#tom hiddleston antis
lovely-pixie · 10 months
I literally cannot make this shit up. Sophia Di Martino has obliterated the 'canon' ship. It has sank deeper than the titanic I'm afraid.
She called it "weird", "same person". The kiss was not romantic, meaning she just wanted to "go through with her plan" of killing He Who Remains.
"It's been fun, dude...so see ya" LMAOOO
I would be so embarrassed if Tom said that about Mobius💀
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mxmads · 1 year
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before season 2 aired i thought we would never get our original Mobius back. I thought they were going to shove Sylki down our throats. i thought i was going to have to slough through a poorly written, unbearable season of tv just to get little crumbs of Loki and Mobius interacting.
but this. this far surpassed anything i could have hoped for. even if this story hadn’t been Loki’s i would have devoured it. it was clever and well thought out. it was well written with amazing sets and lighting and music. it played up strengths from season 1 that i thought for sure they had long abandoned. like the incredible and compelling setting that is the TVA. and making the cast an ensemble with the already stellar cast they had (and adding the instantly lovable O.B.). Tom was excellent. Owen was phenomenal. and every scene we got with them together was a gift.
the story was crafted with care and forethought and amazing attention to detail. you can’t say that about most big budget studio stories these days. i’m so in awe of everything this season was. it far surpassed season 1 for me and honored the legacy of Loki in a way i never could have dreamed. i honestly think it will go down as one of the most epic seasons of tv ever, for me.
it may have ended bittersweet, but it really didn’t feel like the end of Loki and Mobius’s story to me. it definitely feels like there’s more to tell. and i can’t wait.
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p4nishers · 10 months
god between sophia “im not super into them as a couple, i dont think the kiss was romantic” di martino and tom hiddleston constantly going on tangents about mobius means to loki, i fear lokius stays winning
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holdfastperseus · 11 months
“I wake up screaming from dreaming. One day, I’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning”
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sufferthesea · 2 months
if i wanted to watch tom hiddleston play an emotionally damaged, traumatized man with black hair who was neglected by his parents and has an incestuous relationship with a woman while also being attracted to a quirky blonde, i’d watch crimson peak
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baldchristianborle · 1 year
ok loki was really good but please god let sylki be platonic
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mttbrandgender · 11 months
loki: hey the TVA is super fucked with all these new branches, could you maybe help with that?
sylvie: no
loki: hey, i know you said you want the TVA to burn and all that but there’s gonna be serious consequences if we don’t do something
sylvie: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sounds like a you problem
loki: the world as we know it will end if you don’t help us
sylvie: sounds like you’re a selfish POS
the world, particularly sylvie’s branch: actively starts to deteriorate, as predicted
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lelliefant · 2 years
If you want to know why the Loki fandom has drifted away, just look at what Disney/Marvel did to him.
He was incredibly powerful—they made him weak and helpless.
He was smarter than everyone else—they made him a fool.
He was a prince—they made him a corporate office drone. They literally put him in a cubicle.
Loki was an alien—they made him an ordinary guy.
He was flamboyant and colorful—they put him in beige. They actually made him act as if he was excited to wear a beige uniform.
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The real Loki would never have tolerated a uniform of any sort, much less something so bland. He was never a soldier or a cog in the wheel. Loki is the piston.
Loki was a deeply wounded, angst-driven son with complex motivations—Disney made him an uncaring narcissist who suddenly sees the error of his ways (in one episode) and has a total personality swipe.
Loki was iconoclastic—they made him ordinary.
They took the most interesting and volatile character in the MCU and warped him into an Everyman role, and somehow everyone bought it. Apparently because they used the same actor with the same face—?
Really think about it. If another actor had started playing Loki for the series, they couldn’t have pulled it off. Series Loki is not the same character as Loki from Thor 1, Avengers 1, and Thor 2. He’s as different as the moviemakers in charge of the productions are. (The directors of Avengers 1 and Thor 2, Joss Whedon and Alan Taylor, simply had the grace and humility to take their cue from the original vision of Kenneth Branagh.)
If you don’t actually pay attention to Loki’s character, motivations, logical action, or his history, and you’re only interested in being entertained, I guess it doesn’t matter. This is just a superhero movie character, so who cares if they turned him inside out to conform with a simpler, less challenging archetype?
He’s their property, after all. They can use him however they want to. If they want to chew him up and spit him out as a naive, lovelorn mensch because that’s the Disney protagonist formula, they can and will. If they want to put him into a buddy-cop procedural, as if he were an ordinary human person whose shtick is a magic kit, they can.
A lot of you who are constantly defending the Loki Series are not really thinking about it. Maybe you’re just happy he has a show to his name. Maybe you don’t care; you just want more “content.” Maybe you don’t want someone spoiling your fun.
Maybe you think you’re being the loyal crowd by “defending” Loki. You’re not seeing that Disney did worse than kill him off—they unmade him. They put the God of Mischief into a blender with the Disney formula, audience response data, standard storytelling tropes, a limited range of plot lines, and a great deal of money, and out came this golem with Loki’s face on it.
You might revile me for saying all this because that’s easier than facing the truth or questioning the Powers That Be. There will always be people who can’t tolerate having their beliefs challenged.
I have seen nastiness on this hellsite toward people who question and protest what the majority accepts—but that’s just a reflection of the real world. It’s never going to work out well for those of us who see things differently and who don’t shut up about it. So, why do we keep annoying everyone with our dissenting opinions?
In my case it’s because I actually do care about Loki. I care enough to tell the unpopular truth, as I see it. Because, to me, Loki isn’t just an MCU character. He is representation.
He was a survivor of abuse and scapegoating by his own family. He was an outsider who defied convention and took on great challenges, despite everyone in his world trying to push him down. He shirked the role he was forced to play and chose to define himself instead. He saw the hate and scorn directed at him from all sides and laughed.
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He struck out on his own into the unknown—which is incredibly hard to do, even if you had been given the support to believe in yourself.
The Loki Series did get one thing right: Loki is a survivor. He’s survived misinterpretations before, and he will survive Disneyfication. Maybe the public will tolerate a warped mischaracterization of him for a while before they lose interest, but the God of Mischief prevails. Thor1 Loki will always be there, smirking triumphantly from the shadows.
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jalwyn21 · 7 months
well this is terrible... i realized in "don't blame me" ts talks about treating older men like "playthings" she "toys" with... hiddleston. now joe will get all of this stuff thrown at him in the new album cycle about how disingenuous HE was, treating her like she can just be thrown away, etc. girl maybe this is "karma" (although we know joe didn't do anything like that. detaching from toxicity is NOT the same thing as treating people like playthings)
Everything about the Tom H situation is awful. From the disrespectful treating older men like "playthings" to the patronizing "I struck a match and blew your mind But I didn't mean it, and you didn't see it". Like, lol, you idiot! 🙄 You fell for this?
Basically calling him a fool "But you weren't thinkin' and I was just drinkin'", to mocking him with "Don't pretend it's such a mystery" and "Should've known I'd be the first to leave", like why are you shocked that I don't care about you? Lol, are you stupid?
And wearing that I❤️️ts shirt in lwymmd. 🙄
All she did is use and then humiliated him. And it worked, cause he became a global joke for years thanks to her. 🙄
And now she is on a new witch hunt with Joe.
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loveloki555 · 7 months
Real Lady Loki
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lovely-pixie · 11 months
The ending scene was them pining for each other.
Mobius' echo of "let time pass" reaching Loki and making him tear up confirming he was watching over Mobius.
Mobius leaving the TVA because Loki isn't there anymore.
Mobius being completely miserable whereas Sylvie is seen happy and care free and time hopping with only a "it's weird that Loki's not here, isn't it?"
Loki going to seek Mobius first for comfort when faced with the moral dilemma of choosing who lives and dies.
Loki staring at his hand wistfully, with tears in his eyes while he watches Mobius slip away.
Mobius being the first to notice something was wrong when Loki started walking towards the loom.
The fact that Mobius was present when Loki said "I know what kind of god i need to be... for you" means the director(s) and writer(s) are seeing him as a possible romance arc in the future for Loki that's why they put him there with Sylvie to claim plausible deniability.
The season one kiss being retconed.
Loki not killing Sylvie (which he contemplated at first) means he wants to give her the chance to go write her own story like she's always wanted without running. And we can see her being happy (without Loki) at the end because she's finally free.
At the end, Sylvie is comforting Mobius because he's hurting more and evidently more miserable.
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mxmads · 1 year
I really like Sylvie. She's a great character and a good Loki variant. What I DON'T like is Disney forcing the selfcest of Loki in love with Loki.
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thepunkmuppet · 7 months
watching thor dark world, and while yeah it’s not a great film, the difference between loki’s characterisation here and in his show (him at the exact same point in his life just going through different events) makes me want to SCREAM the loki writers did him so dirty I’m going to explode
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myheartbeats4you · 11 months
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Tom’s suit looks in Loki season 2…🖤🖤🖤
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agentoffangirling · 4 months
Pov Marvel confirms Lokius for Pride Month
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