#tomie au
seungrem · 4 days
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tomie!sunghoon x gn!reader
The Curse of Sunghoon
masterlist ~*+ - part 1 of 3?? ~*+
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summary: It seemed that people had become lost in their flawed tendencies since the arrival of the new student; His enigmatic spirit and flawless features made him impossible to miss- enchanting students and teachers alike. Uncanny in many ways, the boy’s name was Sunghoon, and for gn!reader, it seemed his presence was nothing other than ill-fated.
( overview: please see warnings. no pronouns mentioned excluding occasional ‘em’s, mostly an introduction to the plot, no romantic expressions between hoon & reader yet, new student!sunghoon, student!reader, and made up characters: gang leader!hoshino & stalker!rika, fic in general is more artsy than romantic )
( warnings: mentions of blood, weapons, threats, fighting/physical aggression, gangs/mob groups, a very tiny bit of gore- not detailed at all, manipulation, and stalkerish/obsessive behavior )
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emoji code:
🌿 ( long story/series - 4.2k words )
🪐 ( junji ito’s Tomie AU )
+🫧 ( maybe a bit angsty )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Down the stone path lined with cherry blossom trees, pink petals fluttered sporadically in the crisp spring breeze. The walk to class was always silent, though ☁️ would catch the new student walking in the distance. It was a peculiar change to the old, tedious morning routine that he was used to- partially due to the mystery that was Sunghoon.
Sunghoon was never one to look disheveled or disoriented. His skin was always glowing- so much that it often reflected light, his lengthy figure was adored by many, and his mannerisms were always gracious. To put it simply, the boy was elegant. ☁️ had heard of the many rumors surrounding his family, appearance, and connections, but never paid them mind.
It’s been a month since ☁️’s final year of school had begun, and it’s been two weeks since ☁️ had noticed Sunghoon’s presence on the cherry blossom path. Though the walks continued to be in silence, peculiarity struck the daily routine once again.
Trudging around puddles and small piles of flowers petals on a cloudy Thursday morning, ☁️’s focus remained on the stone path below. Imagine ☁️’s surprise upon almost bumping into Sunghoon, who raised an eyebrow at the action. ☁️ stumbled back and immediately matched Sunghoon’s gaze, rather embarrassed.
“Ah, I’m sorry.” ☁️ stammered, walking around Sunghoon.
“I was waiting for you.”
Sunghoon placed his hands in his pocket as ☁️ turned around.
“Oh.. why’s that?”
“We walk down this path at the same time everyday. Wouldn’t it be nice to travel together?” Sunghoon questioned monotonously.
Aside from the confusion, there was an underlying anticipation ☁️ felt when speaking to Sunghoon. It was also ☁️’s first time hearing his voice- his tone soft yet assertive.
“Yeah.. I guess it would.”
Sunghoon burst out laughing and shook his head.
“Did you really think that I’d want to walk beside you? And everyday at that?” Sunghoon took his hands out of his pocket and crossed his arms, an amused look across his face. “What humor you have.”
☁️ grimaced at the comment, looking around.
“You said you were waiting for me, though..” ☁️ muttered, anticipation transforming into anger.
“I did.” Sunghoon responded, his gaze not leaving ☁️’s. With furrowed eyebrows and rolling eyes, ☁️ took a step away from the man, about to walk away.
“I don’t want to be late, let’s go.” Sunghoon said, grabbing ☁️’s arm and continuing down the stone path. The two now walking side by side, ☁️ shook Sunghoon’s grip away as the awkward interaction began causing headache.
The rest of the walk was silent, and Sunghoon’s gesture of waiting for ☁️ became a daily occurrence. Upon arriving to the school each day, the two would give the other a look of “goodbye” to then go their separate ways.
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“Is this seat taken?”
☁️ looked up to see Sunghoon standing across the cafeteria table, holding a food tray. It had been a week since the two of them began walking together.
“Good. I was going to sit here regardless.”
An eyebrow raised, ☁️ watched as Sunghoon sat and began nipping at a salad.
“So I was wondering..” The boy began.
☁️ looked up again.
“How close are you to Hoshino?”
“Nobody’s close to Hoshino.” ☁️ responded, watching as Sunghoon continued between bites.
“What do you mean?”
“Unless you’re in his posse, I’d doubt that you’d ever get the opportunity to be ‘close’ to him. I heard that even his members don’t speak that often to him.”
“Do you think it’s by choice?”
“I don’t know. What’s it to you?” ☁️ tilted his head as Sunghoon pushed his tray aside.
“I don’t like him, he’s the root of this place’s problems.”
“Yeah, well, nobody else likes him- so you’re not alone.”
The two sat in silence as ☁️ looked around the busy cafeteria, catching the glare of Rika, a girl in their grade. Of all the times ☁️ recalled seeing her around, Rika always had two bows on each side of her long black hair, it becoming a staple in her appearance. Though, today, it seemed only one bow hung from the left side of her two pigtails.
“Is Rika staring again?” Sunghoon asked, glancing over to ☁️. “I can feel it.”
“She is.”
“Did you know that she’s quite psychotic? An absolute whacko.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s horribly obsessive- I catch her stalking me on occasion. I heard that it’s because she likes me, but who doesn’t?” Sunghoon smiled, amused by his own comment. “She’s an odd girl.”
“Yeah.. you should probably tell someone about that..” ☁️ suggested, looking over and catching her gaze once again.
“It’s alright. I usually lose her on the way home.”
Sighing, ☁️ sat with pursed lips in silence. The two were quiet until the end of the lunch period, them later walking side by side through the school hallways.
“Hey, ☁️!”
☁️ turned around to see Hoshino and three other boys approach the two of them. Initially startled, ☁️ maintained composure.
“You didn’t introduce me to your new friend.” Hoshino laughed, him now standing only inches in front of ☁️. He leaned onto a locker with his arms crossed, eyeing up ☁️ and then Sunghoon.
“His name is Sunghoon.”
“Ah, Sunghoon. The pleasure’s all mine.” Hoshino exclaimed sarcastically, holding a hand out to the boy.
“The pleasure would be mine if I didn’t think you were a bastard.” Sunghoon sneered, followed by light laughter. ☁️ stood frozen in fear as Hoshino’s shocked expression turned into one of anger. Pulling a knife from his back pocket, he pushed Sunghoon against the wall, holding it at his throat.
“Hoshino, he’s new to the school. He doesn’t know better.” ☁️ pleaded, taking steps toward the boy. Two of Hoshino’s members grabbed at ☁️’s shoulders, stopping ‘em from moving any closer.
“I don’t give warnings. Consider it your first and last.” Hoshino said, pushing Sunghoon into the wall again and backing away. He then turned to ☁️, who was still held back by the other boys. “Keep your friend in line, or you’re next.” Hoshino whispered, tapping the blade against ☁️’s lips. “K?”
Feeling their grip loosen, ☁️ watched as Hoshino turned and began down the hallway beside his posse. As soon as the group was out of sight, ☁️ turned to Sunghoon.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“Do you think I’m scared of a little blade?” Sunghoon muttered, wiping blood off of ☁️’s lips with his thumb. He then put his thumb into his mouth, making ☁️ wince. Luckily, there were only a few people lingering in the hallways, none of them seeming to notice. Sunghoon laughed and began walking away. “I’ll see you later!”
☁️ sighed. About to walk to class, another hand gripped ☁️’s shoulder.
“Hey, ☁️.”
☁️ turned to see that strange girl, Rika.
“You’re not dating Sunghoon, right?”
“Uhm.. no, I’m not.” ☁️ responded, raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, I just didn’t want anything bad happening to you. You know.” Rika smiled and patted ☁️’s shoulder, her silver braces shining as she did so.
“I don’t know what you mean, actually.”
“As long as you’re not taking him away, there’s no need for you to worry about it.” Rika whispered, followed by a boisterous laugh. “No need for you to worry. Bye-bye.”
☁️ watched as Rika hurried down the hallway, throwing her pink satchel back over her shoulder.
“How odd this school is.” ☁️ huffed.
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“I really don’t think he would do such a thing.”
Another week had passed since ☁️ and Sunghoon had officially become.. acquainted. As of recently, they’d had eaten lunch, walked around, and traveled to and from school together, daily. It had also been a week since their first run-in with Hoshino, whose glares in the hallways meant he didn’t forget, either. ☁️ felt this time drag- almost as if Sunghoon had bestowed a curse upon ‘em the day they first met. The boy simply seemed to attract both unwanted attention and problems.
Just the day prior, Sunghoon supposedly got one of Hoshino’s posse members kicked out of the school, somehow. Despite not being involved in the situation, ☁️ had been on the receiving end of stares and gossip ever since. The story told didn’t make much sense, and ☁️ didn’t want to ask Sunghoon about it just yet.
“Why not? Everyone knows about the rising tensions between him and Hoshino. It would make sense for him to snitch.” One of the girls in ☁️’s class whispered back as they awaited the arrival of their teacher. “I heard he manipulated a few teachers into searching the boy’s belongings. Apparently, they found knives and even gun.”
☁️ looked around the room, and then back at the girl as she continued.
“I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard that Hoshino has been planning on getting him back. I’m sure you could guess what’ll happen.”
The girl leaned back into her seat, raising her eyebrows.
“Is there anything else you can give me?” ☁️ whispered, despite knowing that this information was all that she’d provide for today.
“Even if I wanted to give you more, I can’t. That’s really all I got.”
“How much do I owe you?”
“Just $5. I’ll give you a discount so that I don’t end up on Sunghoon’s naughty list. People are saying that he’ll become the next Hoshino.. I’m not sure why you spend so much time with him in honestly.”
Grabbing a few dollars bills, ☁️ quickly slid the money to the girl from a back-pocket.
“A pleasure doing business with ‘ya.”
“It’s unnecessary to worry about what other people say, ☁️.” Sunghoon muttered, rolling his eyes. The two sat across from each other at lunch, as they usually do.
“But accusations can have consequences. Especially since it’s involving Hoshino.”
Sunghoon put his fork down and looked up to ☁️ with a blank expression. The boy then glanced around, quickly.
“Would you like to skip next period with me? I have an errand that I have to run.”
“Not really. I’m assuming, since you asked, that you’ll need help. Right?”
“Perceptive. I’m thoroughly impressed.”
☁️ frowned. “What is it?”
“I just need to pay a teacher a visit. Just keep lookout for me.”
“Tell me what you’ll be doing, Hoonie.”
“I told you that I hate that nickname.”
☁️ shrugged, as if saying “I don’t care.” Sunghoon continued.
“It’s just to talk about Hoshino. It’ll be quick.”
“Hm.. fine. Please be quick, though.”
“Aw, that’s truly so sweet of you. Thanks for always being there for me, ☁️.”
☁️ rolled his eyes, ignoring Sunghoon’s superficial praise. Standing up suddenly, the boy motioned ☁️ to follow him.
“Let’s just leave lunch early.”
☁️ stood beside Sunghoon upon arriving to a classroom on the highest floor. After the boy knocked on the door, a younger-looking teacher slid it open slightly, him holding a few textbooks.
“Hey, can I help you two?”
“Yes, we’ve spoken a few days ago. Do you have a moment?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember speaking to you, and I’m a bit busy with grading. Could you two come b-“
“No, I’m sorry. You actually do have a moment.” Sunghoon pushed the door open, making the man stumble back and drop his books.
“The hell are you doing?” ☁️ muttered, grabbing Sunghoon’s arm. Sunghoon approached the teacher, shoving ☁️’s hand off of him as he walked towards the man. Picking his books up while squatting on the floor, the teacher looked up to Sunghoon, who towered over him. ☁️ was taken aback as he watched Sunghoon bent down as well. He placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, whispering to him.
“Be the lookout, ☁️.” Sunghoon instructed, not taking his eyes off of the teacher. In disbelief, ☁️ took a step back and walked out of the door, closing it so that it was barely open ajar.
Sunghoon walked back out a few minutes later, a cellphone and tan folder in hand. The boy tossed an object on the floor as ☁️ took a peak behind him, seeing the teacher slouched over a desk. Noticing ☁️’s gaze, Sunghoon closed the door lightly.
“He’s fine, just resting for another minute. We should go before he wakes up.”
“You didn’t hurt him, right?”
“Of course not. I needed his help.”
☁️ looked around, seeing that the hallway was empty as the two begun down it.
“So, why didn’t he remember you?”
“I manipulated him into helping me before. That’s probably why he didn’t recall our previous meetings.”
“What do you mean manipulate?”
“Why’re you grilling me?”
“Because I don’t understand what’s going on. This is too much, Sunghoon.”
“You’ll know when it happens, just like everyone else.”
The two descended down the staircase in silence, ☁️ still not satisfied with the lack of information.
“We’re only a few minutes late to archery class. See? I told you that it wouldn’t be long.”
☁️ nodded.
“Anyway, I suspect Rika to be around here somewhere, don’t say anything else about it.” Sunghoon whispered, leaning into ☁️’s ear.
“Sunghoon!” Rika called out from behind them, as if on que. She hurried over to them from down the hallway, holding a plastic bag in hand. Still missing a bow, Rika looked ☁️ up and down with a dismissive look. “You had something for me?”
Sunghoon took the bag she held and placed the tan file and phone inside of it.
“That’s all. You’ll have it back tomorrow.”
Rika nodded and smiled, continuing down the hallway as if the conversation had never happened.
“What was the point of getting that file if you were just going to give it to her?” ☁️ asked, watching Rika disappear in the distance. The two continued, walking slowly as they conversed.
“I already read it. And I don’t want that teacher suspecting me of taking it.”
“Why wouldn’t he remember you being in there?”
“I manipulated him, remember?”
☁️ face palmed. “You don’t have powers, Hoonie. You’re gonna get us in a lot of trouble.”
“Yes I do. I’m special, remember?”
“I really hope narcissism isn’t clouding your judgment.” ☁️ sighed.
Sunghoon stopped walking, seemingly offended. “Nothing could cloud my judgment.”
“That’s something a narcissist would say.”
Sunghoon stepped in front of ☁️, opening the gymnasium doors and gesturing forward.
“Thank you.” ☁️ muttered, catching the teacher’s glare as they stepped inside. The teacher was older- probably in his 50’s. ☁️ watched as the man hurried to the two of them with compound bows under his arms.
“Since you two decided to show up, help me gather the rest of the materials.” The man said, motioning the two to follow him into the equipment room. “You, grab the box of arrows since it’s heavy.” He said, pointing at Sunghoon. He then pointed to ☁️ before gesturing toward additional compound bows. “You can put the last two bows on the rack out there, follow me back please.”
The three walked back to the group of students who waited in the middle of the gymnasium floor.
“Alright everyone! Split into two groups of eight.” The teacher instructed.
“Make sure we aren’t in Hoshino’s group.” Sunghoon muttered, pulling ☁️ away from the crowd of students. After a minute, the class was divided.
“This group has nine, one of you go over there.” The teacher said, looking at ☁️. A student awkwardly shuffled over to the other group. “Okay, good. This side is shooting first, and then that side. Grab a bow and an arrow and line up.”
“We’re shooting first.” ☁️ looked over to Sunghoon, who stared intently at the windows on the other side of the room. Patting Sunghoon’s arm, ☁️ knocked the boy out of his daze. “What’s wrong?”
“I thought I saw something outside.” Sunghoon replied, shaking his head. The two followed the group of students over to the rack of bows, grabbing one alongside an arrow. The teacher called out commands, and the students raised their bows. The target in front of them was tall and wide, with three circles of red white and blue. Sitting on the other side of the room with their backs against the window, the other students watched.
☁️ released the arrow, though someone else’s collided coincidently with it, causing ☁️’s to fall to the ground. Laughing it off, ☁️ turned to Sunghoon.
“How did you do?”
“I got a bullseye.”
☁️ looked over to the target, seeing a singular arrow in the blue center.
“That’s impressive.” ☁️ muttered, turning to Sunghoon once again. The boy was looking over his shoulder- his gaze fixated on the group of students against the window. “What do you keep looking at?”
“You didn’t see that guy standing outside?”
☁️ looked over, not seeing anybody over the standing students’ heads. “No.”
Sunghoon ran a hand through his hair as the students placed their bows on the ground and took a step away. Sunghoon and ☁️ followed their movements, awaiting the teacher’s directions.
“Okay, second group, it’s your turn.”
About to walk toward the wall alongside the others, Sunghoon gripped at ☁️’s shoulder.
“I’m not going over there until I see that boy again.”
“What if you’re just seeing things?”
“I’m not, I know I saw him.”
“Even if there was a boy, so what? You’d see him better if we go over there.”
“You don’t understand.”
☁️ shrugged, walking away from the bows so that other students could use them. Sunghoon followed, standing diagonally to the second group. Only a few feet to the right of the target, ☁️ caught Hoshino’s gaze and immediately looked away.
The teacher began shouting commands as Sunghoon’s gaze didn’t come off of the window in the distance. The teacher stood behind the engrossed students as he called out, despite not seeing the actual target.
“There he is.” Sunghoon muttered, jogging a few steps forward and walking towards the window. ☁️ looked over to see a tall boy in a black school suit towering behind the students standing against the wall. His mahogany hair blew in the wind as his steady gaze didn’t leave Sunghoon’s. It was an eerie scene, one that filled ☁️ with fear as the stranger peeked into the room.
☁️ flinched as droplets of red sprinkled across the face and neck possessed. Pinned against the target, Sunghoon twitched as red trickled down his body. Perceiving the horror a few feet in the distance, ☁️ cupped a hand over the mouth that gasped. The students holding bows cried out or turned around to avoid the scene. Those sitting against the window all stood up, some covering their eyes and some rushing over to get a better look. The man on the other side of the window was no longer present.
“What the hell..” The teacher choked, stepping through the line of students to see Sunghoon impaled by their arrows. With a throat becoming drier by the second, ☁️ walked over to the line of students. Arrows had gone through Sunghoon’s eye, neck, shoulder, stomach, leg, and both sides of his arms. Someone behind ☁️ threw up.
“What the hell did you do..” The teacher croaked again, looking at the students beside ☁️.
“You said to shoot!” One girl cried out.
“He just ran in front of the board. It wasn’t our fault.” Another boy muttered.
☁️ turned to see Hoshino approach Sunghoon’s body- it no longer twitching.
“We’ll just get rid of the body. Guys, help me get him off of this.”
“The hell are you talking about?” One of his mob members shouted, his voice shaky.
“Unless you all wanna go to jail, I suggest you help get rid of the body.” Hoshino shouted back, him then slowly removing each arrow from Sunghoon’s body. A few boys walked beside him, helping the boy set Sunghoon’s lifeless figure onto the floor.
“Someone get the tarp cover from the equipment room.” Hoshino ordered after turning his head, glaring at the crowd that now stood behind him. A girl beside ☁️ nodded and sprinted over to the room.
“Nobody go anywhere! We are not getting rid of anything!” The teacher roared, pushing a few of the boys surrounding Hoshino away from Sunghoon’s body. Hoshino quickly stood up, pulling a switchblade from his back pocket and holding it at the teacher’s neck.
“Either you help us or you suffer the same fate.” Hoshino looked around. “That goes for everyone!”
The girl ran back with a black tarp, unraveling it so that Hoshino’s members could drag Sunghoon onto it.
“What the fuck is happening.” ☁️ whispered to himself, watching as other students began helping to wrap the body.
“This is so fucked up.” A boy beside ☁️ whispered in response.
“There’s a door leading outside in the equipment room, right?” Hoshino asked the teacher, his switchblade still pointed at him. The teacher simply nodded his head.
“Alright, everyone outside! Now!” Hoshino yelled, jogging over to his members. He whispered to them before turning to the crowd of students. Pointing to the tarp, he called out again. “I need a few people to carry this into the mountain.”
Students stepped up and kneeled beside the tarp cover. Lifting it, they began into the equipment room, guided by two of Hoshino’s members. Hoshino stood behind, watching as everyone filed into the room and out the door. ☁️ was the one of the last students to leave, exhaling upon observing the small puddle of blood that dripped down the target and onto the floor.
“Go.” Hoshino said, waving the switchblade at ☁️ as he and the teacher walked passed. ☁️ followed them into the room and out of the metal door, one of Hoshino’s members then closing the door behind them. ☁️ watched as the group walked into the forested area a few feet in the distance, barely trailing behind. Hoshino noticed, him turning around and walking towards ☁️.
“I guess I need to chaperone you.” Hoshino muttered upon gripping ☁️’s arm, the two of them then rushing up the hill and through the forest. They eventually caught up to the group, a fire having been started. Hoshino let go of ☁️ after he stood beside his members.
“We’re going to give everyone a part to hide. If your part gets found, you’re dead. After you hide it, and hide it well, you can go home. Wash your hands and clothes immediately. The teacher and my group will clean the gymnasium- if you’d like to help you can. Everyone understand?” Hoshino shouted, watching as most of the class nodded their heads. He then began unwrapping the body with the help of a few other students. ☁️ had to turn around upon seeing Hoshino’s men begin digging their knives into the boy’s already decomposing body.
A few minutes had passed since the boys had begun severing, and ☁️ remained opposite to them. People began walking away with small parts of Sunghoon in their hands. One with a few fingers and another with his two ears. It made ☁️ want to gag at the sight, but the shock taking over ☁️’s body prevented anything further from happening.
“Hey, ☁️.”
☁️ turned around to see Hoshino standing in the way of what remained of Sunghoon’s body. Avoiding eye contact, ☁️ noticed the organs in the boy’s hands.
“Since you were closest with him, I’m giving you his heart and brain.”
Looking to the right, ☁️ felt Hoshino drop the organs into open hands.
“If it makes you feel better, I was going to do it eventually. Maybe I could make it up to you sometime.” Hoshino sighed, seemingly displeased with the lack of acknowledgment he was receiving. ☁️’s eye twitched in response to his words.
“You could never.”
☁️ turned back around, continuing aimlessly into the forest. Attempting to go back the way the group came to avoid getting lost, ☁️ trudged down the hill they walked up- finding a dirt path. ☁️ walked down it, finding a gorgeous stone bridge. A stream flowed heavily below the structure, though, ☁️ didn’t have the heart to throw the items into it. Instead, ☁️ walked across the bridge and sat in the grass- a foot away from where the water rushed through. It was then that ☁️ noticed the flat surface under the bridge’s abutment, untouched by the roaring water. Walking over to it, the space was only a little shorter than ☁️. With a deep breath, ☁️ kneeled down and climbed onto the stone surface, placing the brain and heart beside each other.
Hoshino’s words replayed in ☁️’s head. Walking back onto the bridge, ☁️ took a few steps forward and rested heavy arms on the cool stone structure. If even Hoshino noticed Sunghoon and ‘em spending a lot of time together, then ☁️ assumed that everyone had noticed, as well. Though, in reality, ☁️ and Sunghoon never really got close. He would only accompany ☁️ at lunch and on the walk home, and even then, their conversations were never in-depth. Still, ☁️ was fearful of what was to come. If someone were to find out, then what would happen? Sunghoon’s family will be looking for him, right? How is Hoshino going to keep everyone quiet? And why would Sunghoon act so carelessly upon seeing that boy? What made him so important?
Lost in the roaring of the waters, ☁️ didn’t notice a boy walk behind ‘em. The boy stopped a few feet away, leaning onto the guardrail and looking out into the distance. Upon glancing over, ☁️ recognized the boy’s mahogany hair. Both shocked and a bit scared, ☁️ took a step back.
“You know,..” The boy began. “..you really shouldn’t worry. He’ll be back.”
The boy turned to ☁️, pushing off of the bridge’s stone guardrail and walking over to ‘em. He held out his lengthy hand, which ☁️ took hesitantly and shook lightly. “My name is Heeseung.”
“☁️…. And what do you mean?”
“Sunghoon. You’ll know when he’s back, and when he is, you better spend that time with him wisely.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You’re not going to. And that’s okay.”
The two sat in silence before Heeseung continued.
“Your school’s going to be a shit show for a while. Try not to die, otherwise there’d be nobody to welcome Sunghoon back.”
“Who are you?” ☁️ growled, taking another step back.
“Who was Sunghoon?” Heeseung replied, his voice just as monotonous as Sunghoon’s was.
☁️ remained silent, unsure of how to respond. Thinking about it.. they were something like friends, and ☁️ considered Sunghoon to be.. many things. ☁️’s crush amongst those many things.
“I’ll be around when you find out. Good luck.”
Heeseung strolled backwards as he and ☁️ kept gazes on each-other, him eventually turning around and continuing across the bridge. ☁️ watched his figure become smaller as he walked up the hill, fading behind the trees.
It seemed that people had become lost in their flawed tendencies since the new student’s arrival; His enigmatic spirit and flawless features made him impossible to miss- enchanting students and teachers alike. Uncanny in many ways, the boy’s name was Sunghoon, and even in his death, his curse remained potent.
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a/n: i have a part 2 ready but let’s see how this does ! writing gn is also different and a bit challenging- next time I’ll just write saying ‘you’ bc it’s 100x easier. n e ways i hope u liked it, ik it’s different than what i usually write :,) don’t let this flop pls
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
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I know this post seems random but, guess who had combined CoD with Junji Ito's works?
I remember watching some of the episodes a long time back and one of the most prominent ones I found was "Tomie". The character was so horrifying that for some reason it questioned me: Does this character really die? Or keeps on reviving?
And I had a keen interest in making one of my favourite villains, as Tomie. I feel more bad for Price because he would have to face the horrors of Makarov reviving every single time despite the numerous attempts he tried to destroy him, oof 🤣
But it makes sense too, what if he was a "manifestation of the evil" that can never be destroyed, but you have to keep killing it, burning it again and again to make it desist but it comes back in any form again. Makarov's presence itself makes a person hate him so much that they have the urge to kill him. But in result? He becomes stronger, and stronger, unbeknownst to the person who killed him.
This was an old sketch I did of him as Tomie! I hope you like it, hehe (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
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crazygemspinz · 10 months
It's done :DD
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minced-mangoes · 6 months
I love the idea of Mammon and MC being touchy with each other. They cling to each other constantly. It starts off pretty early on in knowing each other. Probably from MC hiding behind Mammon at one point, or Mammon deciding you're his and he's not letting anyone touch his stuff. You both end up playing off of each other, and soon enough you're stuck together like glue. It gets to the point that he gets separation anxiety from you. When you're not at his side he can't help but worry. Where are you? Are you alright? Are you with someone else? Do you still love him? Of course you always return fine, and reassure him that he's your first and you love him, but the worry is always there. I'd like to think that the rest of the brothers grow used to it and actually get surprised if you aren't with Mammon, whether purposefully or not.
Do not separate. Mammon will cry.
Sometimes a family is a pink sparkle sheep and a manfailure.
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lovermyme · 11 months
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Im feeling sick so i tried to finish at least the principal, worth to share anyway
Spider sully au, where he is a hibrid of human Jake sully and Neytiri
• He has a long long tail very useful like a third leg to him and a long long queue very useless, he cant really connect with eywa :(
• his silly canine teeth are crooked to front cause it canot fit in his mouth 💞🥺
• he cant breath pandora air for more than 10minutes.
• the acid water still dyes his hair including his queue
• even though he is the oldest brother, and act as one, neteyam still the one whose jake demand more (just like in the movie). You must imagine why and how frustrating it is to spider
• even though he is the oldest again, all his siblings call his tiny brother to annoy him, less tuk, that cant wait to grow a few more inches and call him tiny brother too
• this spider cant even say he is "tall for a human" cause technically 🗣️
• he has to put his queue in his hair (like i the images) cause if he don't, it drag on the floor and its very uncomfortable :(
• yes i know queue growing from the neck is avatar shit and avatar jake is not evolved here, yes i do not care
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@wonttalkaboutit also posted some cool headcanons 🥺💞 thank you friend for talking with me about this
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r4tfromm3rcury · 24 days
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Harumi ninjago rrly giving me tomie vibes
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tomicaleto · 3 months
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Accidental Emperor Vader is back and now as imperial postage stamps!
I'm so excited to share this one! I had planned drawing Emperor Vaderkin with this outfit that Daenerys wears (I never really GOT but the vibes!) and I'm so happy I finally drew it!
I hope you like it and don't forget to check the tag for more pieces of this AU!
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kondensaduhhh · 11 months
Tomi ‘Spider’ Sully Hybrid AU Headcanons bc im literally losing my mind at the possibilities of this
- my personal fave, is how Jake and Neytiri pronounce ‘Tommy/Tomi’, Jake says it very american; ‘touh-mi’ while Neytiri says; ‘toh-mee’ (idk how to make this make sense, but im filipino and i can hear the difference when my uncle says ‘tommy’ and how everyone else says ‘tomi’)
- the queue and tail being regular na’vi size so it’s enormous on Spider (this is @lovermyme but i love it so much)
-if you think Spider is great climber without a tail, wait until yall see the speed on this mf, using the damn thing like an extra limb
- Spider hanging upside down, hanging on just by his tail spider monkey style (which is the reason my spider monkeys got their name btw)
-Spider having bright orange eyes and extra large irises, i want him to look alien on the get go to both na’vi and humans
- his na’vi fangs overlapping his human canines, so cute
-pointy ears!! they aren’t as animated as the na’vi’s though, but it’s kinda there.
- he can breathe pandoran air but it causes phlegm buildup if he’s only breathing pandoran air, but when he does come back for human oxygen, he gets lightheaded for a good half hour or so.
- always has some ache in his back, arms, and legs, like he feels like he’s too big to fit in his body.
- can technically eat na’vi foods, but it makes his stomach hurt. Norm said it might be bc he was solely eating human food and that perhaps they can try exposure therapy but Neytiri didn’t wanna risk it, this is her first born afterall
- he has way denser bones than humans, no where near as a na’vi of course, but finding out this bone density fact when he slipped off a branch and fell a good 15ft, hitting branches on the way and found out none of his bones broke when he was 7 was not a good way to find out. Neytiri screamed at Jake for a approximately 5 hrs, non-consecutively
- got his lobes stretched just like his Mama.
- spoiled fucking rotten, but he doesn’t know/ he can’t ask for anything despite the fact he will get it if asked, he’s still a people pleaser, and still has some self-worth issues.
- thick fucking hair, like na’vi thick, he had to have an undercut bc it was literally straining his neck (much to Neytiri’s dismay)
idk i think that’s it for now lol
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stcpidcupid · 4 months
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[  #토미  ] 
     1302′24  TOMIE  DAY  ! 
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shinymoonforest · 1 year
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hello all! can you tell ive been having TSP brainrot LFJKDSNFKJDS the community in discord has been so much fun and i feel so happy there so ive been doodling things throughout this week!! only using pen too (minus the goreguts doodle, where i used some red colored pencil bc i couldnt find a red pen kfjdnkj) enjoy!!! ALSO EXCEPT FOR THE LIL FLUFFY HOOD GUY (lovebug!silas), NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS ARE MINE! they belong tooo: @vellichorom - lovebug!thierry (sickly guy in the dark red robe) @tomi-chuu - rosemary (pretty housewife with the bow <33) / lovebug!rosie (which i will be having more art of soon fksdjfndsk)  @theyaoiparable - pre-accident seraph (calm pal with angel wings, halos and eyes surrounding em) @dragoncattheanxious​ - lovebug!leer (big pal with all the eyes <33) all of these were such a pleasure to draw!! i hope to make more pen art in the future :D
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also bonus art of my sona, Shiny, as a lovebugged bab <33 okbyenow-
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crazygemspinz · 10 months
Just posting this,I feel very proud of it!
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minced-mangoes · 6 months
Y'all think the brothers would have trouble with hugging you too tight? Sometimes they forget you're not a demon and squeeze you a little bit too tight.
Beel has definitely done it a few times by accident, he got too excited and squeezed without thinking. He's just glad you're alright. He takes care to make sure it doesn't happen again. He doesn't want to hurt you. Lucifer and Satan probably have pulled you into a very tight grab when upset, and used you as stress relief squishy. Depending on how hard they actually squeeze you it's alright. Though one time Satan hugged you so hard the air was knocked out of your lungs. It happens less often with Levi, Asmo, and Mammon, but it definitely has happened. Won a tough game with Levi? Hug attack. Meeting up with Asmo for a spa date? Hug attack. Say anything nice to Mammon? Hug attack. Average demon hugs too tightly factoid is incorrect. Hugs Belphie who considers wrapping his arms lazily around your waist as a hug is an outlier and shouldn't have been counted.
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blerghie · 2 years
i still can’t believe kdj canonically has PALE SKIN and LONG EYELASHES and SMOOTH SOFT CHEEKS and EYES GLEAMING LIKE STARS and a SLENDER PHYSIQUE and the fact that everyone else sees him through a filter that like?? distorts his looks? forces people to forget what he looks like? makes it so that people can look at him and see his features but not make sense of his entire appearance? makes people only remember parts of a whole like a forever incomplete jigsaw puzzle?
kim dokja is a fucking. biblically accurate angel.
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vellichorom · 1 month
Do you think Rosemary and Theirry would ever have a kid or kids?
CANONICALLY, i think it's virtually impossible; try though they can, thierry is biologically incapable of providing due to his body only being a synthetic recreation of a person, with rosemary being human, ( plus do you think a 50-60 something year old still has it in him to make a kid with a 40 year old woman, ) & even if they Weren't what they are, it likely STILL wouldn't work. + they're in a programmed game world, realistic as it is to them; things can only ever really be simulated...
so a biological child is off the table; & ADOPTION would be, considering the only residents of the game are. not adoptable, not what they'd be looking for, & it's not like they could just Rip kids into their domain, or would if they could.
...aaaaaalso thierry is Not the most. inclined. to children. of course, he'd do ANYTHING for rosemary at the drop of a dime, but it'd take a Lot of coaxing & warming up to the thought - so that's a bit of a difficult barrier.
as it stands, in their canon, it's not very plausible, IF possible...
tomie & i have cooked up PLENTY of scenarios with each other in which thierry either creates a child NPC for them to take care of, logic & physics are TOSSED out the window & they're able to procreate despite, rosemary's own canon offspring ends up in the game somehow - ect ect,
& THAT'S not to mention all of the OTHER AUs we've cooked up with friends where they, for better or for worse, become parental / guardian figures to others!
so maybe it's not possible to the cold-hard canon, BUT THAT'S WHERE THE FUN OF AUs COME IN! it's always possible in other universes!
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tomicaleto · 7 months
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Obikin bingo: Marriage of convenience Star Wars AU: after the fall of the Republic, across the whole galaxy, Tatooine experiences a slave rebellion and liberation from the Hutts. As now a free planet, they join the fight against the Empire with the rebels movement. The few Jedi survivors join the fight as well, creating alliances in order to fortify the new bonds.
Never a Jedi Anakin marries Jedi survivor Obi-Wan during the Empire.
Card under the cut!
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mereelskirata · 10 months
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Nentomi Weekend Day 1: AU
My 13SW!AU instantly came to mind the moment I saw the 'AU' prompt, so OFC I had to go with that one xD
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