#tom holland oneshot
thollandneedy · 3 months
Don't Tell 'Em- Peter Parker
a/n: I've been OBSESSED by this prompt his week, so... here it is
Warnings: None, but i'ts a bit spicy
Summary: Ned's sister have the biggest crush on Peter, and she thinks he doesn't knows that... but he does
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Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
Y/n was madly in love with Peter Parker, but he was best friends with her brother, Ned Leeds
Peter Parker was a popular boy with the girls, and Y/n never believed that she would ever have a chance with him. The boy was admired for his intelligence and beauty, always helping people to pass their exams or study, making his reputation as a nerdy loser be replaced by a sexy tutor. Since the first time Ned had brought Peter to his house, Y/n had lurked on the stairs watching the boys play video games. Even though she was two years younger, Y/n ended up developing a crush on Peter, which only blossomed over the years. 
On Y/n's 16th birthday, the girl decided to throw a pool party, inviting some close friends over for an afternoon of cocktails. Ned, in order not to be alone, ended up calling Peter as his companion, and at that moment, Y/n came up with a plan to get what she so desperately wanted.
A kiss from her brother's best friend 
On Saturday morning, Y/n woke up determined to get Peter's attention. In a few weeks' time, he would be moving to Massachusetts because of the university scholarship he had won at MIT. Taking advantage of the fact that he and Michelle Jones had broken up for God knows what reason, the girl had to be meticulous in her plan if she wanted it to work.
"Y/n, be serious. He's not going to kiss you." Lily, Y/n's friend says, rolling her body onto the king-size bed,
"He probably doesn't even know you like him." Audrey, also Y/n's friend, agrees with Lily.
"You're the worst best friends in the world, you know that?" Y/n grumbles, as she finishes the details of her PowerPoint presentation on her laptop. "Are you ready?" 
Lily, the redhead, nods, but sits down next to the girl, while Audrey puts her blonde hair up in a high bun, waiting for Y/n to take action. The three of them look at each other, and with an inspired smile, Y/n presses the "Enter" key to make her five-step presentation work.
"First step, the mood. It needs to be outgoing and relaxed, because he doesn't cope well with pressure. The music has to be lively, and the atmosphere has to be light. So no awkward or sexual talk from his side"
"That's going to be difficult. Are we going to have a girl group and not talk about sex and love experiences?" Lily says.
"Not around him. I don't want him to think I'm a sex freak." Y/n explains to her friend.
"You literally had laser hair removal yesterday, and you're a virgin." Audrey comments with a smile as she remembers her friend's painful story.
"Are you going to help me or not?" Y/n asks her friends, who only respond with silence. "Next step, Ned. We need Ned to fill up with tasks so that he can leave Peter alone, and I can talk to him."
Y/n moves on to the next slide
"Step three, the conversation. I need to be alone with him, and I want it to be in the middle of the afternoon so we can kiss at sunset." Y/n looks up as she says it, imagining how perfect her first kiss would be.
"Okay, slow down," Lily raises her hand in a stop sign. "You can't even plan the time of the kiss, Y/n. It has to happen naturally."
"Yes, I can, and that brings me to the next slide. The space. I want it to be outside the pool, and probably on the roof. It has a nice view of the suburbs, and you can see some buildings in the background if you squint. The woods will make it cooler at night, and he can even lend me his sweater if I ask." 
Lily and Audrey looked at each other in disbelief at what they were hearing Y/n say. 
"And the last one, is the kiss. I think explaining that would be too weird." The girl crosses her arms, looking at her two friends who were standing next to her, waiting for a reaction while still watching the laptop open to the last slide. "So?"
"You're crazy Y/n." Audrey lets out a loud laugh. "Ned won't leave Peter's side, and if he does, Peter will accompany Ned on whatever. The girls will talk about anything whether they're around him or not, and they might even get drunk and hit on Peter. It might not be cold at night, and he might leave early."
"Facts" Lily agrees, getting up from Y/n's bed. "Let it happen naturally, Y/n. I'm sure it'll be much better."
"Not a fucking chance." Y/n replies sincerely. "It'll be perfect. I know it will. Now, let me show you the thong bikini I bought." The younger girl gets up, goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind her. 
Afternoon fell, and everything went wrong
The sun disappeared into the dark rain clouds, and most of her friends were stuck in a traffic jam caused by fallen trees in the street. If it hadn't been for other reports of rain, Y/n would have said that this was the biggest storm she had ever seen. Fortunately or unfortunately, Audrey and Lily had left when the rain started to look like it was going to get heavier, leaving only Peter and Ned to stay with her at the house, while the brothers' parents were on a business trip.
"Damn." Y/n commented, looking out of the window at the power of the rain that had washed away several branches on the asphalt.
"I'm sorry about your party. We can celebrate tomorrow." Her brother, Ned, touches her shoulder when he notices the tone of frustration in his sister's voice. 
"We could have a movie afternoon." Peter comments, turning on the television and putting on Netflix.
Y/n takes a deep breath, looking over her shoulder at Ned and Peter, just agreeing with the situation the universe had planned for her. Maybe her friends were right. That plan was unrealistic, and Peter would never kiss her since many other girls his age could provide something better for him. The girl settled down on the brown sofa, pulling a pink blanket over herself and picking at her body as a show of displeasure. 
"Come on, Y/n. We can see whatever you want. I'll let you have a glass of wine." Ned tries to cheer up his sister by offering her alcohol. 
"It's okay, Ned. It's really all right." She lies, annoyed at the lack of her friends.
"How about Barbie? Or Mamma Mia? Or La La Land?! You love that one." Peter recalls his best friend's sister's favorite movies
Y/n smiles at the thought of Peter knowing her tastes.
"La La Land sounds good. Ned, can you make us some popcorn?" The girl smooths her gray sweater over her body, crossing her arms as if waiting. 
"Sure." The dark-haired teenager agreed, getting up to go to the kitchen, leaving Peter and Y/n alone on the sofa. The movie catalog was still open, and the wind was whipping against the glass windows, causing strong gusts that drowned out the sound of popcorn popping in the pot.
Peter watched Y/n, sliding his body closer to her, trying to get close to her ear. The girl dodges at first, looking at him with confusion and an embarrassed smile at their lack of distance.
"I don't know if it'll cheer you up, but I left a present on your bed." The brunette said quietly, as if he were confessing a secret.
"Are you serious?" The girl slowly cracked a smile.
"While you were taking the buoys out of the pool, I went up there. Do you want to go and see?" Peter asks, receiving a silent and excited yes from the younger girl.
"Ned! I'm going to the bedroom to see Peter's present." Y/n shouts as a warning.
"All right! No need to shout." His brother shouts in response. 
Both teenagers follow the stairs to the white door of Y/n's room, which is already ajar. The girl uses one of her hands to pull the door away from her gaze, coming across a white bag positioned on her bed, where her laptop was also open, but turned on its back. 
"Oh my God, Peter!" Y/n exclaims. "Is it Pandora's?" Y/n smiled, moving towards the present and slowly taking off the pink satin bow that was decorating it. 
While the girl was distracted by the present, Parker slowly closed the door behind him so that it wouldn't make a sound. His hands touched the door lock, turning it so that no one else could enter the room. The brunette smiled to himself, looking down at his feet on the nude carpet, and then over to his laptop, which had a flap open. Reading the contents of the slide once more, he closes the laptop with one of his hands and says:
"So you were planning to kiss me?" Peter asks, causing Y/n to immediately stop admiring the necklace with a pink heart-shaped stone. 
"W-what?" Y/n's trembling voice comes out of her mouth without strength, while her eyes stare at him in amazement.
"When I got to your room, your laptop was open, and I ended up seeing what was on it, out of curiosity, since my name was marked with stars and flowers." Peter comments, sliding his fingers across the comforter of the bed. 
"That's not... actually I, I..." Y/n tried to find the right words, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It was Lily's. She was dying to kiss you, and she shared this presentation by email." Y/n lies, causing Peter to smile.
"Y/n, I'm a very intelligent person, you know?" Parker comments, walking towards the younger woman. "And in 18 years of life, I've noticed a lot of things around me, especially about women. And I know when someone is interested in me." 
"Well, you're not so good because you haven't noticed, Lily." Y/n raises both hands in an "oops" gesture. 
"But I did notice you." Parker comments. "I saw all the times you looked at my body when I swam with your brother, how you passed by my table in the cafeteria more than four times just to hear what I was saying to other people, and how you turn red when I get close to you." The boy's voice became more present as the distance was being broken. 
Did the room seem smaller and smaller, or was he simply getting closer?
"I don't know what you're talking about." Y/n still denies it.
Peter pretended to agree, watching the girl in front of him from head to toe. He could hear her heart beating faster, and how her breathing became more and more altered as he approached her as if she were prey. The boy nodded, looking to the side of the room in an attempt to avert his gaze.
"Of course. I guess I really did get mixed up. You wouldn't cause this situation between me and Ned, would you? I mean, me kissing his sister?. He'd be furious with me." The brunette says.
"Yes, he would." Y/n couldn't take her eyes off Peter's thin, pink lips.
The tension was palpable, and even though his conscience wanted to weigh on his mind, Y/n's consciousness disappeared completely when his body was pulled to Peter's like a magnet. In a silent instant, their eyes connected as a request for confirmation that this was really going to happen, and their mouths met in a desperate movement. 
Peter slipped one of his hands around Y/n's waist, pulling her closer to him. The girl's red nails ran down the boy's neck, sending exciting shivers down his spine. The girl felt completely taken over when her back met the wall of her room and Peter's body pressed against her. Her tongue, desperate, was slowly guided by the brunette, as the kiss was guided by him. Low moans were audible through Parker's super-hearing, causing a mutual response. One of his hands made small circles on the girl's jeans-covered thigh, and unconsciously, she lifted it, bringing his lap closer to hers. Before he knew it, she was on his lap.
"Holy shit." Y/n said between wet kisses.
"Is that what you wanted?" Peter teases.
"That was much better than the necklace." The girl smiles.
"Y/N!" Ned knocks on the door, causing the couple to let go almost immediately, fixing their hair and crumpled clothes.
"WAIT!" The girl says, taking a deep breath and unlocking the door.
"What were you doing?" Ned asks, looking at Peter, who is sitting on his sister's bed analyzing the gift he himself had given her, pretending to be far away from the situation.
In an unscripted pause, Y/n looks at Peter for a moment, then returns his attention to his brother, looking for an alternative answer. 
"Just showing the necklace." Y/n smiles without showing his teeth.
"The popcorn's ready and so are the sweets. Let's go?" The brunette asks, turning away from his sister and heading for the stairs.
Y/n takes a deep breath, feeling Peter's hands on her back. His hot breath blows against the girl's ear, and he says as naughtily as possible before heading downstairs. 
"Don't tell your brother about this"
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Crazed : Tom Holland x Reader
Descr: 8k wc, A crazed fan breaks into Tom's house when his girlfriend is home and she has to defend herself until Tom's security gets there.
Warnings: curse words, violence, stalker/crazy fan behavior, hostage situation, threats, danger, mentions of a break-in, (minor) injuries, hospital (brief), knife/blade, keys used as weapon.
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Y/n rubbed her boyfriend Tom’s shoulders as he pinched the bridge of his nose. She knew he was stressing out over the recent safety concerns that had arisen for the couple. Y/n knew that Tom would handle it; even before the multiple promises he made to do so. But, she still wanted to wipe the frown off his face as he called his security team.
They had recently been made aware that there was an… overzealous fan of Tom’s that posed a risk to the couple’s safety. Tom’s brother and personal assistant Harry, had noticed someone was following them one afternoon. They contacted Tom’s security team immediately and had them look into it.
Allegedly, when the security personnel asked the fan to stop following the couple, things escalated. The fan had made numerous comments that concerned Tom’s security. The first was the fan’s statement on how they were Tom’s one true love; not y/n. The second was when the same fan commented that y/n needed to learn her place and stay away from Tom. Then of course came the standard stalkerish fan remarks such as claiming she knew where the couple had been at any given moment, that she had a shrine of Tom with photos that no one else had seen as she’d taken them herself, and that she was in love with Tom and knew he’d come around and choose her.
It wasn’t like Tom had no former experience with overzealous fans. But this was on a whole other level. The fact that this fan made his own security concerned for y/n, made Tom panic. Between his team's and his own suggestions, Tom had ensured that they always had at least two security guards with them.
Tom felt guilty for having to limit their privacy even more than normal when going on dates, or whenever they simply left the house. But, he refused to let something happen to y/n. Which was why he had to call his security team again today.
Earlier today Y/n had gotten a call from an unknown number. She always ignored calls from unknown numbers. As such, y/n had let the call go to voicemail. However, when she checked her voicemail, y/n felt the same panic Tom had been experiencing.
The fan who Tom had been worried about for several weeks by then had somehow found y/n’s personal phone number. Y/n knew it wasn’t super rare for celebrities and their friends and family to have their personal information leaked. But, the message that the fan left was very troubling.
The girl had threatened to harm y/n if she didn’t break up with Tom. She even went so far as to show she had the address of y/n’s work; as ‘proof to take her seriously’. The fan also had the address of y/n’s last residence. Y/n and Tom began living together months ago. But, technically y/n’s old apartment was still in her name as the lease wasn’t up for another month and a half.
When y/n told Tom about the voicemail, he immediately asked her to play it for him. His fury and fear skyrocketed as he heard the passion behind the fan’s voice. He couldn’t believe this was happening to begin with, much less to this extent. Tom was adamant something had to be done, starting with calling his security and demanding increased protection for y/n.
“We need to increase y/n’s security,” Tom ordered immediately upon his lead security officer answering his call. He felt y/n rest her head on his shoulder, rubbing his arm to try and calm him. Tom crooked his neck and placed a soft kiss to y/n’s head as he listened to his security guard’s response.
“No, you don’t understand,” Tom groaned, standing up from the couch. He began pacing their living room as he tried to keep himself in check. He couldn’t understand why his security wasn’t just listening to him. Y/n needed more security, immediately. “I’m going to send you something,” Tom said, pulling the phone from his ear just long enough to forward the threatening voicemail.
“Tommy,” y/n whispered as Tom put the phone back up to his ear as he waited on a response. She smiled warmly at him when he looked her way. Y/n wrapped her arms around his shoulders, “breathe please”.
Tom nodded in response to y/n’s request. He took a few deep breaths as he faintly heard the voicemail being played in the background. Tom hummed as he heard his security guard call for another officer to look into the voicemail. “See?” Tom asked in frustration, “she needs more security”.
Y/n watched as Tom nodded along to whatever his security was suggesting. She sighed in relief at seeing his lessening worry. She didn’t know what they were telling Tom, but it was helping. Y/n kissed Tom’s neck right under his earlobe as she waited for him to end the call and update her.
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“Tom, look, I know you’re worried, but-” y/n sighed. Tom wanted her to not go in to work today. To be fair, it was a suggestion from his security when he called them last night, but Tom jumped on board with the idea without hesitation.
Tom frowned. “You’re not going to stay home?” He asked, his voice sad and eyes worried. “Please?” Tom requested, squeezing y/n’s hand.
Y/n pursed her lips. “I have work, T,” she argued softly.
“I know,” Tom agreed. “And I’m sorry, I dragged you into this -".
Y/n shook her head, “no. This isn’t on you Tom. I’ve told you that”. She sighed, “but, that doesn’t mean I can just stay stuck at home all day every day until this...overzealous fan chills out”.
“Overzealous?!” Tom huffed. “Darling, she’s bloody crazy!” He exclaimed. “This isn’t some slightly obsessed fan, she’s insane and she wants to hurt you.”
Y/n bit her lip and nodded. He was right. The voicemail had truly scared her. And she knew Tom knew that. Even if he hadn’t already been protective before, he certainly would’ve become so upon seeing how much it freaked her out.
“Just for today?” Tom pleaded. “I’m already working on a more long-term solution,” he assured her.
Y/n sighed softly as she thought it over. She didn’t have a ton to do at work today, so perhaps it wouldn’t be the end of the world. “Okay, if it will make you happy, I’ll stay home today,” she accepted.
Tom grinned and pulled y/n in for a tight hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he gushed. “I know it’s not ideal, but I’ll try to come home for lunch, and-" Tom rambled.
Y/n giggled. She rubbed Tom’s chest as she leaned back. “Handsome, you don’t need to do that,” she smiled. “Just focus on your scenes and rest between them, we both know you haven’t been doing that much. Hmm?”.
Tom nodded, he’d been spending most of his time between takes and scenes getting on his security about finding out who this crazy fan was and doing whatever was needed to stop them. “Okay, but,” he replied, smiling, “I’m still going to call during my lunch and check-up”.
Y/n hummed lovingly, stroking Tom’s cheeks tenderly. “You have a deal, sweetheart.”
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“Okay, so, you’ll arm the security system after I leave?” Tom asked y/n.
Y/n nodded, “yes”.
“And, you have Jones’s number saved, right?” Tom wondered as he mentally made his way through his checklist. Jones was one of his security guards and Tom had requested that he be on call nearby in case something happened. Or if y/n simply felt scared that it could/would.
“Saved and set as a favorite for easy access,” y/n promised. She neared her boyfriend and set her hands on his shoulders. “Everything is in place honey.”
Tom took a shaky breath and nodded. He really didn’t want to leave her alone, but he had to go to set. He was nearly done with filming and then they’d be able to go wherever. Y/n had reminded him of that when he considered taking the day off. The sooner he was done, the sooner they could go back to Europe -for at least as long as it took until the fan was taken care of.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t anxious about y/n being home alone. But, at his security pointed out, the fan had given the address for y/n’s old apartment, her job, and has been seen on set before. This was the safest place for her. As far as they are aware, there was no reason to believe the fan has knowledge of this apartment nor that y/n and Tom even lived together.
“I’m just…” Tom sighed. He knew he was going overboard in his preparations. But he couldn’t help it, he needed to know y/n would be safe.
Y/n gave Tom a quick kiss. “Worried, sweet, adorable, I know,” she grinned. “But you’re also about to be late,” y/n giggled playfully. “So, go, get there safely, kick ass on your scenes, and we’ll talk at lunch?”
Tom smiled and nodded, holding y/n to his chest for another hug. “Alright love, I’ll call you soon. I love you.”
“I love you too,” y/n said. She pulled back from the hug and kissed Tom’s forehead. “Let me know when you get to set,” she added as Tom made his way to his car. Y/n waved goodbye before she closed the door.
Y/n quickly armed the security system. She sighed to herself before looking around as she tried to decide what to do on her unplanned day off. Y/n walked to the bedroom to change into pajamas and grab some large and comfortable blankets.
When y/n returned to the living room, she found Tom had texted her saying he’d made it to set. She smiled and sent a quick reply before settling herself on their couch. Y/n flicked the television on and scrolled through their digital movies until she landed on Uncharted. She smirked to herself and sent a photo of her movie choice to Tom before she pressed play and relaxed under her blankets.
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“You okay?” Harry asked, squinting at his brother. “You seem tense and you keep saying the wrong lines,” he pointed out. Harry was not just Tom’s brother but also his personal assistant and therefore it was his job to see to whatever was bothering him. “What’s going on?”
Tom sighed and ran a hand down his face, wincing as he realized he realized he’d just messed up the makeup the crew put on him. “It’s just…” he mumbled, looking around the set before pulling his brother to the side. “You know that crazy fan?” He asked. When Harry nodded, Tom continued. “Well, they get y/n’s number and left her a threatening message”.
Harry’s eyes widened. “Is she okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I mean, she was when I left. And, Jones hasn’t reached out to say that’s changed… But, I just…. It’s hard to clear my mind and focus,” Tom admitted.
“I get that mate, but you can’t know what’s going on if you don’t ask,” Harry said. “So, instead of stressing for likely no reason, why don’t you text her between scenes and see what she’s up to?“ he suggested.
Tom smiled and hugged his brother. “That’s a great idea mate, thank you!” He held out his hand and waited for Harry to pass him his phone.
Harry chuckled and quickly took Tom’s phone from his pocket. “Here ya are,” he said with a playful eye roll.
“Oh,” Tom chuckled. He felt his cheeks flush as he looked at the last message from his girlfriend.
“Ewww, if that’s a sext, you need to get better at hiding your reaction,” Harry groaned.
Tom glared at Harry as he shook his head. “No!” He scolded. “Apparently she’s having a movie day…” Tom mumbled bashfully.
“Okay? And…?” Harry questioned.
Tom tilted his phone so Harry could see the text thread. His blush darkened as his brother laughed and shook his head at y/n's choice of movies for the day.
“You two are gross,” Harry teased. “Ready to try this scene again now?” He asked, trying to guide Tom back to set.
Tom smiled to himself. He quickly replied to y/n’s text and passed his phone back to Harry. “Yeah, I am now,” Tom nodded.
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Y/n yawned as she rose from the floor. She’d made a blanket fort earlier to watch movies in. But now, her legs were numb and tingly from the position she’d been in. Y/n tiredly made her way to the kitchen for some snacks. While she hadn’t done much today, she was exhausted. It seemed doing nothing let her body realize how tired she’d been lately.
Y/n groaned lightly upon seeing that Tom had left a nearly empty milk carton in the fridge. She had just gotten groceries, not knowing they needed milk since the n carton was still in the fridge. Y/n made a mental note to get more milk tomorrow, or tonight after Tom got home from set. She poured the last of it in her cereal bowl before going to throw the carton away.
Only, as she went to place the carton in the garbage, y/n noticed it was full. She quickly calculated what day it was and realized it was garbage day. Y/n decided to go put on some slippers so she could take the garbage out.
Y/n returned to the kitchen and tied the trash bag closed. She smiled to herself knowing Tom wouldn’t have to deal with taking the bag out tonight when he got home and instead could relax. It was the least she could do since she knew he was worrying about her more than usual today.
Y/n disarmed the security system so that her opening the back door wouldn’t trip the alarm. That was the last thing Tom needed while trying to focus on his job. She was careful though to shut the door behind her and lock it so no one could enter while she was walking to the alley to dispose of the bag. Y/n figured it was overkill, but she knew Tom would be happier knowing she’d done it.
Y/n was sure to be quick with throwing the bag in the can outside. She smiled when she noticed their neighbors’ cans hadn’t been picked up yet; she hadn’t missed pickup. Y/n cautiously looked around before walking back to her apartment.
Y/n felt some anxiety as she unlocked her back door, feeling like someone could sneak up behind her. As a result, she quickly rushed inside and locked it again. Y/n let out a sigh and decided to refocus on her movie day, designating it as a seemingly needed distraction. She grabbed her bowl of sugary cereal with little milk and headed back to her blanket fort in the living room.
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Y/n paused the movie, having thought she heard something in the kitchen. She peered into the kitchen doorway from her seat and didn’t see anything. Y/n wanted to go back to her movie, but her gut told her something wasn’t right.
Y/n elected it was safest to fully check on the sound she thought she heard. So, she grabbed her phone, pulling up the favorites section of her contacts as she anxiously made her way to the kitchen. She stopped halfway there, realizing she didn’t have anything to protect herself with. Unfortunately, her ideal choice of weapon would be found in the kitchen. Y/n settled for her keys, holding them in her other hand as she resumed her quest to find the source of the sound she’d heard.
A gasp escaped y/n’s mouth as she entered the kitchen. There was a pile of broken glass underneath the back door on the far side of the room. Y/n didn’t see anyone in the room but knew this wasn’t a good sign. She hadn’t been wrong about having heard a sound, nor about the need to check on it. And, considering the broken glass had come not too long after the voicemail incident, y/n was worried they were related.
Y/n didn’t want to take her eyes off the kitchen in case someone appeared, but she suspected she should call Jones. She blindly tried to pull up his number as she stared at the back door. Y/n cautiously walked towards the knife block, hoping to grab a better weapon than her keys. Except, before y/n could get to even the halfway point, someone’s hand reached in through the broken glass on the door and unlocked the handle.
Y/n looked around for an alternative weapon since she was too far from the knife block. But, she quickly ran out of time as the person had flung the door open and entered her apartment. Y/n’s eyes widened and she began to step back. She wanted to run but she didn’t want to aggravate the girl before her. Plus, the safest way to run would be to run outside, but the girl was blocking that door.
The intruder was wearing a homemade Tom Holland shirt, making it even more obvious she was the stalkerish fan. The girl’s hair and makeup was overly done up, as if she was going out on a date or to an event. She was glaring aggressively at y/n as she walked further into the kitchen.
Once y/n sensed she’d backed up enough to make it to the doorway to the living room, she turned and bolted from the kitchen. She scolded herself as she realized her blanket fort in the living room now provided a large obstacle, blocking her from easy access to the front door. Before y/n could decide if she could crash through the mess of blankets and furniture supporting them, she heard the fan’s loud footsteps running after her.
Y/n sharply turned the corner and started to the stairs. She looked down at her phone as she ran, clicking on Jones’ contact. Just as y/n’s finger went to press call, she felt a hand on her ankle. She screeched as she tugged her foot away and tried to stumble up the rest of the stairs.
Y/n kept running up the stairs as the fan angrily screamed her name. She once again tried to call Jones, only this time she tripped on one of Tom’s shoes that had been left on the staircase. In her attempt to not lose her balance and fall down the steps, y/n used her hand to push herself back up. Only, this caused her phone to slip from her hands and tumble down the stairs. Y/n fell to the ground as she turned to grab the device. Except, she wasn’t quick enough.
Y/n silently watched in terror as her lifeline bounced past the crazed fan on the stairs. She froze as she saw the glint of the knife the fan had in her hand. Y/n swallowed thickly and decided her best bet was to try and lock herself in the bathroom and scream; hoping the neighbors would hear and call the police. She quickly stood back up and turned around. “HELP!” Y/n shouted, hoping by chance a window was open.
“I just want to talk!” The fan replied, bouncing up the steps after y/n.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Y/n yelled back, finally mounting the stairs. She rushed towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. A painful scratch on the back of her right shoulder caused y/n to stop. Y/n knew instantly from the way there were four simultaneous scratches that the fan had used her acrylic nails to scrape at y/n.
Y/n hissed in pain and spun around to try and fight off the fan. She fortunately still had her keys in her fist. As such, she lunged forward and dug them against the fan’s face. Y/n used the fan’s shock to turn and run the rest of the way to the bathroom.
As y/n tried to shut the bathroom door, she was blocked by the fan’s foot. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” she shouted, trying to shove the girl’s foot out of the way. “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!”
“JUST LET ME TALK!” The fan argued, pushing against the bathroom door.
“I DON’T WANT TO TALK!” Y/n groaned. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!” she asked, slamming the door repeatedly against the fan’s leg as the girl banged on the other side of the bathroom door.
“YOU STOLE MY ONE TRUE LOVE!” the fan screamed, the knife stabbing the door.
Y/n flinched backward as the knife sliced into the thin wooden door separating her from the crazy fan. During y/n’s brief reaction, the fan shoved the door open. Y/n fell backward onto the ground. She shouted again in desperation, praying someone heard her.
The fan stood over y/n with a furious expression. “YOU. STOLE. TOM. FROM. ME.” She seethed, leaning closer to y/n as she was flat on her back against the bathroom floor.
Y/n lifted her arms over her head to shield her face. “GO AWAY!” she shouted, kicking at the fan. Y/n gasped as the fan grabbed ahold of y/n’s hair. She used her keys to scratch the fan’s arm of the hand she was holding y/n with.
“STOP FIGHTING ME!” The fan complained, tugging on y/n’s hair. She used her other hand to try and pry the keys from y/n’s hand.
Y/n stared at the fan in bewilderment. “YOU’RE FUCKING CRAZY!” She cried, continuing her kicking and scratching. Y/n faintly heard her phone ringing from the other room. She silently pleaded with the universe for it to be Tom checking on her. If it was, she knew he’d send security over if she didn’t answer.
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The crazed fan continued to fight with y/n until y/n spat at her in an attempt to get the girl to back up enough for y/n to get off the floor. The fan glared and hissed at y/n. “THAT’S IT!” She shouted, grabbing the knife from where she’d set it on the bathroom counter; out of reach from y/n. She dropped to her knees and placed the blade against y/n’s throat.
Y/n gulped as terror shot though every fiber of her being. She could keep using her keys, especially now that the girl was close enough for y/n to jab them into her eyes. Only, the knife against her throat made y/n worry the fan wouldn’t hesitate to push the blade into her as a response to such an attempt.
“Drop it, or I’ll make you regret it,” The fan threatened. She smirked when y/n shakingly let go of the keys.
“Okay…” y/n mumbled, wincing as her neck grazed against the knife’s blade as she spoke. “Y-you wanted to t-talk?” She asked rhetorically. “W-we can talk,” y/n offered. Hopefully, she could keep the fan talking long enough for help to reach her.
“No!” The fan scoffed. “I don’t want to talk,” she snarked.
Y/n tried to lean back from the blade, the firm tile of the bathroom floor not allowing her much relief. “B-but, you said-,” y/n argued.
“That was before this!” The fan shouted. She raised her non dominant hand, letting go of y/n’s hair.
Y/n noticed the blood dripping from the fan’s arm. She looked back up at the fan with fearful eyes. “Then… wha-what do you want?” Y/n asked, trying to slide backwards on the tile so she could at least use the wash to sit herself up.
“STOP MOVING YOU STUPID BITCH!” The fan scolded. “I love that man, but I swear he’s an idiot, I don’t how you tricked him into thinking he loves you, but I’m going to help him see the truth.”
Y/n’s eyes widened as she froze. She didn’t know what else there was to do at this point. She’d tried to fight but was out armed. She tried to scream but no one heard. She tried to call security but her phone fell. The only thing left was to try and get the crazy fan to drop her guard slightly.
“I… I… I’m sorry… I…” y/n lied, trying to appear weak and like the fan had cracked her. “What can I d-d-do?” She pleaded with fake tears. “H-how can I h-help? Please, I’ll do anything,” y/n fibbed.
“You- you want to help me?” The fan questioned hesitantly.
Y/n nodded, wincing as the blade scratched her skin. “I.. I had my fun…” she mumbled, hating herself for even lying about it. “I… you’re clearly better for him..”.
“Really?” The fan smiled. “You admit I’m better for Tom?” She asked dreamily.
Bingo. Y/n nodded faintly again, not wanting to say it.
The fan seemed to pick up on y/n’s reasoning. “Say it,” The fan barked.
“W-what?” Y/n questioned.
“Say that I’m better for Tom, that he’d be happier with me,” The fan ordered.
Y/n swallowed, the knot on her throat hitting the blade of the knife still pressed against her. She felt nauseous and her eyes prickled with tears. Tom was the actor, not y/n. But, she didn’t have much of a choice.
“Y-you’re better for Tom,” y/n mumbled. She hoped her shaky voice and watery eyes came across as fake remorse and sorrow for the fan rather than the fear and guilt she felt. When the fan stared at y/n expectantly, y/n fought the desire to tremble as she stared back in terror. “H-he… To-Tom,” y/n corrected herself not wanting to further upset the girl by being vague, “Tom would be happier with you”.
The fan smirked with pride. She tilted her head mockingly at y/n. “I’m glad you finally see it,” The fan commented. “Now, we just need to work on what you’ll say when he gets here.”
“What? He’s-he’s not coming,” y/n stated fearfully. She hoped she was right. She wanted Tom to call security, but she didn’t want Tom to get himself caught up in this dangerous situation.
“Of course he’s coming. He thinks he loves you,” the fan sighed. “He’s wrong, of course.” The fan rolled her eyes. “But no worry, because once we show him that you don’t actually love him like he deserves, he’ll choose me, his true love,” she grinned.
Y/n tensed. “S-show him… That I-“ she mumbled.
“You’ll see. You’re going to tell him that you don’t love him,” The fan explained.
“Or…” y/n whispered, her voice cracking. She knew she’d likely lost her ruse, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t want to be forced to lie to Tom; especially about this.
“Or, I’ll remove you from the picture myself,” the fan warned. “Then he’ll finally be all mine,” She smiled.
Y/n willed herself not to cry, she had to figure out a way out of this. There was no doubt even if y/n didn’t make of it, the girl would kill Tom too once she saw Tom wasn’t going to fall in love with her the way she thought. Y/n refused to let that happen. She needed to get her and Tom out of this.
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Tom ran his hand down his face as he tried dialing y/n’s number again. He’d tried twice already with no response. Granted, they were back to back, so if she was busy with something, there’d been little time to finish and answer the phone. But surely, by him calling a third time, y/n would get the seriousness behind his calls and drop whatever she’d been doing.
Tom felt his whole body go numb as his third call went to voicemail. He closed his eyes as his fear reached an all time high. He looked around to tell someone he had to leave but didn’t see Harry in the hall. Tom didn’t want to waste anymore time so he decided to just leave.
Tom ran to the set door and grabbed his jacket, yanking his keys out before dashing out the door. He threw open his car door and jumped in. He quickly dialed Jones’s phone as he sped out of the parking lot. Tom sighed when Jones didn’t answer, maybe he was already with y/n then.
Tom was only seconds from their street when Jones called him back. “Is y/n okay?! Is she with you?!” He asked after hitting accept. Tom felt a chill rush through him when Jones stated he had no idea what Tom was talking about.
Tom quickly took the corner, speeding even more as he drove closer to his apartment. “Just meet me at my house, NOW!” He shouted as he pulled into the driveway. Tom vaguely noticed Jones commenting that he and another officer were on their way.
When he threw open the front door and didn’t hear an alarm go off, Tom felt his tears rising even more. He clumsily rushed past the blanket fort y/n had made in the living room. “Y/N?! LOVE?!” Tom yelled, moving further into the apartment.
Tom glanced in the kitchen to see if the back door showed any signs of damage. Since the front door was still locked and closed, he hoped he was overreacting. Maybe y/n was just taking a nap.
Tom’s tears fell down his cheeks as he found the broken glass and open back door. “No, no, no, no, no,” he mumbled. He rushed back to the living room. “Please,” Tom whimpered.
Tom went to go up the stairs, stopping when something cracked under his foot. He slowly raised his leg and looked down. He winced as he noticed it was y/n’s phone. Tom lifted it up and saw she’d pulled up Jones’s contact. He felt his heart drop as he faintly heard a struggle upstairs.
Tom threw y/n’s phone down and bolted up the staircase. “Y/N!!” He screamed, taking the stairs three at a time. “PLEASE ANSWER ME!” He pleaded breathily as he reached the top. Tom froze as his head snapped towards the bathroom.
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Tom belted, sprinting to the end of the hall. “HEY!” He yelled, going to pull on the girl standing over his girlfriend. Tom’s breath hitched as he saw the blade pressed against y/n’s throat.
Tom froze as he stared in fear. He could see the terror and distraught in y/n’s eyes as she was pinned to the ground at knifepoint. Tom breath was shaky as his hands were fisted at his side. He tried to shoot his girlfriend a remorseful look, uncertain if she could see it from her angle. And then, he turned his eyes towards the girl holding her hostage as his eyes lit with fury.
“Back. Away. From. Her. Now.” Tom seethed, his jaw tight as he stared down the crazy fan.
“Tom! Oh my gosh,” The fan gushed. “Hi! Sorry for the mess, Uhh,” she giggled, “not to worry, I’m sure y/n will help clean it up after”.
Tom squinted harshly at the girl. “After? After what?” He asked dreadfully. He tried to look around the girl to see how y/n was doing. His eyes widened upon seeing drops of blood on the white tile flooring. Tom glanced back at the fan, “please. Whatever you want, it’s yours. Take it!” He pleaded.
“Is it money?” Tom questioned, “you can have it. Call my brother and he’ll help get it all out from the bank for you”.
Y/n tried to speak, but her voice was muffled as the fan pressed the flat edge against her more forcefully in warning. She squirmed and debated whether she should try and fight the fan off again now that Tom was here.
“Y/n,” Tom whimpered. “Don’t, please,” he begged, “I’ve got this”. Tom looked back towards the fan with his hands held up. “Just call him, his name is in my phone-".
“Harry, duh. I know your brother’s name, silly,” the fan laughed. “I know all their names! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?!” She shook her head in disbelief.
Tom tried to resist looking confused as he slowly nodded. “Okay…” he mumbled, “so… then uhh,.. Yeah, call him and he’ll get you however much you want. It’s all yours. Just, let y/n go, please”.
“I don’t want your money,” the fan tsked.
“You.. you don’t?” Tom sighed in frustration. “Then wh-what do you want?” He asked hopelessly. “Merch? Harry can get that too. Ummm autographs? Tell me what to sign. Umm, do you want-“ Tom rambled, trying to find a solution.
The crazed fan pouted. “I don’t want anything from you babe,” she answered. “Relax, you don’t have to do anything Tommy bear.”
Tom’s breath wavered as he tried to keep his composure. “Then… then wh-why is my girlfriend on the-?” He stopped himself as the fan glared and turned to y/n, gripping the knife tighter. Tom realized his mistake; this fan claimed in her message that she thought she was his one true love.
“Ex,” the fan hissed, turning back to Tom. “Your ex-girlfriend,” she corrected.
Tom swallowed tensely. Even though the statement was false, it didn’t sit well with him. Even more concerning though was that he had no idea where the fan was going with all of this if she already decided y/n was his ex.
“Don’t worry sweetie,” The girl sighed with what sounded like sympathy. “You’re about to hear why that’s a good thing,” she said. “And I’ll be here to help you through it after.”
Tom opened his mouth to ask what exactly the girl meant when suddenly she was ordering y/n to sit up. He flinched forward instinctively when y/n struggled to get into a seated position. Tom only stopped himself when the fan pressed the knife closer to y/n’s skin, grazing it slightly. Ironically, he wanted to move towards y/n even more after that in order to get the knife away from her, but he knew any movement on his behalf could make things drastically worse in seconds; before he would have time to stop it.
Y/n rested her head against the wall of the bathroom. Her cheek brushed against the toilet paper holder installed beside her on the wall. She couldn’t get herself to look at Tom knowing what the fan was about to make her do. The fan had warned/instructed y/n on it prior to Tom’s arrival.
“Okay, speak,” The fan ordered. She moved infinitesimal to the side so Tom could see y/n clearly.
Y/n closed her eyes and shook her head. She no longer cared about the pain that came with such movement. Y/n felt her tears stream down her face as she tried not to shake. Her stomach was in knots and all she wanted to do was throw up.
“NOW!” The fan shouted, her anger rising at y/n’s lack of cooperation.
Tom flinched at the sudden outburst. He kept his eyes focused on his terrified girlfriend. He watched as her eyes opened and he nodded for her to comply with whatever the fan was saying to do. “Y-y/n, it’s okay, just say it,” Tom pleaded softly.
“See, Tom wants the truth,” the girl remarked. “Now,” she glared at y/n, “tell him”.
Y/n whimpered as she held eye contact with her boyfriend. She saw him silently begging her with his eyes to just do it. Y/n sniffled as she closed her eyes. “I… I… I can’t,” she resisted.
“Do it or I swear!” The girl screeched.
Tom saw the wild look in the girl’s eyes and his fear increased. “Y/n,” he whispered. “I.. I want to hear the truth,” Tom mumbled, playing along with whatever the fan was going for.
Y/n squeezed her eyes tighter and shook. She didn’t want to do this. “I… I don’t….” Y/n mumbled, stopping when the fan yelled for her to use full sentences. “I used you,” She lied.
The words tasted vile as y/n spoke her instructed words aloud. “I.. I don’t love you.” She cried, her resulting movement causing the edge of the blade to seep into her skin. “I-I-I never did. I never l-loved you,” y/n repeated as she’d been told to. She felt her body go limp in defeat after uttering the false but nonetheless hurtful words to Tom.
Tom knew what y/n was saying wasn’t true. But, he could see how badly it hurt her to just repeat them. Nonetheless, he knew he had to play along to get the crazy fan to let y/n go. Fortunately, Tom was already crying.
“O-oh,” Tom whispered with pretend shock. “I… I thought…” he sighed, stepping back in hopes the fan would follow him.
“It’s okay,” the fan soothed. “It’s okay Tommy bear, I’m here for you.” “You don’t need her, I can show you what real love is,” she promised.
Tom noticed the fan had moved closer to him, further from y/n. She was still between the two of them with the knife, but it was no longer at y/n’s throat. Tom wiped his eyes dramatically with a frown. “But… I just…. I can’t believe…” he murmured, taking another few steps down the hall.
The fan sighed. “I know, it’s cruel,” she agreed, “but, aren’t you glad to find out before it was too late?”
Tom shrugged as he yet again moved back some, the fan unconsciously following him. He tried to shoot y/n a sign to be ready to run when the girl eventually exited the bathroom, but y/n wasn’t looking at him. He sighed and quickly improvised. “It’s just…y/n,” Tom whimpered, the fan pouting as he seemingly cried over y/n’s ‘declaration’.
Y/n looked up at hearing Tom say her name. She noticed the way he immediately made eye contact with her and then shifted his gaze to the floor. Y/n looked around and realized the crazy chick and Tom had stepped further into the hall. She was no longer at knifepoint.
Y/n quietly slid her hand toward the keys she’d abandoned earlier. She mentally thanked the girl for being stupid enough to not kick them away. Once she had the keys in reach, y/n took a deep breath as she thought of a game plan. She had to be careful, she didn’t want Tom getting stuck in the crossfire or for the fan to flip out on him in retaliation.
Y/n glanced back up at Tom as she heard him still mumbling about his shock over her statement. In doing so, she noticed a shadow in the staircase. Something she assumed the fan hadn’t seen due to staring crazily at Tom. Y/n took one last deep breath before she silently moved for the keys.
Y/n held the keys in her hands and tried to give Tom a warning glance. She then got onto her knees and leaned forward until she dug the keys into the girl’s leg. Y/n nearly vomited at the force she had to use to puncture the girl’s leg more than just a scratch. But, it was enough for her to get the girl to spin away from Tom.
As the fan turned on y/n, Tom rushed forward to try and grab the knife.
Y/n threw herself back to the ground as she prepared for the knife to contact her.
Before Tom could reach the crazy girl, he heard a buzzing sound and the girl fell to her knees, the knife hitting the ground beside y/n. He snapped his head behind him and saw his security guards standing there, one of whom had tased the fan.
Tom tried to run to y/n but one of the guards stopped him. The one with the taser sidestepped him, likely going to grab the crazy girl. But Tom pushed past both of them and ran to the bathroom. He jumped over the spasming fan in the doorway and fell to his knees beside y/n.
Tom sighed as he saw Y/n was still hunched over, waiting for the impact. “I-It’s just m-me, love,” he whispered tenderly before cautiously placing a hand on her back. When she flinched, he pulled his hand back. But, as y/n turned to look up at him with tears in her eyes, he pulled her to his chest.
“Shhhhh I’ve got you,” Tom cooed, rocking y/n lightly. “You’re safe.” “I’m so sorry”. He repeated these words and similar sentiments as they both cried and held onto each other. Tom faintly heard his security taking the girl away, but he didn’t look away from y/n.
“T-t-To-T-To-“ y/n mumbled, tears still flowing down her face.
“Shhh, you don’t have to talk,” Tom assured her, delicately wiping her cheeks. “I’m here, it’s okay now.”
Y/n shook her head as another sob left her body. “I-I… I didn’t mean it!” She cried. “I swear, T-Tom. I didn’t mean any of what s-she-“.
Tom frowned and pulled y/n back to his chest. He rested his lips on the top of her head as he sighed. “I know darling, I know,” he told her. “I know she made you say it,” Tom acknowledged.
Y/n fisted Tom’s shirt as she cried into his chest. “I … I didn’t… I didn’t want to say it…” she cried. “I didn’t mean it. I swear. I didn’t mean it.” Y/n repeated.
Tom listened respectfully as y/n kept repeating herself. He pressed loving kisses to her scalp as he waited for her to calm down. After a few minutes, Tom began replying with a quiet, “I know” each time y/n promised she hadn’t meant what she said.
Tom didn’t know how long this continued. To him it felt like an eternity having to hear y/n’s choked sobs and needless apologies. But, he noticed she suddenly went quiet. Tom cautiously cupped y/n’s face and tilted it so he could see her eyes.
“I love you,” y/n promised. She gazed up into Tom’s eyes and sniffled. “I love you.”
Tom smiled softly at y/n before giving her a quick kiss. “I love you too,” he whispered.
Y/n took Tom’s face in her hands and needily pulled him in for a longer kiss. She closed her eyes as she sunk her fingers into his hair and held him close. Y/n felt a few more tears leave her eyes as she savored the taste of Tom’s lips.
“Are you hurt?” Tom asked when they pulled back, resting his forehead on y/n’s.
“I.. I don’t think so,” y/n mumbled.
“I...-there was… is…blood on the floor,” Tom argued worryingly.
Y/n pulled back and looked over at the spots Tom was referencing. “Oh, I.. I think that’s hers,” she admitted. “I kinda tore up her arm before you got here,” y/n said, eyeing her keys.
Tom hummed and smiled faintly. “I’m so p-proud of you,” he told y/n. He saw y/n’s disagreement and shook his head. “You kept yourself alive until help could come,” Tom argued. “I s-saw you tried to call Jones, you ran, you fought back, you did what you needed to do to survive.”
Y/n sniffled. “I didn’t want to say that… I shouldn’t have-“.
Tom sighed. “I know you didn’t, and I’m sorry you had to. But that’s just it, you had to,” He pointed out. “I know you didn’t mean it. I’m not hurt or mad. I’m thankful you did what you needed to do. I’m thankful you were so strong,” Tom whimpered lightly.
Y/n flattened her lips and nodded. “I’m just glad you’re here. Thank you for c-coming for me.”
“Always. Now, are you sure-” Tom began, stopping suddenly. He abruptly stood up and carefully pulled y/n up with him. “Your neck,” he muttered, gently tilting her chin up for a better view.
“Shit,” Tom hissed, upset he’d momentarily forgotten about seeing the knife slice y/n’s neck. He eyed the thin line with a deep frown. “We need to get you to the hospital.”
Y/n huffed. “Tom, please, I just… I just wanna lay down and sleep,” she cried.
Tom sucked in his lips and nodded in understanding. “Okay. You will,” he promised. “Just after you get that cut looked at,” Tom declared. “Don’t worry, I’m going with you,” he said upon seeing the fear return to y/n’s eyes.
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“You didn’t tell me she clawed your back,” Tom sighed, squeezing y/n’s hand as the doctor gave y/n a tetanus booster shot.
“I forgot,” y/n laughed humorously. She sighed, “doesn’t really hurt too much though”.
Tom nodded. “And your throat?” He questioned, eyeing the bandage covering her neck.
“That one hurts like a bitch,” y/n admitted with a quiet laugh. “But, I’ll be fine,” She promised. “But…Tom…. I….” y/n trailed off.
“You what, love?” Tom inquired.
“I don’t really… umm..” y/n sighed and cleared her throat. She immediately winced at the pain that shot through her as a result. Y/n huffed and looked back at Tom, who was watching her with a sorrowful look. “I don’t want to go home… I… I know she’s gone… but…”
Tom nodded rapidly, squeezing y/n’s hand again. “We’re not going back there,” He promised. “W-when the police are umm,… done with their stuff… I’ll have Harry hire some people to help move our stuff out,” Tom stated.
Y/n smiled appreciatively at how Tom had already considered her not wanting to go back there after tonight. “But… Where are we going to stay? You are staying with me still, right?” She asked nervously.
“Of course!” Tom promised. “For now, I can take time off and we can go back to London. Or, we’ll get a hotel or new apartment until the show wraps. Whatever you want darling,” he comforted.
“You need to finish-“ y/n began. She noticed Tom was about to argue with her so she smiled and shook her head. “I want you to finish. But I won’t argue to you taking a few days off right now,” she admitted bashfully.
Tom sighed with relief, not wanting to go back to work just yet. More so, not wanting to be away from y/n again just yet. “Okay, so new place it is, we’ll get a hotel for tonight,” he decided. “Then, figure it out from there,” Tom said softly.
Y/n nodded and smiled lightly at Tom. “Can we go now?” She asked.
Tom chuckled quietly. “Once you’re cleared, darling,” he said, looking at the doctor.
“You’re all patched up, let me just get the discharge paperwork for you to sign and the at-home instructions to take care of your wounds,” the doctor offered with a sympathetic smile. “Then you’re free to go,” he told the couple as he left the room.
Y/n sighed and squeezed Tom’s hand. She was beyond ready to get out of the hospital. To be somewhere comfortable and safe. With Tom.
“In addition to the guards outside,” Tom said, nodding his head towards the door to y/n’s emergency room where a few of his security were. “I tasked Harry with booking the safest hotel he can find. I’m also going to have guards on each entrance to the hotel, and one outside watching our room if we have a patio, and a couple in the hallway by our door, they’ve been told they’ll be working around the clock, and-“ he rambled.
“Tom, I appreciate all of that,” y/n confessed. “But… She’s been arrested. I don’t think we need that many…” she argued.
Tom nodded. “You’re probably right. But… I know you keep saying it’s not my fault….” He sighed. “But, I can’t help it… please just let me do this for you, until things settle down?”
Y/n smiled warmly and nodded. “Okay, thank you.”
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“Tom, you can sleep now, we’re safe,” y/n promised, snuggling into his side as he held her.
“I know,” Tom whispered. “I just want to stay awake and just hold you for a bit,” he confessed. “But, please, rest darling, you’ve had a terribly long day,” Tom pleaded, kissing y/n’s forehead.
Y/n hummed quietly as she breathed in Tom’s cologne. “I love you,” she whispered, melting into his embrace.
“I love you too,” Tom replied, smiling down at y/n. “Thank you for being such a fighter today,” he added, tenderly running his thumb over the space between her brows to soothe her. Tom grinned to himself as he watched y/n quickly drift off to sleep. He didn’t know what he would’ve done if things had gone differently today, but he was glad he didn’t have to find out.
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Tom Holland Navigation
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Main Masterlist Navigation (All My Works)
532 notes · View notes
websterss · 2 months
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REQUEST: I don’t know if you’re that type of person who takes requests but I had an idea with tom holland where he’s the stereotypical jock and you’re the nerdy girl but here’s the thing you’re also diagnosed with cancer and he keeps bullying you every single day of the week until when he figures out you have cancer then he starts to feel guilty and starts to fall for you, but you try to be sympathetic by saying that it’s not his fault for all of this and etc just a thought by the way.
WARNING(S): Angst, mentions of cancer, fluff at the end, teasing, name-calling, bullying.
WORD COUNT: 19,121 :)
PAIRING: Tom Holland x Sick!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! Old repost! Feedback is always welcomed. Also be nice, 16 year old me wrote this, but I gave it more structure lmfao but it was kind of sweet to read some of my old works lol. This was honestly one of the better ones I found.
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Growing up you had made it your life's mission to try to find a way to get through school. That mission involved trying to make friends and make the best out of everything, which now seemed like a wish you could only dream of. School felt like it never got any easier. Throughout it, you realize who were your true friends and who weren’t at all.
Especially when high school rolled around the corner. You got teased and picked on a lot more. You liked to think it was because you were sick. You had cancer, and as much as you hated it your mom had been hesitant about letting you attend school. She was scared something bad was going to happen. You didn’t have anyone to have your back. You didn’t have many friends.
Unless you counted your mere acquaintances, but you hardly ever spoke to them. You were pretty much alone, and as much as you wanted to believe that you got picked on because you were sick. You were wrong because no one knew. No one knew you were sick and they teased and picked on you because of who you were and how you carried yourself, it had nothing to do with you being sick.
You were in front of your locker reading your favorite book, Jane Eyre. Your locker’s door blocked any view of anyone who could come up from your right. You quickly got startled when Tom appeared. He slammed the door against the wall of lockers to your right and then leaned against it.
You bookmarked your page before putting it in your locker face down. Tom’s signature smirk plastered on his lips.
“Oh hi, Tom.” You smiled nervously not knowing why he decided to approach you.
Tom never really approached anyone outside of his inner circle of friends. Being the star quarterback gave him leverage around the school, plus made him quite popular. Everyone knew who he was. So for him to approach you, someone who liked to keep to herself, and was at the bottom of the status level, it was a little surprising. You weren’t sure of what he wanted but you were about to find out.
“Can I help you?”
“I was just curious. Where did you get your sweater?” Tom said as if he was curious.
“My sweater? Oh, my mom bought it for me, it actu-” 
Tom raised his hand to stop you. “I wasn’t actually interested, but nice to know mommy’s the one dressing you up for school.” He started laughing.
“Oh um, I–” You sputtered.
“I, uh, eh.” He mocked you. “Is there something wrong? Cat got your tongue sweetheart?”
“Is that all you wanted?” You muttered softly while you played with the hem of your sleeve.
Tom’s gaze lingered on you for a minute before he shot a glance behind your shoulder looking over at his buddies and his girlfriend who were laughing. The laugh was directed at you. They thought of you as a joke.
“Yeah…that’s all.” He brushed whatever he was feeling off and brought himself to let a laugh emit past his lips. His shoulder brushed yours as he began walking away, the contact causing you to fall into the lockers a bit. You followed his retreating form back to his friends. They were already staring at you, what else was new?
You turned back to your locker, grabbed your book, and placed it in your backpack. It wasn’t too long before the bell rang for your next class. Your class was in the direction where Tom and his friends were standing. You began walking, taking one step after another until you were close to them, that’s when you began walking by them faster. As you hurried along, you didn’t notice Tom’s girlfriend extending out her foot, which had you tripping over it in an instant. Your knees hit the ground harshly, the stinging of the pain flowing through your legs. As harsh as your landing was, the rest of the student body laughing at you was much harsher.
“What a joke!” Tom’s girlfriend laughed along with everyone else.
You gathered yourself onto your feet and quickly moved through the hallway away from everyone’s finger-pointing and cackling. Once you reached your class you felt like you could finally breathe again. You gave your focus on what you had been learning that day in class.
As the next day came around you did your very best to avoid the jocks altogether. Mostly Tom. Who knew the star quarterback was a total jerk? Was jerk even enough to describe him? You shook your head at the thought as you tried to focus your attention back on your book. It was your fathers who passed away before your senior year. It seemed as though the book was the only thing that made him a part of you still. He still was, in your heart at least.
He read you the book every night before bedtime. Now all you could do was read it over and over again. As soon as you were down to the very last word of the page you were on, the book was swiped from your hands. Bringing you back from your inner thoughts you looked up to find
Tom. You looked up from your empty hands. You were never one to make a scene so all you did was sit on the floor there looking at him with furrowed brows.
“C-Can I have my book back please?” You muttered. You started playing with the hem of your sleeve again.
“Why don’t you come and get it.” Tom smirked as he started walking backwards. You looked at him worried. You glanced around noticing everyone in the library was minding their own business. There wasn’t anyone in the aisle you were in.
He wanted you to chase him, and you were under strict instructions from the doctor to not do any physical activities. Running included.
“I-I can’t, please can I just have my book back?” You pleaded softly as you stood up and stepped closer to him only to have him take one step back.
“Fine, you want your book…” Tom lifted his arm and threw it over your head. You turned around quickly. Standing behind you was a buddy of Tom’s with your book in his hands. You were shocked and outnumbered at this point.
“Can I please have my book back?” You stared at Tom’s friend with pleading eyes.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He smiled then threw the book over your head again. Tom caught it while laughing. The two of them continued this childish game of monkey in the middle.
The only thing you could feel and think at that moment was why…Why me?
“Tom please!” You begged this time. “I’ll do whatever you want just please hand it back…please.” You sighed in defeat.
Watching your shoulders slump down, Tom paused. His arm went back down. “Anything?” He asked with a hint of curiosity and something else you couldn’t pinpoint.
“Y-Yes.” You hesitate but answer him.
“Alright…” He smirked as he walked closer to you. “Kiss me.” He smirked cockily. “W-What?” You looked at him startled by his request.
“I’ll give you your book back if you kiss me.” Tom kept smirking.
“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” You asked, incredulous.
“Don't you want your book back, Y/n?”
“Yes.” Your voice was small.
It was just a kiss, right? No harm no foul.
Tom stood still as you took a step forward and placed your hands on his shoulder. You gulped nervously before leaning in to kiss him. You closed your eyes tightly as you pressed your lips to his slowly. Something inside Tom caused him to flutter his eyes and place his hands on your waist. The kiss only lasted for a minute, but that didn’t help the way Tom felt his stomach do flips.
Tom pulled back first watching the way your eyes were still closed and how your lips looked inviting. You opened your e/c eyes. Yes e/c, that’s what Tom immediately noticed about them. Then his gaze quickly averted behind you to Harrison, who was giving him a questioning look, and the very reason for teasing you came flooding back into his head.
Tom licked his lips and scoffed to play off what just happened. “You’re so easy.” He began laughing and handed you your book.
You grabbed it from his hand and curled it into your chest. “Thanks.” You glanced down at your feet.
“Yeah, whatever.” Tom shook his head and walked off with Harrison.
You slowly stopped at the end of the aisle and peeked to see Tom meet his girlfriend at the entrance of the library with a kiss. You watched him take her hand and head upstairs to the second floor of the library with smirks on their faces.
You sighed as you took your seat on the carpet again and began reading where you left off. This time without any interruptions.
You were at lunch eating by yourself when Tom’s girlfriend approached you along with her little clique behind her. You were reading your dad’s book when you noticed her. You wanted to do everything you could to make yourself invisible, but the grip on her smoothie was making you anxious.
You placed your bookmark back on the page you were reading and gave her your attention. “Can I help you?” You asked her softly.
“Actually, you can.” Harper sat down in front of you with a smile that screamed trouble.
Awe she’s adorable, Harper thought. “So Sally-” She started.
“It’s Y/n.” You laughed nervously.
“Whatever. Look I know you’re a sweet girl and all, but you sure do lead people on. Making them believe you’re all innocent.” She put her hands together on the table.
“W-What?” You shrunk a little. “What are you talking-” You began but she cut you off.
“Hey Tom, what’s Harper doing with the freak?” Harrison pointed out motioning over Tom’s shoulder.
“What?” Tom furrowed his brows and turned around in his seat. That’s when he saw his girlfriend seated in front of you. His heart dropped a little, but he didn’t let anyone see that. “Who knows…she’s probably helping the poor girl out. She’s got to update that wardrobe of hers. Harper's probably just giving her some pointers, right?” He chuckled bumping shoulders with his buddy on his right.
“You're probably right. That sweater does hide her well. You think she’s got any?” Harrison laughed.
“Got what?” Tom asked.
“You know…” Harrison made a gesture over his chest.
“Harrison, no mate, just no. Quit being a perv you div. Your mother taught you better than that.” Tom shook his head
“I’m just saying…” Harrison raised his hands in surrender.
“-So a little birdy told me about your little stunt in the library. I’m not one to get jealous seeing as there is no one good enough for my Tommy, but I do get mad when little girls like you think you can take our boyfriends.” Harper stared you down.
“No, no, look you got it all wrong. He tricked me, he kissed me first. I would never do that. I’m not like that!” You began rambling already feeling like this whole conversation was going to take a turn.
“That’s the thing though, you all say the same thing before you pounce…” She trailed off before standing up, and right as she turned her back for a second, she said. “Oh yeah, one more thing...” Harper swirled around and threw the smoothie at you. The contents spilling all over you, and your book.
You gasped as you tried wiping the drink away from your eyes. It started stinging and irritating your eyes quickly. You stood up slowly, but even that caused you to slip a little. You finally looked up, and at that moment you wished you hadn’t. Half of the student body was either staring at you or taking a video of you. The rest were laughing at you. Your eyes stopped on a certain someone, and all they could do was stare at you. You averted your gaze back to Harper.
“I-I’m sorry.” Your voice grew small. You didn’t care anymore that phones were flashing at you or that people were cackling at you again.
“I’m not.” Harper laughed.
You quickly turned your head to collect your bag, and as you did so. Harper snatched the book from the table and hid it behind her back. You turned back and left without saying another word. Harper waved you goodbye, laughing as you slipped again right before exiting the cafeteria. “That should keep her away.”
“Nice one Harper.”
“Maybe she'll rethink her intentions before she kisses Tom again.” She giggled and walked towards Tom.
“Hey, baby.” She placed herself on his lap and kissed him deeply. “Did you see that freakshow, my goodness what a joke.” She laughed as Tom wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t you think you went a little too far?” Tom tilted his head.
“Of course not, besides, I had to let her know who you belong to.” She leaned forward and caught his lower lip with her teeth biting on them gently before pulling back.
Harper smiled and turned her gaze to Harrison. “Hey, Harrison, happy birthday.” She giggled as she threw him your book.
“It’s not my birthday, though,” Harrison said. Tom quickly recognized it and grabbed it.
“You took her book?” He furrowed his brows in question.
“I don’t know, the freak left it behind. Did you see her face? I got her so good!” Harper's eyes widened. A smile dawning her features.
“Yeah, I did, hey why don’t I take it and the next time I get her alone, I’ll taunt her with it.” He turned to Harper.
“Oh, that's a good idea.” Harper got off his lap. “I’ll see you in a bit?”
“Yeah, I just remembered I have to go do something. Sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” Tom got up from the table and pecked her lips quickly. “Okay?”
“Okay, I’ll see you tonight then?”
“Yeah.” Tom smiled and walked out of the cafeteria with your book. Leaving Harper and Harrison by themselves since the rest of their group left. The cafeteria was deserted apart from the lunch ladies, but they were too busy in the back of the kitchen.
Harper sighed. “Do you know what’s going on with him?”
“No, not a clue.” Harrison dismissed her question quickly.
After what happened yesterday. Tom held onto your book. He had the urge to approach you and return it, but he found another way. Then he was reminded of the way his friends might react or the way they might tease him. The pressure was always on him. Whether it be leading his team to a win, or trying to keep his friends. Now the pressure was directed towards you and whether or not he would tease and taunt you.
“Tom and Y/n…” Tom looked upright as the teacher called your names. He looked around until he found you in your seat. Others around him began laughing quietly and whispering amongst themselves. Expressing their pity to him for being paired with you. You slowly sunk into your chair as you felt everyone staring at you. They already thought you were trying to steal Harper’s boyfriend, now you knew this little class pairing would spread around to Harper.
No avoiding the tension now, you thought.
As the teacher finished calling the rest of the names, the bell rang letting everyone know they were dismissed which in your case, was a free period. You collected your notebook and placed it in your bag. After you were all packed you exited the room and started your walk to the library.
“Hey, Y/n wait up!” You stiffened up as you heard his voice. You cringed slightly as people stopped to look at you. You turned around slowly and faced him.
“Listen I um…” He was going to say sorry, but Harper caught his attention from down the hall, and he sighed.
“Yes?” You repeated, wanting him to let it out.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to help out with the project. I would love to help you, but I got a lot on my plate, ya know.” He chuckled as if you understood where he was coming from. “With practice and the stacks of homework, I got, I’m slammed. If you could not tell Mr. Stevenson about it that’d be great. Don’t want him thinking I made you do all the work now do we?”
“Y-You want me to do the whole project?” You asked quickly, getting upset.
“It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be hard, you’re a smart girl Y/n. Look I gotta get to practice, but let me know how it goes, okay.” He threw you a gentle smile, and you almost believed he thought you were smart. “Hey, Harper wait up!” He called his girlfriend’s name.
You sighed and walked slowly to the library. You wanted to read your dad’s book, but you didn’t have it anymore. You also wanted to brainstorm ideas with Tom, but he blew you off and left it all for you to do. As you got to the library you placed your things down at your designated table and started getting your notebook out.
“Hello, Y/n.” You looked up at the librarian who now stood in front of your table. “Hi Grace, how are you today?” You smiled sweetly at the old lady.
“Oh, I’m fine dear, how are you though?” Grace knew what you were going through and she knew about your cancer. One or some few you’ve only told this to.
“Taking it one day at a time…I’m still waiting for a good day.” You halfheartedly laughed.
“You know every day may not always be the greatest, but there are small great things within that day. So, anything good happen, today?” She smiled softly.
“This cute guy was assigned to be my partner for a project.” You smiled but it quickly faded.
“What’s wrong with that?!”
“He’s the guy that’s been making my life hell, and now I'm left to do this project on my own...” You mumble quietly towards the end to yourself.
“Oh, I see…” She nodded. “Ya know, guys usually pick on girls they like.” She teased with a smirk.
“Trust me, he doesn’t like me.”
“I beg to differ.” Grace brought around something that she was hiding behind her back into your view. It was your book. Your dad’s book. You gasped as you slowly took it from her hand.
“W-Where did you get this?” You looked at her with curiosity.
“My lips are sealed, honey.” She zipped her lips with her pointer finger and thumb and threw away the fake key.
“Thank you.” You smiled.
“Of course, dear, enjoy the rest of your day.”
“I will.” You laughed with a breath.
You glanced down at the book and caressed the edges. Apart from the worn-out pages and the faded smoothie stains, the book was just fine. No tears or anything. It wasn’t ruined and you were glad Harper didn’t do anything more to it.
Out of breath. That’s what you were feeling. Your chest was heaving up and down and your body was growing tired. This had to be the worst day of all for you. No physical activities. That’s what your doctor told you, and now you were running. The one thing that you shouldn’t have been doing.
“T-Tom!” You yelled after him as you were currently chasing him down the halls of the school. People were pushing themselves against the lockers and walls not wanting to get pushed out the way. The look of determination on your face was enough to let people know not to push you any more than Tom was doing.
As stupid as it may have been he took your backpack. Who would take a backpack?! Tom, that’s who. He caught you off guard when he snagged it and took off running. That’s when you took off in a sprint. And now if you didn’t stop you felt like you’d probably throw up or something.
“T-Tom just give it back please!” You said out of breath.
“Oh come on now, Y/n. You can’t be that tired now.” He chuckled as a crowd started gathering. Tom was on the last step of the stairs that led to the second floor of the school, which did not look inviting at all. “You want the backpack, come get it.” Tom started going up the stairs.
Taunting you as you took small steps to the stairs.
You paused, placing your hands on your knees. Looking down at your feet trying to control your breathing. You almost did a double-take when you noticed a small drop of red hit the ground.
You quickly brought your hand up to your nose and removed it as you realized you were bleeding. Your heart was thumping loudly in your ears and all the loud laughter coming from everyone was causing you to panic. You were growing overwhelmed and a little dizzy now.
“Looks like the freak can’t handle a joke. Go on, it’s your time to shine. Go after my boyfriend, go get your stuff, before I flush it down the toilet.” It was Harper’s voice that you heard off to your left. You were still facing the stairs, but you didn’t move.
“Come on Y/n. Unless nothing in here actually matters to you.” Tom smirked. You finally looked up at him and he immediately took notice of the dried blood beginning to drip down the edge of your nose. The dazed look you were giving him made him straighten up.
“Y/n?” His voice sounded muffled and right as you took a step forward you were falling to the ground.
You crashed to the ground hard and the crowd grew silent as they suddenly realized what happened. Tom’s breath hitched in the back of his throat as he stood motionless. It wasn’t until a girl pushed her way to the front of the crowd and rushed to your side.
“Oh my god, Y/n.” She shook you awake and then looked at everyone else. “Why the hell are you all standing there? Call an ambulance, oh my god, Y/n. Help!” She yelled at everyone who just stood there.
Tom then finally rushed down to your side and lifted your head on his lap. “Y/n? Can you hear me?”
“Tom, what the hell are you doing?!” Harper grew angry.
“Harper shut the hell up and get a teacher!” Tom looked at everyone who stood there pissed. “Quit standing there and move!” Everyone scrambled then and there.
A couple of seconds passed and Mr. Stevenson and Grace came rushing down the hall along with the principal.
“How did this happen?” The principal cut right to the point.
“She-” Alice began, but Tom cut her off.
“It was my fault, sir. I pushed her too far, and she fainted.” Tom admitted taking full responsibility for everything.
“Holland, come with me.” The principal motioned with his finger leading him to his office. “Mr. Stevenson stay with her until the paramedics get here.”
“I will sir.” So that left Grace, Alice, and Mr. Stevenson with you, unconscious.
“Hang in there kid, help is on its way.” Grace held onto your hand brushing away falling hairs from your face.
“Want to explain to me what happened back there?” The principal stood with his hands on his hips. Tom remained quiet as he stared at his lap. The principal sighed and sat at the edge of his desk in front of Tom. “I know Thomas...”
Tom perked his head up. “What do you mean sir?”
“I don’t know about you, son, but I don’t tolerate students tormenting other students, especially when that student happens to be very sick. Some of your classmates have told me about how you’ve been treating Miss Y/L/N for the past couple of days this week.”
“Sick? What are you talking about?” Tom sat up straighter in his chair, fully worried and curious. Principal Johnson furrowed his brows at his question.
“Are you not aware of her condition Mr. Holland?”
Tom furrowed his brows. “Condition?”
Principal Johnson sighed, bringing his forefinger and thumb up to the bridge of his nose. “Miss Y/L/N has cancer, Mr. Holland.” Tom’s heart sank then and there.
“I didn’t…I didn’t know.”
“Would your actions have been any different if you did? This was all on you, son, and from the looks of it, it didn’t look like you were going to stop.”
“I know that saying sorry isn’t going to make up for it-”
“You’re right it’s not. I don’t currently have any sort of punishment for your behavior, so we’ll discuss it further on Monday next week. But as of right now I only ask that you won’t ever do that sort of thing again. Don’t think I am letting you off the hook that easily Holland, a phone call will still be made to your parents.”
“Of course…” Tom nodded slowly, fully accepting his punishments to come.
“And one more thing…I’m benching you for the rest of the season’s games. I’ll notify your coach immediately.” Tom bit the inside of his cheek, nodding, feeling guilty about it all. “I expected more from you kid. Hopefully, all of this will make you rethink what you’ve done.”
Tom stood up. “Me too.” And left.
“Oh, my sweet baby girl.” Your mom sat on your side of the bed caressing your hair as you were slowly coming to.
“M-Mom?” You rasped out.
“Hi sweetie, how’re you feeling?” Your mom furrowed her brows.
“My head kind of hurts.” You squint your eyes as you sit up slowly.
“Well, you did have quite the fall.”
“I fell?”
“You don’t remember?” You shook your head no.
“Well, all that matters is that you’re alright.”
“Y-Yeah.” You frowned sadly.
“What’s wrong sweetie?”
“R-Remember when you asked me…you asked if anything was going on at school.” 
“I lied.” You looked up at her with teary eyes.
“What happened, sweetie?” Your mom soothed you.
“Well…it’s a long story.” You looked up at her.
“Lay it out.” Then you began telling her all that happened this week, from the start of Monday to what happened today that caused you to fall. Your mom would now know of everything.
You were allowed to go home after the doctor gave you the okay. They wanted to make sure nothing else was wrong, and that you were fine. Safe to say you were and now here you were curled up on the couch with your favorite blanket watching Tv. Your mom was in the kitchen cooking up something to eat for the two of you.
Apart from the arrangements of flowers that were left outside your porch when you arrived home, everything was pretty much back to normal. Well not so much, everyone at school kept sending you gifts and apologized over and over again. You were sympathetic, forgave them, and told them that it was okay and that they didn’t know, so no harm or foul right? Much to your mom’s disagreement, she thought that your classmates could go to hell, but you didn’t give that a second thought and let it go quickly.
Right as you were going to turn up the volume the doorbell rang. You looked back at your mom and you shared a look, yours of amusement and hers of annoyance.
“Wonder who that could be?” She said sarcastically moving towards the door.
You snuggled back onto the couch and heard the faint voices of your mom and someone talking. A couple of minutes passed and your mom came trolling back into the living room holding yet another gift basket that you were given. You sat up with a smile, and your mom sat across from you watching you open the basket and going through the assortment of goodies that were inside.
You finally looked up, face stuffed with a chocolate muffin. “What?” Your voice was muffled.
“Nothing sweetie, I’m just glad you’re happy is all.”
“You love this mom.” You laughed.
“Fine you’re right, I do!” She laughed with you and went through the basket herself.
You looked at all the other gift baskets that adorned your living room. “What are we going to do with all these?” You chuckled as you motioned around the room.
“Well from all the stuff they’re sending us, I don’t have to go shopping for another week.” She joked.
You gasped and hit her shoulder playfully. “Mom!”
“I will never get over how you see so much good in others, Y/n. They treated you unfairly, yet you forgave them so easily.”
“What would be the point in holding a grudge? Yeah, they weren’t exactly nice, but I only have so long left. I’d rather enjoy my time with kindness, not hatred.” You smiled.
“Oh come here!” Your mom blinked quickly not wanting tears to fall down her face. “I love you so much...”
“I love you too, mom.”
You and your mom were enjoying your weekend together by eating ice cream and watching chick flicks. You were getting to the good part of the movie when you heard the engine of a car pull up. You looked at your mom right as she turned to look at you with a knowing smile.
Your mom ran to the window sill looking out.
“He’s back.” Your mom eyed the boy as she stuffed her mouth with another spoonful of cookies n’ cream. You quickly got up and ran to her side watching as he opened the trunk of his car unloading four more arrangements of flowers. You smiled at the gesture he was making. Your guess was this was his way of apologizing. You both stared as he made his way up to the porch and began placing more flower baskets and vases down gently. He stopped for a second and rearranged one of the vases and moved them to another spot.
“Ya know if he keeps this up we’re not going to have any way to leave the house. He’s filling up the porch quite nicely huh.” Your mom teased licking her spoon that was backward. “I’m allergic to bees, remember?” She giggled. “It’s cute though, what he’s doing for you. I don’t think any boy has ever done that for you.” She nudged your arm playfully.
“Shhh.” You observed as he crouched down and organized the flowers. You considered this the perfect moment and removed the blanket from around your shoulders and set it on the couch. You headed towards the door and slipped your shoes on.
“Make sure to give him a big kiss.” Your mom giggled.
“Not another word from you.” You pointed at her and then opened the door.
The sound of the front door unlocking caught Tom’s attention and he stood up startled. He watched in shock as you walked out and closed the door behind you. Once you finally turned around it was like he couldn’t find his words or breathe properly.
“Hi.” You smiled at him gently.
“H-Hey.” He breathed out nervously.
You smiled and looked at all the flowers he brought you. You hadn’t gone outside to see them for yourself. Only staying inside. Your smile grew bigger when you spotted your favorite flower amongst the dozen other ones. You turned your gaze back to him.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“Of course. I’m glad you like them.”
“You should probably stop though.”
“W-What?” Tom grew nervous.
“I don’t think my porch has any more room for arrangements. Where would you even put them?” You giggled as you looked around. He really did fill up the entire two sides of the porch, only leaving a path from the door to the steps. “Plus...my mom’s allergic to bees.”
“Oh! Yeah, I guess I did go a little...overboard.” Tom cringed as he scratched the back of his neck.
“It’s sweet of you though. No one’s ever done this for me…” You trailed off smiling shyly at your shoes.
It was quiet for a couple of seconds before he spoke up. “Y/n, I’m so sorry.”
You smiled up at him. “You didn’t know, it wasn’t your fault.” 
“Yes, yes it was, and you have every right to hate me, okay.”
“I forgive you, Tom, seriously it’s okay.” You laughed as he kept beating himself up. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness, Y/n.”
“Well, that’s too bad because I’m giving it to you. I…I don’t hate you, Tom.”
“But I treated you so horribly…all the things I did and said, I…I caused you to fall.” Tom’s voice cracked and he looked at you.
“It’s not your fault. It’s not, okay. I’m fine, see.” You cupped his face. “I’m fine Tom. I’m okay.” You didn’t know what made you so bold all of a sudden, but you pressed your foreheads together.
Tom closed his eyes and steadied his breathing to the rhythm of yours. When his eyes opened back up he saw your eyes. Your e/c eyes. They were so beautiful. His eyes then trailed down to your lips. A sudden pull caused him to lean in. You leaned in too. You let it happen. This time it wasn’t to get your book back. This kiss was the real thing. And you loved it. You smiled into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Tom’s hands remained on your hips, but he tugged them forward to press you closer to him.
When you both pulled away you were flushed. Your lips were a little swollen. Tom didn’t dare untangle his arms that were wrapped around you.
“I don’t care how long it takes. I’m going to keep making it up to you.”
“No, I mean it. I was horrible to you, and just cause I’m leaving these small things for you, still doesn’t make what I did acceptable. It wasn’t right.”
“When did you realize all this?” You smiled gently.
“When I made you kiss me that day in the library. I took your first kiss from you. It wasn’t fair of me to do that to you.”
“Who says that was my first kiss?” You smirked teasingly.
“I... I just had a feeling.”
“So you had a feeling that no one’s ever kissed me before. Am I that much of a loser?”
“What?! No of course not, you are so kissable, and beautiful, and you deserve so many-”
“Tom, Tom.” You laughed, cutting him off.
“Don’t hurt yourself....” You pulled him in and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
“I don’t deserve you.” He pressed his head against yours.
“I think you’re a bit hard on yourself Tom. You deserve a lot more than you think.”
“I don't...but you do.” He muttered. "You don't mean that?"
“I mean it.” You closed your eyes letting him kiss you again. This one was slower, and sweet, displaying how each of you felt about each other.
Sunday had been one of those days that you never expected to happen. Then again you hadn’t expected Tom to end up kissing you after a week filled with his tormenting and bullying. There was no doubt you were still kind of cautious around him, he just spent the whole weekend feeling guilty. You didn't know what Monday would bring.
Could it be more of his bullying?
Was this just a front so people wouldn’t hate him?
Was he actually trying to change for the greater good?
Did he truly want to make it up to you?
Did he really have feelings for you?
You didn’t know...
After what happened on Sunday you weren’t sure how things were going to go at school. Your mom had suggested you stay at home, but even she knew that you wouldn’t agree, you were too much of a good student to miss school, even if you did faint not more than three days ago. You were in the middle of putting your books and notes into your bag when the doorbell rang. Your head turned towards the door. You were confused. No one ever really came this early, especially to your house. You walked up to the door and unlocked it. When the door swung open the person who stood behind the door was not who you were expecting it to be.
“Tom?” Your eyes widen in surprise.
Tom smiled sheepishly as his hands were in his front pockets. He shifted from foot to foot, as he grew nervous.
“Hey.” He said as his eyes shined. His stance was curious and timid.
“What are you doing here?” You held onto the door as you asked him.
“I...do you, would you-” He began stuttering.
“Yes?” You smiled. Tom gulped as he noticed you smiling at the stuttering mess that was himself.
“Do you- you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it’d be a good idea for us- which you don’t have to say yes to. I know I haven’t been the best to you, and it’s probably too early anyway-” Tom rubbed his neck as he kept gesturing to you and what you believed was his car that he was pointing at. Two and two clicked together in your head making you smile at his offer. He kept stumbling over his words.
Just like you had done yesterday, you stopped him before he could hurt himself.
“-Tom, Tom.” You reached forward grabbing a hold of his arms to get his attention. “I would love it if you gave me a ride to school.” You giggled as he looked at you shocked.
Your laugh making his heart melt. “You would?”
You nodded. “Yes, I would. Thanks...” You muttered as you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his cheek.
Tom closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sweet affection you gave him. He didn’t want to tell you right away.
“You’re welcome.” He spoke softly as he gazed at you with adoration.
“I just need to grab my things.” You motioned back inside the house. “Come in.”
“Okay.” Tom breathed as he quickly entered after you. He closed the door standing awkwardly, not knowing what to do. He only took a few steps inside your house. The living room caught his eye. A couple of pictures of you and what he assumed was your mom stood out to him.
However, one picture did catch his eye. It was one of you and your mom at the hospital. Tom assumed that this was taken a while back since you didn’t seem to have hair in this picture. What he couldn’t help but notice was the way you were smiling. You looked worn down, but he probably would have never known that by the happiness showing in your eyes. “Chemo.”
Tom was brought out of his daze as he whirled around to see you standing beside him. A grip on your backpack, preventing it from falling.
“What?” Pure innocence in his eyes causes you to smile lightly.
“That was taken at the end of my chemo. It was almost a while ago.” You ran a hand through your short hair. A habit you began doing after your hair grew back. It was growing back slowly, but you were slowly withering away. You didn’t mind it being short. You quite liked it this way. “Hence the hair.” You shrugged nonchalantly while lifting the edges of your hair.
Tom didn’t say anything, he only continued to gaze at you with a look you couldn’t pinpoint. “I never would have noticed.” Tom shook his head slightly. He motioned to your hair. “It looks...nice. It always has...” He smiled genuinely.
"Always?" Your heart melts.
Tom grew flustered. “I uh-” He laughed nervously.
“Have you been secretly keeping track of my hair?” You teased him with a smile. “Since when?”
"Since...middle school." He scratched his neck. You hadn't expected an actual answer.
“Oh.” That was all you could say as you blushed slightly.
Tom glanced at his feet before he looked up at you again. “Ready to go?”
“Mhmm.” You smiled as you placed your hand in his that he extended out to you.
You let go of his hand once you were outside. Quickly locking the door, then taking his hand again as you made your way to his car.
Tom followed you to the passenger side and opened the door for you. You smiled sweetly at him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiled down at you as you were seated inside. He closed your door and made his way to the driver's side, getting in and starting up the engine.
“Good?” He asked you as you finished buckling yourself.
“Yeah.” You smiled.
“Okay.” Tom quickly glanced behind his shoulders. Left then right making sure there weren’t any cars coming, then slowly reversing out the driveway. Turning the wheel and putting the car in drive, you both began making your way towards school.
As the weekend passed Harper couldn’t help but feel hurt at the way Tom yelled at her. Sure he was angry, but he didn’t need to yell at her. Feeling like it was her fault that he wasn’t answering any of her messages, she wanted nothing more than to fix things between them. And what better way to do that, than in person in front of the whole school? Harper loved the attention, but she was determined to make you jealous. She was determined to show you who you were messing with, even if you ended up fainting again.
“So what happened again between you and Tom?” One of Harper’s friends asked her.
“Nothing happened Hannah. We just had a bit of a complication…” Harper fluffed up her curls. She pursed her lips and gazed at herself through her locker mirror. “Don’t worry, Tom and I are good as new again,” Harper smirked as she applied another layer of her cherry lip gloss. She popped her lips when she was satisfied with her appearance.
“You guys are great together. Compatible in every way.” Heather fed the beast- I mean Harper with praises and compliments. “Job well done Harper.”
“Thanks, Heather, I am incredibly lucky to have such a great guy like Tom.” Harper bit her lip as flashes of Tom and her in her room popped up in her head.
“Looks like your luck ran out..” Hannah said.
“What? Why would you even say that Hannah!” Harper gaped at her. Hannah only replied by motioning over Harper’s shoulder with her head.
Confused by her words Harper and Heather turned around to see what Hannah was talking about. As she did, her breath slightly hitched. As if her day couldn’t get any worse, she now had to see her boyfriend walk into the building with his hand intertwined with yours.
“Oh yeah, good as new alright.” Hannah mocked her.
“Shut up, Hannah!” Harper snapped at her.
“Hey, you’re the one who said you two were fine. It’s not my fault you can’t keep track of your boyfriend, well looks like your ex-boyfriend now.” Hannah put her hands up in defense.
“Oh no, don’t expect that-” She pointed at you and Tom standing at your locker. “-is going to last. Tom just probably feels bad about what happened on Friday. He can be quite sympathetic sometimes, this is just one of those times.”
“If you say so Harp,” Heather spoke up this time. “Let’s hope you’re right about this. You still need a date to prom after all.” She reminded Harper.
“Don’t worry, he’s going to wish he never held her hand,” Harper smirked evilly as she closed her locker. She picked up her bag and walked in the opposite direction from where you two stood. Heather and Hannah followed closely behind her.
“People are staring.” You muttered to Tom as you grabbed your backpack from him. You switched out your science and history books, for your Algebra and Literature books.
“Yeah…” He trailed off as he turned his head towards the lingering eyes on you and him. He frowned as he caught Harper throwing him a scowl before she walked away.
“A-Are you sure you want to be seen with me?” You frowned. Tom looked back at you furrowing his brows at your question.
“Of course I do.” He dipped his head as you avoided his gaze. “Y/n, look at me.” You looked up. “If there is one thing that I am certain about, it’s wanting to be with you.”
“Really, 'cause it's only been two days since your mind changed about how you felt about me?” You whispered, not being able to help your accusatory tone.
“Really.” He pecked your forehead. “Come on now, let’s get you to class.” He smiled as he lightly tugged on your hand. "Come on..."
“Okay.” You smiled sheepishly as you closed your locker. As Tom began tugging you down the hall, you both were abruptly stopped.
“Mr. Holland.” A voice spoke up from behind you. Tom closed his eyes as he recognized who the voice belonged to.
“Principal Johnson.” Tom sighed as he turned around, letting go of your hand. 
“Do you know what today is, boy?”
“Monday sir.”
“It’s Monday! Come on, my office.” Principal Johnson motioned with his hand as he turned around, already heading to his office.
Tom turned to you. “Library, third period?” He asked with hope.
You nodded. “Go before you get into more trouble.” You playfully pushed him. He leaned forward and pecked your cheek before scurrying off after the principal. You blushed as you made your way to your first class.
“So Miss Y/L/N huh?” Principal Johnson asked as he fiddled with his pen.
“Sir I-”
“You sure you know what you’re doing boy?”
“I do, I do sir.” Tom nodded furiously.
“Because it looks like you’re trying to use her to get yourself out of your punishment. Like she’s your in, to get on my good side.”
“No, that’s not…that’s not it sir. I swear. It’s not like that.” Tom stumbled with his words.
“Then explain it to me, son.”
“With all due respect, sir…I’m not quite comfortable talking about my feelings to you.”
“Feelings you say?” Principal Johnson raised his eyebrows almost as if in amusement.
“I promise Principal Johnson. I would never truly honestly intend for Y/n to get hurt. I lo- I couldn’t forgive myself if anything else happens to her.” Tom stared at his lap as the guilt still ran through him. You forgave him, but he didn’t feel that he deserved to be forgiven, in such a short amount of time too. He wanted to make it up to you.
“But something did happen, and you were the cause of it.” Principal Johnson reminded him. Tom nodded his head.
Principal Johnson stared at the boy feeling bad. At some point and time, he was in the same position Tom was. So in love with a girl that it ate him up. Willing to do anything for her. He sympathized with the boy.
“Here’s what I am going to do, Tom.” Tom raised his head. “You’re still benched for the season.”
“Right...” Tom sighed.
“And you still need to be punished.”
“Right…” Tom nodded slowly wanting to know where he was going with this.
“So as your punishment, you’re going to be helping out in the Library. Ya know, checking out books, shelving books, that usual stuff.”
“Oh, wow!” Tom perked up as he realized he’d be seeing you more often now.
“Yeah?” Principal Johnson eyed him weirdly but brushed it off quickly. “I’ll let Grace know you’ll be on your way to begin helping her.”
“Is that all?” Tom was surprised at how that went well. “Well, unless you have a better suggestion for a punishment?”
“No, no, I don’t. Thank you for my punishment. I’ll be on my way, sir.” Tom stood up and started opening the door when he was stopped.
“Thomas.” Tom looked back, at Principal Johnson. “Be good to her son.”
“I will...” Tom nodded then left.
As he promised, Tom met you in the library after the third period ended. You were buried deep in one of the aisles in the very back of the library preoccupied with your dad’s book.
Tom walked into the library wanting to see you but finding you nowhere in sight. This came to Grace’s attention as she noticed him enter.
“You lost honey?” She teased as she set down the books she was shelving.
“Hey Grace, you��ve seen Y/n?” Tom held onto the strap of his backpack as he shuffled from foot to foot.
“Can I ask why?” Grace already knew what had happened between you two. You told her yourself. She wanted to give him a hard time just for the fun of it.
“I uh-”
“You here to pick on the poor girl because if you are I’ll have no problem calling Principal Johnson.”
“No, no, no…” Tom’s eyes widened as he grew nervous and a little scared. “I’m not here to bully her, I swear. Grace, I swear I don’t want to hurt her. You don’t understand…” Watching Tom become flustered and nervous made her laugh. The sound startled him.
“I’m just messing with you.” She dismissed him with her hand. “She’s in the back.” She motioned to the side of the library you were at. Grace then went back to shelving some books like nothing ever happened.
Standing there stunned and a little nervous. Tom eyed Grace wearily as he slowly took a step in your direction. “T-Thank you.” He stuttered then took off to find you. Grace chuckled as he scurried off.
Tom swore that he was getting whiplash by how quickly he was turning his head left and right as he passed every aisle. “Y/n!” He whispered as he kept going down the aisles in the middle of the two sides of the shelves. He turned his head right, then left, and right as he did he was being yanked to the right side. He yelped slightly as he ended up losing his balance falling on top of you.
You groaned. “Oh, get off your heavy.” You push against him.
Tom feigned a fake hurt gasp as he propped himself on his elbows to hover above you. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” He chuckled.
“Sorry.” You giggled.
“It’s okay you caught me off guard is all.”
“So you were distracted?” You bit your lip in amusement.
“Yeah, trying to find you.” He glanced at your eyes and then down at your lips.
“Well, you found me...” You placed your hand on his neck.
“I did…” Tom trailed off as he lowered his lips onto yours. The kiss was slow and sweet. Nothing rough or quick about it. Tom pulled back, sitting up.
You frowned at the loss of contact. You took his extended hand and as you were fully sat up, he grabbed you by the waist and tugged you onto his lap making you squeal.
“Tom?” You giggled as he peppered your neck with wet kisses. The feeling was nothing like you’ve ever felt before, it was new, and you knew you wanted to experience it more often.
Before things escalated Tom took his lips off your neck.
“Okay, okay, I’m stopping. I’m stopping.” Tom whispered as a smile made its way onto his lips. Tom gulped as he began telling you what the principal told him. “So, Principal Johnson gave me my punishment.”
“Yeah, he thought it’d be a good idea for me to spend some quality time with the girl I like in the library.” Tom smiled cheekily.
“Tom seriously, tell me.” You playfully slapped his shoulder.
“He talked to Grace, and now I’m going to be helping out in here.” He smiled as your eyes widened.
“Are you serious? You hate the library though?” You laughed in disbelief.
“Not really. If anything it’s kind of growing on me.” He smiled as he twirled the ends of your hair around his finger.
“I get to see you more?” You blushed.
“That’s right.” He teased. “Get used to me Y/L/N, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“However will I survive!” You smiled as you both leaned in for a kiss.
“Tom!” Tom pulled back, startled by Grace calling out for him.
“Shit!” He scrambled up to his feet. The sight alone caused you to laugh. “Coming Grace!” He quickly helped you to your feet. “I’ll see you later?” The same kind of hope in his eyes.
“Go before you lose it.” You giggled. Tom pecked you one more time and ran off towards Grace to begin helping. You shook your head. Tom was surely something else.
The following day Tom did the same thing. He picked you up in the morning and then drove the both of you to school. Almost believing for a second that things were going to be better the next day was an understatement. People still stared at you two as you walked into school hand in hand. Whispers going around amongst your classmates. Tom, not thinking too much of it, continued to smile at you.
“What do you say?”
“Huh?” You finally realized that he was talking to you.
Tom chuckled and shook his head. “I asked if you wanted to eat lunch together during third period.” Tom bit his lip trying not to let his smile show how much he was excited to spend time with you. When he noticed the worried look on your face he frowned. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Tom was not so sure that it was true. “Actually can I be honest?”
“Of course.” He nodded assuring you.
“You have been my crush for a very long time…” You smiled. He did too. “I always considered the possibility of you and me ending up together a one-in-a-million chance. Yet here I am, and here you are. We’re together.” You chuckled. “Our feelings are mutual and it’s the weirdest feeling in the world because you’re Tom, this great guy, and I’m just me, the cancer girl.” You shrugged. “And I never would have thought that you’d actually see me.”
“I’ve always seen you-”
“And now that we’re together it feels like a risky thing because I'm sick and we're from two different worlds-”
“We’re no different than everybody else Y/n.” Tom bit his lip and shook his head. “So what if I want to be with you? I want to be with you, Y/n. What’s the harm in that?”
“My cancer. Your friends...” You glanced over his shoulder then brought your eyes back to his. Tom glanced over his shoulder and frowned as he realized his buddies were watching him. “They don’t control the way I feel, Y/n. You’re the best thing that has happened to me.” Tom cupped your face and leaned in. The kiss was slow, but a little more love felt. When you pulled away you felt a bit upset. “What’s wrong?”
“Did you just kiss me because you wanted to or because your friends are watching?”
Tom pulled away, slightly a bit hurt by your words. “Because I want to…Y/n I would never do that to you, I promise.”
“Okay...” Your voice grew small as you slowly lifted your head to look at him.
“I don't want to hurt you in any way anymore.” Tom leaned forward and pecked your cheek. “I’ll see you for lunch okay.” He pecked your forehead. You both moved along in the hallway stopping in front of the library. Your hand lingered in his for a bit before you let go.
“I’ll be where I usually sit.” You dazed off.
“Okay.” Tom nodded. “I should probably get inside, Grace needed some help moving a couple of things around.”
“Well, I’ll let you get to it then.” You let go of his hand and began walking backward.
“I love you.” He told you.
“Too soon, Holland.” You breathed out a laugh and finally turned around to walk to your next class. You were never going to make it to lunch.
"Nah...I love you." Tom called after you.
When Tom reached the library he got to work right away. Helping Grace out wherever she needed him to. If Tom was being honest, he was starting to enjoy spending time surrounded by books. It even got to the point where he could understand why you loved this place so much. A lifetime of stories right in front of him to read. He could hear your voice, the way you explained the adventure of a good book that you had read.
“It’s about the journey it takes you on. From the beginning, all the way to the very end. It’s exciting.” You’d say. “The thrill of not knowing what’s going to happen next. That has to be my favorite part.” You would end the sentence with a smile.
In a way, your words explain your relationship perfectly. In the beginning, you two didn’t start out on a positive note, but the things that have happened next have been indescribable and one of the best things that have happened. Now all that was left was the rest of your journey together, right to the very end. He was nervous about what the rest of the ride would bring him, but Tom hadn’t been more thrilled about something since the time he landed a backflip. He wanted to continue forward no matter the obstacles that he and you faced.
Tom bit his lip as he smiled at the thought. He wants this, he wants everything. The whole package. All of you. He’s ready!
“So this is what you’re doing instead of trying to get back on the team.” Tom’s hand paused midway as he was shelving a book. The familiarity of the voice had him smirking. Of course, he had the nerve to speak to him now.
“Nice to see you too, Harrison.” Tom looked over his shoulder to see him leaning against the shelf of books behind him.
“Seriously mate?” Harrison furrowed his eyebrows at the brunette.
“What Harrison?” Tom set down the books and spun around to face the blonde.
“What are you doing, Tom? You were the star quarterback. You had the girl. You had everything.” Harrison slumped his shoulders. He shook his head.
“None of it is going to matter in a couple of years? It’s just a position. Harper is just a girl who only wants to be with me to make herself look good. And you’re wrong, I don't have everything. I don’t have everything and I’m fine. You know what I do have though, clarity. Clarity that my friends care more about popularity than being decent fucking human beings.” Tom shook his head and turned around.
“Just like you’re suddenly fine getting all close with Y/n. Have you forgotten about how much of a freak she is?” Harrison chuckled at the fallen expression Tom had. “Don’t you remember our little deal?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Tom brushed off the ache he suddenly felt in his heart.
“Really? So you wouldn’t mind if I go talk to Y/n for a bit.” Harrison pushed himself off the shelves and motioned over to where he saw you walk in. You were making your way over to where they were.
“Don’t you dare, Harrison!” Tom growled lowly, as he shoved Harrison back against the shelves this time while gripping the collar of his shirt.
“Oh, so you do remember.” Harrison smiled amused.
“What the hell man, you’re supposed to be my best friend!” Tom took his hands off him.
“And you’re not supposed to give up your life for some girl!” Harrison situated his shirt.
“What the hell happened to us?”
“You tell me…one minute you're barely talking to any of us, then the next you're off with some girl who was only supposed to be a part of the bet Harper made with you.”
Tom and Harrison turned their heads. The voice belonged to you. Tom’s eyes widened so big you thought they were going to pop out of their sockets. He was so scared…so scared that you wouldn’t believe him. And he was scared you now thought the feelings he had for you weren’t real.
“Y/n...” Tom croaked out as he felt tears begin to slide down his cheek.
“I’m a bet?” You muttered.
“No, no, no, no.” Tom made his way over to you quickly. He took a hold of your face in his hands, doing everything he could do to make you look at him. Your expression was dazed, emotionless, and he was the cause of it. “You’re not a bet.” He began hugging you tightly not wanting to let you slip away. “You’re not a bet, you’re not a bet. You’re not a bet.” He mumbled into your hair. Your arms remained at your sides. You didn’t know how to feel at this point.
Harrison watching the whole interaction realized he made a mistake opening his big fat mouth. He’s never seen Tom act this way, not for anybody. Not even for any girl he’s been with. That’s all it took to see that you weren’t just some girl they chose for Tom to pick on. You were now the girl. The girl that would somehow make everything better in his life. His girl. Harrison just didn’t know it then.
“Baby, you’re not a bet. Please, please, believe me, you’re not a bet. You’re so much more than that. You’re so much more.” He pressed a tender kiss to your temple while you remained still as a rock. Your eyes stared at one spot. Tom pulled back to look at you. Your expression remained the same. “Harrison’s stupid, don’t listen to him, he doesn’t control the way I feel about you. My friends don’t understand this, they don’t understand us. But I’m not gonna let them break us. Okay?” He pressed his head against yours. “I’m not going to let them break us.” Tom’s voice cracked as he got no response from you yet.
He pulled you back into his arms. He pressed a kiss now and then into your hair. Tom just held you, he held you until you finally took in his words.
Maybe his friend Harrison wanted to break you two apart. Maybe he didn’t accept you two being together.
Maybe he was lying about being a bet. Maybe just maybe.
It was slow and it was a gentle touch, but Tom felt it right away. A smile made its way onto his lips as he now felt your arms and hands snake around his waist to hug him back. He gripped you a bit tighter, not too hard to hurt you, but just enough to let you know he wasn’t letting you go.
“I love you.” His voice is muffled by your hair but you hear him nonetheless.
“I love you too.” You whispered back as you buried your head in his neck.
Yours and Tom’s morning was almost like a routine now. He’d pick you up, drive you to school, you’d walk in together, people would stare, you comment on it, and then he walks you to class, while he makes his way to the library.
A routine. It remained the same. You wouldn’t change it. You got to see him more often now, and you were grateful for it.
You were seated at lunch at your usual table, and your focus was on your father’s book, but you couldn’t ignore how some of your classmates kept throwing looks and glances your way. You never did enjoy being the center of attention. Let alone the attention that was drawing Harper closer to your table. You placed the book in front of your face, hoping it would do you some good at hiding you, but alas…
Harper reached forward and lowered the book from your face. “I can still see you,” Harper smirked.
“Right.” You chuckled nervously and looked down at your book again. Yet you couldn’t help but look over her shoulder. Heather and Hannah were nowhere in sight - that was somewhat of a good thing, right?
Harper caught on quickly and reassured your nerves. “Oh, those two…” She motioned behind her. “Don’t worry they won’t be sitting with us today.”
“T-Today?” You raised your brow in confusion. "Sitting with us?"
“We’re gonna eat lunch together silly.” Harper giggled, she sat down across from you on the chair and reached down into her bag to retrieve her lunch. All greens, it was probably a salad.
“Oh…” You trailed off, you picked up a carrot, and bit into it slowly. Eating was a nervous habit of yours.
“You don’t mind do you?” Harper gave you a questioning look that made you not want to do bad by her. She played with the straw of her smoothie, and you couldn’t help but glance at the plastic thing and then at her.
“No, I don’t mind...” You gave her an unsure smile.
“Great!” She exclaimed with satisfaction. Harper took a sip of her drink, then stabbed a fork into her salad. “So where’s Romeo?” Harper nonchalantly observed the cafeteria for the tall brunette.
“Tom?” You watched her closely.
“Yeah, who else would I mean?” Harper shrugged. Then she added. “So, where is he?” Harper crossed her hands and leaned in closer.
“Oh uh, he had to-” You stammered.
“Hey love, sorry I’m late, Grace had me put books back into their right place.” You turned around in your chair just in time for Tom to place a sweet kiss on your cheek. He smiled at you then frowned once he realized Harper was sitting in front of you. “Harper?” He threw her a questioning look. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“It’s school, I’m pretty sure we have to attend it.” She sassed him.
“I mean, why the hell are you sitting with us?” Tom took a seat next to you. He placed his tray and bookbag down.
“Oh, didn’t Y/n tell you…she invited me to sit with you guys. Isn’t she the sweetest?” Harper giggled and gave you a smile you knew was fake.
Tom glanced between you and Harper. “You did?” He stared at you.
“I could have possibly done that.” You stared at her.
“Okay then…” Tom eyed you curiously then he relaxed when you gave him that smile he grew to love over the few days. The table grew quiet causing the tension to rise.
“Why so quiet?” Harper blurted out. “Usually you two love birds are so chatty and full of giggles any other day, is it me?” Harper eyed you two playfully.
“Yes.” “N-No.” You and Tom looked at each other with an incredulous look, then you glanced at Harper.
“Well, which one is it?” Harper smiled.
Tom scowled angrily. “Harper, can I talk to you?”
“We are talking, Tom.” You flinched when she said that.
“I’m sure you can talk to me in front of Y/n, right babes?” Harper turned her attention onto you, but you remained quiet.
Tom got up and grabbed her arm. Harper grabbed her bag in time as Tom began dragging her out of the cafeteria. You sat there frozen not sure what to do. You looked back at some of your classmates who were staring at you. You hid behind your hand and began reading your book again, sinking and lowering into your chair.
Without thinking too much about it, Tom dragged Harper into an empty supply closet, locked the door, and pushed her against the wall. But his movements were nowhere near lustful, maybe a bit out of frustration, but no passion or hunger resided within him.
“Seriously? First Harrison then you. What’s next huh? A smoothie gets thrown in my face too?” Tom scoffed, shaking his head.
Harper was too into this side of him. It might have been one of the reasons why sex with him was always great. The two of them just melted together that way. No feelings were involved, just a bunch of pent-up tension needing to be released…but perhaps she wanted more.
“Don’t be silly like I’d ever throw one in that pretty face of yours.” Harper chuckled then threw her arms around his neck.
“But you’d throw one at Y/n.” Tom frowned. He turned his gaze to the wall next to them. “You did throw one at her.”
Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. That’s all she ever heard from him.
Think about me, now.
Harper moved his chin with her finger. Her eyes move from his eyes down to his lips. She licked her own out of sudden instinct. “She can’t make you happy like I can.”
Tom stared at her doing nothing to remove her arms. He didn't know where it came from. It was out of nowhere. One second he was angry with her, then the next he harshly kissed her lips. Harper clung onto his dark hair tugging at it just the way he liked. A groan emitted from his lips.
He pulled her tighter and closer to his body. He missed the way she felt around his hands. All perfection rolled into one. It looked like he couldn’t get enough of Harper, but if anyone could handle Harper it was him. He was the only one she knew that would take really good care of her.
While one hand is gripping her waist, the other starts pulling down the straps of her top. Wet kisses trail down her neck causing a whimper every time he bit down and sucked at her skin. One item of clothing follows one by one. First his shirt, then her top.
“God I missed you.” Tom rasps.
“Missed you too.” Their breathing is labored and raspy. The hunger they have for each other pulls them closer like a magnet. She ends up getting lost in the feeling of his lips, her mind reeling as he sinks to his knees before her. “Harper.”
“Harper!” Tom shook her out of her daze.
Harper snapped out of it and looked up at Tom who scoffed. “Just stay away from Y/n, okay.” He removed her arms and left the closet. No one in sight to see him leave it. Thank god.
He made his way back to you. You were still seated avoiding everyone’s eyes. You deserved the world from where he stood. He walked up to your table and took his seat next to you. You were pulled out of your concentration from your book once you felt his presence. You smiled gently. “Everything okay?”
He smiled back. A gleam in his eyes you began to notice when you were with him. In some ways, it felt that he looked at you like you were his whole world. No way he’d think like that. Would he though?
“Everything…is perfect, love.” Tom muttered then leaned in to plant a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Okay.” Your eyes crinkled at the edges as you smiled.
“You ready to go?” He motioned to your half-eaten lunch.
“You barely ate anything.” You frowned.
“I’m okay.” He shrugged. “Not that hungry anymore.”
“You don’t want a bite of my sandwich, I got full with the carrots, and fruits.” You offered. Tom shook his head.
“Not even a bit of celery with peanut butter.” You waved the vegetable in his face.
Tom pondered for a second then smiled. He took it from your hand and bit down into it. He finished it in three big bites. He chewed until there was no trace of the green stick in his mouth. “Thank you.” He leaned in to kiss you, but you stopped him by putting your hand on his chest. “What?” He questioned as he saw you stifle a laugh. “What?” He smiled brightly this time.
“You got uh.” You gestured to your mouth. Tom caught on and wiped at his mouth, only to miss the spot he needed to get. “You huh, here let me…” You licked the pad of your thumb and gently wiped away the bit of peanut butter that was at the edge of his mouth. “There.” You were frozen at what you had just done. Tom, on the other hand, couldn’t find the right words to say. You kept doing things that left him rendered speechless, in a good admirable way. He liked you, that much was true, but the way he looked at you right now said something completely different. Was it love that glistened in his eyes? No, it was too soon for that still. Was it though?
You were a bit flustered, your cheeks heated. You removed your eyes from his and turned towards the table in search of a napkin, you wanted to clean the peanut butter off, but couldn’t. You slumped in defeat for a second. Tom took notice and grabbed a hold of your hand. He gently guided it up to his lips. He wrapped his fingers around your thumb, bent his head down to meet the pad of it, and sucked it off. You felt his tongue and the top and bottom part of his lips suck the bit of condiment in one quick go. To you, it felt slower, but it was quick, and he certainly didn’t think too much of it…at least until he saw your reaction. You were dumbstruck, you were caught off guard by his action, not expecting it, but it happened.
“Sorry.” Tom apologized with a sheepish smile on his lips.
“It’s okay.” You bashfully glanced at your lap, then back up at him. “R-Ready to go?” You asked as you began closing the lid on your containers.
“Yeah.” He nodded as he waited for you to put your lunch away in your bag. You grabbed your dad’s book, and he slung your bag over his shoulder. You didn’t bother arguing with him about being able to carry it yourself.
You tried…You did and you lost every time, it was inevitable at this point. You took his extended hand and walked out of the cafeteria and headed to the library.
It was after school and you were in your room doing a bit of homework when you heard it. You were trying to figure out a mathematical equation you could not solve. You thought you had it, but your focus was interrupted when a noise got your attention. You didn’t think much of it and proceeded to ignore it until it continued. The tiny clunk of something hitting your window.
Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.
It kept repeating until it grew louder. You pushed your math book off your lap and walked over to your window. You looked out waiting to see if something was there. It grew quiet again and then a sudden bang sounded against your window again causing you to shriek out in fear.
“Ahh!” You jumped in place, then pushed your window up to open it. You stuck your head out and right as you did a small pebble struck you on your forehead. You flinched, raising a hand to where you got hit. “Ow…” You trailed off.
Tom, on the other hand, stood still in his spot. He gaped in shock that he just hit you. His hands were frozen in the air like he was reaching out for you but he was pulling back into himself. His fingers curled into his palm and he brought his fist towards his mouth and closed his eyes at his stupidity.
“What the hell?” You moaned as you looked down at him. He opened his eyes looking guilty. “I’m…so sorry. Oh my god, are you okay?” Tom cringed as he replayed the image of you getting hit in his mind.
“No, you just pebbled me in the face!” You looked at him incredulously. “What the hell are you doing out here?” You shook your head.
“I thought it’d be romantic.” Tom sheepishly gritted his teeth. He shrugged.
“To hit me?!” You furrowed your brows.
“What? No, throw pebbles…at your window.” He scratched his neck nervously. “Guess it didn’t pan out like I thought it would.”
You smiled gently. You then realize the picnic basket and blanket next to his feet. Your heart fluttered at the gesture. He was trying and it was best if you cut him some slack. He did come out here after all.
“I’m sorry.” He pouted. You wanted to reach out and kiss the pout off him.
“We have a front door ya know?” You giggled teasing him a bit.
“I know, I just didn’t want to wake your mom up though.” Tom smiled gently.
“Too late!”
You and Tom whipped your heads towards the window that was right next to yours.
“Tom.” Your mom waves at Tom.
“Hi Ms. Y/L/N.” Tom gave her a quick wave then rocked back and forth sheepishly on his feet.
“Mom?” You whined.
“Shouldn’t you be doing your homework?” Your mom smiled innocently.
“It’s a school night.” Your mom reminded you.
“When has that been an issue?” You and your mom bantered back and forth. Tom thought he was going to get whiplash by how much his head was going between you and your mom.
“It…hasn’t?” Your mom cringed.
“Great, so I can have the rest of the night off?” You smiled innocently.
“Not all night, you need your sleep.” Your mom pointed out.
“Four hours?”
“What? No, at least three!”
“Hour and a half?”
“Two and a half.”
"Fine!" You sighed and then looked at Tom who had no clue what just happened. “You heard her.” Tom focused on you. “Meet me in the backyard.”
Tom nodded like a happy toddler as he fumbled with the blanket and carried the basket into the yard. He closed the fence and began setting up. Once he was out of hearing shot you looked over at your mom with an unimpressed look.
“Tick tock.” She sing-songed as she removed herself from the window and closed it shut. You chuckled at her actions and went back to your room, closing the window behind you. You pick up your cardigan and put it over your tank top. Your pajama bottoms were too comfortable to change out of. You stepped up to your long-length mirror and gave yourself a once over. You still had your insecurities, even if Tom made you feel like the prettiest girl in the world.
You never doubted that you had something going for yourself. No guy at school seemed to think so, but Tom did, and for some odd reason, you liked his attention. He was cute and sweet, he may have his flaws too, but so do you. However, even if he thought you were pretty or not. He only saw you.
Just you.
He saw you before and he sees you as you are now. That’s all that matters. That’s what counts the most.
You smile and shrug at the girl in the mirror and make your way outside. You went down the stairs and out the door through the kitchen. You smiled as you saw him on top of the blanket sorting and laying everything out.
Tom looked up and he smiled up at you. You were wearing some fuzzy socks, with koala bears on them, your gray Mickey Mouse pajama shorts were cute on you, and the dark blue cardigan was a bit oversized on you. Yet you were still the most beautiful girl to him. Tom leaned back on his hands and tilted his head to the side.
You giggled and flaunted the cardigan, turning around like you were showing it off. You danced in your spot with a teasing smile. Tom laughed as he watched you. He sat up.
“Get your cute little butt over here.” He said with a chuckle. You giggled and ran to him. He looked up and brought you down onto his lap. You sunk as he held onto your waist gently.
His hold never tightened on you, it was mostly a lingering touch. You considered he was never rough with you because you felt he didn't want to hurt you.
You knew he could be though…be rough with you. He dated Harper for crying out loud, you doubted he was anything but gentle with her. It was a nice thing to see from him though. He touched you like you were made of porcelain. One wrong move and he'd break you. He couldn’t though, he couldn’t break you. Not anymore, you were far along from the broken girl you used to be. You fought through it and now you weren’t broken, you were whole, and you were happy.
Tom made you really happy.
You brought your hands up to his face and caressed his skin. The smile he loved seeing on you reached your eyes. You were beaming.
“Hi.” You giggle.
“Hi.” Tom’s eyes crinkled. His voice sounded relaxed. He couldn’t help but admire the light of the moon shining down on you. Lighting up everything he loved about you. He leaned in and pressed his lips onto yours. He pulled back and looked at you again.
You chased him as he pulled back, not wanting it to be over yet. You leaned in and pecked his lips. Tom pulled back in a teasing manner. You kept pecking and chasing him until you cupped his cheeks and let your lips linger on his for a while longer. He didn’t deny you the kiss you wanted.
You both moved in sync, as the kiss got a little heated. Tom removed his hands from your waist and let them rake up and down your bare thighs. It wasn’t long before he brought one hand up to your shoulder and slid one side of the cardigan down. Exposing the thin strap of your tank top and your neck. He pulled back gently and began peppering your skin with wet kisses. Just like back in the library, it was a new feeling that you wanted to experience more of. You sighed as he kept trailing his lips across your skin. You could feel him smile when you gasped. He bit down gently on your neck and soothed it with a lick.
“Tom…” You sighed in contentment as you tilted your head more to grant him more access at your skin.
“Do you want me to stop?” Tom continued to pepper kisses down your neck.
“N-No.” You shook your head. Tom kissed your neck for a little while longer only leaving the one mark on your skin, but traces of where his lips were had lingered. He pulled away and planted a kiss on your lips. You were in total bliss at the moment.
“Why’d you stop?” You smiled gently.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to stop if I carry on.” Tom sighed as he pressed his head against yours.
“You can’t hurt me.” You shook your head.
“Trust me, I want that with you, okay? I do.” Tom reassured you with a smile. You smiled back but you knew there was more. “But I want to do this the right way. I don’t want your first time to be because you think you have to do it. I want it to be great, and special for you. I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do.” Tom frowned.
“I’m not doing anything I don’t want to.” You admitted. “Everything that I want to happen is because I’m letting it happen.” You caressed the nape of his hair. “I know you'll never hurt me, and I’m not saying let’s have sex right now either. But let’s not dwell on what we can do in our spare time. Though I don’t think I’d know what to do.” You chuckled nervously. Tom brushed away your hair. “I’m not ready for anything extreme." You grit your teeth sheepishly.
“You don’t have to worry about anything extreme for a long time or as long as you deem it necessary.” He chuckled lightly at your flustered self.
“I just meant making out and stuff, ya know…” You shrugged. “More dates with you.”
“I like the sound of that.” He smiled and pulled you back in for a kiss.
“Are. We. Going to. Ignore the. Food?” You said in between each kiss.
“Are you hungry?”
“A little.” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Alright, I can eat.” Without removing you from his lap, Tom pulled the basket closer and opened it up. “Alright we have some chocolate-covered strawberries, thank my mom for those. Some grapes, celery sticks with peanut butter, and a couple of ham and turkey sandwiches. A couple of water bottles, or soda if that’s more your thing.” Tom shrugged as he pulled the food out. Each one looked to die for. “What will it be, my lady?” Tom kissed your cheek as you eyed all your choices. You reached your arm out and picked up a strawberry. You brought it up to Tom’s lips and he gave in and bit into it. He hummed at the sweet taste it created in his mouth. You smiled and finished the rest of the strawberry you fed him. “Delicious.” Tom muttered playfully.
“Yeah?” You giggled and picked up another strawberry.
That’s how the rest of the night went for you two. You fed each other and indulged yourselves in a game of who can catch the most grapes in their mouth.
You ended up winning.
Tom had attacked you by tickling you until you couldn’t breathe anymore and gave in. You made out a bit more, then he had to leave. It was sweet and one of the best first dates you ever had. Well…it was your first date, and you were glad with how it went. You knew for sure you wanted to do that again.
Harper did not enjoy the way Tom just left her in the supply closet. Guys usually didn’t leave her. She was the one who got the last word in and got to walk off. Tom certainly kept surprising her, first his new attraction towards you and now he won’t even look in her direction. Harper was furious, she was pure fire, and people who played with fire tended to get burned.
She was full of hate and in need of getting some payback, and she knew just how to get it…
You were at your locker, taking your time switching out your books for the ones you needed. You weren’t aware of Harper approaching you so it wasn’t before you jumped when she slammed your locker shut. The action causing your books to fall. You cursed silently to yourself and kneeled to pick your things up. Harper got annoyed and kneeled to help you. In doing so you both went for the same notebook, which had you both bumping heads. You both fell back with a groan.
“Ow…” You groaned.
“Oh…” Harper groaned.
You two just sat on the floor rubbing where you collided heads with each other. It was pretty stupid. Only you would headbutt with someone, literally.
You couldn’t help but laugh at what just happened. Surprisingly Harper joined in on your fits of giggles. She leaned forward and picked up your last notebook. She handed it to you, and you took it gratefully from her hand, stuffing it into your bag.
“Why do you do that?” She asked out of nowhere.
“D-Do what?”
“Stutter, I’ve noticed you only do that when you’re nervous, or when I’m around.”
“I-” You shut up when Harper eyed you. You were proving her right. “I…” You breathed in slowly. “I don’t know, nervous habit maybe.” You shrugged.
“Do I make you that uncomfortable?” She frowned.
“You don’t exactly make people feel great about themselves.” You admitted.
“Oh…well I’m sorry.”
Did you hear her correctly?
“You’re sorry?”
“I don’t exactly have it easy, so I guess I do tend to take it out on others. Especially you, Y/n.” Harper got up to her feet and held her hand out to you. She pulled you up and you dusted your jeans off.
“Thanks?” You opened your locker once more and grabbed your book. You put it in your bag and looked up at her expectantly.
“So I’m throwing a party tonight since it’s the championship game. We’re going to win either way, and you know how Tom plays football and all, right?
“Right.” You nodded. “Isn’t he benched though…” You trailed off.
“Yeah, his coach isn’t letting him play because he bullied and picked on you. It’s really sad, but he has to pay for what he did. It really does suck though, playing football means the world to him. It’s what was going to get him his scholarship. Scouts are coming out to the game tonight to see their star player…yet he won’t be there because he was benched. Poor Tom. There goes his future. You and Tom should come to the party though, it’ll be fun.” She smiled sweetly at you. “See you Y/n.”
Tom wouldn’t get a scholarship anymore? Oh no…
He never told you anything about that. Was his future at risk because of what he did? You knew he never meant it. Yet it still hurts that he might not be able to go to college because of it.
Harper walked over to where Heather and Hannah were. “How did it go?” Hannah asked.
“Hook lined and then-” Harper chuckled as she watched you walk away from your locker in a rush. “We sink her...”
“Principal Johnson.” You knocked on his office door.
“Ahh, Y/n. Lovely to see you. How are you?” Principal Johnson lifted his head with a smile. “I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?”
“Please take a seat, I’m all ears.”
You took a seat and opened your mouth to begin talking.
You were seated on the floor in one of the aisles of the library. Too entranced you almost didn’t hear footsteps running down the aisles. You looked over at the end and saw Tom skid to a halt. He regained his balance and rushed over to you on the ground.
You looked at him with a bewildered smile.
“Hi, there.” You giggled.
“You are not going to believe what just happened!” He rushed out excitedly.
“What is it?” You sat up straighter and set your book down beside you.
“I don’t understand…coach was serious about me being benched. Then again he’s never too serious about certaint hings.” You almost didn’t understand him by how fast he talked. “T-This is crazy!” He smiled brightly.
“Tom.” You laughed, urging him to tell you the news.
“Right sorry. I’m not benched anymore. Coach says I get to play tonight’s game…” He furrowed his brows still not fully aware of how he was allowed to play all of a sudden. He seemed to enjoy the pressure being off him.
He frowned and looked down at his lap. You took notice of his change of demeanor. “What’s wrong?” You scooted closer to him.
“I get to play again.”
“What’s wrong with that? You love playing football.”
“I just don’t know if I want to anymore. Being quarterback had its perks, yeah, but it all came with the weight of having to carry the team on my shoulders. There was too much pressure put on me. I knew coach put on the whole tough love front, but I didn’t like it. And trust me I don’t think I want to read or learn another playbook again.” Tom laughed at the end.
Oh no.
“You don’t want to play anymore…” You looked away from him. You royally screwed up.
“I don’t know. I mean a lot has changed since…” He trailed off.
“Since you’ve been with me.” You looked up.
“Being with you has been the best thing that’s happened to me. It overrules being back on the team.” He grabbed your hand and traced soothing circles on your skin.
“Really?” Your heart fluttered at his words.
“Really.” Tom leaned in forward and pecked your lips slowly.
“I think you should though. Play tonight’s game. It is the championship game after all.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I missed a whole week of practice. I don’t even think they can do that. Let me play.” Tom leaned back against the shelves. Silence fell over the two of you before he spoke up. “This wasn’t my dream growing up.”
“Playing football?”
“Yeah. I mostly did it because Harrison decided to try out. He, of course, convinced me enough. So I went to the tryouts.” He scoffed as he remembered that day. “I was scrawny and still wore braces. Imagine that. Most of the seniors during freshman year laughed at me, but I tried to not pay them any mind. They bullied me.”
“I remember that.” You played with his hands. “They’d push you up against the lockers. They’d hit you.” You frowned.
“They couldn’t hit me hard enough to stop me from joining.” Tom admitted.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too for what I did to you.” He tilted his head to the side to look at you.
“What did you want to do?”
“As stupid as it may sound. I wanted to act. Be in the school play.” He shook his head at the thought.
“It’s not stupid. I could see it.” You offered a smile.
“You’ve never even seen me act, how could you possibly see me as an actor?” He chuckled.
“I can see it.” You shrugged, repeating your words.
“Okay, what about you? What does Y/n Y/L/N want to be when she grows up?”
“Mmmm.” You hummed. To be honest you never really thought about it that much. There was always the fear of dying too soon, that you thought you’d never get the chance, and you had no idea what you wanted to do with your life. “I never really gave it much of a thought.” You continued to play with Tom’s hands. “Getting through chemotherapy, and putting up the biggest fight was all that I really thought about. School and seeing the next few months were only just a second thought.”
Tom smiled sadly as he thought about how hard it must’ve been for you. How a life with you was a 'live in the moment' ordeal. That at some point you'd both have to let the truth sink in eventually. That you wouldn't be with him in the future. That he'd have to continue on without you “Well, whatever you decide to do, you’re going to be great at it.” He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your temple.
The bell rang over the intercom signaling the end of the day. You unwrapped yourself from his embrace and stood up holding a hand out for him to take. He grabbed your hand and stood up, but not before hoisting your backup up and onto his shoulder.
“Are you ever going to let me carry my bag?” You shook your head.
“We'll see.” He gave you a cheeky smile. He held onto your hand tugging you forward as he walked backwards.
You both headed home after school had ended. You were sitting at your desk finishing up some homework you wanted to get done. Tom didn’t show up to the game.
He didn’t want to play and you respected his wishes. You were sad that you had practically begged the principal to let him play.
Mr.Johnson was hesitant but after some explaining on your behalf he gave in, now you were starting to think it was all for nothing. But Tom telling you he never truly wanted to play football gave you some ease. You closed up your math textbook and swiveled around in your chair to face Tom who was reading a book you got him hooked on, on your bed.
“We should do something fun tonight.” You suggested gently. Tom put the book down and gave you his attention.
“What did you have in mind?” Tom scooted closer to the edge to sit down in front of your chair. He smiled as he grabbed ahold of the sides of the chair and pulled you forward to him. The chair slid across the floor causing you to squeal.
You smiled gently at him. “Let’s go to a party.”
Tom’s eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the word 'party' to come out of your mouth. “Yeah, we can do that.” He nodded, unsure of himself.
Harper raised her pom-poms in the air as Harrison ran the winning touchdown. The buzzer went off and the announcer cheered through the microphone.
“Cyclones win, cyclones win!”
Harper screamed alongside her cheerleaders. They all jumped up and down and then ran into the middle of the field where everyone had surrounded Harrison. The blonde was too excited that he hadn’t seen Harper come up behind him. He turned towards her and didn’t expect her to kiss him. His shock washed away as he gripped her waist tighter. Harper pulled away to catch her breath then she yelled.
“Party at my house!” She smiled as her classmates cheered and hollered ‘yeahs’ and woohoos.”
When Harper said she was throwing a party. She meant it… Tom put the car in park and stared up at the two-story house through the window. A few buddies of his hanging out on the front lawn. He turned over to look at you.
“We still have time to change our minds. We can leave. We don’t have to go inside.” Tom grabbed your hand and began rubbing your skin soothingly.
“I’m okay.” You smiled reassuringly.
“Okay.” Tom let out a breath of air and let go of your hand. He got out the door and rushed around to open your door. You smiled thankfully and grabbed the hand that he extended out to you
Tom and you walked hand in hand to the front door. It wasn’t a surprise when some of Tom’s teammates greeted him with a warm welcome or a pat on the back. He hadn’t really spent much time around them, so it was a rare sight to see everyone be so friendly with each other.
A few of them glanced your way. Some raked their eyes up and down your figure while a few of them only smiled and nodded at you. You only responded with a smile and let Tom lead the way into the house. The music instantly blared in your ears. You weren’t used to hearing such loud music, so out of instinct, you gripped Tom’s hand and practically attached yourself to his back. His response to this was to pull you closer and plant a kiss on your temple. Both of you managed to move around and through all the intoxicated and grinding bodies.
It was quite a sight to see. You swore you’ve never seen a girl throw herself back onto a guy before, but there was a first time for everything right?
Harper watched from the top rail that was placed in between the two staircases. She smirked as she watched everyone having a good time. Her parents were gone for the weekend, so everything was going according to plan…well at least until…
“Look who decided to show up. Three o’clock.” Hannah gestured down below to you and Tom making your way through everyone.
“Well, at least we now know why he wasn’t at the game.” Harper sneered and looked at you with hatred.
“Who cares now, at least she got him to come.” Heather perked up.
“Plan ‘get Tom back’ is in motion.” Heather placed her hands on the rail and smirked.
“Now all we need is to separate the two.” Harper stated. The girls paused for a moment to think. A lightbulb had gone off in Hannah’s head suddenly.
“I got the perfect idea!” Hannah smirked. “She won’t know what hit her.”
A few heads turned your way as you held onto Tom. The chatter and whispers quickly happened as you reached the kitchen. Tom kept walking with your hand in his as he observed his choices for a drink.
A beer would have been his go-to drink. A grab and take, but he was here with you. You were at your first party, and if anyone was to get drunk it was going to be you. All he wanted at the moment was for you to have a great time, drunk or not. He didn’t want you to worry about anything else other than your own enjoyment. He was a bit skeptical that you had wanted to come to this. Let alone come to a party thrown by Harper. Her name screamed all over this. He knew you, you were down to earth and preferred to stay inside or go to the park if that’s what you wanted. You wouldn’t have come to this if there was a catch. Right?
You watched as he picked up a beer bottle, and then set it down quickly.
“Don’t want to drink?” You smiled and questioned him.
“Not tonight.” He smiled and stepped up to plant a kiss on your lips.
“You sure?” You furrowed your brows.
“Yes, I’m sure. Why don’t we get you a drink instead.” Tom turned back to the counter and observed a couple of soda bottles.
“Okay, just no alcohol please.” You smiled gently.
“Of course.” Tom looked around the kitchen and spotted the red solo cups.
Perfect, he thought.
He walked over and grabbed one. He came back over to you and poured you a good amount of Sprite. He tasted it first to make sure it wasn’t spiked then came it back to you.
“This cup is your new best friend.” Tom smiled as he heard you giggle. “Perfectly suitable to hide any drink of your choosing, alcohol or not. Plus, it makes for the perfect prop to blend in with everyone else.” He motioned to everyone who was holding a red cup. “No harm, no foul. You have one of those in your hand.” He gestured to your cup. “No one will question you one bit…” Tom caressed your hair behind your ear.
You stared at him thoughtfully. No one would ever go through this much for you. Yet Tom has. He brought you comfort, he made you feel safe. Even at a party full of drunks. You pecked him sweetly on the lips.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Tom hummed as he kissed you tenderly.
This time you decided to lead the way. You found a couch that wasn’t full and decided to sit on it. Tom followed your lead and leaned back on the coach. He rested his arm behind your head. You enjoyed being here with him. People were enjoying themselves and the music was good apart from it being blasted through the speakers. The night was great. For the most part…
As far as alone time with Tom went, it seemed to be cut short.
“Yo Tom!” Tom glanced up to see Harrison and a few of his friends make their way towards you. “Tommy boy. There he is!” Tom stood up to greet Harrison. “How are you mate? We needed you out there tonight.” Harrison swayed in place. He patted Tom on the cheek.
“I think you did just fine without me.” Held onto his best friend.
“Come hang with us, the boys are doing keg stands you gotta come do it, man.” Harrison smiled.
“I can’t.” Tom whispered tilting his head slightly at you.
“Pshh.” Harrison pushed Tom out of the way and spoke to you. “You don’t mind if we steal him for a second love, do you?”
“Oh uh, I guess not…” You were about to open your mouth again but Harrison beat you to it. “Great, be back in a sec.” Harrison stood behind Tom and pushed him toward the backyard door.
Tom threw out slight curses at Harrison. “I’ll be back, just stay there!” He managed to say over his shoulder as he was being dragged outside.
“Okay.” He was already far away from a hearing distance. “I’ll be here…” You slumped your shoulders and took sips from your drink. You never knew loneliness until now as you watched people chatter amongst themselves. Tom had friends whereas you did not. You shrunk in your seat wanting to turn invisible all of a sudden.
Harrison ushered Tom to the center of his friends as they got outside.
“Guess who showed up boys. Tommy boy is back!” Tom closed his eyes and smiled as people hollered and cheered him on. He looked around the backyard. The party was even more in swing than it was inside. Friends and classmates of his either making out or diving into the pool.
“Not enjoying the party?” You lifted your gaze from your lap. It was Harper with a smile on her face.
“Oh no, I’m enjoying myself, you outdid yourself.” You chuckled nervously. Harper gave you a pointed look which caused you to give in. “Okay…maybe not as much as I’d like.”
“Tom ditch you?” She asked curiously. She looked around the room full of sweaty drunks.
“No, he uh…Harrison took him somewhere for a second.” You scratched your head with your finger. “He should be back in a bit.”
“Of course he did.” Harper giggled. “Well, why don’t I keep you company while you wait? Girl time right?” Harper situated herself next to you.
“Thanks.” You smiled gratefully at her.
“No problem. You know I underestimated you Y/n.” Harper leaned her head against her hand that rested against the sofa.
“How so?” You furrowed your brows.
“Didn’t think Tom could get you to come out tonight. You keep to yourself a lot. I thought you’d refuse to go out.” Harper smiled gently. As you gave her your full attention you didn’t notice Hannah walk by and spike your drink.
“He didn’t have to convince me.” You paused as you raised your cup to your lips. Harper eyed you as you drank from the cup.
“He didn’t?”
“Nope.” You said as you lowered the cup. “You invited me.” You smiled sweetly at her. “I wanted to come tonight. I thought it’d be fun.” You nodded.
“Glad you did.” Harper nudged your arm playfully. “The party is just about to get better.” Harper said under her breath.
“Oh, nothing.” Harper laughed. You eyed her then brushed it off with a chuckle of your own. "You have fun okay." Harper got up and bid you a goodbye.
Tom stood with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a beer.
A few girls in their bikinis gave him a flirty smile as they passed him and his buddies. He turned away immediately, already wanting to get back to you. Harrison noticed and smirked.
“You should get with that.” Harrison suggested as he watched the girls walk away.
“Funny, Haz.” Tom shook his head as he sipped the beer he was given.
“Oh come on lighten up will ya.” Harrison patted him. “How about a little competition?” Harrison knew Tom could never resist a ‘friendly’ competitive game of who can down all their drinks first.
“I’m sorry, no.” Tom chuckled, refusing to play.
“Don’t be such a buzzkill. We’re having a good time.”
“Really? Because I’m not.” Tom scowled as he eyed him and the guys. He scoffed and walked back inside to find you.
Once he was back inside he instantly regretted leaving you alone. There you stood with your shirt off on top of the table. Dancing to the music. What made everything worse was how everyone was videotaping you. And the thing that pissed him off the most was the fact Harper was the closest one to you and she was letting this happen.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He shoved and pushed his way to the front. Harper immediately noticed him and began speaking.
“Wow, and here we were thinking she was such a priss. When in fact she’s a party animal!” She shouted.
“Shut up, Harper!” Tom growled at her. He looked around the dining table in search of your shirt. “Where’s her shirt, Harper? Huh, where is it?” When she didn’t respond he turned toward you and got you down from the table. Much to your protest. He stripped his jacket off and put it on you.
“T-Tom!” You slurred as he struggled to enter your arms through the sleeves. The music cut off and everyone watched as Tom hurried to button up his jean jacket on you. Once you were decent again he turned towards Harper, and if it weren’t for how close you were to him. You wouldn’t have felt his body tremble with anger. You grew quiet immediately.
“You got her drunk.” Tom breathed in deeply. “Are you serious!” He scowled at her. Harper flinched as she stood her ground.
“She wanted to have fun...” She shrugged. Her tone of voice was innocent.
“No, don’t be so coy. You planned this, didn’t you? You wanted to get her drunk to humiliate her.”
“Hey don’t put this on me, she was the one drinking.” Harper raised her hands in defense.
“Bullshit! She never wanted to drink, I gave her soda, not alcohol. You gave her that!” Tom pointed a finger at her.
“You don't have proof that I did such a thing, Tom,” Harper smirked.
“What do you want from me, Harper? I’m not yours, I never was.” Tom slumped his shoulders in defeat. “The one time I’m finally happy, you decide you want to take that away from me. I’m happy, don’t you get that!” Tom’s eyes became watery. “I’m happy, Harper. Happy. Y/n makes me happy!” Tom glanced back at you with a heartbroken expression then back at Harper. “Get over yourself already.” Tom shook his head. “I don’t want to be with you. I never did!”
“Well, I did!” Harper glanced down in shame avoiding people's eyes on her. She swallowed nervously. Her guilt was building up. “I loved you. Okay, why her? Why not me?”
“That’s just it, Harper. Because she isn’t you! She doesn't get someone she hates drunk just to humiliate her.”
“I’m sorry...” Harper frowned, slowly handing back your shirt with despair and shame. Tom scoffs snatching it back from her.
“Stay away from us, Harper.” Tom wrapped his arm around you and led you out of the house in no time. As you both reached your side of the car, you placed your hands on your stomach and hunched over the bushes. Tom held your hair back and rubbed your back soothingly.
“Let it all out. I got you.” Once he was sure you threw everything up. Tom opened the passenger door and let you sit down for a minute. He opened the back seat and got a hoodie. He used it to wipe your mouth.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered as he caressed your hair back and continued to wipe your mouth.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Tom stared at you. “If anything I’m sorry. That I left you alone.”
“Not your fault.” You frowned. “Can you take me home?”
“Yeah.” Tom leaned forward and kissed your head. You put your legs inside the car and he closed your door for you. Tom got in himself and started the car.
So much for your first party.
The following morning you woke up with the worst hangover. At least now you could tell people you’ve had one.
You were expecting your mom to tell you something but she did anything but that. Tom had explained what happened and you barely remember her hugging you. She sent you off to bed. Now you were awake and ready to start your day. You had wasted away the time in bed for a bit before you mustered up the energy to get up.
The smell of bacon and eggs caused you to be a bit queasy as you went downstairs, but it went away.
Tom had come over to watch you since your mom was doing some errands. He smiled as you dragged your feet over to one of the stools and planted yourself on it. You had closed your eyes.
“Hi.” He laughed.
“Shhh!” You silenced him. Your head was pounding.
Tom bit back a laugh. He quickly placed two ibuprofen pills in front of you and a glass of water. “Here it’ll help with the migraine.”
You opened your eyes and saw the pills. You took one at a time and downed them with the cold water. You closed your eyes as you hummed in satisfaction. Tom couldn’t help but find this side of you adorable. He walked around the island and came over to your side.
“You okay?” He pushed some hair away from your face.
“Apart from being hungover…yes I’m fine. Thank you for taking care of me.” You hummed in delight as he cupped your cheeks and pecked your lips.
“I’d do anything for you.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Shockingly no video of you was posted online.”
“Really.” You were physically relaxed. "That's good to know."
"I'm sorry about Harper."
"It's okay...can't imagine what she's going through if she feels the need to take it out on someone."
"She shouldn't have done that to you regardless..."
"It's water under the bridge..." You rest your chin on your palm. "Now what's for breakfast?"
"You do love me-" You laugh.
"And pancakes, with possibly some fruit involved." He grins at you, tilting his head.
"Oh, I'm gonna love you forever." You sigh in bliss.
He didn't doubt it. Despite your limited time together, he never doubted your eternal love for one second, that you would, love him forever. That your love for him wouldn't vanish because even if forever would never be guaranteed with you, not truly, not likely. It was your love for him, and his love for you that would remain.
Now that was true and that was the reality of your story together. 
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f10werfae · 1 year
Titty Comfort
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pairing: Frat!Tom Holland x Girlfriend!Reader
summary: When Tom can’t fall asleep, he turns to his girlfriend’s breasts for a lot of comfort (Breast play) (lowkey subby tom?)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/ Disclaimer 18+
Tom Holland Masterlist, Full Masterlist
“C’mere love, need you closer” Tom whined, his arms wrapped around the woman in his arms, his semi-hardened cock resting against her ass cheeks. “How much closer do you need baby? we’re already spooning naked” Y/n giggled shuffling up against his cock, his hands situated on her warm tits, squeezing and kneading them every so often; coaxing small whines and whimpers from her lips which were currently swollen due to their sleepy, sloppy make out session.
Tom only whined in response, tugging on her perked up and hardened nipples, nuzzling his face into her neck, kissing and licking at the coconut scented flesh. This whole relationship started when Tom had walked into his bedroom during one of their crazy frat parties, to see a sleepy Y/n nuzzling and cuddling herself into his spider-man bedsheets. Granted he didn’t know the girl but he had a sudden urge to protect her, knowing damn well that he would now protect his sacred bedroom with his life due to the sleeping angel right in his bed.
“Oh- oh shit- you must own this room huh?” Y/n shot up, her eyes glazed and lazy, still holding Tom’s pillow in between her arms to hug it dearly. “I- uh got a bit tired and I was told I could take a room by David, who is currently busy eating my friend’s face off” She chuckled explaining why she was suddenly in his bed, of course David the head frat brother would say something like that, inconsiderate arsehole. “O-oh no sure it’s okay, I guess, just a bit shocked love. You can stay” He laughed walking closer, “We can share the bed if you want?” She smiled gleaming up at him, her arms inviting as she opened up the blankets showing a space just for him, who the fuck was this girl?
Well Tom soon found out the day after when he woke up to a (colour) headed girl on his chest, her body still clad in her dress, her legs intertwined with his as she tried to hug herself further into his warm wide chest. His own arms tugged around her too. Her name was Y/n L/n, she was taking a completely different major from him, which explained why he had never seen her before. She was outgoing, confident and not afraid to get things her way. Had he really just slept with (literally) some girl who he found already snoozing in his bed? Yes, yes he did and he wasn’t going to regret it one bit.
Now two months later, the once infamous frat boy on campus had been tied down to the one and only Y/n L/n; whenever they are on campus their hands are permanently intertwined, his head seen to be dipping down and whispering filthy and sweet things in her ears to make her laugh bashfully and hit his chest. With some people even commenting that he had heard him say that he “couldn’t wait to take her ass tonight”
Any chance he’d get he would walk her to her classes, choosing to hold her books and even like right now, missing out on his own frat activities to instead sleepover at her cozy little dorm room. Now decorated with a multitude of their polaroids together on her wall, some being a little inappropriate considering the nudity, but who else was going to see them?
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“You keep tossin’ n’ turnin’ honey, are you feeling alright?” She frowned turning around in his arms, his hands slipping to her waist, her chest flushed against his as he felt her hardened nipples against his skin; Jesus how did he bag someone as gorgeous as her? His lips raining kisses all over her face, feeling her breath quicken and shake each time he got closer to her sweet spot, which already had hickies littering the length of it. “Just feeling a bit restless baby, nothin’ for you to worry about, pretty” He smiled finally kissing her nose, watching it wrinkle adorably in response before she leant in and pressed a featherlight kiss to his pink lips, not one full of lust but one full of adoration and passion for the man right in front of her. The man who showed her what love was, and how to love in such a short amount of time.
“But it is for me to worry about, I want you soft and snuggly with me, sleepy and hazy whike being undeniably horny” She laughed nudging his nose with hers, his lips pouting out to kiss hers lightly again, his hands groping her breasts tightly in his palm; she knew what he wanted, no, needed. Whenever Tom found himself needing comfort or some sensual loving, he turned to his lover’s breasts, suddenly finding them the most alluring thing in the world.
“Can I uh- ya know, play with them a little?” He whispered just staring at them blatantly, smiling childishly when Y/n replied, “Of course you can baby, they’re all yours babyboy” She giggled kissing the corner of his lips, noticing how his eyes were just fully trained on her tits more than anything else. Shifting herself up a little, he started moving her warm fleshy tits in circular motions, his lips greedily licking and sucking on the flesh surrounding her areola and nipples. Y/n’s fingers raked though his brown curls gently, planting small kisses to his hairline, her lips pulled into a small smile; Tom sat with his eyes closed fully enjoying sucking and pulling at her tits.
His tongue licking a stripe up the underside of her boob until he reached her nipple, wrapping his mouth around it like a suction, suckling on it affectionately; his eyes closed calmly. “You taste so good baby angel” He whispered kissing each of her nipples lovingly, letting his lips collect spit before dribbling it onto her hardened buds, lubing them up with his tongues flicking at them softly. “Thank you honey bun, even used some of that new body wash ya got me for no reason” She moaned out half asleep, Tom’s suckling had calmed her to a point of sleep, her eyes threatening to close any second now. The sound of Tom’s hums and his tongue flicking, giving a weird sense of a comforting atmosphere.
“Well it was in your wishlist and you told me your wishlist was empty” Tom hummed annoyed, shoving his face between her breasts, kissing the valley of her tits; knowing damn well he made it his responsibility to make sure everything in her basket was bought on a weekly basis. “Your tits are beautiful Y/n, not in a sexual way, but the fact they’re part of you just makes them so sexy”
He spent the next 15-20 minutes just loving and kissing on her breasts, her other hand softly pumping his limp cock, not with the intention of getting his hard but with the intention of showing him the same type of affection he was showing her. Undivided unconditional attention.
“hmm” Y/n hummed turning her head to the side, her hands dropped to rubbing his back soothingly, her nails raking up and down slowly. “You sleepy love? Want me to put the girls away?” He questioned pulling away from her tits with a pop, looking up at her with a crazy type of love, a love they both knew would never burn out. “No no keep going hun, feels good n’ warm” She yawned letting her eyes close for the final time that night, her hands resting on his back as he continued his own adventure. His lips licking, kissing and sucking on her tits until he himself, fell asleep undoubtably with her tit in his mouth; like a lovesick idiot.
PSA: Sorry this was short but I found it so cute and lovey!! Just a bit of comfort for those who are going through finals/any tough situations
library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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Hope you all enjoy the fic!
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ruewrote · 2 years
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PAIRING: peter parker x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language GENRE: idk SONG INSPIRATION: talking body by tove lo WORD COUNT: 738
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you and peter had been laying in his bed for the most part of being at his house. 
rewatching star wars, him telling you the most interesting parts, but as much as you were listening, you couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that your face was pressed against his pecs.
occasionally glancing up as he speaks down towards you, trying to keep a good poker face, but were most definitely freaking out on the inside.
pete sat up a little bit which made you pull away a little bit making you feel a bit disappointed.
“y/n! you there dude?” he chuckled whilst waving his hand in your face. snapping you back into reality as if you weren’t just fantasying about your best friend’s washboard abs. no, of course not.
“yeah-yeah i’m totally fine!” your words coming out rushed and stuttered as you settled back onto his chest and resumed the episode.
your love for your best friend’s abs were becoming a problem. 
no like seriously!
last week you guys had gym together, you had been holding his feet down as he he did sit ups whilst talking to each other, but you kept spacing out since his abs were poking through his shirt each time he sat up.
trying to look anywhere but him, your eyes locked onto another pair who had caught you in the act. ned. he just smirked at you and then looked back over to his partner and carried on working out.
you squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment waiting for the class to be over and hoped that your other best friend wouldn’t open his mouth.
it had been about two weeks since the absolutely soul-destroying moment happened to you in the gym, ned hadn’t said anything about it to peter, but that didn’t stop him from teasing you about it.
“dude, you have a bad staring problem.” ned laughed at you as you kicked his shin before you shoved your face in your hands as you leant your elbows on the cafeteria table, shaking your head. knowing he would never let you live this down.
“i seriously don’t know what’s wrong with me lately, i had one thought about him and now they won’t stop coming, especially about his abs, like what’s wrong with me?” you fake cried and he just laughed at you.
“wait i have an idea.” ned had called peter over after he had gotten his food, making his way over to you two.
“what are you doing?” you whispered yelled over to him before putting on your best fake smile acting normal.
peter was now standing behind you - raising his eyebrow in confusion.
“can you flex really quick for me?” kind of used to ned geeking out over the fact that he was spiderman didn’t really surprise that he would ask that, sliding his tray onto the table, his hands slowly rolling his sleeves before doing so.
that’s when he did it, this had you floored. the vein in his bicep pulsing, your eyes skimmed over to his forearms which were now even thicker now that the muscles were tensed.
not to mention his abs were blatantly pressed against his white under shirt right in your face, peter had now brought his arms down, sitting beside you and started eating without question. you turned back around to the table before picking at the food on your own plate.
the guys spoke to each other back and forth about some school project that they were working on together. you were quiet trying to process what had just happened, the brunette turned towards you, it was odd for you to be so quiet.
cursing your shortness. your face was always pressed into his torso as you guys shared a hug. that’s when you had acknowledged it every time he’d wrap you up in his arms.
you’d had enough of his oblivious teasing and were going to do something about it, so as he was about to leave you...
“hey pete, can you wait a second i need to see something.” he of course had no problem with agreeing.
that’s when you had grasped the hem of his shirt and raised it, as you expected you were met with rock hard abs, running your hand over them, giving him an approved ‘hm’ and pulling it back down again and sent his confused self home, wondering what the fuck just happened.
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© ruewrote.
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just… a habit
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pair: Tom Holland x reader
summery: Tom finds out that y/n (she/her) s.h. during a interview
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The interview had been going well. Tom was relaxed, cracking jokes with the interviewer, his hand resting on Y/N's knee under the table. They had done this kind of thing a hundred times before, and she knew how to play along, flashing a smile here, laughing there. But today, her mind was elsewhere.
As the questions flowed and the laughter filled the room, Y/N's anxiety crept in, slowly at first, then building until it felt like a weight on her chest. It was the kind of pressure that made it hard to breathe, let alone focus on what was being said around her. Tom was in his element, but she was barely holding it together.
Unconsciously, Y/N’s hand slipped under the table and started scratching at a small spot on her arm, just below her sleeve. It was something she had done for years, a coping mechanism she had hidden well from everyone—especially Tom. It started as a small itch, then quickly turned into a focused effort to peel away the anxiety, layer by layer, through her skin. She didn't realize how much damage she was doing until she felt Tom's hand move from her knee and grasp her wrist.
It was quick, subtle enough that the cameras wouldn’t pick it up, but the tension in his grip told her he had noticed. She looked up at him, and their eyes met. There was concern in his gaze, the kind that made her stomach twist with guilt. But before she could say anything, the interviewer asked Tom another question, and he was forced to turn his attention back to the conversation.
The rest of the interview passed in a blur. Tom kept his hand on hers, his thumb gently rubbing over her knuckles, as if trying to reassure her that he was there, that he wasn’t going anywhere. Y/N barely heard the closing remarks or the compliments thrown their way. All she could focus on was the tingling sensation on her arm and the dread building in the pit of her stomach.
Once they were home, Tom didn’t bring it up right away. He let her kick off her shoes, take a breath, and settle on the couch before he joined her, sitting close, his arm draped over her shoulders. For a moment, they just sat in silence, the TV playing softly in the background. Then, he shifted slightly, his fingers brushing her arm. “Y/N…” he started, his voice gentle, but there was an edge to it, a quiet kind of worry.
She knew what was coming, but she still wasn’t ready to face it. “Yeah?” she replied, trying to keep her tone light, as if she didn’t know what he was going to say next.
Tom sighed, his thumb tracing soft circles on the back of her hand. “What was that, during the interview?” Her heart pounded in her chest, and she swallowed hard, trying to find the words. “It’s nothing, Tom. Just… a habit.” His grip on her hand tightened slightly. “A habit?” He repeated, disbelief evident in his tone. “Y/N, you were hurting yourself. That’s not just a habit.”
She pulled her hand away, curling it into her lap, her nails digging into her palms. “It’s something I do when I’m stressed,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s been going on for a while… since before we were together.”
Tom was quiet for a moment, processing her words. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Y/N shook her head, tears pricking at her eyes. “I didn’t want you to worry. You have enough on your plate, and it’s not like I do it all the time. Just when things get really bad.”
He reached for her again, this time pulling her into a tight embrace. “But I am worried, Y/N. I care about you. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
She buried her face in his chest, letting the tears fall freely now. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled against his shirt. “I didn’t want you to see that side of me.”
Tom held her closer, his hand gently rubbing her back. “You don’t have to apologize. But you need to promise me you’ll talk to me next time, okay? We’ll figure it out together.”
She nodded, her tears soaking into his shirt. “I promise.”
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t-lostinworlds · 2 years
It’s (a) November Baby! | Tom Holland
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》 PAIRING: tom holland x female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: established relationship; fluff; crack-ish
》 SUMMARY: Tom partakes in a bet with the boys in No Nut November. But what happens if you're a November baby?
》 WARNINGS: whoriness/horniness, language, suggestive themes (mentions of sex, make out sesh, teasing, peeks at lingerie), pet names (love, baby, my love, darling, sweetheart, pretty boy, and uhm, sir), betting/wager, british banter? (lads being lads innit LMAO), innuendoes galore, bad jokes, dad jokes, dirty jokes, jesus jokes?? (...yep you read that right. it’s more religious/catholic jokes but nothing too bad i promise 😭), reader goes to the gym with tom (like one scene), nakedness (non-sexual...kinda? it’s super quick lol), implied smut at the end (nothing detailed, honestly this is pretty tame)
》 WORD COUNT: 7.1k+
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A/N: there’s this thing called No Nut November & it always made me wonder what do ppl born this month do on their birthdays like, do u not get to treat yourself? LMAO so this is for my fellow november babies out there <3 well.....we are a week into december but that’s beside the point LMAO. i’m so consistent at being late with these things honestly. i mean, this was meant for last year and finally just finished it lol. but hey, it got finished <3 ksksks hope you guys enjoy! (just realised how suggestive that gif actually is lol if u know u know)
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
Tom was competitive.
If there was a word best to describe him, that surely would be one of them.
It wasn't necessarily a bad thing per se, it was just that sometimes, he wouldn't think things through before agreeing to a challenge.
So when the boys raised the idea of participating in No Nut November, there was no doubt that the eldest Holland would take it on headstrong without initially considering what else was in store for the month.
And then they started teasing Tom about how he could never control his constant horniness whenever he was around you, and it only fuelled his need to prove them oh so wrong.
"Tom wouldn't last a day," Tuwaine said. "Not when Y/N lives with us."
"Fuck off. I have great self-control, thank you very much," Tom scoffed, putting the last remaining red cups in the trash bag, ones that were used in the Halloween party they threw last night.
Harry rolled his eyes, obviously not believing his brother's statement. "Mate, she does absolutely nothing and you're jumping her bones in seconds!"
"Well, maybe if you've got a smoking hot—no, even just a girlfriend then you'll understand," Tom countered, smirk in full play.
"Fuck you." Harry glared at him, throwing a plastic skull in his direction to which Tom dodged with a laugh.
"They're worse than rabbits I tell you," Tuwaine grumbled, reaching up to remove the pumpkin lanterns that were hung on the wall behind the couch.
"We're not!" Tom protested.
"Nah, Tom's the only one who's always horny between the two of them," Harrison laughed as he emerged in the living room with the vacuum in hand. The blond lad's face fell into a grimace as he added, "He's always whining every night like some dog wanting to mate. I'm really regretting choosing the room next to yours."
"Oh fuck off, as if you're any better when Grace stays over," Tom retorted, Harrison's face instantly turning a deep shade of red. Tom grinned as he mimicked, "I'm really regretting choosing the room next to yours."
"Shut up, you div."
Tom laughed at that, tying up the trash bag before standing up confidently, hands on his hips as he looked over at his companions. "But no matter what you say, there's no doubt I'd cruise through November with the nut staying in the shells."
"The nut staying in the shells," Tuwaine repeated, rolling his eyes. "Why'd you have to say it like that, man?"
"Wanna bet then?" Harry challenged, an all-too-knowing smirk gracing his lips as soon as the words left it.
"Sure," Tom said calmly with a shrug, not thinking much about the mischief in Harry's eyes like the younger lad knew something, especially when he and Tuwaine shared a look.
"Go on, play your cards," Harrison chuckled. "And don't be so fucking lame and just bet fifty quid."
"Yeah, we do things differently in this house," Tuwaine agreed.
"Go big or go home," Harry said with a smirk.
"Alright, fine." Tom crossed his arms over his chest as he pursed his lips, eyes staring at the ceiling as he tried to come up with a high stake bet that would keep everyone motivated to actually pull through with this. Catching the sight of the beach painting on the wall, he smiled as it came to him.
"Whoever lasts the whole of November will win a week's holiday in Mykonos. All expenses will be paid by the others who lost," Tom offered, all the boys nodding in agreement, eyes now glossed with excitement. "If two of us win, the other two will pay. If only one person will win, the other three will pay and you get to bring a plus one," he continued.
"I have a feeling I'm going to get Gracie and me a free couple's holiday," Harrison said, clasping his hands together, beaming.
"What if we all win and you're the only one who'll lose?" Harry asked.
"Then you three will have a week-long holiday in Mykonos with all expenses paid by me." Tom shrugged nonchalantly, opening his arms to showcase himself with a calm smile. He truly did believe he wouldn't be touching his pocket anytime soon. He was confident enough in his ability to win the bet which was why he wasn't afraid to raise the stake.
"Oh, now we're talking!" Tuwaine cheered, patting Harry on the back excitedly.
"You seem so confident in this," Harrison chuckled.
"Because I know I'm not losing. I can easily go through November without a single bust," Tom stated. "So, deal?"
"Deal," the three boys chorused, proceeding to shake hands among themselves with grins on their faces, ready to take on the challenge.
"Deal on what?"
All four heads turned to look at you as you entered the living room.
A bright smile immediately erupted on Tom's face then, heart melting at the way you gently rubbed the sleep off your eyes with your knuckles, your figure clad in some sleep shorts and his purple sweatshirt.
"No Nut November. Whoever wins will go to an all-expense paid by the losers, to be extra clear, a week holiday in Mykonos," Harry explained amusedly, smirk widening when you nodded slowly.
"So..." you trailed off, turning to look at Tom with a pout as you said,
"No birthday sex for me then?"
Tom's smile got slapped off his face as his eyes widened, horror and realisation quickly dawning on his features before he dropped his head, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sharp curse,
All the boys burst out in rambunctious laughs, Harry and Tuwaine high-fiving which proved that they already knew about your birthday and how it could be the one thing that would secure their win on this.
"You dickheads set me up!" Tom exclaimed, shooting each lad a glare, throwing another one at Harry for good measure since he was the one who planted the idea of a bet in the first place.
"Nobody set you up," the younger Holland laughed. "You just didn't think things through, as per usual."
Tom looked at you with an apologetic pout. You flashed him a smile in return, giggling softly as you shrugged. He sighed before turning back to the boys. "Come on, surely her birthday is an exception?"
"Nope, a deal is a deal," Tuwaine laughed.
"You nut, you lose," Harry added.
Tom turned to Harrison for help. The blonde lad merely shook his head with a smirk. "You dug yourself into this hole, mate. The deal has been made," he chuckled. "Or you can just accept defeat and pay for our holiday."
"No way in hell I'm losing to you lot," Tom said through gritted teeth, too much pride and ego to easily surrender when the game barely even started yet.
"Right then." Harry clasped his hands together. "Who wants to join me on shopping?" he said, shit-eating grin never wavering as he added salt to the wound. "I feel like I need new swimming trunks and a whole lot of sunscreen for our week holiday, paid by Tom, in Mykonos."
"Oh, hell yeah!" Tuwaine grinned.
Harrison laughed, "Count me in!"
All three boys exited the room after that with as much giddiness in their step as possible, leaving you with a rather defeated Tom. You walked over to him with a tender smile, your hands smoothing over his shoulders as his fingers automatically curled around your waist once you were close enough.
"Did you forget?" you asked teasingly, brushing away the curl that fell on his forehead.
This was going to be the third birthday that you were going to be celebrating with him. The past two, nobody in the group really thought much about No Nut November, given that they were all busy career wise on top of being in different places due to conflicting schedules.
Only now did they get the chance to actually spend some much needed time together, all free for the whole month as their breaks finally coincided. And, by the looks of it, the lads seemed to have grown bored out of their minds that the idea of participating suddenly came around.
"No, of course I didn't. I would never forget about your birthday," Tom said, wrapping his arms fully around you to pull you even closer, brushing the tip of his nose against yours softly. "I just didn't make the correlation until you pointed it out."
"The bet does sound too good to pass," you hummed, amused. "I mean, free holiday? Who wouldn't want that?"
Tom pouted. "I'm so sorry, my love—"
"Hey no, it's okay, It's not a big deal," you said reassuringly, with no hint of anger or disappointment in your voice whatsoever. "You'll just have to make it up to me in December." You flashed him a lovely smile, one that was quick to turn into a smirk, though. "I also want to see how long you'll last."
"I feel like you don't have faith in me," he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at you.
"I'm your girlfriend," you giggled. "I think out of all people, I'm the most aware of how horny you get and how quickly it happens."
"Well, can't argue with that," Tom chuckled. Yet despite how true your words were, his confidence and pride still boiled in him strongly as he said, "I still believe that this is going to be easy breezy for me."
But was No Nut November really going to be easy breezy for Tom? Absolutely—
Even more so when you weren't doing anything in making it as such.
The first time Tom felt his self-control waver was when you walked out of the closet in a matching sports bra and leggings, and some white tennis shoes on to complete the look.
It was a plain, grey set, but the fabric was clinging onto your figure that Tom couldn't stop himself from gawking. It left so little to the imagination that's for sure. The lump was quick to form in his throat, lips parted as he froze, hands hovering over his last untied shoelace while his eyes raked from the top of your head, down, and then back up again.
He shook his head and blinked, clearing out his throat and standing up from his place on the bed after he tied the knot securely. He narrowed his eyes as he walked over to you, hands resting on your waist once he was close.
Tom instantly regretted the action.
Your skin was bare underneath his palms, and it was warm to the touch, soft, and oh did his hands desperately want to go further up and to the front, or down and behind.
"What're you up to?" he asked, voice dropping an octave as he hooked his thumbs on the elastic of your leggings.
You furrowed your brows, small smile on your lips as you stared at him quizzically. "I'm coming with you to the gym starting today, remember?"
No, he did not remember.
Tom stared at you suspiciously at first, trying to gauge if there was some sort of hidden plan you were cooking. But you merely raised a brow as you tilted your head, smile widening with amusement.
Then it hit him.
"For fuck's sake."
You had set a goal for yourself that you were going to start exercising as much and as often as you could. And being the ever supportive boyfriend that he is, Tom, of course, offered to help out by saying you could come to the gym with him.
You'd set up a friendly competition between the two of you—well, it was mostly a pack you made for yourself that the number of days you'd gone to the gym should be equal if not more than Tom's. You said it was to help keep you motivated to not miss a session, especially when you were going against him who works out religiously.
It wasn't to change your appearance in any sort of way. Tom even sat you down to talk, just to make sure you weren't doing it for the wrong reasons, that you were doing it because you wanted to, not because you were pressured to. And most importantly, that you were doing this for yourself, not to impress anyone else, including him.
But you'd reassured him it was simply to be more active, build a bit of strength and improve your cardiovascular endurance where you wouldn't be out of breath after doing some simple task.
Tom was all up for it, always willing to give his full support when it came to your wonderful, productive, goal driven and other times, spontaneous ventures. As long as it wasn't illegal, of course—well, even that's debatable.
It just so happens that you both agreed, merely a couple of days ago, that November was the most reasonable time for you to start.
Why oh why did it seem like all the odds were somewhat against him this month? Or did he simply not think things through before agreeing to this bet?
Tom's pride picked the former.
"Hmm, I didn't know that not busting a nut makes you forgetful," you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close.
"Shut up. I've been distracted," he grumbled defensively, nudging the tip of his nose with yours with a pout.
"Obviously," you laughed. "I mean, you have been thinking with the wrong head lately."
Tom nodded slowly, running his tongue over his teeth with a dark chuckle, "You and your quick wit." With an eyebrow raised in warning, he squeezed your waist. "It's gonna get you in trouble."
"Oh, you like it," you murmured, smirking as you tilted your head up, brushing your lips over his but never closing the distance, just like the little tease that you are.
"Not in the bedroom I don't," Tom warned, voice dropping an octave.
His fingers dug into your hips, head pulling back when you tried to go in for a kiss. He knew what you were trying to do, and he wasn't going to let you get the upper hand.
But then you whined.
And how was he meant to resist that?
Though the second he let lips touch yours, it set him on fire.
Tom's self control cracked as he pulled you flushed against his chest. Tilting his head, he groaned when you teased your tongue against his lip, him obliging your request not even a split second later.
Big mistake.
The kiss immediately grew heavy and hot, his hands wandering, squeezing, gripping, your fingers tangling in his hair, tugging gently as you let a moan slip out.
Tom quickly pulled away, lips detaching from yours with a soft pop.
"Fuck," he gasped, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he tried his best to settle down his raging bo—heart. "This is going to be harder than I thought."
"Oh it's definitely harder."
Tom pulled away, shooting you a glare. "Ha, ha, you're so funny."
"I know, the one thing I didn't learn from you," you quipped with a smirk.
"Ouch." Tom pouted at you. "Wait, I am funny."
"I mean my dad's a comedian."
"Well, even more debatable."
Tom gaped at you. "Harsh."
"The fact that I'm still with you even after your bad jokes—" You shook your head, cupping his cheek tenderly as you sighed, "True love does exist."
"You're wounding me, darling," Tom said, turning his head to kiss your palm before he looked back at you with a pout. You giggled, leaning closer to kiss it away. Successfully so as he was unable to stop himself from breaking out into a grin.
"Love you," you hummed against his lips.
"Love you most," he sighed, squeezing you one more time before pulling away.
"Now, let's get to the gym shall we?" you said.
Tom nodded, moving over to his bedside table to get his wallet, phone and keys.
"I'm staying as far away from you the whole time, by the way," he said, pointing an accusing finger at you, glaring playfully as he followed you out the bedroom and down the hall.
You laughed, "As if that'll help."
And oh you were so right. It did not fucking help, at all.
It was torture watching you go from stretching to then running on the treadmill where your lovely thighs and ass were just there for him to watch as they jiggled with your movements. And then you went from curl-ups, to push-ups, planks and then squats. The fucking squats was when he started to feel really, really hot. His suffering didn't even end there. You working out in itself was already a lot. But then all of it just seemed to be happening in slow motion.
Everything you were doing was happening in slow motion as if you were in some TV commercial, and Tom was simply there to watch on the screen, unable to do anything about it—well, unless he wanted to lose the bet.
No matter how many times Tom tried to convince himself that it was simply his mind playing tricks on him, it didn't make a fucking difference.
He couldn't even look at you when you drank from your water bottle—head thrown back with your neck stretched out—it was just too much for him to handle.
Tom was drenched in sweat by the time you both were done for the day, and he knew it wasn't only from his workout. The tent on his basketball shorts proved that. Hell, he didn't even get to fully complete his sets given that you were being a huge distraction—a very attractive, gorgeously sexy and hot distraction.
And you weren't even doing it on purpose!
You merely laughed at his demise when you both got in the car, Tom keeping both hands on the steering wheel which he didn't normally do when it's you in the passenger's seat. Your laugh only grew louder when you saw how tight his grip was, simply to keep them there in fear that the second he'd even just feel the warmth of your thigh, he'd absolutely lose it.
"Why won't you look at me?"
There was no doubt you knew exactly why he couldn't sneak a glance, you simply wanted to poke him about it. He could do it in the gym because there was distance, admire you from afar as you could say. But now? He didn't trust himself. Not with you being so close where he'd probably be able to notice the sweat that littered your warm skin, trailing down the valley of your—that thought itself just about tempt him to pull over once he finds an empty parking space.
"'Cause I'm driving," he lied through gritted teeth.
That made you laugh even more.
He couldn't be mad at you, though. Because one, he absolutely loves your laugh, it's the most beautiful sound in the world. And two, well, it genuinely was quite laughable, how it's only been day one and he was already grasping at straws.
It wasn't because he was always that horny around you exactly, it was because he couldn't do anything about it which was frustrating. And the more frustrated he got, the tougher it was to put himself in check. Basically, he got even hornier, and it just went round and round and kept building and building.
It's definitely going to be a white Christmas once he explodes.
Hell, white Christmas might even come early if Tom did so, too.
He didn't even care how bad those jokes were.
But what Tom dreaded the most was that he knew it'd only get har—more difficult to control himself from here on out.
And as the days dragged on—and oh how much longer did it fucking drag where it seemed that a minute was over an hour—Tom found himself taking cold showers frequently. He did it much more often in a way that it for sure helped with lessening the bills in this house. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he took a proper hot shower. But there was nothing else he could think of that would help calm down his...needs.
Said needs that only grew stronger whenever you were in the vicinity.
It was amusing borderline ridiculous how hyperaware he'd gotten about your presence. Tom's not a scientist so he had no idea how to explain the hows, all he knew was that everything about you suddenly became more.
Scent sweeter, more intoxicating, touch warmer, more electrifying, skin softer, more tempting.
And when pre-No-Nut-November him already felt so strongly for you, how his emotions were always at a high level when it comes to you, imagine how much more intense everything got? It was like going from dialling it to eleven to suddenly making it a hundred.
If Tom had to guess what having spider-senses actually felt like, this was definitely it.
What made him realise that he was absolutely done for was the fact that even the faint smell of your shampoo was starting to get him worked up.
Better yet, that the sight of you in his hoodie was already giving him a semi.
"God-fucking-dammit," Tom grumbled, rubbing his face with his palm frustratedly as he tore his gaze away from you, shifting in his seat as he placed a pillow on his lap.
All three lads looked at him, comedically in sync as they looked at you in the kitchen, and then back at Tom.
"Fucking hell, she's just cooking!" Harry laughed.
"Yeah, in my clothes," Tom reasoned.
"I feel like this is actually a life lesson for you," Tuwaine chuckled. "You're actually just a walking horn dog."
"I see his point, though. When you see your girlfriend in your clothes, it's just different," Harrison said. "Brings back some memories too as to why she ended up wearing your clothes in the first place, if you get what I mean."
"Thank you!" Tom exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air before he gestured towards Tuwaine and Harry with a glare. "The difference between who's single and who's not."
"You mean the difference between the winners and losers?" Harry grinned.
"As if I didn't see you skip a kissing scene—not even a sex scene—so fucking quick in that movie you and Harrison watched last night. The one with Channing Tatum," Tom countered.
Harry turned bright red as he threw a pillow at his brother, "Fuck off. Rachel McAdams is my weakness."
"Or Channing Tatum," Tuwaine interjected, the boys nodding in agreement.
"He actually didn't watch the movie, he was just drooling the whole time," Harrison snitched, earning a smack from Harry.
"That's poor from you, Baz," Tuwaine snorted.
"At least I'm not having a fucking boner just seeing my girlfriend cooking in my hoodie," Harry argued, immediately receiving back the pillow he threw at Tom earlier.
"Domesticity is sexy, fuck you." Tom flipped the boys off as he got up from the couch and made his way over to you in the kitchen.
He'd already established that staying away from you didn't make that much of a difference. It was either suffer while being far away from you, or suffer while getting to hold you close. 
Tom will always pick the latter.
"Hi, my love," he hummed, arms wrapping around you from behind as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
"Hey, handsome," you giggled, squeezing his forearm before continuing to chop up the broccoli. "I can change if you want."
Tom scrunched up his face. "You heard?"
"You guys aren't exactly the quietest bunch."
"We could say the exact same to the both of you!"
"Touché!" you called out with a laugh. "Although, we have been pretty quiet lately."
"Oh it's so peaceful," Harry let out a fake sob. "I'm going to miss the peace and quiet once November is over."
"Well, quiet for you lot downstairs," Harrison complained. "I hear Tom cry every night because his dick is too hard and he can't do anything about it."
"Stop fucking lying, Harrison!"
"Is he though?" you asked, nose scrunching.
Tom rolled his eyes as he grumbled, "I don't cry, I complain."
"Right, because there's a difference."
Tom shook his head, but didn't bother arguing as he nuzzled his face into your neck, fingers playing with the hem of the hoodie. "You know, it should be a crime how you always look so good in my clothes. Like, fuck me, please."
"Shut up," you laughed.
"But no, there's no need to change," he hummed, planting a few kisses on your warm skin and then your cheek. "It's my job to get my mind out of the gutter, my job to control the urges, my job not to give into the temptation. Never yours."
"Preach it, Pastor Tom."
The way his whole body immediately ran cold at that, it was award-winning. It was quick, how turned off he immediately got.
"Please," Tom started with a sharp intake of breath. "Do not call me that, ever again, I am begging you."
"What? With how you're acting lately," you trailed off, grin turning wider. "You need Jesus!"
"Darling!" Tom groaned.
You laughed, "Did it work?"
"Yup," he sighed, eyes dropping to his crotch. "It's fully deflated now. I think it even shrunk in."
You laughed at that, patting him right on top of the head. "You last another day, Holland."
"Thank you, baby," he cooed sarcastically.
"Oh no, don't thank me," you hummed, pointing at the ceiling, eyes following suit. "Thank the Lord."
"I hate you so much," he grumbled, pulling away completely and making his way out the kitchen.
"What? You'd prefer me to douse you in holy water instead?" you called out, your laugh still bouncing off the walls.
"The number you have dialled has already disconnected!"
"But Tom, I wanted a kiss!"
That stopped him in his tracks, a smile tugging at his lips which he quickly wiped off as he turned and walked back to you.
"Not until you promise me no more Jesus jokes," he said, pointing an accusing finger.
"Amen," you said, trying your hardest to keep a straight face but laughing only a second later when he grabbed a chopped carrot and threw it at you. "Wasting food is a sin, Tom!"
He grabbed the ladle from the pot, aiming a full scoop of mashed potatoes right at you. "I swear if you don't cut that out—"
"Okay! Okay," you snorted, hands up as you slowly walked towards him, putting the ladle back before wrapping your arms around his neck. "No more, I promise."
With a sigh, Tom circled his arms around you and gave you the kiss you asked for.
"You are so lucky I love you."
"Hmm, I love you, too."
Tom's heart stopped, beating again but at twice its normal pace. But all it did was pump the blood straight down as he walked into your shared bedroom.
At first glance, the sight was innocent, you laying on your stomach, feet in the air as you flicked through the pages of your book.
But not only were you wearing his hoodie again, it was hiked up just enough for Tom to get a clear view of your red, lacy underwear.
"Darling, I don't normally ask you this," he started, voice low and rough as he stayed frozen on his spot by the door. "But I really need you to put some pants on."
"Oh, sorry," you said, not sounding apologetic at all as you scrambled off the bed. With your back turned to him, your book suddenly 'fell' off your hands. "Oops," you gasped, making a show of bending over to pick it up.
One glance was all it took.
Tom was behind you in seconds, abruptly pulling you upright. He turned you around to face him, his grip tightening on your waist as he pressed you against the nearest wall.
And if the devilish smile you wore was anything to go by, you knew exactly what you were doing.
"Who's putting you up to this?" he grumbled, trying his best to keep his hands still and not let them wander, especially under the hoodie you were wearing. He'd be gone if he did as much as feel a sliver of your skin.
"No one," you hummed, a grin appearing on your lips as you shrugged. "Well, me."
His brow quirked up. "Why?"
"Because I'm really, really horny," you admitted unashamedly. "But I guess I'll have to take care of that myself, alone, in the shower."
Tom let out a harsh breath through his nose as he screwed his eyes shut. "You're having your fun with this, too, huh?"
"I am," you giggled, fingers taking home in the mesh of his curls. "Mainly because I love seeing you all riled up. I mean, you're so hot when you're angry. But then angry you leads to sex that is just whew."
His glare was sharp with warning as he met your eyes again. "Sweetheart—"
"Don't lose, though," you hummed, nails lightly scratching at his scalp, making a shiver run down his whole body. "I mean imagine the fun we'll have if you get to win this. Just the two of us in Mykonos, me in your favourite bikinis, salt water on my skin, under the sun, rubbing sunscreen—"
"You are not helping," he groaned, head dropping to place a kiss on the juncture where your neck and jaw meet. "But thanks for the motivation, love."
"Anytime, pretty boy."
You escaped his hold before he could even say a word, a skip in your step as you made your way to the en suite bathroom. 
"Fucking hell," he grumbled, rubbing a frustrated hand over his face with a deep sigh, "Might as well start praying to contain myself."
You laughed heartily at that, shooting him a wink over your shoulder, a blow of a kiss before you disappeared into the bathroom, leaving the door open.
Absolute fucking tease.
Tom knew he needed to get out before he could even hear you start to get...busy.
So he grabbed a spare towel in the closet and made his way downstairs, thankful that there was more than one bathroom in this place. He really needed a cold shower to calm himself down a bit.
But when he got there, Harrison was waiting by the door, the water already running inside.
"Harry in there?" Tom asked the blonde lad, turning back to the white-painted wood when he got the confirmation. "Mate, what are you doing?"
"I'm showering, piss off!"
Tom grinned. "Are you sure you're not losing?"
"I swear on my dick I'm not! I'll cut it off myself if I'm lying!"
"Damn," Tom blew out his cheeks, eyes wide with amusement before he turned to the blonde lad. "What happened?"
"The Notebook," Harrison said, chuckling.
"Ah." Tom nodded, remembering certain scenes that the movie had. "So it's a cold shower then."
Harrison laughed, nodding. It was only then did Tom notice he had a towel in hand, face unusually flushed.
"What's up with you?" he asked.
"She posted a picture, pool party with some friends," Harrison grumbled, as if it pained him to say it out loud.
Tom rolled his eyes. "You guys have it so fucking easy yet here you are."
"It's my favourite bikini on her, leave me alone," he argued, before his eyes narrowed. "Wait, don't you have your own shower?"
Tom shrugged. "She's busy."
"Oh," Harrison said, a few seconds passing before his eyes widened as he looked at Tom. "Oh."
"Yup," he sighed, doing his best not to close his eyes to the picture of you in the shower doing things he should be doing to you. He wouldn't dare bless his imagination. Not unless he wanted to get pushed past his sanity.
"You're right, we do have it easy," Harrison chuckled, patting his shoulder sympathetically.
"You guys are such horny losers," Tuwaine's laugh boomed across the hall as he walked by them.
He was about to retort when he suddenly heard your voice.
"Tom? Your turn," you said as you appeared down the stairs, wearing the same hoodie but sporting some sweatpants this time. Smirking, you added, "I put it on extra cold."
"How considerate. Even if you caused the problem in the first place." he scoffed, rolling his eyes, planting a soft kiss on your lips before he made his way back to your shared bedroom.
Tom should've known.
Especially when he knew just how much of an absolute devil you got once you start your little game. You never shied away from pushing him to the brink when you so obviously wanted something specific from him.
He should've seen it coming from miles away.
The deep hiss he let out echoed in the bathroom when he stepped under the cold water, yet the relief he felt only lasted for a second.
Because when he looked up, he was eye to eye with your stark red bra and matching lace underwear, hanging prettily on the showerhead.
The cold water didn't work so well anymore.
"What?" You appeared in the bathroom a few moments later, smiling innocently.
Tom glared, lifting his fingers to show you the lingerie you not-so-accidentally hung just above his head. It was as close as dangling warm, red meat in front of a starving beast.
"You little minx."
"Oh hello, haven't seen him in a while," you giggled as you so blatantly stared between his legs, licking your lips slowly as your eyes trailed over the rest of his naked body.
"You're fucking me with your eyes," Tom stated, yet by no means did anything to cover up. It's not like you haven't seen it countless times before. Besides, he loved the attention, he always did when it came to you. Whether he'd admit that now, though, was the question.
"Oh you bet I am. I mean, can you blame me?" you admitted unashamedly, sauntering over to him. He sucked in a sharp breath when your hands landed on his biceps, squeezing and then moving up his shoulder. He held it in, his lungs be damned as your fingers started to trail down his abs. "I've got such a gorgeous boyfriend."
Before you could move past below his V-line, Tom immediately caught your wrist, grip firm as a warning, but not enough for it to hurt. His free hand came up, pinching your chin between his fingers as held you in place. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip, stance commanding, dominating, as he spoke in a tone that he only ever used whenever you were being a brat.
"Out, sweetheart."
You grinned that devilish smile of yours, kissed his thumb, and purred, 
"Yes, sir."
You were out of the bathroom before Tom could even do as much as take a breath.
He looked up at the ceiling, a sound mixed between a sob and a laugh escaping him as he said,
"Lord Jesus Christ, help me."
You stirred awake at the faint sound of an alarm going off.
It was quickly stopped, though, silence ringing in the air but for only a moment before the soft rustling of the sheets bounced off the bedroom walls.
Yet what made your eyes flutter open was the feeling of that familiar mess of curls tickling the flesh on your inner thighs, followed by those warm lips you adore brushing against your skin, leaving soft yet praising kisses on its wake.
You giggled, blinking away the remnants of sleep before your gaze settled on the man below you. His handsome face sported that charming smile, illuminated by a soft orange glow coming from his bedside lamp.
It was like clockwork, Tom waking you up at midnight during your birthday to give you your first gift in a form of praise, love and affection, giving and showing them to you in more ways than not.
"There's the birthday girl," he hummed lowly, hands running along your thighs, his lips following its path.
"Come here," you whispered, threading your fingers through his hair lovingly.
Tom smiled, slowly kissing up your leg, placing one on your hip before moving towards your clothed stomach, blowing a raspberry to earn a laugh. He continued his way up to the valley between your breast, up and up, until he gently nipped at your collarbone, humming to himself once he reached the warmth of your neck.
He stayed there for a moment, your head tilting instinctively so he could litter your skin with open mouth kisses with ease. 
Once Tom was satisfied, his lips found your jaw then, kisses given to your left cheek, moving across your face to stop at the tip of your nose, kissing it twice before he trailed over to the other cheek. Heaps of giggles rumbled out of you as he kissed your eyelids, then your forehead before moving across your crown.
Your gazes locked once he pulled away slightly, forearms resting on either side of your head, his smile brighter than the moonlight that seeped through the bedroom window.
"Happy Birthday, my darling love," he whispered.
"Thank you," you hummed, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
It escalated quicker than you'd anticipated it to.
Then again, it's been a common thing to happen nowadays.
Next thing you knew, Tom was groaning against you, tongue prying your lips open before licking into your mouth as his body nudged your legs apart, settling in between them. His hands were deliberate yet loving as they grabbed at every part of you—hips, thighs, waist, chest, earning whispered moans with each tender squeeze.
Then, his hips moved on their own accord, a deep growl pulling him off your lips. He nuzzled his face into your neck, kissing fervently before slowly starting to nip at the skin.
"Tom, wait," you gasped, cupping his face and gently prying him off of you. Both chests heaving, you looked into his darkened eyes, smiling at him sympathetically. "We can't remember?"
"Fuck," he groaned, reluctantly pulling away and plopping back on his side of the bed, forearm draped over his eyes. With a pout, he turned to you. "You're not part of it though so you can still get off."
"I wouldn't want you to do that," you said in pure honesty. It just seemed far too mean to be taking the pleasure he'd give you when he'd be suffering while doing so. You shifted in bed, kissing his bare shoulder before you rested your head on his chest. "Wouldn't want to torture you on my birthday."
"You let me have the best birthday sex ever this year and I can't even return the favour," he sighed, the frustration and disappointment prominent in his voice.
You had surprised him with a new pair of much more risqué lingerie and a little private show. It was safe to say it was one of the best nights of his life, because it sure was one of the best sex you'd ever had. You absolutely had no clue how you'd be able to top it next year.
"It's okay," you hummed sincerely, kissing up his jaw before meeting his gaze. "December has plenty of free days."
Tom looked at you for a moment, and you could practically see it in his eyes, the way the gears in his head were turning. It was almost as if he was weighing all the pros and cons of his upcoming decision, whatever that may be.
You weren't given a chance to ask about it when he spoke.
"You know what, fuck it," he scoffed, lips finding yours again with a soft groan, pushing you back into the mattress as he returned to settling between your legs. Trailing down your jaw then to your neck, he murmured, "You and your pleasure are far more important to me than some stupid bet."
"But I really would love to go to Mykonos," you teased with a giggle, a sound replaced by a whimper when Tom started sucking on your sweet spots, surely leaving a mark.
"Then I'll easily take you there on my own, sweetheart," he cockily said, sitting back on his knees. "Part two of your gift. But for now..." he trailed off, smirking, hands finding their way under your shirt, fingers hooking on your underwear. 
"My girl deserves to get dicked down on her birthday."
"Tom!" you laughed.
You both jumped at the sudden ruckus outside your door.
"Woohoo!" Tuwaine hollered.
"Mykonos, here we come!" Harry cheered, followed by Harrison's boisterous laugh.
Tom's whole body slumped right on top of you with an annoyed groan.
"Happy birthday, Y/N!" all of them chorused.
You laughed, "Thank you!"
"Nah," Tuwaine chuckled. "Thank you for the free holiday!"
"You're welcome?" you snorted, shaking your head. "I guess?"
Lifting his head up, Tom shouted back, "I suggest you three leave the house while we haven't started yet!"
"It's fucking midnight!"
"Deez nuts busting, they're not caring!"
A chorus of groans echoed behind the door, followed by an onset of boos that had you plopping back in bed with a hearty laugh.
"That alone is enough to make me leave," Tuwaine grumbled.
"Come on, T, let's crash at mum and dad's," Harry said, words quickly followed by their footsteps growing further.
"Right," Harrison sighed, and you could almost see his grimace through the door at the realisation that his room was right next to yours. "Definitely staying with Grace tonight."
Tom chuckled, "You'll be the next to lose then Harrison!"
He didn't get a response, only an echo of silence as the boys went to wherever it was they planned to escape for the night to avoid trauma.
"That was so bad," you snorted. "See what I mean about true love?"
"Sorry, sorry," he hummed, warm hands kneading your bare thighs as he pecked your lips, eyes meeting yours, he wiggled his brows. "Now, where were we?"
You tilted your head at him innocently. "Me getting dicked down?"
"You better be ready," Tom chuckled darkly, smirk widening as he gently pushed your legs apart a little wider.
You bit your lip. "Yeah?"
"Mm-hmm, because for the whole day, a 24-hour time limit?" Tom licked his lips as he eyes trailed hungrily over you, the heat in your belly bursting into a flame as he said, "Let's try and see if you can come as many times as the years you've been on this earth."
Oh you were in for a long birthday ahead.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Please please pls since it’s the holidays can you write some dad!tom where they take their baby to meet Santa and how they react 🥺🥺 my sister just recently took her baby to get photos with Santa and omg did it melt my heart and make me giggle
You follow the worker dressed as an elf thorough a wonderland of trees covered in fake snow, Miles safe in Tom's arms as they oooed and aahed at the glowing lights strung up between the path. The worker opens up a door and you all step into a red little room. Miles gasps at the sight of Santa sitting on a large sleigh, surrounded by beautifully wrapped gifts and 'elves'. A photographer set up in front waits patiently.
"Look who it is, honey!" you say excitedly, leaning towards Miles and pointing at Santa. Miles opens his little mouth wide, blinking at the sight. He's relatively familiar with who Santa is, having watched a few Christmas movies with you and Tom earlier on in the month.
"Do you want to sit on his lap?" Tom asks, bringing Miles over to the sleigh.
"And have you been a good boy this year?" Santa asks and Miles jumps slightly at his booming voice. He's used to his own quiet home with just you, Tom and Tessa.
Tom places Miles in Santa's waiting arms and steps back, grinning at how tiny his soon looks in comparison. The photographer lines up the shot, but before he can take it Miles whines, bringing one fist up to his eyes and beginning to cry.
"What's the matter, little one?" Santa asks, looking to you and Tom for help.
"Dada!" Miles whines.
"He doesn't like being away from Tom," you explain, gesturing to your husband.
Miles continues to whine, reaching out for Tom.
"Tom, you have to go sit with him." you say, pushing him forward.
"What?" Tom laughs. "I think I'm a bit big for that, love."
"You have to go too or we won't get the picture." you insist. "It's not a big deal, it'll be two seconds."
Tom rolls his eyes. "Fuck me," he complains, nodding at Santa apologetically as he crouches down into a half seated position, hovering in the air just above Santa's other knee. Miles immediately grins, knowing he's safe now his dad is close by.
The photographer hides her smile, snapping the photo and handing it to you in a little red booklet. You thank her, opening it up and your heart swelling at the photo of your two boys, sitting together on Santa's lap. You'd definitely be making copies of this one for the whole family.
ty for reading, please reblog if you enjoyed as it really helps a writer out <3
sorry for the wait on this one, i've been absolutely swamped with work but it was sooo cute i just had to write on my break
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etoileholland · 2 years
attraction needs no translation
Uni!Tom x ESL!reader
Word count: 5k
Synopsis: moving to London to attend university was difficult, but the language barrier was proving to be more difficult. All seemed bleak until your cute RA made your experience a million times better
Warnings: insecurity with speaking English (yet reader has good conversational skills), reader understands (and prefers) American English rather than British English sorry not sorry
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Everyone can agree that English is a shitshow of a language to learn. Many, if not most, of the words were not pronounced the way they’re written; and don’t even get me started on all of the irregularities.
Your journey learning the English language was rocky, but you knew that the hard work would pay off one day, so that you could travel and watch shows without translations—even if the language looked and sounded like it was created from smashing the keys on a computer keyboard. Yet, English, for all its weirdness, could be fascinating.
Eventually, you would say that you were confident in your abilities to speak and understand English—that is, until you arrived in London to attend university.
“Would you like me to put your luggage in the boot?” Your taxi driver asked you as you walked up to the car. The syllables strung together in a very rapid sentence, and it was hard to distinguish what he actually asked you.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that slower?” You asked politely, your voice soft.
“Your luggage, in the boot?” He did speak a bit slower, but it still didn’t make much sense to you.
You looked at the car quizzically. There were no feet on the car, so why would it need boots? Maybe English isn’t his first language either.
The driver looked at you annoyed before opening the back of the car. “Would you like your luggage back here?” He repeated the sentence so slowly that you felt as though he was making fun of you.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, “yes, please. Thank you for repeating it slower.”
The man placed your luggage in the trunk, no wait, the boot of the car, rolling his eyes as he did so. It made for a less-than-ideal car ride to the university, but it was only a small bump in the road, you figured.
The taxi driver dropped you off on campus. On the flight here, you studied the map of the university so you wouldn’t be lost. However, it was getting dark out, which made it more difficult to point out the landmarks that you had memorized. People whizzed past you on their bikes, couples sauntered close to the walking trail, whereas you were standing in the middle of the sidewalk in your sweats and oversized sweatshirt, confused.
A girl with headphones began to walk past you. “Excuse me,” your voice came out timid. The girl didn’t hear you and continued to walk past you. Another student began to walk past, too engrossed in their own world to look up from their phone. Finally, what looked like a Professor rushed past you. He would definitely know where your student apartment would be located.
“Excuse me, where are the student apartments at?” The professor stopped in his tracks.
“Which ones are you asking about?” He, too, spoke with his words spaced so close together, it was hard to tell where one word started and where one word stopped. You had to pause to think about what he asked you, but you didn’t want to repeat yourself. Instead, you answered the question you think he asked you.
“Um, the Dover ones?”
“Oh,” the guy exhaled, “you’re on the wrong campus. Those flats are near the Guy’s campus, and right now we’re in Waterloo campus.”
You remembered seeing those locations on the map. It seemed close, or at least it did on paper. “Is it far to get there?” You inquired.
“I wouldn’t walk there if I were you. It would be wise to take the tube or a bus, especially with your luggage.”
What in the world is a tube? And why would you ride on it?
“Is the bus stop nearby, or?” You trailed off. He would’ve looked at you funny if you asked him what the tube was, so you decided against doing so.
“It’s just right over there.” The man pointed off in the distance. You had to squint to see what he was looking at, but it did look like there was a bus stop nearby. “There’s also a student shuttle that’ll take you to the flat, it’s probably a safer bet.” He looked down at his watch before looking back at you. “I have a night class to teach, but good luck getting to your flat.”
I’m guessing a shuttle must be another word for a bus. “Thank you!” You called out to him, watching as he sped off. The bus stop was a few minutes away, but it felt longer than it was, due to dragging your luggage behind you. By the time you made it to the stop, a small bus arrived. On the side read “student shuttle”, and when it stopped, the doors flung open. You walked up to the driver, who looked less than thrilled to see you.
“Would this, um, shuttle take me to the Dover apartments?” You asked politely as the bus driver nodded.
“Only if you have your student card.”
“Oh,” you replied, “let me grab it.” The card was stuffed away in your luggage, but you knew you had it. The bus driver looked annoyed as you rummaged around, even huffing when it took a minute.
“Found it.” You stated as you held it up to the driver. He sighed and motioned for you to take a seat. When you were about to sit down, he began to drive, which made you stumble into the seat.
Maybe going to uni here wasn’t the best idea…
15 minutes later, the driver pulled up to the student apartment. “Have a nice night.” He stated with no enthusiasm.
“You too.”
He drove off in a hurry, the fumes making you cough. When you craned your neck to look at the building, you noticed that it looked cute. There were a lot of students walking in and out of the apartment, even though it was late.
Someone held open the door for you while you dragged your luggage in, and even offered to help you carry it to your room.
“I’ve got it, thank you.” You smiled, “I need to check in at the reception.”
The student pointed towards the desk, and walked away. The receptionist was on the phone when you walked up to the desk, but when she was done with her call, she glanced at you.
“You must be new,” she stated while looking at your luggage, “are you here to check into your room that you let?”
Let? Does she mean “rent?” Maybe she did say that, but it could be muddled due to her accent, or it could be the fact that I’m jet lagged and heard her wrong.
“Huh?” You paused, “I’m here to check into my apartment that I rented online.” When you replied, the receptionist looked at you funny.
“We don’t call it an apartment here.” She rolled her eyes, “we call it a flat. And we ‘let’ out the flat, not rent’”. Her tone was exasperated, but you had no idea why. “You’re not in America anymore.”
Way to assume I’m from America, you thought to yourself.
The lady handed you the key to your ‘flat’, before pointing to the stairwell. “Right now, we are on the ground floor, not the first floor like you Americans call it. You’re on the fourth floor, which means you need to go up 4 flights of stairs, and not just 3.” That was probably the only thing she’s said that has made some sense. “You have no idea how many Americans get mixed up and complain that their keys don’t work, so don’t be one of them.” You didn’t have the heart to correct her, so you just nodded. She went back to her desk and waved at you. You waved back, stared at the stairs, and began lugging your bags up four flights of stairs.
The door to your flat was difficult to open, but when you got it open, you trudged through the door. The flat was small, cold, and the walls were painted an oddly vibrant yellow colour, but it was yours.
A knock at the door woke you up from your jet lagged sleep. The soft rays of light shone through the thin curtains, casting its light over you, who was sprawled out on the couch. It’s funny, you didn’t even notice you fell asleep last night.
The knocks escalated, so you shuffled faster to the door. Your hair was probably a tangled mess, and your clothes wrinkled, but you proceeded to answer the knock anyway. As you opened it, a boy with chocolate coloured curls smiled at you. When your eyes met, blush creeped onto his cheeks.
“Oh, hi.” His voice was soft, and his accent sounded nice. Not thick like the other accents you’ve heard since arriving.
“Hi,” you replied with a soft smile.
His gaze turned to the ground, his face still pink. “I heard you were a new student, so I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Tom, the RA for this floor.”
You gave him a polite smile when you introduced yourself. When Tom heard your name, he commented on how pretty it was.
“Thank you,” you smiled, gaze meeting Tom’s. When your eyes met, he looked away hurriedly.
“If there’s anything you need, I’m just down the hall.” He pointed to a room about 4 doors down— it would be hard to miss, since his door had decorations adorning it. “I look forward to seeing you around.”
“Yes,” was your response as you slowly closed the door. When you latched it, you let out a squeal. He was seriously the best looking guy you’ve seen in your whole life, with his chocolate coloured curls, his perfect jawline, and his beautiful smile.
You could get used to seeing him around.
The first day of classes were exhausting in more ways than one. The material went over your head, but most importantly, the professors' accents were so strong, you could hardly understand what any of them were saying.
Attending classes made you feel as though you were underwater, their voices jumbled, the words almost unintelligible.
Dejected, you dragged yourself to your last class of the day, Elizabethan Literature. When you opened the heavy door to the lecture hall, an American accent filled the room.
“Alright class, welcome to Elizabethan Literature. My name is Professor Johnson, and yes, this is really the way I talk.” She chuckled at her own joke, her eyes crinkling as she laughed. “I am from New York, so I have already heard every joke—and bad rendition—of my accent, so please don’t embarrass yourself by trying to mimic my speech.”
Her joking response brought the class to laughter. She seems really nice so far, this might just be my favorite class. Plus, her accent is clear.
“Please open to the first page of King Lear. We’re starting off strong here with a ‘lesser known’ classic from the Bard himself.”
The room became filled with the shuffling of books being opened, the paper creasing with movement. “I’ll begin reading, but feel free to pick up where I leave off.”
The entirety of the lecture was filled with conversation, and general confusion, over what was being read.
“I can hardly understand what any of this means.” Your classmate uttered under his breath, “I might just drop out.”
Me too, you thought. The language is far too complicated for me. I’ll fail the class for sure.
After class, you went up to your professor at her desk. She smiled as she began to put away her laptop.
“Hi professor, I just have a quick question.” Your heart was pounding as you anticipated what her response might be. “I’m thinking of dropping this course, but I wanted to let you know first.”
Professor Johnson gave you a confused look, but before she could answer, you continued speaking, “English is not my first language, and the reading material is hard for me to understand.” Your fingers were shaking, so you placed them in your pockets.
“Trust me, Shakespeare is too complicated for everyone, native English speaker or not.” She laughed, “and I’m speaking from experience. Can you believe Shakespearean English is considered modern?” She paused, glancing at you, giving you a soft smile. “But I completely understand if you’d like to drop my course.”
She was so nice, and understanding. “Maybe I’ll give it a chance after all. It made me feel better to hear that you struggled with it too.” You tapped the edge of the desk with your shoe. “I’m new to the country, and it’s been hard to understand what everyone is saying.”
Professor Johnson laughed heartily, “the British accent is hard to understand, but once you get used to it, it’s not so bad.” She gave you an encouraging smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners, “if you ever come across words you don’t understand, either ask me after class or please email me and I’ll do my best to explain it.”
You nodded politely, “thank you professor. I’ll see you next class.” Turning on your heels, you waved goodbye before leaving the lecture hall.
The walk back to your flat was calming. It was a warm august day, the birds were chirping, the sun beaming down. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Before you knew it, you had been in school for almost a month. As you got into the rhythm of your classes, it seemed as though everything became easier. The language barrier was becoming smaller, but there were still times where you felt like you were back at square one—progress isn’t always linear, after all.
The weather was shifting towards autumnal temperatures, the crisp air making everyone’s cheeks tinged pink. On your way back to your flat after your literature class, you heard music coming from down the hall. When you peeked around, you noticed it was coming from Tom’s room. You hadn’t seen him since he introduced himself, so you walked over to his door and knocked softly.
“Come in.” He called out over the music. The smell of chocolate chip cookies lingered in the air, the heat from the oven warming the room.
“Hi,” you said. When Tom heard your voice, he dropped an egg shell into the batter.
“Hi,” he choked while he picked the egg shell out, “it’s nice to see you.” He dried his hand on a tea towel. “How have classes been? Are they going well?”
Leaning against the counter, you sighed softly. “Yeah, it’s getting better. At first it was hard because I hardly understood anyone, but it’s not so bad anymore.”
Tom titled his head to the right, giving you a confused look. “If you don’t mind me asking, why was it hard to understand people?”
“Oh,” you breathed, “English is not my first language.”
Tom took a step back in disbelief as he audibly gasped. “Really?”
“I would’ve never guessed,” his eyes were still wide with disbelief, “your English is better than mine, and I’m a native speaker.”
Now it was your turn to be in disbelief. “Seriously? Is it that good?”
Tom nodded profusely.
“But I must have an accent, and half the time I cannot think of the right words to say.”
“Trust me,” Tom took a step closer to you, “your English is excellent, and it’s better than you realise. It must not be easy to be in a place where they don’t speak the same language you grew up speaking, but you’re killing it.” Tom rested his right hand on the counter, almost exactly mirroring your stance. “I’m incredibly proud of you.”
His words of encouragement were about to bring tears to your eyes. Here it seemed like you were drowning in a foreign language while being immersed in a foreign culture, but here he was being kind. You knew there was sincerity behind what he was saying. “Thank you Tom, I needed to hear that.”
“And I’ll be here to tell you that anytime you need to.” After that sentence, there was a shift in the air. Tom smiled again before turning back to the batter. “I’ve gotta make like a million biscuits for a bake sale tomorrow, so would you like to help me?” His eyes twinkled as he asked for your help, and you nodded your head yes. He squealed cutely at your response, causing you to laugh.
“On one condition,” you held up a finger, “you let me eat a cookie right now.”
“Deal.” He answered confidently. He watched as you lingered over the cookies that were spread out to cool, choosing one that was soft with plenty of chocolate chunks.
When you bit into the cookie, your mouth upturned into a smile. Your eyes crinkled, and Tom clapped when he saw your reaction.
“I don’t even need to ask if you like it.” He replied confidently, “it’s my mum’s recipe. It’s been in the family forever.”
“Please tell her I love them.” You replied happily, “I’m gonna need to eat like 15 more of them right now.” You reached out for another cookie, but Tom playfully slapped your hand away.
“You can have another one after you help me, you know, like you said you would.” His voice was teasing, playful, maybe even flirty.
“Maybe I’ll sit here and eat the cookies, seems like you’ve got it under control.” You smirked playfully as you quickly snatched another cookie off of the baking sheet.
“Hey!” Tom exclaimed, “I’m gonna revoke your title of beginning apprentice!”
You had learned the word ‘apprentice’ from tv, so you didn’t need to ask him for a translation. “Never!” You gasped dramatically. Tom tilted his head back as he laughed, his laughter lighting up the room. It was a sound you could get used to hearing.
“Alright then, hand me the flour.” He instructed.
It was easy to get in a rhythm while you helped Tom bake. He had a habit of sticking his tongue out while he concentrated, and it took everything in you to not laugh at how cute he looked. He also managed to get some flour dusted onto his chiseled cheek. It was tempting to reach over and wipe it away with your thumb, but you decided against it.
“So,” Tom broke the silence, “may I ask what your native language is?” The way he asked the question, with such carefulness, made heat rise to your already warm cheeks. As you told him, his face lit up.
“That’s so cool!” He exclaimed, “can you please teach me something?”
“That depends, what would you like to learn?”
“Could you point to all of the ingredients and say them?”
You chuckled, “of course.” Pointing at the various items, you slowly and concisely stated what each item was called. Tom intently watched you, even mimicking what you said. Sometimes he got the pronunciation correct, and other times he was way off, but it was so cute to hear him try.
“I think the way you said the eggs was funny.” He commented.
“Well I think the word ‘egg’ is funny. What’s even funnier is that people describe their heads that way. When I first learned that, I couldn’t stop laughing.” The memory brought a laughter that escaped your mouth.
“It must be so fun to learn all the silly little things in a new language.” Tom commented as he shifted his weight to his right leg. He was leaning over the bowl of mixed ingredients. “Could you teach me a funny phrase?”
It took a second to think of one, but when you told Tom one of your favourite ones, and what it meant, he guffawed. “I love it, I’m gonna use it all the time.”
Hearing Tom say that made your cheeks burn. You touched your face softly, “I can’t wait to teach you more things.”
“And I can’t wait to learn.”
A few hours later, both you and Tom were sprawled out on the touch. You felt as though you did an intense workout with the way your arms and shoulders felt. Tom groaned as he shifted in his seat. “I swear I never want to see another biscuit as long as I live.”
“Me either.” You remarked flatly.
“I’m kinda thirsty,” Tom thought aloud, “would you like some hot chocolate?”
“Yes please.” You grinned as you watched Tom walk over to the stove. He poured milk into a saucepan, turned on the heat, and began to stir the milk. Through his shirt, you could see his back muscles move as he stirred slowly. It was hard to look away, but friends don’t stare at the other longingly. Minutes passed quickly, and before you knew it, the drink was ready.
“Would you like some squirty cream on it?” Tom asked as he walked over to the fridge.
“Would I like what?” You answered shockingly, “Tom, I think that’s a bit suggestive.”
Tom snapped his head to the right, his eyes bugged out. “What did I do?”
“You asked if I wanted something squirted onto the chocolate!” It was uncontrolled laughter on your end as you kicked your feet. “That’s the grossest thing I’ve heard!”
“How so?” Tom’s face was beet red, and his demeanour flustered. Once he realised what he said, he let out an awkward giggle. “Oh! I see how that can sound weird. Squirty cream is what we Brits call whipped cream.”
“You’ve gotta be joking.”
“I’m not.” He held the can in his hand, holding it out so it’s pointing towards you. “Come read the label for yourself.”
You padded over to where Tom was standing. He held the can up for you to read—the ‘squirty cream’ was clearly written on the label. “I don’t like that term.”
“I can’t blame you,” he nodded, “it does sound bizarre and borderline gross.” Tom held the nozzle to the mugs and watched as the cream filled the brim of the mug. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Go for it.” You replied as you reached around Tom to grab your mug. The warmth brought comfort to you.
“How did you learn English?”
Before answering, you took a drink of the cocoa. “Through classes, and by watching a lot of American television.”
“Ah, I hope that wasn’t a rude question.”
“Not at all.” You quickly replied.
“Did English come easy to you?” Tom’s voice was soft, “and have you studied for a long time?”
Taking another drink of your hot chocolate, you paused before answering. “For the first question, no.” You shook your head as you remembered your journey with learning the language. “Instead of playing with my friends at recess, my teacher made me stay inside to work on my English homework. I used to sit there and cry because it was so hard, and my teachers were mean about it.” The humiliating memory made your eyes well up with tears. Blinking them away, you continued, “my teacher would ask me why I couldn’t do it, but I didn’t know why. They made me feel dumb, and it made me almost hate English.”
“They shouldn’t have treated you that way.” Tom added sympathetically, “you were trying as hard as you could, so they shouldn’t have been so mean.”
Gosh, he’s so caring.
“We also used to have these, um, exams, where we would have to write out a conversation in English, memorise it, and say it in front of everyone in the class.”
When you paused, Tom spoke up. “That sounds like my worst nightmare, but it would make sense why your conversation skills are so good.”
“You really think so?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
His response made your heart soar. “It was way more fun to watch American tv shows, such as Friends, and to listen to music, to learn new words.”
“Oh, I bet. Textbook learning is no fun.” He smiled before taking a sip of his cocoa. “You know,” Tom clicked his tongue, “I’m really glad you still decided to learn English, even though it was hard. I don’t want to imagine not being able to talk to you at all.”
Heat bloomed in your cheeks, “I’m glad I learned English too, because I like talking to you.” When you looked at Tom, you noticed his cheeks were pink.
“I like talking to you too.” He drank from his cup, took a moment, and continued speaking. “It now makes sense why you say some words in an American accent, because you learned them that way.”
“Wait, really?” You met Tom’s soft gaze.
“That makes sense.” You replied, “I had such a hard time when I came here. I thought English was the same everywhere, but after coming here, I realised that the vocabulary was different.” You set your now empty cup down gently on the counter, and Tom did the same.
At your response, Tom smiled sympathetically. “Americans have weird words for things.”
“Not true.” You refuted, “their words make more sense. I feel like I’m not even speaking the same language as you guys.”
Your comment made Tom laugh in disbelief.
“I’m serious! And don’t get me started on some of the accents I’ve heard here…” you trailed off.
Tom gasped dramatically. “Be careful what you say about our accents!”
“Some of them are so thick that I feel like I need subtitles to understand what they’re saying.” Both you and Tom laughed simultaneously at your comments.
“I will actually give you that one, some people have accents that even I can hardly understand.”
“See!” You playfully poked Tom in the chest. “It’s not just me.”
Tom looked down at your pointer finger where it touched his chest. His face turned pink at the innocent touch. “You’re right, except for the vocabulary thing. I will disagree with you on that until the day I die.”
“Wow.” You exhaled. “It’s like the expression I heard once, about them dying on a mountain, I think.”
“You mean, ‘die on that hill’.” Tom politely corrected as he took a step closer to you. “It means to never stop defending your statement.”
“Exactly, thank you for telling me what it was.”
“Anytime.” Tom brushed his fingers along his forehead to move a loose curl that had landed near his eye. “Hey,” he added, “do you find my accent hard to understand?”
You shook your head no. “Your accent is very easy to understand.”
“What about my speech…am I speaking too fast for you?” Tom glanced down at the bowl of batter on the counter. “I don’t want you to feel like you can’t understand me, you know?” He paused, “but I don’t want to make you feel like a kid who can’t understand what I’m saying. Am I making sense?”
It was heartwarming to see Tom being so considerate of you, and your speaking abilities. In fact, his kindness made your heart skip a beat. “You speak at just the right pace, not too fast or too slow.”
“So just right?” He glanced back at you, making eye contact. His eyes were soft, yet you knew he needed reassurance.
“Yes, just right.”
The space between you and Tom had gotten smaller than you realised. He was so close that you could smell his cologne, and you were so close that he could smell the chocolate from the cookies you ate. “So,” Tom spoke in a hushed tone, “thank you for popping by to help me make biscuits, or as you say, cookies.”
“Anytime,” you whispered back, “I enjoyed myself.”
“Me too.” He replied. You glanced at his soft pink lips as he glanced at yours. His gaze flicked upwards to meet yours, to which you smiled up at him. “I, um, was wondering if… you would—”
A knock at the door caused the both of you to flinch.
“Oi!” A guy shouted while he knocked again on the door. “I finished making the brownies you asked for, have you finished the biscuits?”
“Shit.” Tom muttered under his voice. You watched as he sauntered over to the guy who interrupted you both. “Yeah, I finished them. Give me like a minute.”
“Why?” The guy peeked his head in. When he saw you, he whooped and hollered. “Damn Holland, you have a girl over?”
Tom groaned in response. “You can see her too?” He faked a gasp as he began to close the door on the guy, “now if you’ll excuse me, I was in the middle of something.”
“But I wanna—” Tom shut the door on the guy and locked it swiftly behind him. He leaned against the door, his eyes rolling in response.
“I can hardly stand him, but he’s the other RA on this floor, so I have to collaborate with him quite a bit.”
“I see.” You quietly responded. It makes sense why Tom can’t stand him—neither could you, and you barely met the guy. The atmosphere in the room that had once felt warm now felt awkward. You felt as though you had probably overstayed your welcome.
Tom took a few steps towards you. Once he was standing a foot apart, he rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly. He opened his mouth to talk, but you beat him to it.
“Thank you for letting me spend time with you.”
“Of course.” He meekly responded.
“I’ll get going now.” As you brushed past Tom, you could smell his cologne, the scent irresistible.
“Sure, yeah.” It took every ounce of restraint to not reach out to grab your arm, hoping that you’d stay longer. His hand twitched at the thought, so he stuffed it into his back pocket. “I appreciated the help.”
You hummed in response. “If you ever need help again, or would like more language lessons, you know where to find me.” You raised your arm towards the general direction of your flat.
Tom’s face lit up at the invitation, “and you know where to find me.” He placed his hand on the door handle while you stood in the hallway. “The bake sale is tomorrow at 3pm in the student union, if you’d like to come by and you know, actually pay for the cookies you ate along the way.” His intonation was playful, and he clicked his tongue after he finished speaking.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” You winked while shrugging your shoulders.
“I want you to.” Tom blurted out, his voice laced with hope, desperation even.
His response made your heart pound as your stomach filled with butterflies. You leaned against the wall in an attempt to not fall from being weak in the knees. “I’ll definitely be there, so save me a chocolate chip cookie.”
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a/n; learning and being immersed in an entirely different language than the one you grow up speaking has so many challenges, but can also be so rewarding when you find yourself being able to communicate with others and enjoy films/music from that culture. I know everyone has a different journey, and different experiences, when it comes to learning a language, so I tried to use as many personal experiences—as well as my friend’s experiences—to write this piece. I chose to use American English as the standard that the reader understood because American culture really is everywhere. I didn’t want it to be clichéd, but I also wanted it to be as authentic as possible, so I really hope you not only enjoyed it but resonated with it :)
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vendettaparker · 2 years
The Art of Scraping Through: Chapter Three—Strange Perfections
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Summary: You and Tom finally get a moment to yourselves, leading to a much needed calm. Though after a calm, always follows a storm.
Word Count: 7.8k
Warnings: swearing, angst, relationship drama, mentions of sex, typos
You were thankful for Octavia in moments like this. Moments when you didn’t want to confront your problems, so you instead chose to distract yourself with something else—or in this case, someone else—instead. As promised, you and Tom took Octavia to get ice cream on the way home, and neither of you could get enough of her babblings about her day. She giggled and waved her hands around as she excitedly and animatedly told you about the games she played and the friends she made. 
“And then at snack Miss Mabel gave us goldfish, that’s my favorite,” she exclaimed with a big smile on her face. 
“Really?” you nodded, “We’ll have to buy you some then.” you smiled, wiping her mouth that was getting covered in sticky chocolate. 
“How many kids were in your group?” Tom asked. 
“A lot,” Octavia said, “now I have so many friends like you.”
“You probably have way more than me, kiddo,” Tom chuckled, ruffling her hair. 
By the time you made it back to the house, it was time to have dinner and then get Octavia to bed. All to be done with silence between you and Tom, the only words coming from either of you were whenever Octavia prompted them. Harry eyed the two of you at the dinner table and he could tell something was off. Not wanting to be in the middle of whatever spat you and Tom had going on, he quickly excused himself to his room after the dishes were all in the dishwasher. 
“Come on, O,” you walked into the living room, drying your hands with a dish rag as you spoke, “it’s time for bed.” It was well past her bedtime actually, but she kept both you and Tom distracted from each other, so neither of you enforced your previous rule of ‘In bed by eight’. 
“Okay,” Octavia yawned, setting her dolls into their little bed inside her dollhouse before getting up and meeting you at the stairs, “tuck me in?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, following her up the stairs. She didn’t put up a fight over bedtime (she hardly ever did) this time because she was already so tired after such an exhausting day. You were thankful for that, not thinking you’d be able to handle a tantrum right now. 
When you came back downstairs, Tom was busy on his laptop, answering emails with Bob’s Burgers, your favorite show, streaming in the background. You sat on the same couch as him but kept your distance. You curled in on yourself, feeling almost awkward as you watched the show before you. 
Still, even after he closed his laptop and turned the lights off, Tom didn’t say a word to you. He just watched the show in silence alongside you. You watched his every move—the furrow in his brow, the clench of his jaw—and internalized it. Even just the slight twitch of his lips, as if he was itching to say something, made you feel attacked. Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Are you mad at me?” you asked quickly. 
“Yes,” Tom answered honestly, not bothering to look away from the TV. 
You didn’t say anything else for the rest of the episode. There were only ten minutes left and you’d seen this one hundreds of times surely, but for some reason, it felt like it went on for eternity, especially now that you had Tom’s anger weighing on your mind. 
What would you even say? You understood why Tom was upset. It was quite simple really, and part of you even knew that you were in the wrong, but the other part of you still wanted to keep fighting. Just imagining talking to Tom about your past, fearing he wouldn’t understand why you did what you did, made you sick. Eventually, after what felt like hours of excruciating silence, you said the only thing you could think of. 
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly, tears in your waterline threatening to fall.
Tom sighed, finally looking at you, at how small you seemed at that moment. This was probably the most vulnerable you’ve ever been with him so far, and yet all it was was a short apology and a few tears. 
“(Y/N),” Tom reached over and placed his hand on your ankle, “I still love you, I just—” he shook his head, “I just want you to be able to talk to me. If you feel like you can’t talk to me about your past, then what are we doing? You have to…” Tom sighed, “trust me.” 
“I do trust you, Tom.”
“You’ve said that before,” Tom pressed his lips into a thin line, “and if it were true then we wouldn’t be at odds right now.” 
You knew he was right. This hadn’t been the first time Tom’s been frustrated with your communication, it’s just been the longest he’s taken to forgive you and the harshest he’s been with his anger. 
“I’m just frustrated,” Tom said, getting up from his seat. “I’m gonna go get a pillow from our room and sleep on the couch tonight.” 
“No, wait,” you grabbed Tom’s wrist, “please don’t.” 
“I’m really tired, (Y/N),” Tom sighed, “let’s just go to bed.” 
“I don’t want to go to bed fighting.” 
“We don’t always get what we want,” Tom shrugged, pulling away from you and heading for the stairs.
Tom expected you to make your way up to bed as well. You were tired after the day and the next was just as busy, as your days always were, and it was already pushing midnight. He didn’t expect to find you still in the living room with your head in your hands, crying. He seldom saw you cry. He did a couple of weeks ago, but it seemed even then that you were unaware of the strong emotions you were feeling, maybe even fighting them off like you were so attuned to. But this time, you were fully accepting it. You let the tears fall freely as you tried to wipe them away, one after the other. 
When you saw Tom watching you, you looked up at him with the most pitiful looked he’d ever seen. Your brows were furrows and your mouth was set in a deep frown, bottom lip quivering. It took a few tries to find your voice and when you did, it was unsure, as if you were telling a secret, and in a way you were. 
“My brother got my parents killed three weeks after I turned eighteen,” you told Tom, leaning forward on your elbows against your thighs, “and when he…” you took a breath, “when he was taken into custody for the accident, I didn’t bail him out, even though I had the money to. So he didn’t get to go to their funeral, I wouldn’t let him.”
“Darling,” Tom dropped his pillow and blanket and sat next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and let you rest in his embrace. 
“I don’t like talking about it because it makes me sad,” you sniffled, “and because I feel bad about what I did. I never forgave him before he died, and I—” you cut yourself off with a sob, “I feel worse because I don’t think I do. I can’t forgive him. He took something so important from me. My mom and dad were my whole world, Tom,” you looked up at him, “I loved them so much. I never wanted to go back home even after Chet go out of jail because it just hurt too bad. It still hurts so fucking much to even talk about…”
Tom took your in his and rubbed soothing circles on the back of it with his thumb, an assurance that he was listening, “When I came to New York, I went straight from audition to audition,” you explained, “and I liked it that way. I didn’t have time to be sad, and when I was acting then I wasn’t me. I got to be someone else who was better than I am. I got to be someone who handled things better than I ever could and who didn’t let all of this family drama crush her.”
“There is no one better than you, (Y/N),” Tom took your face in his hands and wiped your tears away, “and this isn’t some petty family drama—this is serious stuff. This is the kind of stuff I want you to be able to talk about, even if it makes you sad because the only way to move past all of it is to confront it.” 
You pulled away with a shake of your head, “I sound so stupid,” you sniffled, “I hate sounding so…needy and broken.” 
“No, no,” Tom pressed a kiss to your head, “you don’t sound like that at all. You sound like someone who’s held it all in for too long. I love you so much, and I would never hold any of that against you.”
“Can we just go to bed?” you asked in a small voice. 
Tom nodded with a hum, “Do you want me to come up with you?”
You nodded against Tom’s shoulder and let him lead you up to your room, where he held you throughout the night. 
“So you two made up?” Emily asked as the two of you drove to set after dropping Octavia off at daycare. 
“I guess,” you shrugged, “but I don’t know. I still feel really bad and I feel like I just completely trauma dumped on him last night. I hate doing that.” 
“You definitely didn’t,” Emily said, “he was literally begging you to be more open. Besides, it was actually traumatic what you went through and Tom kind of has a right to know.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “still, I just feel crummy today. Do we have time to get a coffee?” 
“No, but I can drop you off and grab one,” Emily offered. 
“Okay, that works,” you nodded, “also, messages? I’ve been awol for a day from my phone.” 
“Right,” Emily pulled up her notes. She always kept a list of things she needed to relay back to you. “Filming ends this Friday and there’s a wrap party you and Tom already RSVPed to on Saturday night at Copacabana. There’s also a mini get-together at Lightbox that Brad is hosting, no need to RSVP, but you should probably let him know if you’re going or not. I left room for you to go if you want. I can watch Octavia that night, but not Saturday but I have a list of the babysitters that Brad recommends.” 
“Okay,” you nodded, “continue.” 
“Um, let’s see,” Emily scrolled through her phone, “you have a photoshoot on Sunday for Versace, their new collection of scarves, they sent you a package they also want you to post sometime this week, but I can get that done and scheduled for you. Monday you have time in the studio scheduled and then a meeting with Buzzfeed. They want to film a puppy interview with you connected to this next project. Then Tuesday you go to Cannes for the film festival. I have several designers that have reached out asking to dress you, let me know which one you want me to get back to—”
“Wait, you haven’t picked a designer yet?” you asked. 
“No,” Emily looked up from her phone, “I wanted to leave it up to you.”
“Did you tell the director of the festival that I’d be attending?” 
“Not yet, I figured you’d want to announce that with the designer you’d be wearing, but I did get the plane ticket already, so that’s all set up—”
“Cancel it,” you decided.
“Cancel it. I can go next year and I went two years ago, it’s really not like I’m missing anything. Plus, it doesn't have any plus ones so I can’t take O, and I doubt she’d enjoy sitting there for hours on end anyways.” 
“What do I have scheduled for after I get back?” 
“Um,” Emily scrolled further down in her notes, “let’s see. I have some meetings lined up but that’s pretty much it, then there’s some free space I’m working on getting filled, and then press begins.” 
“Hm,” you thought for a moment, “how many of those meetings can be rescheduled or canceled?” 
“Well, all of them I guess, but—”
“Okay, then reschedule the ones that have to be in person and change all the other ones to an email. I hate going to meetings that could’ve just been emails.”
“Okay,” Emily nodded, “but what about you? You’ll be free for the next three weeks then—”
“Exactly,” you smiled, “so then I can go to London with Tom. I’ve been dying to see his family again and they’ve been asking to meet O. It works better this way.”
You were pulling up to set as Emily began frantically tapping away at her phone, no doubt rearranging the schedule and making notes of who she needed to call to cancel and reschedule you with. 
You dug into your purse for a couple of tens to hand Emily before you got out of the car. “Get me a venti caramel iced macchiato with almond milk and extra caramel drizzle, and get something for yourself too.” 
“Okay,” Emily took the money before going back to her phone, “I’ll get to calling and rescheduling these for you. I’ll have the schedule done and updated by lunch.” 
After last night Tom didn’t know what to think or feel. He left hours before you’d even gotten up to go for a run and clear his mind, and then the minute he got back, he hopped into the shower, avoiding any interaction with you. He and Harry were out the door as you got Octavia ready for daycare. 
“I think (Y/N) is going through a lot right now,” Harrison said over the phone that was connected to the car as Tom and Harry drove to set. Harrison was Tom’s go-to for advice. Being his best mate ‘n all, Harrison always knew what to say and always only had Tom’s best interests at heart. “She’s shut down emotionally and that’s not an easy fix in someone.” 
“I know,” Tom sighed, “and last night, I feel like I pushed her too far. I mean, I know I had a right to be angry and annoyed, but still, seeing her so upset—I didn’t mean to hurt her like that. I know she had some stuff that she didn’t want to talk about, but this is some next-level shit. Like, her family issues are so fucked up.” 
“Well, maybe that’s actually what you two needed. That honesty time probably felt really freeing for her. Do you think she’d be interested in therapy?” Harrison suggested.
“Yeah, maybe,” Tom mumbled, “but I don’t know. I don’t even wanna bring that up right now. She’s in a fragile place and she’s stressed with work so I just don’t think that would go over well. She seemed shut down this morning. I guess she might’ve just been tired, but I can't help but feel like I did something wrong. I mean, I was really fucking mad at her, but the second I saw her crying, I didn’t really care about my own feelings anymore. Now I just feel bad for being mad in the first place.”
“Tom,” Harrison sighed, “you’re allowed to be upset with someone, even the people you love. I think that the fact that her crying made you stop caring about your own emotions kind of goes to show how much you love her, but at the same time, validate your own feelings, mate. If you two can fight about something and still love each other just the same, then that’s something real. Maybe the therapy thing is something you could both use? ” 
“Couples therapy? I don’t know… I’ve heard some really shitty things about that.”
“Just an idea, mate. You never know until you try it. My aunt and uncle almost got divorced until they gave a marriage counselor a go and no they’re going on forty years of marriage this March. I don’t think I’ve ever seen either of them happier.”
“Yeah, you’re right, Haz,” Tom agreed, “It’s something to consider. I want to be with (Y/N) and I love her more than anything. I never want to see her hurt, but I need to feel loved too.” 
“(Y/N) always puts on a brave face,” Harry added to the conversation, “it’s time she let her guard down. If you wanna ask her to marry you then—”
“Wait, you’re proposing?!” Harrison yelled, his voice booming through the speakers of the car, causing Harry to swerve and nearly knock out a fire hydrant. 
“Fuck, div!” Tom cursed, as his hot coffee splashed onto his arm. He slapped Harry’s arm harshly. 
“You didn’t tell him?” Harry asked, taking a breath to collect himself. 
“No,” Tom said, “the only reason you know is because you’re a nosy fucker who found the ring.” He rolled his eyes, wiping up the hot coffee with some napkins he’d found in the glove box. 
“You already have a ring?!” Harrison’s voice was heard again blasting through the car. 
All you had left was reshoots. Reshoots, touchups, and then promo shots, and you were done. Eight months of work finally to an end, and satisfactory work at that. Nothing felt better than hearing the director's final cut and the applause of the crew. Well, perhaps one thing felt better. 
“Tom? Can we talk?” 
You hadn’t really talked to Tom at all throughout the day, which was unusual. You had seen him of course, and you had been happy to, but you were also so busy between talking with Emily, taking calls, and working on your schedule. Tom didn’t know that though, so when you came up to him, almost hesitantly, asking to talk, after the uneasiness between the two of you, he could only expect the worst. 
So he said, “Do we have to?” 
“Look, if this is about us or our relationship, I’d just rather not talk about it.” 
“Oh,” you looked down and rubbed your arms. Tom winced at the way you physically seemed to curl into yourself. 
“No, I mean—” Tom sighed and reached out for you, only for you to pull away, only minutely, “I just don’t want to make any rash decisions right now. I know we’re in a weird place, but I think we should just give it time.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, “I—I’m not breaking up with you…” 
“You’re not?” 
“No, I just wanted to tell you that I canceled my trip to Cannes and all the meetings after so I could go to London with you…” you paused and bit your lip, “if you’re okay with that, I mean,” you added. 
“Darling,” Tom’s voice softened as did his eyes, “of course I’m okay with that. That’s all I could ever want.” He went to hug you, but you backed away before he could wrap his arms around you. You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed, clearly annoyed. 
“I can’t believe you thought I was breaking up with you.” 
“Darling, I really didn’t think that—” Tom tried, but you just sighed and waved your hand in dismissal. 
“It’s fine,” you said.
“No, I just mean that—I mean, yes, I was worried when you asked if we could talk, but I’ve just been in this weird place lately and things between us have been weird, and I don’t know. I just got scared. I’m sorry,” Tom took your hands in his. 
“I’m just kind of annoyed that you’d think I’d be so reckless. Like, why would I end such an important relationship over some trivial fights? I feel like a lot of this is miscommunication maybe, and it’s just upsetting that you think I’d drop you over something so dumb.” 
“No, I don’t think that at all,” Tom said, “really, I think you’re the most planned out, organized person I know, like when it comes to your job—”
“But not when it comes to you?” 
“No,” Tom shook his head, “I didn’t mean it like that,” he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face, “can we just not make this into a fight?” 
You pressed your lips into a thin line and nodded, “Yeah, that would probably be best. I have to go to my dressing room anyways,” you pointed your thumb behind you before walking away. 
Octavia was just a simple, easy-going little girl. You had to hand it to Chet, as much as you hated him, he raised a perfect little angel. That was more than helpful with how the busy schedule you had her on. So when you had to pack things up and head to London, she was more than contented with helping you pick some outfits and toys for her to take. 
“Remember last time we went on a plane ride?” you asked her as you held her little hand in yours in the car. 
“Mhm,” she nodded, not looking up from her little stuffy, the same she’d carried around like an extension of herself since Tom got it for her.  
“Remember how many people there were? That was pretty scary.” 
“Yeah, I don’t like that,” Octavia said. 
“So how about this time you let me hold you? Does that sound okay?” 
“Can Tom hold me?” Octavia asked, looking up at you with bright eyes and a smile on her adorable little face.
She was nearly impossible to say no to. That’s the one flaw you found in this parenting thing you had going on—whenever she looked at you like you owned the world, it just made you want to give it all to her. 
You playfully pouted, “you don’t want me to hold you?”
“Maybe next time,” she offered, “but you have to take turns.” 
It seemed almost like Octavia was aware of her adorableness, she was always admonishing you whenever she thought you were hogging her away from the other people in your lives. She learned all about sharing and taking turns at daycare. She even recited the same motto you’d known since youth as if she were teaching you a very valuable lesson.“Sharing is caring.” 
“You’re very right,” you smiled, ruffling her hair. 
The airport would always be a place that gave you anxiety, especially now that you had a child to look out for. Although you and Tom walked as quickly as you could to your gate, it was impossible not to be seen or recognized. Even more so now that you had something that kept everyone on the edge of their seats. 
It was almost comical how obsessed your fanbase could be. Keyword: almost. There were cute little instances where people would show their love and admiration for you by making fan edits or photo collages and tagging you in them. Back when you were young and fresh-faced into the scene of showbiz, you’d attempt to respond to as many as you could, but now, there were hundreds—thousands a day—you scarcely had the time. Then, there were instances—many instances—where people took their obsession too far. 
It started on Twitter—as it usually does—when the paparazzi pictures of you and Tom at the airport with Octavia were posted. Then after that, any moment that you were outside of the house with Octavia seemed to get captured, even if you never saw the person who took the picture. 
It wasn’t uncommon for you to get stopped in the street and asked for pictures, but you tried not to oblige whenever you had Octavia with you. Tom, however, could never say no to a fan. So Octavia ended up on his hip for a few shots that inevitably ended up on the internet for everyone to see. 
Most people thought that you and Tom had adopted. Some thought that you’d taken your relationship to the next level, eloped, and adopted a little girl. That wasn’t that crazy of a theory. Reading some of the subreddits for it even made your heart melt, considering that everyone had held you and Tom's relationship in such high regard. 
Then there were a few theorists who thought that Octavia was a baby of yours that you had kept secret and hidden for years. They noticed the little features that the two of you shared, and you had to admit that Octavia and you did bear quite a resemblance, but the timeline these people came up with was too messy to be taken seriously. 
Then there were the people in between—this was a popular crowd—who assumed that you and Tom had gotten a surrogate. It meshed the two theories into one that made the most sense. You had to at least give these people credit, they were persistent in their need for answers. 
So far, though, nobody had actually correctly discovered how Octavia came into your custody. How could they? The story was way more complex than what everyone seemed to speculate. Everyone seemed to think she was a product of true love between you and Tom and your undying devotion to one another, but in reality, her past and yours were much darker. Nobody about ever figured it out on their own though—not with the rose-colored lenses they wear. 
Now, though, you could go as far as to say that maybe you hated your fans. At least, these ones, at moments like this. 
“Tom! (Y/N)!” They screamed at the airport. How could they not be embarrassed for causing such a scene, you thought.
“Could we get a picture? Please?!” 
“What’s your daughter’s name? How old is she?” 
“Can you sign my movie poster?! It’s in my carry-on!” 
“Can we get a picture with your daughter?” 
It took everything in you to not turn around and yell at everyone to leave you the hell alone. You tried to keep your image clean and keep your fans happy, but this was too much. 
“Tom,” you eyed him as you made it to security, making sure he had Octavia securely in his arms. He nodded in understanding and handed her over to you while he took his shoes and belt off. 
“Are you okay, pretty girl?” you asked softly, pushing her hair from her face.
“Mhm,” Octavia nodded, “but I don’t wanna be held.” She began to squirm in your arms. 
“Okay,” you chuckled, “but you still have to hold my hand, kid.” 
Octavia was an easily contented child, so the seven-hour plane didn’t seem to bother her much, especially when Tom got some movies going for her. 
“Are you sure your parents are okay watching her?” you asked, resting your head on his shoulder. Octavia had her headphones on and her eyes glued to the screen in front of her as she sat next to you.
“They practically begged me,” Tom assured you.
“I just feel bad,” you sighed, “I feel like we kind of sprung this on them.”
“Maybe,” Tom said, “but O is the sweetest little girl, they’re going to love her. My mom’s thinking about making some cookies together and then taking her to Dock Beach.”
You and Tom decided to take an entire day and night to celebrate your anniversary, leaving Octavia in the very capable hands of his parents. It worked out well, considering Tom had told them all about Octavia and how she came into your care, his parents were surprised, but more than happy for you. They’d always wanted grandkids, and while you didn’t know how long it’d be until you were ready for kids on your own, you felt relieved knowing that Dom and Nikki would get the chance to get to know Octavia, who was much like your own daughter at this point. 
“That sounds fun,” you smiled, “I think she’ll like that.” 
“As for us,” Tom whispered in your ear, “I have a few surprises up my sleeve.” He pressed a soft kiss to your neck, taking his time to really savor the softness of your skin against his lips before pulling away. 
“Do you now?” you hummed. 
“Mhm,” Tom smirked, “we have a lot of time to make up for.”
“Ew,” Octavia covered her eyes after looking over at the two of you. She shoved her teddy bear which scarcely left her grip since she’d been gifted it, between your faces. 
“You can have some too, silly girl,” you chuckled before attacking her with a barrage of kisses on her chubby little cheeks. 
“(Y/N),” she giggled, scrunching her nose as she laughed. Tom couldn’t help but notice the same little tick you did whenever he tickled you. 
“Mom!” Sam called as he opened the door, carrying Octavia’s bags in his hand, “Tom and (Y/N) are here!” 
When Octavia first met Sam, her little head tilted to the side as she looked up at him. “Harry?” she asked, confused since she swore Harry did not come on the flight with them. 
“No,” Sam shook his head with a laugh, “I’m Sam.” 
You bent down to Octavia’s level, crouching behind her as you explained, “Sam and Harry are twins, O. So they have the same birthday and they look very very similar.” Octavia nodded along as you spoke, “and Tom is their brother, but he doesn’t have the same birthday as them and he looks a little more different.” 
“He’s tinier!” Octavia pointed out. 
“Yes,” you giggled, “he is a little tinier.” 
“By one inch!” Tom called from the driveway, where he was getting your bags, “and not everywhere!”
You shot Tom a look but were only met with his raised eyebrows and smirk. He always got a little cocky (no pun intended) when it came to his lack of height, but not so much so with length. 
Nikki came barreling down the stairs as fast as she could before scooping you up into a hug, “(Y/N)! It’s so good to see you!” she cooed. 
“Nikki,” you smiled, “I’ve missed you.” 
She was much like the mother you lost, and to her, you were the daughter she never had but always wanted. 
“Have you been eating enough, dear?” she pulled away and looked over your frame, “I have some leftover pork roast in the fridge I can heat up if your hungry? What about you, Tom?” she looked over at her oldest, who had Octavia’s hand in his as she hid behind his leg. “Oh, look at her,” Nikki cooed, her attention immediately averted, “she’s precious.” 
Tom squeezed Octavia’s hand, “Hey, kiddo, come say hi.” 
“It’s alright,” you nodded her along. 
“Hi there,” Nikki crouched down, “I’m Nikki.” she held out her hand. 
“You’re Tom’s mommy?” Octavia asked. 
“Yes I am,” Nikki smiled, “and Sam and Harry’s too. I have another son named Paddy.” 
“That’s a lot of kids. I like Tom,” Octavia nodded, giving a hand to Nikki. 
Nikki laughed, “Yes, well he’s alright, but he was nowhere near as adorable as you. What’s your name?” 
“O!” Octavia said with a smile. 
“Octavia,” Tom explained, “but we call her O.” 
“Okay, O,” Nikki took her hand, “well why don’t we go into the kitchen and get you something to eat, hm? I’m sure you’re hungry after such a long flight.” Octavia nodded and let Nikki lead her away. “Would you like something to drink, (Y/N)? I just got this amazing glass of chardonnay and I’ve been looking for an excuse to open it.” 
“Sure,” you followed the two of them, “I’ll have a glass.” 
“Oh, Tom,” Nikki turned back, “your dad is in his office, I don’t think he can hear much with that bloody door closed. Could you grab him?”
Tom nodded and walked off down the hall. 
“So,” Nikki smiled as she poured you a glass of wine. Octavia was sitting cozily in your lap, munching away on some crisps, “how have you been? I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve last seen you.” 
“Well, a lot has changed,” you chuckled, “but all for the better, right O?” Octavia nodded, mouth full of crumbs falling from her lips.  
“A child as precious as her is a blessing,” Nikki smiled, “although, I am sorry to hear about your brother. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate—”
“Nikki, you’re too kind,” you shook your head, “just being here with you is enough. It’s nice to have a break every once in a while. I’m sure Tom is thrilled to be back in London.”
“I honestly didn’t think you were coming along,” Nikki said, “he told me you’d be in France.” 
“I moved some things around, I really wanted to be here with you guys.” 
“Are you two alright?” Nikki asked, “He seemed…well, he seemed a bit cross when I last spoke to him.” 
You sighed and took a sip of your wine, “He probably was,” you admitted, “things have been really stressful lately, and I can admit, I haven’t been the most attentive to him.” 
Nikki nodded along. “Well, he’s an adult. He doesn’t need attending to.” 
You forced a small chuckle. “If only that were the case.” 
Tom kept his hand on your thigh as he drove. He always did, even as early on as your first date. It was a comfort for both of you. You loved feeling his finger gently drawing patterns on your skin, and he loved knowing you were near as he kept his eyes on the road. 
On the ride home after your first date, Tom spent nearly twenty minutes debating if he was allowed to hold your hand as he drove. He worried about coming on too strong and making you uncomfortable. Finally, he mustered up the courage to reach out for your hand, but he failed to realize that your hand was no longer over your thigh. He played it off though, giving your thigh a squeeze as if that were always his intention. You looked over at him and smiled, placing your hand over his for the rest of the ride. 
“Where’re you taking me?” You asked as Tom passed the restaurant you two frequented, your first guess of where you thought he planned to spend your anniversary dinner. 
“It’s a surprise, love,” Tom smiled, “don’t you like surprises?” 
“I’m coming around to them,” you joked, eyeing the car seat in the back of the car. 
“Do you think she’s okay?” Tom asked, “Maybe we should give them a call.”
“We’ve only been on the road for ten minutes,” you pointed out, “I’m not sure how much trouble she could get into in ten minutes.”
“I have a list of things.”
“Tom,” you laughed, “she’s with your parents, don’t you trust them?” 
“I do, I do,” Tom nodded, “but also I don’t.” 
“Oh God,” you rolled your eyes, taking the hand on your thigh and giving it a squeeze.
Tom ended up reserving a room in a restaurant along the River Thames. It was a gorgeous place with vines hanging from the ceiling and beautiful chandeliers lighting every room. For dinner, he had the chef prepare a four-course meal, and the only instruction he gave him was the ring to put in your dessert. 
“Tom, this place is gorgeous,” you beamed up at the atmosphere of the restaurant as you sat down.
Tom smiled, “Yeah, it’s my parent's favorite. They always have their anniversaries here. They actually had their wedding reception in this room.”
“Mhm, and they always come back here. It’s kind of a family thing now. I think Sam wanted to be a chef here at one point.” 
“He could,” you nodded, “he’s so talented.” 
The waiter came by with a bottle of wine, holding it out for Tom. “Mr. Holland, this is our Joesph Phelps Napa Valley Red Blend,” he said as he poured a glass for Tom, “it’s silky with notes of fruit and flora, it also has smooth tannins and a long finish. Chef Jamie recommends it to pair with your first course and entree.” 
Tom took a sip and held it in his mouth for a moment before swallowing. He nodded and motioned for the waiter to pour you a glass. “That’s lovely, thank you.” 
“Of course, sir. Your first course should be out shortly.” 
You took a sip of the wine and your eyes go wide. “Holy shit,” you have another sip, “that’s fucking spectacular.” 
“I know!” Tom smiled, “It took everything in me not to moan.” 
You laughed. “Well don’t hold back on my account.” 
“I never do,” Tom chuckled. 
The first course was a cheese tray, prepared specially by the chef. It had the most expensive cheeses the restaurant had to offer, as well as some imported from France, purely for the occasion. 
The next course was a soup, it seemed to be some sort of lemon tortellini with dill and spinach, as well as a creamy base. “This,” you motioned down to your bowl, “is heavenly. It’s like Jesus cum—”
“What?” Tom choked on his noodle.
“You know,” you smiled, trying to hold back your laughter, “like if Jesus came, this is what it would taste like…”
Tom laughed out loud at that, happy to hear your strange sense of humor after weeks of stressful work and filming. “You can’t possibly be that drunk right now,” he laughed, “we’re only on the second course!”
“You know wine goes straight to my head,” you said as you finish off your glass. For the second course, it was a white sauv blanc. You couldn’t remember the name for the life of you, but it paired amazingly with the soup
“I can tell, darling. Your face is beet red.” 
“It is?” you held a hand up to your cheek, feeling how warm your skin had gotten; it was scorching, “Oh gosh, I must look so silly right now.”
“No, no,” Tom took your hand in his, “you look absolutely gorgeous, love.”
“Stop it,” you pulled your hand away, “this restaurant is too nice to get all horny in.” 
Tom gasped, “Are you accusing me of trying to seduce you?” 
“No,” you shook your head, “I’m accusing you of succeeding to seduce me.” 
“We should wrap up these next few courses then,” Tom suggested with a smirk, “they might be too hard to get through.” 
You shook your head, attempting to fight the smile making its way onto your face. 
The next course was your entree. A rack of lamb braised with a pesto-lemon sauce, over a dollop of garlic mashed potatoes. 
“Oh fuck me,” you moaned after taking a bit of the lamb. It was dripping juice as it practically melted on your tongue. 
“I intend to,” Tom smirked. 
“Shush, I’m talking to the lamb,” you say with your mouth full, hand placed gently over your lips. 
“Oi, fuck you,” Tom laughed. 
“Thought you intended to?” You said with a raised brow. 
“Bloody hell, I forgot what an insufferable drunk you are.”
“I am not drunk,” you gasped, feigning offense, “I don’t get drunk, I just have fun.”
“You can’t Linda Belcher your way out of this one,” Tom laughed. 
“Hmph, just watch me,” you said, taking the last sip from your glass and holding it up to be filled again. 
After your main course was cleared, Tom was on the edge of his seat. He’d already had three glasses of wine and was debating a fourth. He knew once the dessert came out, then there’d be no more second guessing—no more turing back or taking back his words. Once your dessert was placed in front of you, the question that had been weighing on his mind would finally be out there, staring you down. 
He knew the future scared you—maybe even a little more than the past—hell, it scared him too. But he also knew that these moments were precious. Watching you relax all night, seeing your wheezing laugh again, he couldn’t help but fall in love all over again. He knew that, while the future may scare him, it would be much scarier to face without you by his side. 
“Tom?” You reached out and placed a hand on his, “you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Tom smiled, “I’m perfect.” He took your hand and placed a kiss on it, right on your ring finger, “I love you so much, (Y/N).” 
“I love you too, Tom,” you gave his hand a squeeze, “more than anything.” 
Tom could see out of the corner of his eye the waiter coming down the hall with the desserts. He played with your fingers, imagining the diamond ring he bought right on that ring finger. “(Y/N),” he said, looking up into your eyes, “you know I would do anything for you, right? I-I love you so much—I swear, I’ve never felt this way before.” 
“Tom,” you smiled, “where’s all of this coming from?” 
“I never want to be a part from you,” Tom said honestly, “even when we’re thousands of miles away from each other, I like knowing deep down that you’re mine.”
“Tom—” you were interrupted when your dessert was placed in front of you. You turned to the waiter with a sweet smile, completely ignoring the words written in chocolate sauce in front of you, “thank you,” you smiled brightly before he walked off. 
“(Y/N),” Tom pulled your attention back—to him though, not the dessert in front of you. 
“Hey, where’s yours?” You finally looked down. The hand holding Tom’s went limp as your read his question. 
It was a chocolate mousse cake, your favorite dessert when made correctly, and this one looked heavenly. It was topped with a strawberry and coated in cocoa powder. The wording below, written in chocolate sauce read, “Marry me?”, simple and beautiful. The ring was placed daintily at the end of the ‘Y’, where it twisted and curled. 
“(Y/N),” Tom’s eyes were filled with tears as it seemed to take forever for you to read those two simple words, “I have loved you ever since I’ve known you, and I will love you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?” 
“Tom…” you looked up at him, tears in your eyes, glistening on the edge of your lower lid, “I—I think this sobered me up.” 
Tom laughed, a watery hearty chuckle, “I figured it would,” he said. 
“I-I don’t know what to say,” you said, tears falling down your cheeks. “Tom, this is—”
“Too much?” Tom frowned, seeing the doubt in your eyes. 
“Too soon,” you clarified, taking his hand in yours as his face fell. “Tom, I love you, and I want nothing more than to be your wife, truly. But, we’ve only just begun. I have no doubt in my mind that you’re my soulmate and that we’re meant to be, but I’m not ready to settle down just yet.” 
Tom released a shaky breath and wiped his eyes before the tears could fall. “Then when?” he asked quietly. 
“When, (Y/N)?” he looked up at you with disappointment in his eyes. “Because as much as I love you, I can’t wait forever.”
When you were six and Chet was eight, there was a girl that lived three houses down from you. Her name was Tammy, she was ten. 
Tammy was always bigger than you, always stronger than you, and in her words, smarter than you. The three of you would play in the cul-de-sac together, riding your bikes and chasing one another. It was no surprise when one day, Tammy declared that she loved Chet. 
Despite her harassment, Chet seemed infatuated with her as well. This wasn’t to say that he didn’t tell her off, because boy, could he tell her off. He’d call her a priss and a brat whenever she’d pull your hair. He’d promise to stop playing with her if she kept it up. And over time, what used to be hatred between the two of you, became silent distaste—all to keep Chet by her side. 
When high school came around, it was Tammy that introduce Chet to drugs. Whatever she could bum off her uncle was free game for them. Molly, edibles, shrooms, LSD, acid—whatever she could get her hands on, she’d offer to Chet first. Her crush never ended. 
So maybe, part of you did blame Tammy for the events that took place your senior year. Maybe Tammy should’ve taken all the blame, but at the end of the day, Chet had a choice. And as much as you loved Octavia, she was a product of his choices. She was Tammy’s daughter. 
When you looked at her, you would’ve never known. Nothing from Tammy came through. Not her dirty blonde hair or her split ends. Not her crooked teeth or freckles. It was all Chet. His dark hair, his brown eyes, his tan skin. It made it easy to look at her and forget her other half—the rotten half. 
But as much as you try to run from the past, you can’t escape it. A lesson you and Tammy both would have to learn. 
Salt Lake City, Utah. That’s where Tammy found herself. Working as a waitress at a Mom and Pop diner called Eddies. That’s where the tabloid with your face plastered on the front, along with her daughter’s, made its way into her hands. 
“What’s this?” She said, recognizing you instantly. The customer at the counter flipped the page over so she could see. 
“(Y/N) had a baby, I guess,” he said, “Shame though, kids are a lot of work. I hope her Victoria's Secret Christmas ad still comes out this year.”
Tammy scoffed, “Who’d wanna see that tramp on a VS ad?” 
“Lots of people, myself included,” the man chuckled. 
Tammy could never escape you it seemed. 
When she was little, she envied you for the mere fact that you had Chet. You were the closest person to him. He defended you no matter what. Now at twenty-nine, she still wanted what you had. Money, fame, talent, recognition—you were always thrown in her face one way or another. 
It was the driving force that finally separated her from Chet. Chet was working at a construction company,—a low-level job that only paid enough to keep a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. Tammy wanted more. She wanted another chance. So she left—went to Malibu, then Cancun, then Florida. Each place she went, she blew her cash so fast that she had no other choice but to start again. And each place she went just bored her more than the last. 
She studied the tabloid. She inspected your expression, coming right out of the airport with Octavia on your hip. She squinted her eyes, noticing something on the child’s neck. And there, right before her, the same one she sported on her neck, was a birthmark. A small tan spot, no bigger than a nickel. 
It was then that Tammy knew how to get her recognition. 
And with that, get her daughter back.
A/N: wow. so so sorry this took so long to get out. i really do love this series so much and i am extremely determined to finish it. i took a hiatus when i moved states from my hometown and now that i’m back home, i feel better than ever. i’m not sure how much you guys know about my move, but long story short, it didn’t go as planned at all. now that i’m back home, i’m focusing a lot on myself and the thing i love to do; which include writing for you guys. please please please share your thoughts and feelings on this chapter—it’s my favorite so far :)
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thollandneedy · 3 months
Needy- Tom Holland
A/n: I was listening to "You're the right one" by Sports while i was writing, so just in case you guys need a song to listen to while reading, here it is.
Warnings: Explicit language and Sexual content (And Frat!Tom being a complete SLUT for Y/n)
Summary: Frat!Tom and Y/n fights for each other attencion during a party
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
Thomas Holland might look like an innocent guy, but he knew he was a motherfucker 
The multicolored lights reflected off the pale face of the boy, who wore a black shirt that clung to his newly acquired muscles from constant trips to the gym during the week
What an asshole
What the fuck was he trying to show when he flexed his arms while talking to other girls?
Even though he was in his first year of college, he had already become a target for the older girls who made a point of welcoming him when he arrived at his dorm and went to his first party. Even though the cold November weather made him too lazy to go to parties, he was still there as usual. His hands held a red glass with beer in it, while from afar Y/n watched him in silence. Her relationship with Thomas was complicated, since they had sex casually, but they were still jealous of each other as their greatest weakness.
Y/n, leaning against the beige wall of the fraternity house, denied it with her head. The brunette exchanged glances with her, smiling at her as if talking to other girls was a meaningless victory, but it was still a victory. 
"...So that's how I managed to get a A+ in Lauren's class." Holland commented, bringing the glass of drink to his mouth.
The loud music was a slight obstacle to being able to hear his conversation with a group of students, but Y/n couldn't give up. 
"Wow. I didn't know you could be smart and hot at the same time. That's a hard combination to find these days." A blonde girl with almond-shaped eyes says, smiling at him, and then looking at her friends.
"It's your eyes, love." Tom looked her over from head to toe, appreciating her thighs that were sticking out and the roundness of her ass that perfectly matched the ripped black denim shorts. 
The brunette shifts his gaze once more, looking back to where Y/n was, but she has disappeared. His forehead tensed as his eyes searched for her as if he had lost something precious.
Where did she go?
On the other side of the party, Y/n was sitting at the kitchen counter talking to a classmate. As bad as the conversation was, the girl in the white dress was still laughing at everything that seemed to be in jest. The man was talking about his scientific research, but it was only when his eyes caught Tom walking through the living room that the conversation became much more enjoyable. But her heart dropped out of her chest when she saw that he was holding hands with the blonde girl who was talking to him.
Where were they going? 
"Y/n?" The man in front of them calls out.
"Hi! Sorry for the distraction, the music makes it hard to understand," the girl says, putting her index finger under her ear to signal the sound.
"Do you want me to come closer?" He asked.
Before she could say no, Holland passed through the living room once more, heading for the toilet next to the kitchen. If this was the game she wanted to play, she also knew what the rules were.
"Please," the student asked with a twinkle in her eye
Then he smiled and moved closer to the girl, placing his two hands on either side of the worktop and crouching slightly forward to speak into Y/n's ear. As soon as the student's body left the field, there was Thomas walking towards the restroom hand in hand with the girl. Both eyes were vying for attention, making their respective partners less interesting. Perhaps it was a fetish for exhibitionism that neither of them had realized yet, but the need for attention was clear when it came to being jealous. The brunette laughed out loud, nodding and then showing his middle finger, as he finally entered the competition that Y/n had invited him to. 
Y/n was no innocent, and Thomas knew it. No matter how saintly her big eyes looked, the heat of her body burned against him like hell.
But like any fight, when one of his opponents falls, he only has 10 seconds to recover. The boy stops, leaving his feet motionless as the girl in front of him moves forward, but he also stops when he realizes that Holland remains intact. The blonde smiles, catching his eye with a light touch on his chest.
"Are you all right? I thought we were going to the bathroom."
At that moment, Y/n had her legs briefly spread, showing the dark blue panties she was wearing under her dress. From that angle, it was possible to see that the conversation with her classmate had turned into a wet kiss on her neck.
"Come here, baby" Holland then pulled her by the waist, kissing her fervently. 
His hands gripped the back of her head, quickly guiding her movements while his tongue invaded her mouth with the taste of alcohol. He didn't feel horny for her, even though his hands were squeezing her ass. What made him want to kiss her more than anything were Y/n's glances at his lost soul. 
Does he want to play? Then let's play.
Y/n pulls the brunette in front of her by the collar of her blouse and kisses him slowly. Like a male instinct, he slowly traces his fingers up the girl's thigh, leading them to her crotch and down again like a sly caress. Y/n gasps, and her hungry eyes stare up at Thomas receiving a hickey, while her veiny hands still squeeze the blonde's ass hard. Y/n throws her head back, allowing herself to feel in control of the situation as the man kisses his way down to her collarbone
"Fuck." Thomas grunts as he sees Y/n's action, showing how her swollen breasts glisten against the low kitchen lights.
"Do you like it?" His companion asks against his wet neck.
"Of course, darling." Holland turns his eyes to the girl, lying
Y/n opened her eyes, looking up at the half-lit ceiling because of the bright lights that were on the ceilings of the main rooms. Her core contracted at the thought of how angry Thomas was getting, but her smile fell when she realized that he was no longer looking at her. The brunette was sitting in a black armchair, while the blonde's body was being explored by him. His lap was occupied by the lap of the older student, who was rolling against his erection more and more as the kiss became intense. 
What the fuck was she doing on top of him?
"Y/n?" Her classmate caught her eye once again when he realized she was distracted. 
"Will you take me to a room?" The girl asks without even thinking of a less radical solution.
"Do you really want to go?" The man asks hopefully.
"I do," the girl says, kissing him again as an act of confirmation.
As soon as she opened her eyes again, a hand touched the shoulder of her companion in front of Y/n. Her heart raced, holding her breath as she realized who was waiting for her with a forced smile.
"Thomas! What's up, man?" The man turned around at an awkward length because of the state of excitement he was in.
"Kyle, it's nothing personal. But take your hands off Y/n, now," Holland says in a passive-aggressive tone.
Y/n nods, puts his tongue against his cheek and gives a sarcastic smile.
So you mean he can rub up against any slut, and she can't have sex with any man at a party?
Fucking hypocrite
However, while holding her nerves so as not to shout at Thomas and create a scene, she turns away from the man in front of her, straightens her white dress and stands up. Thomas holds out one of his hands as an invitation for her to follow.
"Fuck you, Holland." Y/n spits out the words, passing the two men without worrying about how fast she was walking. 
Smiling to himself, Thomas walks up behind her and one of his hands finds Y/n's wrist. They both quickly enter the washroom with its pale walls and white light, as if it were a punishment to live so dangerously close to each other. Holland closes the door lock, then turns to Y/n who has her arms crossed in an act of hatred.
"Who was the blonde?"
"Why do you want to know?" Thomas says in a mocking tone
"Why can you want to mess around with some little bitch and I can't even try to get with a guy?" Y/n grimaced, closing his face in stress.
"Because as far as I know, you're mine." Holland approaches Y/n, touching her shoulder and then slapping her hand away.
"Not in a billion years would I be yours, Thomas." The student's hands find her waist, which is pressed against the door.
" That's not what you said in bed last week when I asked you who my good girl was"
"Shut up" Y/n spits out his words with contempt, bringing one of his hands to the door handle.
" You wish I'd shut up by putting your pussy in my mouth" His hands find her wrist again.
"You're sick." The student says, finally meeting his chocolate eyes.
"And yet you're here, aren't you?"
She remains silent, slowly losing the lines of expression exposed on her made-up face. Thomas smiles to himself.
The kind of smile that isn't even worth a penny
His two hands found the end of her dress, lifting it to expose what was being guarded by a blue factory. Y/n wasn't reluctant, nor did she want to be.
His chest heaving with excitement, he felt his mouth go dry when he saw that Holland's knees were collapsing to the floor, finding himself completely surrendered to her. Y/n opened her mouth in a silent moan as she received wet kisses from the young man.
He was good at it
"I don't want to see you with any girl anymore." Y/n closes her eyes, tipping her head back and allowing herself to feel Holland's thumb run over her hard clit.
"And I don't want to see you even breathing next to a guy who's eating you up with his eyes." Thomas's hot breath comes close to Y/n's panties, which were slid down without haste. " Deal?"
" Deal" Y/n moans as she says it, being completely exposed to the boy who now has one of her legs over his shoulder.
"Good girl, darling." He looks at her one last time. Now let me take care of that poor wet pussy."
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midmrning · 2 years
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Summary : You decide to go out alone leading Tom to save you.
You were walking through the busy streets of London City, hands in the pockets of your coat shivering from the cool breeze. It was 6 pm and you so desperately needed a cup of tea from the little coffee shop not too far away, because they make it the best, everything’s just right.
It was getting dark and even though Tom insisted you not go alone or not even go at all -since one of his men could easily do it- you wanted to do something yourself for once.
Having a mobster for a boyfriend had its up’s and downs. Tom was soft for you and you only, and though you had to fear for not only yours but his life every second of the day, you eventually got used to it.
Your phone rings and a smile grows on your face as you see the name “my love❤️” pop up on the screen. You slide the button answering the call.
“Hi my darling, im just making sure everything’s okay” Tom speaks through the phone, voice soft.
“Yes Tommy i’m perfectly fine, you don’t need to worry my love.”
But maybe he should, because right in that moment you hear a voice.
“Hey baby, can I get your number” You felt your heart stop, freezing only for a moment before speeding up.
“You okay Y/N?” Tom’s voice sounds through the phone.
“Y-yeah everything’s alright.” You lie, voice shaking.
You take one glance behind you and the man smiles and it’s disgusting and all you want is Tom right now.
“Aww baby, you running away?”
“Tom, someone’s following me…” you whisper into the phone, voice cracking.
“What are you talking about? Find a shop and stay in there, im coming. I knew i should’ve never let you go alone, i knew it. I swear to god i’m going to kill whoever it is.” Tom rambles, voice stern but laced with worry.
“ Please hurry.” Is all you can say.
After 3 minutes of trying to get away from the man, he’s finally got you, and he’s cornering you.
You drop your phone in the midst of it all, and all you can think is to scream, but as you open your mouth he speaks up. “Scream and there will be consequences baby”.
Tears are flowing and you feel helpless, all you can do is close your eyes and hope for the best.
He has your arms and he’s leading you somewhere and you need your boyfriend oh so desperately.
“Let her go or you’ll wish you were never born.”
Relief filled your whole body as you hear the familiar voice, the voice you grew to love.
A gun is in Tom’s hand and before he can shoot, the man is releasing his grip on your arm and sprinting away.
You run to Tom’s arms, warms tears falling on his white button up.
“I’m so so sorry, this is all my fault. I should’ve never let you go alone. If i see that man i will cut his fucking head off.”
“It’s not your fault Tommy”. You say, tears still falling as you recall what happened only a couple seconds ago. “Please just hold me”.
“I’ll never let anyone hurt you darling, I’ve got you.” He kisses your temple, once, twice, three times.
You look up at him and he brings his thumbs to your eyes, wiping away the salty tears. “Can we still get that tea I wanted?”.
A slight smile forms on his lips, and he kisses you soft, and passionate, and full of love. “Of course we can love, of course we can.”
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websterss · 3 months
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ONESHOTS: ‣ Fooled. ✻ ‣ If Only. ✻ ‣ Quirks, Smirks, and Bad Words. ‣ The Last Dance. ✻ ‣ The Swear Jar.
REQUESTS: ‣ A Little Bit More. ‣ How To Break A Girl's Heart ✻ ‣ Te Amo. ‣ The British Ranch Hand. ‣ There’s No Crying in the Club. ✻
IMAGINE: ‣ The cast teases you and Tom.
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IMAGINE: ‣ Trying to help Todd control his noise. ✻
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REQUEST: ‣ Venus and Mars. ✻
IMAGINE: ‣ Finding Arvin getting beat up behind the school buses.
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f10werfae · 2 years
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Welcome to @f10werfae 's library of Tom Holland Enjoy your stay!
Here is my main masterlist for everyone else I write for!
[🌟] Favourites/Popular
[☁️] Fluff
[*] Smut
[🌧️] Angst
library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
-To request, please send in an Ask or PM me
• Babyboy [☁️🌧️*]
(Boyfriend!Tom Holland x Older!GF!Reader)
: Tom meets Y/n's narcissistic older sister S/n who wants Tom all to herself; Y/n gets overprotective of her babyboy, showing just how possessive she really is (Tom is 26, Reader is 31) (fluff ending!)
•My Own Milf [☁️*]
(Tom Holland x older!GF!Reader)
: Fans retell the best moments of what they see from tom holland and Y/n's spicy relationship (Tom is 26, Reader is 31)
• What Age Gap? [☁️]
(Tom Holland x Older!Reader)
: Tom is absolutely smitten with his older lover, in fact he's not willing to let her go. Ever.
•Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner [☁️]
(Soccer!College!Tom Holland × Quiet! Reader)
: Tom teases and gushes over his shy bookworm of a girlfriend, which includes bringing her everywhere with him and making sure she's well fed
•Holland’s Girl [☁️)
(Boyfriend!Tom x Cavill!Reader)
: Fans go crazy on twitter now that Henry Cavill’s little sister is dating Tom Holland
• Secret Sex Tape [☁️*]
(Tom Holland × Mackie!Reader)
: Y/n and Tom’s cuddling session is interrupted by a very scary revel
• Talk To Me
(Tom Holland × Deaf!Hair Stylist!Reader)
: Tom tries to win the heart of Y/n L/n, the only way he sees fit
.Butterfly Kicks (Tom Holland x Older!Pregnant!Wife!Reader) :A drabble of Older!Y/n and Tom’s pregnancy journey 🫶🫶 (Reader is 33, Tom is 28) (Milf Reader)
•Titty comfort
(Frat!Tom Holland × Girlfriend!Reader)
: When Tom can't fall asleep, he turns to his girlfriend's breasts for a lot of comfort (Breast play) (lowkey subby tom?)
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ruewrote · 2 years
𝑖 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒.
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PAIRING: peter parker x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: gilded lily by cults WORD COUNT: 806
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he was late again, as per usual.
you had now gotten used to the empty apologies, the i promise i’ll be there’s.
tonight you two were supposed to hang out. you were going to confess how you truly felt about him, but what’s the point in confessing when the other person is absolutely oblivious to how you feel romantically or not.
you now laid in your bed, cuddled up watching a movie but all you could think about was him and you hated it. he was out doing god knows what and he’s left you once again.
ugh—. you were so sick and tired of his bullshit. you hated how you believed every word that comes out of his mouth.
how everything that you were mad at him for suddenly goes away when you’re together.
hated how youd make excuses for him being absent in important events. telling them and yourself that he’d be there soon, they’d give you a knowing look and you just smiled sadly at them.
you hate hated how his smile could change your whole day and then ruin it the next.
you were facing away from your window, but surely heard the little taps of peters fingers against the window. squeezing your eyes shut and clutched the pillow in your arms as you pretended to be asleep, not wanting to deal with his shit so late at night.
you felt as his presence shifts from the window as he walks away. letting out a breath that you didn’t know that you were holding in.
it hurt you to do this. he was your best friend for god sake, but he’d now hurt you one too many times.
so you started to get hang out with mj and ned more often, keeping your distance was beyond hard since you spent every waking minute together, well used to.
keeping occupied had slightly helped. that didn’t stop your thoughts from flickering to him every now and then.
he had noticed when you had pulled away. peter tried to go back to his old ways with you but you just ignored them. knowing it would only get you hurt again at the end of the day.
that’s when you had gotten home from school, headphones on full blast — humming to yourself as you placed your school supplies down and shut your bedroom door. turning around to only be met with peter.
you jumped back a little, pulling off your headphones — he had you trapped and you knew it.
“where have you been?” his hands on his hips like he was the one to have the right to be pissed off this whole time. you audibly scoff at him, throwing your headphones onto your bed.
turning back toward him with your arms crossed over your chest, “you have some fucking nerve coming in here and demanding answers from me!” pointing from him to yourself — he stepped closer to you, but you just scooted back.
“you were the one that left me all this time! not the other way round,” tears had begun to fill your eyes, blinking them away.
“you left me! with no explanation. your best friend. i sat here and waited for you, only to get excuse after excuse thrown back at me!” peter had slumped himself up against the wall; defeated. frustratedly running his hands through his hair.
“i’m sorry, i just got busy!”
that just made you laugh, that kind of sad manic laugher.
“busy? you just got busy? hm, so what were you so busy with that you couldn’t even give me a text to say that you couldn’t make it or that you’d be running a bit late. something peter anything would’ve sufficed.” throwing your hands up just letting the tears fall now.
“i broke my phone, i-i swear i tried.” he walked up to you, close enough so that he was towering over you — which made you stand up from your seat to be eye and eye with him.
“you’re really gonna stand there and give me some half assed excuse again? really? right now?” the boy was also having a fight in his mind to confess that he’s spiderman.
“i want you to get out of my house.” you whispered to him, loud enough for him to hear.
“you don’t mean that y/n…” tears of his own filled threatening to overflow. glancing down at the floor.
“i don’t want to see you right now, get out please. i won’t tell you again pete.” your words came out shaky as you pointed to your door — swallowing the lump in your throat.
he fell to his knees before you, begging you to hear him out.
“don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
with that said he left with only one glance at you…
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© ruewrote.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
Can You Say Triplets?
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Tom Holland x Reader
Anyone who says Tom and the twins don’t look alike are liars… sometimes even you can’t tell them apart if you’re not looking directly at their face
»»——⍟——««A/n: STAWP IM SCREAMING AND CRYING I finished this a few days ago but didn’t outline it and I just came to and was about to copy and paste to proofread and I look and the ending didn’t save for some reason😃😃and I do t remember exactly how I did it so now this ending is garbage and I’m sad cuz this whole fic is ruined and not at all how I wanted it. Idk why I’m even posting it
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Going golfing with his brothers is something Tom loves. He does it for fun, plus when he needs to relax and de-stress a bit. You know the usual routine. They go out around 1 o’clock, golf for a while and horse around, then go get food and drinks on the way home. Tom always picked you up food too which you loved.
Today is no different. You wake up to light kisses on your shoulder from Tom, his arms around you, and when you turn around, his sweet tired face as he looks at you through tired eyes. You have your time in bed, and he heads out with Harrison and Harry. So it’s just you for the day, everyone else was also doing their own stuff.
It’s a normal day, you make some food, lounge around a bit, and watch some tv. Inevitably, you end up where you always do; in your bed watching a show. It’s only around 8 o’clock, but you can feel your eyes getting heavier. You know it’s too early to fall asleep, but that doesn’t stop your body from still pulling, and as always, you lose the fight.
The boys get in around 11 o’clock, you wake up around 1 am. The tv is still on, and the bed is cold, but you can tell the boys are home. Tired and delirious, you push yourself from bed to try to go find your London boy. The house is quiet and dark, aside from the little light coming from Harrison’s room, if you listen you could hear quiet sounds, but what catches your eye when you exit your room is the lump on the couch. It wouldn’t be the first time Tom sat down to take his shoes off but ended up collapsing from a mixture of drowsy and drinks.
You shuffle over to the couch, not having the energy it’d take to get him to wake up and move, instead deciding to join him. A soft smile spreads your lips as you get closer and you can make out the messy curls that lay all over his head.
You rub your eyes and melt onto the couch, laying practically on top of him cause of its size. “Welcome back, Tommy,” you say in a quiet slur of your words, reaching up and giving him a quick peck on his lips before snuggling in, feeling his arms curl around you. You drift to sleep almost immediately, but not before you hear a grunt of response come from him, and soon after, you fall asleep.
It’s not the best sleep you’ve ever gotten, you’ve slept on the couch before, but you chalk the low-quality sleep up to the weird position you were laid. “Y/n.” The warm body you’re next to helps, making you stay in a state between conscious and unconscious. “Y/n.”
“Hm?” You shuffle around, hearing a voice calling you but not really caring, wanting to go back to sleep, already feeling it too early to be awake.
“Y/n.” The voice says again, trying its best to nag you awake.
“What,” you drag and whine, trying to adjust into and more comfortable position.
“What are you doing?”
You sigh, giving up hope of going to sleep at the moment. “What do you mean?”
You adjust again, moving your hand around, it being rested on his stomach under his shirt, where you can usually feel his abs, but you can’t at the moment, you don’t think much of it. What makes your mind skip and backtrack, is the smell.
You smell alcohol on him, which isn’t unusual since of course he just went drinking, but the specific smell doesn’t add up. You smell a strong bitter alcohol, which is something Harry would drink, not Tom, he likes fruitier drinks usually, unless something is wrong, which you would’ve known. So why would he be drinking like Harry?
You hear the voice that you still haven’t stopped to comprehend who it is say something again, but you don’t fully hear as you open your eyes to look up at Tom. Only, it’s not Tom, it’s Harry.
“Oh my god!” You yell startled, your eyes going wide and your body automatically flitching back, immediately putting you on the floor, making you hit your head with a grunt. “Ow.”
You go to sit up, putting a hand to your head as you look around. You now realize you’re between a just awoken and confused Harry, and a Samantha, Harry’s girlfriend. You look toward the door, seeing Tom just as he enters from the hallway, a smug smirk going over his features as he sees the scene in front of him, already figuring out what happened.
"Ya alright there, love?" he asks as he walks over to you.
"I did it again," you say in a defeated tone.
"Yeah, yeah, it's alright," he says with a hint of a laugh.
"Sorry, Harry," you say as you take Tom's hand, and he helps you up, putting his arm around your waist and walking toward your bedroom.
"If this makes this any better, I honestly thought she was you too."
Ahem: @mcushvft @lnmp89 @laylasbunbunny @tomhollandfics
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