#tommy is a ray of sunshine i swear
allthingsbucktommy · 4 months
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Now I'm REALLY curious about this deleted scene between Henren and Tommy
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hippolotamus · 1 month
Way More Than Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the lovely and talented @kitteneddiediaz @tizniz @diazsdimples @spotsandsocks @inell @wikiangela Be sure to check their works!
IDK this has been rolling around in my brain since I first heard Casual. Sooo… 🦴 🍎 🦷
“C’mon, Luce,” Nat teases from the driver’s seat, poking Lucy’s thigh. “I play personal taxi and can’t even get a tour? Guess I need to up my game.”
Lucy rolls her eyes. Hopefully it’s more annoyed than fond. Honestly, Natalia could ask for a million things and Lucy would readily give them. At least, she wants to. She wants to want to. But that involves levels of vulnerability Lucy plans to keep locked up tighter than Diaz’s Catholic guilt.
“Your game’s fine, Dollenmeyer. I’ll show you around.” Lucy grabs her work bag and exits the car before Nat can gloat and kiss her about it.
Kinard and Thompson are chatting over coffee in the hangar, while Lee checks over the equipment in one of the birds.
“Well, if it isn’t my little ray of sunshine,” Kinard chirps, flashing his stupid, dazzling lovesick smile. God, Buckley’s got him so whipped. She’s happy for them but Jesus Christ. “And who do we have here?”
Tommy, ever the gentleman and charmer, takes Nat’s offered hand. “Tommy Kinard. One of Lucy’s favorite teammates,” he says with a wink.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve heard about you!”
“This is Nat. Natalia,” Lucy interjects. “We were hanging out and she very nicely agreed to drop me off since my car’s in the shop.”
Beside her, Nat stiffens. Tommy raises an eyebrow, shooting a knowing look at Lucy.
This. This is why she tried to resist Nat’s offer and insisted an Uber would be fine. Because Lucy knows she’s fucked up. Knew she would before it happened. What’s worse is Tommy knows — or highly suspects — she fucked up. He was in the closet too long, and with too many shitty partners, to not see right through her. He’s going to give her hell about this.
“Uh, yeah,” Nat agrees, barely hiding the way her voice is trembling. She drops Tommy’s hand and clutches her purse tighter. “So, uh, gonna take a raincheck on that tour. Maybe another time. Nice to meet you.”
Nat doesn’t run back to the car but she may as well. She doesn’t look at Lucy once. Not with anger or sadness or disappointment. Not at all. Lucy bites the inside of her cheek and watches her go despite the desperate clawing thing in her chest that wants Nat to stay. Now. Forever maybe.
She hikes her bag up on her shoulder, turning to walk toward the locker room, only to be met with Tommy still there. His arms are crossed and he doesn’t look at her with any judgement. It would be better than the almost pitying, understanding expression he’s wearing.
“What, Kinard?” She bites out, staring past him. “I have to change for my shift. Just- say it already.”
He watches her a moment longer, rolling his lips in, assessing. “Do I even have to?”
“I have to change for my shift,” she says again, biting her bottom lip, hard. Because she’s not going to get upset about this now. Just like she’s not going to think about waking up this morning, for the very first time, to Nat sleeping beside her, hair sprawled across the pillow while sunlight painted her bare back. How it made Lucy ache.
Tommy sidesteps, making a sweeping gesture to let her know she’s free to go anytime. She nods tightly, unable to meet his gaze as she passes.
“Y’know, I kinda wanted to hate her,” Tommy starts. Because he’s a bastard that way. She hates him. Hates him so fucking much for it that she loves him for being so goddamn forgiving and thought provoking. She swears he went to the Bobby Nash School of Life Advice and Mentoring.
She stops, but doesn’t turn around.
“Evan said nice things about her. Decent things anyway. Admittedly, I wasn’t crazy about why she was into him. But he didn’t have anything terrible. Being his first- I felt a little nervous and wanted to find something. Anything about the people in his past. You know how it can be with exes. Gets messy sometimes.” He pauses, probably sipping his lukewarm coffee. “And then they just- I don’t know, surprise the hell out of you in an unexpected way.” Another pause. “Don’t worry. I won’t hold you up anymore.”
His footsteps echo across the hangar, growing quieter. Lucy tightens her death grip on her bag and marches to the locker room. When she gets there, if she turns on the showers so she can cry in peace, that’s between her and the ancient tile and god.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @diazheartsbuckley @weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @dorkydiaz @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @beyourownanchor6 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @shipperqueen6 and anyone else who wants to 😘
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orcasoul · 10 months
The swimming lesson
Summary: The reader is friends with Joel and Ellie. During a trek one day the reader embarrassingly admits she can't swim and Ellie suggests that Joel could teach her. Her and Joel arrange a day for her first lesson and they both end up getting more than they bargained for!
Warnings: Smut, under 18's DNI, swearing, use of Y/N.
Italics indicate inward thinking.
This is my first ever attempt at writing smut, so I apologise if it's not that good. Please go easy on me :)
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The stifling Wyoming summer sunshine rained it's searing rays down on the three of you as you made your way through the coniferous woodland. Slivers of golden light trickle lazily through the swaying leaves, bathing the trees, the ground and your companions in a luminous glow. The soft breeze blows loose strands from your braid across your face, tickling your nose and cheeks. "Uh, sweating my "balls" off out here," Ellie groaned for the thousandth time. "Hey you wanted to go for a hike, kiddo," Joel blithely reminded her. "Didn't think we'd be out this long," she replied in a teasing tone. "I thought you'd be used to all this walking after coming all the way from Boston," You countered with a smirk and raised eyebrow. "Touche," she answered amusedly. "You're right though, it is scorching out here," you agree as you lethargically drag your feet, kicking up lose rocks and twigs. Joel on the other hand seems to be taking everything in his stride. After journeying across country and the endless smuggling ventures in Boston, a stroll in the wilderness was a piece of cake for him. Over the summer you, Joel and Ellie had taken up trekking for fun, and even though Ellie complained about the heat she actually loved these little adventures, often being the one to arrange these trips.
You loved them too. For years you'd explored the woodland alone after one of your closest friends' had decided the outdoors wasn't for her. Apart from her patrol shifts she rarely left Jackson. But for you a walk in the wild yonder was rejuvenating, a peaceful solace when you could pretend that the world hadn't changed, that people still went about their normal lives, shops were open, cars were running and children could play outdoors and just be children. Maybe this is why Ellie loved these excursions. She had the chance to be a carefree child for a while. After doing this alone for so long it was a welcome change to have company. Joel and Ellie's arrival several months ago was the talk of the town, even if they only stayed for one night. But their return a short while after and their decision to call Jackson home sent a buzz through the community. It's a rare thing for new people to join the town and a lot of the women fawned over Joel the second they saw him return. You couldn't blame them, really. A woman would have to be blind to not find Joel incredibly handsome, but some of them seemed to be all too eager to catch his attention, flirting shamelessly, constantly offering him drinks at the Tipsy Bison and generally making desperate, doe eyed fools of themselves.
You'd noticed over recent months how those women gave you death glares across the bar and the mess hall as you and Joel began to spend more time together. It was inevitable, really. Maria and you were good friends and Joel being Tommy's brother meant you'd unintentionally spent a lot of time with him and his adopted daughter and things just naturally progressed from there, to the point that you'd go to the Tipsy Bison together, have meals at each other's houses and take these leisurely walks. If you were being honest with yourself, you'd been harbouring a crush on the grouchy man from the moment you'd met him and over time those feelings had grown into something much deeper. But you felt it was best if you kept those feelings hidden, seeing as Joel didn't seem all that interested in the whole dating scene. Plenty of times you'd seen him rebuff the not so subtle advances of horny women, mumbling something and walking away from their attempts at seduction to join you, Tommy and Maria at your table. You couldn't resist the urge to smirk at their annoyed expressions and you couldn't deny the relief you felt every time he rejected them. It would have been heartbreaking to watch him take a woman home. But you're not stupid. He's a man with needs after all, and you'd overheard a few of the single women tell their friends that they'd spent the night with Joel. But by the sound of it, that's all it seemed to be; a one night stand.
And that was before the two of you had become friends, which made that bitter pill a little easier to swallow. But in recent months you'd noticed how he couldn't seem to get away from these vultures quick enough when they tried their luck. A part of you hoped, maybe foolishly, that he rebuffed them because maybe, just maybe, he had feelings for you too. But the logical part of your mind kept telling you that was wishful thinking and to not look too much into it. If only your yearning heart would listen to your sensible mind, alas it's never that simple. So you tried your best to ignore your feelings, even though sometimes you could swear you'd caught the odd lingering stare from him, subtle touches lasting longer than necessary, such as when he'd pull you up a steep incline and not immediately release your hand, or when he opened a door for you to walk through and his hand would nestle at the small of your back. Of course it could just be his way of being friendly and polite and maybe you're only seeing what you want to see. So it was for the best to try and suppress any fanciful thoughts and just focus on being his friend. After all, you'd rather have Joel as a friend than not at all.
And now here you are, traipsing through the picturesque landscape with your two favourite people. It's nearing late afternoon now and you swear the sun's heat has spiked just to torture you, sweat rolling down your neck and soaking the top of your tank top. The breeze seems to have vanished too, making the woodland feel like an unforgiving inferno. You watched as Joel led the way along the trail, the broad expanse of his back capturing your attention in a mesmerising allure. You noticed how his sweaty black T-shirt stuck to the planes and muscles of his physique and if you hadn't pretty much sweated all of the water from your body already, you're certain you'd be drooling now. God, does this man even know how beautiful he is? An unexpected outburst from Ellie snapped you out of your momentary ogling. "Oh hell yeah!" She exclaimed, excitedly as she darted off down a trail to the right. "Ellie," Joel shouted as he ran after her, glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were following. As you descend the slight incline you gasp at the sight before you. A small and placid lake with a small jetty (probably built for fishing before the outbreak), surrounded by low lying vegetation and trees sat hidden away as if it's beauty is to sacred for just anyone to see it.
The colour of the water seemed almost unnatural, the dazzling azure of the shore giving way to cobalt blue the further out you looked. The mostly still water rippled now and then as fish came to the surface to devour unsuspecting bugs, while the sunlight glistened and shimmered off the glass like surface. Birds warbled to each other in the trees and you found yourself lost in the moment. A moment to appreciate the radiance and serenity this post apocalyptic world has managed to retain. Beauty, simplicity, harmony; It can all still be found if you take the time to look for it, and with that comes the joy of knowing that not everything had been destroyed. These moments should be cherished, maybe now more than ever. "Wow it's stunning!" you breathed out in awe, eyes fixated on the scene gracing you. "Bombs away!" Ellie yelled as she dropped her pack and ran to the end of the jetty. Her cannonball entrance startled the birds feeding on the shore close by, forcing them to take to the air. After a few moments she breaks the surface with the goofiest grin on her face, while pushing loose, soaked strands out of her eyes.
"You two gotta try this!" she beamed. Joel rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, as he always did when she got carried away. "I don't think so, kiddo," he replied, folding his arms. Ellie huffed, "Fine, you old grouch. You have no idea what you're missing." "I'm sure I don't," Joel smirked. "What about you Y/N?" Ellie asked hopefully. "Um....," you began. "Go on in if you want," Joel insisted with a soft smile that almost made you knees buckle, "I'll keep an eye out." "I...um...," you falter, cheeks turning redder than the heat already made them. Joel raised his eyebrows, puzzled by your awkward response. "Come on," Ellie pressed, almost impatiently, kicking her legs up in front of her. "Don't make me swim alone." You look to Ellie, then to Joel sheepishly. "I can't swim," you confess with a shrug. "Really?" Joel seemed genuinely surprised. You shake your head, embarrassment creeping over you at your lack of knowledge of a skill that could one day save your life.
"Joel can teach you. He taught me," Ellie offered while twirling in the water. "Would you Joel?" you ask, unable to hide the excitement in your voice. "Sure thing, darling," Joel replied, his southern drawl becoming more prominent on the last word. "And don't worry about drowning. Joel will give you the kiss of life," Ellie interjected with a wink and a smirk at you, that suggested she knew something you didn't. "Ellie!" Joel snapped, his flushed cheeks matching your own. "What?" Ellie shrugged nonchalantly, "Just saying is all." Joel looked at you and smiled shyly. You've never seen Joel look so flustered the whole time you've known him and you couldn't help but find him suddenly endearing, provoking a shy smile of your own to break out across your face. "So when can we do this?" you asked quickly, before Joel can change his mind. "Guess we could do it tomorrow?" he suggested. "Cool, tomorrow it is!" You confirmed with a big grin. Your mind was racing with excitement and nerves on the walk back to Jackson. You and Joel would be alone in the water, physically closer than you've ever been before. Just the thought of his big, strong hands holding you in the water was enough to dampen your panties with desire. Stop it! you chastised yourself. He doesn't like you like that. But then why did Ellie wink? And why did Joel seem so awkward? Maybe... nope, nope he doesn't, you try to convince your overly hopeful mind.
Joel could kill Ellie sometimes. That girl is too smart and too perceptive for her own good. For months Joel was convinced he'd successfully concealed his feelings for you, but all this time Ellie could see straight through his facade. His heart thumped nervously in his chest as a thought crossed his mind. If Ellie saw it the whole time, could Y/N? His mouth became dry at the thought that you might have known all along, and for the sake of your friendship had decided to not acknowledge it. But now Ellie had let the cat out of the bag and there's no going back. The last thing he would want is to ruin the friendship the three of you had built over the months. Joel know's he's not the type to easily make friends but the more time he'd unintentionally spent around you, the more he realised he enjoyed your company. Your cheery disposition seemed to balance out his gruff and often grumpy demeanour and in no time at all he'd found himself falling hard for you. So much so that he no longer sought out meaningless one night stands with Jackson's women. He only wanted you. He'd often lie awake at night fantasising about taking you in his arms and worshipping your body as you deserve.
How he'd take his time exploring every inch of you, caressing your smooth skin and bringing you over the edge with his tongue again and again until you were begging him to fuck you. But every time he dared to hope that you could feel the same way he had to remind himself that a young, beautiful, graceful woman like you, who could have any man she wanted, wouldn't look twice at an man two decades older than her. And if the most he could get from you is your friendship, he'd gladly take that any day. He just hopes that Ellie's ill timed but well intended faux pas hasn't now caused irreparable damage. He noticed you'd been unusually quiet for most of the walk back, but then again so had he. Ellie of course filled the, what would have been, uncomfortable silence with her shitty puns and random comments about anything and everything that entered her mind. For once Joel was glad of Ellie's non stop blabber as it eased the air of awkwardness between you both as the two of you fell into conversation with her and eventually each other once again.
The three of you arrive home as the sun coats the evening sky in gold and pink hues, casting long shadows over the town, the calm air cooling to a more bearable temperature. "So.....," you turned to Joel before having to break away to make your way to your own house, "See you bright and early tomorrow?" "Yep, see you then, Y/N," he responded with a light pat on your shoulder, looking directly into your eyes. Just the slightest touch from Joel set your body buzzing. You don't think you've craved anyone so much in your entire life. Feeling a bit bashful under the gaze of his caramel brown eyes, you try your best to compose yourself and, looking between Joel and Ellie you bid them both a good night with a warm smile, then begin to walk away. "Night," Ellie chirps at you while waving, ".....and enjoy your lesson tomorrow!" she calls over her shoulder in an obvious teasing tone. You look back and chuckle when you see Joel gently shove her forward and mumble something at her in exasperation.
The lake sparkled in the early morning sunshine. The flawless surface, reflecting the world above the shoreline in a perfect mirror image resonated deep within you, reminding you once again of why you love to be out in the middle of nature. "Okay, ready for your first lesson?" Joel spoke in his authoritative dad voice as if he was addressing Ellie, which made you stifle a giggle. He dropped his backpack on the ground and pulled out a pair of knee length shorts. "Ready as I'll ever be," you reply enthusiastically. "Be right back," Joel said as he walked off behind a tree to change into the shorts. As he returned he noticed you trying to suppress a smile. Trying and failing. He cocks an eyebrow. "What?" "Nothing, you..... I just never thought I'd see grumpy Joel Miller looking so casual in a pair of shorts," you chuckled behind your hand. "Shut up," Joel playfully scolded you with a hint of discomfiture in his voice. "Aren't you going to change?" Joel inquired while looking over your jeans and T shirt. "You wont be able to swim in them." "One step ahead of you Miller," you grinned while removing your boots and socks, then taking off your top and Jeans to reveal a shocking pink bikini. Joel's jaw had never hit the floor so fast in his life! Heat spread through his cheeks and down south at the sight the sight of you in a bikini. Suddenly he felt like a teenager who'd seen boobs for the first time. You were mesmerising!
His gaze quickly trailed over your exposed body, from the curve of your hips to the valley between your pert breasts, supported perfectly by the thin materiel of your bikini top and finally up to your face. He cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly as you looked at him a little bashfully and he realised he'd been caught staring just a little too long. "Shall we?" you gestured to the lake then turned to disguise the slight smirk that had broken out across your face. You are so glad you'd decided to check the old suitcases during a patrol to the ski lodge a few weeks ago, and found this little gem. You were initially hesitant about wearing it in front of Joel. It's been so long since you'd worn a bikini and the though of being so exposed felt quite foreign now, but judging by Joel face you couldn't have looked too bad in it. His reaction had set something off in your brain. Maybe he is attracted to me, after all? Maybe he's always wanted me as much as I want him..... or maybe it's just been a while since he's seen an (almost) naked woman, well... he's a man at the end of the day.
You're rational mind decided it was best to settle on that last reason and not dwell on it. You follow Joel into the water, nervously stepping further out until the surface is lapping at your waist. "It's effing freezing!" you shrieked cheerfully, while holding your hands above the water. "Wimp," Joel teased as he looked back at you, instantly noticing how your nipples poked through your bikini top. He spun his head back around, trying to gather his thoughts. "Just a little further," he coaxed, "It's not too deep." You swallow apprehensively and wade out a bit further until the water is level with your chest. You close the gap between you and Joel, suddenly feeling a warmth spread through you despite the frigid water. How can he have such an effect on me?... Focus, idiot! You look up into Joel's mahogany eyes and for a moment neither of you say anything or even move. Forget the fear of drowning in the lake, you're already drowning in those big, expressive, puppy dog eyes! Joel looks as nervous as you feel, the air so thick with sexual tension that you'd forgotten to breath.
You slowly release the breath you'd been unknowingly holding, your chest shuddering slightly as it escaped. It didn't go unnoticed by Joel, who was trying his best to keep it together when all he wanted to do was take you in his arms, taste you, feel you..... His jaw ticked as he cleared his throat again. "So," Joel begins, awkwardly, "The first thing ya need to learn is how to stay afloat in an emergency." Joel's head begins to clear a little as he focuses on the lesson. "If you're in deep water and getting tired just lay on your back with your arms and legs spread out like a starfish." He demonstrated the position briefly, then stood back up and walked back over to you. Your eyes lustfully trailed over his torso as he made his way back. His soaked T-shirt clung to every inch of his chest and you suppressed the urge to bit your bottom lip. "Okay, you try." "But I'll sink," you protested timorously. "No you won't. I won't let ya," he reassured you with a small smile. "I'll keep my hand under your back and only let go when you're feeling confident, Okay?"
His soft and reassuring gaze helped to settle your unease. You've always trusted Joel and if he says he won't let you sink, then you're perfectly safe. "Okay..." you agree with a bit more confidence. As you begin to lean back you feel his hand lightly press against your back. What you weren't expecting was for his other hand to sweep across the back of your thighs to bring your legs to the surface with the rest of your body. A shot of arousal shot straight to your sex at the contact, your pussy clenching around nothing, while trying to keep your breathing steady. While floating you make sure to focus on the clear blue sky above you and not on Joel. Damn it, if you make eye contact now, you'll lose the last bit of composure you're just about clinging to. "There you go Y/N, you got it. Doing so well," Joel praised, softly.
Maybe it was just your heightened state of arousal but Joel's low, smooth voice sent a shudder rippling through you, exciting every inch of your body. It's enough to drive you to distraction! If he felt you shudder you could at least blame it on the cold water and hide the fact that he's so easily making you feel like a horny schoolgirl. You're so preoccupied with keeping your waning composure in check that you don't notice that Joel is having just as hard a time focusing as you are. Seeing your entire body laid out before him, (and almost naked for God sake), is the sweetest torture he's ever had to endure. He can't help it but his eyes momentarily drift to your chest, relishing the sight of your pebbled nipples poking through the thin fabric of your bathing suit, the way the water runs down each breast. God, how he longs to run his fingers over your silky looking skin and gently pinch your nipple until you moan..... Fuck, he groaned inwardly. He shouldn't be looking at you and thinking about you like this. You're his friend for crying out loud, his much younger friend too! He shakes his head as though it would erase every sinful thought invading his mind.
"Okay," he breathed, "I'm gonna let go now, darling." He slowly removes his hands, much to your disappointment, and your body begins to float. You're amazed at how easily you bob on the surface and can't hold back an elated squeal. "Joel, I'm actually floating. I'm doing it, look!" Joel's heart felt like it just grew in size at your carefree and childlike happiness. Seeing you smile, hearing you laugh reminds him that there is still beauty in this world. "Good job, sweetheart," Joel commended with a grin, "knew you could do it." After a few moments of savouring the sensation of almost weightlessness you lowered your feet to the bottom and decided your are brave enough to try again, without assistance. You beam with excitement as the movements come to you so effortlessly. "You're a natural," Joel crooned. Giggling you place your feet back down and turn to face Joel, who looked like a proud dad at his kids' school play. With exhilaration still buzzing through your veins you look up into Joel's eyes with a broad grin, "Thank you for- Arrrrgh!!!".....
Joel felt as though he was going to have a heart attack as a sudden burst of adrenaline ripped through him. Before he could even fully register what was happening you had gripped onto his neck, wrapped your legs tightly around his stomach and tried to crawl higher up his torso. The sheer, unexpected force of your body slamming into his knocked him off balance. He stumbled back while instinctively wrapping his arms around you, just managing to steady himself before falling back and taking you under with him. "What the fuck?!" Joel yelled, his face matching the panic on your own. "Something's down there! It touched me! It fucking touched me!" You screamed while while still trying to crawl up him. Joel sighed a breath of relief. "It's just a fish. There's plenty of them in here. They ain't gonna hurt you," He reassured you while trying to suppress a smirk. However his voice betrayed the fact that he now found your reaction amusing. "Hey, it's not fucking funny, okay!" you smiled as you slapped his shoulder. "It scared the shit out of me!" "And you scared the shit outta me! Can't do that to an old man!" Joel retorted lightheartedly.
You chuckled while nervously looking around for a few moments, not that you can see anything under the water, then turn your attention fully to Joel. You've never been this close to him before and you find yourself transfixed by his eyes. You notice the varying shades of brown and how they blend so intricately together, as if nature itself is an artist and Joel is the masterpiece. Those beautiful, expressive orbs could tell a thousand stories and you wish to know every one of them, the good and the bad. But the story they seem to be conveying now is one of nervousness and..... want? It feels as though he's looking past your own eyes and into your very soul, discovering secrets and desires deep within. You feel vulnerable and exposed and you like it. You're not sure how long you've both been staring at one another, when suddenly you are acutely aware that Joel's hands are cupping your ass, on big palm on each cheek, holding you tightly against him. You feel your tits press into his chest with every inhale you take, but you don't want to move.
Joel's brain is still trying to catch up with what exactly just transpired here. With what led you both to being in such an intimate embrace. All he knows for certain is that he owes that fish a huge debt! He never imagined he would eve get to hold you so close and now he never wants to let go. He could be wrong, he could be seeing what he wants to see but he's been around long enough to recognise the look you're giving him in this moment; The look of longing and desire. That, coupled with the fact that your soft and supple ass is currently in his hands has his cock rock hard in his shorts. Thank god you climbed up his body or this would have been really awkward. "Joel," you whisper in a sultry tone, "You can..... you can let go now." You know your expression belies your words. Truthfully you could stay this way forever. Joel notices the contradiction, and it may be foolish of him but he has to know. He has to try or he'll regret it for the rest of his days. "Do you want me to let go?" he asked slowly, chest heaving in anticipation. He's sure you can feel the vibrations of his frantic heartbeat. You almost say yes but your body yearns for his touch, his warmth, and it's obvious now that he doesn't want to let go. You stare into his eyes for a few moments before shaking your head, "No,... I don't" you exhale in relief, feeling a weight lifted from you now that you've made it clear you want him. He know's now and there's no going back.
Your gaze leaves his eyes and travels to his plush lips, then return to his eyes, looking for any indication that he's uncomfortable. But all you find is a quiet confirmation that he wants this as much as you do in the way he also looks at your mouth, then to your eyes. Slowly, you lean in, giving him the chance to back away if he changes his mind. But before you can think too much on that Joel closes the gap between you both, pressing his lips to yours. His lips feel as soft as they look, a feather-light touch that sends jolts of electricity down your spine. You slide a hand up into his hair, gently gripping onto his wavy locks. Joel deepens the kiss while sliding his tongue across your bottom lip. You gladly grant him access, savouring the taste and feel of his warm tongue for the first time. What began as a delicate, soft kiss has now become a passionate entanglement of tongues and teeth. You grip his hair harder with both hands to hold his head as you both lick into each other. Joel's fingers dig into your ass cheeks, pushing your already throbbing core to rub against his stomach. You gasp as you involuntarily grind your pussy against him, which causes Joel to grip you tighter and moan into your mouth. A deep, reverberating moan that travels through his chest and into yours, igniting and insatiable need for him to be inside you. Joel breaks away to look into your eyes, his own dark with need.
"Jesus Christ Y/N, you got no idea how badly I want you," Joel rasped while running one hand up the curve of your bare back. A small smile tugs at the corner of your mouth as you playfully run your nose along the curved tip of his. "Show me," you purred against his lips, while running a hand down his stomach, to the hem of his shorts. Joel's brain almost short circuited right then and there. He's pray's, no begs this isn't all a dream. Here you are, the woman he's fallen hopelessly in love with, whom he craves more than oxygen, is asking him to discover her in the most intimate sense. He can't hold back anymore. He's like a man possessed! Grabbing the back of your neck, he crashes his mouth onto yours, his tongue parting your lips and finding your tongue once again. You moan into his mouth as his fingers find the hem of your bikini bottoms, covering your soft lips. He slowly slides a finger underneath the fabric, resulting in your back arching of it's own accord. His tender stroking is enough to send jolts of pleasure throughout your clenching pussy. You run your hand further down and into his shorts, finding his already throbbing cock. Fuck, he's huge! You use your fingers to map out the image, feeling each vein along his length and the sheer width.
You feel a smug sense of satisfaction knowing you are the reason he's so hard right now. You feel his cock twitch as you wrap your hand around him and slowly begin to pump up and down, rubbing your thumb over the sensitive head. The groan you pull from him is primal and only serves to fuel your own arousal more. Joel's now holding you by one ass cheek as his thick and agile fingers tease your entrance. Your grip tightens around his dick as he lightly traces along your folds until he settles on your clit. A high pitched gasp escapes from your throat as Joel begins to rub small circles over the little bundle of nerves, sending tingles all along your cunt and into your lower stomach, the sensitivity causing your whole body to shudder as his strokes become faster and more determined. Unable to focus on anything but the intense pleasure anymore, your moans turns into cries as your face falls to his shoulder and your hand stills on his cock. Joel holds you tight as waves of euphoria radiate across your shuddering frame, seizing your muscles and stealing the air from your lungs. "That's it, good girl. So good for me," Joel purrs in your ear as you come down from your high. "Joel....," you wheeze, breathlessly. "Hmm?" He hums as he nips at your earlobe while squeezing your ass tighter. "I need.... need you inside me....now," you rasp through your delirious haze.
Just hearing you say those words (words he never thought he'd hear from you) has Joel's mind whirling. "I'll give ya what you need sweetheart. I'll take good care of ya, but not in this dirty water. Don't want ya getting an infection, do we?" And with that he grips your plush ass with both hands, pulling you up to wrap your legs tighter around his waist, the unexpected manhandling turning you on even more than you thought possible. He walks you both out of the water and onto the shoreline as if you weigh nothing to him. Joel kisses you again while slowly sliding you down his body until one foot reaches the ground, the other leg is hiked up to his hip, his calloused hand smoothing the soft flesh at the back of your thigh. With a deep groan he releases your leg and walks over to the backpacks, pulling two towels out and laying them on the mossy ground. Joel walks back over to you, wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you off your feet, causing you to giggle, which in turn brings out of him that smile you adore. It's a good thing he has a firm hold of you right now or your knees would give out at such a beautiful sight. He brings you to the towels to lay you down. The cool, mossy ground is almost as soft as a mattress and the thought of having Joel out here in the beauty of the natural world is both freeing and exhilarating! As Joel settles between your legs you sit up and grab the bottom of his T-shirt.
He lifts his arms, allowing you to pull his wet shirt off. His body is a sight to behold! Broad shoulders leading to a toned chest with a scattering of greying chest hair, thick arms almost three times the size of your own, perfectly bronzed and sun kissed skin littered with several scars; A testament of his will and ability to survive in a dangerous and unpredictable world. You suddenly feel like no-one and nothing on this Earth could touch you with this powerhouse of a man at your side. You bite your lower lip and lean in, planting kisses all along his collarbone and move down his chest, running your hands up and down his soft stomach. As you indulge in enjoying Joel's body with your lips and tongue, he reaches around to unclasp your bikini top, letting it fall to the ground. He pulls back to admire the sight gracing his eyes. The image of your bare breasts before him has Joel salivating. His eyes turn dark with lust. He lifts a hand to caress the soft swell of your tit, rolling a pebbled nipple between his thumb and forefinger, just as he'd imagined. Christ, you feel heavenly!
The sound of your sultry sigh only increases the intensity of Joel's burning desire to claim every bit of you. He lowers his head and takes your tit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your hardened nipple, while palming the other one. Your arms wrap around his head and your head falls back as you arch your back, pushing your chest further into his face. The sounds he's pulling from you only seem to spur him on. After a few more moments he releases your nipple with a satisfying 'Pop' and smirks. "God baby girl, you're perfect," Joel croons, "Tell me what you want." " I want to taste you, Joel." You didn't mean for your voice to sound like a whiny beg but that's all you can muster in your lust filled state. You look down to admire the tent in his shorts. "S'all yours, darling," he grins, his honeyed Texan drawl making you swoon. You eagerly pull his shorts down and his cock springs free, hitting his lower belly and smearing a smattering of precum over his 'treasure trial'. Your eyes widen at the size of him. Your sense of touch didn't deceive you; He really is fucking huge!
Your eyes trail up his thick and veiny member to the purplish tip and without realising you bite your bottom lip again. Joel chuckles, softly, "Like what you see?" "Mmmhmm....," is the only sentence you can articulate in return, your eyes wide in lust as you take in the glorious sight of him. You look up to Joel's face and silently tell him to stand, while you get up on your knees. You delicately take his dick in your hand, your fingers and thumb not even meeting around the girth of it. Slowly and firmly you pump while looking up at Joel, whose eyes are in the process of rolling back into his skull! "Fuck, Y/N, just like that. Feel's so good," he whines. Before he knows it he feels the wet warmth of your mouth enveloping him, your tongue swirling languidly around the head, almost making his knees buckle. He feels himself sink further into your throat, eliciting deep, sensual moans from your chest that vibrate through his cock, making him shudder. He feels close, too close as you continuously hollow out your cheeks and suck with a vengeance again and again. He has to stop you know or he won't last long enough to fuck you. "Okay, that's enough, sweetheart," he gushes as he gently pulls himself from your mouth, "or I'm not gonna last much longer and I wanna feel all of you," he says with a wink.
He carefully lays you back down on the ground as if you're made of fine china, and removes your bikini bottoms. "Whew...," Joel whistles, staring at your pussy with look of a starved animal. "Beautiful!" His reaction to your naked cunt stirs a feeling of desperation to have him inside you right now. "Joel.... I need you, need to feel you-" "Patience darling," he soothed while teasing your moist folds. "Just gonna loosen you up a bit for me. I don't wanna hurt you." He slowly sinks two thick fingers inside you, dragging along your velvety walls. You gasp in pleasure, your hips bucking in response to the welcome intrusion. After a few moments he hooks his fingers, pressing over and over onto that sweet spot that now has you reduced to a squirming, panting mess. "So wet," Joel marvels, his voice dripping with seedy desire. Your walls start to flutter as a burst of pleasure grips you for the second time. "Oh shit, Joel," you mewl as you recover from yet another orgasm, leaving you breathless. Joel smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "I know, baby. Ready for me now?" "Yes, please, just fuck me!" you beg, unashamedly. "I've got ya, gorgeous," Joel whispered. He notches the tip of his cock at your entrance, looks into your eyes and steadily and gently pushes into you, parting your velvety walls around his thickness. The beautiful sting of the stretch has you gasping and rolling your head back, overwhelmed with the sensations of pain and pleasure, both complimenting one another and setting your nerves, your cells, every part of you ablaze.
Joel can't help but grunt as he bottoms out completely. You both still for a moment, just to enjoy the feel of each other. You've never felt so deliciously full in all your life and wish it would never end. He then begins to thrust in and out, one hand gripping your hip while the other kneads hungrily at your breast. As Joel picks up the pace you feel him hitting your G spot over and over. You arch your back, wrap your arms and legs around him and spread your thighs wider, clamping your calves around his waist and digging your feet into his ass to push him as deep as possible. You just can't get enough of him! The tingling sensation returns, heat building in your belly at the blissful feeling of Joel's hard and throbbing cock hitting every part of your silky tunnel, bringing your orgasm dangerously closer by the second. Joel continues to pound into you like his life depends on it, battering your cervix. You've never experienced this level of rapture with any previous sexual partners. Joel certainly puts them to shame today. The familiar coil begins to tighten in your lower belly, causing your walls to contract harder around his length.
"Fuck," Joel gushes, sounding awed. "So tight!..... fucking.... fucking made for me sweet girl!" Joel's relentless pounding has you crying out his name as you soak his cock with you slick juices. "You're doing so good. Takin' me so good. I think you can give me one more, what ya say?" Your eyes feel heavy, chest heaving as you are still recovering from your third high. "I... can't...." you pant desperately. "Yes you can , baby." Joel's gentle coax seeps into your shaking body, making you completely compliant to his wishes. Hell, you'll do anything he wants right now. He kisses you, deep and hungry with passion while moving his fingers to your aching core. You're already to overstimulated that it takes mere seconds before you feel another orgasm building as he rubs faster and faster at your swollen bud. Your hands grip onto his shoulders, digging your nails in so deep you know you're leaving little crescent indents in his soft flesh. Something about that excites you even more, as if you're marking him as yours. You tremble, uncontrollably as a sudden surge of white hot bliss sweeps through your anatomy, your voice horse from screaming in ecstasy, you're ears ringing through yet another intoxicating peak.
You can tell Joel is close as his thrusts become sloppy. The sweet sound of your blissed out moans leaving your soft lips is music to Joel's ears. He's sure even the heavenly hosts could not sounds as enchanting as you do right now in his arms. He grabs your hand from his shoulder and lays it beside your head, interlacing his fingers with yours. He buries his face into your neck as he feels about ready to erupt. The warmth, the wetness, how you fit so perfectly around him, squeezing his pulsating erection is too much. "Where do you want me, sweetheart?" Joel asks in a low shuddering voice in your ear. "Inside please!" you implore. "I want all of you." Joel growls lewdly at the thought of laying complete claim to you by coating your insides in himself. A few more deep snaps of his hips brings his balls to tighten and throb as he bursts within you, painting your fluttering walls with thick ropes of his pearly white cum. His thrusts slowly cease as your legs fall limp from his sides. You kiss him leisurely, both groaning into each other's mouths. "That was...," Joel begins, still catching his breath, cheeks flushed red. "Wow..." You finish his sentence with a lazy smile. "Yeah," Joel chuckles as he slides out of you onto his back on the towel. You already miss the feeling of him being inside you.
He wraps an arm under your neck and around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. You lay your head on his chest and rest a hand on his soft tummy. He lovingly lays his hand on top of yours and you notice just how much his large hand dwarfs yours. Basking in the afterglow, you both just lay together, revelling in this new found intimacy between you. For so long you've wanted Joel to know exactly how you feel but the fear of rejection kept your confession at bay. Even though there were times when you suspected that he might want more than friendship, you didn't want to push the boundary and potentially ruin the close friendship you'd both built. But knowing now that he's wanted you all along in the same way you want him leaves no doubt in your mind; You're his and he's yours. You can't keep the smile off your face, knowing you've both crossed into new territory and what this means going forward. It may be a little soon and some might even call you downright foolish as your next words flow from the heart with such conviction. "Joel....," you breathed quietly. "Hmmm," he answered in a low rumble. "I love you." A moment of silence passes and an anxious knot begins to from in your stomach, fearing you've ruined this moment by coming on too strong. But before your mind can spiral any further with doubts, Joel pulls you into him even tighter, tucking you under his chin and kisses the crown of your head. He sighs contentedly and whispers "I love you too Y/N.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
The one
Modern Tommy Shelby x reader
A/N congratulations @toms-cherry-trees on 1.5K followers! 👏🏻✨🎉🥳🙌🏻 you deserve that and many many more!! So I wrote this little piece for you, I hope you enjoy it, the idea came to my mind as the perfect match for your autumn theme when I saw this moodboard @acewritesfics created (I know you did it for Cillian + cottage Ace, but since I have that idea very similar in my The Photoshoot series, I took it as inspiration for a modern Tommy ☺️)
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Patting around the bed to find the solid body she loved the most, but all Y/N could find was emptiness.
She couldn’t love this place more, the birds were chirping outside, the fresh air was too good to be true, no cellphone signal… if only she could find Tommy.
“Good morning beautiful.” He praised from the bedroom door, stepping in with a tray full of coffee, fruit and toast.
“I woke up and you weren’t here.” She pouted covering her upper body with the sheets.
“But I am now.” He replied placing the tray over her legs, taking one long look at her disheveled hair, tangled from all the times he ran his fingers through it the previous night. Her naked form covered only by the ivory sheets.
This was the closest to a vacation she could afford right now, not because money was a problem, but because Tommy had been extremely busy with his business and she knew asking for a five day or a week holiday would drive him mad, so a weekend at a small cottage was a luxury she couldn’t miss.
Everything had been perfect since they arrived; the lovely weather, the scent of nature, the calmness vs the caos in the city. She loved specially the dead leaves crunching beneath her feet as they took a long walk the previous day.
“It was a good idea to bring that small coffee machine.” Tommy chuckled realizing how little things they had there, no tv, no wifi, there was a small old fashioned fireplace that luckily still worked and he lit it as it started to get chilly last night.
“Told you it was a good investment.”
“I thought we’d have one… guess I was wrong.”
“Yeah same reason why you brought your iPad too.”
Tommy stole a strawberry from the bowl. “Uhu, I really can’t believe there’s no access to technology around.”
“Don’t complain, we’ve hot water and power light.”
Tommy’s eyes sparkled suddenly. “And the best part is… I‘ve you all to myself.”
Y/N’s body tingled just by his voice and the way he was looking at her.
Closing her legs instinctively, she observed her boyfriend place the tray on the dresser.
“You think that’s going to stop me?” He arched an eyebrow cockily at the same time he took one of her legs to drop a kiss on her ankle, starting a trail of feather-like kisses all over her skin, making Y/N discover the soft spot behind her knee that she didn’t know it existed and how much it was turning her on.
She sighed content letting Tommy throw the covers aside.
It was a lovely Autumn day, her favorite season, the colors, the trees losing their leaves, the smell, she could swear the atmosphere was different.
Perhaps what really made a difference was watching Tommy so calm with a high energy and an endless smile on his face. Turning around, she found the last rays of sunshine kissing his skin, every freckle and the reflection in the lake in front of them making his blue eyes sparkle even more.
He wasn’t wearing his signature immaculate three piece suit, but a white t-shirt covered by a denim jacket and black jeans, he looked like a totally different person, looking at him made her heart skip a beat, just like the first time.
“Whot?” He frowned.
“You look different.” Y/N pointed out. “Happier.”
“Well I’ve everything I want right now, that surely is a motive.” Tommy admitted kissing her hair.
His surprise grew even more when he saw Y/N pulling out a blanket from the basket she demanded to bring to their stroll.
“Don’t stand there watching, help me!” She shot him a look, placing her side on the grass.
“So bossy.” Tommy chuckled, relaxing his body finally over the blanket, pulling her towards him moments later.
He tried to suppress a chuckle when he saw her placing a bottle of wine and two glasses between them, she was always extra when packing.
“Oh, do I hear someone complaining?” She laughed.
In silence, his mind wandered to think how grateful he really was for Ada insisting over and over for him to try out one of those ridiculous dating apps, after being extremely picky about the prospects showing up in his cellphone, he stopped when he found Y/N’s profile.
Matching her right away, the conversation was flowing naturally, they simply clicked and agreed to meet the following week.
She wasn’t just eye catching physically, her interests caught his attention, she was a lawyer and worked at her own firm, had a good taste in music and books, she loved to fight for human rights. And when they first met in person, he knew she wasn’t just good looking, she had a brain, an interesting conversation and she could keep up with his wicked sense of humor surprisingly well. He was surprised how the conversation never seemed to die with Y/N.
The romance took off immediately, date after date, they discovered new things about the other one, Tommy particularly loved the moment she arrived at her apartment, kicking her high heels while he poured some wine as she stretched her legs on the couch. By now he had lost count of how many skirts and dresses she owned, but he knew she wore a different outfit to every trial.
Now they were both wearing casual outfits, comfortable shoes and she added a light scarf around her neck, both completely out of their elements.
Tommy leaned on his back enjoying not having everyone bothering every three minutes, the silence, peace, not feeling anxious about his next meeting or the papers piling up to sign on his desk, the atmosphere calm, he even took several minutes admiring the sighting… not every day he got to have all of that.
“Did you fall asleep?” Y/N whispered nudging her nose against his cheek.
“No, I’m just relaxing as you said I should.” He confessed opening one eye to look at her.
The autumn breeze made a chill run up and down her back, instinctively Tommy’s hand started caressing over the jumper as if he had been able to feel it. He was lying down on his back. This was the prettiest sunset she had ever seen, the lake catching the reflection of the sky, copying the oranges tones, as well as the incredible trees before her eyes, it looked like it was taken out of professional photograph.
Closing the novel she had been reading, Y/N turned around and rested an arm and head on his torso, adapting to the calm rhythm of his breathing. Taking in the scar on his chin, she wondered how he got it.
“I can feel you staring.” He stated with his eyes closed, hidden under his Ray Bans.
“Just admiring the view,” she admitted, “and the calmness.”
A smile started forming on his lips, but he didn’t move from his position, loving the way her body felt against his.
“I can’t remember the last time I took a day off.”
Y/N chuckled switching her position to lay down next to him. “That’s exactly why I suggested it. You needed to relax.”
“I was relaxed.” He defended quickly.
“Ugh you can be so stubborn sometimes, you were under so much stress, it wasn’t fun to be around.”
In mere seconds, Tommy pinned Y/N under his body.
She squealed and tried to kick her legs while he was holding his weight on his arms to not crush her down.
“Oh let me show ya how much fun I can be.” He adviced with a smirk, grinding against her sweet body, changing completely the atmosphere.
“This is dangerous… and wild.”
Apart from the cottage and the very few villages at the other side of the lake, they were practically on their own.
“No one is around.” He answered playfully looking from left to right, attacking Y/N’s neck afterwards.
A wave of electricity ran through every nerve in her body. Deep down she knew this was a side of him that not all the people got to see, and it wasn’t really so frequent.
“But… you’ll have to be on top darling, I’m not getting any younger.” Tommy joked resuming his previous position.
“I don’t ever want to go back to the city.” Y/N murmured as they snuggled, loving their surroundings close to the cottage. “Look at you. Who would’ve thought you would end up enjoying this?”
“I’m a man full of surprises, love.”
His hand sneaked around her waist, bringing her body above his.
Y/N giggled, but let him pull her closer, Tommy loved that look on her as the sun about to go down shone through her.
“Oh Mr. Surprises I think we should rent this Airbnb more often.” She absolutely fell in love with the cottage and everything around it. It was small, cozy and had everything they needed.
Tommy cleared his throat. “Speaking of Airbnb…” he took in her beauty for an instant, “when we go back to the city, I’m planing to make an offer for the place.”
Y/N looked at him with shock written all over her face.
“What? Why?”
“Because I love how happy you look.”
Her smile grew and the space in her face wasn’t enough to hold it. “Tommy!”
He felt her smile against his lips as they kissed, but soon she moved away from his body to wrap a cardigan around her shoulders.
“And I also think it’s time you meet my son, Charlie… and the rest of my family.”
Before Y/N could answer something, Tommy continued. “I know we said we’d take it slow, but we’ve been dating for a while and you already know I’m deadly serious about this, why waste time?” He shuddered. “My sister specially has been very adamant to meet you.”
“Woah, you really want to make this official?”
Tommy nodded.
“I couldn’t feel more sure about us, since the moment I saw you walking into the restaurant that first time I thought shit, this is it, this is the one for me.”
“I’m so glad you sent that first message, I had decided earlier I’d give up looking and close the app.” Y/N ran her hands up and down his chest.
His knuckles caressing her cheek.
“Tell me about Charlie.” She asked. Eyelids half closed from his delicate touch.
And now it was his turn to smile because he absolutely knew she was the one.
A/N one of my friends just met her bf through a dating app and I’ve never seen her happier, so I got the inspiration from there! Kat I hope you never see this 😂🤣
Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @gypsy-girl-08 @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @ange-thoughts @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @thenattitude @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @allie131313 @imichelle-l-rigby @winchestergirl22 @already-broken144 @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @zablife @heidimoreton @peakyscillian @shaddixlife @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @sloanexx @cilliansangel @rangerelik @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @dandelionprints @thomashelbyswife
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
Evie not taking after her uncle Arthur and being math wiz lol
if you have the time can you talk a little bit about the girls personalities for some girl!dad lore?
Thank you so much for sending this ask in, anon!! ☺️ like I said in my previous answer - seeing this in my inbox made my day!! I appreciate your interest in my stories!
I had to read the parts that I’ve shared of this lovely family so that I could get a reminder of the girls and what I’ve written for them already.
I’ve added some insight into their personalities below the cut!
Theadora Rose Shelby “Thea”
Thea’s a ray of sunshine
She also embraces the ‘oldest child’/‘big sister’ role and embodies it beautifully — she loves her little sisters
She loves nature (hence where Juniper received her name) and enjoys spending time outside
She also has a tendency to dive completely into whatever it is that she finds she’s passionate about — also where Juniper got her name.
I think she’s also the most caring out of the three. Like if someone in her family’s upset, she’s going to stay with them and make sure that they’re going to be ok.
Kind of going off of the last one, Thea’s really pure — in the sense that she’s always seeing the good in everything. And that pureness lasts for a while; throughout all of her childhood years and up into her teens (which Tommy’s genuinely grateful for because he’s always worried about his line of work and exposing the girls to it).
I imagine her going on to do something good in the world … to inspire and advocate for change in some realm. … maybe she’d become a teacher so that she could make an impact on the next generation while also fighting for change that she wants to see in her community.
Evelina Marie Shelby “Evie”
Evie’s definitely the one who brings the sass and drama the most
But she’s also very much goofy and a trickster … she really takes after her uncle John
She’s also not afraid to let her true emotions be known — she wasn’t a fan of no longer being the baby of the family at first, and she made sure to let her mom and dad know that … but then she came around and is happy to have Juni.
Now she likes the ‘middle child’ role …. But she doesn’t conform to it completely (in the sense that she doesn’t just blend into the family dynamic) — which is where the sass comes in.
I imagine that she’s definitely the trickiest to handle growing up … from getting into stuff she’s not supposed to be getting into, to finding herself in situations that Tommy swears cuts years off of his life - he and (Y/N) have had the most talks about her out of all the daughters (and she was the first to have an actual boyfriend…regardless of what her father said).
But with that being said, she’s also smart…in every sense of the word. We saw an inkling of it in the very latest blurb (which the comment about Arthur made me giggle…she’s way better than her uncle at maths) — I definitely think that she’d be the daughter to score the highest in school.
Evie’s definitely going to hold some sort of position of power when she grows up — I’m not sure if timelines work out, but hell, she’d make them work because I could see her being some sort of lawyer, or in a position where she’s able to use her knowledge and wit to best an opposing side.
Juniper Anne Shelby “Juni”
Juni’s truly a ball of sunshine — like she’s Thea times 10.
She admires her big sisters too. They’re the world to her.
I’d imagine that she’s the daughter that falls in love with horses. Sure, Thea and Evie both ride, and have been riding their entire lives, but Juni is the first girl to really love the animal.
And she and Tommy really bond over that.
So I definitely see her as being the ‘daddy’s girl’ of the daughters. … so just when Tommy thinks that he’s finally got this girl dad thing down in the scheme of his daughters getting older and wanting to start families of their own (because yes, he allows that), his world gets rocked when Juni tells him that she’s found someone special — because that’s his little girl, and she’s not so little anymore.
With her love for animals - horses in particular - I see Juni being the daughter who grows up and works with animals as her livelihood. Maybe she has her own piece of property with like a rehab or training facility on it? And of course she keeps a few horses of her own, which Tommy is thrilled about. I’d imagine that there’s family rides that happen on her property almost weekly.
I’m sure I’ll think of more little tidbits about these ladies as I write more stories about them, but hopefully this is a good starting off point for a little more insight into who they are — and hopefully I didn’t leave out anything that I said in the stories already…if I did, don’t be afraid to tell me and I’ll add it here!
If you’re new to the Girl Dad series, but you still read this post (firstly, thank you!) you can read their ongoing story HERE!
Thanks so much again for sending this lovely ask in! It was so fun thinking about these girls and diving deeper into who they are!! 🥰❤️
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pollenallergie · 2 years
Please can you write something with croquette!reader x eddie 🥺
Hey! So, initially, I wasn’t going to fulfill this request because I’ve heard that the coquette aesthetic has some problematic origins (infantilization and the lolita complex, mostly). However, I really like the idea of embracing your femininity (as someone who adores hyper-feminine aesthetics), so I figured I would try my hand at writing this but without explicitly making the reader coquette… If that makes sense?? Instead, I went for more of a general, soft, hyper-feminine aesthetic. I also tried to balance it out by giving the reader a more mature personality; she’s a bit shy and coy but not helpless or innocent. I hope this works for you!!
As always, you must be 18+ to interact with this post!!
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To anyone else, you might seem like this delicate, demure flower. Between the pretty, lightly colored dresses you wear and the dainty gold jewelry you’re constantly adorned in, you appear to be this heavenly, angelic creature. Not to mention, the sort of shy politeness you bring to just about every social interaction might suggest that you’re just this radiant orb of positivity, this delightful ray of sunshine plucked from the sky and sent down to bless mere mortals with your sweet compliments and graceful gaiety. However, Eddie knows that you’re so much more than that.
Other people may think of you as this shy little dove, all coy and sweet, but Eddie knows you. He knows that behind those wide, dewy eyes rages a passionate fire. He knows that those smooth, glossy lips are for more than just sweet-talking; he’s seen them utter words so fearsome that they’d make even the most hard-headed man admit defeat, and he’s watched you, felt you commit the kind of sins with them that would make even the most devout cleric stray from his religion. Eddie also knows that, despite your meek demeanor, you can be brazen when you want to be; that’s actually how you drew him to you in the first place.
Eddie had sat behind you in U.S. History during his second senior year, and though he’d always believed you were pretty, always admired the way you smelled like lavender and vanilla even after your morning gym class, he’d never thought much of you. However, that all changed one fall morning when, during your class’s discussion of the fight for women’s suffrage, Eddie witnessed you launch a meticulous, dare he say glorious, diatribe against Tommy Hagan after the idiot had the nerve to say that women’s suffrage “sure caused men a lot of suffering.” From that moment on, Eddie swore you were the most beautiful, magnificent person he’d ever encountered.
A little over a year and a half into your relationship, he still swears that you’re some divine creature sent down from the heavens above. To everyone else, you might seem like a mild-mannered darling, the epitome of beauty, humility, and purity. However, Eddie knows you’re not some meek little lamb, content to follow everyone else’s lead, too unsure of yourself to make a fuss. Instead, you’re a woman; equipped with sharp wit, a healthy sense of self-worth, a passionate heart, and the litigation skills to get just about anything you want. You may be a bit coy from time to time, you may be introverted, and you may dress like an angel walking amongst men, but you’re nothing short of a fucking goddess; a divine seductress, a clever scholar, a fierce advocate of justice, and a kind, courageous leader all wrapped up into one. Most of all, you’re the woman of Eddie Munson’s dreams.
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imagintheworldaway · 2 years
A/N idk with this one, i just could't stop myself.
Warnings: Drugs, memory loss
Requests: Open
Life hasn't been easy. We both got dealt shitty hands, abusive childhoods, absent parents, people only ever caring when the fame and money followed. But that wasn’t for years. We were both broke kids trying to figure it out, only having each other as a comfort blanket. It's so shitty to think about, we were both just kids, two kids who were never given a real chance. That's where it started. At Least that's my theory. What do you expect, kids learn from the adults that raise them, and when the adults are shitty there is no question that the kid will more than likely also turn out to be shitty. Deep down, somewhere in my soul, I knew I had good in me, but what's the point of being good and decent and nice when the world and everyone in it had only thrown it all back in your face? 
I don't really remember the first time I met Frank. I remember we were kids, well teenagers, we ran in similar crowds, and he always had this smile, this cheeky smile which you just couldn’t say no to. And those eyes. Those emerald green eyes, the way the sunset shone in them when we were lying on top of a building, no cares, no one to answer to, just ourselves. Maybe the silence in knowing that we were both doomed was what comforted me. Maybe it was the fact he was tall and handsome, or maybe because he could do things to me that made my knees weak and screams echo through the city. 
When he suggested, well when he told me he was moving to LA there was no doubt I would follow him. There was nothing holding me down, so why not follow a boy to LA and see how it goes. I think that's when everything truly clicked for the first time. Being homeless, couch surfing, working dodgy jobs just to buy liquor and cigarettes was how we got by. That sunset, nothing really beat the LA sunset, the warm hues and bright rays that glistened in his eyes, illuminating his face reassured me that this was all worth it. 
But LA changed us. Like it does everyone else who gets sucked into the black pit which is the city. As we grew we were able to scrape together some pennies for an apartment. That's when the bug changed. My Frankie was now the sexy Nikki Sixx and I gained the nickname of Florida, or Flo. why? Well I was still as carefree as when I had arrived here. I didn't care where, when or what we did, and everyone we met said I was like a ray of sunshine, meaning I was like Florida. I was also majorly sedated most of the time which only added to the birth of the nickname. Nikki said he always saw Florida as the much more chiller younger cousin to LA, he always wanted to go to Florida, maybe it was the child in him that missed out on such a core memory that so many other kids got to have. So I became his Florida.
We had our own funny little rituals to get by. I would pray for snow and Nikki would produce the white powder that sent shivers down my spine but always brought me a great warmth. Our house was an apartment but our home was on the borderline. We would work these stupid jobs, meet our dealer, then climb on the roof. Heads frazzled in white powder but the same comforting silence that we had as tennagers still there, reassuring us that this was right. 
Sometimes Nikki would hold me so close I could swear that I could hear his thoughts. His hand was always squeezing mine, comforting me, knowing we were at the same place. But bliss cant last forever. 
I was happy that Nikki was finally in a band that made sense. Tommy was such a goofball and always knew the right thing to say, Mick was quiet, but we had a silent understanding, we looked after each other and then there was Vince, he was gorgeous, and always knew how to make my heart flutter and my cheeks red. They would practise and write songs as I would cut the lines. I never got involved with their business and they left me to mine. It was good. So fucking good. Until it wasn’t. 
The more popular the boys got the more money i got a hold of and the more lines, spliffs, pills, tabs and alcohol i consumed. I became the girl always at the show, dancing along on the side, supporting her boys. The music used to create colours, streams of vibrant vibrations would cloud my vision as I swayed and moved to the beat. I couldn’t care about the other girls. Why would i? He always came back to me, no matter what. I was the one in the pictures who he had his arm around, i was the one he brought to the parties, i was the only who kept his supply safe. 
It never stopped. I was the new guy everyone went to. You wanted something, you went and talked to Flo to get it. It was like my own dirty little secret that few people were in on. It was never my intent but it was easy. I kept the gear, he kept me satisfied. What I once thought was love I think was deeper. Nikki and I were the same person, and people knew that, you can't find Nikki? He's with Flo. Need some gear? Florida will be in Nikkis' room. A package deal, two of a kind, dare I say soulmates. 
All good things must come to an end. That's what our first dealer had said to us. How did he know that all the way back then? I don't know, I don't care to know. He always did warn us though. He always said how I was stupid for following a boy because I was in love. Love was only an emotion, so why did I care so much about a silly little feeling? Maybe because, as fucked up as whatever this thing we had was, it was the only form of love either of us had ever felt. 
I was a good girl. The perfect girlfriend, anything he could ever want, but i wasn't enough, i would never be enough. Florida was pretty, Florida was fun, but Florida wasn’t without its demons, it's blotches on its happy go lucky outlook on life, I truly was becoming the worst parts of it all. I took a second to think. When was the last time someone had called me by my real name? What even was my real name?  ‘Hold out your hand’ someone said, easily distracting me from my thoughts. Who was that? I was alone, wasn't i? Maybe not. I felt a light pressure on the back of my head, forcing it down. So that my nose met the white powder that had been lazily sprawled across the side of my hand. I took in the sensation of the powder I had felt so many times before. Don't forget to smile Florida, this is as good as it gets. 
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
When You Find An Old Picture Of Us And You Clear Away The Dust
by alastair_has_stairs
"I regret ever allowing you into my home." Tommy grumbles, stumbling after Wilbur as he's guided across a road.
"You're just saying that because you're tired and grumpy." Wilbur points out, giving his hand a squeeze. "No." Tommy denies, knowing it's true.
Wilbur chuckles, pulling Tommy closer to him once they reach the grass.
"I thought you were lying." A suspiciously familiar monotone voice says, entirely disbelieving. The sound of it zaps away any of the lingering fatigue from Tommy's interrupted nap, and his head snaps up to look at the person.
He lets go of Wilbur's hand, he's sure if he looked behind himself he'd see the man pouting, and throws himself forward.
Or; Tommy reuniting with more people.
Title from Cocaine Jesus by Rainbow Kitten Surprise.
Words: 4155, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 90 of Dadbur brainrot, Part 3 of Music Is Its Own Connection
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ash Kabosu (Lovejoy), Joe Goldsmith (Lovejoy), Mark Boardman (Lovejoy), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Mark Boardman & Joe Goldsmith & Ash Kabosu (Lovejoy) & Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Lovejoy (Band) Ensemble & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, TommyInnit Loves Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit Gets a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), several - Freeform, Protective Wilbur Soot, Possessive Wilbur Soot, Lovejoy (Band) Loves TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit is Bad at Feelings (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit is a Ray of Sunshine (Video Blogging RPF), Pet Names, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Kissing, Wilbur Soot Calls TommyInnit Pet Names, TommyInnit Swears (Video Blogging RPF), Rated T for TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit Fluff, Ranboo and Toby Smith | Tubbo and TommyInnit Live Together, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit Cuddles, TommyInnit Misses Friends (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Gives a Hug, Soft Wilbur Soot, Clingy Wilbur Soot, Twins Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Phil Watson is Wilbur Soot and Technoblade's Parent, Rich Wilbur Soot, Dramatic Wilbur Soot, Happy TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clingy TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit is a Menace (Video Blogging RPF), Touch-Starved TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Healing TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo Friendship, Toby Smith | Tubbo is a Menace, Toby Smith | Tubbo is Called Tubbo, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo is So Done (Video Blogging RPF), So many tags, Fluff and Angst, Famous Wilbur Soot
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This is like the fifth time I had a dream about Tommy being my bf and I don't know how to feel about that
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basilly · 3 years
memories saved in the sand | cc!wilbur x reader 
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☼ a part of my series, life’s a beach!
summary: soaking up the rays from the warm sun sounded like a great idea- at least to you. wilbur on the other hand…
pronouns/gender: gn | they/them
note: dkfjfd i’m so excited for this one and hope you guys are loving the series :))
warnings: swears/cursing 
edited by:  @notphilosopherstudentblog
☼ taglist form here
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you relaxed against the small fold out chair, digging your toes further into the sand. thanks to dream’s genius thinking, the whole smp had rented out a beach house and would spend the week relaxing under the sunshine. you had been looking forward to this for weeks and now you could finally feel the sand underneath your feet and smell the salty air. 
closing your eyes, you prepared to bask under the sun’s rays and leave all the extraneous activities to the boys. 
at least, that’s what you wanted to do. watching you with a sneaky glint in his eyes, his lopsided smile turned into smirk, a plan forming in his mind. 
he sneaks closer to your figure quietly, pressing a finger to his lips to signal to tommy nearby. tommy only snickered, crossing his arms to watch what wilbur had in mind. 
you felt his shadow loom over your figure, whisking away the sun’s warmth. you open your eyes slightly, seeing wilbur for only a split second before he-
you shrieked, body no longer in the chair but instead thrown over wilbur’s shoulder. you felt his body vibrate from the laughter that spilled out of his lips.
“wilbur, PUT ME DOWN!” “no can do darling- why don’t you cool off for a second?”
his hands grasped your sides, lifting you off of his body before dropping you into the crystal clear water. although it was refreshing, the saltwater filled your nose creating an unpleasant burn. you gasp up for air, planting your feet onto the ocean ground and pushing your body up.
you could only hold a face of shock while wilbur stood besides you with a cheeky grin. bringing your hand up, you smack his arm.
“WILBUR SOOT, YOU MOTHERFU-” “ah ah ah, there’s children present!”
tommy raised his arms in protest.
wilbur broke out into even more giggles, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a kiss to your nose. 
“sorry darling, i couldn’t resist.”
you sighed, leaning into his chest.
“alright, now take me back to shore so i can actually do what i wanted.” “as you wish.”
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@softiepeterpan @sun-fiower-seed @rottenroyalebooks @beepbopbee @writingwieny @tinyegg @am334 @spaceandstars @victory-is-here @strawbrinkofdeath @mewtheconqueror @rowe-n @oh-mcyt @rended-symphony @ditzyjitters @attemptingsomething @alilcloudy @stup1dclown @twist3dtinkerbell @thequeenofuwu @fantasy-innit @okayzandria @mlqcool @truthdaze @alex--awesome--22 @thisratbastard @bumarzipan @sloxth-poe @stxrrynite @eggingamazinglove @dinochickenuggs @sunshinewrites-sunnie @endtis-unknown @mack4676 @snowybasil @bi-narystars @i-mmunity @qnfs @lukerycyja @queerentj @qvackityyyy @savingpluto @daninotfound @piano-boo @cvsmixpaint @katevaro @golden-hoax @omnikinesisgobrrr @averylittlebee @bl00dy-gutz @ididntkidnapthekids @ava-mee @pxint @l0ver0fj0y @griffoniantt @technospherex @ohworm-writes @afamous-simp @technosoot @fallxnly @lorenaaayk @m0oshrooms @insecure-freckled-b1tch @queensunsetx @nutellaperson @lakifaki
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Unexpected Encounters (Adrenaline Junkie Part 8)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: minor swearing
Word count: 2,775
You walked down the now worn cobblestone path towards the main plaza of the village by Philza’s house. Whistling the first verse of the L’manberg national anthem, you wove slightly at the crowd of people gathered at the stands that littered the sides of the street. 
The village was much larger than the entire L’manberg nation. It had several different precincts with a large, diverse group of people and a few hybrids living there. It also had more amenities like shops, a library (which, to your delight, grew expansively to include more books on inventions, some being exclusively about yours. They were proud people that embraced whatever fame comes out of the area), and multiple towering office buildings.
Everything’s changed since you’ve last been here a year ago. What was now more modern used to be traditional. What was loosely populated was now bustling with people. What used to be barren was now chock full of shops and apartment complexes. It was kind of jarring to see this much change in a little over a year.
In retrospect, it was jarring how much you changed in a little over a year. The hallucinations have finally almost completely stopped along with the nightmares. They only came about once a week now. You were slowly reincorporating green back into your wardrobe. Your phantom pain has retreated into your subconscious. It was always going to be with you, so you got used to the constant pain and tingling feeling. You learned to appreciate the small things in life and just live in the moment so you would have something positive to look back on in the future.
You invented several different gadgets to help your brothers win the L’manberg War of Independence such as a portable TNT launcher, handheld long-distance communication devices (which you affectionately dubbed walkie talkies since you could walk and talk! Wilbur and Tommy were not as enthusiastic of the name as you were), and a redstone powered crossbow that continuously fired arrows until you released the trigger. Though all of your inventions were practically your babies, they did not come anywhere close to trumping your magnum opus: your metal fully functioning wing. 
After several mishaps and failed attempts, you finally made your wing correspond to the electrical impulses in your muscles so that it copied the movements of your flesh wing. It’s built out of a lightweight hollow iron and has feather shaped metal pieces protruding off from it to emulate your other wing. It was a sleek silver color that always caught a ray of sunshine and reflected it to another place. It was basically permanently attached to your body by now due to it being a pain to take on and off. It was just easier and more efficient to keep it on constantly. 
People around you stared, some in awe and some in admiration. A stark difference from when you first lost your wing. Sometimes, you resented them for treating you differently just because your name became more widely known, but you were always a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance. Even attention seeking, unscrupulous assholes looking for cheap brownie points from their peers because ‘I knew them before they were discovered! I knew them personally, we were, like, really close!’ So for now, you tried to ignore the ugly indignation bubbling in your gut and threatening to spew out in a string of hurtful words. You were sick of being angry, especially now that L’manberg is at peace. 
You passed several people who pointed at you and whispered amongst themselves. Ignoring them, you continued onward with your head held high and your wings folded in tightly to avoid children grabbing and pulling them with their grubby little hands. It always took you a while to clean and preen them after people touched them. You hated cleaning off fingerprints and grime from the smooth metal.
Walking with a sense of purpose, you continued onwards passing multiple shops and stands until you finally reached the butcher. Opening the decorated glass door, a little bell chimed alerting the burly man behind the counter of your presence. Like the others, he stared wide-eyed at you with his lips slightly parted in shock. Great, another exhausting encounter. 
Putting on a polite smile, you broke the silence of the meat shop. “Hello, I’m here to buy half a pound of fresh ground beef. Would you by chance have any in stock?” That seemed to snap him out of his stupor.
“O-of course, I’ll get that for you right away.”
He disappeared into the backroom where frosty fog rolled out in tiny clouds. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Maybe he wouldn’t ask any questions or try to get to know you on a personal level.
He returned in a hurry, slapping the wrapped beef onto the counter and giving you a price. Reaching into your wallet for the cash, you paid him generously. “Keep the change.”
“I-thank you, Mx. Minecraft.”
Putting the beef into your satchel, you gave him a more genuine smile. “Don’t mention it.”
Briskly walking out, you made a beeline for the village’s main entrance. You couldn’t stand the feeling of constantly being watched and talked about anymore. Why couldn’t they treat you like a normal person? In your opinion, you were, well, you. Nothing was special about you.
As you were about to cross the threshold of the village, you heard footsteps behind you.
Stopping dead in your tracks, you closed your eyes and took a few steadying breaths so that you wouldn’t lash out at this person. You just wanted to go to your childhood home and have a nice, peaceful dinner with your dad. Was that too much to ask? 
Opening your eyes and plastering on a fake smile, you turned around and greeted him. He was a young boy, probably around eleven or twelve years old. His clothes and shaggy auburn hair were disheveled and he had dirt smeared on his face. “Hello, to whom may I owe the pleasure?”
He put his hands on his knees and tried to talk between gasping breaths. “Mx, my name’s Arthur Fox, i-it’s truly an honor to meet you. I’ve admired your work since before the war in L’manberg. You’re an amazing inventor and I wanna be just like you when I grow up. I- oooh I’m sorry, I’m rambling aren’t I?” He kind of reminded you of Tubbo in a strange way.
“No, you’re fine Arthur. Thank you for being a fan of my work, but I must get going. I have an important meeting to attend to.” You weren’t exactly lying to the young boy. Turning on your heel, you started to walk off only to feel a hand on your arm.
“Mx, I need to talk to you.”
“I really have to get going, Arthur. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“No, it’s important.”
You struggled to keep the smile on your face as you shrugged his arm off as politely as you could. This kid is determined. Too determined. “So’s my meeting. I have to go.” You started to walk off into the beaten forest path.
“Do you know about The Warden?”
You halted abruptly and sharply turned around. You let your smile and polite stature drop into pursed lips and sharp eyes.
“...Of course I do. Everyone does.”
Flinching slightly, he quickly recovered his confident facade. “No, that’s not what I meant. Do you know about The Warden?”
“Like I said,” you played stupid, “everybody does. Who doesn’t?”
He puffed his cheeks out in frustration. “Ugh, how could someone so smart be so stupid at the same time? I mean you met it didn’t you? It took your wing.”
You took a step forward and narrowed your eyes, fully facing him now. “How do you know about that? Who told you?” 
He stepped back. “I-I heard rumors a couple of years back that it got someone. I heard your name thrown around here and there.”
You gave him enough of a warning that you didn’t want to talk, but he ignored it and now he has to reap the consequences. At this point, you were so tired and drained from everyone trying to be buddy-buddy with you that you finally snapped. The only thing you wanted was to go home, you did not need this right now. 
“Well, Arthur, you shouldn’t pry into other people’s business. I’ve told you time and time again that I have to leave, yet you persist to stop me. Why? And where are your parents, didn’t they teach you any manners?”
He looked downwards and fiddled with his fingers. “They’re dead. T-The Warden took someone important to me. I… I thought you might be able to help me.”
Shit, you just yelled at a grieving orphan. You were a massive asshole weren’t you? Your eyes softened slightly and you frowned. “...I’m sorry for your loss. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you? Dinner perhaps? We can talk about how I could help you afterwards.”
He glanced up at you. “But-but what about your meeting.”
You winced. “Uh, I’m moving it forward, we have more pressing matters.” You paused awkwardly. “Do… Do you have anybody to ask permission? Any siblings?”
His shoulders drooped. “...No. I’m all by myself.”
Shit, you yelled at a grieving homeless orphan? God what kind of role model were you? 
“C’mon, kid. We’re going to my house.” 
His wordlessly followed you and avoided looking into your eyes. The walk to your childhood home was very awkward, neither of you attempted starting conversation. You sighed.
“Look, Arthur I’m sorry for yelling at you like that. That was really uncalled for, I shouldn’t have yelled or gotten mad. It’s just that- The Warden’s a… touchy subject for me.”
“It’s alright, Mx. Minecraft. You can make it up to me by… making me dinner and showing me some of your blueprints?”
He looked up to you with hope filled, sparkling eyes. You snorted. “It’s a deal, kid. We’re almost there.” 
You could see the silhouette of the house in the nearly setting sun. It was still the same as when you left a year ago. 
“Ya know,” you sighed out, “this is actually my Dad’s house. I’m just visiting him for a couple of weeks.”
“Where do you live then?”
“I live in the heart of L’manberg with my brothers.”
“That’s cool…” He trailed off. You frowned, it seems that he was nervous to meet your Dad. You probably should’ve mentioned that Philza was there to him before taking him here.
You stopped, grabbing Arthur’s shoulders. “Kid, you don’t have to worry about meeting my dad. He’s probably the kindest, most genuine man I’ve ever met. He’ll welcome you with open arms, that’s what he did with me and my three brothers. He adopted us all.”
He gave you a small smile. “Alright, Mx. Minecraft, I trust you.”
“Oh, please don’t call me ‘Mx. Minecraft’, it makes me feel ancient,” you lolled your head back and dramatically groaned out, making him giggle. “I just turned twenty, buddy. Feel free to call me (y/n).”
 Putting your hand on his shoulder, you led him to the front door. You twisted the old door knob and pushed the wooden door open.
“Dad, I’m home and I brought the beef!”
He popped his head out from the kitchen, his messy blond hair flopping onto his face. He gave you a joking smile. “Took you long enough, any longer and I would’ve locked ya out.” 
You watched as his eyes wandered over to Arthur. He frowned, revealing his frilly pink apron that Wilbur got him as a joke. Oh, you could just hear the gears in his head churning.
“...(Y/n), who’s this?”
Grinning sheepishly, you replied. “Dad, this is Arthur Fox. Arthur, this is my dad Philza Minecraft. I promised him dinner and somewhere to stay for the night. Do you have some of Tommy’s old clothes Artie could borrow for the night?”
He sighed, shooting you a we’ll-talk-about-this-later look. “Yes, they’re in the attic. I’ll grab them after dinner so he could shower before going to bed.”
Arthur timidly spoke up. “Thank you, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad softened and gave him a gentle smile. “It’s no problem, Arthur. And please, call me Philza. Mr. Minecraft makes me feel old.”
Arthur let out a loud laugh. Despite everything he went through, his laugh still sounds like an innocent child’s laugh. You chuckled, kids always had a silly little laugh. Philza grinned at him, a child’s laughter was something that he missed.
Arthur wiped at his eyes as his laughter died down. “I’m sorry, (y/n) said the same outside.”
“I did,” you smiled lightly at Arthur before looking back at Philza with mischief, standing up straight and putting your hands on your hips. “But I was funnier.”
“Pft, you wish. I was saying that before you were even born. So, I win because I’ve been saying it longer.”
“Whatever ya say, old man. Funniness over age.”
He playfully glared at you, placing an offended hand over his heart. “I’m not that old.”
“Ya kinda are, Dad. You’re practically turning to dust!”
He gasped. “I am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Are too!”
“Am no- wait Dad, that’s cheating!”
“You still said it though!” He sang out, grinning at you cheekily.
“No, that doesn’t count!”
Arthur’s amused brown eyes bounced between you and Philza like he was watching a tennis match. Every so often, he would giggle at something one of you said. You both took your banter to the kitchen where you and Philza started to cook. Dinner was done and the table was set in no time. There was pleasant small talk as dinner neared an end
Your dad swallowed his last bite of beef and turned his attention towards Arthur. “So Arthur, how old are you?”
Arthur gave a small grin. “I’m ten.”
“Do your paren-”
You loudly coughed, throwing a discreet glare at Philza. Mouthing ‘don’t’ from behind your hand, you took a big sip of your water and stood up. “I’ll wash all the dishes. Arthur, would you like to look at some of my blueprints while we wait for my Dad to get you some clothes?”
His eyes shined with excitement. “Yes please!”
You chuckled, putting the plates in the sink and walking down to your old workshop to grab one of the blueprints you left in a filing cabinet. You grabbed the first draft for your prosthetic and the final draft for the automatic farm.
Upstairs, you situated the blueprints in front of Arthur at the dinner table. “Okay buddy, learn to your heart’s content. I’m gonna do the dishes. If you need something just give me a shout.”
Walking into the kitchen, you filled the sink with warm soapy water and got started scrubbing. You moved your wings around subconsciously as you wiped the pots and plates clean of grease. Humming in satisfaction when you were done, you dried your hands and sat next to Arthur who was looking at your designs with complete awe. 
“You like them?”
He nodded his head so fast you thought it might fall off and started to fling questions at you. You smiled fondly at him, it was nice to see someone so interested in how your inventions were made and not just how they worked. 
You two were mid conversation when Philza walked into the room with a bundle of clothes in his arms. You grabbed Arthur’s hand and led him up to the bathroom. You bent down and rested your hands on your knees, looking at him.
“Alright buddy, everything you need is in there, clean towels are in the closet. When you’re done, I’ll be in my room just over there,” you pointed to your door. “Last door on the left. I can show you where you’ll be sleeping for the night when you’re done. Does that sound okay?”
He gave you a gap-toothed smile. “Yes, thank you (y/n)! You’re the best!”
He closed the bathroom door and you stood there. You felt… oddly fond for the boy you just met only hours before. 
Philza cleared his throat and pinned you to the wall with a stern look. “(Y/n), explain now.”
“I will, but let’s talk in my room so Arthur can shower in peace. Poor boy needs it.”
He sighed and walked into your room. You had a long talk ahead of you.
(A/N): so, how do you guys like Arthur?
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
The Reflex - Goody Two-Shoes
Part 1 of 8
With an original character, set in 1984, at Hawkins High
Characters mentioned: OC, Steve Harrington, Tommy, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Warnings: Mild bullying, Some swearing, some gross out humor, mentions and references too a specimen dissection but nothing overly graphic.
"And don't forget you'll need to finish the next two chapters for next week. Again, not a big ask, so I'm expecting it to be done. Ok, Mr Harrington?"
Two students snap their heads towards the teacher at the same time. One boy was adorned in a trendy sweatshirt and jeans with a glorious head of hair. The other was a bespectacled girl with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, a stark contrast to her pale skin, wearing a blouse and sweater paired with some looser-fitting jeans.
The girl immediately realises her error as the class erupts with laughter. " Feeling ok there, Mr Harrington?" Tommy mocks her with glee.
The girl nervously gulps, pressing her usual full lips together in a tight line, and nods as if to shoulder the joke. Then, looking to the floor, she leaves the class and doesn't raise her head again to look until she is safely outside of it.
This was the problem with being a bit of a daydreamer and having a similar surname to one of the most well-known people in school. She thought to herself, opening her locker to grab her lunch.
Thora Harriton was a girl who once was a kid with a wild imagination, who for most of her life was unapologetically herself, that is, until she got here. High School.
She hadn't chosen to come here. It was just where she had to go due to the move. Thora would definitely not have chosen to be in the same class year as Steve Harrington if she had known the toll a few hearing mistakes would take on her confidence.
Everything about her school day was crafted to a tee. Not for perfection, understand, but more for the ability to be invisible. Don't wear anything too fashionable or bright or dark and absolutely no creases. Make sure your hair is tidy but not too styled. Don't wear makeup, but make sure your skin is perfect and your eyebrows neat. Do not personalise anything. If something needs to be covered, find a generic striped covering. Keep your stationary plain uninteresting.
A list of things to keep herself safe because although she had been mocked at the end of class, she'd soon blend in with the crowd, and Tommy and his goons would quickly forget all about her.
The only person that knew she had any personality at all was Robin. Who's presence, Thora knew, was just the other side of her locker door.
"Sorry, you can't jump scare me this time, Rob. I can see you" she smiled, closing the door gently, "Hi!" She smiled at her friend.
Robin scowled and pouted a little, "I was sure I'd got it right this time" She sighed and changed into a more positive stance, "How has your morning been?" Robin asks as they walk and talk towards the cafeteria.
"Well, it was going fine, but then I was just lost in my thoughts, and it happened again" Thora cringes and grimaces at Robin.
Robin mirrors her facial expression in solidarity, "That bad, huh?".
Robin gives Thora a gentle arm bump, "They'll forget soon enough. You know they don't have 2 brain cells between the whole basketball team".
She smiles up at Thora, trying and succeeding in making her laugh.
"I know you're right. It just sucks. I nearly made it a whole week, you know?" Thora's smile half twisted into one of regret.
"Well, we're on our way to the Colosseum...I mean cafeteria now...who knows what entertainment awaits us. A new couple? A breakup? An impromptu sing-along or cheer? A tabletop tirade? I know that's one of your favourites," she says, pumping her eyebrows up and down at Thora and then shrugs. "Or maybe even some fisticuffs?" She says, balling her fists up in front of her pretending to fight the air.
Thora giggles quietly, "Robin, what would I do without you? You are honestly my ray of sunshine in this place", and secretly gives Robin's elbow a pinch. It was their little thing.
Robin laughed and flinched away, "Yeah, well, if you could let double T know what a catch I am, that would be really great" she smiled.
Smiling wide at Robin, Thora says, "You know for a fact, if I thought she was definitely interested in that, I wouldn't hesitate to tell her how wonderful you are, Rob."
Robin nods knowingly, "I hear ya," she says as they walk into the cafeteria to their usual spot at the end of the band table.
"Look, all I'm saying is we stand a better chance of getting 'Angel' accepted than 'Like a Virgin' as a band. We aren't singing the lyrics, but the title matters. Someone has to announce the piece," Gregory says emphatically.
"But like a virgin is much easier to recognise instrumentally, and besides, we can have some of the brass play the main vocal line. People love that", Patricia fires back.
Vickie shakes her head, "I can't see them going for either. Honestly, it's too modern for them. We're better off picking something more '70s."
"No, the '70s are over. It's a new decade. A new lease of life, and with it, new music. I mean, I also love older music. Especially Bowie, The Beatles, The Stones, The Doors, and Led Zeppelin, but imagine how wild a young crowd would go for an instrumental Madonna Medley? It would be so rad!!" Robin interjects as you both sit down
Thora admired Robin's passion so much. In fact, sometimes, she was a little jealous of it. Thora supposed she could be like that if she really wanted, but it would undo all her hard work.
Thora heard the familiar slam of hands on a table from a different table in the cafeteria. Robin shot Thora a knowing smirk, mouthing "Tabletop tirade" at her.
Thora rolled her eyes at Robin but, in all honesty, always looked forward to these little displays that Eddie "The Freak" Munson would put on at lunchtime.
He'd obviously overheard the conversation band was having as his tirade began on the topic of music.
"That's right, time is moving on, and legends are being left by the wayside because they don't have a tiny movie for their songs. Well, you know what, they don't need them. They don't need to dance around in revealing outfits to sell you a song because their music has reeeeal substance," he thunders, strutting up and down the hellfire table.
He leaps down from the table, pointing at the newly formed party/John Hughes kids, "And the more you little ingrates sit on your backsides waiting for music to be pumped in through your eyes. The more great music the rest of us have to miss out on." He bellows at them through cupped hands
He spins around, pointing directly into an unsuspecting science kid's face, "Why? You ask", he says theatrically, putting his arm around the kid, but they shrug him off, "Well, I'll tell ya..."
Thora feels a nudge from under the table from Robin, who whispers, "Bet you wished you'd joined science club now, huh?"
Thora looked around nervously in case anyone overheard, "Robin!" She said quietly through gritted teeth, which caused her laughter to boom around the cafeteria. Thora quickly launches over to cover her mouth, but it's too late.
The trained great-white-shark-type stare of Eddie Munson was upon both of them. They'd interrupted him, unintentionally, but still. All Thora can think to do, is to put her hands up in front of her shoulders, in a small surrender and avoid his eyes, keeping absolutely quiet.
"Aw, looks like it's a bad day for Mr Harrington. Now she angered The Freak," Tommy shouts out to a ripple of laughter. Thora bites her lip, looks down at the table, and just tries her best to ignore it.
Although Thora didn't get away with it entirely, she'd never been happier to hear Tommy's voice. Because if there was anything Eddie Munson relished more than the sound of his own voice, it was the sound of his own voice tearing apart a Jock's ego.
Eddie gives Thora and Robin one last look before heading over to annihilate some Jock pride.
"Shit, I'm so sorry," Robin says sincerely, reaching her hand over to Thora's and squeezing it.
Thora smiles back, "It wasn't your fault Rob. In fact, it's the fault of everything else in the school apart from you."
Robin, pleased with not being a source of misery for Thora, attempted to cheer her up. "What do you even see in that guy anyway?" she whispers, gesturing at Eddie.
Thora could list a few superficial reasons but decides to go for something Robin would appreciate, a theory.
Thora leans over so she can whisper without incurring the wrath of your favourite public speaker. "I heard the people you find attractive have similar aspects to you," Thora says, forcing Robin to turn and observe Eddie.
"Nah, I don't see it." She whispers, unconvinced.
"Remember my hair the morning after the slumber party?" Thora says, trying to jog her memory.
"Oh shit yeah. I'm just so used to seeing it all restrained like this" Robin reaches over and removes Thora's glasses. "Oh, those void-like eyes too. Absolutely made for one another," she says sarcastically.
"It's a good job, you're my only close friend. Otherwise, I would just straight up abandon you for the solitude of my car right now," Thora says half seriously.
"I would love to see you try to get to the doors, past the object of your affection and your tormentors," she says, tilting her head and teasing Thora.
"He's not the object of my affection. You made me choose someone from school, alright? He's just the best of a bad bunch, ok? Truth or dare has a lot to answer for," Thora says, trying to hide her embarrassment.
"What about Harrington?" Robin inquires.
Thora purses her lips and frowns a little at Robin, "Are you serious, right now? Harrington? The bane of my existence?!"
Robin tries to hide her smile but fails, "See this, this is why we're friends. We must be the only two girls in school that don't have a thing for that dumb, sasquatch, messy eater", she shudders.
"As your friend, I will fully support you in your statements. However, as someone who frequently gets teased by others, I'm sure he's not all bad. I mean, he doesn't go out of his way to stop his friends from teasing me, but at least he doesn't join in. He probably doesn't even know double T exists," Thora says supportively.
Robin slowly slides down in her chair until most of her is under the table, "Somehow, that makes it all seem infinitely worse."
Thora looks down at her lunch pail, grabs a homemade cookie, and breaks it in two. "For your pain", she fakes a pout of sympathy, offering it over to Robin, who magically is snapped out of her mood and snatches it.
Thora double-checks her schedule, "Oooh, double biology after lunch. Today could be the day," Thora says gruesomely. Tearing apart her part of the chewy cookie and devouring it, making eye contact with Robin the whole time.
"I am not dissecting anything. They can't make me!" Robin says, thinking twice about eating her half of the cookie now.
"Don't worry, Rob, I got you covered. You can shut your eyes until I have it all neatly pinned out, ok?" Thora says reassuringly. It wasn't that Thora was cruel or a gorehound. She just really wanted to be a veterinary surgeon, and these small tasks were an opportunity to test her skills and mettle.
They while away the remainder of lunch debating the pros and cons of contemporary music being used ta pep rallies with the rest of the band table. Until the bell sounds, and they head over to the science block together.
Thora speed walks ahead of Robin to grab the aisle seat, "Hey, I normally sit there!" She complains.
"Who do you think they are gonna pass the creature to?" Thora gives her a know-it-all smile and raises her eyebrows. Then, gesturing at the board at the front of the class with a crude diagram of a frog. Finally, forcing Robin to concede and sit in the seat between Thora and the bench next to them.
"As if guts weren't enough, I have to potentially suffer one of my peers too?" She whines, slumping her head onto her folded arms.
Thora neatly lays out all her plain stationary for class, absent-mindedly saying, "No one has sat there all term, Rob. I should know. You're fine. Honestly"
The room slowly fills. As the teacher enters, they are met with a flurry of notes to be excused from the class. The teacher rolls their eyes. You can't help but notice most of them are sports and rich kids. They get handed a paper diagram and get sent to the library.
"For the rest of you, you have a set of detailed instructions. Please read them carefully. The lab techs will bring you your specimen and tool kit. Please use one of the lab coats and sets of goggles provided, and I cannot emphasise this enough...the specimens must stay in their tray, and though I shouldn't have to say this, I will. That tray should remain in the classroom and not venture elsewhere on the property." The teacher says it like I was a script they were bored of reciting, and walks around the class passing out instructions.
A tray with a splayed-out frog lands on the desk with a small thud. Robin looks curiously over Thora's shoulder down at the tray and makes a retching sound in Thora's ear. "I'll get the lab coats and goggles", Robin offers in both an eager and disgusted tone.
Thora neatly arranged the desk and reads over the instructions. Whilst waiting for Robin to return.
The class door is swung open with a thud, "Who is ready to gut some frogs??! I know I am", an unmistakable voice echoes around the class. Thora's eyes latch onto the figure, projecting it immediately.
"Mr Munson, glad to see you finally decided to grace us with your presence," the teacher says tight-mouthed, shoving the instructions into his chest.
Part 2
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jasmineswrites · 3 years
open to: f/nb (25 - 29) (mutuals & non-mutuals)
based on: x
“God, I am so sorry!” Tommy cried as he practically burst through the door to his home, tie slung over his shoulder and his hands full of both work-related things and takeout bags. “I know you’re here later than usual, I’ll pay you extra I swear, I got caught up at work and I didn’t even realise what time it was and I... am rambling.” He chuckled almost nervously, shaking his head. Ever since his marriage had broken down, his life had been one big mess - he was trying his hardest to keep it all together for the kids, but he’d never imagined that doing it all alone would be this hard. His one saving grace was her - he’d held off on hiring a nanny for as long as he could, but eventually his friends had convinced him... And it was the best decision he’d ever made. She was a ray of sunshine; the kids loved her, she made all of their lives just a little bit easier and he was trying so hard not to do anything to drive her away. That was the main reason he wasn’t even letting himself acknowledge any feelings he might have right now. “Are the kids in bed? Have they eaten? Have you eaten?” He asked, looking around the room - which was spotless, as it usually was when she had been there. “I will never be this late again, I swear.”
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lunetheaveragefan · 4 years
one day...
Finally, Chapter 5 is here! It’s been so long lol. I know I said it would be out last Monday, but finals week and the new semester were crazy and I kept forgetting to queue it up! This chapter does deal with some more serious topics, so please be mindful of that (more info in the warnings down below). Anyway, here it is! I hope you all like it! (Also I think I’ll be posting chapters once every other Monday, so hopefully I’ll remember to stick to that!)
A Sander Sides high school AU
Pairing: Prinxiety and some background Logicality
Summary: Virgil is used to being alone. He only has one friend, Logan. But when Logan makes a new friend, things begin to change as two more join their group. Roman, a boisterous theater kid, seems determined to destroy Virgil’s lonely, average life. How much will Virgil’s life change?
Warnings: Bullying; homophobia and homophobic slurs; description/scene of a panic attack; and swearing. (If there’s anything else, let me know!)
Word Count: 1678 words
Virgil expected it to be a normal day. 
There were no signs that it was going to be important, so why would he think that it would be anything other than ordinary? Ever since Roman had joined them at the cafe, things had been going on as normal except for how he and Roman were actually talking now and then. And even that he’d gotten used to.
The day before, Roman and Patton had come to the cafe again, and Virgil was actually glad they did. Patton was still a ray of sunshine, but Roman seemed to be getting better. Or maybe he had been better all along, and Virgil was just now realizing it. Either way, things were changing, but not much and not necessarily in a bad way.
Yes, things were going good in Virgil’s world. 
That morning, Virgil got up at 6:45, right on time, and dressed in black jeans, a Panic! shirt, and his favorite sweatshirt. While checking his phone, he walked downstairs for breakfast. He ate his cereal and then went back upstairs to brush his teeth and finish getting ready. After making sure he had everything he needed for the day, he headed out, his mom’s voice telling him to have a good day from somewhere in the house. He drove to school without incident, although his usual parking spot was taken, so he had to park a few spots farther away. Logan was standing by his locker when he got to school, like usual. Just like every other day, they walked to class together, and afterwards, parted their separate ways: Logan to chemistry and Virgil to art. 
Things went according to the norm, following the routine that Virgil knew well. Life could’ve been a little more interesting, but then again, he didn’t find it entirely unpleasant. Even when Tommy and Timmy Wallace started making fun of him, it wasn’t that out of the blue. They had taken Roman’s place as the local asshole when he stopped being a bully at the beginning of high school and were set on making Virgil’s life hell.
Virgil’s standing at his locker, digging through his stuff, looking for a folder when Tommy sneers, “Oh, look, Timmy! It’s the emo cock-sucker.” Behind him, he hears Timmy laugh. Heaving a sigh, Virgil turns around, slamming his locker shut, only to find the twins almost nose-to-nose with him. Well, they would’ve been if Virgil wasn’t a whole head shorter than them.  
Glaring at them, Virgil says, “Get out of my way.” He’s carefully controlling his anger, making sure that he doesn’t explode. That would do no good.
“Aww, is poor baby Viwgil getting angwy?” Timmy mocks in a baby voice. He jabs his twin in the side, laughing. Tommy jabs him back. Unconsciously, Virgil’s hands ball into fists. You can’t get angry. You gotta relax. C’mon, Virgil. He grits his teeth, but because he was frustrated at himself, not angry at the twins.
Unfortunately, Timmy notices the actions and points it out. 
“Ahah! Are you gonna fight us, Virgil? Think you can win? Huh?” Timmy is up in Virgil’s face, so close, Virgil can see his spit flying everywhere when he talks.
Ignoring them, Virgil pushes past and starts walking down the hall. I can’t win. It’s a shot at his pride to walk away, but there’s no way he can beat the two star football players in a fight. I just have to ignore it. Virgil’s had a lot of experience being made fun of, but it never gets easier to face. It just gets easier to ignore.
“Hey!” A hand grabs Virgil by the elbow. It whirls him around so he can see the twins’ smirking faces. “Where you going, faggot? Thought you wanted a fight. Huh?” Heart racing, breath quickening, Virgil feels the panic building in him. Keep it under control. 
“Leave me alone,” he tries to say. Nothing comes out. Virgil can’t tell his body to move. Or walk away. Or do anything. The things running through his brain are going too fast. There, then gone. No, is the only thought that sticks.
Virgil sees their mouths moving, but can’t hear what they’re saying. Everything else is too loud. The pounding of his heart. His breaths, coming much too fast. Students talking, yelling. Lockers slamming. No. No. No, no, no no no nononononono. Why can’t the world just slow down. People bump into him. Every time, he flinches, drawing inward. Just have to make myself smaller. Timmy and Tommy are still talking. Virgil still can’t hear them. 
“Timmy! Stop!” a voice calls. This, Virgil hears. A hand reaches out to turn the boys away from Virgil. The only thing visible is wavy brown hair and tan skin. The twin’s shoulders block out everything else. He doesn’t know who it is. Doesn’t care who it is.
In four, he thinks, breathing in deeply. Hold 6. Out 7. He lets the air out in a cascade. Before he can begin hyperventilating again, he repeats the exercise. The noise of the hallway is too loud. His breathing won’t slow down. Come on, Virgil! Goddammit! Get it under control! 
The twins are still wrapped up in their conversation with Roman Princeford. He must’ve been the voice. But Virgil doesn’t have time to wonder why Roman stood up for him. Not while tears are flooding his eyes. Not while he’s fighting them back. Not while the din of the hallway is crashing around him. Not now. 
Virgil hurries out of the main part of the hallway and stands by the door to a janitor’s closet. The walls turn, forming an indent around where the door is, and feels almost like a shield. Trembling hands pull his headphones from his bag and slide them on his head. Tears blur his vision and his fingers shake as he fumbles for the video he’s trying to find. 
Finally, he finds it. The soothing sound of pouring rain fills his head. Soft piano drifts in the background. Dropping his phone on the ground and closing his eyes, Virgil pictures the rain streaking down a window. Slow and soothing and familiar. In 4, hold 6, out 7. Little by little, he starts to calm down, heartbeat returning to its normal pace, breaths slowing until the dizziness goes away.
He doesn’t know how long it’s been since he sat on the floor, but there’s a gentle tap on his shoulder. When he opens his eyes, Roman looks concerned. Pulling his headphones around his neck, Virgil begins to stand. 
“Are you o—Are you doing better?” Roman asks, looking almost awkward. Even though Roman helped him, Virgil almost scoffs. Of course I'm not okay, dumbass. He does have to give him credit for switching his words, though. And some part of Virgil doesn’t blame Roman for being so awkward. It’s a strange situation to be in. One Virgil wants to get out of. And fast. 
“I’m fine. I need to get to class,” he responds, voice tense and snippy. The bell hasn’t rung yet, but it will soon, and Mrs. Bartleman’s classroom is far away from Virgil’s locker. He slings his bag over his shoulder and leans down to grab his folder. 
Papers spill out over the ground, and Virgil realizes, too late, that he grabbed the folder on the bottom. Dropping to his knees to pick it up, he grits his teeth in frustration. A groan slips from his throat.
“What are you doing?” he snaps at Roman, who’d bent down to help. 
“Picking your things up,” Roman replies, looking at Virgil, seeming puzzled. Refusing to look at him, Virgil reaches out to grab more paper. He is sorry for being so rude to Roman just now, but his annoyance at Roman constantly trying to be the knight in shining armor combined with his embarrassment at what happened earlier doesn’t help his temper.
“The bell is going to ring soon. You’re going to be late for class.”
Roman must realize that Virgil’s trying to get him to leave because he stands up, leaving his stack of papers on the ground.
“Right. I should be going.” There’s something almost like hurt in Roman’s voice. Virgil looks up on instinct. Roman’s face is crestfallen, mouth turned downward, eyes sad. Guilt pangs through Virgil’s chest yet again when he sees. He almost takes his words back, but Roman turns away before he can. The metallic sound of the bell echoes throughout the hallway. 
“Fuck,” Virgil mumbles, reaching out to finish picking up.
Once the rest of the papers are back in his folder, Virgil stands up. He stares at Roman’s back, far down the hallway, distance increasing the longer he waits. The regret and guilt swirl into a knot in his stomach. Biting his lip, he takes a chance.
“Roman!” he yells, jogging down the hall. Roman turns around, and Virgil stops, even though there’s still a few feet between them. “Why did you stand up for me?” He steels himself for the worst. What if he blows you off? What if he says that he only did it to draw more attention to you? He takes the small amount of anger he still has left and directs it at the doubt. The thoughts, thankfully, shut up.
Roman scratches the back of his head and says, “It’s kind of a long story…” He looks up at a clock on the wall, frowning. After a second, his face lights up. “You have A lunch, right?” Virgil nods. “I’ll tell you then. My class is switching so we don’t have to go to lunch right in the middle of our test.” 
“O-okay,” Virgil stutters out, still wondering if he’s going to regret this. He’s still unsure if Roman actually means well, or if it’s just a long ploy that will end in Virgil being hurt. But I suppose it doesn’t hurt to ask why he stood up for me. 
And the crooked smile Roman gives Virgil right before turning and jogging away to class makes the risk almost worth it.
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mythrilhusk · 4 years
Korosensei Never Dies - Chapter 5
Words: 1689 Ao3 Version Chapter 4 (Last)
Chapter 6 (Next)
AN: This is NOT RPF, this story is based solely on the characters of Dream SMP, not the people playing them.
It's a hobby some would call obsessive or even creepy. Wilbur Soot doesn't care what anyone thinks, it's his world and everyone else is just living in it. His pencil scrawls on the page, scratching black onto white.
--Tommy needs encouragement. He's latched onto Philza as a fath- role model worryingly fast. Have I not been enough for him? He told me he wants to kill Technoblade, but I could see the lie in his eyes. He's too kind, and now he's being torn in two directions. Should I ease the strain? Or should I see how long it takes for him to break?--
Wilbur doesn't care what others think of him. His sly gaze flickers from person to person, lingering on the bright ray of sunshine that is Tommy. 
--Tubbo worries me. He's been mostly silent ever since Technoblade showed up. Is he planning something?-- 
--Eret wants to kill Technoblade purely for the money. I saw the way their eyes lit up at the bounty. Which brings to mind another question. Why hasn't anyone outside of this class actually tried to kill Technoblade?--
--Ranboo never lets go of that notebook. I could swear it had a different cover. He's creepy. Avoid him.--
--Quackity has an intense grudge against Technoblade. But he's always with his gang, so I haven't been able to talk to him.--
--Hannah Rose started sparring with Foolish and Charlie last week. She's good. Too good. I don't trust her.--
--I can't get a read on Sapnap. He's always with Quackity, so I never have a chance to have a nice little chat, a good old tete-a-tete.--
--Connor wants to kill Technoblade. Boring.--
--Charlie hasn't shown any bent towards one side or another. He goes around with his saccharine "humour" and fails all his quizzes like he doesn't want Philza to train us. Maybe I should get him expelled.--
--Foolish says strange things. I don't like him.--
Wilbur pauses when he's finished silently dissing all his fellow students. The teachers are next. 
--Ponk just sort of showed up one day and then stayed as the math teacher. His quizzes are so goddamn annoying. He hasn't shown any signs of wanting to kill Technoblade, though.--
--Punz was here for like a day, and then was sent to the hospital as the result of Techno's completely just and righteous defense of Philza. Unknown if he will find the guts to return or not.--
--Philza. Ah, Philza. Mere words can not convey the sheer respect I have for that man's dedication to chaos. Why, just the other day, I saw him feeding birds as they perched on him. He then used them for target practice. Magnificent. If we all endeavor to succeed in our classes, he will teach us how to kill his friend.--
--Technoblade is an enigma. Seriously. Does this mutant man ever sleep? By all accounts, he should be a terrible teacher, yet somehow he finds the time and tenacious willpower to teach all the subjects in a concise and understandable way. Not to mention his casual sprinkling of anarchy propaganda. I wish to know his secrets. I will drag them out of him if need be.--
"Whatcha writing?" Tommy inquires. 
"Nothing!" Grinning innocently, Wilbur snaps his notebook closed. 
"Is it about me? Are you writing how good I am at luv?" 
"No, Tommy." Wilbur ruffles his friend's fluffy hair, ignoring Tommy's complaints. "I'm writing a diary. You can't read it." 
"Fuck off, I'll write my own diary!" 
Wilbur smiles and sits back, listening to Tommy rant. It would be interesting, wouldn't it, to see how he deals with the conundrum of looking up to Philza while being pressured to kill Technoblade. Wilbur can't wait to see him break. 
Badboyhalo paces in the Duckling's treehouse, wincing with every step. Antfrost binds George's wounds. "This has gone too far, Bad!" George complains. 
"Shut up! I know we can think of something!" 
"Our reputation is on the line! If anybody looks even slightly deeper into our pasts, we're all screwed." 
"Shut up!" Bad screeches. "We are Professional Assassins, that's all we ever have been, and nobody is going to question it unless you two screw up again!" 
Antfrost glowers, tightening a bandage on George's arm. "You screwed up, too." 
"How was I supposed to know?? He's a highschool student, a teenager, he shouldn't be good at fighting!!" 
"He's better than us. You think Dream taught him?" George tries to scratch at his bandages, but Antfrost smacks his hand away. 
"I don't know, you muffinheads, but we need to figure something out. Maybe take some martial arts classes." 
"You want us to go back to school??" 
"No! Yes?? Maybe? I don't know." Bad replies miserably. "We've gotta get outta here before Quackity and his gang show up." 
"Too fucking late." Quackity snarls behind Bad, dropping through the window. "Why the fuck didn't your motherfucking special weapons do a single goddamned thing??" 
"Language," Bad mutters half-heartedly. 
"Why the fuck are you buffoons planning to take classes for fighting?? You said you were professionals!!" 
"That is true, we are professionals. But we may have been a teensy bit misleading about our line of work." 
Quackity's scowl darkens and he draws his revolver. "I want blood, Bad. I want your blood so motherfucking badly right now. Fucking tell me the truth." 
Bad raises his hands, heart in his throat. "Wait, wait! I- we're not actually assassins, okay? We're just, uhh, our business is in, uhh-" 
Quackity cocks the gun. His eyes show no hint of mercy. 
"Wait-wait-wait-" Bad cries, trembling. "We're just con-men! It's our business! We go around, telling people we can take care of whatever their problem is, then we take the money and dip! Haha!" 
"We bit off a bit more than we could chew when President Skeppy paid us to help you kill Technoblade." George sighs. "Go ahead and shoot Bad, he's our leader. It was all his idea." 
"N-no!!" Bad screeches, glaring at George. "Don't shoot!! Please!" 
"Fuck you." Quackity flicks open the casing and empties the bullets onto the table. "Fuck you and your motherfucking lies. You don't even have a supplier, do you?" 
"No, we stole the prototype weapons from HBomb's lab!" 
"I'll forgive you on one condition." Quackity gives them a small, hard smile. "Break into the lab and get us actual weapons that'll actually fucking work on Techno. Nothing explosive, just knives and guns."  
"Deal." Antfrost says. "Do we still get a cut?" 
"Ten percent, but that's only if you don't fuck up again." 
"Ten??" Bad cries, forgetting his former fear. "That's only one billion!!" 
"That's about a billion times more than you fucking deserve, so don't test me, assholes."
Bad clenches his fists. Quackity is just a kid. He's just one kid. Bad, Antfrost, and George could easily win. 
But that's what they thought about Ranboo. Bad huffs. "Deal." 
Creeping around in the forest is not exactly what Awesamdude expected his career to lead to. But here he is, laying down a perimeter, alone. 
Not quite alone, however. The two kids stalking him could do with some more practice staying silent. He's already learned their names from their hissing whispers. 
"Niki, Jack, you shouldn't be here." He straightens after planting another post in the ground. 
A girl with violently pink hair drops down from a tree. A boy with clashing heterochromatic sunglasses hops up from behind a stump, brushing the leaves off himself. "How'd you know we were there?" Jack whines. 
"You were hardly quiet." 
"What're you doing?" Niki crosses her arms, scowling. 
"Do you want to die?" Sam asks darkly. He's bluffing, of course. He wouldn't kill innocents. 
"Can you kill people?" Jack asks, excited. 
"I could, if I wanted to." 
"Can you kill Technoblade??" 
"Why isn't anyone else trying?" 
"His location was a secret." Sam sighs. "It's not anymore, but I'm going to ensure nobody else interferes." 
"How are kids expected to kill an immortal??" Niki cries. "Why is the bounty so high?? Why is he teaching school instead of rotting in a prison??" 
"Curious, aren't you." Sam scratches his head. "Well, I suppose I can answer the first two. You're not expected to kill him, you're being used to keep him in line. And the bounty is so high because he wanted it that high." 
Niki glares at Sam. Jack's expression is unreadable behind his sunglasses. "Why-"
"Shoo." Sam waves a hand at them. "Go home before I lose my patience." 
The two converse for a moment in hushed whispers. Then, simultaneously, they cry, "Teach us to kill Technoblade!" 
Sam represses a smile. "No." 
"Why not??" 
"Because I have a job to do, and that involves not interfering." 
"Is President Skeppy stalling??" Niki snaps.
"I can't answer that." Sam raises his crossbow upon hearing cautious footsteps sneaking past in the shadows of the trees. Niki and Jack both leap back into cover, but Sam ignores them. "Show yourself, or I put an arrow through your ribs." 
"Please don't." Another teen steps out, raising his hands. The hidden weapons on his person wouldn't be obvious to someone less experienced, but are painfully visible to Sam. 
"What are you doing out here?" 
"I don't know?" The teen replies plaintively. "I was just taking a walk." 
"Hm." Sam lowers the crossbow slightly. He activates the sensors in his false eye with a blink, scanning the teen. The scan glitches and sends a flash of pain through his skull. "Agh!" 
"Are you okay, sir?" The teen steps forward. Warning bells chime in the back of Sam's mind, danger, danger, but Sam ignores them. This is just a kid. He's harmless. 
"I'm fine. You should go home." 
"Oh." The boy lowers his hands and opens the book he was holding. For a moment, Sam's eye glitches again, and the boy's form distorts; scales crawl across the boy's arms, twelve wings fold like fractals- Sam winces at the twinge of pain and the hallucinations fade. "I have a home, now." The boy mutters, and then wanders off. 
Sam sighs and continues his job of setting up a fence around the school building for class 3-E. Niki and Jack have scampered off already. He's alone again.
Chapter 6 (Next)
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captainelsaeverdeen · 4 years
I like me better when I’m with you ~Part 4.
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Hello my bumblebees! I think we’re in the middle of this au so there would be four parts more! I already have plans for another series but let’s just end this one to write another. Maybe for a short period of time my work would be uploaded on my seperate imagines blog but if that hapenns, I’ll tell you where to find it! Let me know if you like it! Song: “Your Love” by The Outfield. 
summary: based on ‘To All The Boys I Loved Before’. Y/N Henderson used to be in love a couple of times. This time she’s sure it’s something bigger, something serious. Her love for Jonathan Byers is unlimited, untamed and endless. At least she thought so. Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 here.
The fries were hot, too hot to grab them with your fingers. Despite that, Robin grabbed a few carefully in two fingers and put them in her mouth. You waited impatiently for what she would say, tapping your foot under the table. Your friend sighed.
“I have a solution” she said, trying to reach the salt on the other side of the table. “Thank goodness” you sighed. Robin looked at you with a serious face. “It involves fire”. “Absolutely not” you've resisted firmly. Robin rolled her eyes over and started eating.
“If you'd come to me earlier, I'd tell you you shouldn't have done that” she murmured, drinking a sip of her chocolate milkshake. The bar was filled to the brim with kids like you who hated school dinners and saved money for fast food. “But since tragedy already happened and you had to make a quick decision without my generous intervention, we have... you, in fact, have no choice but to survive these two months. After all, the contract was signed. You must cure yourself of unrequited love.”
“I'm sure it won't be that bad. Steve... Steve was quite nice today”
“Because he is nice” Robin rolled her eyes again. “That's why girls stick to him like a fly to the syrup. One smile, and they're already dreaming about rubbing his long hair. Of all the boys at school, you had to tell him that he's your boyfriend?” ”Maybe it would be better if I said I meant Tommy?” you raised your eyebrow. “I would've strangled you. You wouldn't even get turned on because I'd only do it to really kill you” Robin snorted. You grabbed a handful of fries from your plate and threw them into her blouse, leaving fat stains on her. The waitress sent you a warning look. Robin opened her mouth wide.
“You're lucky there wasn't ketchup on them. What do you have to do, as Mrs. Harrington?” “Not much. I've pledged to come to his matches and of course his parties. He has the right to drive me to school and he'll be spending movie nights with us.”
“Sounds good” Robin leaned her head on her hand. “His car is insane. Anything else?” “Well... he's gonna have lunch with us” you said slowly. Robin moaned, her head leaned against the worn couch she was sitting on. “I don't know if I can survive this. I'll try to look at the food, not the two of you. If you start kissing when I eat, I swear to God...”. “We're not gonna” you answered quickly by taking a sip of your drink. “I told him he can't kiss me”. 
“Like... no kissing at all? At all? Zero? Nothing?” Robin squealed her eyes wide. “I've never had a boyfriend before. I wish that... all my first times, first dates, first kisses wouldn't be fake”. “Maybe they won't be if you fall in love with him” Robin shrugged her shoulder. You twisted your head. “I'm not gonna fall in love. I don't know if I can cure from Jonathan. But even if, me and Steve... it's never gonna happen. We don't fit together”. 
“Never say never. Maybe you'll like it so much that you'll stop pretending in a while”.
You turned your head to the window, looking at the world outside the diner. There was this risk. Old feelings could come out, Steve could dig them out of your heart and brutally re-activate them. But even if he did, would he feel the same? Of course not. Each of you has a purpose in this. You don't want Jonathan to find out the truth, and Steve wants to show people that his breakup with Nancy is long overdue. It's just business. There's no room for feelings in business.
"How do I keep getting into these situations?" you sighned. Robin slipped some fries under your nose, almost forcibly stuffed it in your mouth. She laughed so much that she shaked the table, and a little bit of her milkshake landed on your shirt. You opened your mouth wide, watching your friend roll out of laughter. "Two years of friendship and I still don't know," she said, wiping the tears caused by laughing in her face.
Dustin was always distracted, but in the morning he passed himself off. His hair was in disarray, he walked around the house looking for books, clothes, or money while you or Mom made him a second breakfast. One minute he was in the kitchen and the next he was upstairs because he forgot his hat. Each day of the week.
When he finally sat down at the table to eat his cereal, he looked at his watch.
“Son of a bitch. If I don't leave right now, I'll be late. I'm gonna eat something at school”. “Eat your breakfast” you puted him back in the chair. You gave him a spoon in his hand, biting your lower lip. “We have a ride today”.
“Ride?” he asked surprised. “Mom didn't go to work today?” “She did, but I don't mean mom. Someone else will take us”. “You mean Jonathan?” your brother was so emotional that he didn't have to ride his bike that he completely forgot about his breakfast, while you were chewing lazy your toast looking out the window. “Oh no... it's Robin. I don't get in if it's Robin, the boys are already waiting for me...”.
“Sit down” you pushed him back in the chair again. “It's not Robin, it's just... just wait”. “Wait for my own death? I don't think so” Dustin snorted when Steve's red BMW finally showed up on your street. You grabbed your backpack and your brother and you fell out, hearing the sounds of song of The Outfield from a distance. The boy got out of the car in full sunshine, with blushing cheeks, partly hidden behind sunglasses. He rested one of his hands on his hip, looking at you and Dustin, who desperately tried to close his mouth open out of surprise.
“Ready?” Steve asked impatiently. You were the first to run off the porch, running into the car and opening the back door for your brother. Dustin walked slowly into the car and got inside. “Since when do you drive Y/N to school?” Before Steve could put the keys in the ignition, Dustin leaned forward and the seatbelt was probably sticking in his neck. “You're friends again? You're dating? Is Y/N your girlfriend? Y/N, is Steve your boyfriend?”
“Shut up and lower down, because your face is all I see in the mirror” Steve sighned. You stopped laughing by leaning your forehead against the window glass when brown-eyed boy pulled your ear gently. Enough gently that it didn't hurt, but enough to push you away from the door to turn around.
“Don't breath on that, it's expensive” the boy joked, moving off the driveway. “More expensive than your glasses?” Dustin snorted, already pulling sandwiches out of his backpack. “It should have been your second, not your first breakfast” you raised just one brow. “I didn't get to eat the first one. I was too dazzled by the glow of that red paint” he said, looking around the inside of the car in admiration. “Why are we going with you?” “Steve... Steve suggested yesterday that since he drives every day in the same direction...” “I'm dating your sister” Steve blured out, answering you'r brother's earlier questions. Dustin's face was smiling wide, revealing his braces. He happily hit the back of your chair, sticking his little fists in your back.
“Holy shit!” Dustin whistled loudly into your ear. “Our little girl is grown up!” “I hate you” you looked at Steve with a killer eye, and he just shrugged his shoulder. “Why? I'm adorable” he snorted. “He should know. That's how his morning's gonna look every day from now”.
“Don't shit” Dustin's eyes went out. “Everyday? Troy will literally break out of jealousy”. “That's what it's all about. You don't even know how the girls will react to you when you show up in a car like this. And in this company” Steve smiled proudly. A few minutes away and rocking your heads to his favorite pieces on the tape later you found yourself under the middle school building, where usually only parents would come, or the school bus. Steve looked outside with a disgust. “What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?” “Those are children. That's a school” you explained, blinking slowly. Dustin got off with looking like a ray of sunshine, he said something that sounded like goodbye and ran to his friends, looking at you with delight.
“I thought you told him” Steve shrugged his shoulder. “He would have guessed”. ”I know, but... he's in love with you enough anyway. I don't want him to be sorry afterwards when... you know” you said, like you didn't care. Once you break up. Someday it will happen, and Dustin will be devastated when the red car and Steve are gone. He was his idol. 
“Woah, slow down, slow down. We just started. We have a wonderful two months ahead of us. My company will light up your life. You'll see. And the kid... kid will always be important to me, you know? I don't know what will have to happen to change it” Steve said,  drumming his fingers into the wheel. You smiled at yourself. Guess every girl would want her brother and boyfriend to get along, right? The two most important men in her life...
Except Steve's not your real boyfriend. Why did it get so hard to remember every step of the way? Forgetting it is dangerous.
People's looks are an integral part of going to school, so over time you can get used to them, but certainly not now. Not when literally everyone is staring at you with a laser in their eyes, when Steve embraces you with his shoulder, leaning in your ear from time to time to say something funny. His hands were everywhere. Of course not literally, but there was no way to go next to him without holding his hand, not to feel his arm on your waist. Physical contact was a priority if all of this was going to work.
“You're doing pretty good” Steve said when you got to your locker. “I'm impressed”. “Thank you. Given that I don't have any experience, it means a lot to me” you said, hiding books in your locker. “I still think it's crazy, but I think it works, so...” “Crazy would think it wouldn't work. You'll see that Jonathan...” Steve broke off half the sentence. All of a sudden, the pictures and stickers inside your locker have become interesting to him. “Jonathan what?” you asked quietly, pressing the book to your chest. Steve coughed and took off his sunglasses, cleaning them with his T-shirt.
“Nancy is a great girl.  But if he had looked around earlier, he would have found one, too” he murmured under his breath, without raising his eyes. He put his dark glasses on your head, and when they fell on your eyes, he laughed sincerely, correcting them again. He tried to get serious and pointed his finger at you, although the smile was still lurking in the corner of his mouth. “If you lose them, if you destroy them or scratch them... you're ass is grass, Henderson. Is that clear?”
“Of course” you admited quickly, not wanting to upset him. Steve smiles brightly and leaned down to kiss your cheek. You heard the girls sighing behind you. Becky was standing by her locker too, clenching her hands firmly on her black pen, seeing the two of you. Steve stood back and pinched you in the nose. “I'll see you later?” he asked, and you nod your head slowly. He left his way (without his  glasses this time) but he turned around to wave to you at the end of the hallway. Your heart jumped a few times, banging on your ribs. That boy was so beautiful. And for a moment... for a few weeks, he could only be yours.
You twisted your head to drive the intrusive thoughts out of your head again and turned to go to your class, but you couldn't go on. You were blocked by Nancy.
Bathrooms in schools are not the best place to talk, but the ladies' bathrooms at least were cleaner than the boys'. Nancy sat with her legs crossed on cold tiles on the floor under the sinks, drawing tiny hearts with a pink marker on her notebook, listening to your story.
“I'm sorry that I only told Jonathan. He found out by coincidence” you said, suddenly feeling ashamed. A gentle smile appeared on your friend's face, the marker froze over the white paper. “I hope you're not angry at me”. “I'm not” Nancy twisted her head so hard that her curls covered her face for a moment. “For not telling me and for being with him. I wish you both the best. Steve is a wonderful guy. And you are a marvelous girl! I was just hoping you could give me some spicy details”.
“Spicy... details?” you repeated slowly, praying for someone to go to the toilet. “Oh, don't be shy” Nancy kneeled down on her knees, leaning her hand against the sink above her to keep her balance. “How did that happen? Jonathan said you invited him on a date, so you have to tell me what happened. What were you doing? You guys already kissed each other, right?”
Details. How could you both be so stupid to not set a common version? If you say something else to Nancy... and he'll say something different to his mates, you'll bring suspicion on yourself. The school's gonna start to be filled with false rumors. Think like Steve. What would Steve think...
“It's just... somehow work out, you know?” you shrugged your shoulder innocently. You gave her a fake smile, feeling your thoughts trying to get ahead of each other on the highway in your brain. “We talked for a while during his training, so I suggested we can have lunch together the next day... and since then we're inseparable”.
“You don't even know how happy I am” Nancy squeezed your hand tight. Her small fingers have been warmly wrapped around your pale hand. “Since I started dating Jonathan... I was afraid you'd feel uncomfortable with us. Although you assured me that it's not like that, I know how you must have felt sometimes. That doesn't mean we didn't want to spend time with you, don't get me wrong. I just... I didn't want you to be alone. Now I don't have to worry anymore, right?”
“Yeah” you smiled at her.  Nancy was always there for you, and she always wanted the best for you. Lying to her is not right. But if she doesn't find out about Jonathan being more than friend that to you... you won't break her heart. It'll be worth it. Your own misery, for the happiness of a friend. Life is constant sacrifice. And you don't always have to act selfishly. You'll make sure Nancy is happy. You'll make sure she's happy like no one else.
“Y/N, someone's ringing the doorbell!” Dustin screamed from his room, interrupting you from reading the book. You put it on your stomach. Mr. Darcy was just about to confess his love to Elizabeth Bennet, and there's no way you're gonna get out of bed until he does. If Mom was at work and her friends knew about it, it was definitely someone to your brother. Or to you.
“Why can't you open the door?” you yelled, taking your legs off the wall. “I'm a little busy here! Just open the door!” your brother shouted. Mr Darcy had to wait for your reading to move forward. You came down the stairs, almost stepping on your cat, who, strangely enough, liked the lowest step. You opened the door wide, seeing Steve on the other side. He was wearing a black jacket, dark jeans, and his hair was perfectly up. If Mr Darcy had existed in the '80s, he'd probably look like him. But you're not Elizabeth Bennet, so you shouldn't allow yourself unnecessary comparisons.
“We supposed to see each other?” you asked, surprised, unable to take your eyes off his. “No, but I didn't have your number, so I thought I'd come. Can I come in?” “Sure” you smiled, leading him inside. God, when was he last here? You remembered that his favorite hiding place was between the wall and your mom's chair. That he once couldn't reach the shelf in the fridge with the chocolate milk on it. Now he was taller than the fridge. He watched everything with curiosity, as if he wanted to see how much of what he remembers had changed. You didn't know he saw the biggest change in you. He remembered when you once hit your head so hard on the stair railing that a big purple bruise stayed on your skin for weeks. Now there was no trace of it. Even if there was, it wouldn't matter. Looking at you, in a striped shirt with flushed cheeks, Steve thought you were just adorable.
“As I was saying” Steve leaned lazy against the table top. He took an apple from a fruit bowl and tossed it a couple of times in his hand. “I didn't have your number, and my teammate Evan is having a party today. I was gonna go, but... but if you can't, or don't want to, I'll understand”. “Why can't you go alone?” you asked, genuinely surprised. Steve stopped tossing the apple.
“Because, Henderson, you're my girlfriend. I'm not going anywhere without you” he said. The corners of your mouth turned up. “I don't know if that's a good idea. Isn't it too early to introduce me to your friends?” you asked. Of course it wasn't too early. But the vision of Steve coming with you to the party, drinking alcohol with him, leaning lazy on his chest while sitting on the couch literally terrified you. “I don't know if Jonathan's going there, but parties are in the contract. A deal is a deal, Henderson. I'll wait until you get changed”. 
“Okay... but I can't be home late” you said firmly, going up the stairs. “What do you mean by saying 'late'? You need to be a little more specific”. “Midnight. We'll be home at 12:30 pm, and I'll go to bed at 1:30 am. So we have to go out at midnight” you smiled proud of your own calculations. Steve twisted his head with disbelief. A corner of his mouth lifted. How could he disagree? He's gonna bring you here at midnight, even if he's gonna go over the speed limit to do it. 
“Let it be, Cinderella. Before your carriage turns into pumpkin, you'll be home”. “I thought your car was red, not orange” you joked, running up the stairs. You stopped halfway up and turned to the boy who bit into the apple. Mews only now turned her attention to him, raising her head from over her thick fur.
“Are you legal to drink yet?” you asked, squinting your eyes. Steve moved the fruit away from his mouth. “You're serious? The fake ID in my wallet says I am” he said, raising his shoulders. “I can work with that” you nodded your head and ran upstairs. Steve laughed quietly, unable to be not surprised. He and Y/N Henderson are going to a party together. This is going to be an interesting night.
Taglist: @krazykatkay456​ @mochminnie​ @the-almond-dinger​ @ghostineleven​ @art-flirt @sydzygy​ @queen1054​
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