soranatus · 1 year
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The Spider Target By Dan Martins, a character designer and illustrator
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ringtoned · 1 year
love how you can lightly see the rough sketch for the spot, animators just blew it out of the water again
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11K notes · View notes
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313 notes · View notes
zingaplanet · 11 months
AHA but you see, what about THIS version of these idiot variants?
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Aka the one where they got drunk and danced merrily ever after in Paris??
Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston in Midnight in Paris (Woody Allen, 2011)
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pollyna · 28 days
Ice randomly calls Mav his husband while he's on the phone with other people to see how Mav reacts would mean Mav starting calling Ice his husband in every occasion and everybody being fucking confused because did we really miss the wedding?????
226 notes · View notes
alicesivory · 2 months
The Moon Song
Inspired by the movie ‘her’ 2013 - directed by Spike Jonze 
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Pairing: Billy Washington x female! Reader
Warning: smut, angst, and teeth rotting fluff (mdni), and not proof-read lol. 
WC: 7005 
Disclaimer: I am not comfortable using [y/n] but I won’t be using any OC since it’s still an x reader fic. But I’ll slip a nickname or two in some stories ;) Oh and I took some words and sentences from my favourite scene from the movie and the iconic monologue at the end but I revised it so it would fit into the story but all credits goes to Spike Jonze. Enjoy!
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“War? You don’t got a clue- what do you know about war?! War against halal butchers? You don’t know anythin-.”
Billy nodded as tears started to build up in his eyes. Of course he knew nothing. It's as if anyone gave him a chance to know something. It’s meaningless at some point, he meant his life and all this bullshit about all of this charade. Just when he felt like a somebody, of course his sister had to crumble it all down.
Or just trying to make him snap out of it from this dreamlike state he’s in as his inner self tries to justify his actions. 
He didn’t mean to be like this in the first place or mingle with those thugs. 
He never did. 
“-grow up, Billy!”
He nodded once more as a tear dropped from his eye. 
“You done?”
“Yes, I am.”
Billy kept an eye on his sister as she stomped away from his room, and finally from his apartment. 
Slamming the door. 
Humiliation weighed over his shoulders as he hung his head low, running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair with frustration. It wasn’t supposed to end up this way. Not the way he wanted it to. Taking a deep sigh, he lets go of all of his tears letting them roll down from his cheeks. Sniffling and crying alone in his dark room. But just as wanted to just curl up in bed and cry ‘till exhaustion, he heard a knock from his apartment door. 
Wiping away his tears and snot, he stood up bravely and walked towards the door. It’s probably his sister, wanting to yell or lecture him about…literally anything, really. Nothing’s good enough for her or their parents. He sighs and opens the door with no hesitation without checking who it was. 
“Coming back for mo-.”
Oh, it wasn’t his sister. 
Her name rolled off his tongue easily like he was dying to say her name for months. She looked at him curiously as she stood there with an awkward thin smile. “I bumped into Lana and…she looks pretty pissed. Did I come at the wrong time?” she asked, pointing towards the apartment hallway. He quickly shook his head.
“N-no! Not at all. We just had an argument- you know how it is.” 
It has been…8 months and 2 weeks since he broke up with her (yes he has been counting) and 2 months since he last saw her. Their breakup was hard for him and sometimes Billy believed that their breakup was the one that caused his downward spiral. He had known her since they were in university, she was his friend before he slowly developed feelings for her. His train of thoughts were snapped away by her gasp. “What happened to your hand?”
He quickly hides it away behind his back.
“N-nothing! By the way, What’re you doing here?” He asked, not wanting to tell her the truth. What will she think of him? He can’t just dump his troubles into her. 
“I know this is silly, but I forgot to take some of my stuff,” she sighed in defeat, clearly letting him brush away the topic of his hand. Billy knew what she left and he didn’t even bother to tell her since he..well..just wanted her to maybe stop by or just kind of let it stay in his apartment to remember something of her. A piece of her, some sort.
“Yeah? What did you left?” He asked, acting dumb. 
“Some books and my brown watch. Have you seen them?”
“No, not at all. Come in.”
Three years ago. 
Laughter filled the apartment floor as his pale cream couch was being moved from the first floor to the third floor. He was at the bottom end while his sweetheart was trying to pull the couch up. “It’s getting heavy, love!” He teased as he tried so hard not to laugh seeing them fail over and over again to move their couch up to their apartment. 
What’s now his apartment, used to be their apartment. 
“Hold on! Oh dear Lord-,” she cackled as she took a step back up the stairs, lifting up the other edge of the couch. 
“Alright, now push!” She ordered as they finally succeeded to drag and carry the couch unison. It took them a while to finally make the couch fit through the doorway, but they managed. Back then, their apartment was still empty. No mess or dirty clothes scattering around the floor. It still smelled like paint. “Phew!” She said before crashing onto the couch. Billy follows along, putting his arm around her, letting her lean onto him. 
“Tired, sweetheart?” He teased.
“Gosh I think the last time you were this tired was two nights ago when I fuc-,”
“Ew, no ew stop-,” she says with a giggle trying to get away from him but he won’t budge.
“And you told me to keep going! ‘Ah harder Billy! Harde-,”
“You are so disgusting!” She exclaimed as she covered his mouth with her palm, but he kept teasing her with his stupid dirty jokes. “Really? The last time you told me that was when I gave you backs-,”
“You are so infuriating!”
The only thing to make him shut up was tickles and her plan worked. When her fingers started to wiggle on his stomach, he burst out laughing like a mad man. “Stop! Stop!” He begged her. After one last tickle, she pulled away with a satisfied grin. “You’ll be the death of me, woman.” Billy placed his arm back around her shoulders and gave her a sweet peck on her lips. “I shall be,” she replied cockily, booping his nose. He smiled at her as he admired her features that he loved more than anything. 
He didn’t know he was able to love someone this much. 
“Can’t believe we have this place to ourselves,” he said softly to her, brushing a hair away from her face. She smiled back, “Can’t believe I’m doing this with you.” They both shared a sweet kiss where no one could disturb them or interrupt them. Ever.
“I uh…I applied for the military,” he informed her as they pulled away from their kiss. “Yeah? That’s amazing..,” she said supportively, brushing his hair with her gentle fingers. “Yeah..I wanted to try, y’know? Seeing Lana on field…I  want to be like her y’know? Brave…tough…,” he listed. 
“But you are.”
Her words made him scoff. 
“You’re only saying that ‘cause I’m your boyfriend. It’s biassed.”
“It’s still an opinion,” she said gently, still brushing his hair. Seeking her comfort, he leaned his head on her shoulder. “You think I can do this?” He asked with a hint of insecurity in his voice. “Of course you can,” she reassured him, giving him a gentle kiss on his head. 
Present day
They ramage through his apartment trying to collect all of her stuff. Piece by piece they collect the stuff she left in his apartment. “Alright we have the books…wuthering heights, pride and prejudice, little women, yada yada yada, and all I need is my brown watch. And it’s nowhere to be found- you sure you haven’t seen it anywhere?” She walked towards his gaming chair and sat on the pillowed chair while he sat on the cream coloured couch. 
Normally, he won’t let anyone sit there. Even Becky, or Lana. She was the only one he trusted to touch his possessions. He smiles as he listens to her babbling and talking. He hates to admit it, but he missed it. 
“Nope, not at all,” he lied. 
Sighing in defeat, she starts rocking the chair as she looks around the room they’re in. “How you’ve been, by the way?” Billy shrugs at her question, acting all casual even if his life was basically crumbling down. No job, shitty friends, commit a minor crime, his sister, parents, even current girlfriend hates him. “Just fine, really.” 
His answer made her smirk. “Well your hand says otherwise,” she says. Her witty answer made him chuckle. “What can I say? I’m a busy man.” He always liked how easy it is to talk to her. “What about you? You doin’ alright?” He asks, his tone gentle and eager to know if she’s been alright. 
“Well, yeah I’m alright. Ups and downs here and there, y’know?”
“Compared to me, you look like you’re doing amazing,” he compliments her, leaning in to take a good look at her even if they’re a little bit away from each other.
His compliment made her chuckle. 
It always does. 
“Thanks..,” she replies, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“I’m serious though..you look amazing.” His tone genuine and full of meaning into it. 
She looked at him for a moment, trying to read him before nodding. 
“Well you look like you need a haircut and a shave.”
Her comment made him laugh. Genuinely laugh. It’s been awhile since he felt that much comfort in him. 
After a while, their laughter died down and a comfortable silence swept the room. “You seeing anyone?” she asked. He nodded, “Yeah, but it’s a bunch of crap. Her name’s Rebecca and I haven’t heard from her since last week.” She gave him a thin smile, both of them knowing that they don’t want to discuss that topic further. “And you?” 
“Been on a date or two but none of them worked out,” she shrugs. He nodded again, a little bit glad to hear that. “You happy with your new book?”
“You’ve read it?” She asks with a chuckle. “Well, I saw it in a book store last week and it looks pretty cool, I might have to buy a copy after this,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I mean sure I like how it is,” she says. But he saw how she pursues her lips with a pregnant pause coming from her. “But I feel like it’s true to what I set out to do. So I’m happy with that.”
“I swear, You’re your own worst critic, I’m sure it’s amazing. Even that paper you wrote on synaptic behavioral routines made me cry.” 
“Yeah, but everything makes you cry.”
“Everything you make makes me cry.”
A sense of familiarity washes between them. How easy it was to just talk like normal people would. Alice looked into his eyes for a moment before darting away and spots his injured knuckles once more. 
“No but seriously though, what happened?” She asks, pointing at his hand hesitantly. He looked down and felt heat coming up to his cheeks.
“I uh…it was an accident.” “What accident?”
“An accident that involved me and some glass shards.”
“How the hell did that happen?”
Why is she asking me all this shit?
“You don’t want to know.”
“I would love to know, actually.”
He looked at her for a while to sense any sort of hesitation in her words but the only thing he could find in her eyes was determination. It intimidates him. She could scoop anything from the bottom pits of his heart. 
“For fuck’s sake, Ismashedawindowatabutchersh-“
“It was a fucking protest-“
“—What protest, Billy?! All I see is that you’re now doing property damage-,”
“—Am not!—”
“—Then what was that for? Why on earth would you smash a butcher shop’s window?!” 
Billy was silent.
Why did he do it?
Did he actually believe all that bullshit? Or was he just tagging along with his buddies? To be…accepted?
“Everything I do is never enough for you, is it?”
His words created this thick tension in the room. Her brows crinkled as she took his word as an offense. “Why would you say that?” She asks, her voice cracking. “Because it’s the truth-.”
“No it isn’t,” she said, stern and true. “I always felt like you wished I could just be a happy, light. ‘everything’s great’, bouncy girlfriend who always puts a smile whenever you come home either happy or angry and I’m sorry but I can’t do that, I still have feelings too-.”
Billy winces at her words and shakes his head, “No I didn’t want that.”
“You avoid me and shut me out whenever I point out something wrong about you, or us- even when we argue you never wanted to listen!—“
“—No I don’t!—”
“—It’s like as if you can’t handle real emotions, Billy—,”
“—They are real emotions, how do you—,”
“—What? Say it! Am I really that scary, Billy? Say it- How do I know what?!” 
Silence hung in the air once more. They were both seeing red and they…she...he…realized how this argument was going nowhere. Billy saw how her gaze shifted, how her brow relaxed and her eyes slowly softening. Her once angry demeanour changed into what is now left with regret and embarrassment. Rubbing her arm, avoiding his gaze. God, did he really messed up this bad?
“I was gonna marry you, y’know?” 
He didn’t even realize that he said those words out loud, avoiding her gaze as his head hangs low once more. Not realizing how her eyes softened, looking at the man that she once loved and believed was the love of her life. Maybe he is still the one she loves- but he sees that as wishful thinking. 
“I’m sorry that came out of nowhere-,”
“—Billy, It’s okay-,”
“—But I mean it though, I…really want to marry you. Back then, after I’m finally in the military or something- but turns out none of that shit worked out, so…,” he says running his hands through his hair once again. His sentence hung in the air as he shut his mouth from talking any further. 
Billy’s birthday, last year. 
“You’re so infuriating..,” she giggled lowly as she laid on his bed, in his arms, tangled in bedsheets as the moon shone bright from the window. “Me? Infuriating? Is that a proper way to say to your birthday boy tonight?” Billy teasingly replied, leaning his head to hers letting his forehead rest on hers. 
She giggles again shifting her whole body close to him as she clutches the blankets close to her chest to keep her warm. “Jeez sorry, it’s not my fault that you keep giving bad activity ideas for your birthday. Like, seriously? Skydiving? You know I hate heights, you arse!” She slaps his chest, earning a cackle from him. “It was just a suggestion, love that’s all…,” Billy grunts as he cuddles her tightly. 
“Ugh you’re squishing me..,” she complained.
“Stop whining..,” he replied, giving her a sweet kiss on the neck. “It’s still my birthday tonight, I can hug you as tight as I can..,” he murmured sleepily. Alice chuckles and slightly shifts, facing up to him. “No but seriously though, what do you want to do tomorrow?” she seriously asked. 
“I don’t know, really…probably taking you out and the lads up for a few pints. Just the usual, love,” he said, rubbing her arm. “Just wanna spend some time with the people I love.” Giving her a sweet peck on the lips.
“Yeah? You gon’ give your mum and da a visit then?”
Billy groaned as he nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck. “Knew you’d say that.”
“Oh c’mon, love…it’s been a half a year since you saw them. One visit won’t hurt…,” she said gently, running her fingers through his hair. “Yeah one visit will end up my da making fun of me and seeing my mum’s disappointment up close,” Billy sarcastically chuckled. “I won’t let them,” she whispered closely to his ear. 
“I promise.”
Her response earned her a smile out of him. “What’d I do without you, sweetheart?” He asked sultry before he started to kiss her jaw…down to her neck as his big hands snaked her waist, holding her gently. “I think you’d do just fine,” she answered with a sensual sigh. Billy smiled, nuzzling her cheek with his nose before capturing her lips with his. 
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him back with a low hum, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they explored each other's mouths. Billy took his time as he slipped his boxers down and placed them somewhere in the bed. “Mm…y’know I love you right?” He asked in between kisses as he pinned her down to bed, hovering over her. “I know,” she said. His kisses trailed down from her lips, her jaw, her neck, down to her chest. Gently squeezing and caressing one of her breast while his mouth nipped and sucked the other carefully. He’d then squeeze one to make her nipples perk so he could kiss it and suck it better, leaving wet trails down to her tummy and finally finding his treasure.
Gently spreading her legs, he could see that her white cotton panties had already left a dark wet patch on it. A smile tugging at his lips and he gently nuzzled his nose on her clothed sex. “Already all wet for me, babe?” He asked, placing a sweet kiss onto it before pulling down her panties in one swift motion as if he’d done this a thousand times already.
“C’mon…where’s my sweet darling..ah there she is…,” he muttered to himself. Without a warning he kitten licked her whole sex making her gasp in pleasure. Smirking smugly up at her, he continued to tease and lick her pussy before managing to eat her out properly. Hungrily munching on her like a starved man. He rubbed her clit gently in a circle motion as he stretched her hole with his tongue, fucking her with it. 
This motion made her squirm and gasp, her brows crinkling feeling the intense pleasure that she couldn’t get enough of even if he’d done this to her more than she could count. “M gonna put a finger in, yeah?” His voice said in a reassuring and gentle tone. She nodded with no hesitation and just as she knew it, she felt his finger slipping into her. One finger then became two fingers, slipping in and out of her dripping hole as he licked her clit making her cry in pleasure. 
He took his time to help her find pleasure. He could die between her legs and he’d be happy. He groaned in delight as he licked all of her juices when his fingers pulled out of her weeping hole. He couldn’t get enough of her as he licked off her juices before he had to pull away and looked up to her. 
“W-wha- why did you stopped?” she asked. He hovers over her once more, “Need you inside of me.” Needily nuzzling his nose to her neck, sucking onto her. He then felt his body shift as now he has is back on the bed as she sits on top of him like a queen on her throne. Straddling him, he could see all of her. Caressing her sides, he saw how she looks down and groped the base of his shaft, giving it a few strokes. 
“You okay with this?” She asked.
“Mmhm…y-yeah- fuck yeah,” he couldn’t even speak properly, blinded with pleasure.
Then he felt her lining up their sexes, his cock leaking with pre-cum as she teasingly rubs the outside lining of her pussy with it. “Don’t tease-fuck!” Before he could even finish his sentence, she slips his cock in making both of them gasp in unison. “F-fuck, Billy…,” she moaned, adjusting to him. She loved how he felt inside her. Not too overwhelmingly big or small, to her it’s the right size and girth. 
“You’re made for me,” he grunted as he needily thrust up begging for any movement or friction. Billy saw how she looked at him, eyes full of lust and love as she started to move up and down and rocking him as they adjust to their pleasure.
“Billy?” she called out to him as she thrust into him, her body full of sweat. “Y-yeah?” Holding her hips with his big calloused hands. “Wake up.”
“I said wake up.”
Present day, Billy’s birthday. 
The sun started to rise, but only tiny streaks of sun rays managed to peek through the blinds. Billy opened his eyes, finding his room empty, finding his bed empty. 
Fuck, he just had another wet dream of her.
He looked down, finding a dark wet spot on his pants. Of course he did. His phone kept buzzing beside his bed, probably some ‘happy birthday’ notifications from his mum, dad, and sister. Becky didn’t even bother to send him a ‘i’m leaving you’ text. Ghosted and gave up on him. 
Like the others do. 
He sighs, getting up from bed and throws a shirt on himself and changes his shorts before finally picking up his phone. Then he saw it. A notification with her name on it. It’s been months since he last saw a notification from her. What is she going to say? Should he open it now? Maybe later- oh fuck it!
Hi Billy how you’ve been? I just want to say happy birthday here and hope you have a great birthday this year🎂 Sorry for the other day, I really didn’t mean a lot of those things, just wanted to see how you’ve been.
I know it’s been 10 months since we broke up and I know you probably don’t want me in your life again but I really just want to say that I wish you nothing but the best things in life. We’ve gone through a long way, we grew up together and all that shit and I just can’t act as if you don’t exist in my life. You always do in some way and I hope that’s okay. 
Have a great birthday Bil.
That text was the last straw for him. He looked around his no-good apartment, in the back of his mind he remembered everything he’d shared with her in every corner of this apartment. It drives him insane how he can’t have that now. But God he’d take it all back and do better for her. Reading her text, knowing how much of a shitty person he is, and she could’ve ghosted him and never talk to him ever again yet she decided to acknowledge him as a person. Not wanting to cut him out of her life, even he himself wouldn’t do the same thing if he was her. It drove him off. 
He hates the way he projects himself. But it is how he is.He hates everything in his life. It’s insufferable and suffocating in his own flat. He didn’t ask to live like this, but he knew the only person he could blame was him. 
Not his family, 
Not his friends, 
And definitely not her. 
He couldn’t stay in his place any longer but as he was about to just grab his stuff and leave the place, there was a heavy knocking on his apartment door.
Life went on for a while that summer. He jogged to his car and placed his phone on the phone holder. He opens his phone, checking if he has any texts to answer before he starts driving. He sighs as he spots her name again when he opens his messaging app. He has read her text but he hasn’t replied to her. Opening her chatbox, he realized that there were also a few things he’d like to say to her. Tapping his heel and his leg bouncing anxiously, he contemplates whether or not he should reply to her or leave it be. 
“Fuck it,” he muttered. 
Pressing down the voice message icon, he starts to speak,
“Hey uh…hey love, thanks for the uhm message, I appreciated it r- fuck why do I sound so nervous?” Billy presses the stop button and deletes it. He clears his throat, “Hey uh, I got the birthday message, I really appreciated it, ta. I’ve been doing better…thanks for asking.” He said as he starts to drive his car. 
“Listen, I…I’ve been sittin’ and thinkin’ about all the things I wanted to apologize to you. All the shit and…pain we caused each other and everything I put on you, like how you think I needed you to be or needed you to say, and I’m sorry for that..really. I think I’m just doin’ that because I want to be better for you,  even until now.  And you know what, you helped make the best versions of me. We grew up together and there’ll be a piece of you in me too, always. Whatever we are in the future, and wherever you are in the world I just want you to know that I’ll always look for you and…I…,” he paused. 
I love you and I’ve never stopped loving you. 
“...I hope you have a great day too. Bye.”
Taking all of his courage, he presses the send button. 
Letting out a big sigh, he leans back onto his seat and tries to drive peacefully. 
Maybe a gum will help him calm down. 
A year ago. 
Billy remembered it like it was yesterday. It was late at night and Billy was watching something off the old Telly. He had a terrible day. After he failed to get into the military, he tried applying for high end jobs but it didn’t work out. Did another interview today and he just knew he’s gonna flunk it. The next thing he knows he’ll get an email saying that they’re sorry and all that bullshit. He sighed, leaning his head back on the couch. 
“Billy?” She called out from the doorway. 
“How was the interview?” 
“Horrible,” he grunted. 
“You don’t know that-,”
“-They laughed at me,” he snapped his head towards her to the point it sets her off. “I-I didn’t kno-,” “Of course you don’t.” He cuts her off once again before getting up from his couch, brushing her off as he passed through her. “Fine,” she muttered and went to the bedroom. “Can you just be supportive for once?” Billy snapped again as he threw his beer bottle to the trash bin. “Just for once, be supportive of me?” He emphasized, with a hint of sarcasm, bitterness and frustration. “Supportive? Isn’t that what I’ve been doing all these years, Billy?” She replied, taking his words to an offence. 
“Oh really? Well I don’t think you’ve been supporting me, more like nagging at everything I do!”
“Criticising isn’t nagging, Billy!” 
“You call that criticising? Critics are supposed to help me be better not bringing me down!”
“I wasn’t bringing you down, Billy! I was just saying the truth! Your CV was weak you didn’t put your best qualities that should’ve been the key point-,”
“--Just stop! Stop it, you’re such a know it all, aren’t you?--”
“--Me? Ha! I’m not the one who can’t accept criticism! Who can’t accept real emotions–”
“--Oh fuck you! Atleast I’m not the one who got rejected by 10 publishers just because the book you’re writing is complete rubbish!”
Her eyes widened. As much as they like to argue, Billy will never dare to say anything about her work- most of all, her book. Billy’s rage died down as he realized what he just said. He crossed the line. He fucked up. He saw how her lips slightly trembled as she wanted to speak. 
She nodded as tears built up in her eyes. “So that’s how it’s gonna be?-”
“--No, fuck- babe I didn’t mean that I’m sorry–,”
“--No, it’s fine–,”
He gently walked towards her and tried to keep her from going away from him. Trapping her in a gentle embrace. “--No, it’s not fine…I’m sorry..I didn’t mean any of that…I messed up I’m sorry,” he apologized over and over again. Placing gentle kisses onto her head. His heart sank when he heard her sniffles. Gently stroking her hair, he murmured his apology to her showering her with kisses to make it all better. “Why are we like this?” She asked in a small tone. “Like what?”
“We keep hurting each other.”
Billy’s thoughts were suddenly snapped when a notification enters his phone 
Lana: Mate, I’m with Becky. She came to mine looking for you. Call me NOW. 
Becky? Why did she came to Lana looking for him?
That doesn’t makes any sense. 
Billy brushed it off and probably thought that Becky’s there to call him off or take her stuff from his flat or something. So he clicks on Lana’s contact number and dials her after constantly ignoring her. 
“Can you put Becky on?” “Where are ya? Ya sound like you’re drivin’,”
“Yeah was drivin’ to meet my mates, why? Let me speak to Becky.”
“What mates? Anyone I know?”
“Just mates, Lana.” Billy says as he takes a turn on the road. “Why, what’s going off?”
“Listen, Billy I’m not with Becky- I just needed you to call me.” Billy furrowed his brows as he listened to his sister speak on the phone. 
“What?- What do you mean you’re not with Becky?- What do you mean- what- why?”
“I need to talk to ya. You’ve not been answering my calls. You’ve not been about-wh-where are you driving to?
Suddenly his car bumped into some people who were doing some protests. Flipping him off for bumping into them. “Billy? Billy- Where exactly are you?” Lana asks again. Billy flips a protestor on his side bumping into his car. “Farringdon Tube Station,” he answered Lana, annoyed. 
“Listen, Billy, it’s important, what are you doing at Farringdon Station?”
“I was meant to meet the lads but they’re not here. Outside the tube he said, but I can’t see them. Just a load of lefty wankers.”
“Billy, why did you drive, was that your idea?”
“Nah, my mates asked me to give some of the lads a lift down. Must be some kind of joke.” 
Billy looked around not finding any signs of those so called lads. Shit, he got set up. A joke, like people would see him as. Fuck. 
“Yeah they’ve set me up, haven’t they? Havin’ a laugh, aren’t they? Knobheads,” he says with a disappointed demeanor that even Lana could detect. 
“Billy, these new mates of yours, they’re not who you think they are.”
“Lana, what you on about?”
“Nick. Nick Roberts, he’s a…he’s a terrorist. One of the Crusaders that killed Nut.”
In a flash, he finds himself in the middle of Cranstead Fields with a fucking bomb inside of his car. He could hear his heart beating rapidly, his ears ringing as it mutes everyone and everything around him. From many different scenarios in his head, Billy didn’t think he’d die like this. Trapped in a car in the middle of Cranstead Fields with a ticking bomb that’s about to go off at any minute by now. His breath ragged and unstable as he kept an eye on the timer. Swallowing a lump on his throat, he looked up to his rearview mirror. “Oh no..,” he pants to himself. Scared to death, really. He wondered if he’s ever going to survive this. Maybe he should’ve chosen better shit in his life and maybe he won’t get blown off by a fucking bomb latched onto those terrorists. If only he chose better friends, listened to his sister, he’d be at home patching things up. If he was any good maybe he’d be watching some old telly show with her. 
Fuck, he didn’t even said goodbye. 
He hasn't told his mum and dad how sorry he was for being a mop, and for everything he did. 
“Billy! I’m here! Alright it’s gonna be fine! Just stay really still for me, I'm gonna have a look around the car.”,“Yeah you gotta do something about this,” he pants, glancing at the timer that’s still ticking. “About three minutes, yeah?” Three minutes and twenty five seconds. Twenty four, twenty three..shit! He hasn't read her new book. Lana tried to take a look at the bomb as well through the window with a worried and nervous expression. But when Billy faced her again, she tried to put on a brave face for her brother. “Okay stay still, I’m gonna go have a look- Don’t touch anything, I’m just gonna check the car okay?”
“Y-yeah, yeah…just-just hurry!”
11 months ago.
Billy leaned onto the hood of his car as the night breeze swept through him. One hand on his jacket pocket, and the other holding a fag as he took a drag out of it letting out a puff of smoke into the air. Looking down at his phone, he saw that it’s 7:00 pm sharp. She should be home from work by now. He sighs, flicking the cigarette down to the ground before stubbing it as he walks to the building. After going through security, he saw his sweetheart talking to the receptionist at the lobby as she had her bag on her shoulder. After finishing her chat with the receptionist she turned around and spotted him immediately. A smile plastered on her face. 
“Heya Billy…,” she greeted with a smile, hugging him with her arms around his neck. He kisses her cheek and neck intimately. “Hiya, love.” As they pull away from the hug, he has his arm around her waist leading her out of the building. “How’s work?” He asked as they walked towards his car together. “Same old, same old,” she shrugged. 
“And…how’s your book going?” His question made her giggle and grins in excitement. “I just got an email that..they’re actually going to publish my book!” She cheers. “Told ya they’d love it,” he said to her smugly, giving her a kiss on the head. “I was so scared and nervous though…but I guess I just needed to take a deep breath with it all,” she said, opening the passenger door. “Yeah, you actually do need to do that,” he said with a pregnant pause. He kept his eye on her as she fastened her seatbelt. 
“Hey, babe?”
He gently strokes her hair. “Look, I just wanted to say sorry about that night. I was a big dick to you that night, didn’t know what came over me…,” he said carefully to her. “It’s fine–,”
“Don’t say that it’s fine, bub. It’s not. It was stupid and fucked up for me to say about your book. Those 10 publishers who rejected your book were also stupid. I think everything you write is amazing. Can’t wait for the next one.” He kissed the back of her hand, his eyes not leaving hers for a second. “You forgive me?” He asked. Billy saw a smile creeping on her face, “I’ll forgive you. If you promise you’d buy a copy of my book everytime I release one.” 
“Easy, I’d buy Five.”
“Five, huh? I’ll keep your promise, Washington.”
He chuckled, giving a kiss on her temple. 
“Promise, love.”
Present day, Cranstead Fields. 
What felt like an eternity of Lana checking the bloody car, he gripped his steering wheel while glancing at the timer once more. Two minutes and fifty three seconds. Fifty two…fifty one…his heartbeat was banging like a drum inside of his chest. Breathing in, breathing out. Lana looked at the timer and the bomb through the passenger seat’s window, trying to find a solution and just..anything! To turn that stupid bomb off. But her expression wasn’t that convincing. It scared him. 
“How bad is it?” He had to ask Lana. 
Lana could only look back at him with a nervous smile. “It’s fine,” she lied. 
“I can tell when you’re lying, man! So how bad is it?!” He asked again. 
He kept screaming his sister’s name as she went away for awhile- but she can’t just  leave him, he needed his sister. Screaming out Lana’s name like a mad man, his face gone red as he cried inside his car. He does not want to die. He swore it felt like hours inside that stupid car. From the rearview mirror he saw Lana running back to him. “Billy! Listen to me! LISTEN TO ME! LOOK AT ME, YEAH? The timer means nothing! They put it there as a trick so you’ll open the door–,”
“--Can you hear me?!”
“...please,” he begged again.
“Don’t touch it! Stay still! It’s gonna be fine.”
“Oh fuck,” His head hangs low as he realized that there’s no way out of this situation. 
“Listen to me, I’m your sister, okay?!”
She’s his sister.
“You need to trust me, I’m gonna go and get some stuff–,”
“--Lana please, don’t go–,”
“--You gotta trust me! It’s gonna be fine.”
He swallowed a lump in his throat as he nodded. Okay. It’s gonna be fine. It is. It is. 
He resisted the temptation and fear of opening the door. But when the timer ran out, it freaked him out. But everything was silent, no explosion or anything going off. There he realized that Lana was right. It was a trick. Okay- fuck. He has to stay focused right now. Watching from the rearview mirror once more, he saw Lana’s team hurriedly bringing their tools. 
“Alright Billy, we’re gonna just take off the rear window so you could crawl out, yeah? Stay. Still,” Lana reminded him calmly. She takes a glance at the bomb once more, giving him a thin reassuring smile. “See? It’s gonna be fine. Don’t touch anything.” Billy nodded at her words even if he was internally screaming. Slowly, he saw how her team plucked out his rear window. “Okay Billy, just slowly crawl right out. We got you,” Hass says, reaching out his arms to pull Billy out. Billy nodded and carefully crawled from the front seat, avoiding the shift gear or anything really! Not wanting to trigger the bomb. As he reached the backseat, the timer of the bomb went on again. 
“Shit!” Billy screamed, hastily scrambling out of the car. He lets his sister and Hass pull him out taking his arms. “Get me out of here!” He screamed as they all grunted, pulling him out of the car. Billy landed on the ground with a thud and the team ran from the car as the timer counted down from five.
“Fuck, ma ankle!” Billy winced as he rubbed his ankle that got twisted after he got out from the car to the ground. 
“Billy!” Lana screamed from afar. 
“Shit shit shit shit.”
Billy tried to walk as fast as he could, away from the car. 
Billy didn’t explode in the car, but his ankle got twisted and his leg was burned from the sparks of the explosion. Laying down on the hospital bed after consulting with medical staff in the ER, Lana accompanied him throughout the day. Not leaving his side. Even his parents came to check up on him. His mum was crying, thinking that he died or something. It made his heart warm by the fact that he had a second chance with his family. His dad hugged him for the first time in years which was also surprising. But, he liked that surprise. 
“Miss, you’re not supposed to go in there-,” he heard one of the nurses said from outside. What kind of commotion is happeni-.
And there she was. 
Panting like as if she was just running a marathon, she stood there by the ER doorway. Then she saw him. “Billy!” she sighs in relief before instantly running to him. Billy couldn’t believe it as they both embraced each other. She hugs his head close to her chest, her heart beating rapidly. 
“H-how did you-,”
“--Lana called me,” she says with a relieved smile, running her delicate fingers through his hair. Billy turns to look at Lana and saw Lana sipping her coffee with a mischievous smile that says; ‘Thank me later’ all over her face. He gave his sister a nod before turning back up to her. 
“Are you okay?” She aks, concerningly. “Never better, love.”
He was done with being afraid. Done being a coward. 
In her embrace, he pecks her lips. 
Even though she was quite surprised, he earned nothing but a smile from his sweetheart. 
“I’d say yes, y’know?”
“About what?”
“If you still want to marry me.” 
Billy smiles to her. Guess he gotta save up then.
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A/N: I SWEARRRR this fic took me so long to complete cuz it’s so overwhelming to write especially the Cranstead Fields scene- I had to go back and forth on youtube to keep the dialogues and description right꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱. But anw, thank you so much for reading until the end! I hope you guys enjoyed it and I still had so much fun writing this fic. I hope this fic makes sense, cuz I really wanted to keep it as accurate as possible with ‘Trigger Point’ in the first place(゜▽゜;). I’m up for requests for any Ewan characters and if you want me to write something in the future or you have ANY fic ideas, don’t hesitate to hmu! My inbox is open :D THANK YOUU!!! 
P.S, I would like to give a little shoutout to @/targaryenrealnessdarling and the Cranstead Fields scene was also inspired by their Billy Washington series fic called “It’s Who We Have” so please check their blog as well they wrote so many amazing fics. 
That’s all! Love, Alice!ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐
Tags🎀: @ladytargg @anukulee @michaelsgavey @whencokewascasual @fan-goddess
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iamred-iamyellow · 3 months
hear me out hear me out hear me out
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196 notes · View notes
atrwriting · 11 months
bffs -- alpha!peter parker x omega!reader
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hi everyone :) I know this is different than what I usually write, but like I had to lol. you'll see just trust me
as always, warnings: filthy unapologetic smut, alpha x omega relations, unprotected sex (wrap it y'all), dom!peter, sex between friends
your heat had come.
you knew it. for days, you knew it would come. there was nothing you could do to prevent such a violent attack on your senses, mind, and body — especially since there was no alpha that you would or could think to call to help you for a couple of days.
that type of… agreement required a lot of things. one, you had to be able to trust the alpha. they would have to be able to hold back their own urges to not injure you or claim you, and they would have to understand that this was an arrangement — not a relationship. that agreement also factored in how you would basically be bedridden and useless for a few days, needed to be absolutely coked out on oxytocin, and needed to be reminded to eat and drink for a few days. there were no alphas that came to mind when going over all of these requirements in your head.
well… that’s a lie, if you’re being frank with yourself.
there was one.
there was one, but he was off limits. completely off limits.
peter parker.
peter parker was your best friend, all throughout college. you studied different things, but had a few core classes together. that led to you staying close all throughout college and post grad. you weren’t exactly sure why you had hit it off so well, given the fact that he could be a bit goofy at times, always ran off to do something secretive, and was still in love with an ex that he wouldn’t cough up the name to. you didn’t even really understand how he could be an alpha — he could be quite nervous and not confident with his thought process or actions, but you surmised that made him more agreeable to be friends with. he didn’t have an ego, even though he was an impressive individual, and that’s why you admired him.
however, when you did think about him as an alpha… that was when the lines of friendship were crossed. all you could think about were the state of his eyes looked when he was focusing on something he deemed worthy of his attention. they would darken, and he would not tear himself away from the task until it was completed. before he was satisfied, there was a permanent crease on his forehead and between his brow. his lips would part slightly, and every so often his tongue would drag across his lips before his teeth tugged his bottom lip into his mouth. when he especially got frustrated with a task, he would do all of those things at once while he would lean back in his chair and deeply sigh. his impressive chest and arm muscles would be taut and on full display as he dragged his large, open hands throughout his hair and closed his eyes for a moment. you weren’t sure what was going on between those closed eyes in his brief moment of relief, but when they opened… nothing could stop peter parker.
fuck, you thought. i have to stop.
just thinking about peter like that made something twist and turn in your abdomen. part of you knew you were pathetic by how creepy and easy it was to rile you up if peter working was what got you, but you couldn’t care — not in this state.
that was when your phone buzzed.
annoyed, you grabbed your phone and the screen illuminated.
peter: still on for today?
fuck, you thought.
you: can’t. i’m sorry. something came up.
three dots appeared, and then disappeared. you immediately felt bad for cancelling on such short notice, especially to someone as sweet as peter. you hoped he wasn’t upset or angry with you. the three dots, signaling he was typing, then reappeared.
peter: you okay? what’s up?
fuck, fuck, fuck. you were and always strived to be punctual and considerate, and he knew that. he knew you would never cancel on him unless something was wrong. damn you for being such a good person, and damn parker for being so perceptive and an even better person. fucking christ…
you: i don’t feel well today. i’m really sorry
peter: no worries, feel better :)
you sent a quick thank you before clicking your phone off and rolling back into bed. you wrapped yourself in the covers, the shape resembling a burrito, and tried to sleep the best you could. the air conditioner was blasting as high as it could and the sheets were cool and crisp against your skin. your heat was not at its peak, thankfully, and because of that you were able to find some sleep for the next few hours.
that is… until you woke up.
to a fucking knock at the door.
startled, you ripped the covers off of you and whipped your head towards the door of your studio apartment. there was a person outside, as you could see from the shadow of two feet underneath the door. the person was whistling a tune you had heard before, and only one person usually whistled it…
fucking peter.
you adjusted your shorts and cropped shirt before hopping out of bed. you hadn’t smelled him yet, so you thought you would be able to handle a small interaction with him before politely kicking him out.
you opened the door, and immediately regretted the decision.
there stood peter with a small smile on his face, and food in hand. he was clad in a flannel, dark shirt and jeans, and thick boots made for walking in the city. his hair was perfectly tousled back, and his attractive face was on full display.
as was how delicious he smelled.
“fuck —!” you gasped, rolling away from the door to hide from the doorway’s view. you pressed yourself against a wall in your apartment. “peter — you shouldn’t —“
“what’s wrong?” he asked, immediately stepping into your apartment and in front of you.
god… he must’ve thought you looked so pathetic. there was a light sheen of sweat on your skin, skimpy pajamas, and your styled hair was ruffled from last night’s sleep. you were breathing quickly, with any part of your body you could manage pressed against the cool drywall.
he hurriedly placed down the food on a neighboring counter, and stepped towards you. “sweetheart, are you —“
“don’t,” you snapped sadly. “yes.”
“did you call anyone?” he asked, almost accusatory.
you shook your head as your body trembled.
“it’s dangerous not to,” he curtly reminded.
“i know, i know… ” you whispered softly.
“what can i —“ he began, not really sure knowing how to continue. “can i help with anything?”
you shook your head. “peter — you have to go — you smell so good and it’s — it hurts so bad, peter.”
the pain of desire and arousal spread from your core, to your womb, to your chest, and every single one of your limbs. you felt the top layer of your skin begin to buzz, and you whined at the feeling. you tried not to breathe through your nose, because when you did… every single muscle fiber in your body was screaming at you to reach for peter and ask him to help.
but your feet remained planted… just barely.
peter’s jaw clenched as his eyes drifted up and down your body. “...you smell good, too.”
your eyes immediately flicked up to his face, your expression wild. “don’t imply anything like that to me in this state. i have no control, and i don’t want to make you uncomfortable, peter — you’re my friend. please, peter, you should —“
“who said you were making me uncomfortable?” he took a small step towards you once more.
you stared into his eyes.
they were dark.
they were dark, and focused... just how you liked them.
you whined in pain, trying to mask it as a hum but failed.
“the question is...” he began. “am i making you uncomfortable?”
you tried to control of your labored breathing, but it was difficult when his scent invaded every single one of your senses. “no, peter, but —“
“would you want this,” he gestured his hand between the two of you, “if you weren’t in heat?”
you couldn’t stop yourself. you nodded in agreement, and looked down to the floor in shame. tears began to leak from your eyes at the pain that sent shockwaves all throughout your body. it was growing more and more difficult to remain upright.
“then what’s the problem, sweetheart?” he asked in his new york drawl. “you want me to take care of you?”
“fuck…” you seethed, his words scratching at every itch you had in your body. “you can’t say th-things like that, peter…”
“why not?” he asked, feigning innocence. “want me to stop?”
you didn’t answer.
he took one more step, and you could’ve crumbled then and there. “or do you want me to keep going?”
you sobbed, “i do.”
part of you thought that was all of the permission he needed to jump your bones, but he didn’t. he remained in his place, before he asked you another question.
“tell me what you’re worried about before we do that,” he ordered softly.
the command made your knees buckle, but you stayed standing as you sucked in sharp breaths of air. you wiped at your tears, trying to hold onto whatever sense you still possessed. “i don’t want to mess up our friendship — and i don’t even know if you would want this if i wasn’t like this —“
“baby, i’ve wanted you for a long time,” he answered lowly. his eyes were dark as he folded his lip into his mouth, licking the skin. “we can talk about it after, i promise, but right now… sweetheart, let me take care of you.”
something broke within you, and your knees buckled. “oh, peter…”
peter’s quick reflexes caused him to catch you before you fell, and he immediately pulled you up. you felt like you were floating then, finally in the arms of an alpha that seemed trustworthy. you felt his strong hand gently press against the base of your skull, and nudge you slightly into the crook of his neck. immediately, his scent hit you.
it felt like you were provided the sustenance you needed to at least be present in the moment once more. your heat had almost caused you to pass out, but being able to smell and lick at peter’s scent glands woke you up enough so that you were able to be aware of your surroundings and give into the carnal urge of taking the pleasure offered. peter held you upright and let out soft moans as you scented him, rubbing your back as you continued.
“fuck, you smell — that feels so good,” he rasped, his voice lowering. “so sweet.”
suddenly, peter’s fingers on the back of your neck tightened around your strands of hair and lifted your head back slightly. you broke from his skin with a gasp, saddened to have been taking away from the comfort you were provided, but then… it was peter’s turn.
he lowered his head to your scent glands and began sucking on the skin. you threw your head back into his hand and moaned into the open air above your head. you couldn’t see peter in your peripheral, but you knew his eyes were closed with a firm crease between his brow as his lips formed the perfect position to suck at your sweet and supple skin. the pressure was hard, and it hurt, but it was so fucking welcome. the electric shocks of pain were gone, and now were replaced with mind-numbing lust that made you selfish. you knew he would want some time scenting you as well, but you couldn’t let him. you needed him now.
“please, peter,” you whined. “i need you now, please…”
he chuckled against your skin, and pressed his flat tongue on the base of your neck and dragged it all the way up to your jaw. you gasped at the sensation before he planted a wet kiss by your ear. “you’re going to tell the alpha what to do, sweetheart, that it?”
you almost would’ve giggled and been playful back if you weren’t so consumed with desire. “i’m begging you, peter — please do something. it hurts so bad.”
“oh, you needy little thing…” he cooed before a heavy, large hand slipped its way into your shorts. “in these tiny little shorts…”
when peter finally slipped in fingers along your folds, you jumped in his hold. he chuckled darkly against your earlobe, which immediately melted you against him. you were putty to him then — a lust-numb omega who would do anything for him to make her feel good.
“so wet for me,” he rasped. “i was so mad at you when you told me you didn’t call someone — didn’t call me —“
“i’m sorry…” you whined. “please don’t stop…”
“oh, sweetheart, you feel so good i don’t think i could,” he spoke lowly. “you were so wrong not to call, but a pretty and needy thing like you doesn’t to deserve to be in pain like this, does she?”
you shook your head pathetically, tears coming to your eyes. “no, peter — please take the pain away.”
“i know, baby, i know…” he rasped once more as the pads of his middle and ring finger flattened against your bud, drawing rough circles. “you going to be good for me, now? tell me what you need?”
you pushed against his hand that held your head upright as the pleasure of his movements filled your womb with an intense feeling of warmth. you began to tremble in his arms, letting out small, pleased sighs… but you had ignored his question, and peter didn’t like that.
he slipped his hand away from your clit, and began to stroke the outside, drenched lips of your core.
“peter…” you begged in frustration, turning your head to look at him. you had never seen his eyes so fucking dark and focused — and full of desire. “peter — you promised.”
he laughed darkly. “i’ll keep my promise, if you promise to be good for me.”
“i’ll be so good for you,” you practically whined, eyes going wide and lips parting. “i promise i’ll be good for you, peter… i promise i won’t upset you again.”
“good fucking girl.”
immediately, he shoved his two fingers inside your entrance and pressed his thumb against your clit. before you could react, his mouth was on yours and stifled the moans that left your pretty lips. he shoved his tongue in your mouth, and the feeling of being so full made you whine in pleasure passed his lips. he swallowed your moans whole as he dragged the soda of his fingers in rough circles around your bud.
“oh, alpha…” you cried into him. “i needed this so badly. please keep going, please…”
“still don’t trust me?” he chuckled, slipping in his tongue to tangle with you. “trust your alpha, baby, i got you.”
...and trust you did.
peter immediately let go of you so he could lift you up by the back of your thighs. the pads of his finger dig deliciously into your flesh and the warmth of his body pressed so tightly against yours provided you so much comfort. you began to suck at his neck as he had done to yours, and a deep rumble sounded within his rib cage.
he was fast as he went for your bed, laying you down on the edge. you went to raise yourself and reach for him, but he wouldn’t allow it. with a smirk, he ordered you back down on the bed. begrudgingly, you pouted and laid back down.
peter took his time taking off his clothes, layer by layer, as he gazed down at you. a small circle of slick was collected by your shorts, embarrassment rising to your cheeks. you bit your lip as you gazed at his bare upper body. for a nerd, peter’s thick muscles were some of the most mouth-watering things you had ever seen. his shoulders, his traps, his biceps, his forearms — he was killing you as you stared at him, not allowing you to touch him.
maintaining eye contact, he fell to his knees on the floor. he was face to face with your clothed cunt and open thighs, but his eyes were on you. only you.
“don’t take your eyes off me, sweetheart,” he ordered. “do that for me?”
you nodded meekly.
he spread your folds so that nothing was standing in the way of him and your clit. almost immediately, his thick, wet tongue was working at where you were most sensitive. it was growing harder and harder to keep your eyes open and not throw your head back, lost in pleasure, but you kept your promise to him. you had folded your lips underneath each other to keep yourself upright and tamed, but you did what he asked.
what got you the most, though… was the fact that peter parker looked lost in a dream-like state as he ate you out. his eyes drifted closed and there was no crease in his forehead as tongue made the sweetest movements against your clit. one of his strong hands held one of your thighs in place, preventing you from moving either, when his other hand lifted up. he slid two fingers easily into you, and immediately started curling them and pressing them upwards into the wall inside you.
“oh my —“ your voice cracked as your eyes threatened to close. “god — christ — peter —“
you were barely making sense at this point. your hips were trying to roll against peter, but he held you down and in place. eventually, he pressed a flat hand against your lower abdomen and you thought you saw fucking stars. immediately… you threw your head back against the bed in defeat, writhing and on the verge of crying.
“hey,” he immediately snapped, taking his tongue off of you and rising so he was bent over you. “what did i say?”
with a whimper, you raised yourself to your elbows and looked at him shamefully. “to keep my eyes on you.”
his movements were halted, but his hand on your stomach felt so good as his fingers inside of you were still pressed against your upper wall and frozen in place. “was goin’ to be nice, but now i don’t think i am.”
he gave you a wet and sloppy kiss, but almost immediately withdrew as he kept his face inches from yours. you reached for his neck, holding the back of his head like he had held yours by the front door.
“please,” you whimpered. “i’m sorry… when you put your fingers inside me, and pressed down on my stomach… it just felt so good. please, don’t stop —“
you were on the verge of sobbing as he dangled what you wanted in front of your face. a smirk crept up onto his face, and you knew you were in for it. “felt too good for you, baby, that it?”
“i didn’t want it to stop,” you whimpered again, bucking your hips against his hand. “peter…”
“since you didn’t want to listen,” he began, slowly moving his fingers inside you once more. hummed in enjoyment, but kept your gaze on his face. “you only get my fingers for now. eye contact, or i take them away and leave. got it?”
“yes, yes.” you nodded frantically, twisting the ends of his hair in your fingers. “please, i’ll listen now.”
that was until his fingers started moving faster and harder.
his lips were mere inches from yours, but you were scared that if you kissed him that would obstruct your line of sight from his. you kept your distance, even though it was three inches, and tried your best to listen to him as peter absolutely wrecked the inside of you.
the sounds that left your lips were so fucking pathetic that it brought a deep blush to the tips of your cheeks. your womb felt like it was coming to life as peter worked and worked your sweetest and deepest parts, while pressing down on your stomach which only heightened the sensations.
“it feels so good…” you whined, tears feeling like they were going to spring from your eyes. “feels so good i could cry.”
“take it for me, baby,” he hoarsely said, eyes the darkest you had ever seen them. “show your alpha what a good girl you can be.”
he slipped a third finger in, and you were fucking gone.
he stretched you painfully and perfectly that you couldn’t stop the tear or two that leaked from your eye. your throat went hoarse with the pleasured gasps and sounds you were making, but your eyes never left peter’s unless it was to blink away the tears.
“that good, baby?” he taunted with a smirk. “making you feel that good?”
you hummed in approval, nodding pathetically. sobs left your lips as your nerve endings felt like they were shooting lightning. peter was fucking you with his hand like his life depended on it — like your life depended on it. your hips were struggling to writhe under the weight of his palm and all you could do was tell the man before you how good he was making you feel. his smirk and the lust in his eyes grew before his thumb began to draw circles on your clit.
you saw white.
you couldn’t help it — you had to close your eyes. nothing could stop them from slamming shut as your orgasm overtook your mind, body, senses, fucking everything as it flooded through your veins, warming every part of your being. it was warm, it was comforting, and it was fucking everything to you in that moment. you pressed your forehead against peter’s and just fucking sobbed.
“that’s it, baby,” he cooed. “that’s it.”
you whined in approval at his words and how his movements did not stop as you rode out your orgasm.
“such a good girl, taking everything i give you…” he pressed a wet kiss to the side of your face. “i know, sweetheart, i know… just keep cumming for me.”
you were shaking as you rode out their last wave of your orgasm before you smashed your lips to peter’s. it was sloppy, the way your tongues tangled with each other. his fingers still played gently inside of you as you shivered, moving away from his hands.
“you sensitive, baby?” he laughed. “can’t take it?”
your teeth sank into your lip as you shook your head. “need your cock, peter. please.”
he immediately straightened and stood up. you were sat on the bed, arms fully locked and extended behind you, with your knees bent and feet planted on either side of the bed. your pussy was drenched with your own juices, leaking down into the once perfectly clean sheets. your cheeks blushed as you gazed up at the man before you through your thick lashes.
“greedy girl,” he stated lowly, returning your gaze. you watched his long fingers unlatch his belt before you helped him pull his pants and boxers down. “your hips were fighting me so badly, baby. what? you wanna get on top?”
part of you was taken by surprise. it was common among omegas and alphas to fuck in missionary or from behind, and you were expecting that. however, part of you grew excited at the thought of having control and being able to take whatever you wanted. you smirked up at the man.
“can i?” you asked innocently. “want to feel you as deep as possible.”
he chuckled darkly before he laid back against your headboard. it was mesmerizing to see peter parker, the most accomplished man on this planet, smirk at you with such confidence. you wasted no time in swinging a leg over his hips and rushed to have him inside you.
you positioned him at your entrance, and immediately sank downwards.
if you had gone slower, the pain may have dissipated, but you needed that stretch as you lowered yourself. there was something to fucking erotic about the man below you being so big that even after being fucked by his three fingers, drenching you, you still craved that bittersweet sensation of being too small for him.
and he felt it, too.
“pussy still so tight for me,” he rasped. “you’re too good for me, aren’t you?”
you giggled at him before you began to roll your hips against him. the tip of his cock was pressed against a spot inside you that you could never dream of reaching, and it was something electrifying. it sent shivers up and down your spine, and all you could think about was how much you loved him buried inside of you.
suddenly, he sent a small slap on your ass. you gasped, and began to move faster and rougher against him.
“that’s it, sweetheart,” he grunted, hands now resting on your waist as he rolled your lower body with his. he pumped his hips upwards to meet yours, and those small whimpers began to leave your lips once again. “that’s more like it, baby. i know what that pussy needs.”
this entire time, peter had been focused on what your heat-dazed mind and body needed… and you couldn’t have cared less about what he needed. you didn’t even listen to him before, for chrissakes… you needed to be better — and you knew just the thing.
you planted one hand in front of you on his pelvis, and reached the other behind you to cup his balls. they were heavy in your hand, and your core tightened at the sensation. he let out one of the loudest and surprised moans you had ever heard in your life. it was music to your ears, and sent sparks right to your pussy. you clenched around him as he threw his head back, closing his eyes and scrunching his brow together as his lips parted in ecstasy. you rolled your hand and your hips at the same time and threw your head back. moans and whines were leaving your lips like no one could hear you, like there was no one in the world besides you and peter.
suddenly, peter pulled you towards him so you were practically pressed front to front. you continued to smash your hips with his and roll his balls in your hand as your next orgasm quickly approached. his face was at level with your breasts, which he greedily accepted the view of. he brought one hand up to roll one of your nipples between his fingers, while he roughly sucked on the other. your senses went crazy then, and all you knew was to drive your hips up and down and front and back to ensure peter’s cock never left your pussy.
“your cock’s so big, alpha,” you whined. “makes me feel so good…”
“being such a good girl for me,” he groaned against your chest, breath hot on your skin. “your alpha’s so proud of you.”
“oh, fuck, fuck, fuck —“ it was all growing too much, the pleasure. your head felt like you were swimming, and your hips were growing sloppy.
peter noticed immediately, smiling menacingly. “you got too greedy, hmm?” he threw you off of him, back flat on the bed, and you gasped in surprise. “need you to take my knot, baby. your pussy is just too good.”
he bent your thighs backwards, so your feet were in the air close to your head. immediately, he shoved his long and thick cock inside you. the head of his cock was red and angry, and you gasped as you watched it enter you and felt it press against your upper walls once more. peter planted two strong arms on either side of you as the veins in his arms made an appearance, looking more pronounced than ever. his hips were snapping against yours, and you lost all control at that moment.
“finish inside me, alpha,” you begged. “need your knot so badly.”
"oh, fuck —"
immediately, peter wrapped your hair around his fist and pulled you taut to him. you were clinging onto him for dear life — the very sustenance that he promised to give you and was giving to you tenfold. whiny, pathetic breaths and gasps were shoving past your lips and were music to peter's ears. he could practically hear, feel, taste, see, fucking sense your orgasm creeping up on you, holding you hostage. he needed to make you finish, he had to. he had to because you were in need, sure — but on some level, on some animalistic, carnal level — he needed to see you in a state of pure bliss for his own selfish need.
and he knew just what you needed.
peter immediately attached his lips to your scent glands on your neck and sucked as hard as he could. his hips drove themselves against yours, and he himself fell victim to the fall of immense pleasure. it blindfolded him and shoved him straightforward, backwards, sideways — he didn't know... he couldn't tell. all peter knew was that when he came as hard as he did, he felt his knot growing and latching itself inside you... and that's when he knew.
your tight, sopping wet pussy clenched around his knot and you came with a scream. every ounce of pain you had felt over the course of the day had left you. you were a stranger to it, any kind of pain. the only thing you knew was peter and his warm skin that felt so good against yours. your hips thrashed against his, unable to deal with the pleasure, but his strength held you down so you could not shy away from the immense relief you were so grateful for.
"good girl..." he growled. "such a good fucking girl..."
everything went black... but you knew you were safe. you were always safe with your best friend. 
the end. hehe
-L xo
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mild-and-hammered · 5 months
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Spider-Man/Deadpool 2016-2019
Nothing like a less-than-dynamic duo
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bitchycheesecakecat · 5 months
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ringtoned · 1 year
the circumstances that allow the Spiderverse to thrive are so fascinating- multiverses in the MCU are kind of flopping because there aren't enough *widely* recognized versions of a character to serve as exigence for one, but peter parker has quite possibly the most well-established and rigid yet versatile storylines ever created- his canon was already so fluid, and is exponentially so as we keep telling his story
my mind goes immediately to tom holland's spidey skipping the "origin story," proof it was already so well known that it didn't even need to be told, inadvertently creating an entirely new origin for peter, arguably a new character, one that doesn't know harry or gwen, isn't a photographer, doesn't work for the daily bugle, hasn't classic villains like the symbiote (or truly ANY THAT ARE PRESENT IN NWH, and he probably never will now that he knows they exist) and hasn't had those arcs affect his character. the mcu spiderman films are some of the highest-grossing ever and despite creating an entirely new version of peter i feel he's still thought of as one guy- like, "harry osborn" is still "peter parker's best friend" even if he isn't in some universes. there are millions of other classic spiderman story beats that are left out of very popular interpretations of peter and yet they're still universally true to his character. like, maybe everything is happening to him at the same time, somewhere.
the idea of a canon event just makes this make so much sense and peter's multiplicity makes the idea of other spider-people so easy to accept and even a welcome change from loosely rehashing peter's story. these essential beats being so richly explored and deconstructed is just so genius because it just flips all of that over its head like something something anyone can wear the mask... im just in awe.
this also being due to so many licensing wars, globalization of media, and the comic book movie explosion is like, this couldn't have happened in any other time in human history and along with the revolutionary animation i just can't believe i'm alive to witness it
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hotstreak2k3 · 1 year
Spider-Man 2099 referencing Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and MCU Doctor Strange! 🔥
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
“Well, look, I find him quite manic.”
“And I think, rather than playing humor — which is always a terrible idea because it always ends up not being funny when you play humor — I want to sort of bring this sort of frantic energy of him and kind of the nonchalance of his approach to being king these days.”
“I think it’s important to find levity at the beginning of something. You know, we’ve got to give him somewhere to go. And I genuinely think he is quite funny.”
“The loss of Jaehaerys is huge. It’s momentous and it’s one of those things that just stains. It affects you on an atomic level now. It’s something you don’t ever fully digest and make sense of and kind of shake off.”
“So, yeah, it informs a lot of his decisions going forward.”
“I always had it in my head that he was kind of rebuilding the person he would have wanted to be through him.”
“I think he saw in Jaehaerys a part of himself.”
The actor explained that Aegon wanted to give Jaehaerys the “love and attention” that perhaps his parents didn’t.
“He saw elements of himself in [Jaehaerys] and it was a kind of a new start for him in a way. And now it’s been snatched from him.”
Without Jaehaerys, Aegon leans into his worst impulses. Aegon accelerates war plans, hanging every ratcatcher in the Red Keep in the hopes of nailing the one who abetted Jaehaerys’s death and firing his cautious grandfather Ser Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) as Hand. Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) will now be Hand, ensuring more blood will be spilled.
Nevertheless, Tom Glynn-Carney’s descent into Aegon’s dark state of mind is never without a hint of humanity.
You understand that it’s grief propelling these choices. Grief for Jaehaerys, Aegon’s son and heir, grief for the “good” king Aegon could have been, and grief for the way his family has failed him.
“There’s a great poem: ‘They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do.’ It goes on with it. But, yeah, it reminds me of that,” Glynn-Carney said, quoting Philip Larkin’s “This Be the Verse.���
It’s a poem that, like George R.R. Martin’s books, bemoans how, “Man hands on misery to man.”
Trauma begets more trauma, a theme House of the Dragon‘s interpersonal drama is excavating this season.
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zowiemortem · 7 months
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Random Case...Casey.
And... Lake House DLC be like:
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"Mɪᴛᴄʜᴇʟʟ Esᴛᴀᴛᴇs" - Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
Divders (In each Chapter) by @firefly-graphics & @cafekitsune
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Hello! This is the Masterlist page for my 17-part Ewanverse Series titled: Mitchell Apartments! This series includes 11 of Ewan's most prominent characters and does take place in the modern world!
Summary: You manage to finally get an apartment, the rent isn't cheap and you know you'll have to overwork yourself to afford it but you have no other choice. You can't go home and you can't afford to go anywhere else. It's quiet and lonely in the beginning but you soon make some connections with the other tenants, and you manage to get yourself into some trouble too.
Can you survive living in this new area? Or will you be packing up and moving before the year's up? What could go wrong? They just want to be friendly.
Fandom(s): House of The Dragon, Salad Days, Grantchester, The Halycon, Fire, World on Fire, Saltburn, The Las Kingdom, Trigger Point, High Life, and Doctors
Warnings: These fics will include dubcon, manipulation, & violence More specific warnings will be added to individual chapters! 18+ only fic!
If you wish to be added to the taglist please comment on this!
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Chapter 1: "Moving In"
Chapter 2: "Bitter" (Will x Reader)
Chapter 3: "Babysitter" (03/16)
Chapter 4: "Gentle" (Jack x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 5: "Confident" (Billy Washington x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 6: "Trouble in Paradise" (TBD)
Chapter 7: "Filthy" (Abraham x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 8: "Good Boy" (Osferth x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 9: "New Beginning" (TBD)
Chapter 10: "Date Night" (Tom Bennett x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 11: "Good Neighbor" (Aemond Targaryen x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 12: "Pop Quiz" (TBD)
Chapter 13: "Flustered" (Billy Taylor x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 14: "Nerd" (Micheal Gavey x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 15: "Laundry" (TBD)
Chapter 16: "Easy Money" (Genyen x Reader) (TBD)
Chapter 17: "Rent" (Ettore x Reader) (TBD)
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A/N: If not mentioned in chapters I wish to reiterate something. All characters that partake in any sexual content (even fluff) are 18+. No one is underage. If you as a reader are underage I beg of you to not read this! If I knew how to sniff you guys out and block you I would.
If you decide to not listen to me please understand you are responsible for your own consumption. No Parents should be attempting to get my account taken down because of your choices!
PLEASE READ: I would also like to say. These stories are not meant to be taken any specific way. I say this because I worry how people will react to her sleeping with ALL of her neighbors. This was honestly just for funsies and if I see any serious slut shaming comments you're getting blocked.
Honourable Mentions: @thought--bubble Jess is honestly the whole reason I started writing in the first place! Her Kitty Cat Series inspired me to write my own Ettore fic which has led me here today. Thank you Jess for feeding my delusions and being a source of inspiration!
MaximumWill (NSFW! LINKS) Patreon & Soundgasm You guys may think this is odd...but I gotta credit him. I do not believe he has Tumblr but I have linked to his patreon. He is an 18+ audio maker...(if you know what I mean 😏🍆) He is the inspiration for the Micheal Chapter with this audio & the inspiration for this ENTIRE series + the Ettore chapter with this audio. (Please do not judge me...Im already ashamed🫠🫣)
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thought--bubble · 4 months
There Is Still Hope... Isn't there? Pt.6 (Final)
Tom Bennett X (Best friend's sister reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 2,534
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There is still hope masterlist
Tom Bennett Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners & Dividers by @arcielee
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Warnings::: oral sex female receiving, teasing, edging, orgasm denial, unprotected (P in V) sex.
When you woke up, you decided not to get dressed and neat like you had been doing every morning for weeks since Tom had moved in. What was the point?
As you walk into the kitchen hair a mess in just your oldest nightgown, you find Josh and Tom already seated at the table.
You grumble a quiet "Mornin" as you move to get your tea.
"Already got you sorted, love," Tom says as he gestures to a steaming cup of tea already placed in front of the seat across from him.
You squint your eyes at him briefly before sliding the cup down one seat so you're sitting across from Josh.
Josh does his best to stifle a laugh, bringing the paper he is reading up over his face to hide it from view.
"Right. Ummm.... so it seems like it will be a nice day, " Tom awkwardly states, running his finger around the rim of his cup.
"Hmmm" you hum before sipping your tea. You quickly spit it out disgusted.
"How much sugar did you put in this?!"
Josh pulls the paper up close to his face, basically laughing directly into it.
Tom looks over at him, frustration lining his chiseled features.
"Sorry, I made it as I made my own" he says sheepishly "I can make you another"
"No, please don't." You get up quickly and head over to the counter. "You know, the war may be over, but sugar is still expensive and hard to come by"
"I like my things, sweet. Not bitter." Tom states curtly.
Josh pulls the paper down from in front of his face, just his eyes peering over the top, shifting back and forth between the two of you.
"Hmmm. Well, it's wasteful. I, for one, choose not to be wasteful. I don't waste sugar -" you round the table sitting down with your new cup of tea "nor my time"
Tom scoffs, "Your time, eh?" He leans forward on the table using his forearms for balance. "You think you've been wasting your time recently?"
"I don't think. I know, " you quip back before taking a sip of tea haughtily.
"You should have stopped your sentence at "I don't think" woulda been more accurate." Tom snaps back.
"RIGHT." Josh states loudly, thumping his paper down on the table. "I'm off to work then. Uhhh..... you two have fun bickering"
"We're not bickering. Just a nice morning conversation over tea. " You lean your head to the side, giving Josh an obviously forced smile.
Tom runs his hand down the front of his face as Josh pats him on the shoulder. "Good luck, mate."
Josh grabs his bag and walks out the front door. The kitchen falling into an almost eerie silence as soon as the door slams shut.
You sip your tea glaring at Tom just to find him glaring right back at you.
"Do you plan to keep this up?" He gestures toward you flippantly.
"No. I have errands to run today. Won't be here much longer, " you smirk towards him before quickly finishing your cup of tea.
Tom sighs and watches you as you deposit your cup into the sink. As you go to leave the kitchen, he springs up from his chair and blocks the doorway.
"Would you be so kind as to move, please?" You ask him sarcasm dripping from every syllable.
"Nah, don't think I will love." he leans his shoulder against the doorframe staring back at you with that signature Tom cheeky grin.
You walk up close to him and slightly push against his chest "I said move"
Tom chuckles lightly, "and I said no. Not until we've had a proper chat"
You roll your eyes and back up slowly. "About what exactly?"
"Bout us," he pushes himself off the door frame and steps forward towards you.
You back up towards the counter. "Not much to talk about is there? We're fine. Same as we ever were"
Tom chuckles and continues to advance on you. "No. It's changed, love. You know that."
You clear your throat as you continue to take steps back, attempting to maintain the small distance between the two of you.
"Nothing has changed," you attempt to say with conviction, the shake to your voice betraying your true feelings.
"I should have kissed you. That night out front. I know that now, " he says softly, his bright blue eyes trained on your face.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks before looking back at him indignantly. "Well, you can't force what you don't want."
"Is that what you think? I didn't want it?" He takes two large steps towards you, as you back up more you feel your bum hit the counter, and a sly smirk creeps up the corners of his mouth.
"No where left to run, darlin." he steps just a bit closer, the gap between you nearly non-existent.
He puts his hands on the edge of the counter on either side of your hips, effectively boxing you in. "Now we're gonna have a quick chat yeah?"
"Doesn't look like I have much of a choice." You push slightly against one of his wrists.
"Why are you so cross with me?" He asks bluntly.
"I'm not," you deny. You turn your head to the side, looking down at his large hand as it flexes around the edge of the counter.
"That so?" He asks, a teasing lilt to his voice, "So you've just been unpleasant all morning for no reason then?"
You grit your teeth as you look up at this annoyingly beautiful man. You could see the smile behind his eyes, and it left you momentarily speechless.
"I didn't go home with her." He lifts his hands and cups your cheeks, pulling your face up towards him. "I didn't, so no more being cross with me, yeah?"
"I don't care about that." You know it's obvious that you do, though you can't bring yourself to admit it.
"Aye," he smirks, pressing his forehead to yours. "Course not, must be something else that's got your knickers all twisted up"
"Maybe you're just frustrated?" He suddenly brings his hands to your thighs and grips tight, lifting you up onto the counter.
Your breath catches in your throat as he slots himself between your thighs, his hands sliding down your back, before they rest just over the curve of your ass.
"Ahhh, look at that? Much more friendly now. " He pulls you toward him, bringing you to the edge of the counter pushing his hips against yours.
"We're gonna make up now." He leans down and nibbles your earlobe before pulling back to look at you.
"I..... I....." You stutter back at him, unable to form a coherent thought.
He chuckles lightly before dipping his head again, gently nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck.
You gasp at the feeling, your back arching slightly. All of the things you wanted to yell at him about, complain about all slide out of your thoughts, the only thing left a pleasant buzzing.
He pulls you tighter to him, bringing his hands back to your thighs and lifting them up around his hips, and subtly grinds himself against your clothed heat.
"Tom....." you whisper hardly loud enough for him to hear. You're not sure what else you meant to say, but you felt like you had to say something.
He buries his face in your neck and takes a deep breath. "Don't know why I waited so long," he exhales slowly while his fingers spiderwalk down the back of your thighs toward your bum. "Forgive me"
"I... there's... I.." You stutter the feel of his hands inching ever closer to your panties leaves you without thought.
"Shhhh love." He ghosts his lips up the side on your neck before pressing them tenderly along your jaw line, his fingers reaching their intended destination.
"Let's get these off, yeah?" He whispers against your neck, curling his fingers around the waistband of your panties.
You unconsciously lift your bottom slightly off the counter to assist him in removing them. As he slides them down your legs, he pushes your nightgown up.
He slides them down your legs slowly, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin of your upper thigh. Until he gets them down to your ankles and slides them completely off.
Your hands tightly grip the edge if the counter. There is heat and a chill simultaneously running through and over you. the sensations overwhelming but in a way that is also satisfying.
He pushes your thighs apart, each nibble and each lick to your inner thighs sending bolts of electricity through your entire frame.
Every nibble brings his head closer to where you want him, your body instinctually spreading your legs wider without a conscious thought.
"Please," you whisper, your self-control placed behind the burning need in your core.
Tom chuckles against your skin. "Please, what love?" He teases, bringing his head to the apex of where your thighs meet your center.
"Please!" You whimper before grasping at his hair, pulling him towards the space you needed him most.
He places just one gentle kiss on your clit, Your eyes immediately roll back at the sensation, your fingers tightening around the sandy blonde locks in your hands.
"Please, what?" He asks again as he places another two kisses on the sensitive nub, each time pressing just a little harder.
"Please, touch me," you huff out your legs, spread so wide you begin to feel the strain in your muscles.
"Touch you? Hmm" Tom traces his fingers over your thighs while breathing directly onto your clit, your body jolting with each breath.
"Tom.... please, I need you. " You whimper, rocking your hips towards him in your desperation for contact. He brings his hands to your heat, using them to spread you open for him before licking a strip from your dripping entrance to your swollen nub.
"Ahhh!" Your legs shake at the heat of his tongue against your sensitive burning flesh.
"Don't stop!" You whine as he again pulls his head back.
"Ask me for it, darling." he lightly blows over your pearl, causing your legs to twitch. You claw at his shoulders and pull at his hair, trying to get him closer. Your mind is a muddled mess. You want him to touch you. No, you need him to touch you every fiber of your being vibrating with desire.
"Please, Tom," you pant between whimpers, "please make me feel good."
Tom smiles before attacking your swollen nub with renewed vigor. Gripping your hips tightly. His nails just barely digging into the soft flesh.
"Oh god, oh god," you whimper above him as you pull your legs apart as far as they will go.
"It's just me, love." Tom chuckles, his face still buried between your thighs as you teater precariously at the edge of bliss.
Once again he pulls back slightly and blows cool air against your clit, your body convulsing.
"TOM!" At this point, all rationality has left you, and all that is left is a primal need. You pull his head forward by his hair and move yourself closer to him.
He chuckles before giving into your wanton pleas. It takes very little to send you hurdling into oblivion a few quick strokes of the tongue, and you're left spent, panting heavily the back of your head resting against the cabinets.
Tom stands, wiping his face with his forearm, an almost predatory gleam in his eyes.
"Now you're ready for me, love." He grips your hips and pulls you to him, leaving your bum resting just at the edge of the counter.
He fumbles with his belt and trousers, trying to get them undone as quickly as possible, his chest heaving with anticipation.
You can feel your heart blasting in your chest as he grips your left thigh lifting it to his hip and using his other hand to rub the tip of his cock up against your wet slit.
The growl he makes once your skin makes contact has you clenching around nothing, reigniting that fire in your belly.
He pushes into you slowly at first but quickly increases his speed until he bottoms out.
"Fuck" he breathes into the crook of your neck. "You feel so good, darling," his hips snap, meeting yours with a hurried rhythm, the room silent other than the sound of his skin against yours and the labored breaths of both of you.
You lull your head back and look up at the ceiling above you, the feeling of Tom's hot breath wrapping around your neck like a warm scarf. All the times you had dreamt of this moment did not compare to the reality of it. His calloused fingertips on your thighs, the pleasure in his sighs. Every thrust left you reeling. You wanted more. More of him. As much as you could get, no matter how long this moment was, you knew it could never be long enough.
"Look at me." He huffs into your ear, his pace never slowing for a moment. You bring your head back down so your eyes are level and take in his beautiful face. His jaw is slack, and there are beads of sweat sitting gently atop his brow. His eyes are dark with lust with a thin ring of that sharp blue that's been able to slice through you for as long as you can remember.
He brings his lips to yours in a sloppy kiss. The heat and the wetness all help tighten that coil in your belly once again. Every joke, every sideways glance. Every time the heat bubbled to your face as you giggled at one of his silly jokes has led to this moment. It was so obvious to you now.
You were always meant to end up right here, at the edge of oblivion with Tom panting between your legs.
As the coil in your lower belly snaps yet again and your face contorts in pleasure, you keep your eyes locked on Tom's.
See me. Watch me. This is for you
Tom groans and throws his head back at the feeling of you clenching around him, his fingernails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs one last time as he fights himself to pull out of you and release onto your inner thighs his heavy panting felt like a love song of sorts.
"You're mine now." Tom slides his fingers into your hair, pulling you closer, leaning his forehead against yours as he still fights for air.
"I thought my family was gone. My life over, just death and heartache left." He gently kisses your lips before pulling back and looking into your eyes.
"But when I'm looking at you I just can't help but think..... there is still hope .... isn't there?"
You bring your hands to his cheeks, sliding your thumbs gently over his cheekbones. "There is still hope, Tom. For you, for me. For happiness, " You gently nuzzle your nose against his as an unfamiliar warmth travels through your entire body.
"There was always hope"
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