#tongue and tail butcher shop
edmcmayonnaise · 3 months
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Port Townsend Offices (Tongue and Tail Apartments) layout.
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Jenny Green runs a butcher shop. Despite popular belief, she does not sell any meat. No you misunderstand. It's short for "Butcher Workshop" where she as a lesbian teaches other lesbians or bisexual women how to be more butch.
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humanperspective · 4 days
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E08 - The Case of the Hungry Snake
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ticktockheartstop · 3 months
Did anyone else catch that Niko promises Jenny “If tonight isn’t amazing, I will personally clean your floors for an entire month.” But it was actually Jenny’s dirty floors that made Maxine trip, and thus not murder Jenny. Because I’d never clean my floors again id that happened to me.
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yuecrafter · 4 months
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Made my own Tongue & Tail Butcher Shop merch while I’m waiting for the official stuff. Distressed texture sheet magnets.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 4 months
Love Jenny and that her solution to everything is a meat cleaver
Witch? Cleaver
Demon boyfriend? Cleaver
Someone skulking around upstairs? Cleaver
Need a mirror? Jenny's got your back! With a cleaver :)
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gameo-archive · 10 days
Such a silly question but one I've had for a while because I've never questioned Jenny's decoration choices just Edwin's response and George made me realise that maybe I got that the wrong way around
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willowfae82 · 5 months
i wanna know what all the little notes, that are taped on the walls in the upstairs of the butcher shop, say.
were they meant to add realism. like a kind of 'if you're going to rent out rooms you need to put up xyz signage'. like to be 'up to code' or something.
like, idk. i wonder about the little minutiae of props.
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misty--nights · 3 months
Onto episode 3 we go now. This one is always rough to watch, for obvious reasons, but I still found some little details I thought were interesting
At the very beginning, when they set up the new office in Crystal’s room, we can see on the table that there are colorful markers and pens, and sticky notes shaped like cats and hearts. Those have to be Niko’s right? I like the idea of her lending them her cute stationary so Edwin wouldn’t have to go mad trying to get Charles to bring the right things from the office. There is also a pig statue on the table. Not sure what that’s about but it also has to be Niko’s
Crystal’s shirt in the beginning says Tongue and Tail. It looks kind of faded, so did Jenny give it to her as a gift? But then, why does Jenny have a shirt with the butcher’s name? Does she sell merch with her shop’s logo for some extra cash? Did someone make it for her as a joke/gift?
Listen, I know for episode 2 I said I didn’t have any other details for the intro, but clearly that was a lie. Charles’ skeleton has his pins on the ribs. As if he stuck them directly to the bone, which is a hilarious thought and somehow really in character
Niko has a “no junk mail” sign taped outside her room. There’s a note taped outside of Crystal’s, too, but I couldn’t read what that one said
I saw someone call the Night Nurse and the Notary bitter exes and you know what? I see it. Love the interaction between those two, and I really wish we had more. Speaking of the Notary, though, she has so many stamps. I get why she needs that many, but it’s kind of funny
The sprites have a specific music that plays whenever they appear, and I love it. But also, last episode I saw that Litty’s skirt and Kingham’s waistcoat are made of the same fabric, and now that they aren’t wearing their sweaters in this episode, I think his pants and her waistcoat also match.
Speaking of the sprites and their clothes, Kingham’s tie pin is some sort of bug. Maybe a moth? It’s cute either way. Honestly, I just really like the way these two dress
Niko’s pillowcase has fish in it, which is small, but very sweet and very Niko
Edwin’s voice when he says “he’s stuck in the loop too” breaks a little, he’s so scared for Charles
You know, it was probably a good thing Charles was no longer with them when they found the dad’s creepy hidden room with the cameras. I think that with the way the case was affecting him, he would have fared well against the misery wraith
And speaking of the wraith, I think it’s interesting that only Crystal seems to be able to hear it. Even when both she and Edwin are in the same room, she’s the only one who hears it. Edwin turns to look because she does
Edwin almost never flinches during the loops. I think he does the first time they see the dad killing the others, but then it’s mostly Charles and Crystal who flinch at the gunshot and the murder
Honestly, props to Edwin for managing to figure out the vhs while trying not to freak out about Charles and the wraith that reminds him of hell Monty’s handwriting is really pretty, and I admire the dedication of drawing that whole chart by hand
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... But I also really want a sneak pick at Lake of Fire :D
Here's a snippet from the next chapter, which will hopefully be posted later today or tomorrow:
Someone knocks on the door and Charles whirls around, heart leaping into his throat before he remembers that Edwin wouldn’t knock. “Yeah? Come in?” The door opens and Jenny pokes her head in, scowling. “Did you give the Tongue & Tail’s phone number to one of your creepy friends?” “What creepy friends?” Charles blinks, bewildered. “Someone’s on the phone looking for the Dead Boy Detectives. She says she has a tip about a case.” “About the Deathless?” “I didn’t ask, because I’m in the middle of running a business.” “Right.” Charles realizes he’s bouncing on his heels like that time he drank a whole pot of coffee in under an hour. If he has new information by the time Edwin gets back, they can move past whatever weirdness happened earlier. Edwin isn’t one to dwell on things like his best mate staring at his mouth when there’s a case to solve. “Sorry about that, Jenny. Not sure how they got your number.” She sighs. “Just try to keep my shop out of your paranormal weirdness, okay?” “Think it might be a bit too late for that, mate,” he tells her cheerfully, which earns him an expected eye roll. He takes the stairs three at a time before he makes it into the kitchen of the butcher shop, where Jenny keeps a landline. While Jenny goes back out front to see to her customers, he puts the phone to his ear, leaning back against a patch of wall that doesn’t have any blood splatter on it. “Uh, hello? Charles Rowland here?” “Hello, Charles.” It’s a woman’s voice, though there’s a strangely echoing quality to it. Connection must be bad. “Hi,” he says. “What can I do for you?” There’s a pause that lasts long enough that he starts to wonder if they lost connection. Then, the woman says, “Say hello to Charles, Edwin.” “What?” Charles pushes himself off the wall. “Edwin?” There’s a crackling noise that might be wind. Then, a choked, bitten-off cry, like someone trying not to scream.
WIP Ask Game
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melefim · 2 months
Dead Boy Detectives Score is out!
I’ve also added it to my playlist with all the other songs used in the show here:
I’ll be doing a complete listing of where all the songs are found in the show like I did for the regular soundtrack, but in the meantime here’s what I recognize from a quick listen/ click through:
(Episode numbers are in parentheses)
Death Becomes Him: Gas mask ghost street chase, Death in the office (1)
The Dead Boy Detectives Main Title theme: self- explanatory- opening titles for every episode, as well as credits for 1-3.
So Many Questions for So Many Fools: Edwin’s Flashback (1), intercepted by cats & escorted to the cannery (2), (escort to cannery bit also plays when Niko & Crystal are walking to the cannery in episode 8), Edwin gives Crystal a list of questions for Niko —> We have the same left (2)
Little Girl Collector: Esther’s theme— bits of it played throughout: Esther meets Crystal (1), Yelling at Monty (1), Esther browsing Tragic Mick’s (2), Esther in the butcher shop (3), Esther sees Monty with Edwin (3), Esther & Monty in the kitchen (5&6), Esther walking down the street (8)
Want and Pleasure: Cat King theme- all or partially played during Edwin’s punishment discussion (2), Meeting by the lighthouse (4), Cat King in forest (6), Esther in the cannery (7)
Niko: bit starting around 2:00 is following Maxine (5), 2:45-3:00ish is setting up the butcher shop for the date & Jenny’s reaction(5)
Sadness Came Too/ Looking for Boys: up until 1:37 is Niko & Crystal talking about their families (2), 1:38 and on is the Night Nurse/ Lost & Found department theme. Sections are heard at end of episode 1, reviewing the boy’s files (2), the notary (3), interviewing the Devlin girls (3), Night nurse arrives in Port Townsend (4), upstairs with Jenny (4), that night on the cliff (4), appears to take the boys (6), opening the door to hell (7), and when she leaves at the end of 7.
Awakening Skeletons: Dandelion shrine field (2)
Stuck in a jar: Dandelion Sprite theme- when they’re first in the jar & when Niko first sees them (2), the three scenes with them taunting Niko in Devlin house (3), Jenny sees them (8), very end of igloo & end credits (8)
Odd Customers and Cohorts: first bit is Potential client interviews (3), second half might be at Tragic Mick’s?
VHS and David: Devlin House- last minute of the song is after the loop is broken and Death comes (3)
You Can Talk To Me: first bit is them back at the tongue & tail after the lighthouse Leapers (4)
All So Obvious: 2:20-3:17 is summoning Shelby (5)
Never Been Kissed/ Hell: first bit is Niko & Edwin talking about kissing (4), Middle is probably Charles descending into Hell?? (7), 4:30 on is the ‘Previously on Dead Boy Detectives’ background music (2-8)
I Messed Up: Crystal & Jenny in the alley, Crystal & Charles in the alley, Crystal unlocks her door, Charles shows her his parents (1)
Accepting Being Dead: beginning is almost but not exactly the bit in Hell from when the spider grabs Edwin to when Charles finds him again. (7) 1:00-2:30 is Edwin coming out to Charles (6). Last 30 seconds is Charles crying on the cliff (4), Bad guy talk (5), and right after he realizes he’s dead in his flashback (7).
Mirror Maze: Maxine attacks Jenny (5), pretty sure at least part is the David/Crystal/Charles confrontation in the forest (6)
Run From Hell / I’m in Love with You: first 45 seconds is Charles & Edwin running from the baby doll spider, :45- 3:30 is the second scene with Simon (do you think it has to be torture being the way we are?), 3:30- end is Edwin’s confession (7). Confession time can also be heard during conversation at end of (6) and the hug at end of (8).
Her Own Fault: first bit is Fight at Esther’s house, starts when Esther throws Niko against the wall, goes through Niko’s death
Esther’s Origin/ A New Deal: Cat King’s Esther story (8), 2:50ish onwards is the Principal looking at the case board through the end of the scene to the zoom out the window (8)
I will be going through and trying to find timestamps for where every song plays in the show, but it’ll take a bit. Until then, hope people find this useful! (And if you know any parts of songs that I missed, please feel free to drop a comment!)
If you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives list posts here:
Full soundtrack with timestamps
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
Swearing Masterlist
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Ahh, I finally found it. The precious little scene where Edwin comes out to Charles in the sunlit room was towards the end of episode 6. Such a beautiful scene. Charles is so accepting and loving.
By the way, that room is gorgeous. Is that Crystal’s room at the Tongue and Tail? Or a vacant one? I don’t know why I didn’t really notice how beautiful and spacious those apartments are. Like that isn’t a hotel/motel room like I would expect. That’s a full apartment. Attached to a rather small butcher shop. I think that’s amazing that Jenny’s letting the girls stay at such a lovely place. And the boys are getting free room and board by extension. xD
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shaylogic · 4 months
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The Tongue & Tail Butcher Shop address:
485 16th Street Port Townsend, WA 90368
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tongueandtailbutcher · 2 months
//ooc - Am finishing up replies I owe but in the mean time I'm thinking of really diving in and starting up a multi muse blog alongside this one (I wanna keep Jenny's seperate as a single muse blog)
Y'all do we vibe with the potential muse list below (I fear some of my kind of more niche horror interests have struck again lmao)
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Plus maybe my Dead Boy Detectives ocs if folks are interested! One's a Port Townsend resident who runs a florist a few doors down from The Tongue and Tail butcher shop and is a practicing witch. The other one's a trans dimensional entity (similar to The Night Nurse) who's job is to comfort and look after humans dying of illness, appearing to them in days leading up to their passing often granting them moments of lucidity so they can make peace with those around them, often stays on Earth and takes the form of a nurse
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sonxofxgondor · 3 months
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@therapardalis asked: "Where's my kiss? Or do the hounds get them all?"
Slender in frame but powerful in force, the newest hound for the Gondor army was a perfect one. None too old but not so young, an adorable wild female who was discovered rummaging through a turned over waste basket outside of the butcher's shop. Painted in the grime of war - what had been her breakfast of discarded goat leg - red and black along her jaw, nose turned pinker than was already natural. Presented before Boromir for judgement come later that day, the sweet creature was soon accepted into welcome and excited arms. Almost akin to the eagerness of a child, a boy who never got to have a real pet of his own, nothing outside of the kindness the elder men of the army allowed. Playmates but only for a short time then, finally could Boromir say he owned a dog. Watch her as she ran through the fields of Gondor - beyond the stone of Minas Tirith - from every corner of land, bounding to and from like a bolt of lightening, tongue out of her mouth and barks so happy, what sounded of laughter.
Not given a proper name yet, for there were many choices, such a sweet creature was remedy for the loneliness that burdened Boromir. Alone within the halls of his fathers, without the warmth and conversation of the woman he loved most. Above all others, his one and only, Thera returned to the purpose of her life, a calling beyond the familiarity of Gondor. As was her destiny, the reason for her being, the life of a healer and traveling mastermind never really finished. A passion that paved her road as was always meant to; though ever proud of her and hopeful, the heart within Boromir prayed for her return sooner rather than not. A selfish lover's desires; the pain that one would always have when the other was gone, how he missed his Thera so. She tasked with her responsibilities and he with his, never was their separation longer than either of them could handle, the companionship of a canine able to ease the sadness that was left.
Fingers and mouth along her sun-kissed peach fur, gentle caress and similar fashion of kisses, Boromir and his hound sat beneath a tree. Sheltered in shadow and shade, enjoying the company of one another until the dinner bell rang, a little corner within the gardens. Listening to the calls of nature, the song of birds in love together, a feminine tease drew Boromir's entire senses. Bright, the voice he had dreamed of since she first said her goodbyes, the face he thanked the heavens for every night before bed; his Thera come home to him.
Rising from his position, softly did Boromir encourage his dog to remove herself from his lap. Gently patted her hindlegs, ran a hand over her back and tail for good measure, urged her onward and back to the coolness of the grass beside them. Smiling as he embraced her, a laugh so pure, Thera was pulled close to Boromir. Arms around her waist, her scent breathed in, the warmth of her body against his own so perfect.
"How could I ever forget about you?"
Unable to wait for her to say more, Boromir kissed Thera. Deeply - so much time between them passed - a hunger that needed to be satisfied, ambition that could finally come realized. Another kiss taken, a little moan in the back of his throat, Boromir savored.
"Oh, my darling." Boromir sighed with smile, once he pulled away. "I have missed you. Come, you must tell me everything! I want to hear about all your travels. You must meet my new friend, also! I have told her so much about you. My love, my Thera, cook has made your favorite for dinner tonight. Tonight, we shall celebrate your safe return home."
Hold moved from her waist to her face, two hands held her between them, as if she were all he could see. Would ever wish to see; a small black box held his truest intentions. Nestled in the flower bouquet made for Thera - stood in a vase on the table in the dining hall - herbs and useable flora, practical and pretty, much like her. Black satin, a cushion placed inside, a red pillow for a band crafted of silver, crested in small diamond, surrounded by the stones of her birthdate. No moment better, Boromir would ask her. Make her his, in all the ways that he could, driven by love and a pleasant sort of madness, his love for Thera never to be doubted. If she would have him, he would be her dutiful husband. If she said yes, he would be the happiest man ever known to the lands of Middle Earth.
"Thera..." Boromir said, the expression on his face peaceful, so content. "Have I mentioned that I love you? Well, I do. I really, really love you. Always. Now, let's sit and talk. We have much to talk about, don't we?"
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elysianholly · 2 years
“Shut up.”
“No, don’t think I’ll be doing that.” He was staring, fixated at the place where the arrow had pierced her skin. Couldn’t help but stare. The second that delicious fragrance had bloomed in the air, his stomach had given a terrible lurch—the sort he felt all the way in his fangs.
“Just sayin’ a nip of that’ll do me fine, thanks,” Spike replied.
“I’ll take Things That Will Never Happen for eight hundred, Alex,” she shot back, righting a fallen lamp.
“Come on. Damage is already done, right? No sense lettin’ that go to waste.”
Buffy favored him with her famous if-looks-could-stake glower that made his jeans feel a bit too tight for reasons he was better off ignoring, then sauntered over. Fully sauntered, for the Slayer was one thing above all others, and that thing was a tease. “You’re disgusting,” she said.
“And you’re so bloody fixed on havin’ a perfect holiday you’ve forgotten the spirit of the thing.”
“The spirit?”
“Yeah, comin’ together, and all that rot.”
“That is the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Oi, I didn’t come up with it, did I?” Spike eyed the wound again, knowing his window was running out. Her slayer healing would soon make the whole point moot. “Just a couple sips’ll do the job. Won’t need anyone to go fetch me blood until tomorrow.”
That much surprised her, he could tell. Her eyes went all wide, her lips parted in a way that might give a man ideas if that man hadn’t known better. Then that pink little tongue poked out to drive the image home.
It was by virtue of the fact that he managed to keep his mouth shut that she closed the last bit of space between them, he wagered. The others were setting the table and clearing away the last of the debris from the siege. And Buffy was studying him, one-part fascination and one-part revulsion, but the decision was already made. He didn’t know which appeal had swayed her—maybe the rot about the true spirit of the holiday or what-all, maybe knowing it would shut him up for the rest of dinner, maybe a combination thereof. Spike just watched as she worked through it, given a quick glance around to make sure everyone was otherwise occupied, then started to tug up her sleeve.
“Not a word to anyone,” she said.
He rolled his eyes. He would have also strained a bit against the ropes binding him in place, but worried that the slightest twitch might have her running scared, deciding it was better to just let a man starve, and he’d never bloody forgive himself. Slayer blood was something no vamp turned down, and even if it weren’t the hard-won sort he fancied, Spike was absolutely not going to say no to a nip of Buffy Summers.
“I mean it, Spike,” she said. “Not a word. The butcher shops aren’t going to be open anyway and you’ll take that without complaint when I bring it up later. You’ll also be on best behavior through dinner, understand?”
He straightened, preening a bit. “Would cross my heart but my arms are a bit—”
“Shut up,” Buffy snapped again, and held her arm to his mouth. “And be quick, before someone sees.”
That fragrance hit his nose again and he had to swallow back a moan.
Before today, Spike would have argued that Dru had jinxed him or what all after their last parting. Nothing had gone his way since… Well, he couldn’t remember how long anymore, but the last stretch had been the true insult. There was the buggering pain in his head, Harm tossing him out on his arse, being forced to tuck his tail between his legs and make nice with the enemy. But all of that had happened and he was here, on the other side of a siege that had gotten him the only blood he truly cared to get on his tongue.
Maybe his luck was changing.
When her blood hit his lips, he knew it had.
It didn’t last, of course. Nothing good ever did. He got a pull, two, three before she jerked back and stumbled away from him, tugging her sleeve back down. And he wanted to complain. Wanted to throw a right little stink, but it wasn’t like he had any leverage here. Buffy might be the sentimental sort, but she wasn’t above shoving a bloke out on his arse if given reason.
“Not a word,” she said again, then hurried back to the kitchen to check on the state of dinner.
Leaving Spike to stare after her, this wonderful taste in his mouth.
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