#tom gurney x reader
writersmilex · 1 year
Try Again | Part 2
Tom Gurney X Fem | Reader
Summary: Tom thinks he completely ruined it this time, there has to be a way to make it up to (Y/n) and fix everything.
Part 1 is HERE
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Tom has been all down in the dumps. At least his friends think so. Wade made them believe that he had a crush on a girl, which... was not... untrue? He wants to get to know her, he would pick on her specifically to get her attention. He was too much of a chicken to say something. Now she hates him, he is sure of that. And it upsets him so much that not even torturing helpless freshmen can make him feel better about himself.
"Make it up to her, then?" Wade seems to have learned nothing at all from the last time he tried to give Tom advice. Tom had his head in his hands just before looking up at his friend to glare daggers at him. "I should punch the stupid out of you..." Tom threatens, his glare sharpening at his friend. "I didn't say how yet?" Wade continues, holding up his hands in defence. Tom sighs and rests his head back in his hands. What to do? What to do? It's been so long since he felt bad about intimidating someone. How is he supposed to deal with that now? "Maybe beat up someone for the-""Okay, you're not helping!" Tom stands up and cuts Wade off and walks away from his stupid friend to get some peace of mind and think clearly. ~~~~ The freshmen were quick to stay out of his way or even straight-up run away once they see him wander. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his pants and his shoulders tense. He is mad at himself for messing up so badly, if only he could talk to her like a normal person then it would have been fine, wouldn't it? His mindless wander lands him by the football field and gymnasium. The turf of the Jocks. Lucky for Tom, the Jocks don't mess with the Bullies, because they have Russel on their side. He can pummel all the other cliques with ease. The Jock still glares at Tom as he traverses their turf aimlessly. Kirby is so much shorter than Tom, he doesn't stand a chance if he tries anything. But Tom isn't really in the mood for fighting. Usually, it's rather tranquil by the football field, but there is some commotion by the field itself that sparks his curiosity. He is not the only one at this, some other random kids run in the direction of the sounds to see what is going on. Tom is intrigued and jogs in the same direction as everyone else to see what is going on. The group of kids are crowding around some others, he has to push through some kids to be able to see what is happening. And when he got to see, his blood ran cold. It was (Y/n): being intimidated by Juri, of all people. Juri looks ready to physically attack (Y/n) for reasons that are unknown to Tom. Some kids were encouraging a fight between a girl and a boy. "Why don't you just leave her alone!" he can hear that girl Nerd say loudly with fear evident in her voice. Did Juri harrass (Y/n)? He doesn't know what had happened before, all he knows is that he doesn't want to see (Y/n) get hurt by some brainless football-obsessed nobody. Tom pushes past more students to approach the angry-looking Jock, and just before he could lay a hand on (Y/n), Tom grabs the Jock's arm and pulls it back roughly. Forcing Juri to turn around and face him. "Nobody gets to pick on (Y/n) but me!" Tom growls in Juri's face and before Juri could reply, Tom snatched (Y/n)'s arm and drags her along with him away from the crowd. Tom prays that the Jocks are following them. "You?!" (Y/n) sounds genuinely surprised that it was Tom Gurney that saved her from such a sticky situation. Tom eventually stopped walking once he took (Y/n) safely to the parking lot, the Bullies' turf. Then he let her arm go, hoping he didn't squeeze her too hard. He shuffles around awkwardly for a bit, not sure of what to say to her. He watches her dust off her uniform and takes a deep breath as she calms down. "You uh... You alright?" Tom asks sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. It takes (Y/n) a moment to reply to him. Still messing with her clothes while seemingly looking for something to say. "Err... Yeah... I'm okay." She finally replies slowly, looking at the Bully with suspicion. Tom can tell that she is still weary of him, and he doesn't blame her for that. He had really scared her the last time they interacted. "What happened?" he asks, watching (Y/n) get slightly more uncomfortable. She shrugs, "I really shouldn't have strayed on Jock turf, you know?" She says, kicking a loose pebble off the asphalt. "I did do much other than talk back to Juri when he started to shout at me." (Y/n) explains honestly, her posture showing shame. As if she is being scolded by her mother or something. "You really shouldn't run your mouth to those Major-League-wannabes." Tom chortles at his own joke. (Y/n) joins in with an awkward laugh of her own. "yeah... I really got in trouble with that." She rubs the back of her neck. "But then you showed up! And with your sudden change of heart, you helped me out!" She cheers and points at Tom with intrigue. "And I have to say thank you for that." She smiles at him! She actually smiles at him! And it's the best smile he has ever seen. The uplifting features on her face alone could make him feel better. "Yeah, uh... It's cool." He replies shyly, not sure how to accept the gratitude of the one girl he used to bully. This feels like the right moment, maybe Wade was right after all? Has she made it up to her yet? No, not yet. But he is almost there, and then maybe he'll feel better about himself. Once he has made peace with the one thing that has been eating at him for a while; The guilt. ~~~~ (Y/n) and Tom continued with the awkward conversation, sitting on a nearby bench together. (Y/n) observed as the Bully kicked his shoes off, and he wasn't wearing socks. This is the second time that she had witnessed him do something like this. And the curiosity is getting to her. "Why did you take your shoes off?" She asks politely, pointing at his bare feet. Tom shrugs, "Shoes are uncomfortable." He replies casually. It's not the most detailed answer that she had expected, but it's an answer that she can respect. "Okay." She replies. Then it's quiet again, both parties are unsure of how to talk to each other. Tom has the chance to apologize, there won't come a more perfect moment than this. Now, now! Do it now, stupid! "Listen, (Y/n)..." He begins, toying with the hem of his loose shirt. "I, uh..." He stammers, god this is hard. Where does he even start? (Y/n) looks at him, waiting for him to explain himself. "I...I am sorry... I'm sorry for picking on you. I didn't know how to talk to you..." He finally manages to stammer out. The look she gives him is incredulous. "You didn't know how to talk to me?" She asks with an amused expression. Tom nods and gulps, this is not going the way he wanted. "Well." She begins, changing her posture; leaning back and crossing her legs. "You were more annoying than anything, but the last time you cornered me was scary." she continues. That hits the Bully in the chest, "Again, I'm sorry!" He almost pleads, making her laugh. "And you're forgiven, really!" she says to calm him down. "How about we start over?" (Y/n) suggests and stands up, Tom follows. She then holds out her hand for him to shake, "My name is (Y/n). What's yours?" She asks with a smile. Tom returns that smile and reaches to take hold of her hand. His hand feels sweaty to her. "I'm Tom. Nice to meet you." He replies. He feels a lot better than he did before, but he feels he needs to do more to make it up to her. _________________________________________ Quite difficult to set up a good plotline here. But this feels good, Tom got to redeem himself a bit. Thanks for reading.❤️ - Smilex🙂
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ynscrazylife · 11 days
trouble (colt seavers x stunt double!reader)
Colt considers himself a pretty laid back man. He gets along well with a lot of people. Most people. It’s been a while, since his work with Tom, that he has had to deal with someone who really irked him. Until he meets you. The both of you are stunt doubles for the leads of a new, fast-paced action movie.
At first, he thinks you’re cute (well, as much as he tries to convince himself otherwise, he still does). The first stunt he does for the movie is one with you and that’s what gets you all in trouble. You don’t like what you see as a careless attitude he has when it came to stunts and he makes the mistake of joking that you should “take things more easily”. From then on, you guys are always squabbling over something.
It doesn’t help that when he finds out that you have a cool motorcycle stunt, he talks to the director in hopes that he’ll get the stunt instead. You find out about that and you’re not happy.
Well, the motorcycle stunt gets done. He can’t deny that you look great wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses, expertly performing the stunt in one take.
Now, he’s watching from behind the cameras as you perform another stunt, this time a car one. Your character’s involved in a car chase on a beach and you’re supposed to go barreling down the dock, only to stop right before the end of it.
The stunt’s going great, you’re getting on the dock, and then—
“It won’t stop. The brakes won’t—!” You yell into your mic, before the car pummels into the water and disappears.
For a split second, everything seems to be going in slow motion. Colt looks up from the camera to the actual dock—and you’re just gone. His heart begins to hammer as it sets in what really has happened. He can hardly think before he’s sprinting off, along with the medics on the set and other professionals, who are on standby in case anything goes wrong. And something has gone really, really wrong.
Someone grabs his arm, pulling him back to let the guys do what they have to do. They’re gathering equipment together, one person tying a rope around another person’s waist.
Colt feels sick to his stomach as he watches the man dive into the water, your panicked voice replaying in his mind. He’s heard you annoyed, exasperated, but never this. He’s seen stunts go wrong, but not to this extent.
He’ll save the thinking about whatever brake thing went wrong for later. His mind’s filled with you, your image, your fear.
The man with the rope resurfaces and there’s commotion about the angle the car’s at. He needs something that enables him to breathe longer underwater. Colt wants to scream as they fumble around with goddamn snorkeling equipment — you’re sinking underwater! He’ll go in himself if he has to.
Finally, the man dives in again, and after a tense minute, he emerges, carrying you.
He runs with the medics, unable to do much aside from stand there. One of the medics pounds on your chest and, when he sees that you aren’t breathing, he begins to feel like he can’t either. Colt snatches a blanket out of someone’s hands and kneels down beside you, begging for you silently to wake up.
After the second round of rescue breaths and CPR, you wake with a desperate gasp for air, for life. It’s the most beautiful sound Colt has ever heard. He wraps the blanket around your shoulders, helping you sit up as you focus on getting as much the air in as possible.
Your eyes flicker up to meet his. Nothing needs to be said in this moment. Colt rubs your back with the towel as a gurney is brought to you. “Up you go,” he murmurs, lifting you onto the gurney.
Your eyes stick on him as you’re strapped onto the gurney, a silent plea to not be left alone. Colt understands, he’s not about to leave you alone for a second. He follows the gurney towards the ambulance, as paramedics have now arrived.
He helps them lift the gurney into the ambulance and sits down inside, watching as the paramedics flock around you. One takes your vitals, the other places an oxygen mask over your mouth. He hears them talk about the possibility of hypothermia and takes a hold of your hand.
“I know you’re scared, but you’re gonna be just fine and I’m going to be here for you,” he whispers. He pushed people away when he had his back injury, but he’s not going to let you be alone while you recover. He promises himself that.
The ambulance arrives at the hospital and you’re whisked away. Despite knowing that you’re awake, Colt still worries. He tries to distract himself by updating the movie crew and talking to the hospital staff, continuously asking for any updates they might have on you.
Eventually a nurse out comes out and tells him that you’re asking for him. He practically runs to your room, having to force himself to slow down right before he enters. He has to be collected.
He’s not, at all, collected on the inside.
“Hey, troublemaker,” Colt greets as he saunters in, smiling because you’re all bundled up in blankets and you look absolutely adorable. He sits down in a chair next to you.
“Hi,” you say quietly, mustering up a smile.
He asks you about how you’re feeling, if you’re okay, about the monitors, practically interrogating you. He eases up when he sees you start to get overwhelmed with all the questions, though.
“God, that . . . That was scary,” he finally admits.
“I know,” you agree, gazing at him. How could a man you found to be so annoying be so sweet at the same time?
“That’s never gonna happen again. They’re gonna investigate and see what went wrong,” he assures you. He’d sent a very demanding text to the director about that.
You nod and he can see that you’re tired, which you have every right to be.
“You know, they say that body heat is the best way to warm someone up,” he says, smirking and only half-joking.
You roll your eyes at him. “Just sit with me, okay?” You ask him, patting the empty space on your bed.
He nods, taking his place. He stays until the nurses come to kick him out, and even then, with his charm, manages to negotiate a few more minutes. When you doze off on his shoulder, the nurses don’t have the heart to make him leave. He’s not gonna leave your side again.
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mickeyswhore · 8 months
This is my brand new side blog, so please if you enjoy the vibes follow me!
Fandoms I can write for:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Mickey Altieri
Thomas Hewitt
Michael Meyers
Brahms Heelshire
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Patrick Bateman
Jackson Rippner
Lenny Miller
Michael McCrea
Raymond Leon
Neil Lewis
Robert Fischer
Mike Kiernan
Shivering Soldier (Inception)
Damien O'Donovan
Thomas "Tom" Buckley
Thomas Shelby
Billy Butcher
Soldier Boy
Hughie Campbell
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Dieter Hellstrom (Inglorious Basterds)
Franz Sauer (Munich - The Edge of War)
Mike Krause (Salt)
Alex de Klerks (The Last Vermeer)
Moritz de Vries (Parfum)
Jam Kremfeld (Furia)
Paul von Hartmann (Munich - The Edge of War)
Karl (Je Suis Karl)
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Paul Atreides
Gurney Halleck
Primo Nizzuto (Trust FX)
Mickey Miranda (A Dangerous Fortune)
Jonas Kahnwald (Dark)
Werner Pfennig (All the Light We Cannot See)
Ulrich Haussmann (Masters of the Air)
Jax Teller
Opie Winston
Chibs Telford
Juice Ortiz
Tig Trager
What I will not write:
Threesomes (I simply suck at it AND not my cup of tea)
Anything involving minors (such as x daughter!Reader)
Complete angst (Please, we need to have some hope even if it's not a happy ending)
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ruru0803 · 7 months
Unknown Territory: Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 2: We only see each other at weddings and funerals
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Five is aged up here. Maybe long...
Characters talking...
Everyone else talking is in white.
It was the same year "Tuselin' Tom" Gurney knocked out the space squid from Rigel X-9 by using his atomic flying elbow.
The people cheered for the man as he stood up from the twitching being beneath him. He smiled, flexing his muscles to the crowd, he was bloodied and bruised.
It happened at 9:38 Pm...
The referee grabbed the man's hand and lifted it up, cheers grew louder.
And in that moment, without warning an occurrence of complete coincidence...
A swim team was practicing in the water, the coach telling them what to do. Two of the swimmers sit off to the side. The two keep sneaking glances at each other, big smiles on their faces.
The boy soon gets up and sits next to the girl once no one is looking. He leans in to kiss her but she pulls away not wanting to be caught but kisses his cheek making the boy smile before running off to join the others in the water.
The boy quickly runs up to the water when he notices that the girl didn't come back up after she jumped in and soon the water started to fill with blood, getting everyone's attention. The boy screams her name, hoping that she was okay. The girl finally comes up for air but she was now pregnant and this caused everyone around her to scream once she started contracting.
Everyone was quick to pull her out of the water and they helped her as she got ready to give birth.
Soon a baby's crying voice filled the air.
This happened to a couple more women....
Forty-three extraordinary children were born to mostly single women, who had shown no signs of pregnancy, in seemingly random locations around the world.
The children were either adopted or abandoned, the ones who survived anyway...
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire, world renowned scientist, and adventurer; Inventor of the Televator, Levitator, mobile umbrella communicator and Clever Crisp Cereal, Olympic Gold medalist and recipient of the Nobal Prise; resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible with his bodyguard Abhijit by his side using methods undisclosed.
He walks into a building dressed in a thick coat and monocle, he walks past a few people with Abhijit behind him, he enters a room where he was met with a girl who had a scared look in her eye. He paid no notice to her only focused on the baby in her hand.
He goes to reach for the baby who turns away from him.
"How much do you want for it?"
He knocked on a door to met with a man whose stare was as cold as Reginald was. The man opened the door wider and motioned for the alien man to follow him. He lead him to a room with a crib in it, the woman beside it quickly makes a frightened look when she recognizes Reginald.
She turns to the other man, tears filling her eyes.
"Please don't do this... I want my baby."
The cold man snaps his fingers and is quickly joined by two men who pick up the woman and take her out of the room. She sobs as the man walks over and hands the child to Reginald.
A lady hops out of her car with an exhausted look in her eye. She grabbed her purse and walked towards her apartment. When she makes it, she notices Reginald waiting at the steps, money in hand.
Part of her felt bad but she couldn't take care of this baby not with the salary she had.
She opened the door and Reginald followed her inside. She walks to the room where the babysitter was, the woman smiled as the girl placed the baby in her arms.
She pointed in the direction of the babysitter's money and sent her on her way.
She rocked the baby in her hands, cooing at the little girl before handing her to Reginald, who had a big grin on his face.
"There are two of them."
The woman pointed in the direction of the twins. Reginald walked towards them studying each child.
One of them was asleep and the other had tried to eat his toe, it made the woman beside him giggle. Reginald turned to look at the woman and she quickly hid her smile.
He motions for his bodyguard to hand the woman two suitcases filled with money. Both he and Abhijit grabbed a baby boy and left the house.
He got seven of them.
Reginald walked away a happy man, some people that worked with him followed behind him with different strollers carrying the children.
They followed him until he made his way to a building.
He wiped away the children's identities and concealed the children from the world, Sir Reginald held a press conference in Stockholm in which journalist Cosimo De'Lostrono from Milan asked.
"Why have you adopted these seven children?"
The cameras flashed all around Reginald as he thought of his answer.
"To save the world, of course."
Murmurs started to make it's way through the crowd with one person speaking up.
"From what?"
Reginald just waves to the crowd before stepping down and having his bodyguard walk beside him.
A girl with medium length black hair wearing a black suit picks up a violin. The spot light shines down brightly on her, she starts to play 'the Phantom of the Opera' as she sits on a lone stool, all eyes on her.
She plays with lightning speed, the energy in the crowd rising more and more.
She switches to playing 'the Angel of music'. The melody becomes a lot softer as she plays on.
An alarm rings waking up a tall, blonde man. he gets up, stretches and scratches his butt as he leaves the room but then hits his head against the door frame. He presses a few buttons before running his hand over a small plant and then watering it. He walks pass and heads to where his suit is and puts it on.
He exits the ship and hops across the moon to throw away his trash. He then turns around jumping in fright when he finds his space robot 'Ben' there. He pats the robot's head before heading inside, 'Ben' following behind him.
A man wearing a mask leads a scared one in the direction of his family, who were all tied up and frightened.
"Where's the safe? Where's the safe?!"
The people who owned the house panicked as the other man started knocking things over.
A man wearing all black with different knives decorating his suit watches from outside the house. He slips in grabbing one of the men and smashing his head against the wall. He comes back out with a mask and a sly grin on his face.
One of the guys notices him and tries to throw a punch but it's quickly blocked and he is instead thrown to the ground and knocked out. This however alerts the other men in the house who all try to throw things at the man dressed in black but each object gets directed elsewhere, missing the guy each and every time. He grins before sending a knife into one of the man's arms, quickly making work to beat up the other two men in the house and throwing them against walls.
A knife covered in blood gets picked up by the man dressed in black, he faces the family who are still tied up.
"Your family is safe now."
He walks past them ready to leave but stops when a news story plays on the television. A shocked look makes its way on his face. Never in a million years did he think this would happen.
A beautiful woman walks down the red carpet in a long elegant red dress. She faces the crowd with a confident smile, cameras flash all around her.
People try to ask questions but she just gives them a polite smile and walks down the red carpet, posing for pictures.
"There's our sweetheart Allison."
"Oh you're perfect."
A man whispers to one of the camera men taking his attention from the woman in front of him.
"Allison, have you heard the news?"
Allison looks confused but quickly hides it behind a smile.
"When's the last time you saw your father?"
She cringes at the question.
"Have you heard from your brothers?"
She frowns deeply not knowing where this was going. Her manager comes behind her and pulls her away, Allison sends the crowd a friendly smile before letting the woman take her.
A man dressed in black leather and fur hops off a bunk bed with a devious smile on his face. He sighs happily before saying goodbye to a companion. Showing off his hand tattoo.
"Stay strong, I believe in you."
He waved to another companion and jokingly states.
"You, not so much."
He gets a chuckle from them and leaves with a smile on his face.
"Bye Klaus."
He waves to another man who just gives him a dead stare and hands him a bag.
"See you soon, Klaus."
He flips Klaus a coin which he catches and pockets after kissing it.
"Stay sober."
The man exists the building quickly finding an alley to hang in. Sirens ring around him and he checks to see if anyone is watching him. He meets up with a guy who quickly slips something into his hand. Klaus smiles and heads outside of the alley.
Not even fifteen minutes later is he being placed into an ambulance and sent away. An oxygen mask placed on his face as the paramedics try to get his heart started again. He awakens, shaking violently as he does so. He laughs once the shaking stops and high fives the paramedic that brought him back.
The TV quickly catches his attention as a news story plays. He blinks rapidly in disbelief.
We go back to the man on the moon as he watches the sun flashing behind planet earth; his home.
"..Number 1.. come in, number 1.."
The man looks down at his flashing communicator around his waist.
"..Number 1.. this is annihilation control..you have a call.."
The man sighs in annoyance.
"Tell them I'm busy."
".. It's Dr. Pogo..on the phone.."
The man quickly jumps back to the ship.
"Keep him on the line."
Once in the ship he picks up the phone, he looks around the room at the different documents talking about him; a poster called space boy and a news paper about his injury being a few scattered across the room.
"Pogo. Any news from Earth? Is this it?"
The man listens to the other line for a little bit before responding.
"Negative, Pogo. You know I can't leave my post. A threat may finally–"
The man's eyes start to go wide with worry.
The man's eyes turn with a mix of cold and heart broken.
"I see. I'm on my way."
He places the phone down and exhales as he does the robot, 'Ben' makes his way up to him.
"..I've readied your ship.. Number 1.. will you be requiring your laser pistol..?"
The man nods at the Robot.
"Yes. And Ben?"
The robot moves its head in acknowledgement.
"Remind me to reprogram you when I get back. Only my father calls me number 1."
The man hops in the ship waving goodbye to 'Ben' who waves back.
"..Godspeed, Luther, sir.."
The woman continues to play as the light around her start to turn on signaling the end of her solo. She opens her eyes to reveal no one there. The audience, the cheering, it was all in her head.
She sighs sadly placing her violin back into its container and starts to head home. On her way there she stops by a store whose TV plays the channel showing her father who apparently is now deceased.
She heads into her house which wasn't much further. The rain poured onto her skin, she was in too much shock to notice.
Once she reached the building she hopped into the shower and changed into clothes for bed. She laid down on her bed, she couldn't sleep, not after watching that. Part of her was sad he was gone, he did raise her but another part of her...
The phone in her room started to ring. She laid still, closing her eyes hoping that whoever was calling would stop but the ringing kept going. She stood up and walked over to the phone picking it up and placing it near her ear.
"You know your father is dead right?"
The woman's brows furrowed at the question at this point the whole world did.
"Who is this?"
"I suppose I didn't expect you to be broken up...you wrote a lot of nasty things about your family in that book of yours."
The woman gritted her teeth at that.
"What do you want?"
"I'm conducting a suite. The first of it's kind. It appears my chair for first violin has been rendered...vacant. I'd like you to audition."
The woman glared at the wall, biting her lip before answering.
"Why would I do that?"
"Revenge. Be at the Icarus theatre at noon tomorrow."
Five falls from the sky, hitting the ground really hard. As much as that hurt he turned his direction to the portal in the sky, it slowly started to close as he watched the woman he cared for mouth 'I love you' before being hit in the back of the head.
He wished he could run to her, help her; He wished that he was stronger in that moment, better but he wasn't, he was weak and now you were gone.
His fist hit the ground and angry tears start to fill his eyes.
"Master Five."
Five quickly rubs the tears from his eyes before turning around to face the chimp he hadn't seen in years.
"Let's get you inside."
Five nods and stands up following Pogo to the door. Before he enters he turns his attention back to the sky making a silent promise to get you back.
He follows Pogo into the kitchen watching as the chimp walked around the kitchen pulling out ingredients to make tea.
After he finished making the tea, he handed it to Five. Pogo sends Five a gentle smile but doesn't get one back in return instead Five takes a sip from his cup before laying his head down in his hand.
Pogo just watched the boy not really sure what to say. It was clear Five wasn't in the mood to talk but as Pogo started to head to his office, Five got up and followed him.
"The world's in danger."
Pogo's eyes widened at Five's words as he sat at his desk. He goes to say something but stops when the door slams open.
"Dr. Pogo...Is it true?"
Five studies Luther as he enters, he seemed different from when he last saw him.
"Yes. Sir Reginald Hargreeves is dead."
Five steps up getting the attention of his taller brother.
"And something worse is coming..."
Luther's eyes went wide at the sight of his missing brother.
"Number Five? Where have you been for the last 17 years? What's happening?"
"Now, Now, Luther. It can wait until tomorrow. You've just come home."
Five starts walking towards the door, ready to leave the conversation.
"I also would rather not repeat myself, it's best we wait for the others."
Luther goes to stop him but Five just teleports away from the office and into his room. He sighs and quickly changes into some old Pj's that he had and lays down on his bed.
It felt weird being in this house. It felt weird not having you beside him. Nothing felt right. He closes his eyes, trying to open his mind.
He opens them again to find a black void. He looked around for any sign of movement but there was nothing.
You opened your eyes and instantly felt a cold medal pressed against your skin. You looked down and noticed your body strapped against a wall. You knew it was a long shot but you tried to move your hands to no avail.
Escaping was gonna be a lot harder than you had hoped it would be. You looked around the room, it seemed to be the same one they used to experiment on you.
You heard the clicking of heels before the door opened which drew your attention to the figure who walked in. The same one who found you and Five in the first place, The Handler.
She sends you a cheeky smile, you roll your eyes at the sight of her.
"Oh, Sweetie. I thought you'd be happier to see me."
She steps closer and closer to your restrained body.
"You don't have to worry."
She touches your cheek, making your skin crawl at the contact.
"I don't want to kill you...Not yet anyway."
You glare as she walks away after sending you a condescending smirk. She closes the door leaving you in a room all alone.
"I gotta get the fuck outta here."
You continued to glare at the door.
"Space-Luther. Wake up."
Luther blinks his eyes a few times before sitting up and Pogo stands at the edge of his bed with a cup of hot coco in his hand.
"What time is it?"
"Eight A.M. your sister has arrived."
His eyes lit up a little until he remembered he had two.
"The rumor?"
"Allison? Yes. She's been standing beneath Ben's statue for forty minutes. You should help her with her ba-"
Luther quickly left the room before he could finish his sentence. He passed Five's room before walking back and waving to the boy.
"Hey Five."
Five looks up and rolls his eyes before standing up and walking to the door.
"Hey, Luther."
He closes the door, Luther just shrugs before heading down stairs and walks out the door and just like Pogo said Allison was there looking sadly at the statue of their deceased brother.
"It wasn't your fault, y'know."
She glances at him from the side of her eyes.
"I know everyone blames you for what happened to Ben, but none of us know what really happened that day."
Her brows furrowed at the name.
"Still using code names?"
He gets shy when she turns to fully face him.
"I-I wasn't sure you'd come."
Her eyes soften.
"I missed you too. Where's mom?"
"She's somewhere around here. Where's Patrick and Claire?"
She sighs before walking towards the house.
"Patrick filed for divorce eight months ago. Of course you don't know, you've been gone."
"What about Claire?"
She just shakes her head turning back to him.
"He got custody."
"Well, you could always use your, rumor thing."
She frowns at the suggestion and walks into the house.
He goes into the house a few minutes later not noticing Klaus flying over them, watching them and smoking a cigarette.
The taxi that held Vanya finally pulled into where the house was. Vanya hopped out and studied the building for a while, it's been so long since she's been here. She took a big breath before stepping into the building.
She looks around the room, a lot of memories flushing in her mind; some good, some not so much.
She stops when she finds Grace staring into a fire, the picture of their missing brother, Five on top of it.
Grace doesn't react to her voice, she just continues to stare at the flames in silence.
She flinched as her name was called. She turned around to find her sister, Allison. The two didn't have the best relationship and they fell out as soon as Vanya wrote her book.
She watched a surprise look make its way to Allison's features.
"You're actually here."
Allison chuckles at the shy look on Vanya's face.
"Hey, Allison."
"Hey, sis."
Allison walks up to her slowly and pauses in front of her before pulling her into a hug. They pulled away from each other as Allison smiled, another one of their siblings decided to show up.
"What's she doing here?"
Diego glares at the smaller girl.
"You don't belong here. Not after what you did."
Allison sighs and glares at him as he walks pass.
"You're seriously gonna do this today?"
He walks up the stairs not paying her any attention.
"Way to dress for the occasion by the way."
He rolls his eyes.
"At least I'm wearing black."
Vanya gets upset.
"You know what? I-I maybe he's right."
"Forget about him."
Allison looks deep into Vanya's eyes.
"I'm glad you're here."
Vanya smiles a little at her words. This would be the first time in a long time where she felt wanted.
In another room...
Luther is walking around his father's room. He doesn't notice Diego watching him from the door.
"I can save you some time. They're all locked."
Luther turns to face him and Diego just shrugs.
"No forced entry, no sign of struggle. Nothing out of the ordinary."
Diego walks into the room and studies Luther. He hadn't seen him in so long, not that he really minded.
"You got big Luther. What's the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?"
It was obvious Diego wanted a reaction out of Luther.
"What do you want?"
Diego rolls his eyes before pulling something from his pouch.
"Autopsy report."
He hands it to Luther and he receives a glare from the taller man.
"Why do you have this?"
"I know a guy. He gave me info. That's all you need to know."
Luther reads the paper not buying what it was saying.
"A boring heart failure."
Luther stares at the picture sadly.
"Yeah, so?"
"So, why are you in here? Checking all the windows."
Luther looks at his brother in suspension.
"Were you the first one on the scene?"
"Pogo found him."
Diego was offended he would even ask, he didn't like him when he was alive, why would he want to see him before his death.
"Yeah, I talked to Pogo last night. He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle."
Diego exhales, annoyed with where the conversation was going.
"Your point being?"
"Can you think of a single time you saw dad and he wasn't wearing that monocle?"
Diego closed his eyes in thought.
"No. Which means someone took it."
Diego shakes his head.
"Which means there's a chance he wasn't alone when he died."
Diego gets up from the chair he sat in and walks up to Luther again.
"There is no mystery here. Nothing strange. Nothing to avenge. Nothing to solve, nothing like that."
Luther looks at him in shock and Diego stares at the bed.
"Just a sad old man who kicked it in a big empty house."
He looks deep into Luther's eyes making sure to emphasize his words.
"Just like he deserved."
Luther gets upset by his statement.
"You should leave."
"Whatever you say, brother."
He leaves the room, balling his fist at his side.
Back in Five's room...
The man looks at himself in the mirror, he was no longer an old man but a twenty year old dude.
He sighed to himself and sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling before laying down completely.
He hadn't gone down to see if his other siblings had come yet. If they had none of them had come up to see him either.
He closed his eyes again, letting his brain drift off for a little bit. He opened his eyes again and sat up.
He got up and started to get dressed, he might as well go and warn them about what would befall them in the next seven days.
"Leaving so soon."
Five stopped in his tracks, turning around to face the smiling face of the girl he loved. His eyes softened at the sight of you.
"You're here."
"You let me in."
You stood up walking to him, he smiled and went for a hug but his body went completely through you.
"We can't touch, remember."
You turned to face him, staring sadly at him. He sat on the bed staring at the ground.
"You look different."
Five chuckles at your attempt to change the subject.
"Yeah, some people lose a few pounds. I lose a few years."
You shrug.
"Guess now we both have to look youthful forever."
Five looks up at you.
"Are you...Are you okay?"
You shake your head a little.
"Not exactly. Are you okay?"
"Not exactly."
You sit next to him, you wish you could make him feel better but you can't, at least not at that moment.
"I'm not injured or anything. If that makes you feel better."
"I'd feel better if you were here."
Five balls his fist, he was angry at himself for leaving you even though it wasn't technically his fault.
"I'm okay, Five. I'm gonna get out of this."
He stares at you longingly as you smile at him.
In another part of the house...
Allison opens a room to their father's office. She walks in and remembers all the times he turned them away.
Reginald sat at his desk writing letters about who knows what or to whom. Grace walks in the room with the children behind her.
"The children are ready for bed, sir. They wanted to say goodnight."
All the children smile at him but he doesn't even look up to acknowledge them. Five, Klaus, Vanya, Diego and Ben instantly frown at his disinterest in them. Grace notices and turns to the children.
"Okay, time for bed now, Kids. Come along."
Allison paused as everyone left, Grace got her to step away from the room which she ends up making a snappy remark in his direction.
"Where's the cash, Dad?"
Allison looked confused for a moment but soon heard the drawers clattering. She walks deeper in the room and finds Klaus behind the desk.
"Klaus? What are you doing here?"
He just smiles at his sister, even though he was caught, he was happy to see her.
"Oh, Allison. Wow, is that you?"
He stood up and pulled her into a hug.
"Long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you actually, I wanted to get your autograph. To add to my collection."
Allison smiled at his goofiness. She pulls at his wrist when she notices something.
"You just got out of rehab?"
"No, no. No, no, no, no.
Allison looks at him sceptically.
''I'm done with that. I came down here to prove to myself, that the old man was really gone."
Allison wasn't buying it. He claps cheering for his death.
"You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room."
Allison silently agrees with his statement as he starts to vent. He sits down on the chair before crossing his legs onto the desk. He starts being silly again getting Allison to laugh.
"Get out of his chair."
The two instantly stare at the door where Luther was. Klaus just rolls his eyes at him.
"Oh, wow, Luther! Wow, you're really, uh..."
He stands as Luther starts walking closer.
"You really filled out over the years, huh?"
Klaus stops him from speaking.
"Save the lecture. I was already leaving."
He starts heading towards the door, the smile he had no longer on his face. Luther stops him from leaving which makes him frown more.
"Drop it."
"Ex-squeeze me?"
"Do it. Now."
Klaus jerks his arm out of Luther's grip and places almost everything he had on the floor. Klaus glares at Luther as he does so, he was always his least favorite sibling.
"Now, you could've let him keep that. Not like anyone else would use this junk anyway."
The three looked to find Five leaning against the door with his arms crossed. Allison looked shocked at his presence and Klaus eyes lit up as he went up to the boy and pulled him in a hug that lifted him off the ground.
"Let me go, Klaus."
Klaus only hugged him tighter.
"I haven't seen you in so long."
Five sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Five more seconds."
Klaus savors the five seconds before putting him down.
"I didn't get a hug when you came."
Five shrugs.
"Don't I get one too."
Five just blinks at Luther before waving at Allison and following Klaus out of the room.
''Meet me in the living room!!"
The air was awkward at first because of what happened earlier between Allison and Luther but they quickly got back into talking as if it never happened.
After a while the two make their way into the living room. Everyone was already there staring at Five in wonder. Klaus had apparently changed his clothes during that time.
"When did you come back?"
"Last night."
Luther sits down and glares at Five, he wanted information. Something he didn't get last night.
"It's been 17 years."
Five just scoffs at him, sending him his own glare.
"It's been a lot longer than that."
"Where'd you go?"
He turns to Diego, the glare softening on his face.
"The future. It's shit, by the way."
"Called it."
Everyone stares at him before turning back to Five.
"I should have listened to the old man. Y'know jumping through space is one thing."
He teleported away for a second then came back with a sandwich in his hand.
"Jumping through time is a toss of the dice."
"So you hated it there."
"It was fun for a while. No one to tell you what to do, No one to make you feel small, No one to make you wear a mask. But after a while it wasn't fun anymore. Unfortunately for me. I was stuck there."
He sighed before taking a bite from his sandwich. He stared up at a floating Klaus just now realizing he changed.
"Nice dress."
Klaus smiled when he realized he was talking to him.
"Oh, well, danke!"
"How did you get back?"
Five looked at her.
"In the end, I had to project my consciousness foward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."
Everyone looked at each other confused about what he had said.
"That makes no sense."
Five sighs and takes another bite from his sandwich.
"Well it would if you were smarter."
Diego and Luther both stood up. Diego to fight and Luther to hold him back. Five just stared blankly at the two.
"How long were you there?"
"Forty-Five years. Give or take."
Everyone looks at him in shock.
"So what you're saying is that you're 58?"
Five smiles.
"No, my consciousness is 58."
Then he frowns, looking down at his hands.
"Apparently, my body is now 20 again."
"How does that even work?"
Five shrugs.
"Delores kept telling us the equation was off. Eh. We were always so stubborn."
The group all start to look at each other confused again.
Five just stares off into a distance before changing the subject.
"So..Heart failure huh?"
Everyone looked at Luther.
"Nice to see nothing's changed."
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
Lieutenantfloyd's Masterlist
So, it's finally time for me to an accessible on both mobile and desktop. I know many people (myself included) prefer to read on mobile devices, so this will allow that to be done a whole lot easier. This will replace my old mobile masterlists, but my regular (desktop) masterlists will remain up and be as i post.
Because Tumblr has an embedded link limit, This masterlist only includes my posts for Top Gun, Dune, Tom Cruise, Call of Duty, Elvis Presley, Outer Range, and Masters of the Air. My posts for other fandoms can be found here.
If a link is broken or I've missed something, please let me know!
Last Updated: May 17th, 2024 // Guidelines — Askbox
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As always, The work(s) on this blog (unless otherwise explicitly stated) are/were written by and belong to me. The stealing, copying, reposting, or unauthorized downloading of my work(s), as well as the works of others, is considered plagiarism. I do not permit anyone to repost, copy, or download my work(s). Banner credit to cafekitsune !
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
The Double Proposal
Family relations
SFW alphabet
Slow dancing with rooster would include
Sleep headcanons
Tickling headcanons
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Beer
Darling You Send Me, Honest You Do
Halloween imagine
SFW alphabet
domestic life as bobs pretty little housewife would include
Christmas with Bob
Springtime with Bob
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Dancing In The Dark, Alight by Fire
Halloween Imagine
misc Hangman headcanons
SFW alphabet
Soft! aesthetic
New Years Eve
Small town romance
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson
Everything, Everything, and the Search for Reclamation
Hold Me, Flatter me
Halloween imagine
Wintering together + falling in love (original ask/prompt)
misc Cyclone headcanons
Dad! Cyclone (+ Wife! reader) headcanons
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet *18+ Only*
dating an autistic!Reader would include
Helping you avoid a meltdown
Dating headcanons
Childhood headcanons
Wintering together
Pumpkin patch
Pete “Maverick’ Mitchell
A Bad Day for Love (But a Good Day for Flower Shops)
Halloween imagine
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet *18+ Only*
Christmas with Mav
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Phoenix as your girlfriend
Vacationing together
Springtime with Phoenix
Mickey 'fanboy' Garcia
Fanboy as your S/O
Javy 'Coyote' Machado
SFW alphabet
Domestic life
Ron 'Slider' Kerner
Rebel Yell *18+ Only*
sfw alphabet
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Dating headcanons
When Duty Calls - Cyclone x reader
The Little Things - Dagger Squad (+ Cyclone) x reader
*Shoulder Shimmy* - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Love Notes and Vinyl - Robert “Bob” Floyd
Red Hot Blooded American - Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Rebel Without a Cause - Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Heatwave - Ron “Slider” Kerner
Strawberry Wine - Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe
Summer at Fightertown USA
General Headcanons:
Top Gun characters as (non alcoholic) drinks
Where I think Top Gun characters grew up
Music Top Gun characters would listen to
The Dagger squad plays laser tag
Rooster and Cyclone's kids' being best friends - AU
What i think Top Gun characters order at a coffee shop
Departure - icemav
Incorrect quotes
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Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Creature *18+ Only*
Crawl *sequel to Creature*
Competing for your affection (Feyd-Rautha & Rabban x reader)
Gurney Halleck
Narrow Honor
Nectar *18+ Only*
Glossu Rabban
Competing for your affection (Feyd-Rautha & Rabban x reader)
How they react to you suddenly kissing them
How they react to your arranged marriage
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Tom Cruise
In Demand - Tom Cruise x reader x Jon Hamm
Being an F1 driver and dating him
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Call of Duty
Last Minute - Alejandro Vargas x reader
Ensemble Cast - Task Force 141 + Los Vaqueros x reader (platonic)
General Headcanons: 
General headcanons  - Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Price, Gaz, and Rodolfo
General Headcanons - Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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Elvis Presley
Casting Spells
SFW relationship headcanons
NSFW alphabet *18+ Only*
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Outer Range
Royal Abbott
Something Domestic
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Masters of the Air
Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal
Love is a mystery
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141 notes · View notes
Anesthesia | Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary:  Tom suffers a serious car accident and the reader is the nurse on duty in the ER. Tom and anesthesia don't mix and Tom acts very out of character. Can Tom regain his composure or will he continue to shamelessly flirt with the reader? And is Benedict going to work all of this to his advantage?
Warnings: Car Accidents, Hospitals, Anesthesia Makes people act crazy, Tom quoting Shakespeare
Tom’s eyes fluttered, and he blinked several times, adjusting to the bright white light.
“Nurse! He is waking up!”
Nurse? Waking up? Tom reached out and cold metal hit his hands. Safety rails. The air was cool, dry, and sterile. As he attempted to sit up, he felt a cold air hit his bare back.
“Hey buddy, lie back down. You gave us quite a scare,” the familiar voice reassured him as he lowered himself back down to the bed.
Tom turned his head to the sound and once he saw Benedict’s face he smiled. Ben smiled back.
“Welcome back to Earth, Tom.”
“Thanks, what happened?”
The last thing Tom remembered was climbing into the stunt car to rehearse the big action shot. After that, it was just flashes of fire, screams and sirens.
“The brakes failed and the stunt coordinator doesn’t know what happened. But the important thing is you got out alive.”
Tom attempted to sit up again and felt winces of pain throughout his body.
“What was the damage?”
Benedict looked down.
“To you or the car?”
“The car… of course me! I feel as though a Mack truck hit me.”
“You are not far off. You broke your clavicle, wrist, and a few ribs. Um… lacerations everywhere and a… a ruptured spleen.”
Tom twisted to see his friend’s face better and felt the stitches and bandages strain. He winced at the sharp pain on his left side. Benedict hit the call button and in minutes, the nurse arrived.
She smiled as she approached the bed.
“Feeling pain?”
Tom nodded.
She looked at your chart before adding some pain meds to Tom’s IV.
“That should do. I would suggest lying down and the doctor should be in about twenty minutes.”
Tom thanked her and couldn’t help but notice her gazing over her shoulder as she left the room. Her smile barely contained her giggles. Tom’s eyes widened.
“Do they know who I am?”
Benedict averted his eyes and rose from the chair, feigning interest in the generic artwork on the wall. Tom narrowed his eyes at the clear avoidance of the question.
“What are you not telling me?”
“Oh boy, you don’t remember anything when you got here, do you?”
Tom shook his head.
“No, what happened?”
“You were in a lot of pain. Tell me have you ever been under anesthesia before?”
“Maybe, once or twice…” Tom questioned, but then he stared his friend down for answers.
“What did I say, Ben?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I do. Sit down and tell me, and I will decide if you live or die.”
Dejected, Ben returned to the chair and let a sigh out.
“I’m sorry, Tom.”
Four Hours Earlier
The gurney burst through the ER doors just fifteen minutes after you started your shift. Emergency room shifts are never boring but physically and emotionally draining. You put down your cup of coffee and headed in to assess the patient.
A man lied, groaning on the gurney. His face covered in scrapes and blood staining his ginger whiskers. His left wrist sat at an unnatural angle and his shirt cut away by the paramedics to administer help.
“Car accident,” the EMT relayed, “stunt gone wrong.”
A specific hazard unique to Los Angeles. They wheeled him to the examination room and put him onto the bed with care. He wore a C-collar, but the jostling stirred the man. His eyelids fluttered open and his blue eyes work to focus on his surroundings.
“Hey…” you looked down at his chart, “Tom. How are you doing?”
“I know you are in pain, but where?”
Tom gestured to the left side of his abdomen.
“Okay.” You grabbed some morphine and added it to his IV. “Any allergies?”
He shook his head.
“Anyone come with you?”
As if on cue, Benedict pulled back the curtain.
“I did.”
You recognized the man standing before you. Benedict Cumberbatch was quite the movie star.
“Really?” You attempted to keep your cool. This was no time for fan girling.
Within minutes, Benedict could communicate the information about not only the accident but Tom’s medical history as well. It had all been on file with the production company.
The doctor came in and did a quick examination.
“We need to get a CT scan and X-rays. Looks like there may be internal injuries.”
You nodded as you prepared to wheel Tom down the hall.
“Ready to go for a ride?” you asked.
Tom nodded and gave a goofy smile.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N, Y/N. That’s a beautiful name. My name is Tom Fucking Hiddleston.”
The drugs were doing their job.
“Nice to meet you, Tom. We will take you for some tests.”
“But I didn’t study!” he sounded dismayed.
You could not suppress your laugh.
“I think you will be fine.”
Tom grabbed your hand and looked up at you, tears in his eyes.
“Will you help me study?” he asked with a serious tone.
“Of course.”
Tom continued to babble on for the rest of the trip to imaging. He spoke about how nice you smelled and how pretty your eyes look. The full court press of flirting. As you reached the room, you and the other nurse lifted Tom onto the machine.
“Here you go.”
Tom grabbed your hand once again.
“Please don’t leave. I’m scared of the dark.”
While his words spoke of her fear, his eyes and smile said something else.
“Are you flirting with me, Mr. Hiddleston?”
His smile only grew.
“Is it working?”
You leaned in to his ear to whisper, “No, but the drugs are.”
Tom pouted.
“Not fair.”
“But you are cute.”
His face lit up once again.
“I came, saw and overcame.” Tom was being dramatic.
At that point, the other nurse started up the machine, and you walked away to let the rest of nurses to care for his needs. After his scans, you headed back to the waiting area. You found Benedict pacing the floor in anticipation. His long fingers alternating between steepling in front of his face and raking through his hair. As you approached, you cleared your throat.
“Yes?” his voice shared a tone of concern and hopefulness.
“A few broken bones but the big thing is that his spleen has ruptured. He needs surgery right away.”
Ben’s face fell.
“Will he be okay?”
You nodded.
“He will make a full recovery. Would you like to see him before they send him in to operating?”
You led Ben back to where they were prepping Tom for surgery. The anesthesiologist added drugs to the IV and Tom was now in a full hospital gown. His tattered rags of clothes in the garbage.
“No fair!” Tom bellowed as you entered with Ben throwing the thin sheet over his legs. The two of you shared a knowing look, “You have seen me naked but I have not had the chance to see you naked.”
You leaned into Benedict.
“It would seem that the medicine does not agree with your friend,” you smirked.
“Oh, I don’t know, I rather like him like this, so not proper. So not Tom Hiddleston.”
You smiled as you looked upon Tom who, in vain, tried to cover his body. Even loopy on drugs, he charmed and warmed your heart.
“I will leave you to it.”
As you turned to leave, Tom shouted at you.
“I love thee, Y/N. By which honor I dare not swear thou lovest me, yet my blood begins to flatter me that thou dost, not withstanding the poor and untempering effect of visage. And therefore tell me, most fair Y/N, will you have me?”
You suppressed a small giggle.
“I will see you later,” you let them both know as you shut the door.
As soon as the door latched, Tom grabbed Benedict’s arm and pulled him down close.
“Ben! Ben! Have you met my wife?”
Benedict screwed his face up with confusion.
“The nurse? That is just the drugs talking, Tom. You barely know her.”
“Nonsense. She will be my wife and you shall be my best man.”
Benedict looked at Tom with an exasperated face but Tom’s only contained earnest. With a chuckle, Benedict conceded.
“Very well, Tom. I will be your best man.”
Tom slapped Benedict’s shoulder.
“That’s the spirit. As my best man, I require you to acquire my future bride’s number.”
Benedict could not resist at this point to play along with his friend’s drug-addled fantasy.
“I will, on one condition.”
“Name your price.”
“Name your firstborn after me.”
“Consider it done.”
“Then consider the number yours.”
Tom’s face beamed and as if on cue, the nurses came to wheel Tom into surgery.
“Oh dear, God. I quoted Shakespeare.”
Tom hung his head and his face and neck turned a bright shade of red.
“Yep. The Henry the Fifth wooing speech too. Honestly, it was one of your better performances. Might I suggest doing all your roles drugged from now on.”
Tom shot Benedict a withering look.
“Ha ha. Very funny. I can’t show my face to her again.”
At that moment, the door opened, and you entered. The color drained from Tom’s face, while the smile grew on Benedict’s.
“Y/N!” Benedict cooed, “We were just talking about you. So nice of you to stop in.”
Your shift ended half an hour ago, but you wanted to check in on Tom before going home. Today was not the first time a patient hit on you, although they are usually not an award-winning actor with a penchant for quoting Shakespeare. But, you would remain ever the professional. You checked the chart before wishing the two men well.
As you turned to exit, Benedict walked you out.
“Thank you, Y/N for attending to Tom.”
“My pleasure. Even under the influence, he is quite charming.”
Benedict took this opportunity.
“Speaking about that…”
3 years later
You yelled down the hall of your London home, beckoning your husband. At six months pregnant, getting up and down was no easy task. Tom rushed to your side. He gave you his arm and with a rocking start; you extracted yourself from the chair.
“Thanks, darling.”
“I am at your beck and call.”
You rubbed your swollen belly as you waddled your way down the hall. Tom followed you to the kitchen.
“Now about names for this little young man here.”
Tom grew ashen. He thought he could avoid this conversation, but it seems his luck had run out.
“Yeah, I have I mentioned today that I love you.”
Tom kissed your lips, and you looked at him with distrust.
“What have you done?”
Tom smiled and rubbed his neck, a nervous habit.
“I may have promised to name the child after Benedict.”
Tom flinched.
“You what? Why on earth would you do that?”
“It was for a good cause.”
“Which was?”
“Your phone number.”
With that, Tom took off down the hallway. You smiled as you walked with much effort behind him.
“We are NOT naming our child after breakfast food!”
You heard Tom’s laughter fill the house.
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Sinking Friendships
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Language, Blood, Car accident, hospital scenes/talk, small talk of religion (sorry it just felt right for the story), angst, fighting, typos
-Words: 5.6K
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Author note: Sorry for the shit writing, it was so hard to write the car accident. Tried to make it as medically accurate as possible. Most knowledge derived from Grey’s Anatomy/WebMD. Sorry this chapter is long. Feel free to leave comments or message me directly your feelings while reading the chapter. Every message I've received is so sweet thank you all.
*Anytime 3 dots/ellipses (…) its a sob/breath and a moment of reflection during dialogue.
Chapter 8: Sinking Friendships
Words: 5.6K
Sirens, flashing lights and screams were the only thing Henry remembered. It all happened so fast. One minute Henry and Rosie were laughing together getting lost in each other’s eyes and the next they were both unconscious awaiting their death.
There was no time for Henry to react in anyway. No swerves or movements were made to prevent the impact. A maroon truck had collided Roise’s side, jolting her entire body. Her door was dented beyond belief.
From the forceful impact caused their car skid on the pavement, wearing the paint job away, and crash into the street pole. Henry’s entire body screamed out in pain, his injuries weren’t as bad as Rosie’s though.
“Rosie? Rosie! Rosie!!” Henry called out, desperately wanting to hear her lovely voice. Panic and heartbreak ensued when he saw blood dripping down the side of her head.
Rosie wasn’t moving. How could she be full of life one minute and the next, not? Henry reached over and placed two fingers below her jaw searching for a pulse. He felt he was able to breathe once her felt her few and far between heartbeats, it was faint but it was still there.
“Darling, wake up. Rosie, wake up! Open your eyes for me.”
Henry could feel himself fading by the moment. He used his last breaths to tell the girl he loved he was sorry. Her life was hanging by a thread and in that moment Henry was utterly useless. Praying that she would wake and he would get to hold her again, as everything faded to black.
It had to be about 15 minutes. 15 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. 15 minutes that Henry and Rosie had been unconscious for. 15 minutes of complete stillness, as everyone outside the vehicle panicked. The witness had called 911 multiple times and the other driver was unconscious at his wheel.
After those brutal and possible life ending minutes, help finally arrived. They pulled Henry from the wreck, putting him on a gurney.
“Sir, can you hear me?” called out the paramedic. “Yes. My girlfriend, help her please,” Henry was pleading for his life. How could he be so careless, it was only an accident? “Sir, just lay back. Let us take care of you,” the paramedic uttered, putting her hand on his shoulder to hold him down.
“No. I need to make sure she is okay.”
“Sir, you need to restrain yourself. The other paramedics have got her.”
“ROSIE! Just please let me know if she is okay,” screamed Henry.
“Sedate him please. I’ll go check on the girl,” said the paramedic. Henry faded into a deep sleep a moment later.
“Hey, how’s the girl? Her boyfriend won’t stop asking,” asked the paramedic to the one attending to Rosie. “Unresponsive. She has head trauma and a pulse, thank god,” he murmured. Henry was sent along with Rosie to Kingston Memorial hospital. The hospital was 20 mins away, so much can happen in that time.
Everyone else was sleeping soundly within the walls of the Holland Manor. It started to become a common theme that phone calls in the middle of the night usually meant someone was hurt. This time it was Harrison calling.
“Haz? It’s so late why are you calling?” You asked, jolting awake.
“There’s been an accident and Tom didn’t answer when I called. It’s Rosie and Henry. It sounded bad, Y/N.”
“Oh my god. I’ll see you there,” you responded, barely forming the words as tears started to fall.
“TOM WAKE UP!” you screamed, shaking him awake.
“What?… I’m up. I’m up.”
“There’s been accident.” No more words were said, they just hopped in the car and drove as fast as possible. Tom knuckles grew white clutching around the steering wheel. He couldn’t even begin to fathom a world with his Rosie in it. Harrison was already there, pacing in the waiting room.
“Haz. Where is she?” you said, tears begging to fall.
“I don’t know they won’t tell me anything because I’m not family,” Harrison answered.
“Fuck that, you are our family. How’s Henry?” Tom exclaimed.
“He’s ok. Just a minor concussion and dislocated shoulder, he’s in there right now. They are putting his shoulder back in its socket. He was really lucky but, I am worried about Rosie.” Haz said, just as a doctor dressed in surgical scrubs approached them.
“Are you here for Rosie Holland?” asked the doctor, Tom just nodded in response.
“Mr. and Mrs. Holland, I presume,” continued the doctor
“Yes, that’s us,” Tom replied, clasping your hand in his. He tried to put on a brave face for his wife. You couldn’t both be a mess.
“Ok, Rosie is still in surgery. With extensive injuries like hers we like to keep the family updated as much as possible. Your daughter was the nearest point of impact. She came in with a puncture wound to the abdomen, a severe concussion, massive internal bleeding, many cuts caused by broken glass and severe trauma to her head.”
“Will she be okay?” you asked, accidentally interrupting the doctor.
“Let him finish darling,” Tom said, his grip on her hand tightening.
“It is still too early to know. I have to get back.”
“Alright Doctor, thank you,” Tom acknowledged. You just fell into Tom’s arms, letting all the tears you were holding back fall. You broke into a fit of sobs in his embrace.
“Tom, I don’t want to lose her. I can’t lose her. She’s our baby,” you whimpered, your tears staining his t-shirt
“Shh, darling. She’ll pull through. Remember she is just like her strong mother.”Tom whispered, rubbing a soothing hand over your back.
“Have you gotten in touch with Parker?” Asked Tom as he continued to comfort you.
“No, I’ve been trying. Leaving message after message… Why fuck isn’t he picking up?” yelled Haz. Just then, Henry had walked up, sporting a cloth sling His heart nearly broke as he saw you crying your eyes out buried in Tom’s arms.
“No. No, no, no. Don’t tell me she didn’t make it.” Henry cried as his knees started to buckle at the thought of losing Rosie.
“Henry no, she’s still in surgery. Hey, come here.” Harrison said trying to calm down his son.
“Henry, what the happened?” Tom asked, scared for his daughters life.
“What were you doing with Rosie anyway? It’s late.” Tom questioned again after Henry stood silent, growing louder.
“Hey, Tom. Back off,” Harrison said, standing in front of Tom.
“No. I want to know the reason why my daughter is in there fighting for her god damm life.” Tom screamed. Henry was like a deer caught in headlights. He couldn’t lie his way out of this one. His eyes just shifted between Tom, you and his dad.
“A truck hit Rosie’s side when I was driving, I’m sorry, it was an accident.” Henry cried, barely able to get the words out.
“Son, we know it was an accident. It wasn’t your fault,” Harrison said, comforting Henry.
“Where? Where were you guys?” Tom pestered on.
“Umm, we were on our way back from… from a date. We are dating.” Henry muttered, his eyes glued to the floor.
“What? Y/N did you know about this?” Tom asked, ready to throw hands.
“Yes, Tom,” you murmured, avoiding Tom’s disappointed glare.
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” Tom screeched.
“And for you. Who the fuck said you could date my daughter?” Tom bellowed, pointing his finger at the poor boy.
“I did kind of give them permission by keeping their secret. In your own time frame though you were supposed to ask Tom,” you muttered, bouncing between Henry and Tom.
“Wait. For how long? For how fucking long?” Tom cursed.
“2 months.” Henry whispered.
“2 months. 2 fucking months. You were lying to me?” Tom screamed, he was livid at you.
“I don’t want you dating her,” Tom growled with an unchanging expression.
“I’m sorry, sir. What?” Henry asked, dumbfounded by Tom’s response.
“Tom, what?” Haz faltered.
“Tom don’t do this, he is a good kid,” you begged.
“Break up with my daughter or there will be hell to pay,” Tom declared and with that he walked away.
“Tom, you can’t do that to them,” you yelled after Tom.
“Really Y/N watch me” Tom said, ignoring his family. His heart had been broken too many times tonight. First when he heard about the accident, another when he had learned of Rosie’s injuries and another when he found out that you had been lying to him. His mind needed to be on one person right now, Rosie.
Tom managed to cool off, but immediately changed the subject anytime you would start to apologize. He didn’t have the energy to focus or listen, all he cared about was Rosie. Parker had showed up 10 mins later, he was off doing god knows what.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Tom yelled, as he saw Parker come through the sliding doors.
“Sorry. I just got your message. Is she okay?” Parker explained.
“We don’t know she is still in surgery,” you whispered, trying to hold back tears.
“What I went out for a bit and shut my phone off. What’s the big deal?” Parker asked.
“The big deal is that I didn’t know where you were. I couldn’t get in touch you. Rosie was in a car accident and I couldn’t call you,” screamed Tom, still angry from the conversation that just perspired
“And Henry?” Parker question, ignoring Tom’s scolding.
“He’s ok. Haz is with him right now, they went to get some coffee,” you informed him.
“Are you okay, mom?” Parker asked, remembering the conversation they had the night before.
“I’ve been better. Just glad you are here,” you said, bringing him into a warm embrace. As they all stood together as a family, Rosie’s doctor came to update them.
“She is out of surgery and stable. Her heart did stop and we were able to resuscitate her, she’s in the ICU now…”
“Can we see her?” Tom asked, interrupting the doctor. A huge weight had just been lifted off his shoulders, his baby girl was going to be okay.
“Yes, but you need to know something. Her brain started to swell in surgery so we had to put her in a medically induced coma to bring down the swelling. We don’t know when she will wake up or if she will at all,” explained the doctor.
All the Hollands stood like statues, unable to process the news. You felt as though you had been punched in the stomach, you wouldn’t be able to handle losing your baby girl.
Minutes, hours and days had melded together. It had been 6 days since the accident and Rosie was still the same, laying unconscious in a hospital bed hooked up to various machines. All of you stayed at the hospital expect for Harrison and Henry. Harrison was running the mob for Tom, for the time being.
You refused to leave her side, spending every waking and sleeping hour right beside her. Seeing your daughter like this was killing you. You weren’t getting any sleep and your hair started thinning.
Rosie looked pale and lifeless, the only thing guaranteeing she was alive was the incessant heart monitor. Her bruises had started to heal, changing from a vibrant purple to an opaque yellow. Everyone prayed she would wake up.
Henry tried to visit everyday but Tom wouldn’t allow it. He was still furious his daughter was dating him and everyone else knew about it except him. Tom’s heart ached for Rosie to wake up and be his funny, sassy, brave girl once again. Tom, however couldn’t stand how the waiting was making you feel.
“Darling. Wake up!” Tom whispered, gently shaking you.
“What? Did something happen? Is Rosie ok?” You exasperated, jolting out of your sleep and trying to catch your breath.
“No, she’s fine. It has just been a while since you had gone home and cleaned up. It might do you some good, baby,” Tom pleaded.
“Tom, I can’t leave her,” you whispered.
“Y/N, it’s ok. Let me take you home and Parker will be here in case anything were to happen,” Tom explained.
You were hesitant at first but eventually agreed, it had been awhile since you had showered or had a decent meal. Living off of the same sweatshirt and hospital cafeteria snacks for the past couple days. All your energy had been put into watching Rosie.
While Tom took you home, Parker was tasked with watching his sister. As kids they were both active and had gotten hurt, only most ever being a broken bone, never a life or death situation. Not only was Rosie Parker’s sister, but she was his twin.
His built in best friend. There had never been a time where he didn’t know her, maybe the first 5 mins of his life, but Rosie soon followed. Sure they fought and argued like all siblings do, but they couldn’t imagine their life without each other. He needed her sarcastic comments and infectious laughter to brighten his day. He needed her warm, slightly awkward hugs and her bitchy attitude once in a while. Parker didn’t know what he’d do without her.
“Rosie, I don’t know if you can hear me but mom is a mess, dad has barely said to word and everyone just needs you to wake up. I need you to wake up…. We all do, especially Henry,” Parker whispered.
“God, he secretly loves you. He hasn’t had the balls to tell you yet, but if that it is what you need to wake up, then do it….Let that be it…. That he loves you, Rosie…. He loves you.”
“I know what it is like to lose someone you love. Charlotte didn’t have a choice, but you do. You can fight and come back to us…. Come back to Henry. He needs you. He calls me every night asking if you had woken up yet. Dad banned him from visiting the hospital. Really fucked that one up didn’t you Roo…. You should’ve told him about you and Henry, but that’s beside the point…. The point is let today or tomorrow or next week be the day I tell him you did…. Just promise me you will wake up ok. I know I don’t say it often but I love you.” Parker got everything he needed to say off his chest. Tears had managed to escape from his eyes as he held her hand. Henry was standing in the doorway, when Parker poured his heart out.
“Hey mate. Mind if I have a minute with my girl?” Henry spoke.
“Not at all. Perfect timing, my parents just left,” Parker said, getting up from his crouched position.
“Yeah, I know. I was parked in the parking lot, waiting for them to leave.”
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Oh, none. None what so ever.”
“So practically all of it?” Parker said in response.
“Yeah,” Henry just nodded along.
“I’ll leave you guys alone,” Parker said as left the room.
Now it was just Henry and Rosie.
Tom had forbidden Henry from seeing her, he hasn’t even gotten to hold her hand. Henry tried to hold back tears as he saw the girl he loved looking half-dead. Her skin had lost its color and her necklace, the one he had given her, was stained with blood sitting in a bag on her bedside.
“Hey Roo. I’ve missed you…. Life hasn’t been the same these past few days. I’ve missed all your good night and good morning texts and your smile.” Henry started.
“Everyone wants you to wake up. They need you to wake up. Can you just open your eyes and flash that smile for me? I need it and I need you…. Rosie,… here it goes,… I love you. I couldn’t stand the thought of you never knowing I love you. So there it is, I love you.”
“I love everything about you…. Your eyes, your laugh, even that weird snort you do. I love you and that has to be enough. It has to be enough for you to wake up and come back to me…. Don’t just do it for me, do it for Parker and your dad and your mom. They have all been losing their minds without you.”
“Rosie, please baby. I love you and that has to be enough,” Henry concluded as tears streaked his face. He moved to press a chaste kiss to her forehead when all of a sudden machines starting going off and beeping left and right.
“Rosie? Rosie stay with me!” Henry didn’t know what was happening. All he knew as that she was still alive and prayed to god he wouldn’t hear her flatlining.
Rosie’s body started to jerk and shake, involuntary. The room filled with nurses and doctors, rolling Rosie on to her side. Her muscles spasming everywhere.
“Sir, you need to leave,” said the nurse, prying Henry away from Rosie.
“No, please let me stay with her,” Henry cried, refusing to avert his eyes from Rosie.
“You need to leave. Let us help her.”
Henry stood crying, peering through the glass doors at the love his life slipping before his very eyes. Her seizure only lasted about 8 minutes but, minutes bleed to hours as tears refused to stop.
“Henry? What happened?” Parker said, running up to Henry crouched on the floor with his knees to his chest and head buried.
“I don’t know. They forced me to leave. Her body started shaking violently, I don’t know what happened,” Henry sniffled, titling his head up. His eyes were beet red and his face was riddled with tears. Parker just stood there dumbfounded. He only left for 10 minutes to get some water. How could so much go wrong in that time.
“Young man, are your parents here,” asked the doctor as everyone came out of Rosie’s room.
“No, they went home to grab some things. Why?… Is she dead?” Parker questioning, pulling at the roots of his hair.
“No, she’s alive, but we can’t share any further information till they get here,” explained the doctor. Parker just nodded in response and Henry was able to breath again, exhaling the breath he was unaware he was holding.
Parker was about to make the call he dreaded. This was the entire reason you refused to leave, in case anything were to happen.
“Parker, what’s up. Is Rosie okay?” Tom said as he answered the Parker’s call.
“Dad, no, you need to get to the hospital. Something happened with Rosie but, they won’t tell me anything,” Parker said, his voice wavering.
“Oh my god, I’ll be right there,” Tom said, hanging up the phone. He had been refusing the chance to break down, he felt as though he had to be strong for everyone else.
“Y/N! Y/N!!” Tom screamed through the house. The one time Tom tries to do something good everything gets screwed up.
“Tom, what?” You exclaimed, startled by his screams
“Something happened with Rosie,” Tom said, a fews tears dripped down his face.
“What? No. No, no, no. I wasn’t there. I’m her mom and I wasn’t there. Why the fuck did you make me leave?” You cried, feeling like a terrible mother. You never should’ve left.
“I’m sorry. Be mad at me later, let’s just go,” Tom said, grabbing his car keys.
Tom’s reckless driving was not the problem at the moment, you just need to be there for Rosie. At the hospital, Tom barely parked properly before they were running through the halls. He came upon Parker in the waiting room, looking disheveled as fuck. His eyes were puffy eyes and hair stood up, he could tell his son was tugging on it in frustration.
Tom needed something to take his mind off Rosie. He needed to punch something or beat someone up or even just take his angry out with words.
“Parker, what happened? Is she okay?” You said, scared for Rosie’s life.
“I don’t know. No one has come out of her room,” Parker explained and you just nodded in response, trying not to cry again.
“Parker, what the fuck is Henry doing in here?” Tom demanded.
“Umm,” Parker mumbled.
“I’m sorry sir, I needed to see her,” Henry said profusely, apologizing
“I don’t care what fuck you needed to do. You are the reason she is dying. You were the one driving,” Tom screamed.
“Tom it was an accident,” you said, trying to reassure yourself in the process.
“Y/N I don’t understand how you can take his side when he almost killed our baby girl.”
“Like, I said it was an accident!” you explained.
“Nurse! Nurse!” Tom yelled.
“Yes, sir. Do you need the doctor?” asked the nurse, worried someone was bleeding.
“No. I want to know who the fuck let this boy in here.” Tom thundered.
“I don’t know sir, I’m so sorry. This won’t happen again,” she explained.
“Tom he can stay. If he is telling the truth about loving Rosie this concerns him as much as it concern us,” you said. This must be killing Henry like it was to you.
“No, he fucking can’t. Now get out, before I have you escorted out of here in a body bag,” Tom threatened.
“Alright, I’ll go. Just please, tell me if she wakes up,” Henry pleaded, slowly walking away. He wasn’t going to go home, he couldn’t. He couldn’t leave, not when Rosie was still in that state.
They all saw the doctor come out of the room and quickly cornered him. A grim expression draped across his face created uneasiness in everyone.
“I’m Y/N Holland, I’m her mother. What happened? I just left for twenty minutes,” you asked, tears streaming down your face as you barged in the room.
“We put her on a ventilator, the seizure was caused by lack of oxygen to her brain,” the doctor said.
“I’m sorry, what? She had a seizure?” Tom said, trying to put the puzzle pieces together.
“Yes. Her brain function has remained unchanged for several days now. In my expert opinion, her outlook isn’t very good. I would prepare yourselves. We can keep her comfortable if you would like or we can arrange her to be moved to a facility where she will possibly heal in the future,” explained the doctor.
“What are you saying? She’s brain dead?” asked Parker chiming in.
“It’s too still early to give a definitive diagnosis, but most likely, yes. I’m sorry for your loss.” The doctor said, exiting the room. You wanted to die right in that moment. A piece of you died the second those words slipped out, you were inconsolable.
“Y/N. Baby, come here,” Tom whispered. Trying to reach out for you, his broken wife.
“Don’t fucking touch me. I should’ve never let you convince me to leave,” you cried.
The guilt was enormous for everything. You were the one who let Rosie and Henry date, without that they would have never been driving together. Never gotten in the accident, you couldn’t help but feel responsible.
It was always the same feeling, you felt walking into Rosie’s hospital room. The feeling of drowning or being burned alive. It’s indescribable. A feeling felt by those who lose their children. You put them on this earth and for them to leave it before you was wrong.
“Rosie, I’m so sorry I left baby. I’m here now and I’m never leaving,” you said, combing your hand through her brown locks.
“But its okay if you need to. It’s okay. I’ll be alright, we all will be…. You can let go…. I love you so much sweetheart, don’t every forget how much mommy loves you…. You can rest now,” you said, moving to Rosie’s side to take her hand in yours. Seeing Rosie like this was tearing you apart from the seems.
It wasn’t long before all tears had put you to sleep. Tom had covered you up with a blanket. You talked to Rosie as though she could hear you. Maybe she could, maybe not but, you definitely wished she could. Tom hadn’t had the chance to break down like you. You needed him to be the strong one, but he was human too.
“Rosie, it’s dad. Everyone besides me has gotten the chance to talk to you, so here it goes,” Tom started.
“I know your mother said that is was ok to leave, but it is not. You hear me. Don’t you dare leave…. Rosie, darling you need to fight. Fight whatever it is that will bring you back to us. You are so much stronger than you lead on baby.”
“I love you so much, please come back to us…. I don’t know if your mother can take losing you. Also that boy you secretly hid from me. Once you wake up you are grounded. I don’t know why you fell for that scruffy looking kid but he needs you, baby. We all do,” Tom concluded. There was no easy fix to this problem. He couldn’t go out and torture somebody or beat them til they broke. Not even money could fix this. He felt completely and utterly useless.Tom reached out to the only thing that could help his daughter, God.
“Hey, god above, I don’t really have a name for you. You are just the one who watches over people, you could be from any religion. I don’t know,” Tom said, clasping his hand together as he spoke to the heavens above.
“I know we don’t talk often and I’m sorry for that and I’m sorry for the despicable acts I’ve committed but I need you help…. My daughter needs your help. She was in a car accident and she hasn’t woken up yet. She’s so young, she has her entire life ahead of her and I want her to experience it all…. I’d really like to walk her down the aisle someday. Can you just bring her back to me? That’s all I ask, just bring her back.”
“Thank you. Shit, I’m believe I’m supposed to say amen and I’m sorry for cursing a second ago. Just remember what we talked about, do this for her not me. God knows I don’t deserve it,” Tom said, ending his plea to the god or gods above.
Tom couldn’t of imagined better timing, with his speech, Rosie’s fingers started to twitch in his hand.
“Y/N wake up?” Tom yelled.
“What, I’m up. Is she ok?” You asked, confused by his outburst.
“Better than ok, her hand moved,” Tom explained.
“Oh my god, really? Parker go get the doctor,” you said, moving towards Rosie.
“Rosie?” Tom said as she started to stir.
“Rosie, baby. I’m here” you said, holding her hand. Rosie eyes fluttered open as she choked on the intubation tube, which gave her oxygen.
“Shh, you’re ok. You were in a car accident with Henry. You’re ok,” you said, softly. The look on Rosie’s face broke your heart. She looked so confused and overwhelmed all you wanted to do was hold her and never let go. Yes, she was a teenager but she will always be your baby girl.
Parker quickly brought the doctor in and he conducted a neurological exam. He removed the tube down her throat, allowing her to breath normally.
“Rosie, you’re awake. Don’t try to talk, it will feel weird for a while. I can get you something for the pain. I’m going to have you do a few tests. Blink once for yes and twice for no, ok?” The doctor explained. Rosie followed his instructions and blinked once. You and Tom were holding each other, praying Rosie didn’t have any brain damage.
“Follow the light for me please. Good. Squeeze my hand. Good grip… These are all amazing signs. Everything looks good. No neurological deficits, but I still would like to get an MRI for her. In the meantime, just rest. It’s going to feel weird as your brain has basically been sleeping for a week,” the doctor concluded, leaving everyone alone to rejoice.
“Mom?” Rosie said, her voice extremely hoarse.
“Yeah, honey. Take it easy,” you said. Words couldn’t describe how you were feeling, you got your daughter back.
“Where’s Henry?” Rosie croaked out.
“He’s ok Rosie, I believe he is outside. Would you like to see him?” You asked, much to Tom’s dismay. Rosie just nodded in response, trying to make everything seem less hazy.
“Rosie,” Henry said with a biggest smile on his face. Nothing could bring this boy down from cloud 9, she was ok. The love of his life was ok.
“Hi,” she said with a half-smile. That’s all she could must her up with her energy.
“Thank god you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Henry said, kissing her forehead.
“We will give you two a minute,” you said, pulling Tom and Parker out of the room. Tom was giving you a bunch of harsh glares, he knew what you were doing. However, he too ecstatic that Rosie was awake to be mad at Henry.
“Are you okay? How do you feel?” Henry asked concerned.
“I’m okay. Henry, I have to tell you something,” Rosie responded.
“I love you…. Walking up in the hospital bed just made me realize who cares if it’s too soon or if you don’t feel the same way, I just had to tell you. I love you,” Rosie declared. This was his chance, break her heart and walk away, she didn’t deserve to be here in a hospital bed. Tom was right, Henry knew what he had to do.
“Rosie, I think we should break up,” Henry said, already feeling like he made the biggest mistake of his life.
“What, why? Did I do something wrong? I thought we were happy. Just yesterday you said you were falling in love me. What the fuck happened?” Rosie faltered, confused by everything.
“Rosie, it’s just not working,” Henry exclaimed with the lamest excuse.
“Fine. Leave,” she said, trying to not let tears fall.
“Roo, we can still be friends.”
“Don’t fucking say that to me. You don’t get to call me that anymore,” Rosie screamed.
“Rosie, I’m sorry,” Henry tried to say something else but was cut off.
“Just get the fuck out. I’m serious, FUCKING LEAVE!!” she thundered as he left. Henry felt like literal shit and an asshole and a fucking idiot all at once. He had just broken the heart of the girl he loves. It was never supposed to happen this way.
“Henry? What’s wrong?” You asked as you saw Henry storm through the halls.
“Are you happy Tom? I did it,” Henry barked.
“Glad she’s awake. Y/N you should go in there, she needs you,” Henry exclaimed, before leaving for good this time.
“Tom, we need to talk about Rosie and Henry,” you said, furious at Tom and his decision to break them up.
“He’s gonna fucking break her heart and I won’t allow it,” Tom yelled.
“You can’t keep them apart and you already did that,” you said sternly, you couldn’t believe the nerve on your husband.
“Y/N end of fucking discussion. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. We don’t keep secrets from each other. For fucks sake, how fucking stupid are you? Letting our daughter whore around with that kid, just like you did,” he vociferated.
“Whore around like I did? Really? Why don’t you look in the fucking mirror?” You screamed, zero fucks were given.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Tom barked.
“I know about you and Jazz.”
“You went to a hotel and met her there. Tell me I’m wrong,” you interjected. Tom was too furious to explain his actions, he let you believe he cheated on you.
“Your silence answers my question,” you remarked, wanting to break down inside.
“Tom, just so you know you're sleeping on the couch tonight,” you said. You had your answer now. How could Tom do that to you. I didn’t matter in that moment all that mattered was consoling your daughter who Tom broke.
“Real fucking mature Y/N,” Tom yelled, as you walked away.
“Rosie?” You asked, knocking on her door.
“Mom… he broke up with me,” Rosie said as tears fell.
“Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t know what I did wrong…. I swear to god if he met some other chick while I was in a coma.”
“No, nothing like that,” you said, trying to comfort your daughter. There is nothing like a first heartbreak.
“There has to be a reason. One minute I was in love with a boy who loved me back and now, I’m not.”
“Shh, it's okay,” you said, rubbing you hand down Rosie’s back as you pulled her into your arms. How could Henry actually do that to her and flee the scene like a coward. Parker managed to chase him down in the parking lot.
“What the fuck Henry?” Parker called after him
“I did it because I love her,” Henry exclaimed, continuing to walk away.
“Bullshit,” Parker yelled as he punched Henry square in the jaw.
“I said, I’d fucking hurt you if you broke her heart.”
“Yeah, I know. It was still a shitty threat, but I deserved that.”
“I don’t understand what happened Henry. One minute you tell me you love her the next you don’t…. I don’t know if I will ever understand but you can’t come by the house for awhile,” Parker pleaded, wanting to know the truth.
“Alright. Just tell her I’m sorry mate.” Henry concluded, feeling like literal shit and an asshole and a fucking idiot all at once. He had just broken the heart of the girl he loves. It was never supposed to happen this way.
Author note: I'm sorry for all those who love Rosie and Henry. Don't be afraid to call me a bitch for breaking your heart, my brother did when he read it. Also Tom is a literal asshole in this chapter.
I really can't wait for you guys to read the next ones, even if you don't ask for it. I will post hints for the next chapter with emojis because it's fun.
Guns, Glamour, Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
81 notes · View notes
frostironfudge · 2 years
Rush - Tom Hiddleston (Chapter 25)
Summary: Chapter 25 of Rush - Tom Hiddleston (check warnings please)
here is my main masterlist , my ao3,
fanfic masterlist
< Chapter 24
Epilogue >
Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader, a few original characters. Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of guns, mentions hospitals, wounds, character death, kind of gorey, canon level violence.
A.N: i'm in tears this is the last chapter, i can't believe i'm posting this, i hope all of you reading will enjoy this chapter.
Words: 5374
> 1800 Hours (6 PM)
“I am not asking or taking your word into consideration.”
“You promised.”
“Promises require honesty.”
“You haven’t been honest, just because I covered for you in front of your brother and the others does not mean, that I am all okay about you being some secret sort of mob boss.”
“Tom… It’s not like that, I—,”
“Just get into the other ambulance, Y/N, I can’t act anymore.”
“Is this some kind of ploy to get me away?”
“Are we going to talk about this reasonably?”
Tom doesn’t reply, she turns retreating toward her designated ambulance.
> 1825 Hours (6:25PM)
“Did she buy it?” Fox enquires as he settles into the empty EMT seat, next to Florence.
Bile rose up to Tom’s throat as he replayed the exchange between Y/N and himself. The absolute despair on her features wrecked him with guilt.
“She thinks or rather believes I am going to leave her.” Tom solemnly replies, resting his head back, looking upward to curb the tears.
“Did you really not know?” Fox looks at Tom, he seemed so sure yesterday. He also understands the heartache of having to break a heart that trusts you.
“I overheard her speaking to Veronica, they were discussing about telling me. She was going to on the flight to meet Pierce and Lee.” Tom explained.
“Why on the flight? So you couldn’t run?” He tries joking.
“She was going to leave everything to Veronica so she could,” Tom exhales prolonged.
“So she could stay peacefully with you.” Fox completes, shaking his head, “She really loves you.” He concluded.
“I love her as well.” Tom feels a weight pressing onto his shoulders, whether it is the guilt or the soreness he cannot decipher.
“All units being tailed, Over.” Pierce’s voice enters over the comms.
“Continue course to avoid suspicion of knowledge, Over.” Lee replies.
“You’re an idiot.” They tell Tom.
“Could have just told her the plan.” They shrugged, “She would be at ease and not freaking out over the conversation.”
“What do you think, Florence?” Fox grins at her.
“I don’t know the full tale so I won’t voice an opinion.” She gives Fox a side eye.
“He’s an idiot.” Xu Xialing calls out as she takes the designated turn.
“Told you.” Lee pats his shoulder, “Just talk to her once we reach the safe house.” They advise, Tom nods.
> 1857 Hours (6:57PM)
“Should I check her vitals?” Benedict looks at Pierce the usual gurney is replaced by a table with a command central set up.
“Hmm?” Pierce follows his gaze to Y/N, who is sitting in the opposite EMT chair staring blankly at her hands.
“Go ahead.” Pierce swears as she looks back at the screen,
“Ambulance Firecracker abandoned, Over.” She informs over the comms.
“Continue on course, check for add ons, Over.” Lee responds immediately.
“Ambulance Firecracker maintain course to destination, Over.” Pierce instructs.
“Roger that, Over.”
“Hey,” Benedict sits in front of Y/N, bringing her out of her daze.
“Did something happen?” She looks around, confused.
“You were lost in thought, just wanted to check in, you spaced out and your file mentioned a concussion.” He offers her a warm smile.
“Do you want to check?” She wonders, he nods.
“Basic Neuro Exam.” He informs her, bringing out a pen torch, flashing it across her eyes, as he checks the reflex and eye movements and basic questions for cognitive function.
“All good.” He smiles again before going to sit.
“Thank you” Y/N smiles back, she looks at Pierce whose eyebrows are furrowed in concentration.
Live feed from the strategically placed cameras aiding in picking up the formations.
“Ambulance Thunder abandoned, Over.”
“Stay on course, Over.”
“Pierce?” Chris calls out.
Benedict, Y/N and Pierce all look towards Chris.
“We’re being tailed a little more now.” He calls out, staying on course, no shift in speed.
Pierce switches screens, Y/N looks over her shoulder sure enough the formation of five black Audi Q5s is familiar.
“Its them, they got us in the same formation.” Y/N adds as Pierce raises the walkie,
“Ambulance Sunrise is being tailed heavily, Over.”
> 1915 Hours (7:15 PM)
“Ambulance Sunrise is being tailed heavily, Over.”
Tom’s head snaps up in worry, Lee pulls up the feed on their iPad, turning it to show Fox and Tom.
“We change the route.” Fox decrees.
“What—Y/N give the comm back!” Pierce yells over the comms.
“Just wait would you? They’re idiots they’ll change course for us and it will give away someone of importance is in the ambulance.” Y/N explains.
“They probably heard you. You’re pressing the button.” Pierce scrambles to get the walkie out of her hand.
“What Y/N said, Over.” Pierce huffs as she rolls her eyes.
Lee looks at Tom and Fox, “I agree with Y/N. The chance of suspicion is high.”
Tom rubs the back of his neck in contemplation.
“What if everyone switches routes?” Fox suggests.
“Could work.” Tom adds, “If everyone switches then it could work.”
“Ambulance Storm, no longer being trailed, Over.” Pierce adds.
Lee raises their walkie, “All units switch to route 5, Over.”
“Copy that, Over.” All drivers respond.
> 1935 Hours (7:35PM)
“Pierce, we’re still being tailed.” Chris calls out, frustrated.
“Can you do something about it?” Pierce wonders.
“I could—, Fuck.” Chris swerves the ambulance as a Sedan stops right in front of them.
Everyone shifts as the force makes them turn.
“Ambulance Sunrise, sedan unmarked, make ford, model not noted number 56–, what the, another sedan suddenly stopped! Over!” Chris communicates over his walkie as they swerve the opposite way switching lanes again.
“Passenger status? Over.” Tom’s voice is laced with urgency.
“All clear, uninjured, Over.” Pierce recounts.
Y/N grips the side of Pierce’s seat, still standing.
“You need to sit or you will injure yourself.” Benedict calls out, she nods.
As the ambulance stabilises, she makes her way back to the empty seat.
“Wear your belt.” Benedict urges. She follows through.
“Similar event with us, Over.” Xu Xialing’s voice comes through the comms.
“Passenger Status, Over.” Pierce bites her lip.
“All clear, uninjured. Over.” Lee assures and Pierce breathes again.
> 2015 Hours (8:15 PM)
Fox’s phone rings, an unknown number gracing the screen.
Their last check in with everyone was nine minutes ago on schedule.
“Pick up.” Tom and Lee say together.
Fox places the call on speaker phone,“Hello?”
“Hello Fox.” Valarie chimes cheerfully.
“Valarie, did you change your number?” Fox dryly adds.
“I just figured you love the thrill of these things don’t you?” Valarie looks at the ambulance in front of her.
“What do you mean?” Fox’s reply makes her smile.
“Oh little sly Fox, remember the money you paid us to find Raconteuse? I invested in heat signature trackers,” Valarie pauses as the click of a lighter is heard.
Fox looks between Tom and Lee.
Lee begins texting Pierce.
Valarie exhales audibly; “Raconteuse looks so sweet all safe inside the Ambulance on the M6.”
“What do you want from her Valarie?” Fox answers too quickly.
“Thank you for confirming my suspicion.” She laughs, “So easy when you respond emotionally.”
“Don’t you dare touch her.” Fox warns.
“Oh I won’t touch her, sweetheart, just going to end her.” The line goes dead.
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.” Fox groans, grabbing the nearest bottle of water and throwing it to the floor.
“Lee can we switch routes?” Tom’s mind is racing they need to switch lanes to take the next exit to reach Y/N.
“Ambulance Sunrise, do you copy? Over.” Lee’s voice does not convey the distress held in their stance.
“I swear to fucking everything if even a small scratch is on Pierce, I’ll beat you two to ending Valarie.” They spit out.
“Ambulance Sunrise? Come in. Over.” Lee tries again.
“Fuck.” Lee shoves the walkie in Tom’s hand and opens up the feed from the cameras around the ambulance.
Tom feels his heart stop for the second time as the angel of the camera tilts and the screen statics out.
“Switch it, get to them now.” Tom bellows at Xu, she mades a hard right just in time to take the exit, the sirens now on to utilise the traffic to their benefit.
> 2005 Hours (8:05PM)
“All units on course, only Sunrise, Archer and Disco are being trailed, Over.” Pierce speaks into the walkie.
“Who came up with the names?” Chris wonders.
“Veronica did.” Benedict answers, recalling the random questions that were asked for words.
Chris laughs, “Bet Disco is having fun playing music.”
“Yeah the playlist is fire.” Pierce chuckles.
“Why can’t we play music?” Chris pouts.
“Cause we’re serious.”
“Are we though?” Chris laughs again.
“Yes, now focus.” Pierce shakes her head.
Y/N looks along at her burner phone, fingers hovering over the send button to text, Tom. A simple, ‘Can we speak about what happened?’ Weighing too much on her screen.
“Look,” Pierce calls Y/N’s attention.
“Their formation hasn’t wavered, they possibly have suspicion or reasonable doubt.” She adds.
“They had done a barricade, to stop us last time.” Y/N recounts.
“Well I’m making the exit then.” Chris informs.
“Why?” Benedict peers through the small window between their sections.
Sure enough there are road closure signs and the lanes is being narrowed down to one.
“Thats why.” Chris points at the scene ahead.
“He’s right.” Benedict looks back at the two women.
“What if they want us to take the exit?” Y/N question.
“It is likely.” Pierce adds.
“We’re being tailed so we have to chose best of 3 options. And fast.” Chris reminds.
Y/N shares a look with Pierce, she raises the walkie but before she can speak the ambulance is hit from the right. Her walkie drops as do several computer screens.
Chris speeds up the ambulance now turned due to impact, circling around to face car that drove into them.
He shifts into reverse and climbs the exit ramp, as the car follows them head on.
Benedict reaches for the ammunition hidden under his seat, placing them in their respective holsters on his person.
Chris breaks and turns the car, the headlight knocked by the impact with the SUV chasing after them.
Bullet indents grace the side of their vehicle as the glass from the back shatters across the floor.
“They know.” Pierce mutters bringing her phone out, she’s texting Lee that they have been compromised.
“Brace for impact.” Chris shouts, as the Ambulance shifts tilting over; the bullets having bursted two tyres.
For a few minutes all that Pierce can hear is a loud ringing, Chris opens the door between their sections, stumbling in, blood rushing from a deep cut on his forehead, she looks towards Benedict, he shakes his arm, then his face contorts into once of pain before it relaxes as he resets his dislocated shoulder.
Chris picks up Pierce from where she is under her computer screens, Benedict quickly checks her for any major wounds.
He grabs a sprain splint for her left wrist, making her wear it.
Y/N stands up hands supporting most of her weight against the wall. Red spots cloud her vision when she looks towards Benedict and Pierce.
“Are you okay?” Pierce shouts over the ringing in her own ears.
Y/N blinks slowly, touching over her eyes and pulling back to see blood.
“Head wound.” Benedict tells her from what he can see in the now flickering light.
He places a gauze piece over the wound, replacing it with more gauze and micropore tape.
When the ringing dulls for Pierce, the back door is broken open, as Valarie’s people climb into the ambulance.
Pierce and Y/N are kept behind Chris and Benedict who have their guns raised. The sterile smell of the ambulance is replaced with that of iron and gun powder.
Chris grabs Pierce’s uninjured hand and leads her out as Benedict follows with Y/N, her steps still slightly wobbly so he supports most of her weight.
Valarie stands in front, gun raised.
“I just want Raconteuse.” She states, eyes darkening as she finds Y/N’s form amongst the four.
“We aren’t at the liberty to cater to your wants.” Chris responds, calm and collected.
“I thought life over livelihood?” Valarie quoted, smiling.
“It is a grey area we have been meaning to take it up with the superiors.” Benedict scrunches his face with the smile he offers.
“Raconteuse.” Valarie shifts her gaze, Benedict shields Y/N further.
“Ugh, I want to have a conversation, woman to woman.” The bullet flies past them, Benedict makes no movement.
“We’ve had worse you know.” Chris announces, aim still on Valarie.
Y/N shifts from behind him, Benedict mirrors her. She looks at him,
“Tom’s specific orders, not to let you do anything stupid.”
“Well he should have not decided to split up.” Y/N glares at Benedict as he mirrors her movements again.
“Stop trying to give yourself up.” Pierce whispers.
“I’m trying to buy time.” Y/N whispers back.
“Oh come on now, stop gossiping.” Valarie sighs, “This is no fun.” She shoots at Benedict, he shifts dodging.
A single red line on Pierce’s back draws Y/N’s attention.
“Pierce don’t move.” She warns.
“Why?” Chris looks at Benedict, “Sniper.” Benedict answers.
Chris’ gaze flickers to Y/N,
“I’d give you the same advise.” He tells her.
Pierce stays still, two more red dots appear on Benedict and Chris each.
“Now drop the guns.” Valarie smiles as they begin lowering their guns the red targets following their descent.
The distraction is enough for two men to grab Pierce and Y/N each, their hands gripped harshly behind their backs.
Benedict looks towards Chris, they begin rising, grabbing their secondary guns tucked at their ankles.
“Oh boys, I do not appreciate the slyness.” Valarie snaps her fingers.
Both captured women groan in pain as their head is yanked back by their hair. Arms tugged upon.
Pierce whimpers, Chris sets his second gun down.
“Oh yeah, you have a high tolerance.” Valarie muses when Benedict makes no move to do the same.
Y/N hisses as her head is yanked back further, arms twisted more. The foreign arm reaches towards her left oblique inching upward.
An involuntary sob from Y/N resounds through the area.
Pierce looks at her in concern, Chris tries to reach for his other concealed weapon but the whimper from Pierce stops him.
“My, my, what is the story here?” Valarie smirks as Benedict too drops his gun.
The foreign hand moves away.
“A person like Cassandra took advantage you know zero consent.” Y/N spits out.
Valarie’s smirk drops, “Keep her name out of your mouth.”
Y/N grins, “Why? Shouldn’t we remember her for who she was?”
“A predator? An abuser? A fucking—,”
Valarie closes the distance between herself and Y/N delivery a slap across her face cutting her words off.
“A fucking bitch.” Y/N completes looking back at Valarie. She sees red, the person holding her pins Y/N to the ground, she attempts to kick Valarie, who blocks the attacks.
Both of Y/N’s legs are pinned under Valarie’s bent knees, the back of the gun’s grip collides with her eye socket.
More injuries scattered across her body.
Pierce tugs at the restraint, stomping on the foot of the man holding her.
“Stop it!” She yells at Valarie.
Valarie grips Y/N’s jaw, squeezing her cheeks, the cuts sting as the skin is pulled.
“Lets show Fox and Tom how precious Raconteuse looks now.”
Then she looks at Pierce, “Maybe Lee would love a show of their mouthy little girl as well.”
“Don’t you even think about it.”
> 2040 Hours (8:40 PM)
“Xu can you speed up?!” Tom bellows.
“I’m doing the best I can.” Xu yells back.
“Tom I suggest not using the harness.” Florence warns as the straps dig in right over his injuries.
“I need the ammunition I can hold.” His eyes hold an anger that she understood.
“Your call, but you need to see me first thing after you get Raconteuse, you see me with her.” She hopes this at least goes through his head.
He nods.
Lee keeps reading the incomplete text Pierce sent them,
‘Compromised, i lov’
They grip the phone hard, the indents on their palm an angry red shade.
The phone rings again, Fox swears under his breath picking the phone up, they have six minutes to reach.
“Ah, ah, come on now, say hello to Fox and Tom,” Valarie sings songs as the sting of a slap resounds followed by a whimper.
“Sorry boys, she isn’t in the mood to talk.” Valarie gives a dramatic sigh.
“Lets go see if Pierce wants to say hello.”
Tom and Fox look at Lee, they move closer, fists shaking at their side.
“So pretty with a broken wrist.” Valarie tuts, “Oh what is this just tears? Oh go on Fredo, undo the gag.” Valarie instructs
“You fucking bitch, I’ll kill you myself—, Fuck, Stop that—,” Pierce is cut off by her own pain searing through her arm.
“Hey Valarie?” Y/N calls out, diverting the attention towards herself, “I know about something Cassandra never did! Consent!” She calls off.
“You little fucking—,”
The line goes dead.
“Listen up,” Xu draws their attention, “The units tailing us need to be taken out. The location they are at already has six cars.” She completes.
Lee dials Veronica,
“Go.” Veronica sets the phone on the holder as she drives.
“I need to call in the favour from the higher ups.” They tell her.
“On your tail?” Veronica begins dialling a number on the burner.
“Yes, ETA?”
“One second.”
“I don’t have time V.” They impatiently tap their foot.
“How soon? Okay, Got it,” Veronica switches to Lee’s call, “Under a minute.” She informs.
“Thank you.” They end the call.
“What was that?” Tom raises an eyebrow.
“Someone owed me a favour.” They shrug.
“Okay what the hell?” Xu looks at the dancing lights in the rearview, Tom and Fox glance from the back window.
Each car tailing them somehow has slug covering the windshield blocking the view and causing the cars to go swirling into each other. Rendering them incapacitated.
Fox turns to Lee, “What kind of attack drone person owed you a favour?”
“Sorry, I signed an NDA.” They shrug smugly.
Xu approaches the location from the opposite side, with the headlights off.
The semicircle of Valarie’s car feat greets them. The five of them silently exit, silencers on their guns with the safety on.
> 20:46 Hours (8:46 PM)
The red mark on Benedict slowly goes off his body, so does the one on Chris. They both look at each other confused.
“Snipers disengaged.” Xu’s voice comes through on their secondary in ear comms.
Tom begins knocking the employees out one by one, retrieving the keys from the ignitions, and pockets.
Two larger hands grab his shoulders, pulling him backward, Tom clenches his jaw, as he falls to the ground.
“Stay down.” Jamal tells him in a low whisper,
“I cannot. She has she has my Y/N.” Tom begins standing up again.
Jamal pushes him back down, “Your girl knows what she is doing. Do not go into the middle. Trust her, as you did with knowing haven.”
“How—, How?” Tom’s eyebrows furrow, not understanding.
“She told me to tell you, knowing you would go reckless.” Jamal squats down to be at eye level.
“Valarie murdered Miranda, she is not seeing any reason. I know your first instinct screams to protect her, but listen instead. Disengage more guards and circle the perimeter, you will know when to enter.” Jamal hands him a bag pack, the one Y/N had before they were taken.
Tom understands, this is something Y/N planned for safety. The earlier guilt returns ten-fold.
Jamal carefully moves away, not raising suspicion.
Tom watches as Benedict and Chris reach for their remaining concealed guns, attaching the silencers.
Chris turns to Pierce, her restrainer is about to speak, he unloads two bullets, Chris shifts stopping the man from falling to the ground. He lays him gently.
Benedict looks at Valarie, she’s still busy verbally belittling Y/N, her back turned to them.
“Oh come on Valarie, did mommy not teach you how to fight?”
Tom wants to just unload the gun magazines into Valarie till she has lead circulating rather than iron.
Lee takes the longer circle with Xu, both not leaving anything breathing in their wake as they approach the make shift arena that Valarie has created.
Chris carefully pulls Pierce close to him, arm around her waist, he scans both sides before retreating, they make it behind the ambulance.
“Pierce.” Jamal says, voice low.
Chris pulls her behind, gun raised.
“Who are you?” Pierce questions, Chris sizes Jamal up.
“Shoot to Thrill, took you more than eight minutes to make it stop playing.” He says, Pierce’s eyes widen.
“How the fuck to you know that?” She narrows her eyes at the taller man.
“Y/N told me, she wants to give you this.” There is a small bag blue and cream in colour handed to Pierce.
“What… is… this?” Pierce eyes the item with suspicion.
“Could be a bomb?” Chris suggests.
Pierce almost throws the bag, “I mean this is Micheal Kors but I’ll bear the sadness, I’ll mourn, I’ll be alive but dead inside.” She sighs, petting the bag one last time.
“The designer shit is what you are thinking about?” Chris widens his eyes.
Pierce looks at him wryly, “I’m never not thinking about designer shit.”
“If it was a bomb would I not give it and run?” Jamal looks at the two in disbelief with an exasperated expression.
“Touché.” Chris nods, agreeing.
“Just, you will know when to utilise the tools inside.” Jamal backs away.
“He could play Batman.” Chris shrugs, “Got the voice and everything.”
Pierce wants to laugh, “Yeah, he could.” She puts the bag across her shoulder,
Lee runs the final leg to Pierce, gathering her in their arms. She wraps her arms and legs around them.
“Fuck, I thought I’d,” They grab her closer, Pierce cups their face pulling them into a desperate kiss, reunion searing through their veins.
When they pull away, Lee looks at Chris, “Thank you for keeping her safe.” Their voice wavers with gratitude.
“All in a day’s work boss.” Chris smiles.
Xu joins them, “As per the last discussion Fox should be entering hands up no weapons now.” She informs, Chris turns to perform a sweep, eyes landing on Tom being illuminated by the reflection of the streetlights.
“Where is Tom?” Lee wonders, Chris points him out.
“He was supposed to go with Fox…” Lee trails off watching Fox slowly make his way into the centre, Y/N barely blocking the hits now, turned to face her right, in a foetal position.
“There were changes in the plan.” Xu informs, as Chris nods.
“Who mandated these changes?” Lee questions, carefully gripping their gun.
“Y/N did.” Chris informs.
“Lee and Pierce with Xu and Chris, Tom opposite end, Benedict waiting on signal.” Chris speaks into the secondary comms.
“The fuck is going on?” Pierce whisper yells.
Lee looks between the two trying to understand without asking too much.
“Valarie,” Fox says loud enough, she gets up from her position and turns cocking her gun at him.
Fox has his hands raised, showing no harm to be intended.
“Let us be civil, your problem was with me.” He reasons.
Valarie laughs, “I don’t remember you solving your problems directly with the person concerned?” She taps the barrel to her temple.
Fox carefully flickers his gaze to Y/N, she’s laying straight breathing hard.
Y/N uncurls from the position looking up at the man pinning her down: his hands are shaky the fatigue setting in.
Y/N glances towards the cars, a figure sitting down between the cars, she smiles knowingly.
Tom’s breath hitches, her left cheekbone area swollen as the light illuminates the injures seen.
She bends her leg making a kicking motion, Benedict shoots the man, as his grip loosens Y/N carefully backs away.
“Don’t you dare move.” Valarie turns, “Don’t you dare think just because I don’t have a team, I can’t win, one bullet in you is all it takes.” She keeps her gun pointed at Y/N, as Benedict pulls her to sit upright, pain searing through her abdomen.
Fox makes his move, apprehending her gun, twisting her around, Valarie’s back against his chest.
Benedict lifts Y/N halfway, sprinting across the area towards Tom.
He gets up, arms wide open for her, Benedict carefully helps Tom support her weight once they reach.
“Baby, baby talk to me.” Tom whispers, hand cupping her cheek, she holds his hand.
“Tom, we have to, have to go, Benedict let him know when.” Y/N mumbles frantic, Tom runs his hand through her hair.
“I will.” Benedict promises much to Tom’s confusion.
“I told you Valarie, emotions make us the best and worst. You have to chose. You, chose so wrongly.” Fox brings his hand to her neck, squeezing.
Valarie kicks back, Fox groans, as she twists his hands getting the gun back to herself, she presses it against his neck.
Fox thrusts his hand upwards into her upper abdominals, Valarie’s gun falters, both reach for it, struggling to get the grip towards themselves.
Fox drops one hand down; wanting to retrieve his other gun, it clicks empty against Valarie’s stomach.
She cackles, pulling her loaded gun towards herself, Fox pulls it, their hands shifting the safety to OFF.
The echo of the shot carries through the abandoned exit. Both Fox and Valarie stare at each other as they begin to feel the adrenaline trying to search which one of them was shot.
Lee and Pierce have eyes widened, things are in slow motion as Xu grabs Lee and Chris grabs
Pierce, pulling them towards the awaiting cars.
Benedict, pushes Tom, to shake him out of his thoughts, Tom grabs Y/N, they break for it with Benedict leading and helping support Y/N.
There are two similar black sedans waiting on opposite ends for Lee and Pierce, the other for Tom and Y/N.
“What the fuck is going on and which fucking one of them died?” Pierce screeches looking back, Lee turns to watch the scene unfold.
Tom turns around, eyes fixated on Fox and Valarie who step away from each other.
At first both feel nothing, as though the bullet misfired, hit the ground or somewhere else.
Valarie searches Fox’s body for some bleeding, then the pain his her just under her left breast. She touches the now warm area, the bullet wound seemingly slanted upwards.
“Fuck.” Valarie whispers, spit and blood bubbling over from her mouth, she drops to her knees, heaving as she falls forward, coughing and sputtering all over the concrete.
“Valarie.” Lee and Tom whisper in their respective cars.
Pierce tucks her head into the crook of their neck, sobs finally taking over. Lee wraps an arm around her as they are driven off by Xu and Chris in the Passenger seat.
“Florence, get here at the back please.” Tom pleads, “I’ll drive, Benedict can instruct me.”
“I’m fine.”
“Y/N please don’t argue.”
“I’m not, just saying I feel fine…” her words slightly slur.
Benedict stops the car, “Thirty seconds go.”
Benedict shifts to the passenger seat, Florence shifts behind with her med kit, Tom rushes to the driver’s seat, flooring the accelerator as Benedict guides him through the turns, he watches Y/N get checked through the rearview.
Wincing as her cuts are cleaned.
“What about Fox?” Tom questions trying to distract her.
“Miranda, will take care.” Y/N breathes as the stitch is put on her forearm.
“Jamal, told me she was murdered by Valarie.”
Florence gives Y/N water, before palpating her chest and abdomen.
“That, was,” Y/N yelps as a sore spot is touched.
“Planned.” She completes.
> 1200 Hours (12 o’clock afternoon, Day of Hospital Discharge)
Miranda was never fond of hospitals, all too painful memories of her husband and son being lost on these cold tables. It made her skin crawl.
Jamal walked beside her as they entered the Out Patient Room 902.
“This better be worth my time, Raconteuse.” Miranda takes a seat opposite to Y/N.
Veronica brings the iPad which contains everything Valarie was plotting against her own mother, including hiring a hitman to take her out.
“Miranda, you have employed many people from this company. We have your best interested at heart, you and I may have had a rocky start, but I have never crumbled in bringing you that which you asked for, please.” Y/N’s eyes grown glassy, the worst is when family betrays, causes pain, with no regard.
“What do you suggest?” MM wipes a stray tear, Jamal’s jaw ticks as he sees the proof himself.
“I suggest replace all bullets with rubber ones, keep a goddamn surgeon on call, fake your death. She may shoot you if you piss her off enough.” Y/N explains handing the iPad back.
She then hands two bags to Jamal, instructions with for each receiver and the code to give them so they know Y/N is behind this plan.
The bags contained passports, new IDs and tickets of multi-city interconnected flights taking off at 2200 Hours 10 PM, tonight.
“Fox intends on killing your daughter, I sincerely apologise.” Y/N looks solemn.
“She has gone astray several times, if dying is the atonement to her sins, then so be it. I shall not let your brother, Fox live, I am afraid.” Miranda looks for any hesitation from the woman in front of her.
“My brother, Faolan died, Fox is not my brother just a different person using his shell. I do not intend to know Fox. I mourned Faolan. I shall keep mourning him.” Y/N looks back up at Miranda, she nods.
Standing they shake hands, as Miranda puts her sunglasses back on and leaves with Jamal to prepare for her potential death at the hands of her own flesh and blood.
> 2110 Hours (9:10 PM)
Fox pushes Valarie’s limp arm with his foot. He nods when it is deemed she is indeed dead.
He looks around, a pair of headlights coming closer. This is the car Y/N and Lee had arranged.
Jamal steps out, Fox frowns in confusion.
“You have done us a service by eliminating Valarie who would have brought Miranda’s name to the mud. We offer all of our services and help to you.” Jamal approaches Fox, with a plastic bag and pair of gloves.
Jamal opens the bag, “Place the gun, we’ll wipe the serial number and clean the prints off of it. This will be a deal gone bad.”
Fox places the gun in, nodding as they walk back to the car. Jamal opens the back door, Fox slides in, the doors are locked.
“Fox, always a pleasure.” Miranda’s smooth voice crawls across his skin.
“Miranda, your daughter had to be taken care off.” Fox uses the smooth baritone, hand inching towards the door handle.
“Do you not trust me?” Miranda smiles the gesture not reaching her eyes.
“You should be dead.” Fox states simple enough reason.
“I was prepared for what my daughter had deemed my fate.” Miranda explains.
“I accept your thanks.” Fox laughs.
“Yes, perhaps I do owe you a thank you, Faolan.” She speaks, his laughter dies.
“You know?” He questions, hand inching further.
“I had my suspicions but your sister confirmed it. Though she has practice mourning you. Now, what was it you said? Ah, yes an eye for an eye.” Miranda points the barrel at Fox.
Jamal opens the door of the car, Fox’s body slumps to the ground, they clean the door, placing the gun back in Faolan’s seemingly colder hands.
The car drives off, leaving only dust in its wake.
> 2200 Hours (10 PM)
Chris does not use the main airport entrance, opting a back gate route.
Pierce eyes the entire thing skeptically, even though she knew they were flying based on what was in the not a bomb but a bag, bag.
They are lead to a private jet, in taxi, waiting.
“Oh my god.” She grins excited, bounding up the steps happily with Lee.
They find Y/N, now patched up sitting next to Tom.
Florence and Benedict sitting at the back, Chris and Xu walk over to them grabbing a champagne flute each.
“Okay so tell me what the fuck went down after Valarie dropped dead.” Pierce and Lee sit opposite to Tom and Y/N, facing them.
Y/N chuckles at her enthusiasm, wincing at the cut on her lip.
“Why don’t I recount?” Tom suggests having heard in the car.
“You won’t say it as theatrically.” Y/N pouts.
“I will.” Tom promises.
“I don’t know…” Y/N pretends to give it a hard thought.
“Oh my god just tell us!” Lee groans, frustrated they can’t come up with a theory. The frustration melts as the hear a familiar bark and padding of feet.
“Is that?” Tom lights up as well, another bark as Taillight bounds up the steps and Bell scratches at the bag to be let out as Veronica brings the last passengers into the jet.
The pets excitedly leap and their humans and Pierce raises her phone again to take pictures of the moment. Once the pets settle down.
The doors close as they begin to course onto the runway.
“So it started when this lady and this lady,”
Tom points at Y/N and Veronica, “Told us that they have to go for another ‘CT Scan’, they were in fact, meeting in secret with Miranda.” Tom grins as Lee and Pierce both have their jaws dropped.
“Dramatic enough?” He raises an eyebrow to Y/N.
“Yes, fine now tell them the entire plan, properly.” Y/N rolls her eyes laughing, Tom kisses her lips softly.
“Yes, my darling.” He turns back to their best friends and begins a very dramatic reenactment.
AN: to everyone reading this chapter, you have come along with me on this beautiful journey, thank you for taking the time to read my words and immerse yourself in a story tha made me come back to fiction writing after years and years. i'm eternally grateful.
i've spoken to some very lovely people because of this fic and i just want to thank them and their encouraging words and comments and the insane amount of love i've received on this fanfic. a huge huge thank you to @anemois-hiraeth and @stevesmewmew you both literally kept me going with your affection and kind words. thank you. a huge huge huge and big warm hug through my screen to you two.
i'm literally such an emotional wreck at this ending i do have another fanfic planned, i hope to see you join me there for now this is the final chapter of Rush, the epilogue is coming soon too.
tagging these beautiful people, a big thank you for always giving my work love: @arcticclouds @confused-clary @fire-in-her-veinz @fa-me@littlemissslytherinprincess @stevesmewmew @anemois-hiraeth@thegoldenhood @severuslovebot @hayden429
P.S. taglist is now closed.
thank you for reading!
frostironfudge note: Please understand no part of my work should be reproduced, plagiarised, distributed, translated without my informed consent.
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mads-weasley · 3 years
The Cure
Thomas x Reader
(A/N): Sadly, I don’t own any of these wonderful characters other than (y/n)! This isn’t my best work, but I hope you like it!
Summary: After the death of Newt, you follow Thomas to WCKD where you both fight the Ratman. When you get hurt, Thomas makes sure you get to the safe haven, no matter what. Once safe, he confesses his love for you and surprises you with something big!
Warnings: violence, blood, angst, non-graphic gunshot wounds, fluff, mentions of death
(y/n) - your name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
Italics - flashbacks
(A/N): For those of you that didn’t read the books, don’t worry! In the books, Janson is called “Ratman” by the gladers. In this story, I call him both, so don’t be confused! I hope you enjoy it!
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You were sprinting with the cure, trying to get to Thomas and Newt. When you got there, you were too late. Newt was lying on the ground with a knife protruding from of his chest. Standing there with your hands over your mouth, you were holding back sobs. You walked over to Newt and crumpled to your knees. Poor Thomas. He’s lost his best friend along with so many others. Thomas. Where was he? Suddenly, you remembered Theresa’s message that he could save everyone if he came to the WCKD building.
Sprinting in that direction, you couldn’t help but think of the time you spent with Thomas in the maze as a runner. When he first came up in the box, you thought he was cute, and when you got to know him, you slowly fell for him. One day in the maze, you fell and hit your head on the stone floor, rendering you unconscious.
When you woke up, you were laying on a cot in the Medjack hut. Glancing to your left, you saw that familiar dark head of hair laying on your hand. You felt your face redden as you ran your other hand through his hair, waking him up. He sleepily looks up at you before he snaps out of his stupor. “(Y/n)! Are you okay? What happened?! I found you just laying on the ground. It scared the clunk out of me, (y/n/n). I thought you were dead and that I’d never get the chance to tell you how I feel.” Your face reddened once again. “And is this how do you feel about me, Tommy? How do you feel about me?” “Like this” he whispered, leaning in to kiss you. When you pulled away, you both had the biggest smiles on your faces.
When you reached the huge WCKD skyscraper, you saw Thomas with a gun pointed at Dr. Ava Paige. Throwing open the doors, you yelled, “Don’t do it, Tom!” He quickly turned, “(y/n)! What are you doing here!? Get to the bu-“ He was cut off by a gunshot and both your heads spun to the direction of the sound. Ava Paige fell to the floor which revealed Jansen behind her with a smoking gun.
All of a sudden, Thomas charged at Jansen who quickly moved out of the way and pricked him in the neck with something. In a matter of seconds, Thomas was on the floor unconscious. “Thomas!” You yelled, rushing to his side. Before you could get there, Jansen grabbed you by your hair and threw you against the wall. Everything went black as you whispered, “Thomas.”
This time you awoke, there was no one next to you. You were strapped down to a gurney with dark crimson tubes coming out of the crooks of both your arms. Feeling lightheaded, you looked to your left to see Ratman fighting with Thomas, who was similarly strapped down. All of a sudden, Theresa came out of nowhere and slammed something down on Jansen’s head. “Thomas?” You rasped out. “Shuck! (Y/n), are you okay!?” As he was starting to undo his restraints, Theresa came over to help you. “Why are you helping us?” You spat. “Newt was my friend too, and I won’t let you two die like he did.” She freed you from your restraints and gave you the serum that Jansen had. “I’m leaving while I have the chance. Take care of everyone. I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me. I was just doing what I thought was right.” “Goodbye Theresa.”
After she left, you ran over to Thomas and helped him with his restraints, which he was struggling to undo by himself. “I told you to leave, (y/n). I can’t have you getting hurt...like Newt.” His eyes glossed over and you stooped to his eye level with your own teary eyes. “Thomas, baby, that was not your fault. We tried to save him. I ran as fast as I could with the serum.” Taking a breath, you continue, “Don’t worry about me. I know you’ll always keep me safe.” You leaned in and locked lips with the boy you loved, although you’d never admitted it out loud.
When you pulled away, his eyes became frantic as he yelled your name and tried to push you to the side. It was a little too late. Jansen had woken up and wanted that serum. He ripped you from Thomas, sending the serum flying across the room. This sparked a rage in your boyfriend that you’d never seen before. “Let her go! Get your shucking hands off of her!” He was trying to get the rest of his restraints off as you wriggled free of Jansen’s grip.
Attempting to get the serum, you crawled under a table only to be violently pulled out by your ankle. You heard and felt a pop that caused a sharp pain to emit from your ankle. Yelping in response to the pain, you didn’t even register the Ratman jerking you up off the floor. Thomas’ yelling jerked you from your stupor and you started fighting him again. Just like the last time you fought him, he grabbed your hair and slammed your head on the nearest metal table, knocking you out once again.
You opened your eyes and groaned at the bad headache you were experiencing. After a few seconds, you looked out the glass walls into the hallway. Thomas and Jansen were fighting/wrestling but were pretty much taking turns beating the klunk out of each other. Despite your dizziness, you managed to stand up and make your way into the hallway.
You sluggishly ran towards the action, momentarily distracting Thomas from his opponent, giving Ratman the upper hand. He stunned Thomas with a punch to the face and ran towards a small black object about 10 feet away from him. Shuck! It’s a gun! Running as fast as you can, you grab Thomas and pull him into a lab as Jansen empties his clip.
As soon as you get into the room, you realized something was wrong. “T-Thomas” you whispered, looking down at your stomach. His eyes widened at the dark liquid seeping through your light green shirt. “No no no, Shuck! You’re going to be okay, baby.” He starts to get teary and pulls you into a hug. The pain finally hits you, causing you to whimper against his chest. At another wave of pain, your legs give out and you crumple into his arms.
He catches you, picks you up bridal style, leans your back up against a counter, and makes sure you couldn’t be seen by Ratman if he entered the room. Thomas grabs a rag what was nearby and pushed it against your wound, apologizing at the action. You didn’t even realize you were crying from the pain that was radiating from your abdomen until he wiped a few of your tears away.
The two of you hear the awful voice of Jansen enter the room. Ratman started laughing when he saw a few drops of blood near the door. “Ahh, which one of you did I hit? I hope it was the girl. That way, Thomas, you’ll have to watch the girl you love, die before your eyes.” “I’ll be right back,” Thomas whispered to you right before everything went black.
You drifted in and out of consciousness due to the pain and blood loss you were experiencing. The next time you opened your eyes, you were in Thomas’ arms with fire all around you. He looked down, saw your eyes open, and yelled above the commotion, “(y/n), baby, stay awake. I need you to stay awake. They’re almost here!” Your eyes drifted shut and darkness overtook you.
When you became aware of your surroundings, you heard the sound of waves crashing on a shore. You slowly opened your eyes and didn’t have any idea where you were. It did, however, look like a tent, which confused you even more. Trying to sit up, a pain emitted from your stomach. Groaning, you rolled up your shirt only to see a bandage. When you started peeling it off, a familiar voice burst into the small tent.
“(Y/n)! Don’t touch that! It could get infected!” “Thomas, what happened?” “You don’t need to worry about that now, babe. You’re safe. We’re safe.” He helped you sit up and hugged you gently. Pecking him on the cheek, “I want to see everyone.” “I know. Come here and I’ll help you.” You hated not being able to do things yourself, but you definitely didn’t mind holding onto his strong biceps for support.
He led you out of the tent and down to where everyone had gathered. You were greeted with hugs from Frypan, Minho, Aris, Brenda, Jorge, among numerous others. They explained you were at the safe haven and everything felt perfect.
Thomas led you down to the beach. When you got there, he took your hands in his and turned towards you. “(Y/n), since I came up the box, you immediately caught my eye. It wasn’t only because of your outer beauty that I liked you, but your kindness towards everyone around you. I know we’ve been through a lot, and lost a lot of people. One thing all this has taught me is to never hold back, so, (y/n), I love you more than anything.” You smiled saying, “I love you, too.” He cleared his throat and continued, “I have no doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
He drops on one knee and holds up a small ring. “(Y/n), will you make me the happiest shank in the world and marry me?!” You gasped in surprise as tears stung your eyes. “Yes!! Yes, yes, yes!!!” He placed the ring on your finger and flung his arms around you, kissing you passionately. Pulling way smiling, you hear the cheers of your friends from the dunes. You realized everything would be okay with Thomas at your side.
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13dead-ends · 4 years
Option Two
Devil!Tom Hiddleston x witch!reader
Summary: You fucked up your summoning spell and The Devil has plenty of ideas of how to punish you.
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: SMUT, name calling (slut mostly), teasing, rough sex, unprotected sex, NON-CON just in case, it is a deal with the devil, but you enjoy it, dom/sub, fingering, orgasm denial, forced into submission, lots of choking, taking you from behind, (if i missed anything let me know!)
A/N: So this is the most intense thing I’ve written so far, hehe. I really hope you like it! I wanted to do something freaky for Halloween and I’m obsessed with Tom Hiddleston as the Devil. And @hellcaster901​ read this first and helped me get some ideas going so thanks girl! ilysm. Happy Halloween!
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I stared at the pentagram drawn in chalk on the dirty floor. The abandoned hospital I choose was chilly and smelled musty and damp, but it was the only place secluded enough. Candles were set at each point and were lit. They were the only light besides the full moon shining through the broken window behind me. I took a deep breath. My coven was going to kill me. No. They’d bind my powers and then banish me. We were white witches, they said, we practice good magic. I rolled my eyes. They didn’t understand that magic was magic. I don’t buy the white magic, black magic crap. I’d use whatever type of magic I want to get what I want.
              The spell book was on a broken gurney, open to the summoning spell, but I had the words memorized. This was an old spell, and it was difficult to say the least. I’m just glad there’s no bathing in pigs’ blood or something messy. I’ve never done anything like this though. I hadn’t harnessed this kind of magic alone before. I took a deep breath and started reciting the foreign words. I held out my hands over the circle, one holding my own ceremonial dagger. I cut the other hand and winced at the sting. I watched as my blood fell onto the circle. Time seemed to stop as the blood splattered. A gust of wind blew in a whirl around the room. My hair whipped around me and my ears popped. I fell to my knees as the wind disappeared, the candles blown out, the only light was from the moon. I felt blood trickle from my nose and the cut on my hand burned now. I tried wiping the blood off my face, but I felt it just smear on my cheek. I caught my breath, looking around the room for any sign of the demon I was summoning. It was pitch black except for the shape the window made on the floor. I fumbled for a candle and my matches. It took a few tries, but I lit the match. I held it up to the candle and saw a face in the light. Green eyes and sharp cheek bones, a slight grin on his lips. I screamed and flung my body backwards, the match going out and the candle rolling away.
              “Who the fuck are you? Where the hell did you come from?” I yelled into the dark. I couldn’t make him out with out the match. “Come into the light!” A few footsteps and a man in a sweatshirt and jeans came into the moonlight. He was tall and on the skinnier side, dark curls on his head.
              “I was dared to come in here. Haunted hospital and Halloween and all that.” He crouched down and picked up a candle, no doubt noticing the pentagram under his feet. “What are you doing?” He cocked an eyebrow. I cleared my throat and stood, feeling shaky. A simple memory spell wouldn’t hurt him. I’d just send him back out to the friends who dared the poor guy. I whispered the spell, but felt nothing. “And how about you come into the light. This better be some stupid prank.” I whispered it again. He should be running away. Why isn’t my magic working? The spell. It must’ve drained me, but nothing happened. I heaved a sigh.
              “It is a prank, actually-“ He began to chuckle, shaking his head.               “Oh, little witch, you really believed this?” He held his hands out.
              “What?” I swallowed.
              “Poor thing can’t even manage a little memory spell.” The candles all relit, one by one. I stepped back, feeling a chill run up my spine.
              “You’re the demon I summoned.” I whispered.
              “Not quite, witch.” His eyes changed to red, and horns grew out of his head. I heard a ruffle of feathers and his wings sprouted from his back. They were charcoal black and touched both walls beside him they were so large. They were covered in layers of feathers, looking soft, yet strong. I could see tendons flexing underneath the skin. I gasped at the site.
              “No. I didn’t mean to-“
              “Oh, I know what you meant, dear, but that doesn’t really matter anymore.” I took another step back, eyes wide with fear. He changed back into his human form and grabbed my face, fingers pressing into one cheek and thumb pressing into the other. Suddenly I saw an image of my mother leaving me on a church doorstep, then she changed into the nun from my Catholic school who splashed me with holy water and told me the devil was in me. Then it was girls from high school, calling me a freak, they changed into the women in my coven, shooting down my ideas, boxing me in.
              “No!” I yelled, not wanting him to know, not wanting him to see. I was-
              “Pathetic. You’re pathetic.” He pushed me back into the wall so hard it hurt the back of my head, his hand squeezing my cheeks. “I don’t care about you; I just want to know how you did it.” The last twenty-four hours replayed in my head. “Hm, interesting.” His face came back into my vision, he stared into my eyes and I couldn’t look away. “What am I going to do with you?” He whispered. I was shaking now, my heart racing in my chest.
              “I’m sorry, I was just trying to-“ He squeezed harder
              “Look at you, blood on your face,” He turned my head violently to the side, looking closer at the smear of red. “Drained of your power, weak.’ He spat the word. “It gives me plenty of ideas.” His hand slid down to my neck, his long fingers wrapping around it easily. He was going to kill me. He clicked his tongue. “I’m not going to kill you, not tonight.” He chuckled lowly. “You’re not getting off easy though.” My breath was blocked by his grip on my throat. My hands came up to clutch his wrist instinctively, and he only laughed at me. He snapped his fingers and an old chair slid into the center of the room. He took me by the neck and sat me down in it. My hands and ankles felt bound to the chair, but there wasn’t rope tying them there. He let go of my throat and I took a big breath.
              “What are you going to do?” I muttered as he walked in a circle around me.
              “If you really want to defy your coven so badly,” He was behind me now and his voice was a whisper in my ear. “We can do something that’ll really make them talk. What do you think they’ll say after tonight, after you make a deal with the devil?”
              “I’m not making a deal with you.” I stated. “I didn’t mean to summon you.”
              “Sure you will. I’m going to punish you for messing with forces you can’t handle.” I inhaled to tell him I could handle it but my mouth wouldn’t open. “Don’t try and tell me that you can, witch. Sure you had the power to summon Satan, but you barely managed that, and it wasn’t even on purpose.” I tried to speak again but he was making it impossible. “Because it was a mistake I will let you choose your punishment.” He walked around to face me. He leaned down, pressing his hands over mine that were gripping the chair arms with white knuckles. His face was level with mine and his red irises flickered like flames. “Option one: I claim your soul. Classic choice.” He smiled. “Oh, and I bet your soul would taste immaculate.” I clenched my jaw as he licked his lips. “Option two: you’re mine for the rest of Halloween night.” I shuddered. What does that even mean?
              “It means, I get to do whatever I please with you for the night. He pushed his face closer to mine, our noses almost touching. “Anything I choose. Anything I want.” I gulped. “It’s your choice completely, my dear.” He raised an eyebrow and leaned back, still staring at me. The force keeping me from speaking ceased.
              “I-I want to keep my soul.” He smirked, lips curling into a grin.
              “Then you get to be my play thing for tonight.” I shook my head. “It’s either one or the other, witch.”
              “Alright fine. I’m yours for the night.” He laughed out loud, almost cackling.
              “Since there isn’t a pad and paper around, I’ll have you sign the deal another way.” He wink and came close to my face again, I flinched away, but he grabbed my face in his hands, holding it still. He pressed his lips to mine and they were hot, almost tingling on my own. I heard a whooshing in my ears and I knew the deal was sealed. I pulled away from him and he gave me a wink. My heart thudded in my chest as he stepped back, stroking his chin.
              “You will only do as I say from now until sunrise. Any disobedience will be punished.” I pursed my lips together. “Now be a dear and stand up. I want to take a good look at you.” The pressure on my hand and legs disappeared and I stood slowly. I was bathed in moonlight and I felt naked under his gaze. His eyes dragged down my body and I wanted to cross my arms over my body, but I was too afraid to move. “Take off your clothes.” I hesitated, but his eyes narrowed at me, so with shaking hands I undid the button of my pants and slid them down. Goosebumps rose all over my skin as the cool air hit them. As I stepped out of the jeans, I saw him bite his lip. My fingertips found the hem of my shirt and I pulled it off. It had a few drops of blood on the collar.
              “Oh you pretty thing you.” I felt more goosebumps rise as he spoke. I wasn’t sure if those were from the cold or not. He cocked an eyebrow at me, now only in a bra and panties. He let a finger trail down my neck, I’m between my breasts and stopped at my belly button. “Have you ever fucked a demon before?” My heart stopped and my voice caught in my throat so I shook my head. “You’d be surprised how many witches summon my incubuses just to see what it’s like.” He smirked. “Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, you got me instead.” I inhaled deeply as his hands began to travel my body. They were hot like his lips, sending heat over my skin every time he touched it. I held back a gasp as he gripped my waist, pulling me to him. I flinched away as he came closer, turning my head to the side and squeezing my eyes closed. He turned my head back, pushing my chin with his finger. His lips pressed into my mine again and this time it felt like fire was underneath his skin. I was completely still, but something inside me wanted to kiss back. His lip massaged my own and I felt his hands move up my body and to my breasts, still covered in a bra he held them in a painful grip and I gasped at the feeling. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I held his shoulders.
              “If you stop resisting,” He pulled back, letting go of on breast and taking my neck in his hand, palm pressing on my throat. “This’ll be much easier for you.” The hand on my breast began kneading and pressing. My jaw went slack at the shockwaves it sent through me. “You like this. You know you do.” He turned my chin again and began devouring my neck, sucking and grazing his teeth against my skin. My hands gripped his shoulders and my knees felt like jelly. “I love how your body reacts.” He muttered in between kisses. “If you’d only give in.” I shuddered and before my knees could give out completely, he slammed us into a wall, and I saw dust and pieces of the ceiling fall over our shoulders. My entire back side hurt with the impact, but his lips crashing into mine distracted me from the pain. I let my lips react to his and I felt him smirk. His hand gripped my throat a little tighter and I could barely get air in. He moved my head to the side and kissed my neck again, this time traveling all the way down to my bra. I felt the metal hooks begin to come undone on their own, and the straps slid off my shoulders. As the fabric slid off his mouth landed on my nipple and I whimpered. He flicked his tongue over it and then bit it harshly.
              “Ah,” I cried out, but the pain was mixing with the heat of his lips and the touches of his wandering hands. It was all pooling in the pit of my stomach.
              “Are you enjoying it, little slut?” I bit my lip. “I can tell.”  He switched breasts and let his hand take over the other one.
My nails scratched at the wall and he gripped my waist, pushing me harder. He traveled back up to my mouth, not waiting to tangle his tongue with mine. My hands moved on their own, sliding up his chest and lacing behind his neck. He hummed in my mouth.  “See what I can make you do?” Was he making my hands move? I almost thought- Him harshly biting my lip cut into my thoughts. He chuckled lowly as he watched my lip snap back against my teeth. His lips latched on to my neck again and I couldn’t help but lift my chin to give him access. One of his hands traveled down my body, pausing for a moment to roll my nipples in his fingers and then slowly he slid them down over my hot skin of my stomach and then stopped completely at the top of my panties. My hands had found there way into his curls and the tugged when he stopped.
              “The little witch is enjoying it.” He said into my neck, his hot breath hitting my skin.
              “I can’t-I-I don’t-“
              “Don’t lie to me.” He took my neck again and slammed us on the ground. I cried out in pained, tears pricking my eyes, he just squeezed my neck tighter. We were on the second floor and I felt the weak boards below me give a little, as he straddled me. “I can read your mind, feel your feelings. There’s no use in trying to hide.” I choked under his grip, my legs kicked and I held his wrist, my nails cutting him. He loosened up and I inhaled, the fuzzy feeling the lack of oxygen gave me only went straight to my core. He dragged a thumb over my lips. “Don’t bother speaking if you’re only going to lie.”
              “Okay,” I whispered and he started kissing me again, keeping his hand away from my panties. He kept one on my neck, and let the other wander back to my breast. He worked me up again, just like before, only slower. I squirmed as his lips moved to my nipples again. His fingers tickled over my skin, feeling like little sparks against me. I took in in a shaky breath and it came out as a moan. I scrunched my eyes shut, biting my tongue.
              “Yes, moan like the slut you are.” I held back as he let his fingers dance over my thighs. “Do as you’re told, witch.” He leaned over me, staring down at me. “Fine, I’ll make you moan myself.” He trailed his hand up to my panties and snapped the band against my skin, I squirmed at the feeling of him so close to my now dripping pussy. He smirked at me as he dipped a hand into my panties, letting a finger slid through my folds. I did moan at the contact, louder than before. “Soooo wet, darling.”
              “Yes, moan like the slut you are.” I held back as he let his fingers dance over my thighs. “Do as you’re told, witch.” He leaned over me, staring down at me. “Fine, I’ll make you moan myself.” He trailed his hand up to my panties and snapped the band against my skin, I squirmed at the feeling of him so close to my now dripping pussy. He smirked at me as he dipped a hand into my panties, letting a finger slid through my folds. I did moan at the contact, louder than before. “Ha, so wet. You’re loving this.” He slowly moved his finger up and down, with the lightest pressure possible. I felt my back arch, but he only moved his finger with me, teasing me. “You think I’m going to give it up that easily? This is still a punishment remember?” I whimpered at his words. He continued with the same slow motion for what felt like hours. I was gasping and moaning, sometimes choking whenever he decided to grip my throat. My eyes shot open and I whined as his hand left my panties. “Shh, let me get these off.” I heard the fabric rip and he pull my panties off. The cold air on my pussy made me shiver. He moved so he was in between my legs and he pushed my knees apart. He leaned forward and dragged his hands up my thighs. “I think you’ve earned a little more this time.” His finger came back to my slit and this time he pushed it inside and I moaned, arching my back again. “Fuck, you feel so good.” I gripped his shoulders, and he pressed his lips on mine. He pumped his finger in and out and he muffled my noises with his mouth. He was still taking his time, working me out as slow as possible. Without warning he pressed his thumb on my clit. I pulled away from his lips to toss my head back into the floor. I squirmed as he rubbed slow circles into my clit, and I couldn’t catch my breath. I felt a coil build in my stomach and I reached a hand down to grab his wrist. I clutched it as he went faster with his fingers and I felt my whole body tighten. Then he stopped. My chest heaved up and down and I stared at him.
              “You should really see yourself, desperate and absolutely at my mercy.” His hand pulled away from me and I tried pulling it back, but he just grabbed my wrist instead pining it above me. “I haven’t decided if I’m going to let you cum yet.” I clenched my jaw and squirmed at the lack of contact. He sat back and stared at me again. “Maybe I’ll taste you, maybe I won’t.” He trailed his fingers up my thighs again and leaned over me, whispering in my ear. “But maybe you could convince me to.” He bit my earlobe. “I’d love to hear you beg, slut.” I took a shuddering breath.
              “Please,” I whispered.
              “What was that?” He kissed along my jaw.
              “Please taste me.” I said louder. “Please, I want you to.” He laughed at me.
              “That’s my witch. Say it again.” He was down to my shoulder now, and he bit into it.
              “I want you to, please.” I sounded whiny and breathy. “Please, I need something-I need you to-“ I could barely form sentences.
              “What do you want? Tell me.” He traveled down to my breast, never forgetting to play with my nipples.
              “I want you to-“ I shivered as his kissed down my stomach. “I want your mouth on me, please. Please, please I-“ He hovered his lips over my pussy and I held my breath. It felt like hours he stayed there, not moving, just letting me wait.
              “Sorry, I’m not convinced.” He sat up and flipped me over onto my stomach. My face hit the floor and I tried to get up onto my hands and knees, but he knocked my hands out from under me, and my cheek smashed against the floor. He kept my as up though and I heard a zipper being pulled. I quivered as he pulled me by the hips, dragging me to the right position. I felt his cock press against my ass and I bit my lip. He chuckled, placing the tip at my entrance. I moaned out loud, he was huge. I wasn’t sure if I could take it all. “I’ll make you take as much as I want.” He gripped my neck and pushed inside. I was splitting down the middle as he went deeper and deeper. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he stretched me out. He grunted as he buried himself to the hilt. I was choking out sobs and groans at just the feeling of him. “What were you so worried about? You’re taking all of me like a whore.” He pulled me up by my hair and my back pressed into his chest. He wrapped his hand around my throat again and tightened his grip. He thrust into me as I clawed at his hand. I couldn’t move or breath as he moved in and out of me. My walls clenched around him, almost sucking him in farther. “You’re tight little cunt wants me deeper.” He growled in my ear, then slammed me down. He held the back of my neck with one hand and held both my arm behind my back with the other. He pounded into me relentlessly and I was seeing stars. He was grunting behind me and I was whining and squirming underneath him. I felt my cheek drag on the floor when he really slammed into me. I felt his cock pulse inside me, only adding to the pleasure.
              “I’m-ah, ah.” I felt the coil tighten again and my walls kept clenching. “Please, let me-“
              “Oh, she’s learned her manners now.” I felt his cock twitch at my words though. He only chuckled, and thrusted faster. It didn’t take long for me to climax. I screamed and cried as my body convulsed and shook. He didn’t stop though and couldn’t do anything about it. He only pounded me faster and went deeper. I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes now and I was so stimulated that it was more painful than pleasurable, but his hips stopped when he went as deep as he could go and I felt ropes of cum filling me up. He let me go, letting me slump into the ground. My throat burned and it felt like my body was pulsing. He pulled out of me and my pussy clenched on nothing.
I fell over on my side, my body going limp. He buttoned his pants up. He hadn’t removed one piece of clothing the entire time. I looked past him at the window and saw the dark sky was lighter now. I winced at an ache in between my legs as I curled up, covering myself with my arms. He began to walk out of the room, and I shivered as the cool air settled over my sweaty body. “Y/N,” The only time he called me by my name. I didn’t even realize he knew it. “That coven of yours,” He sighed. “You’re too powerful for them.” He disappeared and I wrapped my arms around my knees, feeling my eyes close.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Falling for you; Tom Holland x reader
*Author’s note*
And here we go with another fic this time I’m posting up a Tom Holland fic. So the premise of this is that you reader are the daughter of RDJ and have been chosen to be apart of Spider-man: Far from home. I won’t spoil anything else but that’s basic characteristics for you the reader. And like I said this isn’t the end. I’ll be posting some more fics coming up in the next little while.
Warnings: FLUFF, teasing dad!RDJ, injuries (falling off a wire).  
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It was like any other day on set. But being the daughter of the one and only Robert Downey Jr. the studio will treat you like royalty, even though I don't want to go to the extreme. And how did I manage to join the cast, well funny story actually for the next Spiderman movie Far from home Director Jon Watts wanted to introduce Peter Parker's new love interest, Carmen Dela Cruz otherwise known as "The Jaguar".
Much like the Black Panther character for speed and stamina, the Snow Leopard was introduced in Spiderman issue 312 number 2, a Latina character from Guatemala, she comes to America hoping to make a better life and save her family from a war that is going on so that they can make a better living in America.
She takes the mantle of "The Jaguar" when she was just 16 years old cause according to the comics, she was beaten and assaulted one night and left for dead but the spirit of the Jaguar warrior came to her and granted her the power and strength of all the jaguar warriors that came before her. She used her powers to get revenge on the gang that assaulted her and has vowed to protect any woman who is threated by assault. She's a protector of women and vows to never let anyone go through from what she went through.
She's teamed up with the Avengers in the past as well as Spiderman but you can see her majorly through the Black Panther comics as being a cat warrior herself, she looks up to T'Challa as a proud mentor and guide.
Now you may be thinking "AHH why another white-washing a character like this?" Well not true, cause you see my mom is actually from Guatemala herself, before my dad met his current wife Susan, after the divorce with his first wife, he met my mom and she ended up pregnant after a one night stand. But even after my birth, I've been constantly taken back and forth between both my parents even though they continued on with their lives and married different people.
But once I became 18, I permanently decided to stay near my dad's while I still visited with my mama. Now I have done acting in school and in college but this was my first breakout and my dad recommended me the part thinking I would be good at it.
So having seen Kevin and growing up with him ever since the beginning he and Jon both gave me a shot and after 2 callbacks, I got the part for Carmen and this would be her big debut onto the screen, as well as my own.
I was currently going over my new lines when I bumped into someone and that someone turned out to be none other than Tom Holland.
"Oh sorry (y/n)." He said.
"No, no it was my fault. Hey, did you get the new re-write of the script?"
"Yeah Jon just gave it to me actually, do you maybe want to go over some lines before we start filming?"
"Sure." We got together along the side and I said, "Can we go over pg.24 I'm having a hard time with that scene."
"Okay pg. 24 it is." We both opened our scripts to pg.24 and Peter first began his line. "What made you change your mind?"
"The same reason why I told you not to get involved with Mysterio in the first place. Maldito you Americans never listen to since or reason, particularly you white boys." I said in Carmen's thicker accent.
"You know, I think it's because you can't resist me. I mean twice in a row we've met you've saved me and always talked to me, even though you said this would be the last time you would."
"Don't be a fool, I'd never fall for someone as reckless as you, Spiderman. Anyone who listens to Stark is automatically a fool to me."
"Don't speak ill of Mr. Stark he is—he was the greatest man to ever live. He—he died a hero."
"I know he did, as did Captain Rogers." For this movie, Carmen always looked up to Steve Rogers as a child because he always knew what was best and he knew to never give up on a fight. He was her hero, even though she never got to meet him.
"Then tell me the real reason why you came and found me?" I turned towards Tom and seeing him so close to me, knowing that our character would eventually be together, but not by the end of this movie, I felt my heart flutter almost chanting out his name as I looked deeply into his eyes. I breathed heavily in character and turned away muttering incoherently in Spanish as it said in the script. "Carmen,"
He took my wrist and a shot of electricity shot up my arm. I turned back towards Tom and seeing him stand so close to me almost made me go weak at the knees. We stared into each other's eyes and just when Tom began to lean forward over a megaphone we both heard my dad's voice.
"Alright you two lovebirds on the set now!" I tensed up and turned towards my dad and flipped him the bird. "Don't you point that finger at me young lady or you're grounded!"
"I'm 20 years old dad you can't tell me nothing!" I cried back out to him. I turned towards Tom and said, "Well we better get to costume and makeup."
"Yeah guess we should." He said solemnly. We stood there in silence before he cried out as he took on ahead, "Race you!"
"Hey no fair you got a head start!"
Filming proceeded as planned, I was now being strapped onto some wires for the last big fight scene with Mysterio.
"You all good?" asked the stunt director.
"Yeah I'm all good. I can do this stunt Erik don't worry about it."
"Okay, but I'll have Stacey on standby should you need her." I nodded and saluted to my stunt double Stacey and Jon then told me how things were gonna go.
"Alright so Tom's already been swung into the crates, you come up from the top of the warehouse and meet up to Jake. All you need to do right now is just grab onto him, don't begin any of the fighting sequences yet, we'll work on that on the levitation bars."
"You got it Jon" I gave him a thumbs up.
"Alright you're all set." Aaron my wire guy said.
"Thanks dude."
"Alright clear the set please!" Jon said into his megaphone. I crouched down on my marker and waited for rolling and then action. "Quiet on the set please!" I took a couple of deep breaths and got into Carmen's mindset as I stared at Jake who was on wires just ahead of me. "And action!" The crates moved around which was my cue to jump out and just before I reached Jake, I let out the Jaguar Warrior cry but on my first take I totally missed Jake by like three feet.
The entire crew was laughing as were me and Jake.
"That was terrible!" I cried out. "Can that please be in the blooper reel!?" I laughed out.
"Reset let's go again!" Jon called out. I was then guided back to my cue point and I set myself down on the catwalk and went back to my marker. "Rolling, take 2! And.....action!" Th crates moved again and this time I jumped from a different angle and let out the Jaguar cry again and this time I managed to grip onto Jake. "Cut! Okay that was great! Let's just get one more for safety!". I released Jake and I was guided back to my catwalk.
But as I got there I noticed that one of the wires seemed a bit loose one me, with Jon starting from the top for a final take, I tried to hurry and tighten the wire as best I could and quickly got to my marker.
"Places please! And.....action!" The scene repeated itself and as I leapt out on cue, suddenly the wire snapped and I was dangling by one wire.
"Okay not good! Not good!"
"Cut! Get the mats under her now! Hang on (y/n)!" I looked towards Jake who was trying to come over towards me and he reached out telling me to take his hand. Just before I could grab it, my second wire snapped and I fell over 10 feet from the air and landed on the mat beneath me.
I let out a groan and soon I heard voices surrounding me and I heard emergency services telling everyone to back up and give them some room. I felt this sudden pain in my arm as I let out a scream of pure agony.
"We know sweetheart, we know but you have to lie still for us" one of them said as they began to examine me. "Broken shoulder, we have to get her to the hospital, get the gurney in here!" I was then set up on a gurney as I screamed and moaned in pain.
I was wheeled across the set and to an ambulance vehicle and I heard one of the men say.
"Now Ms. Downey, I'm gonna give you a sedative, it should help dull the pain and help you sleep. You'll be alright, we're taking you to the hospital now." Next thing I knew my vision was going fuzzy and then I went out like a light.
When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital with a sling over my arm and my shoulder bandaged.
"You're awake," I turned to my right and saw Tom standing before me, as well as Harrison and Zendaya.
"How you feeling chic?" asked Zendaya.
"A little funny, so what do I got?"
"You broke both your shoulder and your wrist in the fall plus a mild concussion. The doctors said you're lucky to be alive, most people falling from that height usually end up in a coma if not dead or multiple broken body parts."
"Gee thanks Harry" I said sarcastically.
"Good to know the Downey sarcasm is still intact." Zendaya praised.
"Hey guys could you give us a moment along please?" Tom asked. Zendaya and Harrison both looked at each other with a know it all grin before Zen said.
"Sure, fine."
"Don't have too much fun you two." I flipped them off as they left my room leaving Tom and I alone.
"How are you feeling?" he asked me.
"A bit in pain, but I've had worse, once I broke my leg when I was just 9 years old doing a risky bicycle stunt that my friends dared me to do. Boy dad was so pissed he never let me ride a bike again for 6 months."
"You serious?"
"Yeah." When I looked back up at Tom, I noticed that his eyes now held such worry and fear as he said.
"When you fell I—I was so worried that you'd....that you were gonna be.... I even tried to ride with you to the hospital but they wouldn't let me. God never before did I wish I really was Spiderman I—"
"Shhh it's okay Tom. It wasn't your fault. I should've spoken up and had the wiring guys tighten my wire before anything. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." I then felt Tom take my free hand in his and I looked right back into his eyes again.
And damn that heartrate monitor because it was starting to spike up and I let out a groan of embarrassment to which Tom softly chuckled and he said.
"If it helps you feel better, my heart would probably be doing the exact same thing." I looked at him and he continued, "When I first met you I—I thought you were the prettiest girl I've ever seen, I know the press always says that it's me and Zendaya but truthfully I hope and pray that once Far from home comes out that they'll start to say you and me. God I hope I didn't freak you out or ruin this friendship because I—" I stopped him with a kiss.
He placed his hands on my cheeks as the kiss got a little deeper before I finally separated from him.
"You're so much like Peter, you ramble on too much." He chuckled nervously and he said.
"So....when you're released do you—wanna go out for coffee or something?"
"Coffee sounds wonderful, Parker." I teased using Carmen's accent as I said Parker.
"Cara mia Carmen." He leaned in and kissed me once more. Just before anything could go further we both heard my dad's voice say.
"Alright you two, don't be sucking each other's faces off!" We separated from each other and we both cleared our throats in embarrassment.
"Really dad?"
"Hey! Be thankful that once you two lovebirds got together I was gonna allow hand holding and little pecks but after my virgin eyes have been tainted with what I had just seen I may not allow any PDA at all." I shook my head at him and I turned my attention back to Tom and he smiled down at me as he took my hand in his and gave my knuckles a kiss.
Man I wish my release would come faster, I really could use that coffee right about now.
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writersmilex · 1 year
Try Again
Tom Gurney X Fem | Reader
Summary: Tom has been tormenting you for quite some time. (Y/n) doesn't know why he has it out for her. But over time something changed.
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There really is only one simple reason why he is doing this to her. He doesn't know how to approach her in a friendly manner, let alone casually. He can't communicate with her, in a normal personal way that is. So he does the only way he knows he can get people's attention is by picking on them. And he does exactly that with her. Picking on her mercilessly just to have her attention, to have her looking at him. Even if that look is one of irritation and sometimes even fright.
He can see her from here, clutching her books so tightly to refrain them from being slapped out of her hands again. He is stalking not far behind, ready to strike. His pace picks up, walking after her with nearly malicious intent.
"Hey there, (Y/n)!" He announces himself loudly, watching as she flinches at his voice. "Whatcha doin'?" He puts his hand on her head and ruffles her hair roughly. His fingers got tangled in the many knots of her messy and greasy locks, causing the rough gesture to hurt a little bit. (Y/n) doesn't answer him, and she never replies to his teasing comments. No matter, as long as he can get her to look at him. "Gotten deaf again, eh?" He teases, lifting his hand from (Y/n)'s head to push her shoulder, simply another attempt to get her attention in the worst way.
Her walking speeds up, and her grip on her books tightens closer to her chest. Her pace now a slow jog, Tom follows after her. "Just leave me alone..." came a meek mumble from her, he almost didn't hear it. "You're not getting rid of me like that. We have English Toget-oof!!" She purposefully slams the door of the English classroom in his face, she does that often. But it's not enough to stop him.
During English class, Mr Galloway was slurring something inaudible while scribbling nothing legible on the blackboard. His hand slips down the board as he nearly trips, stretching out the end of the letter; M. (Y/n) tries to pay attention to the questions in her book, while being poked in the back with a pencil, she even occasionally got kicked by bare feet. Does Tom take his shoes off during class? Apparently. She tries her best to ignore the attempts Tom makes to get a reaction out of you.
The constant harch poking against her back causes her pencil to slip out of her hand, causing her handwriting to almost mimic the teacher's drunk letters on the blackboard. (Y/n)'s mother always said that you shouldn't give any Bullies attention, that attention only provokes them further. But right now (Y/n) has a hard time living up to that advice as Tom is really getting on her nerves this time.
"Could you stop!" She whisper-yells at the annoying boy behind her, who merely grins as he finally got her to look at him, no matter the look of annoyance. Mr Galloway stops his scribbling and turns around. "Miss (L/n), could you stop yelling, please?" The teacher mumbles in a polite tone. (Y/n) shrinks in her seat. And can hear Tom lightly chuckling behind her.
Much to her relief, (Y/n) didn't see Tom during lunch break. And was finally able to meet up with her friend: Ivan.
"Gurney kind of stopped picking on other kids. Did you know that?" Ivan mumbles sleepily, his head resting in the palm of his hands as he pokes the remains of the apple he just finished eating.  "Tom Gurney?" (Y/n) questions and looks up from the clementine she is pealing to eat. Ivan confirms the name with a slow nod. "Oh, he doesn't act any different to me." She replies casually, despite not really liking to talk about her tormentor. "He does!" Ivan argues, "In fact, he is ignoring everybody. Very hellbent on whatever mysterious goal he has..." Ivan shrugs nonchalantly. This kind of upsets (Y/n), Tom seems to have it out for her and her alone, her mother always told her that Bullies always want a specific reaction out of their victims, and often feel justified in their behaviour. (Y/n) has to find a way to show Tom that, that is not the case here. Thinking of a way to make a Bully stop his bullying is harder than everyone thinks.
"I don't think she gets the hint, Tom," Wade comments as he sees Tom walk up to him, all sulky and defeated. Tom groans in frustration and goes to leans against the stone wall next to his friend, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket to ease his stress. Wade huffs at the lack of Tom's response. "Why don't you just go and talk to her?" He suggests casually as if it was the easiest thing in the world. "It's not that easy..." Tom admits, Wade only laughs, "It'S nOt ThAt EaSy." He mimics in a mocking tone, causing Tom to glare at him while inhaling that sweet burning nicotine. His mom would hate him for smoking like this. "I'm pretty sure she hates me." Tom tries to argue back solemnly, but his reasons don't seem to convince Wade very much. "Them stop making her hate you!" There he goes again! This conversation is not going anywhere, and once his cigarette is done he throws the butt away and walks away from Wade without saying anything. "Stop making her hate you!" Wade repeats after Tom as he watches him walk away to the main building. Tom decided to wander through the main building for a bit just to get his mind off of things. And if anyone looks at him for too long, glaring and threats usually get those little freshmen to tremble before him. While wandering around, Tom's mind starts to wander as well. Eyes cast on the tiled floor he stopped paying attention to the environment for a moment before a loud slam of a locker closing slightly startled him back in the moment. Looking up, it's just the person he wanted to see: (Y/n) (l/n). "Hey, (Y/n)." It doesn't matter if his tone isn't as condescending as it usually is, rather calm... She still flinches at the sound of his voice so suddenly. (Y/n) looks ready to make a run for it, and Tom's arms kind of worked on their own and he snatched her forearm, causing her to yelp in surprise. (Y/n) started to thrash and shake her arm in order to get out of Tom's grip. With a rough swing, she is able to free her arm. Tom watches her slightly panic, wanting to get away from him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, let me explain! Please!" Tom attempts to explain himself, repeatedly blocking her way to keep her from running away. He already feels bad, he knows that he's scaring her. But he just needs her to listen to him just once.
"Please!" He begs again, pressing his hands against to wall to trap her completely, her back against the wall. He is internally scolding himself, this is not the right approach, anything he tried wasn't the right approach!
"Just... Leave me alone! What did I ever do to you!" Oh no, her eyes are getting all glossy. Please don't cry, it'll only make him feel even worse than he already does! He's really hurt her now and he gives up on attempting to talk to her normally, letting go of the wall and watching her slip away and run away from him like she always does. Tom feels terrible and rests his face in his hands and internally scolds himself for scaring you so much. There is something that he's not doing right.
________________________________________________ Tom is my favourite bully. I have a thing for guys with squeaky voices but all the Bullies are interesting. This could lead to a part 2 maybe! Thanks for reading❤️ - Smilex🙂
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just-the-hiddles · 5 years
Tom suffers a serious car accident and is operated/saved by the reader. So when he wakes up, Ben (Cumberbatch) tells how he endessly flirted with the reader while was dizzy from the anesthesia. And that he asked Ben to pick her phone, so he would ask her out. And that he also promised that Ben would be his Best Man at their wedding and their fisrt child would be named after him. Time skip, he actually married the reader, but his child will "definetly NOT be named after an egg".
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Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Rating: T
Word Count: 1895
Warnings:  Swearing, Car Accident, Hospital, Blood
Taglist: @winterisakiller @nonsensicalobsessions @hiddlesbitch1 @drakesfiance ​ @sterwild
Tom’s eyes fluttered, and he blinked several times, adjusting to the bright white light. 
“Nurse! He is waking up!” 
Nurse? Waking up? Tom reached out and cold metal hit his hands. Safety rails. The air was cool, dry, and sterile. As he attempted to sit up, he felt a cold air hit his bare back.
“Hey buddy, lie back down. You gave us quite a scare,” the familiar voice reassured him as he lowered himself back down to the bed. 
Tom turned his head to the sound and once he saw Benedict’s face he smiled. Ben smiled back.
“Welcome back to Earth, Tom.”
“Thanks, what happened?”
The last thing Tom remembered was climbing into the stunt car to rehearse the big action shot. After that, it was just flashes of fire, screams and sirens.
“The brakes failed and the stunt coordinator doesn’t know what happened. But the important thing is you got out alive.”
Tom attempted to sit up again and felt winces of pain throughout his body.
“What was the damage?”
Benedict looked down.
“To you or the car?”
“The car… of course me! I feel as though a Mack truck hit me.”
“You are not far off. You broke your clavicle, wrist, and a few ribs. Um… lacerations everywhere and a… a ruptured spleen.”
Tom twisted to see his friend’s face better and felt the stitches and bandages strain. He winced at the sharp pain on his left side. Benedict hit the call button and in minutes, the nurse arrived.
She smiled as she approached the bed.
“Feeling pain?”
Tom nodded.
She looked at your chart before adding some pain meds to Tom’s IV.
“That should do. I would suggest lying down and the doctor should be in about twenty minutes.”
Tom thanked her and couldn’t help but notice her gazing over her shoulder as she left the room. Her smile barely contained her giggles. Tom’s eyes widened.
“Do they know who I am?”
Benedict averted his eyes and rose from the chair, feigning interest in the generic artwork on the wall. Tom narrowed his eyes at the clear avoidance of the question.
“What are you not telling me?”
“Oh boy, you don’t remember anything when you got here, do you?”
Tom shook his head.
“No, what happened?”
“You were in a lot of pain. Tell me have you ever been under anesthesia before?”
“Maybe, once or twice…” Tom questioned, but then he stared his friend down for answers. 
“What did I say, Ben?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I do. Sit down and tell me, and I will decide if you live or die.”
Dejected, Ben returned to the chair and let a sigh out.
“I’m sorry, Tom.”
Four Hours Earlier
The gurney burst through the ER doors just fifteen minutes after you started your shift. Emergency room shifts are never boring but physically and emotionally draining. You put down your cup of coffee and headed in to assess the patient.
A man lied, groaning on the gurney. His face covered in scrapes and blood staining his ginger whiskers. His left wrist sat at an unnatural angle and his shirt cut away by the paramedics to administer help. 
“Car accident,” the EMT relayed, “stunt gone wrong.”
A specific hazard unique to Los Angeles. They wheeled him to the examination room and put him onto the bed with care. He wore a C-collar, but the jostling stirred the man. His eyelids fluttered open and his blue eyes work to focus on his surroundings.
“Hey…” you looked down at his chart, “Tom. How are you doing?”
“I know you are in pain, but where?”
Tom gestured to the left side of his abdomen.
“Okay.” You grabbed some morphine and added it to his IV. “Any allergies?”
He shook his head.
“Anyone come with you?”
As if on cue, Benedict pulled back the curtain.
“I did.”
You recognized the man standing before you. Benedict Cumberbatch was quite the movie star.
“Really?” You attempted to keep your cool. This was no time for fan girling.
Within minutes, Benedict could communicate the information about not only the accident but Tom’s medical history as well. It had all been on file with the production company.
The doctor came in and did a quick examination.
“We need to get a CT scan and X-rays. Looks like there may be internal injuries.”
You nodded as you prepared to wheel Tom down the hall.
“Ready to go for a ride?” you asked.
Tom nodded and gave a goofy smile.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N, Y/N. That’s a beautiful name. My name is Tom Fucking Hiddleston.”
The drugs were doing their job.
“Nice to meet you, Tom. We will take you for some tests.”
“But I didn’t study!” he sounded dismayed.
You could not suppress your laugh.
“I think you will be fine.”
Tom grabbed your hand and looked up at you, tears in his eyes.
“Will you help me study?” he asked with a serious tone.
“Of course.”
Tom continued to babble on for the rest of the trip to imaging. He spoke about how nice you smelled and how pretty your eyes look. The full court press of flirting. As you reached the room, you and the other nurse lifted Tom onto the machine.
“Here you go.”
Tom grabbed your hand once again.
“Please don’t leave. I’m scared of the dark.” 
While his words spoke of her fear, his eyes and smile said something else.
“Are you flirting with me, Mr. Hiddleston?”
His smile only grew.
“Is it working?”
You leaned in to his ear to whisper, “No, but the drugs are.”
Tom pouted.
“Not fair.”
“But you are cute.”
His face lit up once again. 
“I came, saw and overcame.” Tom was being dramatic.
At that point, the other nurse started up the machine, and you walked away to let the rest of nurses to care for his needs. After his scans, you headed back to the waiting area. You found Benedict pacing the floor in anticipation. His long fingers alternating between steepling in front of his face and raking through his hair. As you approached, you cleared your throat.
“Yes?” his voice shared a tone of concern and hopefulness.
“A few broken bones but the big thing is that his spleen has ruptured. He needs surgery right away.”
Ben’s face fell.
“Will he be okay?”
You nodded.
“He will make a full recovery. Would you like to see him before they send him in to operating?”
You led Ben back to where they were prepping Tom for surgery. The anesthesiologist added drugs to the IV and Tom was now in a full hospital gown. His tattered rags of clothes in the garbage.
“No fair!” Tom bellowed as you entered with Ben throwing the thin sheet over his legs. The two of you shared a knowing look, “You have seen me naked but I have not had the chance to see you naked.”
You leaned into Benedict.
“It would seem that the medicine does not agree with your friend,” you smirked.
“Oh, I don’t know, I rather like him like this, so not proper. So not Tom Hiddleston.”
You smiled as you looked upon Tom who, in vain, tried to cover his body. Even loopy on drugs, he charmed and warmed your heart.
“I will leave you to it.”
As you turned to leave, Tom shouted at you.
“I love thee, Y/N. By which honor I dare not swear thou lovest me, yet my blood begins to flatter me that thou dost, not withstanding the poor and untempering effect of visage. And therefore tell me, most fair Y/N, will you have me?”
You suppressed a small giggle.
“I will see you later,” you let them both know as you shut the door.
As soon as the door latched, Tom grabbed Benedict’s arm and pulled him down close.
“Ben! Ben! Have you met my wife?”
Benedict screwed his face up with confusion.
“The nurse? That is just the drugs talking, Tom. You barely know her.”
“Nonsense. She will be my wife and you shall be my best man.”
Benedict looked at Tom with an exasperated face but Tom’s only contained earnest. With a chuckle, Benedict conceded.
“Very well, Tom. I will be your best man.”
Tom slapped Benedict’s shoulder.
“That’s the spirit. As my best man, I require you to acquire my future bride’s number.”
Benedict could not resist at this point to play along with his friend’s drug-addled fantasy.
“I will, on one condition.”
“Name your price.”
“Name your firstborn after me.”
“Consider it done.”
“Then consider the number yours.”
Tom’s face beamed and as if on cue, the nurses came to wheel Tom into surgery.
“Oh dear, God. I quoted Shakespeare.”
Tom hung his head and his face and neck turned a bright shade of red.
“Yep. The Henry the Fifth wooing speech too. Honestly, it was one of your better performances. Might I suggest doing all your roles drugged from now on.”
Tom shot Benedict a withering look. 
“Ha ha. Very funny. I can’t show my face to her again.”
At that moment, the door opened, and you entered. The color drained from Tom’s face, while the smile grew on Benedict’s.
“Y/N!” Benedict cooed, “We were just talking about you. So nice of you to stop in.”
Your shift ended half an hour ago, but you wanted to check in on Tom before going home. Today was not the first time a patient hit on you, although they are usually not an award-winning actor with a penchant for quoting Shakespeare. But, you would remain ever the professional. You checked the chart before wishing the two men well.
As you turned to exit, Benedict walked you out.
“Thank you, Y/N for attending to Tom.”
“My pleasure. Even under the influence, he is quite charming.”
Benedict took this opportunity.
“Speaking about that…”
3 years later
You yelled down the hall of your London home, beckoning your husband. At six months pregnant, getting up and down was no easy task. Tom rushed to your side. He gave you his arm and with a rocking start; you extracted yourself from the chair.
“Thanks, darling.”
“I am at your beck and call.”
You rubbed your swollen belly as you waddled your way down the hall. Tom followed you to the kitchen.
“Now about names for this little young man here.”
Tom grew ashen. He thought he could avoid this conversation, but it seems his luck had run out.
“Yeah, I have I mentioned today that I love you.”
Tom kissed your lips, and you looked at him with distrust.
“What have you done?”
Tom smiled and rubbed his neck, a nervous habit.
“I may have promised to name the child after Benedict.”
Tom flinched.
“You what? Why on earth would you do that?”
“It was for a good cause.”
“Which was?”
“Your phone number.”
With that, Tom took off down the hallway. You smiled as you walked with much effort behind him.
“We are NOT naming our child after breakfast food!”
You heard Tom’s laughter fill the house.
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hazinhoodies · 6 years
Dead Heat (H.O)
FireFighter!Harrison x Paramedic!Reader
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A/N: so i saw someone ask for this pairing in @h-osterfield s asks so i wrote it.
Warnings: descriptions of injuries
Word Count: 3.4k (longest thing ive written as of now)
Late shifts weren’t too bad. The only calls were normally mundane things, well, mundane for a paramedic at least. The odd heart attack, seizure maybe, things that usually have an underlying medical cause already. Maybe it was anaphylactic shock or a paranoid couple whose newborn wouldn’t calm down. Of course, you can’t blame them for that, anyone would be scared if they didn’t know what was wrong with their two-month-old. For the most part, they were calls that didn’t even need an ambulance. Then there were the more exciting things, they weren’t necessarily good, it was never good when an ambulance gets called. Sometimes they have stories though, like the kid who snuck out to go see a cat, lost said cat, and then broke their arm when they fell off a fence while looking for the cat.
It’s the reason you became a paramedic, to help. Everyone has a story. a when you can’t save someone, their book is closed, no matter how many blank pages had yet to be filled. It hurt knowing that they never would. Some of them stick with you, no matter how much you didn’t want them too.
There was always the odd night shift where everything goes to shit. When the calls won’t stop. The sirens echo in your ears all night.
You sat at a table with the other paramedics, on your third round of poker for the night. Your cards are long forgotten, already folded. Luck wasn’t on your side, your two and seven mocking you of your third bad break of the night.
The alarm went off in the room, everyone immediately kicking into action, pulling their jackets off chairs and over their arms as they rush to the ambulances. You hop into the passenger side of your ambulance, Dylan Arnott already in the drivers' side as Rachel Wolff climbed into the back, slamming the car doors behind her. Arnott sped off, sirens blaring with the other ambulances following behind him. Your radio was going insane with information already.
You caught some of the information. The basic stuff at least. Skyscraper, fire, lot of damage. You took a deep breath to try and calm yourself down.
“Fire?” Rachel spoke from behind you, you nodded in response.
“Huge apparently. Had to evacuate the entire skyscraper” You chewed on the inside of your lip
“Well, in that case, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say its that huge tower of smoke that we’re headed towards” Rachel pointed out the windshield at the smoke that surrounded a tall mostly glass building. The black cloud swirled and billowed around it before thinning out past the roof only to be blown west by the wind. You could see the odd flame lick at the windows but for the most part, the rest of the fire was hidden by the city skyline.
You arrived on scene no more than a minute later, rushing out of the ambulance and pulling on a pair of gloves. You watch as Dylan and Rachal run over to the group of civilians standing off the property, checking if they're okay.
The commotion overwhelms you for a moment. The sirens fall silent in your ears but the lights still blare, blue and red and white flashing over and over and over again. You notice how the emergency service vehicles are gathered, PD and paramedics on one side of the main entrance and FD on the other. They blocked off the road for the most part, but two cop cars blocked it off further down the road. You’d done fire calls before but definitely nothing this big.
“Just gonna stand there or are you gonna help?” You hear over the sirens, your eyes meet familiar blue ones that start to approach you. “I know it’s a lot but you know what you're doing. It’s like every other call. Sure there's more going on but there's also more of us here too”
“Osterfield! What’s the holdup?” The fire chief yells from behind you.
“Nothing sir” Harrison pulls his respirator mask over his face and puts on his helmet as he starts to run into the building, you follow behind him momentarily.
“Thanks” You shout as you turn your attention to the person another firefighter had helped out of the building. You weren’t sure if he heard you but the nod you saw confirmed that he did. His partner ran up next to him before the two of them disappeared into the building
You were handing your fifth patient off to Dylan to handle when Harrison came out of the building, unconscious civilian in tow. You made eye contact with him again but this time you were the one that ran towards him.
“He was unconscious when I found him” Harrison spoke as you helped him lift the older man onto the gurney. “Twenty-ninth floor”
You nodded as you got to work, searching first on his wrists and neck for a medical tag, eventually finding one on his wrists for atrial fibrillation and a pacemaker.
“You doing alright?” You look up at Harrison for a moment as you attach oxygen to the man. You notice how he’d been gripping his left hand with his right and nod towards it. “Burn?”
“What? Oh yeah, it’s fine though. I should go back, Tom is still inside with some of the others” Harrison starts to turn away.
“Let me look at it” you say as you push the gurney away, handing him off to another paramedic. “Afib and a pacemaker, found unconscious”
“No Y/N I’m fine.” Harrison protests. You grab his right wrist, pulling him back.
“Harrison let me take a look. Please”
“Y/N there are still people inside. Firefighters and civilians. Tom is inside. And every second that I’m not in there is another second that I’m not helping put out the fire and doing my job” He was almost yelling. Your grip on his wrist loosens slightly as you sign.
“I’ll take a look after then. But don’t apply pressure. I know it hurts and you want to but if its second degree or worse then its probably leaking plasma, which will dry and act as a glue between your skin and the material of the glove. It probably isn’t third degree though if you can still feel your hand” You catch yourself rambling. “What I’m saying is be careful. Go save some lives” You let go of his wrist and he nods, immediately running off into the building again.
You became distracted again by the numerous people that various firefighters pulled out of the building. Some conscious and some not but the further it got into the night, the more of them were unconscious. Ambulances came and went, bringing people to the hospital with their families. As the group of civilians who had evacuated in the beginning got smaller, they started to worry more, when their respective family members were brought out, you couldn’t tell if they were relieved or more panicked. They aren’t dead at least.
It’d been at least two hours since you’d seen Harrison. Maybe three? You didn’t know. There was too much going on for you to bother checking. It wasn’t until Tom came out with one last civilian, letting the fire chief know that the building was entirely evacuated of civilians, that you even remembered that he was in the building.
Tom ran back in once again. Almost surely to help put out the fire. You looked up, there was less smoke than before, that was good. You would’ve thought that things were nearly finished up if it weren’t for the flames that suddenly burst out the windows on the thirty-third floor and the loud bang that ensued. The fire chief immediately radioed for another fire department. Your hand went to cover your mouth, hiding your gasp. Luckily, no one came down with the shattered glass.
You sat in the back of the ambulance, there wasn’t much you could do from the ground until one of the firefighters brought someone out for you. And in the twenty minutes, it’d been since the explosion, no one had. You weren't sure if the constant radio chatter was a comfort or if it worsened your fears
You’d known Harrison for a while now. You met during FD/EMS training, when you were partnered up, god, he sucked at keeping chest compressions in time. It was an attempt for the separate departments to get to know each other better so when a call actually came, you would know who you were working with and so that you’d learn to trust them and their decisions. As well as so the EMS wouldn’t resent the fire department as much when they took medical calls and solved the issue before medical even got there, but the higher-ups wouldn’t tell you that.
You’d been warned by girls from his station about his flirting. Told that he could be relentless sometimes. And sure it was annoying at first, but you started flirting back eventually. At first, it was just to gauge his reaction but turned to something more lighthearted. It’s been three years since then, and you two only continued to grow closer. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel something for the blond.
A hand on your back pulls you from your thoughts as Rachel hops up onto the ambulance as well.
“What’s on your mind?” She rubs your back soothingly. “Hero-boy?” Racheal uses her nickname for Harrison, one that she created three years ago, at the same training weekend, eliciting a laugh from you in return.
“You know he's not the only firefighter right? And people consider us heroes too” You turn your head to face her.
“No I know, but he sure as hell made you a lot more fun to be around on calls. So he’s my hero“ Rachal paused. “Even if he sucks at CPR. That boy couldn’t keep 100 beats per minute if life depended on it, and it does”
You can’t help but laugh and look up at the thirty-third floor again. The smoke had cleared away for the most part, no longer as thick, dense and dark as it had been before. It’d been another hour since the explosion, you hadn’t seen anyone come down, but there’d been radio communication pretty much non-stop. You heard the muffled voices over the chiefs radio for the billionth time that night.
“Fire’s out” The chief repeated, everyone on the ground erupted in either a cheer or a sigh of relief. It was nearly four in the morning now, your own pain and worry had finally caught up with you as the adrenaline had faded hours ago. You could see silhouettes approach the entrance of the building as a few of the firefighters came out and headed to the nearest ambulances. No Harrison.
Three more small waves of firefighters came, all varying in degrees of injury, and there was still no Harrison. Normally you would’ve waited for him before taking anyone else but with no sign of him, you signalled for one of the other firefighters to take a seat in your ambulance as you hopped down from it, ignoring the brief pain that shot up through your legs. You mindlessly ran through the procedure of giving her oxygen and checking for other injuries as you racked your brain, searching through your memory for any mention of Harrison's name over the radio in the past four hours. You thought you remembered something but you couldn’t be sure. Maybe you were imagining it, trying to justify it somehow.
You sent the firefighter away once she was all cleared. You couldn’t imagine how exhausted she was, running up and down stairs, taking people out of a burning building, in all that heavy gear-
A shout from the entrance grabs your attention, you and Rachel, who had also recently finished up with someone, ran towards the entrance where the shout had come from.
You spot a tired looking, beat up Harrison. Though he wasn’t nearly as bad as Tom, who Harrison supported, his arm wrapped around his back while Toms was thrown over Harrison's shoulder, gripping his shoulder so tight that his knuckles turned white.
The two stop in front of the few steps while you and Rachel sprinted up them. Rachel wrapped Toms empty arm around her shoulder while hers went around his back. You replaced Harrison, letting Tom rely on your shoulder for support.
“Are you alright? Can you walk?” You said, looking over at Harrison.
“Yeah, yeah should be fine to walk” Harrison spoke as he removed his helmet.
“You know the drill. Oxygen and I’ll be over in a sec” You and Rachel slowly started to descend the steps, taking your time so that Tom could keep up. Rachel removed his helmet with her free hand and let it hang around her arm by the chin strap while she started to undo the respirator as you approached a free ambulance. You still kept some of your attention on Harrison though as he walked over to your ambulance, taking a seat and putting the mask over his nose and mouth.
“You good now?” You ask Rachel once the two of you had gotten Tom situated and given him oxygen.
“Yeah, I should be okay here. Go take care of him” Rachel nodded towards your ambulance.
You started to walk over to Harrison. You hadn’t noticed the dwindling number of paramedics until now. There were only three ambulances left and a fourth that was packing up, cleared to leave by the fire chief.
“Any other injuries I should know about?” You spoke once you had reached Harrison and started to pull on new latex gloves. He pulled the mask off his face for a moment to speak.
“Just my hand really” He put the mask back on and lifted up his left hand.
“You know I have to check anyways right?” He nodded “Are you going to take off your jacket or do you want me to” He took the mask off again.
“I’ve got to keep this mask on. Cause you know oxygen and stuff. Besides, have a pretty girl strip me? As if I’d say no” He put the mask back on and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes and started to undo the zipper.
Harrison pulled off the mask again. “You know-”
“Keep the mask on or take off your own damn jacket Osterfield” You cut him off with a laugh while gently pressing the mask back against his face.
“Sheesh” Harrison let out a laugh, muffled by the oxygen mask.
You finished unzipping the jacket and pushed it over his shoulders, he pulled out his left arm, then his right, holding the mask to his face with his left hand while his right was preoccupied. He was left in the dark blue Station 38 shirt while you looked over him for other injuries, none to be found much to your delight.
You check his breathing, slipping the stethoscope under the collar of his shirt. He pulled it down, allowing you better access to his chest as he winced at the sudden cold. A small smile flickered across your face in thanks before you looked away to the ground, listening closely as he breathed. You moved to the other side before he finished exhaling.
“Why do you guys always switch sides so fast?” He spoke. You pulled the stethoscope from your ears abruptly
“Harrison, do you know how loud that is to me? Put the mask back on” Harrison laughed and gave you an apologetic smile as he put the mask back on. You finished checking his breathing as well as his blood pressure, all of which were in pretty good condition considering he’d spent the last five hours in a burning building.
“Hand” You placed your hand palm up in front of him and waited for him to place his hand in yours. You started to pull the glove off slowly. “Tell me if it hurts okay?” He only nodded. You got off about an inch and a half before he winced, immediately halting your actions.
“No no. Keep going. It just scraped a sensitive part is all” He had barely removed the mask to speak so his voice came out muffled.
“Okay. If it starts to pull you have to tell me” He nodded. Luckily it didn't. You placed the glove next to his helmet and respirator. You inspected his hand, the back of it was covered in one large deep red mark that had smaller white patches inside of it, some of which had started to blister.
“I’m surprised they didn’t burst honestly. Also, it's going to hurt when I touch it. Letting you know right now.” You kept his hand in yours while you reached into your med bag and pulled out some supplies. You started to clean the burn carefully, getting rid of any plasma that was on the surface before applying the burn cream and wrapping it up. You tried to ignore his winces and grunts as you worked, it was difficult to see him in pain, his adrenaline clearly wearing off by now, but you continued to work anyways. You paused for a moment, still holding his now wrapped hand in your own.
“What’s on your mind darling?” Harrison spoke, switching his left hand with his right, and squeezing your hand gently while his left now held the mask to his face.
You looked up at him. For the first time that night, you truly took in his appearance. His blonde hair was dishevelled, certainly from the respirator and helmet, and it was coloured slightly grey from the smoke. He had ash on his face, you could see the ring around his nose and mouth from where he held the mask, and he just looked exhausted, bags under his eyes, slouched slightly.
“You’re good with that now by the way” You removed it from his face, gently pulling it away from him until he let go and you could hang it up.“It’s just” you sigh and shrug, squeezing his hand in return. “You run into fires for a living. You put yourself in danger to save others. Like that explosion up there? That’s terrifying to me”
“Yeah, it um” Harrison chuckled “it’s scary sometimes. But we aren’t the only ones who save lives. We just get them out and know the basics of first aid. But you know so much stuff Y/N. It blows my mind.” you can’t help but smile. “We're all a team though. I think we are a bloody good team at that” he accents the we, pulling on your hand gently. He was talking about the two of you specifically, not emergency services. 
“What happened with the explosion? Like what caused it?” You ask, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“I’m not entirely sure. Probably some compressed gas is all. I got lucky though. I was behind a wall and barely got hit, gear protected me. Tom was right at the front of the blast though” Harrison trailed off
“Hey. He’ll be alright” You squeezed his hand again, his attention remained on where Tom’s ambulance sat a few minutes ago, it had already rushed off to the hospital. There was another moment of silence between the two of you, both of you just taking in the other's presence.
“Do you want to go to the hospital?” You spoke up suddenly.
“Not really”
“I’m going to write you a prescription then” You releases his hand and hopped up into the back of the ambulance searching for the pad of paper in the ambulance.
“Wait you guys can do that?” Harrisons brow furrowed.
“Mhm. As of April” You hopped back down from the ambulance and wrote across the pad, signing it and handing it to him. “Fill it as soon as you can”
“What's it for? And why’d you ask if I wanted to go to the hospital?” He took the paper from you, looking at it.
“One is an antibiotic and the other is an ointment. That burn should take a week or two to heal up but then you should be okay. And because i could either prescribe you that or a doctor at the hospital could.” You had packed up the back of the ambulance and were ready to go now, Dylan had been sat in the drivers side for a while now, he’d helped the fire department with their cleanup which had finished about ten minutes ago, the rest of the damage to be cleaned up at another time, certainly not four in the morning.
“You know I didn’t want to go to the hospital but-” Harrison started.
“Oh please do not tell me that you want to go now”
“No. I don’t” Harrison let out a small laugh Not unless it includes going on a date with you and I don’t think it does so its not worth it” he looked down at his feet
You hopped down from your spot in the back of the ambulance, closing the doors behind you. You walked up to him, stopping about a foot away from him
“I’m off this weekend” And with that you kissed his cheek, and hopped into the passenger side of the ambulance, another page written in your story with hopes of more to be added still. Dylan drove off leaving Harrison to go with the only other firefighter who was left on the scene. Poor guy just wanted to go home.
Taglist: @notimeforthemessenger @starkravingparker
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loserholland · 6 years
12 years
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥
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𝟎𝟎𝟏 ➺ 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲
Pairing ➺ Tom Holland x Reader
Warning ➺ Whole lotta angst but happy ending
Word Count ➺  2,480
Summary ➺  Watching your husband come through the ER doors seriously injured causes your heart to break.
A/N ➺ I also just started a permanent taglist so if you want to be on my permanent taglist please don’t be afraid to send me an ask!! Also I’d like to take  a moment of silence to honor Stan Lee, thank you for creating the best superhero’s whom helped me get through my sad days and would just paint a smile on our faces. I will truly miss his cameos and thank him for being awesome and truly legendary, thank you Stan lee, thank you.
@choke-me-sweet-pea thank you for requesting part two!
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @hollandfieldblurbs
☞  Masterlist  ☜
It can be a greedy thing it steals the details for itself.
People say, time doesn’t wait for anyone.
As a matter a fact, it doesn’t.
Two weeks.
It’s been two since since Tom left, two week since he packed up his belongings, two weeks since they signed their divorce papers. Two long dreadful weeks alone in the house that they lived in for seven years. 
Today was the last day of working three twelve hour shift. That’s the doctor life for you. She didn’t turn in the divorce papers yet, she knew she should but for some odd reason she felt held back to do so. Her gut was telling her to wait, to wait to turn in the papers and finalize their divorce. 
She hasn’t heard from Tom in the past two weeks, she would text Harrison here and there to ask how Tom was doing and would get a response of ‘He’s fine’ ‘He’s doing okay’. 
Her pager began to beep she looked down and read the electronic letters ‘ER’, she pressed on the red button and headed for the elevators down to the ER. “What do we have?” she questioned as she slipped on her white coat she stood outside as the paramedics opened the door of the ambulance.
“26 year old male, he was in a car accident, server bleeding to the head. He’s been unconscious for the last twenty minutes. His BP is 140 over 90.” As the paramedics lowered the gurney (Y/N) noticed the 26 year old male. She had know him all her life, her heart clenched in pain at the sight of the person in front of her. 
“Oh my god Tom!” (Y/N) cried as she reached for his hand “Get an OR ready we need to operate stat.” she rushed to the side of her husband taking his hand into hers. At that very moment time stood still, the sound of reality went mute everyone moving around the hospital were moving every so slowly. As they got closer to the OR (Y/N) close friend Vivian rushed to her side “(Y/N) hey! No you can’t scrub in, he’s your husband we can’t work on family remember?” (Y/N) shook her head no as she looked between Vivian and the doors of the OR. 
“He’s my Tommy Vivian, I need to be by his side.. I- I need to be with him.” (Y/N) pleaded, she didn’t turn the papers in yet so she could still call him her husband, she could still call him her Tommy. Vivian sighed as she took (Y/N) into a hug “I know you want to be by his side hun, but you can’t scrub in.. I’ll scrub in for you okay? I just want you to stay here and contact his family and comfort them okay?” (Y/N) nodded pulling away from Vivian to allow her to go into the OR.
She paced back and forth awaiting for the arrival of Tom’s family and Harrison. It’s been almost thirty minutes since the operation started and every passing minute was killing her slowly. “(Y/N)” a voice called halting her train of thoughts she turned to see Nikki along with the rest of the Holland family and Harrison “Mom” (Y/N) whispered meeting Nikki halfway engulfing her into a hug as freshly fallen tears streamed down her cheeks. Everything was happening so suddenly, she didn’t care about the divorce, Tom was once her everything and still is. When she was with Tom, time stood still and their problems were forgotten. 
Harrison and (Y/N) had gone to get coffee together, they walked in silence Harrison knew everything of course he would, Harrison was his best friend. 
“Do they know?” Of course they don’t know, she didn’t tell them nor did Tom. 
“No, no they don’t.” she whispered as she poured the coffee into the cup “Did you finalize the divorce?” she set down the kettle and sighed turning to look up at Harrison. 
“No, I didn’t finalize the divorce, why? Because I regret getting them in the first place, I miss having him sleep next to me or sleeping in his shirts when he’s away filming. Now.. now I have to wait to find out if he’s okay, do you know what the last thing I told him was? I told him I was willing to sign away 12 years.. It’s been two weeks and now I don’t want that to be the last thing I told him. I want to be able to tell him i love him and we can get through this and divorce isn’t the answer.”  
“Tommy!” (Y/N) shouted kicking off her dreadful heels she’d been using all day “In the kitchen!” Tom answered as (Y/N) ran into the kitchen as giddy as a child. “What is it? What happened? Is everything okay?” Tom questioned turning the heat of the stove on low before walking up to his wife. 
“I passed Tommy! I’m officially a resident!” Tom took his wife into his arms lifting her off her feet as he spun her around happily. “My wife is going to be the best surgeon out there!”
It was the little things like this, the little things that always made her smile the little things that made time stop and the world went mute. The only thing that mattered was they had each other in their embrace.
An hour has passed and still no word on Tom or how the surgery is going.  She bit on her thumb as she watched the clock, nothing was happening everything was moving ever so slowly.
“I should go check up on him, see how the surgery is going..” (Y/N) trailed on standing up from the chair only to be held back by Nikki. “(Y/N), hun. Just wait here with us please? When they have new they’ll tell us.” She didn’t want to wait, she wanted to be by his side. 
“Tommy are you sure they’ll like me?” First time meeting the family of your boyfriend, it was nerve racking it’s always nerve racking when it comes to meeting the family.
Tom cupped (Y/N) cheeks and placed a kiss on her forehead “They’re gonna love you as much as I do trust me.” That was reassuring and wait did he say love? Did he say love you as much as I do? Did Tom just say I love you? 
(Y/N) shook her head focusing on making a good first impression, in which she did. The night was filled with laughter and embarrassing photo’s of baby Tom, Tom was right though his family loved and adored her. Talked about how she was all Tom could talk about, every dinner topic was (Y/N) and how much he loved her.
The couple sat in the car together in silence, Tom was currently parked in (Y/N) drive way of her home she stared at her hands before speaking “Do.. do you love me?” her question came out small and like a whisper she glanced at Tom who sat there speechless his mouth left agape but nothing was coming out. 
“I- Gosh I’m rushing it am I? I’m such a div! I-I yes I love you so much and I understand if you don’t love me back yet, well at least you maybe like me back I don’t want to push you to say I love you ba-” (Y/N) leaned forward closing the gap between them as she captured his lips with hers.
The kiss was slow and full of passion, warming her up inside as she slowly pulled away.
“I love you too Thomas Stanley Holland.”
The first time you say I love you, the first fight you have, every time a first happens in a relationship time stands still because all that matters is the two of you in that moment. You and your significant other.
Two hours, and still nothing. By now everyone seemed to be taking a nap or down at the cafeteria or looking around the gift shop. Leaving (Y/N) alone with her thoughts.
It was one of those nights, one of those days where nothing is going right. Where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and everything you do doesn’t go right. That was the day (Y/N) was having, she had to call a code blue today and it scared the living hell out of her. Losing someone she loved so dearly, she drove home that night in the rain setting the mood just right. 
She entered her home drenched kicking off her heels as she walked into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. “Hey, when did you get home?” Tom questioned walking up to his wife wrapping his arms around her waist resting his chin on her shoulder. 
“Not too long ago..” she answered wrapping her own arms around his, she was tense and he felt that. He placed a small kiss on her neck before turning her around “Let’s go fix you a bath yeah?” (Y/N) nodded allowing Tom to grab her wine glass and lead her up the stairs.
They spent the rest of the night talking about her day, Tom washed her hair with her favorite vanilla-lavender shampoo and conditioner and lathered her body in a sweet tropical soap massaging her tense back. 
That night they spoke about anything and everything.
“(Y/N)?” a familiar voice spoke drawing (Y/N) attention, she met eyes with Vivian she quickly stood up from her seat “Viv, is everything okay? Can we see him?” she was anxious of course she would be, her husband was in surgery for two hours she had every right to be anxious.
“The surgery went well, we’re setting up a private room for him. You may seem him in ten minutes, I’ll come by to get you guys okay?” Everything was going to be okay, everything was going to be fine.
They all stood outside the room, unsure of who should go first. 
“(Y/N) you should go first.” Dom spoke up earning a nod from Nikki “We’ll be waiting out here.” It was nerve racking to say the least, the fact that she had their signed divorced papers sitting at home and still called him her husband. 
She sat down beside him taking his hand into her’s, it was cold compared to warm hands. “Tommy..” she whispered kissing the back of his hand “I’m sorry I brought home those divorce papers, I’m sorry I didn’t try as hard as you did. Tommy.. the house is so empty without you, I’m lost without you. Time is passing by every so quickly but when I’m with you.. Time stands still. So I want you to wake up because I love you so much.. I’ll rip those goddamn divorce papers because I know that we can make this work. I am not willing to sign away 12 beautiful years together.”
“Awe darling..” a groggy voice said causing (Y/N) eyes to snap towards Tom “My life is not complete without you by my side.” the tears she held back cascaded down her cheeks she stood up from her seat and peppered kisses onto Tom’s face. “Oh my god! Tommy, Tommy you’re awake you’re okay!” she whispered earning a small groan from Tom “Oh! Sorry.. I’m sorry.” she whispered sitting back in her seat.
He brought her hand to his lips giving it a small kiss “I should be the one to apologize, I’m so sorry I broke our vow and didn’t.. didn’t tell you about that night.. I regret it so much (Y/N) I really do. My stupidity got the best of me and I well did what I shouldn’t have done. So if you could give me a second chance I promise you that I will own up to my vow.” 
Later that evening (Y/N) went home and got rid of the divorce papers gathered some clothes so stay over night at the hospital till Tom was cleared to be discharged. From that moment, everything changed. it was a good change.
There’s a quote some where out there that goes, sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed, and rearranged to relocate us to the place we’re meant to be.
Four years later..
A lot happens over time, people change, families grow.. Family.
Now the Holland family is slowly growing, they were blessed with twins. The odds of having a boy and girl is 50% and well they were the lucky fifty percent. 
“Mommy mommy!” Brooklyn exclaimed as she tugged at her mother’s robe “Shh Brook hun if you want to surprise daddy we need to be extremely quiet. Boston sweetie can you carry the big card you got for daddy?” Boston was a mommy’s boy and Brooklyn was a daddy’s girl. 
They walked up the stairs quietly as Tom slept soundly in their master bedroom “When we get inside I want you to scream surprise okay?” the twins nodded tip toeing into the bedroom.  For three year olds they weren’t the kids that had horrible terrible three’s, they were well respected kids. Cute well respected kids, the weird thing was they were each a mini version of the two of you. Brooklyn had your facial features but Tom’s attitude, Boston looked like Tom but had his mommy’s nose and an attitude of his mom. Weird how genetics works. 
“Ready?” the twins nodded eagerly as (Y/N) opened the door quietly “Surprise!” the twins screamed in a unison causing Tom to jerk in his sleep tossing around the bed before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Woah! Breakfast in bed what a lovely surprise!” the twins jumped onto the bed as Boston handed the big card off to Tom. “Open Open!” he said joyfully as (Y/N) set their breakfast onto the coffee table.
She watched as Tom opened the card and read over what she had wrote “Get ready for a second round of morning sickness, there’s another on the way!” Tom looked at the card then back at his wife “Your?”(Y/N) nodded turning to the side lifting her shirt to reveal the small bump that was forming “We’re having another Holland.” 
Tom jumped out bed to engulf his wife into a hug spinning her around earning a small squeal “We’re having another baby!” the twins matched their excitement jumping around the bed with a smile on their face “A baby!” they shouted with laughter. 
That was their story, after a small obstacle they managed to over come it and live happily ever after. Time passes by so quickly that in between the blurs change happens whether it be good or bad. Just because one part of your life is coming to an end, it just means you’re starting a new chapter.
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
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spiderboysparker · 6 years
Day at the Beach with a Twist
Doctor!Tom Holland x Reader
Soulmate AU- Everyone has a black area on their body where they get touched by their soulmate and when they first touch, that area becomes colorful.
Warnings- Drowning, CPR, Hospitals, Fluff
Summary- Tom is at the beach with Tessa and Harrison when someone notices a drowned girl. Since Tom is a doctor, he does CPR and saves her. But then finds out she’s his soulmate.
Word Count- 1,639
A/N- I see a lot of Doctor!Tom lately and I got this idea from this post and really wanted to do it! I changed the idea a bit from a paramedic to Doctor!Tom.
Tom and Harrison were at the beach, running around with Tessa and tossing a frisbee for her to catch and chase after. It was a Saturday and Tom wasn’t working today, and neither was Harrison.
It was a beautiful day out so they decided to take Tessa to the beach and just relax. The sun was shining and it was warm out and slightly humid, but not enough for it to be unbearable.
“So how did that date go the other night?” Tom asks as he tosses the frisbee to Harrison who casts it toward the water, watching as Tessa lunges to catch it before it hits the water.
Tom looks back at Harrison who just shrugs “It wasn’t horrible, but when we found out we weren’t soulmates she wasn’t very happy.”
Tessa walks over by Harrison and sits down in the warm sand, the frisbee in her mouth. Harrison reaches down and takes it out of her mouth, petting her head softly before she wags her tail and jumps around.
“You’ll find your soulmate Haz, just like I’ll find mine sooner or later,” Tom says, glancing down at his black palms. Tom looks up as Harrison throws the frisbee again, Tessa eagerly chasing after it.
Harrison is about to reply when they hear a man shout “Someone help her!” Both of their gazes quickly go to where the man is pointing at a woman’s limp body in the water.
Tom runs out into the water before swimming to her body and holding onto her before swimming back to land. He lays her gently on the sand away from the water before checking for breathing.
When he doesn’t feel any breath coming out of her he checks for her pulse. When he realizes there’s no pulse either he starts performing CPR, pinching her nose and breathing air into her body. “Someone call 911!” He shouts and a woman goes to grab her phone to call for an ambulance.
As Tom is doing chest compressions he notices last minute that where his hands were placed was once black and is now fading to colors. Tom doesn’t stop chest compressions, feeling a little worried that he might not even get the chance to meet his soulmate before she dies in front of him.
After about 10 minutes she started coughing up water. Tom gently turned her onto her side as she vomited and spit out the water. After she was finished he carefully lays her on her back again as she was breathing on her own, looking around at the crowd of people with wide panicked eyes.
Tom cupped her cheeks and turned her head so she was looking at him. “What’s your name, darling?” He asks softly as he looks down at her.
“M-my name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n).” She says, her voice scratchy from the salt water irritating her throat.
“Alright, an ambulance is on the way, just try to relax until they show up.” Tom looks up at the crowd of people “Guys, give her some space. She’s going to be okay so you can leave her alone now.” He says and people reluctantly start leaving, still glancing back at them.
Harrison slowly approaches with Tessa at his side. He gets on his knees next to Tom, noticing his now colored palms and the colorful palm print shapes on her chest but doesn’t say anything about it.
Tessa walks up and starts licking (Y/n)’s cheeks, making her giggle slightly. “Tess, no. Get back, girl.” Tom says as he pushes her back. “Sorry about that, she just loves people.”
(Y/n) smiles weakly “It’s okay. Thank you for saving my life.” She says as she looks up at Tom.
“You don’t need to thank me, darling. I’m a doctor, so when something happens to someone I know when I need to help. I’m Tom, by the way.” He says and before she can reply paramedics run up to them.
They place the gurney next to (Y/n) and carefully lift her onto it and start carrying it to the ambulance. “Can you take Tessa home?” He asks Harrison as he follows the paramedics. Harrison nods and goes to take Tessa home.
When they get the gurney into the ambulance Tom gets in the back with them, giving the paramedics the information about what happened.
He looks down at (Y/n), who can barely keep her eyes open. “Get some sleep, darling. You must be exhausted.” He says and she nods tiredly, reluctantly closing her eyes and trying to relax.
When (Y/n) wakes up she’s in a hospital bed. As she sits up she winces at the soreness in her chest, reminding her of what had happened. As there is a light knocking on the door she looks up to see Tom standing in the doorway with a little teddy bear and a small smile. She noticed he’s in his doctors uniform.
She smiles back and waves him in. He walks in and hands her the teddy bear. As she takes it in her hands she takes notice of how soft it is. “What’s this for?” She asks.
Tom shrugs slightly and sits in the chair by her hospital bed. “Well, I felt like I should give you something. I wanted to tell you something, darling,” He starts and when she gives him a confused look he gives her a soft smile.
“When I started giving you CPR, I found out that we’re soulmates.” He says, holding up his now colorful palms.
(Y/n)’s eyes widen and she looks down her hospital gown, letting out a quiet gasp. “You not only saved my life, but you’re my soulmate too?” She asks and Tom nods.
She reaches her hand out and Tom holds her hand in his, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. “I hope that doesn’t bother you.” He says and she immediately shakes her head.
“It doesn’t bother me at all, Tom. I’m glad to meet you! It’s an odd way to meet, but I’m still grateful that we met.” She says, smiling at him as he kisses the back of her hand.
“You really scared me. I found out we were soulmates as I was doing CPR and I was worried I would lose you before we even met.” He replies quietly and looks down.
(Y/n) moves her hand up and cups his cheek softly as he looks back up at her. “You aren’t losing me, Tom. The handprints are on my chest because this is how we were supposed to meet.” She tells him before slowly moving over in the bed, wincing slightly as she moves. “Come and sit with me, Tom.”
“Are you sure? You’re sore and I don’t want to take up your space.” He replies and she just shakes her head.
“Come on, I’ll be fine.” She says and Tom gets out of the chair, sitting on the bed next to her and wrapping an arm around her back, careful not to hurt her.
As she lays her head on his chest Harrison knocks on the door and they look up at him. He has a small smirk on his face. “You guys look comfy.”
Tom rolls his eyes “Shut up, Div.” Harrison just laughs. “(Y/n), this is my mate, Harrison. He thinks he’s funny, but he’s not.”
(Y/n) giggles “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Harrison.” She holds her hand out and he shakes her hand.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m glad Tom got to meet you, despite the way he did.” Harrison says and she nods in understanding.
Tom looks at (Y/n) “Should we check you out and get you home?” He asks and she nods. 
“Yes, that would be nice.” She responds and Tom gets out of the bed. (Y/n) follows after him, getting out of the bed. 
Tom goes over to the counter by the sink and grabs a pair of clothes. “I brought you a pair of my clothes so you don’t have to change back into your swimsuit.” 
(Y/n) smiles “Thanks, Tom. I’ll go change now.” She takes them and heads to the bathroom to change. 
“When you said you’d meet your soulmate soon, I didn’t think you’d meet her that soon.” Harrison chuckles and Tom smiles. 
“Me neither, but I’m glad I met her,” Tom says. 
“She’s nice. I bet you two will be perfect for each other.” Harrison says and Tom nods in agreement.
She comes out of the bathroom and Tom walks towards her. “Ready?” He asks and she nods. 
They check her out of the hospital and they walk out in the parking lot to his car. He opens the door for her and she smiles, getting into the car. Tom gets in the driver's seat and they leave the hospital, (Y/n) giving Tom directions to her house. 
When they get to her house Tom parks in the driveway. He gets out and opens her car door for her. (Y/n) smiles and steps out of the car before Tom closes the door. 
They walk up to her front porch and when they get to the door (Y/n) turns to Tom. “Thank you again, Tom. For saving me and for keeping me company and bringing me home.” 
Tom grins “Of course love. You should get some rest. We can get some coffee together tomorrow morning if you’d like?” 
(Y/n) nods “I’d love that Tom.” She steps closer to him, leaning up and kissing him softly. Tom cups one of her cheeks and holds her close. 
Tom breaks the kiss after a bit, smiling softly. “I’ve gotta go, love. You get some rest.”  
She giggles and nods “Okay, I will.” Tom pecks her lips softly before going back to his car. (Y/n) waves at him before going inside, unable to keep the smile off of her face. 
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