#tons of kisses to you
httpiastri · 9 months
just finished ur oscar christmas fic... godly
"i was up reading," his huskey accent is like music to your ears. YEAH I WAS GIGGLING
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^^ me rn 🤭 please you have me giggling and kicking my feet and squealing and- 🥺
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sbeana · 2 years
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the pool scene
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medievalmidinette · 1 year
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the very well animated kiss from that scene™ because for some reason i didn't see a single gif version of it yet
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fandom-eater67 · 3 months
The ending of Maze Runner is why I need to be hospitalized.
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roachemoji · 2 years
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A “Guide” to working with Artists with Aphantasia
This is not going to be applicable to ALL artists (with OR WITHOUT aphantasia)
I don’t speak for everyone!!!
PLEASE Read the information artists provide you THUROUGHLY
I’m sorry about the typos I am dyslexic and no one is beta reading this :3c
I made this guide out of frustration. I was having a hard time communicating with commissioners how much visual information I needed, and that giving me creative freedom doesn’t, personally, work for me. It all comes down to the why; Aphantasia. 
... I realized a lot of people don’t understand what that is, and how it might affect an artist. 
Note: I am a character artist!!! I do personal commissions!!!! I don’t do commercial work!! This guide is about things that I have found extremely helpful!! This may not work for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! 
So, here is the official written guide to what I, personally, have found helpful when getting commissions:
A healthy dose of both written and visual information is needed, but the percentage of which heavily depends on the type of commission and how familiar I am with the characters. 
- Is it an illustration of a scene between two character? Descriptive information on the scene, the emotions, general vibe, dialogue are more important to the composition - but visual references on each character (and their characteristics), the space, the palette, and any objects would be needed. 
- Is it a reference sheet commission? Descriptive information is no longer as important, and the main focus is on the visuals. Descriptive information would be limited to a brief description of personality, placement of certain markings, and/or the written information on the reference. Visuals would be EVERYTHING - every single aspect of that character would need a reference. 
Google Docs, Google Drives, PDFs, Character pages (Toyhou.se or Refsheet.net) is an easy way to compile both written and visual information in one place! 
What is some good visual information to compile for your characters? 
Age/Race/height/body type
Skin colour/ scars/ freckles/ skin conditions etc
Eye colour/shape
Nose shape
Hair colour/texture/style/decorations
Any additional details (prosthetics limbs/no limbs!/tattoos/piercings/wings)
Face Claims are extremely helpful - and it’s okay to have more than one!  It’s good to specify which parts of what reference are important to your character
Personal Items
Here is an example of how I organize my Pinterest boards for my own Ocs:
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Appearance: Every single visual reference I would need for their physical appearance. Faceclaims, hair styles/texture/colours, facial hair, body types, hand shapes, nose shapes, lip shapes, eye shapes
Aesthetic: Helpful for illustrations. Palettes and aesthetics that I attribute to these characters. Art styles, symbols, colours, settings, etc...
Outfits: Outfits and accessories. Full outfits or single items, textures, colours, patterns.
NOTE: It’s important to remember that some artists can only work with certain references (ie. drawn references vs photo references). If you’re unsure/your artists hasn’t stated which works best for them - ask!  
I cannot work with drawn references in simplistic styles (anime specifically), and I struggle with using nothing but Final Fantasy screenshots. They’re important when it comes to providing colour or even outfit references - but facial features are much harder for me to translate.
Some artists are okay with things like piccrews and can translate them very well! I can’t.
What is some good visual information to compile for your characters?
Written information can vary from commission to commission; unless the illustration is based off a story, I don’t need a novel to be written about the piece. 
Being dyslexic also makes it a struggle for me to parse through written information - I tend to have to break it down outside of the initial commission submission to fully understand what. I also tend to ask a ton more questions when I’m provided more written information than visual - revisions take time and energy.
It’s important to have visual to accompany your written info; 
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( shout out to @moki-dokie​ for letting me use their info as an example!! )
Commission information examples 
Info given:
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Easiest character design commission I have ever done. The information given was so concise that the only revisions were my own suggestions on the design itself. 
Info Given:
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a TON of written information was given to explain the characters backstory, to further drive my understand of the aesthetic and setting of the world the character lives in. The pinterest board provided had a lot physical references, outfits, aesthetics, and colours.
Info Given:
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I had a lot of previous information on both of these characters (I designed the top one myself), but I was provided limited written information for this; Holiday Discord call where Toad (character one) is getting a present from Zalem (character two). Zalem is barely hiding how they feel about Toad who is excited.
 All other information provided was visual; Outfits and room aesthetics. 
We discussed poses in Dms and collaboratively found references.
Info Given:
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Absolute favorite example of the PERFECT amount of information given and the PERFECT amount of creative freedom given. 
I was handed character references with all angles as well as their armor + how to simply the armor. Pose + expression references. A general aesthetic + palette to work with. The setting. A doodle to lay out exactly what they were visualizing. 
I have all the information you could need! Now what?
I am very privileged to no longer need to take first come first serve commissions, and it’s given me the ability to really sit back and filter through the commissions that I want to do, and those that I immediately do not consider. 
I think it’s important that,  before commissioning anyone, you should ask yourself a couple important questions:
Does this artist’s style suit what I want?
Does my character suit what this artist usually draws?
Do the references I have provide the right amount of information for the specific artist I want to commission?
Sometimes the answer to these questions are; No.
... and that’s okay?
Unfortunately, not every artist is going to be able to bring your vision to life, or feel happy with the completed piece! 
If you’re someone who has Big Buff Demon Men characters that are drawn in a heavily realistic style - you might not ask an artist who draws smaller, softer characters with squishier shapes and a general aesthetic that doesn’t match your Ocs! 
If you’re someone who has characters and all of their references are in an anime style (including other commissioned work), and you have no realistic face claims... maybe commissioning that semi-realistic artist and not providing them with the references the need to translate your character into a semi-realistic style isn’t a good idea? 
I don’t understand when some people get upset when they commission an artist who clearly doesn’t draw characters that look like theirs and they clearly... don’t translate them as well.  I am making this extremely clear RIGHT NOW before anyone says anything:  Everyone can and SHOULD learn to draw the entire spectrum of humanity. From facial features, hair textures, body types, etc...
But some artists struggle to draw characters with certain aesthetics? Outfits? Accessories? You wouldn’t expect an artist who draws soft pastel art to suddenly translate your extremely rough, hard, and hot character properly?
Now, if all the answers are Yes? 
Read all information provided thoroughly 
Ask questions for clarity
Provide what you can, collaborate on what you can’t
@anonbeadraws​ post: Reference sheet for your commission references!
JAMIErightmeow’s video: I have APHANTASIA
Aphantasia Dot Com
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graythegreyt · 5 months
Sometimes I think about an alternate universe in which Marinette is the sole defender of Paris with both miraculous, and is slowly losing touch with reality because of the unsustainable power she possesses. And Adrien and Alya, Marinette's close partners in our timeline but unable to be in this one, still find their way back to her and try their best to be grounding for their eccentric friend. This is the product of my silly beautiful mind
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jessicas-pi · 24 days
I love a good au 😏
Obviously my characters will be Sabine and Ezra because they take up a permanent residence in my brain.
AU- Ezra is assigned to be Sabine’s Jedi bodyguard since she is next in line for Clan Wren and another clan is attempting assassination. But oh no they catch feelings for each other 😊😏
"Aren't you supposed to be taking care of me?" Sabine asked, a half-smile on her face.
Ezra winced as she wound the bandage around his shoulder. "I was taking care of you."
"Really? Because it sure looked like I took those guys out with your weapon while you bled on the ground."
"Well, you didn't warn me about the evil wrist bombs, so that's on you."
Sabine stopped wrapping the bandage. "Evil wrist bombs?"
Ezra held up his good arm like he had a bracer on it and was about to fire something, and mimicked the sound those things had made when they launched.
She snorted abruptly and finished binding up his shoulder, fastening the end of the bandage. "Those are whistling birds, Ezra."
"Well, they're evil, they're explosive, and they came from that guy's wrist, so I stand by my statement."
"Yeah, yeah." Sabine sat back on her haunches, clasping her hands loosely between her knees. She held his gaze for a second, and her tone became softer. "You gonna be okay?"
He looked away, staring at his boots, because it felt a little dangerous to look into her eyes right now.
"I'll be fine." He sighed, then forced himself to grin. Joking around with her was the only way to keep himself from thinking---to keep his mind from wandering to places it had no right to go. "Just, warn me next time, before I try to use my lightsaber to deflect a bomb."
"Deal." She paused for a moment, and then held up his lightsaber. "Hey, while we're on the topic, can I keep this?"
"Absolutely not."
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wildstar25 · 6 months
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MiqoMarch Day 22 - Fav. Zone
"The sand's a bit different from that of my isle in the Southern Sea, as is the rock, and some of the grasses. Even still I catch myself feeling nostalgic for that place whenever I come to the Cieldalaes. It's a little strange considering I much prefer my life now to how it was back then. Shtola and Raha both have assured me it's for the best that I have this sanctuary. They believe I aught to have somewhere where being the warrior of light is of no consequence. Where those pressures I place on myself get washed away in the first waves to lap at my feet. They're probably right (they usually are) ... but I'd still wager they more so enjoy having a tropical location to escape to over the colder weekends in Old Sharlayan. I know I sure do."
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giantchasm · 10 months
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"It turns out that sometimes the future actually belongs to someone else."
Happy Taransusie Tuesday, everyone! Here's...
Content that only ostensibly focuses on Taransusie and is more than anything character analysis of a third party?
How romantic! 🎉🥳
Okay, but no, seriously. Joshing aside, the other day I posted a meme about Sectonia and how she might feel about the idea of Taranza eventually moving on from her. And it was funny. We all laughed. But things can't always be goof-goof "If everyone started saying 'she sent her for you' I would start haunting literally everyone here because no I didn't." I'm a serious guy. I like exploring concepts that make me go "OUCHIE!" and so let's look at that sort of idea through a more somber lens for a moment.
...How would Sectonia feel if Taranza eventually moved on?
Now, I don't know if she's out there... somewhere in Hades or haunting his ass, but either way I think about her a lot. How she might feel in death, especially if she was returned to her right mind.
I think... Sectonia would have a lot of complicated feelings. Like, before we even get to the relationship nonsense. Let's toss all that aside for a second. I think Sectonia would be simultaneously be crushed by the state she left Taranza in and still... upset to eventually see him heal from it. She'd be glad, of course, to watch the scars she left on him fade, but all the same... seeing him make new friends— leave her behind...
That would have to hurt a little bit, wouldn't it? After all, it's not like she'd be afforded the same opportunity. She died young. Via circumstances that were hardly her fault. Of course she'd be a little bit jealous. Of course she'd be a little bit depressed. Maybe even a little bit angry. And she'd feel bad about it, but she would.
So when you factor in the idea of Taranza entering another relationship... oh my gosh, those complex feelings would only intensify. Taranza deserves to be happy. Taranza deserves to move on. She would know that rationally, but at the same time, the heart isn't always rational.
I do think ultimately she'd support him. In whatever he chose to do. Even if it hurt her a little. The least she can do is give him her blessing after everything that happened.
But that's something that applies to just about any Taranza ship. Let's talk about Susie for a moment.
I... think Susie and Sectonia are people who have some similar issues. At least in my interpretations, they're both people who have warped and maimed themselves in an endless search of perfection hoping it will grant them acceptance from others. But this hasn't granted them peace of mind, and in fact all it's done is pull them further from 'themselves.'
I don't know. I just think they'd have a lot to talk about, even in contexts that don't flagrantly disregard the Bechdel test like this one. They're both girlies who would, like, really vibe to both "Oh No!" by Marina and the Diamonds and "Body" by Mother Mother if that's a sentence that makes even a lick of sense. Their mental illnesses aren't the same, but they're like cousins. Their mental illnesses went to school together.
I think this sort of... self-recognition through the other would both make things easier and harder on Sectonia. Because on one hand, I think it would further be a reminder of all the things she'll never have no matter how badly she wants them, but I also think it would help her... have more empathy for this person she's initially inclined to see as her enemy, and maybe even help her eventually want good things for her.
It's kind of a complex scenario. More serpentine than I could possibly portray in a single comic or Tumblr post. Eventually, I'd like to write a fic from a deceased Sectonia's perspective exploring these sorts of ideas. But for now, I'll leave you with one last preposterous observation:
Perhaps this, too, is yuri. 🤖🐝
#its the age old debacle! when does wanting to be another girl wrap around to wanting to kiss her?#kirby#taransusie#taranza#susie kirby#sectonia#queen sectonia#susie haltmann#susanna patrya haltmann#kirby of the stars#hoshi no kirby#hoshi no kaabii#i think all people who ship taranza with someone other than sectonia (me included) should be forced to like#write a 2000 word essay on how she still plays into his story and would affect his ability to have relationships#and is a fascinating character in her own right who adds a more interesting angle to literally any dynamic if she's like.#explored instead of carelessly brushed aside so whoever you ship with taranza more can 'fix' him#if you devote tons of time and thought to taranza and none to her outside of occasionally like .#treating her as his one dimensional abuser/fridged woman to eventually move on from#then i'm going to hit you with a giant flyswatter#several times#but enough of me complaining#a few details in this comic are specific references to my kirbyverse/fics i've written so i'll explain those here#panel with susie & implied body horror is because in my interp she mechanized herself in a desperate attempt to stay by her fathers side#then as for those last few panels with the scarf#and taranza not wearing HIS scarf#that's actually a reference to a fic i wrote about taransusie getting together and uhhhhh How Complicated that would be#i won't explain it all i'll post it eventually but what you need to know is when Taranza decides to enter a relationship#he leaves the matching scarf he had with sectonia at the base of the dreamstalk because he feels like he no longer deserves it#but mysteriously it ends up back on his bedside table smelling of cyclamen and zinnias the next day#wow. i wonder how that happened! definitely not a sign from someone saying 'hey. it's okay. i don't hate you.' nooooooo
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hermionesmoon · 4 months
i am 101% convinced that byler will happen in season 5 it’s a fact in my eyes it actually hurts seeing people say that byler is one sided and mike shows no signs of liking will cause ITS LITERALLY SO OBVIOUS especially in season 4 omg it’s like the duffers did everything they could to hint at mike being queer and liking will back without giving away too much and people still can’t see it then when they get together in season 5 so many people are gonna cry saying it’s forced like omg if you would play attention to queer-coding and observing more it would be obvious
-coming from someone who used to think mike was straight and that byler was one sided (still shipped them tho) until season 4 came out then it was so obvious and i went back to watch the other seasons and it was even more obvious i can’t believe i didn’t see it earlier
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parkercore-69 · 6 months
thank you J.R.R. Tolkien for writing the most devastating romantic subplot in your lotr books without even realising it
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ok re: royjamie fight choreography, i think i cracked it
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roy dumped a beer on jamie’s sweatshirt (stone island, hooded sweatshirt in cotton fleece, sky blue, $390, thanks for asking) EXTREMELY DIRTY MOVE. i don’t think that’s bloody water from a clean up, the stain is too big and oddly located imo
then jamie ripped roy’s shirt (allsaints, tonic ramskull crew t-shirt, jet black, $49). omg just imagine him getting his hands on roy’s shirt collar and dramatically ripping with a stone cold expression
at some point jamie tried that fuckboy s1 air-kiss taunt on roy and roy headbutted him in the nose. hence the ice pack roy holds to his head later. cut on roy’s forehead is from jamie’s teeth by accident
no fists, just crimes on fashion and callbacks to their classic s1 power moves bc they both temporarily lost their goddamn minds. i have a hard time thinking about throwing punches when this possibility is so much funnier and “oh nooo i don’t want to hurt you but you are pissing me off so bad rn”
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leibholz-moved · 2 years
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— chu~ (true love’s kiss loophole)
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carly404error · 7 months
Hey!! I need help to raise some money for a new tablet!!
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Today my tablet which I use for school and drawing officially died, it wouldn’t turn on and today I checked if it could have saving but no, it has no fixing. I really need a new one because I have to do a final project as my term is ending in two weeks and it’s a really important one.
Atm I can’t open commissions or make new designs for my shop as I can’t draw digitally, but I have a redbubble shop with a few designs of stickers, prints and other things, if you could buy one thing or just share it it would be amazing and immensely appreciated!!!!
Here are some things I have in there:
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I have some qsmp stuff, a doc ock sticker and Laizander merch (a friend who’s also a small cc, I’m his official artist hakrbaakdjae).
Thank u sm for reading!!
Please reblog this for larger reach thanks <333.
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rytlockdripstone · 6 months
recalling one of the many times i was rping wixxi and i got my 848382819th "why would asura need janitors?" comment. sometimes i feel like a horse staring out at sea
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