angstyaches · 2 years
Got randomly inspired to draw how I see Charlie :) I followed your descriptions of him as close as possible so hopefully it’s not too far off ❤️
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Aagghhhhh Ivy oh my god what?!?! 😭😭🖤🖤
The swirling pattern on his cheek is so perfectly what I pictured!! Thank you so much for this, I can't even express how much I love it, I'm smiling like an idiot right now 🙈🖤
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bellysoupset · 1 month
Hi souppp!! This is like my first ever ask so sorry if there any issues. But I would just like to ask if there any specific blogs that have emeto sickfics because I’ve been looking for some and I’ve found none..
P.S, I love you’re ur stories🤍🤍
-🌊 anon
Hi 🌊 anon!!
Is there anything in specific you're looking for, anon?
Off the top of my head:
@sickly-qt @secretobsessionstuff @writing-whump @lisupandowntown @salembutnotthecat @tomato-sickfics @wussifer (Wussifer likes colds best, I believe), @wordsmithwhumpsandfluff @spoonsandcabbage @1heartsickfics @ethereousdelirious @boysbellyrubs @rebelwhump @areyougonnathrowup @angstyaches (Flick is on hiatus tho!)
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There’s a fic where Shawn is sick at a cabin with mateo and I saw it somewhere maybe two months ago and can’t seem to find it! I remember they were in a hot tub… and they had wine at some point. Do you know which one I’m talking abt? Also ofc It’s okay if u took it down! Love ur fics<3
I know which fic you're talking about Anon, bit it's not mine. I can't remember who wrote it, but I do remember the sickee drinking too much wine and then the heat from the hot tub make them made feel worse?? and then their friend or something helped them walk away??
Does anyone remember who wrote this fic?? Maybe it was @bellysoupset. or @1heartsickfics or @tomato-sickfics
This is gonna bug me until I figure it out.
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Maybe some hurt comfort with Jay and Tim? (romantic or platonic, both are good :3)
Possibly sickfic? Or comfort from nightmares? Those are my personal favourites, but honestly, whatever you wanna write I'll eat right up lol, just a big hurt comfort fan lol
(your writing is amazing btw!!)
Oooo, I have not written a lot of Jam and that is a CRIME. These bitches gay, here’s my mini sick fic essay on it.
Content Warnings and Tags: Sickness, Flu, Hurt/Comfort, Honestly could be seen as either but I think they’re gay, Minor Angst With A Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Self Esteem Issues
Word Count: 900 words
— —
Admittedly it takes Tim a little while to realize he’s sick. Coughing isn’t unusual for him, even before he started smoking, so he doesn’t think much of it when that starts up.
It’s not until he realizes his nose is so stuffed up that he can’t breathe through it and that every joint he has is aching that Tim processes the fact that he’s actually sick. A cold— or a mild flu? It’s one of the two. Nothing major but enough to make him a little more miserable than usual.
But it’s not his first rodeo. Tim does what he always does and buys the strongest sleepy cold medicine that doesn’t mess with his medicine that he can gets his hands on, takes some, and promptly passes out. Jay does ask a few questions but Tim waves him off and tells him he’ll be fine in the morning, because he always is.
Except he wakes up and he really doesn’t feel better. If anything, he feels worse— he’s sweating and kicking the blankets off doesn’t do anything to help. Blindly, he fumbles for more cold medicine but ends up accidentally batting it off the nightstand instead. A groan escapes him— just his luck.
A shadow looms over him. Tim looks over and sees Jay there, eyebrows knitting together.
“No offense but you kinda look terrible.”
Tim huffs, rubbing his face in an attempt to get rid of some of the sweat. “I feel terrible.” He admits, half mumbling. “Usually that works.”
“Well, what do you need?” Tim thinks for a second, then motions to the cold medicine on the floor. Jay gives him a look. “I… Don’t think that’s a good idea. You should probably like, eat and drink first? Hold on.”
Jay leaves and returns with a water bottle in hand, pushing it towards Tim. He fumbles to open it but Jay stops him before he can. “Hold on— sit up first.”
Tim groans again but shifts until he’s sitting up against the bed frame. Only then does Jay hand the bottle back, cap now unscrewed, and Tim takes a few sips before realizing how thirsty he is and sucks down the rest in no time. Jay’s eyes go wide.
“Guess you needed it.”
“Guess I did.” Tim admits. “I don’t think I can keep down anything we have though so maybe I should just stick with water.”
“I was thinking of buying soup. Any kind you like?”
“You— you don’t need to do that, Jay. I’m fine, it’ll pass. Don’t waste your money.”
Jay gives him an odd look. “‘Waste my money’?” He repeats, eyebrows scrunching together. “Buying you some soup when you’re sick isn’t wasting money, Tim. Just— what soup? I’m defaulting to chicken noodle otherwise.”
Tim hesitates but Jay doesn’t seem to be backing down. He sighs. “I like tomato soup. It’s good with toast.”
“I’ll grab some bread too then.”
“Stop acting like I’m pulling teeth, Tim.” Jay huffs, shaking his head. “It’s just soup. It’s not a big deal.”
Tim’s mouth opens before it closes again. Jay’s eyebrows furrow. “What?”
“I just.” Tim struggles for the right words. “It’s been a while.” He settles on.
“Been a while since what?”
“Since… Anyone took care of me while I was sick.”
“…Oh.” Jay says after a beat. “That… Oh.”
There’s a long silence between them. Then abruptly, Jay grabs his keys and his wallet and points at Tim.
“Twenty minutes.” He says. “Don’t move. Unless you need to go to the bathroom or something.”
Then he’s out the door, moving like he’s on an actual time limit.
“What,” Tim says slowly, staring at the bag Jay just dumped on the bed, “The fuck.”
“So I got a few other things besides soup and bread.” Jay tells him, as if it wasn’t already obvious enough. “This cold pack is amazing, trust me, I used to have one just like it. It’s reusable so it’s an investment really. I got some orange juice because— honestly I forget what it’s good for but my mom always made me drink it when I was sick so it’s probably good for something. The Tylenol is good for fevers, saltines are always a good snack and especially with soup, and the chocolate… That’s just for fun honestly. You could probably use a treat.”
“Jay…” Tim doesn’t know what to say. The best he manages is, “Why?”
“Well— you said nobody had taken care of you while you were sick in a while so I figured you might need like, the full experience.” Jay rubs the back of his neck, almost sheepish. “It’s kinda been a while since I took care of anyone though so uh, I don’t really know what I’m doing so we can just figure it out together. I was thinking we could watch TV while you ate or something? Good of a start as— oh shit, are you crying?”
Tim rapidly blinks, wiping his face. “Maybe.” He chokes. “Fuck, Jay. Thank you.”
“It’s really not a big deal.” Jay insists.
“It kinda is to me though.” Tim laughs, swallowing thickly as he meets his gaze. “Seriously. Thank you.”
Jay smiles at him. “Of course.” He says, and Tim feels his heart flutter.
He doesn’t usually have people taking care of him like this, but he thinks it would be nice to get used to it.
— —
Anddd that’s my short lil sick fic. I feel like Tim needs to be pampered a little. He deserves it. Jay is gonna give that to him.
Thank you for the request, feel free to send another, and I hope you liked it!!
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writing-whump · 4 months
So a little whump blogs rec round (I keep all my faves listed in my pinned post anyway). I'm borrowing the format from @shion-yu @wussifer and @wordsmithwhumpsandfluff
@bellysoupset Queen of the whump blog society is the right title. 100+ fics of mind-blowing quality, characters so real and engaging I have dreams about them, okay, they are people you meet next door and love with all your heart. Can't say if I love Luke and Bells or Jon and Leo or the combo of all six of them...
@angstyaches Shayne and Charlie, my darlings. I could read an eternity of the two of them sitting on the couch and talking, there is always so much emotion and conflict in every interaction. Felix and Elliott, vampire sweeties. Honestly the best of the mundane drama, emotional exploration with supernatural elements. I just appreciate it's like fantasy, but with an upgrade, deep sort.
@tomato-sickfics The character drama? Benji being such a lovable angry cat? The relationships here?? What's not to love?
@emphasis-on-the-comfort deactivated again, but her fics are on ao3, thank goodness. University era boy friendships. It's so pure, so realistic, so wholesome. So sorry to see her leave.
@spoonsandcabbage My first whump writing blog ever. I had no idea what whump or emeto were, but I couldn't stop reading. Incredible writer. I love the the two brothers, Jason and Noah so much, so many years later.
@clickerflight So many stories. So many darlings. So many verses to hurt them. My beloved RP partner and precious friend. A very skilled artist, as if it weren't enough already. Wholeheardly recommending. You all, if you want to see characters dealing with scars, there you go.
@wussifer I love the complicated father and son bond between Jack and Leo, okay. The way we can see it change over the years, from estranged and new to close and sweet, from bratty kids to mature grown ups. Raina is so cool.
@whiskey-tango-matcha I have barely discovered this blog, but the writing is so good! Love the realism of the restaurant setting, the work dynamics, the friendship...gotta explore more after exams.
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boysbellyrubs · 1 year
what's this? a sickfic? after god knows how long. enjoy ig
Coming home from classes, Alistair hoped he would be greeted with his lovely boyfriend sitting in the living room either playing video games or watching some bullshit reality show. Coming home to neither of those things was concerning. He took his shoes off and set them neatly to the side, walking slowly into the house, frowning at the lack of welcome, 
“Nikau? Are you here?” He called, and to no response. His mind raced; Nikau could be caught up at work, but he would’ve sent him a text if he was, he could be stuck in traffic, buying groceries, at the library. He ducked his head into the kitchen and saw nothing, so he followed the hall around to the bedroom. Nikau could be napping, the lazy cat he was. Alas, there was nothing to show that his boyfriend was even in the house. 
His last option was the bathroom. As he approached, he saw the light filtering out under the crack and the tension in his stomach eased. Alistair rolled his shoulders, shook his head a bit and stretched his arms as he walked away. His last class had been practical and their tutor had decided they run around the theatre doing very physical things. He was sure he hadn’t signed up for Physical Education.
The one thing on his mind was a hot meal, maybe pasta or soup. Alistair hummed, soup sounded good. He checked if they had bread, check, and any kind of soup, double check. They only had tomato but that was alright with the both of them. He pulled them out, setting aside the bread to be toasted and pulled out the pot to cook the soup. Once he had prepared it, he walked away. He wanted to get changed before he did any cooking, of course. 
Alistair got into a comfortable pair of shorts and a hoodie. He fluffed up his hair and tried to walk back to the kitchen. Tried, because as he passed the bathroom door, a horrendous coughing sound came from inside. He froze, was Nikau fighting for his life in there? 
He knocked on the door harder than he intended to, “Nikau, are you alright?” 
He didn’t get any response besides a low groan and another cough, which sounded more like a heave. Alistair didn’t waste any time in opening the door. The greeting he wanted as he stepped in the front door was now this greeting of seeing Nikau slumped over the toilet bowl, pale as all hell and clutching his stomach with a white knuckle grip. Alistair immediately moved to touch him but NIkau shied away, whimpering as Alistair got near him so quickly. 
Alistair’s already outstretched hand faltered. He let it drop and instead tried to assess what the fuck was going on with his boyfriend. 
“Nikau, how long have you been like this, sweetheart?” Alistair’s heart shattered watching Nikau shrug his shoulders, spitting out a little more of what looked like straight stomach acid. Alistair guessed he had been there for a while. 
Nikau moaned, his hand digging into his belly. His forehead hit the rim of the toilet as he curled in on himself, “Hurts.” Alistair was shocked at the state of his voice. It sounded like it was painful to even make a syllable, his vocal chords no doubt fried from the bile and heaving. 
Alistair could only watch as Nikau’s stomach grumbled loudly and he puked up thin tendrils of…nothing. Nikau clearly had no food in his stomach and was trying to vomit out his stomach itself. 
“Do you want to try some water? Give your belly something to puke up.” Nikau rapidly shook his head, whimpering more. Alistair wanted more than anything to lean forward and try to help his boyfriend through touch, something to ease the guilt of not being able to help. But, he sat back on his heels and watched as his boyfriend suffered through a relentless bout of vomiting. 
Nikau had come home from work with a terrible stomachache. It was as soon as he got off his lunch break that the ache began to appear. He was taking a customers order when the first cramp hit his belly. It was strong enough to make him stutter over his words, and enough for the customer to give him a strange look as he froze up. He had ignored it for the first half hour, going through the motions of his boring job and focusing on everything else but his own body. 
When the cafe got quieter, Nikau excused himself to the bathroom immediately. He doubled over the minute he was locked in the stall, now able to hear the upset grumbling of his middle. Nikau groaned, running his hand over his swelling belly. He didn’t think a stomach ache could get this bad. He leaned against the stall wall, trying to breathe through the pain, but the next cramp caused him to twist sharply over the toilet bowl and puke up his entire lunch and then some. He moaned, spit dribbling off his bottom lip, and burped another thick wave. 
His entire lunch was coming up half digested, it had been sitting in his stomach idle, churning and making him feel full and heavy. He crouched down as he felt his head spin, both of his hands coming off his belly to grip the toilet rim. God, he was seeing stars. 
He burped, moaning as it tapered off into a small gag. His throat spasmed, his neck jolted and he felt another hot gush rocket up his throat and into the toilet bowl. He didn’t wanna look, it was no doubt a disgusting sight if the smell was anything to go by. It smelt rotten, it was like he had eaten a dead rat right off the street, it smelt that awful. That fucking panini must have gone bad. 
A sharp cramp stabbed his abdomen and he clutched it with his hand, rubbing a few fingers in a small circle. God, his stomach hurt. It was like a million little people were inside him all individually twisting and gripping his stomach lining, all while wearing sharp iron knuckles. He moaned at a wave of nausea along with another vicious cramp, a small splash of vomit adding to the mess in front of him. 
He had a few moments of peace, and in that short window he gathered himself and left the bathroom. He no doubt looked a sight, but he needed to go home or else he’d be puking up his guts all over the cafe floor and he didn’t want to make his coworkers have to clean that up. Nikau must have had someone looking over him because he found his boss almost instantly and she told him to go home without him having to say a word. He wordlessly thanked her, and ran to his car. 
As he was driving, he sat fully back, pushing his stomach out as it was the only way to stop the pain. He rubbed his hand over it, moaning and groaning like a pornstar, but he had never felt this way in his life. He honest to god whimpered as a sharp twinge struck his stomach, right where his hand sat. Thankfully, he wasn’t as nauseated as he was in the shop, but he wasn’t risking it so he was running every yellow light and desperately trying to make it home as quickly as possible. He was driving to an empty house though, which worsened his already terrible mood, but it wouldn’t be too long before Alistair came home and looked after him.
All his thinking made the drive go faster, and he found himself parked in front of the house. He shuffled out of his car, looking 80 years old to his neighbours, and almost vomited as he was unlocking the front door. Just his luck for the nausea to come back as soon as stepped in the vicinity of a bathroom. Nikau ran straight for the bathroom, and collapsed into a heap in front of the toilet as another huge wave came spilling out his mouth. He didn’t think there was that much left in him, but if the cramps and the gurgling was anything to go by he was far from done. 
It had been ten minutes since Alistair had come into the bathroom, and ten minutes of him being unable to do anything to try and help his boyfriend. He wasn’t accepting water, touch or a cold rag. Alistair had never seen him so sick before, and he didn’t even know why he was sick. Nikau hadn’t spoken to him besides whimpers and tiny mumbles of his belly hurting. He was getting nowhere and he was starting to genuinely panic. What if he could do nothing for his boyfriend? What kind of boyfriend would that make him? 
Alistair sighed, “Nikau, at least sit up a bit. Your belly is empty, you’re going to hurt yourself.” 
The boy shook his head, wrapping his arm fully around his middle protectively. It was pitiful. Despite his brain warning him not to do this, he reached forward and gently touched Nikau’s upper arm with his fingertips. Nikau shivered, but didn’t flinch away from him. Alistair softly rubbed his arm with the back of his fingers, he seemed to tolerate it so Alistair tried a bit more, moving closer and rubbing his palm down Nikau’s entire arm. 
The skin was hot and goosebumps rose everywhere Alistair touched. He scooted forward a bit more, his hand now sitting on Nikau’s tense thigh. He brought his left hand to his lower back, rubbing.
“Not so bad, huh?” 
Nikau shook his head. His eyes were closed and he finally seemed to calm down. He was shaking, his jaw quivering with the aftermath of puking for so long. Alistair kept his touch delicate, too much was going to send Nikau off the deep end again, he knew how quickly his mood could change and with a fever muddling up his brain he was sure it would be bad if he pushed too far. 
It was peaceful for the both of them, to sit in silence and be with each other. Surprisingly, Nikau was the one to break it first. 
“Thank you.” A scratchy cough followed, his body jerking forward, the muscles too weak to stop the movement. Alistair put his hand on Nikau’s chest, holding him in place, 
“It’s no problem. You feeling up to getting some rest now, you desperately need it, sweetheart.” Alistair kissed his temple. He held his lips there until he felt Nikau nod; satisfied, he slowly stood up and dragged up the limp boy next to him. Even if he had stopped throwing up, Nikau had his hand planted firmly on his belly, still wary. Alistair stood right next to him, his left arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other hand joined Nikau’s on his tummy. 
He rubbed softly, “Let's get you to bed, hmm?” 
It was a slow walk to the bedroom, but Alistair didn’t care. The relief he saw on Nikau’s face as he sunk into the mattress was a good reward. He sat down beside him, softly brushing away the flyaway strands of hair and taking off his sweaty shirt. He could really see how bloated the boy was now, his flat belly was curved out from his ribs in an upset mess. He tsked while rubbing the tightest part. 
“What’s got your tummy so upset?” He said, expecting no response. Nikau groaned, 
“A fucking panini. I had it for lunch and then it all went downhill from there.” It sounded like he was laughing a little, lifting Alistair’s spirits. He kept up the belly rub and watched Nikau’s face for any change in expression. The boy was exhausted, then his jaw finally stopped looking so tense and his eyes softened as he relaxed into sleep. Alistair smiled and leant forward to kiss Nikau’s feverish forehead. It was rewarding to see him finally asleep. 
Now, that soup. Alistair was still hungry. 
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dreamypqulson · 2 years
— you don’t have to hide from me
requested by @favoriteredhead: A sickfic with billie or mina where the reader knows that they are sick and tries to take care of them but they try to hide their sickness. Like some comfort/fluff of that is possible.
pairing: billie dean howard x reader
word count: 1000
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The light of Sunday morning filtered the room, the night not leaving behind any darkened areas. The sunlight was bright, but you were frigid. The crisp October air had snuck its way into the house before you considered turning the heater on.
But clearly Billie didn't mind. Not this morning. She wasn't awake, but her intense body heat was the only thing keeping you from getting frostbite. She should be cold too.
Billie always complained that she was cold. It didn't matter if it was the middle of July, or the end of August. That woman seemed to always be shivering.
You cuddle closer into her sleeping form. Her body was damp, sticky, pale. You pulled away, and sat up in the bed. The medium managed to never look haggard, and you think she would keep that up even if she were to be on her death bed.
The person who you looked down onto did not look like Billie. Not one bit. Her face was concerningly pale, and covered in a layer of sweat. Her cheeks and chest were red, a deep tomato shade of red.
You shook her shoulders once, a faint, "Billie" from your lips. She was a light sleeper, and woke with just that. However, it took much strength for her to open her eyes. The sunlight that the thin curtains couldn't barricade was already hurting her head.
"Billie dean, are you alright, love?" You wiped away the hair that stuck to her face. She groaned and grunted, but soon leaned into the coolness of your palm.
She didn't response. You answered for her. "It's seems like you've come down with a fever."
"I'm fine." Her gravely voice betrayed her. Water. She needed water. Someone must've scraped her throat with sandpaper while she slept, she supposed.
"You don't seem too fine. Does your head hurt? What hurts?" You pried. Her eyes; they would've rolled to the back of her head if they weren't already hurting her.
"I am fine. If I wasn't, you would know."
"Exactly. I do know. It's below zero and you look like you've just worked out in a desert. Like you haven't slept for days either."
"Thank you, baby. You look wonderful yourself."
You scoffed at her antics and got up anyways. She didn't put it past you that you were trying to get her some medicine. You didn't put it past her that she would force you to shove the pills down her throat before she willingly took them.
But she did not expect for you to come back with every hospital tool there was. Not exactly. Just a cool rag, some medicine, and a thermometer. But Billie never took enough care of herself when she was sick to recognize that you weren't being unnecessary.
"I'm not sick," she voiced, weak, fragile, while you got back onto the bed. Her eyes were closed again, slightly. Staring at you through a small slit in her eyes.
“I never said that you were sick, so that leads me to believe that you are.” You set the cold, wet rag on her forehead. She didn’t fight it. It felt too relieving to push away. “And you’re being so stubborn about this. Why don’t you just admit that you’re sick?”
She didn’t answer you until her pills were swallowed. She strained to answer. The pills already made her feel like she was swallowing tiny knives. “Because, baby, i’m not. I have to- oh the dinner tonight. Remember? With the crew of my show.”
“Your plans tonight are relaxing, so scratch that dinner. I’m not letting you go when you’re sick as a dog. They can reschedule.” You stuck the thermometer in her mouth, her brows displaying that she was evidently angry. “Over one hundred. Jesus, Billie. I don’t mean to be controlling, but I care about you. You’re sick as a dog.”
“I’m not sick, though. Just hot.” She winked. You certainly weren’t having it. On other occasions, yes. But not right now.
“Can I have some water?”
“Of course, sickie.”
You could feel her eyes burning your back when you got up. She would rather take care of you. But you weren’t the sick one. Maybe after she was cleared up, you would catch whatever she had. Then you would be sure to give her a hard time too.
You came back with some cold water only minutes later. You would’ve thought she was dead, being so unresponsive to your presence. However, she quickly gulped down the entirety of the water once it was in her hands.
“Just tell me how you feel. I know you’re sick so there’s not point in denying it.”
“My head is pounding, my whole body hurts, i’m hot and cold. Nose is stuffed up. But don’t worry about me, darling. You’re such a worrier.”
She buried her head deeper into the white pillow. She couldn’t smell her own perfume against it, or yours from laying on billie throughout the night. She couldn’t smell anything, she couldn’t even breathe.
“Nonsense, i’m going to worry about you until you’re better. How about breakfast?” You didn’t think she was listening. Maybe she was sleeping. All you heard was muffled mumbles in the pillow.
“I really don’t think I can stomach food right now.” She turned her head back to you. For a moment, she looked so small. Her nose red, and brown eyes big and tired. “I just want to lay here with you.”
“Promise you’ll eat lunch?”
You waited for her to respond, and then you laid and gather her weak body into your arms once she nodded. “You know, you’re going to have to take care of me when you give me whatever you have.”
“I know” she muttered into your shirt, half asleep but still aware.
“And i’m going to put up a fuss like you did.”
“I know.” She breathed. “But you’re lucky I love you because I don’t take that bullshit from anyone.”
You airily laughed at her, fingertips finding her damp locks again. “And I love you, my sickie.”
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @talulahmae @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @l0vingsarah @cordeliass @cordeliasboobholder
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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wiredaughter · 9 months
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@tropetember #3: sickfic!
the sicilian ☆ aspanu/turi ☆ preslash ☆ third person pov ☆ ao3 ☆ fluffffff ☆ 1481 words
In nights like these, Turi sets their sleeping bags away from his men. It's a small detail, but one that always makes Aspanu's heart miss a beat whenever his condition flares up. The cold sweat in his palms, the blood that threatens to saturate his handkerchief, the fatigue; all these he'll brave in the knowledge that, come night, Turi will lead him away from the camp into a cave, a tunnel, a clearing to tend to him like a veritable nurse. In nights like these, Aspanu lets him.
Tonight, hidden in a small open cavern still within earshot of the camp, Aspanu's breath was slow and heavy as he laid in the sleeping bags while Turi busied himself with dinner. Aspanu had turned his nose up at the stew that was served for lunch, and his friend had known better than to push. Now, after taking the pills Turi coaxed into him with sips of wine, he knew he wouldn't be that lucky. He let out a sigh, wishing he would forget dinner and lay next to him already, then cursed himself as the taller man interrupted his humming and stepped closer.
'Do you think you're getting worse? We should take you to the doctor.'
'I'm alright.' His voice was hoarse but steady, 'The night air will do me good.'
Turi changed the cold cloth in his friend's forehead and let his hand cup his chin. The sharp features, always in motion, were now lax and pale. In the low light, it seemed to him his mouth looked red like drying blood in contrast. Turi ran his knuckles along his lower lip, making him open his eyes, halflidded and shimmering with his fever. It was his stare, the blush on his cheekbones, the heat of his breath against his skin; it was too much for Turi, and he found himself giving a small smile before going back to the campfire feeling like he'd caught some of his cousin's fever from that touch.
He distracted himself by carefully watching the bread he was toasting, as he knew Aspanu liked, before letting a slice of cheese melt on top of it. When be took it off the fire he topped it with a diced tomato before bringing the plate inside to find Aspanu sitting up, toying with some weed he pulled off the cave floor. His fever seemed to have gone down, and Turi hoped he'd eat on his own, but he didn't as much as look at the plate as it was set between them. Turi started peeling an orange thinking he eventually would, but Aspanu's attention was taken by him which, by reasons he couldn't parse, only made him focus harder on his orange.
When he gave up and met his friend's eyes, they were glossed over with his illness. With concern, he offered him a section of the fruit.
'Eating would do you good.'
Aspanu stared a moment longer, then took it and ate it whole, his hand lingering in front of his moviestar moustache, eyes closing in exhaustion or delight.
'The bread is also good. Is not too hot, is it?
The smaller man gave the food a look between fondness and weariness, then made a undecided noise. Turi frowned, picking a piece and deciding it had cooled enough before passing it to Aspanu, who accepted it after a pause and bit half off at once. He made a sound of appreciation, not waiting to swallow entirely before raisinga eyebrow at his companion.
'Soon you'll cook as good as La Venera, if you keep going to see her.'
'Are you complaining or giving me your blessing?'
'Why would I complain? Be nice to have someone around who can actually prepare a rabbit.'
He smiled down and another bite, this one way smaller, before putting the bread down and laying back with a feeling of unease he couldn't place. This was quickly dispelled as Turi made his way to sit next to him. He'd missed his closeness and, when his friend sat him half up so he leaned on his stronger frame and raised the bread to his lips in an offer, or maybe command, he accepted. It was really good, but too big a mouthful to chew with ease or maybe he was right and not hungry at all, but maybe it was l'ansia coiling in his stomach. No, not fear, but something else and just as powerful. He startled when Turi spoke, and washed it down with some water.
'I don't know. Truth is I haven't been down in a while.' He spoke pensively, maybe as a distraction as he tried to feed Aspanu a new slice, but he jerked his head to the side. 'Sometimes she just makes me sad. Candelaria was a good man, all in all.'
Aspanu stared into the fire outside and said nothing to that but, when Turi offered him more of the orange he huffed out a protest.
'I'm fine now, I've eaten.'
He made a listless attempt to get off his friend, jerking away but falling back into his chest without him needing to hold him there. Something in Turi's chest tightened at fhe contradictions his most beloved friend seemed to be made of. He'd, however, anticipated this resistance, and now dug into his pocket for the Torinese chocolate bar he knew Aspanu wouldn't resist. When he broke off a piece and pressed it to his lips, still bemused by this new nutrition arrangement of theirs, Aspanu took it immediately as predicted.
'You actually bit me!' He pulled his hand away, wiping it in Aspanu's shirt who only hummed in amusement. 'Now have some more bread, yes?'
Aspanu obliged, cajoled by his unspoken bargain. Slowly, comforted by the gentleness of the strong hands coaxing him and the steadinessof the body holding him up, he finished the orange and all but one pieces of bread, insisting on Turi eating some, no matter how much he insisted he'd already eaten wjth his men.
When Turi laid him down on their combined sleepingbags, he was relieved to see some of the colour had returned to his face. Dark, delicate with consumption, his mind was taken to the arab dancers he'd seen at the carnival once. This, and all thoughts, left him as Aspanu started coughing again, the small truce his lungs had given them over. He gave the larger man a look between jaded and resigned, but let him wipe the blood away.
'Open your shirt.'
Aspanu quirked lip at that, but figured he had no real reason to deny him that. His eyes were calculating as he undid the buttons, but Turi only looked worried back at him. When he'd finished, he kneeled around his hips.
'This will be cold.'
'What...' Aspanu's loss for words was momentarily. 'What will be cold?' His only response was the ball of his friend's hand pushing down on his chest. His wet hand. 'Turi...'
'Giuseppinna told me her husband heard about it in Corleone. I'm going to help your lungs.' He stopped to take in Aspanu's flushed expression, checked his temperature. 'It's supposed to be done with vinegar, I can go to the camp to see if there's any...'
'No.' His protest was joined by his hand resting over Turi's, still on his chest. 'No, I think the smell will make me nauseous.'
Turi thought about it for a moment, then sighed out a laugh. 'Right. Don't get nauseous.'
He put the rest of the chocolate in his hand and resumed his task with light, circular movements on his friend's skin. It was dark against his and hot as he expected, softer than he knew to expect. Aspau ate slowly, he wasn't nauseous but there was this tension setting in his stomach that felt inadequate in this moment. Maybe Turi's touch was too light.
'You can press harder.' At the quizzical look that answered him, he only raised the sweet to his friend. 'I think you should press harder'.
Turi took a bite, then pressed down with one hand on top of the other, small firm circles down the centre of the thin chest. Aspanu gasped when he made it to his solar plexus.
'I don't think...'
'Right, ribs.'
Looking as affected as he'd felt at the pressure, he moved back to his chest. Resting his hands under his clavicle on both sides now, putting some of his weight into the upward motions. If this was meant to help him breath, Aspanu mused, medicine was a joke altogether. Not that he would complain, this lightness in his breath was enjoyable. As were the large lands working on him, refreshing against his heated body. He was somewhere between alert and languid and, when Turi sat him up and instructed to cough, he found himself hoping he'd get whatever result he was expecting so he'd do this again sometime.
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entityredacted · 2 years
Because @cynthrey gave me ideas for it, here's a short little Scosage sickfic, enjoy <3
"I'm almost done Scott, just let me-"
Sausage was sitting at his desk, looking over paperwork while shivering and sweating.
"Come on, give yourself a break! You're ill!"
"I can manage it."
Sausage knew that was a lie, he felt like he was about to faint at any moment and his head felt like it would explode. Scott put a hand down on the third page of a very long letter and forced Sausage to look up at him.
"You haven't slept in two days. You need rest."
"Scott, it's important!" Sausage began to protest but Scott dragged him out of his chair and practically carried him to the bed.
Sausage had forgotten how comfortable and warm it was under the covers of his bed. Scott pulled the blankets up around his shoulders kissed him on the cheek before crossing his arms and staring at him with a strict look on his face.
"Stay there until I'm back. No more working," he said as he walked down the stairs.
"Yes mom," Sausage responded sarcastically. Scott's laugh echoed up the stairs along with the sound of pots clanking.
He came back twenty minutes later with a bowl of soup.
"Is it tomato soup?" Sausage asked. His voice was a little muffled as he had buried himself completely under three blankets.
"Oh, marry me."
"We're already engaged Sausage, I'm working on it," Scott chuckled as he unearthed Sausage from the blankets and put the bowl in his lap.
Sausage drank the soup in silence while he thought about going back to work once Scott left. It was a really important letter after all, and after that he should probably get to that mission Gem had sent him on and after that there was something that needed doing in the iron farm and-
Scott took the empty bowl out of Sausage’s hands and placed it next to the stairs before returning to the bed, climbing in under the blankets with Sausage.
"I'm not leaving until you're better," he whispered to him. Sausage wasn't sure if that made him disappointed that he wouldn't be able to work or happy because Scott was there.
"I think I feel a little better, I could-"
Scott held Sausage's head to his chest, and all his thoughts about work disappeared to be replaced by the soft sound of Scott’s heartbeat. He curled up next to him, feeling his warmth and his breathing, two wonderful reminders that he was alive. Alive in the same place as Sausage even!
Sausage fell asleep almost immediately, exhausted from sickness and overwork in Scott's arms.
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angstyaches · 2 years
Original ask from @tomato-sickfics
MARS gang: Have they ever used their powers for something immoral, and if so how do they feel about it?
Lilith: (Have I written something like this before? I’ve tried searching my old asks about Lilith and I can’t find anything and I can’t remember the details) They used their healing magic to bring back their pet (again, I’ve forgotten if I ever established what animal it was) after it died. One of their mothers had to sit them down and explain to them that it was important not to upset the balance of the world by reversing death, and that magic has limits.
Astrophel: Astrophel has been known to attempt to fight the chaotic nature of xyr visions by demanding that the stars show them specific information, either so xe can warn somebody of an outcome or to try to alter the future. To date, xe has never emotionally felt bad for attempting this, since it’s usually for the good of someone else (but xyr connection with the stars punishes xem in its own way).
Rex: Even though it is forbidden to summon demons into the physical world, Rex has done it a total of three times. The first two times were when she was eight and then yen years old, and too young to know better; and the third was more recently. She very often feels guilty about the first two, since both demons escaped into the wild and are likely still out there causing havoc somewhere; and the third, well... she’s still currently dealing with the consequences of that one.
Blake: All the time. On an almost weekly basis, he’ll use his powers to either keep himself out of trouble, or to piss someone off, or to try and fix a mistake that he should probably own up to. Realistically, he does feel guilty whenever he succeeds in tricking or manipulating somebody, but Blake is very good at pushing his feelings so far down that he doesn’t recognise them anymore.
MARS Gang: How old are they, and what are their jobs?
Lilith: Lilith is 28, and their current job is with the same or..shhudhsjdhk... ous post but sshh that’s a secret, no one’s supposed to know that, sshh, top secret.
Astrophel: Astrophel is the youngest of the group at 26. Xe has a doctorate in astrophysics and is a researcher (and occasional lecturer) at a university.
Rex: Rex is 27, and she is a triple threat; Designer (of homeware and jewellery), Author (of multiple self-help books) and Influencer (a word she endeavours to use as little as possible if she can help it) with moderately successful social media and five million YouTube subscribers.
Blake: Blake doesn’t have a job. He’s far too grump and his family is far too rich, so 💅🏻 Edit to add: he’s 28, same as Lilith.
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bellysoupset · 2 months
can you recommend me some emeto/sickfic writers that write for female characters? it seems difficult to find some around here! haha
Yeah, definitely more difficult than finding authors for guys 😭
Okay in order of people I think write mostly female sickee to less:
@salembutnotthecat (Vanessa/Willow are AMAZING)
@wordsmithwhumpsandfluff (loads of female sickees, I'd say is a healthy 50/50 for Word? Correct me if I'm wrong)
@rebelwhump (Jasmine is her main girl, but I know Rebel is also working on a Tessa fic!)
@lisupanddown / @lisupanddowntown (Lis is in the process of moving to the second blog, but she write Noa and Logan as sickees!)
@secretobsessionstuff (All of their Blair sickfics are my everything, but Max mostly writes B as a caretaker, not sickee)
I also know @sickly-qt, @wussifer, @writing-whump and @tomato-sickfics write with girl sickees, but I think it's more sporadic!
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siverwrites · 8 months
Yuletide Letter 2023
Ao3: Siver
Thank you so much for taking this on! Here there are some general prompt details if you want them and if you already have some idea of your own, awesome. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
None of my requests require every requested character
Prompts from past letters are up for grabs too where applicable: https://siverwrites.tumblr.com/letters
Treats are welcome!
Requested Fandoms:
Ghost Trick
Final Fantasy VI
King's Quest VI
The Legend of Heroes: Crossbell arc
General Likes:
fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort, mutual care and support
family found or otherwise, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, emotional bonding, loyalty, slice of life
sickfic, angst with a happy or at least bittersweet end
supernatural stuff, mystery, adventure, worldbuilding, creepy or unsettling atmospheres
fandom fusions, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, reunited characters
General DNW:
NSFW, non-con, dub-con, incest, underage relationships, unrequested shipping (except those ships listed as liked or background canonical pairings), infidelity
explicit gore
real world modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc)
terminal illness, permanent-death of requested characters
2nd person pov
Ghost Trick
Pigeon Man
Alma/Jowd/Cabanela are the OT3 of my heart but I’m perfectly happy with gen fic for them too with bestest friend Cabanela to Alma/Jowd. I’m also happy to see something focused on only one or two of them–I only ask that if there’s a ship situation between 2/3 it’s simply because that’s where the focus lies. No infidelity.
I’m a big fan of hurt/comfort and the more tenderness on the comfort end the better. However you can’t go wrong with pure fluff either.
I’d be interested in any mix here with Pigeon Man. I’m always a sucker for Pigeon Man and Cabanela during their year working together or any other time like meeting again for the first time in the new timeline! But, Jowd and PM have a history and Alma and PM are a very rare combo I'd love to see more of, or any other combo or subset of these four characters.
I'm a big sucker for Ch. 9 and Ch. 15 always. Anything in there is good stuff.
Big sucker for the year Cabanela and Pigeon Man worked together on Jowd’s case or any point in those five years for just Cabanela.
A case Alma somehow ends up involved in?
Navigating Jowd's whole deal in the early days of having dragged the truth out of him
Jowd knowings things he shouldn't and having to avoid accidentally slipping up but Alma and Cabanela are sharp
Other characters are welcome to make appearances if needed! I love the cast wholeheartedly.
Final Fantasy VI
I'm quite partial to the World of Ruin explorations as there is a lot of space for character interaction there. Lots to consider in how they're dealing with it and coping and looking for hope and finding each other...
Some general ideas:
Sabin and/or Celes trying to deal with "Gerad" or the aftermath
The trip in Figaro Castle to Kohlingen. It's been saved! Sabin and Edgar are home; Celes not so much but there's some comfort to be found?
Sabin and Celes trip along the Serpent's trench before or after Mobliz, or more during that first visit to Mobliz
Post-game what are they doing? Well, Sabin and Edgar presumably went to Figaro. What about Celes? Maybe they invited her to stay for a bit while she decides what to do with herself?
King's Quest VI
Captain Saladin
Rotten Tomato
Fandom Specific DNW: King's Quest 2015
I played KQ VI for the first time early this year and was completely charmed by it. While I'd like the focus to be on KQVI things I'm good with pulling in details from the other games in the original series too. Just nothing specific to the 2015 reboot please as I've never played or seen it.
I found Alexander quite endearing. I was really interested in Cassima and while she's stuck in the damsel in distress role she felt less like one--she was ready to take action and just needed that opportunity, and was so protective and dedicated to her home.
Saladin could be interesting from a conflicted loyalty to the crown perspective. It's tough being a guard dog!
Rotten Tomato... sometimes you just gotta have fun. He was an entertaining grump nyehh.
Some general ideas:
Even with the genie's help, I'm sure there are still things to take care of after the mess Alhazred left. Or go with the worse ending and Alexander and Cassima having to deal with the fall-out of that.
Exploration of Cassima before Alexander arrives? She's pretty trapped but bound to be something there... Does she managed to communicate anything with Saladin? Does Alhazred just keep wrecking things?
Alexander and Cassima having an adventure after the end possibly tying into that first point but with the land of the green isles anything could go! Maybe they come across Rotten Tomato again and need his help with something.
Cassima doings and thoughts while Alexander is doing his thing in game
Alex Dudley
Elie MacDowell
Lloyd Bannings
Randy Orlando
Sergei Lou
Tio Plato
Fandom Specific DNW: Spoilers for Reverie or Daybreak, shipping between any of the characters listed here - gen only, please!
I love the found family feels among the SSS, Dudley yanked in too. Any combination of characters is welcome here.
Tio and Randy sibling like relationship and some shared similarities in childhood trauma
Sergei and Dudley working together in the past or present or just a little break. Totally not getting attached to the SSS
KeA winning over Dudley because none can resist her
Anything relating to KeA's powers. Explore them!
SSS family time
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imill · 1 year
I noticed another person bringing up sick Beidou in an ask and,,, headcanons please? 👀 Emeto especially, but general illness is good too!
(i adore Beidou and there's little to no sickfic content of her so I go a lil' berserk when anybody in this community brings her up)
im really not into beidou (i know, i know, stop throwing tomatoes) but i’ll do my best
✨send me a genshin character and i’ll give you headcanons✨
- probably has a really strong stomach actually
- but sometimes gets sick after being at sea for a while and returning to land
- powerful and loud puke, lots of burps and wet coughs
- holds her own hair. she dont need no man
- weirdly specific but always squats down instead of kneeling
- has built up a high alcohol tolerance but can’t escape a hangover every now and then
- also talks through nausea and gets interrupted by heaves
- forces it up a lot when she’s too drunk because she doesn’t like struggling with nausea
- lots of stomach movement, like, you’ll see it contracting over and over
- again very burpy, before and afterwards as well
- tummy rubs™️ by ningguang only !!!!!
- has trouble admitting she’s sick and will only do so if it’s blatantly obvious
- not a sympathy puker because the amount of times she held kazuhas hair and cleaned his puke ???? insane
- hiccups afterwards
- very good at hiding nausea actually, she will get a bit sweaty though
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Eggs, Toast, and Crackers Oh My!
Eggs, Toast, and Crackers Oh My! by Universe4200
Eda checked her shopping list once more, going through the items she had written down even though she had the list memorized.
New coat for Luz Griffin eggs Crackers Bread Tomatoes Lettuce Peanut Butter Blood Juice
Everything on the list, except for the blood juice, was for Luz. The Blood Juice was for her and her older sister, Lilith. -And the food items were the only foods that Luz could definitely eat without her stomach rudely disagreeing with her.
The thought that griffin eggs, toast, and crackers were just about the only thing her kid could manage to eat, it hurt her heart. She wished there was more. Those six things, wasn't nearly enough for a growing child to be living off from. Sometimes she could hear Luz's stomach rumble in hunger protest, and that hurt too. Her kid was basically starving.
Words: 3137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Eda Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, Lilith Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, Owlbert, Hooty
Relationships: Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda
Additional Tags: OOC, Out of Character, Sickfic, Sick Character, Sick Luz, Mommy!Eda, Mother-Daughter Relationship, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Luz can't digest many things in the Boiling Isles, Digestion problems, Gastroparesis, mentions of vomiting, poor luz, Eda loves Luz, Luz loves Eda, Like a mom, Obvious timeline alternatives, Food, Luz cries, Eda stealing, But that isn't much of a surprise at all, Eda cares a lot for Luz and her wellbeing, Portal, Human Realm, boiling isles, this is so sweet, I wish this was in the actual show, i love these two so much, Love, much love here, adorableness, Sweet Eda, Caring Eda, One Shot
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45971968
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writing-whump · 1 year
Big fan of these blogs:
@bellysoupset @angstyaches @tomato-sickfics @lisupandowntown @tiny-loves-rubs @boytumms @ginger-and-mint @sickly-qt @secretobsessionstuff @iwhumpyou @spoonsandcabbage @paininanime @clickerflight @myhusbandsasemni @sickskeleton @emeto-secret-agent @groundcontrol21 @wussifer @sickficideas @aliceinwhumperland @kaiunkaiku @sickiehugs @butterfliesornauseous @whump-side @whiskey-tango-matcha @booking-glass-goddess @hurtcomfortguaranteed @sicknsweaty @lisupanddown @whump-n-comfort @bellyasks @oc-sickfic-central @sicknsweaty
Intro • Tagging system
Wip: University stories🏫
Wip: Werewolf stories🐺
accepting requests for OCs!
Wip info • OC info • Hairstyles • OC Meta •
Fic masterlist:
1. Sick and hurt Matthew, Isaiah and reluctant Seline help
2. Matthew defends Seline and gets sick
3. Matthew helping sick Isaiah
4. Matthew helping sick Isaiah p.2 (Isaiah's pov)
5. Matthew with stomach flu + caretaker Seline
6. Seline sick with Isaiah on the road
7. Seline sick p.2 + Isaiah and Matthew
8. Food poisoning Matthew + caretaker Isaiah
9. Isaiah poisoned at an event p.1 + Sonny and Matthew
10. Isaiah poisoned p.2 + Seline and Matthew as caretakers
11. Recovering Isaiah, panicked Matthew, moving in together idea
12. Sick Seline with a headache + Isaiah
13. Matthew mixing milk with bubbly drinks + Seline as caretaker
14. Matthew sick from roller coaster ride + Isaiah as caretaker
15. Isaiah stress sick during a movie night + Seline as caretaker
16. Hector with a broken leg + Isaiah reluctantly helps
17. Late night visit with bleeding hand Reuben + Isaiah angsting
18. Caleb sick from fear + Seline + Matthew
19. Seline crying + upset sick Matthew + Isaiah as caretaker
20. Hector sick from Seline's protective wards
21. Isaiah sick from a nightmare + Seline
22. Matthew sick from hiding an infected injury + Seline + worried Isaiah
23. Matthew with a stomach bug calls Isaiah to pick him up + awkward comfort Seline
24. Isaiah catches Matthew's bug + Seline + bellyrubs
25. Seline with a cold + Isaiah + fluff
26. Flashback: upset 18 years old Isaiah can't stop throwing up + crying + reluctant caretaker Sonny
27. Feverish Matthew + backstory reveal + Isaiah and Seline for comfort
28. Arnie with ear infection + Isaiah as caretaker + brotherly reunion
29. Isaiah + heart episode + sick at night + Matthew for help
30. Flashback fic: 17 years old Isaiah, abusive father, Reuben as prisoner
31. Drunk sick emotional Arnie + angry worried Hector
32. Emberassed in denial Isaiah sick from a gory movie + worried angry Matthew
33. Hector with food poisoning + guilty anxious Arnie + calling Isaiah for help
34. Hector recovering from food poisoning + emotional talk with Isaiah
35. Hurt Matt + Hector helps + brings him to Isaiah
36. Seline crying and stressing over trains + Matthew with a concussion for comfort
37. Isaiah comes home to find Seline and Matt huddled together in bed
38. Isaiah with a high fever and a nosebleed + calls Seline to come home to help
39. Hector with bruised ribs + Arnie sick with the flu hiding from he so he doesn't catch it
40. Part 2: Isaiah helping sick Arnie and hurt Hector
41. Seline with upset tummy + Isaiah gives her bellyrubs + fluff
42. Matt sick with heatstroke + Isaiah for comfort
43. Isaiah with heart episode at an event + meeting Matt's sister + Hector trying to help
44. Part 2: Isaiah with heart episode + Hector + Matthew argue
45. Burpy with little indigestion Isaiah + Seline fluff
46. Hector claustrophobic and motion sick on the subway + meeting Olive
47. Flashback: Seline and Isaiah first meeting + magic emeto
48. Hector and Arnie find out the truth about Isaiah + stress sick Hector + Arnie for comfort + angst
49. Feverish Seline cuddling with the boys
50. Stress sick Hector talks with Isaiah about the revelation
51. Arnie with a migraine at night from the revelation + Hector caretaker
52. Isaiah breaks down after the reveal + Matt and Seline for comfort
53. Hector invites Isaiah for breakfast with Arnie + emotional whump + crying + comfort
54. Seline argues with witches + gets attacked by their wolves + Isaiah for rescue
55. Cinema motion sick Matt + Seline + Isaiah
56. Hector gets sick + appendicitis + Arnie for comfort
57. Hector after appendicitis in pain + Isaiah + Arnie
58. Hector with appendicitis part 3
59. Isaiah overeats while visiting Seline's parents + Seline for comfort
60. Isaiah finds Matt coming down with something after the trip
61. Matt gets super sick and emotional during the night + Isaiah for comfort
62. Dylan meets Rip + sick from a hit to the stomach
63. Dylan with a cold + meets Isaiah + caretaker Seline
64. Sick Seline and Isaiah with Dylan's flu + Matthew caretaker
65. Hector + Arnie in a car accident
66. Arnie with stress migraine after the accident + Isaiah
67. Stress sick Isaiah angsting over the accident + Seline
68. Hurt Hector calls Isaiah for help in the middle of the night
69. Hurt Hector part 2: Isaiah, Matthew and Seline help
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I’m not happy with this, but it’s the first digital art I’ve done in probably a year, and I didn’t want the effort to go to waste :)
I don’t really imagine Dakota this slim-faced, but I love him and had to do something for him!
Ahh look at this beautifulness made by @tomato-sickfics! 
Girl you are so talented I love this!! I’m so glad Dakota is getting some love, and you made his hair look exactly like I imagine it! Thank you so darn much I wish I could draw half as well so I could draw your boys! 
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