#told me to go outide
jjs daughter has a seizure.
warnings- reader has a seizure, blood, throwing up
it was a normal day. y/n had gotten home from a long day of school.
"hey, y/n/n john b called out from the kitchen of the chateuo as she walked through the door.
"hey" she answered. "have you seen my dad?"
"he's working putside, what's up?" he asked putting down his phone.
"I dunno, I just don't feel great" she shrugged and sat next to Sarah on the couch
"what's wrong?" Sarah mouthed to y/n
"period" she mouthed back. "I gotta headache can you get my some ibuprofen? she asked walking back into the kitchen.
"yea, here" john b handed her two ibuprofen from the bottle and she got a.glass of water. she sat on one of the stools up to the counter and took her medicine.
out of nowhere, there was a thud from the kitchen
"y/n?" sarah asked from the living roo., wrapped.in john he arms. she walked in to see y/n on the ground, her body twitching and shaking as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "john b!" she yelled as she looked down at.y/n
"what?" he asked walking in. "oh shit... go get jj" she continued to shake and John b squatted down to hold her head, noticing the blood on his fingers "shit" she was still seizing and john b still held her head even though he would get her blood all over his hands
jj and Sarah came running in, jj covered in dirt that tracked into the house. he noticed the blood and hos eyes went wide. Sarah noticed too. she ran to the bathroom and threw up at the amount of blood.
"what do I do?!!" jj yelled looking down at his daughters twitching, unconscious body.
john b remained calm for jj. "call an ambulance, shell be ok, but they need to stitch this"
"ok,ok" jj reached in his pocket for his phone "shit, its outide."
"mines on the couch, use it" he watched y/n as her shaking settled and twitching became farther apart. her eyes shut as she lied still. too still.
john b checked if she was breathing "shit" he started doing compressions her body. he knew how to do it from his days life guarding at the country club. jj walkes back in in shock on the phone, but he trusted john b. he took john bs place holding her head as he gave her mouth to mouth.
she started breathing on her own but wasn't conscious. "shes good, Shea good" John b reassured jj. "just make sure she keeps breathing"
sarah came back from the bathroom feeling super guilty but she couldn't help it.
"is she ok?" Sarah asked, wiping the tears in her eyes
jj went to grab a towel or something to try to hold more blood in.
"sarah, come here" john b motioned his finger for her to come closer.
"yeah?" she asked scared
"I need you to hold down right here, can you do that for me?" he asked, nudging his head down to wear his fingers were checking to feel her breath. "I need to keep the bleeding under contoll, but I can't do that if I can't tell she's breathing" he spoke calmly
sarah walked over and sat next to john b, placing her finger under her nose to feel the air, and her head on y/ns chest. john b catches the towel jj threw to him swiftly as jj kept on the phone with the 911 operator.
"they'll be here in ten minutes" jj told the pogues as he slammed his phone on the counter.
"hey guys! what are we- omg! what happened!?" kie yelled as her and pope walked in through the door
"we will explain later" john b spokw, pushing y/n hair out of her face
out of nowhere, she started seizing again, her body jumping up and down and thrusting side to side. "its ok, its ok" john b assured Sarah as she watched in horror
pope and kid watched, holding onto eachothter. jj was outside.waiting for the ambulance while this was going on.
"w-what can we do?" kid asked john b.
"we can't really do anything. not until we know what's going on." john b informed. for the short while his uncle was with him, he had seizurers, leaving john b to take care of him and know what to do.
she suddenly stopped jolting. john b wronged out the blood soaked towel so soak up more. "is she breathing" john b grunted
sarah put her head over her chest and listened for her breathing as the rest waited in suspense
"I-i don't kniw" she cried. john b looked at pope, directing him with his eyes to check.
"nah" pope informed as he couldn't hear anhthing.
"hold this for me" john b instructed as he took a listen for himself. "shit, this isn't good" he pinched her nose with his bloody fingers and blew air into her mouth.
sarah cried to kiara "is she gonna be ok"
"not sure, we need the parametics" john b huffed after waiting to give her more air. "uncle T didn't have them this bad" he informed, looking down to y/he body
after a few more puffs, she was breathing again. "how's she doing" jj asked, oblivious of what just happened
"I don't know dude" john b huffed, smackinf his hands on his pants. "are they almost here"
"I think so" jj sighed, looking down to see y/he discolored face
"Did she say anything other than she didn't feel good?" John b asked Sarah after a moment of silence
"she said she was on her period but nothing else" she sniffed
"sign of epilepsy" john b muttered
"having your period?" jj scoffed
"no, dumbass, seizing when your on your period" he replied
"how the fuck you know,smart ass" jj added, rolling his eyes
"bro go to the couch and pick up the newpapers on the fucking table. uncle t had epilepsy, remember?"
jj got up and walked over. "for the first time in john bs life. he ain't wromg" jj joked
"can I see it" pope asked. "hold the towel, j" he washed his hands of the blood and looked at the pamphlet. he read for a MI Ute "its likely she has epilipsy. I mean that was a tonic-clonic seizure according to this" he stated
"how do you know you weren't even bere" jj asked, burrowing his eyebrows
"she just had another" kid informed
"whats taking them so long" jj huffed,looking at the clock. "its been more than ten minute" he rolled his eyes
he had gotten a call from the hospital. "hello?" he asked
"we were gold to send an ambulance your way. unfortunately, there was a car accident that's eager that we need to take care of. if you can wait another thirty minutes, you can stay there but if not, take her to the hospital." she informed through the phone
"we donf have a car, it's in the shop" he grunted through the phone.
"then you'll have yo wait, I'm sorry, I know this is not ideal"
"shes bleeding and unconscious, I mean we can't wait thirty minutes" he complained
"make sure she keeps breathing and do anything you can to stop the bleed, pack it." she directed
jjs phone died.
hopefully remember to finish tomorrow😊
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Helpless part 66, another cog in the murder machine
"What's going on?"
"It isn't anything bad, I swear, well, nothing worse than you already know."
"That's so fucking reassuring." They finally walked outide, to the lake in the forest. They sat down near the water on an old log.
"Firstly, say anything you want to say. We're alone, no one's watching, no one will hear. Swear, yell, scream, anything, anything you want to say to me, anything you said in general." She looked at him, slightly confused, yet all the bottled up anger, fear and sadness took over her mind.
"Hey, breathe, you're okay. He's going to be okay as well."
"He'll just try again, every single fucking time."
"That's partially what we're here to talk about, how we're going to help after he wakes up."
"What if he doesn't?"
"He will, he has to, I'm not letting you lose your only brother" She smiled at that but you could see the pain in her eyes, how she felt she wouldn't get him back.
"Do you have any sort of plan?"
"Do you think he'll be better at Camp Jupiter?"
"No, no chance, it's too risky. He doesn't know many people, he spent way less time there than Camp Half-Blood and just, it won't go well no matter how much Reyna wants to keep him there." She didn't mention that mass and uncontrollable homophobia problems which had been passed on from year's ago, while Jason had tried his best to stop it people still sucked.
"Do you have any ideas?"
"Could I stay here with him? I want to be able to keep an eye on him." She didn't trust him, she wouldn't trust him until she could watch his every move, it sounded psychotic but she couldn't care less.
"'Course." He hoped it would work, more than that he hoped that Nico would wake up. "Is there any way you know that has a chance to wake him up? Something we might not have tried yet?"
"I- maybe." She took a shakey sigh, "Proserpina- Persephone's pomegranate seeds, maybe. I'm not sure." Will had hundreds of questions, most important being, where could they even find them?
"Where do we...?"
"Well... they only work for Pluto kids, Nico used to keep them with him at all times but he ran out after the jar. He- tried to give some to me before everything happened but I didn't take them, that was for the best, he only just had enough to survive the jar. Unless you want to steal from Proserpina?"
"Couldn't we ask?"
"Well... I've never actually met her... Nico said she didn't like him so she might not give them but even then, I can't be seen in the Underworld. I would die."
"Can I ask why?"
"It's irrelevant, all you need to know is either I have to steal or someone else is going which likely won't end well. Also we have to sneak into the Underworld, no entry allowed after everything that happened in the war." Fuck, well this sounded like it was going to end well.
"Thank you so much Hazel, if you ever need to talk I'm here."
"Thanks." She went to walk off but turned back,"Will... it's not as accurate as it could be because I haven't trained it or anything but... I can sense when someone wants to hurt themselves, I'm not sure how accurate it is yet or anything but yeah." She left without waiting for an answer.
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whoreforharleezy03 · 2 years
Jack imahine suggestion : maybe him and the reader have been together since they were teenagers. reader sees pictures and news websites of him and Dua Lipa and they fight cause he never told the reader what they were doing. starts with angst ends in fluff maybe? Love your writing x
Love thissss🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you so much I hope this is okay🫶🏻
It was raining outide, you were cuddled up In your favourite cozy blanket scrolling on Tiktok. The TV was on but you stopped paying attention to it an hour ago. As you scrolled through video after video, you stumbled upon a familiar face. An influencer you had been following for a while, she was known for always spilling the biggest celebrity drama and gossip. But this time, your boyfriends name appeared on the screen.
“Okay so everyone has been asking and we want to know, are Dua Lipa and Jack Harlow dating.”
Your heart skipped a beat. What? What the fuck? Dating?
You had often seen rumours about girls dating Jack but it was nothing like this, this was way more of a problem.
When Jack made the song Dua Lipa, he told you he was joking. Of course you didn’t find it funny, but you also didn’t quite always understand his humour, so you let that slide.
Deciding to look more into it, you decided to search on ‘the most reliable source’ google.
‘Jack Harlow and dua lipa dating?’
Over a hundred articles came up, again and again and again.
All the same.
‘Dua lipa and Jack Harlow reportedly dating!’
‘Did Jack Harlow manifest dating Dua lipa with his song?’
‘Jack Harlow’s new girlfriend?’
This cut deep. New girlfriend? YOU were his girlfriend.
You and Jack had been dating since you were fifteen, you’ve been there for him for almost all of his rap career, and this is what happens.
To be fair, you kind of expected something like this would happen when you guys decided you were going to be private, you had to accept that this is the part of that. But this just didn’t sit right with you.
You hadn’t realised that you had been crying until you accidentally opened the camera app showing the mascara running down your face.
“Okay, Y/n, don’t think about this too much, just take a nap then everything will be good again.” You told yourself.
“Ma, I’m home!”
Jack put his keys on the table as he took off his jacket. His entrance startled you causing you to wake up.
“Y/n, where are you?”
You sighed, not really wanting him to see you right now.
“In the living room.”
Jack walked over to the kitchen, looking at his phone the whole time.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asked you still not noticing you.
Your eyes started tearing again, no wait, you started to full on cry. Jack heard your sniffs and finally looked up from his phone. He stood there, not really knowing what happened or what he did.
“Y/n? Are you okay?? Did something happen?”
You had to confront him about this.
“Jack, I won’t get mad, I just need an honest answer from you, okay?”
Jack was beginning to be nervous, he sat down as he shook his head yes.
“Are you cheating on me?”
He froze. Where did you get that from? How dare you say that?
“What are you talking about, Y/n?”
“Dua Lipa.” Was the only thing you said and Jack knew exactly why you were mad.
“You don’t actually believe that bullshit? Do you?”
“Well it’s hard not to when you made a ass whole fucking song about her, and then flirted with her at that lunch thing you had, have you realised that you haven’t even made one song about your actual girlfriend who you’ve been with for nine fucking years!” You were practically yelling at this point.
“I’ve never made one song about you? Never made one fucking song about you, Y/n, I have made so many goddamn songs about you!”
“Name one.” You blood was boiling, not only was he flirting with a girl he said that ‘ he want to do more with her than do a feature ‘ but also he was lying.
“Y/n, I don’t even know why we’re arguing about this right now.”
“Because you’re cheating!”
Now Jack was angry, he was being accused of something that he didn’t do.
“Y/n, it might look bad on social media and shit, but I can reassure you that I am not cheating on you.”
You didn’t know if you should believe him or not, he looked like he was telling the truth and you trust him but… Were you maybe jealous? Were you insecure? No, it just all felt so real. Jack was your first everything so even though you were 24, this was a first.
“I’m sorry, Jack.”
Now Jack felt bad, it wasn’t your fault that news reporters and paparazzi were pushing those thoughts in your head.
“No, Y/n I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you.”
You smiled, you trusted him. If he said he wasn’t cheating, you should believe him.
“Want to cuddle and watch the office?” You asked him.
“Would love nothing more.”
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onmymasa22 · 9 months
We believe that gd created the torah, our guidebook, and from that he created the world. From the beginning he had a close relationship with humans he created. Some were more interested in thinking that gds creations were individual gds and weren't so interested in gd himself. Then came avraham. He was the first person to shun the idea of other gds being a thing and really acted as if gd was so important to him and found the torah guidebook to be what it is- the most civilized way to live a life. From him we learn alot and he started the idea that libing a full life devoted to gd was the best thing for a human. He was who gd wanted as the personality to advise people from his understanding of the torah how to live the best life possible, full, and joyus, and fulfilled. Gd told him that he would have descendents who would recieve the land of israel to live. If you look at our torah, you will see that from thousands of years ago we have a good idea of the location of this israel. From him came yitzchak and yishmael the muslim line. Then from Yitzhak comes yaakov- the jewish nation and esav the ancient romans. Avraham was in iraq and came to israel.
Avraham was going from bavel where hes from to israel but stopped in haran cuz it wS nice snd stayed
The story of the girl whos grandfather was gay
I light a candle. Every shabbat i can, i light a candle. And this is the story of my little candle. In the process of becoming a soldier i remember the ex commanders telling us that during war time, they recommend not telling your parents how bad it all is, it will put them in hell because theres nothing they can do, and they wont really know how to react. And i remember wondering how many soldiers go on missions without their mother lighting a candle for their safety because she's out of the loop. So i vowed that every candle i light, be that friday night or any time i really want something, i light it for the safety and comfort of the soldiers who dont reveal the hardships because they dont want to scare their family too much, that hashem should give them a little feeling that someone is lighting a candle and davening for them, specifically them- be that chayalim bodedim or anyone without a good relationship with their mother.
אז אני מדברת עם מישו בשליש, כלום יקרה כנראה אבל סתם שיחה מעניינת ובא לי לשתף איתך. אז מדברים והוא הגדיר את עצמו כדתי לייט שאני יודעת מזה אומר, אבל בכל מקרה הוא פתח שיחה ואני מדברת איתו לראות מי הוא באמת כי לא ברור. אז מדברים על דת ואיפה אנחנו והוא שואל אותי האם אני שומרת נגיעה. אז אני אומרת שהייתה לי תקופה שלא, ועכשיו אני מחבקת את כולם וחוץ מזה, לא לפני חתונה. אז הוא שואל אותי "מה עם צעד ראשון" שאני לא 100 ברור מזה אומר תאמת, אולי הוא התכוון לנשיקות? לא משנה כי בכל מקרה עניתי לו ותביני אני ממש גאה בי שעניתי לו ככה כי חשבתי על זה כמה דקות טובות: " אני חושבת שאני מחפשת מישו לבנות איתו חיים, ומגיעה לי מישו שיוכיח לי שהוא רוצה לבנות איתי את החיים האלה כדי להכניס את החלק הפיזי. אני חושבת שמגיע לגבר אותו דבר. אני חושבת שכולם כמו מתנה. אז אני חושבת שזה יהיה מעבר גבול.
תקשיבי עוד משו מגניב שלמדתי השבת מהזרע שמשון, את יודעת שאני אוהבת דברים שלוקחים סיפורים והופך את זה
I think that if you have a kid who isnt interested, you should love them and encourage them to fulfil their dreams. The same way if you have a kid who wants to be religious, i want my kid to like me. I want my kid to do what i say. I want to be their number one person.
Oilbrushes dishsoap turpentine linseedoil babywipes canvas woodpalette apron
Face tint
Bronzer for face
Brow gel
Bronzer and highlight for eyes
Eyelash curler
zippermattressprotector winterbeddingset rug towel siddur piano guitarbag guitar capo lyricbook laundrybag armybag suitcase backpack flowerpot flowers
Open a window and take a few deep breathes smelling outide fresh air
Play an instrument. Guitar, piano, close your eyes if that helps you zone out into the music. Sing or hum if you want.
Wash your sheets. Wash your pajamas, wash your bras and underwear and socks. Dump it all in, put every good smelling soap stuff thing you own- detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, those little ball things with essential oil that end up in your sleeves. Super important- when laundry is done, fold it. Play soft music whike you do it and get into that vibe
Shower. Shave everything, even though its winter. hair mask, face mask. When youre dont comb out your wet hair. Get into those clean fresh pjs
Write down whatever is worrying you. Number each thing amd come up with answers to them. Use inspirational quotes, things your therapist told you, what youd answer a friend, whatever works. It doesnt need to be the final answer, just good enough. Come up with things to tell youself that you can loop with whenever needed.
Drink more water than you think u need. If all you accomplished in the next hour is to drink water, you are conquering mountains. If you want your water in the form of warming tea, go for it, but essentially water is the most important thing, more important than eating sometimes.
Spend time with people you love. Have a cup of coffee with your mom, go on a costco trip with your dad. Watch junior masterchef Australia, or judge judy, whatever helps take your mind off of the news. Talk about things other than the news, how was work, what recipes to try out. Home improvement ideas, look up flowery parks in the area. Talk about things that dont stress you out.
I want to decorate a cake
I want to organize a room
I want to love my friends and life
Take a coat with me
Buy a blanket and towel
I was so close to killing myself. I was so miserable because
My parents made a lot of big bad decisions.
I wont make the same mistakes.
Call roni, shira
When u see pple u went to highschool with. Usually i need to prepare myself saying you are amazing and loved, dont go back to shrinking up. Now, it caught me offguard so i had to tell myself mid convo- dont shrink up, you're ok. In the end, im not friends with people from highschool. I didbt like enough then. I don't like em now. I was pretty invisible and very different. Post highschool, i made friends. I had an amazing time in California, and made best friends that summer for that summer. I had amazing friends from taglit, from schi, from bais yaakov, from keren or, from shaare zedek, and now from school. My best friends are the girls i went to school with. My first best friend is elianna. She has a special place in my heart. I just want for everything to be ok
I deserve for a guy to prove to me that he wants to build a life with me before bringing in that physical piece to a relationship. Im not here just to fulfill your needs. I will do that because im such a gift. But i dont sleep around. So i would do that after he commits to me. It will be such an explosion youre not gonna know what to do with yourself or how you could be loved so much. But you need to deserve it. And thats how you deserve it. Commitment. Marriage. I can't help it. It's too easy to skip out otherwise.
I really thought everyone in israel rode camels till I was like 18, I worked at a bnei akiva camp the summer after highschool and learned a lot about israel cuz I knew nothing before and it just felt like Israel was an option I hadn't even thought of before, but I got along with lots of israelis, and kept talking to them and learning more. Then when I just turned 19 I went with taglit and I just kept coming back cuz I like being around jews, it just feels like all the systems in israel are made for u
Watch northern lights
Palace of versailles
Pink sand beach
Niagra falls
If you are like me and havent taken ur adhd meds since the war started because your life went on pause, take your meds. It gives you at least a fair shot at having a good day and just for being alive, you deserve to have a good day even in a confusing, dont know what will happen and when itll end situation.
You deserve a chunk of time in tbe day, where you allow yourself to think about total crap. I forgot what thinking about winter outfits and inspo boards and dreamy photos feel like. This helps bring a little of the old reality into the now, brings you back to yourself, its so important. You deserve to be an actual human being for however long and think about stupid things. You are allowed to take a break from being the hero, the news researcher, the
אני מדליקה נר. מה הסיפור של הנר הקטן של דליה? כשרציתי להתגייס, דיברו איתנו מפקדים לשעבר על זה שבתקופה של מלחמה, זה לא כלכך מומלץ לגלות להורים על כל הזוועות או מה באמת המצב, כי זה יכניס אותם להיסטריה ולא יהיה להם מה לעשות במרחק של 15 שעות טיסה. אני זוכרת שבשיחה הזו, עלה לי מחשבה של "אם אמהות של חיילים ישראלים מדליקות נרות לביטחון של בן או בת שלהן, אז כמה חיילים/ חיילות נלחמים ואין להם נר בזכותם לצלחתם כי האמהות שלהם לא יודעות באמת קורה באותו רגע?". הפרצוף שלי נפל. אז הבטחתי לעצמי שכל פעם שאני מדליקה נר- אם זה ליל שבת, או סתם כשאני ממש רוצה שמשו יקרה, אני מקדישה מחשבה לכל החיילים בודדים או חיילים שאין להם קשר טוב עם אמא שלהם- שהם ירגישו קצת את זה שמישי כן מדליקה להם נר.
שמישי כן חושבת עליהם,
כן מתפללת עליהם שיעברו את כל הזוועות שאולי אמא שלהם לא מודעת עליהם (כי אם אני הייתי חיילת, ההורים שלי לפחות לא היו מבינים מה באמת קורה ביומיומי שלי או שאסור לגלות) שירגישו את הסיפוק בלהקיא את כל המידע והחוויות שלהם על האמא המקשיבה, כשבמציאות זה לא ככה.
בשבילכם, אלו שלא חושבים להדליק במיוחד בשבילכם נר לביטחון, להצלחה, לפוסט טראומה במידה הכי קטנה שאפשר. שלא תרגישו בדידות, עייפות דיכאון וחרדות. ותרגישו שאפילו בלי לדבר או להכיר, הנחמה הזאת של מישהי מקשיבה לכם. ועוד יותר שמישהו למעלה מקשיב לכם. זה לא משהו שכולם צריכים לעשות, זה סתם משהו שאני עושה שנים וכולם מוזמנים גם.
I am lighting a candle. What's the story of dalyas little candle? When i wanted to enlist, some ex commanders spoke with us that during a war time, its not recommended to tell your parents about all the atrocities or what the situation is really like becsuse it just brings them into a hysterical state and they wont have anything to do about it being a 15 hour plane flight away. I remember with this conversation thinking "if the mothers soldiers light candles for their children
of light candles for their children soldiers
My granfather came to pick me up from school. He always wore a white teeshirt and jeans. He would get his jeans drycleaned. He started his day at five in the morning and would paint until hed get angry at something. Theyd hed eat lunch. He basically lived off of earl grey tea and grilled cheese sandwiches with coke and ice in a glass. The glass cup was always important. I never knew why. Today i guess he didnt have lunch at his miami condo, because i saw the paper towel bundled up in the glove compartment next to his leg. Men in cars always facinated me and how they sit with their knees almost touching their chest. Maybe that only people with long legs. Grandpa jack is about 6 3, 6 4 in his timberlands. I wish i was that tall. Im only 5 4 and my red hair makes people stare at me no matter how tall i am. My mom tells me that im short because i was a preme and that being in the hospital so long for that, im lucky to be alive. Why do parents do that? They take whatever youre going through and make it abojt them or blow off your emotions by saying something like just be grateful clara. I always thought that that sentiment was better suited for
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cryptidkey · 2 years
I'm going to throw dandelion seeds into all of your gardens
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
I know I should be writing chapter 3 of Future Hope instead but I am currently having a bit of a cold and I wanna enjoy this sick-ish mood to write a little Sick Arc OK dont judge me pls Im gonna finish it soon I swear dont hate me-
Morning has barely rised and dread has filled upon this house, not because of a villian or some potential danger, but because flu season has struck a member of this house and she does not go down easily, even when she's told to do so.
Queen, the leader of Future Hope and the most agressive one in the team, is also the barer of a very weak body, always congested, sensitive skin, bad eyes, and has alot of allergies you'd think she's the female version of Carl Wheezer, and let's not get started on her medicine cabinet to combat her weak-ass immune system. But sadly due to fighting crime, the cold night got the best of her and she got a bad cold, a flu even, but as a people-pleaser, Queen doesnt like to be still in one spot, even sick, she knows she has a duty to fulfill, and currently she's in her office, drawing and animating the newest chapter of her story to her youtube channel, fighting her sickness and her friends's warnings who are desperately trying to get her to rest.
"Queen." Started Togekiss in a stern voice. "I thought I told you to rest your eyes and go outide for a bit." He said.
Sniffling her nose, in a stuffy voice she replied "I said I cant, I gonna work." She said as she pulled another tissue from the box and blew her nose, tossing it to the paper basket next to her bed, her back still turned from Togekiss, who decided not to dwell on it any longer, he signed and left her room, shutting her door behind him and meeting the rest of the Future Hope crew, who were awaiting him to come back.
"Well?" Asked Muffin, with concern in her voice. Togekiss shook his head and everyone groaned in frustration, another one failed to convinced their leader to take a damn break, everyone had a turn, except their final resort: Griff.
They all looked at him with worry, whom he had his arms crossed and didnt want to come to this, but clearly he didnt have a choice, so he sighed and said to himself:
With a quick and painless transformation he once more turned himself into Usagijira, the massive Were-Rabbit form he wished himself to become on that magic fountain months ago, and quietly enter Queen's room, who luckily had hear headsets on and listening to music so she didnt hear him come inside, this was his chance. With a gentle swoop, he picked him Queen into his arms and tightened his grips around her.
Maria squeaked in surprise and was ready to hit him, but quickly realized it was just her bunny boy taking her away from her work.. wait, taking her away? This was a trap! She struggled against his arms, trying to break free with little effort. "God dammit Griff let me go!! Im busy!!" She yelled and squirmed into his arms, Griff simply ignored her and brought her to the livingroom where everyone was waiting for him. Maria snarled at their sights, she clearly was pissed.
"E-EEK! S-She's gone feral!! We shouldnt have messed with her! What if she actually turns into one of her beloved Werewolves and kill us all?!!" I dont believe that's possible my dear, and besides, Griff has a firm grip around her! Well done good chap!" Said Rooko and Rooki respectivly.
"I said let me go! Im busy dammit it's just a little cold!!" Maria shouted angrily as she's still struggling in the bunny's grip. "Your Majesty you're sick! We're gonna take care of you but we cant do that if you're exausting your body even more!" Said Muffin with concern.
"She's right." Added Kip, licking her paw. "So we had to force you out of there, it's for your own good." She finished. Griff sat down on the couch, still keep a firm grip on Maria behind his arms, who has still not given up on attempting escape and is now shouting profanities, Togekiss had to cover Muffin's ears to protect her from such foul language.
Blink came from the kitchen with a bowl in her hands, smiling. "Alright Queen, I made you a nice soup, chicken noodle. Im sure you'll like it"
"Im not hungry!!" She spouted in anger. "Dont be like that, it's good to eat" Responded Blink, holding a forkful of food. "Say ah-" Before she could finish that sentence, Queen actually GROWLED at her in pure rage, freaking Blink and making her hand the bowl to Spike in fear.
"Jesus fuck." She said with wide eyes and a small shocked voice, gently pushing Spike forward. "You do it she's crazy" Said Blink. Spike rolled his eyes and groaned, he simply walked forward and kicked her in the shin, making her shout in pain and taking his chance to shove the fork into her mouth.
"MFFHFMHG!!!" Queen muffled with the fork forced in her mouth. "Yeah I dont care just chew" Said Spike, taking the fork out and letting her eat. Whether it was the good warm food or her sickness finally getting to her, her body became limp and she gave up squirming, swallowing the portion of food she had in her mouth, she finally relaxed.
"Attagirl" Said Spike, giving the bowl to Griff. "You make her finish this, I'll get her a drink" Griff nodded and proceeded to feed Queen the rest of the bowl, she seemed calmer and more relaxed with every bite. Bit by bit, every member pitched in somehow. Spooks dimmed the living room lights to ease her eyes but didnt make it too dark, Muffin brought her a blanket, Togekiss brought her a pillow, Rooko and Rooki brought her Werehog plush from her bedroom and Griff put on a movie they could all watch together, soon after everyone was chilling in the living room.
Halfway into the movie, Queen, who was quiet all this time..
"you're all so caring for me..." She said quietly, as if she didnt want anyone to hear. "Of course!" Said Spooks. "We're your friends, we care for your well-being"
"Just like how you do for us" Said Togekiss.
"We love you Queen." Said Griff. "We hate to see you suffer.. Of course we'd-"
His sentence was cut off by a small snore, they all looked and realized Queen fell asleep on Griff's lap, her head against his chest and snuggled with the blanket and holding her Werehog plush.. She looked illegally adorable.
They all looked at eitch other and smiled. "Well now you cant move, it's the law." Said Spike.
Griff looked at Maria, gently tucking a strand of her hair away from her face. "I didnt intend to anyways.." He answered, watching the tiny punk sleep peacefully against his chest.
They all remained in the living room, listening the soft snores of their leader, who once recovered, will once again guide them to victory, to fight against the oppression they swore they fight off together.
To lead them.. To Future Hope..
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I went on a trip with a bunch of friends a while back. We were all in the same vehicle to get to said destination. I sat on the left side of a friend who I thought was just a friend. His nice, polite, and caring. Also we are both in our own relationships, and our s/o could not make it to said trip. Cue a couple hours later everyone is tired, most of us had gotten off of work. This is a really long drive to get to another state. Anyways, I'm tired and so is he. I get comfortable, there is no room, I move my feet close to his. I pass out, I wake up and his feet are rubbing against mine, not the way of needing room, it was footsie. I try to tell myself I need to stop this but I'm too tired and it felt nice. Hours passed and our friends in the back had been drinking and say hey switch places, we are gonna be rowdy so y'all go in the back. I grumble, and so does he, the other friend next to him gets a free seat to lay down, we sit next to each other again. I don't know if it was because we were tired and needed comfort cause both of our lives have not been so great, but he touched me, and I touched him. I wished our friends didn't tell us to move to the back. I would have been fine with just footisie. We stopped at a gas station, and we both get out and I rush to the bathroom. I'm shaking, and I don't know what to do. My mind is spinning, and I come out. His waiting for me outide the gas station and just says, "Sorry friend, that was not ok." I shake my head and tell him not to talk about it on the ride, but we text each other, apologizing again. He tells me his touched starved, and I feel the same way with my own relationship, but we have been together for so long that I want to make it work, and I care about him. In short on the vacation we are still near each other. I check on him, and he checks on me. The last night of our vacation caused us to sleep next to each other on the floor. (Because one of the friends had someone who needed a place to stay so my sleeping buddy told me to sleep somewhere else) I felt him next to me, I know we only had a few hours left, but I didn't move, I just laid beside him. I felt his legs wrap around mine, and I barely got any sleep. The ride back he was far away from me, and I was from him. We texted on and off through the ride. We opened up to each other about our lives. When we get back I tell my signficant other what happened, and they laughed, making fun of the other friend while I'm just standing there. Because I also feel that way, and they just brushed it off. I am trying to make things work out between us, and whats worse I keep thinking of the other friend. I told said friend how I felt, and their response is, "If I didn't have my s/o I would choose you, but I want to make things workout with what I have. I don't feel like it was a mistake, but I shouldn't have done that." Which makes me feel even worse. I felt like I shouldn't have gone, and I'm losing my mind thinking of someone as an unrequited love. It's pathetic. I feel used, and confused. I know I'm a terrible person.
Okay first off, you're not a terrible person. You're confused and that's okay. Maybe try to reflect why this all happened in the first place. You said you're in a relationship and want to make things work, though maybe you don't ? It is difficult to figure out the right thing, but maybe just take a hot minute and try to think about everything, your relationship, the trip, what that has to do with another, and most importantly what you really want, how you really want this to go from here, there is absolutely no one else who can decide this for you, that one you'll have to figure out yourself.
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devak66 · 4 years
finallt got to this
@fallenxsnow @pawesome28-x
 The last thing that Ranboo remembered was Fundy berating him for.. He didn’t remember what… and anger. Why was he so angry...? He sat up and he just felt… pain.. Ranboo put a hand to his face… bandages
“Take it easy” Tubbo’s voice spoke from the other side of the room. Ranboo looked over and his friend was sitting in a chair and he seemed… tense. Glancing out the window at the gently falling snow and the general decor of the room, it was obvious he was in Snowchester. 
“What happened..?” Ranboo adjusted his position to be more comfortable. Tubbo looked.. Unsure of what to say “How long was I asleep?”
“A few days'' Tubbo said, he still had what Dream had told him on his mind. Could Ranboo actually be dangerous..? “Do you know what a dreamon is?”
“No… Should I..?” Ranboo honestly doesn't remember much
“Yes…? No…? I'm honestly not sure” Tubbo admit “Not many people know about the dreamons, and for good reason. They’re horrifying, dangerous creatures. Fundy and I are dreamon hunters, trying to keep everyone safe from the threat of them” Ranboo kept his gaze on Tubbo. Why was he telling him this..? “I know what your other half is''
“What? How? What is it?” Ranboo has a feeling he knows what the answer is… but no… it can't be…
“Dreamon'' Tubbo said simply. He didn’t want to have to hurt Ranboo, he's his friend. But Dream had said he was the only option to train ranboo how to control that other form… he did bring up the idea to Sam after visiting Dream, he had said a very quick no. It could be dangerous, and tubbo understood that. 
Ranboo is stressed, what is this going to be leading to? Was he planning something? He was pretty injured and defenseless so he wouldn't be able to defend himself, not like he’s sure he’d be able to hurt his friend “I’m not going to do anything, i'm just as surprised as you” Tubbo admit “I am a dreamon hunter, but i.. I can't hurt you. You’re my friend” ranboo relaxed hearing that, showing just how tense he had been “But that doesnt change that you could be a potential threat… I talked to Dream and he said that there could be a way to train you but it would only happen if he could leave the prison…” Tubbo said but quickly added “ Sam wouldn't let it happen even if we wanted to do it”
“Was Fundy right..?” Ranboo asked after a few moments of silence
“What?” Tubbo asked
“I don't remember much from what Fundy told me” Ranboo admit “But what i do remember is he said that… I’m related to Dream… that i'm his.. Brother”
Tubbo said nothing for a bit, not sure how to respond. This conversation could already be overwelming for his friend and he did not want to take it too far. He sighed and said “if you asked me a week ago, I wouldn't be so sure, but you had a physical response to the prime water… like how a dreamon would, and as far as we can tell hes the only full dreamon. And then with what he said when i asked him some questions.. I think so” Tubbo had looked away while talking, simply watching the snow fall outside the window as t grows dark outide with the sun setting, when he looked over at his hybrid friend, he had taken out one of his memory books. It was most specifically the one that Dream had swapped out with his original memory book. The one that was used to prove him as a traitor. Ranboo was lost in thought, just staring at the smile on the first page. Tubbo tried to get Ranboo’s attention but he didn’t react, until tubbo raised his voice, saying his friend’s name, who snapped to attentin, simply saying “hm?” looking at Tubbo
“Are you ok?” Tubbo asked, actually worried
“Y-yeah” Ranboo stammered. Was he though? He had found out he was related to Dream. Dream had done so much to him. How could he be related to someone like that? How could someone do something like that to their family? If anyone else found out, would that affect how they saw him? Some people had been upset about the betrayal, so if they found out about him being related to dream they could think he gave Dream the memory book and played the victim card. People could be so much more on edge around him, or simply not want him around… “I’m just a little tired”
“Makes sense, you got pretty hurt. You should take it easy for a few days” tubbo said, Ranboo simply nodded, putting his book away again and laying back down carefully, wincing from the burns. Tubbo frowned when seeing that but went off to bed. It was getting late and he had a lot to think about
Hours later, the sun had completely set, the snow had stopped falling and the moon shone ovehead. Most people are asleep at this hour, but there is the sound of footsteps in the snow. Ranboo had gotten out of bed and was walking in silence. But… this wasn’t Ranboo. His walking is a lot more jagged, his gaze more dull, the green sheen in his eyes. He stops at the shoreline, just staring at the prison.
⍙⟒ ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⏚⟒ ⏁⍜☌⟒⏁⊑⟒⍀ ⏃☌⏃⟟⋏ ⌇⍜⍜⋏, ⏚⍀⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀
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triforceangel13 · 4 years
Waltz Within Chains Ch. 6 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Fantasy Au)
Chapter  6: Shattered Dream
Izuku woke the next morning to a soft hand running through his hair and over his ears. He mumbled something softly and opened his green eyes, looking up at the dragon that he was snuggled closety with.
His head laid on his chest, his arm resting around his bare chest, the memories of the night before slowly coming to him.
Izuku's hand came to Katsuki's neck quickly, watching him wince when he felt the sharp sting of a new wound. Katsuki's hand was quick to grab his and pull it away.
“Careful. It's still healing,” he told him, setting the hand right back on his chest. Izuku cuddled close once more, relaxing a bit, a small look of an apology on his freckled face. The dragon rolled his eyes and pecked his forehead to show he forgave him.
That was right. He had marked Katsuki as his alpha last night. And then they had...
“Oh my god...” he mumbled, burying his face underneath the blanket. Soft laughter came from the dragon above him and Katsuki pulled the blanket up a bit to be able to look down at Izuku's rather flushed cheeks.
“Something wrong bunny?” he asked with a teasing tone to his voice. “Did someone just suddenly remember how much fun we had last night?”
“Yes,” Izuku answered, trying to pull the blanket over his head again but Katsuki kept a firm grip on the fabric.
“And what's so wrong with that?” Katuki asked, pushing his body down a little bit into the blankets and tugged the blanket over them both, enveloping them both in warm darkness.
“Nothing at all,” Izuku said quickly, looking up at him. “I just can't believe I acted in such a way. I never thought I could do something like that.”
“Well either way I did love every bit of it,” Katsuki said, leaning in to rest his lips against his bare shoulder, moving up to his mating mark where he laid a gentle nip. Izuku gasped, his body reacting a little bit just from this small touch.
“Looks like someone wants to have some fun again,” Katsuki laughed a bit, shoving off the blanket and rolled them over so that Izuku was laying flat on his back. The buny stared up at him, his cheeks a deep red but his bottom lip was tucked under his teeth.
Without a word he started to nod his head a little bit.
“Alright,” Katsuki said, leaning down to kiss his lips lightly. He pushed his legs open with his knee and smirked down at him. “But I've got to be gentle. You're still healing from your first time so it's going to be sore.”
Izuku nodded his head, his arms wrapping around Katsuki's neck as his wings extended out behind him. His heart raced hard in his chest, feeling like he was still dreaming. This was all very, very real though.
But dreams can turn into nightmares.
A loud crash came from the bedroom door being kicked in, breaking the lock on the door. Izuku let out a scared yelp, Katsuki pulling Izuku behind him, his wings spreading out to cover the prince's naked body.
“What is the meaning of this?” Katsuki snapped at them. Izuku grabbed hold of Katsuki's arm peeking his head out from behind him.
The oddly armored guards didn't answer and went into action at once, four of them approaching the dragon. His hands glowed hot but hearing the small whimper from his omega behind him he stopped. If he used his magic like that he could hurt Izuku too.
With his attentiong on Izuku they used this as a distraction and grabbed hold of him, tugging him off the bed and onto the floor. There they bound both his wrists in cuffed chains, using spears to pin his wings to the floor which he let out a grunt from the stinging pain.
“Please!” Izuku cried, climbing off the bed and went to kneel next to the dragon. One of the guards with the spears however held his hand up to block his path.
“Cover yourself up son, you're indescent,” he heard his father say. Izuku's eyes widened as he saw his father step into the room. He quickly grabbed the closest thing which happened to be Katsuki's shirt, which was large enough to cover him up.
“Father, why are you doing this?” Izuku asked, pushing past the guard that had blocked him and knelt down next to Katsuki, hands resting on his back. His hands were shaking, his stomach feeling like he was about to throw up whatever was in it. “What has Kacchan even done?”
Though it was quite obvious. They were both bare with Katsuki having been on top of him, kissing their troubles away. Anyone would know what they were doing together and would've done if they hadn't been intrupted.
“He defiled my son,” the king stated, looking down at the dragon in disgust. “He marked him when someone like him isn't supposed to marry royalty. You were meant to marry one of the alphas I had hand picked for you last night. And yet I come to find he had done it already years ago.”
Izuku paled, squeezing Katsuki's arm worried. When his father made up his mind there was no changing it.
“For this act he will be sent to the dungeons to await his trial,” the king stated, gesturing to the men to pull Katsuki up. One guard came up behind Izuku, pulling him up away from his apha who started to kick and squirm to get from his grasp.
“Kacchan!” Izuku cried out looking to him with wide scared eyes. Katsuki looked back to him. Every fiber in him wanted to comfort his mate but he was not in a position to be able to do so. “Father please! You cannot do this! I wanted him to do this. For years.”
“Your brain is clouded my son,” the king said, his back turned to him. “We will have someone come to break the claim on you soon enough. Im afraid it might hurt. You've been stuck under his spell for to long.”
Izuku gaped at his words, tears welling up in his eyes as she shook his head hard, his ears flopping back and forth in his face.
“No!” Izuku yelped, trying to push past the guard again as they started to pull Katsuki out of the room, his alpha struggling against them.
The king led the charge out of the room and Izuku felt the tears finally leak down his cheeks. He finally had gotten his alpha and now he had lost him in the course of only a few hours. This was a nightmare he wanted to wake up from.
“Kacchan!” Izuku cried out loudly.
Katsuki growled as he fought against the chains that were around his wrists but they were tight, digging into his skin with each movement he made.
His inner alpha was in overdrive. His mate was distressed and scared and he was being taken away where he couldn't comfort him. And what was worse was that the king was going to force their bond to break.
It would not only be painful physically but mentally as well. While Izuku's bond on him was brand new it wouldn't be that bad, he didn't think Izuku would make it himself if they broke his. He had to get out of this some how.
“You better not break that bond,” Katsuki growled at the king the closer they got to the dungeons. He had never been defiant but he was tired of this man trying to run Izuku's life. The bunny finally had a chance at happiness and the man was taking it all away.
Hisashi stopped walking as they got to the dungeon door and turned to the dragon with a scowl on his face.
“How dare you talk to me like that you dragon filth,” he spat at him. “I will take that claim away and rip that poison you had put into my son's mind for years.”
“If you do that you may as well end up killing him,” Katsuki growled right back at him, earning himelf a harsh punch in the face. He grunted, tasting blood.
“I will be saving him. You on the other hand I have no problems killing,” he finished. He gave a nod to his men as they carried him into the dungeon.
Katsuki growled against their hold, attempting to use magic but when he tried it came out in a puff of smoke.
“What the...” he growled, looking at his hands as they were cuffed to the wall. He tried again but once more smoke was the only thing that greeted him.
“Don't even bother trying to use your magic. These men are specialized in blocking magic,” the king said with a smirk of his own. “Don't worry, your fate will come soon. For touching my son. For marking him. You will be killed for your crimes.”
Katsuki growled and tried to jump at him again but the chains tugged his wrists back. The king growled and stepped from the room, the door closing behind him, the only light coming through the bars into the room.
“Oh shut it. I dont even see what my wife or son saw in you,” he stated, leaving Katsuki alone as he and the guards left.
“Izuku..” he mumbled, feeling his body shiver. Without his magic he couldn't keep his bare body warm. He'd find a way out of this. He had to.
He didn't want to see Izuku get hurt.
Dressed in different clothing Izuku ran to his mother's study, panic striking his handsome features. He was having a hard time even moving. His backside hurt and his vision was blurry from the tears leaking down his cheeks, yet he pressed on.
He couldnt lose Katsuki this way. Yes what they had done had gone against the throne but was that really on grounds for treason?
Izuku hestitated outide the door. His father had placed the whole blame on Katsuki. In a way he was trying to protect him but at the risk of destroying what little happiness he had in this life. This life where he wasn't allowed to make his own choices.
His mother had to have some sort of solution. She had helped for so many years. All the anger of her not telling him of who his alpha was flew from his head.
He just wanted her help to get him back.
He knocked on the door and cracked it open. Inko sat at a desk, sipping a cup of tea. As the door opened and she saw the familiar ears poking in first she smiled and set her cup down, happy to see her son.
“Izuku,” she said warmly. “What brings you here? I would have thought you'd still be with...Well I mean.” Did everyone know what they did?
Izuku stepped in, closing the door behind him.
“Father took him away,” Izkuku whispered.
Inko was quiet a moment. “He what?”
Izuku sat down in the chair before her desk slowly and that's where more tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Father took Kacchan away,” Izuku sobbed hard. “He caught the two of us in bed together and he proclaimed because Kacchan claimed me as his omega, he has committed treason against the kingdom.”
Inko's skin paled and she rose from her seat quickly, going to her son's side and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“He's going to sentence him to death mother...” Izuku cried, clinging to his mother. “I just found my alpha...I don't want to lose him.”
Inko pet his hair gently, biting her bottom lip. This was not what she expected. She had been ready to smooth her way into letting Izuku have Katsuki be his alpha but things had gone very wrong. She couldn't see how it could get worse.
“And father said he also wants to bring someone in to break the bond,” Izuku added with a hiccup. Inko tightened her arms around him. No it certainly had gotten worse.
“I won't let that happen Izuku,” she said to him softly, petting his hair gently and kissed the top of his head as he cried into her arms. “I will make sure that I will let the two of you be together. I promise you this.”
I’m open for written commissions
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virtutiae · 4 years
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⌠ RUDY PANKOW, 23, CISMALE, HE/HIM⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ALEXANDER MUELLER! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in “MACGYVER” SURVIVAL SKILLS & NAVIGATION + COVERT OPERATIONS; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( chunky gold rings adorning their fingers, mess of blond hair, confident steps and fake smiles ). when it’s the (leo)’s birthday on 7/27/1997, they always request their BACON CHEESEBURGER & FRIES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
hello everyone! i’m yadira, i used to play a bunch of characters but i sucked at time management so i had to leave, but i’m back! this is alex, he is a character i thought about one night when i couldn’t sleep. it’ll be obvious what my main inspo was, but i hope y’all like him. feel free to message me on discord or im me for plots, i will try my best.
AGE: Twenty-Three
DATE OF BIRTH: July 27,1997
PLACE OF BIRTH: Las Vegas, Nevada
GENDER: Cisgender Male
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Doesn’t know / anything that breathes
RELIGION: Agnostic
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
SCARS: Small scar on his knee from being a child
BODY TYPE: Athletic
             alexander mueller was born to two loving parents , who just so happened to be con artists. he was born in las vegas where his parents made most of their cons to gamblers , but moved around various states when he was born evading the authorities. however, without his father’s knowledge his mother got into trouble with the authorities where she attempted to evade them but was killed when alex was only about one. his father had made alex and himself passports and moved permanently to belgium where he began to construct ‘ the big plan ‘. his father never actually told him what the big plan was , until much later. 
                 their life in belgium wasn’t anything extra ordinary , his dad was pulling in money by conning and began to teach alex how to fake cashier’s checks and other things at a very young age. after all , no one suspects a child of forgery. alex went to regular public school , but was a very fast learner , but was kind of lazy.  when he was about six he could remember weird people coming and going from their small home , they were always nice to him but he got curious.  he was pretty handy with a bobby pin ( you would think that a con artist would be handier ) but alex finally got to see the beginnings of the big plan and he was all in , but his dad didn’t know.
               alex was well liked in the city he lived in , he fit right in as a child , but as he started to grow up and began to get more involved with his father’s plan he began to rebel more. his father would play the honorable father who would pretend to discipline alex but pretty much let him roam free. alex even formed a band with a couple of people from his school when he was about fourteen , they were pretty well known around belgium and had a few international listeners. ( their best hit was a cover was baby one more time by bowling for soup , if you know you know ) 
                 the big plan was to rob the federal reserve of belgium ( can you tell where i got my inspo ? ). this plan was to take place when alex was 20 , alex was to attend college for about two years , get an internship at the reserve to see its inner workings. which he accomplished , his father made sure to finally include alex in the inner workings as young as 14 so he could keep his grades up but not drive too much attention to his name --- despite his growing ‘ fame ‘ because of his band which he named something angsty like cool strife or something like that. 
                  the heist started on a wednesday morning , his father didn’t want to deal with a large number of people.  his father also didn’t let anyone know alex was his father --- for his safety and assigned everyone roman gods and goddess names his own being jupiter and alex’s being mercury. things went smoothly and not so smoothly , but they all managed to get out relatively safely with millions of dollars split between the six of them and they left to different parts of the world. alex and his father ended up in argentina and they were there for a couple of months before alex got cocky and interpol began to track him having comprised a timeline of the happenings , too many coinsedences. as soon as alex began to feel watched , he hid the money in the dark of night and was arrested that night and much to his surprise his father had already escaped.
                   alex was ‘ questioned ‘ for several days straight , but the united states wanted to take him to trial in the states because he is a us citizen.  he was tried and found guilty of too many charges to count. before being taken to folsom state prison he was approached by an agent , a recruiter for blackthorne heavily impressed with his skills --- they had been watching the heist from his father’s monitors.  alex called bullshit and literally spit in their face enraged at the offer from any form of authority.  however , folsom was not kind to him and he only lasted a month before using his one call a month to contact the agent once more and he finally went to blackthorne --- and hated it. 
quick facts:
he’s a leo --- do i need to say more? he’s actually really chill , but is also a little shit raised by a con artist so he knows how to please people.
loves to sing a little too loudly in the shower and play air guitar.
has new found respect for johnny cash since his stint in folsom.
he has major hoe vibez, i feel it
has a very quick mind, almost has eidetic memory but also forgets to take his daily vitamins do i don’t know how that would work
he’s not mad at his dad, he loves him with all his heart, has no problems with loving people --- he just doesn’t want to, he thinks he’s too young
but also has commitment issues and an identity crisis almost every month.
the heist he was involved in and his capture was really big internationally and only relatively big in the u.s so someone is bound to recognize him
someone who knows him from the germany area or outide , he did travel a lot before he hit 20
someone ( an encryption major ) who he is using to try and find his dad
someone’s parent / alumni who helped in his capture
someone who befriends him trying to get some of the money he hid
someone who listened to his music / went to one of his shows
blackthorne best bud
gallagher best bud
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dayawantstosleep · 6 years
Ocober 26 2018 
Genre/Warnings: Demon au; angst; slight fluff
Summary: You’ve fallen in love with the demon in the mirror.
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“No! This can’t be happening. No! I hate you!” I growled at him. He just stared at me, a sad look in his eyes. I felt rage boil inside me and I took off my left show.
“I’m sorry, love.” He said and I scoffed. If he was sorry he could stay with me. 
I yelled, and threw my shoe at the mirror. Tears streaming down my face as the glass shattered and V’s face began disintegrating. 
“No! What did I do? I’m sorry! I-I love you. I love you, V!” I could only watch as the rest of the mirror broke into little pieces. Just like my heart. I yelled again, feeling a piece of me disappearing with him.
I’m sorry, but Satan needs me. 
That was all he said minutes earlier, begore I broke the glass. I wiped my tears and looked at the shattered pieces on my floor.
“V? V!” I sobbing even harder I didn’t hear a response. I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers towards my body. That night, I cried myself to sleep. 
I wiped my reamining tears with my sweater paw, and looked at my bowl of rice lifelessly. Was the rice also missing a partner to be eaten?
“You see this lonely bowl of rice? This is how I feel without him.” Andrea glaced at me and sighed.  
“It’‘s V isn’t it?” She asked, taking a sip of her banana milk. I nodded and she clicked her tongue.
“Miguel’s throwing a party, you wanna go?” I turned to her, and shook my head. Why would I go to a party in this state?
“Why would I do that? What would I even do there?”
“What every person does; dance, have fun, not mope around. You might see him again. But you moping around won’t solve anything.” 
“You’re not wrong.” I took a bite of my rice with my chopsticks.
“I know I’m not.” She smirked, which made me throw a napkin at her.
“Let’s go.” She threw her half esten lunch in the trashcan before walking to outide.
“Wait, aren’t you gonna miss your math class?” I asked. She chuckle and shrugged.
“So? It’s not like I’m missing out. I already did Mrs. Colunga homework.” She turned around and gave me one of her ‘are you coming or not’ look.
“If you say so. I’ll ditch, just once.” I said as we walk to her yellow Corola and got into the passanger’s seat. She started the engine and drove off 
“So, what do you wanna do until Miguel’s party?”
“Well, I can invite Yoongi and we can all have a horror movie marathon.”
“No. I’ll feel like a third wheel.”
“Too bad, I already invited him.” I just rolled my eyes and leaned against the car doow.
“Ok, only if we watch Crazy Rich Asians.” She groaned. I knew she didn’t like that movie. 
“Fine. We’ll watch that movie and then a horror movie.”
“Deal.” The drive to her house was a quick one and soon we got out of the car. She opened the door with her keys and went to the living room. 
Both of us sat on the couch and I clicked on the Netflix button on the remote and typed in Crazy Rich Asians. The doorbell rang and Andrea rushed to the door.
“That’s probably Yoongi.” I could practically see the hearts in her eyes as she opened the door. I turned to see Yoongi in a plaid shirt and black jeans.
“Hi, come in.” Andrea kissed him and I playfully gagged. She rolled her eyes at me and sat down on the couch next to me.
“Hey! You wish you had what we have.” She said as I laughed.
“Whatever.” Yoongi sat down next to her as I pressed play. 
“Wait, didn’t you say this was a horror movie marathon?” Yoongi asked
“Yes, but Aria is sad so we’re watching this.” He nodded and I grabbed leaned my head back on the couch.
The party was loud as soon as I stepped foot inside. I wanted to turn around and go back to that movie marathon. There were people making out, and dancing, not my type of scene. But, Andrea stopped me.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She glared at me with her hand on her hip.
“To your house, to continue the movie marathon.” She grabbed my arm.
“Cheer up. Have fun, you’ll be fine in a couple of days.” I sighed in defeat.
“Fine, only because I’m too lazy to walk all the way over to your place.”
“Sure.” She turned to Yoongi and then back to me.
“I’ll be back. Yoongi looks lonely.” She pointed to her boyfrined who was sitting down on a corner of the room. 
“Oh no, you’re not leave me.” I protested, grabbing her arm.
“It’ll be quick.” She assured me.
“Why? You promised you wouldn’t leave me.” She stuck her tongue out at me and walked away. She covered her boyfriend’s eyes and something she said made him laugh.
One day, I’ll have something like that too. Tears pricked my eyes as I saw how happy they looked with each other.
“Aria?” I froze and searched the room frantically. It was him. V. 
I searched for the demon that captured my heart for a good half hour before giving up and standing in the same spot as before. Yoongi and Andrea were God knows where and it sucked.
“Aria.” I turned around and then, I saw him.
He looked exactly the same, but his eyes were now brown instead of his eye being pitch black from iris to cornea. He wore a brown button up shirt and dark jeans.
“V?” My voice broke and he smiled a familiar boxy smile. Instead of fangs, he had regular mortal teeth. I couldn’t help but run to him.
“How did you appear here? I thought I’d never see you again.” His smile grew even wider and he wrapped his arms around me.
“I couldn’t just leave you here so that another guy can love you like I do. So, I gave up my powers to be with you.” What? I hit his arm repeatedly.
“Why did you do it?”
“What, oww!” He protested, but I didn’t care. I wanted to inflict pain to the person who gave up their awesome powers just for a mortal like me.
“Give up your powers, moron! You didn’t have to do that.” I stopped hitting him.
“But, thank you, that was sweet of you.” He was defenitely stupid.
"I’m still immortal. Satan let me keep my immortality. My powers will eventually return.”
“Good. If they didn’t, I would’ve gone through hell just to get them back.”
“Calm down.” He reached for my hand and drew small circles on the back of it.
“Since I’m human, I should have a name.”
“That’s a good idea.”
“How about Taehyung?” I tilt my head and he laughed.
“You’re adorable.” 
“That suits you. Alright Taehyung, let’s go.” I was about to drag him to the dancefloor, but he stopped me.
“Wait, I have a question.”
“What is it?”
“Do you love me? Like I do?” My breath hitched. His eyes were full of…love? He looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. To him I probably was.
“Yeah, I do.” I smiled at him and then he leaned towards me. Was he going to kiss me? I met him halfway and just enjoyed the kiss.
I pulled away when I heard Andrea call my name.
“Hey Y/N -who’s this?” She asks once she saw V. I heard a low growl and noticed it came from Yoongi. He grabbed her waist and glared at V.
“Hey, I’m Yoongi.” he said
“I’m Taehyung.”
“Is this V?”Andrea asks. I nod my head.
“Yes. Yes, it is. Anyway, Yoongi, Andrea told me you write songs, can we see?”I tried dissuading the death stare Yoongi was giving V. Yoongi turned to me and nodded.
“Yeah..” He took out his phone and showed me lyrics. I noticed it was rap lyrics and it was amazing. No wonder he writes songs, he’s really talented. I look at V and found myself smiling. V is my whole world and without him I don’t know what I would’ve done.
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piratepassion · 5 years
It was my birthday, 12/12 – BIG 35!  I told joel I want a special birthday this year, a full day to myself to relax, drink wine, bake, have a bath, watch movies.  I was going to jam pack that day with ME TIME!
10am – I was baking scones when the phone rang.  Ella’s school number popped up on the screen.  I hate to admit it but inwardly I groaned… I had a full day planned!! “Ella’s had a fall and chipped a tooth” I laughed, thinking thats not so bad!  he’s such a clutz!  I actually asked if she could finish the day – being the second last week of school they always do such fun things! The voice on the phone said no, and you’d better book her in to the dentist asap. I called around, Of course I couldn’t get her into a dentist on short notice.  No biggie I thought we’ll work it out later. I jumped in the car and off I went to pick ella up.  no handbag, no water bottle, (I usually dont leave home without it) just my wallet and my phone, I told Joel I’d be back in an hour (Ella’s school is 40ks away, about half hours drive)  gave Reece a wave and off I went on what would turn out to be one of the worst days ever.
Half way there I get another call to meet them at the district hospital…  Ok? Thinking thats weird – but still not too worried. I walk in to reception, the receptionist explains that they got the tooth back in… “WHAT?!” It was serious.  she’d knocked her tooth out and damaged the other one.  I walk in to her room, she looked….  AWFUL! blood all down her front, half a tooth jutting out at an awkward angle and the other one hlaf gone.  😢 Within 5 minutes the tooth fell out again and I popped it in the milk they had ready.
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The dentist came in and told me they had called ahead to royal melbourne dental hospital (about 3 hours drive away) and we have to leave right away.  I mentioned going home (which is the oposite direction) to pack a few things, change of clothes etc and was told No, it’s really important I get there asap – to hopefully save the tooth!!  I can’t fault them, they’d organised for Ella to be seen as soon as we got there, printed a map where the nearest parking was (about a 10 minute walk from the hospital) one lady even went to her house to get Ella a change of clothes, as her uniform was wet and bloody.  So off we went! BIRTHDAY ROAD TRIP! (I guess?😂)
So we get a park, and of course Melbourne is a lot colder than home, I’m in shorts and a singlet, Ella in a summer dress, and All I had was her swim bag to carry stuff in (Including the container of milk holding her tooth)  the 10 minute walk turned into a 20 minute walk with ella, as she was tired, shivering and really not happy.  I was practically dragging her – and even carried her for as long as my back could take it.  I would have given anything for her wheelchair, and a jumper for her.  Nearly in tears myself I was working out how much cash I had on me, and seriously contemplated asking a stranger to literally buy the jumper off their back for her (of course being melbourne, and me being very country, I was also concerned about getting stabbed so I didnt do that lol)
Once at the dental hostpital I gave the refferal letter to the receptionist, told her they were expecting us and explained what was going on. she told me to take a seat and wait, and I did.   and waited, and waited.  Wrapping Ella in her damp towel (because that was all I had) She was clearly going into shock – shivering and crying.  We waited. After the first 2 hours I went and asked how much longer. “not long”
We Waited.
After another 2 hours later I complained, almost in tears, face red, shaking as I hadn’t eaten all day and I was just so bloody over everything at this point.  Different receptionist this time, she really went to bat for me, went and made sure we’d be next, was disgusted that we had waited so long, she got me the forms to make a formal complaint – and an hour after all that, sh even stopped someone else from going in as we were supposted to be next!
finally we went in – the dentist took one look at ella and said we needed to go to the royal childrens hospital.  I think I broke a little inside at this point.  It was 8pm by this stage, absolutly freezing outide at this point and getting dark.
40 minutes it took for me to get Ella back to the car.  She was crying the whole way and I tell you I wasn’t far off sitting in my gutter and doing the same!!
We Drove to the childrens (not far thankfully) Found a park straight away and in we went!  Got seen by the intake nurse in about an hour, then saw the dentist on call about an hour after that.
This detist was AMAZING! She explained that they could put her under – fix the teeth and reimplant the one that was out, they’ll put a brace on to keep it place until it fuses to the bone – but unfortuntly the tooth is dead, so it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ she looses that tooth again.  I sign the paperwork, surgury is booked for the following day.
I drove to my grandma’s (luckily I have family in melbourne otherwise I dont know what I would have done!) She had some pj’s for Ella, I got her into bed and then drove to Kmart to pick up a few essencials (toothbrush, deoderant, change of clothes for both of us)
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The next day could not have gone better! I got to see some family I hadn’t seen in a while – traffic back to the hospital was a dream and Ella got called in almost straight away.  Ella’s generally terrified of the face masks but We did lots of practicing ‘blowing up balloons’ and decorating the mask with stickers, plus a bit of bribary with a new hat i got her from kmart the night before – she finally got it on her face.
The chat with the dental surgeon beforehand while keeping Ella calm and entertained was hard – unfortunately the fact of the matter is the tooth won’t take. She said I had two options, she could go ahead and replace the tooth today, so the root will fuse to the bone. This means we’ll need to go back in two weeks for review, then she’ll need to be put under a general again to get the braces taken off, and then under again for a root canal, and then again after the root fuses to the bone when they’ll cut her tooth off at the gum and screw in a fake one, and As always there’s risks every time she gets put under. The other option would be to clean it up, and leave a gap – which has its own problems, the other teeth moving, trouble eating, infection etc In the end I decided to get it put back in – still not sure if I made the right call! 😬 It’s so hard to make a huge decision like that in the moment – and on very little sleep! She woke up pretty sore and upset, which is to be expected – but the braces looked adorable and she got a certificate for being so brave!
Home the next day with an appointment in two weeks to check and possibly get the braces off.  On the plus side since we actually knew about the next trip we made a family holiday of it, spent christmas with my family from melbourne, went to the zoo and got her braces off all in the same trip. (we even took our dog Lucy 😁)
So basically thats where we’re at now.  Ella needs to be careful with her teeth, semi restricted diet (no apples, buiskuits, anything crunchy) and eventually they will need to be cut off at the root and fake ones drilled in, and hope to jebus they don’t fall out (or get knocked out🤦‍♀️ ) before then! 
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  All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth! It was my birthday, 12/12 - BIG 35!  I told joel I want a special birthday this year, a full day to myself to relax, drink wine, bake, have a bath, watch movies. 
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kyriakewritesshit · 7 years
2p hetalia :some dating headcanons
2p!Italiy (Luciano) -Him being really overprotecting over you. -Not even his mafia members can look/talk/think about you. -One of his people slapped your but once... No one knows where he is now or what happended to him... -He's always scared he will lose you because of the whole mafia thing -Him not letting you go ANYWHERE when it's dark and you're alone , not even outide your place 2p!America (Allen) -Him dragging you to baseball games. -Him wanting your opinion during his fights with Matt on what sport is better baseball or hockey -You always saying hockey to tease him and him knowing it so when Matt is gone Allen gives you "punishment" ;) -Him being attention needy so he always holds you any way. No matter if it is having his arm around you or just having your pinkies interweave. -He's really scared to lose you, because you're the first girl he actualy love. 2p!Canada (Matt) -Kuma being as overprotecting over you as Matt -Kuma being your living- pillow -Being actually the only girl Kuma likes -Going on hockey games with him and actually like it. -Him pretending he doesn't like your good relation with his brother, but inside he's happy that you get on well with his family 2p!England (Oliver) -A lot of food fights, like A LOT! -You two making cupcakes every week. -He cares about you more than he ever cated about Allen when he was younger -He's afraid you would left him because he's "not so manly". -A lot of cuddling. 2p!Romano (Flavio) -Him dragging you to fashion shows - He actually really likes your style -Him giving you the best advices about what to wear or what match what. -Him always wanting your clothes to match his. -Him always playing with your hair. He just love the feeling of running his fingers through it. 2p!Spain (Andres) -He's a real sassy king. He would be his normal emotionless self one moment and he would give you the most sassy coment ever next moment! -When he's with you he want all your attention and I mean ALL -When he's sick he wants to cuddle but he won't admit it. -You have to get used to his bull's jealousy. But after some time it got used to you and accept you. -When his bull got use to you it will be jealous of people it doesn't know ((my teacher told me that animals are "it" but in my place we call them "he" or "she" so I felt really weird :P)) 2p!China (Zao) -Him NOT giving you and of his drugs, even if you ask him, because he cares about you too much. -Him always saying something pervertet around you but he beat the crap out if someone if they even look at you in inappropriate way -if you're insecure about your body he'll be the best to help. He would tell you how sexy you are and will prove you that. -He will always make you smile and praise whatever you think looks wrong about you. You think you look bad in something? He will tell how amazing you look. Bad hair day? He will tell you how sexy it looks.
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awhaaaale-blog · 7 years
A bit of a different question but how would Yui approach the each of S&M brothers and announce that she was pregnant in a scenario in which she was with them.
Shu: Shu sat drifting between a state of sleep and consciousness as he rested outide on a bench, Yui laying by his side. His music leaked from his buds and into the still night air. Yui shifted uncomfortably. She hoped to God he wasn’t picking up on her unease. Not yet at least. It was about to happen and she was very nervous. That’s when his music changed and the song “You’re Having My Baby” by Paul Anka came on. Shu tensed. A certain smartphone addicted vampire helped Yui plan this scheme out; they messed with his ipod while he was snoring away.
The blonde lazily shifted an inquisitive gaze to the smaller girl. “Yui-san, do you have something you’re trying to tell me?”
“U-uhm, that is..” Yui started.
“Hmm?” He prodded.
“Shu,” Yui began. “I’m pregnant.”
     Shu’s eyes widened in surprise. “Yui..” Her name rolled off his lips as his body came to embrace her, no longer tired and instead full of excited passion. “That’s great,” he breathed into her neck, kissing it. “You’ll make a wonderful mother.”
Reiji: He had noticed the signs pretty early on. Yui was more emotional lately, every snide comment he made seemed to affect her when they usually had no effect. Her chest had become full and shapely. She no longer got her monthlies. It didn’t take long for Reiji to pop the question on her.
“Yui, excuse my imprudence, but if I may ask, are you pregnant?”
     Yui recoiled in surprise. She had been planning to tell him, but she never expected him to beat her to it. “Yes… I’m sorry Reiji, I was waiting for the right moment–”
“It’s okay, I’m pleased to hear my suspicions were correct. Don’t worry, you are the best suited to care for my child.”
Laito: Yui and Laito were preparing to go swimming and Laito was already dressed and waiting for her when the door opened and Yui stepped out.
“Wow Bitch-chan, you’ve gotten fuller,” he teased insensitively.
     Yui only frowned at this and rubbed her protruding belly in a loving manner. “And guess who gave me this belly,” Yui retorted sassily.
     Laito was about to make a comeback until her words sank in. “U-uh Bitch-chan, are you saying what I think you’re saying? But I was sure I used protection–”
Kanato: Yui and Kanato were at Build-A-Bear, one of Kanato’s favorite places to go in the entire mall. The purple-haired boy continued to blubber to his Teddy about how they were getting new friends, who we should make this time, and all that. While he was preoccupied, Yui created a small stuffed teddy bear without him noticing. 
     Kanato finallu did notice her missing, proceeding to come behind her with wide, accusing eyes. “Yui-san, who’s bear is that?” He questioned. “We were supposed to make ours together.”
     Yui turned to him with a shy expression. “Well Kanato, this one is for the baby…” Kanato’s eyes widened in surprise and he seized the girl’s shoulders.
Ayato: Ayato was in the middle of an intense basketball game and Yui watched from the crowd with adoration. The boisterous redhead was dominating the game, pulling his team into the lead with numerous consecutive scores and he was definitely full of it. Every time he scored, he turned and to give Yui a wide grin seeming to say “Look, see how cool I am.”
     As Ayato dribbled the ball towards his teams victory, Yui decided this was the opportunity to hold up her banner. Ayato turned to look at Yui a little early this time and that’s when he saw it. His jaw dropped and the ball slipped out of his hands before it could be slammed into the net. The crowd, confused by the sudden turn of events, all followed the redhead’s gaze to Yui’s banner. On it, the words read, Ayato, we’re having a baby!
The crowd cheered and Ayato’s face went as read as his hair.
Subaru: Subaru grunted unenthusiastically as Yui guided their grocery basket around the food market. “How much more food do you need, woman?!” He exclaimed hotly. “You already got so much, baby carrots, baby peas, baby back ribs, wait Gerber baby … are you trying to tell me something?!”
Yui only laughed at his dumbfounded face. He continued to stare, trying to determine if his suspicions were correct. 
“Are you… pregnant?”
“Yes, we’re having a baby, Subaru.”
Ruki: Ruki sat in his favorite chair and was about to open his equally favorite book when a small note slipped from the pages. On it read:
I’m pregnant with your child
     Ruki’s eyes stared unbelievingly at the note. This couldn’t be true, could it? It was a prank, it was too good to be true afterall. Ruki stood and began searching for his wife. “YUI!” “YUI WHERE ARE YOU.” Ruki muttered under his breath, “I’m going to be a father.”
Kou: Kou woke up to find Yui in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He yawned sleepily, coming up to hug her from behind. “Whatcha cookin?” 
Yui smiled at her cute husband and took the still hot pancakes off the griddle to put on a plate. “Pancakes. Sit down and I’ll bring them to you, okay?”
As Kou sat down, Yui prepared the plates, then carried them, placing it before Kou. He gasped loudly shooting out of his chair to look at Yui. All sleep had been slapped off his face.
“S-since when did you know…?” He asked loud enough to wake up everyone else. “Yui… I’m going to be a father!”
Yui came to hug him and he hugged back, twirling her around in his arms and laughing uncontrollably. His plate of pancakes with the words “We’re having a baby” written on in chocolate syrup long forgotten.
Yuma: Yuma’s chickens were finally starting to lay eggs so this morning Yuma was cooking everyone a nice scrambled egg breakfast. Ruki, Kou, Azusa, and Yui all sat in the dining room, anticipation filling them whole as they waited for what was coming next. And it surely did. Yuma screamed comically loud and Kou burst into laughter. Ruki only quietly chuckled and Azusa smiled gleefully. Yui only nervously shifted in her chair as Yuma came running in holding the egg. On it the words “I’m having a baby” had been written in pretty letters.
“Is it true we are having a baby, Yui?! Is that why they’ve been smirking so much lately?!” Yuma exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at his brothers.
Azusa: Yui sat across from Azusa in the chinese restaurant. They were in the downtown area of the city and a soft glowing sunset was cascading down the sky, giving every building and tree an orange tint. Soft elegant music and the light clinking of silver tableware filled the large dining room. Azusa was dressed handsomely in gray-toned semi casual attire, his wild and unruly hair was somewhat tamed and groomed. Not too long ago, Yui told Kou about how she was pregnant with Azusa’s child and needed help spilling the beans to him. The blonde had nearly choked on his biscuit and was undeniably excited to help her out. That was how Azusa and Yui ended up going on the fancy date to said restaurant. Yui and Azusa quietly chatted, Azusa shyly smiling and Yui laughing jubilantly. The meal was ending and it was about time to discuss payment for the meal.
“Hellooo⭐ how are you doing this evening~?” the waiter appeared, smiling cheerfully. Only it was Kou dressed as a waiter. He was holding a platter of fortune cookes. “Have one of these as you wait for your ticket, pleeaase.”
     And without another word, a fortune cookie was popped in front of both of them. Yui’s hands sweated nervously and Azusa, who had been confusedly distracted by his brother’s appearance, pryed his eyes away and cracked open the cookie. He read the fortune the paper held, paused, then read it again.
“I’m… pregnant,” Azusa said. He then looked up, eyes squinting confusedly. “I’m… ..pregnant?”
Kou smacked a hand to his forehead, audibly mouthing ‘so pure’ under his breath. Yui gulped loudly then took Azusa’s hands into her smaller ones.
“Azusa, I’m pregnant,” she told him nervously, not knowing how he would react to such big news. Understanding dawned on the vampire’s face and his eyes lit up happily. 
“You… are?!” He squeezed her hands with giddy excitement. “That’s great, Yui-san! I’m… so happy! What are we going… to name him?” Or… is it a girl…? Either would be fine… Should we look for… a house to raise the baby..? When did you find out…. about the baby-”
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pink-lady-joij · 7 years
Joji fanfic house part
Nobody asked, but here it is anyway.
The first thing you notice when you pull up are the lights. Flickering beautiful colours, pouring their sense of party and celebration into the room and onto the dancing, talking crowd inside the house. Throwing pink, green and blue shades in an almost hypnotizing way. The bass is turned up, you can feel it in your body from across the lane. You are standing outside a house party and its 1pm. Your friend, Bianca, steps out of the car behind you and shuts it.
‘Looks nice huh? I’m so hyped for this! Thank you for coming with me, I really didn’t want to come alone.”
“Yeah sure” you answer.
Bianca grabs your hands, looks at you and smiles at you. You can’t help but smile back, she is just too sweet. You know she has a crush on this guy who is really into rapping and he will be there with a bunch of his friends.  
“Come on’ she says as she pulls you along the lane to the front door. You can already feel the alcohol in your brain form before, and you are very happy that you put on jeans and left the heals home for some roughed up sneakers. You very good in your  floaty shirt whiteout shoulders; the perfect mix between causal and sexy.
You two arrive at the door and Bianca is greeted by a very drunk guy. ‘BIANCA you’re here! Nice! Who is your friend?’ he asks while he throws his arm around her.
‘This is y/n, she is a friend from uni. y/n this is pete, the guy I told you about’
The blond haired guylooks at me hazzely, smiling faintly.
‘Hey man whats up?’ You say as you shake his hand
‘Come in girls! The alcohol is in the kitchen, that is the toilet and you can do your smoking outside in the back.’
You  walk into the living room. It’s relatively big, furniture missing, people dancing, eating, drinking, talking with the music to loud to actually hear each other. The familiar smell of beer and weed and bass heavy hip-hop music mixing in a pleasant buzz. Bianca is gone instantly with Pete, leaving me unguarded.
You talk with a few people, dance for a while with a stranger, do drinking games with said stranger, and meet his friends, overall having a good fucking time.
And then suddenly you feel tierd and too drunk for comfort.
“Hey man” you  say to the strange of whom you have forgotten his name. “I’m gonna go outside for  a while, I’ll be back in a sec.”
“You aight?”he asks. You nod drunkenly.
“Okay, see ya later, oh and drink some water” he says while holding out a glass with water.
That didn’t sound like bad idea. “Thanks man” you mutter as you take the glass from him. As you walk away he resumes his drinking game.
 You walk onto the backyard and it down on a ledge. There are some people there, talking softly, some of them smoking, but you pay no attention to them. The sky is clear and the stars shine brightly in the absence of the moon. You admire it while sipping your water and riding out your drunk.
You don’t know how long you were sitting there but when you heard someone come up from behind you, your glass was empty and your hands chilly.
 "Hey, can I sit here?" A dark soft voice said.
"Yeah" you said, not really looking at this unknown person.
"You want one?" He aksed, while holding a cigarette.
"Nah I dont really smoke" you say looking at the boy sitting next to you
Correction: the beautiful boy sitting next to you. He was there, by your side, hunched slightly forward while lighting his cigarette, and he leaned back to exhale his fist puff.
He was Japanese, but not fully, you couldn't tell where he was from.
His raven black hair seemed soft and move-able and you instantly wondered what is it like to run your fingers through it. He was wearing all black with details of pink.
"Good on ya." He replied, his voice clearly influenced by the amount of smoking in his past.
"It's a hell of a habit to get out of your system"
"The fresh air is enough to sober me up a little, I just needed a break from that madhouse." You said, still looking at him
" Yeah it’s a pretty good party" he said, now looking at you directly.
His eyes were mesmerising, simpel and brown but captivating in their sense of depth. You were struggeling to look away, but you did.
"So how do you know Pete?" You asked, starring into the night.
"Ohh we're just friends from highschool, nothing special"
And so you talked to him, for what felt like forever. You found out he was an aspiring mucisian, who studied biotechnology in New York and that he was half japanese, half australian and that he was called George, but that everyone just called him Joji.
Along the conversation you found yourself garvitating towards him more and more. You couldn't stop staring at his lips, as they movedto form words carefully and let out such a husky low voice. Shit, you were too drunk for this shit, when alcohol was in your system, trying to hide this stuff was almost impossible.
He was already halfway trhough his second cigarette when you shivered of the cold. Must have stayed to long outide.
"Are you cold?" He asked mid-sentence. He was talking about how his first days in New York were.
" Just a little bit, need to get inside again" you said, but still didn't, you just couldn't stop staring.
"I'll warm you up if you would let me" he said, clearly joking around.
You turned to him, ran your fingers through your hair and said; 'Sure.'
That took him by surprise. He looked at you, checked you out again, made sure you were serious by looking into your eyes, put out is cigarette and came even closer to you then before.
He put his hands on your face and came painfully close to you. In a moment of mutual doubt, you asked yourself if this was right, but everything in you screamed yes. Then he gently pressed his lips to yours and your thoughts melted away. Your only focus was him, and is soft lips moving against yours. It began soft, slow, but you turned on the heat rather quickly as excitement ran through your body. You were shocked by this reaction and quickly blamed the alcohol. But he thankfully responded just as vibrant, which made your soul shiver. As you grabbed the back of his head and ran your hand through his hair, very soft and full indeed, he lifted you onto his lab and put his hands on your waist and your back in an strong embrace. The party sounds in the background, and the cool air on your skin, the faint smell of smoke, this beautiful boy who took your breath away, yes, this was happiness. But the best part was, that you could tell he felt the same way. When you broke apart the two of you were panting heavily.
"Oh you are good" he said, smiling, looking at you. "I think that warmed me up quite a bit." You said. "Thank you."
 Needless to say, you left that night with a phone number and a promise for a date.
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