#tom hiddleston and original character
viviennes-tears · 2 years
Birthing partner (Tom Hiddleston one shot)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion. 
Summary: Amy has gone into labour and she is all alone. Her boyfriend Brian isn't picking up his phone and her nerves are completely wrecked. She can't have this baby alone, although it has felt that way for most of her pregnancy, however without the love and support of her best friend Tom she wouldn't have gotten this far.
Warnings: Anxiety, pre-parental panic, cheating boyfriend, giving birth (not graphic) and some use of strong language
Amy tries her best to remember the lamaze breathing technique, as she pads barefoot across the hardwood floors at a somewhat fast, yet steady pace towards her phone that she left on the sofa. Once it was within reach she brought up her boyfriend Brain's number and held the phone up to her ear as it began to ring.
The droning sound of the ring wasn't very reassuring, in fact it was agonisingly nerve-wrecking with each second it continued to ring, right until the nasally drawl of Brain's voicemail began. "Hi, this is Brain Jones. Leave me a message or whatever after the beep." BEEP!
Amy took a deep breath to keep calm through the labour pains and on the exhale, "Brain, you jerk...it's time...where are you?! I-I need you with me, to hold my hand!" Upon hanging up Amy screamed in pain while tears began rolling down her cheeks, and she had one hand over her baby bump, and the other clutching a death-like grip on her phone. She stayed there for a while until the contraction subsided enough for her to sit down.
Everyone around her has been telling her the most horrible birth stories ever since she announced she was pregnant, almost scaring her out of having this baby altogether. But without the love and support of her best friend Tom she wouldn't have gotten this far otherwise. God knows she needs all the support she can get.
Brain on the other hand certainly has been absent for most of her pregnancy and he hardly reassured her whenever her anxiousness was getting the best of her. He's missed a lot of the doctor appointments and he's missed every single parenting class. Plus any other preparations that needed to be made and the bounding time he could have had with Amy before the baby's arrival he avoided. He used every possible thin and lame excuse he could think of to get out of as much of the baby stuff as possible. Actually he had barely even picked up a paint brush to decorate the nursery, despite the amount of times she'd ask him politely, he was just always out of the door instead. And while Brain took a back seat Tom stood up to the mark and picked up the slack. Even though he's not the father he couldn't abandon his best friend and he genuinely enjoyed every second he spent helping her out. He went to as many parenting classes as he could with her so she wasn't always alone, he drove her to all the doctor's appointments that Brain hadn't gone to (which was just two), Tom also surprised Amy one day after he finished decorating the nursery. Amy was lost for words that day, she could only hug and thank him for the most beautiful nursery ever, it was better than she could imagine it to be.
He's been the perfect self-titled Uncle to her unborn child.
However, as the contractions became stronger and closer together after some time had passed, Amy was at the end of her sanity thread and she couldn't be alone anymore. Besides, it was clear Brian was in no rush to be there for her, so she decided to phone Tom, as she knew she stood a better chance of getting to the hospital with his help.
"Darling, I was just thinking..." Tom's familiar voice began on the other end of the line, after picking up after a couple of rings, only he was quickly cut off.
"Toooom." Amy whaled through the pain.
"Amy, what's wrong?!" Tom could feel the panic raise up rapidly from the pit of his stomach. While panic-stricken he got up onto his feet, and with such haste that his head felt dumb, as if he was experiencing brain freeze after eating too much ice cream too fast.
"Tom...Tom I'm scared and-and alone..." she says in between shaky and blubbery breaths. "The-the baby is coming now!"
"Ok, keep breathing for me, just like we learnt in class. I'll be right there." Tom took deep breaths himself and then pushed the panicking mess down. Once he had collected himself together and cursed Brain, knowing full well that he wasn't there for her, he grabbed his jacket and keys on the way out.
Tom soon arrived and let himself into Amy's home with the spare key she gave him in case of emergencies. He was also quick to find her leaning against the kitchen counter with a glass of water in hand. He greeted her with a kiss to her forehead and preyed the glass from her shaky grasp before putting his hand into hers. His calmness was welcomed with a crooked smile and a thankful squeeze to his hand in hers as he helped coach her with her breathing too.
On their way out Tom scooped up a packed bag from by the door which had been packed for at least a month ready for this exact moment. He knew he didn't need to check it before leaving, as he'd done that enough times already leading up to his moment, plus he knew he wanted to keep her calm, and the sooner they were on their way the better. Although when they were out on the road Amy almost went into a full blown panic attack, thankfully Tom reached over and he squeezed her knee every time the pain was getting too much. It reassured her that he was still there and his soothing voice kept talking to her too which helped her loads.
As soon as they arrived at the hospital Tom carried Amy in bridal style as she couldn't walk due to the amount of pain she's in. Then everything went by in a quick blur and before she knew it she found herself in a hospital bed giving birth.
Amy's death-like grip held Tom's hand close to her chest and her nails dug into the soft flesh. He didn't mind at all, all he cared about was being there for her. He just whispered words of encouragement into her ear, patted her sweat-beaded forehead down with a cool cloth, and helped coach her through her breathing and the pushing. His warm breath on her ear, the light touch of his lips on her neck, and his soothing voice helped her immensely. Albeit she wasn't shy when it came to cursing and wishing Brain to go to hell in between it all.
Amy's beautiful baby boy lay snuggly in his thick warm blankets in her arms. His small delicate fist wrapped around her pointer finger after she lovingly stroked his soft face. Tears couldn't be stopped once he held her finger. He was adorable and so tiny in her arms. Also Tom was so proud of her and he felt honoured that he could be there for this special moment. Although deep down he felt saddened and angry by the fact Brain couldn't be bothered to answer his phone. He should have been here for her, he should be there to greet his son into the world, on the other hand in some deep inner selfish way he was glad Brain wasn't there. As selfish as he knew it was, but he knew Brain didn't deserve such an incredible woman like Amy, nor did he deserve to try and be a good father. Right now this is exactly what Tom always wanted out of life and he couldn't understand why Brain was such a dick.
"Could you hand me my phone, please?" Tom was hesitant to hand Amy her phone, he didn't want this feeling, this moment together to go away so soon. However he managed to push his selfishness to one side and passed Amy her phone.
As Amy cradled her baby boy in one arm she rang Brain on her phone with the free hand. Just like earlier it went to voicemail after it rang out, only this time Amy tried his number as soon as she hung up before the beep sounded. Surprisingly the phone was picked up this time after three rings.
"Brain, what the hell?! You missed the birth of your son..." Amy began to speak sternly, but she tried to keep a lid on her anger so as not to disturb her little boy.
"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, it's not Brain." A childish female voice suddenly spoke and caused Amy to feel sick to her stomach.
"W-wha, who's this!? Where's Brian?!" Amy demanded and her newborn squirmed in his sleep.
"Br-Brain...oh god...yes...Brain..."
Amy began to cry all over again for a completely different reason and she couldn't listen to another word, she already had an idea what was going on, she just didn't need to hear it. Tom instantly saw the mixed emotions flash across her face and he was quick to wrap his arm around her shoulders. Her head fell against his shoulder, her eyes closed tightly, and her hand reached up and grabbed onto his shirt instead of holding onto her phone, as she continued to cry and her already exhausted body shook.
"Shh darling, I've got you." Tom didn't need to know the details right now, but he felt as though for a long time he already knew deep down. Brain had fucked up. "Don't worry, Uncle Tom is here to take care of both of you." He kisses her forehead and slowly rocks both mother and son gently.
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears​
10 notes · View notes
vbecker10 · 6 months
Loki's Silent Sentry (Part 1)
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor being an absolute ass, Odin being a terrible father
A/N: I did some googling quickly for military terms and ranks (since I have no previous knowledge of them) as well as some basic information about the royal guards in England. I took some of what I found interesting and then made up most of the rest to fit what I needed for my story so there will be some similarities. Also... I haven't written anything in like a year (maybe longer) so be nice please 💚💚
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You stand at constant attention in silence outside of Prince Loki's private office. You listen to the birds singing through the open window across the hall from where you are posted and wonder how long you could go without making a sound. You have been trained by the Royal Army for years to remain silent, vigilant, always listening and watching your surroundings for anything dangerous or out of the ordinary. You are always on guard, ready to protect Prince Loki should the need arise. Not that someone with his fighting skills or magic would need protection from a simple soldier like you. You were assigned this post purely because it was customary for each member of the royal family to have a sentry, whether they actually need one or not.
Your attention is drawn to the sound of footsteps approaching from your left. You are unable to determine how many people are coming but judging by their pace and heavy boots, they are most likely all soldiers. Commandant Thorn, the soldier in charge of your company, makes his way down the hall at a steady pace. He is followed by your captain, Captain Skye who is holding a leather bound book containing the names of all the sentries and their current posts. Trailing the two older men, are four low ranking soldiers you can't remember the names of.
The group of soldiers comes to a stop in front of you and your fellow guard and you both salute your commanding officers. "Lieutenant Y/L/N," Captain Skye says, opening his book for a moment. He closes it and looks up at you, "Prince Loki will of course be attending the Winter Solstice Ball. You will be required to escort him to the ballroom and remain on guard there until he dismisses you for the evening."
You nod in response, carefully hiding the heavy emotions you have surrounding the upcoming ball. The soldiers move on and you are left alone with the other guard again. She says nothing to you and even if you were allowed to speak, you know Sergeant Sands wouldn't talk to you. She is not your friend, none of the members of the Royal Guard are your friends. It wasn't always this way though, it is only since you were promoted to the rank of lieutenant that the guards you work with began to distance themselves from you.
You had been assigned to Prince Loki for three months when you were promoted from sergeant to lieutenant. Your fellow soldiers immediately assumed the young prince had a hand in it as he did little to hide how he favored you over the other guards who were previously assigned to him. The rumors about you spending the night in Loki's chamber instead of guarding it flowed through the palace soon after. You adamantly denied these rumors and any favoritism from the prince but it was a wasted effort. It also happened that the rumors were true to a point.
The door to Loki's office opens and you stand at attention as the court accountant exits, holding several rolls of paper and mumbling to himself. Sargeant Sands follows him without any orders needed, she is his sentry and will go where he goes. As she walks past by, she glances at you with what can only be described as a look of disgust. You look down at your boots, fully aware of what she is thinking.
You wait quietly for Loki to open the door again but you know him, he will want to read through all of his notes from today before he finalizes his meeting schedule for tomorrow. You have roughly half an hour until he will be done, half an hour to stand here and think about the dreaded Winter Solstice Ball.
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Another half an hour later, as expected, Loki opens the door and walks out. Waving his hand towards the door, he uses his magic to seal the room. He smiles warmly at you and you smile back at him for the first time today. This was your favorite part, the part where the sun goes down and Loki frees you from your constant silence.
He touches your cheek softly and leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back but pull away quickly as you hear footsteps approaching. You step away from Loki and stand at attention as Prince Thor comes around a corner. You keep your eyes straight ahead but you can feel Loki stiffening next to you, he and his brother get along much better when they are at court than they do in private.
The brothers greet each other politely and you silently wish the older prince would simply continue on his way but it doesn't seem likely. Your attention shifts to the window across the hall from you again, you can just barely glimpse the sunset over the tall evergreen trees in the distance. You know Loki will tell you if he and Thor discuss anything interesting so there is no need for you to listen to their conversation. The two of them continue for several long minutes before you realize Thor has said something to you.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N?" Thor says and you shake your head as you shift your focus.
"I'm sorry your highness, I was unaware you were speaking to me," you apologize. He had never spoken to you before and you were unsure why he would start now. Loki folds his arms across his chest and you feel uneasy at how annoyed he seems.
Thor laughs which does nothing to make you feel better. "I was wondering what it was about you that made you my brother's favorite," he says. "You must truly be special, a sentry's post typically only lasts three months, perhaps six at the most. You have been with Loki for how long now?"
You think for a moment before replying. You had been assigned to Loki for only a month before he first spoke to you and you had quickly become close friends. Three months after becoming friends with the prince, you slowly became more until you were completely in love with him.
"Fourteen months," you answer him in as few words as possible.
Thor looks at his younger brother with a smirk, "Fourteen?" Loki remains silent and you can tell his older brother is not even close to letting you leave soon. He turns his attention to you again, "So is it true then?"
"Is what true your highness?" you ask quietly.
"That you follow my brother's orders when you are wearing your armor and when you are not?" he laughs and his sentry smiles then looks towards the ground. "I could use a sentry like that, I grow tired of being followed by these shadows."
Loki's fist clenches but he answers Thor calmly. "Maybe if you learned your sentries name and weren't so insufferable to be around, they would remain at your service for longer than a month at a time," Loki says. "And you are the last person I would expect to listen to palace rumors. According to the most recent ones I've heard, you've slept with nearly half of the kitchen staff this month alone."
Thor smiles, proud of himself. You and Loki realize the stories you had overheard were true, if not understated. He explains, "That is why I assume the rumors of you and your little pet are true as well."
You find yourself in that brief moment wishing Loki would confirm everyone's suspensions. Not necessarily that you were sleeping together, that you were in love and wanted to be together. You know wishing for this is as useful as wishing it would rain gold. Once again you remind yourself that this is the way it will always be, until he marries a woman of high status and you are forgotten.
Instead of responding, Loki turns from his brother and walks down the hall towards the stairwell that leads to the royal family's chambers. You follow him silently, staying a few steps behind as always.
"Come now brother, I was merely joking," Thor calls from behind you but neither of you stop walking.
The two of you continue on in silence until you reach the top of the stairs and Loki's pace slows so he is walking next to you. His hand finds yours, his thumb gently stroking your knuckles. As soon as you feel his touch, you begin to relax.
"I'm sorry about my brother," he says quietly.
"His behavior isn't your fault," you reply. "And he is far from the first person to corner me about our relationship. I am used to denying the truth."
He stops, causing you to turn back towards him, your hand still holding his. He then takes a few small steps, closing the distance between you. Loki touches your cheek gently with his other hand. "I'm sorry Y/N," he tells you again. "I wish we didn't have to hide but you know there are some rules even I cannot break so openly. Maybe I should have hid my favoritism towards you better but I couldn't bear to have you reassigned. You mean too much to me."
You smile, "So I am your favorite sentry?"
He lets out a laugh, "You are my favorite person in the nine realms." You giggle at his answer and his fingers trail down your cheek until his thumb gently runs across your lips. He leans down to kiss you but just as his lips touch yours, you feel your heart jumps in your chest.
You hear several sets of footsteps and separate yourself from Loki in an instant. He looks down the hall as his mother, two of her maids and one guard come into view. She smiles brightly at both of you as she comes closer and you bow to the queen in respect. You find it hard to miss the side eye from her sentry or the whispers shared between her maids. Loki gives his mother a hug and wishes her a goodnight. She tells him to have a goodnight as well and continues on her way.
You and Loki walk off in the opposite direction towards his chambers and once you are alone again, Loki moves to take your hand but you flinch away. He looks hurt by your momentary rejection but he doesn't say anything. He knows how nervous you are about being seen touching him or speaking to him. You round the next corner and are flooded with relief as Loki's door finally comes into view. You fight the urge to smile, holding onto your composure as you've been trained.
Loki opens the door and steps inside, you follow him as you always do and he closes the door. He flicks his wrists towards you without a word and the heavy armor you wear over your clothing instantly settles itself neatly into a large chest. You take a few deep breaths, feeling as if most of the weight you have been carrying leaves you, but not all.
"Thank you your highness," you say out of habit.
"Please, never call me that in here," he reminds you gently. "In here I'm not a prince, I'm just Loki." He walks towards you and you don't realize you are moving away from him until your back hits the door and his body comes flush to yours. One hand settles on your hip while his other hand lifts your chin, causing you to look up at him. He continues, "And you are not Lieutenant Y/L/N, you are Y/N. The woman I am so deeply in love with." He smiles and you can't help but smile back at his words. All your worries vanish the instant his lips meet yours.
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You lay in Loki's arms watching the sunlight fill his room through the sheer curtains. You try to memorize the sound of his slow, steady breathing and the feel of his heart beat against your back as he holds you even in his sleep. You inhale deeply and focus on deciphering every herb and oil Loki uses to keep his hair soft. Closing your eyes, you use your senses to bring an image of Loki's face into your mind and try to hold it there.
"What are you thinking about my love?" he asks in a sleepy voice. You open your eyes and shift closer to him, pulling his arms tighter around your body. "Y/N, what's wrong?" he asks, now much more awake.
You swallow hard, trying to find the words. You had been thinking about what you needed to do most of the night but now that it was time, you weren't sure you would be able to do it.
"I've told you, you can speak freely here," he says softly, urging you gently as always to speak your mind when you were with him. His fingers move slowly up and down your arm as he tries to comfort you without knowing what is causing your distress.
"I need to transfer to a new post," you tell him. You hear him inhale sharply as his fingers suddenly go still.
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You stand outside Loki's office with Thor's new guard and two others in silence waiting for a very long meeting to conclude. You stifle a yawn and shift uncomfortably on your feet before regaining your composure. The tall guard standing across from you rolls his eyes while the woman next to him mumbles something that can only be about you.
It has been two days since you told Loki you wanted to transfer and you hadn't heard anything from your commanding officer. In the meantime, you decided to go back to sleeping in your assigned room at the soldiers quarters. You had forgotten how much you hated it there. The common areas are loud and there is little privacy, everyone is in everyone else's business. You barely leave your room, which is a surprise to no one. They wouldn't speak to you even if you did. You live in a world of utter silence surrounded by never ending noise.
You feel as if you are shattering from the inside out and you try to remind yourself that it needs to be this way. The two of you hid in his chambers as if it protected your relationship but it could never be real. How could it be when he could barely acknowledge your presence when in public. He is a prince and you are a soldier as were your parents, you were not high born. Loki is destined to marry the daughter of a council member and you will guard them and their children.
The door to Loki's office opens, you and the three guards stand at attention. Prince Thor walks out first, followed by two council members. They walk off in different directions, shadowed closely by their sentries but you remain, as always, at Loki's door.
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You stare at the wall in front of you for what feels like eternity. Your mind wanders between your favorite memories from your brief time with Loki and the crushing weight of your current reality. You stand up straighter when you hear the door swing open and Loki steps out.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N," he says, "I need to speak with you."
You nod and follow him into his office, closing the door behind you. You stand motionless, taking in his office and how much it feels like him. The dark wood bookshelves crowded with leather bound books, the chair pulled close to the window so he can see the garden below when drinking his afternoon tea, the green and gold accents on various pieces of furniture.
You sigh to yourself as you follow him to his desk. He takes a seat and you stand across from him with your arms behind your back, waiting for him to speak first.
"Y/N," he says informally but you don't relax. "Your transfer to a new post was not approved."
"Can I ask why your highness?" you keep the formalities as you've been trained.
"The Winter Solstice Ball is in less then a week," he answers as if you could forget. "The Royal Guard seems to be too busy tightening security and preparing for everyone's arrival to complete your paper work at this time."
"Understood, your highness," you say. "I should return to my post." You turn to head back outside of his office.
"Wait," he calls and you freeze just before you reach the door. You hear him get up from his seat and walk around the desk. "Please stay, talk to me Y/N. I miss you so much it hurts."
"I can't," you say almost in a whisper
He touches your arm and you turn to face him, seeing the pain in his eyes. "I miss the way your laughter filled my chambers. I miss hearing you hum to yourself when you think I can't hear you. I miss the sound of your voice and how easy it is to talk to you," he says and you force down a smile and the urge to hold him tightly.
"I can't bear to be without you," he tells you and you want to tell him you can't be apart from him either but you remain silent for fear you'll lose your resolve completely. He strokes your cheek gently and you close your eyes as you lean into his touch. "I love you," he says.
"I love you too," you tell him, seeing a spark of hope light his eyes. You shake your head and take a step away from him, "But I can't do this. I'm sorry." Before he can say anything else you tell him, "It will only hurt more the longer we wait to end this."
"We don't have to end this, now or ever," he insists as he steps towards you. "I promise I will find a way for you to be mine, not just when we are hidden away, but always. You believe me, don't you?"
"I want to," you tell him truthfully. Loki had promised several times to find a way to marry you but you thought it was false hope. "But this isn't a fairytale my prince, we don't always get a happy ending."
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You want to disappear into the marble floor, to be sucked into the wall behind you or simply vanish into thin air but you can't. Instead, you must stand perfectly still and silent as you watch the dancing and merriment around you. You momentarily wish you would go back to a time when you didn't feel an ache in your chest at the mere thought of another woman being in Prince Loki's arms. Shaking your head just slightly, you chase away the thought. As much as this hurts, you will always cherish the limited time you shared with him.
The music changes tempo as the first of seven courses comes to an end. Couples begin to take to the open floor in the center of the ballroom. Prince Thor and Prince Loki make their way to the group of single, eligible women awaiting them, each at a different pace. The older prince seems to now exactly which woman he would like to spend time with first. He offers his arm to her and declares her the most beautiful woman at the ball, causing her to blush and giggle. The younger prince takes his time walking to the crowd and simply takes the hand of the closest woman without so much as glancing at her. His lack of interest does little to dampen her excitement however.
The dozen or so women who were not chosen move away from the dance area and you have to hold back a groan as they gather directly in front of you to wait for a chance with one of the princes. You can't help but listen to them discuss which prince they think is better looking or who they would prefer picked them. The first song ends and the two princes each select another dance partner. Again, Prince Thor takes little time deciding who he wants while Prince Loki simply offers his hand to the first woman he sees. You can practically hear him sigh as she holds his arm and walks quickly to the dance floor.
As the second song begins, one of the women briefly looks at you over her shoulder before motioning towards you to her friends. Your ears go red with embarrassment as she tells them the rumors of your past relationship with Loki just loud enough that she knows you will hear. Of course she gets the ending wrong. She assumes, like everyone else, that the prince grew tired of you and banished you from his bed chambers. You had to admit, it seemed a far more likely story than the truth.
You shift your attention to the ceiling for a moment, hoping that counting the candles in the chandeliers will distract you from their stares and comments. You only count to twenty seven before the sound of a glass shattering draws your gaze back to the guests. A council member laughs loudly, clearly drunk already, as a servant cleans the wine glass from the dance floor.
Your eyes scan the room and easily find Loki at the center of the crowd, a third woman in his arms. Your drawn to his face, studying his features. He smiles at the woman as he twirls her and she giggles but she doesn't know him like you do. She doesn't know that's the smile he uses at court, not the smile he shows you. Showed you, you correct yourself. He glances away, not holding eye contact with her as they move effortlessly across the dance floor.
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After the final course is served, the dance floor fills for the last time and you sigh with relief that the night is almost over. You shift on your feet, looking down for a moment when the chatter of the women in front of you begins again. Why must they stand here to wait, you think to yourself.
The princes once again make their way to their potential dance partners and Thor makes his pick quickly. Loki stands in front of the women for a moment and your eyes lock with his as he looks between them.
"Pardon me," he says politely to the crowd as he moves forward, slipping past the confused women. He makes his way towards you and your breath catches in your throat. He stands in front of you and holds out his hand. You look at him, stunned by his actions. He smiles when you don't move, "Will you dance with me, my love?" Still you remain silent, looking past Loki to see how much attention his actions have drawn. "Don't look at them," he says, touching your cheek softly as you look at him again.
You steady your nerves and place your hand in his. The moment his fingers close around yours, you are surrounded by a light cloud of green, shimmery smoke. When Loki's magic fades, you are wearing a flowing emerald green gown with golden trim, perfectly matching his dress uniform. Your hair has been restyled to hold a small gold tiara with short horns, mirroring the helmet he had worn during his entrance.
"Gods, you look gorgeous in my colors," he says with a wide smile, causing you to blush. "To be fair, you are always beautiful but now it is clear to everyone here that you are mine." You feel as if your heart might burst when he calls you his, he had said it before but only when you were hidden away.
Loki keeps his fingers interlaced with yours as he leads you to the dance floor, straight through the group of now very angry women. Some cross their arms, others give you dirty looks and several make rude comments as you pass. You pause before stepping onto the dance floor, the chatter and stares coming from the guests near you holding you back. He senses your hesitation and leans down to place a kiss gently on your cheek.
Your mind can barely begin to process what is happening as he takes you straight to the middle of the dance floor. He places one hand on your hip and you place your hand on his shoulder as you had done so many times over the last few months. You and Loki shared several secret dances in his chambers and his office, he found it difficult to listen to music sitting still.
He holds you close, his eyes never leaving yours while you dance between the other guests. You focus on how amazing it feels to be back in his arms, ignoring the strange looks and whispers that surround you. He twirls you gracefully and you spin back into him, giggling as you final feel at ease. As the song draws to a close, Loki spins you one final time. When he pulls you back to him, he leans down slightly and your lips meet his.
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You smile up at him, hoping this isn't a dream when you see his mother approaching you. You take a step away from Loki but he keeps his hand on your waist, not letting you go too far. You bow to the queen and she says, "I think it is my turn to dance with my son."
You nod quickly in agreement and Loki let's go of you, his magic fading instantly as your armor reappears. You walk through the crowd with your head down and return to your post, once again wishing you were invisible. The women watch you, gossiping wildly as you pass again. You can only imagine what they are saying but they are not your biggest concern at the moment.
Anxiously, you watch Queen Frigga and her son move across the dance floor. You can't hear what they are saying of course, but you can tell by her expression that there will be consequences for his actions. As the song ends you see your captain approach you and your stomach drops. Loki will not be the only one to be punished for choosing you.
"The king had summoned you to the throne room," he says in a stern voice. You nod in acknowledgement and when you look back towards the dance floor, Loki and his mother are gone.
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I'm almost done with the second part so please let me know if you would like to be tagged! I hope you liked it and if you did, please like, share and comment 💚💚
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lulubelle814 · 3 months
A Marriage of Convenience - Part 2
Part 3
A Marriage of Convenience Masterlist
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The first test came at an abruptly arranged family dinner. “You would marry in haste? To this secretary? This must be one of your schemes to secure your place as my successor, and I will not stand for it! 
Loki sighed deeply. “I am aware of how this must seem.” His fingers entangled with Eva's on the table. “I assure you. It is not. This is the result of your meddling, your attempt to spy on me. We've grown close over these past few months. I know it seems quick, but we had no desire to wait. Even you can admit that love is not always patient.”
His father scoffed at his words as he watched his son kiss the hand of his new bride. “She is my better half, and I needed to make her mine before she would realize how much better she could do.” 
Frigga laughed a little.  She knew her adopted son had little patience for much of anything, but she could sense there was something not quite right; however, she said nothing, opting to see how this would play out, believing Loki would come to realize he’d met his match.  Yes, Eva was a quiet girl, but Frigga saw a strength deep inside her.  It just needed to be let out, and Loki was the perfect man to do so.
“I wish we could have been at the wedding, but Loki is not known for his patience.  Please, Eva dear, tell me about it?”
Thankfully Eva and Loki had spoken about it, but not in great detail and was both surprised and relieved when Eva answered but didn’t quite stick to the agreed upon story.  “We never said anything at the office.  We didn’t want to bring attention to ourselves, stir up rumors and such.  So we kept it a secret.  He didn’t care for me at first, when Odin first assigned me to Loki, but over time, Loki and I became close.  We’d started dating before we even realized we were doing it, only hanging out as friends at first.  I can’t speak for Loki, but I fell hard and fast.  It was like the missing part of me had finally been found.  A couple of weeks ago, we were walking about on an extended lunch and ended up in front of the courthouse.  Next thing we knew, we signed papers and came out as husband and wife.  I couldn’t be any happier, and I have Odin to thank for it.”
Loki had to keep from choking on his food when she thanked Odin.  That was not something he’d thought of putting in their story, but it was a nice touch.  Reaching over, his hand found hers, fingers intertwining.  “It was like magic.”
Odin turned a few different shades of red as Eva spoke, but when she thanked him for the two getting together, he lost his shit, standing up and storming out.  There was nothing he could do because he was the one pushing Loki to find a wife, and Loki took great pride in this as his father had always given him a hard time.  He’d have to remember to get his fake wife a thank you gift.  
“Don’t mind him.  Business has been crazy lately, and it’s left him quite stressed.  Eva, I don’t see a ring on your finger.  Loki, you have to get that fixed very soon.”  
“I agree, mother.  It was very spur of the moment, and I’d planned on taking my dear Eva to Harry Winston this weekend so she can select the ring she deserves.”  Eva nearly spat out her food.  She’d heard of Harry Winston but didn’t dare think she could ever even afford to step in the store, much less get an engagement ring from there.  She could practically buy a car for what Loki would spend on a ring there!
“I think that is the best place to take her.  You’ll have to let me know what you select.”  The three of them concluded their dinner a few moments later.
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Once in the car and on the way back to Loki’s place, he gave a startling laugh.  “What’s so funny?”  Eva was confused, but Loki continued to laugh.  “I have to thank you, darling girl.  I’ve never seen Odin so angry!  You played your part very well, and I thank you for it.”  He lifted her hand up and kissed her knuckles as he continued to drive, leaving her a bit mystified.  Why would someone want to upset their father that much?
“Loki, why in the world are we going to Harry Winston for rings?  They’re absurdly expensive!”
All he did was smile when responding.  “Because, dear Eva, you deserve the best and should also look the part.  This is part of what we agreed upon.”
“I don’t need some giant, gaudy ring on my finger!”  He patted her thigh.  “Relax, Eva.  When the contract is over, you can keep the ring or sell it.  It’s up to you.”
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There was no arguing with him, and that’s how it remained when he practically dragged her to the Harry Winston store that weekend.  There was one he tried to get her to agree on, but she was adamant it was both too much, and too gaudy.
She looked around, trying to find something they could perhaps agree on until she saw one particular ring.
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“Madam has an excellent eye.  This is part of our bridal couture collection.  This particular one,” he spoke as he pulled out the ring, “has a 5 carat center diamond with 36 pear and round shaped diamonds surrounding it.”
“No, no.  I was just looking.  That’s much too nice for me,” she tried to protest.  The gentleman behind the counter carefully removed the ring from it’s soft pillow and gestured for her to try it on.  “Really, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”  That man was going to be the death of her.  “That ring is perfect for you.”  Loki took the ring from the salesman in one hand and picked up her left hand with his free one, sliding the ring on the fourth finger of her left hand.  “It’s like it was made for you.”  The gentleman behind the counter wholeheartedly agreed.  “It’s a perfect fit.” 
She couldn’t find it in her to disagree with him.  This ring was like something out of a cheesy rom com where the handsome millionaire fell in love with the dog walker.  ‘Holy shit!  That makes me the dog walker!’ She kept that thought to herself.
Before Eva knew it, they were walking out of the store, that ring remaining on her hand while Loki selected a simple platinum band.  “Why do you get the simple ring, and I get this giant one?”
Loki shrugged.  “I’m not much of a jewelry guy, but I couldn’t not wear anything.  And that ring is perfect for this charade.”
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When they arrived into the office Monday morning with a ring on her finger that she swore could be seen from space, the news of their marriage spread like wildfire and ended with the ladies of the office planning a post wedding engagement party, wanting to hear all the details and celebrate her ability to ring in the notoriously emotionally stunted, intransigent man who didn’t believe in marriage.
Little did she know that Loki was receiving similar treatment from the gentlemen in the office; however, he politely told them to mind their own business and fuck off.  Eva wished she could do that.
Dividers by @jiyascepter
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allthenobodyppl · 6 months
Title: Arousal Poisoning
Fandom: Loki TV Series
Rating: Explicit Smut
Relationship: Loki/Reader or Loki/Original Female Character
Other Characters: Mobius, B-15
This takes place in season 1, episode 2 of the Loki series; before Pompeii. Mobius took Loki and a team of hunters to a Nexus event on some inhospitable planet that had only one infrastructure – a prison that was supposed to house the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals. Every single criminal and prison guard had been executed and the prison ransacked. Mobius and Loki were supposed to investigate before the branched timeline collapsed, but a trap poisoned Loki and a (female) Hunter, causing them to fall into their baser instincts…
Or, in other words, a sex pollen, drug-induced, rough sex fanfic that can either be a self-insert, or an original female character, depending on your own interpretation.
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darknight3904 · 11 months
The Dress
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Asgard 1971 A.D. (Thor 26, Loki 26, Astri 24)  
   "I think she'll wear green, brother," Thor said 
   "Why does it matter what she wears?" Loki asked dismissively 
Thor smiled knowingly at his younger brother who was sipping at his wine pretending not to hide his face in his beverage. 
   "Oh, it does not. Not to me at least. The last time she wore green I thought your eyes were going to pop out of your head." Thor teased
Thor's words continued to bounce around in Loki's head all day and into the night. He hadn't seen much of Astri today since she was sparring with Sif and then practicing some new magic technique with his mother. They hadn't had lessons together in years after she and Loki got in a fight which ended in Frigga's favorite vase breaking and Loki's ego feeling rather bruised when Astri refused to talk to him for a week. He hadn't meant to antagonize her but his jealousy got the better of him and after she had been able to successfully multiply herself faster than him he had let out a string of insults which ended after he brought up her mother and father. Astri had shot him across his mother's chambers so fast that he barely had time to blink. 
   "Say another word, Loki and I'll toss you from the balcony next." Astri's voice was dripping in malice as her hands were still glowing their soft blue hue her magic put out.
   "I'd like to see you try," Loki had quickly quipped back righting himself while Frigga demanded they cease their actions at once 
Astri's hands had glowed once more and this time he went to the other side of the room and into his mother's favorite vase, a gift from his father when they married. 
Loki tossed and turned now in his bed, wishing he had been at whatever lesson his mother had been teaching today. No, it wasn't because he wanted to be better at whatever was being taught. He liked seeing Astri's face light up whenever she got something right. He had seen it often when they were children when learning about the history of Asgard in their shared classes. 
A quiet knock sounded, interrupting his nightly brooding. Loki removed himself from the pile of blankets and pillows he slept with nightly and pulled the door open to reveal Astri and a tall stack of books. 
   "I missed seeing you today so I figured I'd come to you." She explained entering his room without even asking and tossing the books onto his already overflowing desk.
  "It's very late, Astri." Loki sighed trying to pretend that he was tired and not at all happy to see her. 
   "So? We used to sneak into Thor's room and then hang him from the ceiling by his toes around this time when we were younger." She pointed out before selecting a book and jumping onto his bed
   "Yes, we did. But..." Loki trailed off eyeing her legs that were exposed by her night dress moving up as she got comfortable among his many pillows
   "Why do you have so many pillows? It's kind of impractical." She said utterly missing his wandering eyes
Loki felt a lump rise in his throat as she tossed a pillow towards him to get his attention as if he wasn't always watching whenever she entered the room.
   "Are you gonna put on a shirt and come over here or keep standing there?" She asked
Right. Clothes. He fumbled for the shirt he had discarded on the floor before climbing into bed hours earlier. He tried to calm his nerves before sliding under the covers next to her. One of his many pillows was squished behind her acting as back support while she began to explain the plot of whatever book she had chosen for their evening. Loki watched as her long hair moved while she gestured to the hand-drawn pictures of a large mountain on the first page. Her hair had always been mesmerizing for him. Even as a child, he had been interested in it, pulling at it for fun and just to get her attention. The result had been Astri cutting her hair up so it was chin length so she could avoid Loki's mean hands. Now, it was long again, streaming over her shoulders and down past her chest. God don't look at her chest!
   "Are you even listening to me?" She asked suddenly, reaching out to flick his forehead.
   "Of course." He lied, moving her hand away from him.
   "Then what just happened in this book?" She asked
Loki smiled before gently taking the book from her hands and setting it aside.
   "Does it matter? Why don't you show me what my mother taught you today?" He asked, leaning towards her
  "Are you going to get angry if you can't do it yourself?" She asked
  "No, of course not. That time I wasn't angry at you...I was upset with myself." He admitted
  "I know..." She softly said reaching for his hand with her smaller ones
  "So what did you learn today?" He asked letting her play with his fingers
   "Well I didn't succeed but Frigga was trying to teach me how to take over others' bodies." She responded a little sadly
   "Ah, enchantment. I've read about it." He nodded
   "Can you do it?" She asked
    "No. Not yet." He said, "I've tried on Thor in the past."
Astri nodded and looked back down at his hand in hers.
   "What are you wearing at tomorrow's festival?" He asked suddenly
   "Wouldn't you like to know," Astri smirked
   "I would actually," Loki replied
    "Why? Scared we'll show up in  matching dresses?" She laughed
   "Perhaps." Loki softly said 
   "Guess you'll just have to wait and find out." Astri smiled 
Loki woke the next morning to a stiff left arm and a slightly sore neck. The cause of the issues? Astri had fallen asleep next to him last night. She had convinced him to read to her and then proceeded to fall asleep almost immediately despite insisting she was not tired. He tried to slowly move her head off his arm and to the pillow next to her but instead was met with an ugly groan as she awoke. 
   "What're you doing I thought it was your turn to read." She groggily said 
   "Yes, it was my turn but you fell asleep mere moments after I began." He said standing up from the bed
   "Impossible, I wasn't even tired." She yawned before glancing out the glass doors that led to the balcony, "Damn it." 
   "It's alright, no one's perfect." He assured, "Except perhaps me." 
A large pillow came flying in his general direction before smacking the wall to his right. 
   "Awful throw." Loki commended 
This time, another one came flying and it hit him in the stomach with a surprisingly strong force. 
   "I win." Astri declared before slumping back into the bed and pulling the covers around her. 
   "You can't go back to bed, Astri," Loki said 
   "Sure I can. Watch me." She responded, her voice muffled by the pillow under her 
   "Today marks the beginning of the festivities for the Winter Solstice." Loki reminded 
Another loud groan came from the cocoon of blankets that was his friend before she unceremoniously removed herself from the bed. 
   "I'll see you later I guess." She said walking towards the door "I hope your dress is as nice as mine." 
   "It'll be far better," Loki said seriously 
Astri just shook her head and laughed as Loki shut the door behind her. 
   "It appears I was wrong, brother," Thor said amid sips of his drink 
Of course, he had been wrong, Thor was always wrong. Astri wasn't in green but rather a light blue and silver one, and somehow this one was even more breathtaking than her green one. Loki watched her greet Sif and the other noble women who stood around in small groups while they chattered about unknown topics. Loki felt his legs moving without even a thought towards her as they finally made eye contact. 
   "Loki, where is your matching dress?" Astri teased 
   "I must have left it behind in my room." He breathed "You look...good." Damn. Why did he stop at just good?
   "Thank you. Frigga has a good eye. Astri smiled 
Loki glanced around the room, searching for his mother. 
   "Looking for me?" Her voice suddenly said from behind him 
   "Mother." He greeted 
   "Astri, come we want to show you something." A noble lady had looped her arm with Astri's and pulled her away from Loki.
   "Do you like her dress? I helped pick it." Frigga smiled 
   "Of course I like it," Loki admitted 
   "Good. Then you should have no problem dancing with her." Frigga said before gently pushing her son towards where her ward had walked "Don't forget to complement her hair!"
Normally, the heat at festivals never affected Loki. But, as he approached Astri again he swore he felt himself break out in a sweat. The instruments of the entertainers his father had summoned to the palace seemed twenty times louder as he held his hand out to Astri. 
   "Lady Astri." He finally found his voice, " May I have the honor of a dance?" 
Thor's eyes scanned the room, he was looking for his brother who had left his side the moment their childhood friend had entered the room. What surprised him though was that Loki wasn't just speaking to Astri as he normally did but instead leading her to the dance floor among other couples. He couldn't help but smile as he watched his younger brother smoothly lead the clumsy Astri in a traditional dance they had learned when they were younger.
Astri felt as if a thousand eyes were on her as Loki led the dance. As they spun, she could see Frigga's smiling face among so many other noble Asgardians. 
   "You're rather stiff." Loki pointed out 
  ��"It feels like everyone is watching us." She said, her voice barely above a whisper 
   "That is because they are." Loki smiled down at her, "They're all watching you." 
Astri felt her face redden as Loki's drew closer to hers. She tried to focus on anything but his words and his bright blue eyes that stared into hers.
   "You know, I love the way you look in green." Loki said "But this..." 
She felt his hand gently squeeze at her waist. 
   "You're stunning in blue, Astri." 
Astri swore it was out of embarrassment that she hid her face in his shoulder while his frame lightly shook from laughter. When she unburied her face, he was still looking at her with that intense gaze of his. 
   "Don't let it go to your head." He joked 
Instead of quipping back she just nodded and pressed herself closer to him, wishing for the moment to never end. 
I drabbled in Loki's POV a little more for this part. Also, the Attack on Titan finale still has me on the floor. Like, I knew what would happen in the end but seeing it all animated in front of me is a whole different thing. I listened to Lover by Taylor Swift while writing the dancing scene so if you want to set the tone, there you go. Also, starting in the next chapter I will be beginning to follow the plot of the first Thor movie. This means that the plot will be more cohesive and that updates might take longer since I won't just be writing from my imagination but instead sticking to what the MCU says is canon. Hope you are enjoying the story so far! 
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Astri's Dress
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redfoxwritesstuff · 9 months
Sunflower: Book 1, Chapter 1
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Tom Hiddleston x ofc (Mia Sull) Chapter 2 Masterlist Series Rating: M Chapter Warnings: Mentions of sexual health items, alcohol use, Nudity Series warnings: Sexual content, alcohol use
RPF Note- This is a fictional version of Tom Hiddleston. I have and will continue to play with the timeline of his career. All characters are fictional. Out of respect for the actual Tom, I have fictionalized his family members beyond the most basic details as well as as past romantic entanglements. Please do NOT take this romantic work of fiction as disapproval of his current relationship. He appears happy, has a family and I am happy for him. I have a hundred and one fictional versions of him in my head, I don't need the real life man single.
Summary: Las Vegas drew in people like him. Heart broken, lonely and rejected while his ex married someone else. Here he could be anyone though, flying under the radar of his skyrocketing fame.
Las Vegas was home to people like her. Lonely, broke and with the weight of the world on her shoulders. There was never enough of anything except stress. She was one of the countless faces that lived in the shadow of the glittering lights.
Two worlds collide in a drunken night neither can remember. What do you do when what happens in Vegas is a legally binding marriage contract between two strangers?
Chapter One
Shrill ringing cut through the silence. Slitting open her eyes, Mia regretted it instantly. The bright sunlight of the day stabbed her eyes without care for the pain it caused. Blindly, she groped toward the cursed sound of her phone ringing. Pawing at it, she dismissed the alarm or call or alert- what exactly she didn’t know and didn’t care at that moment. 
“Fucking hell…” It was hard to talk. Her throat felt like someone had stuffed it full of cotton balls. Her head pounded and it felt like she was floating. 
“Agreed…” she could have sworn a voice mumbled behind her. She had had far too much to drink the night before and couldn’t trust her senses.
“Where are you?” The voice was a distant squawk. It turned out that it was a call and, rather than dismissing it she had answered it. 
“Fuck.” she said again, not registering much but dragging the phone to her ear. “What?”
“Breakfast. You’re missing from it. Where are you?” It was her sister Ashley on the other end of the call. 
Breakfast… shit. Breakfast. “I’ll get right on that.”
“Where are you?” Ashley’s voice was so loud. Was the phone on speaker or was the volume punishing her for the night before?
“Hotel room?” Mia said.
“Mandalay Bay.” The voice behind her offered slightly stronger. The bed shifted under the weight of another occupant moving. The voice earlier hadn’t been a figment of her imagination after all.
“Who was that?” Ashley asked.
“I don’t honestly know.” She admitted, not caring if she hurt the occupant’s feelings but trying to keep her voice down. 
If there wasn’t a thousand angry hornets surfing on shifting sand in her skull, it may have occurred to her that admitting that while in a hotel alone- she assumed they were alone at least- with a strange man was likely not the greatest choice. 
“Tom.” The mystery man supplied as if that actually gave her any information. Did he expect her to remember him? Did he remember her?
“He says his name is Tom.” Did she even know a Tom? She had no memory of a Tom. 
“I heard.” Ashley was not pleased. She was whatever existed below highly displeased was. “Who the hell is-”
“Give me ten to fifteen, kay?” Mia didn’t give her a chance to answer before disconnecting the call. 
“What the hell happened?” It took all the strength in her body to roll from her stomach to her back. Her limbs felt like they had been replaced with sacks of potatoes. How much did I drink?
The thought was cut off when she saw him. Light brown hair was lit up gold in the offensively bright Las Vegas morning sun, defining the curl to the short stands. He had a sharp jaw peppered with morning stubble and defined cheekbones. Most importantly, he was without a shirt. Hopefully that was all the clothes missing from him. 
He held his hand up over his chest, suspended and looking at it incredulously. A Simple gold ring reflected off his left hand. 
Fuck. Her leg brushed against his as she shifted to face him. She was very much naked and anything resembling pant legs did not cover his leg. Fuckity fuck fuck. She fucked a married man. When the fuck did she sink so low?
“I think we got married?” Tom’s voice had fewer cotton balls and gravel now as he shifted again in the bed. 
“Oh thank god, you’re not married.” The words slipped out in a breath before the real meaning of his words sank in and she bolted upright. “Wait, what? Fuck.” She yanked the too thin blankets up to her naked chest as soon as the overly cold hotel room air made contact with her bare breasts. In the process, she stole blankets from the mystery Tom. His long toned thigh and hip was reveled and yep- he was naked too.
“I believe we’re married.” The words came slowly, calmly as he watched her. Absently, he tugged the blanket to cover his hip and maintain his cover, though he seemed far less concerned with potential exposure than she was. Who could blame him? His chest and abdomen were toned. No wonder she fell into bed with him. 
But marry him? She wouldn’t. She didn’t know him. And they couldn’t, anyway. “There’s no way.”
“Shall we find out?” Muscles rippled and contracted as he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. His back was as nice to look at as the rest of him. Quickly, she chastised herself for thinking that way. 
This was insanity. 
Look away, she reminded herself, as he leaned down and slipped on a pair of boxers. Before she could stop herself, she noticed how they hugged the curve of his ass. It was possible he had a nicer ass than her. 
Tom rummaged around as she tried to make a gown out of the blanket before handing her a white button-down shirt. It was too large for her and clearly was his. “Your dress is ripped down the zipper.” 
“Turn around.” 
He complied, but a chuckle slipped from him as he did so. “It’s a bit late for that, eh?” 
“We don’t know that.” It was a lie, she knew it was. Her hips ached in a way that made it impossible to lie to herself, but she sure as hell would lie to him.
“The condom in the trash over here says we did,” or maybe lying to him wasn’t an option. “It’s okay if you don’t remember- I only remember bits. We shouldn’t have.” 
“But we did.” It killed her to admit that. “Look, if we were so drunk we couldn’t remember having sex, they wouldn’t have given us a marriage license.”
“You think?” It didn’t sound like he was listening to her as he rummaged through some papers that were scattered on the floor. 
“I know, Tom- that’s your name, right? Look, these sorts of things happen in movies and books. Sure, you can walk into the clerk’s office and get a marriage license damn near 24/7 and walk out with a license within 30 minutes, but they’re trained to look for people too damn drunk to make that decision.”
“And what if I just found the paperwork?” When she faced him, he was looking at her intently and holding a stack of papers in his hand. 
“No.” He pulled the papers from her as she reached for them, eyebrow raised. 
“You don’t know me?” His whole demeanor changed with the question, body becoming rigid.
What the fuck sort of question was that? “Should I?”
“It doesn’t’ matter.” Sure, he was hot, but what the fuck was with that ‘do you know who I am?’ shit? But he seemed to relax with that answer. He didn’t look like a mafia throwback at least. 
When she reached for the papers again, he let her take them. She didn’t exactly have the right clothes on to try and climb the man to steal them if he had decided to be childish. The official papers were all there. Everything looked legit and the yellow carbon copies were present with the official white sheets missing. 
“Fuck me.” 
“I would make a joke, but I suspect now isn’t the time.” Tom cracked a slight smile, but she only returned a glare. 
“Not the time.” 
“So, are we married?” 
“I think so.” She wanted to puke. It wasn’t fair. She was so hung over and yet the adrenalin was letting her think through the shifting sands in her brain. There wasn’t anything she wanted to do more than puke in the moment, yet her mouth was dryer than the desert. 
“Maria, correct?” Tom spoke softer. “The paperwork said your name is Maria?”
“Mia,” She corrected absently. She was only Maria when someone was mad at her. “Hiddleston? That’s my new name? What the fuck kind of name is that?” Realizing how harsh her words were, she tacked on a quick, “Sorry.” 
“I can’t say none taken, but we’re under stress, so I’ll let it pass.” 
Fiddling with the ring on her finger, she stood in silence for a moment before sitting in a heap on the bed. It wasn’t her intention to insult his name, but she hadn’t expected to have woken up to a husband.
“Here.” A glass of water waved through the tears she hadn’t realized were gathering in her eyes. “You’re probably dehydrated. I know my head is pounding,  yours surely is too.” 
“Thank you.” She wasn’t aware of how thirsty she was until she took the first gulp of water to wash down the Advil he also handed to her.
“Slow down,” He cautioned, “or you’ll make yourself sick. 
Looking down at the last bit of water in the glass, she was silent as her stomach rolled. They had to do something. This shouldn’t have been able to happen. She couldn’t be married to a stranger. 
“We need to file for an annulment.” the words came out softly and silence hung in the air after. “The ring is pretty- hopefully it can be refunded. Do you think you picked it or me?” She was talking to fill the void in the room. 
“I did,” He sounded… something. Down. Perhaps the reality of the situation was weighing on him as well. “You wouldn’t have any part of picking it.” 
“You remember?” 
“Bits and pieces are coming back.” 
“You picked a nice one.” The ring fit her well, sparkling with promises fit for a princess she would never get to be. “Hopefully you can get a refund.” 
Silence again. There were no analog clocks in hotels anymore, but she could somehow still hear the ticking of a clock marking off the seconds in her soul.
“I can have Ashley, my sister, bring me some clothes and we can go get the paperwork filed.” The words were flowing out quickly, trying to fill the room. “We can get this taken care of and be done with it. You won’t have to see me again. I won’t make it dif-”
“What if we don’t?” Long nimble fingers that made her remember warmth twisted his simple band around his finger. 
“What?” Surely she didn’t hear him right.
“I was raised to believe things happened for a reason. The amount of things that should have stood in the way to prevent this- what if it happened for a reason?” He couldn’t be serious.
“So what, we just stay married?” 
“Well,” She cut him off. 
“We don’t even know eachother!” 
This was insanity. He was insane. Why would a man like him want to be married to some random woman he didn’t know? He looked like a goddamn god, surely women fall at his feet. She wasn’t special. Any woman could have fallen into his bed. It just happened to be her this time. 
“Hear me out,” He said. It was hard not to look at him. What woman wouldn’t want a tall, handsome man pleading with her while wearing nothing but his well fitted boxers? “Let’s take some time. Let’s get to know eachother. We don’t have to rush-”
“You’re actually insane.” In her exasperation, she flopped back on the bed. The hem of the shirt- his shirt- rode up her thighs, and she quickly sat back up and yanked the fabric down. “If we ‘take our time’, the window for annulment will close. Then-”
“Then we get a divorce.” He said it as if it was that simple. 
“Divorce means lawyers and court fees. I don’t exactly have shit to split but-” 
“I’m not concerned about my assets.” 
“How long do you want? A few days?” She ran her hands through her waves in frustration, but quickly yanked them down again as she felt the hem of the shirt creeping higher again. “I need some damn pants.”
“What about a year?” 
Alcohol was burning in his throat even as he called for another. Ice clanked against the cold glass. Lights and sounds blinked and clanged around him and yet, thanks to the insulation, it sounded distant. Condensation dampened his fingertips.
It was childish; he knew that. He was far too grown to be drowning his sorrows in a bar. It was risky too- with the attention and influx of fans, he could only dream of it wouldn’t be unexpected for someone to recognize him. 
“Excuse me?” A soft voice called behind his shoulder. This was it, he was found out. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m on per-” She slipped into the empty seat next to him. The bar was packed, and it had only recently been vacated. Though he looked at her, she had her eyes on the bartender.
“Washington apple?” She ordered.
Brown waves cascaded down her back. Were they as soft as they looked? The scent of flowers clung to the surrounding air. 
“Mia!” The bartender knew her. “Shouldn’t you have gone home hours ago?” 
“No point. I wouldn’t sleep anyway.” The glass slid into her hand with practiced coordination that gave away a history between her and the bartender.
“Why’s that?” He shouldn’t be listening in on their conversation, but the whiskey buzzed in his head, making it hard not to.
“AC is down. No one would get any sleep, anyway.” 
Tom downed his whiskey and ordered another. His ex may be getting married, but why should he spend that time alone?
“I couldn’t imagine trying to sleep here with no air conditioning.” 
~~~~~~~~~<3 Tag List:
@winterisakiller @alexakeyloveloki @jennyggggrrr @dangertoozmanykids101 @tilltheendwilliwrite @tinchentitri @wizardcherryblossom (Strikeout = couldn't tag)
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therealmrslisting · 20 days
I’ve been writing a thing these past few years…and it’s almost finished! Would love your feedback! ❤️
"Believe it, Sylvie. Because I broke him. I took the most incredibly kind, gentle person in existence, and I broke him without even trying."
When the TVA is attacked, Loki, Mobius, and Casey are forced onto the timeline: Earth, 1996. Mobius’ timeline. Waiting for rescue, this unlikely trio finds comfort (and trouble) in the human experience. Mobius and Loki find each other. But with his penchant for trouble, will Loki's lies tear them apart? More importantly, will Casey meet a fish?
This is part rom-com, part action/adventure, part drama! Prepare for some 90's nostalgia, a healthy romp in the sand, plenty of slow-burn pining, drunken confessions, misused magic, a full-fledged Mobius backstory, and trials that will test the strength of love.
This 250k+ word story is divided into two parts. Part 1 leans more toward character building and romance, and Part 2 is when the action picks up. It's the SLOWEST slow burn. You've been warned!
These boys have issues, so shit will get kinda dark. Warnings include explicit sex, suicide, lgbtqia+ prejudice, depression, alcohol use, injury, panic attacks, and death.
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hender-ka · 11 months
That decision, if my character should end up with Pedro or Tom Hiddleston, is currently the hardest thing in my delulu mind.
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alice-drysdale · 1 year
Guidance (part 2)
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Alice’s POV:
Every morning feels the same, feeling the cold air in my room, smelling my dirty sheets, looking in my cracked mirror for 10 minutes asking myself if I will ever appreciate myself.
The answer is no. Probably not. But at this point I don’t even care. I feel empty every morning when I wake up, every minute I get screamed at by my parents and every second when is see my ugly reflection.
The constant screaming match my parents have are tiring. It’s always the same.
Maybe that’s why I’m excited now because I got a little change in my live. And that is saying hello to Mr Hiddleston and talking for 20 minutes before my break is over and I have to go back to my next class.
We have these small talks now for five weeks. And they were/are the best five weeks of the 11 years of school I ever had.
He is such a nice and fun person to be around. We talk a lot about books, poetry and theater. Sometimes he lends me books he thinks are interesting. And I read every single one of them and gave him my critics on it.
It felt like someone actually took my opinion seriously and by hart. And that’s why I got slowly emotionally attached to him.
Something that changed too was that I now sit next to him and not at the other side of the table anymore. It’s nice being so close to him. He radiates warmth and comfort with his calm presence. It’s something I never experienced, but it’s so nice.
Walking to school and back was always very tedious. I had to walk for an hour and ten minutes two times every day. But there is nothing I can do. My parents won’t give me money for driving with the bus or making my drivers license.
But it’s okay because on the way to school I already think about what me and Mr Hiddleston could talk about. Yesterday he told me he got a surprise for me and I ask myself what it is.
I try to listen to Mrs Gosling but it’s hard. I don’t understand math, I never did. And the bell would ring in a minute for Lunch so I only think about storming out of this classroom.
When the bell finally rings I but my stuff in my bag and run to the library. And Mr Hiddleston is already sitting at the table typing something on his phone.
„ well well well I think I have to confiscate that, no phones allowed Mr Hiddleston” he looked up surprised but then chuckled. „you are right I’m sorry Miss Bielefeld”
I set myself down next to him. I could smell his Parfum it was a citrusy and fresh smell with a bit of musk.  it’s addictive „you told me you have a surprise for me yesterday?” I asked excited.
„Did I?” He looked at me confused and my smile dropped slowly. But then he smirked at me „just kidding of course I do, wait” he looked around in his bag looking for something and pulled what looked like two pieces of paper out.
„I talked to the principal and told him what wonderful after- school- work you did for me for extra credit. And I told him that for this extra credit I planned on having a little educational trip for about 5 hours tomorrow. You will be excused for tomorrow and you will not have to attend your normal classes.“
He gave me one of the small pieces of paper… and it was a ticket for a theater show tomorrow. I was just holding it in my hands starring at it in disbelief. „I don’t think that the principal has to know that your extra credit was just reading a few books“ he chuckles
I teared up still holding the ticket in my hands starring at it. Mr Hiddleston Noticed that I wasn’t saying anything and he said slowly „I just thought it’s something you would maybe enjoy because you told me you never saw a show before. You don’t have to go of course- ”
But before he could finish his sentence I turned around and hugged him tightly crying into his shoulder. „T-Thank you“ I said still crying. he was Hesitating but then wrapped his arms around me too and stood up from the chair she he could hug me properly.
He probably doesn’t know what he really did to me with this. This was the first time someone ever gifted me something… and he gave me something i told him and wished for a few weeks ago.
When I was coming to my senses again I pulled away still looking at him with My watery eyes „how much did it cost?” I asked
He looked into my eyes saying seriously „it’s nothing you should ever worry about. I go to the theater often and buying a ticket more won’t make me poor“ he said softly.
“Here this is my email Adress, just write me one later where you want to get picked up. I will be there at around 8 am” he wrote it Down and gave it to me.
„Okay will do, thank you” I nodded. His thumb wiped away the last tear that rolled down my cheek. And this beautiful moment was destroyed by the bell
„Now I want you to stop crying, go to your next class and pay good attention. Can you do that for me Alice?” I nodded again and he smiled at me and I walked out of the room with a lot of different emotions…
Emotions I’ve never felt before. But I was sure of something
they were emotions I shouldn’t have for my teacher
When I got home I send Mr Hiddleston the Adresse from the Bus stop near my house. He send me an email back hoping that I will like the show tomorrow and that I should go to bed now to get a good sleep.
And I did exactly that. But I was to excited and I couldn’t sleep for the next 3 hours. But at some point my body was to tiered and i fell asleep.
Uff part 2 and I feel like I want to switch guidance into a dark story. If you got any suggestions or want to get tagged just write me. But until then I see you next Tim! :D
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katzirra · 9 months
Me gripping my fucking head... I fucking love Crimson Peak, CHRIST.
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vbecker10 · 6 months
Laundry Day
How Could This Not Fit?! (Loki x fem reader Y/N)
Loads of Fun (Bucky x fem reader Y/N)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You and Loki are living together in the Avengers Tower and you've asked him to help you with the laundry. You decide it's the perfect opportunity to prank him but that might not have been a good idea... not if you wanted to sleep tonight that is.
Warnings: ... um nothing really, alluding to sex but not much
A/N: I finished my laundry and was folding (trying desperately to fold) my fitted sheet and I came up with this silly little thing so... enjoy 💚
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You take a bottle of water out of the fridge in the common kitchen, laughing to yourself as you shake your head.
"Something funny in the fridge?" Tony asks from the island, looking up from his tablet.
You turn to him and open the bottle. "No, I was just laughing about something that could possibly get me in a lot of trouble with Loki," you barely explain.
"I have no idea what that means," Steve says as he and Bucky join the conversation.
You take a sip of water and set the bottle on the island. "I was tired of being the one who did our laundry all the time so I told Loki he needed to help me with it today," you start to tell them.
"Still not seeing the funny," Tony says sarcastically.
"I'm getting there," you wave away his comment and he chuckles. "So anyway, I told him to help and he did... an okay job of it. I mean, the dryer and him got in a bit of a fight but we finally got it done," you continue.
"Did he break the dryer cause I've gotta do like four loads of laundry tonight?" Bucky asks concerned as he pulls out the stool next to Steve.
"How could you possibly have to do four loads of laundry?" Tony turns towards him. "You own one hoodie and three henleys at most," he adds.
"Can we get back to my problem?" you pull their attention back to yourself. "I might not have much time left," you joke but you aren't actually sure how long until Loki comes looking for you.
"What did you do to him?" Steve asks, sounding concerned for your safety. Loki would never hurt you of course, he loved you too much, but when you annoyed him you always found it hard to walk the next day.
"Well, he put all the laundry away using his magic but I told him that was cheating. He said it wasn't and we went back and forth for a bit until I made him a bet," you smile. Loki could never resist a wager, especially since he always assumed he would win, and he usually did. "I bet him... something," you suddenly realize you don't necessarily want the guys to know the dirty things you promised Loki and they all look away awkwardly for a moment as if they understood that.
"Right, whatever... so the bet was for him to make the bed himself, without his magic," you tell them.
"Look, I still don't like him very much but, give him a little credit. I think he's smart enough to figure it out," Bucky says.
"Yeah, that doesn't really seem like a bet you're going to win, Y/N," Steve agrees.
"Well... I might not have except for one teeny tiny little bitty detail," you assure them.
"Which is?" Tony asks with a mixture of curiosity and agitation that the story is taking so long.
"I switched the sheet set," you say, they all stare at you confused and you sigh. "I gave him a full size set... and we have a queen bed. There's not a chance in hell he's going to be able to get the fitted sheet on and if he does manage it, I'll know he used his magic and still win," you smile broadly, proud of yourself for tricking the trickster God.
"Well that's a dangerous game to play," Steve says and before you can respond you hear Loki coming down the hall.
"Y/N," he says when he enters the kitchen. You swallow as your mouth goes dry, he does not look happy. "You cheated," he says without question.
"No, I was just..." you try to explain but he walks towards you, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
"You... cheated," he says slowly as he backs you into the counter by the sink.
"I mean, only a little," you say with a smile but he doesn't smile back. "And I only did it to make sure you didn't use your magic," you quickly try to explain.
"Um, I think we should go... literally anywhere else," Steve says as Loki grips your waist with both hands and keeps you pressed between himself and the counter.
"Don't worry, we're leaving," Loki says with a smirk, still looking only at you. Without warning he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You gasp and the suddenness of it and he uses one arm to hold you in place by the back of your legs as he turns to leave the kitchen. He pauses and picks up your water bottle. "You'll need to keep hydrated, it's going to be a very long night, love," he says as he carries you down the hall towards your room.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @theaudacitytowrite @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @chantsdemarins @foxherder @tonystank8
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Out Of The Darkness, Chapter 9
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Loki could see that Grace was wanting to help, but she was also struggling and getting upset at having to try and think back to when she was prisoner for that asshole, Kilgrave.
The team kept firing questions at her, Loki was getting rather irked with how they were being with her. He understood they were determined to get information so they could trap him, but they didn’t have to go about it in the way they were.
‘How long does it take for his powers to wean?’
‘Is there a certain distance that it can’t work from?’
‘Can he do it over a phone call?’
‘Is there anything at all that someone won’t do even if he said to?’
‘What’s the worst thing you’ve seen him make someone do?’
Grace had her head in her hands as she tried to answer their questions. ‘I… I don’t know… I’m not sure.’ She was close to breaking down, Loki could tell.
‘ENOUGH!’ Loki roared as he stood up abruptly. ‘That’s enough.’ He said firmly, glaring around the table.
He gently took hold of Grace’s upper arms and lifted her up to her feet. He put an arm around her waist and led her away from the team, who all looked a bit miffed and annoyed.
But Grace was relieved and so grateful that he did.
‘Imbeciles, the lot of them.’ Loki said as he took Grace down the hall, completely away from them.
‘It’s fine… I understand why they’re asking what they can. I just, I just can’t remember or don’t know. I think there’s a lot that I’ve blocked out of my mind. Things I can feel are there, but I just… can’t reach it. Or I don’t want to reach it…’
‘It’s not fine, you don’t need to be subjected to that.’ Loki growled low.
Grace was warmed that he was concerned for her like he was, that he was looking out for her.
‘It’s understandable, that you can’t remember everything. It was a long time you were… trapped. The mind often does strange things to protect itself, to protect you, from bad memories.’ Loki said as they continued walking, they ended up out in the walled garden.
It was almost an instant wave of relief that washed over Grace when she got into her safe haven, having Loki with her too made it even better, of course.
‘They don’t have any idea for how to take him down… do they?’ She asked quietly as they reached the bench in the middle.
Loki shook his head as they sat down, close together with their thighs touching. ‘I’m afraid not. But we will think of something, don’t worry.’
Grace nodded and looked across her garden in silence for a minute. She then swallowed hard before speaking again.
‘Your powers… your mind powers… you can see into people’s minds, into their memories. Right?’
Loki nodded. ‘I can indeed.’
‘Does that include memories that the person has forgotten about themselves?’ Grace asked.
‘No. Do not even go there, Grace.’ Loki said firmly, instantly clocking on to what she was thinking.
‘But I… I want to help. To stop him from doing it to anyone else, to try and stop what he IS doing right now to innocent people.’ Grace started tearing up.  
Loki pinched the bridge of his nose, then gathered her hands into his.
‘It can be painful bringing memories like that to the surface again. I don’t want that for you.’
‘There might be something there that will help. I know it will hurt, but maybe in a roundabout way, it might help me to move on more. In the long run?’
Loki sighed softly and leaned towards her, pressing his forehead gently against hers.
‘I understand that you want to help, to stop anyone else from being harmed. And it’s truly admirable, but this will be incredibly hard for you.’
Grace leaned back slightly. ‘I… I know. But I feel that I can get through it. Now that I have you… and the others.’ She added quickly, trying to hide a blush.
Loki reached up slowly and tucked some of her hair back behind her ear, then he trailed his fingers lightly down the side of her face, making her skin break out in goosebumps.
‘I would be lying if I said it hadn’t crossed my mind before.’ Loki whispered. ‘We only do this if you are one hundred percent sure, and I will be as gentle as I possibly can.’
‘I know you will. I trust you, Loki.’
Loki just gazed into her eyes for a while, he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. Then he ran his thumb across her forehead. ‘We best go to your room for this, you will be tired afterwards. It will take a lot out of you.’
Loki frowned when she giggled a bit. ‘What?’ He asked, confused.
‘Sorry… Dirty mind, what you said could sound wrong.’ She blushed again.
Loki chuckled. ‘One intimate thing at a time, hmm?’ He smirked and winked at her, making her blush even more.
They headed back inside and went to Grace’s room. Loki informed the others of what he was about to do, so they would make sure to give them privacy. Natasha and Wanda checked with Grace that she was definitely ok with it, and she assured them that she was. That she trusted Loki to do it.
He had her get comfortable on her bed, after drinking a glass of water, with her back against the headboard and a pillow at the back of her head too. Loki knelt beside her and rubbed his hands together.
‘I apologise if this does hurt… mentally. And I will do my best to just seek out what might be of use, but it will pull out other memories.’ He spoke softly, though she could hear concern in his voice too.
‘I… I know… It’s ok, I’ll be ok.’ She nodded, trying to keep it together. But she knew this was going to be so difficult.
‘I will make it as quick as possible.’ Loki said.
Loki pressed his palm against her forehead and seeped into her mind.
He had felt horrified at what she’d told him about her time with Kilgrave. But finding more that had been locked away in her memories, seeing images so clearly, it almost broke him completely. He was utterly heartbroken for her. And if he’d known how bad the memories were, he would never have agreed to it.
But now he was in her mind, he had to keep going. Even though her whimpers as she cried was cutting into him like a knife, he kept on searching. Like she wanted him to.
Grace couldn’t be sure how long it actually took. While it was mere seconds in real life, it felt like hours of torture for her in her mind. Bringing everything back to the surface, some memories she had forgotten about completely, and for good reason.
When Loki pulled his hand away, he was exhausted too, mentally. But not as bad as Grace, who crumpled into a heap. Loki instantly moved in close and took her into his arms. She cried and cried into his chest as he cradled her to him.
‘It’s ok, petal. It’s ok. I’m here, you’re safe. He’s not got you anymore. I’m so sorry.’ He stroked her hair and rocked her back and fore, and while she registered she was in his arms and knew she was safe, it still took the best part of an hour before she calmed down enough and stopped crying.
She eventually passed out in his arms out of sheer exhaustion, so he carefully manoeuvred them both into a more comfortable position and he just continued to hold her on his lap while she slept.
Loki knew he needed to get the information he found to the team as soon as possible, so they could get plans into action. So he used his seidr to send an illusion of himself to Thor, telling him what could be useful. But of course, leaving out a lot of personal stuff that Kilgrave had made her do, that wouldn’t be needed for the team to know.
He just focused on Grace for the rest of the afternoon, just holding her while she slept.
‘I will keep you safe, Grace. I will never let him hurt you again, I promise.’ He whispered to her, a tear of his own rolling down his cheek and into her hair as he kissed her head again.
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lulubelle814 · 3 months
A Marriage of Convenience
Loki's father refuses to consider him to take over the company unless he marries. Eva is in a massive financial bind and about to be evicted. Could they solve each other's problems?
Part 1 - The Proposal
Part 2 - Dinner with the in-laws
Part 3 - The Nightmare
Part 4 - A Dark Turn
Part 5 - Confessions
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allthenobodyppl · 6 months
Chapter 2 has been posted! Loki, still suffering from the effects of arousal poisoning from an aphrodisiac flower, searches for his Hunter to have his way with her.
Title: Arousal Poisoning
Fandom: Loki TV Series
Rating: Explicit Smut
Relationship: Loki/Reader or Loki/Original Female Character
Other Characters: Mobius, B-15
This takes place in season 1, episode 2 of the Loki series; before Pompeii. Mobius took Loki and a team of hunters to a Nexus event on some inhospitable planet that had only one infrastructure – a prison that was supposed to house the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals. Every single criminal and prison guard had been executed and the prison ransacked. Mobius and Loki were supposed to investigate before the branched timeline collapsed, but a trap poisoned Loki and a (female) Hunter, causing them to fall into their baser instincts…
Or, in other words, a sex pollen, drug-induced, rough sex fanfic that can either be a self-insert, or an original female character, depending on your own interpretation.
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frostbitten-written · 2 years
Presenting, an Incubus Loki fic: A Demon’s Curse
“Who are you,” she whispered again, growing weak in the knees, throbbing intensely between her legs, because he was right; he did have an effect on her body and she couldn’t control it... but she also didn’t want that control any longer. Every nerve in her body lit up when he touched her and she wanted to throw herself into the current so badly, his current. She wanted to give in to every last temptation he enticed her with, night, after torturous night. She wanted to experience every last nasty act he promised.
“You already know my name, and very soon, you will be screaming it.” He had audacity, that’s for sure. Although cocky was never her thing, it fit him nicely. “Then what are you?” At that question, his eyes flashed an iridescent green and his nostrils flared. One hand flew to her throat, each talon-like finger imprinting against her throat, and the other roughly grabbed her breast. “I am your inner demon. I am your new master. I am Loki.”
Coming to frostbitten_written on AO3 in October 2022
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
Sunflower, Book 1, Chapter 32
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Tom Hiddleston x OFC Series rated: M Chapter warnings: Angst AN: Can you believe it's almost done? Book two will come later this year. :)
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
Tom was just walking in the door when his phone rang in his pocket. It had been a nerve-wracking journey back to his flat. Back home. In this moment, it didn’t feel like home. It felt cold as worry fueled him. 
“Well?” Tom didn’t waste time with pleasantries. 
“She’s okay. Everyone is okay. I just left the apartment.” Ashley likewise skipped the pleasantries. 
“Okay?” Tom fell hard against the wall as he took what felt like his first breath in the last half an hour. 
“She’s been crying and said it was a rough night.” Ashley hesitated before continuing. “She was talking like you were not coming back. Is- Did something happen?” 
“No, not that I- Would she be one to read tabloids?” 
“About you? Maybe. Is there something in one that would make her think you’re not in this weird ass bullshit marriage with her anymore? Did you do something?” 
“I did nothing wrong.” Tom snapped, cringing back as soon as he realized he was taking his stress out on someone who’s been nothing but fairly kind to him. With great effort, he forced himself to take a deep, slow breath before speaking again. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for snapping. Gossip rags can take a small assumption and a wish and make it into something mad. I- I need to go.”
Hanging up, he dialed Luke as he made his way to his laptop. 
“This is Luke.” 
“I need you to clear the week.” Tom didn’t spare any pleasantries for his long-time friend, either. He had his phone pinched between his shoulder and ear as he opened his laptop and hit the power button.
“What’s wrong?” Luke was in friend mode, though Tom could hear him working a keyboard, typing away. 
“I’m not sure. Something with Mia. It’s probably nothing. Fuck, I hope it’s nothing.” While his computer powered on, he opened his suitcase and tossed it on his bed. “She left a voicemail crying and isn’t answering now. I don’t-”
“You can’t just run to America every time your wife has a cry over missing you.” Luke was trying to walk the line between sanity, supporting his friend and doing his job. “You’re going to be away for filming. You’re going to have commitments.” 
“I’m aware. We’ll get there. I just- I think something is wrong.”
“What did she say when you called her back?”
Tom tossed handfuls of clothes into the suitcase. “She didn’t answer. Right to bloody voicemail. Her sister checked on her, though.”
“Her sister checked on her. She is clearly okay, but you’re still going to drop everything and run to her?” There was a hint of a smile in Luke’s voice. As a professional, this was not something he could support. But as a friend and a bit of a romantic himself, it was hard to stay against it. That was what Tom was counting on. 
“I’ll take care of it. When are you taking off?” 
“I haven’t booked a flight yet.” Tom was standing at his laptop. “Figuring that out now.” 
“Keep me updated.” 
It was a few hours before Tom could get on a flight, but he had found one that left that evening. Pacing through the airport, Tom passed his time on the phone with his mother between attempts to call Mia again and again. There was only so much his mother could do to keep him grounded while anxiety ate at him.
He had snagged a direct flight to Las Vegas, a bloody miracle he couldn’t be more thankful for. There wasn’t anything he could do to calm his nerves while he was stuck waiting. His neg bounced, and he fidgeted as he attempted to review scripts, email apologies for rescheduled meetings, and beg the universe to allow the plane to fly faster somehow. 
One eleven hour flight later, Tom’s feet were on the ground in Nevada in an airport he was becoming more accustomed to than he ever expected. Anxiety had his stomach rolling through the whole flight, rejecting the concept of food. Sleep didn’t come in anything more than fleeting moments when he had tried. All he could do was wait and waiting felt like it was slowly killing him. 
Memories played in his mind, regardless of if he wanted to think of them. There were fragments of what he could almost remember. There was a white dress that he was sure he could only remember because he saw it the morning after, ripped and discarded on the ground. 
He remembered, or thought he did, the way her soft skin felt against his and the way they smiled at eachother through a lense of alcohol. He had tried again and again to remember the night they got married, but it wouldn’t come, dancing just out of reach of his mind. 
It was just over two months since the wedding he couldn’t remember and he was more terrified now than at any point in the previous two months. It felt like the entire world was crashing down around him. 
Something told him it was over. Everything was over, slipping through his fingers like the memories he couldn’t grasp. They had made it two months out of the twelve he had asked for and it was crashing down around him. What would be left when the dust settled?
Would there be a relationship left? Would there be anything left at all? 
Two months. They had made it two months into what he had hoped would last for the rest of his life. It wasn’t nearly enough. He wanted more. He needed more. 
In these two months, he had fallen in love with Mia and he was kicking himself for not telling her that in no uncertain terms. That’s all he had left to hope for, that he would have time to tell her. 
Mia sat at the counter with her shattered phone in her hands. She needed to get it replaced. If she smacked it just right, it would try to power on and pings of missed phone calls or notifications would sound, but as soon as she jostled it again, it would turn off. 
The screen was in ruins, too. Even if she could get it to power on, she couldn’t make or send calls. 
Sally was out with Ashley for the day, a gift from her sister allowing Mia to wallow in her own poor decisions. Mia had taken the day off, using the office phone to call in. She told them she was sick, and that was close enough to the truth for her. 
She was lovesick. Heartsick. Heartbroken. 
She just couldn’t bring herself to go in.
Had Tom called her? What would he have said? Could she bring herself to believe him? Would she? 
Tom took the first taxi he could catch. He didn’t care how much it cost or any of the specifics. Without ceremony, he shoved his suitcase in the trunk and folded into the back seat, giving his Nevada address. 
His address. God, he hoped it was still his address. 
While the driver made his way through traffic, Tom’s knee bounced rapidly in the back seat. He was running on nothing but anxiety, caffeine and a few fleeting seconds of sleep. 
He tried Mia’s phone again. It rang for a second before going to voicemail. It was progress; he guessed. She had her phone on, but she didn’t answer. 
What had happened? What had he done? The only thing he could think of was the tabloids. That was the only thing that seamed to make any sense. If he could have just talked to her, if she could have heard the radio interview- snippets of it were being passed around online already, dashing any speculation about the meaning of his missing ring in the minds of most. 
But not all. It would never be all. Of that, he could be sure. But that was the price of his career. 
As the taxi pulled to a stop in front of her building, their building, Tom unbuckled and was handing a few twenty-dollar bills to the driver before they had even really stopped, knowing he was overpaying and not stopping to give a fuck by how much. 
As Tom climbed out, he instructed the man to keep the change as the trunk popped open. The wheels of his suitcase slammed against his shin as he pulled it from the vehicle carelessly. Swearing, he rubbed the pain away as he slammed the truck closed. 
Tom pulled the suitcase behind him toward the building door. Punching in the code, he grabbed it by the side handle and carried lifted it from the ground. There was a wet splotch on the corner of the bag that showed something spilled during the flight. 
Hopefully, it was something that leaked from another bag onto his. If it was the shampoo he had absently thrown in while he was packing in a panic, he would deal with that later.
He realized while pacing the airport that he didn’t actually need to pack a suitcase, but if he was honest, he didn’t think it would have made it any difference if he had realized it before. The only earlier flights he could have taken would have had stops and layovers, getting him moving faster but arriving later. This was the soonest he would have been able to arrive, no matter. 
Tom pressed the call button for the elevator and waited. Not even thirty seconds later, he pressed the button again. And again. And again. 
This was taking too long. Objectively, he knew it wasn’t, but he couldn’t stomach just standing there. Anxiety made it feel like he was going to crawl out of his skin.
Picking his bag up again, he opened the door to the stairwell and began running. Running made him feel better, ever so slightly. It gave him a way to expel his anxiety and accomplish something other than waiting. His feet pounded each concrete step and his breath quickly became pants as the first floor gave way to the second. 
Panic had a nasty way of taking over when you were not looking. Tom’s running became clumsy and frantic as the second floor gave way to the third. Nearly tripping at one point, he scraped his shin against the sharp edge of the step. It stung and he wouldn’t be surprised to find it bleeding if he had cared to stop and check. 
That didn’t slow him down, though. Tom burst through the stairwell door with all the energy of a storm. Or the energy of a panicked rat running from a looming cat. Either fit accurately enough, though one matched the look on his face far better than the other. 
Thankfully, no one was in front of the door, let alone in the hallway. Tom barreled down the hall, his bag slamming against the back of his calfs more than once. He all but collapsed in front of the apartment door, their door. Please still be their door and not just her door. 
His fingers shook as he put in the code as fast as he could. A red light flashed, and the door did not open. Again, he put in the code in a rush and got a red light. He had to have had it right. He must have been just moving too fast, hitting the wrong keys. She didn’t change the code. Please, don’t have changed the code. 
He knocked on the door and tried again. He could hardly control his hands as he hit the keys. It had been years since he had an adrenaline dump like this. 
He wanted to scream and rage at the door as his knocking turned into slapping the door with his open palm. 
“Mia!” He called, finally finding his voice. “Mia!” 
Mia was terrified when someone had tried to unlock her door. She wasn’t in the mental space for whatever was going on. Dark circles rested under her red-rimmed eyes. 
Knocking started, and she grabbed the only weapon she could think of in the moment, a frying pan. In hindsight, a knife would have been better, but we can’t all make good decisions under stress. 
Whoever was on the other side tried the lock again and failed to enter the correct code. She wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t have a way to call for the police with her phone down. 
Whatever was going to happen, she was beyond thankful Ashley had taken Sally for the night. Sally would be safe. 
Knocking started again, quickly devolving into frantic pounding as she crept closer to the door. 
Tag List: @winterisakiller, @alexakeyloveloki, @jennyggggrrr, @dangertoozmanykids101, @tilltheendwilliwrite, @tinchentitri, @wizardcherryblossom, @buttercupcookies-blog, @violethaze, @kats72, @soulpiercing, @evedia, @princess-ofthe-pages, @tom-hlover
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