#tom holland x reader tickle
ily-fictional-women · 10 months
Take Out, Maybe?
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Summary: Not everyone can cook, and not everyone is meant to. 
Pairing: Kate Bishop x fem!reader
Warnings: Minor mentions of blood 
Word count: 1293
a/n: This is loosely inspired by that one Tom Holland interview where he mentions Zendaya tried to cook for him when he got back from a shoot. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
More often than not Kate will stay over at Y/n’s apartment, but with her apartment finally being fully remodeled after it caught fire it gave Y/n an opportunity to stay over there more. With Kate staying over at her place most of the time Y/n had gotten used to making dinner for the both of them. So when Kate came home from a mission Y/n started looking through what to cook with as she usually would. 
Y/n hollers looking through the fridge, “Kate what do you want for dinner?!” Kate quickly jogs downstairs meeting Y/n at the fridge taking something out of the freezer. She shrugs, “I’m fine with anything.” Y/n huffs still staring inside the fridge, “There’s not much to cook with when’s the last time you went grocery shopping?” 
Kate shrugs again giving a sheepish grin, “I don’t know. Why don’t we just order something tonight?” Sighing Y/n closes the fridge door leaning against it and looks at Kate. “I don’t really feel like take out though.” Kate looks at the makeshift ice pack she had pressed against her side holding it up to Y/n with a grin. 
“We could heat up these pizza rolls then.” A small grin tickles up on Y/n’s lips, “What do you even cook here there’s practically nothing in the fridge.” Kate scratches the back of her head stammering, “I don’t really know how to cook, to be honest.” 
Y/n’s grin fades as she looks more confused. “You do know how to cook though, you’ve made dinner before I come home from missions a few times.” Kate laughs awkwardly, “Uh, yeah. About that. Those times I cooked were just the food I ordered. I’d just put it in the pots and pans then put the containers and bags in the dumpster.” 
Giggling Y/n similes wide, “Kate, my love. You are twenty-two. How do you not know how to cook for yourself? Have you just been living off frozen foods?” Kate groans in embarrassment. Walking over to one of the shelves in the kitchen though Kate grabs a box of mac and cheese. 
“I can make this! I’m great at making this.” Kate shakes the box in Y/n’s face in a playful victory but Y/n just takes it from her placing it on the nearby countertop. “Congrats Ms. Bishop you can boil water.” Kate rolls her eyes at Y/n’s sarcasm, “Ms. Bishop is my Mom’s thing.”
Y/n shakes her head, “Whatever. Put a jacket on though.” Grabbing her own jacket Y/n stands near the door while Kate just looks confused crossing her arms. “And why exactly am I gonna put my jacket on?” Going up to Kate Y/n takes her by one of her arms pulling her closer to the door. 
“We’re gonna go grocery shopping so we can make dinner together.” Kate just groans again making Y/n toss a jacket at her. “Stop being a brat and let's go Kate. There’s a mini grocery store in walking distance from here.” Reluctantly Kate puts on her jacket following Y/n out the door after putting Lucky on a leash to come with them. 
Making it to the grocery store Kate watches and Y/n carefully selects different vegetables putting them in a plastic bag. Grabbing a separate bag she then watches Y/n put different fruits in the bag. 
“What recipe did you choose exactly that requires blueberries?” Y/n shakes her head giving Kate a ‘are you stupid look’. “Kate. You barely have anything in your fridge. We’re grocery shopping in general. And you’re paying by the way.” 
Kate’s eyes go wide in shock, “Alright fine. But I’m gonna go get a frozen pizza then for later.” Hearing the word pizza Lucky immediately barks in agreement making Y/n stare daggers at the dog and her pizza-loving girlfriend. Kate awkwardly fake coughs then shrugs, “Or I could just not do that, that’s cool too.”  
Looking through the meat section for the main course for that night's dinner Lucky steals a steak on the lower shelf nearly pulling Kate away with him. Managing to stay in the same spot Y/n takes the steak from Lucky adding it to the other meats with the groceries.  
“Y’know you spoil him too much Y/n?” Kate smiles as they make their way to the cash register. Y/n simply rolls her eyes at the woman, “Like you, we never spoiled.” 
Finally making it back to the apartment Y/n lays out all the vegetables and meat that will be used in the dinner for the night while Kate finishes stocking up the fridge. As Kate finishes up stocking the fridge Y/n sets down a thick paper towel with some carrots and a sharp, and obviously unused kitchen knife right next to it. 
“Okay, Kate, your first lesson in learning how to cook is one of the simpler ones. Learning how to chop vegetables.” Y/n holds onto Kate’s hands in the right positions from behind showing her how to chop properly. Kate smiles to herself, “This would probably be more romantic if you were taller than me.” 
Y/n scoffs immediately letting go of Kate's hands. “You have like one inch on me Bishop.” Kate rolls her eyes laughing as Y/n starts searing the meat. Everything goes smoothly for the moment. Kate cuts the vegetables as Y/n takes care of everything on the stove. 
Or that is up until the point Y/n hears a quiet “Dammit” from Kate’s direction. “What’s up, Kate?” Y/n asks not shifting her gaze away from the stove. “I accidentally cut myself a little."  She hears Kate a lot more clearly this time turning around she turns Kate slightly to see the damage. 
Looking at her hand, saying I cut myself a little would be an understatement. The cut started at the top knuckle of her thumb going down to the bottom of her hand. “Kate! Oh my god, you’re gonna need stitches.” 
Grabbing a stray dish towel Y/n presses it against the cut putting Kate’s other hand on top of it to keep the pressure as she left to grab cash from her wallet for a taxi. “Baby it’s not that bad.” Kate tries to laugh through the pain of the cut. 
Y/n looks at her worried but also confused, “Kate, do you know how to do stitches on yourself?” Kate stutters bleeding through the rag, “Uh, no. But-” Y/n throws her hands up in the air pulling Kate to the door. “Well I don’t know how to do stitches in general so let's go.” 
As Lucky starts to follow Y/n in a panic tells him to stay rather aggressively. Kate gives the dog a quick pout before whispering to the dog, “I’m sorry Lucky! Your Mommy’s crazy.” 
Making it out of the apartment building Y/n hails down a taxi making sure Kate gets in safely first before her. “Can you take us to the nearest emergency room please sir?” The man gives a quick nod noticing the bloody rag on Kate's hand. 
It took about ten minutes to get to an emergency room, but once the women at the check-in desk say Kate was bleeding through the dishtowel she immediately got the two of you to see someone. After the doctor finished cleaning the cut she started stitching it up. 
Kate manages to look over at Y/n with a huge grin, “Hey, Baby?” Y/n looks at her with a tired smile, “What’s up?” 
“You still not in the mood for something else? Take out, maybe?” 
“Yeah, takeout actually sounds good right now.”
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f10werfae · 2 years
Holland’s Girl
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pairing: Boyfriend!Tom x Cavill!Reader
summary: Hi there! I don't know if you still write for Tom Holland but could you do one with him in a relationship with henry cavill's little sister? With the twitter format? Love all your Henry cavill blurbs! (Requested by Anon)
Requests are open!/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Full Masterlist, Taglist Form Tom
@/dutchnesslove: Tom just confirmed his relationship with Y/n Cavill on instagram!! He uploaded a picture of them cuddling in bed and everything, even Tessa was in between them with her head on Y/n's chest
@/HenryCavill: @TomHolland take care of my sister or else our weekend pints will have to stop mate 👍👍
@/Y/nCavill: Omg fuck off Hen, he loves me more than you do🙄
@/britishstarq: Did anyone see the pap video of Tom and Y/n buying groceries?? He pushes her around in the trolley while handing her the stuff from the shelves. Someone save me bc they are just too cute😭
>> @/marveltrick: Ok but did you see the party where Y/n secretly swipes her card to pay for the groceries and Tom literally tackled her into a big hug and tickled her because of it
@/Littlebunbun: Why the fuck are people hating on Tom and Y/n? So what if she isn’t some big time actor? She literally has her own career path in (insert job), she doesn’t need Tom’s money bro☠️
>> @/birdiebye: I know, fans ambushed her outside of her workplace and she had to stay inside and wait for Tom to get her. This is ridiculous. She’s just trying to live her life, she doesn’t need whiney teenagers trying to attack her. No wonder Tom doesn’t like doing lots of autographs in public anymore
@/retrotro: Henry just posted his annual family bbq picture, and just saw Tom sitting on a chair by the fire with Y/n tucked under his jacket with him😭😭 He was kissing her forehead with his arms locked around her and everything
@/beautifillife: In Y/n's first interview she mentioned how she first met Tom at an award show where Henry brought her along as his plus one. She ended up getting lost from Henry during the big rush inside and bumped into Tom, and quotes, “He hasn’t let me go since”
>> @/beautifillife: Don’t even forget when she said that Tom insisted he bring her home because she couldn’t end up finding Henry, AND THEY HAD THEIR FIRST KISS THAT NIGHT. Although feels bad because Y/n said he was so awkward like a little boy with his first crush☠️
@/turusbeixh: Since the lockdown I think Y/n has moved in with Tom, just because Henry posted turning her room in the family home, into storage for his war figurines. Also Y/n has been posting reels on instagram on how to choose the correct colour furniture, and she’s just the cutest
@/TomHolland: @/Y/nCavill Babe please forgive me, I didn’t mean to walk Tessa without you this morning💔
>> @/Y/nCavill: So first I wake up alone in bed, and then I don’t even get to walk my baby. Unforgivable, unless you’ve somehow got a tub of Ben and Jerries with you. And Kisses
>>> @/TomHolland: Don’t worry got lots of kisses for you, in all places
@/pinkputter: In a friend’s youtube video when playing Hide and Seek, Y/n decides to hide on Tom’s lap under a massive blanket, AND THIS MAN DID NOT RAT HER OUT FOR A WHOLE 30 MINUTES. THAT IS LOVE.
@/DailyTelegraph: Teary Tom Holland seen sending off his girlfriend Y/n Cavill at the airport. The young businesswoman is off to start a new branch in Japan, hopefully she’ll be back soon! Reports say 2 weeks!
>> @/tomholland101: You’re tellin me that mans cryin over his girl being gone for two weeks😭
@/user28373792: Tom holland said that he and Y/n can’t share showers often because she actually makes it boiling warm. But he does it anyway because she wants to 😭♥️
@/User29282803: Y/n posted a photo of Tom rubbing her feet, that mans whipped
>> @/twinkletoerz: Remember the picture of
Y/n braiding his hair. Love.
@/Y/nCavill: Why is Tom crying at the airport😭 He literally booked a flight to Japan for two days from now, he’s staying with me until I have to fly home
@/Northfacepole: When is Tom gonna propose, they’ve been together for AGES (3 years) THAT WOMANS FINGER NEEDS A RING!!
>> @/Y/nCavill: Don’t worry babes i’m on it 💪
@/DailyTelegraph: Y/N CAVILL AND TOM HOLLAND ENGAGED! The pair got engaged at the rooftop of a secluded bar in the west of London, Y/n reappeared today adorning a stunning lab created diamond on her ring finger, a smitten blushing Tom by her side. Sources say the superstar got down on one knee after a romantic Italian dinner and asked the question, we can only anticipate the wedding date which is supposedly next Spring!
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @vrittivsanghavi @Tinyelfperson @fdl305 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @aerangi @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
When Will You Realize…
Pairing: single dad!Tom Holland x teacher!Reader
Synopsis: Tom falls for his daughters teacher
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“Can’t I just stay with you today?”
“No, honey bee. We can’t do that anymore. I loved spending everyday with you this summer but now it’s time for you to go to school.” Tom told his daughter as they looked at her school building together.
“But I don’t wanna go.” She pouted and rested his head on Tom’s shoulder.
“I know. I don’t want you to go either. But you have to, Vienna. You’re 4 now. You’re old enough to go to school.” Tom told her as he held her little face between his hands.
“You’ll come back?” She asked with teary eyes.
“I’ll always come back.” He told her as he tugged on one of her brown curls. Tom wiped her tears with his thumb before pulling her face closer to kiss her cheek.
“Bye bye. I love you.”
“Bye daddy.” Vienna sniffled and slowly walked into the building.
A few hours later, Tom stood outside his car and waited for Vienna to come out of the parent pick up door. He soon saw her coming out of the building, holding your hand.
“Daddy!” Vienna broke into a smile when she saw Tom and ran into his arms. Tom scooped her up and kissed her face as you walked towards them. Tom did a double take when he saw you and felt his whole face heat up.
“Who’s that?” He asked his daughter.
“That’s Ms. Y/n. She’s my teacher.” Vienna said and waved to you.
“That’s your teacher?” Tom’s heart raced as you approached them. He expected his daughters teacher to be some old lady in a hand knit cardigan so the sight of you knocked the wind out of his chest.
“Hi. You must be daddy.” You smiled and held out your hand.
“I am. Most people call me Tom, though.” Tom joked as he shook your hand. He felt his face flush as he looked into your eyes and you gave him a shy smile.
“Hi Tom. I’m Ms. Y/n. And I have to say, I’m a big fan of your work.”
“My work?” Tom wondered.
“Vienna.” You told him. “I know I just met her but love her.”
“Oh.” Tom smiled when he got the joke. “So do I. Sometimes.”
“Daddy!” Vienna laughed and tugged at Tom’s sleeve.
“Shh. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He teased her as he tickled her stomach. You watched with a fond smile as Vienna giggled and squirmed away from Tom. Tom noticed you staring and felt himself blush again.
“So is Y/n your first name or your last name?” He asked you.
“First. We go by first names around here. It’s easier for the kids to pronounce.”
“That makes sense. So if I wanted to call you by your last name…” He trailed off and looked at you for an answer. He was discretely trying to find out if you had a husband before he let his crush get too extreme.
“You’d call me Ms. L/n.” You replied, already picking up on what he was trying to do.
“I see. Did you always come with this last name? Or perhaps was this last name given to you from a spouse via a martial arrangement?” He asked, making you laugh.
“I’m not married, if that’s what you’re asking.” You smiled coyly.
“Psh. I wasn’t asking that.” Tom lied as his face flushed.
“Why are you so red, daddy?” Vienna asked, making Tom shoot her a look as you laughed.
“Oh, okay. Sure.” You said sarcastically. You and Tom exchanged another look and your shot him a wink.
“We should probably get going. But we’ll see you tomorrow.” Tom said as began to lead Vienna away. He only walked a few paces before turning around and walking back to you.
“What about a boyfriend?” He asked, making you laugh.
“I’ll see you at drop off, Mr. Holland.” You avoided his question with a coy smile.
“Tom.” He corrected you with a matching smile.
“Tom.” You repeated, making his face flush over the way you said his name. You waved goodbye to the both of them before walking away. Tom watched you as you went and talked to another kids parents and noticed you didn’t give the dad the same attention you gave Tom.
“Are we gonna go home, daddy?” Vienna asked and tugged at Tom’s sleeve again. Tom snapped out of his love struck daze and nodded.
“Yeah, honey bee. Let’s go home.”
The next day, Tom waiting at parent pick up and felt equally excited to see you as he felt to see his daughter. He broke into a smile when he saw you and Vienna coming out of the building.
“Daddy I don’t wanna go home. I wanna stay here.” Vienna said as Tom scooped her up.
“You’ll come back tomorrow, honey bee. But we gotta go home now.” Tom told her with a sympathetic smile.
“I don’t wanna go home. I wanna stay.” Vienna whined just as you walked up to them.
“What kind of magic did you work that these kids don’t want to leave?” Tom whispered to you over Viennas shoulder.
“I don’t know. I guess they just had a good day at school.” You smiled innocently at Tom before looking at Vienna.
“Don’t tell your daddy about the spell I cast on you to make you love school.” You whispered loudly to Vienna as you poked her stomach, making her giggle.
“Can Ms. Y/n come eat dinner with us? Please, daddy?” Vienna asked Tom.
“Not tonight, honey bee. Maybe some other time.” Tom said with a shy smile. You winked at him again before returning your attention to Vienna.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay Vienna? We can play together then.” You promised her.
“Okay.” Vienna reluctantly sighed.
“Can I have a hug?” You asked her when you noticed her sad expression. She immediately lit up and reached out to you. You stepped forward and hugged her while she was still in Tom’s arms, making your faces nearly brush each others. Tom blushed but you didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ll miss you.” You told her as you moved her hair out of her face.
“I’ll miss you too.” Vienna said and wiggled out of Tom’s arms until her put her down on the ground.
“Daddy, give her a hug goodbye.” Vienna said and pointed to you.
“Oh, she doesn’t want a hug.” Tom laughed awkwardly.
“Sure I do. Bring it in.” You said and opened your arms. Tom turned red as you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a hug. He hugged you back, letting it linger for a minute as he rubbed his hand up and down the material of your sweater. When you pulled away, you both had on shy smiles as you avoided eye contact.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked him.
“See you tomorrow.” He nodded and started to walk away.
“Uh, Tom?” You called after him.
“Yes?” He immediately wiped around, hopeful of what you could say.
“Are you forgetting something?” You laughed and discreetly pointed to Vienna.
“Oh. Yeah. My child.” He remembered and went to take Viennas hand. You laughed as you waved goodbye to the both of them and watched them until they pulled away in their car.
The next day, Tom showed up to parent pick up 20 minutes early. He noticed that he didn’t get as much time to speak to you when he came late as you were consumed with the other parents, so he got there early to ensure he got his time with you. Once you spotted Tom in his car, you came out of the building holding Viennas hand.
“Hey Ms. Y/n.” Tom smiled in excitement when you came over to him.
“Hey Tom. Can I talk to you for a second?” You asked and nodded towards the side. You left Vienna with one of her friends and pulled Tom to the side to talk.
“What’s up?” He asked you, feeling a mixture of nervous and hopeful to be talking to you privately.
“Who usually does Vienna’s hair in the morning? You or your wife?” You asked him, catching him off guard.
“I do it. Why? Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing bad. It’s just….” You trailed off and looked at Vienna messy head of honey brown curls.
“I’ll cut right to it. Vienna’s hair is a mess. A straight up mess. She came in today with a marker stuck in it. Then she proceeded to get three more markers stuck in it because it’s so messy.” You told him.
“Ah, geez. I’m sorry. Her mom died when she was still a baby so I never learned how to do her hair. I was kinda hoping she’d be baby bald forever.” Tom admitted, making you chuckle a little.
“Well she’s not. Shes got a lot of hair.” You laughed and looked over at Vienna again, who was pulling a crayon out of her hair to give to a classmate.
“I know. It’s all over out house. I found it in my butt crack the other day.” Tom said, immediately regretting sharing so much. You looked at him in surprise and he turned bright red.
“I wish I didn’t say that.” He said after a beat of silence.
“I wish you didn’t either.” You laughed, making him feel better. He gave you an embarrassed smile and you changed the subject for his sake.
“I’m sorry to hear about her mom. I didn’t know she didn’t have one.” You said in a soft tone.
“Thanks. She was too young to remember her anyway.” Tom brushed it off.
“But I’m sure you do.” You said with a sympathetic smile. Tom was stunned to silence for a minute as he realized he hadn’t thought about it that way. Most people expressed their sympathy for Vienna no longer having a mother, but Tom really revived sympathy for no longer having a wife.
“Yeah. I do.” He said quietly.
“It must be hard doing this alone.” You said and put your hand on his shoulder. Tom felt his heart pound in his chest at the contact and nodded his head.
“Can’t be much harder than teaching 17 4 year olds how to read and tie their shoes every day.” He chuckled softly.
“That’s true. That’s not much easier.” You admitted. “But for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job. Vienna is a kind, smart, intelligent, and wonderful girl. That’s a reflection on her daddy.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Tom said sincerely.
“You’re welcome, Tom.” You smiled and gave his shoulder a squeeze. Tom blushed again and put his hand on top of yours.
“Is that all you needed to tell me? That my daughters hair is wack?” Tom said with a teasing smile.
“No, that’s not all. I actually wanted to offer my services.”
“Your services?”
“Yeah. I don’t have any kids of my own but I’ve been a teacher for a few years now. Plus, I was a little girl myself once. I could teach you how to manage her hair, if you’d like.” You said with a shy smile.
“Really? You’d do that?” Tom asked hopefully.
“Of course. If that’s something you’d be interested in, I could come over after school one day and give you some lessons.”
“Yeah. I’d love that!” Tom blurted. “I mean, we’d love that. Vienna would love that. And so would I.”
“Does Friday work?” You chuckled at his excitement.
“Friday is perfect.”
“Cool beans. See you then.” You winked at him before walking away, leaving him with butterflies in his chest.
On Friday, you waited with Vienna by the front of the school until the last kid was picked up. Tom pulled up outside and got out of the car with a huge smile.
“Daddy!” Vienna ran to Tom and jumped into his arms. Tom scooped her up and kissed her cheek a few times before buckling her into her car seat. He then opened the passenger door for you with a shy smile.
“After you.” He said and gestured to the seat.
“Why thank you.” You curtsied for him before getting in the car.
“Ms Y/n is coming home with us?” Vienna asked once you were all in the car.
“Yeah. I wanted to surprise you.” Tom smiled at her through the rear view mirror.
“Yay!” Vienna cheered and reached her hand out. You reached your hand back and held her hand for the entirety of the car ride. Tom smiled to himself when he saw how close you two were before smiling at you. You smiled back at him and gave him one of your infamous winks. Tom pulled into the driveway within a few minutes and got out of the car to open your door for you. You got Vienna out of her car seat and carried her inside while Tom unlocked the door. You put Vienna down and he ran to go play, leaving you and Tom alone.
“Sorry it’s a little messy.” Tom apologized as you all stepped into the house. You looked around at all the evidence that a little girl lived there and smiled to yourself.
“No apology necessary. You should see my classroom. There’s half a peanut butter sandwich stuck to the ceiling and a pencil sticking out of the wall.” You told him.
“Yeah, I know a little about that. There’s a drawing of Olaf holding hands with Simba on my bedroom wall.” Tom chuckled.
“I would love to see that someday.” You said with a coy smile, making Tom turn bright red. He was too flustered to say anything so you quickly changed the subject.
“Why don’t we get started? What shampoo and conditioner do you use?”
“This.” Tom said and picked up a bottle of the counter.
“Oh.” You said after reading the bottle of Axe he had handed you.
“Is it bad? It’s the one I use too.”
“4 in one?” You looked up at him with a teasing smile.
“Yeah. It’s shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face wash. And it smells like “dark temptation”, which is really nice.” He replied. You burst out laughing before taking a bottle out of your bag.
“What if we try this? It’s an all natural shampoo. And it smells like rainbow blast. Whatever that means.” You handed it to him before going back into your bag.
“And this. This condition is really good for getting out knots and tangles. And it’s specifically made for curly hair.“ You told him and handed him another bottle.
“Wow. This is perfect. We can give that a try.” Tom smiled as he looked at the bottles of shampoo and conditioner that he always walked past in the store because he was too overwhelmed to pick one. You smiled back at him before taking another bottle out of your bag.
“This is body wash. I know Vienna likes unicorns so I found one with them on it.”
“Thank you. Yeah, she really likes unicorns.” Tom smiled fondly at how well you knew his daughter.
“You’re welcome. Oh, and this.” You said and handed him a fluffy yellow loofah.
“What the hell is this?” Tom asked as he stared at the loofah in disbelief.
“A loofah.”
“A what?”
“You put the body wash on it and then scrub yourself. You’ve never seen one?”
“I thought those only existed in movies.” Tom whispered, too afraid to say it out loud.
“They’re real.” You laughed. “Yellow is her favorite color right?”
“Yes. Like every other little girl.” Tom chuckled.
“She’s not like every other little girl. I love that about her. She’s already her own person and she’s only 4.”
“Yeah. She’s a great kid.” Tom smiled fondly at the thought of her.
“She gets it from her daddy.” You said and took a step closer to him.
“I think it has more to do with the great influence she has at school.” Tom shrugged and took a step towards you.
“Maybe it’s the combination of the two.”
“Maybe. We make a pretty great team.” Tom smiled and pointed between the two of you.
“We do.” You agreed and leaned towards him ever so slowly. Tom leaned in as well but right before your lips could touch, he lost his nerve and pulled away. You looked to the ground in disappointment but quickly filled the silence.
“So, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you actually.” You said to him.
“Oh yeah? What’s up?”
“How did Vienna get her name? Was it the city or the song?”
“The song. But specifically the use of the song in the 13 Going on 30 movie. That scene always made me cry. And when I saw her for the first time, I couldn’t imagine naming her anything else.” Tom told you, retelling that’s your for the first time in a long time. You stared at him for a minute with a fond smile, almost not believing what he just said.
“What?” Tom wondered when he saw the way you were staring at him.
“Nothing. I just love that movie.”
“You do?”
“Are you kidding? It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s so romantic.” You sighed happily.
“It’s very romantic. But if I went into a closet on my birthday and then missed the next 17 years of my life, I’d be pretty freaked out.”
“Yeah. They never really address that. She’s just exited to have a bigger closet.” You chuckled.
“Honestly, that is pretty exciting. I might give up the next 17 years of my life for a bigger closet.” Tom said and stepped towards you again.
“But think of all the things you’d miss.”
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked with a coy smile.
“You tell me.” You returned the smile and leaned in closer to his face.
“What are you guys doing?” Vienna asked, making you both jump apart.
“Nothing. Let’s do your hair, yeah?” You said quickly. You picked Vienna up and put her in a chair in front of a big mirror. Tom watched with awe as you sprayed her hair with water and began to smooth it back.
“Okay. Let’s start with the basics.” You began. “This is a pony tail. All the hair goes to the back. You can have fun with this. It can be a high pony or a low pony. And it’s great to accessorize with a bow or scrunchie. Here. You try.”
Tom gulped nervously as tried to copy what he just watched you do. It took him a minute, but he eventually formed a pony tail in Vienna’s hair.
“That was good!” You clapped for Tom. He blushed and stepped to the side so you could show him more.
“These are pigtails. Pigtails are two pony tails on either side of the head.” You explained and showed him the hairstyle you just did.
“That’s a lot of tails.” Tom mumbled under his breath.
“You try.” You laughed and stepped to the side. Tom did his best to copy what you had done and ended up with two sloppy pigtails on either side of Vienna’s head.
“Amazing. You’re a natural.” You complimented him. “But now this is the real test. Can you braid?”
“Braid?” Tom gulped.
“Yeah. Like this.” You said and braided Viennas’s hair with ease.
“Darling, I believe those are called plaits.” Tom clicked his tongue at you, sending shivers down your spine.
“Mmm, sure. Plaits.” You laughed. “Let me show you how to plait.”
“I believe you’re mocking me.” He smiled teasing as he took his daughters hair in his hands.
“Me? Never.” You said sarcastically. “Now, you can have a lot of fun with braids- er - I mean plaits. You can do a pony tail and then a plait, two plaits, French plaits, Dutch plaits. Or my favorite….” You trailed off as you made a Dutch braid that went all the way across Vienna’s head and ended on her shoulder.
“This is how I wore my hair every day as a little girl.” You said as you proudly showed Tom your work.
“Do you like it daddy?” Vienna asked as she admired herself in the mirror.
“I love it. You look beautiful.” Tom smiled at her in the mirror before kissing the top of her head. You carefully undid the braid in Vienna’s hair so that Tom could give it a go.
“Here. You try.”
“Like this?” Tom asked after loosely recreating the braid you had made.
“Almost. May I?” You asked and went to place your hands over his.
“Go ahead.” He nodded as his throat went dry. You smiled and put your hands over his to help him with the braid.
“Perfect. You made a perfect plait.” You smiled proudly at him once the braid was done.
“No. This right here is a braid.” Tom said, making your smile grow. You stared at each other for a minute before you both started to lean in.
“Bun.” You blurted before your lips could touch.
“What?” Tom asked and pulled away.
“Do you know how to do a bun?” You quickly changed the subject to relieve the tension.
“Oh, uh, no.” Tom shook his head and hoped his disappointment wasn’t as obvious as it felt. You showed him how to do a bun without making eye contact with him and eventually get yourself relax.
“I have one last thing to show you.” You told him.
“Oh no. I can’t handle anymore.” He chuckled.
“That’s why this is perfect. One that days when you just can’t be bothered to do a hairstyle, the headband is your best friend.” You said as you handed Tom a yellow headband you had brought.
“This is a boomerang.��� Tom said and pointed to it.
“No, actually, it’s not. It’s exactly what I just told you it was.” You laughed and put the headband in Vienna’s hair.
“Boom. Headband.”
“It’s that easy?” Tom’s eyes widened.
“It’s that easy.” You nodded.
“Wow. Her hair hasn’t looked this good since it first came out of her head.” Tom said in disbelief.
“I honestly believe you.”
“Thanks so much. How can I repay you?” Tom asked you while Vienna admired herself in the mirror.
“Please. The pleasure was all mine.” You said and squeezed his shoulder again.
“Can Ms. Y/n stay for dinner? Please daddy?” Vienna asked.
“That’s up to her.” Tom said and looked at you.
“I’d love to.”
You and Vienna cleaned up the hair supplied while Tom got started on dinner. You left Vienna to play in her room before going to help Tom in the kitchen. He put on an old song and twirled you under his arm, making you feel like you were an old married couple. You snuck glances over at him every few seconds as you chopped up some vegetables and brushed against his shoulders every time you had to move past him.
By the time you finished dinner, Vienna’s eyes were shutting every few seconds as she rested her hand on her cheek.
“Come on. I think it’s time for you to get some sleep.” Tom said and picked her up. You followed them in Vienna’s room and stood back as he tucked her into her bed.
“Can I stay up for just five more minutes? Please, daddy?” Vienna asked through a yawn.
“Sure. Just five more.” Tom agreed. You put a hand on his shoulder and stroked your pinky down Vienna’s nose a few times until her eyes shut. Her soft snores soon filled the room so the two of you snuck out and quietly shut the door behind you.
“How did you do that?” Tom asked once you were alone.
“Magic.” You whispered and ran your finger down Tom’s nose the way you had done to Vienna. He blushed a pink all the way to his ears and leaned into your touch.
“I guess I should probably go.” You said softly as you pulled your hand away.
“You don’t have to.” Tom offered, hoping you wouldn’t go.
“I don’t?” You asked and took a step towards him.
“I mean, not to brag, but I do have 13 Going on 30 on DVD.”
“Oh do you now?” You raised an eyebrow.
A few minutes later, you were sitting on Tom’s couch with your head on his shoulder while 13 Going on 30 played. You talked about all the things you couldn’t talk about while Vienna was awake and slowly got to know each other better and better. You looked over at each other every so often to make sure the other was enjoying themselves. The movie ended all too soon and before you knew it, you were standing by his front door again.
“I had a good time tonight.” You told him, feeling like you were a teenager again.
“So did I.” Tom smiled. “Maybe you could swing by tomorrow and show me how to do those French braids again? Or you could just move in and teach me everything. Do you think you could talk to her about her first period while you’re here?”
“She’s 4.” You laughed.
“I know. When do periods start again?” He asked and nervously scratched the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry. You still have a couple years before you have to think about that.” You laughed again and patted his chest.
“I know I do. But I worry now because I won’t have someone like you in a couple years to educate me like you did today. And the Internet can only teach me so much.” Tom said with genuine sadness.
“Who says I won’t be around in a couple years?” You shrugged and took a step towards him.
“Well, the school only goes up to 5 year olds. She’ll be out after next year.”
“That’s true. What are you gonna do about it?” You asked him as you tilted your head to the side.
“I don’t know. Do you have an ideas?” He asked and put his pinky under your chin to tilt your face closer to his.
“I’m a teacher. I’m full of ideas.” You replied before leaning in the rest of the way to kiss him.
Vienna was driven to her grandparents the following morning while you hid in Tom’s room, still tangled in his bed sheets. You stared at the drawing of Olaf and Simba with a fond smile until Tom came back.
“Okay. My parents are letting her sleep over at their house tonight. That means you can stay the night again.“ Tom smiled in excitement as he climbed back into the bed with you.
“Do you feel bad that we’re lying to her?” You asked as you moved some hair off of Tom’s forehead.
“I did at first. But somewhere between the first kiss and waking up beside you, I stopped feeling any sort of remorse.” Tom smirked before leaning in to kiss you again.
“Yeah.” You smiled against his lips. “Me too.”
That Monday, Tom carried Vienna to the parent drop off door and couldn’t wait to show you the braids he had done in her hair. You noticed it immediately and gave him a knowing look.
“Hey Vienna. Nice hair.” You said and twirled one of her braids around your finger.
“Thanks Ms. Y/n.” Vienna smiled shyly before going to hug Tom.
“Bye daddy.”
“Bye, honey bee. I love you.” Tom put her down and kissed her cheek a few times before sending her into the school. You casually walked over to him and looked around for anyone who might be looking.
“Hi, Mr. Holland. Do anything fun this weekend?” You asked him with a coy smile. Tom grinned and pulled you by the waist against his body.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” He whispered in your ear before kissing you cheek. You quickly stepped away from each other afterwards so that no other parents would get suspicious but exchanged shy smiles.
“Do you think she knows about us?” Tom whispered and nodded towards Vienna.
“She’s 4. She doesn’t even know how to get dressed by herself.” You assured him.
“Okay. Good. We’ll figure out a time to tell her together, then.” Tom said with a shy smile.
“I like that. Together.” You repeated and fought the urge to kiss him again.
“I’ll see you at parent pick up?” He asked, fighting the same urge that you were.
“See you then.” You winked at him before going inside to your classroom.
“Welcome back, students. I’m glad to see you all returned for another fun filled week. Does anyone want to get up in front of the class and tell us what they did this weekend?” You asked your students once they were all in their seats. Vienna’s hand immediately shot up and you pointed to her.
“Yes, Vienna.” You called on her and she went to the front of the room with a huge smile.
“This weekend, I saw daddy kissing Ms. Y/n. On the mouth!” Vienna told the class with a huge smile. The kids reacted with a mixture of disgust and excitement from the news as you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Oh my God.” You whispered.
“I saw them kiss on Friday night when they thought I was sleeping and I thought they would kiss again but then daddy sent me to my grandmas house for the weekend. But when I came home on Sunday, Ms. Y/n’s jacket was still on my couch!” Vienna continued, sending the kids into a frenzy. Some were screaming “ew!” while others ooo’ed and made kissy faces at you.
“Oh my God.” You whispered again and pulled out your phone to text Tom.
“she knows. she 100% knows. we must’ve left her bedroom door open when we kissed. and I left my jacket on your couch”
“oh no 😦 we need to cover our tracks better next time. no more 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 until we know she’s 😴”
“not loving the emoji choice” You chuckled as you texted him. “but agreed. lesson learned”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @mara-twins @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow
@unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @every-marveler-ever
@undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild
@canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman
@smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger
@electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎our sweet venice♡︎
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Fem!reader, Tom Holland x Actress!reader, Aussie!reader, costars to lovers
Summary: You and Your costar Tom Holland are on Press tour and on one of your first interviews Everyone can’t help but watch two kids fall in love —flufftober day; 14—
Word count: 1.9k
Warning(s): Fluff, mutual pinning, cute puppies, hot accents, I’m not proofreading until I wake up —it’s litteraly 1:40am–, and Language
A/n: —GIF’s aren’t mine— Fact about me I lived in Australia for like two/three years or so
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“G’day my names Tom Holland and I play Nate Drake in Uncharted” You stated seriously staring at the camera looking over to Tom before you could break your ‘cover’ with a smile while Tom played along
“My name is Y/n Y/l/n and I play Nairobi Copeland in Uncharted, and Today we’re gonna play with some puppies —the first ones to be back— and attempt to answer your guy’s questions” Tom finally broke out Into a smile turning his head to face you while your mirrored his actions before slapping your hands down on your thighs
"Alright gettin' pretty inpatient lad where are these puppies!" You exclaimed while Tom nodded his head in agreement while throwing small glances in your direction that went unnoticed by you
"Alright gettin' pretty inpatient lad where are these puppies!" You exclaimed while Tom nodded his head in agreement while throwing small glances in your direction that went unnoticed by you
“Yes, please bring us puppies” Tom requested fondly and if you listened close enough you could hear the little animals scratching at the door
“Are we gonna get them all at on-” Your sentence was cut off by a small gasp as one of the assistant’s carried two puppies in her arm passing one to you and following along with Tom
“Oh hello little fellow” Tom cooed in greeting a high pitched baby voice never faltering as he talked to the young dog softly pinching its cheeks his eyebrows furrowed with a smile permanently plastered on his face
You both cradled the small puppies into your chest before a couple more of the small creatures had approached you two wagging their tails panting softly and wobbling on their four legs
“They’re so tiny aye?” You pouted your bottom lip poking out as one of the puppies yawned against your chest while Tom began sniffing their fur beside you
“Oh they smell so good” You’d chuckled before picking up one of the pups that had ran passed you into your embrace lifting it in the air placing a few kisses on its cheeks before sniffing behind it’s ears before you began to nod along with Tom’s statement
“What was it like filming uncharted”
“It was amazing, it was incredible, it’s a film about expirations so it made sense to us that we needed to be on practical locations you know In Barcelona etc.” Tom had answered by himself while you were distracted by the two puppies who slept in between you leg while you held one in the air under its arms rubbing your noses together
“Y’know i wonder what they think is goin’ on look at that one, you wanna go play go ahead baby. What was your question?” Your attention finally shifted to the interview who had just smiled at you along with Tom who shook his head at your antics
“What was your favorite stunt to film for Uncharted and did you have a stunt devil?”
“My favorite stunt for Uncharted- Oh hello honey go on, was probably when Tom and I had swung from the lights at the Augustine auction house and neither of us had stunt devils in this movie” You’d answered softly playing tug of war with the puppy with the lightest fur out of the bunch with a baby blue and white collar it didn’t take a genius to observe that you and Tom favored it
“What were we talking about!? Favorite stunts there’s a stunt where in the movie- Oh hello, this is a big one he’s gonna be a big dog. I like the stunt where I fall out the back of the plane from getting hit by a car that was a lot of fun” The brunette stated as a matter of factly tickling a pups side in his arms gently
“They are loving your shoes mate” You chuckled pointing while You and Tom stared at the two puppies attempting to teethe at each unnecessarily expensive shoe that rested on Toms feet
“These aren’t my shoes I’m borrowing them so you can do whatever you want to them, come on get in there” You’d giggled at Toms encouraging the little four legged animals to do something the were indeed not supposed to be doing while the brunette looked over at you with a soft smile of his own
“Tom what was your favorite scene to film with Y/n Y/l/n and Y/n what was your favorite scene to film with Tom Holland”
“I have two favorite scenes filmed with Y/n One is when I set out the fake coordinates, and everything expecting her to take it and when Nate wakes up she’s still there, she didn’t betray him and that leads to a very hot make-out session” Tom finished his rant Wiggling his eyebrows while you chuckled nudging his his shoulder with a smile this time no puppies catching his attention as he spoke oh so fondly about you
“My next scene is when Probably when She gives me a run for my damn money In the one fight scene we had. Nate was trying to convince Nairobi to come back into the Plan after Sully had revealed everything about Sam and Sierra, our dead siblings and we had a small ‘little’ fight chairs were thrown, blood was spilled, wine glasses were smashed no biggy” Tom sarcastically finished finally going back to rubbing the puppies who nudged into his side
“My favorite scene with Tom Holland I think is personally underrated, it’s when Nairobi and Nate are stuck under the fountain and the water is filling up and everything and finally when Sully turns the key Nate swims to the top and he realizes like ‘oh shit Nairobi’ he swims back down brings her up to the surface he does cpr in a panic it was just a very fond moment I personally think” You finished a small of smile never leaving your face while you spoke with your hands despite three puppies being tucked into your arms
“These dogs are rippin’ those shoes Mate” You shook your head in moc disbelief watching the little dogs attempt to nibble and gnaw on the shoes that were to strong for their teeth
“I can’t wait to send these shoes back to Christian and be like ‘I’m so sorry’ ”
“It’s quite cute their little teeth can’t get in there, your stylist is gonna be hacked off though”
“Y/n what is something Tom says a lot and Tom what is something Y/n says a lot?”
“I’ve been waiting for a question like this man!” Tom sat up from laying on his stomach while you laughed wholeheartedly
“So sometimes Y/n randomly layers Her accent to the point where you can barely understand what she’s saying” The brunette pointed a finger at you accusingly while you threw your hands up in surrender careful not to wake the two puppies who rested in your lap
“So number one is Mate I think that’s a given i say that a good amount of times myself, Two is snag and I found that so hard to understand the way she through like four different phrases together please show them I’m staring to sound like a crazy person” Tom pouted his arm stretched to the camera to back up his point
“So we were filming and we had about and hour and a half Lunch and Tom was talking to one of our directors and I wanted to mess with him a bit so I walked towards him and I started spazzin’ like ‘Ay Tommy would you like a snag on the Barbie mate?’ And ‘I got absolutely pissed at the outback dude’ And the look on his face was so hilarious” The interviewers behind the camera were beyond amused at the story while Tom nodded his head along
“So continuing Lad and Lass is pretty embedded into her vocabulary, along with init, and for some strange reason people will always ask her to do ‘the thing’ and like she immediately knows and just burst like Cleo naur” Tom stretched while you laughed clutching you stomach at the confusion imbedded on his face
“Just let me catch a breather mate” You held up and finger attempting to calm yourself from bursting fits of laughter
“No matter what the situation is bloody hell will always make its way Into one of Tom’s sentences, Darling every second of the day of course but it’s adorable you could never be mad at it, Tea is pretty stuck into his word vomit, and his odd word is definitely knackered. So it was something going on with our hotel rooms the first like three days of the tour so we just settled with one room double beds, had a sleepover all is well aye? It’s like two in the mornin’ random all I hear is ‘I’m fucking knackered mate!’”
It was Toms turn to laugh while you shook your head reliving the moment one of the moments he missed most actually before scooting closer towards you masking the closure of space with his attention focussed on the puppies that rested in your lap
“What is something you have tried from each other and what we’re your thoughts on it?”
“So I’ve actually have tried a good amount of things coming from Tom like crumpets, chicken tikka masala, and a Fry up I was honestly thought Tommy had gone mad man beans and toast had probably been the oddest thing of my life but I believe I ate everything except maybe the mushrooms”
“Y/n has made me try more snacks than food a bad habit of her but I have to admit darling Vegemite —it’s like this dark spread you eat with toast— was a absolutely awful I do however like everything else she’s given me to try like meat pies, fairy bread, I really enjoyed TimTams, Milo it’s like This chocolate milk and it’s very delightful”
“Alright guys Uncharted is out, please go to the cinema and enjoy it I hope you have a wonderful ride and enjoy the escapism” Tom exclaimed while the puppies ran around and continued to play with one another continuously running in and out of the camera frame
“All of these beautiful puppies that you’ve seen here are adoptable, they are from north shore animal league so find these guys a wonderful home they deserve it” You smiled towards the camera your head leaned up against Toms shoulder while a puppy with a baby blue collar never left your arms using your cardigan as a blanket
“Y/n we can’t lie to the people” Tom over dramatically gasped while you smiled fondly at your slip up you’d made and the man on the side of you antics
“Would you like to tell them?”
“Not thank you darling be my guest”
“So guys, not all of these pups you see here are adoptable. If you watched the video closely you would’ve been able to see that all the pups have collars but none of them tags. Except one” The camera zoomed into the sleeping puppy in your arms the light reflecting of the gold tag
“This.. is our daughter. She is the youngest out of the bunch standing at three and a half weeks old, and her name is Venice ” You finished looking up to Tom to go more in depth about how you both chose her which he did so gladly
You’d finally finished the interview giving your last goodbye to the small puppies left for another home while You and Tom walked out of the building with him cooing over your shoulder at the sleeping baby in your arms You both couldn’t seem to wait to raise your four legged child together climbing up another wall of each other’s perspective
“Our sweet Venice” You sighed loving while Tom smiled at You raising the umbrella in his hand while all three of you walked down the street
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alipal97 · 1 year
hey could you please do something with Dom Tom Holland and the sub reader has a hand and size fetish and loves toms hands and that he is so much bigger and stronger than her. Tom loves it and it makes him feel really powerful and like her daddy so he makes her suck him off then fucks her silly
Yes I can😊 hope this is what you were asking for. I’m still kinda new to requests but I hope you enjoy!
Pretty Little Necklace
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Pairings: Dom!Tom Holland x Sub!reader
Summary: Tom takes you with to his red carpet event but even with everything going on around you you can only focus on his hands and what they would look like wrapped around your throat
Warnings: Dom/sub, hand fetish, public sex, daddy kink, spanking, oral(male receiving), rough sex, after care, swearing, choking
Red carpet events are the worst. Not only because you had to squeeze yourself into a gown and heels for the night, your hair pinned up and some deep red lips framing your overly white smile. No. Your torture came in a different form. Hands. Specifically Tom’s hands.
Maybe it was the new shiny gold band on his finger that matched yours. Or the veins that were just visible as he waved his hands around talking to an interviewer. No matter what the reason was you loved them and you loved how he used them on you. You loved the way he would fix his cuff links as the paparazzi snapped picture after picture, or how he would wave them around as he talked to interviewers and costars. But what you loved most was the way he would wrap his strong digits around your neck cutting off your oxygen supply as he fucked you into the mattress, leaving bruises to cover up in the following days.
The thought alone made your pussy throb and your thighs clench together, the latter not going unnoticed by Tom. His arm became tighter around your waist as he dipped his head, cameras flashing furiously, and whispered in your ear.
“Behave and maybe Daddy will reward you later.” He spoke in a husky tone, his hot breath tickling your neck as he placed a quick kiss to your pulse point. He easily slipped back into the role of Hollywood’s golden boy, smiling at the cameras as you went weak in the knees. You placed a hand on his chest not knowing if you could stand on your own. Tom breezed through the rest of the photos and interviews, all the while you tried to compose yourself, and failed miserably. God you were going to make a fool out of yourself if you didn’t get what you needed.
“Thank you all so much!” He yelled out to the crowd, waving at his fans as he began ti lead you inside. As you walked, the hand on the small of your back drifted lower until it barely grazed your ass. Your breath hitched and your skin flushed from the slight contact.
“I need to use the restroom.” You whispered as you made your way towards the ladies room. You burst through the door, glad to find it empty as you placed your hands on the counter and closed your eyes. You tried to focus on anything but Tom and his glorious hands and how it would feel to have one around your throat and the other down your lacy panties as he curled his fingers inside you.
You were so distracted by the thoughts inside your head you hadn’t even heard the door open before someone shut it and locked it behind them. You hadn’t realized Tom followed you into the bathroom until he was pulling you against him, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other going directly to your throat.
“Look at you, love. What’s got you so bothered? Hmm?” He asked as he raised your head to look at him through the mirror. His eyes had darkened to the point you couldn’t see a hint of his chocolate brown irises. When you didn’t answer he tightened his grip on your throat, causing you to gasp and close your eyes. “Answer me.” He growled in your ear and pressed himself against you harder. You were pleased to feel him already straining against his suit pants.
Your eyes fluttered open, meeting his in the mirror. “You.” You whispered, your voice dripping with need.
“What about me, darling?” He pushed himself into you again and you sighed in relief from the small amount of friction.
“Your hands.” You gulped, trying to form coherent words through your lusty haze.
“Hmm. Anything else?” He was smirking now. Cocky bastard.
“Your hands.” You repeated before adding, “Your fingers and the way you curl them inside me making me cum all over them before you fuck me until I can’t breathe.”
“Is that what you want? You want me to choke you and fuck you with my fingers until you’re seeing stars?” His hips rutted into you once more and you arched your back pressing your round ass into his crotch. “Oh fuck-“ he closed his eyes for a second his head dropping to your shoulder as the feeling of you against him. In a split second he had you spun around and sinking to your knees as he began to undo his belt. “You’ve been a good girl but you still need to earn it.”
“What do you want me to do, Daddy?” You as him even though it was obvious as he freed himself from his pants, his cock slapping up against his stomach. You looked up at him through your long eyelashes, waiting for an answer.
He growled and grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your hair back before bending at the waist and placed a bruising kiss to your lips. “You’re going to suck me off and then I’m going to ruin that tight little pussy of yours.” He yanked your head back towards his crotch and waited.
You took his impressive length in your hand running your manicured hand up and down, stroking him before sticking out your tongue and licked a stripe from base to tip. His tip was red and dripping with precum as you took him into your mouth, starting off slow. A sigh escaped Tom’s lips as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat and you hollowed out your cheeks. His hips rutted forward making you gag around him slightly.
“Fuck, baby.” He groaned. He guided your head, working himself into your mouth as he picked up speed. He looked down at you, mouth stuffed with his cock, lip stick smeared and drool running down your chin. You were a sight to behold and he didn’t know how much longer he would last with you looking like you did, sucking his cock like you were. He could feel himself getting close but he refused to finish in your mouth. No, he had other plans for that. He pulled you off of him with a pop and pulled you back up to your feet. He wiped the tears from the corner of your eyes before spinning you around and pressed your front to the hard granite counter.
“Are you wet for me?” Tom asked as he slipped his hands beneath your dress, fingers dipping into your lacy underwear. “Always so responsive.” He groaned as he slid his fingers through your wet folds, his thumb begging to circle your clit. He dipped two large fingers into your center and you gasped, hands gripping the counter in front of you.
“Oh god, Tom.” You moaned out, closing your eyes.
Tom stopped his movements, fingers still knuckle deep inside you. “What’s my name?” He asked threateningly.
You whimpered, trying to move your hips to grind yourself against his hand but the firm grip on your waist stopped you. “Daddy, please.” You whined.
His fingers started their sinful ministrations once again. “That’s my good girl. Are you going to cum on my fingers?” You nodded your head, afraid if you opened your mouth a loud moan would escape and the people outside would hear exactly what was going on inside the bathroom. The knot in your stomach was working itself tighter and tighter and you didn’t know how much longer you would last, but you knew better than to cum without permission.
“Go on, pretty girl. Cum all over my fingers. Show me how good I make you feel.” And with that the band snapped and you were clenching around his fingers, hand covering your own mouth to keep from making too much noise. Tom slowed his thrusts but didn’t stop until he had worked you through your orgasm and your body relaxed.
Tom gave you no time to recover before he hiked your dress up, material bunched up in his fist as he pulled your panties to the side and began to slide his thick head through your folds.
“Please.” You whined, needing him inside you stretching you out.
“Please what, pretty girl?” He asked, a slight sheen of sweat collect on his forehead as he tried to restrain himself. He needed you to answer quickly because he could feel his self control slipping so he delivered a harsh slap to your ass that had you gasping and biting your lip.
“Please fuck me, daddy.” You moaned out, loving the friction from his head bumping into your bundle of nerves but it wasn’t enough. “Need you to fuck me and fill me up.”
Tom wasted no time slamming into you stretching you out fully as he bottomed out. A groan slipped past his lips at the feel of your velvety walls pulling him in. He began to move not being able to hold still any longer.
“You’re so tight. Fuck- I’m going to fuck this pretty little pussy until you can’t think straight.” You moaned out at the filthy words leaving his lips.
Tom reached around and began to run fast circles over your bundle of nerves and it wasn’t long before you were once again climbing to another sweet release.
“Are you close? I can feel you gripping me, love.” You could no longer form coherent thoughts or words thanks to his harsh thrusts so you nodded your head and bit your lip to suppress another moan. Tom’s fingers found their way into your hair, gripping the strands and yanked your head back as he continued to pound into you from behind.
“Open your eyes, darling. I want you to watch yourself as you cum around my cock.” Your eyes fluttered open and you took in your reflection. You looked completely fucked out. After all the hours of work spent on hair and makeup you and Tom had managed to ruin it in no less than twenty minutes. Your mascara was smeared, tears running down from the corner of your eyes due to overstimulation, and lipstick was smeared along the corners of your mouth.
Tom increased the pressure on your clit and angled his hips to drive into you even deeper than before. You ran your hands along the counter searching for anything to grip onto. The knot in your lower stomach was growing tighter and tighter and with a few more expert thrusts you were cumming.
“Oh fuck, Tom, FUCK!” You shouted, you were sure that someone has heard you now as the knob to the door begins to jiggle and there is a light knock but you can’t bring yourself to care.
“That’s my good girl. You did so well-fuck- I’m gonna cum.” Tom’s thrusts became sloppy before he buried himself to the hilt and coated your walls with a final moan.
He pulled out and grabbed a paper towel and cleaned you up before pulling your dress back down and placing a kiss to your exposed shoulder. You took the time to fix your hair and makeup and look halfway decent once more as Tom tucked himself away and fixed his suit. “We should probably get back before anyone notices we’re missing.” He placed a soft kiss to your lips and forehead before grabbing your hand and leading you to the door.
Tom unlocked the door and nearly ran straight into Zendaya who’s hand was raised to knock on the door. It took her a second to realize what she was seeing but when she did she rolled her eyes at the two of you.
“Seriously?! I’ve been looking for you two for forever and you’ve been having sex in the bathroom? You guys seriously can’t keep your hands to yourself for a few hours can you?” She scolded the two of you with her arms crossed.
“Sorry, Daya.” You spoke sheepishly, unlike Tom who looked smug, you had the decency to at least act ashamed.
Zendaya’s shoulders dropped and she smiled taking your hand and pulling you back to the bathroom. “Let’s get you fixed up, you’re a mess.”
You turned to look at Tom who gave you a tap on the ass and sent you a sly wink.
“I’ll see you in a bit, darling.”
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hollandsfavbabe · 1 year
Popsicle Pairs
pairing: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
synopsis: in which you and tom decide to enjoy more than just popsicles until your son intrudes
warnings: super cliché, bathroom talk(toddler training)
word count: 1.3k
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a/n: based off of that one super cliche imagine if anyone knows what I’m talking about. i can’t find it anywhere on the internet, but trust me, it’s a thing. really i just had to get this out of my drafts ... enjoy!
“MOMMY!” your toddler shouted from the hall bathroom, eager to show you his latest accomplishment. You rushed from your position in the kitchen, leaving the ingredient cupboard open as your son took priority over starting dinner.
It was just three years ago that you and Tom were blessed with your wonderful son, though it felt like only a week. And now as he started to get bigger, you had begun every parent's favorite process when raising a toddler … not. Indeed it was potty training time. Helping your son switch from diapers to undies was a challenge for you two, but with Tom’s optimism and your determination, you were both sure you could do it. The trek had been long, but you were close to completing one hell of an accomplishment.
You took baby steps, starting by rewarding your little boy with soft candy whenever he simply alerted you that needed to go to giving him a treat when he had gone in the actual bathroom, whether he had taken off his diaper or not. Now, bigger steps caused for bigger rewards, so when he started actually using the loo you upgraded his reward to half of a popsicle, his favorite sweet.
When you arrived at the door of the bathroom your son was excited to inform you that he had yet again earned another popsicle half.
“Nice job buddy!” you congratulated before helping him to reach the sink so that he could wash his hands the way you taught him to.
When you were finished you both left for the kitchen, only to be greeted by your husband Tom. He stood outside the bathroom door with a curious expression.
“Did you make it again?” he asked, referring to your son’s triumph. The little boy nodded in reply, jumping up and reaching his hands into the air, gesturing for Tom to pick him up.
“I did it daddy, I did it!” he squealed excitedly.
“Oh I’m so proud!”
“Can I have my popsicle now?” your son asked, eyes widening.
“I don’t know, it’s awfully close to dinner. You’ll have to ask your mother.” Tom replied, looking at you as he waited to hear your decision. Your son turned towards you too, eager to hear what you had to say as if he could burst out of your husband’s arms, quite possibly the definition of jumping out of a seat from excitement. You let out a defeated sigh. You supposed your son could stray from his normal meal plan for one night.
“Sure.” you answered. Your son cheered in Tom’s arms, delighted by your conclusion. “It’s too late to start dinner anyways. I’ll just order a pizza.”
“Yeah, pizza!” your son whooped. You couldn’t help, but giggle at his reaction as you pulled out your phone to order the food. Tom chuckled with you walking off in the direction of the kitchen.
“Let’s choose a flavor while mommy orders. What kind do you want?” Tom asked, opening the fridge as he got close to it.
“Blue! I want blue!” your son demanded and so he was given what he desired.
Tom set him down as he handed over half of a blue popsicle, grinning at his son who was overjoyed by the frozen delight.
“The blue one is my favorite.” your son said, sticking the popsicle in his mouth.
“Oh really,” smiled Tom. “And why is that?”
“It colors my tongue!” exclaimed your son, showing his now blue stained tongue to his father. Tom laughed at the little boy, bending down and tickling his sides the way the boy loved.
“Silly.” grinned Tom and the two both broke into contagious fits of laughter.
Two empty pizza boxes lay on the kitchen table, the food they once contained now long gone in the digestion process as you and Tom laid your son in his bed, tucking him in before wishing him goodnight. He nestled his head into his pillow and bid you goodnight, ready for sleep. It was when you heard soft snores that you closed the bedroom door gently behind you.
Tom took your hand as you closed your son’s door, leading you away from his room and back into the kitchen where once again he opened the freezer.
“There’s two halves of two different popsicles left over that I doubt he’s gonna miss. Do you want red or blue?” He asked you, having no care which flavor he had himself.
“Red.” you replied, prompting your husband to hand over half of a red popsicle, the wood underneath sticking out the top, untouched by the knife you used to cut it for your son. Tom took a similar looking blue one for himself and together you peeled off the already opened wrapper and started licking them.
Tired of standing, you led Tom to the nearby sofa in the living room, taking a seat on one of the cushions and patting the one beside you for your husband to sit on to which he happily obliged, allowing you to lay on him as you both got comfortable.
“Today was a good day.” you stated mindlessly, almost finished with your popsicle. Tom set down the now bare stick of his and wrapped his hands around your waist as you laid on him, placing feather light kisses to your hairline.
“It was indeed.”
You were finished with your popsicle now, setting the stick on top of Tom’s discarded one, you turned around in his lap to face him, sitting up so that you could better see his features, better admire the structure that made up his heavenly face.
He plucked one of your hands from your lap and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it while grinning at you.
“I love you.” you blurted, the words falling from your lips easily as he showered you in affection.
“I love you too.” He replied, pressing another kiss to your knuckle.
“No way.” you whispered with obvious sarcasm.
“Yes way,” Tom joked right back before moving his other hand to the bone above your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your face as he gazed into your eyes. “Would you care for me to show you just how much I love you?”
You smirked, giggling as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yes please,” you nodded.
Tom scanned your smirk and no longer stalled to kiss it away as his lips met yours.
It was slow at first and built as you went along. It wasn’t very long before his tongue was in your mouth forcing a groan out of you.
You wanted to take it further, almost suggesting he carry you to your shared bedroom, but as your son walked into the living room you pushed yourself away from your husband and erased any lewd thoughts from your mind. You swore he had been asleep no more than five minutes ago.
Luckily he hadn’t seen anything and forchabtly for a three year old, smug red faces and crazy hair were not clear indications to him of what had been going on.
“What’s up honey?” you asked, blushing furiously after being nearly caught.
“I did it again!” he cheered with such pride in himself. You smiled, smoothing down some of the strands that were out of place as you stood to usher him out of the room, Tom by your side.
“Good job bud!” your husband praised.
“Can I have another popsicle before bed?” your son asked, ironically also taking notice of the two sticks on the table.
“Did you and daddy have some?” he questioned curiously.
You nodded with Tom, picking up the sticks to throw them in the nearest bin.
“Yep, we did.” you affirmed.
“Oh cool!” your son grinned. “Can I see your colored tongue?”
You shrugged and opened your mouth, Tom doing the same so that your son could see. Instantly the face of your toddler skewed into one of confusion and you felt immediate guilt.
“How’d you get purple tongues if there aren’t purple popsicles?”
You looked at Tom absolutely mortified, catching sight of his purple tongue before he shared your expression.
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
could you make a blurb of Tom holland x reader when they have a daughter and she hears someone call him ‘Tom’ so she copies
Never done a blurb before so hope you all enjoy this!
‘Tom’ || Tom Holland
Toms friends were over today, he invited them to come and chill by the pool on the hot day. Music played in the background as you all sat around and in the pool, talking and having laughs. Yours and Toms daughter, Darcy, was swimming with the help of her uncles, Harry and Sam.
She had her arm bands on, helping her to stay afloat. The young Holland was only 2 years old, she could just about talk. You decided to dip your feet into the pool, the cool water hitting your legs. You watch your beautiful daughter splash and laugh as the boys messed around in the pool.
Harrison then ran and jumped into the pool, making a big splash of water go all over you and Darcy. “Harrison!” You squeal as all the water flew into your drink. He came up from being under the water and just smirked laughing at the splashes of water on your body.
“uwcle Hawrrison, you splash” Darcy wines rubbing her eyes as the water had splashed all over her. “Sorry little one” He chuckled at the cute girl pulling her close to him, so she’s resting on his hip. He moved her hair from her face, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Yo Tom! Jump in!” Harrison called his best friend, who sat down next to you placing a small kiss on your lips.
Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “In a little while” Tom took a sip from his beer using his free hand.
“Come on Tom, you haven’t even gotten in for ages” Harrison said splashing him to try get him to come inside the pool. Darcy copying his actions and splashing you both, giggling when Tom kicked the water up at the pair.
Darcy was then next to speak, “Tom come play” She made grabby hands wanting her father to come in the pool with her. Everyone was silent for a minute realising that she had called him ‘Tom’ and not ‘daddy’ like she usually did or ‘dada’.
Harrison chuckled a little as he saw Toms face. “What did you call me?” He chuckled a little as the girl wiggled out of Harrison’s hold to swim to her mum and dad.
“Tom” She smiled.
“No, no. Baby, it’s daddy. Not Tom” He said as everyone started to laugh even you.
“Come, pwease Tom” she held onto his legs trying to pull him in. Then she turned to you, “Mummy I want him in” she said. Everyone knew Darcy was a daddy’s little girl.
“So you can call her mummy not y/n and you call me Tom?” Tom placed his beer down with a pout.
“Go on Tom, play with her” You smirk teasing him a little. “Yeah Tom” Harry smirked as well.
Tom slowly pulled himself into the pool, bring his daughter close to him. “Yay! Can we plwy now” She asked him, Tom still not liking her saying his name.
“First you have to say my name, my name you usually call me” He held onto her close.
“Tom” She smiled making him pout even more and a whine left his mouth.
“Noo. Darcy, love. It’s daddy, not Tom. Just daddy or dada, anything else but Tom” He pleaded waiting for her to say his usual name. That’s when Harrison whispered something into her ear, making her giggle.
“Thomas?” She questioned with a giggle.
Everyone started to laugh at the little girl and her father. Tom however pouted. “Harrison!” He whined.
The little girl tried to swim to her uncle Haz, Tom held onto her tickling her sides making the girl giggle. He loved her laugh. “Stop. T-thomas” She screamed as he continued.
“Stop calling me that and i’ll stop. Call me ‘daddy’ or ‘dad’ anything” He kept ticking her sides and stoped a little waiting for her to say a name.
“Daddy, stop” She smiled and he smiled back liking this name better, his actual name. He let go of the girl as she tried to swim over to Harrison. He held onto her arm pulling her closer.
“Tom” She began to giggle again, Tom swimming over to them. Harrison held onto the girl swimming away from Tom, laughs fell out of all there mouths.
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userholland · 1 year
baby's first christmas
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after five months with your own bundle of joy, it's christmas time! the two of you weren't expecting to splurge so much but it's the morning of december 25th and it's all about the newest holland of the family!
PAIRING: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
GENRE: parenting/domestic au!!!, super fluffy, short sweet to the point
A/N: so happy to keep up with this series and hope its giving such christmas vibes to anyone reading <3 appreciate the support on the first post so hopefully i'll keep up with it!
𑁍 masterlist 𑁍
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Your eyes fluttered open to the sight of delicate snow falling down on the terrace. A smile quickly appeared on your lips, pushing against the bed as you stretch your chest and neck. As you take a deep breath, your hand reached over to the other side of the bed but only grasped the sheets.
You furrowed your eyebrow, then looked at that side of the bed, only seeing the messy and wrinkled down sheet and the full blanket on the floor.
After making up your shared queen bed, you put on your slippers and robe before heading down the hall. Usually, in the morning, you checked on the baby first, but you froze when you saw her curled up in Tom's arms.
"What are you doing up?" You giggled, walking over to his side. You nuzzled your face behind his shoulder as the two of you glanced down at your precious girl, Mia.
"I woke up early and she was crying so, I picked her up and have been scared to put her back down." Tom lowly spoke, rubbing Mia's back as he turned to you and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
"Merry Christmas." You grinned.
"Merry Christmas, babe." He replied, pulling you close to him.
You pouted, "It's like yesterday she was so tiny."
"As if she's not now?" Tom jeered, running his hand over the top of her hair, "She's like the world's smallest thing."
"And it's her first Christmas today. Can you believe it?" You sighed, walking around to the closet. You had already laid out her red overalls and a small white shirt.
You heard Mia babble as she stretched out her arms and legs in Tom's hold, watching her squirm a bit before she opened her small eyes. Tom couldn't help but smile, tickling her tummy and then holding her face.
"Did you already change her diaper?" You asked, walking back with her outfit.
""Fresh and clean. Surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be after we fed her peas and squash last night." He said as he laid her down on the changing table.
"Well at least she finally likes something that not just bananas." You joked, giving him the overalls and shirt before unbuttoning her onesie.
"She gets her pickiness from you." He chuckled.
You smirked, "Well, she knows what she wants."
♡ ♡ ♡
When you both came downstairs, carefully holding Mia to your chest, the Christmas tree was beautifully lit and shining bright with presents wrapped around the bottom. You were in awe of it, already overwhelmed by how Christmas has come so fast.
"Did you add some presents last night?" You asked him as the two of headed toward the couch.
""I didn't want to admit how overboard I went with baby stuff."
"She's not even a year old and already has so much. You're just trying to make her a daddy's girl, aren't you?" You teased.
"No problem with a head start now."
You rolled your eyes, but Mia was on your hip, reaching her arms out when her eyes glimmered at the shiny paper of the presents.
"See," Tom pointed out, "She's already loving me." He smiled, quickly kissing Mia's cheek. It made you so flustered the way he was so affectionate with her, wanting to be involved no matter what occasion.
"Okay, start handing out presents Santa. We got a lot to get through this morning." You said as you carefully sat on the couch with Mia propped up on your lap.
Tom leaned down, reaching behind the tree to grab the first present. You tried to look around him, but then saw the biggest, softest brown teddy bear in his arms.
"I wonder who this is for." He smiled, "I know it wasn't on my list."
You laughed, pointing to the bear as Mia reached out her hands again, "Look at that, Mia. That's all for you."
As Tom sat the bear next to you, Mia's hand grabbed its fluffy nose and pulled it toward her with the little strength she had.
"With that muscle, she'll be bench pressing this." You jeered, making sure she didn't hurt herself.
Tom pulled another present, pretty small but quaint, "Here's for mom." He trailed, kneeling on both knees in front of you.
You pouted, "Oh, you're so great. It's like we have a baby together or something." You sarcastically said before scrunching your nose.
You unwrapped it, pulling off the paper and Mia tried to reach for the shreds as you threw it away. A velvet box revealed itself from the paper and you opened it, stunned to see a beautiful gold bracelet.
As you admired the band further, the three of your names were engraved in it. Your heart melted at the moment, looking in awe at it before Tom offered to put it on your wrist.
The two of you got lost in each other's eyes, adoring one another even more at this moment.
"I love you so much." He whispered, rubbing your knee.
"I love you so much too." You giggled as you tried to hold back tears, but Mia held your bracelet and tried to bring it to her mouth.
"No, no, Mia. Not in your mouth." Tom chuckled, "I actually have a present that's for that."
You smiled, "Maybe she wants one too."
Tom sort out the rest of the presents and you held Mia closer to you, seeing her brighten up when Tom opened her presents for her. She was young, but you knew she was loving it. You hoped that subconsciously she would remember moments like this and the shared warm feelings between the three of you.
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
heyy this is for the sweat treat party. can you do a fix where you’re really drunk and clingy but tom is just trying to take care of you and get you ready for bed? tysm!
😍 short juicy request x
Drunk on love
- Pairing Tom Holland x reader
- Summary You get drunk from a night out, Tom being a loving bf takes care of you
- Warnings being drunk, but nothing harmful just full of fluff!
- A/N Thanks for your request, much appreciated! Please feel free to participate into this event for my celebration of 200+ followers! 
You had one to many to drink on a late night out with Tom and his brothers in the city. You stumbled as you walk through the town as Tom holds you up.
“Careful love,” Tom takes your hand as he guides you to the car so they can go home, “I got you, Darling,” He catches you into his arms.
“Harry, can you open the door, thanks,” Tom asked, holding you up.
“You look cute,” You giggle to Tom as you swirl his curly hair around your finger, “have you got a girlfriend?” You smirked, playfully at him.
“You are my girlfriend love, can you please get into the car,” Tom kisses your forehead, you nod as Harry gets the door.
“Yh, of course,” you get in seeing that sam is in the car too, “Is Y/N ok?” He questions looking up to her drunk ness.
“Yh and thanks, I’ll take care of her,” Tom smiles, “I’ll drive if you want to,” Harry suggests.
“Are you sure? Your sober right,” Tom asks, “Yh, I’m good driving” Harry nods, “Cheers,”
“Come on poppet, we got to get your seat belt on,” Tom pulls your seat belt across you, buckling you in. You lean into his shoulder, taking is hand to hold.
Harry drives you home.
“Your a pretty boy,” you whisper, giggling into his ear. Tom smiles, “And your a pretty girl, who had a little too much to drink baby,” he smiles.
You guys arrive home as Harry parks the car. Tom gets out first to help you out, you haven’t gone to sleep yet surprisingly.
“Let me lift you up, Darling,” Tom wraps his arms around you as you nod your head, he kisses your cheek. Shutting the car door, he walks through the door with you in his arms.
Tom goes up the stairs but not without hearing giggles from Sam and Harry, knowing he definitely will be getting teased later. Honestly, he don’t care as long as he takes care of you.
Tom looks down to see you all sleepy, “We need to get your pjs on, Sweetheart and that make up off too!” he gently, lays you down on the bed as he grabs your pjs.
“Can I help you get your pjs on? baby,” Tom strokes your head, “Yh,” you giggle. Making grabby hands at him, your arms around his neck not letting him go.
“You need to let go of me, love,” You shake your head, “All mine,” you giggle, Tom had an idea! He tickled your sides for you to let go, “your all mine too! But I need your arms up!”
You put your arms up, he takes your shirt off. He unclips your bra then, Puts your pjs shirt on you. You laugh, “love, hold still!” Tom chuckles, trying to pull down your trousers.
“Sweetheart, I’m trying to help you,” Tom kisses you, “Your doing a good job, Spiderman,” You laugh even more, snorting at your own joke.
Your a high, giggling mess when it comes to you drinking too much! Causing you to get drunk and apparently clingy to Tom too!
Tom slips your pjs bottoms on you, “Finally, Darling!” He tucks you under the covers, “Warm and Comfy, my love?”
You nod, snuggling into the pillows of his bed. “You stay there as I go get my own sweats on and a few things for you,” Tom smiles, kissing your head.
Tom didn’t really take his eye off you, quickly coming back with now sweats and no T-shirt on. He have to take your make off with cotton pads and cleansing solution.
Tom puts the cotton pad onto your face, gently wiping off of your make up.
“Darling, close your eyes for me,” Tom asked, softly. You nod, “Tommy,” you mumble, “that feels nice,” you feel the cold pad with cream on your face.
Tom even put cream on your face after he wiped your make up off to hydrate your face, remembering at what you do yourself.
“That’s it baby,” Tom kisses your forehead, sliding under the covers.
“Oh, shit,” Tom gasped, “you should drink water and I’ll get paracetamol for you!” He quickly rushes out of the room, down to the kitchen.
Tom comes back up, “drink this, Darling,” He Pets your head, “you only need to drink a little bit, I don’t want you to get dehydrated,”
You nodded, drinking some of the water. You smile as Tom finally turns the lights off getting into bed with you.
You finally curl up into his chest, sighing at how comfy he is. “Sleep well, my love,” Tom kisses your head, “Love you,”
Tom cuddles back further into you, he wraps his arms around your waist. Bringing the covers up over your shoulders more so you don’t get cold.
“Love you too,” you whisper, even in your drunken state you can some what tell! of his love for you.
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spideyzgirl · 2 years
↳ *desire play* ༉‧₊˚✧
summary ↠ tom wants to try something new in the bedroom, but he left you in the dark about one important thing.
pairing ↠ tom holland x reader x harrison osterfield
warnings ↠ smut, threesome, cursing, cuckold, name calling, degradation + praise, dirty talk, oral (m+f), use of blindfold
wc ↠ 1533
(A/N) this better unflop me fr 😤
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tom caressed your hips gently as he slipped his fingers under the sides of your lace panties. your lips moved together, the kiss getting deeper and hungrier. your hands pry at the waistband of his boxers, desperately tugging at the fabric.
he pulls away slowly and grabs at your hands, making you pout. “what’s wrong?” you ask.
“nothing, i promise. just wait here, i wanna try something.” he gently moved you off of him and gave you one more kiss before he headed out of the bedroom. you decided while you waited, you go ahead and strip yourself of your bra and panties.
a few seconds later he returned with a black cloth in his hands, and your excitement at his return turned into curiosity. tom smiled to himself as his eyes roam over your body, taking you in as he neared you. what an angel you were.
“tom, what’s that?”
“it’s a blindfold,” he held it up for you to see. “i wanna put it on you. would you be okay with that?”
“yeah, i’m up for it.” you nodded. you liked trying new things with tom, especially in the bedroom.
“good girl.” tom stands over you and puts the blindfold on you, altering it so it fits right on you. “it’s not too tight, is it?”
“no, ‘s fine.” there was silence after that, you didn’t even hear his footsteps moving around you. a few seconds went by as you waited anxiously. your heart pounded hard with excitement. you didn’t know what he was going to do to you, and that’s what thrilled you.
you flinched slightly when he parted your legs, his hands kneading your inner thighs gently, your skin burned with eagerness. he parted your lips, and you could feel his soft breath tickling your clit. desperation swirled in the pit of your stomach as you waited for him to do something, anything.
finally, he swiped his tongue from your slit to your pulsing clit, collecting your juices on his tongue. a sharp gasp fell from your lips, and you immediately moved to toy with your nipples.
he flicked your clit feverishly as he went to work on you with his tongue, eating your pussy like it was his last day on earth. you arched your back, nearly snapping yourself in half as moans erupted from your throat. your stomach tensed as he dipped his tongue into your hole, fucking you with the thick muscle. his large hands pushed your legs further apart, trying to taste more of you.
you ran a hand down to feel his hair, and when you did, you frowned a little. you don’t remember toms hair being this short. it wasn’t as soft or as curly as it usually was either. you tried to ignore it and focus on what he was giving you, but you just couldn’t shake the strangeness of it all.
“yes darling?” he responded. his voice came from a different direction though, and the tongue on your cunt never stopped going at you.
you ripped the blindfold off, and gasped when you saw harrison lapping away at your pussy. what the hell?
you looked to your left and there was tom, stroking himself with a pleased smile as he watched his best friend tongue-fuck you. it was harrison the entire time, not tom.
“it’s okay baby, relax. let harrison make you feel good.” tom let out breathily.
“god, she tastes fucking amazing.” harrison chuckled and went back to devouring you.
“i told you. my girls got the best pussy ever.”
you didn’t know what to do. you wanted to push him off of you, but you didn’t want it to stop yet, it felt so fucking good. would you be betraying tom if you let this happen? he was letting it happen. besides, you couldn’t say you never thought about taking them both at the same time. you never thought it’d become reality though.
you moaned at their words and let the pleasure take over your body. your eyes fluttered shut and you relaxed, letting the mattress take your weight again. tom smiled at your acceptance and rubbed himself faster.
the idea of his best friend giving it to his girlfriend was something that turned tom on plenty. it might’ve been the fact that he knew he could make you cum harder and faster than any other, and it was amusing to watch them try to outdo him. no one could fuck you better than tom.
he thought back to the night that inspired all of this. you woke tom up with your squirming, and you had started moaning harrison’s name in your sleep. he knew he should’ve been pissed, but he for some reason, he was turned on. so he watched you that night, listening to your moans and whines and praises. he even took it upon himself to stroke himself while he watched, and you both came. he didn’t even know it was possible for someone to do that in their sleep.
he hadn’t stopped thinking about that night ever since. neither of you brought it up to the other, so here tom was, surprising you with what you both secretly desired.
“you know baby, after you had that wet dream about haz that one night,” he spoke up. “i just couldn’t get it out of my mind.” your eyes widened at the mention of it. he wasn’t supposed to know about that. you felt guilty for keeping it a secret, and even guiltier that the dream happened at all.
“i- are you mad?” you whined.
“oh no baby, i’m not mad. god knows i should’ve been but fuck, after fantasizing about it, you just look so sexy this way darling.”
you moaned and tried pulling harrison closer to your pussy. shit, he was good. not as good as tom of course, but definitely a close second. harrison chuckled, the vibrations stimulating you even more.
“why don’t you put that mouth to use baby?wanna see those pretty lips around my cock.” tom moved closer to your face, and you eagerly took him in your mouth, moaning as the bittersweet taste of his precum smeared on your tongue.
you bobbed your head, whimpering around him when harrison pushed two fingers inside of you, thrusting and twisting painfully fast. tom threw his head back as his face contorted in pleasure, your whimpers and whines sending tingles up his spine. “good fucking girl.”
toms fingers find your nipples, pinching and pulling at the pebbled flesh. your mind was a blur and your body was on fire. tears pooled in your eyes as you took everything they gave you. it was too much, but at the same time you still wanted more.
“aw, my sweet girl is crying. what, does it feel good? is it too much?” he cooed, brushing a few stray hairs out of your face. you shook your head no, and he chuckled lowly. “not enough?”
you give him a pleading look, and he gasps after finally realizing what you’re silently begging for.“oh. i see what you want. damn, my girls such a slut.” he removes himself from your mouth and walks over to harrison. “slide over haz, one tongue just isn’t enough for my baby.”
harrison makes room for tom, and as soon as toms tongue was added with harrison’s, you were sent to second heaven. you’ve never had two guys taste you at the same time, the feeling was unexplainable.
it was painful as it was pleasurable. harrison was focused on your clit, while tom plunged in and out of your hole. your body went completely numb, and your mouth hung open, but you couldn’t make a sound. your back arched as far as it could go you were sure you’d break. “so fucking good for us.” tom mumbled, slapping your inner thigh. the pain only adding to the pleasing ache in your cunt.
you looked down in between you, and let out a shaky breath. the boys were sloppily lapping at you, not even caring that their tongues would clash every so often.
suddenly, your bubbling in the pit if your stomach before was threatening to erupt, and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. you finally released, your high crashing down over you, overwhelming you completely, liquid heat running through your veins. your body trembled as you let out a shrill cry, your pussy gushing all over the boys mouths.
“that’s my girl.” tom smiled and rubbed your thigh soothingly. “did so good for us love.”
they cleaned a bit of your juices off of your thigh, as you laid there completely out of breath, your body still trembling. tom took notice of that and shook his head at you. “oh darling, we haven’t even fucked you properly yet.”
“w-what?” you asked, your mind still foggy from your orgasm. you look to harrison who was taking his belt off while eyeing you like food.
“we’re not done with you yet, love. look at what you’ve done to harrison,” he spoke. there was no denying the tent in his pants was because of you. “you’ve gotta help him feel better now, darling.”
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Holland brothers x sister!reader
Summary: You are around the age of 5/6 and you wait til all your family members are asleep to throw a dance party
Warnings: None
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"Come on sweetie it's time for bed." Tom says after he does a long stretch. "Okay fine." you say. Tom picks you up and puts you on his hip. "Goodnight everyone!" You tell your family. "Goodnight Y/N/N" they tell you back. Tom takes you upstairs to your bedroom. Once you get there Tom tucks you under the sheets. "Goodnight Tommy." You say before yawning. "Goodnight Y/N/N." Tom says before leaving.
Awhile later you wake up and climb out of bed. You poke your head open and see that all of your lights are off, that mean that your family is asleep. Your parents had to go sleep at a hotel because they needed to be somewhere super early in the morning that is right across the street from the hotel.
You slowly make your way to the staircase then downstairs. You walk over to the living room coach where you find the remote. You put it on the Disney music channel. You put the volume super loud. Your favorite Disney song is on, it is Into The Unknown from Frozen two. You start bouncing off the walls and running around.
Paddy and Tom come down first, followed with Sam then Harry. "Y/n WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Harry yells. You can't here him cause the music is to loud. Tom went to go turn the music down. since the music was turned down you new you were caught. So you hid behind the coffee table.
"Y/N/N where are you?!" Paddy calls out. You didn't want to get into anymore trouble so you stand up. You start walking over to your brothers who are by the stairs with a frown on your face. Remember how I just said you didn't want to get into anymore trouble. Change that, cause you broke their ankles and dashed upstairs to your bedroom.
You decided to hide under the bed and stay as quiet as possible. Your brothers ran upstairs half full of rage. They walked in and saw your feet sticking out from under the bed, but they wanted to make you feel like you have a good hiding spot. Paddy calls out "Oh Y/N/N where are you???" You giggle. "Y/N??" Sam calls out next. "Well. . .it looks like she is not here. Let's go to bed." Sam pretends to walk out of the room. Your brothers see that and pretend to walk out to. Little did you know they were going to surprise attack you. You crawl out of under your bed looking around for a minute when Sam jumps out of the closet and picks you up. That is a signal for the rest of your brothers to come out and tickle you.
You start to laugh and try to send their hands away. They finally stop after awhile then Sam says " I don't trust her she should sleep with someone for the rest of the night." You complain saying " NOOOOO all of ya'll snore so loud!!"
"To bad, so sad!" Paddy says. You sticks your tongue out at him. "She can sleep in my room tonight." Tom insist "Okay injoy this little monster." Sam says tickling you one last time.
Next thing you know you are waking up in Tom's room at 6:00 a.m.
(I hope you enjoyed this thank you for reading this)
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viviennes-tears · 2 years
The last hurrah (Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland chapter 2/2)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.
Prompt requested by VampireQueen666: No, thank you for a great story. I was thinking it would be more about Tom Holland, still playful. Tom Hiddleston and Chris are thinking about going public and though they have had fun with Tom (they haven't had full blown sex with him) they want to become monogamous. They decide to have one last hura. Tom can't celebrate his bday home because he's filming a mini series in New York and is renting an apartment. They secretly sneak in why Tom is in the shower, jump in and tickle him like crazy, pinch his nips, Hiddleston tickles him between the cheeks why Chris tickles his privates. They get out The older guys get to be in their underwear tom has to stay in his bday suit lol. (loved your story before mine got inspired) Chris throws Tom over his knee for a bday spanking While Tom H orders a pizza then Chris switch places while he gets the cake ready. After Tom blows out the candles and both men start biting his big bottom. Tom can't take anymore sit Dalton and they relieve him. As they all pop into bed together They tell tom their plans. he understands. he doesn't think he's gay he just likes being with them and his bday wish is that they are happy.
A/N: Normally I wouldn't do sequels to prompt requests, but as I had so much fun working on part one I decided why not allow it this time? Honestly though part two has been just as much fun to work on too. However I hope I haven't lost anyone's interest and I hope this doesn't disappoint either.
I hope you enjoy A bit of mischief pool side sequel! x
Summary: Holland is in New York filming a mini series and can't get back home to celebrate with his friends and family. Despite the cast and crew surprising him with a cake they can't get him to go out for the night due to his bad mood. However, his plans to laze around by himself in his rented apartment doesn't turn out as planned, as Hiddleston and Chris fly out to surprise him instead.
Warnings: Spanking, jealousy, Oral sex, hand job, exploring sexuality, friends with benefits, smut and other sexual content
"And that's everything you want to ask?" Chris says seriously, his hands clasped together in front of him with his elbows resting on his thighs. Holland can only silently nod.
"Well, it's been a long day and I think we should all get some rest." Hiddleston adds, as he stands and then stretches his arms above his head, his t shirt rising high enough to see his pleasure trail. Holland gulps thickly and doesn't move right away. 
"Good idea." Chris stands up and as Hiddleston is done stretching he feels Chris' strong arm wrap around his waist.
"Not tonight." Tom says as he tries to pull away slightly.
"I'm not suggesting anything!" Chris protests and Tom's brow raises questionably. "What? Can't we just spoon or something? Please?" He pleas and breaks Tom finally as a smile spreads across his lips.
"Fine." Hiddleston rolls his eyes and playfully bumps hips with Chris. Whilst Chris celebrates with a small victory cry of a hissing 'yes' leaves his lips, and with a clenched fist that wasn't around Hiddleston's waist, and his eyes tightly closed for the brief few seconds it lasted for. "Night Tom, see you in the morning. And remember if you think of any more questions just ask, ok?" He says before they leave.
"ye-yeah, sure. Night guys." Holland's voice is small but not very reassuring either.
Chris and Hiddleston head upstairs and leave Holland to his thoughts for a while. Thoughts about what all of this means to him and the questions about his sexuality. Had he been wrong all this time or did he simply just enjoy being with the older men platonically? Eventually when he was ready he went upstairs for the night, but his entire body felt heavy as he began to move. He decided it was down to being tired and once he'd wake in the morning things would no doubt feel different, feel better, after all it would be a new day. After he made it to his room he found the simplest of tasks like brushing his teeth and undressing to take far longer than normal. Again he jotted it all down to being tried and the longer he stood the wearier he would feel. Once he was down to his boxers he got into bed and lay still whilst looking up at the ceiling for a moment, before he turned the bedside lamp off, plunging the room into complete darkness. Despite the darkness around him it didn't send him to sleep as quickly as it would normally after a long day. His brain wouldn't allow him to even though his body yearned for sleep.
Meanwhile in Chris' room,"do you think we could have said more?" Hiddleston asks quietly as Chris gets into the bed beside him.
"What else could we have said? We told him the full story about us and we answered his questions." Chris replies, as he wraps his arm tightly around Tom and pulls him closer, becoming the big spoon and comforted by laying with him.
"Hummm...I suppose so." Hiddleston replied, resting his head on the palm of his hand on top of the pillow, and the other hand holding onto Chris' wrist of his arm wrapped around him.
"Don't worry about it right now," Chris then kisses his clothed shoulder and adds, "night, Hiddles."
"Goodnight, Hemsey." Then the light went out and both of them soon fell asleep.
It's been a year since Holland found out about the full extent of Chris and Tom's relationship. Yet it seemed to come with conflicting thoughts about his own sexuality, and how easily he seemed to flip between friendly banter, and feeling a stirring below his belt for them. Even Hiddleston's jealousy hadn't reared its ugly head since they began playing with him too. However, during the remaining time they had left during filming of Avengers: End Game Holland ended up meeting a young woman around his age, they met at a bar one night when he and the older men went out for drinks during their down time. The night ended with Holland hooking up with her and they stayed in touch for the duration he was there for. He knew he liked her and she liked him, but it didn't last beyond the scheduled filming time unfortunately.
Despite Holland now knowing about Chris and Hiddleston's relationship they felt comfortable enough to be open with him after they told him everything. Occasionally this meant whilst in the villa Holland would walk into a room while Chris and Tom were in the middle of their playfully antics. He also once caught Chris sucking Hiddleston off. He stood frozen to his spot, his mouth was running dry too, until Hiddleston's lust hooded eyes spotted him then he was sporting a smirk, which seemed to get his feet to move again. Basically he certainly got used to seeing them naked around him. Also he once played strip poker with them for the laughs as they consumed a large amount of alcohol. Plus occasionally Chris and Hiddleston would playfully nip at his neck or earlobe, which he also got used to, it was just them being themselves. Although Chris and Hiddleston continued to treat him the same as if nothing had changed. They still had their suspicions about Holland, but they never pressured him about it. They only wanted to be there for him.
Albeit, once filming ended the three did part ways, but they would find themselves regularly meeting up and talking on the phone. Of course out in public no one would have suspected them to have the close bond they do have behind closed doors, because behind closed doors they could do as they pleased. That included Hiddleston and Chris continuing to indulge in their benefits side of the relationship after filming ended. Also they would continue parading around naked in front of Holland. One time though after filming Holland invited the guys around to his place for a boys movie night. Innocent enough you might think, but actually it wasn't as innocent as you might think. 
As the movie began Chris and both Toms got comfy. One of Hiddleston's legs was resting on Chris' lap and the other foot planted on the ground, with his back against the sofa. Whereas Chris had an arm wrapped around Hiddleston's middle and the other draped over the arm of the sofa. Holland sat cross-legged next to them munching away on his popcorn, until Hiddleston pulled him closer, and gently got him to rest his head on his shoulder. Holland didn't protest, not even a flitch, he just began to hum as Hiddleston's fingers softly stroked his hair, his popcorn abandoned as he enjoyed the soft touches and pampering he was getting. 
As the movie was about midway through Hiddleston was getting a little frisky. The movie was turning him on, the bulge in his tight jeans was evidence enough. Suddenly his hand roamed from Holland's waist (where it ended up after stroking his hair) down to his thigh, and then he gave it a squeeze causing a gasp to escape him. Although it didn't stop there because before Holland knew it Hiddleston fully turned to him and was kissing him on the lips. Their eyes closed as the kiss started off gentle and slow as Hiddleston's hand still squeezed his thigh occasionally. A few moments passed before Holland felt Hiddleston's tongue run along his bottom lip asking for permission to enter. Holland felt a tingle in his lips as if they wanted him to kiss Hiddleston roughly, and that's what he did, he allowed Hiddleston's tongue into his mouth, the kiss deepening and got rougher. Chris found himself enjoying watching them instead of the movie. After a few minutes he pressed himself against Hiddleston's back, inhaling his scent before reaching his hand between the two of them, then he began to rub Holland's crotch through his joggers. A delightful shudder travelled up Holland's entire body and he groaned into Hiddleston's mouth which delighted Hiddleston. 
Once the kiss ended Hiddleston and Chris swapped places causing Holland's eyes to open as Chris' hand briefly left his crotch. Hiddleston is now watching from behind Chris. Holland slowly began to lay back as Chris' hand returned to palming him through his joggers. It had been a while since he'd been touched. He found himself moaning and his hips thrusted upwards wanting more pressure as his eyes screwed up tight. That's when Chris increased the pressure and went for it, giving Holland everything as his hips met him point for point, right until he came in his joggers. As Holland was coming down from his pleasurable high his panting lessened and his eyes opened up to see Hiddleston straddling Chris. The pair were kissing harder and more passionately than he had been with Hiddleston. Holland's joggers were wet and he was a bit embarrassed too.
Right now Holland was alone in an apartment which he is renting for the time being in New York whilst he's filming a mini series. Really he should be going out as it is his 21st birthday after all, but he wasn't in the mood. He wanted to be at home with family and friends. Regardless, the rest of the cast and crew had gotten him a birthday cake as a surprise, and some had begged to take him out for drinks, although with his foul mood he could only accept a slice of cake. So instead for the night his plans were to take a shower and laze around in his pajamas before getting an early night.
Holland shedded his clothes and then made his way over to the en-suite bathroom where he jumped into the shower. As he stood under the hot spray began washing his entire body and his hair, before he allowed the hot spray to consume him entirely. He didn't want to get out just yet, because he thought if he stayed in there longer it would somehow wash away his sour mood. However what he failed to realise with the water on is that he's not alone anymore, at least he didn't until he felt two pairs of familiar hands begin to tickle him. Much to Holland's surprise seeing Chris and Hiddleston was a welcomed sight nonetheless, while wondering how they managed to sneak into his apartment and jump into the shower undetected. 
Although, as they kept tickling him Holland couldn't think too much about it, and his squirming around was uncontrollable as was his laughter much to their amusement. Then a moan escaped him as they tweaked and pinched his nipples, giving him only a short rest from the tickle attack, before it started up again. Suddenly he felt Hiddleston tickle him between his cheeks as Chris knelt down to tickle his privates. They continued to tickle him until no sound could be heard anymore, not even a whisper or a gasp. They eventually stopped as Holland's legs began to shake and wanting to give out from under him. It has been ages since they'd seen him let alone play with his body. However they've played with body numerous times since the day by the pool, but they never had full blown sex with him, as they wanted him to be comfortable and they didn't want push him away either.
Holland felt being steadied by them both after the tickling stopped completely. Immediately after Chris rose back onto his feet and he wrapped his arms around Tom, kissing and nipping one side of his neck as Hiddleston did the same to the other side. "Happy birthday!" Chris said cheerily after his and Hiddleston's lips left his neck.
"Wha-what are you guys doing here?!" Tom managed to say as his eyes opened. His entire body tingles after what had happened mere moments ago. It was actually only the night before he'd spoken to them and he told them that he wished he could celebrate back home with everyone, even though they were there with him instead. 
"It's your birthday, of course we came!" Hiddleston said as he tousled Holland's wet hair. "Come now, let's get dry." He added as he stepped out and held his hand out to him to take it.
They took care of Holland once they all got out and then they dried off. Hiddleston and Chris soon thereafter got their boxers on, once they retrieved them from Holland's bedroom floor, but Holland's birthday suit was all they would allow him to be in. Holland chuckled and seemed not to mind it now being in only his birthday suit in front of them, besides it made a change having him parading around them instead of the other way around.
"We brought you a gift, but there's a catch..." Chris said darkly, as he tenderly touched Holland for a moment as his eyes lit up with excitement. It soon passed as Holland was then pulled over towards the bed as Chris seated himself down on the edge with his thighs slightly parted. Next he pulled him harshly down onto thighs and Holland felt a little unsure about what was going to happen.
Chris waited a couple of beats as Holland got comfortable across his thighs. When he thought Tom was ready he softly trailed the back of his hand down his back. "What pizza do you want, Tommy?" Hiddleston asked as he came up to run his fingers through his hair.
"How about a couple of pepperoni pizzas?" Holland replied as he looked up at Hiddleston.
"Pepperoni it is." Hiddleston agreed and made himself at home on the armchair in the corner to put in the order with some other add ons.
Right as Hiddleston dialed the number Chris squeezed Holland's ass lovingly, albeit as soon as Hiddleston got through Chris' hand swiftly and firmly met both asscheeks with the full spans of his hand, making Holland cry out in the process. Chris hushed him and whispered a reminder to him that Hiddleston was on the phone, but telling him he'd hang up if he didn't behave. So Holland quietly agreed to behave before receiving another harsh beating to his ass. In total he received at least another ten harsh thwacks to his ass, or so he thought, as some came quicker than others and one side took more of a beating than the other did. Actually the ass spanking was new territory for him (expect for the towel spanking a year ago) as he hadn't attempted to explore down that road not even whenever he was with women his age. Although the experience left him panting and shaking, strangely in a good way. Hiddleston sat beside them once he placed in the order for their pizza and his phone was replaced along the way with a soothing lotion instead. He unscrewed the lid on the lotion and applied a generous amount onto his hand then he took his time applying it to Holland's red beaten ass. The feeling of the lotion caused him to hiss and scrunch up his nose.
"You took that well." Hiddleston praised, as Holland was allowed to sit up on Chris lap and Chris himself also agreed then he pecked a kiss to Holland's cheek. Yet it was painful for him to sit, although it was only then that he noticed he was hard. Embarrassment evident on his features before he tried to hide behind his hands. Both Chris and Hiddleston laugh as Hiddleston removes his hands. "No need for that...look..." Hiddleston then reached under the bed for the gift bag they hid under there.
Shyly Holland took the gift bag, hiding his erection with the bag as he pulls out the first item, he then sees that it's his favourite chocolate bar. Followed by him pulling out the next item that turned out to be the latest Spidey Funko Pop, they remembered he had a little collection of Spideys back home. Also Spidey seemed to put a smile on his lips, until he pulled out the last item, and embarrassment washes over him again. The last time being a small bottle of lube. 
"Ehehe, I don't know how in the world that got in there." Hiddleston purred and then took the lube bottle to hide it under the bed covers. Also Holland just about managed to thank them for his gifts with his quiet voice, but the older men were happy nonetheless. 
Later when the pizza arrived Holland was thankful that his hard-on had gone down. The three of them settled down on the sofa, after Chris had taken the pizza off the delivery guy while still only in his boxers, and gave him a cheeky wink too. As much as Holland was enjoying the pizza he was enjoying the company more despite not being allowed even now to wear his own boxers. After the pizza Chris rushes into the kitchen and comes back with Tom's birthday cake. Both himself and Hiddleston sing Happy birthday as the cake is set down in front of him ready for the candles to be blown out. Rather than blowing the candles out right away Holland looks between his friends and smiles in thanks, then he leans forwards with his eyes closed to make his wish, and then blows out his candles. 
"Happy birthday!" Hiddleston and Chris cheer in unison and clap him on the back all in good jest. 
"Now for the birthday tugs..." Hiddleston says seductively, as he kneels down on the floor in front of the coffee table and he pushes Holland's legs wider to accommodate himself between them. Chris shuffles closer to Holland and rubs circles into his lower back. "Traditionally this is the part where your hair would be tugged for how old you are today, but..." Hiddleston's words trail off as he smirks, then he adds, "we think you'll enjoy this little twist far more." 
Holland's breath hitches in his throat as Hiddleston takes his soft length into his hand. Hiddleston's fist then slid up his cock, the skin pulling deliciously at the tip before he slowly returned to the base. Holland moaned and thrusted his hips towards Hiddleston as he heard him start to count."God, can I hold on until he reaches my age?" He thought. As Hiddleston continued to agonisingly keep at the same slow pace whilst he counted, Holland's length began to harden in his hand, and Chris began kissing his shoulder and nipping at the skin instead of rubbing circles into his back. When Hiddleston reached half way through his counting Holland's legs were trembling on either side of Hiddleston's body, he panted and moaned as he felt his hand tighten around his cock. The tighter feeling caused Holland to thrust again into his hand, wanting to add more friction and wanting release.
"Twenty-one..." instantly upon hearing his age Holland cum with a low groan of pleasure. His load squirting all over Hiddleston's hand and some even getting on his thighs. Hiddleston didn't stop though until he helped him through his orgasm.
Once spent Holland's body toppled sideways into Chris. A light sheen of sweat had formed across his brow and chest. Hiddleston licked his hand clean as sat next to them while Chris kissed Holland's temple and held him tight. They stayed like that for a while as Holland savoured the after bliss feeling. 
The three of them got into bed together after they had some birthday cake and a few beers. Holland lay between Hiddleston and Chris, but he felt as though the air around them had shifted, and he needed to know why.
"What? Somethings wrong, you're my mates, you can tell me!" Holland looked between the two with concern written across his features.
"This is more than just celebrating your birthday...call this the last hurrah!" Chris says with a soft smile. Holland stares at him with confusion, still not understanding what's going on.
Tom hooked two fingers under Holland's chin and gently turned his head so his eyes were on him. "It's not a goodbye. We'll still be around as mates, sure..." Hiddleston pauses to wet his lips. "It's just that Hemsey and I...we've been talking a lot and we have decided to become monogamous." His voice soft and Holland noticed a sparkle in his eyes.
"Sooo?" Holland asks.
"We're going public with our relationship." Chris confirms and squeezes Holland's side.
"Hey, that's great! I'm happy for you both, because that's what I want for the two of you, to be happy!" Holland got up and started jumping up and down on the bed, causing laughter to erupt below him, also the tube of lube fell out the bottom of the bed. His semi-hard cock bouncing and looking very tempting to his bedmates.
Chris soon yanks Tom back down making him land with a thud onto the bed. "You're seriously fine with this?" He asks seriously now.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Holland is confused once more.
"Well..." Chris rubs the back of his neck as he tries to find the right words. "I-you-us have had this...," he gestures between them all, "going on between us for a year now. Hiddles over there was jealous of you and along with my invitation to you to come to the villa he got over it. Three mates...you know?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
Holland chuckled "I don't think I'm gay, Chris." Both Chris and Hiddleston frown at him with confusion. "Spending time with my mates is enough and I appreciate what you've been trying to do since you guys told me about your relationship. Also my wish earlier was that you two are happy." He smiled a genuine smile, warming both of their hearts. 
"Just remember though, we'll be here for you." Hiddleston said seriously and Holland knew what he meant by that.
"I won't forget." Holland replied and kissed Hiddleston on the lips then he began to fiddle with the bed covers nervously. "Can...can I request something for my birthday?" His eyes look down at his fingers as they continue to play with the covers.
"Name it!" Chris said enthusiastically and nudged Holland playfully.
Holland bit his bottom lip before he could open his mouth again. "I wanna try something..." 
Suddenly with a new release of confidence Tom moves up onto his knees and then he pulled back the covers. His eyes roaming over each of their bodies and then he reaches both hands out, hooking his fingers around one side of each of the waistbands of their boxers. It was a silent question for them to answer by helping him take off their boxers. Neither Chris or Hiddleston would turn down the birthday boy, so they removed their boxers, Chris far quicker compared to Hiddleston who was more graceful. Holland took a deep breath before he took his time exploring their bodies with hands and lips, as they lay on their backs, allowing Holland to take the lead for a bit instead of themselves. 
Hiddleston's toned abdomen tightened as Holland kissed him softly and took his length into his hand. Chris then moved onto his side as he watched Holland work Tom up. The scene before him caused his cock to twitch with need, so he reached down and tightly took hold of his length, then he began to pump up and down. That was until Holland pried away his hand and took over. When they were both hard and Holland had enough with the use of his hands they knelt before him, as he bravely nuzzled his nose against Chris' manhood, inhaling his scent deeply before he licked his tip. Chris hissed at the feeling of Holland's tongue against his slit and laced his fingers with Hiddleston's. With Hiddleston's free hand he stroked Holland's hair for a bit before he tugged him back hard enough to pop off Chris, then he pressed the end of his own cock against his lips. Chris was a little disappointed but hearing both Toms groans mixed with the slurs made him take over himself again. 
Holland kept going back and forth between them, pleasuring them with his tongue, doing exactly what he knew he liked when he was in their position. Eventually he got to taste each of them in turn as their seed slid down the back of his throat and some even dribbled down his chin. In the end the three of them lay together tangled in a mess of sheets, cum and limbs while breathing erratically. 
"Happy birthday to me." Holland said breathlessly.
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears​
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fluffy-lee · 2 years
The Essay
This is a TICKLE fic
Tom Holland x costar! reader
Warnings: none
Inspired by the request from: @obsessedwithseb
Summary: Y/n is struggling to focus on an essay that needs to be finished for school while on set of the new Avengers movie (Endgame). Someone recruits Tom Holland to "babysit" her, which he agrees, only to have things backfire on him.
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  "Just because you're an actress, does not mean you can give up on school. You need to get that essay written!" Your manager scolded you.
You were on the set of the new Avengers movie. You were still in high school, and the youngest actor out of everyone. It was super fun, but it also came with some downsides. Like how you had to have this essay finished today for school. 
You kept putting it off and procrastinating it, because you were so excited to be on set and you just wanted to hangout with everyone. It wasn't long until the whole cast and crew became aware of the situation. 
  "Y/n, you better go get that essay done!" Evans said, crossing his arms. 
  "B-but I just wanna watch this one scene, just this one!" You whined. 
  "We are all going out to dinner tonight and you're going to miss out because you didn't finish your essay on time! Goooo!" He said, turning you around and pushing you towards your trailer. 
You huffed and puffed and went to your trailer, sat down, and here you were now, being scolded by your manager. 
  "I've got errands to run, Y/n. I can't be your babysitter! You need to be responsible and get this assignment done." 
You rolled your eyes. "Okay, okay I am!"
Your manager left. You took a deep breath and began to focus on your essay, typing a few words. Unfortunately, it wasn't long until you ran out of focus. You picked up your phone to scroll, but you saw you had a text.
 If you are reading this text, YOU SHOULDN'T BE. YOU SHOULD BE DOING YOUR HOMEWORK. Love ya! 
Sebastian's text made you smile and gave you motivation. You were able to keep your focus for a good 30 minutes… but then, you had quite the craving for some coffee. You snuck out of your trailer to go get some coffee from the snack bar. You were spotted and received many glares from your co-workers. You sheepishly grabbed your coffee and went back to your trailer. Your coffee didn't have enough creamer! You went and got more creamer. More glares. You had the right amount of creamer, but whipped cream on top would be so yummy. You went and got whipped cream. You came back to your trailer. Sat down and you thought to yourself "Okay, I am for real this time. I'm going to get this done." It wasn't long before you decided that a biscuit would be very nice to have with your coffee. You got up, opened your trailer door, and jumped. You were nose to nose with the one and only- Tom Holland. 
  "Hello Y/n." He said, narrowing his eyes at you with a smirk. 
  "Oh, hi Tom!" You said with a nervous giggle. 
  "May I come in? I need a place to chill while Harry is working in my trailer." Tom explained.
Your procrastinating self was very excited to have Tom come hangout in your trailer. You assumed that he didn't know how much trouble you were in with this stupid essay. What you didn't know, is that he very much knew what was going on with you and he had been assigned the job of getting you to get this essay done, because everyone knew he had you wrapped around his finger, though you'd deny that. 
  Tom entered your trailer and plopped down on the couch next to your table where you were working. He quietly scrolled through his phone as you both made small talk. You explained to him how you were doing this essay and he pretended to know nothing about it. 
  You began to focus, and it felt a bit easier to have Tom there. You didn't feel so lonely and like you were missing out on anything. His company gave you peace. However, this essay was so annoying that you decided to get up again for whatever stupid reason, but Tom had somehow convinced you to sit back down. You didn't think much of it. You did as he suggested and got back to work. 
   Oh, I left my favorite jacket inside! I better go get that before I forget it! And maybe I'll get some strawberries too." You said, standing up to leave a few minutes later. 
  "Oh no, no you get back to work! I'll go get it for you!"
"Oh no it's okay! I can get it!" You insisted.  "Oh I don't mind at all!" Tom countered.
"No, I could use the break to stretch my legs. I've been working all day." You lied.
Tom raised an eyebrow at you.
 "No. No you haven't. You need to sit down and get this essay done." He scolded. 
That's when it clicked. 
  "Wait a minute! You're spying on me!"
  "Spying? No!"
  "Well, you came here to babysit me. Who put you up to this?" You sneered, slowly approaching Tom.
  "No one! I'm just here to hangout!" He lied, slowly backing away.
  "Tom Holland you may be a great actor, but I know you're lying!"
 Tom couldn't help but smile, confirming your accusation. 
  "You better tell me, Tom, or I will…"
  "Will what?" He challenged.
Butterflies rushed to your stomach. 
  "I will tickle you." You threatened. 
Tom's eyes went wide and his arms immediately blocked his torso.
You smirked lifting your hands.
 "Y/n! DON'T."
Your hands shot to his sides darting any spot you could reach that wasn't being blocked by his arms. It wasn't long before he collapsed onto the couch behind him and you dug into his belly while hysterical laughter poured out of him. 
  "STAHAHAA!" He cried with laughter, unable to get any words out. 
 "Sorry, what was that?" You teased. "Tom I just need to know who put you up to this! That's all!" 
 "No one! Nohohoho one Y/n! Stohohohop!"
  "STOP LYING TO ME!" You boomed, unable to help your laughter yourself.
  "Ihihihi ahaham not! It tickles so much! Stohohop!"
 "Good!" You sassed. 
Tom wanted to just throw you off, because he was much stronger than you, but he really didn't want to risk hurting you. 
 You decided to take it up a notch.
  "Fine! You leave me no choice!" You said.
 Tom had a questioning look on his face through his laughter as he was giggling and squirming beneath you from being tickled on his ribs and sides.
You shot your hands up to his underarms and he let out a scream like you've never heard before, and you laughed so hard as his laughter went silent. You tried your very best to stay put as he was desperately trying to buck you off of him.
  "ROBERT DID IT! IT WAS ROBERT!" He shouted through hysterics. 
 You finally let go, falling next to him on the couch. You panted. He was so strong and it took so much strength to tickle him.
   "I don't like being tickled." Tom said as he was catching his breath. 
  "I thought I was ticklish." You said, shocked. 
 Tom turned to you with a glare of pure revenge. 
Your heart dropped and Tom saw it.
  "You are ticklish." Tom said through gritted teeth. 
A small smile crept onto your face and he pounced.
  "You're ticklish right… here." Tom latched a claw around your side and began gently squeezing. It was enough to make you lose it. 
  "TOHOHOM! Nohohohoho! I'm sohohohorry!" 
"And your ticklish here!" He teased, attacking the middle of your tummy, arguably your worst spot. 
You belly laughed and weakly fought him off. You were loving this and you weren't too intentional about trying to hide it. 
Tom smile to himself as he shook your ribs, getting the cutest laughter out of you. Your laughter was contagious to him. 
After a minute he went to your neck and you squealed before falling into silent laughter. 
  "All because you won't finish your stupid essay!" He teased some more. 
He sat on your legs. 
  "Okay hold on. TOM. NO." You begged.
  "You really expect me to show mercy after what you did to me Y/n/n? No way!" And with that, he attacked your feet. It was so sensitive and ticklish that you couldn't take it.
  "I don't know if I believe you…" He said, scratching the arch of your left foot.
Tom dropped your foot and you ran to the table and sat down, blushing like crazy and trying to catch your breath. Tom found that quite hilarious. 
 Tom smirked at you. "I win."
  You bashfully covered your face. "You win." 
Tom giggled. "Would you like me to stay or leave?"
  "Please stay." You said quietly. 
  "Are you able to focus now?"
  "I felt so jittery before that I couldn't stay seated… but after you tickled me, I feel… better in a weird way." You said blushing over your own words.
 "Well, now we know the trick! Next time you have to study or have a big assignment, let me know." He said with a playful smirk.
You nodded. 
He got up from the couch and towered over you. You looked away sheepishly. 
  "Look at me." He ordered. 
You slowly looked up.
 "Don't EVER tickle me again." He scolded, a playful smirk on his face.
You gave him your squinty smile. You weren't promising that. 
Tom rolled his eyes and plopped back down on the couch. 
  "Wake me when you're done." Tom said.
You worked on your essay while Tom napped on the couch. You worked hard on your essay with butterflies lingering in your tummy. It was perfect motivation, oddly.
You finished the essay after a little over an hour, free of the assignment and free to enjoy the rest of the day with your friends, with a little revenge on Downey, of course.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 years
Super Bowl Rasberries
Marvel cast x female teen!reader
Synopsis: The entire Marvel cast is at RDJ’s house to watch the Super Bowl. However, when Y/N gets bored and starts bugging too many people, nothing but tickles will shut her up.
Warnings: none, pure fluff, tword-ing
(Tom H is Tom Hiddleston, and Tom Holland is just Tom)
Characters: everyone I guess? Mostly these 4 👇
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Y/N was bored. The game had been on for a whole hour, and was nowhere near done.
Robert had invited the whole cast over to watch the Super Bowl at his house, and, despite hating football, Y/N agreed to go. She loved hanging out with her fellow Marvel cast-mates, so she hadn’t really cared about the reason.
Until she realized that everyone else was interested in watching the game, which meant no one was paying any attention to her.
It was incredibly boring. So she decided to make it a little more interesting.
“Psst, Tom,” she whispered to Tom Hiddleston, poking his side. He flinched and frowned at her.
“Is something wrong?”
“I’m booooored!”
Tom H rolled his eyes and chuckled.
“Just watch the game.”
“That’s why I’m bored!”
“What’s with all the talking you two?” Chris interjected.
“Y/N’s bored,” Tom H chuckled.
“Not surprised,” Tom piped up. “She never could sit still.”
Y/N couldn’t tell whether to be offended or not, so she just pouted and starting poking Tom H’s side again.
“Stop that!” Tom H laughed.
“What’s with all the ruckus?” Robert frowned.
“Y/N’s being a little troublemaker,” Chris smirked.
“I think I know what that means,” Scarlet called out from the other side of the room.
“I believe you’re reading my mind Scarlet,” Tom H grinned.
Y/N was beginning to feel nervous. Half the room was staring at her, most of them grinning. She had a feeling she was in for it.
“What are you guys talking about?” Y/N giggled nervously. As if she didn’t already know.
“Oh please N/N, don’t play dumb. You wanted some attention, you’ve got it,” Chris grinned, grabbing both her wrists and holding them above her head, “hey Tom, you wanna help me out?”
Neither Tom was quite sure who he was talking to, so with one glance, they decided they’d both go in for the kill.
“NOHOO STAHAP!” Y/N squealed as Tom H went for her ribs and Tom started squeezing her knees.
“Stop? But this is what you wanted darling,” Tom H laughed.
“Nohoho!” It didn’t matter how much Y/N wiggled and squirmed, Chris’ iron grip wasn’t getting any looser.
“Oh c’mon N/N, don’t pretend you don’t like it,” Robert spoke up, getting off his place on the couch to join in the fun.
“STAHAP I CAHAHAN’T,” she squealed, the feeling of six hands tickling her at once overloading her senses. It tickled. So. Much.
“I believe it’s your turn, Chris,” Tom H interjected, switching places with Chris Evans. Y/N got a little relief from the tickles on her ribs, but it only lasted a second before Chris dug his fingers in between each of her ribs, causing her laughter to just about double in volume and high pitch.
“Aww, little N/N is just so ticklish!” Chris gushed.
“Stahap!” She whined, trying to hide her blushing face against her arm, which only causes Tom, Chris, and Robert to go ‘awwww!’
After a few more seconds, Y/N’s laughter went silent and the guys decided she’s had enough.
All except for Chris, who ended her torture with an enormous raspberry to her tummy, eliciting a loud squeal from her.
They all went back to the couch, Tom H pulling Y/N into a hug and holding her with him in his seat.
“You guys are so mean,” she mumbled through a yawn as she sleepily rested against Tom H.
“Aw cmon N/N, we both know you love that,” he argued, and a blush brightened her cheeks yet again.
“Stohop it,” she giggled.
Tom H chuckled, then quieted and turned his attention back to the game.
“I still hate football.”
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userholland · 2 years
Tom Holland x short reader where he calls her cute names like “peanut”
pairing- tom holland x short!reader
contains- tom just being a little tease, him thinking he's uber taller than you too
word count- 357 (apologies, this is so short)
masterlist | blurb requests open!
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"Hey peanut, can you hand me my phone?" Tom asked as he was drying the dishes.
You cocked your left eyebrow, "Peanut?"
"Because you're my favorite snack." He winked as you walked to his side, "Well, and bite-sized."
"Just for that short comment, I may not give this to you." You teased, pulling the phone back toward your body.
Tom dried his hands and then tossed the tea towel on the counter, "Oh, I'm definitely getting that phone, peanut." He continued to tease.
As you hid the phone under your arm, Tom reached in as well and tried to pull it back with enough force. Both of you laughed, especially you when Tom's other hand trailed up your side and tickled along your ribs.
"Yeah, use that spidey strength you brag about so much!" You giggled, pulling his phone with your grip.
The phone slipped through your fingers and Tom cheered for himself in response, putting his arms up as if Tottenham just scored.
"It's okay, peanut." He smiled, slipping his phone into his back pocket.
"Hmm, it would be a cuter nickname if you didn't come for my height. I don't say anything about yours." You playfully bickered back.
"Because I'm taller than you," Tom lightly tapped the tip of your nose, "So... I have the upper hand." He mocked as the two of you leaned against the counter, facing toward one another.
"How much do I have to give you to not pick on me about what I can't control?" You pouted.
"This is priceless... peanut." He scrunched his nose saying it.
Your lips twisted, "You know, it gets sweeter every time you say it with your accent." You trailed as your eyes glanced at his lips then back to his eyes. You turned to him, wrapping your arms around him, and struggled to not put some weight on your toes.
"Yeah, come get me all the way up here." He smirked, his hands slowly settling on your hips.
"I should really humble you more because you sound so ridiculous."
"And by ridiculous, I think you mean insanely cute."
"Shut up, short stack."
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 1 year
could you do a blurb with tom and you two are just all cuddly and cute in bed and yeah lol you can choose the dialogue but something like that
Joy for the holidays
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader
Summary - You and Tom have matching pjs and cuddle in bed.
Warnings - None just Fluffy love
A/N - Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! Since it is now the Christmas season, thought to create it a little festival.
Snow covers the roof tops of most houses, kids playing outside with their family in the snow, Cars driving by to look at the pretty lights through the night.
“I bought you Christmas pjs,” You grin at Tom, “We are matching,” you twirl around in yours, giving him his.
“Thanks, Darling,” Tom takes the pjs from you, packing the rest of the shopping away, “I’ll change in a min, then we can cuddle,”
You run up stairs, hiding under the covers as you hear foot steps. Tom lifts up the covers to find you, “Who do we have here?” He grins, taking his hands towards you to tickle.
“Oh no not the tickle monster!” You gasp.
“Stop,” You laugh, Tom eventually gets into bed with you with his pjs on.
“Would you date me if I was a Christmas tree, snow elf?” You giggle into Tom’s toned chest as you hide your face at the nonsense question.
“A Christmas tree.. snow, elf?” Tom questioned, raising an eyebrow, “I did hear that correctly? Didn’t I?”
“Yes,” You squeal, none stop giggling at his reaction.
“Of course I wouldn’t,” Tom teases you, looking at your face dropping instantly to pouting, “Oh no, I’m only joking darling,” he hugs you tight.
“Of course I would,” Tom kisses your forehead to make you feel better.
“You said you wouldn’t,” Pretending to be upset, you try to turn away playfully.
“You know.. I would, baby,” Tom reassured you, “Cuddle meeee,” he squishes you with his strong, toned arms keeping you in place.
“Tommy,” You whine, “Are you sure? Before I cuddle you,”
“Omg,” Tom breathes out laughing, “Yes,”
“Mm ok good!” You smile once again snuggled up to tom under the warm covers while having matching pjs on.
Tom caresses your jaw line, pulling you in for a passionate kiss full of meaning and love. He pulls you closer to him as he slips his warm tongue into your mouth. Snogging the face off of you.
“Your warm,” You sigh on repeat, “You are too love,” Tom strokes your locks as he relaxes further into the bed.
“You do smell nice,” Tom smells your hair, “Do I?” You chuckle, “You do too,”
“Mm, yep.. my fave fragrance,”
“My Beautiful Angel,” Tom peppers kisses around your face as you giggle.
“Says yourself,” You grin, taking Tom in for another kiss.
“What can I say?” Tom winks, joking.
You playfully push him, him only bringing you back deeper into his chest.
“You can’t escape,” Tom teases, “The cuddle monster has you got you now!”
“Oh, that’s ok!” You smile, looking up to his beautiful, honey warm eyes as he looks dumbfounded.
“What?” You giggle, “I love your cuddles.. don’t be surprised,”
“Nothing, I’m just dreaming into your eyes,” Tom breathes out, catching his breath as he flickers his eyes between yours and your lips.
Tom leans into capture your lips into a soft tender kiss full of bliss, raw passion. You close your eyes, filling the taste of each other.
You both pull apart, yet going back to connect again.
“How was Christmas shopping with your brothers go?” You beamed, finally back to talking to each other.
“It was good, got lots of presents for people.. including you,” Tom smirked, teasing you.
“That’s great, I did shopping with your mum don’t forget,” You tease back, “Might of gotten you some bits and bobs too..”
“Well, can’t wait,”
You run your hands through his hair as you both relax and close your eyes, “We should build a snowman tomorrow,” Tom mumbles.
“Mm, Yh we should,”
You sigh turning over on your stomach, feeling Tom’s warm hands go under your shirt to rub your back.
“Mm, that feels nice!” You hummed, smiling.
“Does it Darling?” Tom kisses your temple, “Yh, your hands are so large and smooth,” You sink into his chest more as him relaxing you takes over you.
“Are you tired?” Tom strokes holl your hair, admiring the way you sleepily look at his face, “Go to sleep, my Christmas tree, snow elf,” He whispers, kissing your forehead.
“You need your beauty sleep to build the snowman,”
“Mm,” You purred, smiling, “Night,”
“Goodnight, Love you so much Darling,” Tom gives you a goodnight kiss.
“Love you so much too, Tommy,” You pout your lips against his as you kiss, falling back into his warm, toned chest. You close your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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