.
“Don’t you speak to her like that.” Hawks finally gets himself involved in the small spat.
Ryuji pauses, “Say that again, I dare you.”
You can see Ryujis fists tightening slowly, that’s never a good sigh with him.
“I will make your life miserable bird boy, even when you’re sleeping.”
Hawks steps closer to him, “You wanna go?”
You know Ryuji, he never makes an empty threat.
You grab hawks shoulder, “W-we’re sorry Ryuji.” You stare at the ground, not daring to face him.
“You need to keep his damn squawking to a minimum, y/n.” Ryuji says bitterly.
Hawks looks at you with confusion, you were just talking back to him weren’t you? Where did the confident side of you suddenly disappear to?
You step closer to Ryuji, whispering.
Hawks doesn’t pick up on it, ryuji seems like he’s staring straight through his soul.
You retreat next to hawks, Ryuji scoffs and starts to walk away towards the next aisle.
You let out the breath you were holding, finally relaxing.
“What’d you say to him?” Hawks cocks his head curiously.
“Nothing important.”
“Everything you say is Important to me.” Hawks says softly.
You pause, you won’t tell hawks about Ryujis quirk. You hope that he decides not to use it on him, even after you mouthed off to him.
Ryuji always used his quirk after you fought about something, you would go to bed and he would haunt you in your sleep.
You’d beg for his forgiveness every time, you never stood your ground.
Him hurting Fumikage made you change though.
“I just told him to stay away from Fumikage
That was a lie, hawks accepted it anyways.
Hawks shifts into his more happy go lucky mood, “Are you almost done with shopping?”
“Yea actually, I just needed that cookie mix up there.” You point towards the highest shelf.
Hawks chuckles softly and sends a feather up to get it, “make sure to give me some after you’re done baking.”
“Do you wanna make it with me?” You offer.
Hawks feels his heart skip a beat, you? Asking him to be in your kitchen? Baking sweet treats?
It wasn’t even a question.
“What kind of person would I be if I declined someone in need?” He smiles brightly.
You and hawks proceed to the check out, you’re quite lucky you encountered him at the store because there were almost far too many bags for you to carry.
you walked to the store as well so you couldn’t even put them all into your trunk, thanks for saving the day once again hawks!
He carries way more bags than you do, you’re a little worried he may blow out his back from all the weight but he seems fine.
You notice Ryuji as the two of you walk away, instead of staring at you he stares dead at Hawks.
You try your best to ignore it and continue walking towards your house.
After a couple minutes of walking, Hawks speaks up.
“Your house is just around the corner right?”
“Yep, it’s the white house.”
He snickers, “can’t believe I’ll be meeting the president.”
“Trust me when I say Fumikage is not the president.” You say sternly.
“Could I be your body guard, I heard you were hiring- Mrs President~” he says teasingly.
“You’re more like my stalker and less than some bodyguard.”
Hawks face twists into pure horror, sure he always bumps into you but that doesn’t mean he’s a stalker!
though he wouldn’t mind being your stalker in another universe…
You break through this thoughts with your small fit of giggles, laughing about his ‘silly face’ as you put it.
He was just glad you were looking at him.
Finally the both of you made it to your home, Fumikage left a note by the fridge that said he went to some training thing.
He always worried you, you much rather he called than leaving you some cryptic note- but then again you do the same thing.
Hawks picks up the note, reading it over.
“Hard worker ain’t he?” He chuckles quietly.
You smile, “Yea, just like his father.”
Hawks stiffens slightly, “His father?”
“Mhm, we met at the same hero school actually, he was the top of his class.”
Hawks raises his eyebrows in surprise, “You were training to become a hero?”
“Yea, then I found out I was pregnant with Fumikage so…kinda gave up on that pipe dream. That’s why I became a nurse instead, I still wanted to help people y’know?” You say with a soft smile.
Hawks nods with understanding hum.
He’s quiet for a moment, “And then you met Ryuji?”
“I met him when Fumikage was eleven, Ryuji promised me the world when reality he just gave me a rock.” You laugh at your own bad joke.
You hand hawks a bowl filled with the cookie mix and the milk, even though they’re not completely home made it’s a lot easier and less time consuming.
You speak up, “So, how about your love life?”
Hawks can feel himself choke on his own spit, you? Asking about his love life? His day just keeps getting better.
“Actually I’ve never really dated anyone, always too busy.” He sighs.
You gasp a small, “really?!”
He chuckles at your bewilderment.
“I mean I just thought some with your looks would have one by now!”
Hawks ears go red, even after all that training to control his poker face he still can’t resist blushing at a genuine compliment.
He can hear you chuckle, grabbing his ears and tugging slightly.
You giggle, he loves the sound, “Sorry for making you all bashful.”
One of his wings smacks your arm, you chuckle and shake your head then you bring a pan next to Hawks.
“Your done mixing right?”
He nods and you bump him out of the way, taking the bowl and starting to roll the mixture between your hands.
Hawks admires your handy work with content, he likes hanging around with you.
You spot him staring from the corner of your eye, “Need something, birdie?”
His wings flutter softly, “nothing in particular.”
You finish your work and place the cookies into the oven, Turing around face a relaxed Hawks.
Hawks watched you as you lean against the oven, staring back at him.
Hawks speaks quietly,
“Is Fumikages father in a mental institution?”
Now it was your turn to choke on your own spit, “what?”
“I mean he must be insane for leaving someone like you…”
You laugh, “well aren’t you the charmer?”
“Only for you.”
You pause, is hawks pinning for you or something?
He steps closer towards you, looking away slightly.
You lean more into the oven, “hawks?”
He steps closer, caging you in, “y/n.”
You can feel his breath come in contact with your face, smells minty.
The door suddenly opens, “mother, I’m home!”
It’s Fumikage!
…it’s Fumikage, who will soon walk into you and some man on the brink of canoodling.
You push Hawks off quickly, speedily walking over to where Fumikage is supposed to be.
“Fumi! Did you have fun training?” You open your arms for a hug.
Fumikage accepts it and hums.
You kiss the top of his head then ruffle his feathers, “you smell terrible.”
“Go take a shower, cookies are in the oven.” You say with a smile.
Fumikage nods and starts to walk over to the bathroom, the one that passes the kitchen.
Until a terrifying scream comes from the kitchen, quite high pitched…
“Fumi?!” You call worriedly.
“M-MOTHER THERE IS A MAN IN OUR HOME.” You peek out into the hallway only to see dark shadow out, mostly about to beat the tar out of poor hawks.
You walk over to Fumikage quickly, “hey, hey! He’s just a guest!”
Fumikage retreats towards you, getting a good look at hawks.
He’s quiet, “you…”
Hawks starches the back of his head, “yea it’s me, the number three-“
“You’re the crazy stalker who was on my mother’s balcony!”
Hawks face twists into confusion, “wait what-“
Fumikage whips his head towards you, “Mother you need to call the police immediately!”
You sigh, “Fumi…”
This was the second time hawks had been called a stalker today….
Suddenly a devious plan spawns into your head.
“Fumi, there’s no one there.”
You suddenly wave a hand towards hawks in a ‘get out of here’ motion.
“Fumi, look at me.” You grab his face, forcing him to look at you instead of hawks.
“Mama, are you okay…? Clearly there’s a man in our kitchen-“
Hawks suddenly jumps through the window in your kitchen, you didn’t really expect him to do that but okay…
“See Fumi, no one’s there!” You point into the kitchen as Fumikage whips his head to face the kitchen.
“W-what, he- he was just there!” Fumikage whips his head around wildly.
“How about you go cool off in the shower?” You suggest softly.
Fumikage looks down at his hands baffled, “I-i…okay.”
He walks towards the bathroom, closing the door.
You’re surprised that actually worked…
You walk into the kitchen, taking out the cookies that were just saved from being burnt.
Until a small little paper caught your eye, you pick it up and read it, it says a series of numbers.
“text me?” With a cute smiley face next to it.
now you have obtained hawks personal number.
What an eventful day?
Soon Fumikage returns from the bathroom, dressed in one of your old metal shirts from your high school days.
“Cute shirt.” You say sarcastically.
“Looks better on me.” He says sassily.
You wrap your arm around his neck and frazzle all of his feathers.
Fumikage claims that he hates it when you do that but he never resists it.
Fumikage tossed himself down onto the couch with a loud sigh, “y’know I didn’t fall for your whole kitchen trick.”
“Yea I know, smartie pants.” You toss one of the cookies you made towards Fumikage.
He catches it, “why’re you being so friendly with a pro hero..?”
“We keep meeting, next time you see him apologize for that stalker comment also.”
Fumikage takes a bite from the cookie, “can’t take it back if it’s true.”
He sighs, “alright, I will.”
You pick up Fumikages feet and place them into your lap, Turing on one of those cult classic movies that he loves so much.
“Noticed you got Groceries.” Fumikage says Groggily, tired from training most likely.
“Yea, y’know who I saw there?”
Fumikage perks up, “that crazy old lady?”
“Nope, Ryuji.”
Fumikage stiffens slightly, “did he talk to you?”
“Small bit, no harm done.”
Fumikage relaxes slightly, “I should’ve gone with you.”
“It’s no sweat Fumi, your mama can protect herself you know?”
Fumikage sighs and nods, you notice his eyes flutter softly trying his best not to fall asleep.
He does anyway, you’re glad that Fumikage is getting the rest he needs because you want him to always be his best self.
And if Fumikage can never become his best self then you wouldn’t mind, you’d still love him anyways.
You stand and carry Fumikage to his room, placing him into the bed and tucking him in like he was 6 again.
You kiss him temple, and hope he dreams the best of dreams.
Someone who wasn’t doing that at the moment was Hawks.
He barely dreamed so when he went off to slumber land he didn’t expect something so terrifying to meet him there.
Blood and grim, screams of the people he never saved, it always haunted him in some way but never to this extent.
He wakes up in a cold sweat, your weighted blanket only giving him some comfort.
He was never like this before, they were never this intense.
He didn’t sleep for the rest of the night.
What horrified him most is that you were in it, you were scared.
Why is he dreaming like this..?
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Babysitter's Guide To Watching Eri (My Hero Academia)
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Heyo! This is a gift for the ever amazing @thatbigbisexual29 A while back we were talking about Bakugou and Eri and how cute they'd be as a duo, and thus; this fic has been born! This is pretty self indulgent and likely OOC but who cares- it's Bakugou and Eri! I hope y'all like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @nutzgunray-lvt @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo @mochigiggle @chibisstuff
Summary: In an unexpected turn of events, Bakugou is tasked with babysitting Eri for the day.
When it came to looking after Eri, a few faces immediately came to mind.
First of course was Mirio. The kind hearted hero adored the girl and would bend over backwards to entertain her whenever Aizawa and Mic had hero work to attend to. It didn’t matter what was going on- he was ready to rush over and play whenever needed.
The next was Midoriya. If Mirio was busy or they simply desired another playmate, they’d grab the freckled boy from his studies and invite him over. He’d run through the door with a proud “I am here!” that left Eri squealing in glee and Mirio chucking at how into his role he got for the little girl.
There were others; Nejiri who was always down to play dress up and princess tea party with Eri; Shinsou who helped her with her drawings and watched movies with her; and the U-A girls like Uraraka and Tsuyu who always took her to fun places like the space zone or the aquarium, pointing out cool things and treating her to snacks.
Alas- none of those options were available today for Eri. Mirio and Nejire had work, Midoriya and the girls were finishing their internships, and Shinsou was in extra classes for the hero course. Things were rather…tense as the realization hit them.
“What are we gonna do? We can’t bring her with us during our patrol!” Mic was pacing around the room back and forth in thought, just barely avoiding pulling out his hair. “And all the pro’s are busy- oh man why of all the days!”
“We’ll figure it out. We just need to find someone on short notice.” Aizawa slumped forward in his seat, trying to think. Who was available with no plans today? “Yaoyorozu maybe?”
“Yeah! No…wait- Midnight needed her.” Mic deflated. “Oh! What about Tokoyami?”
“Hawks.” They said at the same time, shaking their heads. “Nearly all the students are being taken up for missions right now- it’s not fair to expect them to bail for our sake. What do we do…” Mic doubled over the desk, holding his head.
Just then- an answer walked through the door.
“Hey- Mr. Aizawa, Best Jeanist texted. He said he wouldn’t be able to take me with him today- some emergency came up.” Bakugou knocked before poking his head through the door, looking a bit disgruntled. “Should I see if Endeavor needs more hands?”
Aizawa and Mic looked at eachother.
“Endeavor has plenty of hands.” Aizawa spoke, finalizing their decision. “However, we do need a favor…”
A babysitter job. Him- babysitting!
Good grief.
“Okay- here’s everything she’ll need. Eri’s fairly independent, so really the only thing you need to do is entertain her while we’re gone.” Mic had handed him a whole list- A LIST! Of things Eri liked. Everything from her favorite toys to her favorite drinks and snacks- all the movies she loved and games she usually played, etc. etc.
“We should be back a little after lunchtime so if you could take care of that; we have pre-made meals in the fridge, you just need to heat them up. Oh- and careful with the microwave; we don’t know what happened but it’s acting weird. Try not to hit any odd numbers, kay?”
“Odd numbers-wait; how long did you say?” Bakugou stammered as Mic bounced out the door, putting on his hero face. “Is this an all day thing?”
“Is that a problem?” Aizawa raised a brow. “Do you have anything planned today?”
“Well…no, I just…I’m not-” Bakugou waved his arms, feeling a bit helpless. “I’m not exactly great with kids.”
Aizawa softened, reaching out and patting Bakugou’s shoulder. “From what I’ve heard, you did fine with the kids during your remedial classes.”
“That’s only because they were a bunch of snot nosed brats. Plus I had help” Bakugou grumbled.
“That was a bunch of kids. This is Eri- the farthest thing from a brat.” Aizawa squeezed his arm before pulling back, adjusting his scarf. “She’s a good girl and doesn’t need much. Try not to scare her. You know how you can be.”
“I’m not-” Bakugou growled, then snapped his mouth shut when he realized he was proving Aizawa’s point. “Fine. I’ll be…gentle.”
“Thank you again, Bakugou. We truly appreciate it.” Aizawa nodded before heading out, officially leaving Eri in the teen’s care.
“...Heh. Okay, squirt- where do we even-” Bakugou turned to face her but found…nothing. She was nowhere to be seen. “Eri? Hey, where are you?”
Poking his head down the hall, he found her hiding behind a door frame, peeking at him. “You good, kid?”
Eri seemed…scared. Bakugou winced at himself; he hadn’t even talked to her today yet and he already scared her. Sighing, he squatted down to her level, offering a hand. “Look- I know I seem scary, but I promise I’m not gonna yell at you. Whatever you want to do today, we can do, alright?”
The girl seemed to relax some, her expression still nervous. Slowly, she crept towards him, little hands folded on her chest as she looked at her feet. “Sorry…”
“Huh? Why are you apologizing?” She winced at his tone. He internally punched himself. “Er-sorry. Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You have to watch me. I ruined your day.” She sounded close to tears. Bakugou felt his chest hurt. Did she hear him calling after Mic?
“No, no kid- you didn’t ruin anything. My day hasn’t even started yet.” With some hesitation, he reached out and patted her head, making her look up. “If you heard me talking to your papa, it wasn’t anything bad about you, I swear. I just don’t know how to…” he waved a hand between them, shrugging in such a manner that he got a smile. “But we can figure this out. We can play whatever you want- including…” He looked at the list, wincing. “Fairy Princess Ball.”
Eri giggled, her nerves easing away as she bounced up to him. “I love that game! But I always play it with Neji. I want to play something else.”
“Sure kid, let’s see.” Bakugou looked at the list once more, but Eri put her hands over it, pushing it down with a headshake.
“No list! I want to play something new.” She looked up at him, eyes dancing. “Something you came up with…erm…”
“Bakugou.” He gave her his name, watching her light up. “But I guess Katsuki is fine if  you want.”
“Ba…Baku..” She stammered on the words, then she looked at him. “Kacchy.”
“Close enough.”
“Ahoy my crew! We’re approaching deadly waters!” Eri cried from her pillow fort on the couch, holding a circular cushion in her small hands like a steering wheel. “They say a mean old sea monster lives here- we must be careful!”
“Oi who you calling old-er I mean…Grrrrrrr!” Eri giggled at the growling heard beneath a nearby blue blanket, slowly getting closer and closer to her “ship”. Behind her, her crew of squishmellows sat aligned, all dressed in pirate outfits and ready to assist.
“Do you hear that? It’s getting closer!” Eri looked around, pushing up her pirate hat as she searched for the monster. “Let’s turn to-”
“ROAR!” Bakugou shot from the blanket, a dragon hat on his head as he raised his arms high. Eri squealed, falling back in her pillows with a giggly shriek. “I’m a sea monster! And I’m gonna eat your boat!”
“Noo! Quick- Yuki! Save us!” Eri chucked her nearest Squishmellow at him, watching it bounce off his chest harmlessly. Bakugou flailed backwards anyway, pretending to be hit. “Go, go!”
“Gah! No! Not the dreaded squish!” He cried out as she assaulted him with squishmellow after squishmellow, finally jumping on him when she ran out. “Ah! No! It’s the Pirate Princess Eri!”
“That’s right! And I’m gonna take you out, Mr. Sea Monster! Take THIS!” She shot her hands out, scribbling them all over his belly with reckless abandon.
“AH! Ahehahahahhaa! Whahahahit- wahahhhahait I didiihihihihn’t agrehehehehehehehee to thihihihihiihs!” Bakugou spasmed with a yelp, not at all prepared for such acts! Semi buried beneath squishmellows, the blonde laughed and squirmed, fighting the urge to curse in front of Eri. “Ehahhhahahhaha, you brahhahahahhat! This ihihhihihihisn’t fahahahhahair!”
“He he he! Looks like you’re no match for the great Eri-EHH!” The little girl squealed when Bakugou suddenly lunged, gathering her up and gently tickling her back. “Ahehahahahahahahaha! Kahahhaahahahchy!”
“Who’s Kacchy? I’m the dreadful sea monster, remember? Forget eating your ship, I’m gonna eat YOU!” He roared playfully as he carried on tickling her, making Eri squeal and kick in glee. “I’m gonna roll you in flour, bake you and then eat you up bones and all!”
“Ahehahhhahahhaa! Nohohohoohohohoo!” Eri rolled out of his arms, running for her boat. “Stahhahay awhawhhahahay!” She squealed through her giggles as she grabbed her squishmellow, smacking him with it. “Tahhake that!”
“Oh, it is ON!” He grabbed the smallest squish he could find, lightly swatting back at her as she laughed herself silly. For someone so small, she sure could pack a hit!
“Oh no!” Eri cried, freezing Bakugou in his spot. The squishmellow she was using to attack had suddenly ripped open- a huge gaping hole in the side. Stuffing rolled down the couch, littering the floor. “Yuki…”
Yuki…oh shit. That was one of her favorite toys from the list.
“Oh man, kid…” Bakugou paled upon looking at the mess. Eri’s eyes filled with tears.
Bakugou looked at her, then at the toy. Then he sighed, pulling off the dragon hat.
“No tears, Doctor Eri. We have a patient to fix.” He announced, making her look up. “Hang on- I have something that can fix Yuki.
“I didn’t know you could sew!” Eri sat wide eyed as she watched Bakugou carefully stitch back up her toy, his handiwork slow but consistent. “Where’d you learn that?”
“A hero has tons of tricks.” Bakugou grinned at her, pushing the fallen stuffing back in as he went along. “My parents are in the fashion business. My dad makes clothes while my mom models them. I helped them out a few summers- mainly just taking care of rips and tears in the clothes.”
“Wow…” Eri leaned into her hands, taking it all in. “Papa…he got me Yuki as a present when I first started living here.”
Ah. That made sense why the plush was so faded. It also explained Eri’s reaction. “Did he now?”
“Mm-hm! He came home with it one day- told me it was a present for my birthday!” Eri smiled at the memory, cheeks flushing with fondness for her adoptive parents. “It wasn’t really my birthday, but it was the first real gift from Daddy and Papa- I love it very much.”
Bakugou didn’t have much to say about that, finishing off the last stitch before puffing Yuki up some. “There we go. Good as new- er; minus the big scar.”
Eri practically tackled him, hugging his arm with a teary grin. “Thank you, Kacchy. And I don’t mind the scar. All the people I love have them.”
That’s when he realized she was looking at him too, at the faded scars along his bicep.
“Heh, I guess they do.” He laughed through a thick voice.
“Alright- let’s see…which one kid?” Bakugou presented both meals to Eri, watching her look each one over. It was around the afternoon when he got a text from Aizawa; turns out they weren’t gonna be back until late that evening; meaning it was up to Bakugou to prepare her meal.
“Hmm…this one!” She pointed, pleased with her decision. Bakugou nodded, putting the other away before popping the pre-made meal into the microwave. “Daddy makes the best food!”
“He does.” Bakugou agreed, knowing just how good Aizawa was as a cook. “He once made-”
The microwave beeped and shook. Bakugou paled upon realizing his mistake.
Don’t press any of the odd buttons!
“ERI MOVE!” Bakugou ran at her, gathering her up and leaping just as the microwave exploded. Glass and semi cooked food flew across the kitchen, the smell of smoke strong as the inside of the microwave sizzled. A small flame remained within.
Bakugou blinked, then he looked over Eri. Besides looking utterly shocked, she didn’t have any wounds or burns. Nodding, he quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher, putting out the remains of the microwave. Once done, he grabbed a wooden spoon and batted out the plug. “There. Eri, are you okay?”
The girl seemed stunned, wide eyed and shaky. Bakugou kneeled before her, voice gentle. “Eri?”
“Erm…yeah. I’m okay.” She nodded, shaking out of her shock as she met his eye. “What about you?”
“Nothing broken here. Sorry I blew up dinner.” He laughed some, looking back at the mess. “Er…want pizza?”
~~~ “And that is that.” Bakugou huffed as he and Eri flopped into the couch, fairly exhausted. The kitchen was clean once more, and a box of pizza with only the crust remaining laid on the coffee table. In the background, a movie with talking fish carried on. Eri insisted it was a great movie. If he were being honest, she was right. “What a day. Sorry I kinda messed everything up, kid.”
“What do you mean? I had so much fun today!” She smiled up at him, sleepy. “We played pirates and sea monsters, you fixed Yuki, and we got to eat pizza and watch movies! I’m glad you came today, Kacchy.”
Bakugou grinned, something warm setting in his chest as she scooted closer to him, lying against his side. “I’m sure Mirio or Deku would have been better.”
“Maybe. But you’re great in your own way.” She yawned, huffing some before closing her eyes. “Thanks for being here, Kacchy…I appreciate it…”
“Eri?” He looked down to find her sleeping with a happy smile on her face. Chuckling, he petted back her hair away from her peaceful expression.
“Glad to be there for you kid.”
Thanks for reading!
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transhawks · 2 years
The key to liking canon Hawks is finding all the weird ass crazy shit he does funny. Like if you are a Hawks hater who used to like him and are wondering why people like him again the answer is that if you see him as a crazy man who keeps doing unhinged shit and the heroes don't even blink at it or know how to deal with it, everything becomes comedy. Stuffed Best Jeanist into a duffelbag and literally gave him up to the villains unsure if he'd really live or whether he'd be noumu'd? Yeah, sure. What if Jeanist was just like noumu'd immediately? Well, too bad. Brought Endeavor to Kyushu because he knew he needed a strong hero to fight a noumu and was literally putting the man in danger? Yeah, cool had to happen. Why not use people as bait. Gave Endeavor eugenicist fascist propaganda to communicate messages to the HPSC while acknowledging Enji's fucking dumb and this might backfire (also gave a bunch more people that shit, including impressionable teens). Yeah, it's all good. No way that can cause issues going forward. Left the hospital right after he got barbequed to go finish the job which is cleaning up Jin's body - he could barely talk! Yup. All good. Best Jeanist clearly gave him a ride to his mom's house after he took care of his 'unfinished business'. Speaking of Jin, just randomly deciding to tutor Jin for a month or two in villain ideology like he was helping a classmate pass an exam and no one batted an eyelash. Wow, the number two hero is just here tutoring the villain Twice in how to be a better leader and part of this army? Amazing. And for free?
Like ignoring Dabi - no one mentioned it. Not Toga. Not Compress. Not Spinner. The majority of the PLF saw them hang out repeatedly. Skeptic watched him tutor Twice. No one for a second asked how fucking weird it was that a twenty-three year old hero was teaching a thirty-one year old villain who was on Japan's Most Wanted years before the League even existed lessons. They just saw them playing senpai-and-kouhai and shrugged it off.
No one even mentioning how Keigo went straight for the kill with AFO. I know it's AFO and war, but like the lack of hesitation. "Oh wow, yeah Hawks is going to attempt to kill him straight off." No one cares - and heroes don't kill (unless they're Hawks apparently). On a milder line - straight up admitting to being prejudiced in the manga and saying he wanted a bird intern. In the light novel, asking Tokoyami weird questions about Shouto and breaking into giggles and hiding his face like that's normal behavior about a coworker and his teenage kid. All the weird other shit he does like meowing at Ragdoll.
He's weird!!! He's crazy!!! And its funny!!!! I don't get hoping for some fanon narrative and when you could be seeing this goldmine murderous nutcase that Horikoshi created in the guise of a cheeky funny sad little caged bird of a hero!!! The real Hawks is funnier!!!!
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
S/O With Powers Like Raven
Tokoyami Fumikage X Reader, Shoto Todoroki X Reader, Hitoshi Shinso X Reader, Keigo Takami X Reader, Dabi X Reader,
Requested: @supernatural-hunter1
Request: I had this cute little ideas stuck in my head and I thought it was a really cute What if Tokoyami, Shoto, Shinsou, Hawks Dabi and Shigaraki had an S/O who’s quirk similar to Raven’s powers from original teen titans and I know, for a fact that TokoYami would fall harder in love than the others😂 I also did a story about it to if you want to go check it out sometime but I just thought it was cute. BTW, you did an amazing job with that Danny Phantom story😁 AND What if the class 1A students have an S/O who quirk is the same powers as Raven from “Teen Titans” (the original version)
Warnings: Bullying, Bad parenting, injury, any others let me know
Fumikage Tokoyami
🌙 You both sensed the other's energy from the moment that you walked into the classroom, well you kind of just appeared and he registered the change in the room. 🌙 You seemed to automatically stay away from people, you avoided talking to people or getting too close to them. 🌙 It wasn’t his excitement that felt from across the room, but Dark Shadow’s the demon took a liking to you the moment that she saw you so you had to address that because it was slightly distracting. 🌙 You were both fast friends but he fell for you the first time that he saw you interact with Dark Shadow when the villain attacked the training camp.
The moment that the villains made themselves known, you worried about the class mates that had already been sent out into the forest but honestly you were more worried about Tokoyami after having spoken about your powers, you knew that the darkness was going to make controlling Dark Shadow difficult. You took about 2 seconds to locate him and then teleport to where he was, you found him hands pressed to his head as he tried to contain Dark Shadow. “Tokoyami!” You called as you fell to your knees in front of him. “What are…you doing…here?” He asked as he managed to look up at you. “I came looking for you, I knew that Dark Shadow would be hard to control.” You explained. “You have to go, she’ll hurt you.” He reached forward trying to push you towards the trees. “She wouldn’t hurt me, I can help, trust me.” You pleaded, he doubled over again seemingly trying to contain the power that Dark Shadow harboured. You didn’t get a verbal answer from Tokoyami but you continued anyway. The moment that your power activated Dark Shadow seemed to focus on you. “Hey Shadow, I know that you feel a lot of power right now but you're hurting Tokoyami, you don’t want to do that do you?” “I don’t mean to.” Dark Shadow answered and you nodded as you lifted your hands drawing her closer to you, when her head finally rested in yours you started to slowly calm the rampaging emotions for both of them. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t worry, we’re okay now… All we need to do is find our way back now okay?” You asked. “Thank you.” Tokoyami said softly and you looked at him and smiled. “Of course.” You nodded, taking his hand and pulling him over with you.
🌙 From here on you both became very close, you were never seen far apart and you worked together well, with your ability to control and enhance the shadows and by extension Dark Shadow you became a formidable team. 🌙 It didn’t take long for you both to realise that the feelings you had extended past friendship. 🌙 Tokoyami fell hard for you, he made sure that you were safe and happy no matter the condition that he might be in. Kissing was out of the question given his beak, you pressed kisses to his cheeks and hands but he often showed affection by nuzzling you or running his hands through your hair instead. 🌙 You spent a lot of time together and it was usually in yours or his room at the dorm.
It had been a long day for both of you, you weren’t sure that you wanted to sit in the common room with the rest of your friends so you made your way to Tokoyami’s room which was closer than yours, you fell face first on his bed, he didn’t seem to be there yet so you closed your eyes for a moment hoping to get some rest before he got back.
When you opened your eyes again Dark Shadow was fliting around the room as Tokoyami sat at his desk. He seemed to be doing homework that you didn’t care to entertain at the moment. “You didn’t wake me.” You mumbled. “You seemed tired today, it’s better that you rested, you can go back to sleep, I’ll wake you when it’s time to eat.” He said as he turned to look at you, you shook your head sitting up and rubbing at your eyes. Tokoyami walked over to you sitting on the bed, you moved over and rested your head on his thigh. “What were you doing?” You asked. “Maths homework.” He answered as his hands started to run through your hair, Dark Shadow settled in a smaller form on your chest as you gently ran your hand over the entity. “Mm.” You hummed as your eyes started to close again, he knew that you were still tired and it wouldn’t take much to send you back to sleep, your rooms were very similar so you had already admitted that your felt safe enough to sleep there, but as he run his fingers through your hair he could see your face relaxing and he realised that he would do anything for you to always have this look on your face and you became a new reason for him to become a hero, to make a world where he could see you smile and relax this way all the time.
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Shoto Todoroki
🔥 You and Shoto barely acknowledged each other at the start of the school year, you both had your goals and would stop at nothing to achieve them. 🔥 You guys got closer after the sports festival, after finding out that you both had Daddy issues that you needed to solve, you didn’t really need to talk when in each other's presence. 🔥 Shoto was super curious about your quirk, he’d never really seen anything like it, you were in some way able to mute most quirks that you came into contact with and despite the fact that it came from your father you weren’t afraid of using it. 🔥 The first time that he saw your father was during the Stain incident, while Iida, Midoriya and himself were dealing with Stain. You were dealing with your father.
“You really think that you can be a hero!?” Your father asked as you dodged yet another attack of pure energy. “You don’t know what I can do.” You glared at him but he was quick this time and the next attack that he sent out hit you, you fell over the side of the building that you had been fighting on, you couldn’t catch yourself before hitting the ground, you laid there dazed for a second before you rolled to the side avoiding yet another attack from your father. “(H/N)!” Your head turned to where Shoto was standing with Midoriya and Iida. “What are you doing here!?” You asked as you kept your eyes on your father. “Those are kids from your class?” He asked “well then shall I get rid of the distraction.” He lifted his hands towards them, you didn’t think twice about creating a shield in front of them but it left you vulnerable to another attack, which it seemed your dad had counted on, you saw the blast of energy and almost felt it before the ice came up around you protecting you, it was then that you all heard the pros that had been looking for the others heading down into the alley way, you stepped into the shadows and portaled out near Shoto and the others. “Are you guys okay?” You asked. “We’re fine, what about you?” Shoto asked. “I’m fine thanks to you.” You smiled. “Who was that?” Shoto asked. “That’s my Dad.” You answered as you looked at where he had been. “That’s your Dad?” Shoto asked. “Yeah I told you we both had family issues.” You nodded and he looked down the alley at Endeavour running towards them all and he thought for a second that at least his Dad cared about his safety.
🔥 You and Shoto were very much traumatised children so he recognised boundaries that you never really talked about but they were there. 🔥 You were part of the reason that he decided to try and repair his relationship with his Dad. 🔥 Stood with you no matter what you said or decided, you guys were a power couple without the couple part, you were both a little oblivious to the fact for a little while. 🔥 That is until you met his siblings, who loved you by the way.
“So Mum was asking when you're going to bring your partner to see her.” Natsuo teased, they had never seen Shoto shocked or caught off guard but the moment that he started choking Fiyumi leaned forward to pat his back Fuyumi leaned forward to pat his back and help to stop the coughing. “Natsuo you could have phrased that differently.” Fuyumi muttered as she handed him some water. “Mum just said that she was curious about the friend that you write about all the time is all.” “She did?” Shoto asked. “Have you told (Y/N) about Mum?” Natsuo asked. “Mmm, we talked about it.” He answered. “We’ve talked about our family a lot.” “You have?” Fuyumi asked. “Yeah, they said that they wished she had a brother and sister like you guys, they’ve been alone since their mum died so…” Shoto trailed off as his phone vibrated. His siblings watched as he picked up the phone and smiled, answering the text message immediately. “You should really think about that partner thing, you seem happier when you're with them almost like our Dad didn’t take everything from you.” Natsuo said as he stood from the table and carried his bowl to the sink where he washed it and then left to get on with the rest of his day. “Wait!” Shoto called out “how would I know that I like them?” “Well I mean I’ve seen you with them, you care about them right? You want to protect them from anything that might hurt them.” Natsuo shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “You also want to give them anything that they might want right? That’s why you introduced them to us, to a family.” Fuyumi added, Shoto bit down on his lip as he looked down at his Soba, they were right but did that mean that he liked you and if it did? What about you? Did you like him? “Shoto this is something that you have to talk to them about, knowing how they feel is important too.”
That was how Shoto found himself sitting in the small apartment that you called yours “something is bothering you, it has been since you got here.” You said as you looked at him “what's going on?” “I was talking to Natsuo and Fuyumi this morning and they said something.” He started explaining, you nodded to signal that you were listening without interrupting him. “Well we were talking about you, they said that my Mum wants to meet you since I write about you a lot when I send her letters.” “If that’s what you are worried about then I’d be happy to see your Mum.” You said. “No that’s not it… Well not all of it.” He said “there was something else, Natsuo called you my partner.” “Is that bad?” You asked. “I had to ask him what he meant but when he explained it to me, I realised that everything that he said was true for me… But then Fuyumi said that this isn’t something I can decide on my own, what you think is important, so I guess I wanted to know what you thought.” Shoto explained he gripped his trouser legs tightly as he waited for you to speak. “You know I told myself for the longest time that you couldn’t want me and that if my feelings for you were that strong that I should let you find someone better for you.” You explained. “What!?” He asked. “I don’t want someone else!” “I know that now… but that was hard to tell before.” You shrugged. “So the way I feel is the same as you and I wouldn’t have a problem with being your partner if you think that I’m good enough.” “You're more than enough.” He nodded. “As are you.” You said softly, pressing a shy kiss to his cheek.
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Hitoshi Shinso
🧠 Hitoshi didn’t actually take much note of you for the first couple of days, actually the first time that he ever really took note of you was when people started badgering you about your quirk. 🧠 He noticed that you didn’t seem to want to talk about it, at first he thought that you were quirkless but realised that for you to be in the same class as him you had to have some kind of quirk so he then decided that you had to be ashamed of it for some reason. 🧠 He never asked you about your quirk, you were paired together for school projects and quickly learned that you liked the same things and understood each other's boundaries well enough without having to spell them out. 🧠 The first time that Shinso saw your quirk it was out of control, he had walked into the room after realising that you were late for lunch.
Shinso walked into the classroom that he was sure you last lesson before lunch was, his eyes found you first with your hands over your head as you cried, his eyes moved around the room where it seemed that shadows reached out to grab three girls who must have been in the room with you “(Y/N).” Shinso called out to you and sighed when you looked up at him but your eyes widened. “You have to leave, I can’t stop them… You’ll get hurt.” You muttered “they’re right I shouldn’t be here, I should be locked up somewhere.” Shinso felt the flare in your quirk as the shadows darkened and tightened around the girls. “They said that?” He asked, stepping forward. “No! Don’t do that!?” You pleaded, the shadows receded from the girls and they all fell to the ground. “Go.” He ordered as you curled in on yourself, you hands pressing to your head, you were mumbling to yourself, he hated seeing you like this. If he had been here instead of training with Aizawa this wouldn’t have happened.
Aizawa! He could help but he didn’t know how he was going to get a message to him, he was in the process of figuring it out when someone called his name “Shinso, you know them?” He looked over at the entrance to the classroom and saw that Aizawa was standing there with Present Mic and Midnight. It seemed that someone must have told them about what was happening over here and they rushed over. “They’re my friend, their names (Y/N), those girls were teasing them. I think it caused her to lose control of their quirk.” Shinso explained. “Not completely.” Midnight muttered as she directed Aizawa’s eyes to Shinso’s feet where the shadows circled him but didn’t dare touch him. “Mmm.” Aizawa hummed as his attention turned to you and nullified your quirk, Shinso moved quickly crouching in front of you. “Are you okay?” He asked, he didn’t get an answer but he could feel you shaking and your breathing was out of control. “(Y/N), look at me.” When you looked up he repeated his question. “I don-'' You stopped a blank expression across your face as you looked at him. “Calm down.” He ordered, he watched as your breathing went back to normal and only then did he let control go, he waited for you to be angry at him or push him away but instead you launched forward wrapping your arms around him. “Thank you.” You breathed and he stayed stock still for a moment before his arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer. “Anything for you.” He answered.
🧠 From there on Aizawa insisted that you train with him and Shinso if only to learn control of quirk so you don’t have to be afraid of it. 🧠 You watch Shinso grow and become stronger and you wonder if he was always going to think of you as a friend or just a burden. 🧠 You started pulling away after that, it was getting to the time where Shinso would show his quirk to the rest of the hero course and then he’d be leaving you, you know that he’ll get on the hero course no problem, he’ll make new friends and leave you alone. 🧠 Shinso noticed the moment that you stopped coming to the training with him and Aizawa, you didn’t answer any messages and seemed to be actively avoiding him, that is until you couldn’t anymore.
Shinso showed up at the classroom earlier than you had expected, he waited for all of the other students to filter out, he realised after a while that you had been eating your lunch in your classroom so you didn’t have to see him so when he was sure that you were on your own he walked into the room closing the door behind him. You looked like you were ready to run but your body was frozen. It was then that he realised that you weren’t avoiding him because you wanted to. “Where have you been?” He asked. “I’ve been here.” You answered “always here.” “You stopped coming to training.” He stated, as he pulled the chair out from in front of you and sat down. “I didn’t want to hold you back.” You mumbled but your eyes moved from him and he knew that he was getting to the bottom of the issue. “Hold me back?” He asked “you aren’t doing that and we both know that.” “Mm.” You hummed as if you weren’t actually listening to him. “There’s something that you're not telling me.” He accused and you looked at him now, he saw a number of different emotions flash across your face before you finally spoke “I’m just getting used to not having you around.” You finally said and he leaned forward taking your chin in his hand and directing your gaze to him. “What do you mean?” He asked. “You’ll be moving to the hero course and I’ll have to get on without you.” You explained. “We don’t know that I’m going to be on the hero course.” He argued, it was your turn to give him a look of disbelief “look it doesn’t matter because me being on the hero course won’t change anything.” “It changes everything!” You argued. “You won’t be here, you’ll make new friends, better friends and then you won’t need me anymore.” “Your overthinking everything again-” “Overthinking!? Shinso you're an amazing person there’s no way that you're not going to make friends, hell you made friends after the sports festival right!?” Shinso knew that he needed to do something to get you to calm down and listen to him so with his grip still on your chin he leaned in quickly connecting your lips and effectively stopping you from talking, it took a little while for you to kiss him back but just as you were relaxing into the kiss he pulled back. “I told you overthinking, we might not be in the same classes anymore but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to forget about you, that’s the hardest thing for me to do.” He explained. “You’ll be my first and highest priority no matter what.”
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Keigo Takami
🪶 Keigo had heard of you before, people talked about your work as a hero all the time but he had never seen you around, he wondered how you could do all this work without ever running into him. 🪶 Turned out that you worked on opposite shifts, he kept everyone safe during the day and you kept everyone safe overnight, that answered a lot of his questions. 🪶 He liked your look, your hero name, even saw some of the footage from your arrests and your quirk was interesting too. Some would say that he was kind of a fan, 🪶 Keigo actually cast you out of his mind assuming that you were never going to work together, he couldn’t have been more wrong though.
Keigo didn’t know who he was supposed to be working with but it had to be someone worth his time considering The Commission never really asked him to complete missions with the other pro heroes. It was late into the evening when he found himself balancing on the ledge of the building waiting for the hero that was supposed to meet with him. He didn’t hear them until they were standing right next to him “Oh it’s you.” He said as he looked at you “you're the one that I’m working with. Can’t say I’m disappointed.” “I didn’t know you knew who I was, mighty No.2.” You said as you gave a sarcastic bow. “No need for that.” He waved you off “they said that you’d tell me what’s going on.” “Mm.” You hummed. “There’s a group of smugglers, they smuggle everything from weapons to people. I've foiled a good number of their plans and taken down their branches but I can’t seem to take down the core of their operation.” “They’re slippery then?” He asked. “No, the core branches operate during the day, my quirk is pretty useless when there's no shadows around.” You explained as the shadows circled around your wrists “I can’t move as quickly or as stealthily so my agency asked the commission for a team up since you're the only hero fast enough to keep up with me at the moment, you know without drawing attention.” “Endeavour is a little flashing in the dark.” Hawks laughed and you rolled your eyes. “Not to mention difficult to work with, his quirk basically nullifies mine with how bright he is.” You shrugged. “First things first we need to get here, I’ll meet you there.” You informed him and he nodded. “Do you need a lift?” He asked. “No, I'm good.” You answered as you stepped over the ledge disappearing into the shadows below you both, he smirked as he glanced at the location one more time before flying high above the clouds he was going to enjoy working with you.
🪶 You guys became close friends after working together on that mission, the success only made you both more popular and you were probably the only person that Keigo could call a real friend. 🪶 You often woke up to him in your house, you started leaving the window open for him, he then started showing up when you were out on patrol and you would come home and find him on the sofa, you don’t know when it started but you always pressed a kiss to the top of his head before shuffling off to sleep for the day. 🪶 He’d often play with your shadows when you gave them the free will to do as they pleased, he was the first person that had not been afraid of the power that you had. 🪶 Neither of you noticed that you had grown closer than friends until you were forced too, you had unfortunately been caught in a fight with Dabi who had targeted you after watching the two of you together.
You groaned as you opened your eyes, your body felt heavier than it ever had before, you looked around, the room was bright, too bright. A hospital room, you couldn’t remember what happened, you know that you were in so much pain that you passed out, you tried to remember more but in the end your eyes slid closed and you gave into unconsciousness.
Keigo sat perched on the roof of a building watching people milling around, he heard someone behind him and he immediately turned one of his feathers poised for attack.
“What are you doing here?” Keigo asked. “I don’t suppose you checked on your little shadow ruler before you came out today?” Dabi asked. “What are you talking about?” Keigo asked. “I ran into them last night, they weren’t moving when we were done… I don’t know if anyone else found them, they might still be lying in that alleyway.” Dabi shrugged. “What did you do?” He asked. “Do you really have time for that, shouldn’t you be looking for them?” Dabi asked, Keigo knew that he should fight Dabi but he couldn’t ignore the fact that you might be hurt somewhere, he at least knew that the League hadn’t taken you based on the way that Dabi spoke about you. Keigo opened his phone ready to call your agency when a notification for a news story popped up.
Breaking News: (H/N) brought to hospital after gruesome fight with Villain Dabi
The hospital you were in was not in the article for obvious reasons but that information was only a phone call away and he had no intention of letting anyone get in the way of finding you and making sure that you were safe.
When you opened your eyes again you recognised the bright red wings “Hawks?” You asked. “Even when you're hurt you're so careful.” He said softly as you reached out for your hands. “Why didn’t you call me when this happened?” He asked. “I’ve hardly been awake, I remember waking for a second but it wasn’t long.” You answered. “Do you know what happened to me?” “You don’t remember?” He asked. “No really.” You answered, “I remember passing out and a whole lot of blue.” “Dabi.” Keigo said. “That makes sense… But if it was only him then.” You reached around unwrapping the bandages as Keigo watched you curiously, when you finally unwrapped your arms, your skin looked completely healed. “You can heal?” He asked. “In certain circumstances I can.” You answered as you flung your legs over the side of the bed however as you turned you realised that Keigo had not moved and instead he seemed to move closer his wings shielding you both from any prying eyes. “Do you know how worried I was?” He asked. “Worried?” You asked. “Dabi found me just to tell me that you were lying somewhere hurt and alone, I didn’t know if I was going to find you.” He said “we were both lucky the Eraserhead was on patrol that night too.” You’d have to thank him later but as your mind wondered Keigo leaned in closer “I realised something.” “Really?” You asked. “Yeah, I realised how hard it would be to live without you, how much I want to be with you every second of every day and how much I really want to do this.” He leaned forward connecting your lips, the kiss was charged and almost messy, he forced himself to pull away “let’s get the doctors to give you the all clear, then we’re going home.” “Sounds good.” You hummed. “You’ll have to come back to my place this time, we don’t know if he knows where you live so for now what’s mine is yours.” Keigo said as he walked out of the door to find a doctor.
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💀 You and Dabi operated in the same areas and ran into each other a lot, so he had seen you in action and was not surprised that people feared you. Took the time to find out what your name was, where you came from, and anything else worth knowing. 💀 He never really said more than 3 words to you at a time and you never pushed for a conversation, something he was fond of. 💀 You were a formidable force even when faced with someone who could have been far stronger than you were. 💀 He didn’t think of you as much of a team player though so he was surprised when you showed up at the bar to speak to Shigaraki.
“You made it.” Giran cheered. “I distinctly remember you saying this was a team, they all seem to be at each other's throats.” You noted. “Well they’ve just met.” Giran shrugged. “Bodes well.” You mumbled. “Who’s this?” Shigaraki asked as he turned his attention to you. “(V/N) what are you doing here?” Dabi asked. “Probably the same as you.” You answered. “You believe in Stain’s message?” He asked and you shook your head. “Of course not, I couldn’t care less about him, he showed his hand.” You answered waving off the suggestion only stopping a second to use your telekinesis to create a shield as Toga hurtled at you, flinging her to the side when her knife connected with the table you were using as a shield. “So tell Tomura Shigaraki why I should follow you.” “I don’t want to, nor do I have to sell myself to you.” Shigaraki growled out and you shrugged. “Fair enough, until next time Dabi.” You waved before you disappeared. “You just lost one of the strongest pieces on the board.” Dabi muttered as he turned to leave “call me when you know what the plan is.”
Dabi headed back to his apartment, he wasn't sure how long it was going to be before he heard from Shigaraki but he couldn’t care less the only thing that he could think about was you, the way you appeared, ran the show and left. “Didn’t take you for a team player.” He didn't know how you got into his apartment but he wasn’t going to show you that. “I’m not.” He answered as his head lazily rolled towards you “I didn’t think that you paid me much attention.” “Good.” You mumbled as he stood, he walked as if he was going to walk past you changing direction at the last minute and caging you against the wall. “What are you doing here (Y/N)?” He asked, he moved his face closer to yours, trying to draw you out but you just looked up at him and closer still. “Just wanted to know I’m going to have this place all to myself?” You asked. “What and leave you the mysterious little shadow ruler, now why would I do that? There’s still so much I don’t know.” He teased as leaned closer to your ear “so much I dont trust.” “Smart little arsonist.” You smirked before disappearing into the shadows and appearing at the window on the other side of the room. “Until next time, Dabi.”
💀 From there on Dabi paid more attention, you were there all the time, just outside of everyone’s view, everyone except him. 💀 Eventually conversations became easier and your home became his home, at first it was because your place was closer to the bar then his and slowly developed into him wanting to be there because you were there. 💀 You were probably the only person outside of the league of villains that had his number and that regularly contacts. 💀 He kept an eye on news when you both had to be apart for long periods of time to make sure that you were okay and nothing happened to you.
After the issue with the heroes when they kidnapped Bakugo, you hadn’t heard from Dabi, it worried you, so you started staying out longer and travelling farther to try and even catch glimpse of him, you had sent him messages that he wasn’t answering so you assumed that either his phone was broken or lost.
You sighed as you unlocked your door another night with no sign of him, it had actually been 24 hours since you had been home so you were pretty tired that might have been why you didn’t realise that there was someone in your living room “where have you been?” You jumped at the sound of his voice before turning to the sofa where he was sitting with his arms stretched over the back, your eyes widened, he looked like he was okay, you didn’t even think about answering his question instead you moved across the room and wrapped your arms around his neck straddling his waist without even thinking about it. “You're okay…” You breathed, you could feel that he had tensed beneath you, until his arms started moving and they wrapped around your waist. “I’m fine.” He answered, his hand rested on the back of your neck, gently guiding your face back after a while so that he could look at you. “Are you?” “Me? I’m fine.” You answered softly, he gently ran his thumb over the apple of your cheek. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?” “Lost my phone in the attack.” He answered his voice was low as if he was scared of ruining the moment. “I was worried about you.” You said. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” He smirked and you narrowed your eyes. “We’re not together.” You reminded him and he leaned forward his lips a breath away from yours. “We could be.” He suggested before connecting your lips in a rough kiss, his teeth grazed against your bottom lip, guiding your mouth open for him to take control of the kiss, the hand on your cheek slid to the back of your neck to hold you where he wanted to keep you for a long as possible.
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Request Here!!
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whichuniverseisthis · 3 months
Let's talk about how cool of a character Hawks is. Not talking about the story writing, which one may or may not like based on what they expect from it, or the character design, which is admittedly pretty awesome too.
Just talking about his introduction to the story. I've seen people saying that he came out of nowhere, but well, if you have a number 1, 2 and 4 hero with All Might, Endeavor and Best Jeanist, you're bound to have a number 3 as well, right?
What is really amazing about his character is how he singlehandedly shifted the atmosphere of the series with just his introduction. He is the first one who actually talks about the society, about their anxieties and fears, instead of just talking about good heroes and bad heroes.
Thanks to him, the author managed to open a window for the readers on the villains side of the story, which before him was only relegated to a couple of scenes to keep us informed on their whereabouts, but now they can fully take over thanks to Hawks working as a middle ground between them and the heroes.
And also thanks to Hawks, we got a chance to look at Endeavor and the start of his development, plus the first hints of the relation between him and Dabi.
And speaking about Dabi, I love how him and Hawks foil each other in pretty much everything: their name, their design, their story, their motivations, and especially their relation with Endeavor.
It's pretty clear from the beginning how tragic Hawks's character is without even needing to see the full backstory. The one character who's biggest dream is freedom is the one who doesn't have any until he loses the one thing that makes him at least feel it, his wings. No wonder he told Tokoyami to fly as long as he has a chance to do it. At least the others should be free in his place.
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jackdaniel69nice · 1 month
😂😂 can i say a bunch of headcanons in a row? i think that dark shadow gets really disruptive in class sometimes, and none of the teachers can really stop him or control him. like hes stealing and eating papers and writing utensils and sticking things to the ceiling and making jokes that distract EVERYONE.
and then all might gets the bright idea to put his name on the roll call and give dark shadow assignments like the rest of the students. and he immediately calms down! he's too distracted doing schoolwork to keep being a disruption! aizawa learns about this and does the same thing, and soon dark shadow is another student in the class, with his own desk and everything. i think dark shadow is one of the smartest kids too after a few months, and he helps out in study groups and gets way more powerful as a quirk because he can make logical and correct snap judgements without having to confer with fumikage every time :3
Haha yes, please do! I love people sending me their hc ideas!
This is so perfect! They would love participating in class, they are soooo bored and cause chaos (mostly to tokoyami, todoroki, and sero). Their favorite game is seeing how many pencils they can shove in fumikage’s feathers before he notices, he has walked to lunch with like 5 pencils stuck there before. Aizawa’s first reaction to shadows behavior is detention but that would harm tokoyami as well so he has to create different punishments instead. Those proved to be entirely ineffective and All Might would then suggest just giving them something to do.
Tokoyami’s grades would massively improve once dark shadow gets their own assignments. Dark Shadow is very good at math but needs glasses to see the words/numbers. Their desk would be shoved right next to Tokoyami’s like a double desk. I think tokoyami is right handed and shadow is left handed so it works out great. Also they would need to keep the fluorescent lights off in the room so they don’t get too tired.
They are both so very surprised about being treated with basic respect so kindly. Dark shadow has their own intelligence but no teachers have ever bothered to try and help foster their mind. In fact they have always forced dark shadow to stay away or tokoyami would get in trouble, so eventually they both gave up trying. UA has been amazing for them, a dream come true. The proper mental and physical stimulation helps DS calm down a lot and focus during training and at home. They feel a lot more emotionally stable so they don’t have as many breakdowns or rampages. Tokoyami is very happy for them, this is more than he could have asked for when they decided to become hero’s.
I’m really glad someone else sees the potential of dark shadow being out during other classes. Thank you anon~
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thisisxli · 3 months
𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝟒𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 - 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫(𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛/𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛)
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Rs: Various x GN!Reader(afab/amab)
Warnings: alcohol, beer, adult things
Tags: slightly rushed, everyone is having a good time, Reader is high drunk off their ass, Kirishima x Mina implied, kissing, fluff, spin the bottle, fireworks, 4th of July, happy stuff, Tokoyami is a drinker, Sero's breath stinks, fun, fun, and fun, no angst, aged-up characters(in their late 20s to early 30s)
Summary: Reader and her old classmates from UA catch up for good old times and celebrate the 4th of July, perhaps and preferably getting drunk in the process.
wc: 1.0k
a/n: I wrote this in like 10 mins?? So it's rushed, very sloppy. But I did try my best so I hope you enjoy it. And I know they all live in Japan, not America so they don't celebrate the 4th of July. Buttt, I'm doing this because I want to and because why not. I thought it was a really good idea yk? :) why not? Js pretend they're in America.?? 😅
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The group laughs and cheer on a glass of champagne.
"Shit- shit- shit! Go, go," Denki laughs, nearly tripping on his feet when he starts to run, Sero trailing not too far behind him who lit up the upcoming firework. Midoriya and Iida exchange a few words before heading over to the rest of their old class.
"You guys havin' fun?" Midoriya suggests, smiling wider when you all agree with one another. Suddenly, bursts of laughter are heard from Denki and Mina, laughing at the image of Bakugou with a party hat that was forced onto his head. "Fuckin' bastards!" Small explosions spark from his palms, the other two collectively chittering to themselves. "More drinks, anyone?"
You turn to the sound of Uraraka's voice, floating bottles of beers heading over to the group. You all cheer, clinking tips before taking large sips. "Pretty, right?" You take a sip of your beer, smirking, "hell yeah. I don't know who bought these fireworks but we might just get arrested for it." Kirishima chuckles at that, clinking his bottle of beer with yours. "It was Denki and Todoroki who bought it," he states, nearly spitting out your beer. "What? Todoroki?- No, seriously?"
"I'm serious!" He laughs, gulping down his bottle. Mina suddenly appears, tugging at Kirishima's sleeve, "c'mon, let's light the red firework! And I'll see you later on tonight when the party ends, (Y/N)," Mina exclaims, winking at you before dragging off helpless Kirishima. You smile, turning to see Sero and Tokoyami. You snort, cocking a brow at the bird headed man, "didn't take you to be such a drinker, Toko." He grumbles, finishing whatever 4th bottle that night. Sero laughs, a little hazy. "I only drank two! This man is still low-key sobEr," he burps, making you physically recoil and burst out in a cackle. He follows along just as you get dragged into the group Midoriya and Bakugou was in.
You all watch in amazement as fireworks go off, red beautiful ones splattering across the sky and ones that looked like stars or flowers loomed over your faces.
"Let's play Spin The Bottle!" You surprisingly hear Iida suggest with a robotic voice. You share a look with Jirou, 'he is so obviously doing it for Momo,' you both think.
Fireworks nearly deafen your ears as others blow up in the distance, a bottle of beer set in the center of the circle of your old classmates formed in. "Les'gooo," Midoriya burps, "is that alcohol?" You exclaim, laughing when a fat glass bottle of red fireball appears in Hagakure's hands. Starting with Todoroki, of course, he spins the bottle and it lands on... Sero? You make a 'pfft' sound.
They take a shot of the fireball and hug each other like the men they are, Kirishima nodding his head in approval. Now it was Midoriya's turn... who landed on Uraraka. The girls chitter and blush when they see the two flustered and nervous. They shared a quick peck, nonetheless. Now it was Bakugou's, that landed between you and.. Kirishima. "Hey- no! It's-" you cut off with a laugh, "it's leaning towards you, see?!" "No, you!! I don't wanna share a kiss with a man, you go!"
"Alright, shut your trap! One of you just come over here, you damn idiots!" Bakugou raises his voice in annoyance, tapping his foot. He was sort of nervous. You sighed in defeat before crawling your way over to Bakugou, alcohol and beer intoxicating the air and your breaths. You hear a bunch of 'oooo's when you spread apart his connected knees. You lean in agonizingly slow as a joke, of course; you really didn't expect Bakugou to grab your head and roughly smash his lips against yours. Sure, it sort of turned you on but you had to be real, it's Bakugou for gods sake. No way.
You both disconnect with a loud smooch, falling on your butt as he glares down at you with a small smirk. "Shit, whatever," you mutter, crawling back to your place next to cheerful Kirishima.
It was now your turn to light up the fireworks... but you had a hard time trying to switch the lighter on. "Fuck (Y/N)!" Oijiro explains, Sato immediately running away when he thinks you've switched it on. "Fuuck- okay, somebody hand me a shot of fireball!" You shout to the group of adults, biting your tongue down in concentration as you try your best to emit flames from the mechanical object. Immediately, Koda comes carefully rushing to your side with a shot, immediately downing it and setting the glass shot in his hands. He immediately runs away just as you light it up.
"Go, go, go!" You rush Oijiro who's already dashing until you fall on your own two feet. You couldn't get up. Not when you were drunk and delirious, too far in the alcohol invested in your brain as you lay on the floor. "(Y/N)! You dumbass, MOVE!!" Mina jumps up and down as her anxiety spikes. Midoriya immediately rushes to you and carries you on his back, sighing in relief when the firework explode and emits into a beautiful scenery.
"Oops," you burp, earning a shaking head of disapproval from Midoriya. "Fuckin' dumbass," Denki laughs with Oijiro. You bark back at him, punching at the air and squirm on Midoriya's back.
"M-Midoriya," Iida calls out with a drink of alcohol in his hand, his arm wrapped around drunk Momo. "Why aren't you drinking anything? Aren't you h-having fffun?" He slurs, taking another sip from his plastic red cup. Midoriya chuckles, only just a tad bit tipsy. "Well somebody's gotta drive you people home, right?' Iida laughs, blushing into a deeper shade of red when Momo starts to kiss him on his pulse. "Yes! Of- of course! Now if you'll excuse me-" Iida drags Momo off to who knows where, earning an eye roll from Midoriya.
You roll your eyes back as your head polls to the side, resting your head on whoever's shoulder that was next to you. "I love you guys," you say, loud enough for your old classmates to hear.
"Aww! I love you too, (Y/N)!"
"That's sweet, we love you too!"
"I agree."
"Je t'aime!"
"We... love you too..!"
"Aww, shucks..."
You hear someone click their tongue beside you, leaning their head onto yours, "sure, idiot." Well. You hear more fireworks go off, bright colors illuminating your faces. You'll accept that for now. But now, you were just so happy. You were glad you were with the people you loved and cared about.
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a/n: I was going to post this in the morning yesterday... But my phone got locked in a trunk of my car along with the keys... but I got it out! But um.. late post.. And back onto hiatus!
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ace-touya · 5 months
Top 10 mha characters I think are underrated
10 - Mustard. I love mustard, I know there’s a group of people who love mustard, but there’s not enough content of him for the rest of the fandom to love him too. If anyone has any mustard headcanons, throw them at me. Right now.
9 - the girls of class 1-A. The only reason they’re at 9 is because, out of everyone on here they’re probably the least underrated. But I swear we’re sleeping on all of them. Putting them individually would take up too many spaces but each and every single one of these girls own my heart.
8 - Monoma. He’s low down just because I know why hes underrated and it’s because his character depth was stolen from him. But he’s so interesting!
7 - Magne. Because I’m mainly in the LOV part of the fandom I do see a lot of Magne but still not as much as I would like. Please talk to me about Magne. Actually talk to me about everyone on here.
6 - Tokoyami. Need i say more? They’re so cool. I have so many headcanons about this funky bird guy. And the RELATIONSHIPS with this guy. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow!! Tokoyami and Izuku!! Tokoyami and Shoji!!! Tokoyami and Tsu!! Tokoyami and Hawks!!!!
5 - Geten. The only MLA character I actually care about honestly. I hate the rest of them, but Geten intrigues me. What is his connection to the rest of the Himura family? How did he end up where he is? Personally I like to think Rei has a sibling and Geten’s their child. I wanna know other people’s theories though! Also the fact he’s really quite young, especially compared to the other MLA members
4 - Tenya Iida. Lawful good class rep guy goes on a feral arc and plots revenge and people don’t talk about him?? Simultaneously a nerd and a jock?? Has an amazing big brother who I also adore?? The family drama with this guy. The body horror with him ripping out his own mufflers that one time. Like. Can we please talk about him more.
3 - Recovery Girl. Where would we be without this woman let’s be real with ourselves. She’s the only one with sense I fear. I’d like to think Izuku is pretty close to her now.
2 - Overhaul. I know there is an overhaul demographic out there however I am worried that they just find him hot. The way his relationship with Eri is just projection??? His connections to Tomura and AFO????
1 - Present Mic. People don’t understand him like I do okay. Please I’m begging he’s so much more than Just There Because Aizawa Is. I ship EraserMic SO MUCH but I NEED you to give him his personality back. Especially in rooftop trio stuff, he gets erased so much and people act like it’s just Oboro and Aizawa.
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stillness-in-green · 1 year
On Heteromorphs & Heteromorphobia (Arcs VI - X , Hero Killer to Provisional License Exam)
(This post will also cover the bonus chapter “Tsuyu's Ribbity Diary.”)
Thank you all for your amazing response to last week's post, my goodness! I thought I'd found about all the audience I was likely to get for my harping about heteromorphic discrimination, so I was delighted to see a number of new names!
I do have to warn you all, if you haven't done much looking into my archives, that I'm pretty critical of BNHA these days, especially of the ways it insists on holding up individualistic solutions to problems clearly established as systemic in nature. That will become more apparent when I get into the post-war material, as the endgame is absolutely rotten with it.
This week, though, we'll start by getting out of the school to get a look at signs of and contributors to heteromorphobia in the wider world.
The Vs. Hero Killer Arc (Chapters 45-59)
Chapter 45:
Mina’s preferred alias, Alien Queen, in reference to the Xenomorph queen from the Aliens franchise, is turned down by Midnight.  The reason for this is never made especially clear.  Class 1-B gets away with a number of villainous or monstrous hero names, like Phantom Thief and Gevaudan, violent ones like Battle Fist, even an animal reference in Jack Mantis.  But Mina, for whatever reason, gets pushed towards the indescribably twee Pinky instead.  Does Midnight the R-rated hero not think girls should get to have hero names with some edge?  Surely not; her entire persona is based on titillation.  Length is clearly not a factor, given that Midnight personally approves Can’t Stop Twinkling. I don’t know exactly what went down here (from a Watsonian perspective, that is; the Doylist guesses are readily apparent and all eyeroll-inducing), so I will simply point out that a non-baseline gal wanted to name herself after a famous monster with acidic blood and was pressured into going with something cutesy based on her skin color instead.  Bakugou’s choice gets turned down as well,[1] but he actually has “murder,” like, right there in the name; Alien Queen is quite roundabout by comparison!
Chapter 48: 
Introduction of Uwabami, the Pro Hero gal with the head snakes.  She’s a bit of a weird case.  Given that all we know she does is find hidden people using the snakes’ keen senses, do they have some self-awareness that makes them able to communicate with her—a case somewhat like Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, perhaps?  Does she just tap into their senses at will rather than being able to speak to them?  Or are they rather just extensions of herself, with no particular consciousness of their own, and they function like what must be a fairly dizzying array of extra-sensory perception that she receives at all times?     Whatever the case, she’s a model and celebrity, and thus our first clear example of a heteromorph who doesn’t seem to suffer for her looks. Her looks are, of course, quite accentuated, given that her hero costume is a low-cut evening dress with a slit in the side up to her hip.  Other than the hair-serpents, she’s a baseline woman who checks all the boxes for modern beauty standards; she will serve in this fashion as a good predictor of other highly ranked heteromorphic Heroes.
Chapter 51+55:
Endeavor, as will be made clear in Chapter 55, doesn’t really have any idea what the Noumu’s deal is.  As far as he knows, it’s just like any other villain—and yet in Chapter 51, he opens up with an attack that bathes the Noumu in flame anyway, and comments in 55 that he’s never known anyone to remain conscious after such an attack.  While I think this mostly speaks to the general brutality with which villains are treated by heroes—much different from standard police practice in real-life Japan!—it’s nonetheless notable that the Noumu he attacked with such casual ferocity certainly doesn’t look very baseline to the casual eye, between the exposed brain, the significant height, and the crawling movement.
Chapter 56:
Midoriya is startled by Chief Tsuragamae’s “woof” interjections.  He doesn’t comment on it out loud, so I’m not inclined to hold it against him (not like someone else I’m about to bring up), but it wouldn't be the first time he’s come across this kind of vocalization: Tsuyu makes ribbit noises pretty frequently.    
Tsuragamae notes that the authorization of a certain class of people, called “heroes,” to weaponize their quirks against others was initially a heavily criticized decision, one which only garnered public support because those original heroes were careful to always obey the laws dictating the circumstances in which they used their quirks.  He goes on to say, of using one’s quirk to inflict harm without explicit instruction from the powers-that-be, “Such action would represent a stunning breach of law.”  Like Thirteen before him, he completely omits any mention of how such laws disproportionately affect heteromorphs, who can’t turn off a permanent physical trait, and, particularly in cases of people whose entire bodies are divergent, have little choice in whether or not to use their quirk in any sort of physical altercation that might lead to harm.    
Shouto, angry over what he perceives as punishment for a good deed, calls Tsuragamae a mutt.  The chief doesn’t react particularly strongly to this, but as the chief of police, you have to imagine he’s pretty used to the slings and arrows of public opinion.  The incident passes without comment, but it will not be the last time we hear a Todoroki derisively referring to another human being as an animal.
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There are some sweatdrops and exhortations to get the kid to cool it, but those were ongoing before the animal words came out.
Chapter 57: 
Gran Torino notes that the age they live in, for better or for worse, is one of suppression, and that the situation with Stain and the League will draw people out who are influenced by that ideology.  Gran doesn’t elaborate on exactly what sorts of people he has in mind—All Might says only, “Then heroes will deal with them,”—but it’s an early hint that there are people in this society who feel unjustly suppressed.  Crucially, Gran Torino doesn’t even necessarily think those people are wrong; he just thinks it’s a necessary evil.  But what, exactly, is it that he’s grudgingly accepting as inevitable for the sake of maintaining the status quo?  And how might his circumstances need to differ for him to have a different opinion?    
In Chapter 27, we learned that producing support goods requires a government license; here we find out, courtesy of Giran, that dealing in and producing support goods without such a license is a major crime.  So if you, for any reason, failed that “rigorous examination” to get cleared for support goods for quality-of-life reasons, you’re unlikely to find someone who’ll just provide them to you out of sympathy provided you keep quiet about where you got them.  Instead, you have little choice but to turn to black market brokers—all because the government doesn’t think your quirk is affecting you negatively enough to qualify you for support equipment.     Again, this isn’t specifically about heteromorphs, but someone having an emitter quirk they can’t control well who needs the support item because they are choosing to pursue a career requiring them to learn that control is a very different case than someone who needs government support because of an immutable, always-on physical trait.    
This chapter contains the first appearances of both Gigantomachia and Spinner, both fairly extreme heteromorphs: Machia for his size and rocky hide, and Spinner for animal traits considerably more prominent than e.g. Tokoyami’s bird head or even Tsuyu’s conglomeration of mildly froggy traits.  Indeed, Spinner’s heteromorphic traits are so much more prominent than something like Jirou’s earlobes that it hardly seems accurate to even categorize their bodies the same way.    
The sidebar for Daikaku Miyagi, the anchorman with the quirk that gave him two big horns who amputated one so that it would be less in the way during newscasts and other things that required there to be a camera on him.  This in and of itself wouldn’t necessarily be notable, save that the same extra goes on to describe how the decision garnered some backlash from “a certain human rights group” who said that decisions like his fostered discrimination and were linked to the rejection of quirk-based society on the whole.  Horikoshi further notes that he enjoys thinking about the lives and stories behind minor characters—even this far back, then, three and a half years before the introduction of the CRC, we have concrete evidence that the author was thinking about quirk-based discrimination and the politicization of heteromorphic features.
Chapter 59: 
All Might drops some exposition about the Advent of the Exceptional, during which we see an image of a crowd full of implied-quirkless people holding up signs proclaiming their humanity and the monstrosity of those with quirks.  Conversely, three of the four quirked people we see have obvious physical divergence from baseline human appearance.  So from early on, that “monster” turn of phrase was heavily associated with changes in the physical appearances of those with special abilities.  Later on, the PLF advisor at the hospital will tie these two things together explicitly.
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The Final Exams Arc (Chapters 60-69)
Chapter 61:
Ectoplasm’s character sheet.  The teeth are creepy no matter which way you cut it, but they look much more profoundly unsettling when they’re right there on his unmasked face, as opposed to behind a black cowl, where you can let your eye fool you that they are in some way part of its design.  His hero costume, naturally, includes the cowl, but his daily clothes do not—I wonder if he ever tried to have a gentle talk with Shouji about why Shouji wears the mask even in his downtime?  I wonder even more how much the teaching staff in general, and Nedzu and Aizawa specifically, actually know about Shouji’s history.     o It’s also noted that Ecloplasm looks scary, but has received continued support after coming back to the job after losing both legs in a fight with a villain—we see this same pattern with Jeanist after Kamino.  No word on how regular his support was before the traumatic double limb loss, though.
Chapter 66: 
Nedzu, we find, was “toyed with by humans in all sorts of ways in the past.”  Nothing we know about him suggests that he has any particular longevity, but his dynamic with Endeavor,[2] many chapters down the line, does suggest to me that he was at least on the staff when with Endeavor was at UA some thirty years ago.  Thirty years is within the span of All Might’s career, well after society began to stabilize with the formalization of the Hero System.  And yet, despite that, a sentient being, one with human—above human!—intelligence, was mistreated badly enough that he bears a grudge to this day.  Nedzu is, again, not in precisely the same situation as a human heteromorph, but he serves as an indicator of what humans have, even in the age of heroes, been willing to do to those they think of as “animals.”    
A shot of Koda and his mother, who look much alike.  Interestingly, the biggest difference in their appearance is that she has horn-like protrusions that her son lacks.  We’re a long way from the first quirk evolutions, and even farther from Koda’s quirk evolution, but we will later see Koda’s mother specifically tie those horns to her animal communication quirk becoming more powerful.  This makes for another good piece of evidence towards Horikoshi having a grasp of heteromorphobia from early on, as the evidence is pretty good that Koda-mama got those horns as a result of a quirk evolution of her own, and those don’t happen under normal, non-stressful circumstances.  More on Koda’s parents in a bit, as they're a pretty stand-out case in another way that isn’t immediately apparent here.
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Can we call it foreshadowing for Koda defending Shouji at the hospital that Koda is wearing the same scarf as the main character in Horikoshi's Oumagadoki Zoo? Hmm. I'll leave that one to codenamesazanka.
Chapter 67: 
A flashback panel to Mineta’s days in middle school.  While I don’t doubt that there are P L E N T Y of reasons Mineta would be unpopular with the girls in his class, it is nonetheless notable that the popular boy getting showered with attention is perfectly baseline, while Mineta and his friends are not.
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Note also that the cute heteromorph girl has long-ish ears and no other obvious divergent features.
Chapter 68: 
Shouji and Iida are specifically called out to at the mall, trying to attract them as customers with claims that whichever storefront employee is hailing them can help them find anything they need.  Midoriya mutters to himself about the difficulties of catering to everyone, given the many different types of quirks scattered across multiple age groups.    
Crowd scenes at the mall show scattered numbers of heteromorphs, a somewhat higher number than usual for such civilian crowd scenes.  The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall is noted for being the biggest and trendiest in the prefecture, with a variety that attracts lots and lots of people, so perhaps it’s no surprise to see somewhat more heteromorphs than usual there.
The Forest Training Camp Arc (Chapters 70-83)
Chapter 70: 
Introduction of the Wild Wild Pussycats.  A team of three Emitters and a Transformation-type, none of them in the slightest heteromorphic (give or take Tiger’s permanent :3 mouth), they nonetheless theme themselves after cats, including fake tails, big costume paw gloves, and cat-ear-esque headsets.  It’s cute and unobjectionable in and of itself, but I do wonder what people like e.g. Officer Sansa think of it.
Chapter 71: 
Shouji is missing from the hot springs scene.  It doesn’t hugely stand out in the moment because Aoyama and Sero aren’t there either, but it does read a bit differently with the benefit of hindsight.  Given the strong possibility that Aoyama is off doing Traitor Activities and Shouji is avoiding any possibility of having to torpedo the hot springs fun-times with an explanation of that time he was savagely beaten by people in his hometown right in an open street, it kinda leaves Sero as the only one who maybe just skipped for normal reasons, like that hot springs would gunk up his tape or something.
Chapter 73: 
Bakugou addresses Ojiro as “Tail”—referring to him by his heteromorphic trait.  He’s not even particularly angry at the moment; he’s just still nursing a grudge about Todoroki’s underwhelming performance in their Sports Festival match and wants to swap partners for the Test of Courage.  Early Bakugou is very much a “judge a person by their quirk” sort.    
Pixie Bob ushers Tsuyu and Ochaco into the woods for their turn at the Test of Courage by referring to the latter as Uraraka-kitty and the former as Ribbit-kitty.[3]  While in the English, this reads as a baseline woman in a cat costume referring to the heteromorphic student by her animal-themed verbal tic and the baseline student by her actual name, uraraka is a fairly onomatopoeic way to say bright and cheerful.  I would guess that Pixie Bob is probably referring to Ochaco’s personality here, which makes it somewhat less egregious.  It won’t be the last time someone refers to Tsuyu via the frog sound instead of her name, though.
Chapter 75:
Mandalay telepathically compliments Spinner, calling him both cool and handsome.  While I doubt he’s the only person in the world who’d react the way he does—he blushes, gets flustered, and missteps, giving Mandalay an opportunity to attack him—the moment does get some new context when you consider how everyone called him “the lizard freak” in his hometown.  Approximately zero people calling him cool and handsome back there, one imagines!  Having it immediately turn out to be a ploy likely informs some of the outraged anger in his response.
Chapter 81: 
Mandalay points out that Spinner never used his quirk during their combat, implying that she doesn’t think just his lizard-like appearance or his claws “count.”  Chalk another one up to the classification problems of “heteromorph” as a descriptive term.  This will turn out to rather neatly illustrate one of the issues I’ve been talking about with regard to the way heteromorphs are unfairly disadvantaged by the current laws about public quirk use.  Remember, a “Villain” is someone using their quirk illegally.  So if Mandalay doesn’t think Spinner used a quirk here, and since he has no record, why does he get categorized as a Villain instead of just a garden variety criminal?     Now, one could say that by associating with the League of Villains, Spinner is rather claiming the designation for himself, and we don’t know how the legal system will technically classify him, when and if he ever actually faces trial.  To that, I would say to hold the thought, because Skeptic will eventually back me up on the, “Heteromorphs are unfairly targeted by Villain designations,” claim all but word for word.    
BONUS CHAPTER 1: Tsuyu’s Ribbety Diary
We meet Tsuyu’s family, all various froggy types.  They’re a cute family, but the husband and wife both being froggy kind of raises some questions about pressures that might exist about marrying your same “type,” or at least refraining from marrying anyone too obviously not.  I’d be more willing to wave it off if not for two things.      First, we get the same sort of scenario from Spinner’s character sheet, that his is “a family full of reptilian quirks.”  Second, there are very few romances in the series between someone close to “baseline” and someone with a more extreme heteromorphic appearance.  The most obvious, clear-cut, canonical example is Koda’s parents—his dad has slightly weird hair but is otherwise entirely baseline; we see him defending his wife from other peoples’ mockery.  That, of course, is a single panel limited to a flashback inside a flashback, so not exactly very visible to the reader!  The next-most significant one I can come up with is Natsuo and his mouse girlfriend, who has likewise been seen in one (1) panel, had no dialogue, and whose appearance and identity were so incidental the anime deleted her entirely.     Who’s next?  Well, if you assume all those No Comments from Kamui Woods and Mount Lady about their relationship are indicative of a relationship between them, they’d be another, though we don’t actually know what Shinji actually looks like under his mask, only the implication that it’s divergent enough that he prefers to cover his face.  Next up on my tally would be Thief Takami and Tomie, but since the sum total of Takami’s animal traits are tiny little elbow wings, you can see how fast the drop-off is there.     Compare this to the number of pairings/families we have between people of like type: Bakugou’s parents, Iida’s, Jirou’s, Aoyama’s, Tsuyu’s, Ochaco’s, Shouto’s, Toga’s, Spinner’s, and Tomura’s whole family on both sides.      Then you get the ship-teasy stuff that’s more about crushes, people dating, or hints that are perceived as pointing towards epilogue romances: Deku and Ochaco, Jirou and Kaminari, Shindo and Yo, Gentle and La Brava, Miss Joke’s flirting with Aizawa, and Toga’s variety of crushes (among which Tsuyu is the most distant from Toga’s own body type).[4]  I think Kirishima and Mina are right on that borderline, with Mina having a normal body type but a collection of minor but highly visible divergent traits.     So like, the vast, vast majority of the romantic relationships in the show are between relatively baseline people.  In that context, it sticks out like a sore thumb to me that Tsuyu and Spinner are both explicitly said to have the same type of animal heteromorph quality on both sides of their family tree.  It’s not an incest concern or anything, just that I wonder what the pressure is on cross-type couples, or what social circles look like post-graduation.    
Two classmates talk about how it’s hard to tell what Tsuyu is thinking; one of them says, with her eyes hooded and a kind of cool expression, “That expression of hers never changes.  Maybe ‘cuz she’s a frog?”    
Tsuyu tells us that she never really made any friends; while some of this may simply be because Tsuyu didn’t have much time to socialize, between hero training and looking after her family, it’s also true that all of her classmates that we see have baseline appearances.    
This lasts until she starts getting stalked by a snake-headed heteromorph girl named Mangusu Habuko—a fellow loner.  Tsuyu is initially frightened by Habuko’s behavior, but has an intuitive sense for what the deal is, that Habuko wants to be friends but is awkward and doesn’t know how to broach it.    
When asked if she wants to be friends, Habuko flips out.  She calls herself treacherous and untrustworthy; she calls Tsuyu a foolish frog and says she must be joking, and that she should choose her friends more carefully. She then immediately dissolves into tears.  Somehow, I doubt all this self-loathing about her innate nature manifested out of thin air!    
The Hideout Raid Arc (Chapters 84-97)
Something that’s observable throughout this arc is that we’re in another sequence, like the Sports Festival, where the percentage of people with heteromorphic features in the crowd shots tends to run a bit higher than the norm of the series to date.  Unlike the Sports Festival, though, these crowds are just civilians, not heroes.  So what’s the difference between Kamino and the earlier on-the-street crowd scenes?     Well, the neighborhood the Noumu warehouse is in is a somewhat rougher area.  Part of the visual shorthand for that is people in edgier clothes, stuff that’s indicative of districts with bars, clubs, sleazy hangout spots, and so forth, but another shorthand is an increased number of heteromorphs.
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These panels are respectively from Chapters 87 and 92.
Chapter 87:
The character sheet for Kamui Woods notes that the story of his early childhood is “grand and compelling,” and that his story was made into a documentary.  That, to me, has Inspiring True Story written all over it.  Probably not coincidentally, Kamui Woods is another character whose face we’ve never seen.  As more pointing in the direction of him having a childhood marked by severe discrimination, he’s not sure of his age—it’s given as “29 since he started counting.”  So was he abandoned as an infant for his weird face?  I could come up with other explanations, all equally over the top (extreme confinement, for example, that left him unable to properly mark the passage of time), but the fact that he can’t e.g. look up a birth certificate for himself suggests that whatever went so wrong for him, it happened very early.     …Though I suppose there’s the possibility that he’s not human, but rather a tree that manifested a quirk.  As documentary-worthy origins go, though, that feels less Inspiring True Story and more Educational Biopic About Rare Phenomenon.    
The Provisional Hero License Exam Arc (Chapters 98-121)
Chapter 99: 
Shouji’s room is shown, all but barren.  He says that he doesn’t care much about owning things, but knowing what we come to know about his history, it’s easy to wonder if he really doesn’t care about owning things or if this is rooted in a childhood in which it was believed that anything he touched would be polluted.  Not a situation that led to him being given much of his own, one suspects!
Chapter 103:
This chapter introduces Yokumiru Mera, from the HPSC, who gives an opening statement that has some very interesting ruthlessness lurking in its subtext.  Particularly relevant to our current topic is his comment that in the modern era, the time it takes to resolve a given incident is incredibly short, so the test that year will be prioritizing speed.  Prioritizing speed (wouldn’t want some other hero to get the metaphorical kill first, after all!) is a surefire way to guarantee that heroes are not taking the time to really examine all factors in a situation or make any attempts whatsoever at calm, considered de-escalation, but rather are just making snap judgements based on their biases and gut reactions.  Guess what group of people that’s going to disproportionately impact?        o Now, it’s notable that Mera says the test prioritizes speed, but the conclusion many others come to is that the test only pretends to do so; that actually, it prioritizes care and information gathering.  Indeed, we find a few chapters later that the actual priority is teamwork, as requested by police higher-ups—the idea is to fill in the gap left behind by All Might with hero squads that work well together.[5]   However, while the intention may be to gather those good at teamwork, it certainly doesn’t stop people like Shouto and Inasa from cruising through—and, in any case, whether the groups learn teamwork or not doesn’t take away from an HPSC rep telling them to their face that speed of incident resolution is one of the most important things to a modern hero and never following that up with any kind of amendment or clarification.
Chapter 107:
Introduces the HUC, or Help Us Company, professionals trained to act as victims in disaster rescue exercises.  Given that context—what they’re communicating to students training to understand what “victims” look and act like—it’s extremely worth examining what they, well, look like.
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God, this is so Yikes.
And having asked that question, we find that the only people in this group that might not be baseline—the ones with short, childlike statures—are dressed to emphasize that stature.  The end effect is a crowd of “victims” with not a single heteromorphic representative.
Chapter 109:
Shiketsu’s class rep, Mora Nagamasa—the extremely hairy one—approaches Bakugou to extend an apology for Shishikura’s behavior during the exam.  It’s noticeable here that, having matured somewhat since Early Series Bakugou, and having been approached in downtime in a reasonable manner, Bakugou manages to refrain from coming up with any demeaning nicknames centered on Mora’s appearance.  Kirishima remarks internally on all the hair, but only internally; he’s much too polite to say anything out loud.
Chapter 110:
A big splashy introduction for the man ranked #3 in the Heroes Who Look Like Villains ranking, Gang Orca.  He’s at the test to play villain and is, just as noticeably as all the play-victims are baseline, a heteromorph.  At the time of his introduction, he’s ranked Number 10 in the Hero Rankings, but will be bumped out later on.  This does, however, make him the highest-ranked known heteromorph who doesn’t have a human face,[6] with the possible exception of Kamui Woods—who, like Shouji, covers it with a mask.
Gang Orca’s character sheet notes that, while he’s a popular guest at aquariums, his intimidating face and “stony personality” always result in weepy children.  He apparently finds this relatively upsetting (“lots of angst”) but, unlike Shouji or Kamui Woods, has not taken to wearing a mask, nor trying to tone down his personality on any level—to the contrary, Present Mic suggests much later on that he exaggerates it.
Next time, I'll cover from the Shie Hassaikai arc through the end of Joint Training. Thanks for reading!
--------------------- FOOTNOTES ---------------------
[1] Initially.  He sticks to his guns long enough that he gets away with it in the end, though.
[2] The big tell is that Nedzu addresses Endeavor as Todoroki-kun rather than Todoroki-san or simply by his hero name, but his observation that Todoroki-kun has “matured” (literally in the Japanese, “become an adult”) doesn’t hurt, either.
[3] Kerokero neko and Uraraka neko.
[4] You can get further out there with this, but by the time you get to e.g. Shouto and Momo or Ojiro and Hagakure, the ice is definitely getting thinner on whether you’re seeing groundwork for future wedding bells or just reasonably close male/female friendship.  Your mileage may vary depending on how tightly attached your shipping goggles are or how cynical you are about shounen authors’ tendencies towards timeskip marriages.  Also, I can’t be bothered to dig up and list out the crushes or shipping patterns among the Class B kids. Koroiro likes the mushroom gal?
[5] Note that Mera phrases this as being merely a stopgap until they find the next All Might.  The HPSC is not so eager to change the methods they’ve come to rely on over the last thirty some-odd years!
[6] We don’t know enough for me to say for sure whether Wash is a heteromorph.
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jazziesanura · 6 months
Silent Electric
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Katsuki Bakugo, Hitoshi Shinso, {Y/N}
Pairing: Shinkami + GN Reader
Summary: Hyper Denki has moments of silence and unexpected prowess throughout the years.
Word Count: 8,228
Warnings: Fluff, mental angst, Katsuki is a meanie tsundere, he's nice though, promise, character comfort, poly couple, insomnia much?, pop culture, Spider-man?, Jojo reference??!, Prince
A/N: I've been listening to Prince a ton lately and a big BIG part of me was like, hm, Denki likes American things, he plays guitar, hm. He'd probably admire The High Priest of Funk and his amazing guitar solos. And one thing led to another and here we are.
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There are only a few times when Denki Kaminari is silent.
After their concert in U.A, it was difficult for him to put his guitar down. It was his hyper-fixation for months and soon became his hobby before he realized it himself. Kyoka and Fumikage taught him the basics and exposed him to genres he'd never experienced. In turn, he constantly pestered them daily to show them his steady growth.
"Hey, hey Fumi-! You've got to check this out. Am I doing this right?" Denki would say, demonstrating a few notes on the strings with his tongue stuck out in scattered concentration. "These first few shifts around have got my fingers all jumbled, Kyo, but gosh it sounds so pretty. I've got it now though, see?" His cheeks would be rosy as he rambled and the moment his fingers began to fly along the strings, all of that would shut down.
His grin would turn into a lax smile as he would present to them a cover of Roundabout, by Yes. It was obvious he had practiced, but no one was ever perfect. From time to time, Denki's fingers would pluck the wrong note, but he'd continue on.
"All your hard work is really paying off”. Kyoka would say, pinching his cheek. "If you keep up like this, you'll surpass me."
"I'll say," Fumikage would chuckle, ruffling his feathers. "How long did it take you?"
Denki's mouth would open to answer, but Fumikage continued.
"Until you finished listening to it on loop," Fumikage would add with a knowing blink of his eyes.
"Most of the day actually. Oh, you think I'll have enough time to study for our exams? I completely forgot, dammiiit." Denki would throw his head back with a groan.
Katsuki would be the first to say, "You blabber too much, Dunceface. Use your only two brain cells and think for two goddamn minutes, tsk. Get your damn priorities straight."
He means well, honest. He's bad at conveying it. His finger often jabs between Denki's brows when he tends to make obvious mistakes that take only a few minutes to analyze.
“Look, meet me at my room in ten minutes.” Katsuki’s finger would emphasize the time with another poke to Denki’s forehead. “Ten minutes. So don't be fuckin' late. We’ll do a cram study session. If you’re gonna be a pro hero one of these days, you’ve got to keep your grades up.” He would turn his face away from the group. “I’m not letting any of ya fall behind.”
Denki’s mouth opened and closed, struck speechless. A grin plastered on his face as he practically tackles Katsuki to the ground.
“Ehehe, I knew I could count on you, Kacchan.”
“Ugh, would you quit callin’ me that for fuck’s sake.”
This is not to say that Denki is incapable of processing situations--he's smarter than he looks, graduating as one of the highest ranking in his class. As a pro hero, fans, villains, and his classmates especially have come to point out when Denki is in the zone.
“What?” A villain would jeer. “You’re too good to play around with me anymore, freak~?”
Denki would meet the villain’s words with silence, his eyes flick to each side of the street. No pedestrians, he could go all out now. A punch would fly to his cheek, knocking him down to the concrete. With the searing pain, Denki would wobble in an attempt to find his balance. In return, his hand would clamp down on the villain’s shoulder, tilting his head to the side with a lopsided grin.
In times like these no thunderclap sounded when Chargebolt strikes.
When the villain crashes to the ground jittering from the numbing pulse of electricity, he would pout and speak aloud to himself. “Aww, maan. I forgot to say the line like Miles Morales. This is the second time now. Had it all planned out and everything. Eheh, at least no one saw.”
That afternoon, Chargebolt’s shoulder touch take down was trending on the internet by his fanbase where they gushed proudly about their cute blonde hero and his sugary sweet, boyish grin.
“He’s so careful.”
“When I see his smile I know that I am safe.”
“Whoever marries him one day will be so freaking lucky ahfahgaahf”
“Chargebolt, the number five hero!”
“Teehee, he was trying to mimic the American hero.”
But then, that's only what the public sees.
Behind closed doors, Denki is in a poly relationship with Hitoshi Shinso and {Y/N}. He found it oh so difficult to not show them both off, but he understood that their privacy was the most important thing they had. Hitoshi would often return home from a long night’s patrol to find Denki wide awake, propped on his guitar, gazing down at his phone--the soft blue light illuminating his face as {Y/N}’s head laid on his thigh.
“What’re you both still doing up?” Hitoshi’s voice would collide with the sounds of the performance blasting through the speakers. {Y/N} turned to him with a sleepy chirp, too comfortable to move.
“Waiting for you, Tosh.” {Y/N} said as Hitoshi drew near to them both, gently cradling the top of their head, watching as he planted a kiss on Denki’s head. Hitoshi’s eyes would look Denki up and down as the young man made no response to his affection. He raises a brow and looks down at {Y/N} for an answer, at least they were communicating with him. “You don’t recognize the song?” They’d say with a soft giggle, pressing their cheek further against Hitoshi’s hand. “He’s watching Prince’s guitar solo again.”
Hitoshi’s eyes shift to look over Denki’s shoulder, slowly recognizing the video playing. He’d chuckle, shaking his head in amusement, echoing {Y/N}. “Again. That time of the month, hm.”
“You know he’s obsessed with His Royal Badness.” {Y/N} gently tickled Denki’s side with their fingertips, smiling at the sound of his giggle.
“{Y/N}, babee~” He’d whine between laughter. “I’m trying not to miss it, come, come, look!”
Both of his lovers would lean in close to Denki’s sides as he pointed down at his phone.
“See, see, there, right there! His guitar defies even gravity.” He’d sigh in pure awe as if he'd never seen it before .
“There’s got to be a string or something.” Hitoshi would squint, rewinding the video again. “That or someone caught it.”
“Oh, don’t kill the magic being so critical, Toshi.” Denki speaks with a teasing voice, nearly bridging seriousness. “He’s magic, his fingers are magic. If he didn’t want his guitar to fall back down to the ground, well--it didn’t. She's floating around somewhere maybe.” His nod would be firm, awfully sure of himself. Then he would disappear in front of them once again, lost in the strings of his own guitar. Hitoshi and {Y/N} spare each other a knowing glance before looking at their partner in silent adoration. He sat there in the middle of them both, comfortable without a word on his lips as he filled the silence trying to copy the legendary musician, Prince.
Minutes would turn into hours and Denki was still at it, groaning more and more as he could never get it exactly right. Hitoshi would gently clear his throat to remind him of their sleeping lover that was curled up at his side.
“I don’t get what I’m doin’ wrong, Beau.” His hands hold his face as his hair fans around his face, staring down at his phone. Denki sighs and props his chin on the base of his guitar, slumping over. “I wish I was talented like him…”
Hitoshi’s brows furrow tight. He sounded perfectly fine to him, each note sounded like it was wailing with the pain of someone who had been vastly hurt, and the years of practice had him on par in ways that he considered talented. Hitoshi sets aside his homemade mug that {Y/N} had made for him with a low hum.
“Have you ever made something of your own?”
Denki’s golden eyes flick upward and it was his turn to furrow his brows and his nose. When Hitoshi doesn’t further press on with his question it leaves Denki with the chance to analyze himself. He knew the reason why his fingers would fumble whenever he played music he knew by heart. He’d been battling with himself to branch off in ways that he knew would work just as well as the original piece and staying true to what was already considered perfect. Denki twirls his plectrum between his fingers, staring into the eyes of the late musician, Prince. It felt like he was staring right back at him.
“I-...” Denki bites down on his bottom lip, not having realized that he was quiet for ten minutes now, passing his fingers over the strings to keep his hands busy. Even still, Hitoshi’s eyes never drifted away from his boyfriend-gentle and patient. “I never--is it silly to say that I thought--no, no, that I think I’m not good enough to make anything of my own? It’s already wild to me that I’ve even gotten so high in the hero ranking. It’s--it’s gotta be impossible for me to be any good at anything else too.”
Hitoshi stands from the other side of the room and sits down beside Denki. His chin tilts down.
“Look at yourself.”
Denki squints his eyes, crinkling his face as he looks at his boyfriend like he was vastly crazy. Hitoshi chuckles and lays a kiss on his cheek.
“Listen to yourself.”
He drops his gaze to his instrument in his arms. His fingers moved on their own, he hadn’t even realized it. The tune floating into his ears was simple and something he didn’t recognize playing before. Just as he began to feel excitement welling in his chest, electricity sparked at his fingertips, scaring him out of his unconscious state.
“That-That was just--that was one time.” Denki sputtered, placing the guitar down quickly as if he’d been burned by it.
Hitoshi hums to himself and turns on his phone to the first app he had opened already. In it were videos of his boyfriend chatting to {Y/N} as they retold their entire day at work. At the beginning of the video {Y/N} shoulders were tense as their face was fiery with annoyed anger. By the end of the video their voice has become softer as their body relaxed like melted butter on the kitchen table. Denki blinks fast as Hitoshi slides to more and more videos of him absentmindedly playing original tunes. When Denki didn't speak, Hitoshi's baritone voice filled the silence, silencing the storm raging in the blond’s mind.
“You're more capable than you think, Kaminari.”
A/N Pt. 2: The songs mentioned, each extensively long like most good songs are in the good old days.
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tonyboneysblog · 5 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: minor character death!
summary: you, the mother of Tokoyami Fumikage, are just a simple nurse! Who has caught the eye of a certain pro.
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your alarm is blaring at 4:00 in the morning, work always has you coming in at weird times.
but you so warm in your bed, the comforters are the just right amount of warmth, the fan is blowing at the perfect speed, and your in the perfect position.
maybe work can wait for at least one day…no people need your there- if you asked for an off day you and someone died you could never forgive yourself.
So you begrudgingly rise from your bed, getting ready for your day.
Washing your face, brushing your teeth, dressing yourself, etc.
You walk out of your room making your way into the kitchen, while on your way you spot Tokoyami on the couch.
“Fumikage?” you say sleepily.
His head peeks up from the couch slowly, “uhm, hi mom..”
“what’re you doing up?”
You sigh, “did you get some sleep at least?”
“Yea I-i did mama, don’t worry.” He scratches at his head.
“We’ll make sure to take a nap at least before you get ready for school…” you ruffle the feathers on the top of his head and kiss his forehead.
Tokoyami yawns, “I’ll see you soon, mama.”
you smile, “Course sweetie…”
You make your way out of the house finally, getting into your car and driving to work.
As you pull in there are multiple ambulances surrounding the hospital, which isn’t unusual but it wakes you up from your tiredness.
Was there an accident? It seems like there’s a lot more than there should be usually…but you didn’t see anything on the news? well you forgot to turn it on.
You walk into the hospital and check in, nurses are going everywhere and nowhere at the same time. What happed anyways?
You can see Emi, your co-worker, run up to you. See seems more stressed than usual…
“Oh y/n, thank the gods your here- t-there was an accident up the street, some building collapsed, and we are almost fully packed.” She says hurriedly.
“Hey, hey calm down. We can handle this okay, Emi?”
“O-okay” she takes a quick deep breath, “You need to be at room D3 at the intensive care unit, they need more hands.”
“Got it, deep breaths okay? I’ll see you later.” You walk away, well that explains why there’s so many people here.
You’ve never really worked at the intensive care unit before but people usually make it back to stability in your hands.
Emi days you have a magical touch, Fumikage says it’s because you’re amazing.
You walk into the intensive care unit, a another nurse, Monika, waves you down to the room.
You hurry in, the patient isn’t in the best shape. doctor starts talking about an emergency surgery.
You sanitize and put your gear on, starting it immediately, you listen when the surgeon calls for a new instrument.
You’re worried, you keep your eye on the monitor- is it supposed to be going down like that?
The surgery continues.
the monitor drops.
“8:17, time of death.”
it hits you like a brick.
Monika pats your back, she basically lives in intensive care. She knows what it’s like.
“There was nothing you could do, there in a better place, okay?” She says trying to comfort you.
You haven’t experienced a death yet while working, which sounds insane since you work all the time but..you’ve never seen it.
you’ve never heard the monitor stop beeping.
You have to continue though- you need too.
You have other people to save so you keep working, that’s what Fumikages father hated about you.
5 dead, 34 injured. That was the count at the end of the day, apparently hero’s were still pulling out body’s from the rumble.
“Take your break, y/n” Monika says.
That’s really the only thing you can do at the moment.
So you sit down next to Emi, her head is in her hands.
“Do you think we did enough?” She says with sorrow in her voice.
“I don’t know.”
Her voice shakes, “That was my first time I saw someone die on the table like that.”
“Yea, mine too.”
“I’m sorry, y/n.” Her voice breaks.
It’s okay thought, all of this just toughens you up! sometimes it haunts your dreams but you always wake up in the end.
You started dreaming it was Fumikage on the table and not just some patient.
it makes you want to vomit.
You hear Monika walking around the corner, she waves.
She hands you a drink, “Here”
“Wish it were alcohol”, you chuckle.
“Well apple juice is all we got, don’t get stuck in your head y/n.”
“Tell that to Emi.” You take a swig of the apple juice.
Monika sits next to Emi and starts talking to her so softly you can’t really pick up on it.
It’s 5:18, you haven’t eaten yet, it’s probably a good time to clock out.
Maybe you’ll go to that new chicken place, Fumikage said it was good.
So you decide to walk there, you don’t really trust yourself to drive at the moment anyways.
It’s close to the hospital so it was an easy walk, your legs ached a little bit and they only ached more at the thought of walking back to your car.
You walk in with a ding from the door, you texted Fumikage on the way to ask for his order.
You look around for a moment then walk up to the counter, ordering you and your sons meals.
They ring it up and give it to you, you sit
down and one of the booths.
You start to eat, re-thinking all of the events of your day until you can hear someone slide into your booth while you’re munching on your food!
You look up to see who would do that, because yknow-boundaries, only to see the bird hero?
“Rough day?” He says with a soft smile.
you sigh, “you don’t even know.”
He giggles, “yea, you look rough Mrs. Nurse.”
you shot him a glare, he just shrugs.
“How’s your kid, U.A. And all that?”
“Ah, he’s doing good, not getting enough sleep though.”
He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head, “no good, needs his beauty rest.”
You smile softly, suppose some hero’s also save people how are just having a rough day.
He focuses, “And how’s the old ball and chain?”
“The what?”
“your…husband?” He says hesitantly.
“Oh!” You laugh, “please haven’t seen him since I was 16.”
He blushes and stammers, “Sorry, I-i just thought..yknow?”
“Thought he’d stay? we were young yknow, he didn’t want my son and I did.”
“sorry to hear that.”
“We always fought anyways so, good riddance I suppose.” You chuckle.
Hawks sneaks away a fry from your bag of food, “We keep meeting, don’t we?”
“Yea, you might be a stalker, Hawks.”
He blushes as his wings puff up, “n-not true!”
you laugh, it’s nice.
This is nice.
You look at the time on your phone, 5:48, you don’t wanna worry Fumikage so-
“Oh gosh, I need to go.” You say in an apologetic voice.
“I can fly you back.”
“I have my own wings, hawks.”
“You look tired.”
“I am, but I have a car I need to take home so-“
“Why drive when you have wings?”
Good question, your wings are actually too small to carry your weight through the sky so there’s not really a point throwing yourself off a roof to see if you actually can.
“You can walk me to my car?”
“great idea, mama bird.”
“Mama bird?”
“Well you’re a mom and I assume that your son has a bird quirk…so.”
I mean he’s correct. The two of you leave the restaurant with the food in tow, making your way to your car.
Hawks wings jitter anxiously though he shows composure, “So, his old man ain’t around?”
“Nah, left right when he found out, haven’t really tried to date since- well I have but yknow.”
“Hard out there for single moms?”
“Yea, it was bad about 4 years ago? Met this guy and he put his hands on Fumikage, called the cops and made sure he stayed far away from him.”
Hawks looks off to the side slightly, lost in thought but only for a moment.
“My car is right here.”
He grins, “Nice car, Mrs nurse.”
“Oh please, it’s Y/N Tokoyami” you chuckle out.
“Got it in my brain.” He points towards his head.
You just laugh and shake your head while getting into your car.
Hawks stands next to your window, “see you again?”
“We keep meeting so probably- how’s your head also?”
“Hm, from what?” He questions.
“The hospital remember? I’m surprised you’re already back on patrol.”
Hawks rubs the back of his neck, “guess you just have a magic touch?”
You laugh and shake your hand while rolling up your window, reminds you of Emi- wonder how she’s doing.
You start to drive home, you can see hawks waving in the rear view mirror, he’s nice.
Fumikage will be happy, you hope he had a good day.
You hope hawks had a good day too.
Finally you reach home, you probably look like a walking zombie who had a death grip on a chicken bag when they died.
Tokoyami greets you right when you open the door.
“Mother, I heard about the building- a-and I was worried that-“
“Don’t worry so much Fumi..your mama saved people too.”
Fumikages speech slows, “It’s just…I know how you get.”
You really wish you didn’t have to be all down in the dumps in front of Fumikage.
Long days and stressful days at the hospital always get to you, you wished that they didn’t.
Sure it was your first time actively seeing someone die in the hospital but you always knew that you’d see it one day.
“Hey look on the bright side, I got chicken?”
Fumikage sighs, “I hope you know my classmates would consider that cannibalism.”
“They better be nice to you.”
“They are- well we haven’t really talked but no one’s really mean.” Tokoyami responds sheepishly.
“Don’t lie to me, silly goose”
Fumikage starts to unpack the food bag, “well there’s this one boy, bakugo, he is like obsessed with destroying another boy named Midoriya.”
“Destroying?” You giggle.
Fumikage sits down at the table, “yea totally, we were paired up today to act like hero’s and villains- and they got the opposite from each-other and they destroyed the whole building!”
again, that’s an email.
“Who’d you get paired up with?”
Fumikage looks away from your curious gaze, “this girl named Tsu.”
“Is she cute?”
You laugh, “I’m just asking!”
Fumikage retorts, “What about that hawks guy, is he cute?”
“Now why’re talking about him, hm?”
“Press caught him walking you to your car, scandalous old woman.”
Ah, the paparazzi….you wish you could send an email about them.
You gasp dramatically, “Old woman?!”
“Answer my question!”
“He’s alright, I like em rougher you know?”
Fumikage gags, “gross, mama.”
“You asked!”
You and Fumikage continued talking about small things that happen in your day, apparently a boy named Shoto slipped on his own ice while no one was looking- except Fumikage was.
Now reaching almost ten o’clock, you force Fumikage and yourself to bed.
Fumikage begrudgingly walks over to his bedroom, still wanting to talk to you a little more.
“Night, mama.”
You walk over and kiss his temple, ruffling his feathers.
“Night night, my little chick.”
Fumikage shakes his head and retreats to his room, you return to yours as well.
Cuddling into your nest, which is really just your bed with an in godly amount of pillows, blankets, and plushies- you let sleep come over you.
You wonder if hawks gets to sleep this good at night, or even if he has someone to talk to about his tough days.
Wait, why’re you thinking about him anyways?
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pumpkin-cake · 2 years
U.A. Boys - Dates With Them
(includes izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shoto todoroki, tenya iida, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, mezo shoji, fumikage tokoyami, mirio togata, tamaki amajiki)
warnings - none
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midoriya doesn’t really need to do anything fancy to have a great time with you!
he’s up for whatever you feel like doing, whether that’s a movie date or going for a picnic.
during whatever date, he’ll always find a way to start rambling about whatever crosses his mind. Whether that be heroes or how incredible you are.
he is VERY stressed throughout
wants to impress you!
midoriya ALWAYS asks if he can initiate touch with you
“um…do you think we can hold hands..?”
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“tch, a date? yeah, whatever. let’s just go to my place. we don’t need some fancy restaurant, i can do WAY better!!”
doesn’t let you lift a single finger while he prepares dinner for you
like midoriya, katsuki wants to impress you, but will never ever admit it
you eventually inquire why he was so persistent on cooking instead of just taking you somewhere
“oh please! i can make better food than whatever crappy place you probably wanted to go to!”
turns out, he was absolutely right
he smirks at the stars in your eyes when you take the first bite
“told ya.”
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his brain froze
what did people do for dates?
immediately he texted midoriya
he was told to take you to a place you might like to go
maybe…the beach?
shoto regretted it as soon as you showed up
not because of anything bad!
you just looked amazingly stunning in your swimsuit- he didn’t think he could handle it
his eyes widened, quickly getting himself together as you came over to the spot where he had set up his own towel, an umbrella, and a cooler filled with drinks and snacks, just in case you needed them
you didn’t use the drinks much, instead requesting he use his right side to cool you off
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you instantly shut down his idea of a study date
screw that, you wanted to do something fun!
iida insisted he treat you, so he took you to a restaurant
absolutely the best gentleman the world had ever seen
opening any door for you no matter what, kindly pulling out your seat, and asking frequently if everything was going alright or if you needed anything
when the food came out, he instantly noticed yours was wrong, and was highly puzzled when you started to eat it anyway
he called the waiter over politely, ignoring your pleas for him to just leave it
“excuse me, we’re sorry to bother you, but my partner here didn’t get the food they requested. may they get the correct dish?”
your face was beet red, extremely embarrassed, but the waiter was very apologetic, and your correct food was out very quickly
thank god for iida and his non-fear of socializing
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GYM DATE !!!!!!!!!
he was so hyped, it was absolutely adorable
you weren’t as much of a gym-rat as eijirou was, but you were willing to let him teach you the ropes
his encouragement meant everything
“you’re doing so much better than i expected! well I obviously expected you to do great, but you’re doing AMAZING!”
you were very sweaty and gross, but he didn’t say a single word about it, making sure you stayed hydrated and spotting you during certain activities
when you finished your workout, he took you to a nice park and the two of you had lunch he had made, enjoying each other’s company
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i have this headcanon that denki skateboards
luckily, it was relatively empty when you two arrived, and denki was immediately on his skateboard littered with stickers
you, with roller skates, followed him and the two of you were zooming around like nothing could stop you
unfortunately, something did, and some idiot ran right into you and caused you to fall and scrape your knee
kami was pissed
“HEY! watch where you’re going!”
quickly came to your aid and cleaned the wound with the water bottle he brought and make sure to take good care of you
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shoji would rather cut off one of his arms than go out anywhere in public
he really hated people gawking at him due to his “ugly” quirk
so, the two of you had a nice movie date!
you had set up a huge blanket fort large enough to fit both you and shoji in it, and stocked up on snacks and drinks
after agreeing on a movie, the two of you got comfortable
eventually, you couldn’t keep your eyes open and shoji felt a sudden weight on his shoulder
while you peacefully slept, he gingerly took you in his arms, cradling your sleeping figure
when you woke up, you were in his dupli-arms, and he was fast asleep, so you chose to just go back to sleep too
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dark shadow INSISTED you guys do something at night
he wanted to participate too!
after fumikage and dark shadow argued for a bit, you came up with the idea of a fireworks show that was coming up
both birdies compromised and agreed
although the fireworks show was very popular, and immediately dark shadow got uncomfortable with the crowd
plus, you could hardly even see the fireworks :(
“come on, we can get a better view”
without another word, dark shadow latched onto fumikage’s back and he grabbed you and held him to his chest, and the three of you flew into the air
you shrieked, but it was over fast as you landed on a building with the perfect view of the fireworks, and the three of you sat there in awe
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it was like he turned into a ten year old
he excitedly rambled to you while he drove, talking about all the rides and games he wanted to do with you
it was so cute
you made sure to stop him and have him put on sunscreen before you guys went into the park
while mirio was chatting about where you guys should go first, you were actually taking the time to grab a map and plan everything out
you were convinced mirio would get lost if you didn’t have a plan
if you were afraid of any ride, he’d instantly encourage you that he would be there if anything happened
you had the time of your life on the rollercoasters with him, his infectious laughter filling you with pure joy the entire day
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you weren’t a sadist, but it was quite funny seeing tamaki struggle at the ice rink
you convinced him to go ice skating with you, assuring him you would teach him and hold his hands on the ice
he was quaking as soon as his skates were put on, legs wobbling as he stood up on the blades
you offered your arm and he gripped it tightly, anxiously stepping with you to the ice
he about slipped as soon as he went onto the ice, and it took you about ten minutes to coax him off the wall
you skated backwards with both his hands in yours, calmly encouraging him and giving him tips on how to move his body
he eventually got the hang of it, and he upgraded to skating next to you while holding only one of your hands
once you stepped off the ice, he actually looked like he had fun, a cute smile on his face
“let’s go there again sometime..!”
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Candy heart Red
Hey, can you... you know.
Tokoyami and Tsu
Oo, I haven't written for these darlings in awhile! I've gotcha covered, Sarah! :D
It's Love: "Hey could you...you know..?"
“Hey Fumi, can you…you know..” When Tokiyama looked at her, the frog hero’s face was pinched, brows furrowed as she tapped her fingers against her book.
Sometimes after long study sessions, she’d have what she declared to be “brain glitches” and temporarily forget what she was going to ask. He learned it’s better to give her a minute to remember than try to guess. “I..forgot what I was going to say.”
“Seems the silence of the library stole the words from your lips, seeking a voice of its own.” He hummed in his cup, watching his friend go from perplexed to thoughtful. How she was able to make sense of anything he said amazed him some days.
“Probably…OH!” She clapped her hands, twisting in her seat so fast it startled him. “I remember now! Dark shadow- can you let him out?”
“...Why?” He raised a suspicious brow, his tension not easing at her cheeky smile.
“What? Can’t I say hi to him? I’m sure he’s dying to come out, no?”
Tokiyami thought about it, then nodded. Dark Shadow appeared not long after, stretching out with a happy chirp. “Fumi! What’s-TSU!” The quirked beast practically lunged at her, wrapping his shadowy arms around her waist and snuggling into her lap. She giggled, running her fingers through the spikes along his head.
“Hi, Dark Shadow. Aren’t you sweet today?”
“He sure is..” Tokiyami tried not to let it show how her touch affected him. Tsu knew full well he could feel everything Dark Shadow felt. He thanked his lucky stars he could hide his growing blush beneath black feathers.
What he couldn’t hide was the startled smile growing when she started scratching gently into Dark Shadow’s neck and back. “T-Tsu!”
“Hm? What is it?”
“You knohohw what!”
“Do I?” She was grinning now, intentionally tickling along the spots she knew Tokiyami was weak. “Don’t tell me- does it tickle?”
“Yohohohoou knohohow it doooohohoes!” He shank in his chair, arms crossing over his torso in a vain attempt to stop the ghost tickles. “Tsuuhuhuhuhuh! chiiirp Pleahhhahah-aahhhahahse! Chiiiiirp!”
“Hehe, Fumi’s cute when he laughs. Oh yeah, right there..” Dark Shadow pressed his face further into Tsu’s hand as she gave his chin a scritch, even if it left his master a chirping mess of giggles on the ground nearby. “I like when you do this.”
“Hehe, me too.” Tsu agreed with a happy croak, smiling warmly at Tokiyami as he laughed himself silly. “And you're right- he’s really cute.”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
An Ideal Ending For Bnha
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I would like to talk about what can/SHOULD happen at the end of Bnha as good and realistic happy ending. By ending, i mean what should happen to villains and society at the end.
Since Bnha is a positive story about change, we know things has to change. Killing villains or locking them up forever (Tartarus) is not solution. Society should focus on rehabiltion of these villains. So how to do that? Lets get into it.
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In-Prison Rehabilitation Programs
Rehabilitation does not have to begin once an offender is released from prison. Most prisons now offer at least some programs that are designed to help inmates more easily adjust to conditions outside of prison once they are released. These programs are often aimed at helping offenders acquire job skills, overcome substance abuse problems, or learn how to deal with common challenges they may face upon release. Some in-prison programs include:
Adult education courses
Religious services
Mental and physical health programs
Language courses
Job skills workshops
Before i get into this rehabilitation part, i would focus on league of villains (especially main villain trio) to explain this.
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I think league of villains at the end should live in some kind of mental institute. The reason is well they clearly need mental and psychical help with their quirk. Society is own to them since they are victims of society, thats why society has to help them but at the same time, they did many violent things so leaving them free doesnt make sense. But locking them doesnt work either so i would say best option is social works. Forcing villains or the ones who want to rehabilitate should clean the messy they made.
This is good solution because
1- This means less work for heroes and other people
2- Consequences
3- Help them to learning good things, especially with their quirk, it would be very helpfull.
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But of course, society wouldnt trust villains to do job by leaving them alone. And lets remember; it is heroes job to deal with villains, right? Then how about hero job gets categories? Heroes who catches villains (maybe Bakugou or others), heroes who support other heroes, heroes who make support items, heroes who protects civillians, heroes who help people with weird/dangerous quirks, heroes who help rehabilitation of villains. Hero job doesnt necessarely needs to be gone, it can still exist but this time, it will be really for everyone’s sake.
So every villain who gets rehabilitation should get at least one hero partner. For example;
For Spinner, it can be Shoji. (Not sure about Mr Compress).
For Toga, it can be Uraraka and others.
For Shigaraki, it can be Deku and maybe if he lives, Allmight can help them too.
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For Dabi, it can be Shouto, this would be amazing opportunity since they get to know each others as brothers. Isnt that good, Dabi? Shouto will give the all attention you ever desired. Shouto and Touya would be amazing together because Touya is kind of person who express himself with actions more than words and Shouto is the kind of person who pay attention to someone’s actions more than their words. I can imagine them being the silliest brothers ever.
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Tenko and Touya always wanted to be hero, not only they can be hero/help people but also they can take responsbility for their actions at the same time. Isnt that good, Tenko, Touya? You can be hero too.
If a villain wants to go out freely (maybe once or twice a week) and if that villain is dangerous, then their hero partner should join them. I am not saying that they should live like this forever but at least, for a period of time, they should.
+ Also Hawks should get this rehabiltation with Tokoyami as partner too since honestly, he really needs therapy and needs to face consequences too.
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Also, i think society really needs to hear those villain stories, that the people they called villains are humans and their suffering. Society should make support items for every person for their quirk, like, actualy quirk doctors who will help people, not respressing them or shutting them down. They really need, especially next generation, they need well prepared education.
At schools, these new historical events between heroes and villains should taught to kids and reminding them that the meaning of heroes so that they will never forget. Of course, not everything will be solved by this but at least, we should see the effort and some positive change in society.
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Also, another reason why i want league of villains to live in some kind of mental institute/house type of place is because i think they shouldnt be separated. They are family and friends, they can heal together.
Especially, about Dabi’s ending with Todoroki family. I think family needs time to heal and a little space. Both side accepting each others wont be easy. Touya needs therapy and letting him go to his family as nothing happenned doesnt make sense, especially considering that he is the only one whose family is alive and accept him.
Also, league is Dabi’s family too. They should be together. Todoroki family can visit him sometimes, maybe he can go to live with them once a while with Shouto by his side.
- If Endeavour lives at the end, he should definitely loose his hero job and get out of his family’s life at least. (Though, i think this wouldnt be enough to punish him since he hurted so many people, not just his family.). And also heroes shouldnt get away with doing wrong things, just because they are ‘heroes’.
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And i dont think Dabi ever will forgive Endeavour, him accepting Endeavour would be unrealistic and terrible message since some victims have a right to not forgive and have space from their abusers forever. Best development that can ever happen between Dabi and Endeavour is Dabi’s giving up on killing him and respecting other family members choices to forgiving him or not. For example, Fuyumi or maybe Shouto or others can forgive him and if they want, they can still meet him but Endeavour should stay away from Dabi forever. Btw since Todoroki family can really help Dabi a lot, Fuyumi can teach him many things, Natsuo can help with medical issues, Shouto with hero issues, Rei can help him since she also lived in mental institue too before. So many options.
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- Izuku’s bullying and his feelings for the bullying gets explored and Izuku takes his time for it too, especially some space from Bakugou.
- If Kurogiri lives, Aizawa and Yamada can help him and also by helping some noumus who can still be human.
- If league lives (they should,), they live together and heal together.
- Happy ending for Todoroki family.
- Tenko finally achieve his dreams to be hero.
- Hero kids being actual heroes. I really want them to think about how to improve society and them constantly trying to reach out villains, failing over and overi sometimes giving up but eventually reaching that point, that would be amazing.
- Aoyama and Deku’s quirkless history hsould get explored more.
- Quirkless people can help others too.
- By helping villains and spending them with them, they can also learn many new perspectives that they never considered.
- Izuocha/Shigatoga canon.
- Prisons like Tartarus should end forever.
- Afo-Ofa should end for good. I mean, Afo lived enough and Ofa souls too. Time to rest in peace.
- I think at some point in story, everyone/hero kids and even with league of members, they can fight against Afo to save Shigaraki, that should happen, that would be really epic.
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If you actually think about it, it makes sense, especially since we already get chapters that called ‘This is the story of how we all become heroes’. Its also interesting that even in villain chapter we get this, it says ‘minus 1′, i think it also shows that they will also get that point too. I also kinda think this is the kind of ending author want to make, even if he cant, this is what he write.
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There might be things i forgot to say but for now, thats it. This is the best possible ending i can think right now. Anyway, author might mess up the ending and all so if it ends up messed up, then you can consider this as real canon ending because thats what they deserve.
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bee-saucee · 9 months
Meeting the Friends | Kaminari Denki Character Study
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pairing: ShinKami
cw: self doubt/mild anxiety and intimacy
words: 1,002
summary: Kaminari meets Shinsou's friends for the first time. Despite pressure to please his boyfriend's friend group, Denki does his best to show up as himself with the help of Shinsou.
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Meeting the friends almost seemed more daunting than meeting the parents. Denki knew how to wear parents down like it was nothing. But not-parents and specifically Shinsou’s friends were much harder to read.
“I have a lot going for me, but being all cool and having opinions about 90s punk rock isn’t really one of them. I just think maybe we should meet another day after I’ve done some more homework on Iron Maiden or whatever.”
Shinsou’s fingers pause in their perusal of Denki’s hair. “Punk rock is really more of a mid 70s to 80s thing and Iron Maiden is more heavy metal–” pillow smack because Denki really didn’t need to hear he was hopeless in posing as alt. “Okay, that was deserved, but I was going to finish that you don’t have to be punk. Just lay on your Denki charm and you’ll be just fine.”
“Goths hate Denki charm!”
“And how would you know that?”
“Because they hate happiness?”
“If anything they want too much of it.” Denki groans gutterally and pulls Shinsou to straddle over top of him. “I’m seriously loving this whole boyfriend thing, but this was easier when we were friends with bens so I didn’t have to meet your friends.”
“You’re overthinking,” Shinsou says and places a soft kiss on Denki’s lips.
He never thought Shinsou would be so…charming. As Denki peeled away the layers of stoic anxiety and insecurities, he was left with an incredibly empathetic and doting partner.
Shinsou had insisted that he was a loner, yet he had a handful of unique people he fell right into step with. He never wanted Shinsou to lose his friends but damn did Denki wish that Hitoshi's friends were easier for him to understand.
“I know, like, two Nirvana songs,” Denki grumbles.
“That’s amazing, baby,” Shinsou says before peeling himself off an opposed Denki.
Denki didn’t want to be clingy with uncomfortable public displays of affection but he couldn’t think of another way to get through this whole ordeal. Maybe he’d just try to stay close enough to Shinsou’s side so he could smell the particular mix of coffee and vanilla bean that lingered from his hours at the cafe and his affinity for sweet cologne.
Denki hops up off his bed and goes for few jumps to hype himself up. It was go time. By the time they made the very anxiously talkative drive to the small diner, Jirou and Tokoyami already had a table at the back where the seats looked particularly sticky and grimey in a people have definitely had sex here kind of way.
Big smiles, and…”It’s so nice to finally meet you both! I’ve heard so much about you both. Not to be that embarrassing guy, but Jirou, Hitoshi loves your new music and so do I. Tokoyami, gotta get a tarot reading from you sometime. I’ve never gotten one but you unlocked a new need in me,” Denki says.
Jirou tilts her head to the side with a slight smile while Tokoyami shuts his eyes and nods simply. He wasn’t expecting the two to be particularly expressive so he could work with this. These were Hitoshi’s closest friends, though. More charm, more charisma.
“So, any reason for this place in particular? Not that it’s bad! It just seems like a very particular spot to pick,“ Denki says as he slides into the booth after Shinsou.
Gosh, he just insulted the restaurant they picked. Maybe the food was fantastic and he was being overly judgemental.
“The decrepit atmosphere makes the dining experience feel less corporate. We can support a failing business that needs it rather than lubricate the cogs of industrial agriculture and dining.”
Okay…so Kaminari had almost no clue what that meant. He never knew what he was talking about though so this was like any other conversation. Deep breath, he could deal.
“I’ma be honest, I never think about…industrial agriculture while I’m eating but that is the definition wicked. Hopefully I’ll be more justice driven the longer I’m with Toshi.”
He looks over and dear God, Hitoshi looked like he’d been stabbed in the knee with how tightly he was clutching it under the table and the sallow look of his pale skin. He was so focused on his own nerves he completely forgot that adding Denki into the mix meant that this was a new social situation and that always led Hitoshi to overthink. Poor thing was probably running through 20 different potential reactions for the first thing he said.
Denki takes Hitoshi’s hand under the table and runs slow circles against his thumb. Boyfriend first, boyfriend’s friends second.
“My sweet pea pod, I think I saw they have burgers for me and grilled cheese for you. Plus,” he taps his foot against Hitoshi’s under the table, “We could share a milkshake if you want. I’ll be so fine to get vanilla if it means I can share thick, sweet, cow piss with you.”
Shinsou’s shoulders slowly lower and the glazed look over his eyes quickly settles with each of Denki’s words.
“Is this now the fifth time we’ve had the milk is not cow piss discussion?” Shinsou says with that exasperatedly fond smile he reserves just for Denki.
“Six. And I don’t wanna hear anything until you go to agriculture school. Or, actually! I trust your friends, they seem wicked smart. Is milk just sussed up cow piss?”
Jirou slides over a paper crane she was folding. “I like you, Denki.”
“I want to say no, but I also don’t know where cows pee from,” Tokoyami admits.
“And I love you Tokoyami. At least someone gets me here.”
Shinsou turns fully to Denki with a slight cock to his head from the side. He taps the tip of Denki’s fingernail lightly before pecking him on the cheek.
“I love you like crazy. Thanks for being here,” Shinsou whispers.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
“You’re doing great by the way.”
“I want you to rail me so hard when we get home,” Denki gushes.
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sharkdream3421 · 2 years
They try out VR headcanons (Izuku Midoriya, Fumikage Tokoyami, Gang Orca, Selkie, Mezo Shoji, Ramattra)
My birthday is coming up, and I'm receiving a VR headset! I wanted to do something special for you guys due to all of your support. Thank you so much! Enjoy some headcanons!
Izuku Midoriya:
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You gave Izuku the VR Headset and he was confused by what it was.
“What is this Y/N?” Izuku asked.
“It’s a VR headset! It’s virtual reality, and it’s basically where you can immerse yourself in what the headset is showing you.”
Izuku was amazed and quickly put on the headset.
”Wow! This is amazing!” Izuku said in amazement.
Izuku refused to take off the headset for some time until you told him that you would take him out to his favorite restaurant.
Izuku was so hyped to eat his favorite food at his favorite restaurant.
After the restaurant, he went right back to virtual reality.
His favorite game is VRChat. He likes being social with others and talking about quirks.
Fumikage Tokoyami:
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Tokoyami noticed that you were wearing a strange, shaped-box on your head.
”Y/N? What is that on your head?” Tokoyami asked.
You took off the headset in excitement, “It’s called virtual reality. You should try it out!”
Tokoyami quietly refused, but after some convincing he attempted it.
He tried to put it on his head, but it didn’t really work as it didn’t fit.
There are no VR headsets for birds yet.
Instead you showed a video of someone playing VR.
Tokoyami was intrigued, but politely declined on Virtual Reality.
You shrugged. I guess VR isn’t for everyone. Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata):
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Kugo was confused about what you wanted him to try on.
You told him that it was virtual reality.
Kugo took the headset out of your grasp in curiosity.
It seemed like it couldn't fit his head though.
Kugo still wanted to try VR out.
While Kugo was out on hero business. You took it to yourself to make a custom VR headset just for your boyfriend.
Kugo was astonished by your hard work and gladly didn't want your hard work to go to waste.
When Kugo put on the headset, he was amazed at the world that he was seeing.
Kugo was amused with VR and thought it would be valuable for modern day technology and the uses of it were infinite.
VR would be fun for children.
VR could be used as simulators for the military.
And much more uses of VR.
Overall, Kugo enjoyed VR and is interested to see further developments of it.
He also gave you a kiss for making that custom headset for him.
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Selkie is confused about what virtual reality is.
His job is to defend the ocean, and much more to what a hero does.
He doesn't really have time for technology and isn't well acquainted with it.
Selkie is willing to try it out though.
Selkie thought it was interesting for small children, but couldn't understand why VR is so popular.
Selkie thinks that people should focus on reality more than being in some fictional, fake, unrealistic world.
He respects people's passion for VR though.
If anything, Selkie has brought a new perspective about technology, and how you should spend your time doing things besides VR in the future.
Mezo Shoji:
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Mezo is a little perplexed by the headset that you are giving to him.
You tell him how to put it on and so he does.
His hair is a little bit of a problem since it's so long, but he works his way around it.
Mezo looks kind of werid with a VR headset on.
Mezo never has been one for technology so he needs some time to adjust.
After about an hour in VR, Mezo took it off and said it was okay.
Although, virtual reality wasn't quite to his tastes and declines putting it on ever again.
He wants to stay in reality for the reason of being in a relationship with you and how the real-world could never replicate VR.
Words of wisdom, and Mezo is known for that to you.
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Ramattra isn't well acquainted with VR.
He asks what it's function is.
Uhh? It's used for immersion, and a multitude of things you explain to him.
Ramattra politely asks if he can try the headset on, and of course you let him.
You are a human, but since you have nothing against Ramattra and have been rumored by Omnics that you help them out. He and his kind accept you in their community.
The headset easily fits on his head.
I'm not sure if VR works for omnics, but let's just say it does?
Ramattra is pleased by virtual reality and requests to get more of these interesting pieces of technology.
Ramattra thinks that his army could use VR as battle simulators.
He's not wrong?
Ramattra and his army attack a store to steel a bunch of VR headsets!
What have I done? You think to yourself.
You still love him regardless of what he steels, and he loves you very much even though you're a human.
You treat his kind as you are equals, so he has no quarrel with you.
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