#tom middleton
dendre · 2 years
The Chameleon: Links (1995)
Amúgy Mark Pritchard és Tom Middleton a kilencvenes években kiadott dolgaikkal nem hibáztak egyszer sem. Mosogatáshoz feltettem a Reload-lemezt, megunhatatlan korai brit techno, mindent tud, amit akkoriban bárki nyomott. Az ambientesebb Global Communication is az, a Jedi Knights electrós bigbeatje is az. Lényegében kitalálták, hogy különböző neveken megcsinálnak minden épp felfutó stílusban egy tökéletes kiadványt. És megcsinálták. Még a Secret Ingredients garage-e is röhejesen jó. És a Reload után előkerestem ezt, amit tényleg nem hallottam húsz éve biztosan. És ááá. Atmoszférik dárenbéz at its best.
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worldgonedeep · 1 year
Tom Middleton - WYV AUW CHU (Original Mix)
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The Prince and Princess of Wales. ☺️🫰
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Robert Walser, Dostoevsky's "Idiot" (1925) [translated by Tom Whelan and Carol Gehrig], in Selected Stories, Foreword by Susan Sontag, Translated by Christopher Middleton and others, Postscript by Christopher Middleton, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, NY, 1982, pp. 146-147
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bonhughbon · 1 year
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Downton Abbey: A New Era - Behind The Scenes (Part 6/6) (x) (x)
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pedroam-bang · 4 months
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Mank (2020)
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h50europe · 2 years
All scenes with Colin Morgan in Corsage
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therottingrota · 5 months
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If the royals are embarrassed, it by their own doing.
No one made Charles ,who is head of the armed forces, schedule a garden party on the day of the Invictus Service. Further making him look even more pathetic when the Spencers can drag their bums out to support their sister's son. Charles is embarrassing himself. Harry doesn't have to even lift a finger.
Harry didn't make Kate (or KP rather) release that cheap photo shop that made them a laughing stock on the world stage.
Harry didn't hold a gun to Billy Idle Prince William's head causing him to work low engagements
Harry doesn't have to stand to the side for the struggle bus monarchy.
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houseofbrat · 14 days
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Of course.
The Will & Kate CULT will continue to live in their bubble while everyone else looks at The Waleses/Cambridges as crazy egomaniacs. The cult members will excuse anything.
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Even people who work in cancer education and oncology are aghast.
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A pharmacist--who knows exactly what chemo drugs do and has worked with cancer patients and oncologists--watched Kate's video and was basically "WTF?!" Chemotherapy drugs are hazardous chemicals that require special handling, dispensation, and removal. They don't cause people to just walk in a meadow and hold butterflies. They literally cause people to go "FUCK CANCER!" and re-evaluate all the things in life that they have have taken for granted.
Except for Will & Kate.
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No, it caused them to go into overdrive with levels of PDA that we would associate with Harry & Meghan.
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It caused them to also say "Fuck Harry and Meghan," but not actual cancer! You know, the disease Kate was allegedly fighting so hard these past months.
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When you think about the fact that chemotherapy KILLS cells (and not just cancer cells!) and usually has severe side effects, even years later, it's pretty strange to hear someone focus on their overseas brother and sister-in-law!
Harry and Meghan are basically nobodies at this point. They jumped the shark a long time ago in the US. They do not make big waves anywhere, outside of their small fandom. But yet they still live rent free in Will & Kate's heads!
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No thank you or acknowledgement to her medical team. Or acknowledgement of cancer charities or resources in the UK. Just me and my journey, complete with a godawful perfume montages. Or is it a Viagra commercial?
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Will & Kate and their "fans" are completely out of touch. No one asked for this video, yet any critique of it is met with criticism that the general public "asked" for it.
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They could have just put out the statement without any video or photo!
Nobody was interested in seeing them act like this except The Will & Kate CULT! They are the ones eating this up and writing shit like this:
"they FUCK like constantly so as well"
"confirmed disney princess"
"Also whatever videos WK release people will still find ways to complain. If WK are happy to share to the world how happy their family is that Kate has completed chemo, then good for them."
"Catalina happy at home waiting for her hubby so she can ravage him."
"Unfortunately, you are wrong. To say William and Catherine are romanticising cancer for filming a video of their family as they celebrate the end of her treatment... yikes"
"Oh no how dare a family go to the countryside in the middle of the school holidays to celebrate the end of the mom’s cancer treatment."
"I'm crying seeing that very personal video of the Wales family 😭 I'm so happy for William and the family that he and Kate had built and continuously cherished."
"And to everyone who complaining about her sick leave, I would advise them to move to another country that respects people's health. If Kate was working at public sector in my country she would get up to a year paid leave."
Apparently it hasn't dawned on The Will & Kate Cult that Kate is talking as if she never had cancer in the first place. She ran around playing Nerf games weeks ago with no problems. She can only attend Wimbledon when her husband is out of the country. She can only announce she's attending Trooping the Colour the day before.
And now she's doing a Hallmark video about herself and only about herself that no one asked for.
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One friend of William and Kate told The Daily Beast: “It’s the reset to end all resets. This is Kate and William as they mean to go on. It’s family first and f--- the haters, f--- the press, f--- Harry and Meghan.
~ Tom Sykes, The Daily Beast, "Kate Middleton’s Cancer Recovery Video Is ‘Reset to End All Resets’: Source"
Tom Sykes' reporting has been pretty accurate these last few months. He reported about Kate not working at all in the future months ago; Kate confirmed it this week. And I have no doubt he's publishing this source's comments about "Fuck _____" because it's a pretty shocking statement to make after a "cancer" "battle." Because Will & Kate did a good job convincing other people that there has been no actual cancer battle.
Will & Kate do not have to talk to or engage Harry and his wife to any degree at this point. William attended his uncle's funeral this month and reportedly did not sit with or talk to Harry. Will & Kate have plenty of staff to intercept their phone calls and communications so that they do not have to talk to either Harry or his wife. The reporting has been pretty solid for at least a year that William does not talk to his brother. Kate doesn't talk to Harry's wife either.
Why are they so obsessed with Harry & Meghan when Kate is supposedly, oh, so busy with chemotherapy? And her health? The very health problem that has allegedly kept Kate from "working" all year?
Because most people who are undergoing something as grueling as cancer and chemotherapy treatments would not waste enough time thinking about their in-laws that they never talk to.
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Except Will & Kate!
William's brother and sister-in-law live rent free in Will & Kate's heads!
Which says that Will & Kate were never worried about Kate's "cancer." Because that and the chemotherapy regimen never existed. Which is why Kate did not feel the need to publicly acknowledge any of her medical providers or refer anyone to cancer charities or resources or acknowledge anyone other than herself.
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Kate has done a good job positioning herself as a modern-day Marie Antoinette, which is probably an insult to the actual Marie Antoinette.
It's not going to work out well for Kate in the long run. (Or her cult.)
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core-bands · 1 year
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Architects - Gone With The Wind
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mysteryonearth52 · 3 years
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Dark Knights of Steel 5 (2022) by Tom Taylor & Yasmine Putri
Cover: Joshua Middleton (variant)
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"The Kate Effect:" Often imitated, never duplicated 👑
Determined to help, Kate has now persuaded 19 British brands to donate more than 10,000 NEW items to more than 40 baby banks across the UK.
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The Duchess of Cambridge donned a mask, apron and gloves today as she launched a major initiative to support vulnerable babies and children. On a visit to the baby bank charity Baby Basics UK in Sheffield, she revealed how she was moved to tears by the stories of families she met during secret lockdown visits to its West Norfolk branch near her Anmer Hall home.
As she unloaded pallets and unpacked the first deliveries at the charity’s temporary distribution centre, she told volunteers: "It can get very emotional. I remember a couple of the families I met from King's Lynn and I went home and literally burst into tears, their stories were so moving. The struggles they have gone through, the bravery they have shown...in extraordinary circumstances. Helping their families through extraordinary times."
Volunteer-run baby banks provide essentials such as nappies, clothing and bedding to vulnerable families who are referred by health visitors, midwives and social workers. But while baby banks across the UK have seen an increase in demand during the Covid-19 outbreak, many have been unable to accept second-hand donations because of health and safety concerns.The Duchess also spoke via videocalls to Amy Cotton, who fled a violent home with only her baby son Ricky, now three, and received a buggy, clothing and toys from Little Village. She is now a volunteer for the charity and has a 12-week old daughter, Ellie-Rose.
Kate told her: "It is brave and not often the easiest thing to do but it is really fantastic that you've reached out, that you are so open about your own struggles but also the fact that you are in such a fantastic place now. I suppose it is real credit to you, the journey that you've undertaken and the courage and strength you've shown to get there. So well done. And I love the fact that you are volunteering too."
She also spoke to Ella-Mae Michalski, whose 21-month-old twin girls Bella and Ruby were born prematurely with chronic lung disease. Little Village provided them with a double pram, clothes, muslins and other essentials.
"As a mum the one thing you want to be able to do is to provide for your children and it was difficult not to be able to do that but Little Village helped," said Ella-Mae. "It's something as basic as getting a cup of tea when you come here and people asking how you are and being able to offload without fear of what people might think."After learning about the situation during private visits to her local branch, where she helped to pack Moses Baskets with essential products for babies, the Duchess spearheaded a campaign to get UK companies to donate items to baby banks run by Baby Basics UK, London-based Little Village and Aberdeenshire-based AberNecessities.
Retailers taking part include John Lewis, M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury's, The White Company, Matalan, Trotters, Boden, Frugi, Mamas & Papas, Jojo Maman Bébé and Kit & Kin. Green People (Organic Babies), My Little Coco, Bloom and Blossom, Kokoso Baby, Childs Farm and Bramley have also made donations, while DHL Express is providing transport.
In Sheffield, Baby Basics CEO Cat Ross told the Duchess: "Often in a world where there is a lot of judgement and stereotyping about being poor, that additional stress can be even more difficult for parents who are doing amazing things to keep their families going with such strength, such determination."
"Yes," agreed Kate, "One of the mums I met was a nurse. These are families who do fantastic jobs and even they are struggling."Talking about community spirit during lockdown, she added: "It is those small volunteering acts that everyone can contribute to that make such a difference. That inter-generational support system has been amazing. Knowing that you can make such a big difference to another family is wonderful."
Kate also met Ali Wartty and Sahara Hamawandy, and their one-year-old triplets San, Shan and Laveen. An emotional Sahara told the Duchess how she was referred to Baby Basics after struggling to cope. The charity provided them with a triple pram, Moses baskets and starter packs, as well as clothes and toiletries as the babies have grown.
"I was living on the 12th floor of a block of flats and trying to cope with the three of them," she told the Duchess. "It must have been so stressful," sympathised Kate.  
Sahara told her: "How do you take your three babies down from the 12th floor without a pram? We weren't able to go out at all." Speaking afterwards, Sahara said: "To give support to mum means giving support to the whole family. That’s why the charity has been so important to a mother like me. It gave me power. It transformed me. I just want to say thank you to everybody."A Little Village survey of more than 50 baby banks has found that 77% desperately need more nappies, mattresses and other products as demand for their services increases. The charity is set to support more than 6,000 children this year, double the number they helped in 2019.
Founder and Chief Executive Sophia Parker said: "The pandemic appears to be making the situation much, much worse for many families. Every child should have the right to a good childhood and this new initiative is a much welcomed step towards tackling child poverty in the under 5s."
Danielle Flecher-Horn, Founder of AberNecessities, added: "By providing parents with the resources to build a positive relationship with their children - from pregnancy and throughout the first years – we can make a real difference to a child’s development, health and overall happiness."Speaking aftewards, Baby Basics CEO Cat Ross said: "A lot of people have heard about food banks but don’t necessarily know about the baby banks and what we do. Having someone like the Duchess behind us is amazing and her helping us by getting in all these amazing brands has been incredible."
Announcing the initiative, Kate said: "Over recent months, I have heard from families who have been supported by baby banks through the most difficult of times and I have been deeply moved by their stories. Having somewhere to turn to for support is important for all families, and baby banks work every day, up and down the country, to provide immediate, tangible and practical help for parents and carers when they are most in need.
"Baby banks are driven by incredible volunteers, demonstrating the power of community spirit in supporting families and coming together to raise the next generation. Thanks to the generosity of the companies taking part in this initiative, baby banks across the UK will be able to support even more families through this particularly challenging time."
"In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets."¹
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@skippyv20 I remember when you told us to spot the difference. No photos of "the wife" out shopping with mom for baby items.🧐
¹Matthew 7:12
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heavyarethecrowns · 15 days
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waking-hell · 2 years
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Architects // Gravity
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Robert Walser, Essay on Freedom (1928), in Selected Stories, Foreword by Susan Sontag, Translated by Christopher Middleton and others, Postscript by Christopher Middleton, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, NY, 1982, pp. 179-181
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Mank (2020)
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