#tonally inappropriate
asphodelles · 1 year
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shadowheart my beloved
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rainsoftenings · 28 days
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this picture is so awesome
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oliveroctavius · 11 months
the effect in the Insomniac games where it's like Miles glows from within with electricity as though it's flowing out of his heart and through his veins and silhouetting his skeleton under his skin like a glass frog. I can't stop thinking about how cool it looks. I wonder how that would feel
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mifhortunach · 10 months
one of the dirties (2013) dvd menus
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rhinestonebabe · 5 months
"lets tumblrize real disagreements between real people that have implications for a globally impactful industry by writing fanfiction about them -- wait but theres pedophilia involved, that's unethical! -- not if our fanfiction is actually about a badboiXsoftboi duo very close to the disagreement but not actually either of the people involved, checkmate!"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . im literally distilling the essence of your existence in my science lab and evaporating it
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I've been doing a series of tarot card re-illustrations, I think this one deserves to grace the pages of tumblr. Himemiya fits pretty well as the empress I think.
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56kilobits · 2 months
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Gotta be honest with you all here, this shit sucks and the reason I didn’t get a ticket to the Philly date is after what happened with Death Grips and hanl becoming a tiktok meme, this was inevitable. There’s “ruined by the fanbase” and then there’s physically not being able to enjoy the art because a bunch of developmentally stunted ipad babies are trying to go viral in front of you
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infernally-fond · 6 months
I spent an hour trying to draft the opening scene of Raphael and Mephistopheles interacting after Zariel falls (ik, ik, we'll play in the space with Raph), and all I have is a disconnected set of insults solely from Mephistopheles.
Barely any exposition. It reads like the 10< long chain of angry texts you might get from a spited ex or something.
Literally like:
[Insult 1]
[Insult 2]
[Insult 3]
[TODO Actual Response To Avernus Chaos here]
[TODO Oh No "Overtures of Peace" ]
[Insult 4]
[Insult 4b - Insult 4, restated]
[Insult 4c - gratuitous cap on 4b]
And nothing else. We'll call it there.
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writedisaster · 1 year
i think i've mainly talked about the soft aspects of Charlevoix on this blog, which is fine and lovely, but tbh i should mention that he was introduced to the main cast of his LARP when they came in to a crematorium to take care of a deceased crew member, and he, a worker at the crematorium, went "so... you have an opening on your crew now?"
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cha1cedony · 9 months
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alastgoodnight · 4 months
Who's a literary hero that shouldn't have been a hero? Like, one that was a bad person and would have been the villain if the author didn't love them so much?
"...I'm struggling to think of an example. Not because I don't think they exist, but because generally when I find a protagonist is steering out of my comfort zone, I stop reading. I'll have to think about it."
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halfpunt · 7 months
"Are you... evil because you're dead. Or dead because you're evil?" (Travis)
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“Neither, pal! You are lookin’ at da proud ownah of a pure soul! Kandarian demons want dis body so bad it makes dem look stoopid! But dey can’t have it! Yeah, y’hear dat, you Kandarian mooks?! You! Can’t! Touch! Dis!”
… He turns and flips off nobody in particular and strikes a provocative pose, slapping his own ass. Who the fuck is this undead little weirdo?
“Nah, I actually used ta be a big hero against evil, if you can believe it! Or little hero… More like, uh… a sidekick, really! Me an’ Ash! We were so close! Like- Like brothers! Or soulmates…? – Til he freakin’ fuhgoddaboud me!”
Sam stomps his foot and paces in a quick circle to calm down. He’s muttering furiously about how he bets Ash’s new sidekicks wouldn’t let him set them on fire like Sam did. He bets they wouldn’t even let Ash possess them.
“Say… You wouldn’t happen ta need a sidekick…? Or a new… ✨best friend✨…?”
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prokopetz · 7 months
Crowdfunded metroidvania with a "put your OC in the game" support tier, but in order to avoid the "gameworld populated exclusively by tonally inappropriate weirdos who constantly talk about how their quest is so much more important than yours" syndrome that's afflicted similar projects in the past, what you're actually buying is for your OC to be one of the corpses the player character loots an upgrade from. Available options include "embedded head-first in the ground at the base of a tall cliff with only your legs sticking out", "pinned to a wall by several enormous spikes directly across from an obvious spike-launching trap", and "pile of bleached bones with inexplicably mostly-intact clothing at the bottom of a giant pool of acid".
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tracfone · 2 years
Going to be visiting this Starbucks so often they'll just recognize me as the weirdo sitting with their iPad for like 4 hours at a time drawing robots
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redtail-lol · 9 months
Accepting people with low or no empathy means also accepting some of the things that can cause and not viewing them as moral deficits, so I'm giving shoutouts
Shoutout to people who can't predict how their actions will make others feel, who end up doing things that seem mean or inconsiderate because they didn't have a good prediction for how others would react
Shoutout to people who don't pick up on the hints or signs that someone is feeling upset or bored or wants something, who end up being seen as inconsiderate or uncaring because they just didn't know
Shoutout to people who end up being tonally "inappropriate" or "insensitive" because they didn't properly interpret or even realize at all how the people around them felt
Shoutout to people who can't put themselves into the mindset or worldview of someone else, and for those reasons, can't really figure out why something makes them feel a certain way when you yourself wouldn't feel that way under the same circumstances
And fuck it
Shout out to low/no empathy people who DO end up doing things that are inconsiderate or hurt other people's feelings because their lack of empathy made it hard to realize that it would be unkind. Shoutout to those people who are trying to learn ways to be more considerate of and kind to others and their feelings, and shoutout to those people who still make mistakes in trying to do that because they are missing a brain function that makes it easier to think of those things and accurately know how you'll make others feel.
It doesn't reflect on your morality to have low empathy, or even no empathy, even when it causes mistakes. We are humans and most of us are disabled. Lacking empathy is a part of that disability, and instead of seeing ourselves as either cruel people who don't care to do good, or as perfect people who never have any issues with lacking empathy ever, we should acknowledge that it can cause difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and we deserve to be forgiven for those difficulties.
Tagged with various disabilities that can cause low or no empathy. Sorry if I leave anyone out!
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I want you to know I respect your opinion and at the end of the day you can do whatever you want on your own page, which I love all the art you do. Your White Diamond AU is so remarkable I've added it to my own headcanon idea of Steven meeting his alternate selves.
With that said, why are you responding to posts or asks that talk about blatant shattering of other gems? Real SU fans don't immediately go "death to the enemy." Real SU fans understand that SU is about love, acceptance, second chances, and pacifism. I'll admit, there have been more idiots in the fandom since the show's end, but in my humble opinion, it's best to not give any of them attention, even if they are annoying.
Sorry if I sound rude, I just didn't get responding to that one ANONYMOUS comment.
It's not rude at all! And it's a great question! One I understand the reasoning of.
But I have my own reasoning for doing the things I do.
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Mainly, I think that while ignoring SOME behaviors is definitely good.... talking about OTHER behaviors actively is the fastest and healthiest way to immunize the greater community against them.
Let me explain.
I've been in this fandom a long time now, and I agree with you - there's a solid possibility, a real chance that whoever sent that message is just a passing non-fan who decided to be weirdly edgy in my inbox. No big deal. It happens.
But in my experience, the SU fandom is.... wide and varied. There are people of all ages, and many opinions. It would be easier, of course, if the only 'true fans' were those who perfectly understood the show's themes. But to me, that veers dangerously close to a No True Scotsman type of thinking. The reality is that many different people watch SU. And while many of them do inherently agree with the message and understand the nuance, many more just watch the show because... they like the surface level graphics and cool fights and interesting worldbuilding. In fact, many of the show's fans are edgy teens (sorry edgy teens) who are in a life-stage where violence and being strong and cool and decisive in a morally black and white manner is the only way they can possibly imagine solving any problem. And... that's kinda the opposite of what SU teaches! But that's also the point. SU teaches those things on purpose.
And yeah, I can absolutely just ignore this part of the population. But ignoring a behavior does not actually make it go away 100% of the time. If a child in a supermarket comes up to you and starts smacking you with a wooden spoon from Aisle 4, then... sure... you can ignore them and see if their parent comes to get them, or they go away, especially if it's a very small child and they're not hurting you a lot.
But that's not the only option. You can ALSO opt to teach them - and any other spoon-wielding children watching - what COULD happen if they are crude or cruel to a stranger in public. Namely, you can snap 'stop it' and at the very least glare at that child. This is a lesson that will arguably teach them more about the interaction than a complete lack of reaction would.
Now, I'm not saying people who send me asks are all children and I'm doling out some moral lessons here. This is just a metaphor.
I'm simply a person in a social space (tumblr) who is driving my own blog. And while I DO ignore a very large part of cruel/rude asks I get (trust me, I do ignore many!) I sometimes also just post a reply to show what ELSE could happen if you say a borderline silly and arguably tonally inappropriate ask to a person. You could get replied to! In a sarcastic or snappy manner!
And maybe - just maybe - the other people reading my blog can learn something from the experience, and think 'ah, so doing it like THAT will maybe make people kinda annoyed, now I know and will not do that'.
I cannot deny that overall I agree with you, though. I don't think that these types of messages deserve attention on the regular. But I'd hope that my replies to these things are not really... regular. I ignore probably... 80% of these sort of things? I guess maybe it just feels like a lot less, since, well. The public ones are 100% of the ones you get to see!
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